Tuesday, 20 August 2024

Shadowdark Wilderlands

They warn you the hills are dangerous, prowled by fierce monsters - though none ever descend to threaten Imp Brucke, oddly enough... ...the windswept and rugged Northwatch Hills. Here and there strange crystalline formations like twisted spires jut from the mossy ground...Next morning you rise a little stiff from the stony ground and continue your trek. You reach the crest of the hills that morning, affording you a fantastic view north over the rolling meadowlands of the Vale and south to the distant River of Visions, Capricia just visible. It all looks very peaceful.

 My Wilderlands Shadowdark game, initially based at Imp Brucke, a thorpe north of Capricia, renowned for its enchanted cheeses...

Shadowdark Quickstart


Arden Vul & Gosterwick

Friends in Dark Places - Hirelings & Retainers 

Possible NPC Retainers

Carousing Rolls

3e Player's Guide to the Wilderlands

These lands are dominated by the Lawful Dwaves of Capricia, Mazargog, & Khelagul to the west; they are friendly to the local Humans and Halflings, and allied with the Elves of Diancecht downriver.  Many humans live among the dwarves and elves. This is one of the nicest bits of the whole Wilderlands. However this land was once the border between powerful empires, and is dotted with ruins and lost dungeons.

Climate: The climate along the River of Visions is mild and temperate, generally warm and sunny. M4-M9 see frequent showers and occasional thunder storms, especially over the windswept Northwatch Hills. M10-M3 are generally dry. The River of Visions lies a little south of the equator, mostly under 380 miles; the hours of daylight do not vary much throughout the year. To the south the Crimson Serpent Jungle is lush and humid, while the high elevations of the Dragonlord Hills are dry and fairly barren, with desert terrain in some areas. To the north are the lush temperate meadowlands of the Vale and the warm Ghinarian Hills, with a pleasant Mediterranean climate. To the west the high peaks of the Castellan Mountains are cloaked in snow. Prevailing winds are from the south-east.

Timekeeping: The local or Orichalan day is divided into 24 hours, beginning at midnight; dawn is always at 6am, and dusk at 6pm. There are 12 months (M1-M12), matching the months of Earth in duration. Month names vary by culture (Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf etc), but are most commonly referred to as Firstmonth, Secondmonth, etc.

House Rules 

Character Generation & Advancement

Characters are rolled on best 3 of 4d6, rolled in order STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA. You can use the command !rollstats on the Discord server for attributes. You may reroll if no attribute is 14+. Starting characters are Level 1 with (2d6x5)+50gp. Starting characters may swap 50gp for a 1d4 hp healing potion.

Minimum hp on first hit die are 3 (d4), 4 (d6), or 5 (d8). 

Players may also take over a current Retainer (such as a Retainer of their recently deceased character) as their PC. 

At level 4 a Fighter may swap Weapon Mastery bonuses for +1 extra attack when attacking. At Level 8 a Fighter may swap Weapon Mastery bonuses for +2 extra attacks when attacking. This may be used with any Mastered melee or missile weapon, except crossbows. The choice may be switched every round, eg a Fighter-10 may choose each round between attacking three times without a bonus, or attacking once at +6 to hit & +6 damage.

Thieves get Advantage on Charisma checks to "Fast Talk" NPCs, and similar CHA checks such as for seduction, bargaining, and deception (but not for leadership, intimidation, or diplomacy). Con games are another example. Used chariot salesmen are said to be notorious Thieves. From Level 5 a Thief may attempt to use Wizard & Priest spell Scrolls, using INT for their casting attribute, without Advantage.


Maximum to-hit bonus is +20. Maximum spellcasting bonus is +15. The Tarrasque is +13 to hit.

Maximum mortal AC is 25. The Tarrasque is AC 22. Some Gods can reach AC 30.


A character reduced to 0 hp and stabilised is still incapacitated and must rest for a week, unless they receive healing that restores them to at least 1 hp.

A character at 0 hp who takes additional damage must roll CON vs (5+damage dealt) or be killed.

An attack or effect doing 50+ damage that reduces a character to 0 hp (or to a character at 0 hp) kills instantly.


A character in melee who takes an Action ends their turn and cannot move away, unless there are no adjacent enemies.

Standing up from prone uses a character's Move. They may move Close (5') as part of standing up.

Kneeling down to pick up an object or person from the floor, and then standing back up, takes an Action.

A human or dwarf sized character occupies their STR score in carry slots. A goblin or halfling occupies half their STR score in carry slots.

A character carrying or dragging up to twice their normal carry slots may take an Action to move Near. 


Dwarf PCs are likely natives of Capricia or the dwarf citadels of Mazargog to the south or Khelagul to the west, which guards the western pass over the Castellan Mountains. Dwarves have Advantage on CON checks to resist inebriation.

Elf PCs likely hail from the allied elf realm of Diancecht down river near the coast. Wilderlands Elf characters are immune to the Sleep and Charm Person spells, and to Ghoul fever & paralysis.

