21-22/10/4444: Kal fleeing west into hills pursued by Maldar, Malthis and two warriors.
Lance enjoying the charms of Jana Vex in a private alcove.
7:29pm 2013-12-11 Smon Has entered the room
7:29pm 2013-12-11 Amalric Has entered the room
Smon: Hi G
7:30pm 2013-12-11 Goonergeezer Has entered the room
Amalric: hey Simon, Ken
Smon: Hi Ken
Goonergeezer: heya Simon, Graham
Smon: So, I'm thinking after this week I'll probably want to take a break until January, around when Chris gets back.
Amalric: sounds fine to me
Smon: Just looking at XP for last session
Goonergeezer: yep thats good
Smon: Going to award 640 XP each.
Amalric: nice!
Goonergeezer: nice chunk there
Smon: Captain Lance Harcourt (Graham) Fighter-3 XP: 4510 Need: 8000 Kalvin Ajznikov (Ken) Fighter-3 XP: 4310 Need: 8000
Smon: That's w/out 10% bonuses.
Goonergeezer: 4741 in tot
Smon: GM: OK, your tired and wet band of warriors catch up with the rest of the merchant train some way down the road.
Amalric: i make mine to be about 4904, been updating as we went along
Amalric rolls 1d20-1 and gets:
Smon: Seroni pushes you along with only short rests until dawn comes up a few hours later, the rain also easing off. You're probably now only a couple miles from Theber, the next village, but the slave girls look exhausted.
Amalric: (that's for another game, ignore it)
Amalric rolls 1d20-1 and gets:
Smon: Seroni scans the green Ghinarian hills, and her bedraggeled convoy. "Don't want anyone dropping dead... we'll rest here till noon, then head on for Theber."
Smon: Seroni orders camp made in daylight, and watches posted.
Smon: /roll 1d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets:
Goonergeezer: "wen wees get dere, wes go bak n look fer der muney der gobbo's hav?"
Amalric: "Let us wait and see. No point in rushing off if we are half dead."
Smon: Seroni nods. Six hours pass peacefully, though you are still sluggish and dog tired (-1 to d20 rolls) when you have brunch and break camp. It's a steamy sunny day.
Smon: An hour's perambulation on down the road brings you in sight of a good sized village, sited where the hill road runs down to the coastal plain.
Smon: Kal knows that he's now quite close to Verius and the area where he's wanted for various crimes.
Smon: Once you're close to Theber, Seroni waves to a couple guards on the palisade, then turns to Kal & Lance. "You want to head back now? You look like you could do with a rest first."
Amalric: "I'd rather rest up. We can gather coin better when healthy and alert, as opposed to when we're dead."
Amalric: "It may be gone by now anyway."
Goonergeezer: Kal pulls the hood of his cloak up over his head as far as it will go and will keep his head down as much as possible "Ow lon wees gonn abe ere?"
Goonergeezer: "wees rest ere Lanse, butt i wonts t go bak fer der gold after dow"
Smon: Seroni: "I'm thinking rest here today, then tomorrow head for Kren's Cairn."
Smon: Seroni: "But we can stay here an extra day if you two are heading back."
Amalric: "Well let's do that then, if you do not mind. Likely your slaves could use the rest, be in better shape for the market at Theber."
Smon: Map - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhUMOVITXzGoV3n6kHrHUfKfEEwDE9bkIqZSDyvZBhRukEF-GmzmuolbuulqQOIrUXE6U7hJBQNwgkFSxaipoCCru-SX3hdH7rfiEVu-SLR7eQuUNb4nzjq81dwZ-jw-H1Cf9SWmXXIbN8/s640/Ghinarian+Hills.bmp - I'm thinking Kal is probably wanted in both Verius & Talholm, on the coast near Theber.
Goonergeezer: "yoos finks it gon now Lanse? den wont go bak dere"
Smon: Seroni grins. "Yes, I can get them prettied up a little!"
Amalric: "Depends when you want to go, Kal. I don't want to be on the road in the dark, not after last night."
Amalric: (actually, we could go back. might be a couple of kobolds left, if they're still at the refuge, plus them and an ogre's loot)
Goonergeezer: "her,her,her,her, Lanse friten of der nite Farys"
Goonergeezer: "Lanse yoos Rent der Hores fer us t Ryde bak n it be quik"
Smon: Your standard move in plate armour is 12 miles/day, so it would be hard to go 10 miles to the ogre lair and back in 1 day, 20 miles.
