PC Background
Character Generation (5e D&D)
Experience Points are awarded individually after each session.
5e: Attributes use point buy or the standard array 15 14 13 12 10 8, arrange as desired.
5e: Attributes use point buy or the standard array 15 14 13 12 10 8, arrange as desired.
You can optionally choose a Wilderlands human Race and/or Ethnic Background from the list below. Ethnic Backgrounds do not modify attributes, but give background skills.
Permitted Sources: Player's Handbook, Xanathar's, Volo's (check with GM), Fizban's (check with GM).
Prohibited Sources: Tasha's.
Multiclassing is permitted, with a maximum of one spellcasting class per PC.
Feats are permitted. Polearm Master feat requires the polearm be used two-handed.
The maximum possible Armour Class is 30.
Attacks and Saves always fail on a natural 1 and succeed on a natural 20.
Starting Level
Often the minimum PC starting level in 5e Wilderlands is 3rd level. Some campaigns begin with novice level 2 PCs.
Highest PC Level - New PC Start Level - New PC Starting Wealth
2-3 - 2 (300 XP) - +15gp
4-5 - 3 (900 XP) - +45gp (some campaigns start at 3rd level)
6-7 - 4 (2700 XP) - +135gp
8-9 - 5 (6500 XP) - +325gp
10-11 - 6 (14000 XP) - +700gp
12-13 - 7 (23000 XP) - +1150gp
14-15 - 8 (34000 XP) - +1700gp
16-17 - 9 (48000 XP) - +2400gp
18-19 - 10 (64000 XP) - +3200gp
20 - 11 (85000 XP) - +4250gp
Players may have multiple PCs, but may only play one PC during any one live session. PCs receive standard PHB starting gear by class, plus additional gp by level as above.
PCs may use starting gold to purchase PHB equipment, and/or items from the following list:
1. Common items. Any Common item from the Common Items list here, with price as listed (mostly 200gp), Potion of Climbing (50gp), Potion of Healing (50gp), Spell Scroll Level 1 (PHB only) (50gp+any component cost).
2. Uncommon Items. Potion of Greater Healing (250gp), Oil of Slipperiness (250gp), Philter of Love (250gp), Potion of Animal Friendship (250gp), Potion of Hill Giant Strength (250gp), Potion of Growth (250gp), Potion of Poison (250gp), Potion of Resistance (250gp), Potion of Water Breathing (250gp), +1 Weapon (DMG) (1000gp), +1 Implement (DMG) (1500gp), +1 Shield (1500gp), Cloak of Protection (2000gp), Bag of Holding (2000gp), Boots of Striding and Springing (2000gp), Cloak of Elvenkind (2000gp), Gauntlets of Ogre Power (2000gp), Gloves of Swimming and Climbing (1000gp), Goggles of Night (1000gp), Headband of Intellect (2000gp), Keoghtom’s Ointment (1000gp).
3. Rare Items. Ring of Protection (4000gp), +1 Armour (DMG) (4000gp+base armour cost), +2 Weapon (DMG) (4000gp).
Wilderlands Medium armour
Hide & Bone, AC 13+DEX (max +2), 20 lb, 50gp (as chain shirt, but non-metallic)
Hide & Bone, AC 13+DEX (max +2), 20 lb, 50gp (as chain shirt, but non-metallic)
Panoply, AC 16 + DEX (max +2), 40 lb, 1500gp (as half plate +1)
20: +5
18-19: +4
14-15: +2
12-13: +1
10-11: +0
8-9: -1
Proficiency Bonus by Level
3-4: +2
5-8: +3
9-12: +4
13-16: +5
17-20: +6
Novice (3-4) & Heroic (5-10) Tier
Level: XP Proficiency
3: 900 +2 (1,800 to level)
4: 2,700 +2 (3,800 to level)
5: 6,500 +3 (7,500 to level)
6: 14,000 +3 (9,000 to level)
7: 23,000 +3 (11,000 to level)
8: 34,000 +3 (14,000 to level)
9: 48,000 +4 (16,000 to level)
10: 64,000 +4 (21,000 to level)
Paragon (11-16) & Epic (17-20) Tier
XP Level Proficiency
85,000 11 +4 (15,000 to level)
100,000 12 +4 (20,000 to level)
120,000 13 +5 (20,000 to level)
140,000 14 +5 (25,000 to level)
165,000 15 +5 (30,000 to level)
195,000 16 +5 (30,000 to level)
225,000 17 +6 (40,000 to level)
265,000 18 +6 (40,000 to level)
305,000 19 +6 (50,000 to level)
355,000 20 +6 (N/A)
4: 2,700 +2 (3,800 to level)
5: 6,500 +3 (7,500 to level)
6: 14,000 +3 (9,000 to level)
7: 23,000 +3 (11,000 to level)
8: 34,000 +3 (14,000 to level)
9: 48,000 +4 (16,000 to level)
10: 64,000 +4 (21,000 to level)
Paragon (11-16) & Epic (17-20) Tier
XP Level Proficiency
85,000 11 +4 (15,000 to level)
100,000 12 +4 (20,000 to level)
120,000 13 +5 (20,000 to level)
140,000 14 +5 (25,000 to level)
165,000 15 +5 (30,000 to level)
195,000 16 +5 (30,000 to level)
225,000 17 +6 (40,000 to level)
265,000 18 +6 (40,000 to level)
305,000 19 +6 (50,000 to level)
355,000 20 +6 (N/A)
Training to Gain Levels - as per DMG page 131.
Level Attained -Training Expense
2-4 - 20gp
5-10 - 40gp
11-16 - 60gp
17-20 - 80gp
Training may be done during a Long Rest. Training with a mentor takes 1 work week. Training without a mentor takes 2 work weeks, but typically costs the same total amount per week.
Advancement after 20th level
In some Wilderlands campaigns the PCs may exceed 20th level. For each epic advancement, a level 20 Wilderlands PC gains an attribute boost (+2 to one attribute or +1 to 2 attributes, maximum 30), or a Feat. The GM may offer an Epic Boon as an alternative award in some cases.
