![]() |
Ilyra |
Hakeem, Barbarian LEVEL 14 XP 3750+155,563=159313/165,000
Thuruar, Cleric LEVEL 13 XP 3750+122,686=126436/140,000
Shieldbiter, Dragonborn Barbarian LEVEL 12 XP 101,358/120,000
Rey, Rogue LEVEL 12 XP 101,749/120,000
XP Level Proficiency
85,000 11 +4 (15000 to level)
100,000 12 +4 (20000 to level)
120,000 13 +5 (20000 to level)
140,000 14 +5 (25000 to level)
165,000 15 +5 (30000 to level)
195,000 16 +5 (30000 to level)
225,000 17 +6 (40000 to level)
265,000 18 +6 (40000 to level)
305,000 19 +6 (50000 to level)
355,000 20 +6 (N/A)
5/5/4446 Black Sun Gate closed. Undead armies of Nerath collapse.
18/5/4446 Altanian Barbarians under Chief Minars Rapak of the Seawolf assault Nerra and wipe out the Neo-Nerath army there. Minars takes the head of Neo-Nerathi Prince Thulseus Doomfire.
26/5/4446 Hakeem Rey Thuruar & co reach Nerra, met by Minars. Vorkes dies; Hakeem declared War Chief of Greywolf.
1/6/4446 Altanian fleet leaves Sarene's Den.
3/6/4446 Altanian fleet reaches Ghinarian coast, encounters Skeleton Fleet 5 miles off Trade. Death of Tal Lorvas. Destruction of Ring of Nemeia & sinking of Staff of Olnehr. Two ships captured & crewed. Dock at Trade.
4/6/446 Rey to Krens' Cairn. Emissary Ilyra arrives at Trade.
5/6/446 Ilyra Thuruar & Hakeem travel to Theber, meet Yusan.
6/6/4446 Sarene leaving Trade; Altanian host going from Trade to Krens' Cairn.
10/6/4446 Altanian fleet due to rendezvous with Red Tiger Clan (Xatchar) & Dragonborn at Dianceht in Oricha.
6:06pm 2016-4-09 Smon Has entered the room
6:06pm 2016-4-09 Kjato Ragfoot Has entered the room
6:08pm 2016-4-09 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: Simon, Kjato
Kjato Ragfoot: Hello
chris107: I have the campaign map up as background now.
Smon: Hiya
chris107: Hey
Smon: Sorry for delay, just got dinner, should be ready in a few mins.
chris107: No probs
Kjato Ragfoot: Simon, we already prepared for the inevitable TPK and make up plans for our next characters. Chris will play a very reserved and bookish magician and I am going to play a womanizer.
Smon: Was delayed getting swimming - arranging for a couple of beautiful women to come round Monday night...
Smon: ...And play Classic D&D.
chris107: hehe
Smon: (It feels slightly naughty because Bill won't be chaperoning me - but one of them will have her bf skype in from the USA)
chris107: What are you playing Simon?
Kjato Ragfoot: I am sure you can hire an old lady to watch out that you behave properly somewhere.
Smon: Grand Duchy of Karameikos.
Smon: Rebekah & Tanyus are my players.
chris107: Mmmm don't know that one.
Smon: GAZ 1 Grand Duchy of Karameikos, currently using bits of Against the Giants and Master of the Desert Nomads/Red Arrow Black Shield.
Smon: Going to use a BFRPG adventure on Monday.
chris107: So much D&D that I don't know about.
chris107: Have the girls played before?
Smon: This'll be my third session with Tanyus & Rebekah in a week...
Smon: We've been going at it for a year!
Smon: Rebekah's PC Claudia just murdered the parents of Tanyus' PC Alexandra.
chris107: Ouch
chris107: that could get messy
Smon: After adventuring together for a year - Claudia is a Chaotic Thief, Alexandra a Lawful noble Fighter. Last session Alexandra & the others assaulted Claudia's Thief lair, wiped out most of her Thieves but she escaped to join the Master, becoming an NPC.
Smon: Tanyus is stoical, and Rebekah will be rolling up a new PC with half Claudia's XP - looking to play a happy go lucky non-murderous male Dwarf.
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. Wow. Player vs Player.
Kjato Ragfoot: I never had that in a group, but would not really like to either.
Smon: It's a great group; they do the melodrama stuff really well.
chris107: Exciting stuff. Thank heaven Thur and Hak are on the same side. Can't speak for Rey though
Smon: Rebekah is a good friend; definitely an Instigator type!
Smon: Here's the game thread - http://www.meetup.com/London-DnD/boards/thread/48852155/0/
Smon: We do most planning stuff on Facebook but I still post session accounts there.
Kjato Ragfoot: I definitely need to find work, have a vacation in England and sneak into one of your local D&D groups.
chris107: Wow that is some journal!
Kjato Ragfoot: I just need to get a fake moustache and a Dutch accent, so that you do not identify me.
chris107: haha
Smon: Nearly ready, just found a cookie
chris107: Kjato and I have plans that don't match exactly this evening....
chris107: We should have done some more planning my friend Thuruar.
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah. I decided that we have a barbarian horde, so a barbarians plan to use them will most likely work better than anything I could come up with.
chris107: Destiny is racing towards us.
chris107: Okay, well Hakeem is happy with his plan. He just needs to get the timing right using the stones and your sendings.
chris107: Oh and of course you bringing down the wrath of Athena at just the right moment!
chris107: And Bondorr (and Sarene's fast ship) aid us if we get it wrong.
