Hakeem L19 XP 2000+325,300=327,300/355,000
Shieldbiter L16 XP 2000+198,750=200,750/225,000
Sandor Lvl 9 XP 56,770/64,000 - absent w Laurana
+Anna Bronze Dyson Logos et al
8:02am 2017-8-18 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
chris107: Hi Bill!
chris107: Congratulations on your great victory at Ahyf!
Smon: GM last session - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2017/08/session-130-15-1634447-in-nera.html
DESTROYERBILL: i just woke up
Smon: GM: 16/3/4447 - the ruined city of Nera, where the Altanian clans are gathering for the Clan Moot.
Smon: 6pm, and the guests are gathering in the Great Hall of the Imperial Palace for the wedding of Chief Minars Rapak of Seawolf and his princess Holli Doomfire of the Nerathi.
chris107: Hakeem is all polished and clean for a change.
Smon: LOL
DESTROYERBILL: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z
chris107: (We'll get to killing soon, Bill. That will wake you up )
Smon: Hakeem is with his fellow Greywolf leaders in the Great Hall, Dyson Logos the dragon occupying a large chunk of it.
Smon: Word comes that Sarene the Pirate and Shieldbiter the Dragonborn have arrived at Nera!
DESTROYERBILL: its not the weading its i just woke up like 10 min ago
Smon: GM: Shieldbiter you & Sarene dock at the ancient docks of Nera, then make your way to the Palace.
chris107: Hakeem raises an eyebrow Roger Moore style at this news.
Smon: Shieldbiter lands Wyvern on the docks. Leaving your pirates & dragonborn outside with the public throng you enter the palace w Helga & Sarene's deputy.
Smon: Amongst the crowd you see mighty Hakeem, near Kaag Greywolf and Laara Greywolf the Psychic Defender, also Hakeem's mother Gnubis.
Smon: Sarene: "Better face the music..." she whispers to Shieldbiter.
chris107: "Hello, Shieldbiter. How are you?"
Smon: Sarene: "Hi Hakeem! Great news!" She smiles & waves.
DESTROYERBILL: diddnt get much sleep on the boat so im tired
chris107: "Hi Sarene, great to see you. Looking well girl." He winks.
Smon: Sarene grins jauntily. "Baroness Sarene if you please!"
chris107: "Plenty of time to sleep after the wedding."
DESTROYERBILL: i got neww armer
chris107: "Baroness? My you have come up in the world."
chris107: Hakeem admires the splendid new armour. "Adamantine?"
Smon: Sarene: "And this is Count Shieldbiter."
DESTROYERBILL: +1 admantine half plate
chris107: "Very smart."
Smon: Sarene: "We have secured Ahyf for your empire, Lord Hakeem."
DESTROYERBILL: look at my magical adamantime armor
chris107: "Well it seems like you two are doing well for yourselves."
chris107: "Wow. Thanks."
Smon: Sarene: "Yes, we thought it good."
Smon: She looks to Shieldbiter.
chris107: "Have you brought the ashes with you?"
DESTROYERBILL: helga now has +1 plate
Smon: "Ashes? The Ruling Council have been ...eliminated."
chris107: "Lady Helga. You look fine and well in your new armour too."
Smon: Helga: "Thank you milord!"
DESTROYERBILL: yeah the coiuncel is dead bt not ashes
chris107: "Well with both you and Sarene..erm Baroness Sarene let loose I doubt there is much left but ashes?"
Smon: Hakeem you recognise Helga's shiny +1 plate as that of Warlord Briaron.
Smon: Sarene: "Oh no! We were very kind."
chris107: "Looks much better on you Helga."
Smon: "All the Council families, Briaron & his family, were allowed to go into exile."
Smon: "Father Camus is safe."
chris107: "Exile? You're slipping Sarene."
DESTROYERBILL: yeah we only killed the ones who foaghet back
Smon: "All who surrendered were spared.... We did it for you, Lord Hakeem."
chris107: "I'm glad. Father Camus helped Shildbiter and i on my last visit."
DESTROYERBILL: well no one likes somone killing the preist sooo
chris107: "And I am proud of you both!" He gives them both a big hug for their splendid work.
Smon: Sarene looks surprised at the hug. "Oof!" she smiles.
chris107: "Too long had Ayhf been a stain on the Ghinarian Coast. Now we are united!"
Smon: "We have raised soldiers from Ahyf to help the war - Steelclaw is with them at Cahli."
Smon: Sarene: "Our thoughts exactly!"
chris107: "This is excellent news. The Warbringer will be on us soon enough."
Smon: "After we beat Nerath we thought we'd deal with those nasty pirates down south..."
DESTROYERBILL: we suford no losses but a few woinded
chris107: "But today you have arrived at an auspicious time. For Minar's Rapak is to marry Hollie Doomfire within the hour!"
chris107: "I am overjoyed that you suffered no losses."
chris107: Hakeem does look interested in the idea of destroying the pirates down south.
Smon: Sarene looks relieved that Hakeem has taken the news so well.
chris107: "Aye, Shieldbiter. The Old Snakes daughter. She aided us, well saved us really when we faught with the Gnomes."
DESTROYERBILL: dragonborn are not allowed to say that word becouse it destroyed are empire
DESTROYERBILL: i do not dout she is kind
chris107: Hakeem apologises. He did not know of this custom.
DESTROYERBILL: but i will never speak her last name again
Smon: You see Chief Minars enter the hall with Ernsorn Blue, resplendent in his white wolf-cloak.
Smon: Then Altanian horns sound and the fair Holli enters, escorted by Altanian soldiers, in a white silk dress, veiled but revealing in the Altani fashion.
Smon: Ernsorn Blue: "Dear friends, we are gathered together today to witness the marriage..."
Smon: He's using Nerathi stylings, the assembled Altani listen with interest.
chris107: Hakeem too...
DESTROYERBILL: ready actoin close ears when it comes to holli last name
chris107: He watches Anna Bronze with interest too.
Smon: "...Of Chief Minars Rapak, War-Chief of the Altani, and the Princess Holli of Nerath..."
Smon: Lady Bronze is watching with studied interest.
Smon: "Do you, Minars, take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?"
Smon: "I do."
Smon: Do you, Holli, take this man to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, to honour and obey, till death do you part?"
Smon: Holli's small voice is quiet in the great hall, but determined: "I do"
Smon: "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the Bride."
chris107: "Yay!"
Smon: Minars raises Holli's veil and kisses his wife.
Smon: The crowd cheer enthusiastically.
Smon: Minars first wife Lina and daughter Valyara look on scowling & silent.
Smon: Minars: "And now - LET US FEAST!!!"
chris107: "Yay!"
Smon: GM: The crowd breaks up to go outside, where a great feast is being brought forth.
chris107: (Hakeem wonders when Minars will make his big speach but is pleased that his friend has found genuine happiness with Hollie.)
chris107: (He still goes steady on the booze though, got to keep in shape if you're going to fight a Demi-God)
Smon: GM: The assembled barbarians feast. Sandor & Laurana seem to have made themselves scarce.
chris107: surprise-surprise
DESTROYERBILL: i drink and eat and party
Smon: Towards midnight Anna Bronze approaches Hakeem and suggests he encourage Minars get on with announcing the new empire.
Smon: Anna: "...Before he gets too ...inebriated."
Smon: Shieldbiter teaches Dragonborn dancing to the Altanians.
chris107: Hakeem does so.
chris107: hehe
chris107: That would be a sight to see!
DESTROYERBILL: a step to the right a step to the left jump
DESTROYERBILL: jump then partner flips you while in the air
DESTROYERBILL: you then backflip on to your partners sholders
chris107: "Minars, Ernsorn, the news. Time to tell our people."
chris107: Hakeem is much impressed with the dancing.
Smon: Sarene seems to be a natural at Dragonborn dancing, spinning through the air.
Smon: Most of the Altani tend to end up in drunken heaps.
DESTROYERBILL: then you do a human wheel then start over and tats the most baisc thing in the book
Smon: Minars looks up from cuddling his bride. "News? The new empire?"
chris107: Sarene has always been impressive. (Hakeem would probably have married her if he hadn't met Malenn.)
Smon: CG Hakeem w CE Sarene?
chris107: "Yes, my friend. It is time."
Smon: Minars nods, lurches to his feet. "SILENCE! IT IS TIME!"
chris107: No one said it wouldn't have been an interesting marriage
Smon: The crowd hushes.
chris107: Hakeem stands at his side.
Smon: Shieldbiter backflips, lands on his feet.
Smon: Minars: "Today in this place we declare a new Kingdom!"
Smon: "Altani and Nerathi joined, just as I have joined my love today!"
Smon: Holli smiles bashfully.
Smon: "The Empire of Altan-Nerath!"
Smon: Many still expect Minars to declare himself King.
Smon: Minars: "I have spoken with the Exarch of Bondor, mighty Hakeem, without whom our great victories would have been impossible."
DESTROYERBILL: back flip twice
Smon: "Hakeem's son Hassan will wed Lady Eratha of Hera, to join our peoples again, as it was in the Old Days. One day they will rule as King and Queen. For now, Lord Hakeem shall be King Regent of Altan-Nerath! Bondor!"
Smon: "BONDOR!" yell the happy but started crowd.
Smon: Sarene follows Shieldbiter's backflip.
chris107: "BONDORR!"
chris107: Hakeem draws the sword of his God and holds it aloft, crackling with electrical energy. "BONDORR- BONDORR!"
Smon: Minars takes Hakeem's left hand and raises it, leaving his sword hand free to raise the Sword of Bondor.
Smon: The Altanians scream deliriously.
Smon: Lady Anna Bronze smiles with satisfaction and claps.
chris107: Hakeem is happy to join in.
Smon: Minars whispers to Hakeem: "You should say something, old friend."
DESTROYERBILL: a door of bondoor
chris107: He rises his hands to silence the crowds (eventually)
Smon: The crowd stills.
chris107: "My friends." he begins quietly.
chris107: "Today we see history in the making."
DESTROYERBILL: um everday is histery in the making
chris107: "For it will be here, in the seat of ancient Nerath, that two great peoples will be rejoined."
DESTROYERBILL: with the mighty bondor
Smon: The crowd look at the tipsy Dragonborn.
chris107: "We have battled long and hard to get here. The worst is still ahead of us."
chris107: "But together we will triumph."
Smon: "Yaaay!"
chris107: "Together we shalldestroy the Black Sun."
Smon: "Yaay!"
DESTROYERBILL: raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
chris107: "I shall destroy the Warbringer."
Smon: "Yaay! BONDORR!! BONDORR!!""
DESTROYERBILL: well good luck
chris107: "And together we will build an empire that will last a thousand years."
Smon: Minars claps a fatherly hand on Hakeem's shoulder.
chris107: "FOR WE ARE HEROES!"
DESTROYERBILL: so not a thousand and 1 years
Smon: Anna claps loudly at the Thousand Year Empire.
chris107: He knows when to leave them to it. Let the party continue far into the night
DESTROYERBILL: so ints not goin to last a single second after a thousened year empire
Smon: The crowd applaud enthusiastically, apparently all enmity to Nerath forgotten.
Smon: Minars Rapak smiles with satisfaction.
chris107: It may not even get started Bill. There is still the little matter of Kainos and the knights of Neo-Nerath to take into account.
Smon: He talks quietly to Hakeem as the applause dies down and the crowd return to feasting.
chris107: But you got to tell the people something that they can latch onto.
Smon: "Well done, friend. They will follow you. I hope the Nerathi will do the same ...?"
Smon: Anna: "But of course, Chief Minars."
chris107: "Thank you, Minars."
chris107: "Thank you, Anna."
chris107: "We have much to set in motion now that the declaration has been made. And little time before war is upon us."
Smon: Sarene: "So, looks great! Did I mention Shieldbiter here is now Count of the North? Clear Meadows, Ahyf, and Trade."
chris107: "I rely on you Anna to get this news back to your family."
chris107: "I am pleased for you my friend. I hope we can count on your support in the forthcoming war?"
Smon: Anna nods. "I'll need an escort back to Hara."
Smon: Sarene: "As Baroness of Ahyf I pledge allegiance to the new Empire!"
chris107: "Of course. Perhaps Prince Sandor and Lord Dyson along with an honour guard?"
DESTROYERBILL: ill wach you battle and kill the war bringer
chris107: "Thank you Sarene."
Smon: Anna nods, glancing over to where Dyson is draining vats of mead dry. "Thank you, Regent Hakeem."
chris107: "Thanks Count Shieldbiter."
DESTROYERBILL: your welcome
chris107: "I guess we should go speak with the mighty Dyson? See what he thinks."
Smon: Anna: "Are you coming with us Hakeem? The Warbringer may not be long, we could use you with us."
Smon: Dyson the Gargantuan brass dragon looks up from his feast. "Hello Shieldbiter! Looking good young man."
chris107: "I have Clanmoot business to attend to Lady Anna. But I will be with you very soon."
Smon: The dragon belches a vast ale-fumed cloud. "Sorry."
Smon: Anna nods. "I see. Thank you milord."
Smon: The star gem shines brightly in Dyson's chest. "Your brother Drakonok is a very fine fellow!" he says in Draconic.
chris107: "I guess you heard, Dyson?"
Smon: Dyson nods. "I heard the speeches."
Smon: Shieldbiter is talking in Draconic.
Smon: (Ingrid coming v soon)
chris107: "And what do you think? It was you and Erathis who lit the fires all those years ago after all."
chris107: (Okay, we stopping soon then?)
Smon: Dyson: "Well, all seems fair enough I suppose. These Black Sun seem bad fellows. I'd like to see Nera restored."
Smon: He seems a bit uncertain.
chris107: "You are troubled?"
Smon: (yes better stop when she arrives)
DESTROYERBILL: but not yet
Smon: Dyson: "It's all a lot to take in... I was sleeping a long time."
chris107: (No probs, another step closer to the climax)
Smon: "I hope... I hope the empire will be a true partnership of equals."
chris107: "Peace between Nerathi and Altan. Nerath restored. Evil Necromancers foiled. A great empire born..."
Smon: He glances over at the slender girl Holli in the arms of her massive husband Chief Minars.
DESTROYERBILL: Dyson dont be woried in Draconic
chris107: "That is my hope too Lord Dyson."
Smon: CHA check Shieldb
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 2, (+5) = 7
Smon: (no effect)
chris107: "I want Eratha and Hassan to inherit an empire worth rulling. An empire fair to all it's citizens."
Smon: Dyson nods. "Perhaps I will need to stay around a while, make sure everything is on the right course."
chris107: "And I will work hard to give them that."
Smon: Anna nods, touching hand to Dyson's brassy scales.
Smon: Anna: "We all want the same thing Lord Dyson. We can trust Hakeem."
chris107: "I would appreciate your staying around gratly!" Hakeem is genuinely happy at this news
Smon: Hakeem roll WIS check
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 16, (+6) = 22
Smon: Hakeem suspects Dyson wants to stick around at least partly to keep an eye on Hakeem & balance him out in the new empire.
Smon: Dyson: "Yes... We must work together, you and I."
chris107: Hakeem has no problems with that
chris107: He really does want to build a land fit for heroes.
DESTROYERBILL: my new armor prevets crits
chris107: It is very kewl armour Bill.
Smon: Anna: "Your armour is VERY fine Lord Shieldbiter!"
chris107: Espcially at this level where Crits are very nasty!
Smon: Anna: "Was that the armour of the Captain of Ahyf's guard? I recall when it was forged."
Smon: Sarene nods. "Steelclaw took it off him."
chris107: "And now Ahyf has a proper leader!"
Smon: Anna: "Is ...Calpurnia... Warlord Briaron's wife ....?"
Smon: Sarene: "Calpurnia lives. Briaron too."
Smon: Sarene: "Yes! There'll be great changes in Ahyf!" She grins.
chris107: "Imperial navies need admirals..."
Smon: Sarene: "Yes! We're going to build a fleet."
chris107: "There are a lot of pirates out there you know?"
Smon: "Take out all those nasty pirate bases down to the Fingers of Oricha."
Smon: Sarene grins. "The Blackarrow, then the Amiodel Elves at Ludgates..."
Smon: "Maybe even go north, deal with the Skandiks at Ossary. Helga could be Queen of Ossary!"
Smon: Helga blushes. "Lady Sarene, 'tis but a fancy..."
chris107: "An imperial admiral would have her work cut out for many years. And would no doubt grow horridly rich..."
Smon: Sarene salutes jauntily.
Smon: "Vast wealth, for me, my Count and my King-Regent!"
DESTROYERBILL: well thats y plan take the pirats storm the kingdom but will need your hellp hakeem afer this war ringer shananagins is over
chris107: "So, Count Shieldbiter. What are your plans for your new realm?"
Smon: Anna: "There is certainly much ...good... work to do."
DESTROYERBILL: expand in to pirat bases kinddoms all that stuff
chris107: (I fear Hakeems adventuring days will be over with the fall of Kainos, Bill. It will be up to the rest of you to take things forward.)
chris107: (Prince-Regents have a lot of stuff to do.)
Smon: Anna: "Even a Prince-Regent will need advisers my lord..."
chris107: (He has an empire to build, lots of dull parties and letter writing. No time for fun )
Smon: "I'm sure my brother would be happy to stand vassal in your stead while you brought the light of justice to the benighted corners of the earth."
Smon: OOC I'm assuming Hakeem said something similar IC
chris107: "I will indeed, Anna Bronze." He smiles warmly at her (secretly thinking her mother will make a fine advisor )
chris107: OOC - no he keeps it under his hat. Lord Bronze is a scoundral!)
Smon: Hakeem can make WIS check
chris107: Hakeem has every intention of building something great.
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 7, (+6) = 13
Smon: GM: Despite her reference to Namelin, it seems clear Anna would like a position as a vizier in Hakeem's court.
chris107: OOC -If Ursa survives the war he will be a great fun PC. If not, perhaps Simon will let me bring in another PC to fill Hakeem's adventuring roll?
Smon: Yeah sure either is good.
chris107: OOC Anna seems capable, even though the Bronzes switched sides. I thinkl she would make a fine advisor. But her mother would be extraordinary!
Smon: OOC Chris do you OOC want to retire Hakeem after the war?
Smon: Indeed yes
chris107: OOC - at least until the empire stuff is safe Simon. I'd like to get him to 20 though
Smon: GM: The drinking and feasting goes on long into the night.
chris107: As you mentiuoned, Altani retain their verility long into their 60's. He has time to adventure when Hassan takes the throne in his own right. And it will be fun doing diplomatic stuff with him
Smon: GM: OK will stop there for now
Friday, 18 August 2017
Thursday, 10 August 2017
Level 3, 3/3/47 to 2pm - West to Temple of Belarus (300 XP)
Lvl 3 XP 1820/2700
Zagaar, Mordred & Sandro
With Brionny Fortin, Alces smith brothers. Lucretia Alamsor kidnapped (again)
Met Maegladher, Elf Ranger of the Grove of the Dawn, plus fought 2 of Bolfi's dwarves.
7:05pm 2017-8-10 Smon Has entered the room
7:13pm 2017-8-10 chris107 Has entered the room
7:14pm 2017-8-10 Prince Skylio Has entered the room
Smon: Hello boys
Prince Skylio: Helloooooo
chris107: Evening Simon
Smon: (I'm in a good mood, my ex has found someone and we're wishing each other well for the future)
Prince Skylio: Glad to hear it
chris107: Good news
chris107: Will Fergus be joining us?
Smon: About 8 minutes ago she messaged me " I hope you find someone good for you and good to Bill." so after years of misery I am just calming down a bit right now. I believe Fergus is in v late tonight
chris107: That's smashing Simon.
Smon: Oh BTW if you ever want a play by post that's less hectic than White Star, my friend Roxy has just started a 1e AD&D game on Dragonsfoot set in the Forgotten Realms.
chris107: Cool, what's it called?
Smon: I have a cool Pirate Viking Ranger
Smon: Faerun Adventures
chris107: I'll take a look.
Smon: My PC - http://smonstats.blogspot.co.uk/2017/08/rexx-vartal-of-luskan-1e-roxy-game.html
Smon: Game forum - http://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=117
Smon: Subaltari & Steve are playing
chris107: Twin hand axes! Loving it
Smon: I do less damage esp vs Large critters but with +7 dmg at 1st level I can live with that
chris107: yup
chris107: I'll ask to join.
Smon: AWESOME Give Roxy/amazonbanshee a PM and say I sent you.
Smon: Ask to join at the Inn.
chris107: will do.
chris107: 4d6?
Smon: Yeah, check w her, it was either in order or select, I think she gives a choice of several rolls.
Smon: I rem I got a nat 18 on first roll
chris107: nice
Smon: I just PM'd her "my very cool Yorkshire friend Chris wants to join your game!"
Smon: So she'll expect you.
Smon: Maybe you could play a third Ranger, someone Rexx already knows?
Smon: 16 hp at level 1 not to be sneezed at, Roxy is not a pushover GM
Smon: (We get max hp at 1st, just as well - already met a Treant (friendly) and 4 2d8-dmg bugbears...
chris107: PM sent
chris107: Cripes!
chris107: Seems like ages since Zagaar and Mordred were out.
Smon: Having trouble finding the last session with mighty Zagaar and his little friend Mordred...
chris107: hehe
Smon: Got it - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2017/07/level-3-zagaar-finds-sentient-female.html
Smon: Just under a month ago!
Prince Skylio: ah yes now i remember
chris107: We were setting off on some quest of sandro's?
Prince Skylio: i was quite drunk during the last session
Smon: Sandro wants to deliver his stick to the Temple-Tomb of Belaras.
chris107: Ah, yes.
Smon: Zagaar appeared to be fairly inebriated. He woke up with the fattest girl in Bratanis.
chris107: Mordred takes spiteful pleasure in this.
chris107: If they had camera phones he would be posting a picture of Zagaar and his pig on Instagram
Smon: Seems to me you could either return to the Sunken Citadel south of Bratanis, or start west for the Temple-Tomb, maybe stop off at the Ancient Academy dungeon by Sky God Idol to hunt some goblins?
Smon: They kicked your butts last time of course...
chris107: Well we did say we would help Sandro..
Prince Skylio: Temple-Tomb for me
Smon: At least it wasn't a literal pig, for Zagaar that's progress...
chris107: hehe
Smon: ok
Prince Skylio: Can I take my new girlfriend along as a human shield
Smon: lemme dig out notes 2 mins
chris107: "You don't even remember her name?"
Smon: no, she belongs to Lady Thuvia
chris107: "Perhaps you could buy her? Hope she's not worth her weight in gold."
Smon: Berta 'the Fat' is sorry to see Zagaar go.
Prince Skylio: "hey mordred smell my fingers"
chris107: Mordred beats a hasty retreat "You animal!"
Smon: >>3/3/47 Zagaar awakens this time in his room at the inn, to a sound like thunder... Berta is beside him, snoring contentedly. Smon: Well, it has to beat sheep, right? chris107: You think? Prince Skylio: Zagaar has no regrets. Smon: That seems a good place to stop. Are you planning to head west to the Temple of Belaras now? Smon: Deliver the stick? chris107: Yup, Sandro's stick needs delivering. Happy to help Prince Skylio: Zagaar delivered the stick the previous night Prince Skylio: But in all seriousness yes<<
Prince Skylio: "farewell berta"
Smon: (GM OOC you're about 2 weeks behind Hakeem in the timeline, chris)
Smon: Berta waves Zagaar goodbye. "Farewell, my Prince!"
chris107: (Ah okay.)
chris107: Mordred wretches
Smon: She takes a disconsolate bite from the wilted cabbage at her breast.
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 4,
Prince Skylio: "her cabbage tasted better"
Smon: The sky is grey, overcast, but the rain is holding off for now as you set off west on the long hill hike to the greatest tourist trap in all the Ghinarian Hills...
chris107: Mordred is looking forward to the cultural experience.
Prince Skylio: Z is indifferent
Smon: Sandro: "I have to pass this staff on to Larsonos, High Priest of Mitra at the Temple..."
Smon: /roll d20
chris107: "Then let us make haste!"
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 17,
chris107: Mordred releases the owl.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
chris107: "Warn me of any dangers you see, my lovely!"
Prince Skylio: Z shakes his head in disbelief
Smon: You have walked a little over 5 miles, half way to the Sky God Idol now visible on the distant bluffs, when the owl (Misha?) warns Mordred of a stranger on the road ahead.
chris107: Misha is Polgara II, yes.
chris107: "Halt you great oaf. There is a stranger ahead."
Smon: You're going to rename it every time a goblin shoots it, ok.
Prince Skylio: "A poacher hopefully"
Smon: Sandro melts off the roadway into the bushes.
chris107: Mordred ignores the surly brute.
Prince Skylio: Z joins Sandro in the bushes
Smon: A figure emerges from the trees, in travel-stained studded leather, green cape. His ears are pointed - an Elf!
Smon: About his feet gambols an enormous rat!
Smon: ok make Stealth rolls DEX+Prof
chris107: Misha is summoned back and slips up Mordred's wizards sleeve out of harms way.
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 5, (+1) = 6
chris107: "Good morning, Elf."
Smon: The Elf stops, nods. "Good morning, Avalonian. I am Maegladher."
chris107: "Excuse my oafish friends."
Smon: He nods. "Yon half orc in the bushes is a little noisy."
Prince Skylio: Z points at the rat. "Are you going to eat that?"
Prince Skylio: after removing himself from the bush
Smon: The elf shakes his head. "Nay. Galadan is my Animal Companion."
chris107: "Nice to meet you Maegladher. I am Mordred midwinter. That is a fine rat you have there."
Smon: The giant rat twitches its nose approvingly at Mordred.
Prince Skylio: "where'd you pick him up"
Smon: "He came to me, in the Sacred Rituals of Bonding at the Grove of the Rising Sun, as dawn broke over the Eastern Sea."
chris107: "You are a Druid?"
Smon: "Filmathiel herself led the ceremony!"
