![]() |
Mithradain, Captain of Anatal |
4 Salamanders: 1800x5=9000
Salamander King: 9000
29 gems avg value 500gp: 14500
Magic Items Bonus 4000
Total: 36500/4=9125 each.
Escape from Beoll-Dur +1900 each
Total 11025 each
Hakeem, Barbarian LEVEL 13 XP 11025+123580=134605/140,000
Thuruar, Cleric LEVEL 11 XP 11025+88703=99728/100,000
Rey, Rogue LEVEL 10>11 XP 11025+76499=87524/85,000>100,000
Tug, Giff Champion LEVEL 10 XP 11025+68140=79165/85,000
XP Level Proficiency
85,000 11 +4 (15000 to level)
100,000 12 +4 (20000 to level)
120,000 13 +5 (20000 to level)
140,000 14 +5 (25000 to level)
165,000 15 +5 (30000 to level)
6:58pm 2016-2-20 Smon Has entered the room
7:00pm 2016-2-20 Kjato Ragfoot Has entered the room
Smon: Hi Kjato
7:01pm 2016-2-20 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: Hi Simon, Kjato
Smon: Hi Chris
Kjato Ragfoot: Hello!
chris107: How does Hakeem stand HP wise at the moment Simon?
Smon: Hakeem 106/149
Smon: Rey 29/73
Smon: Tug 75/94
chris107: 149?
chris107: I thought he had 161 now?
chris107: Or have I got myself confuddled?
7:04pm 2016-2-20 chris107 Has exited the room
7:06pm 2016-2-20 chris107 Has entered the room
Smon: Hi chris
chris107: Oops
Smon: Yes I missed a level-up
chris107: 118/161HP then?
Smon: Yup
chris107: Sorry dropped connection looking for Hakeems sheet
chris107: It may make all the difference!
Smon: GM: So, Hakeem was in the corridor when the sleep gas was released... I believe that's a DC 13 CON save or fall asleep.
chris107 rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 10, (+10) = 20
chris107: Yay!
Smon: Hakeem shrugs off the sleep gas...
Smon: I'll say he can go now at bottom of the round.
chris107: He will rage and Berserk, attacking the king recklessly!
Smon: Inside the Salamander King's bedchamber, the King is beating the hell out of Rey, while Tug battles a salamander guard.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
19 (+12) = 31
10 (+12) = 22
Smon: Thuruar failed to banish the king, but can maintain banishment of the lesser salamander he already banished.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
10 (+12) = 22
7 (+12) = 19
Smon: Hakeem reaches the king, hacking recklessly...
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
4 (+12) = 16
14 (+12) = 26
Smon: AC 17 so 3 hits.
chris107 rolls 3d8+30 and gets: 8, 2, 4, (+30) = 44
Smon: Hakeem drives his sword into the enormous monster; it grunts, still focused on Rey.
chris107: Hakeem bellows his rage at the fiery king!
Smon: The remaining guard attacks Tug:
Smon: spear:
Smon: /roll d20+8
Smon rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 2, (+8) = 10
Smon: miss
Smon: tail
Smon: /roll d20+7
Smon rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 2, (+7) = 9
Smon: (sorry is +7 both atts)
Smon: Tug fends it off with the nimbleness of the Giff
Smon: Tug's go, he shoots at it with his pistol:
Smon: /roll d20+10x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+10x2 and gets:
6 (+10) = 16
2 (+10) = 12
Smon: sorry +9, 1 hit (just)
Smon: /roll d10+3
Smon rolls 1d10+3 and gets: 2, (+3) = 5
chris107: Crikey the dice really weren't with you last time. Hope this isn't going to be a replay.
Smon: Tug uses second wind
Smon: /roll d10+10
Smon rolls 1d10+10 and gets: 8, (+10) = 18
Smon: recovers 18 hp
Smon: 1 below max
Smon: Rey attacks the salamander king...
Smon: /roll d20+10x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+10x2 and gets:
3 (+10) = 13
8 (+10) = 18
Smon: dagger hits
Smon: /roll d4+1
Smon rolls 1d4+1 and gets: 3, (+1) = 4
Smon: /roll 5d6
Smon rolls 5d6 and gets: 3, 4, 3, 6, 4, = 20
Smon: 24 dmg
Smon: The Salamander king laughs: "IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO, MORTAL?!"
Smon: He strikes at Rey...
Smon: /roll d20+8
Smon rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 19, (+8) = 27
Smon: *chunk*
chris107: Ouch
Smon: trident strikes Rey.
Smon: /roll 4d8+8
Smon rolls 4d8+8 and gets: 2, 7, 4, 7, (+8) = 28
Smon: 28/2=14 dmg (uncanny dodge)
chris107: Cripes, we are in trouble
Smon: + fire....
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 1, 6, = 7
Smon: Rey on 8 hp
Smon: The king lashes out with his tail...
Smon: /roll d20+8
Smon rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 1, (+8) = 9
chris107: yay!
Smon: Rey leaps over it!
Smon: Thuruar, your turn.
Kjato Ragfoot: I will cast Contagion on the Salamander King. (It needs to roll a CON save against DC 17 or be inflicted with Slimy Doom).
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. Wait.
Kjato Ragfoot: I need to hit first.
chris107: Slimy Doom!
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+19 and gets: 9, (+19) = 28
Kjato Ragfoot: (Really. The name. How can you choose another infliction if you have slimy doom?)
Smon: GM: The Salamander King begins to bleed fiery blood from every orifice...
