Sandor Lvl 9 XP 52,870/64,000
+Laurana, Livilla at Hara
No more Rey. :(
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Llanet Bronze of Hara |
7:04pm 2017-8-07 Smon Has entered the room
Smon: You can try to implement plan. You learned last session the apparent early end of the dry season was due to Athena temple weather magics.
chris107: Thanks.
chris107: Yeah, that cuts our options down.
chris107: I fear we will just have to bite the bullet and maybe send emmisarries to those folks I mentioned in case we fail.
Smon: It's 3 weeks to the normal onset of Dry Season, you asked to have the Altanian Clan Moot gather early.
chris107: But we must make contingencies.
chris107: Yes.
chris107: I think in retrospect that was a mistake. But we are where we are. Hakeem is ready.
Smon: Dyson: "Apparently the Snake God Zehir-Set has convinced these fellows he represents Inner Wisdom and the Endless Cycle of Return. And zombies." - end of last session, Dyson Logos to Hakeem/Sandor/Laurana
chris107: Just last minute nerves
Smon: OK looking at your plan at yes you've left it way late there.
Smon: The Antillians have been neutral/friendly to Nerath, Ralu is far away & neutral.
chris107: So be it. Bondorr/Hakeem is ready to sacrifice all to stop this wickedness.
Smon: You have friends in Ralu, but would take major diplomatic efforts at least.
chris107: Sure, I just got to thinking last night that I have managed this affair on too small a scale. The Neo-Nerathi are a global threat.
Smon: Dyson Logos is a powerful totem among the Nerathi, but does not mean much to Rallu or Antil.
chris107: It's time to kick ass
Smon: Yes you could have tried to expand your circle of alliances. OTOH you have built many strong local alliances and foiled many Black Sun plots.
chris107: (and pray that Rey has got lucky )
chris107: And tacticaly we are in a very good position.
chris107: If the Black Sun strike at Hara, we have their supply lines stretched and a highly mobile flying force in the Amazons to disrupt them.
chris107: The Cederwade/Farhills as adefensive barriers
chris107: and a strike force of Altani screamers ready to descend upon their flanks/rear from the Middnight Goddess Hills.
Smon: Yes it's a strong nut Hara, hence why it has stood all these centuries.
chris107: If Hakeem can only defeat Kainos. We are in with a really good chance.
Smon: Possibly major mistake by Black Sun to withdraw from there last year after their defeats.
Smon: You have 3 days until Rey is due in Hara with the god shield.
chris107: And I really think Sarene the Pirate's raid on Bisgen will have helped..
chris107: We need to get more aggressive.
chris107: Three days.....How many until the clan meet?
chris107: Nogt long enough to go kill Matriarx then/
Smon: Could be starting to gather in 5 days, would take several more for full gathering.
chris107: I fear an attack from the ancient Black while our hands are full...
Smon: 150 miles to her island, could be there & back in 4 days?
chris107: I'm sure we are not the only ones making Draconic chums.
chris107: Hakeem will discuss this with Lord Dyson.
Smon: Dyson: "You say some dragon girl has taken up residence off the coast?! Hmm... is she a fine looking lass?"
chris107: "Do you know of this fell creature, Lord Dyson?"
Smon: Dyson shakes his head. "Must be a recent squatter."
chris107: "A Black beast from legend."
chris107: "They say she is a hundred feet long. Teeth like lances."
Smon: "Sounds like my wife."
Smon: "Only joking" he sighs.
chris107: "Just the sort that Crowfinger and his mob would get on board..." He lets it hang there..
Smon: Flames lick out Dyson's vast mouth.
chris107: "I'm sure her Island would contain many riches too. Perhaps magics that would aid us in the battle to come?"
Smon: Lord Bronze: "You worry too much, Lord Hakeem. The Black Sun sought Dyson because he is of Nerath. Matriarx is just an all-devouring fiend - why should she aid them?"
chris107: He lays his huge hand on the hilt of his sword. Does he feel a hunger for Black Dragon blood stiring there?
Smon: Not particularly, the Sword seems pretty quiet.
chris107: OOC - Ah well, so much for getting to 20th before the fight
Smon: Anna Bronze: "Her Isle doubtless has much wealth - but what if she wounds Lord Dyson? Or yourself? We should not seek new enemies needlessly."
chris107: Hakeem will make sure he circulates among all the forces he can. If Dyson is willing flying here and there to make sure the forces are where they should be and to bolster morale.