Kjato Ragfoot: Bringing down the wrath of Athena is a favourite of mine. Won't miss it.
chris107: Then I'll go grab a couple of paracetemol and I'm ready for action!
Smon: ok, ready!
Smon: >>Smon: Tarcon: "You may share my hall. You may dine here. But I cannot fight beside you." chris107: "Shieldbiter? That's the best you have?" DESTROYERBILL: but when i have rage itll be a fare fight Smon: Sarene: "Shieldbiter darling, go back on the ship, find some where to curl up." DESTROYERBILL: okay chris107: Hakeem shakes his great shaggy head. An ally lost.<<
chris107: It would seem that Yusan's next move is against the Wizard Kren at Kren's Cairn right on the far Eastern tip of the Ghinarean peninsula. I'm thinking a small force of ourselves, Greywolves and the remaining Seawolves go there whilst leasing through Sendings and the speaking stones to bring in our forces from behind him. Saran and her pirates can be waiting off the coast in case we need last ditch reinforcements or to flee. These are the forces I feel we have a chance of mustering. The Wizard Kren and any forces he may have. Magical support agin the unseen conclave. Janna Vex and a force from the Mitra Temple. Again magical aid and healing as well as any martial forces they can spare. The Rangers at the Castle of the Wode, maybe in a joint force from the North West to scout and or join the forces of Thusia in attack and to cut off retreat in that direction. Thusia. See above. Another joint force of Red Tigers and Dragonborn coming from the South West to smash into the rear of Yusan's forces. The hammer to our anvil. I feel we will receive no aid from the Ghinarean Lords who seem split and cowed all ready. But would have no compunction restoring their lands (with tribute) afterwards. This will have the major advantage of seeing all our number united in one place and ready to strike into the heart of our real enemies the Neo-Nerathi through Hera and onwards. The promise of loot/freedom/land/religion/alignment as a spur to our disparate friends. I do fear that Oriax will try to take advantage of the situation (as I fear will Bill with his Dragon friends ) so if you have any cunning plans to foil this I'd be glad to hear them along with your thoughts on the above.
Smon: GM: You have a subdued feast that evening in Tarcon's Hall, attended by a couple slender nude slave girls, but no sign of Tarcon's concubine who was the daughter of Lord Vilius.
chris107: @ Simon, That is the plan Thuruor and Hakeem would like to try.
chris107: eventually
chris107: Is Rey with us?
Smon: Sarene & Rey retire early to their room while Hakeem & Thuruar drink in their chamber and plan between themselves; Anna Souvari also present.
chris107: Can he keep a professional eye out for poisons and stuff?
Smon: Anna: "The Rangers won't send men south while the threat of the Altanian Host to the east remains."
Smon: (Yes)
chris107: (Thanks)
chris107: "Anna if they do not, it will not be the Altani they have to fear."
chris107: "We can not fight this war alone."
chris107: "The Rangers of Castle Wode can not fight this war on their own. Only together can we have any chance of victory."
Smon: Anna toys with her goblet. "Yusan is enemy of Neo-Nerath - I believe Prince Cormarrin promised Ahyf aid against Yusan and the brigands of Carchimish. Of course that was a while ago..."
chris107: "But don't you see the great enemy in all this is the neo-Nerathi and their necromancy?"
chris107: "Whilst they divide us chasing brigands like Yusan they have what they want."
chris107: "And when we have killed each other they will raise our corpses for their own pleasure."
Smon: Souvari shrugs. "If Neo-Nerath is the threat, why are you down here fighting Yusan? The Rangers are few. Captain Tagoler will never send men south."
Kjato Ragfoot: See. The Nerathi are afraid of the Altanians. And as long as they are afraid, they will believe the lies of the Black Sun.
chris107: "We have the start of a great and historic coalition. But all are needed if we are to win the final victory."
chris107: Hakeem lets out an explosive breath.
chris107: "Those who do not stand by me in my hour of need will find themselves enemies. If I live."
chris107: "I will lead the Altani and their allies on a bloody path to the heart of the new Nerathi empire and any who stand in my way will perish."
chris107: "I swear this by Bondorr!"
Smon: Anna looks suitably intimidated. "I'm sorry my lord... if I could promise you aid, I would. I must tell the truth."
Kjato Ragfoot: Hakeem, you cannot fight the Black Sun alone. You cannot fight the Black Sun with death. Tigerclaw tried that and only strengthened them.
chris107: (Hakeem if feeling muscular this evening )
Smon: Anna nods at Thuruar's words.
chris107: "Friend Thuruor. He did not have you by his side."
Smon: "Chief Hakeem, the Rangers are willing to aid you against the Black Sun - when the time is right. But Yusan is not their fight."
chris107: "Anyway one battle at a time. We have to put the threat from Yusan to bed first. Else risk the wrath of the tribes and bring him onside."
Smon: GM: Sarene plans to stay here 3 days then sail south to collect the Dragonborn & Red Tiger clan - are you sticking with that?
chris107: "I understand good lady. And their aid will be welcome. But we may not survive without some help now."