Prince Skylio: "Ah, okay." Z fantasizes about succulent rat soup
Smon: "Nay, a Ranger Scout, in service to Kambdum Domnavrente, King of Diancecht."
Smon: "The King has tasked me to venture North, to gather news of these lands. There are rumours of war. The warlord Hakeem came to our city, questing for the fiery swords of Bondor! They say the Black Sun is on the march."
chris107: "A land unfamiliar to me. Where are you heading?"
chris107: "I am new here. I have heard of some ruffian or other mobalising the peasants."
Smon: "I am heading east, to Bratanis and to Selatine. They say there is turmoil in Thracia, the ancient dungeon city north of Selatine. The lizardmen have travelled north with Shieldbiter the Dragonborn."
Smon: "Great things are afoot!" He smiles.
chris107: "It is a strange land."
Smon: The Elf shrugs. "Strange, but beautiful in its way."
chris107: "I would suggest you beware of a predatory hag by the name of berta when you pass through Bratanis."
Prince Skylio: "like me" Z grins
Prince Skylio: "Don't speak about Berta like that you owl-molesting simpleton"
chris107: "Any warnings for the road ahead? We are heading for the Temple Tomb of Beleras."
Smon: "A hag?" The Elf pales, hand to sword hilt. "Such foulness must be opposed!"
chris107: "Sorry, I meant SLAG."
Smon: Maegladher nods. "Indeed. Brigand trash, the refuse of Yusan's army, lurk in the ruins beneath Sky God Idol. Pilgrims have been robbed and assaulted."
Prince Skylio: "She is no hag, Elf" Z furrows his brow.
chris107: "This is bad news, we will try to clear the place of such low folk if we get chance after our mission."
Smon: Maegladher looks uncertainly at the squabbling duo. His skin has the reddish tone of the Southern elves.
Smon: He nods. "Best of fortune with you, friends. You may find me in Selatine, I hear there is an excellent Inn..."
chris107: "I wish you well."
chris107: "Come, Orc. We have important stuff to do."
Smon: "Or if you should ever come south, seek the Rangers of my Captain, Anewein - you will find me in her service."
Smon: "For now, farewell!"
chris107: "Farewell!"
Smon: Maegladher slaps fist to chest in salute, then turns and jogs off down the trail, his rat following.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
chris107: When he is out of sight, Mordred will turn to his companion. "Must you embarrass me in front of everyone we meet?"
Smon: You continue west. Another 5 miles' hike brings you to the Sky God Idol about lunchtime.
chris107: He releases the owl once more.
Smon: Sandro makes some crack about Ralluan reality-theatrical entertainment you don't understand.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
chris107: Mordred frets about the low company he finds himself in.
Prince Skylio: "Yes Mordred. The journeys are long and wearsome and mocking your pet is my main source of pleasure."
Smon: Your path brings you close to the eastern tunnel entrance in the cliffs south of the Idol.
Smon: Indeed there are recent tracks in the muddy greensward.
chris107: "Sandro, do you know where you are going?"
chris107: "I wonder if this is where the brigands hole up? You want to take a look?"
Smon: Sandro nods. "Aye, they say another 24 miles to the Temple-Tomb of Belaras - should be there noon tomorrow..."
Smon: Sandro shrugs. "As you will."
Smon: OOC I'll play him as necessary, he'll go third.
Prince Skylio: "Yes Mordred, and your owl is a beautiful creature. Not at all silly."
Smon: You look up at the vast weathered form, the wings spread wide, the face long obscured by age and decay...
Prince Skylio: ooc SOMEONE got hold of the laptop
chris107: Mordred approaches the tunnels, casting a light cantrip on The Verminator.
chris107: "Illuminate our path!"
Smon: The tunnel goes west about 20' then turns north.
chris107: oops, I'll just grab a pencil
Smon: Mordred has a strange sense of deja vu, as if he'd trod this path before in another life...
Smon: OOC Hakeem went in this way a while back
chris107: he did
chris107: met the travelling adventurers
chris107: who told him of the goings on in Thracia?
Smon: yup
chris107: Mordred prods at Zagaar to get going.
Prince Skylio: "okay okay"
Prince Skylio: Z heads forwards
Prince Skylio: "The Verminator is glowing. That means rats are nearby" Z smiles proudly
chris107: Mordred smiles
Smon: GM After 10' you come to a n side passage, but the muddy tracks continue w past a door in the n wall.
chris107: and follows the foolish Orc around the corner.
Smon: The door has Ghinarian writing on a plate: "Study - students forbidden"
chris107: "Follow those tracks."
chris107: "Or look beyond that door?"
Prince Skylio: "I think we should stick to the tracks."
Smon: 30' past the study a second side passage leads off n, an open door opposite in the s wall. The study door is unlocked, do you open it?
chris107: Mordred will peak inside as they pass.
Smon: Mordred opens the door - his vision takes in rows of tomes of occult lore, many more tomes on pond ecology...
Smon: Make an INT+Prof Arcana check.
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 14, (+5) = 19
Smon: And on the topmost shelf opposite, the legendary Septimus Severian, a spellbook of great puissance. That's what the spine says, anyway.
chris107: "This will be of no interest to you Zagaar. These things are called books."
chris107: Greedy Mordred will try and get the magical spell book.
Prince Skylio: Zagaar frowns and picks one up before stashing it away. "Toilet paper for the road" he winks
Smon: Zagaar grabs the nearest, a moldy tome on pond drainage & flow regulation.
chris107: "Philistine." tuts Mordred.
Smon: Mordred reaches up lightly and plucks down the ancient tome, the fine scaled leather binding is still good.
Smon: Dragonhide?
chris107: Can he tell?
Smon: Tell what?
chris107: if it is Dragonhide
Smon: It's scaly, emerald-green - green dragon or a lesser drake maybe?
Smon: Are you opening it?
chris107: "Mordred bring the Verminator over here. I need the light to see what I have."
Prince Skylio: Z shines the light of the Verminator over Mordred's stupid book
chris107: He will inspect it later, knowing that wizards of old would often protect their spell books with magical traps."
chris107: "Thank you."
chris107: He stores the precious book away in his pack to gloat over later.
Smon: Definitely says on the cover "Septimus Severian - Enchantments of the 7 Ranks of Magicke"
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: lol
Smon: always the way
Smon: first check!
Smon: /roll d4
Smon rolls 1d4 and gets: 4,
Smon: "What ye have there, friends?"
Smon: /roll d4
Smon rolls 1d4 and gets: 2,
Smon: You turn to see 2 chain-armoured Dwarves regarding you from the doorway.
chris107: "Hello, Dwarves."
Smon: Bolfi's people - you dimly recognise them.
Smon: "Found something good, did ye?"
Smon: The tone isn't particularly friendly.
chris107: "How is Bolfi?"
chris107: "Nothing that would be of interest to Dwarves, I assure you."
Smon: "He's good - took a goblin cut few days back, still healin' up. We've routed most of the wee buggers, now."
chris107: "Excellent news."
Smon: The dwarf raises a bristly eyebrow. "Aye? Well this is all our stuff now, by Ancient Right of Possession. Seein' as yer mates ye can buy those two books offae us..."
chris107: "Outrageous! After we slew Goblins with Bolfi?"
chris107: "Out of the question my good Dwarf."
Smon: The dwarf strokes his beard. "Aye. What am I bid fer them fine tomes?"
Smon: The other dwarf hefts his axe with a dangerous look.
chris107: "I really wouldn't do that my friend." He thumbs towards the hulking Orc behind him.
chris107: "He gets nervous around axes."
Prince Skylio: "Seriously. You're like 3 feet tall. Piss off."
chris107: "Good advise."
Smon: Make CHA+Prof Intimidate checks, one of you needs 15+.
chris107 rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 1, (+2) = 3
chris107: Oops
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
Smon: LOL
Prince Skylio: omg
chris107: We are not very impressive
Prince Skylio: (have i just pissed my pants)
Smon: The dwarves growl, raise axes and heft shields.
Smon: "Your funeral..."
Smon: They close in.
Smon: roll init!
chris107: Mordred whips out his slim sword.
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 12, (+3) = 15
Prince Skylio: Z prepares the Verminator for imminent midget pulverization
Smon: They are heavily armoured in stout chain & shield, wielding gleaming axes.
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 12, (+1) = 13
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20-1 and gets: 8, (-1) = 7
chris107: (Shield spell, I cast as a reaction to been hit?)
Smon: OK Mordred then the Dwarfs.
Smon: yup
Smon: 1 vs each of you
chris107: Action surge, 2 attacks
Smon: Mordred vs the talky dwarf
chris107 Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
2 (+5) = 7
12 (+5) = 17
Smon: AC 18
Smon: His shield rim deflects a good stab at his eyes.
chris107: Mordred is AC20?
Smon: He ripostes...
Smon: I only have lvl 1 Mordred linked, AC 18 w shield - http://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=70130&p=1847271#p1846531
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 3, (+4) = 7
Smon: Mordred parries.
Smon: The second comes at Zagaar:
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 3, (+4) = 7
Smon: Also easily parried.
Smon: Zagaar's turn
Prince Skylio: (AC 16 for ref)
chris107: Ah, yes. His 16 Dex doesn't count in heavy armour
Smon: ok thx kyle
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 5, (+6) = 11
Smon: Dwarves would be AC 19 too so just as well no DEX
chris107: phew
Smon: action surge?
Prince Skylio: yes
Smon: ok 2nd attack
Prince Skylio rolls 2d1+6 and gets: 1, 1 (+6) = 8
Smon: d20
Prince Skylio: oops
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 1, (+6) = 7
Prince Skylio: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Smon: You scrabble inconclusively at each other.
Smon: Round 2 - Mordred
chris107: Mordred action surges again
Smon: "Ye seem affy keen tae die fer some books!"
chris107 Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
13 (+5) = 18
13 (+5) = 18
Smon: ouch
chris107 rolls 2d8+10 and gets: 8, 2, (+10) = 20
Smon: Mordred's bright blade evades shield, pierces chain.
Smon: The dwarf falls, pierced to the vittles.
chris107: "I should bugger off if I were you!"
Smon: Morded wheels and stabs the second for 7 dmg.
Smon: The one on the ground writhes in pain. "Ah!"
Prince Skylio: "nicely done"
chris107: "Thanks."
Smon: His companion steps back, bleeding. He speaks: "Okay! Ye may have yer damn books! Let me take my friend."
Smon: "I'm a-dyin!" moans the one on the ground.
chris107: "Of course. We are not Goblins. Sorry it had to come to this."
Smon: GM: The second dwarf grabs his comrade by the neck guard, hauling him back into the corridor.
Prince Skylio: "Maybe we'll meet again under different circumstances. It is a SMALL world after all"
Smon: LOL
Prince Skylio: "now get out"
Smon: GM 100 xp each
chris107: Mordred grins at Zagaars clever quip.
Smon: The wounded dwarf drags his comrade away.
chris107: "I think we should get out of here. dwarves are famous for seeking revenge."
Smon: West - the way you were going.
Prince Skylio: "Revenge? They should be greatful that I didn't cave their skulls in"
chris107: "There were a lot of them I seem to remember..."
chris107: Quick search for other goodies in the room then back out?
chris107: (We have to finish around10 by the way, early start in the morning )
Smon: GM: You scan the titles - numerous mildewed works on occult lore, some mildly interesting astrology, lots about pond ecology, newts & such.
Smon: Nothing particularly valuable.
Prince Skylio: "let's grab anything important and scarper then"
Smon: Mordred can make an INT check.
chris107: "Then lets get sandro's stick delivered and I can get a proper look at this book."
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 2, (+5) = 7
Smon: He doesn't see anything worth much.
Smon: You head out.
Smon: Back out in what is now intermittent sunlight breaking through the clouds.
Smon: You resume the journey west, but have only travelled an hour - about 3 miles - to about 2pm, when the owl reports three figures approaching.
Smon: 1 female, 2 male.
chris107: "Thank you, Misha."
Prince Skylio: "mordred how does that owl tell you things exactly"
Smon: Sandro: "Magic!"
chris107: Mordred informs his chums of this. "Do you want to go play in the uundergrowth again?"
Smon: Sandro shrugs and slips into the bushes, he likes showing off.
chris107: "You wouldn't understand Zagaar. A low fellow like you could not begin to grasp even the rudiments of the magical knowledge at my fingertips."
Smon: An oddly garbed woman comes round the bend at a good pace, looking around her. She looks worried. http://img.escapade.co.uk/SALEHIRE/Large/551319XS1.jpg
Prince Skylio: "Your best friend is a fucking bird."
Smon: Behind her are two heavy set men in studded armour, carrying big hammers.
Prince Skylio: "why hello there"
Smon: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4d/99/94/4d99941e1117b613fca2de1f3f6ccb56.jpg
chris107: "Good afternoon madam.
Smon: http://web-vassets.ea.com/Assets/Richmedia/Image/Screenshots/The-Sims-Medieval-Male-Blacksmith_656x369.jpg?cb=1315963609
Smon: They stop and regard you. The woman looks nervous.
Smon: "H-hullo there. You wouldn't happen to have seen a blonde-haired noble lady being carried off by brigands?"
Prince Skylio: "so which one is your boyfriend madam. If your answer is 'neither' - Hi, I'm Zagaar"
Smon: The men - they look like smiths - regard you suspiciously.
Smon: Zagaar can attempt a CHA roll.
Smon: bet it's a 2
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20 and gets: 6,
Prince Skylio: (back to Berta's arms it would seem)
chris107: "I'm afraid not. A friend of yours? Please forgive my friend, he is simple."
Smon: She crosses her arms. "They're not my boyfriends - these are the Alces brothers, smiths and great warriors. I am Brionny Fortin, assistant to the Lady Lucretia Alamsor."
Prince Skylio: "Hmpf whatever. Well gentlemen I wish you good fortune in murdering this slut. Have a good day."
Smon: Brionny nods. "The Lady disappeared from our Pilgrims' camp last night. Tracks led in this direction..."
chris107: "Perhaps we could assist you in your search?"
Smon: Brionny looks at Zagaar, eyes wide, takes a step back.
chris107: Mordred dies a little inside.
Smon: The men growl and move in front of her protectively.
Prince Skylio: "Sorry it's been a long day"
Prince Skylio: "would you care for some succulent rat steak as a token of apology"
chris107: "I found some muddy footprints..." steps in Mordred desperately
Smon: One of the men speaks up: "Aye? Where?"
chris107: "Perhaps they belong to your lady's captors?"
Smon: Brionny looks at Zagaar: "I don't think I quite understand what you're saying - sorry, I'm Ralluan..."
chris107: "Come, Zagaar, you bafoon. Let's show them."
Smon: The men nod. "Aye - there are rumours of brigands at Sky God Idol again..."
chris107: "Please, follow me. Watch out for dwarves though. They bite."
Smon: Brionny nods to Mordred distractedly. "If you can help us that would be excellent. The Lady is rich, but has a tendency towards getting kidnapped..."
Prince Skylio: "at your ankles"
Smon: "Most of her wealth is at Selatine. Rescue her, I'm sure she'll reward you MOST handsomely!"
chris107: "Why that sounds fabulous."
Prince Skylio: "handjob?"
Prince Skylio: "i mean how far"
chris107: "Lead on Zagaar!"
Smon: Brionny looks to Mordred desperately.
Smon: "Could I speak with you privately, sir?"
Prince Skylio: "lets go!" Z daydreams of his potential wealth
Smon: She gestures toward the bushes.
chris107: "Of course m'lady."
Smon: The smiths move to block Zagaar from following as Brionny & Mordred go out of earshot.
Smon: Brionny looks over at the road, then back to Mordred. "The Orc - is he mad? I said nothing to arouse his wrath..."
chris107: "He means well m'lady. however he has taken many blows to the head. It has left him little better than an animal. he is useful to have around however, just for squishing our enemies. I assure you he will do you no harm."
Smon: She nods. "I can tell you have the look of a warrior, good sir. The Alces brothers are sturdy and brave, but they are not Warriors - Lady Vex of Selatine lent them to Lady Lucretia as guards for the pilgrimage. If you can help us..."
Smon: She takes a step towards Morded, eyes wide.
Smon: "I would be MOST grateful..."
chris107: "Why it is my duty as a gentleman to do so."
chris107: He bows floridly
Smon: Brionny bites her bottom lip, nods. Smiles as Mordred bows.
Smon: "You ARE a true gentleman, sir! I know you will save my Lady!"
chris107: And that's our time up I'm afraid
Smon: good timing
Smon: I like Brionny, always fun.
chris107: Nice session
chris107: Thanks Simon.
Smon: Thanks guys, great as always!
Prince Skylio: Thanks
Smon: Bit of luck vs those dwarves!
chris107: It was fun
Smon: You could have been swinging all night.
Prince Skylio: haha
chris107: No reply from your friend as yet. I'll roll up a character once I hear from her.
Smon: I have next Friday down for next game?
chris107: Yeah, AC is a big thing in 5e.
chris107: That sounds right.
Smon: I have loads of free time so if other days come up can do, but am out next Wed
Zagaar, Mordred & Sandro
With Brionny Fortin, Alces smith brothers. Lucretia Alamsor kidnapped (again)
Met Maegladher, Elf Ranger of the Grove of the Dawn, plus fought 2 of Bolfi's dwarves.
7:05pm 2017-8-10 Smon Has entered the room
7:13pm 2017-8-10 chris107 Has entered the room
7:14pm 2017-8-10 Prince Skylio Has entered the room
Smon: Hello boys
Prince Skylio: Helloooooo
chris107: Evening Simon
Smon: (I'm in a good mood, my ex has found someone and we're wishing each other well for the future)
Prince Skylio: Glad to hear it
chris107: Good news
chris107: Will Fergus be joining us?
Smon: About 8 minutes ago she messaged me " I hope you find someone good for you and good to Bill." so after years of misery I am just calming down a bit right now. I believe Fergus is in v late tonight
chris107: That's smashing Simon.
Smon: Oh BTW if you ever want a play by post that's less hectic than White Star, my friend Roxy has just started a 1e AD&D game on Dragonsfoot set in the Forgotten Realms.
chris107: Cool, what's it called?
Smon: I have a cool Pirate Viking Ranger
Smon: Faerun Adventures
chris107: I'll take a look.
Smon: My PC - http://smonstats.blogspot.co.uk/2017/08/rexx-vartal-of-luskan-1e-roxy-game.html
Smon: Game forum - http://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=117
Smon: Subaltari & Steve are playing
chris107: Twin hand axes! Loving it
Smon: I do less damage esp vs Large critters but with +7 dmg at 1st level I can live with that
chris107: yup
chris107: I'll ask to join.
Smon: AWESOME Give Roxy/amazonbanshee a PM and say I sent you.
Smon: Ask to join at the Inn.
chris107: will do.
chris107: 4d6?
Smon: Yeah, check w her, it was either in order or select, I think she gives a choice of several rolls.
Smon: I rem I got a nat 18 on first roll
chris107: nice
Smon: I just PM'd her "my very cool Yorkshire friend Chris wants to join your game!"
Smon: So she'll expect you.
Smon: Maybe you could play a third Ranger, someone Rexx already knows?
Smon: 16 hp at level 1 not to be sneezed at, Roxy is not a pushover GM
Smon: (We get max hp at 1st, just as well - already met a Treant (friendly) and 4 2d8-dmg bugbears...
chris107: PM sent
chris107: Cripes!
chris107: Seems like ages since Zagaar and Mordred were out.
Smon: Having trouble finding the last session with mighty Zagaar and his little friend Mordred...
chris107: hehe
Smon: Got it - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2017/07/level-3-zagaar-finds-sentient-female.html
Smon: Just under a month ago!
Prince Skylio: ah yes now i remember
chris107: We were setting off on some quest of sandro's?
Prince Skylio: i was quite drunk during the last session
Smon: Sandro wants to deliver his stick to the Temple-Tomb of Belaras.
chris107: Ah, yes.
Smon: Zagaar appeared to be fairly inebriated. He woke up with the fattest girl in Bratanis.
chris107: Mordred takes spiteful pleasure in this.
chris107: If they had camera phones he would be posting a picture of Zagaar and his pig on Instagram
Smon: Seems to me you could either return to the Sunken Citadel south of Bratanis, or start west for the Temple-Tomb, maybe stop off at the Ancient Academy dungeon by Sky God Idol to hunt some goblins?
Smon: They kicked your butts last time of course...
chris107: Well we did say we would help Sandro..
Prince Skylio: Temple-Tomb for me
Smon: At least it wasn't a literal pig, for Zagaar that's progress...
chris107: hehe
Smon: ok
Prince Skylio: Can I take my new girlfriend along as a human shield
Smon: lemme dig out notes 2 mins
chris107: "You don't even remember her name?"
Smon: no, she belongs to Lady Thuvia
chris107: "Perhaps you could buy her? Hope she's not worth her weight in gold."
Smon: Berta 'the Fat' is sorry to see Zagaar go.
Prince Skylio: "hey mordred smell my fingers"
chris107: Mordred beats a hasty retreat "You animal!"
Smon: >>3/3/47 Zagaar awakens this time in his room at the inn, to a sound like thunder... Berta is beside him, snoring contentedly. Smon: Well, it has to beat sheep, right? chris107: You think? Prince Skylio: Zagaar has no regrets. Smon: That seems a good place to stop. Are you planning to head west to the Temple of Belaras now? Smon: Deliver the stick? chris107: Yup, Sandro's stick needs delivering. Happy to help Prince Skylio: Zagaar delivered the stick the previous night Prince Skylio: But in all seriousness yes<<
Prince Skylio: "farewell berta"
Smon: (GM OOC you're about 2 weeks behind Hakeem in the timeline, chris)
Smon: Berta waves Zagaar goodbye. "Farewell, my Prince!"
chris107: (Ah okay.)
chris107: Mordred wretches
Smon: She takes a disconsolate bite from the wilted cabbage at her breast.
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 4,
Prince Skylio: "her cabbage tasted better"
Smon: The sky is grey, overcast, but the rain is holding off for now as you set off west on the long hill hike to the greatest tourist trap in all the Ghinarian Hills...
chris107: Mordred is looking forward to the cultural experience.
Prince Skylio: Z is indifferent
Smon: Sandro: "I have to pass this staff on to Larsonos, High Priest of Mitra at the Temple..."
Smon: /roll d20
chris107: "Then let us make haste!"
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 17,
chris107: Mordred releases the owl.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
chris107: "Warn me of any dangers you see, my lovely!"
Prince Skylio: Z shakes his head in disbelief
Smon: You have walked a little over 5 miles, half way to the Sky God Idol now visible on the distant bluffs, when the owl (Misha?) warns Mordred of a stranger on the road ahead.
chris107: Misha is Polgara II, yes.
chris107: "Halt you great oaf. There is a stranger ahead."
Smon: You're going to rename it every time a goblin shoots it, ok.
Prince Skylio: "A poacher hopefully"
Smon: Sandro melts off the roadway into the bushes.
chris107: Mordred ignores the surly brute.
Prince Skylio: Z joins Sandro in the bushes
Smon: A figure emerges from the trees, in travel-stained studded leather, green cape. His ears are pointed - an Elf!
Smon: About his feet gambols an enormous rat!
Smon: ok make Stealth rolls DEX+Prof
chris107: Misha is summoned back and slips up Mordred's wizards sleeve out of harms way.
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 5, (+1) = 6
chris107: "Good morning, Elf."
Smon: The Elf stops, nods. "Good morning, Avalonian. I am Maegladher."
chris107: "Excuse my oafish friends."
Smon: He nods. "Yon half orc in the bushes is a little noisy."
Prince Skylio: Z points at the rat. "Are you going to eat that?"
Prince Skylio: after removing himself from the bush
Smon: The elf shakes his head. "Nay. Galadan is my Animal Companion."
chris107: "Nice to meet you Maegladher. I am Mordred midwinter. That is a fine rat you have there."
Smon: The giant rat twitches its nose approvingly at Mordred.
Prince Skylio: "where'd you pick him up"
Smon: "He came to me, in the Sacred Rituals of Bonding at the Grove of the Rising Sun, as dawn broke over the Eastern Sea."
chris107: "You are a Druid?"
Smon: "Filmathiel herself led the ceremony!"
Prince Skylio: "Ah, okay." Z fantasizes about succulent rat soup
Smon: "Nay, a Ranger Scout, in service to Kambdum Domnavrente, King of Diancecht."
Smon: "The King has tasked me to venture North, to gather news of these lands. There are rumours of war. The warlord Hakeem came to our city, questing for the fiery swords of Bondor! They say the Black Sun is on the march."
chris107: "A land unfamiliar to me. Where are you heading?"
chris107: "I am new here. I have heard of some ruffian or other mobalising the peasants."
Smon: "I am heading east, to Bratanis and to Selatine. They say there is turmoil in Thracia, the ancient dungeon city north of Selatine. The lizardmen have travelled north with Shieldbiter the Dragonborn."
Smon: "Great things are afoot!" He smiles.
chris107: "It is a strange land."
Smon: The Elf shrugs. "Strange, but beautiful in its way."
chris107: "I would suggest you beware of a predatory hag by the name of berta when you pass through Bratanis."
Prince Skylio: "like me" Z grins
Prince Skylio: "Don't speak about Berta like that you owl-molesting simpleton"
chris107: "Any warnings for the road ahead? We are heading for the Temple Tomb of Beleras."
Smon: "A hag?" The Elf pales, hand to sword hilt. "Such foulness must be opposed!"
chris107: "Sorry, I meant SLAG."
Smon: Maegladher nods. "Indeed. Brigand trash, the refuse of Yusan's army, lurk in the ruins beneath Sky God Idol. Pilgrims have been robbed and assaulted."
Prince Skylio: "She is no hag, Elf" Z furrows his brow.
chris107: "This is bad news, we will try to clear the place of such low folk if we get chance after our mission."
Smon: Maegladher looks uncertainly at the squabbling duo. His skin has the reddish tone of the Southern elves.
Smon: He nods. "Best of fortune with you, friends. You may find me in Selatine, I hear there is an excellent Inn..."
chris107: "I wish you well."
chris107: "Come, Orc. We have important stuff to do."