XP for Epic Advancement - _PC level - New PC Start Level
400,000 E1 (PB +6) - 12 (+5,000gp)
450,000 E2 - 13 (+6,000gp)
500,000 E3 - 14 (+7,000gp)
600,000 E4 - 15 (+8,250gp)
700,000 E5 - 16 (+9,750gp)
800,000 E6 - 17 (+10,1250gp)
900,000 E7 - 18 (+13,250gp)
1,000,000 E8 - 19 (+15,250gp)
1,200,000 E9 - 20 (+17,750gp)
1,400,000 E10 - E1 (+20,000gp)
1,600,000 E11 (PB+7) - E2 (+22,500gp)
1,800,000 E12 - E3 (+25,000gp)
2,000,000 E13 - E4 (+30,000gp)
2,500,000 E14 - E5 (+35,000gp)
3,000,000 E15 - E6 (+40,000gp)
3,500,000 E16 - E7 (+45,000gp)
4,000,000 E17 (PB+8) - E8 (+50,000gp)
5,000,000 E18 - E9 (+60,000gp)
6,000,000 E19 - E10 (+70,000gp)
8,000,000 E20 - E11 (+80,000gp)
It is rumoured that characters who achieve 10,000,000 XP Ascend, achieve Enlightenment, and become one with the Cosmos.
Magic Items for New Epic Level PCs (E1+)
Any Uncommon: 2,000gp each
Any Rare: 10,000gp each
Any Very Rare: 50,000gp each
Achievement XP
Achievement Level: XP Award
- 50
- 100
- 150
- 200
- 300
- 400
- 600
- 800
- 1,000
- 1,250
- 1,500
- 1,750
- 2,000
- 2,500
- 3,000
- 3,500
- 4,000
- 4,500
- 5,000
- 6,000
- 7,000
- 8,000
- 10,000
- 12,000
- 14,000
- 16,000
- 18,000
- 20,000
- 22,000
- 25,000
Variant Fighting Styles (available to all PC races) - Fighter, Ranger or Paladin
Bondorrean Greatsword: +1d6 slashing damage with Greatsword.
Altanian Bloody Axe: +1d6 slashing damage with Greataxe.
Orichalan Maulmaster: +1d6 blunt damage with Maul.
Humans by default get +1 to every attribute, so eg instead of 15 14 13 12 10 8 they get 16 15 14 13 11 9.
Altanian & Amazon Human PCs take the following attribute modifiers, rather than the human standard of +1 to every attribute:
Wilderlands Variant Human Races (Optional)
These are alternatives to the standard human (+1 all stats) and the variant human (who gets a Feat at 1st level).
Altanian: +2 STR +1 DEX +2 CON +0 INT +1 WIS +0 CHA.
Altanians are mighty tribal warriors who revere their patron animals & their ancestral spirits. Skin tones are reddish, varying from ruddy to scarlet. The Altanian Sword Cult reveres Bondorr, Lord of Swords, who defeated the Dragon Lords.
Altanian Berserker Barbarians can recover 1 level of Berserk-induced Exhaustion, up to 3 times per day, with a short rest.
The Amazons of Highhaven are an all-female race of warriors who revere Athena, goddess of battle wisdom. Male children born to the Amazons are offered to their fathers.
Amazon Bard, Rogue & Warlock PCs replace light armour proficiency with Amazon Grace - psychic power, when unarmoured base AC is 10+DEX+CHA.
Amazon Cleric & Ranger PCs replace medium armour proficiency with Amazon Grace - psychic power, when unarmoured base AC is 10+DEX+CHA.
Amazon Fighter & Paladin PCs replace heavy armour proficiency with Amazon Grace - psychic power, when unarmoured base AC is 10+DEX+CHA.
Amazon-only Fighter Ranger or Paladin Fighting Styles. These styles are Available only to characters of the Amazon race.
1. Amazon Sabre: +1d8 piercing damage with Amazon Sabre (as Rapier)
2. Amazon Long Axe: +1d10 slashing damage with Amazon Long Axe (as Halberd)
3. Amazon Beastmistress: The Amazon has an Animal Companion, as per Beastmaster Ranger. The Companion may be Large size and CR 1, with a minimum 6 hp per PC level. Suitable Beastmistress companions include Lion, Dire Wolf, Tiger and Brown Bear. A Beastmistress's companion may roll initiative act normally on its own Turn. If an Amazon Ranger (Beastmaster) takes this style, they gain an improved Animal Companion. This Animal Companion may be a Large or even Huge Beast, can be CR 2, and has a minimum 8 hp per PC level. Suitable Beastmistress Ranger companions include: Saber-Tooth Tiger Giant Constrictor Snake Cave Bear Giant Eagle (can carry one rider).
High Avalonian
High Avalonians are a mystical blue-skinned race from Valon in the far north.
High Avalonian racial abilities (Common Avalonians are default humans): ST+0 DE +1 CO +0 IN +1 WI +1 CH +1.
High Avalonians may take either the Ritual Caster feat, or an additional IN +1 WI +1.
Avalonians get advantage on swim-related checks & saves, and are proficient at sailing, rope use etc. They have advantage on CON saves based on cold weather endurance (not direct damage), and on caster & arcana checks directly related to the use of cold magic (including using dispel magic on fire/heat effects, but not on attack rolls). Starting languages are Common, Avalonian, and Aquan, the tongue of water elementals.
5e: Ethnic Backgrounds (Optional).
All PCs with one of the below Backgrounds have 15gp starting cash plus default class equipment, and any relevant tool proficiencies for class & background. Most characters with these ethnic backgrounds are human.
All PCs with one of the below Backgrounds have 15gp starting cash plus default class equipment, and any relevant tool proficiencies for class & background. Most characters with these ethnic backgrounds are human.
Avalonian: Gain Arcana & History skills, sailing tools proficiency, & advantage on swim-related checks and saves.
