Monday, 30 October 2017

Session 138 to 17/5/4447 - Endings

xp +1200 Hakeem Sandor Ajax

17/5/47 Dyson Logos returns to his Delve, to sleep again the sleep of centuries...

chris107: Hakeem is weighed down by the duties of empire.
chris107: I think he’s pretty keen
Smon: Just looking at the Bisgen map - funny how things come full circle...
Smon: I rem when Varek Tigerclaw & Baroness Parre made their final stand against Crowfinger's ghoul horde on the Bisgen Bridge
chris107: H wants to build a force of elite Altani. Warriors who proved themselves both during the battles with Yusan and the War with the Black Sun. To be based and trained at the temple of Bondorr in Bisgen. The Sons of the Sword.
chris107: We’re there 300?
Smon: Sounds good - you have most of the Altanian Horde with you so you can make a start right away.
chris107: Strictly volunteer
chris107: Only the fiercest
Smon: The 'Cormarrin 300' were Dread Warriors raised by Tal Lorvas east of Bisgen at the site of their victory over the Ruin Horde in 4200 BCCC.
chris107: They will be the ones he will hunt down Saru with. Then prepare them to destroy the Red Reavers.
Smon: They besieged Bisgen from the south. What the PCs didn't know was that while Lorvas came from the south, Borritt was raising 1000 ghouls from the Blood Cairn on the Carnelian Plain.
Smon: That was the force that took the city.
chris107: It’s great how the back stories of other PC’s become woven into the fabric of the campaign
chris107: Ah, yes!
Smon: Yeah, now Hakeem will be backstory for the new campaigns, inc new tabletop game.
chris107: That’s brilliant
Smon: I was talking to my Sunday players about their new Wilderlands PCs yesterday.
chris107: Fame at last!
chris107: What are they going for PC wise?
Smon: Jelly (a girl) plans to play a Rey-type half-elf Bard with eye for the ladies.
chris107: Nice
Smon: Keelia (also girl, going to Oz soon sadly) plans to play a Rogue, a scout for the Rangers of the Wode.
Smon: James (boy) plans to play a dwarf fanatic Cleric of Kazadarum.
Smon: I gave him the info on Kolda, the local dwarf citadel.
Smon: & I'll be adding 3-5 new players.
Smon: I told Jelly about Lady Vex & how she's frequently been unlucky in love.
chris107: Hehe poor Lady Vex
Smon: (Been slightly editing the hand-outs mind you, don't want to be accused of Harvey Weinsteinosity...)
chris107: Will her Bard be taking a trip to Selatine?
Smon: We're starting in Selatine, it's the perfect newbie town.
chris107: (Haha! That session with Rey and Dick was hilarious!)
Smon: Plan to encourage them to try Stonehell first but I'll bring other dungeons in case.
Smon: Yeah
chris107: So Zagaar, Sandro and Mordred will get a cameo too?
Smon: Yes I'd think so, I'll NPC them as appropriate.
Smon: Mordred at court maybe, vizier to the Lady. Zagaar in the stable...
chris107: You may have to edit Zagaar heavily for polite company
Smon: Yup!
Smon: At least Selatine's sheep are *well* guarded normally - but I think you better get him back to Bratanis fairly soon...
chris107: It almost makes me wish I lived in town. They will have a blast I’m sure.
Smon: Let me know any Sunday you'll be down & I'll try to schedule a game.
Smon: We'll be back at the Ship pub where you've been.
chris107: That would be great. We’re both pretty busy right up to New Year. Then we’re of to Madeira:)
chris107: That’s easy enough to find.
chris107: Should I drop an email to Fergus?
Smon: sure - I just pm'd him on FB
chris107: Okay, 1 min
chris107: Sent
Smon: We can do Resurrect attempt on Lilith first.
8:19pm  2017-10-30 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
Sandor Sunneson: Evening Simon and Chris
Smon: Hi!
Smon: ok ready to start
chris107: And in time you are okay with the creation of the Bloodstone Crown of Bisgen? There’s an adventure waiting to happen
chris107: Hi Fergus
Sandor Sunneson: Always
Smon: GM: The Nerathi from Renth arrive next day. Their commander General Kogol formally pledges allegiance to Hakeem and the new Empire of Altani-Nerath.
chris107: Lilith then
chris107 rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 11, (+4) = 15
Sandor Sunneson: It's amazing this world, Sandor was right, even going to get a pint of milk can turn into an adventure
Smon: Kogol: "Also, Regent Hakeem, I thank you for avenging my murdered daughter."
Sandor Sunneson: I have no PC to play unfort
Smon: Ernsorn Blue Sends for Thuruar, and a week later he arrives on the back of a giant owl.
Smon: His first Resurrect is Lilith, which goes smoothly.
chris107: “My friend. To loose a child... I can not imagine the grief. I am glad to avenge you.”
Sandor Sunneson: It's funny, it's like one of these films where the true hero survives and all around him pass away
Smon: The veteran general Kogol nods sombrely at Hakeem's words.
chris107: “Now together we will heal the wounds of this land”
Smon: Kogol: "Let it be."
Sandor Sunneson: Hakeem is the historical equivalent of Edward 1 of England
chris107: “We will build a land fit for heroes!”
chris107: I do hope so, Fergus. Would hate to be Edward II
Smon: Thuruar can attempt a second Res, then he has to rest a week.
Smon: Who 's next?
chris107: Lilith “Thuruar. I saw her. I beheld the face of our lady.”
Sandor Sunneson: Yes, painful way to go too
Smon: Thuruar: "I never saw Her face..."
chris107: “She, She told me... things.”
chris107: Thuruar was probably looking down
Smon: Thuruar 'met' Athena walking beside a lake once (Commune), but never saw her face.
chris107: Best of luck with your rolls, Fergus!
Smon: Thuruar will try Sandor next.
Smon: DC 10 CON save Sandor, Livilla casts Bless.
Sandor Sunneson: d100?
Smon: d20
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
Smon: Sandor wakes up feeling fine.
chris107: Yay!
chris107: Hakeem embraces Prince Sandor in a mighty bear hug!
Sandor Sunneson: What happened?
chris107: Heroes of Bisgen reunited
Sandor Sunneson: Hakeem! Did we do it?
Smon: You stay in Bisgen another week. Hakeem has the Temple of Bondorr reconsecrated and recruits an honour guard of Sword Lodge warriors (30) and Sword Knights (6) to protect it.
chris107: “We won my friend! We won!”
Smon: A flight of griffons from the south come to visit - Queen Laurana and her amazons. "Hi Sandor - I heard you were dead." She grins sardonically.
chris107: Lilith stays at Thuruar’s side
Smon: "Hi there brother... Looks like you did well." S
Smon: She gives Hakeem a big hug.
chris107: The experience has touched her deeply.
Sandor Sunneson: Fancied a snooze
chris107: “Sis.”
Sandor Sunneson: And thought I'd wake up as my favourite Queen was around
Smon: "The Orcs of the Arang-Tok have fled back to their holes, our children have returned from Thusia."
chris107: “Erm... Queen Laurana!”
Smon: "You're like a King now, Hakeem?"
Smon: Priestess Livilla: "Hakeem is Regent of Altanis-Nerath, Queen Laurana!"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor thinks Laurana would better be recrowned Queen Sardonica
chris107: “More like an emperor. But you know, who’s counting.”
Smon: Laurana gives the Nerathi priestess a dismissive look. "Emperor sounds good..."
Smon: "...So you're going to fix this place up, then what? More conquest?"
chris107: “Nay sister. That title we will save until Hassan has earned it.”
chris107: Are my “ still annoying?
Sandor Sunneson: not bothering me, the a
Smon: Laurana smiles with a little genuine warmth. "I'll have to find my nephew a nice present when he comes of age... Poor thing, married to a Nerathi princess, he'll not have much of a life."
Smon: Priestess Livilla glowers at Laurana, who grins back.
chris107: Hak: Malenn would kill me if I didn’t destroy the Red Reavers. Also Kaystar Saru and several rebel’s need hunting down.
Sandor Sunneson: OOC- Sandor now L11, <2000 to L12
chris107: Nice one!
Smon: (how did 14K get you that much when it's 21K from 10 to 11?) Laurana nods: "So, north from here."
chris107: H: Aye, North.
Sandor Sunneson: 34,000 8 +3 48,000 9 +4 64,000 10 +4 85,000 11 +4 100,000 12 +4
Smon: (oh you were only 1K off 11)
chris107: OOC I assume that Lilith can now go back to her semi retired state?
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: (yup)
Sandor Sunneson: Yes, more or less, there, only 15k jump from 11/12 too ???
Smon: yup
Sandor Sunneson: and 21k from 10/11 lol
Smon: 11th is a very silly level in 5e.
chris107: OOC - so I need to create someone to adventure with Prince Sandor, Hero of Bisgen?
Sandor Sunneson: What lev is Laurana? 7?
Sandor Sunneson: A zombie dwarf
chris107: 11th is a brilliant level
Sandor Sunneson: Are we leaving Ajax as deceased?
Smon: Queen Laurana, daughter of Queen Khelara Armor Class: 18 (14 Breastplate, +2 DEX +2 Shield)/16 no shield Hit Points: 58 (9d8 +18) Speed: 30ft (9m / 6 sqr) Proficiency: +2 STR 12 (+1) DEX 16 (+3) CON 14 (+2) INT 13 (+1) WIS 8 (-1) CHA 14 (+2) Skills: Acrobatics +5 Athletics +1 Perception +1 Saving Throws: Dexterity +5 Constitution +4 Challenge: 3 (700 XP) MI: Boots of Striding & Springing, Goggles of Night Actions Multiattack. Laurana makes two weapon melee attacks or two ranged attacks. Amazon Sword. Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 +3 ) slashing damage. 2-handed hit 2d10+3 Properties: Finesse Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack +5 to hit, range 80/320, one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 +3 ) piercing damage. Properties: Ammunition: range 80/320, Two-handed
chris107: Ursa’s body has been cleansed and will have a great stone tomb within Bondorr’s Temple.
Sandor Sunneson: How much do I have to pay for the coming back to life?
Smon: Well you don't find any body for Ursa, he was turned into a Ghost Knight, but you can inter his armour.
Smon: 1000gp diamond per Res
chris107: And smelly bearskin
Sandor Sunneson: So 1000gp>
Smon: (yup) After a week Thuruar can try to Res Ajax
Smon: DC 10 CON save
chris107: Last of his line. Ursa, the Great Bear.
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 19,
chris107: Yay!
Smon: Maybe put a statue to him outside the Temple of Bondor?
Smon: Even Ajax survives his Resurrection
chris107: Great idea
Smon: Those Res'd are -4 all rolls.
Smon: Feel weak as kittens.
Sandor Sunneson: As a thank you to Thuruar, Sandor will give him the 2 handed sword
Smon: This goes down by 1 per week of rest.
Sandor Sunneson: of value 3000gp that belinged to Lucan
chris107: Hakeem will no doubt be about the business of empire building for a time?
Smon: Thuruar: "Thank you."
Smon: GM Yes there are lots of planning meetings. The Ghinarian levies will head home unless you stop them, along with about half the Altanians & Harans.
Sandor Sunneson: Did Ursa have boots of striding and springing?
chris107: What level for new chap, Simon?
chris107: Ursa has a Maul and a Hammer that we’re magical
Smon: Well I'm not planning to run more high level stuff for awhile, so hold off on new PC.
chris107: Okay, no probs.
Sandor Sunneson: He needs to think up a new baddy
Smon: Laurana: "So Sandor, are you going back to your homeworld now?"
Sandor Sunneson: I was going to be your bodyguard for the next few nights whilst your here
Smon: Laurana: "That reminds me! Thuruar I have a message for you. An Alicia Scarnetti, she says you know her? She wants you to Banish her back to her home."
chris107: Sand Point
Smon: Laurana raises a sardonic eyebrow to Sandor. "Aye, I'll need a lot of ...bodyguarding."
Smon: Laurana nods to Hakeem: "Sandpoint, yes. Anyway she's in Thusia, if you could pop by?"
Sandor Sunneson: Cool, we'll get a glass of wine or 2 too, will be nice to see you smile again
Smon: Thuruar sighs and nods.
chris107: H: That is my sister Prince Sandor. You could at least make an honest woman of her.
Smon: Laurana eyes Sandor. "Not much chance of that methinks. He should probably take up with Alicia Scarnetti. She seems his type."
chris107: Hakeem thinks about the terrible Codex now in his possession and thinks going to see Lady Meda May be a good idea.
Smon: brb wine run
Sandor Sunneson: Don't think she wants to be loved Hakeem unfortunately
Sandor Sunneson: One can only try so hard
chris107: H turns to Ajax. “I am sure you would want to search Crowfinger’s lair for his Spell Books?”
Sandor Sunneson: That sounds like a good plan, was his lair at the Palace or somewhere else?
chris107: What’s the D&D equivalents of a shotgun wedding?
Smon: GM: While Crowfinger likely has several lairs, you do locate a study with spellbooks.
chris107: How would I know?
Smon: Pitchfork wedding?
Smon: The spells Ajax can decipher are 1st level (4 slots): Shield, Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor, 2nd level (3 slots): Darkvision, Web, Scorching Ray, Flaming Sphere, 3rd level (3 slots): Fly, Fireball, Counterspell, Lightning Bolt, Blink, 4th level (3 slots): Greater Invisibility, Ice Storm, Wall of Fire, Dimension Door, 5th level (3 slots): Cloudkill, Animate Dead 6th level (2 slots): Disintegrate, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, 7th level (2 slots): Finger of Death, 8th level (1 slots): Incendiary Cloud, 9th level (1 slots): Meteor Swarm,
Sandor Sunneson: How you getting on being Queen Laurana? You enjoying it?
chris107: Hakeem looks at his sister and his loyal frienf and thinks about issuing some kind of decree. Involving Pitch Forks
Smon: "It's great. I was born to be Queen." she says curtly.
chris107: Those spell books are mighty indeed!
chris107: Nice one
Sandor Sunneson: Have added the spell book to Ajax's character sheet
Smon: Ajax does not locate a power word kill spell in the books though.
Smon: You can add spells to your repertoire using whatever the standard 5e rules are.
Sandor Sunneson: Interesting, a few spells possibly missing here
Smon: Dyson: "Ah yes, well, you see Borritt's transcendence to lichdom will have opened a whole new dimension of thaumaturgic power... *yawn*"
Smon: Dyson dragon is looking very sleepy.
chris107: Would he care to fly us to Thusia one last time?
Smon: Dyson: "Hmm... feeling quite knackered. I think it's about time for me to return to the Earth Womb... wake me up in a century or two? But certainly, I'll happily drop you at Thusia."
chris107: Or Hakeem would be glad of the walk, he kind of feels he won’t be doing much wandering for the next twenty years or so.
Sandor Sunneson: Will you be going back to the Delve Dyson?
chris107: “Once more you have been the Father of your people, Lord Dyson. A new age dawns, thanks to you.”
Smon: Dyson nods. "Yes Sandor, back to my Delve. I need to rest. I'll pick up what's left of my hoard at Hara on the way. Had to give a lot of it to that little Shieldbiter fellow, for some reason."
Sandor Sunneson: Oh him, the chap who ran away, wonder if we'll see him again
Smon: Dyson smiles toothily at Hakeem. "Kind words. Yes, I like to see everyone get along! Altani and Nerathi should be friends, like cows and sheep."
Sandor Sunneson: Sorry, our chauffeur I mean
chris107: And wolves.... adds Hakeem with a big grin
Sandor Sunneson: It was a pleasure meeting you Dyson, thank you for your time, to think had the hobgoblin lady not told us about you, the history books would have been rewritten
Sandor Sunneson: Goblin even
chris107: How I wish I had heard of your adventures from my dear friend Ursa...
Smon: "Wolves... Yes, indeed. And Eagles, I'm sure." GM: Hakeem Sandor & Ajax mount up on Dyson; Thuruar follows on his Owl of Athena, sending Livilla back to the Temple on hers.
chris107: He had a fine way with words.
Smon: The amazons w Laurana also follow on their griffons.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will wave at Laurana, hello Queenie!!
chris107: Quite the party.
Smon: Outside Bisgen the dragon & escort take to flight.
Smon: Dyson heads south-east this time, crossing the mountains at the Pass of Ractuan, called Bulwark's Breach.
Smon: There most of the Amazons detour back to Highhaven while you, Thuruar and Laurana cross over to Thusia, landing late that night - Dyson set an easy pace and let the little ones follow in his slipstream.
Smon: Horns blow in Thusia as the amazon guard announces your arrival.
Smon: You set down on the green.
Smon: A sleepy-eyed blonde beauty in silvery night gown is the first to come running out - Malenn.
Smon: "Hakeem!"
Smon: She races forward to embrace her love.
chris107: Hakeem feels the weight of the Ilheidrin Codex beneath his wolf skin
Smon: "Is it... is it over?"
chris107: He embraces his lovely wife. “Now it is our time, my love”
chris107: He turns to the gathering crowd
Smon: Green-hued Lady Meda emerges more slowly from her hall, followed by Damne and a raven-haired buxom beauty you recognise as Alicia Scarnetti, King Rey's lover until his demise at Kainos' hands.
Smon: A small crowd of villagers and amazons gathers. Several transparent-fleshed ghuls among them.
Smon: Damne: "Hurrah!" She waves her sword, leading the locals in cheering the news.
chris107: Hakeem hugs Malenn closely.
Sandor Sunneson: what is a ghul?
Smon: Malenn hugs Hakeem tight, never wanting to let him go. Lady Meda: "You have saved us all, Hakeem."
Smon: She turns to Sandor & Ajax. "And I know you also did your part."
Sandor Sunneson: And Ursa too
9:09pm  2017-10-30 chris107 Has exited the room
9:09pm  2017-10-30 chris107 Has entered the room
Smon: Meda nods, sighs sadly. "I wish I had better news for you, Prince Sandor. A usurper sits on the throne of Soderfjord. With armies of white dragons and the Thyatian empire behind him. I fear you will never rule there."
chris107: And Bjornolf and so many others who gave their lives.
Smon: Alicia: "Excuse me... Lord Thuruar? Lady Meda? If you would... Can you find out about my world? Are the Rune Lords victorious?"
Smon: Thuruar looks puzzled at Alicia's words. Meda smiles, shakes her head. "No, Alicia. Only yesterday the forces of Light won a great victory. The one called Mokmurian is dead, the threat of the Rune Lords ended, for now. That campaign is over..."
chris107: H: I am sorry about your realm, Prince Sandor. It seems while you were saving our world, you were loosing your own.
Smon: OOC literally -
chris107: It seems that many campaigns are drawing to a close?
Sandor Sunneson: I haven't been back there now for a while. They don't know what happened to me. I guess they think I am dead
Smon: Alicia: "In that case Lord Thuruar, please Banish me home, like you did those other girls."
chris107: Good bye, Alicia. This world is a little colder without Rey
Smon: Alicia looks around Thusia one last time as Thuruar grips his Athena-owl focus and intones the ritual of banishment.
chris107: Rey, Bjornolf, Ursa...
Smon: "Much colder, Hakeem..." her voice on the breeze, and she is gone.
Smon: Malenn: "The cost has been heavy, Hakeem. Let it be enough. Let the days of peace begin now."
Smon: Meda: "The night grows cold. Come, all of you, into my Hall."
chris107: Hakeem brings out the mighty book which started all of this..
Smon: Golden light floods from the hall doorway as the amazons swing open the heavy doors, and you stride in.
chris107: Once they are comfortable in Lady Meda’s Hall
Smon: OOC starting to feel like Return of the King with umpteen endings.
Sandor Sunneson: I think Sodersfjord will be safe under the Usurper, he has limited control anywayay, what has happened with Ylarium?
chris107: Hehe
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: ooc Fergus a ghul is a transparent fleshed humanoid, nocturnal, carnivorous. THe local innkeeper is one!
Sandor Sunneson: are they not CE?
Sandor Sunneson: not ghouls then?
Smon: Talking about the Inn, from over there comes loud wailings as Buedra the Barmaid learns of brave Ursa's demise.
Smon: These ones seem pretty peaceful, really.
chris107: From Fritz Leiber’s Lhankmar Books, Fergus
chris107: Poor Buedra
Smon: Settled in the Hall with some warm drinks, Hakeem produces the Ilhiedrin Codex.
Smon: It has an orangey tint today to the leather binding - strange, you don't remember that before.
chris107: He hands it to Lady Meda.
chris107: “And now the circle is complete.”
Smon: Meda "Set it down." Once it is on the table, she touches it lightly, frowns as it disappears from view.
Smon: "Invisibility ward..."
Smon: Meda utters an incantation; the book reappears.
Smon: Looking nervous, she turns the first page, frowning.
Smon: "This... This is not exactly what I expected. Not a Necromantic tract at all... it concerns..."
Smon: She turns the next page.
Smon: "...The metaphysics of the Higher Worlds. The opening of transluminal Gates..."
Smon: She turns another page, then another, growing pale,
Smon: "This is not Magic of our World."
Smon: She stops at an engraved plate, which depicts a man in broad-brimmed hat -
Sandor Sunneson: From what world does this magic come Meda Ajax asks?
chris107: Hakeem, never the brightest looks lost.
Smon: Meda blanches. "The Markabs!"
Sandor Sunneson: What on earth is that thing down from his neck?
Smon: Meda looks up, very pale. "To even peruse these pages is to risk attracting the attention of terrible powers, far beyond our own!"
chris107: He is a strange looking fellow
Smon: She closes the book firmly.
Sandor Sunneson: Is that a kind of magic device?
chris107: Then we destroy it?
Sandor Sunneson: What powers Meda Ajax asks?
chris107: (If only Moffet knew what he held. Could have stopped a lot of bother!)
Smon: "I do not know - all I know is that such images are associated with the Markabs, and they are the Enemy - of Mycr, of us all. The Book is best destroyed, lest we attract their attention."
chris107: Tor Caradoc added to the list of the dead as well as..
Sandor Sunneson: Makrabs?
chris107: Would Bondorr’s Holy Lightning destroy this thing?
Smon: Meda nods. "Fedoras, zoot suits, cigarettes, racing cars, tax forms... " her voice sounds strange, distant.
Smon: She gulps, recovers. "Yes! Hakeem, use the Sword!"
chris107: Hakeem takes the book outside.
chris107: He cradles the book to his mighty chest.
Smon: OOC
chris107: Images of the cave on Three Swords Isle come to him. Perhaps he should keep this book safel?
Sandor Sunneson: Bloody hell Simon, lol.
Smon: OOC Was quite the revelation when I discovered the True Nature of the Wilderlands' ultimate villains!
Smon: That Bob Bledsaw was a funny guy.
Sandor Sunneson: So Tom Cuise will be entering Wilderlands then??
chris107: But then he shakes his big shaggy head, his laughter rising to the heavens!
Smon: A cold wind is blowing.
Smon: Dyson watches curiously from across the green, trying not to yawn.
chris107: He hurls the Codex High into the air, raises the sword of Bondorr and looses forked lightning to blast the evil thing away, forever.
Sandor Sunneson: Destory the book Hakeem Sandor encourages
Smon: Lightning blasts the book.
Smon: There is a blast of blue-white flame, a whoosh.
Smon: Tattered fragments of parchment and leather scatter on the breeze.
Smon: For an instant Hakeem seems visions of all the heroes and villains who have sought the Codex, down through the years.
Smon: Men... halflings...
Smon: He sees Kaystar Saru riding hard across the Battleplain Gwalion, the invisible Codex clasped to his chest.
Smon: The Necromancers of Gwalion studying it, unlocking the terrible secrets...
Smon: Crowfinger among them.
Smon: The vision ends.
Smon: Meda: "It's over."
Smon: GM: Next morning, Laurana and Dyson prepare to bid you farewell.
chris107: The Saga of the book of dread is done.
Smon: Dyson: "So, going to grab my stash then get snug as a bug down in the Delve again. Feel free to visit."
Smon: Laurana: "And I need to get back to the Amazons. Still orcs to hunt, new warriors to train..."
Smon: She eyes Sandor.
chris107: “Goodbye and thanks for your help. Both of you!”
Smon: "Goodbye, brother. We'll meet again soon, I'm sure."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will hug her
chris107: He gives her a big hug
chris107: Once Sandor has finished
Smon: Laurana hugs then Sandor a little stiffly.
Sandor Sunneson: I'll have to come over and see how you are doing your Majesty
Smon: Laurana: "Yeah, like Dyson said, feel free to visit."
Smon: Then she hugs Hakeem warmly. "Take care of yourself, little brother."
chris107: “I’ll try. I’ve had a bit of practice now.”
Smon: Laurana grins and waves. She mounts up on Goldmane, crosses the Green and takes to the air, flying away south-west, as Dyson takes to flight north towards Hara.
Sandor Sunneson: I think she wishes she could be the strongest sibling Hakeem as Dyson flies off into the horizon
Smon: Meda looks after Laurana's disappearing dot. "I think Laurana is glad to have found her brother.... Her true brother. It grieved her that her full brother by Yusan, served Yusan."
Smon: Malenn comes over, Hassan toddling along behind, and puts a slender arm round Hakeem's waist, smiling.
chris107: “And died for it on my blade.”
Smon: "I'm glad I found him, too."
Smon: OOC good place to stop, or anything else you want to do?
chris107: “We have come a long way from that day at the Redeye in when Tor Caradoc bought the beer.”
Smon: LOL
Sandor Sunneson: Don't think so, what level was Hakeem then?
Smon: 1?
Sandor Sunneson: cool
Sandor Sunneson: How many XP for tonight?
chris107: Nothing that I can’t outline in the thread Simon. Empire ideas and such. A fine end to a fine campaign. Thanks so much for all your hard work
Smon: Thanks Chris. 
Sandor Sunneson: in 2.5 years
Sandor Sunneson: definetly, thank you Simon
chris107: And I am pretty sure Hakeem didn’t actually buy 1 thing throughout as I said back then
Smon: XP, 1200.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor 700 short of L12
Sandor Sunneson: cheers
Smon: I may bump you to 12 when we restart.
Sandor Sunneson: Happy to earn it
Smon: Well done never making a purchase
chris107: With new characters at what level Simon. Just so I can plan!
Sandor Sunneson: So Meda thinks Mystara should be a no go
chris107: It’s the Barbarian way
Sandor Sunneson: What would you like to play Chris?
chris107: Blood and pillage!
Smon: Probably level 8, I don't much like bringing in new 9+ and they tend not to last (eg Dagda)
chris107: Probs a Fighter
Sandor Sunneson: I'd quite happily go in there, kill the Usurper and then just leave again
Smon: Mordred might be 8 by the time we do high level stuff again.
chris107: Cool, happy with that. And it will mean that Sandor HAS to take the lead
Sandor Sunneson: Pure fighter? Not a paladin or something like that?
chris107: The long rest rules, rule out anything but Fighter and maybe Rogue for me.
Sandor Sunneson: Thought you were thinking of trying a spell caster?
chris107: Kyle summoning me for supper. G’night guys. Thanks for a great game!
chris107: See the statement above
Sandor Sunneson: Night Chris, :), chat soon
chris107: Chat soon
Smon: Goodnight