Smon: "Or if you should ever come south, seek the Rangers of my Captain, Anewein - you will find me in her service."
Smon: "For now, farewell!"
chris107: "Farewell!"
Smon: Maegladher slaps fist to chest in salute, then turns and jogs off down the trail, his rat following.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
chris107: When he is out of sight, Mordred will turn to his companion. "Must you embarrass me in front of everyone we meet?"
Smon: You continue west. Another 5 miles' hike brings you to the Sky God Idol about lunchtime.
chris107: He releases the owl once more.
Smon: Sandro makes some crack about Ralluan reality-theatrical entertainment you don't understand.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
chris107: Mordred frets about the low company he finds himself in.
Prince Skylio: "Yes Mordred. The journeys are long and wearsome and mocking your pet is my main source of pleasure."
Smon: Your path brings you close to the eastern tunnel entrance in the cliffs south of the Idol.
Smon: Indeed there are recent tracks in the muddy greensward.
chris107: "Sandro, do you know where you are going?"
chris107: "I wonder if this is where the brigands hole up? You want to take a look?"
Smon: Sandro nods. "Aye, they say another 24 miles to the Temple-Tomb of Belaras - should be there noon tomorrow..."
Smon: Sandro shrugs. "As you will."
Smon: OOC I'll play him as necessary, he'll go third.
Prince Skylio: "Yes Mordred, and your owl is a beautiful creature. Not at all silly."
Smon: You look up at the vast weathered form, the wings spread wide, the face long obscured by age and decay...
Prince Skylio: ooc SOMEONE got hold of the laptop
chris107: Mordred approaches the tunnels, casting a light cantrip on The Verminator.
chris107: "Illuminate our path!"
Smon: The tunnel goes west about 20' then turns north.
chris107: oops, I'll just grab a pencil
Smon: Mordred has a strange sense of deja vu, as if he'd trod this path before in another life...
Smon: OOC Hakeem went in this way a while back
chris107: he did
chris107: met the travelling adventurers
chris107: who told him of the goings on in Thracia?
Smon: yup
chris107: Mordred prods at Zagaar to get going.
Prince Skylio: "okay okay"
Prince Skylio: Z heads forwards
Prince Skylio: "The Verminator is glowing. That means rats are nearby" Z smiles proudly
chris107: Mordred smiles
Smon: GM After 10' you come to a n side passage, but the muddy tracks continue w past a door in the n wall.
chris107: and follows the foolish Orc around the corner.
Smon: The door has Ghinarian writing on a plate: "Study - students forbidden"
chris107: "Follow those tracks."
chris107: "Or look beyond that door?"
Prince Skylio: "I think we should stick to the tracks."
Smon: 30' past the study a second side passage leads off n, an open door opposite in the s wall. The study door is unlocked, do you open it?
chris107: Mordred will peak inside as they pass.
Smon: Mordred opens the door - his vision takes in rows of tomes of occult lore, many more tomes on pond ecology...
Smon: Make an INT+Prof Arcana check.
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 14, (+5) = 19
Smon: And on the topmost shelf opposite, the legendary Septimus Severian, a spellbook of great puissance. That's what the spine says, anyway.
chris107: "This will be of no interest to you Zagaar. These things are called books."
chris107: Greedy Mordred will try and get the magical spell book.
Prince Skylio: Zagaar frowns and picks one up before stashing it away. "Toilet paper for the road" he winks
Smon: Zagaar grabs the nearest, a moldy tome on pond drainage & flow regulation.
chris107: "Philistine." tuts Mordred.
Smon: Mordred reaches up lightly and plucks down the ancient tome, the fine scaled leather binding is still good.
Smon: Dragonhide?
chris107: Can he tell?
Smon: Tell what?
chris107: if it is Dragonhide
Smon: It's scaly, emerald-green - green dragon or a lesser drake maybe?
Smon: Are you opening it?
chris107: "Mordred bring the Verminator over here. I need the light to see what I have."
Prince Skylio: Z shines the light of the Verminator over Mordred's stupid book
chris107: He will inspect it later, knowing that wizards of old would often protect their spell books with magical traps."
chris107: "Thank you."
chris107: He stores the precious book away in his pack to gloat over later.
Smon: Definitely says on the cover "Septimus Severian - Enchantments of the 7 Ranks of Magicke"
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: lol
Smon: always the way
Smon: first check!
Smon: /roll d4
Smon rolls 1d4 and gets: 4,
Smon: "What ye have there, friends?"
Smon: /roll d4
Smon rolls 1d4 and gets: 2,
Smon: You turn to see 2 chain-armoured Dwarves regarding you from the doorway.
chris107: "Hello, Dwarves."
Smon: Bolfi's people - you dimly recognise them.
Smon: "Found something good, did ye?"
Smon: The tone isn't particularly friendly.
chris107: "How is Bolfi?"
chris107: "Nothing that would be of interest to Dwarves, I assure you."
Smon: "He's good - took a goblin cut few days back, still healin' up. We've routed most of the wee buggers, now."
chris107: "Excellent news."
Smon: The dwarf raises a bristly eyebrow. "Aye? Well this is all our stuff now, by Ancient Right of Possession. Seein' as yer mates ye can buy those two books offae us..."
chris107: "Outrageous! After we slew Goblins with Bolfi?"
chris107: "Out of the question my good Dwarf."
Smon: The dwarf strokes his beard. "Aye. What am I bid fer them fine tomes?"
Smon: The other dwarf hefts his axe with a dangerous look.
chris107: "I really wouldn't do that my friend." He thumbs towards the hulking Orc behind him.
chris107: "He gets nervous around axes."
Prince Skylio: "Seriously. You're like 3 feet tall. Piss off."
chris107: "Good advise."
Smon: Make CHA+Prof Intimidate checks, one of you needs 15+.
chris107 rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 1, (+2) = 3
chris107: Oops
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
Smon: LOL
Prince Skylio: omg
chris107: We are not very impressive
Prince Skylio: (have i just pissed my pants)
Smon: The dwarves growl, raise axes and heft shields.
Smon: "Your funeral..."
Smon: They close in.
Smon: roll init!
chris107: Mordred whips out his slim sword.
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 12, (+3) = 15
Prince Skylio: Z prepares the Verminator for imminent midget pulverization
Smon: They are heavily armoured in stout chain & shield, wielding gleaming axes.
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 12, (+1) = 13
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20-1 and gets: 8, (-1) = 7
chris107: (Shield spell, I cast as a reaction to been hit?)
Smon: OK Mordred then the Dwarfs.
Smon: yup
Smon: 1 vs each of you
chris107: Action surge, 2 attacks
Smon: Mordred vs the talky dwarf
chris107 Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
2 (+5) = 7
12 (+5) = 17
Smon: AC 18
Smon: His shield rim deflects a good stab at his eyes.
chris107: Mordred is AC20?
Smon: He ripostes...
Smon: I only have lvl 1 Mordred linked, AC 18 w shield - http://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=70130&p=1847271#p1846531
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 3, (+4) = 7
Smon: Mordred parries.
Smon: The second comes at Zagaar:
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 3, (+4) = 7
Smon: Also easily parried.
Smon: Zagaar's turn
Prince Skylio: (AC 16 for ref)
chris107: Ah, yes. His 16 Dex doesn't count in heavy armour
Smon: ok thx kyle
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 5, (+6) = 11
Smon: Dwarves would be AC 19 too so just as well no DEX
chris107: phew
Smon: action surge?
Prince Skylio: yes
Smon: ok 2nd attack
Prince Skylio rolls 2d1+6 and gets: 1, 1 (+6) = 8
Smon: d20
Prince Skylio: oops
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 1, (+6) = 7
Prince Skylio: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Smon: You scrabble inconclusively at each other.
Smon: Round 2 - Mordred
chris107: Mordred action surges again
Smon: "Ye seem affy keen tae die fer some books!"
chris107 Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
13 (+5) = 18
13 (+5) = 18
Smon: ouch
chris107 rolls 2d8+10 and gets: 8, 2, (+10) = 20
Smon: Mordred's bright blade evades shield, pierces chain.
Smon: The dwarf falls, pierced to the vittles.
chris107: "I should bugger off if I were you!"
Smon: Morded wheels and stabs the second for 7 dmg.
Smon: The one on the ground writhes in pain. "Ah!"
Prince Skylio: "nicely done"
chris107: "Thanks."
Smon: His companion steps back, bleeding. He speaks: "Okay! Ye may have yer damn books! Let me take my friend."
Smon: "I'm a-dyin!" moans the one on the ground.
chris107: "Of course. We are not Goblins. Sorry it had to come to this."
Smon: GM: The second dwarf grabs his comrade by the neck guard, hauling him back into the corridor.
Prince Skylio: "Maybe we'll meet again under different circumstances. It is a SMALL world after all"
Smon: LOL
Prince Skylio: "now get out"
Smon: GM 100 xp each
chris107: Mordred grins at Zagaars clever quip.
Smon: The wounded dwarf drags his comrade away.
chris107: "I think we should get out of here. dwarves are famous for seeking revenge."
Smon: West - the way you were going.
Prince Skylio: "Revenge? They should be greatful that I didn't cave their skulls in"
chris107: "There were a lot of them I seem to remember..."
chris107: Quick search for other goodies in the room then back out?
chris107: (We have to finish around10 by the way, early start in the morning )
Smon: GM: You scan the titles - numerous mildewed works on occult lore, some mildly interesting astrology, lots about pond ecology, newts & such.
Smon: Nothing particularly valuable.
Prince Skylio: "let's grab anything important and scarper then"
Smon: Mordred can make an INT check.
chris107: "Then lets get sandro's stick delivered and I can get a proper look at this book."
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 2, (+5) = 7
Smon: He doesn't see anything worth much.
Smon: You head out.
Smon: Back out in what is now intermittent sunlight breaking through the clouds.
Smon: You resume the journey west, but have only travelled an hour - about 3 miles - to about 2pm, when the owl reports three figures approaching.
Smon: 1 female, 2 male.
chris107: "Thank you, Misha."
Prince Skylio: "mordred how does that owl tell you things exactly"
Smon: Sandro: "Magic!"
chris107: Mordred informs his chums of this. "Do you want to go play in the uundergrowth again?"
Smon: Sandro shrugs and slips into the bushes, he likes showing off.
chris107: "You wouldn't understand Zagaar. A low fellow like you could not begin to grasp even the rudiments of the magical knowledge at my fingertips."
Smon: An oddly garbed woman comes round the bend at a good pace, looking around her. She looks worried. http://img.escapade.co.uk/SALEHIRE/Large/551319XS1.jpg
Prince Skylio: "Your best friend is a fucking bird."
Smon: Behind her are two heavy set men in studded armour, carrying big hammers.
Prince Skylio: "why hello there"
Smon: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4d/99/94/4d99941e1117b613fca2de1f3f6ccb56.jpg
chris107: "Good afternoon madam.
Smon: http://web-vassets.ea.com/Assets/Richmedia/Image/Screenshots/The-Sims-Medieval-Male-Blacksmith_656x369.jpg?cb=1315963609
Smon: They stop and regard you. The woman looks nervous.
Smon: "H-hullo there. You wouldn't happen to have seen a blonde-haired noble lady being carried off by brigands?"
Prince Skylio: "so which one is your boyfriend madam. If your answer is 'neither' - Hi, I'm Zagaar"
Smon: The men - they look like smiths - regard you suspiciously.
Smon: Zagaar can attempt a CHA roll.
Smon: bet it's a 2
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20 and gets: 6,
Prince Skylio: (back to Berta's arms it would seem)
chris107: "I'm afraid not. A friend of yours? Please forgive my friend, he is simple."
Smon: She crosses her arms. "They're not my boyfriends - these are the Alces brothers, smiths and great warriors. I am Brionny Fortin, assistant to the Lady Lucretia Alamsor."
Prince Skylio: "Hmpf whatever. Well gentlemen I wish you good fortune in murdering this slut. Have a good day."
Smon: Brionny nods. "The Lady disappeared from our Pilgrims' camp last night. Tracks led in this direction..."
chris107: "Perhaps we could assist you in your search?"
Smon: Brionny looks at Zagaar, eyes wide, takes a step back.
chris107: Mordred dies a little inside.
Smon: The men growl and move in front of her protectively.
Prince Skylio: "Sorry it's been a long day"
Prince Skylio: "would you care for some succulent rat steak as a token of apology"
chris107: "I found some muddy footprints..." steps in Mordred desperately
Smon: One of the men speaks up: "Aye? Where?"
chris107: "Perhaps they belong to your lady's captors?"
Smon: Brionny looks at Zagaar: "I don't think I quite understand what you're saying - sorry, I'm Ralluan..."
chris107: "Come, Zagaar, you bafoon. Let's show them."
Smon: The men nod. "Aye - there are rumours of brigands at Sky God Idol again..."
chris107: "Please, follow me. Watch out for dwarves though. They bite."
Smon: Brionny nods to Mordred distractedly. "If you can help us that would be excellent. The Lady is rich, but has a tendency towards getting kidnapped..."
Prince Skylio: "at your ankles"
Smon: "Most of her wealth is at Selatine. Rescue her, I'm sure she'll reward you MOST handsomely!"
chris107: "Why that sounds fabulous."
Prince Skylio: "handjob?"
Prince Skylio: "i mean how far"
chris107: "Lead on Zagaar!"
Smon: Brionny looks to Mordred desperately.
Smon: "Could I speak with you privately, sir?"
Prince Skylio: "lets go!" Z daydreams of his potential wealth
Smon: She gestures toward the bushes.
chris107: "Of course m'lady."
Smon: The smiths move to block Zagaar from following as Brionny & Mordred go out of earshot.
Smon: Brionny looks over at the road, then back to Mordred. "The Orc - is he mad? I said nothing to arouse his wrath..."
chris107: "He means well m'lady. however he has taken many blows to the head. It has left him little better than an animal. he is useful to have around however, just for squishing our enemies. I assure you he will do you no harm."
Smon: She nods. "I can tell you have the look of a warrior, good sir. The Alces brothers are sturdy and brave, but they are not Warriors - Lady Vex of Selatine lent them to Lady Lucretia as guards for the pilgrimage. If you can help us..."
Smon: She takes a step towards Morded, eyes wide.
Smon: "I would be MOST grateful..."
chris107: "Why it is my duty as a gentleman to do so."
chris107: He bows floridly
Smon: Brionny bites her bottom lip, nods. Smiles as Mordred bows.
Smon: "You ARE a true gentleman, sir! I know you will save my Lady!"
chris107: And that's our time up I'm afraid
Smon: good timing
Smon: I like Brionny, always fun.
chris107: Nice session
chris107: Thanks Simon.
Smon: Thanks guys, great as always!
Prince Skylio: Thanks
Smon: Bit of luck vs those dwarves!
chris107: It was fun
Smon: You could have been swinging all night.
Prince Skylio: haha
chris107: No reply from your friend as yet. I'll roll up a character once I hear from her.
Smon: I have next Friday down for next game?
chris107: Yeah, AC is a big thing in 5e.
chris107: That sounds right.
Smon: I have loads of free time so if other days come up can do, but am out next Wed
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
Session 130 15-16/3/4447 In Nera (2400 XP)
Hakeem L19 XP 2404+322,896=325,300/355,000
Sandor Lvl 9 XP 2400+54,370=56,770/64,000
+Laurana, Anna Bronze
Minars Rapak & Ernsorn Blue agree Hakeem shall be Regent, to be followed by Hassan & Eratha Bronze as King & Queen of Restored Nerath.
Laurana finally melts.
7:00am 2017-8-09 Smon Has entered the room
7:00am 2017-8-09 sandor sunneson Has entered the room
7:01am 2017-8-09 chris107 Has entered the room
sandor sunneson: Morning Simon
Smon: Hakeem plan http://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=70130&p=1865241#p1865227
Smon: Morning Fergus
chris107: Good morning again, gentlemen
chris107: I've been up a long time formulating a plan that I hope would be acceptable and beneficial to all
chris107: Also, providing Bronze will marry Cor and legitamise the girl it don't matter too much...I hope
sandor sunneson: Assuming the unborn is a child? Lets hope you don't end up like James V of Scots, although he was adament the unborn would be a boy
chris107: Unless Sandor has a better plan?
sandor sunneson: I'm just saying if it's a boy, we don't want Hakeem to die of a broken heart
Smon: GM: Suggest we say that after the feast Hakeem spends the night coming up with his plan by next morning.
chris107: [img]http://i.imgur.com/dDc3tbj.jpg[/img]
chris107: oops
Smon: Older child is a girl, 2 years old, Eratha.
Smon: Then boy, under 1, Llanus.
chris107: It doesn't matter as there is a girl and a boy Fergus. The girl just need to be legitamised assuming she is not the child of Namelin.
Smon: They are Namelin's as far as anyone knows.
chris107: Even better
chris107: And Hassan prefers the older woman..
sandor sunneson: Should just make the boy the next incumbent anyway, like they did in medieval Europe, too complicated having a female ruler,
Smon: LOL
Smon: 2 year gap shouldn't be a big problem later.
chris107: Fergus! NO!
chris107: That is not the plan!
sandor sunneson: teasing Christopher, saying that is how it worked with the Stuarts and Tudors
chris107: Don't want complicated succession rights issues.
chris107: And it turned out well for them
sandor sunneson: Sandor is glad to be visiting such a tolerant society
Smon: The general idea of a unified empire under Hassan Son of Hakeem & Eratha Bronze certainly sounds feasible and gives the Nerathi the necessary stake.
chris107: I can't be doing with another sleepless night trying to find ways of resolving all this.
sandor sunneson: Would be nice to kill that druid dude too
chris107: Please, no killings. Just yet at any rate.
chris107: Hassan also symbloises the Altani
sandor sunneson: I know, Sandor wasn't impressed by his general attitude
Smon: GM: After a subdued feast and a sleepless night for Hakeem, you breakfast that morning in the guest chambers.
chris107: (Nor was Hakeem, but he has learned a little wisdom in these matters)
sandor sunneson: But walking up in a room with Anna and Laurana makes Sandor a happy barb
Smon: Dyson is off touring the city, inspecting the damage wrought by 240 years of gnoll occupation.
chris107: Dyson's support will be priceless in this issue
sandor sunneson: Good morning Ladies, such a lovely sight to wake up too !
sandor sunneson: totally
chris107: He was there at the beggining of it all.
Smon: Laurana seems a lot more relaxed and happy since Hakeem had his little talk with her. "Good morning Sandor!"
sandor sunneson: What a lovely sight, a happy Laurana, wonder if anyone was watching us behind the grid last night lol
Smon: Anna Bronze by contrast is clearly worried. She glances over at the wolf cloak hanging on the wall, then speaks in a low voice. "You slept little last night Lord Hakeem... "
Smon: Laurana raises an arch eyebrow at Sandor and grins. "They'd see nothing but wolf-hide. Poor them."
chris107: "There is much to think about Lady Bronze. listen to my words and think upon them. Much will rest upon the outcome." He hurridly whispers the gist.
sandor sunneson: A nice pleasant odor for their nostrils,
chris107: again whispered "We can not have the snake woman as emporess, the people would not wear it and Set would have the power he craves by the back door."
sandor sunneson: Sandor nods in agreement
Smon: Anna listens to the plan to marry Hassan Greywolf & Eratha Bronze. "It is a very good plan my lord... for the future. But for now, and for when the Black Sun fall and your son is not yet of age... may I make a suggestion my lord?"
chris107: "I value your wisdom. Please do."
Smon: "There is only one man both Altani and Nerathi will accept as Regent, until such time as Hassan and Eratha may ascend to rule..."
chris107: Hakeem's heart sinks. He thinks he knows where this is going
Smon: Anna gives Hakeem a meaningful look.
chris107: Whispered "I never looked for this Anna. But if this is what it will take, I will do it."
Smon: Anna sees Hakeem's troubled look. "...The Ghinarians too, and the Amazons. I know that rulership is a heavy burden my lord, but he that does not seek it, is often best suited to rule."
chris107: And with that, Hakeems dreams of Dragon Hunting and Dungeon Delving are sealed away.
chris107: He shakes his great shaggy head and accepts that this is the burden he will bear for the good of all.
Smon: Laurana glances to the wolf cloak, leans in at the table and whispers too. "I agree... But until your Greywolf arrive, Brother, we are in danger here."
chris107: "Yes, timing will be all in this endevour."
chris107: "I'd also like to see Laara's opinion on Holli." All whispered of course
sandor sunneson: Sandor whispers, they don't know how lucky they are, they would not stand a chance against the BS if they had no allies
Smon: Anna nods. "We need the Seawolf, they are the largest of the Altanian clans."
chris107: "We do, we must stand together."
Smon: Anna: "Minars Rappak thinks he defeated the Black Sun when he killed Prince Doomfire, that that gives him the right to rule."
chris107: "To buy us time I suggest we ask mighty Minars to regail us with that story?"
chris107: "Again."
sandor sunneson: Doubtfire, sorry Doomfire, thought what an odd name for a Prince, more a name for a nanny that.
Smon: Laurana: "It was my brother and his friends who defeated the Black Sun, when they closed the Gate!"
sandor sunneson: How long does it take to regail a story?
chris107: "But we must not cause division, we need to lead all towards the best solution for the future."
chris107: "We barbarians love to brag about our victories sandor, it will fill a morning at least."
sandor sunneson: With the war looming, there may be casualties anyway, nobody knows who will survive and who will end up as compost
chris107: "Then let us hope Minar's survives, he is a fine warrior."
Smon: Anna shrugs at that. "In war, there are always casualties..."
sandor sunneson: They can have plans, but if the druid or king die in battle, then they may have to be amended
chris107: "Let us hope that I can kill Kainos and no further bloodshed will be needed."
chris107: Hakeem looks sadly at the floor.
Smon: GM: The wedding is set for sunset, once the other clans have arrived.
chris107: "I am here to build, not to hope for the death of important allies."
Smon: Anna: "Of course my lord. I meant no offence."
chris107: "Petty squabbles must be put aside for the future of us all."
sandor sunneson: There is only so much you can do Hakeem. They are making plans like there are no obstacles in the way.
sandor sunneson: Nods
chris107: "We have a chance to build something great here. A chance to build something good."
sandor sunneson: Shame they are too blind to see the hurdles they have to overcome
chris107: "Then we must make them see. Not hope for a dagger out of the dark."
chris107: "It is not the easy way, I know. But it is the only way to build a lasting peace between our peoples."
Smon: Anna: "My brother Namelin... I think he will be satisfied to rule part of the new empire. Knowing that his blood will rule it all."
chris107: (Hakeem wishes Laara was here, her wisdom is much missed.)
Smon: She should be here this afternoon. Can skip ahead now?
sandor sunneson: Totally, anyway, always good to have a wedding, I've got a feeling it's going to kick off tonight. We need to stay alert
chris107: There will hopefully not be a wedding!
sandor sunneson: yes
sandor sunneson: true\
chris107: And I'm good with that Simon
Smon: GM: You lunch with Chief Minars, his bride is now in seclusion ahead of the wedding tonight.
Smon: Minars: "Holli is to be dressed in a white wedding gown of finest Nerathi silk, veiled as is their custom..."
chris107: Hakeem makes pleasent small talk.
chris107: Asking for details of the epic fight.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will pour Laurana a glass of the finest local chablis
Smon: The Seawolf Psychic Defender Valyara Rappak, daughter of Minars & Lana, is among those present.
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg4PA4rgGRejXzrql3-ccJKrrLJoPwu_HLikxhpUy_3CdATIB6yg8SpJrAKyJtoJJZWf18ZlQ0ApXeXmjFePJda5SMMWX4vNHTES2xYopQ4QmyAB8NkrpSaf5a-YP6MC01uDVW_InX4_Kk/s320/DavidTerciasBarbarianQueen.jpg
chris107: "I don't understand dresses Minars, but I'd love to hear how you chopped down that Prince!"
Smon: She looks slightly older than Holli.
chris107: Great picture
sandor sunneson: nice tatts
Smon: Laurana drinks the wine, looted from the wagon train of Prince Thulseus Doomfire. "Very nice... a little snaky, perhaps."
chris107: hehe
sandor sunneson: Comes with a bite then
Smon: Neither Lana Rapak nor Valyara Rapak seem ecstatic about Minars taking a new bride.
chris107: Good
chris107: (Is Minar's a Sword Knight of Bondorr by the way?)
Smon: Minars nods enthusiastically at Hakeem, and regales the hall with the much-told tale of how he fought his way onto the battlements of Nera, killing many, until he faced the Evil High Priest Thulseus.
Smon: How Thulseus tried to enspell him with his serpent gaze...
chris107: Hakeem nods enthusiasticaly
sandor sunneson: link for Thulseus?
chris107: hanging on every word
sandor sunneson: OOC-if not, no worries
chris107: (Thulsius Doomfire - Thulsa Doom?)
Smon: How Minars raised his mighty Axe and cleft the fiend's head from his shoulders in one mighty swing.
Smon: (yeah)
sandor sunneson: Evil High Priest Thulseus
chris107: (nice, with the Set angle too )
sandor sunneson: Gosh, can you give us a demonstration on some fruit, a water melon or coconut for example?
Smon: Minars is not a Sword Knight, he trusts in his mighty 8' great axe.
chris107: Hakeem cheers at Minar's victory.
sandor sunneson: Yes I know, a coconut is not a fruit
Smon: Sandor can make a CHA+Prof check
sandor sunneson: Sandor will stand up and shout, go Minars, off with his head!
chris107: "Your victory over the Doomfire will go down in legend, Minars. A great blow agin the Black Sun!"
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
Smon: Minars seems unimpressed by Sandor's accounts of fruit.
chris107: Don't think you made a chum there Sandor
sandor sunneson: ah well, maybe not, he'll continue feasting
chris107: "What were the defences like here?"
Smon: Minars: "I shall show you when we fight the Black Sun together. Much better on a man."
sandor sunneson: Sandor will give him the thumbs up
chris107: Hakeem agrees heartily with this.
chris107: "For fight them together we will! United as one!"