Ghinarian or Civilised Altanian: Gain History and Persuasion skills, and one Tool proficiency. Most civilised Altanians are members of the Altanian race (above).
Alryan Cosmopolitan Background: Gain Persuasion & Insight skills. Cannot be Barbarian. Advantage on WIS saves vs Charm effects.
Altanian Barbarian Background: Gain Animal Handling & Survival skills. Advantage on CON saves vs Exhaustion. Most Altanian Barbarians are members of the Altanian race (above).
Amazon Background: Gain Animal Handling plus 2 of Nature, Perception or Survival skills. Most Amazons are members of the Amazon race (above).
Antillian Trader Background: Gain Deception & Persuasion skills. Proficient with rapier & dagger. If your class also grants rapier & dagger proficiency, then can treat them as two light weapons for two-weapon fighting (d8 & d4), and may add DEX bonus to off-hand damage.
Skandik Sea Wolf Background: Gain Athletics & Survival skills. Can swim and sail boats. Advantage on swim-related checks and saves.
Tharbrian Horseman Background: Gain Animal Handling & Survival skills. Advantage on riding-related checks and saves.
Unusual PC Races
Dragonborn - Found in the Dragon Lord Hills of Oricha (PHB)
Nemua - the Catfolk, use D&D Tabaxi (Volo's)
Hawkmen - the Windriders of Antil, use D&D Aarakocra stats (from Elemental Evil Player's Companion), however the Hawkmen have human features with reddish skin.

PCs with the Medium Armor proficiency may start with Hide & Bone armour.
Amazon Warrior PCs always require the Feat Heavily Armoured to be proficient with heavy armour.
Ghinarian or Civilised Altanian: Gain History and Persuasion skills, and one Tool proficiency. Most civilised Altanians are members of the Altanian race (above).
Alryan Cosmopolitan Background: Gain Persuasion & Insight skills. Cannot be Barbarian. Advantage on WIS saves vs Charm effects.
Altanian Barbarian Background: Gain Animal Handling & Survival skills. Advantage on CON saves vs Exhaustion. Most Altanian Barbarians are members of the Altanian race (above).
Amazon Background: Gain Animal Handling plus 2 of Nature, Perception or Survival skills. Most Amazons are members of the Amazon race (above).
Antillian Trader Background: Gain Deception & Persuasion skills. Proficient with rapier & dagger. If your class also grants rapier & dagger proficiency, then can treat them as two light weapons for two-weapon fighting (d8 & d4), and may add DEX bonus to off-hand damage.
Skandik Sea Wolf Background: Gain Athletics & Survival skills. Can swim and sail boats. Advantage on swim-related checks and saves.
Tharbrian Horseman Background: Gain Animal Handling & Survival skills. Advantage on riding-related checks and saves.
Unusual PC Races
Dragonborn - Found in the Dragon Lord Hills of Oricha (PHB)
Nemua - the Catfolk, use D&D Tabaxi (Volo's)
Hawkmen - the Windriders of Antil, use D&D Aarakocra stats (from Elemental Evil Player's Companion), however the Hawkmen have human features with reddish skin.

PCs with the Medium Armor proficiency may start with Hide & Bone armour.
Amazon Warrior PCs always require the Feat Heavily Armoured to be proficient with heavy armour.
Permitted Classes - 5e
Player's Handbook only - all PHB classes.
Player's Handbook only - all PHB classes.
Weapon House Rules
Daggers used for a finishing cut (coup-de-gras) automatically hit.
Daggers darts & javelins drawn from a quiver or bandoleer count as ammunition.
War Bows use STR for attacks. Where available, an Orichalan war bow would typically cost twice a regular longbow. d8 damage & uses STR, need STR 11+. There are also composite dragon bows crafted by the Arkhosian dragonborn typically made of wyvern bone with d10 base damage+STR, need STR 13+ to use, would count as an Uncommon item 500gp+
A Small or Medium sized armed attacker vs an unarmed Small or Medium opponent without Martial Arts has Advantage on the attack roll. Likewise Large vs Large, Huge vs Huge etc.
Death & Injury House Rules
Maximum three short rests per day.
NPC death
NPCs generally receive somewhat more hit points than a PC of equivalent power level. However NPCs taken to 0 hp by sharp weapons or lethal spells are usually dead or mortally wounded, with death within 3 rounds unless magically healed to positive hp. NPCs may potentially be subdued through use of blunt weapons or similar (a 'flat of blade' attack is usually at -2 to hit): however can still die from massive damage - a weak 5 hit point NPC is still killed by 10 points of subdual damage!
1. Short Rest is 1 hour. Berserkers may recover 1 level of Rage-induced exhaustion on a Short Rest. This power may be used 3/day.
2. Overnight Rest restores 1 hp/level and 1 level of Exhaustion. Casters may swap out 1 memorised spell after an overnight rest, but do not recover slots.
3. Long Rest is 1 week, restores all hit dice, and allows training to level up.
War Bows use STR for attacks. Where available, an Orichalan war bow would typically cost twice a regular longbow. d8 damage & uses STR, need STR 11+. There are also composite dragon bows crafted by the Arkhosian dragonborn typically made of wyvern bone with d10 base damage+STR, need STR 13+ to use, would count as an Uncommon item 500gp+
A Small or Medium sized armed attacker vs an unarmed Small or Medium opponent without Martial Arts has Advantage on the attack roll. Likewise Large vs Large, Huge vs Huge etc.
Death & Injury House Rules
Maximum three short rests per day.
NPC death
NPCs generally receive somewhat more hit points than a PC of equivalent power level. However NPCs taken to 0 hp by sharp weapons or lethal spells are usually dead or mortally wounded, with death within 3 rounds unless magically healed to positive hp. NPCs may potentially be subdued through use of blunt weapons or similar (a 'flat of blade' attack is usually at -2 to hit): however can still die from massive damage - a weak 5 hit point NPC is still killed by 10 points of subdual damage!