Kjato Ragfoot: Anna, we need the help of the Ghinarian lords to defeat the Black Sun.
chris107: The plan was to time the arrival of the Red Tiger & Dragon along with our other possible allies
Smon: Anna: "Ghinarian Lords... I'm not too impressed. This mansion is little more than a hovel... And by all accounts Yusan has defeated and cowed them at every turn. Perhaps Ahyf will be his real test."
chris107: After we had drawn Yusan's men into our trap at the tip of the peninsula at the wizards cairn.
chris107: With sarene waitin off shore as a strike force or escape rout.
chris107: Have Yusan try to crush us at Krenn's Cairn
chris107: While we are but few.
Smon: OOC Wishing won't necessarily make it so - tell me what you're doing with the resources you have, and I can adjudicate it.
chris107: As the plan above outlinned.
Kjato Ragfoot: We do not need their troops. We need to show the Nerathi that the Altanians are willing to cooperate with foreigners.
Kjato Ragfoot: To gain their trust, and to shake their believe in the Black Sun.
chris107: Using the stones/sendings how many days away are the Red Tigers/Dragons?
chris107: Can we get in touch with Kren?
Smon: The Red Tigers & Dragonborn will be at Dianceht in 7 days for Sarene to collect them & bring north.
chris107: Will the forces at the Mitra Temple and Thusia come to our aid?
Smon: Thuruar has not met Krens so no I don't think you can Send to him.
Smon: You can Send to Thusia or Jana Vex if you like, though.
chris107: Bugger that is too long. Kren's Cairn will be ablaze long before that and our bones will bleach on the shore.
chris107: That is a good start then.
chris107: Perhaps we should send Rey to Krenn?
chris107: He moves faster and safer alone.
chris107: Theber to Kren's Cairn is only a short distance.
chris107: If Selatine and Trade still were with us it would make such a huge difference.
Smon: You are about 30 miles west of Krens' Cairn, a day on foot. There is no docking there, it's deadly for ships.
chris107: But we have what we have and must work with it.
chris107: We have less than 130 Altanians with us. Sarene is down to 60 pirates.
chris107: We need to find out the strength of Yusan's forces.
chris107: We can not count on Krenn but it is in his interest to stand with us. How are his deffences? We need Rey to forge this alliance.
chris107: If we can do that then Sarene can go fetch our reinforcments from the south and hope they arrive before we are food for the crows.
chris107: Perhaps holding Thusia and the temple in reserve to attack from the rear or... avenge us.
chris107: Hakeem thinks this plan as good as we will get.
Smon: BTW you only have 116 Altanians fit to fight.
chris107: Perhaps the Ghinarean Lords will grow a pair when they see Yusan can be defeated.
chris107: hehe thanks for the good news Simon
Kjato Ragfoot: Are there any more injured Altanians? Because I could probably heal them.
chris107: If Hakeem thought he could trust Yusan to fight fair he would challange him and save a lot of Altani blood.
Smon: Yeah, 9 injured men should recover in time.
Smon: With Thuruar heeling them they should be combatant in a few days.
Kjato Ragfoot: Then Thuruar will ditch out first and second level cure wound spells as if their is no tomorrow.
Smon: OK.
Smon: Anna & Thuruar retire to their furs, leaving Hakeem on the other side of the room.
Smon: The night passes peacefully.
Smon: You breakfast next morning, Thuruar using his healing magic on the Altanians, say 2d4 levels worth of cure spell per man to get combatant again.
Smon: /roll 2d4x9
Smon Rolls 2d4x9 and gets:
1, 4 = 5
2, 1 = 3
4, 2 = 6
2, 4 = 6
3, 2 = 5
2, 2 = 4
3, 2 = 5
4, 4 = 8
2, 2 = 4
Smon: There you go.
Smon: How many slots is he using?
chris107: Hakeem spends his day in prayer and meditation to Bondorr. Becoming one with Bloodletter.
chris107: Has Rey set off to Kren's cairn with our proposal?
Smon: Shieldbiter is holed up on Lady Spite, tending his wounds and muttering resentfully, he seems to intend a rematch with Tarcon once healed.
Kjato Ragfoot: Eh. If I cast "Mass Cure Wounds", I heal them all at the same time. Would that count as one slot on each of them?
chris107: Shieldbiter must hold his anger. We need him and his Draconian allies.
Smon: (3 slots each at 5th level casting). You can send Rey to Krens' Cairn.
Smon: 2 castings of mass cw plus 2 1st or 1 2nd level casting of cw would restore them all.
chris107: He had a chance to bring an ally on side and fled after first blood. Now he must put his anger aside.
Kjato Ragfoot: Then I will cast Mass Cure Wounds twice, plus 2 first level Cure Wounds.
Kjato Ragfoot: I can do that in a day.
Smon: Are you giving Rey a letter, or telling him to deliver a proposal? What do you want Krens to do?
Smon: OK, Thuruar heals up the wounded men, to much cheering. The locals look impressed.
chris107: Rey is despatched with the offer of aliance v Yusan and the friendship of the Slayer.
chris107: We want them to let us join them in defence.
Smon: OK, Rey Dashes off east.
chris107: Or to aid us in an attack once Yusan leaves Theber.
Smon: That evening in Trade, a Gate-horn blows. A guard announces: "Visitor!"
Kjato Ragfoot: He shall say Kren that we are planning to relief him, but need his support against the magicians from the Hidden Conclave.
chris107: But with the timing involved and having inferior numbers defence would be to our advantage.
chris107: Visitor?
Smon: Tarcon summons Sarene, Thuruar, Hakeem & Anna Souvari to his hall. "We have a visitor - an emissary..."
chris107: I wonder?.....
chris107: Yusan?