Smon: "GRAAA-AH!" it moans.
chris107: hehe
Smon: Hakeem's turn.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
9 (+12) = 21
3 (+12) = 15
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
13 (+12) = 25
11 (+12) = 23
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
5 (+12) = 17
11 (+12) = 23
chris107 rolls 3d8+30 and gets: 8, 7, 8, (+30) = 53
Smon: The Salamander king is hit; weakened by Thuruar's magic it is now stunned...
Smon: Incapacitated, grants advantage.
Smon: The guard attacks Tug.
Smon: /roll d20+7x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
4 (+7) = 11
6 (+7) = 13
Smon: Bad luck guard!
chris107: Yay!
Smon: Tug shoots at it w pistol
Smon: /roll d20+9x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x2 and gets:
9 (+9) = 18
16 (+9) = 25
Smon: 2 hits
Smon: /roll 2d10+6
Smon rolls 2d10+6 and gets: 3, 9, (+6) = 18
Smon: It's badly wounded now.
Smon: Rey sees the King incapacitated and attacks...
Smon: /roll d20+10x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+10x2 and gets:
1 (+10) = 11
14 (+10) = 24
Smon: /roll d20+10x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+10x2 and gets:
12 (+10) = 22
1 (+10) = 11
Smon: /roll 5d6
Smon rolls 5d6 and gets: 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, = 9
Smon: /roll d8+6
Smon rolls 1d8+6 and gets: 3, (+6) = 9
Smon: /roll d4+1
Smon rolls 1d4+1 and gets: 1, (+1) = 2
Smon: Stabs it for 20, not great.
Smon: Salamander King gets a CON save at disad.
Smon: /roll d20+4x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x2 and gets:
13 (+4) = 17
4 (+4) = 8
Smon: fail
chris107: Yay
Smon: Nasty spell there, Thuruar!
Kjato Ragfoot: It is.
Kjato Ragfoot: I am somewhat surprised HOW nasty it actually is...
chris107: Very helpful!
Smon: Thuruar's go.
Kjato Ragfoot: Spiritual Weapon on Guard, normal attack on king.
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 2, (+9) = 11
Smon: It would have to save 3 times with disad to end effect, & is meanwhile stunned when takes dmg...
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 4, (+6) = 10
Kjato Ragfoot: And between Rey and Hakeem, it is very likely to take damage!
chris107: wow that's nasty.
Smon: both miss.
Smon: Hakeem's go.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
13 (+12) = 25
20 (+12) = 32
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
14 (+12) = 26
7 (+12) = 19
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
8 (+12) = 20
7 (+12) = 19
Smon: 1st one critted, 2nd hit
Smon: 3rd hit
chris107: mmmm/roll 5d8+30
chris107 rolls 5d8+30 and gets: 1, 5, 6, 3, 3, (+30) = 48
Smon: Roll the first 2 onlt
Smon: 1st 2 do 29, the King had 29 hp and goes down.
Smon: Hit guard with 3rd attack?
chris107: yes please if the wretched king is dead
Smon: Sorry 1st 2 do 32.
Smon: Hakeem guts the salamander king, then swipes off the remaining guard's head.
Smon: Silence falls!
Smon: Rey: "Easy..."
Smon: "*cough*"
chris107: Hakeem gives thanks to Bondorr.
Kjato Ragfoot: Rey, it seems you need a helping hand. Here, take some Cure Wounds.
chris107: And calms his rage.
Smon: "Cheers!"
Kjato Ragfoot: Roll 2d8+10
Kjato Ragfoot: /roll 2d8+10
Smon: You roll.
chris107: Hakeem stalks around to make sure there are no more Salamanders in the vecinity.
Kjato Ragfoot: (Did the roll work? My browser froze)
chris107: The dice roller does seem very odd tonight.
Kjato Ragfoot: (Might be, but the browser restarted and I never saw the result. What did I roll? Did I roll at all?)
Smon: The door the salamander guards came through at the w end of the n wall is ajar. Looking through it Hakeem sees a 10x20 guard station, empty, and an archway leading into a large council room with huge table and 13 stone chairs, another archway in the far wall.
Smon: You didn't roll.
Smon: I'll do it:
Smon: /roll 2d8+10
Smon rolls 2d8+10 and gets: 3, 1, (+10) = 14
chris107: (It didn't show a result at this end Kjato)
Smon: Rey gets 14 back.
Smon: Rey at 22 hp.
Smon: He goes and wakes up Alicia & Feani.
Smon: It's extremely hot in here, you won't be able to stay long.
chris107: Should we scout a little or take a short rest?
Smon: Hopefully there are cooler areas nearby...
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will check this brazier out. (This thing the king used to emit sleep smoke)
Smon: You'll take 60 dmg if you try to short rest here.
chris107: Okay, search and move on.
chris107: (Thank heavens Hakeem doesn't wear hot, heavy armour )
Smon: The brazier is ornate.
Smon: Hakeem notices the king was wearing ornate gauntlets marked with mystic runes.
Kjato Ragfoot: Could we carry it along?
Smon: The guard you killed also wore similar gauntlets, but the runes on his seem subtly 'off'.
Kjato Ragfoot: Those would be useful as therapy for insomniacs!
chris107: Wrapping his hands in his wolfskin to protect v heat he will pull them off.
Smon: Hakeem could carry the brazier, he'd be encumbered while carrying.
Smon: Hakeem pulls off the hot gauntlets.
Smon: They seem to shrink as he looks at them.
chris107: Are there more 'dusts'?
Smon: Yes, you find more packets of dust under the bed.