Friday, 27 October 2017

Session 137 29/4/47 The Final Battle - Hakeem Victorious. Fall of Crowfinger, death of Ajax/Lilith/Sandor. The War Ends. Birth of the Empire of Altani-Nerath.

Hakeem gains Epic Boon of Perfect Health.
XP +14250 each

Once more he remembers each of his friends that had given their lives in the battle against the Black Sun.
“Bondorr!”Hakeem sees the swirling choking spirits of Borritt's countless victims close on him...he feels dreadful pain as they try to leech out his very soul, he swings wildly with his mighty blade, driving them back.The spirits fade away as a ray of light shines through a broken window
catching the tip of Hakeem's blade.
In despair he sees the headless corpses of his friends jerking, rising...
Hakeem summons every ounce of hate “YOU AND ALL YOUR WORKS ARE FINISHED, CROWFINGER. NOW DIE!”
"Fie on you!" replied the fearsome Lich.
Hakeem unleashed a frenzied series of blows, one for each friend who had fallen!
The Sword of Bondorr plunges deep into Crowfinger's withered chest. With an anguished wail he jerks, then begins to crumble away. Around Hakeem he hears the clang of armour as the empty suits that once held ghost knights hit the floor. Outside you hear the clattering of dozens of bones.
Thunder rolls. A hard wind blows, blowing away the foul green clouds. Clean white lightning lances over the roof tops of Bisgen.
Then as Borritt finishes turning into a pile of dust the black clouds part and sunlight lances through.
Hakeem grimly searches for the Phylactery that bold Prince Sandor so bravely discovered, he finds the little box amongst the ashes as Minars and Kaag burst in, covered in cuts. "The Skels! They're collapsing!" Kaag cries out “You did it, Hakeem?"
The Barbarian sits among the destruction, allowing himself to grieve for his lost friends, he builds a little pyre, burning the horrible thing. The box starts to char on the pyre, It bulges, cracks open. A wisp of parchment within. It blackens, bursts into flame and Crowfinger is gone. Now Hakeem stands tall knowing that a great Evil has been destroyed for ever.
The war is over, the portal closed, the undead legions of the Black Sun at final rest.
In the north Kaystar Saru and Black Sun remnants doubtless remain, but nothing to challenge your power.