Smon: Horses would certainly help.
Smon: Hores possibly less so
Smon: Approaching the gate, it opens and Seroni greets the guards.
Amalric: well if we can buy or hire horses, all the better
Smon: You enter the bustling village; unlike Bratanis and Selatine this one does not seem greatly depleted of menfolk - perhaps few raiders reach this far north.
Smon: A senior warrior in shining bronze armour and greying beard approaches.
Goonergeezer: Kal keeps his head down and says nothing
Smon: Seroni whispers to you: "That is Malthis of Tula, son-in-law to Lord Vilius. He is a great warrior, once of Kren's Cairn."
Amalric: "Greetings! You must be Malthis, the mighty warrior! We have heaard much about you - an honour to meet you, sir."
Smon: Seroni: "Greetings, Malthis!" Malthis bows. "Good day, Lady Seroni. Lord Vilius extends you and your men the hospitality of his longhouse. He is eager to hear news of the south. You may stable your slaves with our horses."
Smon: Malthis looks over at Lance.
Smon: /roll 2d6+1
Smon rolls 2d6+1 and gets:
Smon: Malthis: "Greetings, warrior. And who might you be?"
Smon: (Malthis looks a lot like one of the older warriors in '300', only with more clothes on)
Amalric: "I am Captain Lance Harcourt, late of Modron. And these are my companions, the priestess Jana Vex and the...ah...guardsman, Kal - I mean, Kal-trop. He's from a distant land. A different one."
Smon: Make a CHA check, d20
Amalric rolls 1d20 and gets:
Amalric: yup
Smon: Jana smiles winsomely at the handsome veteran. Malthis smiles back at her, ignoring Kal-Trop.
Smon: Malthis: "Vex? You're of Selatine?" Jana nods. "Lord Hytirus is my brother."
Smon: Malthis nods. "Lord Vilius my father-in-law is always keen to hear news of far-off lands like Modron, and events in Selatine too, of course. Please, come."
Smon: Malthis escorts you into the village longhouse, where serving girls are already bustling to prepare a feast in honour of your arrival. At the far end an elderly man in nobles' robes sits upon a wooden throne, surrounded by several attractive young women. Seroni: "Lord Vilius and some of his daughters..."
Amalric: "Thank you."
Amalric: Lance's eyes light up, hopefully away from Jana's line of sight
Goonergeezer: Kal will stay with the slaves to keep an eye on them
Smon: was being held prisoner by 6 yr old!
Amalric: the worst!
Smon: brb
Smon: ok back
Smon: Vilius - 
Smon: hm
Amalric: hmmm?
Smon: oh well you can find his pic athttp://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/the-ghinarian-hills.html
Smon: (link was too long)
Smon: The elderly nobleman stands, smiling graciously to Seroni. "It is always good to see you, lady Seroni. Your presence lightens our hall. Who are your companions?"
Smon: Jana: "I am Jana Vex, sister to Lord Hytirus of Selatine, my lord."
Smon: Kal helps Seroni's other men feed and water the slaves in a paddock by the stable block.
Amalric: "And I am Captain Lance Harcourt, late of Modron."
Smon: Seroni smiles, as does Lord Vilius. "Excellent! What news of your lands? How are things in the south?"
Amalric: Lance gives as much information as he can, about both
Smon: Lord Vilius bids you sit on the couches to either side of his seat, and listens intently to Lance as the servants serve refreshments.
Smon: Jana says little about Selatine and doesn't mention her exile, though she mentions that the Beastmen and Deathwalkers of Thracia seem to be at war. Seroni takes her turn: "Oriax is in good health... He has turned his slave girls to farming the land around his tower. We saw a red dragon fly south..."
Smon: Vilius nods. "And what of Bratanis? How is the Lady Aeschela? And that Ruggio fellow?"
Amalric: "And we fought an ogre and some kobolds on the road south of here last night, felled the buggers."
Amalric: "Bratanis and Lady Aeschela are fine, and good company. That oily bastard Ruggio is another matter."
Smon: Seroni:"Yes, Captain Lance fought most bravely at Lance's tale of the ogre." Vilius smiles. "Excellent! That would be Hegrash the Bandit Ogre, only such in these parts! A foul beast - and abominably hairy! We're in your debt. " He listens on. "Oh? You don't think much of Mr Ruggio?"
Amalric: "Oh, he did not do us any disservice, I cannot fault him in that regard. But the man...leaves a poor impression, shall we say?"