Smon: Lord Namelin: "Come friends, let us feast and make merry in my Hall."
chris107: "Aye, you are right."
Smon: Namelin escorts the three travellers to his Hall, ordering vats of beef and mead be brought to Dyson.
chris107: Hakeem is laying off tghe booze though.
Smon: In his Hall he introduces you to his family, his wife Earani Cor - former ruler of Hara - and especially Lady Lady Llanet, the keen-eyed Bronze matriarch.
chris107: Hakeem intends to purge his body of all impurities before the fight.
Smon: Llanet -
chris107: He's taking this avatar of Bondorr stuff very seriously
chris107: Nice pic
Smon: Llanet: "Good evening, Lord Hakeem." She offer a hand. "So good to meet you at last! I've heard so much about you."
chris107: "Lady Llanet. The honour is mine."
Smon: She must be about the oldest looking woman Hakeem has ever seen - Altani show few signs of aging before they expire.
Smon: The Lady inclines her head graciously. From the demeanour of Namelin and his siblings it is obvious she is the real power here.
chris107: He makes small talk about Dyson, the war etc. Trying to sound her out.
Smon: "Oh, nonsense!" she smiles. "And Lord Sandor! Thank you so much for your aid in bringing us Dyson Logos. I knew that though we took a terrible risk in pledging ourselves to Lord Hakeem's cause, it was the right thing to do. And you have proven it!"
chris107: Hakeem smiles.
chris107: "I hope I don't disappoint."
Smon: Llanet chats happily with Hakeem, apparently seeing him as a power-broker of equal standing to herself. "That young Neo-Nerath Prince, Halvath, he was very handsome - but not nearly as charming as you!"
Smon: Namelin chuckles. "After your men defeated his armies he went running back over the mountains, tail between his legs. The enemy are led by boys, not men!"
Smon: Anna: "It was the collapse of their undead legions that prompted the withdrawal."
chris107: "This time, we will follow them back over the mountains and root out this evil that taints the good folks of Nerath."
chris107: "With the closing of The Gate?"
Smon: Namelin nods. "We were burning the zombie corpse-pile for weeks! Gods know what Ractuan and Nerra were like!"
Smon: Laurana: "My brother is the Exarch of Bondor. Nothing can stand against him."
chris107: "And Bisgen. I shall not rest until my..Bondorrr's Temple there is rebuilt."
chris107: "Once our forces are in place. I will stand forth on the field and slay Kainos."
Smon: Llanet: "Yes, Bisgen. Where it all began, all those years ago." She wraps her knuckles on Hakeem's breastplate. "Where the last man to wear that armour faced off against the Black Sun. But I'm sure you'll do much better."
Smon: Laurana scowls at Llanet. "I find your lack of faith ...disturbing."
chris107: "I hope so. He didn't look too well when I pulled this gem from his chest." Hakeem grins.
chris107: "Varek Tigerclaw will be avenged. His name once more spoken in awe not fear."
Smon: Llanet laughs lightly at Laurana. "Nonsense, dear. Hakeem is quite right. He has already shown himself much stronger than Varek!"
Smon: Namelin nods "Let's drink to that, Lord Hakeem. To vengeance!"
Smon: The assembled Harans drink, eyeing Hakeem curiously.
chris107: Hakeem is careful that no mention of our plans is mentioned during the feast.
chris107: It is important that they stay secret until the Black Sun have marched upon us.
chris107: "To Vengeance!"
chris107: He wants to make sure that Hara and these halls especially are combed for spies and agents.
Smon: Hakeem drinks his grape juice.
Smon: Llanet: "So, Lord Hakeem, what will you do, do you think, after you take Bisgen and end the Black Sun? Stay there and rule?"
chris107: OOC - I fear we are going to need every advantage. One slip up at this level could cost us all.
Smon: Namelin: "Bisgen had an Altani Queen before - Parre, favoured by the Overlord they say. Why not?"
chris107: "Nay Lady Llanet. I am no ruler of cities."
chris107: "I will leave the Nerathi to rebuild. To bring the light back."