7:06pm  2017-10-27 Smon Has entered the room
chris107: Aye, and Lilith is swooping in on her Giant Owl
Sandor Sunneson: On Simon's Saturday group, it took them a good while to kill off the evil leader of the Mystara world
chris107: Hopefully armed with good advice from uncle Thuruar
Sandor Sunneson: A good looking lady. Looks a bit stuck up though, lol
chris107: Oh I’m pretty sure if Crowfinger wants to survive he certainly can. We wouldn’t have a lot of say in the matter.
Smon: Crowfinger has been kicking PC butt since 2011 when he conquered Bisgen & killed Varek Tigerclaw.
chris107: But we have stripped away his power at every turn. I’m hoping Bisgen is his final bolt hole and chance to cling onto power.
Smon: GM: End of last session you returned to your army.
Smon: GM: Lord Bronze has them set to out of artillery range of Bisgen, sending out pickets and scouts.
Smon: Dyson is confident the Nerathi of Renth will soon join you.
Smon: That evening Shieldbiter mysteriously vanishes, called by the Dragon Gods to fight elsewhere.
Smon: And Lilith swoops in on her Owl.
Sandor Sunneson: Are Sandor and Ajax back with Hakeem?
Sandor Sunneson: is it a tawny oil she travels on?
Sandor Sunneson: giant tawny oil even?
Smon: Bisgen map - you arrive SE of town
chris107: Could well be.
Sandor Sunneson: or a giant long eared oil>
Sandor Sunneson: By the estates?
Smon: Yes the estates are to your west, raided by Sarene & now abandoned, but still offering good shelter from the horrible green storm.
chris107: Heading towards the east gate I think?
Smon: With the roiling green lightning racked clouds above you, the army is nervous.
Smon: Men have been lost to lightning strikes, a few even to zombies erupting from the earth, as I said.
chris107: Hakeem walks among them with encouraging words.
Smon: Just pinpricks, but enough to lower morale.
Smon: Hakeem make CHA+Prof check
Sandor Sunneson: How many HP do Ajax and Sandor have left? Think Ajax has less than 20
chris107 rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 3, (+8) = 11
Smon: You can spend hd + overnight rest get back 1 hp/level free.
chris107: Hmmm
Smon: The Altanians seem keen but the Nerathi & Ghinorans much less so.
Smon: The Harans and the Ghinarian levies look like they'd much rather be elsewhere.
Smon: Dyson Logos calls the leader together.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor goes to find Hakeem to tell him the news about Ursa
chris107: “Mighty Dyson.”
Smon: The leaders listen to Sandor's news of the attack.
chris107: Hakeem is stunned. His silence fills the room ominously
Smon: Dyson: "Hmm... His power is focused in the Throneroom. His Lair... As he grows in power, it will expand to encompass the Palace, then the Town..."
Smon: Dyson: "You did well to face him and return, Sir Sandor, Mr Ajax."
chris107: “Crowfinger will pay for this.” He says quietly. None who hear it would doubt his words.
Smon: Namelin eyes Hakeem nervously, looks up at Dyson.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor apologises for running away, but felt let down by SB, he is not willing to pass comment on SB not joining the combat, but felt with him there victory was achievable
Smon: Dyson nods to Hakeem. "Good, good."
Sandor Sunneson: We will probably have a zombie dwarf to fight, the thought turns my stomach
Smon: Dyson: "It's clear to me that Crowfinger has created a Negative Energy nexus over Bisgen, allowing him to field substantial numbers of Undead... It should close if we can destroy him, or even drive him off. His presence at the centre point will be indispensable."
Smon: Namelin: "Scouts report hundreds of skeletons on the walls; small numbers of battle wights and ghost knights."
chris107: Hakeem listens, nodding.
Smon: Dyson: "Too small a force to defeat us in the field. Hmmm... Why does Crowfinger make a stand here? Surely he could flee."
chris107: Lilith introduces herself to those who have not met her.
Sandor Sunneson: The town was plagued with undead, we saw it from the wyvern
Smon: Namelin: "This was the scene of his greatest triumph, the heart of his empire..."
Smon: Dyson nods cordially to Lilith.
Smon: Dyson: "Who here knows Crowfinger best?"
Smon: He eyes the Nerathi priestess Livilla. "You, perhaps?"
chris107: “Athena, who you call Erathis has gifted me with power. Perhaps this power could answer some of our questions?”
Smon: Livilla looks pale and nervous. She looks to Lilith. "I agree, a Commune?"
chris107: “For the Crowfinger is legend. The mother of wisdom will have some lore concerning him and his motives?”
Sandor Sunneson rolls 8d12+16 and gets: 9, 1, 9, 1, 2, 3, 3, 8, (+16) = 52
Sandor Sunneson: 52 HP back
Smon: Dyson Logos nods. "Very good. I can't help feeling Crowfinger is waiting for something. Something not good for us."
chris107: (I was thinking Legend Lore as it’s in her 5th level spell list)
Smon: OK she can cast LL next day at dawn as the sun rises over the eastern mountains.
Sandor Sunneson: Father of Kainos perhaps?
chris107: (And the 5e LL spell looks ideal for this)
chris107: Lilith’s own guess is it will have something to do with the Ilheidrin Codex...
Sandor Sunneson rolls 9d6+27 and gets: 3, 6, 2, 1, 4, 5, 3, 2, 6, (+27) = 59
Sandor Sunneson: Ajax back at full
Smon: Livilla's mind is full of images of Borritt Crowfinger, his rise from obscurity, his mentoring the talented young Tal Lorvas, his contacts with Morthor Coff, the acquisition of the Ilhiedrin Codex from Kaystar Saru, the opening of the Black Sun Gate, years of study...
chris107: “Even if Ares himself is here, Prince Sandor. He will not stand before my wrath.”
Smon: She sees him on the Carnelian Plain north of Bisgen, wielding the power of the Codex, destroying a Vampire Lord and using his power to raise an army of ghouls to storm Bisgen.
7:29pm  2017-10-27 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
chris107: Interesting..
Smon: The same ghouls, a thousand strong, ravaging the Carnelian Plain, hunting the Altanian tribes to near extinction.
Smon: Then the Black Sun Gate is closed. All across the Carnelian Plain the ghoul horde collapses and lies still. Dust blows over the bodies...
chris107: “Could he be trying to open a second gate? Here in Bisgen?” Wonders Lilith aloud.
Smon: Then... almost at the present day now... a terrible ritual, the sacrifice of a queen - Cormarrin's bride - the opening of a new portal over Bisgen...
Smon: This one ragged, unstable, maintained only by his iron will.
Smon: But it is enough.
chris107: (No fool this Lilith  )
Smon: The Necrotic Energies of the Black Sun threading out over the Carnelian Plain at his direction, touching the withered corpses of his Ghoul Horde...
Smon: And they rise...
Smon: The vision of Athena ends.
chris107: OOC what does Lilith know of Lich’s
Smon: Super powered undead wizards. Dyson says they have a Lair where they're more powerful.
chris107: “A thousand Ghouls have been risen? We must strike quickly, Hakeem!”
Smon: Some kind of negative energy nexus point.
chris107: “If Crowfinger is destroyed his power will fail. “
Smon: Livilla: "Crowfinger intends to repeat his great victory over Parre and Varek Tigerclaw!"
chris107: OOC Does she know about their Phylactories?
Smon: Some say the power of a Lich is maintained by a phylactery.
chris107: ‘Scuse spelling
7:36pm  2017-10-27 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
chris107: wb Fergus
Sandor Sunneson: Is he dead yet?
Smon: Did you miss all that Fergus?
Sandor Sunneson: ta, screen froze
chris107: “Then both Lich and Phylactery must be destroyed?”
Smon: Livilla's mind is full of images of Borritt Crowfinger, his rise from obscurity, his mentoring the talented young Tal Lorvas, his contacts with Morthor Coff, the acquisition of the Ilhiedrin Codex from Kaystar Saru, the opening of the Black Sun Gate, years of study... chris107: “Even if Ares himself is here, Prince Sandor. He will not stand before my wrath.” Smon: She sees him on the Carnelian Plain north of Bisgen, wielding the power of the Codex, destroying a Vampire Lord and using his power to raise an army of ghouls to storm Bisgen. 7:29pm 2017-10-27 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room chris107: Interesting.. Smon: The same ghouls, a thousand strong, ravaging the Carnelian Plain, hunting the Altanian tribes to near extinction. Smon: Then the Black Sun Gate is closed. All across the Carnelian Plain the ghoul horde collapses and lies still. Dust blows over the bodies... chris107: “Could he be trying to open a second gate? Here in Bisgen?” Wonders Lilith aloud. Smon: Then... almost at the present day now... a terrible ritual, the sacrifice of a queen - Cormarrin's bride - the opening of a new portal over Bisgen... Smon: This one ragged, unstable, maintained only by his iron will. Smon: But it is enough. chris107: (No fool this Lilith ) Smon: The Necrotic Energies of the Black Sun threading out over the Carnelian Plain at his direction, touching the withered corpses of his Ghoul Horde... Smon: And they rise... Smon: The vision of Athena ends. chris107: OOC what does Lilith know of Lich’s Smon: Super powered undead wizards. Dyson says they have a Lair where they're more powerful. chris107: “A thousand Ghouls have been risen? We must strike quickly, Hakeem!” Smon: Some kind of negative energy nexus point. chris107: “If Crowfinger is destroyed his power will fail. “ Smon: Livilla: "Crowfinger intends to repeat his great victory over Parre and Varek Tigerclaw!" chris107: OOC Does she know about their Phylactories? Smon: Some say the power of a Lich is maintained by a phylactery. chris107: ‘Scuse spelling 7:36pm 2017-10-27 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
chris107: “How will we recognise such a thing?”
Smon: Dyson looks at Lilith. "Oh, that's just an old wive's tale. Some fool didn't know what a Phylactery was, thought it was like a Magic Jar you can bury. A Phylactery must be attached to wrist or forehead."
Sandor Sunneson: OOC- going to google phylactery
chris107: Among the great lords and princes, Lilith’s clear voice speaks again.
Sandor Sunneson: (A box)
Smon: Dyson: "If you kill him and find a phylactery on him, kill him and burn the parchment within. Just to be safe."
Sandor Sunneson: Did Sandor perhaps notice that when in the presence of CF?
Sandor Sunneson: int test?
Smon: ok
chris107: “Thank you, Father if Nerath. Then I would beg to go with Lord Hakeem to face this horror. Athena, Erathis united against this common foe and for the empire my master Thuruar has dreamed of for so long.”
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 17,
Sandor Sunneson: OMG! passed
Smon: Yes, when he raised his red eye to look at you, beneath his wide hat you think you glimpsed a headband with a little box type thingy on his forehead.
Sandor Sunneson: +1
chris107: “Though I fear I shall not live to see it.” She adds sadly
Sandor Sunneson: 18
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will mention this to the others
chris107: Nice one! Great roll Fergus
Sandor Sunneson: His int ain't too bad, 13, WIS is 10, lol
Smon: Dyson steeples his claws. "Well it seems to me we need to winkle him out of there, sooner the better. Now he'll not be able to Power Word Kill anyone again just yet."
chris107: Lilith looks impressed that this barbarous prince from another world stood against Crowfinger and lived to tell of it.
Smon: Dyson: "By all accounts his Lichhood is very recent - I suspect he's barely in control of his new powers."
Smon: Namelin: "My men have spent the night crafting siege ladders and rams, if you wish to attack, Lord Hakeem?"
chris107: Hakeem speaks for the first time. “Just get me close to him. I’ll do the rest.”
chris107: “Are the men of Renth with us?”
Smon: Dyson: "Hmm, a direct assault will cost dear... I'm willing to fly you in. Let's hope these old scales hold up, eh? "
Smon: Dyson: "Not yet. "
Smon: "If you don't need me I could fly over and check on them?" He asks hopefully.
chris107: “Then hold the attack as long as you dare. I will go in with Dyson and whichever great heroes will risk all for me, for our empire.”
Sandor Sunneson: I will come with you Hakeem
Sandor Sunneson: I too says Ajax
Smon: Namelin nods. "Aye." Minars also nods, as do the Ghinarian leaders.
chris107: “Thank you, brave Sandor, Ajax.”
Smon: You notice the Selatine group are led by Epicaste the Thracian, Jana Vex is not here for some reason.
chris107: “And I will come as representative of Athena and Erathis. One Goddess, one empire!”
chris107: Nice how it all ties together!
Smon: Minars: "And I!" He hefts his axe. "You'll need someone to watch your back while you take out this Lich. Kaag, you with me?"
Smon: Kaag Tigerkiller grunts and nods, hefting his own axe.
Smon: Namelin Bronze: "Good luck, then."
chris107: Hakeem is impresses. Though it seems that no man of Hara will join us?
Smon: Lilith reckons it's best to wait until just before noon, when the undead are weakest.
Sandor Sunneson: Ajax asks anyone if they would like to be touched by the Bulls Penis for strength?
Smon: Namelin sees Hakeem's look. "Rasgar? Job for you?"
Sandor Sunneson: (13 charges left)
Smon: Rasgar Skarrison shakes his head. "My job is to guard you, Lord Bronze!"
Smon: Minars: "We don't need any soft Nerathi or Skandiks weighing Dyson down. Let's go!"
chris107: “Maybe later, Ajax. Thanks”
chris107: “Then let it be shown in the records and the histories! Who were those brave men that faced the forces of darkness!”
Smon: GM: As the sun rises towards noon, struggling to pierce through the roilling clouds above, Hakeem Ajax Sandor Dyson Minars & Kaag mount up on Dyson Logos' broad back.
chris107: “Come, Crowfinger’s time is at an end.”
chris107: And Lilith?