Smon: "Defences? The gnolls had left the place in ruin. The Nerathi had done a little to repair the walls, but trusted in the strength of their undead legions. When you closed the Gate, many of their Zombies collapsed. The Dread Warriors of Cormarrin's 300 went mad, some turning against the living..."
chris107: Hakeem encourages more of this stuff, buying the time he needs.
Smon: "I saw that it was the time to strike - and strike we did! A great slaughter. None escaped."
chris107: "Grand!"
Smon: Ernsorn: "There was tough fighting at the Breach - the Nerathi soldiers are not cowards, and died well. There were Harans among the slain." He nods to Anna Bronze.
Smon: Anna: "Yes... the Black Sun required a levy."
chris107: "And that is why we must destroy the Black Sun and unite our peolple."
Smon: There is much cheering at that.
chris107: "Put anend to thousand s of years of hatred in a common cause."
Smon: A little before 3pm word comes that the Greywolf are at the gate.
chris107: Phew!
sandor sunneson: Finally
Smon: Lunch breaks up - Minars greets Kaag, War Chief of the Greywolf, before retiring to prepare himself for the Wedding at 6pm.
chris107: Hakeem greets his family warmly but is looking for Laara.
Smon: Hakeem & co meet Kaag, Laara, Hakeem's mother Gnubis, Hakeem's crazy-wise aunt Nefeti and the Greywolf host in the town square.
Smon: Laara https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgaHo7ecSnQP1t7UDjsLG-Om5YE4CtqdssW3JURRjg3fYvuXkX4ExCP9K9Rs2WEjOGGvcW6T-rUH-WZKPFUrUElgfagMXclFptWxc-cXovxW2EntoMcyPcuSRpB5AlK_SqKNYlfxZ5kOxM/s400/Laara.jpg
Smon: The brave young Psychic Defender, destroyer of the Black Sun gate and thus the undead legions of Neo-Nerath.
sandor sunneson: Very scantily clad
chris107: and Nefeti if she is with them
Smon: She is quiet amidst the rowdy celebration, the Greywolf cheering Hakeem lustily.
Smon: Younger Altani of both sexes generally just wear loincloths.
chris107: Whispered "Laara, we must speak."
Smon: It's warm enough out.
Smon: Laara nods to Hakeem. "Yes my lord."
chris107: A tradition to be much encouraged I'd say?
Smon: Gnubis beams proudly at her son.
Smon: Kaag's arm around her waist, they seem to still be getting on well.
chris107: He takes her to one side and hurridly whispers of Minar's plans to wed the Doomfire girl and his suspicions.
Smon: Laara nods. "I know Holli, I have 'read' her..."
Smon: (ESP)
chris107: (Seeing Gnubis and Kaag happy reassures Hakeem that he won't have to chop the fat oaf's head off any time soon )
chris107: "And what do you see?"
Smon: (Kaag's an oaf but he knows which side his bread is buttered on!)
chris107: ( )
chris107: (He has learned Wisdom)
Smon: "Holli... She suffered at her father's hands, though his full cruelty went elsewhere. Her.. her mother's good overcame her father's evil, I would say. She is a poor innocent thing, much abused by this world."
chris107: "Then all we need to do is convince Minar's that it's okay to marry her but that he must not press on with his imperial designs. Great!"
Smon: "Minars... I think Minars sees something in her that he wishes to possess. Some better fragment of his own nature. In a way, he does love her."
Smon: Laara nods.
chris107: "Who do you think will be best suited to come with me for this task? I can not embarrass the man or his bride at their wedding. This must be done before the ceremony."
Smon: "Minars' heart was wounded when he found his wife Lana and daughter Valyara in bed with one of his best warriors, a man he had trusted. If we were not Altani, he would have slain the women."
chris107: (Who's PC was that, Simon? I remember the character)
Smon: Eardvulf.
sandor sunneson: (Rey??)
Smon: Hard Wolf
chris107: (I would suggest that this is an Altani on Altani thing, Anna Bronze has agreed in principle.)
Smon: Laara looks uncertain. "I don't know, Hakeem... I think perhaps you should meet with Minars alone. Without Ernsorn."
chris107: (Minar's pride must be upheld at all costs)
chris107: "Very well, can you get Ernson away on a spiritual matter while I try talking with him?"
chris107: "I'd like to know whats driving that Druid too."
sandor sunneson: Nature Hakeem
chris107: "If only that is what it is."
Smon: Laara nods. "I will speak with Ernsorn. He is an ambitious man - ambitious for Minars, at least. They are good friends. Ernsorn sees himself as the hard blade needed to forge something new."
chris107: "Then when the coast is clear I will beg audience with Minar's."
Smon: "He likes to make schemes... In a way, Ernsorn is more of Nerath than Altani."
chris107: "And that worries me."
chris107: Hakeem waits for the opportunity to arise.
Smon: 4pm - Laara asks to speak with Ernsorn. Hakeem requests an audience with Minars Rappak in his private chambers, where he is being dolled up for the wedding, his shaggy beard oiled and braided.
Smon: The finest wolf-cloak of white fur - winter wolf from the high mountains - about his shoulders.
chris107: "My friend, you look fine indeed."
Smon: Minars sends the slave women scurrying off, then turns to Hakeem. "You wish to speak with me in confidence?"
chris107: "You will be a fine husband for Holli."
sandor sunneson: Sandor will say to Laurana shall if she fancies a walk round the town to pass the time
chris107: "I would ask gthat favour of you, as a friend, Minars."
Smon: Minars smiles. "And she a fine wife for me. Better than Lana - more loyal, I think."
Smon: Laurana nods happily to Sandor. "I saw Dyson heading out to the Sea Gate - let's go that way..."
sandor sunneson: cool, was going to suggest we find him anyway
chris107: "You love her very much, that much is plain. And you will give her the protection and love she needs. Her life can not of been easy."
sandor sunneson: What a situation in there, you can feel the tension, nice to get fresh air
chris107: "I am pleased at your union and wish you a long and happy life together."
Smon: Out on the coast, Sandor and Laurana regard the ruins of the ancient Gates of Destiny -https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0e/3e/e1/0e3ee1ffc12c421daaae970c1c2d13f8--digital-paintings-digital-art.jpg (pic ca 300 years earlier)
Smon: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0e/3e/e1/0e3ee1ffc12c421daaae970c1c2d13f8--digital-paintings-digital-art.jpg
chris107: "I must ask you to think on your proposal to make here empress though. Please hear me out before you chop off my head."
Smon: Minars: "Go on."
chris107: (Would be good to rebuild it)
chris107: "Minars, I know Holli's heart is pure, that her love for you is pure and good."
sandor sunneson: Would have been a fine place once upon a time
chris107: "But the people, our people and the Nerathi will always associate her name with the evil of the past."
chris107: "They will not accept her. And now more than ever we need unity."
chris107: "You can go down in our history as the chief who allowed the peace to be made between Altani and Nerathi."
Smon: Laurana nods, putting a slim hand round Sandor's waist. The sea wind whips at her long dark hair.
chris107: "But not as emperor."!
sandor sunneson: Sandor can feel that somewhere in the City, a big CHR roll will be required
chris107: "I think you know this in your heart?"
chris107: (I'd prefer reason to a roll )
Smon: Minars grimaces. "Your words differ from those of Ernsorn, my friend. He believes the Nerathi need a Princess of their own, to have a stake in our new kingdom."
chris107: "Will you hear me out?"
sandor sunneson: Sandor will put his arm round hers. And give her a big hug, Sandor will also check round every so often to make sure they are not being followed
chris107: "Ernson is wise and a good friend to you. But he is ambitious."
Smon: On the sea ramparts, Laurana looks up into Sandor's blue eyes. "You know, you are a very strange man, Sandor Sunneson."
chris107: "I think I have an idea that will put a Nerathi Princess on a new imperial throne, along with an Altani Prince."
Smon: Sandor can make WIS+Prof roll
sandor sunneson: Do we not all have our eccentricities that make us unique?
Smon: Minars: "Go on..."
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 11, (+4) = 15
chris107: "We two can be the architects of this new empire, my friend."
Smon: Laurana grins. "Aye, I am hardly one to talk..."
Smon: Sandor sees a couple Greywolf warriors on the rampart, trailing them at a discrete distance.
Smon: Sorry Seawolf
chris107: "You know that Namelin Bronze seized the throne of Nara from Erani Cor? And that she has a daughter..."
Smon: They all look alike to Sandor anyway.
chris107: "It is Cor's daughter that has the legitimate claim to be the new Nerathi emporess."
sandor sunneson: We are being watched, probably envious of me in the current position I find myself in with your goodself Laurana, give me a big hug and look discretely over the sholdour
chris107: "And you may also have heard that a certain friend of yours has a young son?"
Smon: The Seawolf are keeping an eye on Sandor. Laurana hugs him back, though still clearly a bit uncertain.
Smon: Minars: "Your son? And the Bronze daughter? I see..."
chris107: "You my friend are a warrior, the best of them. Altani through and through."
chris107: "Butyou have history with the Nerathi. You know, burned a villa or two..." He grins
sandor sunneson: So my strangeness
Smon: Minars: "You should have told me you had plans, Hakeem. We thought all you cared about was to feast, fight, kill and f... you have a beautiful wife." He grins.
sandor sunneson: go on then.....and then we can talk about your strangeness too
Smon: Laurana laughs playfully at Sandor, a mock punch to his jaw.
sandor sunneson: I can see why you distrust people, but underneath, you have a heart of gold and are a very warm and caring person
chris107: "Minars, my friend. It is all I wish for. But sometimes a man musst do his duty. Do what is right."
Smon: Minars: "You are right there is much bad blood between Seawolf and Haran. We have raided them, taken many slaves. You are different... " he sighs.
chris107: "I can carry the popular vote of Altani, Nerathi, Ghinorian and Amazon. I can hold this alliance together until such a time as my son can be the firtst Altaniean Emperor. But I can not do it without your support."
Smon: Laurana laughs. "Heart of gold? he he. Hakeem suspected I was the one did away with dear Queen Artemisia! I can be quite wicked."
chris107: "And I will buy this future with my blood when I battle Kainos."
chris107: "Will you support me?"
sandor sunneson: But then reluctantly being head of a place you may have to rebuild because other people want, well maybe not reluctantly, but certainly not over enamoured by such a task,
Smon: Minars listens soberly to Hakeem's words. "My friend... My brother. Never have I wished to stand against you. I united the tribes... for Bondor. For you. I will support you. Crush the Warbringer. Crush the Black Sun, with me at your side. I shall be content with my new bride - when war's done, to feast and f... she will bear me fine sons, as Lana has not."
sandor sunneson: I miss my home, yes, I may go back, but it's nice to let the fates decide what happens to you
Smon: ooc sorry Lina not Lana
Smon: Altani names too alike
sandor sunneson: OOC- Chris, is it worth getting him in on the back up plan all or one on Kainos if it does fail? Guess he has a magic weapon?
chris107: Hakeem grasps his friends arms warmly. "You are a true leader of men, Minars. Thank you."
chris107: "By the way, if Kainos kills me. It will be up to you to pick up this sword and finish him you know?" Hakeem grins.
Smon: Laurana nods at Sandor's words, looking out across the wine-dark sea. In the distance a few Seawolf fishing canoes.
chris107: "And if not. I will need you to head the armies of the new empire. Thought maybe we could base it here. The site of your great victory?"
Smon: Laurana looks up again at Sandor. "You like me, Sandor Sunneson - gods know why. I suppose I rather like you, too. My brother... He says a man should prove himself worthy of a woman. With great deeds of arms, that is the Altanian way..."
chris107: "That would make old Dyson happy. Knowing that we will protect his flame imperishable."
Smon: Minars exhales heavily, nods at Hakeem's words. "If you fall, I will slay Kainos, or die trying. Though I think I may stick with my old axe. I am no Bondor." He grins again.
sandor sunneson: There's something about you, don't know what. Maybe it's the inner strength. You've got the upper hand now anyway, think it might have been your reaction when we told you of getting the Queen laid, you laughed out loud at that
chris107: Hakeem laughs heartily. "I really do wish you much happiness with Holli my friend. You will have fine children and many of them."
sandor sunneson: Showed that underneath the facade, there's a real person under there somewhere
chris107: "Will you propose me as regent at your wedding?"
Smon: Minars: "Lead your armies? I don't know... I think perhaps when this war's done, it will be time for this old dog to rest. Make some babies. " He smiles. "Of course even that gets boring in time. One day there'll be more wars to fight - and I'll be at your side."
chris107: "Thank you, friend. You will not regret this. We have a chance to build something worthwhile for all our children."
Smon: Laurana gives Sandor a sidewise glance. "Oh, I'm definitely real. Here, find out for yourself..." And with that Princess Laurana presses in to Sandor Sunneson, raising her mouth to his kiss.
chris107: "Now I better get back to the party and you'd better get that beard sorted. Don't want to frighten away the bride!" Hakeem departs hastily with a laugh.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will kiss back
chris107: (Now that was more fun than rolling a Charisma check )
chris107: 2 mins, just got to go wake Kyle.
Smon: Minars nods. "Regent, aye... Farewell, my friend." He looks thoughtfully after Hakeem.
Smon: Laurana the ice maiden is quite a passionate little vixen when finally roused...
chris107: Back
Smon: OOC I'm having to go through Minars' thought processes here... computer working...
chris107: OOC So Sandor gets the girl!
Smon: 5.30pm, the late afternoon sun bathes Nera in a golden glow.
chris107: Look after her, she's Hakeem's sister after all
sandor sunneson: always
sandor sunneson: don't want big brother to deal with
Smon: Laurana and Sandor have been canoodling the past hour, finding old stone steps down to a secluded sandy beach beneath the cliffs where they can have a little privacy.
chris107: OOC well I guess we find out now if our best efforts have worked.
sandor sunneson: apart from the bloke following them
sandor sunneson: Lets see what happens in the war, then we can reassess after, really hope your brother's plans work, they were all waiting to kick off last night
Smon: (the Seawolf stay at the top of the steps, well out of earshot Sandor) Hakeem is in his quarters with a nervous Anna Bronze, when a young Seawolf warrior comes to the door. "Lord Hakeem! Ernsorn Blue requests your presence in his chambers. Immediately." The youth looks distinctly nervous.
sandor sunneson: he is saying this quietly knowing there is a bloke following them
chris107: "Sure, be right with you." Is Laara near by?
Smon: Laurana sits with Sandor on the sand, throwing pebbles into the surf. "Aye... there could have been blood, last night."
Smon: no Laara nearby
chris107: Hakeem goes with him, Armour and sword of Bondorr visible
Smon: GM: Hakeem's armour is newly burnished and cleaned; he follows the youth to Ernsorn's quarters, bedecked with the trappings of druid-craft.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will say, shall we get back to the castle? I don't feel comfortable about this alliance yet. Not us obviously, that was a matter of time.
sandor sunneson:
Smon: Laurana: "No, let's stay awhile..." She reaches for Sandor.
sandor sunneson: We can see if we can give Pablo the slip and if there is another way back?
sandor sunneson: Ok, that is a preferred option
Smon: Ernsorn stands in his room as Hakeem enters, dismisses the youth with a gesture. "Lord Hakeem." His face is like Bondor's thunder.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will start to gently massage her back and chill as the lady orders
Smon: Laurana's breastplate hits the sand... http://i45.tinypic.com/24b5b8o.jpg
sandor sunneson: using all the skills taught to him by his mother in law lol
Smon: LOL
Smon: She did teach him well.
Smon: Ernsorn: "Come in. Shut the door. ...Minars has spoken with me."
chris107: "Good."
Smon: Ernsorn eyes the mighty warrior, the virtual demigod of the Altani.
Smon: "He says you are to rule."
chris107: "No. My son is to rule along with the Nerathi Princess. I am to be Regent. To make sure no one interferes while they grow up."
sandor sunneson: Sandor makes the lady happy
Smon: Unlike the highly experienced Mr Sunneson, this is clearly Laurana's first time. She is a surprisingly tender lover - no scratches.
chris107: "The new empire of Altani-Nerth has been born here today. Thanks to the wisdom of Minars."
Smon: Ernsorn nods. "You are young. We did not think you interested in rule. What changed your mind?"
chris107: "As his friendf and advisor this can only reflect well on you."
sandor sunneson: how old is she?
Smon: 19, 20 this year.
chris107: "I am not interested in rule, Ernson. I am interested in building something worthwhile. Interested in stopping thousands of years of hate and killing. Interested in a better future for all our children."
chris107: "Interested in not allowing the Necromancers to leave behind only a legacy worse than death."
Smon: how old is Sandor? At least 17 now I think.
sandor sunneson: yes, this year
Smon: Ernsorn crosses his arms. "We have the same goals. My concern is that you will soon forget this, when new adventure calls."
chris107: "You are wise indeed."
Smon: "If you had wanted to rule the tribes, you could have, at the last Clan Moot. Are you ready to rule - as Regent - now?"
sandor sunneson: Sandor will go for the second wind to please the lady
Smon: LOL
chris107: "This was not what I wanted. I never saw myself as King or whatever. But I recognise my duty. I recognise my duty to my people. And I think my son will to. I will stand by him and all of you."
Smon: Ernsorn nods. "You are the Chosen of Bondor. When - if - you kill Kainos, your right to rule will be clear. If you fall, then whoever survives will rule - whether Altani or Black Sun."
chris107: "This I swear by my sword and my honour."
sandor sunneson: and then head back to town area, Sandor thinks they should surprise guard by trying to avoid him and then when we are past him, wave to him , yooo hoo we're over here!!
Smon: Make a DEX +Prof check Sandor
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 1,
sandor sunneson: lol
chris107: "I will not fail. My purpose is clear."
sandor sunneson: he says us then anyway !
chris107: oops
Smon: While Sandor leaves a very satisfied Laurana, his pranking fails miserably as the fleet-footed Altanians easily keep track of him.
chris107: "Once we have the backing of the Clans. I will need your help. And that of all those who understand magic."
sandor sunneson: Sandor will say to him in passing hope he enjoyed his evening walk
chris107: "For I have a plan regarding Kainos."
Smon: Ernsorn nods. "Let us hope so. In any case, Minars has decided, and he is my Chief, always. Of course I will aid you, with the powers of my Craft."
Smon: The grizzled Seawolf warrior looks at Sandor, then grins. "Not as much as you enjoyed yours."
Smon: ooc ok stopping there
Smon: Well done both of you
Smon: I never thought Laurana would ever melt.
Smon: Also not bad on the empire building Hakeem.
Sandor Lvl 9 XP 2400+54,370=56,770/64,000
+Laurana, Anna Bronze
Minars Rapak & Ernsorn Blue agree Hakeem shall be Regent, to be followed by Hassan & Eratha Bronze as King & Queen of Restored Nerath.
Laurana finally melts.
7:00am 2017-8-09 Smon Has entered the room
7:00am 2017-8-09 sandor sunneson Has entered the room
7:01am 2017-8-09 chris107 Has entered the room
sandor sunneson: Morning Simon
Smon: Hakeem plan http://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=70130&p=1865241#p1865227
Smon: Morning Fergus
chris107: Good morning again, gentlemen
chris107: I've been up a long time formulating a plan that I hope would be acceptable and beneficial to all
chris107: Also, providing Bronze will marry Cor and legitamise the girl it don't matter too much...I hope
sandor sunneson: Assuming the unborn is a child? Lets hope you don't end up like James V of Scots, although he was adament the unborn would be a boy
chris107: Unless Sandor has a better plan?
sandor sunneson: I'm just saying if it's a boy, we don't want Hakeem to die of a broken heart
Smon: GM: Suggest we say that after the feast Hakeem spends the night coming up with his plan by next morning.
chris107: [img]http://i.imgur.com/dDc3tbj.jpg[/img]
chris107: oops
Smon: Older child is a girl, 2 years old, Eratha.
Smon: Then boy, under 1, Llanus.
chris107: It doesn't matter as there is a girl and a boy Fergus. The girl just need to be legitamised assuming she is not the child of Namelin.
Smon: They are Namelin's as far as anyone knows.
chris107: Even better
chris107: And Hassan prefers the older woman..
sandor sunneson: Should just make the boy the next incumbent anyway, like they did in medieval Europe, too complicated having a female ruler,
Smon: LOL
Smon: 2 year gap shouldn't be a big problem later.
chris107: Fergus! NO!
chris107: That is not the plan!
sandor sunneson: teasing Christopher, saying that is how it worked with the Stuarts and Tudors
chris107: Don't want complicated succession rights issues.
chris107: And it turned out well for them
sandor sunneson: Sandor is glad to be visiting such a tolerant society
Smon: The general idea of a unified empire under Hassan Son of Hakeem & Eratha Bronze certainly sounds feasible and gives the Nerathi the necessary stake.
chris107: I can't be doing with another sleepless night trying to find ways of resolving all this.
sandor sunneson: Would be nice to kill that druid dude too
chris107: Please, no killings. Just yet at any rate.
chris107: Hassan also symbloises the Altani
sandor sunneson: I know, Sandor wasn't impressed by his general attitude
Smon: GM: After a subdued feast and a sleepless night for Hakeem, you breakfast that morning in the guest chambers.
chris107: (Nor was Hakeem, but he has learned a little wisdom in these matters)
sandor sunneson: But walking up in a room with Anna and Laurana makes Sandor a happy barb
Smon: Dyson is off touring the city, inspecting the damage wrought by 240 years of gnoll occupation.
chris107: Dyson's support will be priceless in this issue
sandor sunneson: Good morning Ladies, such a lovely sight to wake up too !
sandor sunneson: totally
chris107: He was there at the beggining of it all.
Smon: Laurana seems a lot more relaxed and happy since Hakeem had his little talk with her. "Good morning Sandor!"
sandor sunneson: What a lovely sight, a happy Laurana, wonder if anyone was watching us behind the grid last night lol
Smon: Anna Bronze by contrast is clearly worried. She glances over at the wolf cloak hanging on the wall, then speaks in a low voice. "You slept little last night Lord Hakeem... "
Smon: Laurana raises an arch eyebrow at Sandor and grins. "They'd see nothing but wolf-hide. Poor them."
chris107: "There is much to think about Lady Bronze. listen to my words and think upon them. Much will rest upon the outcome." He hurridly whispers the gist.
sandor sunneson: A nice pleasant odor for their nostrils,
chris107: again whispered "We can not have the snake woman as emporess, the people would not wear it and Set would have the power he craves by the back door."
sandor sunneson: Sandor nods in agreement
Smon: Anna listens to the plan to marry Hassan Greywolf & Eratha Bronze. "It is a very good plan my lord... for the future. But for now, and for when the Black Sun fall and your son is not yet of age... may I make a suggestion my lord?"
chris107: "I value your wisdom. Please do."
Smon: "There is only one man both Altani and Nerathi will accept as Regent, until such time as Hassan and Eratha may ascend to rule..."
chris107: Hakeem's heart sinks. He thinks he knows where this is going
Smon: Anna gives Hakeem a meaningful look.
chris107: Whispered "I never looked for this Anna. But if this is what it will take, I will do it."
Smon: Anna sees Hakeem's troubled look. "...The Ghinarians too, and the Amazons. I know that rulership is a heavy burden my lord, but he that does not seek it, is often best suited to rule."
chris107: And with that, Hakeems dreams of Dragon Hunting and Dungeon Delving are sealed away.
chris107: He shakes his great shaggy head and accepts that this is the burden he will bear for the good of all.
Smon: Laurana glances to the wolf cloak, leans in at the table and whispers too. "I agree... But until your Greywolf arrive, Brother, we are in danger here."
chris107: "Yes, timing will be all in this endevour."
chris107: "I'd also like to see Laara's opinion on Holli." All whispered of course
sandor sunneson: Sandor whispers, they don't know how lucky they are, they would not stand a chance against the BS if they had no allies
Smon: Anna nods. "We need the Seawolf, they are the largest of the Altanian clans."
chris107: "We do, we must stand together."
Smon: Anna: "Minars Rappak thinks he defeated the Black Sun when he killed Prince Doomfire, that that gives him the right to rule."
chris107: "To buy us time I suggest we ask mighty Minars to regail us with that story?"
chris107: "Again."
sandor sunneson: Doubtfire, sorry Doomfire, thought what an odd name for a Prince, more a name for a nanny that.
Smon: Laurana: "It was my brother and his friends who defeated the Black Sun, when they closed the Gate!"
sandor sunneson: How long does it take to regail a story?
chris107: "But we must not cause division, we need to lead all towards the best solution for the future."
chris107: "We barbarians love to brag about our victories sandor, it will fill a morning at least."
sandor sunneson: With the war looming, there may be casualties anyway, nobody knows who will survive and who will end up as compost
chris107: "Then let us hope Minar's survives, he is a fine warrior."
Smon: Anna shrugs at that. "In war, there are always casualties..."
sandor sunneson: They can have plans, but if the druid or king die in battle, then they may have to be amended
chris107: "Let us hope that I can kill Kainos and no further bloodshed will be needed."
chris107: Hakeem looks sadly at the floor.
Smon: GM: The wedding is set for sunset, once the other clans have arrived.
chris107: "I am here to build, not to hope for the death of important allies."
Smon: Anna: "Of course my lord. I meant no offence."
chris107: "Petty squabbles must be put aside for the future of us all."
sandor sunneson: There is only so much you can do Hakeem. They are making plans like there are no obstacles in the way.
sandor sunneson: Nods
chris107: "We have a chance to build something great here. A chance to build something good."
sandor sunneson: Shame they are too blind to see the hurdles they have to overcome
chris107: "Then we must make them see. Not hope for a dagger out of the dark."
chris107: "It is not the easy way, I know. But it is the only way to build a lasting peace between our peoples."
Smon: Anna: "My brother Namelin... I think he will be satisfied to rule part of the new empire. Knowing that his blood will rule it all."
chris107: (Hakeem wishes Laara was here, her wisdom is much missed.)