Smon: Llanet nods. "No, I thought not - and Bisgen is a miserable place these days, by all accounts. I hear Renth is much nicer."
chris107: "I fight for freedom. Not for conquest."
Smon: Llanet: "A good Nerathi ruler would seem best, I agree. Have anyone in mind?"
Smon: Namelin eyes Harek keenly.
chris107: "Nor am I King-maker. I'm sure you have some one suitable in mind?"
Smon: Llanet: "Me? Why, I am only an old woman, what would I know of the ways of kings and princes?" She giggles.
Smon: Namelin laughs too.
chris107: as does Hakeem.
chris107: but not too loudly. A formidable woman.
chris107: Does Hakeem notice anyone behaving strangly during the evening?
Smon: Several moments later. Llanet: "...But now that you mention it, perhaps a trusted hero, someone who had, say, awakened the ancient Dragon of Nerath from his slumbers, would be suitable? A man already accustomed to rule? Such a man could unite the Nerathi, restore the Empire - this time truly as a force of Light, again."
Smon: Make a WIS+Prof check.
chris107: Any new faces? Anyone listening too hard or lurking too closely?
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 18, (+6) = 24
Smon: Nice
chris107: "Such a fellow would indeed be a worthy ruler."
Smon: Hakeem sees Rasgar Skarrison stood at the back of the Hall, keeping a close eye all around. It dawns on Hakeem that security is *extremely* tight here - Rasgar and the guards are highly alert for any trouble, especially they watch the entrances.
chris107: Hakeem approves.
Smon: Namelin's other brothers & sisters seem decent enough sorts, clearly under their mothers' thumb though.
chris107: "I should like to see the light of Nerath rekindled in the darkness west of the mountains."
chris107: (he tries not to think about fattening cattle to feed the wolf )
Smon: Namelin nods. "I see you're concerned in case of spies or assassins, Lord Hakeem. Well, short of a Black Sun demon, you need not fear - Rasgar is a *very* efficient bodyguard."
Smon: Bit Sarene there Hakeem
chris107: Hakeem is stuill a Barbarian at heart. He has simply had to get a bit more polished to ensure victory. Adding those last two points to Charisma and one to Wisdom before have changed him a bit. But he's still a wolf at heart.
Smon: Llanet: "My eldest son Lord Namelin, is of course already very busy, with his duties as ruler here. He has shown himself a strong and capable ruler. He has battled the Black Sun, and freed Dyson Logos from the Deep Delve. He is a true Hero of Nerath..."
Smon: Namelin blushes. "Mother..."
chris107: "Prince sandor mentioned your bravery my Lord. You should be proud."
Smon: Llanet gives Hakeem a keen look, rather like a bird of prey. "What do you think, Lord Hakeem? Does he meet your requirements? As King of Nerath?"
chris107: "It was no small thing you achieved."
chris107: "I am no king-maker. But I think Nerath could do a lot worse..."
Smon: Llanet chuckles. "No king maker? I beg to differ! Your name echoes from every rooftop across these lands!"
chris107: "I but serve the light my lady."
Smon: Llanet points to a grey-tunic'd man & woman eating at the lower tables of the Hall - Rangers of the Wode. Hakeem realises the woman is Anna Souvari, Thuruar's sometime girlfriend; the man he's not sure.
chris107: "Bondorr's wrath will drive these evil folk from your lands. But what you do with them afterwards will be your true test. make it a place fit for heroes."
Smon: "Those Rangers - because of you, they still live. You held the Altani horde back from our door, too."
Smon: Namelin nods at Hakeem's words. "Well said."
Smon: Llanet is leading up to something.
chris107: "I will speak at the Clanmoot. We can only defeat these cured necromancers together."
chris107: cursed
Smon: Llanet: "Yes, the Clanmoot... I was coming to that. Chief Minars claims rulership of the Altanians. He holds his Moot in the ruins of Nerra, our lost capitol. If we could, perhaps, have it back..."
Smon: "...That would go a very long way to securing all Nerathi as your devoted followers and friends."
chris107: "I shall see what I can do."
Smon: Namelin: "Aye. You can do no more. And... Nerath can be reborn without Nerra, if needs be."
Smon: Llanet shrugs. "It was just a thought."
chris107: "I can be quite persuasive my lady. Minas is a decent fellow. I'm sure it will not cost you too much gold." He grins.