chris107: She represents Thuruar after all
Smon: (& Lilith) The great dragon races across the ground then takes to flight, heading north-west over Bisgen's wall and descending towards the palace.
Smon: As he comes in, skeleton bows twang and dozens of arrows rise to meet him from the walls and towers.
Sandor Sunneson: Can Ajax touch up Hakeem with the Bulls penis whilst in flight?
Sandor Sunneson: and others?
Smon: 16+ to hit
Smon: /roll 50d20
Smon rolls 50d20 and gets: 18, 14, 20, 13, 3, 10, 13, 15, 12, 1, 19, 11, 5, 9, 19, 14, 15, 12, 13, 19, 16, 16, 16, 18, 10, 20, 1, 4, 20, 11, 15, 18, 4, 15, 10, 6, 4, 2, 1, 16, 3, 19, 6, 8, 8, 5, 2, 3, 17, 14 = 563
Smon: 15 hits inc 2 crits
chris107: Ouch!
Smon: /roll 17d6+30
Smon rolls 17d6+30 and gets: 3, 6, 1, 6, 2, 1, 4, 6, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 2, 4, 1, (+30) = 82
Smon: Dyson: "Ow!"
Smon: d6 arrows pass by his body at each of you.
Smon: Sandor
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: /roll d20+4x6
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x6 and gets:
3 (+4) = 7
8 (+4) = 12
6 (+4) = 10
9 (+4) = 13
18 (+4) = 22
6 (+4) = 10
Smon: 1 hit?
Smon: /roll d6+2
Smon rolls 1d6+2 and gets: 2, (+2) = 4
Smon: 4 dmg to Sandor
Smon: at Ajax
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: /roll d20+4x6
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x6 and gets:
12 (+4) = 16
16 (+4) = 20
7 (+4) = 11
4 (+4) = 8
15 (+4) = 19
10 (+4) = 14
Smon: 3 hits?
Sandor Sunneson: can he say shield
Smon: sure
Sandor Sunneson: to protect himelf?
Smon: what AC then?
chris107: Lilith AC 11, Hakeem 25
Smon: Lilith could put on armour before the suicide mission?
chris107: She doesn’t own any. Amazon type if she did I guess?
Smon: say bronze breastplate AC 14+dex?
chris107: Fine with me
Sandor Sunneson: Think it was 16
chris107: +1 dex
Smon: Ajax AC 15 it says on his sheet
Smon: So 1 hit on Ajax
Smon: /roll d6+1
Smon rolls 1d6+1 and gets: 5, (+1) = 6
Smon: 6 dmg Ajax
Smon: please track your hp
Sandor Sunneson: will do
chris107: Will do
Smon: Sandor
Smon: At Livilla
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
Smon: /roll d20+4x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x4 and gets:
8 (+4) = 12
8 (+4) = 12
8 (+4) = 12
9 (+4) = 13
Smon: At Hakeem
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
chris107: Blessed by the gods
Smon: /roll d20+4x5
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x5 and gets:
13 (+4) = 17
17 (+4) = 21
11 (+4) = 15
12 (+4) = 16
1 (+4) = 5
Smon: no hits?
chris107: AC 25
Smon: Kaag & Minars take a few scratches as Dyson lands atop the palace.
chris107: No hits
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor has told them the way
Smon: Roaring angrily he breathes fire, sweeping a couple burning skeletons from the battlements, and tears open a hole in the wall to a passage not far from the throneroom.
Sandor Sunneson: gosh
Smon: Make a DC 12 Athletics check to scrabble off Dyson & into the passage.
Smon: couple dozen burning skeletons I meant.
Smon: STR+Prof
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 19,
chris107: Hakeem gets 20 regardless
chris107: Lilith
Sandor Sunneson: Ajax
chris107 rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 14, (+4) = 18
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 20,
Sandor Sunneson: +4=24
Smon: Kaag
Smon: /roll d20+8
Smon rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 10, (+8) = 18
Sandor Sunneson: Ajax backflips off the Dragon landing on his 2 feet
Smon: Minars
Smon: /roll d20+9
Smon rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 20, (+9) = 29
Smon: Minars leaps through the air with amazing grace.
chris107: Good start lads!
Smon: Everyone made it?
chris107: Yup
Sandor Sunneson: oui
Smon: You assemble in the passage as Dyson turns into a small bird and flies away, dozens of arrows peppering the walls where he was a moment ago.
Smon: Sandor points the way towards the throneroom.
Smon: You are nearly there when you hear a clattering of dozens of bony feet behind you - a small arrmy of skeleton guards.
Smon: Minars: "Kaag and I will hold this lot off - you go kill Crowfinger before he finds something nastier!"
chris107: Lilith will cast Sanctuary on herself at initiative.
chris107: Before entering the throne room.
Sandor Sunneson: Ajax will cast Haste on Hakeem before entering the throne room
Smon: Minars and Kaag heft their axes and prepare to fend off the skeletons - in the 10' wide tunnel they should hold them a good while.
chris107: H “Good luck my old friends. Today we make a legend!”
Smon: OK you cast your spells as you approach the brass doors to Parre's throneroom.
Smon: You throw open the doors?
Sandor Sunneson: Ja
Smon: The doors open wide,
chris107: RAGE
Sandor Sunneson: and rage
Smon: Beyond in the green-lit throneroom you see a double rank of a dozen Ghost Knights, the small but sturdy form of Ursa now amongst them, blocking your approach to the throne where Crowfinger sits, waiting for you...
chris107: Lilith remains just outside the room
chris107: Hanging back for her moment.
chris107: How far to Crowfinger and how high the ceiling?
Smon: It's a nice high ceiling for an athletic jump.
Smon: DC 20 Athletics check to reach him, Hakeem auto-pass.
chris107: Hakeem is grim at the sight of his friend.
chris107: That’s what I was thinking
Smon: roll inits
chris107: Lilith
chris107 rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 12, (+1) = 13
chris107: Hakeem
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 2, (+2) = 4
Sandor Sunneson: Snador
chris107 Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
17 (+2) = 19
17 (+2) = 19
Sandor Sunneson: Yuk
Sandor Sunneson: second roll Sandor
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 20,
Sandor Sunneson: +2=22
chris107: That’s better!
Smon: +3 DEX I thought Sandor?
Sandor Sunneson: see, no +
Sandor Sunneson: add it seperatley
Smon: Ajax?
Sandor Sunneson: yes, sorry, was thinking his CON
Sandor Sunneson: _16 Dex+3
Smon: Ghost Knights
chris107: (As a DM it drives me crazy, Fergus! 😝)
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 11, (+2) = 13
Smon: Me too
Smon: lilith roll off
Sandor Sunneson: Ajax
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
chris107: She got 13
Smon: so did I
chris107: 12+1
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 16,
Sandor Sunneson: +2=18
chris107: Oh sorry
chris107 rolls 1d20 and gets: 10,
Sandor Sunneson: Ajax got 18
Smon: Lilith beats ghost knights
Smon: Crowfinger
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 14, (+3) = 17
Smon: OK Sandor first
Smon: #23
Smon: Crowfinger has his images round him again
Sandor Sunneson: To go for Crowfinger, could he get to him?
Sandor Sunneson: Athletics check, I'll go for that
Smon: As I said there is a 30' wide 10' deep rank of plate armoured ghost knights in the way
Smon: Do you have striding & springing boots?
chris107: (Hakeem has jumping boots, Fergus)
Sandor Sunneson: nope, Ajax does
Sandor Sunneson: Unless Hakeem passed them onto him before they set off?
chris107: If he did then Hakeem wouldn’t be able to leap at Crowfinger
chris107: So no
Sandor Sunneson: Leave it as is, as Hakeem is hasted
Smon: What do you do Sandor?
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will attack the knights
chris107: (You can haste more than 1 can’t you?)
Smon: Sandor flings himself into the ranks of the undead warriors.
Sandor Sunneson: 1 per round
Smon: AC 17
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 6,
Sandor Sunneson: +9=15
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 4, (+9) = 13
Sandor Sunneson: just missed
chris107: Hard lines
Sandor Sunneson: he'll be in a position where he is not surrounded entirely by them
Smon: hm - ok Sandor takes a position by a pillar so only 5 can attack him at once
chris107: The battle rage of the berserker fills Hakeem as his haste’s form leaps into battle with the hated Lich.
Smon: lich legendary action #1, he casts a ray of frost at Hakeem
Smon: /roll d20+12
Smon rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 8, (+12) = 20
chris107: Magic Resistance through his armour, AC25
Smon: AC counts not MR, it's a miss
chris107: Yay!
Smon: init 20 - Lich Lair Action - a Necrotic energy tendril snakes out from Crowfinger and tethers to Sandor's chest.
Smon: init 19 - Hakeem
chris107: Haste and berserk = 4 attacks?
Smon: sounds right
chris107 Rolls 1d20+16x4 and gets:
14 (+16) = 30
7 (+16) = 23
19 (+16) = 35
6 (+16) = 22
Smon: You run forward, leap over the ghost knights, land beside Borritt & attack?
chris107: Yup
Smon: Borritt looks a little surprised
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 8,
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 4,
chris107: Hasted move 80’ so big jump if needed
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 17,
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 5,
Smon: All images down, 1 hit on Borritt
Smon: roll dmg.
Smon: Black energy tugs at Sandor - Sandor make DC 18 CON save
chris107: He forgot to start his sword crackling! So only 1d8 this round
chris107 rolls 1d8+14 and gets: 6, (+14) = 20
Smon: sandor roll
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 16,
chris107: Noice
Smon: Sandor resists the energy tendril, Borritt takes 20 dmg
chris107: First blood!
Smon: His form seems surprisingly frail (he had a lot more hp as a mortal)
Smon: Lich legendary action - he reaches out to paralyse Hakeem with his deadly touch.
Smon: /roll d20+12
Smon rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 4, (+12) = 16
Smon: miss
Smon: #17 - Ajax
chris107: Phew
Sandor Sunneson: Ajax will lightning bolt CF, but sculpt the bolt that it won't hurt any ofg his side standing withini bolt shot
Smon: ok, he can zap 4 ghost knights too
Sandor Sunneson: will cast it at 5th level
Sandor Sunneson: so 10d6 damage
Sandor Sunneson rolls 10d6 and gets: 5, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 5, 6, = 41
chris107: Nice rolls!
Sandor Sunneson: that's his one and only L5 spell cast
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 4, (+3) = 7
Sandor Sunneson: Ajax wanted to magic missile him to destroy images, but Hakeem was greedy and did that for him
Smon: Crowfinger uses Legendary Resistance to make the save, he takes 10 lightning damage.
Smon: /roll d20+2x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+2x4 and gets:
10 (+2) = 12
16 (+2) = 18
2 (+2) = 4
9 (+2) = 11
Smon: Some knights are scorched.
Smon: #17 Crowfinger retaliates with a Disintegrate ray at Ajax....
chris107: Ouch
Smon: DC 20 DEX save Ajax
chris107: Good luck!
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 14,
Sandor Sunneson: DEX 15
chris107: With prof that’s a save!
chris107: Just 20?
Smon: 14+2 DEX +4 prof = 20 exactly!
chris107: Yay!
Smon: /roll 13d6+40
Smon rolls 13d6+40 and gets: 5, 3, 6, 6, 2, 6, 2, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, 4, (+40) = 100
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: Ajax takes 100 dmg/2 for save = 50 dmg
Smon: What's he at?
chris107: Ouchers
Sandor Sunneson: 9 left
Sandor Sunneson: was at 59
Smon: Ajax is laughing as he sidesteps most of the ray... then looks down to see his robes tattered
Smon: You took off the arrow dmg earlier?
Sandor Sunneson: yes, 6
Smon: ok
Sandor Sunneson: 65-6=59
Smon: Borritt: "Knew I should've used a level 8 slot...!"
Smon: #13 - Lilith
chris107: Reverse casting of Binding at Crowfinger
chris107: DC17 Cha save
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 13, (+3) = 16
Smon: Borritt: "What is this tomfoolery?!"
chris107: Yes!
Smon: Silvery lines crisscross his form.
Smon: "Kill them! Kill them all!"
Sandor Sunneson: He's got an impressive vocabulary BCF
Smon: The Ghost Knights attack...
Smon: 4 Sandor 4 Hakeem 2 Ajax 2 Lilith
Smon: vs Sandor
chris107: Lilith still has Sanctuary running, it doesn’t require concentration
Smon: /roll 12d20
Smon rolls 12d20 and gets: 1, 17, 1, 12, 8, 12, 19, 18, 10, 7, 10, 1, = 116
Smon: ac 21? 15 to hit
Sandor Sunneson: yes
Smon: 3 hits, w rage = 15 +30 necrotic, 45 total to sandor
Smon: 4 charge Hakeem
Smon: /roll 12d20
Smon rolls 12d20 and gets: 20, 7, 17, 7, 11, 12, 11, 8, 13, 8, 3, 20, = 137
Smon: 2 hits!
chris107: Ouch
chris107: AC25
Smon: /roll 8d6+6
Smon rolls 8d6+6 and gets: 5, 1, 2, 6, 4, 6, 6, 5, (+6) = 41
Smon: 41 slashing > 20
chris107: Riposte v 1
Smon: /roll 12d6
Smon rolls 12d6 and gets: 1, 5, 5, 1, 5, 4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 2, 5, = 42
Smon: 42 necrotic, so total 62 dmg
Smon: ok
chris107: 263/325
Smon: LOL
chris107: Riposte
chris107 rolls 1d20+16 and gets: 8, (+16) = 24
Smon: hit
chris107 rolls 1d8+14 and gets: 3, (+14) = 17
Smon: R2 - Outside you hear the sound of barbarians cleaving through mounds of skeletons, and Minars terrible singing.
Smon: Hakeem hit a lightning-scorched knight.
Smon: He notices among the 4 attacking him the short sturdy shade-form of Ursa.
Smon: #23 - Sandor your go
Smon: oops
chris107: “I will avenge you, my friend.”
Smon: forgot other knights
Smon: 2 vs Ajax
Smon: /roll d20+6x6
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x6 and gets:
4 (+6) = 10
15 (+6) = 21
8 (+6) = 14
7 (+6) = 13
5 (+6) = 11
15 (+6) = 21
Smon: Ajax takes 20 dmg & goes down from 2nd attack.
Sandor Sunneson: -11
Smon: /roll d20+6x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x4 and gets:
10 (+6) = 16
10 (+6) = 16
2 (+6) = 8
6 (+6) = 12
chris107: Sanctuary save?
Smon: Then 3 crits as they stab his fallen form
chris107: If not AC15
Smon: /roll 30d6+9
Smon rolls 30d6+9 and gets: 3, 5, 5, 4, 3, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 5, 2, 3, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 3, 1, 6, 2, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1 (+9) = 104