Smon: Vilius nods, leans forward, beckoning you closer, and speaks in a stage whisper. "Between you and me... it's oft rumoured that Ruggio fancies himself Lord of Bratanis."
Amalric: Lance leans close himself and nods. "I have heard similar, I am afraid, even in my short time there."
Smon: Jana: "It seems to me that my cousin is in sore need of wise advisors and good warriors."
Smon: Lord Vilius nods sagely.
Amalric: "We will have to return to Bratanis some day. Unfinished business of a sort, I should say."
Smon: Vilius: "Malthis, call in the rest of Seroni's men. For slaying Hegrash we'll feast them all tonight!"
Smon: Malthis nods and goes to the paddock, calling over to Kal and the others. "Lord Vilius bids you all attend him for a feast!"
Smon: GM: The servants provide you all with water and sponges to wash the trail mud away, then it's time to begin the lengthy revelry, which goes on long into the night.
Amalric: Lance lives it up, though he is careful not to drink or eat more than anyone else
Smon: Are you staying to feast, then rest overnight?
Amalric: oh hell yes, Lance isn't hitting the road on a full stomach and half-cut
Goonergeezer: Kal will seat himself as far away from the head table as possible and will leave as soon as an opportunity arises
Smon: /roll 1d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets:
Smon: heh
Smon: You eat, drink and chat. Dusk falls, and everyone relaxes. Kal stays in a corner trying to look inconspicuous.
Smon: Among the couple dozen feasters in the longhouse he notices a man looking at him strangely.
Goonergeezer: Kal will lower his head and try to slip out straight away (if possible out of the village)
Smon: With a shock, Kal recognises him as Maldar, brother to Lord Kaldrac of Verius...
Amalric: (Eamonn Andrews?_
Goonergeezer: (Kal asjnikov, you thought you were here tonight to feast, but in fact, Kal Asjnikov, This Is Your Life!..... queue music)
Smon: Kal lowers his head and swiftly exits the longhouse, Maldar - a lean man with short-cropped hair, wearing bronze breastplate - gets up and follows...
Goonergeezer: (do i notice him following me?)
Smon: (yes) Outside things are quiet. Across the green a single sentry stands watch atop a small watchtower by the gate.
Amalric: Lance does not follow, he wants no part of this. ogre attacks in the wilderness are one thing...
Smon: The gate is shut; as with Bratanis a palisade surrounds the village.
Smon: "You! Stop! Calls out Maldar, hurrying forward with hand on sword-hilt.
Goonergeezer: Kepping his head down Kal stops
Smon: Maldar comes up to Kal. "Take back your cowl."
Goonergeezer: Kal pulls back his cowl and raises his head
Goonergeezer: (have we been spotted by the sentry?)
Smon: Maldar's eyes widen in surprise: "You! The murderer!" He draws his sword...
Smon: /roll 1d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets:
Smon: The sentry is watching the hills, but glances over in your direction.
Smon: as Maldar's words carry on the night air.
Goonergeezer: in a very loud voice " Ah My old friend, let us walk and drink"
Goonergeezer: 2 secs phone
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets:
Smon: Maldar: "Drop your weapon and surrender, knave!"
Smon: (taking break now - need to get dinner & get son to bed.)
Amalric: (no probs)
Smon: thx
Amalric: (same here, lol, kids to bed)
Goonergeezer: sorry abou tthat peeps, wife was on the phone
Goonergeezer: "yea, i member dat robber, hees funy, wees chays him, member, wees chayse him like dis" Kal starts to run away from the sentry position, (is there a Barn area or an animal enclosure away from prying eyes?)...........
Goonergeezer: in a louder voice "wees chayse him and shout Stops Yoos Murdrur, Yoos chayse me, Wot Fun wees ave"
Smon: (back)
Smon: Kal make a CHA check
Goonergeezer rolls 1d20 and gets:
Goonergeezer: yep
Smon: Maldar watches, nonplussed, as Kal races off into the pig sties, the darkest part of the village.
Smon: 1-3 pursues, 4-6 goes for help.
Smon: /roll 1d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets:
Goonergeezer: seeing him go off kal decides its time to leave, is there any buildings close to the wall around the village?
Smon: Lance looks up from the feast as a warrior of about 30 in bronze bursts into the hall. Seroni: "That's Maldar of Verius - he's looking for a wife among Lord Verius' daughters..."
Smon: GM: Yes, two of the pig sties are built up close against the palisade, and could be climbed on.