Smon: The guard at the hall doors announces: "Emissary from Lord Yusan!"
Kjato Ragfoot: Whose emissary?
chris107: H looks at Thuruar, beware treachery Brother."
chris107: Then let us meet him
Smon: Two guards escort in an indescribably luscious blonde, clearly a sorceress of some kind, her nearly absent blue robes indicating membership of the Unseen Conclave.
chris107: (Thur, if it's a challange any chance of a Heroes Feast tonight? )
Smon: She bows to Tarcon. "Greetings, oh Lord, I am Ilyra, sent here by Lord Yusan."
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgiznMpXUDKSJXdGRTzpcmo_eH_gmcC5JKaixoGPJAHQ8ZAede_MpNBkf97qi_Fc6f0tXHJHLdGRRHH0fGCngTYCjgBXkZaQZSiQfotvE9LsAol0rOLbJTkC-eTUnxJ-OOwEi_8x9Md9nE/s400/n_a+(6).jpg
chris107: "My lady."
Smon: Tarcon smiles thinly: "Welcome."
Smon: Ilyra straightens up, surveying you all with a wry smile.
Smon: "Great Chief Hakeem. Patriarch Thuruar. Captain Sarene. Lord Yusan bids you welcome to his realm, and invites you attend upon him at Theber."
Kjato Ragfoot: (Damn it. We sent Rey away when we needed him most!)
Smon: (Would have been too much for Rey I fear!)
chris107: (Drat)
chris107: "Any reason the Lord Yusan has not come himself my Lady?"
Kjato Ragfoot: He is busy with his new concubines and thus sent his used old one away.
chris107: "A wolf does not lightly walk into the den of the bear."
Smon: She nods to Hakeem. "Aye. The Lord Krens is defiant, and sadly Yusan must prepare war against him, as he has warred against Theber - against all who oppposed him."
Smon: She glances at Thuruar. "I assure you, I am quite fresh."
chris107: "And what would lord Yusan discuss with us my lady?"
Smon: Ilyra turns to Hakeem. "May I approach, my Lord?"
chris107: "I, I do not fear you."
Kjato Ragfoot: Being fresh and being exotic and new are two different things, dear lady.
chris107: (This is where his 9 wisdom will really tell )
Smon: Ilyra smiles at Hakeem, ignoring Thuruar. "Whereas I of course fear you. Nevertheless... " she sashays over to Hakeem, then leans over to whisper in his ear...
Kjato Ragfoot: (She is probably more afraid of you hacking her down in self-defense if she comes to close)
chris107: (OOC Kjato, have you set up a sanctuary yet for Word of Recall? Get us out if it turns into a trap at Yusan's court)
Kjato Ragfoot: (Of course, I did)
chris107: (Phew )
Smon: "Yusan has heard the rumours that a son of his has risen to greatness among the northern tribes. He wishes to meet with you, and propose an alliance against the foulness of Nerath."
chris107: H whispers back.
chris107: "Then I shall come. I can not speak for my friends."
Smon: Ilyra nods, steps back and speaks soberly. "Thank you, my lord."
chris107: (Mmmm DNA sampling is likely to be difficult I guess? )
Kjato Ragfoot: (We can always ask Athena whether you are Yusan's son)
Kjato Ragfoot: (It is a yes/no question)
chris107: (good thinking)
chris107: "When do you propose this meeting Lady IIyra?"
Smon: "Tomorrow would be good? The night is dark."
chris107: @ Simon, Theber is one hex away?
chris107: Half a day travel?
Smon: Yeah, 15 miles, about 4 hours on foot for Hakeem.
chris107: "Then I shall meet with Lord Yusan when the sun is at it's zenith."
Smon: Tarcon: "You are welcome to stay here tonight, Lady Ilyra."
chris107: (hehe good job Rey is away!)
Smon: The emissary nods graciously. "Your generosity is appreciated as always, Lord Tarcon."
chris107: Thuruar, we need to talk.
Kjato Ragfoot: Of course.
chris107: "I would not expect you to put your head into the lions mouth with me old friend."
Smon: Anna Souvari has been regarding Ilyra through narrowed eyes. Sarene seems amused by the sorceress.
chris107: "Yusan is not to be trusted."
Smon: After a light dinner Thuruar & Hakeem meet out by the wall to talk in private.
chris107: (This after the meeting in our quarters of course)
Kjato Ragfoot: Anna, something wrong with Ilyra?
Smon: Anna: "She must be the one who betrayed the Unseen Conclave to Yusan. A traitor and a whore."
Kjato Ragfoot: I doubt she works as a professionel prostitute. But yes, about as trustworthy as a pile of quicksand near a maelstrom.
Smon: Sarene: "Oh, I quite like her... She'd look good in my slave chains!"
chris107: "But Yusan's forces would be a great help in our bigger fight and many Altani lives would be saved."
Smon: Sarene winks at Anna.
chris107: Oops sorry chaps
Smon: Anna looks at Sarene and shudders slightly.
chris107: getting ahead of myself typing away here
Kjato Ragfoot: But with Yusan at our side, the Nerathi will think this just another Altanian barbarian ransacking horde.
Smon: Sarene: "I like fighting as well as the next girl, but I agree with Hakeem. If he wants to join us, why not?"
Smon: Anna nods. "Thuruar is right! You can't be serious, allying with Yusan! Even by the standards of your own people he is scum!"