Smon: Anna Bronze: "There has been so much bad blood between our peoples, Lord Hakeem. Varek Tigerclaw waged a war of extermination against us. The Black Sun have paid him back tenfold. The bloodshed must cease. A gesture..."
chris107: "
chris107: "We must build a peace that will last. We can never allow another evil like the Black Sun to rise."
Smon: Llanet: "And we do have a little gold." she smiles.
Smon: Namelin, now quite drunk, nods again at Harek's words. "Hear hear! To the destruction of the Black Sun!"
Smon: He hefts his goblet, as do the others. Anna Souvari at the lower table makes brief eye contact with Hakeem, smiles and waves.
chris107: Hakeem smiles and waves back.
Smon: Anna Bronze: "Let the war end soon! Then let the days of peace begin!"
chris107: "The destruction of the Black Sun!" He sips quietly on his grape juice.
Smon: Cheering, much quaffing.
Smon: Also an undertone of fear - all here know that should Neo-Nerath recapture traitorous Hara, their vengeance will be terrible indeed.
chris107: If he gets chance he will have a quiet word with the Rangers. Anna especially. make sure all is well.
Smon: At length the feast winds down. Hakeem catches Anna as the Rangers are about to leave.
chris107: Then that should put some steel in their backbones.
Smon: Anna Souvari smiles: "Welcome, Hakeem! This is Kolchak."
Smon: Kolchak nods politely.
chris107: "Anna, you look well. Thuruar must miss you."
Smon: Anna smiles. "Sometimes he does little Sendings..."
chris107: "Kolchak." He offers his hand to shake.
Smon: Kolchak looks a mite jealous!
chris107: eek
Smon: The rugged fellow shakes Hakeem's hand. "Welcome, milord! Anna speaks most highly of you."
chris107: 2 mins? Could do with a coffee.
chris107: "That is good to hear. She is a fine woman."
Smon: (sure) Anna: "When the war is over, Thuruar will be able to return from his Temple, and see me again. I look forward to that..."
chris107: cool. 21:18 restart?
Smon: Kolchak: "Sadly, tis a long war..."
Smon: (5 mins)
chris107: back whenever you are ready
chris107: "I hope to make it a lot shorter in a few weeks, Kolchak."
Smon: Kolchak smiles, but in truth doesn't seem totally happy at the thought of Thuruar's return!
chris107: Poor chap.
Smon: Anna is a fine-lookin' lady.
Smon: Anna: "Oh, did you know our Ranger Lord Tagoler has finally wed Lady Anisa?! A long courtship!"
Smon: Kolchak: "Let's hope the babes come more swiftly..."
chris107: "I wish them a long and happy marriage."
chris107: Hakeem chats enthusiasticaly as any new father would on such topics.
chris107: Though his mind is full of seething violence, a hate growing all consuming to destroy Kainos.
chris107: As if his very soul craves to destroy the Demi-God.
Smon: Laurana listens to the talk of marriage and babies, and eyes Sandor, her would-be-amoratus.
chris107: (Poor chap )
Smon: After chatting awhile the Rangers bid you goodnight, to retire to their (separate) bunks.
chris107: Hakeem needs an early night too. He must be on top form.
Smon: Laurana catches Hakeem at the door to his assigned bedroom, the finest in the Hall after Llanet's and Namelin's.
chris107: "Sister?"
Smon: Laurana: "So, brother. Is all well?"
Smon: "You trust these Nerathi?"
chris107: "It is. Our plans are sound. My sword thirsts for the blood of kainos. "
Smon: Laurana nods, looking a bit distracted. Hakeem can make a WIS check if desired.
chris107: "They are our allies, Sister. They have brought Dyson Logos to aid us. They fight for their lives."
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 1, (+6) = 7
Smon: LOL
chris107: Hakeem doesn't do compassionate
Smon: Hakeem not a great judge of female character.
chris107: But I can guess..
Smon: "Yes..."
chris107: "What do you fear, sister?"
Smon: She sighs, glancing down the Hall. "Fear... I fear that as we speak my Sisters may be battling unspeakable evil, in a doomed battle. I fear Artemisia sent me away to live, the greatest punishment she could devise."
Smon: Laurana glances sharply back at Hakeem.