Smon: Ajax is stabbed to death.
chris107: Oh, sorry. Thought those were v Lilith
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Sandor Sunneson: ah well
Smon: vs Lilith WIS save DC 16?
chris107: Another death to avenge
chris107: DC17
Smon: /roll d20x2
Smon Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
20 = 20
15 = 15
Smon: One staggers back, the other forces through the Sanctuary.
Smon: it whispers in her ear.
Smon: (Logan's Run)
Smon: /roll d20+6x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x3 and gets:
17 (+6) = 23
16 (+6) = 22
19 (+6) = 25
Smon: ouch
chris107: “ATHENA! Protect me!”
Smon: 60 dmg to Lilith
chris107: Or not
Smon: ok, NOW rnd 2
chris107: -15
chris107: -17
Smon: Borritt: "Bring me their heads! I have plans for these wretches..."
Smon: #23 - Sandor's go
Sandor Sunneson: is it possible for Sandor with extra attack or fast movement to get to BCF?
Sandor Sunneson: Fast movement eevn?
Smon: Yes, the enemy line broke up. You'll take 4 opportunity attacks
Smon: ok?
Smon: Sandor turns and sprints for Crowfinger...
Sandor Sunneson: Yeah go for it
Smon: /roll d20+6x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x4 and gets:
15 (+6) = 21
1 (+6) = 7
19 (+6) = 25
14 (+6) = 20
chris107: Good luck, mate!
Smon: 45 dmg to Sandor after rage reduction
Smon: sorry 30
Smon: AC 21
Sandor Sunneson: well he would have had 1HP left lol
chris107: Cripes!
Sandor Sunneson: so 16
Smon: Sandor races round the lumbering ghost knights & reaches Crowfinger.
chris107: Get that wizard slaying blade swinging!
Sandor Sunneson: Did you do rage reduction in previous round?
Smon: The black tendril attaches them
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
Smon: yes 20 > 15 w rage
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 7,
Smon: ac 17
Sandor Sunneson: 22 and 16
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: roll dmg
Smon: Sandor feels the tendril tug at him, make DC 18 CON save Sandor
Sandor Sunneson rolls 3d8 and gets: 2, 6, 5, = 13
Sandor Sunneson: 13+8=21
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 12,
Smon: 17?
Sandor Sunneson: 18
Sandor Sunneson: just CON
Sandor Sunneson: ?\
Smon: No 19 I get - Sandor still has Meda's ring of protection, +2 CON +4 Prof +1 ring
Sandor Sunneson: No prof bonus?
Sandor Sunneson: :), thought so
Smon: Sandor resists the tug & gives Borritt a powerful strike with Spellbane.
Smon: Spellbane: "YAAY!"
Smon: Borritt: "Agh!"
chris107: Yay!
Smon: Necrotic energies swirl around Hakeem & Sandor, make DC 18 CON saves
chris107 rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 4, (+13) = 17
chris107: Fail
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 20,
Smon: /roll 6d6
Smon rolls 6d6 and gets: 1, 1, 4, 5, 4, 5, = 20
chris107: Nice roll!
Smon: Hakeem 20 necrotic dmg, Sandor 10 necrotic dmg
chris107: 243/325
Sandor Sunneson: 6
Smon: Borritt grins at Sandor, yellow skin stretched tight over his skull. "Die..."
Smon: Sandor sees the ghostly form of Ursa and countless other victims reaching for him, smothering him...
chris107: “NNNOOOOOOO!”
Smon: DC 18 CON save Sandor
Smon: "YES...."
Smon: /roll 15d6
Smon rolls 15d6 and gets: 4, 3, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 3, 3, 5, 2, 3, = 60
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Sandor Sunneson: hey ho
chris107: Arrgghhh! What a time for a 2!
Smon: Sandor takes 60 Necrotic damage from the smothering ghosts.
Smon: Borritt eyes Hakeem as he retreats from Bondor's blade... "Just one left..."
Smon: "The souls of your companions feed my strength! Ia!"
Smon: #19 Hakeem
Smon: (he has lightning resistance btw)
chris107 Rolls 1d20+16x4 and gets:
18 (+16) = 34
3 (+16) = 19
17 (+16) = 33
12 (+16) = 28
Sandor Sunneson: nice
Smon: chop chop chop chop
chris107: (Bugger! )
Smon: roll regular dmg
chris107 rolls 4d8+56 and gets: 8, 3, 3, 4, (+56) = 74
chris107: Lightning damage
Smon: oops sorry he uses Shield so AC 22, 2nd missed
chris107 rolls 4d8 and gets: 5, 5, 5, 7, = 22
chris107: -20 from total then?
chris107: 17+ half of 5
Smon: -16 blade dmg (3+13) so 58 blade.
Smon: 17/2=8 lightning
chris107: 15+42+8
Smon: I get 66
Smon: What is your dmg bonus?
chris107: That works for me
Smon: +14?
Smon: -17 then yup
chris107: +14
Smon: 65 dmg
Smon: Borritt staggers back, badly wounded now. "Kill him! Kill him now!"
chris107: ......
chris107: “Rrraarrrgghhhhhhhhh!”
chris107: I haven’t used a bonus action yet this round?
Smon: You rolled 4 attacks (haste + bonus) #17 Borritt uses Disintegrate on Hakeem
Smon: at level 8
chris107: If not, then Bondorr’s Lightning will Blast Borrit Crowfinger into the History books!
chris107: On Init #19
Smon: You used it to make 4th attack
Smon: chris107 Rolls 1d20+16x4 and gets: 18 (+16) = 34 3 (+16) = 19 17 (+16) = 33 12 (+16) = 28
chris107: Okay, no probs
Smon: DC 20 spell save vs disintegrate
chris107: Of course, frenzy attack is bonus action. Soz
Smon: /roll 16d6+40
Smon rolls 16d6+40 and gets: 5, 3, 3, 5, 1, 5, 6, 5, 6, 3, 6, 2, 4, 5, 1, 2, (+40) = 102
chris107: Dex?
Smon: dex
chris107 Rolls 1d20+8x2 and gets:
10 (+8) = 18
3 (+8) = 11
chris107: Fail
Smon: Hakeem takes 102 Force dmg
Smon: Borritt: "You're a tough one... Finish him!"
chris107: 141/325
Smon: 7 Ghost Knights close in around Hakeem while their companions hack the heads off Sandor Ajax & Lilith.
Smon: /roll 21d20
Smon rolls 21d20 and gets: 12, 12, 14, 18, 8, 14, 11, 15, 1, 5, 1, 17, 3, 1, 3, 20, 8, 12, 19, 6, 20 = 220
chris107: AC25
Smon: 2 hits
Smon: /roll 8d6+6
Smon rolls 8d6+6 and gets: 2, 6, 3, 4, 4, 6, 4, 5, (+6) = 40
Smon: 40 slashing > 20
Smon: /roll 12d6
Smon rolls 12d6 and gets: 5, 4, 2, 6, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 1, 2, 6, = 43
chris107: 121
Smon: 43 necrotic
Smon: 78?
chris107: 77
Smon: Round 3
chris107: 77/325
Smon: Hakeem hears Minars singing happily.
Smon: Sounds like Hakeem got the tough job.
Smon: #20 BOrritt Lair Action
Smon: "Spirits of the Dead! Finish him!"
chris107: Once more he remembers each of his friends that have given their lives in the battle against the Black Sun.
chris107: “BONDORR!”
Smon: Hakeem sees the swirling choking spirits of Borritt's countless victims close on him...
Smon: DC 18 CON save, armour grants resistance
Smon: /roll 15d6
Smon rolls 15d6 and gets: 3, 3, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 4, 6, 1, 6, 2, 2, 3, 2, = 54
chris107 Rolls 1d20+13x2 and gets:
13 (+13) = 26
7 (+13) = 20
Smon: 27 Necrotic dmg
chris107: 50/325
Smon: The spirits fade away as a ray of light shines through a broken window
Smon: catching the tip of Hakeem's blade.
Smon: He sees the headless corpses of his friends jerking, rising...
Smon: #19 Hakeem
Smon: "Fie on you too!"
chris107 Rolls 1d20+16x4 and gets:
4 (+16) = 20
12 (+16) = 28
7 (+16) = 23
19 (+16) = 35
Smon: AC 22 w Shield
Smon: 3 hits
chris107 rolls 3d8+42 and gets: 1, 2, 8, (+42) = 53
chris107 rolls 3d8 and gets: 2, 7, 3, = 12
Smon: The Sword of Bondorr plunges deep into Crowfinger's withered chest. With an anguished wail he jerks, then begins to crumble away.
Sandor Sunneson: well done!
Smon: Around Hakeem he hears the clang of armour as the empty suits that once held ghost knights hit the floor.
Smon: Outside you hear the clattering of dozens of bones.
chris107: Just a dozen Ghost Knights to deal with now
chris107: Oh?
Smon: Thunder rolls. A hard wind blows, blowing away the foul green clouds.
Smon: Clean white lightning lances over the roof off Bisgen
chris107: Hakeem grimly searches for the Phylactery that bold Prince Sandor so bravely discovered
Smon: Then as Borritt finishes turning into a pile of dust the black clouds part and sunlight lances through.
Smon: Hakeem finds the little box amongst the ashes.
Smon: Minars and Kaag burst in, covered in cuts. "The Skels! They're collapsing!"
Smon: Kaag: "You did it, Hakeem?"
Sandor Sunneson: Any chance of resurrecting Sandor
chris107: Sitting, allowing himself to grieve for his lost friends, he builds a little pyre
chris107: Burning the horrible thing
Sandor Sunneson: well done Chris
chris107: We did it Fergus.
chris107: As a team!
Smon: The box starts to char on the pyre, It bulges, cracks open.
Smon: A wisp of parchment within.
Smon: It blackens, bursts into flame.
chris107: Hakeem will try get Meda/Thuruar to do what they can for his fallen comrades
Smon: And Crowfinger is gone.
Sandor Sunneson: yIP, ACCUMULATIVE damage
chris107: Hakeem stands tall now he knows the great Evil has been destroyed for ever.
Smon: It would take a full Resurrect - Thuruar might do it, with 3 1000gp diamonds.
Smon: The war is over, the portal closed, the undead legions of the Black Sun at final rest.
chris107: Then the bodies shall be held in great honour until such time as they can be ministered to.
Smon: In the north Kaystar Saru and Black Sun remnants doubtless remain, but nothing to challenge your power.
chris107: That was as well a DM’d session as I’ve ever had the privilege to play in.
Smon: Cheers
Smon: People complain liches are too weak. "Not enough hp!" they say.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor has the cash to pay should he rise
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: The clearly aren't playing them right.
chris107: Hard lines Fergus, H will do what ever he can to help
Sandor Sunneson: how many did he have left before he was attacked in R3?
Sandor Sunneson: HP
Sandor Sunneson: I enjoyed that, was good
chris107: Now we must search fallen Bisgen for The Ilheidrin Codex and loot it of an empires treasure!
chris107: Pretty epic ending to an epic storyline!
Smon: stopping there obvs
chris107: Restoring Bondorr’s Temple is pretty urgent too
Smon: Borritt's library holds the codex
chris107: Jolly well done, chaps!
Sandor Sunneson: hopefully Sandor would get some XP if ressurected
chris107: Seriously EPIC!
Sandor Sunneson: was excellent game
Sandor Sunneson: don't mind dying in that way
Smon: Borritt's staff Skull Staff of Crowfinger - +2 Quarterstaff, +2 with ranged spell attacks, Animate Dead (Level 9 slot) 1/LR.
Smon: other stuff Scarab of protection, Potion of speed, Potion of supreme healing x2, Potion of flying
Smon: In his treasury: 8,500 Gold 1,950 Platinum 1 disguise kit (25 gp) 2 lbs. of silver trade bars (10 gp) 1 spyglass (1000 gp) 1 lyre (30 gp) 1 bottle(s) of fine wine (10 gp) 1 set of thieves' tools (25 gp) 5 fire opal worth 1000 gp each exotic wood ring set with small gemstones worth 250gp cloth-of-gold necklace with a gemstone pendant worth 250gp glass bird cage worth 250gp gold large bracelet worth 250gp glass set of animal figurines worth 250gp bloodstone bird cage worth 250gp carved bone set of animal figurines worth 250gp bloodstone-plated sword with a gemmed hilt worth 750gp glass harp with decorative inlay worth 750gp bloodstone fine chain set with a fire opal worth 2500gp hoard total: 39,850.00 gp
chris107: Ursa’s Hammers?
Sandor Sunneson: can he even drink the wine? Guess not as that's why it's there
Smon: The Scarab has the Zehir infinity symbol on it & looks a bit sinister
Smon: Yes you can recover PC gear
chris107: Anything even remotely connected with the Black Sun, Hakeem orders destroyed. Staff, Scarab etc. Included
chris107: “We will wipe the stain of the Black Sun from our world as if it had never existed.”
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor has a 3000GP diamond encrusted sword that could cover cost of resurrection
Smon: Hakeem gains the Epic Boon of Perfect Health - immune to disease, immune to poison(!), and advantage on all CON saves.
chris107: Hakeem will take no treasure but the Codex.
chris107: Wow! Yay!
Sandor Sunneson: what a hunk!!
chris107: Oriax or Saru next?
chris107: Codex probs best in the hands of Lady Meda
chris107: But we can sort all that out I guess?
chris107: But the remains of our fallen are the main priority
Smon: XP is 14,250 each to Hakeem & the 3 dead ones
chris107: Wow!
Sandor Sunneson: Are resurection rules same as in 1e? e.g. Max times allowed = same as CON if I remember correctly?
Sandor Sunneson: gosh
chris107: Lord Bronze has better start towing the line now
Smon: Not officially Fergus
Sandor Sunneson: Can we not just kill him Chris
chris107: The Heroes of Bisgen just doubled the size of our empire
chris107: Hakeem’s one of the good guys Fergus
Sandor Sunneson: Hmmm, Lord Bronze reminds me of a GoT type, he's waiting for his opportuntity.......
Sandor Sunneson: I knew that would be your response
Sandor Sunneson:
chris107: Hopefully fear of Altani wrath will keep his double crossing in check.
Smon: So, while Hakeem cleans up the mess in the west I'll focus on the low level group next few weeks, at least until timeline catches up.
Smon: What are you calling the new empire?
chris107: He always has been, Fergus. Pretty proud of it too
Smon: Malenn is very proud of Hakeem.
Sandor Sunneson: Do resurrection rolls need to be rolled for the deceased
Sandor Sunneson: ?
Smon: I'm sure she'll bear him plenty more fine sons & daughters now!
chris107: The Empire of Altani-Nerath. I’ll think of a catchy title
Sandor Sunneson: She can move into Bisgen Chateau now
Smon: not normally, BUT Borritt had begun to reanimate you as undead, which makes raising impossible
Smon: So there will be checks.
Smon: With your luck Sandor will be the one who fails
Sandor Sunneson: probably
Smon: But you can make success more likely by eg Blessing the bodies, gives +d4 to check
Sandor Sunneson: lets see i guess
Smon: Anyway getting them north to the Temple of Wisdom will take awhile.
chris107: Can we fly Thuruar in? First Class of course
Smon: Maybe.
Smon: He no longer has to maintain the warding ritual.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor is potentially only 2000 XP of L12