Smon: Sarene: "Oh yes, he's done terrible, terrible things..."
chris107: "Friend Thuruar, you are wise. But at the moment we lack the numbers to bring Yusan to heel. This meeting will at least give us more time to bring up our friends from the South. And your magic can make good our escape should he proove treacherous?"
Kjato Ragfoot: (Nonetheless, I would not mind Sarene keeping Ilyria)
Smon: Anna looks at Sarene and shudders again. The pirate queen is a figure of dread among the Nerathi.
chris107: "Anna, you will find the company of Ghouls and worse preferable to that of my people?"
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes. It would give us a chance to learn more about Yusan.
chris107: "Keep him close."
Kjato Ragfoot: Hakeem, the problem is that an alliance with Yusan will strengthen the alliance between the Black Sun and the Nerathi.
chris107: "My people have no love for him following his dreadful deads but if we can use his forces agin the Neo-Nerathi threat? And who knows he may loose a tooth or two fighting them and be less fearce when he returns home?"
Smon: Anna: "Prince Halvath promised Lord Bronze of Hara that he would free the Vale from the brigands - that is why Hara joined Neo-Nerath..."
chris107: "No disrespect Anna, I know your people to be goodly folks. But i the yoke of the slaver any worse than the touch of the dead?"
Smon: Anna looks at Hakeem. "I hate the Undead. You know that."
Kjato Ragfoot: Hakeem - at the moment, it is the dead of their enemies the Black Sun raises.
chris107: "I say again stand with us and have the friendship of both the Slayer and mighty Athena."
chris107: "Then trust me. What's the worst that can happen? Yusan takes my head at noon tomorrow and your life goes on." He smiles broadly at the brave Nerathi woman.
Smon: Anna: "The Rangers of the Wode wish peace between our peoples - and we will fight to free Hara from the Black Sun."
chris107: "Tghat's the spirit!"
Smon: She sighs. "As you wish. But I will stay here, if you please."
Smon: "I have no wish to join his harem."
chris107: "Of course. Someone has to spread news of the brave death of the Slayer!" He laughs loudly at his own joke.
chris107: "So Thur, are you with me? I would not hold it against you if you say nay."
Kjato Ragfoot: I will come along, but will keep in the background.
chris107: And your magic will be prepared?
Kjato Ragfoot: Tell me what treachery you expect and I will prepare accordingly.
Smon: Sarene: "For my part, the ships can be ready to sail in two days. You want me to leave your warriors here at Trade, go pick up the Red Tiger & Dragonheads from Dianceht?"
Smon: brb tea
chris107: What do you think Kjato?
chris107: I'm expecting ambush or poison or worse.
Kjato Ragfoot: She cannot take our warriors and the southern clans aboard at the same time.
chris107: But if his alliance is genuine?....
chris107: Perhaps our warriors can go to Kren?
chris107: As this is what Rey is proposing anyway.
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes, that would probably be a good idea.
chris107: Hakeem just needs to know that your spell of escape will be ready if needed.
Kjato Ragfoot: I will prepare Word of Recall, which should return us to the temple of Athena.
chris107: And maybe a Heroes Feast tonight or for breakfast may be a good idea
chris107: Then we have a plan!
chris107: And may Bondorr and Lady Athena smile upon us!
Kjato Ragfoot: Tonight, as tomorrow I will need that spell slot for Word of Recall.
chris107: Okay
chris107: I'll go grab a coffee and be right back
Smon: Sarene can safely transport around 100 men per ship, so 300 in all.
Smon: Does Thuruar have a gem encrusted 1000gp bowl to spare?!
chris107: Back
Kjato Ragfoot: We have plenty gems, I could glue them to a bowl?
Smon: The local smith can knock something up, but you'll need to deduct gems to that value.
Smon: The 7000gp purple gems would work.
chris107: I have no problem, Hakeem has claimed no treasure so far.
Kjato Ragfoot: We have 28 gems worth 500 gp apiece
Smon: ok 14 of those will do it!
Smon: Or 2.
chris107: yay!
chris107: 14?!
Kjato Ragfoot: In that case, I choose 2.
chris107: 3 with the gold and work involved?
Smon: Thuruar has the smith ready a beaten copper bowl inset with the gems.
chris107: We want a good job afterall. It is to venerate Athena
Smon: 50gp to the smith is enough.
Smon: More if you like.
chris107: kjato looks after the cash
Kjato Ragfoot: All right, 50 gp to the smith.
Smon: That evening Thuruar brings forth a great feast... You're letting Tarcon Ilyra Sarene Anna partake too, plus some of Tarcon's household up to 12?
Smon: Tarcon: "Incredible... You honour us greatly, my lord Patriarch! Athena is mighty!"
Kjato Ragfoot: (Yes, some of Tarcon'S household and perhaps the leutnants of the two clans)
chris107: "Praise be to Athena for her bounty."
Smon: Say 1 each Greywolf Seawolf Pirates + 3 of Tarcon's house, that makes 12.
Smon: Make a CHA check Thuruar, add Prof.
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 8, (+8) = 16
Smon: Ilyra nibbles the feast, looking thoughtful at this display of divine power. The Ghinarians are reverential.
Smon: Roll your 2d10s for bonus hp.
chris107 rolls 2d10 and gets: 2, 8, = 10
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 2d10 and gets: 7, 7, = 14
Smon: Are you doig
Smon: doing anything after the Feast? Just going to bed?
chris107: H will pray and chat with Thuruar for a while.