Smon: "If her plans come to fruition, I live and she dies, what will I be queen of? Babes and nursing mothers!"
chris107: "She has Ursa with her. Do you think even great evil could stand that smell for long?"
Smon: Make a CHA+prof roll
chris107: "You will be Queen and you will rebuild your people."
chris107 rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 18, (+8) = 26
Smon: Nice one!
chris107: all or nothing tonight!
chris107: Hakeem;
chris107: Hakeem's style.
Smon: Laurana bursts into peals of laughter, all the stress and tension coming out; she leans helpless against the wall.
Smon: "Ursa... yes... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...!!!"
Smon: Tears of laughter in her eyes, her slim form bends almost double.
chris107: "Honestly, Sister. Ursa is tough as the rock. He will stand by her side. Die for her. She will come to no harm."
Smon: It takes about a minute before Laurana is recovered enough to punch her brother's arm in mock annoyance (it doesn't hurt much).
Smon: Eventually she sobers. "Yes, you're right of course. Our smelly dwarf friend will save the village. All will be well."
Smon: She makes a great sigh.
Smon: "Hakeem... What do you think of Sandor?"
chris107: "It must be. We need the Amazons. Your people's courage is legend."
chris107: "Sandor? The outlander?"
Smon: "Aye."
Smon: "He seems to have a great interest in"
chris107: "Well, I hardly know him. He seems honest and decent."
Smon: "Yes. There are many honest and decent men."
chris107: I'm going to roll a d20. Hakeem's reaction to someone liking his sister in that way. 1 negative 20 positive.
chris107 rolls 1d20 and gets: 9,
chris107: "He has much to prove before he is fit consort for you."
Smon: Laurana smiles happily at the flattery.
chris107: "But I have hopes he will prove his metal in the upcoming battle."
chris107: "You could do a lot worse. I guess...."
Smon: "Yes! Thank you brother. You are right of course. Prove his mettle. As you did to Malenn?"
chris107: "A man must prove his worth to win the finest of women."
chris107: "Only in battle can he do this."
Smon: "Like Malenn."
chris107: (Hakeem really is a simple chap )
Smon: Laurana puts her hand on her sword hilt. Considers a moment.
chris107: "Like Malenn. And you, dearest of sisters."
Smon: Laurana smiles back at her brother, genuinely touched.
Smon: "Thank you, brother. It is hard. Knowing that our blood is tainted... I have always known. You are luckier, I suppose."
chris107: "Just do not try and steal the kill off me this time!" He grins.
Smon: Laurana gives a brisk military/amazon style nod. "Aye aye!"
chris107: "Our blood is pure. We purified it together. With steel."
chris107: "I learned the enigma of steel. Laurana."
Smon: Laurana's smile broadens further at these words, showing teeth. "Yes, we did. With steel, together."
chris107: "We will win this. And if Sandor proves his worth. I will not stand in your way."
Smon: She nods thoughtfully. "Thank you, dear brother. Your words have helped me, greatly. Your god's wisdom is with you, I see."
chris107: "Bondorr is with me. With us. I.. I feel it."
Smon: "I know. I will bid you goodnight, now. Pray to Athena and Bondor that Reynard returns to us."
Smon: Laurana bids Hakeem farewell and goes to her room.
chris107: "A good prayer. I will join you in that. Good night."
Smon: OOC Shall we move on to the rendezvous day?
chris107: Good with me.
Smon: OK, I have to inform you now, there is a significant chance no more Rey.
Smon: 14/3/47 Lord Hakeem, the Slayer, paces the battlement of Hara, looking west towards the setting sun...
chris107: OOC - It was always a long shot.
Smon: I will do d% roll. 1-60 success, 61-85 Rey escapes minus shield. 86-00 bad luck.
Smon: Rolling now.
Smon: /roll d100
Smon rolls 1d100 and gets: 96,
Smon: The night falls. No Rey.
chris107: The worst news
Smon: Hakeem's heart tells him he will not see his friend again.
chris107: Hakeem's heart hardens. Another good man to avenge.
Smon: GM OOC As no Fergus tonight, I suggest we stop there and resume when he can play, Wed I think?
chris107: Wednesday I can't do. Sorry,meant to add it to the thread. Something came up
chris107: I'm free Thursday if that helps?
Smon: Sure, can do Thurs
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