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

L4 To 15/4/47 Hobgoblins defeated, 1200 XP

1200 XP

L4 PCs 1200+4,610=5,810/6,500
Jana Vex L5 XP 8,800/14,000

chris107: A fine turn out this evening.
Prince Skylio: Zagaar will be a radical feminist for the evening
chris107: I'll just dig out last game's mAP.
Sandor Sunneson: Will he be out Princess Leia for the evening?
Prince Skylio: Germaine Zagreer
chris107: haha
chris107: he does bare a striking resemblance
chris107: map found and notes too.
chris107: Zagaar is on 36/36
Prince Skylio:
chris107: Mordred 35/36 1 action surge used and 1 Shield used.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro not doing so well
chris107: Z 1 action surge used too.
chris107: Didn't the Vex totty touch him up?
chris107: oops sorry.
Sandor Sunneson: yes, she did
Smon: end last session in hobgoblin caves, Stonehell level 2, after killing their leaders:chris107: "Do you wish to press on Lady vex?" Smon: Vex: "We could scout further, but I cannot close the Portal until I rest and pray." Smon: OOC getting late anyway Smon: Who else wants healed? chris107: "We could decimate their forces though." Smon: Jana nods.
chris107: Didn't the fully armoured Priestess heal you?
Prince Skylio: 
thescificultist: How do you usualy work charaters back in after missing a session
chris107: Quickly
thescificultist: hehe
chris107: We have a whole army of Hobgoblins to G'dsh this evening.
chris107: we killed their leaders last time.
chris107: So they will hopefully not be too coordinated.
chris107: That's the spirit. No surrender.
chris107: a true Barbarian.
chris107: OOC - did you guys see Bochi's advert for his new 5e game?
Smon: GM: Following his friends' trail into caves south of Stonehell Gorge, Corax descends from caves into worked stone, and finds them amidst plate armoured hob corpses in a barracks room.
Prince Skylio: 
Smon: With them is Drakonok, white dragonborn fighter, in his new helmet.
chris107: (That he stole from the party, grumbles Mordred peevishly  )
Smon: Drakonok now understands all languages, even OOC in ()
chris107: hehe
thescificultist: sorry guys needed a wicked long slash..did I miss much