Halflings live along the river and fish the Lake of Visions, harvesting the 'Weeds of Vision' for their famous Pipeweed.

Many Humans live along the river or in Capricia likewise. 

Half-Elves are also common in these lands, they have the same Extra Talent ability as Humans.

Half-Orc blood sometimes manifests in these humans, a relic of the Invasions of the Arang Tok five centuries ago. It is considered impolite to mention if your new companion is a bit ...tusky.

The Goblins of Imp Brucke have an ancient pact with Humanity. Infused with ancient elemental magics, they often produce PC-class characters.

Wilderlands Ancestries

Altanian human: the red-skinned barbarians of Altanis are mighty indeed, they receive +1 to hit and damage with melee weapons. Altanians do not age as other men, often remaining hale and hearty unto their eightieth year. Their patron deity is Bondor, the Lord of Swords, and his avatar Hakeem Greywolf.

Amazon human: the lithe Amazons may use Amazon armour (leather halter, chain bikini, or breastplates), which occupies 1 less slot than regular armour and does not have stealth or swim penalties. They receive +1 to hit with swords, and their Animal Kinship gives them advantage on CHA checks to interact with animals, and with magical beasts such as griffons. Lawful Amazons revere Madeera/Athena-Erathis, Goddess of Wisdom & Law, while Chaotic Amazons prefer either Shune/Feninva or Coriptis, Berserker Goddess of Battle.

Orichalan Dragonborn: once per Rest a Dragonborn may use an Action to unleash their dragonbreath, doing 1d6 plus half level (rounded down) damage in the area of effect. Fire, Poison and Frost do damage in a 15' (half Near) area. Acid and Lightning do damage in a Near (30') line. Dragonborn also have Advantage on any rolls to resist damage from their breath weapon type. Many Dragonborn revere the golden hero-god Shieldbiter. Others prefer the cult of Yig the Serpent, led by the black dragonborn Talaktakan of Stonehell.


To gain a level, you need to earn your current level x 10 XP. Once you reach a new level, your total XP resets back to zero. You get any new title, spells, and talent improvements listed for your level. Your maximum HP increases, and you might also gain a talent roll.


You gain one 2d6 roll on your class's talent table when you reach the indicated levels. Duplicate talents stack unless noted.


Roll your class's hit points die and add it to your maximum HP.

Level Talent Level Up At...

1         +1      +10 XP

2           -        +20 XP

3         +1       +30 XP

4          -         +40 XP

5         +1        +50 XP

6         -           +60 XP

7        +1         +70 XP

8        -            +80 XP

9        +1          +90 XP

10       -          +100 XP

+1-----------------(N+10) XP




Skulk, Goblin m Thief-6 (Kimberly). Ally: Innkeeper Rowan & Emelia, Martin the Blagger, Torvash One Eye, Makk the Knife 

Krimo Bagcutter, Halfling m Thief-5 (Philippe). Ally: Emelia the Barmaid, Innkeeper Rowan

Liana the She-Elk, Amazon f Fighter-4 (Jelly). Ally: Maatkare, Priestess of Shune.

Dorna Silverbeam, Elf f Wizard-4 (Jelena)

Torgar Deepstone, Dwarf m Priest-2 (Tony)


Creeg, Human m Wizard (Steve).   Angered Dragonqueen Saith at a Wizard Conclave when he drunkenly tried to seduce her.   Later appeared in her private bathchamber. Later sent her a book of religious history and philosophy. Ally: Sword Maiden.

    Retainer: Craggle, Goblin m Thief

Courage, Human m Fighter (Bill). Ally: Shadrak the Cunning, Sword Maiden, Torvash One-Eye.

    Retainer: Ikam Kott, Human m Fighter. Ally: Sword Maiden.

Lee HamHalfling m Thief (Matt) "Lord Ham of Ham Manor". Ally: Shadrak the Cunning

Jorbin, Dwarf m Fighter (Rich) 



Sister Bertrude Human f Priest-4 (Tony).

Elbin Grizzlegut, Dwarf m Priest-6 of Madeera (Tony)

Lilli, Human f Priest 5 of Ord (Jelena)

Iraga, Half-Orc f Priest-3 of St Terragnis (Kimberly)

Sheya Strilex, Human f Wizard-2 (Jelena)

Oldaric of Moundroche, Human m Priest-2 of Saint Terragnis (Philippe)

Yriel, Elf f Fighter-2 (Judith)

Zaldini the Red, Goblin m Wizard-1 (Kermit) 



4454 BCCC


18/8/4454 S1 (live) Jorbin Yriel Elbin & Zaldini arrive at Imp Brucke from Capricia. Explore the dungeon below Sidral's Tower, aided by Cassie, tavern maid (& Thief) at the Iron Hammer Inn. Meet goblins. Defeat a band of kobolds. Cassie kills the last one with a far-flung dagger.

19/8/54 S1 (live) Jorbin Yriel Elbin & Zaldini venture north east from Imp Brucke into the Citadel of the Scarlet Minotaur. In the labyrinth encounter Darkmantles, Zaldini the goblin wizard is slain. Yriel takes his enchanted boots. The party retreat to nurse their wounds.