1. Short Rest is 1 hour. Berserkers may recover 1 level of Rage-induced exhaustion on a Short Rest. This power may be used 3/day.
2. Overnight Rest restores 1 hp/level and 1 level of Exhaustion. Casters may swap out 1 memorised spell after an overnight rest, but do not recover slots.
3. Long Rest is 1 week, restores all hit dice, and allows training to level up.
A long rest may include some routine travel at a sedate pace along roads - 15 miles/day walking, or 30 miles/day riding - but not hiking through difficult terrain. A day with combat does not count as resting, but previous days of rest count towards the total. A ship cabin allows for resting. Resting in squalorous conditions may require a CON save, usually DC 10 (easy) or 15 (moderate), with a failed save extending the rest time required by 1-3 days, then reroll.
General Class/Level Rules
The maximum level in 5e is 20th, although few mortals exceed 10th level. The Invincible Overlord of the City State and the God-Emperor of Viridistan are rumoured to be 20th level equivalent. The God-Emperor also has numerous Epic Boons granted by his god, Amadad Bog.
The maximum level in 5e is 20th, although few mortals exceed 10th level. The Invincible Overlord of the City State and the God-Emperor of Viridistan are rumoured to be 20th level equivalent. The God-Emperor also has numerous Epic Boons granted by his god, Amadad Bog.
In the current age the maximum spell level generally accessible by mortals is 9th, though there are ancient legends of more powerful spells, and there may yet be strange realms where such magics may still be employed. Most casters are Ritualists, whether arcane or divine, not classed spellcasters.
Armour: Casters may not cast in armour, other than the Proficient armour listed in their class description (no additional armoured casting acquired via race or feat).
Magic items are not routinely available for sale, other perhaps than the scrolls scribed by wizards, although certain powerful individuals may be capable of crafting them, given possession of the requisite exceptional and rare components.
Arcanists (Sorceror, Warlock, Wizard) of High Level (11th+) may use the energy focus of their Wizards' Towers (or Sorcerors' Towers etc) to utilise powerful magical rituals such as Golem creation, Portal magic, and even Lichdom.
Divinists (Cleric, Druid) of 11th level and higher within their own Temples or Druid Groves may seek the direct intervention of their deities, and other such miracles. Clerics (who already have a % chance of divine intervention) have it doubled within their Temple or Druid Grove. On a roll of 00% the deity will personally appear.
"Name" Spells such as Leomund's Tiny Hut may not exist on this world and cannot be taken when gaining a level, they would have to be found in play. This includes all spells containing the names Mordenkainen, Drawmij, Otiluke, Otto, Rary, Leomund, Evard, Nystul, Melf, Tasha, & Tenser. Some such may be researchable by a PC spellcaster.
Armour: Casters may not cast in armour, other than the Proficient armour listed in their class description (no additional armoured casting acquired via race or feat).
Magic items are not routinely available for sale, other perhaps than the scrolls scribed by wizards, although certain powerful individuals may be capable of crafting them, given possession of the requisite exceptional and rare components.
Arcanists (Sorceror, Warlock, Wizard) of High Level (11th+) may use the energy focus of their Wizards' Towers (or Sorcerors' Towers etc) to utilise powerful magical rituals such as Golem creation, Portal magic, and even Lichdom.
Divinists (Cleric, Druid) of 11th level and higher within their own Temples or Druid Groves may seek the direct intervention of their deities, and other such miracles. Clerics (who already have a % chance of divine intervention) have it doubled within their Temple or Druid Grove. On a roll of 00% the deity will personally appear.
"Name" Spells such as Leomund's Tiny Hut may not exist on this world and cannot be taken when gaining a level, they would have to be found in play. This includes all spells containing the names Mordenkainen, Drawmij, Otiluke, Otto, Rary, Leomund, Evard, Nystul, Melf, Tasha, & Tenser. Some such may be researchable by a PC spellcaster.
Polymorph spell effects are generally restricted to CR 0 noncombatant beasts - mice, rabbits, doves, perhaps pigs, deer and hawks at higher level.
The Ghinarian pantheon corresponds to the Greek gods (5e PHB 298) with some syncretism, while the Tharbrian pantheon equates to the Celtic gods (5e PHB 298) and has been adopted by many Altanians. The old Altanian pantheon equates to the Egyptian gods (PHB 299), though most barbarian Altanians nowadays revere their tribal animal totems, while Skandiks revere the Norse gods (PHB 299). Many other gods are worshipped, including the old Nerathi Empire gods of 4e D&D (5e DMG 10), and a host of others collectively referred to as the 'Unknown Gods'. The most popular local deity is the LG sun god Apollo-Mitra (or Horus-Mitra), said to be the son of Zeus (or Deus, or Teus, or Ormazd) Sky-Father.
Polymorph spell effects are generally restricted to CR 0 noncombatant beasts - mice, rabbits, doves, perhaps pigs, deer and hawks at higher level.
The Ghinarian pantheon corresponds to the Greek gods (5e PHB 298) with some syncretism, while the Tharbrian pantheon equates to the Celtic gods (5e PHB 298) and has been adopted by many Altanians. The old Altanian pantheon equates to the Egyptian gods (PHB 299), though most barbarian Altanians nowadays revere their tribal animal totems, while Skandiks revere the Norse gods (PHB 299). Many other gods are worshipped, including the old Nerathi Empire gods of 4e D&D (5e DMG 10), and a host of others collectively referred to as the 'Unknown Gods'. The most popular local deity is the LG sun god Apollo-Mitra (or Horus-Mitra), said to be the son of Zeus (or Deus, or Teus, or Ormazd) Sky-Father.
It is good (but not compulsory) to do a background paragraph on your PC. They typically start as wandering adventurers and should have a reason to go out and seek their fortune - exiled, outlawed, running away from an arranged marriage, wanderlust, etc. You can start with one or more of the NPCs described in the campaign material as contacts, friendly or otherwise.
Barbarian Dragon Warrior Totem
As Bear (3) & Eagle (6, 14); Dragonborn with this Totem can breath attack as a bonus action.