Smon: /roll 2d4+1
Smon rolls 2d4+1 and gets: 1, 4, (+1) = 6
Smon: 6.
chris107: Perhaps Tug and Rey can carry the brazier between them so that Hakeem is free to react and kill stuff?
Smon: Tug could carry it solo.
Smon: You need to leave now or take dmg.
chris107: That may be a way forward then?
Kjato Ragfoot: Then let's say Tug carries to brazier to explain why he is so off-minded today?
Smon: ok
chris107: Hakeem wraps the (hopefully cooling) gauntlets and takes 'em with us.
chris107: Yeah lets push on
Smon: Hakeem takes the king's gauntlets, Tug the brazier, and you head north into the conference room, which is slightly cooler.
Kjato Ragfoot: (And the dust)
chris107: (The king's crown was just iron wasn't it?)
Smon: yes
Smon: The Council Room seems empty to a quick check.
chris107: Through the next archway.
Smon: The archway beyond leads to the east end of a long east-west passage, dimly lit with a red glow. Still very hot.
Smon: 150' down this tunnel you come to a short side tunnel to the left/south that leads to a brass door inscribed with Ignan runes. The main tunnel continues west into the distance.
Kjato Ragfoot: Last time we opened Ingnan runes, we met an angry king...
chris107: Hakeem is ready to meet another angry king
Kjato Ragfoot: Well, then open the door very quietly.
Smon: You notice a depression in the door face which matches a cross-shaped ridge on the gauntlets Hakeem is carrying.
chris107: Have they cooled sufficiently to touch?
Smon: On inspection, the cross-ridge is attached to a ring round the ring finger of the right gauntlet.
Smon: They are still warm, but can be touched.
chris107: Could H put them on and touch the depression with the ring?
Smon: Yes.
chris107: He does so.
Kjato Ragfoot: This is either the Salamander Queen's bed chamber or the treasury.
Smon: Hakeem puts on the gauntlets - they grant STR 19, so no effect on Hakeem.
chris107: Treasury would be nice
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. Oh. That would be great for Thuruar.
chris107: They weaken him!
Smon: He touches the depression; with a slight twist there is a click and the doors swing open towards you.
chris107: Maybe Thuruar would like them?
Smon: You are facing leathery green curtain drapes that hide whatever is beyond.
Smon: It looks like you can push through them.
Kjato Ragfoot: Gauntlet's of Hakeem Strength.
chris107: Hakeem will toss the warm gloves to his friend when he gets chance.
Smon: Thuruar can take them now - gauntlets of ogre power STR 19
chris107: H pushes them aside with Bloodletter. His shield at the ready.
chris107: Nice!
Smon: Pushing through the curtain, Hakeem comes out at the north end of a vast throneroom, lit by lava fountains to his left and right in the NW and NE corners.
Smon: The chamber is some 180' deep n-s, 150' e-w, the ceiling supported by huge pillars.
chris107: Wow
chris107: Very grand.
Smon: 50' to the south of you is the 'throne', a 15' high "box" of solid stone inlaid with jewels.
chris107: Hakeems eyes gleam and a big smile fills his face when he sees the jewels.
Smon: Beyond the throne are obvious trap doors with heavy chains to pull up the vast doors, and the main doors to the throne room are directly opposite on the south wall.
Smon: No sign of any salamanders.
Smon: brb - tea
chris107: H stalks, pillar to pillar towards the throne and it's jewels
chris107: Nice gauntlets Kjato
chris107: Just the thing for a war cleric.
Kjato Ragfoot: Yup. Now, Thuruar can wield a war hammer as he ought to!
Smon: Hakeem reaches the throne; what are you using to prise out the gems (mostly rubies & emeralds)?
chris107: mmmmm
chris107: good question.
Kjato Ragfoot: Would a dagger work?
chris107: Does he have an eating dagger in his adventurers pack?
8:06pm 2016-2-20 Oculus Orbus Has entered the room
Smon: Hi Oc!
Oculus Orbus: Game today?
Smon: Tug's ALIVE!
chris107: OCCLES!
Smon: Yes
Oculus Orbus: Dagnabbit, I thought it was wednesday!
Oculus Orbus: also, hi!
Smon: Once Hakeem woke up and Thuruar cast Slimy Doom on the salamander king it was all over bar the dying (of salamaders).
Smon: You need to subscribe to the discussion thread Oc.
Oculus Orbus: what time did you guys start?
Kjato Ragfoot: An hour ago.
Smon: 7pm. No game on Wednesday.
chris107: an hour ago
Smon: Next I can do is next Sunday 28th, though I wish it wasn't so...
Oculus Orbus: okay, I have to reschedule my shit. continue on while I figure it out.
Smon: A lovely girl agreed to go on a date with me hiking in Richmond deer park on the 28th - then I found out the trains aren't running that day!
Oculus Orbus: meaning I have stuff to do, but I can move it around, I hope
Smon: So I can play D&D that day if you can...
chris107: Bochigame starts at 10 but I'm good until then next Sunday.
Smon: Anyway, we're playing now until 10pm or so.
chris107: Simon, Bugger!
Kjato Ragfoot: AH, that is a pity.
Smon: (Best thing about this girl, never been one of my students, so no guilt!)
Smon: @Oc - I played Tug, he shot more rounds from his pistol into a salamander, it missed him a lot, he used his second wind & is at 93/94 hp.
chris107: So can we prise out lots of lovely gem stones?
Smon: You are in the king's throneroom now.
Smon: Rey helps Hakeem prize out the gemstones from the throne block...
Smon: /roll 12d6
Smon rolls 12d6 and gets: 1, 2, 5, 2, 6, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, = 29
Smon: 29 gemstones
Smon: /roll 3d6
Smon rolls 3d6 and gets: 1, 1, 3, = 5
Smon: Average value 500gp.