Kjato Ragfoot: Hakeem, chat a little with Lady Ilyra. Ask her about what Yusan is like.
Smon: Ilyra is given a small private chamber. "Thank you for the feast, Lord Thuruar. Athena's power is mighty indeed."
Kjato Ragfoot: After all, he is the father you never met.
chris107: Perhaps the mighty cleric could write a letter to Malenn and the unborn child for him?
chris107: Usual stuff.
Kjato Ragfoot: (I still have a sending left for today)
Kjato Ragfoot: You are welcome, Lady Ilyra. Just a small show of Athena's grace.
chris107: (I don't want to be alone with a powerful illusionist Kjato)
Smon: Ilyra bids you goodnight and retires to her room and a hot scented bath prepared by the slave girls.
Kjato Ragfoot: You could have chatted with her during the feast. It took an hour, after all.
Smon: You can chat on the journey?
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. True. That is possible as well.
Smon: Are you using that Sending?
chris107: Hakeem asks Thur if he should perish to guide and guard both wife and child. Perhaps get them to the island where Polyachus and Clarissa Starling went if Thusia falls?
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes. Thuruar will relay a 25 word message for Malenn from Hakeem.
chris107: Use it to contact Rey instead. See if he has been sucessful. We will know how to dispose our troops better that way.
Smon: OOC Realistically, Hakeem is the least likely one to perish.
Kjato Ragfoot: (Simon is very right there)
chris107: (The Word of Recall may just save us both )
Kjato Ragfoot: I can also contact Rey.
Smon: 2 Sendings?
Kjato Ragfoot: I have quite a lot of spells.
chris107: Then sleep the sleep of the just and onwards into destiny
chris107: and hopefully not history :PD
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes. One sending to Rey, one to Malenn.
Smon: OK, Malenn responds that all is well in Thusia and she looks forward to Hakeem returning soon.
chris107: The one to M can remain clouded in romance and mystery
Smon: She sends her love. Rey responds that Lord Krens is very keen to ally with you, he has defences and food stores prepared and you are welcome to send reinforcements.
chris107: Excellent!
chris107: Then we have a fall back to our original plan should the morrow not bear fruit.
chris107: And the draconians and Red Tigers have had an extra day to get closer.
Kjato Ragfoot: It would probably good if Anna went with the Altanians to Kren?
Smon: That night Anna makes love to Thuruar as if she fears she'll not see him again.
Smon: /roll d6
chris107: Agreed
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Kjato Ragfoot: Poor Anna.
Smon: The night passes...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: Next morning, an unseasonal shower is muddying the dusty ground.
chris107: Bondorr is watching over us
Smon: Sarene: "So, my ships are ready to sail tomorrow. Suggest your warriors stay here until we're ready to set sail... Wouldn't want no trouble, you know?"
Kjato Ragfoot: (Hmm. Hakeem could just grab Yusans sword and we teleport out of there?)
chris107: (I thought our men were going to Kren?)
Smon: GM: Today is 5/6. Sarene can sail tomorrow 6/6. You can send your men to Krens today if you want, leaving her ships undefended.
chris107: (Hakeem is an honourable sort at heart Kjato)
chris107: (If Yusan challanges him then that's a different matter)
chris107: No we must protect Sarene's ships too.
Smon: Anna: "Yusan knows we're here. If he's as good as I hear, his scouts will be watching us."
Kjato Ragfoot: I will leave that decision to Hakeem, he is warchief.
chris107: She has proved loyal
chris107: Once she sails then the men can leave for kren
Kjato Ragfoot: He did not become a warleader for being a poor strategist.
Kjato Ragfoot: I am sure there are hidden scout bands with illusionists all around the town.
Smon: Ilyra is saddling up her mare, a fine grey.
Smon: Lord Tarcon comes to the gate to see off Thuruar Hakeem & Ilyra.
Smon: Tarcon: "Lord Hakeem... It is good there is peace between all our peoples." His voice sounds a little strained. "Fare thee well."
chris107: "Thank you for your kindness Lord Tarcon. I hope you will see the wisdom of joining our cause one day."
chris107: "Fare thee and thy people well."
Smon: Tarcon nods stiffly. "And thee." The guards swing open the village gates. In the distance across the dusty plain you can see forty mounted outriders, Altani by the look of them. Ilyra: "Ah... my escort."
chris107: "Now let us make haste to see this man who would meet the Slayer!"
Smon: Ilyra trots her horse forward, Thuruar and Hakeem on foot.
Smon: Ilyra: "There will be spare horses for you."
chris107: H looks at Thur and laughs out loud. "In for a copper, in for a gold old friend!"
Smon: You go with her to the Outriders, about 1/4 mile off?
Kjato Ragfoot: (What does "In for a copper, in for a gold" mean?)
chris107: I what have we got to loose?
Kjato Ragfoot: Well, otherwise we won't get to Yusan.
chris107: (In for better or worse)
Kjato Ragfoot: (Ah. Thank you.)
Kjato Ragfoot: Indeed, in for a copper, in for a gold.
chris107: (May as well risk all)
Smon: You jog alongside her to the waiting escort. The leader of the outriders, a lean young Altanian warrior with sharp eyes, nods in greeting. "Hail. I am Arak, son of Yusan."
chris107: And after all there is only 40 of them
Smon: Arak yells at two of his men to dismount and hand over their horses.
chris107: "Hail Arak, take us to your father if you would?"