Barbarian Slayer Path - from Primeval Thule Player's Guide
Like totem warriors, slayers are shaped by the beasts and
the elements of the savage world in which they come of
age. But where totem warriors see a world of spirits to
honor or follow, slayers see a world full of deadly dangers.
The dire wolf, the saber-tooth, the giant viper—these are
not supernatural beings, but instead rivals and enemies.
The wilderness hardens the body and sharpens
the wits, offering a never-ending series of lethal lessons
only the strong, the quick, and the cunning survive.
Many barbarians—berserkers, for instance—glory
in battle, losing themselves in savage bloodlust as they
charge mindlessly into the fray. The slayer’s battle-madness,
however, takes on a different form. His rage leads
instead to a cold and deadly place, a place of iron resolve
and calculated murder. The fierce determination to strive
and survive drives the slayer to feats of strength and
deeds of pure endurance that seem superhuman to the
warriors of more civilized lands.
Slayer’s Rage (3rd level): Double your rage damage
bonus when you fight using a two-handed weapon. In
addition, when you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points on
your turn, you gain a bonus action to move up to your
speed. Slayers learn to strike hard and keep moving,
since survival in the wild depends on taking threats
down fast and staying ahead of your foes.
Grim Resolve (6th level): When you fail a save
against an effect, you gain advantage on all
subsequent saves against that effect for the rest of the
encounter. This might apply to a single spell or condition
that allows you a new save at the end of each
of your turns, such as the hold person spell, or it could
be multiple castings or uses of the same spell or effect
(for example, a dragon’s breath weapon) in the same
encounter. Your sheer, savage willpower often prevails in
unlikely circumstances.
Natural Athlete (10th level): You are proficient in
any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check you attempt
(NB this includes Initiative checks).
When you make a long jump or high jump, add
5 to your Strength score for purposes of figuring the distance
or height of your jump. Survival in the wilderness
often pushes you to the very limits of physical ability.
Deadly Defense (14th level): You gain a bonus to
AC equal to the number of enemies within 5 feet of
you. You must be able to see an enemy to count it for
this bonus, and you lose the bonus altogether if you are
blinded or incapacitated. When foes press in from every
side, you somehow find the reflexes and agility to make
attacks miss.
Buying Magic Items
Kobold Flyer
The Plated Mage of Stonehell offers the following items for commission via the Kobold Market. Cash up front. Please allow 6 days for delivery. Maximum 3 items per week. Please do not ask for credit, as having one's soul consumed by the Elder God Korthiliath of the 18th Hell Dimension often offends.
1. Bag of Holding (2000gp)
2. Boots of Striding and Springing (2000gp)
3. Cloak of Elvenkind (2000gp)
4. Gauntlets of Ogre Power (2000gp)
5. Gloves of Swimming and Climbing (1000gp)
6. Goggles of Night (1000gp)
7. Headband of Intellect (4000gp)
8. Keoghtom’s Ointment (1000gp)
9. Wand of Magic Detection (1000gp)
10.Weapon, Weapon +1 (1000gp)
1. Bag of Holding
Wondrous item, uncommon
This bag has an interior space considerably larger
than its outside dimensions, roughly 2 feet in diameter
at the mouth and 4 feet deep. The bag can hold up to
500 pounds, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet.
The bag weighs 15 pounds, regardless of its contents.
Retrieving an item from the bag requires an action.
If the bag is overloaded, pierced, or torn, it ruptures
and is destroyed, and its contents are scattered in the
Astral Plane. If the bag is turned inside out, its contents
spill forth, unharmed, but the bag must be put right
before it can be used again. Breathing creatures inside
the bag can survive up to a number of minutes equal
to 10 divided by the number of creatures (minimum 1
minute), after which time they begin to suffocate.
Placing a bag of holding inside an extradimensional
space created by a Heward’s handy haversack, portable
hole, or similar item instantly destroys both items and
opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate originates
where the one item was placed inside the other. Any
creature within 10 feet of the gate is sucked through it
to a random location on the Astral Plane. The gate then
closes. The gate is one-way only and can’t be reopened.
2. Boots of Striding and Springing
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
While you wear these boots, your walking speed
becomes 30 feet, unless your walking speed is higher,
and your speed isn’t reduced if you are encumbered
or wearing heavy armor. In addition, you can jump
three times the normal distance, though you can’t jump
farther than your remaining movement would allow.
3. Cloak of Elvenkind
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
While you wear this cloak with its hood up, Wisdom
(Perception) checks made to see you have disadvantage,
and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks
made to hide, as the cloak’s color shifts to camouflage
you. Pulling the hood up or down requires an action.
4. Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Your Strength score is 19 while you wear these
gauntlets. They have no effect on you if your Strength is
already 19 or higher.
5. Gloves of Swimming and Climbing
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
While wearing these gloves, climbing and swimming
don’t cost you extra movement, and you gain a +5 bonus
to Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb or swim.
6. Goggles of Night
Wondrous item, uncommon
While wearing these dark lenses, you have darkvision
out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision,
wearing the goggles increases its range by 60 feet.
7. Headband of Intellect
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Your Intelligence score is 19 while you wear this
headband. It has no effect on you if your Intelligence is
already 19 or higher.
8. Keoghtom’s Ointment
Wondrous item, uncommon
This glass jar, 3 inches in diameter, contains 5
doses of a thick mixture that smells faintly of aloe. The
jar and its contents weigh 1/2 pound.
As an action, one dose of the ointment can be
swallowed or applied to the skin. The creature that
receives it regains 2d8 + 2 hit points, ceases to be
poisoned, and is cured of any disease.
9. Wand of Magic Detection
Wand, uncommon
This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can
expend 1 charge as an action to cast the detect magic
spell from it. The wand regains 1d3 expended charges
daily at dawn.
10. Weapon, Rune Weapon +1
Weapon (any), uncommon (+1)
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this rune-carved magic weapon.
potion of healing - 50gp
A character who drinks the magical red fluid in this vial regains 2d4 + 2 hit points. Drinking or administering a potion takes an action. Each potion weighs 1/2 pound.