Smon: Wow the dice REALLY suck tonight!
chris107: Hakeem keeps a beady eye on the greedy rogue
chris107: Wow that could have been a huge haul!
Smon: Rey: "Don't worry, I'm too sick to be naughty..."
chris107: Very nice anyway
Smon: Sadly most are badly flawed.
Kjato Ragfoot: It still is not that bad, compared to what we had before.
Smon: No salamanders in here, but with the lava fountains, still far too hot to rest.
chris107: Yeah it's about our biggest haul so far
Smon: (Oh I never mentioned Laara - she is with you, keeping to the back!)
chris107: So through the doors to the south or back onto the Western corridor?
chris107: (Good old Laara)
chris107: A fine Greywolf girl.
Smon: "Thanks Hakeem" smiles Laara.
chris107: We have to keep her safe.
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes, we do.
Kjato Ragfoot: Let's have a look behind the southern doors.
Kjato Ragfoot: Rey can sneak ahead and listen.
Oculus Orbus: I'm back
Oculus Orbus: Rey
Smon: Thuruar pushes open the great southern doors, feeling the new strength from the iron gauntlets he wears.
chris107: Do the southern doors have 'depressions' that match Thur's new gloves?
Smon: no
Smon: Beyond a broad 20' wide tunnel runs south 120' before splitting at a Y-junction.
Oculus Orbus: the dreaded "Y"
Oculus Orbus: Giff traditionally go left
Smon: Rey sneaks ahead, keeping to the shadows. He takes the left/SE fork, but then appears a moment later coming out of the right/SW fork.
Oculus Orbus: *Giffs
chris107: Any sound coming down it?
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. That seems to be a rather pointless route.
Oculus Orbus: A loop
Oculus Orbus: check for secret doors?
Kjato Ragfoot: Let's take the Western corridor then.
Smon: Rey sneaks back to you. "The tunnels rejoin - basically they just split around a giant pillar. It's a crossroads, tunnels of to W E and S."
chris107: Odd, a passage to nowhere?
chris107: Ah
Smon: "No, there are passages going off."
chris107: Got you.
Smon: Reaching the intersection you can inspect the tunnels that run off from the central pillar/junction.
chris107: Any off them noticably cooler?
Oculus Orbus: Hi, Chris
Smon: It's definitely a bit cooler here. Tunnel to west looks to end after 90' with a door in the n wall. Tunnel to south is wide, 20' wide, runs 50' and ends w door in west wall. Tunnel to east runs off as far as you can see, with a fork to the left/north after 20'.
Oculus Orbus: glad you saved us
Smon: Your general impression is that north (where you started) is hot, south seems cooler.
Smon: Rey: "Want me to check one out?"
Kjato Ragfoot: Take a look at the western door, please.
Smon: Rey sneaks down the 10' wide west tunnel to the door in the north wall, listens and returns.
Smon: "All quiet to the west."
Kjato Ragfoot: Since the south seems cooler, it would probably best to go south?
chris107: Good idea
Oculus Orbus: Sounds good ta me
Smon: Rey nods, sneaks south to the door in the passage's west wall, listens, bends down and looks through a crack at the bottom of the door, and returns...
Oculus Orbus: Chris, are you to home?
Smon: /roll d20+10
Smon rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 1, (+10) = 11
chris107: So south and to the door in the west side?
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 2, (+4) = 6
chris107: I'm at my home in Yorkshire.
Smon: Rey nods. "Seems quiet."
Oculus Orbus: On a proper computer?
chris107: What is the door made out off?
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. So, the door leads west, not south?
chris107: On a laptop.
Smon: You head south and open the door in the west wall, to the sight of a salamander barracks!
Oculus Orbus: "Rey, whyntcha go on ahead through the door? Y'know, cuz you're sneaky."
chris107: I think so
Oculus Orbus: ugh
Smon: Many of the rugs are empty, but on four against the west wall lie four curled-up sleeping salamanders.
chris107: How many I wonder?
Kjato Ragfoot: OK. Let's close the door very quickly and run away.
Oculus Orbus: which way did the door open? In or out?
Smon: In, away from you.
Smon: On a 5-6 they wake up...
Oculus Orbus: thanks
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: They are snoring happily.
chris107: No other exits in the barraks?
Oculus Orbus: (whispering) "don't nobody move"
Smon: No other exits visible. You can close the door if you like.
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes. Let's close the door and leave.
Oculus Orbus: Yeah, works f'r me
Smon: Rey eases the door shut and you return to the intersection.
chris107: We need to find another rout south then.
chris107: East then?
Smon: Rey nods.
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes, east and south sounds like the best bet.
Smon: Anyone have low-light vision?
Oculus Orbus: I don't know which way's up, so lead on
Oculus Orbus: not me
Kjato Ragfoot: Rey can wear the Googles of the Night we took from the Werewolves.
chris107: Maybe those goggles?
Kjato Ragfoot: And Thuruar can cast Light for the rest of the group.
Smon: Rey tries the goggles... "Better. I can see now this tunnel ends in a right (south) turn, just after a door in the north wall."
Oculus Orbus: Don't cast Light unless it's critical that we need it
Smon: "About 140' past the north side tunnel."
Kjato Ragfoot: I can cast light as often as I want. It is a cantrip.
chris107: The north spur leads to?
Smon: GM: Moving 20' down this passage you reach the north side tunnel, it runs ca 40' ending in a door in the west wall.