Smon: Arak turns to size up Hakeem, perhaps seeing some slight family resemblance. He nods. "Aye."
chris107: Hakeem gives him his usual care-free broad grin.
Smon: Ilyra whispers to Hakeem: "Arak is Yusan's son by the Amazon Queen. Many of his children have distinguished mothers."
chris107: Now his mind is made up he is at complete peace with himself and the world.
Smon: You mount up, the Outriders turn to leave...
Smon: Thuruar notices the two dismounted ones slip away.
chris107: At one with his sword and his god.
Smon: You ride south across the plain - usually one might see shepherds here and there, but today it is deserted.
Smon: The Outriders ride in silence as the sun rises higher overhead.
Smon: Ilyra glances over at Hakeem. "Is there anything you wish to know, about your f... about Yusan?"
chris107: "Haha, I know him to be a brigand a rapist and a murderer. The rest I'll wait and see."
Smon: Ilyra shrugs. "As you wish."
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
Smon: The journey south passes without incident, and you approach the walls of Theber before noon.
chris107: "Does he truely hate the Neo-Nerathi and their foul sorcery more than the soft Lords of the south?"
chris107: "Stay close Thuruar, we must not be parted."
Smon: Ilyra: "Hate? Yusan hates no one. He only loves - riches, power, wealth, women..." What was once a large Ghinarian village is now an armed camp. The town walls show sign of fire damage, partly repaired.
chris107: (The prizes of the Neo-Nerathi heartlands are great indeed...)
Smon: As you approach the gates horns blare; the gates open to reveal the battered town beyond, now thickly crammed with the tents of a great host, hundreds strong.
Smon: As you file in, you see among the tents the war-banners of Yusan, of the three Lords of Carchimish, and of Bratanis - the traitor-lord Ruggio must be here too...
chris107: H spits if he sees the traitor Ruggio
Smon: You dismount, Arak commands you to wait outside while he and Ilyra speak with Yusan.
Smon: A circle of warriors around you watch, hands on axe-hilts.
chris107: H shrugs and speaks to Thur lightly. Making the odd joke.
Smon: Time passes... the flies buzz around.
chris107: "Stay close friend, very close. This old weaslel is very dangerous."
Smon: Eventually Arak re-emerges from the Hall, beckons you. "Come."
chris107: H goes along
chris107: seemingly care free
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will follow Hakeem, pretending to be just his counselor.
Smon: Inside the darkened hall that was once Lord Vilius' home, the lords of the Brigand Host are arrayed - there is Marnt, there Mytsh the Sorcerer, there Yusan's magist Enos Snake-Eyes, there mighty Hagnol, brother of Minars Rapak.
Smon: There Jolda the Priestess of Hamarkhis the murder-god; there Dark Odo... to her left stands Lord Ruggio in the shadows.
chris107: (A fine hive of scum and villainy!)
Smon: A group of blue-robed Orichalan and Gnomish sorcerers stands close by to the throne, on the left arm of which perches Ilyra. And on the throne sits the great lord himself - Yusan the Murderer.
chris107: "Yusan." Says H simply
Smon: Four naked slave girls lie chained at his feet - four of Lord Vilius Theber's daughters.
Smon: Yusan regards you impassively.
Smon: "Hakeem. Come."
Smon: He beckons.
chris107: (How far distant are we?)
Smon: Yusan - http://lwlink3.linkwithin.com/api/click?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_146023415801710&key=503c38809682907e0e07931326b1c03d&libId=imthhur501012xfu000DAib9pvdn1wp4c&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fsmons.blogspot.co.uk%2F2013%2F10%2Fthe-ghinarian-hills-campaign-labyrinth.html&v=1&out=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-ad1w2QnepJM%2FUmzrnV0TNNI%2FAAAAAAAABBc%2Fa0x5QiMjEtk%2Fs1600%2FWarlord+Yusan.jpg&title=S%27mon%27s%20Wilderlands%20RPG%20Blog%3A%20The%20Ghinarian%20Hills%20Campaign%20(5e)&txt=
Smon: About 40'.
Smon: Most of the Hall length.
chris107: Ah yes, I've been looking at that picture expecting this meeting for over a year now
chris107: H walks forward steadily (assuming rather than checking that Thur is at his shoulder)
Smon: His right hand is on the dragon hilt of a scabbarded greatsword.
chris107: He stops at 10' away
Smon: Ilyra watches Hakeem approach, smiling slightly. The Brigand Lords all watch intently, Ruggio staying behind Odo.
chris107: "You wanted to chat with me?"
Smon: Yusan stands from his throne, steps forward and offers a hand. "Aye."
Smon: Those in the hall murmur at this.
chris107: H takes his hand but half expecting a trap. His Barbarian senses keen.
Smon: Yusan grins, grasping it firmly.
Smon: "Welcome. I hear my son has done well for himself?"
Smon: His grin broadens.
Smon: At the door Thuruar sees Arak glowering at this.
Smon: brb more tea.
chris107: "Your son? Arak? He does indeed seem like a fine young man."
Smon: "Heh."
chris107: more coffee then
Smon: "I had heard the rumours, but I had to see you with my own eyes... Aye. You are my son."
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will keep an eye on Arak.