Spell Scroll of (01-50%) 1 2nd or 3rd level Spell, (51-90%) 2 1st level Spells, or (91-100%) d4+4 cantrips
Spell Level Rarity Save DC Attack Bonus
Cantrip Common 13 +5
1st Common 13 +5
2nd Uncommon 13 +5
3rd Uncommon 15 +7
Purchasing Magic Items (generic)
Making Magic Items - eg level 1 Scroll 25gp & 1 day, level 2 scroll 250gp & 3 days
Crafting Magic Weapons - eg +1 warhammer 200gp
Crafting Magic Armour - a +1 shield costs 400gp
Downtime revisited (XGTE) inc crafting, carousing, crime, gambling, training tool profs
Mundane Crafting Rates
PB+2: 10gp per work day, 50gp per week
PB+3: ", 50gp per work day for item worth 100gp+, 250gp per week
PB+4: " ", 100gp per work day for item worth 200gp+, 500gp per week
PB+5: " " ", 200gp per work day for item worth 400gp+, 1000gp per week
PB+6: " " " ", 500gp per work day for item worth 1000gp+, 2500gp per week
Wands House Rules
Using most wands requires a spellcaster with the spell on their class spell lists, at least potentially (eg classes with 'any spell' abilities can use any wand).
Newly crafted wands start with 20 charges (typically have 1d20 or 2d10 charges when found) and don't recharge automatically. They can potentially be recharged by a spellcaster in a similar process to scroll creation.
eg recharging a magic missile wand 1 charge costs 25gp in reagants plus one 1st level casting of MM (use higher level slots recharges more charges but needs more reagants)
Recharging a Fireball wand 1 charge costs 500gp & requires a level 3 spell slot casting from a level 5+ caster who knows Fireball.
A ruler may rule a citadel, village or town and surrounding lands, typically 1 15-mile hex. With mounted patrols a single ruler may also dominate the adjacent hexes (7 total) as part of his domain.
Standard monthly income in a typical domain is 3 sp per person - around 1/3 (1 sp) is available as liquid cash in any one month. This income maxes out at 100 people per square mile of good farmed land (25 in grazing land), enough to fully exploit the land and its resources - actual population may reach 180 per square mile of farmland in some cases. Poor domains generate 1-2sp/month, rich domains 4-6 sp/month, or more in rare cases.
A simple Hall suitable for a minor lord (1 hex) costs 100gp/month to maintain.
A more lavish Hall suitable for a greater ruler (up to 7 hexes) costs +100gp/month per additional hex to maintain, maximum 700gp/month. Beyond that, subsidiary Halls are required for lesser rulers, adding +20gp/month to the cost of the main Hall for each additional hex ruled through subsidiaries. In some cultures, subsidiary rulers may be required to send a 'salt tax' of 20% or more of income direct to their liege.
Hall costs include a staff of servants/slaves (at ca 1 sp/day to feed), maintenance, feasting etc.
Hall costs are not paid while the ruler is being entertained at the court of another ruler, who must pay for each visiting noble court in attendance.
Personal Guard elite infantry normally cost 9gp/month each, 18gp for a serjeant leader, 36gp for a Weaponmaster. Stabling horses costs 6gp/month for light horses, 9gp/month for heavy cavalry.
Regular basic soldiery typically cost 6gp/man/month in garrison.
Peasant levy cost 5gp/man/month only while under arms, (1sp/day=3gp maintenance, +2gp for loss of able-bodied income).
Item Crafting Notes
Minimum Item Rarities for At-Will Continuous Effects by Level, Base Crafting/Purchase Cost
These normally require attunement, a bonus action or reaction to cast the spell effect, and concentration to maintain. Some require the user be a caster with the spell on their spell list.
Cantrip: Common - 100/200gp
1st: Uncommon - Descent (eg Ring of Feather Falling) - 500gp/1,000gp
2nd: Rare - Ascent (eg Boots of Levitation, Slippers of Spider Climbing) - 5,000gp/10,000gp
3rd-4th: Very Rare - Flight (eg Winged Boots, Broom of Flying) - 50,000gp/100,000gp
5th-6th: Legendary - multiple Flight (eg Carpet of Flying) - 250,000gp/500,000gp
Minimum Item Rarities for One Use Items (except Scrolls) by Level
These normally require an action to use, but do not require concentration to maintain.
Cantrip, 1st: Common (eg Potion of Feather Falling) - 50gp
2nd: Uncommon (eg Potion of Levitation, Potion of Spider Climbing) - 250gp
3rd-4th: Rare (eg Potion of Flying) - 2,500gp
5th-6th: Very Rare - 25,000gp
7th-8th: Legendary - 125,000gp
Tactical Mass Combat: Diaz Freeform Rules
Dominion Rules - 'Fields of Blood' Conversion
PC rulers can take 1 standard 'regent action' and 1 standard 'realm action' per month in addition to normal play, plus any number of free actions, examples given are Annex Land (take over an area and build settlements), assign generals, bank income, cast realm spell, creat formation, declare peace, declare war, espionage, forge alliance, muster troops, sacrifice, train troops, buy improvement etc. Actions typically take 1 Season (3 months) to resolve.
Ghinarian Hills Eastern Provinces, Resource Production per Season.