Oculus Orbus: I know, but I mean we don't want to give ourselves away
Smon: You continue east?
Kjato Ragfoot: Wait. There is a tunnel leading east from the great pillar (loop way)
Smon: yes, that's the one you started down.
chris107: I think so. Lets head south. If we can find a way out we can come back and kill all the salamanders later
Oculus Orbus: my kingdom for a map
chris107: yes
Kjato Ragfoot: After a while, we pass a door to the north. Shortly after the door the east tunnel turns south?
Smon: You head east from the loopway, past a short side tunnel to the north.
chris107: east, pass the north spur and turn south at the end
Smon: After another 140' it passes a door in the north wall, 15' beyond that it turns south.
Kjato Ragfoot: OK. My map makes more sense now.
Smon: You ignore the north door & follow the passage south?
Kjato Ragfoot: OK. South then.
chris107: And to the door in the west wall at the end of the south passage
Smon: You go round the bend south/right...
chris107: yes
Smon: Ahead of you the tunnel continues south, with a side tunnel to the west after 10', and a door in the west wall 50' beyond that.
Smon: Rey sneaks up to the intersection with the side tunnel, looks west, returns to you.
Smon: Rey: "Just another tunnel going back west. No salamanders."
Smon: He looks south down the main tunnel you're in with his goggles.
Smon: "Looks like this one turns west too, after 100' or so. Feels cooler that way - anyone else feel the breeze?"
chris107: Lets follow the cool...
Smon: There is a slight cool breeze, but it seems to be coming from both west side tunnel & south tunnel you're in.
Oculus Orbus: just like The Fonz!
Kjato Ragfoot: Continue south then.
chris107: Just like the Fonz
Smon: You head south, passing the door in the west wall after 50'.
Smon: Eventually the tunnel turns west.
Oculus Orbus: "I hope these tunnels end soon. I'm more of an.... outdoors kinda giff."
Smon: It winds along for a long way, snakelike, your footsteps echoing on the walls, eventually turning south again and widening to 20'.
Smon: This wide stretch runs 30', with a heavy door in the west wall. To the south an archway leads to a narrower tunnel running west.
chris107: Does it all seem to be flat?
Smon: From beyond the west door comes a low sound of humming.
Smon: The ground perhaps rises slightly to the south.
Oculus Orbus: "Up is good, right?"
Smon: Sounds like a creature humming, in a deep harsh voice - a salamander?
chris107: "I hope so Tug."
Oculus Orbus: "Rey, go find out what that is"
Kjato Ragfoot: Onward south. So far, everyone in this caves tried to kill us, so no sense in approaching anyone.
Smon: Rey looks to Thuruar, nods,
chris107: Hakeem looks a little disappointed that he hasn't killed anything in ages. But knows it's wise to get the girls out to safety.
Smon: You exit through the south arch into yet another long tunnel, running west and rising noticeablt.
Smon: It's fairly cool now.
Kjato Ragfoot: You killed a salamander king like 20 minutes ago!
Oculus Orbus: lol
chris107: Hakeem grins at the distant memory
Oculus Orbus: silly Hakeem
Smon: After a long way the tunnel turns north, passing a door in the east wall. Rey listens at the door.
Smon: /roll d20+10
Smon rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 7, (+10) = 17
Smon: Rey: "I hear fighting... No, practice fighting! A group of them."
Smon: To the north the tunnel turns west after 40', and you can feel a cool breeze.
Oculus Orbus: He is risen
Smon: >>Smon: Rey: "I hear fighting... No, practice fighting! A group of them." Smon: To the north the tunnel turns west after 40', and you can feel a cool breeze.<<
Smon: Rey: "Suggest we sneak past this door, unless you want to fight them Hakeem?"
chris107: "This looks like our way out!"
chris107: (No it's important to get the girls out)
Smon: You sneak past the door to the training room.
Kjato Ragfoot: We sneak past that door. Once we found the exit, we can return rested and fight everything we want.
Oculus Orbus: "You wanna come BACk to this?"
Kjato Ragfoot: No. But Hakeem might want to.
Smon: The tunnel turns west, joining another tunnel coming from the west, and noth open out onto a kind of landing chamber on the edge of a great chasm that extends up SW into the darkness.
Kjato Ragfoot: And Hakeem might actually find something worse to fight outside.
chris107: "There's loads of stuff to kill Tug!"
Smon: There is another door off the landing to the north, from which come sounds of training/fighting.
Oculus Orbus: "And to be killed by"
chris107: Still underground?
Smon: Two metal planks span fingers of the main fissure, allowing access to the west training room and south to a wide area from which one COULD attempt to climb up the rough wall of the fissure itself...
Smon: Yes, the fissure is pitch dark. It's normal temperature here.
chris107: How high does it go?
Smon: The ceiling right here is about 40' above you, but to the SW it opens up higher & higher, out of sight.
chris107: "Quite a way to fall...But it may get us back to the surface.."
Smon: Skilled climbers with light could probably navigate the fissure wall and climb out that way, but if you fall it looks a long way down.
Kjato Ragfoot: So, Rey with his googles might make it, the rest of us rather not.
Smon: There is very narrow, 1' wide ledge along the south wall of the fissure, extending up.
Smon: Rey: "I can try scouting it, but can I get healed first?"
Oculus Orbus: I don't think I can even fit on a 1' wide path
Kjato Ragfoot: Of course.
Smon: Rey whispers, looking at the north door from which come salamander grunts & the clang of steel.
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 2d8+10 and gets: 8, 7, (+10) = 25
Oculus Orbus: bravo!
chris107: 1 min, need to throw some more logs on the fire.