Smon: Maldar: "A murderer! A murderer in our midst!" he yells wild-eyed, waving his sword.
Goonergeezer: Kal makes for the closest one, attempts to climb on top and scarper over the wall
Smon: OK, make a STR check d20.
Goonergeezer rolls 1d20 and gets:
Goonergeezer: easy
Smon: Kal grabs the top of the palisade and heaves himself over between two sharpened trunks, then drops down onto the ground outside the village.
Smon: 1 in 6 spotted:
Smon: /roll 1d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets:
Smon: Looks like he got over unnoticed.
Smon: In the hall Lord Verius looks up, puzzled: "What is it, Maldar?"
Goonergeezer: any woods or forests nearby? if so i will make my way for the cover of them
Smon: Maldar strides forward: "One of Seroni's guards - he is the Beast!Kalvin Ajznikov himself!"
Smon: GM: Kal looks aound - to north and east open meadowlands sweep down towards the distant ocean. To south and west loom the Ghinarian Hills, wild and pastoral, full of ruins, monsters, outlaws...
Goonergeezer: whats the ground like, soft or hard, am i likely to leave a visable trail?
Smon: Map - you're at Theber - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhUMOVITXzGoV3n6kHrHUfKfEEwDE9bkIqZSDyvZBhRukEF-GmzmuolbuulqQOIrUXE6U7hJBQNwgkFSxaipoCCru-SX3hdH7rfiEVu-SLR7eQuUNb4nzjq81dwZ-jw-H1Cf9SWmXXIbN8/s640/Ghinarian+Hills.bmp
Smon: The ground is soft, you're likely to leave a trail until it rains again.
Smon: /roll 1d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets:
Smon: Unfortunately it's a dry clear night.
Goonergeezer: Kal heads west to the hills.............
Smon: Kal heads up into the hills - mostly forested and with many gulleys, dells and hollows, he'll be hard to find.
Amalric: (back)
Smon: Maldar turns to Seroni: "Your man Kal is wanted for terrible crimes in my home village."
Smon: Lord Vilius nods to Malthis, and the local warband goes to find Kal, but it's soon clear that he's fled the village.
Smon: Jana Vex talks to Lance, in a low voice: "When I first met Kal, he spoke strange words - but it seemed to me he spoke of terrible things."
Amalric: "He joined with us but a few days ago. A useful man in a fight, as that ogre discovered, but...even then we could tell he...showed odd behaviour."
Amalric: Lance nods at Jana's words. "I recall it well. I never trusted him."
Smon: Maldar joins Malthis in the search, but they return empty handed. Maldar: "Lord Vilius, he has fled Theber! I will need men to pursue him. He'll not escape me again!"
Smon: Lord Vilius listens gravely to Lance. Seroni pipes up: "I don't know him either, my lord. I know nothing of these crimes."
Smon: Vilius sighs. "Malthis, take two men and go with Maldar. Bring this Kal back alive to stand trial, if you can."
Smon: Maldar: "He'll not surrender - he fled when I accosted him. When we corner him he'll fight..."
Smon: OOC Think I better quit soon, not feeling too great.
Goonergeezer: ok np
Amalric: "If we had any idea of his crimes we would of course have reported him as soon as we entered the gates. I can only offer my profuse apologies.""
Amalric: (and no probs)
Smon: Lord Vilius nods to Lance, waving a hand. "Of course my friend, it's quite all right. Sadly these lands are full f miscreants." GM: The warriors ready themselves to pursue Kal, though they'll have a hard time tracking in the darkness. Is Lance staying to enjoy the hospitality of Theber?
Amalric: Yes, he is. He didn't defend or aid Kal in any way, but by the same token, after the efforts of the last few days he will not join in hunting him down either
Goonergeezer: (i feel a Rambo type hunt happening in the Hills)
Smon: GM: Jana seems rather happy to be rid of Kal. Eventually she puts her arms around Lance's neck and smiles invitingly. They can retire to a private nook.
Smon: Seroni drinks wine and discusses local goings-on with Lord Vilius long into the night.
Smon: And up in the hills, Kal hears the baying of hunting hounds...
Smon: OK I'll stop there, hopefully Doris back next time!
Amalric: hmmm...yes, join in a manhunt for a terrible murderer, or spend the night in bed with a buxom blonde? I'll take option 2, please!
Smon: LOL
Smon: I'll give 160 XP for RP etc.
Smon: See you in January!