Smon: She should be here this afternoon. Can skip ahead now?
sandor sunneson: Totally, anyway, always good to have a wedding, I've got a feeling it's going to kick off tonight. We need to stay alert
chris107: There will hopefully not be a wedding!
sandor sunneson: yes
sandor sunneson: true\
chris107: And I'm good with that Simon
Smon: GM: You lunch with Chief Minars, his bride is now in seclusion ahead of the wedding tonight.
Smon: Minars: "Holli is to be dressed in a white wedding gown of finest Nerathi silk, veiled as is their custom..."
chris107: Hakeem makes pleasent small talk.
chris107: Asking for details of the epic fight.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will pour Laurana a glass of the finest local chablis
Smon: The Seawolf Psychic Defender Valyara Rappak, daughter of Minars & Lana, is among those present.
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg4PA4rgGRejXzrql3-ccJKrrLJoPwu_HLikxhpUy_3CdATIB6yg8SpJrAKyJtoJJZWf18ZlQ0ApXeXmjFePJda5SMMWX4vNHTES2xYopQ4QmyAB8NkrpSaf5a-YP6MC01uDVW_InX4_Kk/s320/DavidTerciasBarbarianQueen.jpg
chris107: "I don't understand dresses Minars, but I'd love to hear how you chopped down that Prince!"
Smon: She looks slightly older than Holli.
chris107: Great picture
sandor sunneson: nice tatts
Smon: Laurana drinks the wine, looted from the wagon train of Prince Thulseus Doomfire. "Very nice... a little snaky, perhaps."
chris107: hehe
sandor sunneson: Comes with a bite then
Smon: Neither Lana Rapak nor Valyara Rapak seem ecstatic about Minars taking a new bride.
chris107: Good
chris107: (Is Minar's a Sword Knight of Bondorr by the way?)
Smon: Minars nods enthusiastically at Hakeem, and regales the hall with the much-told tale of how he fought his way onto the battlements of Nera, killing many, until he faced the Evil High Priest Thulseus.
Smon: How Thulseus tried to enspell him with his serpent gaze...
chris107: Hakeem nods enthusiasticaly
sandor sunneson: link for Thulseus?
chris107: hanging on every word
sandor sunneson: OOC-if not, no worries
chris107: (Thulsius Doomfire - Thulsa Doom?)
Smon: How Minars raised his mighty Axe and cleft the fiend's head from his shoulders in one mighty swing.
Smon: (yeah)
sandor sunneson: Evil High Priest Thulseus
chris107: (nice, with the Set angle too )
sandor sunneson: Gosh, can you give us a demonstration on some fruit, a water melon or coconut for example?
Smon: Minars is not a Sword Knight, he trusts in his mighty 8' great axe.
chris107: Hakeem cheers at Minar's victory.
sandor sunneson: Yes I know, a coconut is not a fruit
Smon: Sandor can make a CHA+Prof check
sandor sunneson: Sandor will stand up and shout, go Minars, off with his head!
chris107: "Your victory over the Doomfire will go down in legend, Minars. A great blow agin the Black Sun!"
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
Smon: Minars seems unimpressed by Sandor's accounts of fruit.
chris107: Don't think you made a chum there Sandor
sandor sunneson: ah well, maybe not, he'll continue feasting
chris107: "What were the defences like here?"
Smon: Minars: "I shall show you when we fight the Black Sun together. Much better on a man."
sandor sunneson: Sandor will give him the thumbs up
chris107: Hakeem agrees heartily with this.
chris107: "For fight them together we will! United as one!"
Smon: "Defences? The gnolls had left the place in ruin. The Nerathi had done a little to repair the walls, but trusted in the strength of their undead legions. When you closed the Gate, many of their Zombies collapsed. The Dread Warriors of Cormarrin's 300 went mad, some turning against the living..."
chris107: Hakeem encourages more of this stuff, buying the time he needs.
Smon: "I saw that it was the time to strike - and strike we did! A great slaughter. None escaped."
chris107: "Grand!"
Smon: Ernsorn: "There was tough fighting at the Breach - the Nerathi soldiers are not cowards, and died well. There were Harans among the slain." He nods to Anna Bronze.
Smon: Anna: "Yes... the Black Sun required a levy."
chris107: "And that is why we must destroy the Black Sun and unite our peolple."
Smon: There is much cheering at that.
chris107: "Put anend to thousand s of years of hatred in a common cause."
Smon: A little before 3pm word comes that the Greywolf are at the gate.
chris107: Phew!
sandor sunneson: Finally
Smon: Lunch breaks up - Minars greets Kaag, War Chief of the Greywolf, before retiring to prepare himself for the Wedding at 6pm.
chris107: Hakeem greets his family warmly but is looking for Laara.
Smon: Hakeem & co meet Kaag, Laara, Hakeem's mother Gnubis, Hakeem's crazy-wise aunt Nefeti and the Greywolf host in the town square.
Smon: Laara https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgaHo7ecSnQP1t7UDjsLG-Om5YE4CtqdssW3JURRjg3fYvuXkX4ExCP9K9Rs2WEjOGGvcW6T-rUH-WZKPFUrUElgfagMXclFptWxc-cXovxW2EntoMcyPcuSRpB5AlK_SqKNYlfxZ5kOxM/s400/Laara.jpg
Smon: The brave young Psychic Defender, destroyer of the Black Sun gate and thus the undead legions of Neo-Nerath.
sandor sunneson: Very scantily clad
chris107: and Nefeti if she is with them
Smon: She is quiet amidst the rowdy celebration, the Greywolf cheering Hakeem lustily.
Smon: Younger Altani of both sexes generally just wear loincloths.
chris107: Whispered "Laara, we must speak."
Smon: It's warm enough out.
Smon: Laara nods to Hakeem. "Yes my lord."
chris107: A tradition to be much encouraged I'd say?
Smon: Gnubis beams proudly at her son.
Smon: Kaag's arm around her waist, they seem to still be getting on well.
chris107: He takes her to one side and hurridly whispers of Minar's plans to wed the Doomfire girl and his suspicions.
Smon: Laara nods. "I know Holli, I have 'read' her..."
Smon: (ESP)
chris107: (Seeing Gnubis and Kaag happy reassures Hakeem that he won't have to chop the fat oaf's head off any time soon )
chris107: "And what do you see?"
Smon: (Kaag's an oaf but he knows which side his bread is buttered on!)
chris107: ( )
chris107: (He has learned Wisdom)
Smon: "Holli... She suffered at her father's hands, though his full cruelty went elsewhere. Her.. her mother's good overcame her father's evil, I would say. She is a poor innocent thing, much abused by this world."
chris107: "Then all we need to do is convince Minar's that it's okay to marry her but that he must not press on with his imperial designs. Great!"
Smon: "Minars... I think Minars sees something in her that he wishes to possess. Some better fragment of his own nature. In a way, he does love her."
Smon: Laara nods.
chris107: "Who do you think will be best suited to come with me for this task? I can not embarrass the man or his bride at their wedding. This must be done before the ceremony."
Smon: "Minars' heart was wounded when he found his wife Lana and daughter Valyara in bed with one of his best warriors, a man he had trusted. If we were not Altani, he would have slain the women."
chris107: (Who's PC was that, Simon? I remember the character)
Smon: Eardvulf.
sandor sunneson: (Rey??)
Smon: Hard Wolf
chris107: (I would suggest that this is an Altani on Altani thing, Anna Bronze has agreed in principle.)
Smon: Laara looks uncertain. "I don't know, Hakeem... I think perhaps you should meet with Minars alone. Without Ernsorn."
chris107: (Minar's pride must be upheld at all costs)
chris107: "Very well, can you get Ernson away on a spiritual matter while I try talking with him?"
chris107: "I'd like to know whats driving that Druid too."
sandor sunneson: Nature Hakeem
chris107: "If only that is what it is."
Smon: Laara nods. "I will speak with Ernsorn. He is an ambitious man - ambitious for Minars, at least. They are good friends. Ernsorn sees himself as the hard blade needed to forge something new."
chris107: "Then when the coast is clear I will beg audience with Minar's."
Smon: "He likes to make schemes... In a way, Ernsorn is more of Nerath than Altani."
chris107: "And that worries me."
chris107: Hakeem waits for the opportunity to arise.
Smon: 4pm - Laara asks to speak with Ernsorn. Hakeem requests an audience with Minars Rappak in his private chambers, where he is being dolled up for the wedding, his shaggy beard oiled and braided.
Smon: The finest wolf-cloak of white fur - winter wolf from the high mountains - about his shoulders.
chris107: "My friend, you look fine indeed."
Smon: Minars sends the slave women scurrying off, then turns to Hakeem. "You wish to speak with me in confidence?"
chris107: "You will be a fine husband for Holli."
sandor sunneson: Sandor will say to Laurana shall if she fancies a walk round the town to pass the time
chris107: "I would ask gthat favour of you, as a friend, Minars."
Smon: Minars smiles. "And she a fine wife for me. Better than Lana - more loyal, I think."
Smon: Laurana nods happily to Sandor. "I saw Dyson heading out to the Sea Gate - let's go that way..."
sandor sunneson: cool, was going to suggest we find him anyway
chris107: "You love her very much, that much is plain. And you will give her the protection and love she needs. Her life can not of been easy."
sandor sunneson: What a situation in there, you can feel the tension, nice to get fresh air
chris107: "I am pleased at your union and wish you a long and happy life together."
Smon: Out on the coast, Sandor and Laurana regard the ruins of the ancient Gates of Destiny -https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0e/3e/e1/0e3ee1ffc12c421daaae970c1c2d13f8--digital-paintings-digital-art.jpg (pic ca 300 years earlier)
Smon: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0e/3e/e1/0e3ee1ffc12c421daaae970c1c2d13f8--digital-paintings-digital-art.jpg
chris107: "I must ask you to think on your proposal to make here empress though. Please hear me out before you chop off my head."
Smon: Minars: "Go on."
chris107: (Would be good to rebuild it)
chris107: "Minars, I know Holli's heart is pure, that her love for you is pure and good."
sandor sunneson: Would have been a fine place once upon a time
chris107: "But the people, our people and the Nerathi will always associate her name with the evil of the past."
chris107: "They will not accept her. And now more than ever we need unity."
chris107: "You can go down in our history as the chief who allowed the peace to be made between Altani and Nerathi."
Smon: Laurana nods, putting a slim hand round Sandor's waist. The sea wind whips at her long dark hair.
chris107: "But not as emperor."!
sandor sunneson: Sandor can feel that somewhere in the City, a big CHR roll will be required
chris107: "I think you know this in your heart?"
chris107: (I'd prefer reason to a roll )
Smon: Minars grimaces. "Your words differ from those of Ernsorn, my friend. He believes the Nerathi need a Princess of their own, to have a stake in our new kingdom."
chris107: "Will you hear me out?"
sandor sunneson: Sandor will put his arm round hers. And give her a big hug, Sandor will also check round every so often to make sure they are not being followed
chris107: "Ernson is wise and a good friend to you. But he is ambitious."
Smon: On the sea ramparts, Laurana looks up into Sandor's blue eyes. "You know, you are a very strange man, Sandor Sunneson."
chris107: "I think I have an idea that will put a Nerathi Princess on a new imperial throne, along with an Altani Prince."
Smon: Sandor can make WIS+Prof roll
sandor sunneson: Do we not all have our eccentricities that make us unique?
Smon: Minars: "Go on..."
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 11, (+4) = 15
chris107: "We two can be the architects of this new empire, my friend."
Smon: Laurana grins. "Aye, I am hardly one to talk..."
Smon: Sandor sees a couple Greywolf warriors on the rampart, trailing them at a discrete distance.
Smon: Sorry Seawolf
chris107: "You know that Namelin Bronze seized the throne of Nara from Erani Cor? And that she has a daughter..."
Smon: They all look alike to Sandor anyway.
chris107: "It is Cor's daughter that has the legitimate claim to be the new Nerathi emporess."
sandor sunneson: We are being watched, probably envious of me in the current position I find myself in with your goodself Laurana, give me a big hug and look discretely over the sholdour
chris107: "And you may also have heard that a certain friend of yours has a young son?"
Smon: The Seawolf are keeping an eye on Sandor. Laurana hugs him back, though still clearly a bit uncertain.
Smon: Minars: "Your son? And the Bronze daughter? I see..."
chris107: "You my friend are a warrior, the best of them. Altani through and through."
chris107: "Butyou have history with the Nerathi. You know, burned a villa or two..." He grins
sandor sunneson: So my strangeness
Smon: Minars: "You should have told me you had plans, Hakeem. We thought all you cared about was to feast, fight, kill and f... you have a beautiful wife." He grins.
sandor sunneson: go on then.....and then we can talk about your strangeness too
Smon: Laurana laughs playfully at Sandor, a mock punch to his jaw.
sandor sunneson: I can see why you distrust people, but underneath, you have a heart of gold and are a very warm and caring person
chris107: "Minars, my friend. It is all I wish for. But sometimes a man musst do his duty. Do what is right."
Smon: Minars: "You are right there is much bad blood between Seawolf and Haran. We have raided them, taken many slaves. You are different... " he sighs.
chris107: "I can carry the popular vote of Altani, Nerathi, Ghinorian and Amazon. I can hold this alliance together until such a time as my son can be the firtst Altaniean Emperor. But I can not do it without your support."
Smon: Laurana laughs. "Heart of gold? he he. Hakeem suspected I was the one did away with dear Queen Artemisia! I can be quite wicked."
chris107: "And I will buy this future with my blood when I battle Kainos."
chris107: "Will you support me?"
sandor sunneson: But then reluctantly being head of a place you may have to rebuild because other people want, well maybe not reluctantly, but certainly not over enamoured by such a task,
Smon: Minars listens soberly to Hakeem's words. "My friend... My brother. Never have I wished to stand against you. I united the tribes... for Bondor. For you. I will support you. Crush the Warbringer. Crush the Black Sun, with me at your side. I shall be content with my new bride - when war's done, to feast and f... she will bear me fine sons, as Lana has not."
sandor sunneson: I miss my home, yes, I may go back, but it's nice to let the fates decide what happens to you
Smon: ooc sorry Lina not Lana
Smon: Altani names too alike
sandor sunneson: OOC- Chris, is it worth getting him in on the back up plan all or one on Kainos if it does fail? Guess he has a magic weapon?
chris107: Hakeem grasps his friends arms warmly. "You are a true leader of men, Minars. Thank you."
chris107: "By the way, if Kainos kills me. It will be up to you to pick up this sword and finish him you know?" Hakeem grins.
Smon: Laurana nods at Sandor's words, looking out across the wine-dark sea. In the distance a few Seawolf fishing canoes.
chris107: "And if not. I will need you to head the armies of the new empire. Thought maybe we could base it here. The site of your great victory?"
Smon: Laurana looks up again at Sandor. "You like me, Sandor Sunneson - gods know why. I suppose I rather like you, too. My brother... He says a man should prove himself worthy of a woman. With great deeds of arms, that is the Altanian way..."
chris107: "That would make old Dyson happy. Knowing that we will protect his flame imperishable."
Smon: Minars exhales heavily, nods at Hakeem's words. "If you fall, I will slay Kainos, or die trying. Though I think I may stick with my old axe. I am no Bondor." He grins again.
sandor sunneson: There's something about you, don't know what. Maybe it's the inner strength. You've got the upper hand now anyway, think it might have been your reaction when we told you of getting the Queen laid, you laughed out loud at that
chris107: Hakeem laughs heartily. "I really do wish you much happiness with Holli my friend. You will have fine children and many of them."
sandor sunneson: Showed that underneath the facade, there's a real person under there somewhere
chris107: "Will you propose me as regent at your wedding?"
Smon: Minars: "Lead your armies? I don't know... I think perhaps when this war's done, it will be time for this old dog to rest. Make some babies. " He smiles. "Of course even that gets boring in time. One day there'll be more wars to fight - and I'll be at your side."
chris107: "Thank you, friend. You will not regret this. We have a chance to build something worthwhile for all our children."
Smon: Laurana gives Sandor a sidewise glance. "Oh, I'm definitely real. Here, find out for yourself..." And with that Princess Laurana presses in to Sandor Sunneson, raising her mouth to his kiss.
chris107: "Now I better get back to the party and you'd better get that beard sorted. Don't want to frighten away the bride!" Hakeem departs hastily with a laugh.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will kiss back
chris107: (Now that was more fun than rolling a Charisma check )
chris107: 2 mins, just got to go wake Kyle.
Smon: Minars nods. "Regent, aye... Farewell, my friend." He looks thoughtfully after Hakeem.
Smon: Laurana the ice maiden is quite a passionate little vixen when finally roused...
chris107: Back
Smon: OOC I'm having to go through Minars' thought processes here... computer working...
chris107: OOC So Sandor gets the girl!
Smon: 5.30pm, the late afternoon sun bathes Nera in a golden glow.
chris107: Look after her, she's Hakeem's sister after all
sandor sunneson: always
sandor sunneson: don't want big brother to deal with
Smon: Laurana and Sandor have been canoodling the past hour, finding old stone steps down to a secluded sandy beach beneath the cliffs where they can have a little privacy.
chris107: OOC well I guess we find out now if our best efforts have worked.
sandor sunneson: apart from the bloke following them
sandor sunneson: Lets see what happens in the war, then we can reassess after, really hope your brother's plans work, they were all waiting to kick off last night
Smon: (the Seawolf stay at the top of the steps, well out of earshot Sandor) Hakeem is in his quarters with a nervous Anna Bronze, when a young Seawolf warrior comes to the door. "Lord Hakeem! Ernsorn Blue requests your presence in his chambers. Immediately." The youth looks distinctly nervous.
sandor sunneson: he is saying this quietly knowing there is a bloke following them
chris107: "Sure, be right with you." Is Laara near by?
Smon: Laurana sits with Sandor on the sand, throwing pebbles into the surf. "Aye... there could have been blood, last night."
Smon: no Laara nearby
chris107: Hakeem goes with him, Armour and sword of Bondorr visible
Smon: GM: Hakeem's armour is newly burnished and cleaned; he follows the youth to Ernsorn's quarters, bedecked with the trappings of druid-craft.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will say, shall we get back to the castle? I don't feel comfortable about this alliance yet. Not us obviously, that was a matter of time.
sandor sunneson:
Smon: Laurana: "No, let's stay awhile..." She reaches for Sandor.
sandor sunneson: We can see if we can give Pablo the slip and if there is another way back?
sandor sunneson: Ok, that is a preferred option
Smon: Ernsorn stands in his room as Hakeem enters, dismisses the youth with a gesture. "Lord Hakeem." His face is like Bondor's thunder.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will start to gently massage her back and chill as the lady orders
Smon: Laurana's breastplate hits the sand... http://i45.tinypic.com/24b5b8o.jpg
sandor sunneson: using all the skills taught to him by his mother in law lol
Smon: LOL
Smon: She did teach him well.
Smon: Ernsorn: "Come in. Shut the door. ...Minars has spoken with me."
chris107: "Good."
Smon: Ernsorn eyes the mighty warrior, the virtual demigod of the Altani.
Smon: "He says you are to rule."
chris107: "No. My son is to rule along with the Nerathi Princess. I am to be Regent. To make sure no one interferes while they grow up."
sandor sunneson: Sandor makes the lady happy
Smon: Unlike the highly experienced Mr Sunneson, this is clearly Laurana's first time. She is a surprisingly tender lover - no scratches.
chris107: "The new empire of Altani-Nerth has been born here today. Thanks to the wisdom of Minars."
Smon: Ernsorn nods. "You are young. We did not think you interested in rule. What changed your mind?"
chris107: "As his friendf and advisor this can only reflect well on you."
sandor sunneson: how old is she?
Smon: 19, 20 this year.
chris107: "I am not interested in rule, Ernson. I am interested in building something worthwhile. Interested in stopping thousands of years of hate and killing. Interested in a better future for all our children."
chris107: "Interested in not allowing the Necromancers to leave behind only a legacy worse than death."
Smon: how old is Sandor? At least 17 now I think.
sandor sunneson: yes, this year
Smon: Ernsorn crosses his arms. "We have the same goals. My concern is that you will soon forget this, when new adventure calls."
chris107: "You are wise indeed."
Smon: "If you had wanted to rule the tribes, you could have, at the last Clan Moot. Are you ready to rule - as Regent - now?"
sandor sunneson: Sandor will go for the second wind to please the lady
Smon: LOL
chris107: "This was not what I wanted. I never saw myself as King or whatever. But I recognise my duty. I recognise my duty to my people. And I think my son will to. I will stand by him and all of you."
Smon: Ernsorn nods. "You are the Chosen of Bondor. When - if - you kill Kainos, your right to rule will be clear. If you fall, then whoever survives will rule - whether Altani or Black Sun."
chris107: "This I swear by my sword and my honour."
sandor sunneson: and then head back to town area, Sandor thinks they should surprise guard by trying to avoid him and then when we are past him, wave to him , yooo hoo we're over here!!
Smon: Make a DEX +Prof check Sandor
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 1,
sandor sunneson: lol
chris107: "I will not fail. My purpose is clear."
sandor sunneson: he says us then anyway !
chris107: oops
Smon: While Sandor leaves a very satisfied Laurana, his pranking fails miserably as the fleet-footed Altanians easily keep track of him.
chris107: "Once we have the backing of the Clans. I will need your help. And that of all those who understand magic."
sandor sunneson: Sandor will say to him in passing hope he enjoyed his evening walk
chris107: "For I have a plan regarding Kainos."
Smon: Ernsorn nods. "Let us hope so. In any case, Minars has decided, and he is my Chief, always. Of course I will aid you, with the powers of my Craft."
Smon: The grizzled Seawolf warrior looks at Sandor, then grins. "Not as much as you enjoyed yours."
Smon: ooc ok stopping there
Smon: Well done both of you
Smon: I never thought Laurana would ever melt.
Smon: Also not bad on the empire building Hakeem.
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
Session 129 14-15/3/4447 To Nera (xp 1500)
XP: + 1500 to Sandor & Hakeem
Hakeem L19 XP 322,896/355,000
Sandor Lvl 9 XP 54,370/64,000
+Laurana, Anna Bronze
2:58pm 2017-8-08 Smon Has entered the room
3:03pm 2017-8-08 sandor sunneson Has entered the room
3:04pm 2017-8-08 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: Afternoon gents, an unexpected bonus
sandor sunneson: lol, true
Smon: hello
Smon: I have quite a few daytimes free now until 21st.
Smon: yesterday - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2017/08/session-128-11-14347-hara.html
Smon: >>Smon: The night falls. No Rey. chris107: The worst news Smon: Hakeem's heart tells him he will not see his friend again. chris107: Hakeem's heart hardens. Another good man to avenge.<<
sandor sunneson: How do you suggest we attack Kainos? Raging? Any traps we can set or anything like that? Or just charge in and battle on
Smon: As the last light fades, Laurana comes out onto the western battlements overlooking the paths across the plains towards Ractuan and Madcat mountain. She puts a friendly hand on Hakeem's shoulder. "I'm sorry."
sandor sunneson: Of course raging
sandor sunneson: (Is Dyson around with us?)
Smon: Sandor is in the courtyard below, he sees Hakeem & Laurana on the battlements. Night has fallen, Rey has not returned - he must be lost.
chris107: "Do not be sorry Laurana. If I die, there will be other brave men to fight this evil. They will not win."
Smon: Dyson is in his giant kennel yup.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will go and see Dyson
chris107: The fight v Kainos must be fair.
Smon: Laurana nods. "We will never surrender, Hakeem. With your example, we will never give in."
Smon: Dyson is sitting on his reaquired treasure hoard, chatting with the lovely Anna Bronze, a blonde Nerathi noble girl.
chris107: He must be seen to be destroyed in battle with Bondorr. Cheap tricks will only cause his army to seek revenge. Defeating him fairly will demoralize them.
Smon: "Ah, Mr Sunneson! Come in!"
Smon: Smoke curls from his nostrils.
sandor sunneson: Good even My Dyson
sandor sunneson: Mr Dyson even
Smon: Laurana nods to Hakeem. "I understand."
Smon: "What brings you here, this fine evening?"
sandor sunneson: My Dyson is in my cupboard
sandor sunneson: I have a feeling that it is bad news about Rey, we are fearing the worst now that he is not back. Another one to avenge. This Kainos, do we try to trap him? Is there anything we can do to gain an advantage
Smon: Anna Bronze https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhInvctvMjACKSmf_GKba4NtzeM77bDaxAKdr4osRwuI74DcDEL7-kTGWhEiz6wCVruQm_grJJ7MA7OVobMRw_rJUz5yRTauQBsAdy7e_bBYvb812Dnfz24GeEOHx2X7YaLpfTDoYDwhjM/s200/Lady+Anna+Bronze.jpg - eyes Sandor thoughfully. She is the diplomat who accompanied her brother Namelin & Rasgar with Ursa & Sandor to find Dyson.
chris107: The fight against Kainos must be a fair one.
Smon: Dyson muses, stretching his foreclaws. They glitter in the torchlight.
sandor sunneson: (Is Hakeem with us now? Sorry thought he was with Laurana)
Smon: "Kainos - I knew him when he was a mortal, you see... He was always a hot-headed one."
Smon: Hakeem is talking to Laurana.
chris107: Oh sorry Fergus, didn't realise that was Sandor talking to Dyson.
sandor sunneson: (agree that it should be fair, but do you trust them to fight fair (if Hakeem is listening)
Smon: Dyson: "I'd say Kainos is arrogant, very sure of himself. He craves battle. He lives to kill."
Smon: "You might be able to take advantage of that, I suppose."
sandor sunneson: If we can somehow decide the venue for battle, could there be anything we could do to get an advantage?
Smon: "But as for myself, I am a little rusty ...does brass rust?"
Smon: "He's twenty-five feet tall... I doubt he does well in confined spaces."
sandor sunneson: I believe that as brass contains no iron, it will not rust Mr Dyson
Smon: Dyson nods his great head. "Ah, that's good to hear."