3229 Clear Meadows - Coastal Village with Fishmarket, 375-100=275 RP
3233 Citadel of Water - Plains Thorpe with Castle (1), 100 RP
3329 Ahyf - Coastal Small Town with Castle, Marketplace, Fishing Fleet, 900-200=700 RP
3330 Ahyf area - Hill Thorpe, 50 RP
3331 Hills, Goblins
3332 Kalmisj - Hill Thorpe, 50 RP
3333 Ghutaris - Hill Thorpe, 50 RP
3429 Ahyf area, Coast Thorpe 75 RP
3430 Hills, Gnolls
3431 Bratanis - Hill Thorpe, 50 RP
3431 Stonehell - Underground Thorpe (Temple of Yig) Level 1 Divine Realm Source, 25 RP
3432 St Ulther's Lighthouse (Amazons) - Coast Thorpe, 75 RP
3433 Lygol - Coast Thorpe, 75 RP
3530 Coast, Ruins of 'Trade'
3531 Verius & Theber - Plains Hamlet, 200-50=200 RP
3532 Selatine - Coastal Thorpe with Fishing Fleet, 75x1.5= 112 RP
3629 Coast
Input 500gp converts to 1 RP
3630 Talholm - Coastal Thorpe, 75 RP
3730 Krens Cairn - Coastal Hamlet with Hill Fort, 150-50=100 RP
Human Settlement Base Production (Season RP)
Underground, Desert, Mountain 100
Hills, Marsh 200
Coastal 300
Forest, Plains 400
Underground Settlement Base Production by Race (Season RP)
Human, Gnoll, Lizardman 100
Kobold, Goblin 200
Elf, Vrilya 300
Dwarf, Orc, Duergar, Hobgoblin 400
Province Hex Population & Population Centre: Production Modifier
200+ Thorpe x0.25
400+ Hamlet x0.5
800+ Village x1
1,600+ Small Town: x2
3,200+ Large Town: x2.5
6,400+ Small City: x3
12,800+ Large City: x4
25,600+ Metropolis: x5
Province/Hex Population Centre RP Multiplier - Max Units per Province, Settlement Build & Upkeep
Thorpe 0.25 - 5, 750 & 0 RP (initial cost includes clearing wilderness)
Hamlet 0.5 - 8, 500 & 50 RP
Village 1 - 12, 1,000 & 100 RP
Small Town 2 - 16, 5,000 & 200 RP
Large Town 2.5 - 24, 20,000 & 250 RP
Small City 3 - 36, 70,000 & 300 RP
Large City 4 - 50, 400,000 & 400 RP
Metropolis 5 - 100, 500,000 & 500 RP
Input 500gp converts to 1 RP
Extracting 1 RP converts to 250gp
Unit Upkeep per Season (200 men approx) at 250gp per RP.
CR 0 XP 10 Untrained: 10 RP/2,500gp 0.14 gp/man/day eg Commoner. Morale 5
CR 1/8 XP 25 Trained 25 RP/6,250gp 0.34 gp/man/day eg Tribal Warrior, Bandit, Cultist, Guard, Kobold. Morale 6
CR 1/4 XP 50 Regular 50 RP/12,500gp 0.68 gp/man/day eg Goblin. Morale 7.
CR 1/2 XP 100 Experienced 100 RP/25,000gp 1.35gp/man/day eg Scout, Hobgoblin, Orc. Morale 8
CR 1 XP 200 Crack 200 RP/50,000gp 2.7gp/man/day eg Bugbear. Morale 8
CR 2 XP 450 Elite 450 RP/112,500gp 6.12gp/man/day eg Cult Fanatic, Ogre. Morale 9
CR 3 XP 700 Veteran 700 RP/175,000gp 9.45gp/man/day eg Veteran, Knight. Morale 9
CR 4 XP 1100 Hero 1100 RP/325,000gp 14.85gp/man/day eg Ettin. Morale 10
CR 5 XP 1800 Monstrous 1800 RP/450,000gp 24.3gp/man/day eg Hill Giant, Troll. Morale 10
Units in Garrison typically cost half as much to maintain.
To find a varied unit's total maintenance RP, you can add up the creatures' total XPV and divide by 200.
Small Units
1/4 Unit (Platoon): 50 men, 1/4 RP
1/2 Unit (Double Platoon): 100 men, 1/2 RP.
Base Army Value = maintenance RP of all units, added together.
Units organised into a 4+ unit/800+ man Battalion, Host or Cohort (100 RP) gain +20% to BAV when fighting together
Units organised into an 8+ unit/1600+ man Regiment or Company (200 RP) gain +30% to BAV when fighting together
Units organised into a 16+ unit/3200+ man Brigade, Vasthost or Legion (400 RP) gain +40% to BAV when fighting together
A Named Formation (one that has survived 5 battles fighting together and received a formal Name from their liege) gains a further +10% to BAV when fighting together (so a Named Legion is +50% to BAV).
Unit CR Time & Cost to Recruit/Train
0 1 week 5 RP (RPx0.5)
1/8 2 weeks 12 RP (RPx0.5)
1/4 1 month 50 RP (RPx1)
1/2 2 months 200 RP (RPx2)
1 1 season 600 RP (RPx3)
2 2 seasons 1800 RP (RPx4)
3 3 seasons 3500 RP (RPx5)
4+ 1 year (4 seasons) RPx6
Regent Actions (1 Standard Regent Action per Month)
Annex Land (Standard). Clearing a province and establishing a thorpe costs 750 RP.
Assign Generals (Free) 0 RP
Bank Income (Free, Civilised only) 0 RP
Cast Realm Spell (standard, cost varies)
Create Formation (Free) 100/225/400 RP
Declare Peace (Standard) 0 RP
Declare War (Standard) 0 RP
Espionage, Disrupt Trade (Standard, 1000 RP)
Espionage, Infiltrate Guild (Standard) cost = guild cost
Espionage, Spy (Standard, 500 RP)
Forge Alliance (Standard) 0 to 1000 RP
Muster Troops (Standard) varies
Name Formation Free, 50/100/200 RP
Reform Formation Free, 25 RP per replacement unit
Sacrifice free, 1000 RP per 5% chance of realm blessing
Sever Ties free, 0 RP
Trade Agreement standard, 100 RP per province in target realm.