Smon: "Thanks". Rey also rummages through his pack and produces a potion of greater healing, he swigs it.
Smon: /roll 4d4+4
Smon rolls 4d4+4 and gets: 3, 1, 4, 3, (+4) = 15
Smon: Rey on 62/73.
Smon: He heads out onto the ledge and starts along it easily enough...
Smon: You waiting here?
Smon: Rey disappears out of sight, ascending the chasm.
chris107: back
Oculus Orbus: I am
Oculus Orbus: http://i.imgur.com/Fe8OFXn.png
Smon: ok, encounter check...
Smon: /roll d6
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes. This seems to be the only room where we can wait without being cooked.
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: Time passes...
chris107: Yeah let Rey scout ahead then we can follow once we know what's up ahead.
Smon: /roll d20+9
Smon rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 19, (+9) = 28
Smon: /roll d20+9
Smon rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 9, (+9) = 18
chris107: Short rest then?
Oculus Orbus: And why not?
Smon: You have just completed a Short Rest when you see a happy but very tired Rey return!
Smon: OK, short rest can spend healing dice. Tug recovers second wind & action surge.
Oculus Orbus: whew!
Oculus Orbus: Shweet
chris107 rolls 5d12+25 and gets: 8, 3, 9, 3, 1, (+25) = 49
chris107: And recovers his one spent exhaustion point
Oculus Orbus: Do I need to heal up?
Smon: Rey: "It's pretty tricky, you have to jump in a couple places, but after 500' there's a spiral stairway going up. Made of wood & metal - looked dwarven, I went up a bit but it looks like it goes up hundreds of feet along the south side of the fissure."
chris107: 155/161HP
Smon: Tug is at 93/94 hp so I think you're ok, but you could spend a healing die to go to full.
Oculus Orbus: Nah, I'm good
Smon: Rey: "Going to be hard for Tug... But if the rest of us rope off, Hakeem can catch us if we fall, right?"
chris107: That sounds like where we want to be. Rope together?
Smon: Rey: "Great minds think alike!"
Smon: What order do you want to make the ascent in?
chris107: Hakeem at one end and the new Ogre strength Thur at the other?
Oculus Orbus: If I fall that means I'm taking you all with me. Maybe I should pass on the rope
Smon: Alicia: "You go last Tug, follow in our footsteps..."
Oculus Orbus: "Okie doke, doll"
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will cast "Enhance Ability: Cat's Grace" on Tug. That should give him the lightfoodedness he needs.
Smon: Rey: "I've done it twice already, I'll go first and point out stuff..."
chris107: Nice
Smon: Rey Hakeem Feani Alicia Laara Thuruar roped off, then Tug.
Oculus Orbus: "Thanks, Thur. Yer a prince!"
Smon: On a 20 the salamanders arrive while you're roping off...
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 13,
Smon: Nope, but the sounds of fighting are dying down, they could be about to take a lunch break.
Oculus Orbus: I got caught roping off once when I was young. Talk about embarrassing!
chris107: hehe
Kjato Ragfoot: For all I care the salamanders can take a swim in a seething pool, as long as they leave us alone.
Oculus Orbus: "And how!"
Smon: You begin the ascent...
Smon: OK, will be doing Athletics or Acrobatics checks in order down the line. DC 11 for Rey, he needs 2+ on die:
Oculus Orbus: "Good luck, guys"
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 11,
Smon: DC 13 for Hakeem, as Rey points out the best ways to go.
Smon: Hakeem roll athletics.
chris107 rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 9, (+10) = 19
Oculus Orbus: eep!
Smon: I'll let Feani use her Survival skill...
Smon: /roll d20+6
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 7, (+6) = 13
Smon: A chunk of ledge breaks off beneath her foot, but she catches herself just in time!
Smon: Alicia, not the most athletic...
chris107: phew
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 15, (+1) = 16
Smon: Wow!
Smon: Alicia grins as she navigates a tricky bit with surprising ease.
Smon: Laara:
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 18, (+4) = 22
Smon: Made it!
Smon: Thuruar's go.
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 9, (+4) = 13
chris107: Yay!
Smon: Thuruar struggles, but again makes it.
chris107: Close!
Smon: The coffle of climbers look back to see Tug, alone and unroped, trying to climb along, body pressed to the cliff face...
Smon: DC 16 for Tug.
Oculus Orbus: Tug waves
Smon: If he falls it's a long way down, and no one to save him.
chris107: "C'mon Tug! You can make it!"
Oculus Orbus: is Remarkable Athlete added in?
Smon: Alicia blows him a kiss,
Smon: Yes
Smon: +5 STR +4 Prof +2 Athlete = +11
Oculus Orbus: so +5?
Oculus Orbus: assuming a Dex roll
Oculus Orbus: oh!
Oculus Orbus rolls 1d20+11 and gets: 11, (+11) = 22
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will bless Tug with a guidance, +1d4 on roll.
Smon: You can make STR (Athletics) roll.
chris107: Have I just dropped connection?
Smon: What does Cat's Grace give him?
Smon: You're there chris
Oculus Orbus: you're here, Chris
chris107: Yay! Well done Tug!
Kjato Ragfoot: Advantage on DEX checks
chris107: Thanks.
Smon: OK Tug, roll d20 twice take best result, and add a d4 if still too low.
Oculus Orbus rolls 1d20+11 and gets: 15, (+11) = 26
Oculus Orbus rolls 1d20+11 and gets: 2, (+11) = 13
Smon: 2nd die would have spelt doom for Tug, but blessed by Athena he joins the rest of you at the base of the ancient dwarven stairs...