Smon: Taking offence at Mordred, he heads off, nodding curtly to Corax as he arrives,
Smon: & so we begin
chris107: "Leave the magical hat!"
Smon: "No"
Smon: You can all make wis+prof per checks
Prince Skylio: "bye dragon guy"
chris107 rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 5, (+2) = 7
thescificultist rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 8, (+1) = 9
Prince Skylio: (1sec chris explaining proficiency so i can do it myself for a change :D)
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 15, (+5) = 20
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
Smon: Sandro spots a secret door in the south wall of the barracks (dc 20)
Smon: There is also the tunnel north, and the one east you came from.
chris107: marked on the map
chris107: "A few Hobgoblins poked there head down from that Northerly tunnel. Shall we follow or explore this secret way?"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will point out the secret door to Zagaar
chris107: Mordred explains to the newly arrived Corax
Sandor Sunneson: and Mordred
chris107: "Your eyes are keen, strang monk."
thescificultist: I am keen to test this axe...
Prince Skylio: "A secret passage could possibly be safer. If they didn't want us to find it they're unlikely to suspect us coming"
Prince Skylio: "Or it could be another squid monster. Your call guys"
Smon: ooc I see sandro is on 33 hp
chris107: Mordred looks at his brutish chum with some surprise. "There is a brain in that thick skull?"
Sandor Sunneson: yes, that is correct
Sandor Sunneson: lets find the squidmonster
Smon: Lady Vex tests the wall. A panel slides back.
chris107: Mordred votes to explore beyond the secret door. But says we should keep a look out behind us.
Smon: Beyond is a dusty tunnel heading west.
chris107: @DM, how wide please?
Smon: 10' tunnel so 2 abreast; who goes first?
Prince Skylio: "I'll take the lead"
thescificultist: I will move with Zangaar
chris107: Mordred illuminates the corridor with a Light cantrip on the end of his sword.
chris107: Mordred takes the second rank with Sandro then?
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will slip in behind Zagaar and Mordered
Smon: Zagaar + Corax then Mordred + Sandro, Jana to rear
chris107: or does he scout ahead/
Sandor Sunneson: he can do
chris107: Probs safer to stick together till we know what's going on?
Smon: OK Sandro moves ahead of the others down the dusty tunnel. The air is stale here.
Sandor Sunneson: ok
chris107: cool
Smon: Sandro then Zagaar + Corax right behind
Smon: Sandro make PER check
chris107: Mordred bringing up the rear.
Smon: After 30' the tunnel turns north.
Prince Skylio: as per
Smon: Looking north at the corner, Sandro makes out a door at the end 20' to n.
chris107: still dark ahead?
Smon: yes
Smon: the area seems uninhabited, no footprints in the dust.
chris107: (so the tunnel T's?)
chris107: (roughly)
Smon: no, L shape
chris107: (With a door 20' to the N)
chris107: ah, got you, soz
chris107: thanks
Smon: I'll roll for sandro then
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
Smon: Sandro spots a covered pit just past where the tunnel turns north.
Smon: Checking it, you make out narrow walkways each side.
Sandor Sunneson: Has it got wood covering it to hide it?
Sandor Sunneson: twigs or brash perhaps?
Smon: Looks like a rotating flagstone.
Sandor Sunneson: He'll point it out to the other
Sandor Sunneson: s
thescificultist: Can we make out whats below?
Prince Skylio: "best stick to the edges"
chris107: "Is the walkway wide enough for us to traverse?"
Smon: You would have to rotate the flagstone to open it and look down
Smon: if you edge along sides should be safe
thescificultist: C will move along the edge he's curious but eager to push on..
Sandor Sunneson: do that, Sandro will lead
Smon: Ok you edge past the covered pit and reach the door.
chris107: Mordred holds his glowing weapon on high to best illuminate the scene
Smon: It looks very strong, brass-bound with a still-good brass lock.
chris107: Mordred sniffs it.
chris107: "Magical, I'd not be surprised." he states wisely.
Prince Skylio: Zagaar hits it with his giant hammer.
Smon: Zagaar make to-hit roll
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 7, (+7) = 14
Smon: The door seems unimpressed,
Prince Skylio: As is Zagaar
chris107: Mordred sniggers at the foolish Orc.
Smon: you could probably break it down eventually though, at least 10 minutes.
thescificultist: C moves to half cover left of the doorway to inspect it closer
chris107: "And alert every Hobgoblin in a 10 mile radius!"
Smon: Corax can make an INT (history) check
Prince Skylio: "Pick the lock then Mordred? With a spell perhaps? Do you know that one? A useful one?"
Smon: INT+prof
chris107: Mordred scowls
thescificultist rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 4, (+2) = 6
Smon: The lock looks vaguely familiar to Corax.
thescificultist: Corax is still slightly bemused by these 'door' things, whats wrong with a goat skin...
chris107: Mordred looks interested in the complex mechanism.
thescificultist: where have I seen this lock before?
Smon: Jana: "We should hurry - we are trapped here, if the hobgoblins come..."
chris107: (Though he finds himself surrounded by brainless hoodlums)
Prince Skylio: "Stop being a pussy Jana"
Smon: Corax thinks he's seen similar in the ruins of the ancient city of Nerra, now tribal gathering place of the Altanian clans under warlord Minars Rapak of Seawolf clan.
Smon: Jana scowls at Zagaar.
chris107: Searching the dark compartments of his huge brain. Has he seen anything similar.
Prince Skylio:
Smon: Looks Alryan workmanship to Mordred - solid but unimaginative.
Smon: You can try to pick it - raw DEX check but need a 20
chris107: Can he figure out what would open it? A key for instance or whatever.
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 20, (+3) = 23
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 13,
chris107: Thank you
Prince Skylio: wow
Sandor Sunneson: lol
chris107: Mordred grins like a blue fox
thescificultist: 'This is old' he tells the group, 'probably Nerathi before they fled this par tof the world'
Smon: Mordred fiddles with it a bit and is surprised when it swings open.
chris107: fiddles? surprised?
Prince Skylio: "I weakened the lock."
Smon: btw the dead hob leader had 2 keys, both smaller than this lock
thescificultist: 'Ha' exclaims C slightly too loudly , and slaps M heartily ont he back
chris107: "There you go chaps. Just needed a superior civilised brain to sort it."
Smon: Beyond is a musty storeroom thick with dust and cobwebs
thescificultist: doubt to his great ire
Smon: there are racks of rusted weapons; sacks and barrels of food long dried and spoiled
Smon: 20x20 room.
Smon: On the far side sits a squat coffer, heavily bound in brass.
Sandor Sunneson: any exits??
Smon: no
chris107: Mordred enters and searches for any weapons that have not rusted.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will go and chek it out
thescificultist: Corax enters, wary of traps..
Smon: Everything is rusty but a few of the spears might not be too far gone
Smon: Sandro can make an INT check (raw)
Prince Skylio: Zagaar dreams of the chest opening and a live sheep jumping out begging to be devoured
Smon: The coffer has a single lock, deeply inset in the side.
Smon: /roll d6
chris107: "How heavy is it sandro?"
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
chris107: "If we can carry it, let's get out of this dead end with it."
thescificultist: I can help try to lift will we get past the hole in florr?
Smon: It's about 2'6" on a side.
chris107: "We have two meat he.. erm. Strapping lads here who could no doubt lift it between them."
Smon: Let me know if you pick it up etc
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 18,
chris107: "Perhaps we could roll it on spears?"
Sandor Sunneson: bloody heavy, Sandro tried lifting it but with STR10 atruggles
Smon: To tell weight you'd have to push it.
Prince Skylio: Z will carry it with Corax ?
chris107: "careful!"
thescificultist: Sounds like a plan Z!!
thescificultist: I'll take one end you take tother
Smon: The lock looks a mite suspicious - could be trapped?
chris107: "Let's all get out but the pusher? In case it's trapped?"
Smon: GM: Zagaar & Corax pick up the coffer.
Smon: It's quite light.
chris107: Mordred will suggest to janna that they go back across the pit and guard the corridor from Hobgoblins.
Smon: You hear the clink of coins within.
Smon: Jana nods to Mordred "Good idea"
Smon: J & M head back s of the pit, where tunnel turns e.
chris107: He lights the way, slipping carefuly across the pit sides.
Smon: Z and C try to manhandle coffer back over pit.
Smon: ok Z & C make DC 10 STR+Prof rolls
thescificultist rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 18, (+5) = 23
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 17, (+7) = 24
Prince Skylio:
chris107: noice
Smon: easily, the mighty heroes get the treasure chest back over the pit.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Smon: You return safely to the hobgoblin barracks.
chris107: M will check out the barraks.
chris107: make sure it's safe for us to go back.
Smon: It's empty.
Smon: You sense the hobs are lying low down the n tunnel.
chris107: can we conceal the chest?
Smon: it fits under a bed
chris107: OOC - Push on and do some killing or flee with our loot?
thescificultist: Lifting that was just a warm-up, I need to get the old muscle working!
Prince Skylio: "Same! By carrying this chest back to Selatine. I could buy a whole flock of dinner with this"
Smon: The tunnel n runs as far as you can see, with doors off to w and e after about 25 & 35 feet
chris107: "The Hobgoblins will be off balance following the death of their leaders."
thescificultist: I hoping Lady Vex is into toxic masculinity...
chris107: ]"lets hide this treasure chest, then go kill some stuff."
Smon: Jana: "We know the hobgoblins have some kind of Portal, where they are to bring prisoners to Oriax..."
chris107: "But your spell is gone?"
Smon: Mordred slides the chest under a bed. You head n?
Prince Skylio: "ugh fine let's leave the treasure and go be peasant heros"
Sandor Sunneson: is there anyone in the village who's a cow? Why not use them as bait? Then they'll lead us to the portal\
chris107: Mordred goes to some length to camoflage the vast wealth.
Smon: 25' n down the tunnel you come to the door in the w wall, it's open, revealing a well furnished bedroom in spartan hob style.
chris107: A dust free patch that used to have a c hest on it?
Smon: Big - 30x30 - with map table, army campaign furnishings - a black & red banner - dinner cooling on a second table.
Smon: There is a wood chest at the end of the bed.
thescificultist: Corax goes to examine 'dinner'
chris107: M examines the map
chris107: and takes the keys to the chest :0
Smon: The map shows the Selatine region in detail.
Smon: in 1 mile hexes
chris107: Can M decipher any attack plans from the map?
Smon: One of the keys matches the lock.
Smon: map looks like
chris107: "One of those keys looks like it fits this lock." he informs his chums.
Smon: Ruins of the Gorgon are marked with a symbol 5/9; Stonehell is marked 6/9
Smon: Selatine and Bratanis are circled.
chris107: (I remember Ruins of the Gorgon well! The shadows took our Warlock)
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
Sandor Sunneson: Any indications or anonymous marks that could point pout a portal?
Smon: no
chris107: I think the portal is close by.
chris107: a\s no one else is, M will try the key in the lock.
Smon: The key turns, the chest opens.
Prince Skylio: "Has anyone considered there could be multiple portals? Strategically it would make more sense"
thescificultist: C is trying to work out if the food is edible, he offers Z a try.
Smon: Within are heavy coin-bags marked with a goatshead emblem.
chris107: He opens it, standing behind, hing side.
Prince Skylio: Z eats it without question
chris107: He opens it, standing behind, hing side.
Prince Skylio: Z eats it without question
chris107: He opens it, standing behind, hing side.
Prince Skylio: Z eats it without question
chris107: He opens it, standing behind, hing side.
Prince Skylio: Z eats it without question
Smon: Also a gold & gems tiara, a matching gold & ruby crown, and a small gold & lapis brooch.
chris107: M checks the bags. Trying to find what kind of coins they hold.
Sandor Sunneson: Are the bags tied?
thescificultist: Well Mo, hav eyou worked out where we go to kill stuff yet?
Smon: They are tied, could be untied
chris107: Mordred will wrap then carefuly
chris107: taking off his cloak if need be to pad them against damage.
Smon: Opening the bags, you see thousands of gold pieces - 6000gp, that's 120 lb weight of gold
chris107: 2Do you recognise this regalia, Lady vex?"
Smon: The tiara is worth around 1000gp, crown 1300, brooch 10.
Prince Skylio: "Im buying a farm. Goodbye everyone."
Smon: Jana frowns. "No, I... but I recognise the goat sigil! Oriax!"
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: Hobs are really scared of you
chris107: "Without loot, the Hobgoblins will loose heart."
Sandor Sunneson: We can't be far from the Portal, this is probably their treasury
Smon: Jana nods.
thescificultist: A farm Z?! Youd eat the Heffer before the bull got a chance to...
chris107: "I suggest we get this wealth back to selatine."
Prince Skylio: Z looks puzzled at the concept of a farm where the livestock is not immediately consumed by the owner
chris107: He stores the crown etc. safely in his pack.
Sandor Sunneson: True and distribute it equally, esp as that scummy thief ain't around
thescificultist: c suddenly remembers Lady V...'impregnant it'
chris107: "I suggest we each take a bag of gold?"
Smon: Jana nods to Mordred. "You are right. Without their leaders or pay they may leave us."
Prince Skylio: "Good idea"
Smon: OOC: You're grabbing the loot & bugging out?
chris107: "I agree sandro, we will distribute the treasure fairly."
Prince Skylio: yes from Z
chris107: And the coffer if we can?
chris107: This is a lot of loot.
Smon: GM: You load up with heavy bags of gold, Jana taking the jewelry.
thescificultist: Shouldnt we try and open the coffer rather than carry mit all the way back?
Smon: Z & C could carry the coffer, but it will slow you down.
chris107: "It's not me that will be carrying it my friend."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro had a dream of a dragonborn leaving his mates to fight alone in a big fight, seemed very real, he's not sure whether he trusts them after the antics what he saw with the crown
thescificultist: Could move quicker if we divy it up...and respond bettter to an ambush
Smon: OOC Fergus Bill just got SB to 17th on Sunday in my tabletop game!
chris107: "Either way, I suggest we move fast."
Sandor Sunneson: IS that the same Shieldbiter on this Wilderlands?
Smon: GM: You have distributed the hobgoblin/Oriax loot bags.
Smon: yes - he was sent to Golarion to fight the Runelords
Smon: With a freshly painted giant dragonborn mini
Prince Skylio: "I think we should take our loot back & try find the key to the chest when we return"
Smon: The other PCs were 16th & 17th too
chris107: noice.
Smon: Leaving the coffer?
Sandor Sunneson: You didn't make it hard enough for them Simon
chris107: No carrying the coffer too. Mordred is greedy.
Prince Skylio: "My arms ache and if Berta's on form when I return to Selatine I will need maximum energy to wilt her cabbage"
Smon: (published adventure, yeah they demolished tons of critters)
chris107: "Imagine her face when she sees how wealthy you have beome zagaar?"
thescificultist: I will examine the lock..
Smon: Berta is 11 miles west of here in Bratanis, opposite direction from Selatine
Smon: INT check Corax
Prince Skylio: (oops)
chris107: OOC - So he buggered off from Crowfinger's throne room compltely?
thescificultist rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 10, (+2) = 12
Smon: GM You are all back in the barracks
Smon: The coffer lock definitely looks suspicious
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
Smon: You hear muffled sounds of movement a long way off down the n tunnel
chris107: "Come, lets bend our backs and carry the lot out. without funds their forces will disperse."
thescificultist: Asks the group- If this lock is magic, will there be someone back in Selaine that can open it?
thescificultist: Selatine*
Smon: Jana: "Piergeron the Smith can open it."
chris107: "There is a Blacksmith."
Smon: Great minds think alike
thescificultist: Fine I will try to carry it
Prince Skylio: Z will help
Smon: Corax notices that Lady Vex seems to have eyes for Mordred more than for himself.
chris107: Mordred will stand guard. if we get outside safely he will release Berta to fly above us to keep watch for danger.
Smon: You pick up the coffer and withdraw, making your way back east to where the hobs broke through from the caves.
chris107: She is only human
Smon: You make your way laboriously up through the caves, hindered by the coffer.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Smon: At last you reach the fresh air and the woods.
Smon: You start back towards Selatine.
chris107: Berta is released
Smon: As you are heading through the sun-dappled woods, Berta scouts above.
chris107: (If she poos on zagaar, then that's just too bad.)
Smon: You have gone half a mile when she returns to report pursuers behind you - a dozen hobs with 2 big cats on your trail.
chris107: "I say we find a good place to defend and wait for them."
Smon: Jana: "We'll never make Selatine burdened like this. Do we fight here, or make for the open plain?"
thescificultist: I will look for an ambush site
Sandor Sunneson: here, they'll be low on moral anyway
Prince Skylio: "I agree. Jana you distract them and we'll run with the treasure"
chris107: Mordred and his owl search for a defensible position near by.
Sandor Sunneson: lol
chris107: Mordred's scowl is even more disapproving than usual.
Smon: Zagaar can make a CHA check
chris107: "if they want their treasure back, they will have to fight us for it."
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 11, (+2) = 13
Smon: Jana scowls at Zagaar.
Smon: "You'd be a bigger distraction."
chris107: "She makes a good point, Zagaar."
chris107: "come, let's prepare for battle."
chris107: "berta, fly high, let us know how they approach so we can prepare for them."
Prince Skylio: Zagaar unhands the chest temporarily & takes up defensive cover behind a tree; trying to ignore the fact that the current battle strategy is being managed by a bird.
chris107: hahahah
Smon: GM: You conceal yourselves among the trees.
Smon: Berta reports to M they are approaching in close order, 2 red-furred tracker cougars ahead, squad of infantry behind, w one commander.
Smon: You set yourselves in trees round a small clearing; then the enemy come in.
Sandor Sunneson: Cougars for you Zagaar, you like the older lady?
chris107: M tries to find a position where he could roll out a Thunderwave to catch the most.
Smon: make DEX+prof stealth rolls, if you all get 10+ you Surprise them
Prince Skylio: "they must have caught the scent of alpha male"
thescificultist: C looks for decent cover on th eopposite side of the path to Z
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 18, (+5) = 23
thescificultist rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 19, (+5) = 24
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 4, (+5) = 9
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 12, (+1) = 13
chris107: It would seem our stealth Monk has slipped
Smon: A cougar scents Sandro's cologne and meows a warning!
Prince Skylio: "sandro stop dancing this is serious"
Smon: "Close order!" yells the hob centurion in Common, his men forming a defensive square.
Smon: roll init
chris107: good
chris107: this makes a better target for the Thunderwave
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20-1 and gets: 14, (-1) = 13
thescificultist rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 16, (+3) = 19
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 3, (+3) = 6
Smon: They are forming up in a 3x4 order
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 11, (+3) = 14
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 2, (+1) = 3
Smon: ok you all win
chris107: Oh well, no spel. But at least the barbarians die first
chris107: "Let me break them up first!"
chris107: yells Mordred.
Smon: jana
Smon: /roll d20-1
Smon rolls 1d20-1 and gets: 13, (-1) = 12
chris107: desperate to get his Thunderwave off
Smon: OK Morded can rush forward & thunderwave the phalanx
chris107: (if such is posible Simon?)
Smon: yes & you get 9 of them
chris107: G'DSSSHHHH!