Smon: Anna: "The Black Sun plot to seize your Heart, Lord Dyson. To re-open the Black Sun Gate. Could that be used, somehow?"
Smon: Dyson exales, a long breath of flickering flame.
Smon: Dyson: "Frankly, I have had my fill of plots and stratagems... That is for mortals, now. I think when this is done I may depart, see the world a little."
Smon: The last evening light has faded. Heading down from the wall, Hakeem & Laurana come to the Dyson-kennel, see Sandor & Anna conversing with the great dragon.
sandor sunneson: Maybe we call Hakeem over, it will be him fighting Kainos after all, but to fight him in a confined space could work
sandor sunneson: Talk of the Diablo
Smon: Dyson: "Aye, and speak of the Devil!"
chris107: Hakeem greets his friends quietly.
Smon: Anna chuckles at the simultaneous comparison.
chris107: "The time draws near."
sandor sunneson: Hakeem, I am sorry to hear about your friend Rey
Smon: Anna Bronze: "You look troubled my lord. No Rey?"
chris107: "Thank you Prince Sandor."
chris107: "I fear Rey has failed. We will see him no more."
Smon: Laurana: "We will all grieve for him. He was the best of us ...at certain things."
sandor sunneson: Anyway, we have been talking, if we were to somehow get Kainos into a confined space as he is 25ft tall, could it be that fighting him would give you an advantage
chris107: "We will have time for grief when our work is done. For now we have vengeance."
Smon: Anna: "The women of the South will grieve deeply."
sandor sunneson: You are a mere dwarf when compared to him in terms of height Lord Hakeem, but not of the smelly Ursa variety
chris107: "And how would you suggest we do that? We need his troops to see him fall."
sandor sunneson: I don't know, we are looking at ways of gaining an advantage, Mr Dyson thought of fighting him in a confined space may benefit you
chris107: "The trick will be to keep his cohorts at bay while I slay him."
Smon: Laurana: "Hmm... There are many rocky defiles in the mountains. He could perhaps be caught in a narrow gorge, unable to maneuver?"
chris107: "I do not need a dozen Necromancers and Dark Priests slinging spells at me while we fight."
Smon: OOC I recall a Greek hero was indeed killed that way.
chris107: "Are we all aware of our battle plans?"
Smon: Dyson: "Kainos' arrogance is such he will face you on the open field, beyond reach of his spell-slingers. I am sure of that."
Smon: Dyson: "He often used to refuse my 'buffs', as he called them."
chris107: "Then I can ask for no more than that."
Smon: Anna: "You have not discussed battle plans with us milord - should I fetch my brother Namelin?"
Smon: OOC You did specifically say yesterday not telling them plans yet
sandor sunneson: I know of no battle plans, unless they were discussed outwith my absence
chris107: "We must keep them secret. But as I have to go to the Clanmoot I guess now is as good a time as any."
Smon: Laurana: "I know the general plan. Is it time the Nerathi here hear it?"
chris107: OOC I did
Smon: Anna - "I will fetch Namelin - and my mother."
Smon: She departs.
chris107: "And I would welcome Prince sandor's ideas and the wisdom of the Nerathi and Lord Dyson in these matters too."
Smon: A few minutes later Anna Bronze returns with her mother Lady Llanet, half-brother Lord Namelin, and Rasgar Skarrison keeping an eye out to the rear.
chris107: Hakeem looks meaningfuly at Laurana when he mentions Sandor's name
Smon: Rasgar nods cordially to Sandor. "Ho there."
Smon: Laurana looks to Hakeem, nods and smiles slightly. She has been calmer, these past few days.
sandor sunneson: Hey Ras, good to see you
Smon: Rasgar grins, shaking his spear. "The time of war comes soon!"
Smon: Namelin: "So then, Hakeem. Your plan?"
chris107: Hakeem unfolds his well worn map, showing the lands here abouts.
Smon: Namelin: "The rivers funnel foes towards Hara..."
chris107: "It is my belief that when the rins stops, Kainos will lead his forces from Madcap Mountain towards this City.To wreak terrible revenge upon you."
Smon: Namelin nods. "Most likely."
chris107: "I say we use those rivers as natural defences."
chris107: "Here, the Farhills." he points
chris107: "And here the Cederwade."
chris107: "The forces of our Ghinarian friends are to muster at Cahli. Here."
Smon: "Your Ghinarians gather at Cahli, I see. And the Altani at Nerra?"
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhTN9bMOUWhiUudbHQ6aLIx6pavPQlXfHELXSfACaF4G3LYGUIpvTKcvS7VIzRXRT1KmILXoL53TpNx70d34zIUYLSacUBdRqnUa-FnUXgH3ntJAY6K_P58mPCu3xjq7n32-vSx-ZoIsDk/s1600/Ghinarian%252BHills.jpg
chris107: ""From there they can defend the near bank of the Cederwade. Or cross to attack the Black Sun as needed. I suggest that they build many rafts or make shift bridges, there is a ferry point at Cahli I believe?"
chris107: "The Altani I will come to later."
Smon: "Aye."
chris107: "The Rangers of the Woad and your own forces must hold against the initial attack here at Hara and along the Farhills."
Smon: "Do you wish to draw them into besieging my town? Then take them from the rear?"
chris107: "I wish to draw them towards the town, as the Altani hoards descend behind them from the Middnight Goddess Hills."
chris107: "The Amazons of Highhaven, if they can get here will hary their supply lines."
Smon: "It's a good plan. Your Altanians will need to bring rafts from the Midnight Goddess hills, to cross the Farhills."
chris107: When they are in the jaws of our trap, and the Amazons will be able to watch from above and advise. I will take the field before your walls and challange Kainos."
chris107: "They will indeed. You make a good point."
Smon: Laurana: "The Amazons are expecting an attack on Highhaven. Artemisia will not spare warriors until the danger has passed."
chris107: "I understand soLaurana. And she must look to Highhaven first. My bannerman Ursa is there to help."
chris107: "After Kainos falls..."
Smon: Namelin looks at the map, muses. "The Farhills just below where the tributaries meet, is your best place to cross. It is broad and deep there, not too fast. You'll not lose many men."
sandor sunneson: Lord Hakeem, Ajax maybe able to assist you, he has a wand that increases strength for a certain period I think,
sandor sunneson: was a wierd wand in the shape of a bulls penis
chris107: "The Black Sun will be unmanned. If they attack the walls of Hara we have them in a vice. If they flee, they flee into the teeth of the Altani hoard and our other forces can takethem in the rear."
Smon: Anna smirks. "I have heard of this wand! They say it is most ...invigorating."
sandor sunneson: and he could cast haste on you too if you required
Smon: Lady Llanet raises an eyebrow at her daughter.
chris107: "Your local knowlege is priceless my lord Namelin."
chris107: "Any help in this fight will be much needed. But Kainos must fall in full sight and only in one to one combat. It is pointless otherwise."
Smon: Llanet: "If only we could send boats to help your ...warriors... cross. But that risks alerting the Black Sun."
Smon: Namelin scratches his bearded chin. "It is a very good plan. As long as Kainos does not breach my wall the way he breached Madcat Mountain."
sandor sunneson: So no assistance then Hakeem? If the fight is close then surprise attacks could swing it our way
chris107: "Boats would be a great help. Is there any chance they could be sailed upriver now under the cover of magic maybe and held there in readiness?"
chris107: "I will issue the challange to Kainos, before the city walls. "
Smon: Llanet: "Magic? We are not your Elf friends, Lord Hakeem - nor are we Lady Meda."
Smon: Namelin: "We could send boats. But mother is right. It could risk the whole plan."
chris107: "Prince Sandor, have you not heard my words?"
sandor sunneson: Lord Hakeem, your wife and child,
sandor sunneson: just making sure
sandor sunneson: I hope he fights to the same code of honour as you do
chris107: "Kainos must fall in fair fight. Witnessed by his warriors. This is how we dishearten them."
chris107: "Lord Dyson knows him, or knew him. He thinks his arrogance will be our best deffence."
Smon: Dyson regards the map from high above. "Classic pincer tactics... Kainos will be using standard Nerathi tactics, no doubt. Cavalry outriders, but not in great strength. As long as they don't spot you crossing the river, you'll have him."
chris107: "Maybe the Rangers of the Wode could act as our screening force? Keep the outriders away from the river?"
Smon: Namelin: "What about the Ghinarians? Are they strong enough? On the open plain, the Black Sun could defeat them in detail. They have rallied legions of Orcs, coated them in steel..."
chris107: "The Ghinarians will be strong enough to hold a well defended river bank. They cross on the offensive only when Kainos falls."
Smon: Anna: "The Rangers... And the remnants of the Mountain Lion clan. They could provide some diversion. Keep him occupied, from the north-west..."
Smon: Namelin looks at Anna. "Battle tactics is man's work, sister."
chris107: "Thank you Anna. That would be a great help."
chris107: "Lord Namelin, in this war we the price of failure will fall upon us all. It is only right that all of us are involved in the defence."
Smon: Namelin nods at Hakeem's Ghinarian plan. "Yes, that will work. Say what you will about the Ghinarians, their Hoplites can hold a line."
chris107: He nods and smiles at Anna
Smon: Anna beams smugly. Namelin glowers a little.
chris107: "Prince Sandor, have you anything to add that may help our chances?"
Smon: Llanet: "I am only an old woman, but I agree with my daughter - use the Mountain Lion."
sandor sunneson: May I ask, and I apologise I have to ask this Hakeem, if for any unfortunate reason Hakeem does not defeat Kainos, do we charge at him? If the fight is close then he may also fall.
chris107: Hakeem sneaks a look at Laurana, hoping the Prince will impress her with his battle tactics.
sandor sunneson: Thus we keep to the rules, but then worst case, maybe still deal a blow to the black sun
Smon: Laurana nods. "Sneaky and underhand, Sandor ...I like it."
Smon: She looks to Hakeem. "But only, dear brother, if you are already dead."
chris107: "If I fall then the field is yours my friends. Do as you will. Make them bleed, kill them all."
chris107: Hakeem grins at his sisters whit. Pleased that Sandor and she seem to be on the same page.
sandor sunneson: And your wife and child, prior to coming here it was suggested that I help them find safety, possibly in Mystara, is this still to be the case?
Smon: Dyson: "Only enchanted steel may pierce Kainos' flesh."
chris107: Hakeem pats the huge blade at his side. "I think this qualifies."
Smon: The Nerathi all glower at Sandor - if the battle is lost, they are all dead.
Smon: So his talking of saving Hakeem's family does not sit very well.
sandor sunneson: We all have enchanted weapons do we?
chris107: "Prince Sandor. Have courage. We stand or fall here."
Smon: Laurana: "Not me. Just boots of striding and these goggles of night."
chris107: (OOC - Plans have all ready been agreed with Lady Meda, now is not the best time to raise this in front of our allies )
sandor sunneson: (OOC-sorry, I wasn't aware of that)
Smon: Namelin: "I have the Sword of Bronze, that's the only magic steel in Hara."
sandor sunneson: I have Kane's 2 handed sword
Smon: Rasgar: "I'll take that magic sword, Sandor? 300 gold?"
sandor sunneson: Rasgar, can you return it to me after battle? It's sentimental
chris107: "Rasgar would do fine damage to kainos with that blade should I fall. Kaine would be proud to see it used in such a fashion."
sandor sunneson: Take it for the batt;e
sandor sunneson: battle, no cost
sandor sunneson: from one Norse to another
sandor sunneson: (what level is Rasgar?)
Smon: Namelin rolls his eyes. "I'll take this Kane sword. Rasgar you'll wield the Sword of Bronze - you wield it better than I."
Smon: http://smonstats.blogspot.co.uk/2017/04/the-nerathi-of-hara.html
Smon: Namelin eyes the sword on Sandor's back. "By its hilt, a Nerath blade. Why do you carry it?"
sandor sunneson: What's he eyeing up? The +1 longsword?
sandor sunneson: extra d8 vs MU?
Smon: The greatsword you said you carry.
sandor sunneson: spellbane/
Smon: +1 greatsword
chris107: (OOC Meda and Thuruar are aware of the time table and are sorting out magical cover etc?)
Smon: OOC Rem Thuruar is out of Messenger range
sandor sunneson: Why carry it? I have 2 weapons, so I can decide what weapon I fight against what foe I fight
Smon: Namelin: "Why not sell it?"
Smon: Dyson yawns. "Tomorrow I'll fly you to Nera?"
chris107: (OOC Hmmm, I thought I remembered something about him coming South to arrange a Heroe's feast? But no matter. The time of battle is near upon us )
sandor sunneson: Cause I don't need too, I would swap it for another magic item if it was to benefit me
Smon: (OOC you wanted that. Computer said no. :D)
Smon: GM: Is Sandor leaving the +1 greatsword w Namelin & Rasgar?
chris107: "Thanks Dyson, that would be great. If all here are happy with our plan, then I will go to the Clanmoot."
chris107: ( )
sandor sunneson: Yes, as on his character sheet (borrowed)
chris107: (That will be making quite the entrance at Clanmoot )
Smon: Anna: "Let me come to the Clanmoot, Lord Hakeem. I can report back to my brother."
Smon: Llanet: "Alone, among all those ...lovely...barbarians, Anna?"
Smon: Anna shrugs: "Sandor and Lord Hakeem will protect me."
chris107: Hakeem looks at Namelin..
Smon: (ok thx fergus)
chris107: (OOC what does Hakeem know of protocol regarding non altani at the moot?)
Smon: Namelin shrugs. "As you will, Anna. Be careful."
Smon: Non-Altani do come as merchants, though are excluded from the main gatherings unless invited as guests by a chief.
sandor sunneson: (if he has other magic items that would improve Sandor's stats in some way, would happily swap, 300gp before a war where he could die and the gp is worth nothing, no thanks)
Smon: They're not likely to attack Anna while under Hakeem's protection you'd think.
chris107: "Then all is decided?"
Smon: Most of them... never know with Sarene.
sandor sunneson: Sandor also asked that potions and Keoghtoins ointment (spelling) is prepared for him, what does he get for this?
Smon: (My favourite CE pirate girl)
chris107: We have 7 of each Fergus
chris107: I have them noted here
Smon: from Meda yup
sandor sunneson: cool, so 7 potions of healing? They get back d8?
Smon: /roll d4+4
Smon rolls 1d4+4 and gets: 2, (+4) = 6
Smon: Anna: "I could trade you 6 doses of Keoghtom's for the greatsword, Sandor?"
Smon: brb tea
sandor sunneson: what does the ointment get you back?
chris107: quick pee then
sandor sunneson: Have you any magic armour or rings? Would be interested in swapping that?
Smon: 1 dose heals 2d8+2 hp, cures poison, removes disease.
Smon: Anna: "I have a wand of magic detection?"
Smon: OOC Don't you both have rings of protection now?
chris107: Hakeem couldn't attune it, he had gthe max
chris107: There was a +1 ring about though.
Smon: yup
sandor sunneson: OOC, I do +1
chris107: He is hoping to attune the Shield of the Gods when he takes it from dead Kainos
Smon: Meda gave Sandor her ring
Smon: It's on his sheet - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2017/01/sandor-sunnesons-adventuring-party-pcs.html
Smon: Hakeem has armour & sword of Bondor attuned plus boots attuned.
chris107: yup
chris107: he may sacrifice the boots for the shield when all this is done.
chris107: Three relics is enough for any man
Smon: Sandor has AC 21 now, very good in 5e for a barbarian
chris107: Excellent!
Smon: Level 14 barb in my Sunday group has AC 18 in a much higher magic setting.
chris107: Hakeem had AC20 right up to 18th level.
Smon: GM: Is Sandor turning down Anna's offer?
chris107: "I'llleave the merchants to haggle. We have an early start. " Hakeem retires.
Smon: Laurana laughs.
Smon: Laurana: "You should sell the sword, Sandor. It'll do you no good if you're dead."
sandor sunneson: A wand for a sword? No
sandor sunneson: Neither would a wand either
Smon: Anna: "6 doses of Keoghtom's for the sword. Or 3 plus the wand."
sandor sunneson: I'll look forward to collecting it after the battle,
Smon: Anna shrugs. "As you will, milord."
Smon: Laurana sighs, turns and walks out following Hakeem.
Smon: Skip to next day, or do you want to do anything that night?
sandor sunneson: Sandor will go and rest
chris107: Sleep, commune with Bondorr.
sandor sunneson: unless something happens during the night?
chris107: Look forward to arriving at the Clanmoot on a dragon!
Smon: Hakeem's dreams are full of blood and fire. Sandor remembers home, the cold northern sea lapping at the Soderfjord dock, the smell of fish and the wheeling gulls.
Smon: /roll d12
Smon rolls 1d12 and gets: 4,
Smon: The night passes peacefully.
Smon: Next dawn Hakeem, Sandor, Laurana and Anna Bronze mount up on great Dyson's spined back.
Smon: He leaps to the battlements, then a great beat of his mighty wings and he's away, flying over the river, east...
sandor sunneson: Hold on tight ladies!
Smon: Anna: "I bet you say that to all the girls..."
Smon: Laurana gives Anna a brief scowl.
Smon: Across the ancient landscape of Altanis you fly. To the south the river mouth and Korm basin - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8c/Cole_Thomas_The_Course_of_Empire_The_Arcadian_or_Pastoral_State_1836.jpg/800px-Cole_Thomas_The_Course_of_Empire_The_Arcadian_or_Pastoral_State_1836.jpg
Smon: The stout Ranger-Fortress of the Wode passes beneath you, a child's toy.
sandor sunneson: Only the ladies that love riding Anna, be it horses or dragons or anything else
Smon: To the north the rugged green expanses of the demon-haunted Midnight Goddess Hills, where Hakeem was born.
Smon: Anna smirks and nods to Sandor.
sandor sunneson: Your birth place Hakeem?
chris107: "Aye. I was left there to die as a babe."
Smon: "I knew a man loved riding, Sandor. Bjornalf was his name! Mighty indeed was his stallion!"
Smon: Anna seems to be enjoying the ride and the sense of freedom, away from her Nerath family.
sandor sunneson: How well you have done to overcome the hardships of your younger days
sandor sunneson: Where were you born Laurana?
Smon: A great herd of aurochs start in panic, coursing across the plain as Dyson passes overhead.
chris107: "Bondorr had plans for me." hakeem grins.
Smon: Laurana: "I was born in Highhaven, Sandor. My mother Queen Khelara was seduced by a brutish Altani wretch. A foul thing, who met a deserved end."
chris107: "Hahah! Indeed he did. Sister mine!"
Smon: Laurana laughs joyously, the wind whipping her black hair.
chris107: Hakeem is very proud of his sister.
chris107: Hopes she finds a good man....
sandor sunneson: Any plans to go back and cleanse the place of demons Hakeem?
Smon: The plains below become dry and cracked - the awful place of Gedden, where the Empire of Nerath died on the Day of Ruin.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
Smon: Dyson appears troubled. "Evil lurks here still - I can feel it..."
chris107: (Somehow this reminds me of the scene from Stormbringer when Elric and Moonglum are riding the dragon over the ruined lands towards the final battle against Chaos.)
chris107: "Nay Sandor. The Middnight Goddess Hills without it's demons would be no fun. What else would the Greywolves do on a Saturday night?"
Smon: After nearly 50 miles' flying - only 3 hours' flight - you see ahead the coast of Vigil Sound, and a great white light that matches the blazing stone at Dyson's breast.
chris107: Hakeem seems in a carefree, even jovial mood. He is ready to face his fate. Ready to die gloriously in batle or to stand victorious over the bloody corpse of his enemy.
Smon: Dyson grumbles with satisfaction. "The Flame Imperishable! Nera! I lit that flame, you know - seven hundred years ago..."
chris107: "And may it shine for another thousand, Lord Dyson!"
Smon: "We took the fire from the heart of the dragon-king, Ayunken-Vazen... back then, never thought I'd be a dragon myself one day! Makes you think..."
chris107: "You make a fine Dragon."
Smon: The marble ruins of fallen Nera come into view, the Flame Imperishable blazing forth from the highest rampart of the Imperial Palace. Tiny figures of Altani can be seen on the walls.
Smon: Dyson: "Thank you, Hakeem. It is fine... Lots of time to dream..."
Smon: Dyson flies over the walls, landing in the vast court before the Imperial Palace. Dozens of Seawolf warriors come running from all sides, weapons raised in desperate defence, but stop when they see Hakeem in Bondor's armour.
chris107: Hakeem waves at the Altani below.
Smon: "Hakeem! Bondor!"
Smon: The warriors cheer.
chris107: He laughs!
Smon: To the rear Hakeem sees a few Greywolf, early arrivers for the Moot perhaps.
sandor sunneson: Like being at the walls of Hara, it's what's his face !!!
chris107: The joy of impending battle in his heart.
Smon: The chanting grows louder as more warriors arrive, followed by women and children, even slaves, until there are hundreds in the square.
chris107: "Thanks Dyson." He whispers then using his magical boots bounds down among the Barbarian throng.
Smon: "Aye! Aye!" Swords are shaken. Then Hakeem sees mighty wolf-cloaked Minars Rapak come striding from the Palace, wise Ernsorn Blue beside him, his wife Lina just behind, and beside her a girl...
chris107: Greeting man, woman and children warmly.
Smon: The Seawolf warriors are in a virtual ecstatic frenzy.
Smon: Minars: "WELCOME!!!"
chris107: He makes his way towards them through the throng.
Smon: http://sticktwiddlers.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/diablo3_barbarian.jpeg Minars
Smon: Ernsorn - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEin43JkjUB1AIi7wzLai8wZ9kDZ_d2dR06z6OzHkmBQpMDh1VQSxguZ20WHYnU0QbQD8ojBUJuH2UYpNicxZtN_tb-Oa1C6zGkuYqfXBhz2c_WAjmX0WjXpKFFSTrUu69NPA9S02l2OlaM/s320/Ernsorn+Blue.png
chris107: "Minars, my chief. It is good to see you." he grasps his hand firmly.
Smon: Lina - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjRQoxh0SHu9hVQ3e0ZuQW3KMsRRAd1b_rb91N1G4u-wUHsUKOhuNJj2zSAcftGOF6rknzUHw4EJqchkDg9I7CXIdmJZQUmVbUlKccTAHbpeejk5NIG95bYv7b6XLE63bga0pmb7Fprs9c/s320/Lina.jpg
Smon: Hakeem make INT+Prof check
Smon: Minars grasps Hakeem's hand, then gives him a great bear-hug.
sandor sunneson: Hope she's not in that position? Has he got a fag in his mouth?
Smon: Minars grins warmly: "My friend! Your timing is superb!"
chris107: He raises Minars hand above his own, saluting him as chiefof the clans. (bulling him up is the term I think ) "HAIL! MIGHTY MINARS. CHIEF OF THE ALTANI!"
Smon: Lina looks a bit disgruntled actually.
sandor sunneson: Hakeem INT check??
Smon: The crowd cheers more, for Minars and Hakeem both.
chris107: "Lina, I have not forgotten the hero of the Black Sun Gate."
Smon: Minars glances at Lina. "Oh, do not mind her, Hakeem. She is moody because tomorrow I take a second wife."
chris107: He gestures to the slim young lass. "THE TRUE HERO OF THE BLACK SUN GATE!"
Smon: GM: I guess Hakeem got a 1 on his INT check
chris107: "LAARA!"
Smon: LOL
Smon: Nope
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 16, (+6) = 22
chris107: Sorry, carried away with typing
Smon: Silence falls. Hakeem takes another look at the girl in Altani costume, a tiara on her head.
sandor sunneson: DMs have everything covered !!
Smon: Not Laara - not even Altani. It's Holli Doomfire, daughter of the vile Snake-Prince of the Black Sun, Thulseus.
Smon: Holli in Nerathi swimming pool NSFW https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjAbM_jdGvPtZoSVdN99ba3XLIiJbnbim3M5zfBmagnXkEvbnt7I7IXkBvs1CpnC1qRE0z_13txS-CCpSbtaKgCmnR18JygkKA4tNM87tkzQYx_OCeC53Ur1a8qlui8YTTQd1hA4C087ts/s320/Holli.jpg
chris107: Hakeem looks on. Silent, amazed.
chris107: "Minars? What madness is this?"
Smon: Hakeem recalls now - Minars had captured her, taken her as concubine but was courting her, refusing to take her against her will.
chris107: he hisses quietly
Smon: Minars frowns. "I thought you knew, Hakeem? This poor lass will unite our peoples. No more war, no more slaughter. Just as YOU wish."
Smon: Holli looks frightened: "My lord Hakeem! If I have done anything to offend you..."
Smon: Pale with fear, she falls to her knees before Hakeem.
chris107: Whispered. "You shocked me there Minars. I hope you are right."
Smon: Lina Rapak: "I told you this is foolishness, Minars! Hakeem speaks truth!"
chris107: "Up Holli Doomfire. You are to wed the greatest Altani chief yet lived. Stand, stand and be proud!"
Smon: Minars scowls: "Silence, woman! It was foolishness when I found you in bed with Eardvulf! THIS is strategy!"
chris107: Whispered. "Let's get out of sight, we have much to discuss. Send help to fetch my friends if you would?"
Smon: Minars looks a lot happier now. Holli scrambles to her feet, smiling with relief.
chris107: "The Dragon is one of them by the way.." He adds slyly.
Smon: Minars nods to Hakeem, then addresses the confused throng. "All is good! Be merry! The Sword of Bondor is with us once more!"
Smon: Ernsorn Blue nods thoughtfully to Hakeem, then both retinues are escorted into the Imperial Palace.
chris107: On cue Hakeem draws the mighty blade raising it high and causing it to flare with lightning.
Smon: Dyson eyes the grand entrance. "Hmm, I could just about squeeze in there..."
Smon: The crowd cheer again at the words and the blazing lightning sword. "BONDORR!!! BONDORR!!"