Oculus Orbus: actually, it's +6 for STR DEX or CON checks
chris107: Phew!
Oculus Orbus: but I made it!
Oculus Orbus: Wheeeee!
chris107: Yay!
Smon: (I houserule that you can add Remarkable Athlete to Proficiency bonus & stack them) Hakeem & Thuruar make INT checks.
Oculus Orbus:
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 9, (+5) = 14
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20 and gets: 14,
chris107: +5 for prof right?
Smon: The stairway winds upwards for hundreds of feet. On the way you have time to think... Thuruar recalls chatter from the Elves of Anatal, among whom you stayed, of a lost dwarf temple in these parts...
chris107: Hakeem is not good on memory
Oculus Orbus: he only has 24k of RAM
chris107: The staircase looked dwarven. Did the rest of the stuff? 15' thrones and all?
Smon: After an ascent of 650' the stairway comes out into the ruins of an ancient dwarf hall, split by the fissure. Someone has placed a plank across the fissure from the south side, where you are, to the north, where a tunnel leads off.
Smon: Feani looks around: "The Halls of Beol-Dur...."
chris107: Ah
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. We wanted to visit the elves and ended up with the dwarves. Ah well.
Smon: Looking around, you see a glimmer of daylight above you to the south-west!
Oculus Orbus: "Finally!"
Smon: Feani: "A way out! But the fissure wall there is almost sheer..."
Kjato Ragfoot: Most likely, the dwarfs had a proper way in and out of their temple. We just need to find it.
Smon: Alicia: "Wait! I think I levelled up in that short rest..."
chris107: Good for Alicia
Smon: She takes a step off the ledge, out into space, then starts to float up!
Smon: Alicia: "I can fly!"
chris107: Oooooooooo
Smon: Rey: "Quick, chuck her a rope!"
Kjato Ragfoot: Impressive!
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will chuck her a rope.
Oculus Orbus: chuck
Smon: Alicia grabs the rope end and flies upwards.
Smon: A few minutes later she returns, looking grimy but happy.
Oculus Orbus: brb
Smon: She has tied the rope off. "About a hundred feet up there's a hole that leads out onto a mountainside. It's still daylight out there. I tied the rope off halfway up. I might be able to carry light people up there, though...
Smon: Rey: "I volunteer!"
Smon: Rey embraces Alicia and she starts to ascend slowly, clearly struggling with his weight.
Kjato Ragfoot: Then bring Laara, Feani and Rey up.
Smon: Feani: "Thuruar, you can't cast Air Walk can you?"
Oculus Orbus: back
Smon: GM: To cut a long story short, Alicia brings Rey Laara & Feani up through the hole; they tie several ropes together and anchor them outside the hole so that hopefully Hakeem & Tug & Thuruar can climb out.
Smon: Rey calls down from high above you: "Come on up guys! Lovely out here! Mmm, sunshine!"
chris107: Yay! We escape. Again!
Kjato Ragfoot: (No, I do not think so)
Smon: Who wants to try the rope first?
Oculus Orbus: uh oh
Oculus Orbus: I better go last
Smon: yup!
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will go first.
Smon: Thuruar Athletics check, DC 15+ to succeed, you fall on 10 or less.
Kjato Ragfoot: In that case, I will guide myself first.
Smon: ok
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 14, (+5) = 19
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d4 and gets: 1,
Smon: Thuruar climbs up, emerging into afternoon sunlight on a west facing mountain slope overlooking the vast sweep of western Altanis.
chris107: Hakeem better try I suppose.
chris107: What modifiers do I use please Simon?
Smon: Far to the west he can just see the Hall of the Laer's fortress, and to the southwest 20 miles off the glimmer of Anatal...
Smon: Athletics so STR + Prof
chris107 rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 6, (+10) = 16
chris107: Just!
Smon: +5 & +5, you make it fine, can't actually fall.
Smon: At worst you get stuck for a bit.
chris107: "So close to Anatal!"
Smon: OK, Tug... are you going to trust in the rope, or mostly use the wall?
Smon: Rope is 15/10, if a knot doesn't give way on you...
Oculus Orbus: well, let's see...
Smon: Wall is 18/13.
Oculus Orbus: what does that mean?
Smon: You can try to assess the rope.
Smon: The climb DC is easier if you use the rope.
Oculus Orbus: rope it is!
Smon: OK, you start climbing...
Oculus Orbus rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 10, (+13) = 23
Smon: Tug climbs expertly... 2 in 6 chance the rope gives way...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
Smon: Yaay!
chris107: Hurrah!
Oculus Orbus: Huzzah!
Smon: Tug reaches the hole, awfully small for a Giff... shouldn't have had that second helping last night...
Oculus Orbus: (Tug gives Hakeem a big kiss on the mouth)
Smon: To squeeze through, DC 10 DEX (acrobatics) check.
Oculus Orbus: heh
Smon: Otherwise you're stuck.
Oculus Orbus rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 6, (+13) = 19
chris107: "We escape and all still alive. Let's away to
chris107: Anatal!"
Oculus Orbus:
chris107: That's good (I think) OCCLES
Smon: Tug gets through (+3 DEX +4 Prof +2 athlete = +9 BTW)
Oculus Orbus:
Oculus Orbus: oops
Smon: GM: You start down the mountain slope towards Anatal.
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes. Let's return to Anatal. It will be nice to return to civilized areas.
Smon: You reach the tree line a little before nightfall and can set camp in forested hills.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
chris107: "And Feani can go home. Thanks to Athena's blessings."
Smon: The night passes peacefully.