Smon: There are a few gasps at this, though many have already heard the rumour.
Smon: Yusan: "You have conquered the north, I hear... And now you have come south, with a small army. To join me, or fight me?"
Kjato Ragfoot: (To take over your army)
chris107: sorry, back
chris107: "Yusan. I came to destroy you. But we may have common cause. The riches of the North, the heartlands of the Neo-Nerathi offer such plunder as makes these pauper princlings look like so much dust."
Smon: Arak is watching, hand on sword hilt.
chris107: (Drat computer chooses now to slow down)
Smon: Yusan raises an eyebrow. "Destroy me? Oh, that..." He chuckles.
chris107: (Let us be true leaders and and shed no more Altani blood. But turn our forces, together to the North."
Smon: "A youthful mistake. An accident. I shall apologise to the Wise Women..." He waves his hands expansively.
Smon: Yusan nods, eyeing Hakeem.
chris107: "Show me you still have the heart of Bondorr as Sword Knight not just hold that bauble at your belt."
chris107: Hakeem looks relaxed but ready for action at any time.
chris107: for he truely believes his own words
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 1, (+4) = 5
Smon: heh
chris107: That is going to be bad
Smon: Yusan smiles - proudly?
Smon: "Aye!"
chris107: Or very good
Smon: Yusan grins: "For you the north, my son. Leave me the south. And together we crush the zombie-huggers!"
chris107: "Aye. Those who weild the sword do so by the grace of Bondorr."
chris107: (really sorry guys 20 second lag at this end)
Smon: Yusan smiles, then shakes free the great Altanian war-blade from its black scabbard. It seems to glimmer with inner fire. "By Bondor's sword, we'll slay them all!"
chris107: "The traitor scum of Ghinaria have all ready given up the fight. I care nothing for the Southlands. But.....
chris107: To defeat the princes of nerath we must make new allies too."
Smon: "Do not be hard on the Ghinarians, son. They are weak - they are but men, not Altani."
chris107: "The Rangers of Castle Wode, The temple ofMitra, Thusia and her Amazons.."
Smon: "The Ghinarians will fight for us - most have already joined us. Next is Krens, then Ahyf may need persuasion."
Smon: Yusan nods. "The Mitraics, aye, and yon Lady Meda - friend of yours I hear? She has a great liking for slaves - perhaps I'll gift her some!"
chris107: "These must be left in peace by you. And in repayment we shall crush the Neo-Nerathi, rape it's empire and then remove the thorn of Oriax from your side. Together this will be done."
Smon: He laughs, poking a former Theber princess with his foot.
Smon: Yusan: "Peace? More, they should join us! The Black Sun threatens all Men. Altani, Ghinari, Antillian... "
chris107: "Those are my terms. Take them or leave them. Fight me or join me. I am at peace with my god."
Smon: Yusan laughs. "You are bold."
Smon: "Come, drink! Slaves, bring wine!"
Smon: Yusan offers you both a chair in his Hall.
chris107: Thur?
Smon: Slave girls scurry up bringing great pitchers of dark wine.
Kjato Ragfoot: I see nothing wrong with taking a seat.
chris107: (Hop-e you have neutralise poison!)
Kjato Ragfoot: (We are immune to poison, thanks to Heroes Feast yesterday)
chris107: H takes a seat where he can not be taken by surprise or grappled
Smon: (You're immune thanks to Heroes Feast - which Ilyra may well know.) Yusan quaffs a flagon, offers you wine from the same pitcher. "Drink!"
chris107: (Yay)
chris107: H drinks sparingly
Smon: Yusan sees Hakeem position his seat, chuckles. "Don't worry, these dogs won't draw steel on you in my Hall."
chris107: "If they do it will be their last move." He grins back
Smon: "Now, the first thing - Persuade Lord Krens to join us and show fealty."
chris107: A wolf does not fear the hound
chris107: "Fealty? We misunderstand each other. Thanks for the wine but....."
Smon: "I am come to protect the Ghinarians, not destroy them... But Krens is proud and will not send earth and water."
chris107: He prepares to stand
Smon: Yusan raises an eyebrow.
Smon: "Oh?"
Smon: Ilyra: "My lord Hakeem, you misunderstand!"
chris107: "It has been good to meet you. I will seek you out on the battle field."
Smon: Ilyra: "Lord Yusan seeks not *your* fealty! Only that of the Ghinarians!"
Smon: Yusan: "Aye."
chris107: H waits to hear her out
chris107: "Ah."
Smon: Yusan chuckles. "You are proud. You are right to be. I'd slay the man who demanded I bow my head to him."
Smon: "But the Ghinarians are weak - like sheep. They need the strong hounds to protect them..."
chris107: "We have a man with Kren now. We will return and meet with him. Demand that Kren comes to heel. I will u in two days."
chris107: Sorry coing bonkers here.
chris107: Computer only typing every other word
chris107: 'll sign out and back in.
Smon: (finishing shortly) Yusan: "Bring Krens to heal. If we won't yield - slay him, and you'll at least save his men."
Smon: to heel.
Chris107: On phone for now while computer reboots
Smon: "if he won't yield"
Smon: I'll stop there & post log, resume Wednesday ok?
Smon: Hopefully w better Internet.
Chris107: "Is he such a fool? Father?" Hakeem gives him his trade mark broad grin
Chris107: Ah okay. Thanks for the game Simon. Kjato
Kjato Ragfoot: It was fun.
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