chris107: DC 13
Smon: /roll d20+1x9
Smon Rolls 1d20+1x9 and gets:
9 (+1) = 10
10 (+1) = 11
18 (+1) = 19
3 (+1) = 4
11 (+1) = 12
19 (+1) = 20
6 (+1) = 7
2 (+1) = 3
4 (+1) = 5
Smon: 2 pass, roll dmg
chris107: Con
chris107 rolls 2d8 and gets: 3, 1, = 4
chris107: but best is the pushback which breaks their formation?
Smon: Mordred scatters 7 of the hobs, sending them reeling, as his friends charge in... hopefully
chris107: (Not a lot of damage, but boy! it looks good  0
Smon: Z C & S can attack? Rage C?
Prince Skylio: Z will attack with action surge when possible
Sandor Sunneson: follow up
Smon: There was a thunderous boom
thescificultist: C Bellows his Battlecry sounding like a angered Grizzly, ragea and move to attack closed Cat
Smon: Sandro can target a reeling hob, Corax & Zag too
Prince Skylio: (do we attack w advtg cause reeling?)
Smon: no
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 10, (+1) = 11
Prince Skylio: okay
Smon: Jana has Mitra's fire descend on the head of a reeling hob.
Smon: /roll 2d8
Smon rolls 2d8 and gets: 2, 3, = 5
Smon: it screams in pain
Smon: Corax goes for a kitty - roll to hit, advtg if reckless
thescificultist: Yes Reckless with greataxe....
thescificultist Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
20 (+5) = 25
13 (+5) = 18
Smon: cfrit
chris107: Yay!
Prince Skylio:
thescificultist: BOOM!
thescificultist: confirm?
Smon: no
chris107: no confirm in 5e Chris
thescificultist: Sweet
Smon: just double dmg dice
thescificultist Rolls 1d12x2 and gets:
11 = 11
10 = 10
thescificultist: +5
Smon: Corax cuts the cat in twain
chris107: Nice!
Smon: Sandro attacking a reeling hob? Roll to hit, & let me know if spending ki
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 20,
Sandor Sunneson: +5
Smon: crit!
Sandor Sunneson: =25
Prince Skylio: Z is impressed by the feline murdering skills
chris107: Yay!
thescificultist: nice
chris107: Go on guys!
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 3, 3, = 6
Prince Skylio:
Smon: Sandro kills a hob
Sandor Sunneson: +3=9
chris107: This is how we fight when there is a hoard of treasure to guard
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 5,
Smon: Using bonus off hand attack?
Sandor Sunneson: +5
Sandor Sunneson: and a miss lol
Smon: it parries
Smon: Zagaar who do you attack?
Prince Skylio: kitty #2
Smon: Your hammer vs reeling hobs overkill - ok you swing at cat
Smon: beside Corax
Prince Skylio: (Action surge?)
Smon: did you not spend them last time? Any left?
chris107: 2 left
Smon: ok
chris107: each at least according to my notes
Prince Skylio Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
2 (+7) = 9
18 (+7) = 25
Smon: AC 12, 2nd swing hits
Prince Skylio rolls 3d6+5 and gets: 2, 5, 1, (+5) = 13
Smon: You break its spine
chris107: Poor Kitty
Prince Skylio:
Smon: The hob commander yells: "Advance by sections! First with me! Second take the priestess!"
chris107: "Jana! Beware!"
Smon: The leader and two hobs form a group and attack Corax, while 2 more attack Zagaar
Prince Skylio: "Jana get behind me & Corax"
chris107: (Poor jana, she's always been taken by somebody!)
thescificultist: AC 17
Prince Skylio: AC16
Smon: 2 attack Sandro, 2 Mordred, 3 charge Jana
chris107: AC19
Smon: leader vs Corax
Smon: /roll d20+4x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x4 and gets:
4 (+4) = 8
9 (+4) = 13
8 (+4) = 12
20 (+4) = 24
Smon: 13 & crit
Smon: /roll 10d6+2
Smon rolls 10d6+2 and gets: 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, (+2) = 39
chris107: Ouch!
Prince Skylio: ouch
Sandor Sunneson: ouch
Smon: Corax takes 39/2=19 dmg from the deadly blow
Smon: 2 more vs Corax
Smon: /roll d20+5x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x4 and gets:
13 (+5) = 18
7 (+5) = 12
10 (+5) = 15
17 (+5) = 22
thescificultist: 25 hp
chris107: Ouchers!
Smon: 18 & 22, 2 hits
Smon: /roll 4d6
Smon rolls 4d6 and gets: 3, 3, 5, 1, = 12
Smon: /roll 2d8+2
Smon rolls 2d8+2 and gets: 4, 2, (+2) = 8
Smon: 20/2=10 dmg
Smon: 2 vs Zagaar
thescificultist: 15hp
chris107: (5e is brutal!)
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
12 (+5) = 17
2 (+5) = 7
Prince Skylio: 16
Smon: /roll d8+1
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 5, (+1) = 6
Prince Skylio: ac
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 1, 2, = 3
Smon: 9 dmg to Zagaar
Prince Skylio: 27/36
Smon: The hobs are using Martial Advantage when they can gang up on you, plus leadership bonus from commander
Smon: 2 vs Sandro
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
chris107: Toughies, this is going to be some fight.
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
20 (+5) = 25
14 (+5) = 19
Smon: crit & hit...
chris107: But we have everything to fight for
Smon: /roll 6d6
Smon rolls 6d6 and gets: 5, 3, 5, 6, 6, 4, = 29
Smon: /roll 3d8+2
Smon rolls 3d8+2 and gets: 1, 3, 1, (+2) = 7
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Sandor Sunneson: KO
Smon: 36 dmg to Sandro, he goes down
Sandor Sunneson: -3
Smon: should have spent ki
chris107: "Berta! Fly to selatine!"
Smon: 2 vs Mordred
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
17 (+5) = 22
8 (+5) = 13
chris107: AC19
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: /roll 2d6
Sandor Sunneson: I used my second attack to attack unfort
chris107: Shield
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 5, 5, = 10
Smon: /roll d8+1
Smon rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 2, (+1) = 3
chris107: as a reaction. His final spell.
Smon: ok it bounces off
chris107: AC24
Prince Skylio: "he is a simple monk you bastards!"
Smon: 3 charge Jana
Smon: She is a bit further away, out of leader command bonus range
Smon: /roll d20+3x3
Sandor Sunneson: lol
chris107: Poor jana
Smon Rolls 1d20+3x3 and gets:
15 (+3) = 18
10 (+3) = 13
4 (+3) = 7
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: /roll d8+1
Smon rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 4, (+1) = 5
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 3, 3, = 6
Smon: 21/32
Smon: Next round, your go
chris107: Do their weapons look to be poisoned?
Smon: no
chris107: Action surge agin the Hobgoblins attacking him.
Smon: martial advtg bonus dmg when ganging up
chris107 Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
4 (+5) = 9
9 (+5) = 14
Smon: Jana casts Sanctuary, a shimmering barrier appears around her
chris107: Both miss
Smon: AC 18 chain + shield
chris107: (Nasty! )
thescificultist: Can Corax identify the leader?
Smon: Yes the leader is wearing black plate & hacking at Corax w a greatsword
Smon: Corax & Zagaar could both strike him
Smon: AC 17
Prince Skylio: Z howls to the air for the aid of Fangtang
Prince Skylio: action surge
Smon: Z hears an answering howl, some distance off
Prince Skylio Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
12 (+7) = 19
2 (+7) = 9
Prince Skylio: vs leader
Smon: 1 hit
Prince Skylio rolls 3d6+5 and gets: 5, 3, 4, (+5) = 17
chris107: noice
Smon: He grunts as the hammer dents his breastplate.
thescificultist: v. nice
Smon: Corax attacking leader?
chris107: Go on Corax!
thescificultist: Corax follows up with the great axe (not reckless)
chris107: Another crit would be nice
Smon: AC 17
thescificultist rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 16, (+5) = 21
Smon: hit
chris107: Yay!
thescificultist: AAARRGGH!
thescificultist rolls 1d12+5 and gets: 11, (+5) = 16
chris107: That's a cracker!
Smon: OOC if Mordred had rolled 11+ w his thunderwave this would have been very different fight
Prince Skylio:
chris107: Stupid Mordred.
thescificultist: HACKY HAck
chris107: "We can do it!"
Smon: Corax deals the hob a grievous wound to his thigh, blood seeps but he still stands, roaring in pain.
Smon: (6 hp left)
Smon: Leader: "Finish them! Finish them now!"
chris107: "At them! For Valon! For the Bright Seraphin!"
thescificultist: Jaysus, thats a tough yin
Smon: 3 hobs try to force through Jana's barrier
Smon: /roll d20x3
Smon Rolls 1d20x3 and gets:
1 = 1
8 = 8
1 = 1
chris107: yay
Smon: but all are repelled by her protection
Smon: 2 hobs attack Mordred
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
chris107: ac19
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
1 (+5) = 6
7 (+5) = 12
Smon: miss
Smon: 2 that felled Sandro seek a target, 1-3 Mor 4-6 Jana
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: They charge Mordred
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
5 (+5) = 10
15 (+5) = 20
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: /roll d8+1
Smon rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 2, (+1) = 3
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 1, 3, = 4
Smon: 7 dmg Mord
chris107: 28/36
Smon: leader vs Corax
Smon: /roll d20+4x2
chris107: he uses his bonus action to gain a second wind
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x2 and gets:
10 (+4) = 14
2 (+4) = 6
Smon: ok
Smon: miss
chris107 rolls 1d10+4 and gets: 7, (+4) = 11
Smon: 2 hobs vs corax
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
chris107: 36/36
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
15 (+5) = 20
15 (+5) = 20
Smon: 2 hits
Smon: /roll 4d6
Smon rolls 4d6 and gets: 2, 1, 2, 2, = 7
Smon: /roll 2d8+2
Smon rolls 2d8+2 and gets: 4, 3, (+2) = 9
Smon: 16/2=8 dmg
Smon: 2 hobs on Zagaar
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
chris107: Phew!
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
14 (+5) = 19
8 (+5) = 13
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 2, 4, = 6
Smon: /roll d8+1
Smon rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 3, (+1) = 4
Smon: 10 dmg Zagaar
Smon: everyone still up?
Prince Skylio: 17/36
thescificultist: 15/44
chris107: yup 36/36
Smon: You hear wolf howls in the distance - more than just Fangtang...
Smon: ok your gos
thescificultist: OOC just realised didnt add rage dmg to last attack
Prince Skylio: second wind bonus action ?
Smon: kill that boss!
Smon: sure
Prince Skylio: Z howls loudly
Prince Skylio rolls 1d10+4 and gets: 2, (+4) = 6
Smon: 2 more dmg C?
Prince Skylio: 23/36
Smon: leader AC 17
thescificultist: yeah should have been
Prince Skylio: attack vs leader
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 15, (+7) = 22
chris107: Mordred uses his last action surge to fight off the pack of Hobgoblins attacking him.
Prince Skylio: yay!!!!
chris107 Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
15 (+5) = 20
14 (+5) = 19
Prince Skylio rolls 3d6+5 and gets: 1, 2, 1, (+5) = 9
chris107: two hits!
chris107 Rolls 1d8+5x2 and gets:
6 (+5) = 11
1 (+5) = 6
Smon: Zagaar's skull crushes the leader's ribcage, he falls dying.
chris107: YAY!
Prince Skylio: Z raises the Verminator in triumph
Smon: Mordred kills one hob, wounds a second.
Smon: 3 still on him
Smon: You hear the sound of many wolves coming through the trees.
thescificultist: Corax draws his 2 hand axes and attacks the closest hobs...
Smon: The hobs look worried... Corax go
Smon: Corax drops greataxe & draws choppers
thescificultist: OOC move action to draw so only 1 att this round?
Smon: naw you can use botg
Smon: but 2nd not get STR bonus to dmg
thescificultist rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 5, (+5) = 10
Smon: miss
thescificultist rolls 1d20 and gets: 5,
Smon: miss
thescificultist: balls
Smon: hob morale check
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 6, 1, = 7
Smon: The hobs fall back in good order (disengage action)
Smon: The 10 remaining hobs (leader & 2 grunts fallen) fall back in close formation the way they came.
chris107: Flame bolt them if I get a chance
Smon: A moment later Fantang emerges through the trees at the head of a dozen grey wolves.
chris107: until they re out of sight.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
chris107: or range
Smon: They are in cover behind trees before M can shoot, unless he chases them
chris107: "Yay! Fangtang"
Prince Skylio: "Fangtang!" Zagaar's heart swells
Smon: "Woof!" says Fangtang happily, wagging his tail.
chris107: I'll pass thanks
Smon: Jana looks nervously at the wolf pack and goes to Mordred's side.
chris107: "I'd suggest sending fangtang some sheep, zagaar?"
chris107: "Are you hurt, Lady Jana?"
Smon: Jana: "A cut, only..."
Smon: She smiles at Mordred, then goes to Sandro.
Sandor Sunneson: can someone bring Sandro back to conciousness please
Prince Skylio: "Thanks for answering my call Fangtang" Z pats his head "We had a close shave there but I think you scared them off"
Smon: "He will live."
Smon: "Woof!"
chris107: "here let me help." he tears a strip from his exquisite cloak.
thescificultist: M'lady I could do with a bit of a rub down too?
chris107: "Oh yes, the funny Monk is down."
Smon: Jana prays, then uses her very very last magic on Sandro:
Smon: /roll 2d8+3
Smon rolls 2d8+3 and gets: 7, 8, (+3) = 18
Smon: Sandro wakes up on 15 hp
Smon: Corax make CHA check
chris107: "now let's get this treasure back to Selatine!"
Prince Skylio: "Go back to your family Fangtang. Guess we're even now old friend. Thanks wolves"
thescificultist rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 13, (+2) = 15
thescificultist: +2 if prof
Smon: Lady Vex smiles at Corax. "I'm sure that could be arranged..."
chris107: "Thanks Wolves1"
Smon: The wolves start worrying at the three corpses.
chris107: Mordred breathes a sigh of relief.
Sandor Sunneson: How much treasure was it for each PC? About 2000GP?
Prince Skylio: "Fear not Fangtang. We will stop them" Z raises his hammer and splatters the dead leader's head to communicate his point
thescificultist: *Corax blushes at his own brazeness, but manages to smili at Lady V*
Smon: GM: Fangtang licks Zag's hand, then the wolves watch as you depart, heading tired & battle-weary back to Selatine as dusk falls.
Smon: Back home there is time to rest & feast in Jana's hall.
Smon: Much mutton is roasted.
chris107: (We still have the coffer to open  )
Smon: Piergeron the Smith opens the coffer you retrieved.
chris107: "Those sheep took the easy way out, Zagaar."
Smon: 700 sp, 400gp, 2 50 gp large pearls, a big 500gp diamond, and a scroll case marked Ventriloquism
Prince Skylio: "they sacrificed themselves for the greater good. treat sheep with respect they are marytrs"
Sandor Sunneson: Cool, sorry meant the loot from earlier, the 6000gop??
chris107: nice
Sandor Sunneson: nice
chris107: Mordred intends to squander all of his share.
Smon: Jana: "Sir Mordred, perhaps you could divide the loot equitably between our band?"
chris107: Jana's share too
chris107: Only fair.
Smon: You plan to squander Jana's share?
Prince Skylio: "Mordred should take the scroll? He knows magic and stuff. Or Jana?"
chris107: "Aye, m'lady as you command."
Smon: The scroll appears to be some kind of voice-projection illusion spell.
chris107: Only his own share. On a big Villa with running water and central heating
thescificultist: Corax gladly accepts his share...
chris107: "I no not how to use this magic, Zagaar."
Smon: Jana whispers to Corax: "My assistant Opara and I can ease the pain of your wounds, the ache of your muscles... I have some oils..."
chris107: 7000/5
Smon: 1400gp each?
Sandor Sunneson: cool
chris107: 1400 each. + the jewelry?
thescificultist: Corax Asks Lady V the time and place....
Prince Skylio: Zagaar gets some dust in his throat *cough* *splutter* "Slag" *cough*
chris107: and lots of silver to spend in the pub?
Smon: Jana to C: "My chambers, later..."
chris107: Mordred is relieved.
Smon: GM: Jana will happily grant Mordred Bjornalf's old villa in return for his share.
thescificultist: Corax, glups more terrified than he was of the Hobs....
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will donate his share of the jewellry (whatever the value) to Jana as a thank you for saving his life
chris107: Cool
Smon: Jana: "Good Sandro, I was only doing my part. Take your reward - or would you like the second villa, that once belonged to Lord Reynard of Myrcellin?"
chris107: "perhaps you could have a deed drawn up? In perpetuity etc..."
Prince Skylio: "can i have a villa please"
Sandor Sunneson: a house? Why thank you?
chris107: "You have the run of the stables Zagaar."
Sandor Sunneson: I'll use it as a base,
Prince Skylio: "i'm being serious"
Smon: Jana raises an eye to Mordred. "The villas of course remain the property of the Lord of Selatine. But you shall be entitled to its enjoyment, so long as you live."
Smon: Jana turns to Zagaar. "I am sorry. There are only two villas fit for ...human... habitation."
chris107: Mordred regrets getting into a debate over proprty ownership with a lawyer
Prince Skylio: Zagaar attempts to throw a mutton chop at Jana's head
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: OOC I didn't even mention Usufruct!
thescificultist: Corax only washed ashore and still has nothing....he needs a decent pari of trousers and fur cloak , some humble lodgins and 4 pints of dutch courage befoe his date with Lady V
Sandor Sunneson: roll to hit
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 3, (+7) = 10
Prince Skylio:
Smon: It'd be a DEX roll for Zag - the chop misses Jana's head.
chris107: Phew
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20-1 and gets: 1, (-1) = 0
Prince Skylio: WOW
Smon: Vuthrik the Deathwalker steps forward. "Enough of that, you! Take your money and begone to the Inn!"" (to Z)
chris107: Your heart isn't in it.
Smon: Z is clearly v drunk.
Sandor Sunneson: lol
chris107: "See you in the morning. We may still have a Hobgoblin attack to prepare for.2
Prince Skylio: Z ignores Vuthrik to go eat the mutton chop that sailed past Jana's head
Smon: Jana: "Vuthrik, please escort Mr Zagaar to the Inn. They have sheep and bar girls for him there."
chris107: "yes, be off with you, Zagaar1"
Smon: Z grabs his chop. Vuthrik puts a hand on his shoulder, leans in and whispers: "I hear Cleo the barmaid fancies you, friend. C'mon to the Inn."
chris107: Hisses Mordred, shamed by his chums foolishness.
Smon: (This isn't as Politically Correct as Steve was hoping for, I fear)
chris107: hehe
chris107: mordred will slope off early to inspect his luxurious villa by the sea.
Smon: Does Zagaar let himself be escorted into the arms of busty barmaid Cleo?
chris107: Thinking of rental incomes
thescificultist: Are there any traders still open?
chris107: He's on wine duty again
Smon: No, it's well after dark now.
chris107: "Berta, this is your new home. I shall have an Owl hole created for you."
thescificultist: no probs, better get to the bar for that dutch courage...
Prince Skylio: Zagaar heads back to the stable; uncertain of Vuthrik's claims as Cleo always striked him as a strong intellectual woman who should not be objectified purely on account of her gender.
Smon: Vuthrik asks Corax to help him get Zagaar over to the Scalpy Inn. Where Corax gets himself a stiff drink while Vuthrik gives buxom Cleo a gold coin and tells her to show Zagaar a good time and NOT LET HIM OFF THE PREMISES until morning.
thescificultist: Corax, willingly obliges...
chris107: A good move.
Smon: Sandro nurses his wounds while Mordred inspects his lovely but dusty villa, Calyakka the cook opening the door for him.
Smon: Corax at the bar, old Scalpy pushes him a Ralluan brandy.
Smon: "You look like a man who's seen a ghost, friend?"
chris107: "Good evening madam. I hear you are an amazing cook? We shall get on just fine."
Smon: Calyakka smiles warmly up at Mordred. "Indeed!"
Smon: Cleo: "My, what big tusks you've got..."
chris107: "Now we have some dusting to do."
thescificultist: Something like that.....and swigs the brandy in one, corax gathers himself and tries to swagger as nochelantly as possible toward the villa....swaying slightly
Smon: Calyakka: "Hm, well, I'll leave you to it, then. Our scrubber ran off with Lord Hytirus Vex."
thescificultist: nonchalantly*
chris107: "Slag."
chris107: "I'll dust, you get the supper on."
Sandor Sunneson: Hoarflange
chris107: 2We shall employ a new scrubber as soon as Lady vex divvies up the jewels"
Smon: Jana, now clad in diaphonous white gown, opens her door to Corax and beckons him in, where she and her blonde 'assistant' Opara await... ~fade to black~
thescificultist: hehe
chris107: A successful evening!
Smon: GM: You spend a pleasant week of R&R in Selatine. There is no more sign of the hobgoblins.
Smon: You can order gear etc from Piergeron or buy at the market for next time.
Prince Skylio: "Cleo I've had a hard day of murdering and I don't frankly care for your promiscuous advances. You didn't even bring a variety of vegetables to get me in the mood"
chris107: (But oriax is going to need dealing with...)
Smon: Cleo: "Ere luv, av summa this." this offers Zagaar ouzo.
Sandor Sunneson: OOC ahead of CF?
Smon: ok will stop there
chris107: OOC, we are at Crowfingers door.
Smon: 1200 xp each