Smon: For a moment Anna has to put hands to ears, so great is the cheering.
chris107: When his friends arrive he shrugs, looking almost embarassed at the theatricals
Smon: Then you assemble in the great marble-tiled hall of Nera's Imperial Palace - Hakeem Minars then Ernsorn Lina Holli, Sandor Laurana & Anna, Dyson in last.
chris107: He also wonders where Laara is?
Smon: Servant slave women bring pillows and great tankards of mead and ale.
Smon: GM Rem she is Greywolf not Seawolf. Looks like most Greywolf not here yet.
chris107: Hakeem drinks only the smallest sips so as not to offend.
Smon: Kaag, his mother, his aunt etc also not here.
chris107: OOC - ah thanks, I thought all the clans were gathered. My bad.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will ask Laurana what she makes of this place, good first impressions?
chris107: "Good to be back, Dyson?"
Smon: Minars: "The Greywolf should be here in strength tomorrow, friend - I got Meda's raven-message and sent out the early call, as you wished. Hoard-Wardens, Nippuri will be a little longer - Feathred Bear too. Red Tiger are too far. Of Mountain Lion - Ernsorn has sent to their Princess by magic, she says they are coming too."
Smon: Laurana looks up at the vast high dome above, the cracked marble staircases, the damage wrought by centuries of gnoll occupation. "Nice."
chris107: Hakeem nods. "You have done well. Thank you."
Smon: Dyson moves carefully so as not to break anything. "Yes. Certainly brings back memories..."
Smon: Minars: "Great dragon, you are welcome."
Smon: Dyson: "Cheers."
Smon: Minars takes a mighty quaff of mead.
chris107: "Minars, this is the legendery Arch Mage, Dyson Logos.."
Smon: Dyson nods. "I'll have a tub of that mead, if you'd be so kind..."
chris107: "Lit that big fire out there you know? 700 years ago."
Smon: The slaves hurry to comply.
Smon: Minars' eyes widen. "By Bondor!"
chris107: Hakeem is playing it cool, like he chats with ancient Dragon Sorcerors every day.
Smon: Dyson: "Technically, by Erathis-Athene."
chris107: "And this is Prince Sandor Sunnerson of a far off realm. A mighty hero."
Smon: Dyson starts to lap up his mead, like an 80' long brass-scaled cat.
chris107: "My sister, Princess Laurana of the Amazons of Highhaven."
Smon: Minars smiles. "Ho, Skandik!" He offers his hand to Sandor, then Laurana in turn.
chris107: "And of course lady Anna Bronze, representing the Nerathi of Hara."
Smon: Minars: "Laurana... Who slew the vile beast Yusan! Welcome!"
Smon: Laurana smiles happily/wickedly at that, she can't get enough of killing her dad.
Smon: Minars looks more coolly at Anna Bronze, who bows.
Smon: Minars: "I see. Our western ...allies."
sandor sunneson: Sandor takes hand
chris107: (Not sure of the etiquette but I think I got that right? Dragon Sorceror-Prince-Princess-Lady.)
Smon: Yup first rate
Smon: Anna: "I am honoured to be in your hall, great Chief."
Smon: Minars thinks a moment. "It is good you are here. When I conquer the Black Sun, your lands will be part of the Reborn Empire. Your brother will be my vassal. You should carry my words to him."
Smon: Ernsorn Blue watches like a hawk.
Smon: Anna: "The reborn empire ...of Nerath?"
chris107: "Ah, so you are to fight Kainos before the walls of Hara? Well done Minars. This is good to hear indeed! We can not now fail!" Hakeem beams a big smile.
Smon: Minars: "Aye! Nerath Kings wed Altani princesses in the old days, now Altani King weds... " he turns to Hakeem. "What did you say?"
chris107: "I look forward to watching you bring him low."
Smon: Minars sizes up Hakeem.
chris107: "Well if you are to conquer the Black Sun and rebirth an empire. It's only right you get to kill Kainos."
chris107: Hakeem smiles.
Smon: Minars reddens. Ernsorn moves swiftly forward and whispers in his ear.
chris107: relaxed and confident
sandor sunneson: I know I am not from here, and so do not know the politics or history of this area. You are all up against a great evil that will slaughter you all and does not care for Borders. As I see it, you all fight as one for the greater good.
Smon: Ernsorn: "Indeed. Well said, Skandik."
chris107: "I agree my friend Sandor."
chris107: "Only the foul serpant god would speak otherwise."
Smon: Minars: "Lord Hakeem... my understanding was that you planned to wear the armour of Bondor, to wield His sword, and to fight as Champion of the Altani against Kainos. Has this changed?"
chris107: "Always sowing the seeds of unrest among allies."
Smon: Lina Rapak: "Yes, the Serpent plants many seeds of poison."
sandor sunneson: Sandor senses a snake in the grass
chris107: "Whyit would seem so my chief. Last I heard there was no emporer here in the east?"
Smon: She glares at Princess Holli, who pales.
chris107: "No talk of building empires. Just of defeating our wicked foe."
chris107: "A foe who would cover the earth in worse than death."
chris107: "Or has this changed?"
sandor sunneson: You may yourself die in this war Minars
sandor sunneson: What will become of your people then? Would you rather they fall to a great evil who care not for them or a neigbouring clan or family who may not like them but will at least ensure their survival?
Smon: Minars glowers. "Hakeem, you pledged allegiance to me, as War Chief of the Altani. I am sorry we did not discuss this with you before - I thought we had. You understand, do you not? There must be peace between Nerathi and Altan. There must be a plan. We must unite the peoples. Or else the cycle will come again. There are those on our side - Sarene - who see the Nerath as sheep for the slaughter. And on theirs, those who want every Altanian dead. There must be a plan."
sandor sunneson: (OOC-I'm stopping at 1840)
Smon: Ernsorn: "Do you not see the wisdom of this plan, Lord Hakeem? The Nerathi respect the bonds of marriage. The Doomfire are Princes of Nerath - but this girl is young and innocent, untainted by her father's evil. A child can escape the evil of their parent, can they not?"
chris107: "We made alliance as free peoples with a common enemy. Bonds of friendship will be forged through this alliance as we have seen in the south. "
Smon: (thx fergus will stop then)
Smon: Anna: "We are allies, are we not, Lord Minars?"
chris107: "But now is not the time to find fault, we must unite our tribes. We must defeat Kainos. We must drive the Black Sun and all worshipers of the dread Snake from our lands."
chris107: "Can you unite our tribes Chief Minars?"
Smon: Minars takes a deep breath. "Aye, Lady of Bronze. We are." He looks to Hakeem. "We are in agreement, old friend. I command the Tribes. They will follow me. See that the Nerath of Hara fight on our side. And all will be well."
chris107: Hakeem clasps his friends hand warmly. "I will see to it old friend."
Smon: Minars clasps Hakeem's hand with equal strength - and few enough men alive can say that.
chris107: "And worry not. I shall slay the Warbringer."
sandor sunneson: Sandor will look in Dyson's direction to see if he looks convinced
Smon: Minars grins: "You will. Or you'll give me that panoply!"
chris107: "Oh by the way, do you have any great attachment to these old ruins?"
Smon: Dyson has a slightly bemused air. "All the vases are missing from the alcoves... *sigh*"
Smon: Minars: "Nera? It's where we won our great victory. Where I slew Prince Thulseus Doomfire on the ramparts, cast his head down to our men below. It's a symbol of our triumph over the Black Sun."
chris107: "Fair do's."
chris107: "Amighty victory indeed."
Smon: Ernsorn: "Also, it will become the capital of the reborn empire - Nerath restored."
chris107: Hakeem is wise enough to pick the times of his battles
Smon: Anna yawns: "We are tired from our long journey, Chief Minars. May we rest now?"
chris107: "Ernsorn, you whisper much in the ears of your betters." Hakeem gives him a very unfriendly stare.
Smon: Minars: "As you wish..." Anna gives Hakeem a meaningful look.
chris107: "You do know what the Neo Nerathi, the Black Sun want, don't you?"
Smon: Ernsorn the Druid folds his arms, regarding Hakeem. "I am his Advisor - it is what I do."
chris107: "An empire of restored Nerath?"
sandor sunneson: So a druid being a spellcaster would take fair bit of damage from Bane?
Smon: Ernsorn: "They want an empire of Evil, every Altani dead and re-animated as a rotting corpse for their legions. We want peace."
chris107: "You grow bold, Druid?"
Smon: (yes druids are casters)
sandor sunneson: Cool
Smon: Hakeem can make an intimidate roll CHA+Prof
Smon: need 18
chris107 rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 4, (+8) = 12
sandor sunneson: Many people here do not get the bigger picture
Smon: Ernsorn speaks calmly: "I mean no disrespect, Champion. If our plan is ...misguided, tell us why."
chris107: "I will discuss this with your master. Minars still is your master I take it?"
Smon: OOC Hakeem is in a Yalta Conference type situation I feel, multiple competing agendas among his coalition.
Smon: "He is my Chief."
chris107: OOC It is indeed.
chris107: Hakeem looks at Minars meaningfuly...
Smon: Minars: "We will feast tonight, and discuss it then. But Hakeem, Ernsorn is my loyal Druid, and friend. He has always counselled me well. His magics brought victory at Ractuan, when he alerted the Gnomes. Without him, this war might be lost. We all owe him much."
chris107: "It has been a long journey. Let us rest and await the gathering of the tribes."
Smon: GM: In the guest quarters, 15 minutes later...
Smon: Not actually being tired or dirty, washing doesn't take long.
Smon: Anna Bronze goes to see Hakeem, Sandor & Laurana in the room.
sandor sunneson: Can we be safe that what we say is not being heard by others?
Smon: Anna: "My Lord Hakeem, we see there is a problem..."
Smon: GM you can make Investigation check Sandor, INT+Prof
chris107: "Things do seem to have gotten a bit mixed up, Lady Anna."
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 9,
sandor sunneson: +4=13
Smon: Sandor looks around. There is a wall inset with many holes in a grille pattern that looks suspicious.
Smon: The grille appears to be of wood.
Smon: A cavity behind. Anyone could be listening there, watching too if up close.
sandor sunneson: He will point this out to his comrades
sandor sunneson: without saying anything in the hope they get what he is trying to communicate
chris107: Hakeem silently thanks Sandorr with the thumbs up sign.
Smon: Anna nods to Sandor, lowers her voice to a whisper. "Both my brother Namelin, and Chief Minars, wish to be King of Nerath."
chris107: Hakeem hangs his heavy old wolf skin cloak over the grill.
chris107: (for starters)
Smon: "I do not think either will accept the others' rule."
Smon: Hakeem can make WIS+Prof check
Smon: He hangs cloak over the grille.
chris107: (He's deffinately mellowing, this time last year he would have shoved his sword through it to impale the eaves dropper )
Smon: LOL
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 16, (+6) = 22
Smon: Hakeem hears an exasperated sigh from the other side of the grille - sounds female?
chris107: hmmmm
sandor sunneson: Sandor thinks it's the snake daughter?
Smon: Sandor can make same WIS check
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 6,
chris107: OOC I fear she is behind this change of heart..
Smon: Sandor didn't hear it.
Smon: 6.40 stopping?
sandor sunneson: Ok
chris107: Gosh, so it is. Time flies.
Hakeem L19 XP 322,896/355,000
Sandor Lvl 9 XP 54,370/64,000
+Laurana, Anna Bronze
2:58pm 2017-8-08 Smon Has entered the room
3:03pm 2017-8-08 sandor sunneson Has entered the room
3:04pm 2017-8-08 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: Afternoon gents, an unexpected bonus
sandor sunneson: lol, true
Smon: hello
Smon: I have quite a few daytimes free now until 21st.
Smon: yesterday - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2017/08/session-128-11-14347-hara.html
Smon: >>Smon: The night falls. No Rey. chris107: The worst news Smon: Hakeem's heart tells him he will not see his friend again. chris107: Hakeem's heart hardens. Another good man to avenge.<<
sandor sunneson: How do you suggest we attack Kainos? Raging? Any traps we can set or anything like that? Or just charge in and battle on
Smon: As the last light fades, Laurana comes out onto the western battlements overlooking the paths across the plains towards Ractuan and Madcat mountain. She puts a friendly hand on Hakeem's shoulder. "I'm sorry."
sandor sunneson: Of course raging
sandor sunneson: (Is Dyson around with us?)
Smon: Sandor is in the courtyard below, he sees Hakeem & Laurana on the battlements. Night has fallen, Rey has not returned - he must be lost.
chris107: "Do not be sorry Laurana. If I die, there will be other brave men to fight this evil. They will not win."
Smon: Dyson is in his giant kennel yup.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will go and see Dyson
chris107: The fight v Kainos must be fair.
Smon: Laurana nods. "We will never surrender, Hakeem. With your example, we will never give in."
Smon: Dyson is sitting on his reaquired treasure hoard, chatting with the lovely Anna Bronze, a blonde Nerathi noble girl.
chris107: He must be seen to be destroyed in battle with Bondorr. Cheap tricks will only cause his army to seek revenge. Defeating him fairly will demoralize them.
Smon: "Ah, Mr Sunneson! Come in!"
Smon: Smoke curls from his nostrils.
sandor sunneson: Good even My Dyson
sandor sunneson: Mr Dyson even
Smon: Laurana nods to Hakeem. "I understand."
Smon: "What brings you here, this fine evening?"
sandor sunneson: My Dyson is in my cupboard
sandor sunneson: I have a feeling that it is bad news about Rey, we are fearing the worst now that he is not back. Another one to avenge. This Kainos, do we try to trap him? Is there anything we can do to gain an advantage
Smon: Anna Bronze https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhInvctvMjACKSmf_GKba4NtzeM77bDaxAKdr4osRwuI74DcDEL7-kTGWhEiz6wCVruQm_grJJ7MA7OVobMRw_rJUz5yRTauQBsAdy7e_bBYvb812Dnfz24GeEOHx2X7YaLpfTDoYDwhjM/s200/Lady+Anna+Bronze.jpg - eyes Sandor thoughfully. She is the diplomat who accompanied her brother Namelin & Rasgar with Ursa & Sandor to find Dyson.
chris107: The fight against Kainos must be a fair one.
Smon: Dyson muses, stretching his foreclaws. They glitter in the torchlight.
sandor sunneson: (Is Hakeem with us now? Sorry thought he was with Laurana)
Smon: "Kainos - I knew him when he was a mortal, you see... He was always a hot-headed one."
Smon: Hakeem is talking to Laurana.
chris107: Oh sorry Fergus, didn't realise that was Sandor talking to Dyson.
sandor sunneson: (agree that it should be fair, but do you trust them to fight fair (if Hakeem is listening)
Smon: Dyson: "I'd say Kainos is arrogant, very sure of himself. He craves battle. He lives to kill."
Smon: "You might be able to take advantage of that, I suppose."
sandor sunneson: If we can somehow decide the venue for battle, could there be anything we could do to get an advantage?
Smon: "But as for myself, I am a little rusty ...does brass rust?"
Smon: "He's twenty-five feet tall... I doubt he does well in confined spaces."
sandor sunneson: I believe that as brass contains no iron, it will not rust Mr Dyson
Smon: Dyson nods his great head. "Ah, that's good to hear."
Smon: Anna: "The Black Sun plot to seize your Heart, Lord Dyson. To re-open the Black Sun Gate. Could that be used, somehow?"
Smon: Dyson exales, a long breath of flickering flame.
Smon: Dyson: "Frankly, I have had my fill of plots and stratagems... That is for mortals, now. I think when this is done I may depart, see the world a little."
Smon: The last evening light has faded. Heading down from the wall, Hakeem & Laurana come to the Dyson-kennel, see Sandor & Anna conversing with the great dragon.
sandor sunneson: Maybe we call Hakeem over, it will be him fighting Kainos after all, but to fight him in a confined space could work
sandor sunneson: Talk of the Diablo
Smon: Dyson: "Aye, and speak of the Devil!"
chris107: Hakeem greets his friends quietly.
Smon: Anna chuckles at the simultaneous comparison.
chris107: "The time draws near."
sandor sunneson: Hakeem, I am sorry to hear about your friend Rey
Smon: Anna Bronze: "You look troubled my lord. No Rey?"
chris107: "Thank you Prince Sandor."
chris107: "I fear Rey has failed. We will see him no more."
Smon: Laurana: "We will all grieve for him. He was the best of us ...at certain things."
sandor sunneson: Anyway, we have been talking, if we were to somehow get Kainos into a confined space as he is 25ft tall, could it be that fighting him would give you an advantage
chris107: "We will have time for grief when our work is done. For now we have vengeance."
Smon: Anna: "The women of the South will grieve deeply."
sandor sunneson: You are a mere dwarf when compared to him in terms of height Lord Hakeem, but not of the smelly Ursa variety
chris107: "And how would you suggest we do that? We need his troops to see him fall."
sandor sunneson: I don't know, we are looking at ways of gaining an advantage, Mr Dyson thought of fighting him in a confined space may benefit you
chris107: "The trick will be to keep his cohorts at bay while I slay him."
Smon: Laurana: "Hmm... There are many rocky defiles in the mountains. He could perhaps be caught in a narrow gorge, unable to maneuver?"
chris107: "I do not need a dozen Necromancers and Dark Priests slinging spells at me while we fight."
Smon: OOC I recall a Greek hero was indeed killed that way.
chris107: "Are we all aware of our battle plans?"
Smon: Dyson: "Kainos' arrogance is such he will face you on the open field, beyond reach of his spell-slingers. I am sure of that."
Smon: Dyson: "He often used to refuse my 'buffs', as he called them."
chris107: "Then I can ask for no more than that."
Smon: Anna: "You have not discussed battle plans with us milord - should I fetch my brother Namelin?"
Smon: OOC You did specifically say yesterday not telling them plans yet
sandor sunneson: I know of no battle plans, unless they were discussed outwith my absence
chris107: "We must keep them secret. But as I have to go to the Clanmoot I guess now is as good a time as any."
Smon: Laurana: "I know the general plan. Is it time the Nerathi here hear it?"
chris107: OOC I did
Smon: Anna - "I will fetch Namelin - and my mother."
Smon: She departs.
chris107: "And I would welcome Prince sandor's ideas and the wisdom of the Nerathi and Lord Dyson in these matters too."
Smon: A few minutes later Anna Bronze returns with her mother Lady Llanet, half-brother Lord Namelin, and Rasgar Skarrison keeping an eye out to the rear.
chris107: Hakeem looks meaningfuly at Laurana when he mentions Sandor's name
Smon: Rasgar nods cordially to Sandor. "Ho there."
Smon: Laurana looks to Hakeem, nods and smiles slightly. She has been calmer, these past few days.
sandor sunneson: Hey Ras, good to see you
Smon: Rasgar grins, shaking his spear. "The time of war comes soon!"
Smon: Namelin: "So then, Hakeem. Your plan?"
chris107: Hakeem unfolds his well worn map, showing the lands here abouts.
Smon: Namelin: "The rivers funnel foes towards Hara..."
chris107: "It is my belief that when the rins stops, Kainos will lead his forces from Madcap Mountain towards this City.To wreak terrible revenge upon you."
Smon: Namelin nods. "Most likely."
chris107: "I say we use those rivers as natural defences."
chris107: "Here, the Farhills." he points
chris107: "And here the Cederwade."
chris107: "The forces of our Ghinarian friends are to muster at Cahli. Here."
Smon: "Your Ghinarians gather at Cahli, I see. And the Altani at Nerra?"
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhTN9bMOUWhiUudbHQ6aLIx6pavPQlXfHELXSfACaF4G3LYGUIpvTKcvS7VIzRXRT1KmILXoL53TpNx70d34zIUYLSacUBdRqnUa-FnUXgH3ntJAY6K_P58mPCu3xjq7n32-vSx-ZoIsDk/s1600/Ghinarian%252BHills.jpg
chris107: ""From there they can defend the near bank of the Cederwade. Or cross to attack the Black Sun as needed. I suggest that they build many rafts or make shift bridges, there is a ferry point at Cahli I believe?"
chris107: "The Altani I will come to later."
Smon: "Aye."
chris107: "The Rangers of the Woad and your own forces must hold against the initial attack here at Hara and along the Farhills."
Smon: "Do you wish to draw them into besieging my town? Then take them from the rear?"
chris107: "I wish to draw them towards the town, as the Altani hoards descend behind them from the Middnight Goddess Hills."
chris107: "The Amazons of Highhaven, if they can get here will hary their supply lines."
Smon: "It's a good plan. Your Altanians will need to bring rafts from the Midnight Goddess hills, to cross the Farhills."
chris107: When they are in the jaws of our trap, and the Amazons will be able to watch from above and advise. I will take the field before your walls and challange Kainos."
chris107: "They will indeed. You make a good point."
Smon: Laurana: "The Amazons are expecting an attack on Highhaven. Artemisia will not spare warriors until the danger has passed."
chris107: "I understand soLaurana. And she must look to Highhaven first. My bannerman Ursa is there to help."
chris107: "After Kainos falls..."
Smon: Namelin looks at the map, muses. "The Farhills just below where the tributaries meet, is your best place to cross. It is broad and deep there, not too fast. You'll not lose many men."
sandor sunneson: Lord Hakeem, Ajax maybe able to assist you, he has a wand that increases strength for a certain period I think,
sandor sunneson: was a wierd wand in the shape of a bulls penis
chris107: "The Black Sun will be unmanned. If they attack the walls of Hara we have them in a vice. If they flee, they flee into the teeth of the Altani hoard and our other forces can takethem in the rear."
Smon: Anna smirks. "I have heard of this wand! They say it is most ...invigorating."
sandor sunneson: and he could cast haste on you too if you required
Smon: Lady Llanet raises an eyebrow at her daughter.
chris107: "Your local knowlege is priceless my lord Namelin."
chris107: "Any help in this fight will be much needed. But Kainos must fall in full sight and only in one to one combat. It is pointless otherwise."
Smon: Llanet: "If only we could send boats to help your ...warriors... cross. But that risks alerting the Black Sun."
Smon: Namelin scratches his bearded chin. "It is a very good plan. As long as Kainos does not breach my wall the way he breached Madcat Mountain."
sandor sunneson: So no assistance then Hakeem? If the fight is close then surprise attacks could swing it our way
chris107: "Boats would be a great help. Is there any chance they could be sailed upriver now under the cover of magic maybe and held there in readiness?"
chris107: "I will issue the challange to Kainos, before the city walls. "
Smon: Llanet: "Magic? We are not your Elf friends, Lord Hakeem - nor are we Lady Meda."
Smon: Namelin: "We could send boats. But mother is right. It could risk the whole plan."
chris107: "Prince Sandor, have you not heard my words?"
sandor sunneson: Lord Hakeem, your wife and child,
sandor sunneson: just making sure
sandor sunneson: I hope he fights to the same code of honour as you do
chris107: "Kainos must fall in fair fight. Witnessed by his warriors. This is how we dishearten them."
chris107: "Lord Dyson knows him, or knew him. He thinks his arrogance will be our best deffence."
Smon: Dyson regards the map from high above. "Classic pincer tactics... Kainos will be using standard Nerathi tactics, no doubt. Cavalry outriders, but not in great strength. As long as they don't spot you crossing the river, you'll have him."
chris107: "Maybe the Rangers of the Wode could act as our screening force? Keep the outriders away from the river?"
Smon: Namelin: "What about the Ghinarians? Are they strong enough? On the open plain, the Black Sun could defeat them in detail. They have rallied legions of Orcs, coated them in steel..."
chris107: "The Ghinarians will be strong enough to hold a well defended river bank. They cross on the offensive only when Kainos falls."
Smon: Anna: "The Rangers... And the remnants of the Mountain Lion clan. They could provide some diversion. Keep him occupied, from the north-west..."
Smon: Namelin looks at Anna. "Battle tactics is man's work, sister."
chris107: "Thank you Anna. That would be a great help."
chris107: "Lord Namelin, in this war we the price of failure will fall upon us all. It is only right that all of us are involved in the defence."
Smon: Namelin nods at Hakeem's Ghinarian plan. "Yes, that will work. Say what you will about the Ghinarians, their Hoplites can hold a line."
chris107: He nods and smiles at Anna
Smon: Anna beams smugly. Namelin glowers a little.
chris107: "Prince Sandor, have you anything to add that may help our chances?"
Smon: Llanet: "I am only an old woman, but I agree with my daughter - use the Mountain Lion."
sandor sunneson: May I ask, and I apologise I have to ask this Hakeem, if for any unfortunate reason Hakeem does not defeat Kainos, do we charge at him? If the fight is close then he may also fall.
chris107: Hakeem sneaks a look at Laurana, hoping the Prince will impress her with his battle tactics.
sandor sunneson: Thus we keep to the rules, but then worst case, maybe still deal a blow to the black sun
Smon: Laurana nods. "Sneaky and underhand, Sandor ...I like it."
Smon: She looks to Hakeem. "But only, dear brother, if you are already dead."
chris107: "If I fall then the field is yours my friends. Do as you will. Make them bleed, kill them all."
chris107: Hakeem grins at his sisters whit. Pleased that Sandor and she seem to be on the same page.
sandor sunneson: And your wife and child, prior to coming here it was suggested that I help them find safety, possibly in Mystara, is this still to be the case?
Smon: Dyson: "Only enchanted steel may pierce Kainos' flesh."
chris107: Hakeem pats the huge blade at his side. "I think this qualifies."
Smon: The Nerathi all glower at Sandor - if the battle is lost, they are all dead.
Smon: So his talking of saving Hakeem's family does not sit very well.
sandor sunneson: We all have enchanted weapons do we?
chris107: "Prince Sandor. Have courage. We stand or fall here."
Smon: Laurana: "Not me. Just boots of striding and these goggles of night."
chris107: (OOC - Plans have all ready been agreed with Lady Meda, now is not the best time to raise this in front of our allies )
sandor sunneson: (OOC-sorry, I wasn't aware of that)
Smon: Namelin: "I have the Sword of Bronze, that's the only magic steel in Hara."
sandor sunneson: I have Kane's 2 handed sword
Smon: Rasgar: "I'll take that magic sword, Sandor? 300 gold?"
sandor sunneson: Rasgar, can you return it to me after battle? It's sentimental
chris107: "Rasgar would do fine damage to kainos with that blade should I fall. Kaine would be proud to see it used in such a fashion."
sandor sunneson: Take it for the batt;e
sandor sunneson: battle, no cost
sandor sunneson: from one Norse to another
sandor sunneson: (what level is Rasgar?)