Train Troops standard, varies
Realm Actions (1 Standard Realm Action per Month)
Bank Surplus free, 0 RP
Buy Improvement standard, varies
Build Permanent Fortification standard, varies
Build Port full season, 500 RPxpopulation centre resource multiplier
Build Road full season, varies
Build Thorpe full season, 750 RP
Garrison Population Centre standard, varies
Improve Guild standard, varies
Improve Road standard, varies
Upgrade Population Centre:
200+ Thorpe>Hamlet 500 RP, 1 Season
400+ Hamlet>Village 1,000 RP, 1 Season
800+ Village>Small Town 5,000 RP, 2 Seasons
1,600+ Small Town>Large Town: 20,000 RP, 3 Seasons
3,200+ Large Town>Small City: 70,000 RP, 4 Seasons
6,400+ Small City>Large City: 400,000 RP, 5 Seasons
12,800+ Large City>Metropolis: 500,000 RP, 6 Seasons
Province Improvements
Arcane Tower, Chapel, Druidic Grove: 1500 RP per level 1-3
Arcane Guild Hall, Temple, Stone Circle: 3000 RP per level 4-6
Arcane University, Cathedral, Sacred Mound 6000 RP per level 7-9
Thief Gang 1000 RP per level 1-3, Mob 2000 RP per level 4-6, Cartel 4000 RP per level 7-9
Mine (hills or mountains) 200 RP, Smelter 400 RP
Logging Camp (forests) 400 RP, Sawmill 800 RP
Crop Rotation (plains) 600 RP, Irrigation 1200 RP
Fishmarket (coastal) 300 RP, Fishing Fleet 600 RP
Signal Tower 50 RP, Upkeep 10 RP
Hospital (200 bed) 500 RP, Upkeep 125 RP
Supply Store 200 x (population RP multiplier) per week of supplies, maximum 13
Marketplace 100 x (population RP multiplier squared), village or larger
Menagerie Monster XPV in RP, upkeep 1/4 base cost
Trade Fair 100 x (population RP multiplier)
Hill Fort 100 RP/unit
Wood Fort 125 RP/unit
Castle 200 RP/unit
Fortress 400 RP/unit
Citadel 800 RP/unit
Garrison Cost Modifier by Creature Size
Small: x0.5
Medium: x1
Large: x2 (includes horse cavalry)
Huge: x4
Gargantuan: x8
Quick Mass Combat (1 minute turns)
Base Army Value = RP of all units. Army Value = BAV modified by any Formation bonuses.
Command Tools Proficiency is INT or CHA bonus, plus any Proficiency Bonus. Such tools include their emblems of command, flags/banners, horns, drums, etc. A Bard using Performance skill DC 15 to inspire the troops may give the commander Advantage on the Command Tools check.
Commanders roll Initiative and attack in Initiative order. A commander may decide not to attack on his turn, eg if holding a defensive position. They may also retreat.
Typical NPC Commanders
Archmage Init +2 Command +9
Bandit Captain Init +3 Command +4
Cult Fanatic Init +2 Command +4
Gladiator Init +2 Command +4
Knight Init +0 Command +4
Mage Init +2 Command +6
Noble Init +1 Command +5
Spy Init +2 Command +5
Bard Init +2 Command +4
Blackguard Init +2 Command +4
Champion Init +2 Command +5
Swashbuckler Init +4 Command +4
Warlord Init +3 Command +8
On each commander's turn:
1. Determine up to 5 rounds of PC personal combat, reducing force BAVs accordingly for any losses. A PC acting s force commnder must take 1 action to give orders or their command skill is set to 0 for their next roll. If a commander is killed, the force's command skill becomes 0 for further rolls.
2. Determine the Army Value ratio between attacker and defender of troops committed, rounding fractions up or down normally.
Terrain Modifier to Defender AV (use highest)
Higher Ground, defensive emplacements, or other terrain advantage +20%
Hill Fort +100%
Wood Fort +200%
Castle +300%
Fortress +400%
Citadel +500%
Terrain Modifier to Attacker AV
Higher Ground, or other terrain advantage +20%
3. Roll on Battle Quick Results Table. a= attacker threatened. d = defender threatened. Number is the % of troops in the battle threatened, from 0 to 100.
4. Commanders then roll opposed Command Tools checks to determine casualties.
Threatened side loses by 10+: takes full damage
Threatened side loses: takes half (1/2) damage
Threatened side wins: takes quarter (1/4) damage
Threatened side wins by 10+: takes no damage
Losses are deducted from the threatened side's force BAV before the next commander's turn.
A losing side that takes at least 10% losses in a single turn must make a 2d6 morale check or retreat/flee the field on its next turn. Roll 2d6, the force flees if the roll is exceeded.
Loss Morale Penalty
0-5% No Check
10%-15% 0
20%-30% -1
40%-50% -2
60%-80% -3
A Commander may try to rally fleeing forces as a standard action. The DC depends on how badly the force morale has failed.
Fail by: Command DC
1 15
2 20
3 25
4 30
5+ Cannot be rallied
Chasing Down Fleeing Foes
If the victor has forces as fast as the loser, they may pursue. Roll on the Quick Results table next 1-minute turn, and if 'victorious' he may remove that proportion of the losing forces in full (no Command check needed).
If the victor's pursuing forces are faster, they may roll opposed Survival checks in subsequent turns. Each time the victor succeeds, they may roll on the Results table and inflict casualties again. On a fail the losers have escaped.
Final Battle Results
The losing/retreating side removes all losses. The winning side may choose to take up to half of these losses as wounded captives for ransom, enslavement etc, or may slay them.
50% of the winning side's losses are only wounded, and will recover with a long rest (1 week), or possibly faster with healing magic. The remainder are deceased, but may possibly be raised, reanimated etc.
Army Movement
Base Movement is 6 hexes per week (1/day then rest 1 day) on open terrain.
An entirely mounted army may move +3 hexes/week in open terrain.
Difficult Terrain reduces movement -3 hexes/week.
A Highway increases movement +3 hexes/week.
A Highway through difficult terrain thus uses standard movement rate.
Armies may not move at all through very difficult terrain without using a highway. In this case movement is -3 hexes per week.
Ships may move much faster, typically 24 hexes per week, though weather can affect this.
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