Smon: Next morning you continue south into an area of well-tended woodland where you are swiftly met by an elven patrol. The leader, a tall pale elf in shining mithril, hails you.
Smon: "Hail!"
Oculus Orbus: "Hi, there!"
chris107: Mithril
Kjato Ragfoot: "Hail".
chris107: "Hello!"
Oculus Orbus: (Tug gives Hakeem a big kiss on the mouth again)
chris107: Ewwww
chris107: "Stop that you big oaf!"
Smon: He scans you. "Hakeem! Thuruar! Feani! You are most welcome." His gaze settles on Tug. "Err..."
Oculus Orbus: "It's how us Giffs show appreciation"
Smon: "High Priestess Cerdai sensed a Disturbance in the Flux... Your mission to destroy the Black Sun was successful?"
chris107: "Well show it to someone else!"
Kjato Ragfoot: The Black Sun probably still exists, but we slew Morthor Coff and closed the Portal.
Smon: He beams happily. "Excellent news! Come, let me escort you to the City! The Queen must hear of this!"
Oculus Orbus: "Okay"
Smon: GM: OK, think I'll stop there.
Smon: Sorry you missed the fight Oc.
Oculus Orbus: The Flux is strong with this one.
chris107: Thanks Simon! Cheers guys
Kjato Ragfoot: Huh. We did it!
Oculus Orbus: Ah, well. Ya win some, ya lose some.
Smon: I was surprised you didn't lose anyone to the chasm.
Oculus Orbus: CHRIS! don't go yet
Oculus Orbus: Indeed!
Kjato Ragfoot: We were well prepared!
chris107: Okay
Oculus Orbus: (xxvc)
chris107: Reading through the last session log I'm amazed we didn't loose anyone to the salamander king!
Oculus Orbus: (if you dare)
Oculus Orbus: We lost you
Oculus Orbus: but then we found you
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes. That was tough.
Smon: Was looking like a TPK alright.
chris107: Thurs spell giving him the lurgi was great!
Oculus Orbus: what's a lurgi?
Smon: But Thuruar could have just cast that Slimy Doom spell last session & saved you the worry.
chris107: A horrid kind of disease
Smon: (posted log)
chris107: Good game
Kjato Ragfoot: Well, I was not sure it would actually work against the Salamanders.
Oculus Orbus: sounds icky
Oculus Orbus: salamanders are the worst!
Kjato Ragfoot: We shall drop a big iceberg on top of that volcano.
Smon: Their only immunity is to fire.
chris107: Yeah a tough bunch.
Oculus Orbus: I like the sound of that
Kjato Ragfoot: And, if they come out to complain, we throw snowballs.
chris107: We have lots of dungeons to explore
chris107: From Thracia, Dyson's Delve and now a Dwarf Temple with a Salamander cellar
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah!
Oculus Orbus: the ol' salamander-in-the-cellar trick
Kjato Ragfoot: And there should be somewhere a big catacomb with a mummy-lich and its skeletons between elves and dwarfs.
Oculus Orbus: OKAY!
Kjato Ragfoot: Nonetheless, that volcano would make a good lair for a priest of Hephaistos.
chris107: It would indeed.
Smon: On the way to Anatal the elves tell you it was a dwarf temple, in fact the dwarves once asked the elves to help recapture it from the fire monsters that had seized it.
Smon: The elves declined since that seemed a suicide mission.
chris107: Mmmm maybe a bargaining chip to get the princess back?
chris107: We clear the temple for the dwarves (and loot it) they give back the elf princess?
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh, yes. What about the princess?
Kjato Ragfoot: Maybe she is already home?
Oculus Orbus: Wait, didn't we kill the slamander's king?
Smon: Yup
Smon: The elf captain, Mithradain, is very interested to hear this (pic -https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/73/f9/3e/73f93e38a9b8ee4912dcb99b9f22622c.jpg )
Smon: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/73/f9/3e/73f93e38a9b8ee4912dcb99b9f22622c.jpg
Oculus Orbus: That should cause some disarray there
Kjato Ragfoot: That does not mean the salamanders are going to leave. Maybe they had a counseler that wanted to become king instead of the king?
Oculus Orbus: might be a good time for an all-out assault
Smon: "The dwarves hate the salamanders... have you proof you slew their king?"
chris107: Nice pic
Kjato Ragfoot: That is true.
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. WE should have taken the crown, maybe?
chris107: Yes, maybe that will be enough?
chris107: Either way. Great magical item for Thur
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. Did we manage to get the brazier out of the temple or did we have to leave it behind at the fissure?
Smon: Tug had to leave it, he couldn't have climbed out with it.
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah. A pity. No, then we have no proof the salamander king was slain.
Oculus Orbus:
chris107: We have his gauntlets
Oculus Orbus: Word will get out
chris107: the designs of which open the doors
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. That is true. But will the dwarfs be able to identify them?
chris107: I bet they were originally dwarven artefacts.
Kjato Ragfoot: Regardless, in that case we should consider returning to the temple once we spoke with the queen.
Kjato Ragfoot: After all, we saved several days due to the efreet.
Smon: Mithradain inspects the gauntlets. "There is a royal signet ring on this gauntlet! That might suffice. May I take it? If we gift them it, say our agents slew the salamander king, and request our princess's return..."
Smon: @Kjato yes you are well ahead of schedule to meet Sarene at Zothay in a month.
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh well.
chris107: "Just the ring, not the gauntlets?"
Smon: GM: You can remove the ring from the gauntlet ring-finger.
Smon: The ring that opened the throneroom rear door.
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah!
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