Smon: Namelin rolls his eyes. "I'll take this Kane sword. Rasgar you'll wield the Sword of Bronze - you wield it better than I."
Smon: http://smonstats.blogspot.co.uk/2017/04/the-nerathi-of-hara.html
Smon: Namelin eyes the sword on Sandor's back. "By its hilt, a Nerath blade. Why do you carry it?"
sandor sunneson: What's he eyeing up? The +1 longsword?
sandor sunneson: extra d8 vs MU?
Smon: The greatsword you said you carry.
sandor sunneson: spellbane/
Smon: +1 greatsword
chris107: (OOC Meda and Thuruar are aware of the time table and are sorting out magical cover etc?)
Smon: OOC Rem Thuruar is out of Messenger range
sandor sunneson: Why carry it? I have 2 weapons, so I can decide what weapon I fight against what foe I fight
Smon: Namelin: "Why not sell it?"
Smon: Dyson yawns. "Tomorrow I'll fly you to Nera?"
chris107: (OOC Hmmm, I thought I remembered something about him coming South to arrange a Heroe's feast? But no matter. The time of battle is near upon us )
sandor sunneson: Cause I don't need too, I would swap it for another magic item if it was to benefit me
Smon: (OOC you wanted that. Computer said no. :D)
Smon: GM: Is Sandor leaving the +1 greatsword w Namelin & Rasgar?
chris107: "Thanks Dyson, that would be great. If all here are happy with our plan, then I will go to the Clanmoot."
chris107: ( )
sandor sunneson: Yes, as on his character sheet (borrowed)
chris107: (That will be making quite the entrance at Clanmoot )
Smon: Anna: "Let me come to the Clanmoot, Lord Hakeem. I can report back to my brother."
Smon: Llanet: "Alone, among all those ...lovely...barbarians, Anna?"
Smon: Anna shrugs: "Sandor and Lord Hakeem will protect me."
chris107: Hakeem looks at Namelin..
Smon: (ok thx fergus)
chris107: (OOC what does Hakeem know of protocol regarding non altani at the moot?)
Smon: Namelin shrugs. "As you will, Anna. Be careful."
Smon: Non-Altani do come as merchants, though are excluded from the main gatherings unless invited as guests by a chief.
sandor sunneson: (if he has other magic items that would improve Sandor's stats in some way, would happily swap, 300gp before a war where he could die and the gp is worth nothing, no thanks)
Smon: They're not likely to attack Anna while under Hakeem's protection you'd think.
chris107: "Then all is decided?"
Smon: Most of them... never know with Sarene.
sandor sunneson: Sandor also asked that potions and Keoghtoins ointment (spelling) is prepared for him, what does he get for this?
Smon: (My favourite CE pirate girl)
chris107: We have 7 of each Fergus
chris107: I have them noted here
Smon: from Meda yup
sandor sunneson: cool, so 7 potions of healing? They get back d8?
Smon: /roll d4+4
Smon rolls 1d4+4 and gets: 2, (+4) = 6
Smon: Anna: "I could trade you 6 doses of Keoghtom's for the greatsword, Sandor?"
Smon: brb tea
sandor sunneson: what does the ointment get you back?
chris107: quick pee then
sandor sunneson: Have you any magic armour or rings? Would be interested in swapping that?
Smon: 1 dose heals 2d8+2 hp, cures poison, removes disease.
Smon: Anna: "I have a wand of magic detection?"
Smon: OOC Don't you both have rings of protection now?
chris107: Hakeem couldn't attune it, he had gthe max
chris107: There was a +1 ring about though.
Smon: yup
sandor sunneson: OOC, I do +1
chris107: He is hoping to attune the Shield of the Gods when he takes it from dead Kainos
Smon: Meda gave Sandor her ring
Smon: It's on his sheet - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2017/01/sandor-sunnesons-adventuring-party-pcs.html
Smon: Hakeem has armour & sword of Bondor attuned plus boots attuned.
chris107: yup
chris107: he may sacrifice the boots for the shield when all this is done.
chris107: Three relics is enough for any man
Smon: Sandor has AC 21 now, very good in 5e for a barbarian
chris107: Excellent!
Smon: Level 14 barb in my Sunday group has AC 18 in a much higher magic setting.
chris107: Hakeem had AC20 right up to 18th level.
Smon: GM: Is Sandor turning down Anna's offer?
chris107: "I'llleave the merchants to haggle. We have an early start. " Hakeem retires.
Smon: Laurana laughs.
Smon: Laurana: "You should sell the sword, Sandor. It'll do you no good if you're dead."
sandor sunneson: A wand for a sword? No
sandor sunneson: Neither would a wand either
Smon: Anna: "6 doses of Keoghtom's for the sword. Or 3 plus the wand."
sandor sunneson: I'll look forward to collecting it after the battle,
Smon: Anna shrugs. "As you will, milord."
Smon: Laurana sighs, turns and walks out following Hakeem.
Smon: Skip to next day, or do you want to do anything that night?
sandor sunneson: Sandor will go and rest
chris107: Sleep, commune with Bondorr.
sandor sunneson: unless something happens during the night?
chris107: Look forward to arriving at the Clanmoot on a dragon!
Smon: Hakeem's dreams are full of blood and fire. Sandor remembers home, the cold northern sea lapping at the Soderfjord dock, the smell of fish and the wheeling gulls.
Smon: /roll d12
Smon rolls 1d12 and gets: 4,
Smon: The night passes peacefully.
Smon: Next dawn Hakeem, Sandor, Laurana and Anna Bronze mount up on great Dyson's spined back.
Smon: He leaps to the battlements, then a great beat of his mighty wings and he's away, flying over the river, east...
sandor sunneson: Hold on tight ladies!
Smon: Anna: "I bet you say that to all the girls..."
Smon: Laurana gives Anna a brief scowl.
Smon: Across the ancient landscape of Altanis you fly. To the south the river mouth and Korm basin - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8c/Cole_Thomas_The_Course_of_Empire_The_Arcadian_or_Pastoral_State_1836.jpg/800px-Cole_Thomas_The_Course_of_Empire_The_Arcadian_or_Pastoral_State_1836.jpg
Smon: The stout Ranger-Fortress of the Wode passes beneath you, a child's toy.
sandor sunneson: Only the ladies that love riding Anna, be it horses or dragons or anything else
Smon: To the north the rugged green expanses of the demon-haunted Midnight Goddess Hills, where Hakeem was born.
Smon: Anna smirks and nods to Sandor.
sandor sunneson: Your birth place Hakeem?
chris107: "Aye. I was left there to die as a babe."
Smon: "I knew a man loved riding, Sandor. Bjornalf was his name! Mighty indeed was his stallion!"
Smon: Anna seems to be enjoying the ride and the sense of freedom, away from her Nerath family.
sandor sunneson: How well you have done to overcome the hardships of your younger days
sandor sunneson: Where were you born Laurana?
Smon: A great herd of aurochs start in panic, coursing across the plain as Dyson passes overhead.
chris107: "Bondorr had plans for me." hakeem grins.
Smon: Laurana: "I was born in Highhaven, Sandor. My mother Queen Khelara was seduced by a brutish Altani wretch. A foul thing, who met a deserved end."
chris107: "Hahah! Indeed he did. Sister mine!"
Smon: Laurana laughs joyously, the wind whipping her black hair.
chris107: Hakeem is very proud of his sister.
chris107: Hopes she finds a good man....
sandor sunneson: Any plans to go back and cleanse the place of demons Hakeem?
Smon: The plains below become dry and cracked - the awful place of Gedden, where the Empire of Nerath died on the Day of Ruin.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
Smon: Dyson appears troubled. "Evil lurks here still - I can feel it..."
chris107: (Somehow this reminds me of the scene from Stormbringer when Elric and Moonglum are riding the dragon over the ruined lands towards the final battle against Chaos.)
chris107: "Nay Sandor. The Middnight Goddess Hills without it's demons would be no fun. What else would the Greywolves do on a Saturday night?"
Smon: After nearly 50 miles' flying - only 3 hours' flight - you see ahead the coast of Vigil Sound, and a great white light that matches the blazing stone at Dyson's breast.
chris107: Hakeem seems in a carefree, even jovial mood. He is ready to face his fate. Ready to die gloriously in batle or to stand victorious over the bloody corpse of his enemy.
Smon: Dyson grumbles with satisfaction. "The Flame Imperishable! Nera! I lit that flame, you know - seven hundred years ago..."
chris107: "And may it shine for another thousand, Lord Dyson!"
Smon: "We took the fire from the heart of the dragon-king, Ayunken-Vazen... back then, never thought I'd be a dragon myself one day! Makes you think..."
chris107: "You make a fine Dragon."
Smon: The marble ruins of fallen Nera come into view, the Flame Imperishable blazing forth from the highest rampart of the Imperial Palace. Tiny figures of Altani can be seen on the walls.
Smon: Dyson: "Thank you, Hakeem. It is fine... Lots of time to dream..."
Smon: Dyson flies over the walls, landing in the vast court before the Imperial Palace. Dozens of Seawolf warriors come running from all sides, weapons raised in desperate defence, but stop when they see Hakeem in Bondor's armour.
chris107: Hakeem waves at the Altani below.
Smon: "Hakeem! Bondor!"
Smon: The warriors cheer.
chris107: He laughs!
Smon: To the rear Hakeem sees a few Greywolf, early arrivers for the Moot perhaps.
sandor sunneson: Like being at the walls of Hara, it's what's his face !!!
chris107: The joy of impending battle in his heart.
Smon: The chanting grows louder as more warriors arrive, followed by women and children, even slaves, until there are hundreds in the square.
chris107: "Thanks Dyson." He whispers then using his magical boots bounds down among the Barbarian throng.
Smon: "Aye! Aye!" Swords are shaken. Then Hakeem sees mighty wolf-cloaked Minars Rapak come striding from the Palace, wise Ernsorn Blue beside him, his wife Lina just behind, and beside her a girl...
chris107: Greeting man, woman and children warmly.
Smon: The Seawolf warriors are in a virtual ecstatic frenzy.
Smon: Minars: "WELCOME!!!"
chris107: He makes his way towards them through the throng.
Smon: http://sticktwiddlers.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/diablo3_barbarian.jpeg Minars
Smon: Ernsorn - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEin43JkjUB1AIi7wzLai8wZ9kDZ_d2dR06z6OzHkmBQpMDh1VQSxguZ20WHYnU0QbQD8ojBUJuH2UYpNicxZtN_tb-Oa1C6zGkuYqfXBhz2c_WAjmX0WjXpKFFSTrUu69NPA9S02l2OlaM/s320/Ernsorn+Blue.png
chris107: "Minars, my chief. It is good to see you." he grasps his hand firmly.
Smon: Lina - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjRQoxh0SHu9hVQ3e0ZuQW3KMsRRAd1b_rb91N1G4u-wUHsUKOhuNJj2zSAcftGOF6rknzUHw4EJqchkDg9I7CXIdmJZQUmVbUlKccTAHbpeejk5NIG95bYv7b6XLE63bga0pmb7Fprs9c/s320/Lina.jpg
Smon: Hakeem make INT+Prof check
Smon: Minars grasps Hakeem's hand, then gives him a great bear-hug.
sandor sunneson: Hope she's not in that position? Has he got a fag in his mouth?
Smon: Minars grins warmly: "My friend! Your timing is superb!"
chris107: He raises Minars hand above his own, saluting him as chiefof the clans. (bulling him up is the term I think ) "HAIL! MIGHTY MINARS. CHIEF OF THE ALTANI!"
Smon: Lina looks a bit disgruntled actually.
sandor sunneson: Hakeem INT check??
Smon: The crowd cheers more, for Minars and Hakeem both.
chris107: "Lina, I have not forgotten the hero of the Black Sun Gate."
Smon: Minars glances at Lina. "Oh, do not mind her, Hakeem. She is moody because tomorrow I take a second wife."
chris107: He gestures to the slim young lass. "THE TRUE HERO OF THE BLACK SUN GATE!"
Smon: GM: I guess Hakeem got a 1 on his INT check
chris107: "LAARA!"
Smon: LOL
Smon: Nope
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 16, (+6) = 22
chris107: Sorry, carried away with typing
Smon: Silence falls. Hakeem takes another look at the girl in Altani costume, a tiara on her head.
sandor sunneson: DMs have everything covered !!
Smon: Not Laara - not even Altani. It's Holli Doomfire, daughter of the vile Snake-Prince of the Black Sun, Thulseus.
Smon: Holli in Nerathi swimming pool NSFW https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjAbM_jdGvPtZoSVdN99ba3XLIiJbnbim3M5zfBmagnXkEvbnt7I7IXkBvs1CpnC1qRE0z_13txS-CCpSbtaKgCmnR18JygkKA4tNM87tkzQYx_OCeC53Ur1a8qlui8YTTQd1hA4C087ts/s320/Holli.jpg
chris107: Hakeem looks on. Silent, amazed.
chris107: "Minars? What madness is this?"
Smon: Hakeem recalls now - Minars had captured her, taken her as concubine but was courting her, refusing to take her against her will.
chris107: he hisses quietly
Smon: Minars frowns. "I thought you knew, Hakeem? This poor lass will unite our peoples. No more war, no more slaughter. Just as YOU wish."
Smon: Holli looks frightened: "My lord Hakeem! If I have done anything to offend you..."
Smon: Pale with fear, she falls to her knees before Hakeem.
chris107: Whispered. "You shocked me there Minars. I hope you are right."
Smon: Lina Rapak: "I told you this is foolishness, Minars! Hakeem speaks truth!"
chris107: "Up Holli Doomfire. You are to wed the greatest Altani chief yet lived. Stand, stand and be proud!"
Smon: Minars scowls: "Silence, woman! It was foolishness when I found you in bed with Eardvulf! THIS is strategy!"
chris107: Whispered. "Let's get out of sight, we have much to discuss. Send help to fetch my friends if you would?"
Smon: Minars looks a lot happier now. Holli scrambles to her feet, smiling with relief.
chris107: "The Dragon is one of them by the way.." He adds slyly.
Smon: Minars nods to Hakeem, then addresses the confused throng. "All is good! Be merry! The Sword of Bondor is with us once more!"
Smon: Ernsorn Blue nods thoughtfully to Hakeem, then both retinues are escorted into the Imperial Palace.
chris107: On cue Hakeem draws the mighty blade raising it high and causing it to flare with lightning.
Smon: Dyson eyes the grand entrance. "Hmm, I could just about squeeze in there..."
Smon: The crowd cheer again at the words and the blazing lightning sword. "BONDORR!!! BONDORR!!"
Smon: For a moment Anna has to put hands to ears, so great is the cheering.
chris107: When his friends arrive he shrugs, looking almost embarassed at the theatricals
Smon: Then you assemble in the great marble-tiled hall of Nera's Imperial Palace - Hakeem Minars then Ernsorn Lina Holli, Sandor Laurana & Anna, Dyson in last.
chris107: He also wonders where Laara is?
Smon: Servant slave women bring pillows and great tankards of mead and ale.
Smon: GM Rem she is Greywolf not Seawolf. Looks like most Greywolf not here yet.
chris107: Hakeem drinks only the smallest sips so as not to offend.
Smon: Kaag, his mother, his aunt etc also not here.
chris107: OOC - ah thanks, I thought all the clans were gathered. My bad.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will ask Laurana what she makes of this place, good first impressions?
chris107: "Good to be back, Dyson?"
Smon: Minars: "The Greywolf should be here in strength tomorrow, friend - I got Meda's raven-message and sent out the early call, as you wished. Hoard-Wardens, Nippuri will be a little longer - Feathred Bear too. Red Tiger are too far. Of Mountain Lion - Ernsorn has sent to their Princess by magic, she says they are coming too."
Smon: Laurana looks up at the vast high dome above, the cracked marble staircases, the damage wrought by centuries of gnoll occupation. "Nice."
chris107: Hakeem nods. "You have done well. Thank you."
Smon: Dyson moves carefully so as not to break anything. "Yes. Certainly brings back memories..."
Smon: Minars: "Great dragon, you are welcome."
Smon: Dyson: "Cheers."
Smon: Minars takes a mighty quaff of mead.
chris107: "Minars, this is the legendery Arch Mage, Dyson Logos.."
Smon: Dyson nods. "I'll have a tub of that mead, if you'd be so kind..."
chris107: "Lit that big fire out there you know? 700 years ago."
Smon: The slaves hurry to comply.
Smon: Minars' eyes widen. "By Bondor!"
chris107: Hakeem is playing it cool, like he chats with ancient Dragon Sorcerors every day.
Smon: Dyson: "Technically, by Erathis-Athene."
chris107: "And this is Prince Sandor Sunnerson of a far off realm. A mighty hero."
Smon: Dyson starts to lap up his mead, like an 80' long brass-scaled cat.
chris107: "My sister, Princess Laurana of the Amazons of Highhaven."
Smon: Minars smiles. "Ho, Skandik!" He offers his hand to Sandor, then Laurana in turn.
chris107: "And of course lady Anna Bronze, representing the Nerathi of Hara."
Smon: Minars: "Laurana... Who slew the vile beast Yusan! Welcome!"
Smon: Laurana smiles happily/wickedly at that, she can't get enough of killing her dad.
Smon: Minars looks more coolly at Anna Bronze, who bows.
Smon: Minars: "I see. Our western ...allies."
sandor sunneson: Sandor takes hand
chris107: (Not sure of the etiquette but I think I got that right? Dragon Sorceror-Prince-Princess-Lady.)
Smon: Yup first rate
Smon: Anna: "I am honoured to be in your hall, great Chief."
Smon: Minars thinks a moment. "It is good you are here. When I conquer the Black Sun, your lands will be part of the Reborn Empire. Your brother will be my vassal. You should carry my words to him."
Smon: Ernsorn Blue watches like a hawk.
Smon: Anna: "The reborn empire ...of Nerath?"
chris107: "Ah, so you are to fight Kainos before the walls of Hara? Well done Minars. This is good to hear indeed! We can not now fail!" Hakeem beams a big smile.
Smon: Minars: "Aye! Nerath Kings wed Altani princesses in the old days, now Altani King weds... " he turns to Hakeem. "What did you say?"
chris107: "I look forward to watching you bring him low."
Smon: Minars sizes up Hakeem.
chris107: "Well if you are to conquer the Black Sun and rebirth an empire. It's only right you get to kill Kainos."
chris107: Hakeem smiles.
Smon: Minars reddens. Ernsorn moves swiftly forward and whispers in his ear.
chris107: relaxed and confident
sandor sunneson: I know I am not from here, and so do not know the politics or history of this area. You are all up against a great evil that will slaughter you all and does not care for Borders. As I see it, you all fight as one for the greater good.
Smon: Ernsorn: "Indeed. Well said, Skandik."
chris107: "I agree my friend Sandor."
chris107: "Only the foul serpant god would speak otherwise."
Smon: Minars: "Lord Hakeem... my understanding was that you planned to wear the armour of Bondor, to wield His sword, and to fight as Champion of the Altani against Kainos. Has this changed?"
chris107: "Always sowing the seeds of unrest among allies."
Smon: Lina Rapak: "Yes, the Serpent plants many seeds of poison."
sandor sunneson: Sandor senses a snake in the grass
chris107: "Whyit would seem so my chief. Last I heard there was no emporer here in the east?"
Smon: She glares at Princess Holli, who pales.
chris107: "No talk of building empires. Just of defeating our wicked foe."
chris107: "A foe who would cover the earth in worse than death."
chris107: "Or has this changed?"
sandor sunneson: You may yourself die in this war Minars
sandor sunneson: What will become of your people then? Would you rather they fall to a great evil who care not for them or a neigbouring clan or family who may not like them but will at least ensure their survival?
Smon: Minars glowers. "Hakeem, you pledged allegiance to me, as War Chief of the Altani. I am sorry we did not discuss this with you before - I thought we had. You understand, do you not? There must be peace between Nerathi and Altan. There must be a plan. We must unite the peoples. Or else the cycle will come again. There are those on our side - Sarene - who see the Nerath as sheep for the slaughter. And on theirs, those who want every Altanian dead. There must be a plan."
sandor sunneson: (OOC-I'm stopping at 1840)
Smon: Ernsorn: "Do you not see the wisdom of this plan, Lord Hakeem? The Nerathi respect the bonds of marriage. The Doomfire are Princes of Nerath - but this girl is young and innocent, untainted by her father's evil. A child can escape the evil of their parent, can they not?"
chris107: "We made alliance as free peoples with a common enemy. Bonds of friendship will be forged through this alliance as we have seen in the south. "
Smon: (thx fergus will stop then)
Smon: Anna: "We are allies, are we not, Lord Minars?"
chris107: "But now is not the time to find fault, we must unite our tribes. We must defeat Kainos. We must drive the Black Sun and all worshipers of the dread Snake from our lands."
chris107: "Can you unite our tribes Chief Minars?"
Smon: Minars takes a deep breath. "Aye, Lady of Bronze. We are." He looks to Hakeem. "We are in agreement, old friend. I command the Tribes. They will follow me. See that the Nerath of Hara fight on our side. And all will be well."
chris107: Hakeem clasps his friends hand warmly. "I will see to it old friend."
Smon: Minars clasps Hakeem's hand with equal strength - and few enough men alive can say that.
chris107: "And worry not. I shall slay the Warbringer."
sandor sunneson: Sandor will look in Dyson's direction to see if he looks convinced
Smon: Minars grins: "You will. Or you'll give me that panoply!"
chris107: "Oh by the way, do you have any great attachment to these old ruins?"
Smon: Dyson has a slightly bemused air. "All the vases are missing from the alcoves... *sigh*"
Smon: Minars: "Nera? It's where we won our great victory. Where I slew Prince Thulseus Doomfire on the ramparts, cast his head down to our men below. It's a symbol of our triumph over the Black Sun."
chris107: "Fair do's."
chris107: "Amighty victory indeed."
Smon: Ernsorn: "Also, it will become the capital of the reborn empire - Nerath restored."
chris107: Hakeem is wise enough to pick the times of his battles
Smon: Anna yawns: "We are tired from our long journey, Chief Minars. May we rest now?"
chris107: "Ernsorn, you whisper much in the ears of your betters." Hakeem gives him a very unfriendly stare.
Smon: Minars: "As you wish..." Anna gives Hakeem a meaningful look.
chris107: "You do know what the Neo Nerathi, the Black Sun want, don't you?"
Smon: Ernsorn the Druid folds his arms, regarding Hakeem. "I am his Advisor - it is what I do."
chris107: "An empire of restored Nerath?"
sandor sunneson: So a druid being a spellcaster would take fair bit of damage from Bane?
Smon: Ernsorn: "They want an empire of Evil, every Altani dead and re-animated as a rotting corpse for their legions. We want peace."
chris107: "You grow bold, Druid?"
Smon: (yes druids are casters)
sandor sunneson: Cool
Smon: Hakeem can make an intimidate roll CHA+Prof
Smon: need 18
chris107 rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 4, (+8) = 12
sandor sunneson: Many people here do not get the bigger picture
Smon: Ernsorn speaks calmly: "I mean no disrespect, Champion. If our plan is ...misguided, tell us why."
chris107: "I will discuss this with your master. Minars still is your master I take it?"
Smon: OOC Hakeem is in a Yalta Conference type situation I feel, multiple competing agendas among his coalition.
Smon: "He is my Chief."
chris107: OOC It is indeed.
chris107: Hakeem looks at Minars meaningfuly...
Smon: Minars: "We will feast tonight, and discuss it then. But Hakeem, Ernsorn is my loyal Druid, and friend. He has always counselled me well. His magics brought victory at Ractuan, when he alerted the Gnomes. Without him, this war might be lost. We all owe him much."
chris107: "It has been a long journey. Let us rest and await the gathering of the tribes."
Smon: GM: In the guest quarters, 15 minutes later...
Smon: Not actually being tired or dirty, washing doesn't take long.
Smon: Anna Bronze goes to see Hakeem, Sandor & Laurana in the room.
sandor sunneson: Can we be safe that what we say is not being heard by others?
Smon: Anna: "My Lord Hakeem, we see there is a problem..."
Smon: GM you can make Investigation check Sandor, INT+Prof
chris107: "Things do seem to have gotten a bit mixed up, Lady Anna."
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 9,
sandor sunneson: +4=13
Smon: Sandor looks around. There is a wall inset with many holes in a grille pattern that looks suspicious.
Smon: The grille appears to be of wood.
Smon: A cavity behind. Anyone could be listening there, watching too if up close.
sandor sunneson: He will point this out to his comrades
sandor sunneson: without saying anything in the hope they get what he is trying to communicate
chris107: Hakeem silently thanks Sandorr with the thumbs up sign.
Smon: Anna nods to Sandor, lowers her voice to a whisper. "Both my brother Namelin, and Chief Minars, wish to be King of Nerath."
chris107: Hakeem hangs his heavy old wolf skin cloak over the grill.
chris107: (for starters)
Smon: "I do not think either will accept the others' rule."
Smon: Hakeem can make WIS+Prof check
Smon: He hangs cloak over the grille.
chris107: (He's deffinately mellowing, this time last year he would have shoved his sword through it to impale the eaves dropper )
Smon: LOL
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 16, (+6) = 22
Smon: Hakeem hears an exasperated sigh from the other side of the grille - sounds female?
chris107: hmmmm
sandor sunneson: Sandor thinks it's the snake daughter?
Smon: Sandor can make same WIS check
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 6,
chris107: OOC I fear she is behind this change of heart..
Smon: Sandor didn't hear it.
Smon: 6.40 stopping?
sandor sunneson: Ok
chris107: Gosh, so it is. Time flies.
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