30/8/54 S2 Alf, Althane Cross, Gol Lionmane, Rogar Tenebros & Elbin rescue the farmer Brymassen's niece Daisy from tunnels beneath Cowbell Farm 2 miles west of Imp Brucke, capturing a winged kobold and defeating Orc slavers - 3 orcs killed, 2 orcs escape. Brymassen gives Gol a map to the Old Dwarf Mine up in the hills. (5 XP)


1/9/54 S3 (live) Jorbin Elbin Yriel are joined by Lee Ham the halfling Thief and travel north to the Lost Citadel once more. Exploring the citadel they find a poor herbalist and are attacked by the terrible Scarlet Minotaur but Jorbin manages to wound it and it retreats vowing vengeance. Then they encounter ettercaps, and Yriel is slain. The battered party retreats.

6/9/54 S4 Green painted skulls appear on the walls of Imp Brucke.  Elbin Grizzlegut, Alf, Gol Lionmane, Rogar Tenebros, Iraga & Oldaric of Moundroche follow goblin & human tracks south to the lair of the Cult of the Green Skull. Battle ensues and it looks bleak until Rogar reveals himself, the cult leader is convinced that the spirit of the Demon Lord is within him & frees two captive adventurers, handing over his enchanted mace. (5 XP)

13/9/54 S5 Elbin Grizzlegut, Alf, Gol Lionmane, Rogar Tenebros, Iraga & Oldaric travel to the Old Dwarf Gold Mine high in the hills, finding it being worked by goblins under hobgobin oversight. Kill lots of goblinkin and take their gold; Iraga takes a magic ring from the hobgoblin chief. (7 XP)

20/9/54 S6-S7 Elbin Grizzlegut, Alf, Gol Lionmane, Iraga & Oldaric explore the Necromancer's Tomb at the south-west shore of Sabre Lake, meeting Val a chatty skeleton, and defeating a troll (1 XP). Meet the wizard Sheya (PC), the ghost of the Necromancer Queen Zrexia, and her undead lieutenant Sir Krauss - Iragul establishes friendly relations with both, claiming to be a representative of the Orcs of the Arang Tok, here to renew their ancient pledge of service to Zrexia. Zrexia wants her physical form restored so that she can rise again, and promises rich rewards. Krauss murders some captive bandit chicken-rustlers. The party battle risen skeleton knights, then flee the tomb with much loot. Much carousing ensues, including a tavern brawl with members of a rival adventurer party, the Savage Wardens.


3/10/54 S7 Night of the Necromancer. Gol Iraga Oldaric & Sheya are heading west to Milltown in search of a lost cheese recipe for Mother Sidra; they reach the mountain village of Stull after a storm. As dusk falls the village comes under attack from a horde of undead; skeletons and zombies - through the blessing of St Terragnis the party drive the horde off after a fierce battle, no villagers are lost, and the remaining undead retreat to the mausoleum, where the village leader Barclay has a fire built to ward them off through the night, allowing the party to get some rest at the hotel.

4/10/54 S8 Dawn. Gol Iraga Oldaric Sheya are joined by Elbin for an assault on the Catacombs. Waves of undead and two lesser Necromancers are defeated, but the Necromancer leaders prove too powerful for the party. Only Gol and Elbin return to the surface, to organise the evacuation of Stull before the Necromancers can renew the undead assault on the village at nightfall. The villagers are led north to Milltown, reaching the village before dark. The Priests of Stull go to beg aid from Sheriff Barod the Fat, while Elbin & Gol can clean up at the Seven Staves Inn.

5/10 S9 Elbin, Alf, Skulk, Krimo Bagcutter, Lilli, Liana & Gord the Shepherd explore the Mountain Manor of Elab Jarr, find much wealth and knowledge, including recipes for cheese and ale.

6/10 S9 Elbin Alf, Skulk, Krimo Bagcutter, Lilli, Liana & Gord return from the Mountain Manor of Elab Jarr; Gord proposes to Hana Shepherd. To marry 18/10.

7/10 A band of plate armoured knight-priests pass through Milltown, of grim mien, to destroy the foul undead infesting Stull. They cleanse the town, but the lumber mill was already burned down, and the Necromancers departed.

9/10 S9 Elbin, Alf, Skulk, Krimo Bagcutter, Lilli, Liana & Gol arrive in Capricia from Milltown, much Carousing ensues.

13/10/54 (live) S10 Elbin, Jorbin, Lee Ham, Creeg the Wizard & Sister Bertrude head for Wrenwald Manor. Defeat a Bristleback Goblin ambush, killing 4/6. Reach the Manor, battle undead, rest in the master bedroom.

14/10/54 (live) S10 Lee Ham acquires the head and tail of a donkey - Lee Ham the Hobbit took a book from the library shelf in cursed Wrenwald Manor. All the books crumbled to dust and Lee was cursed with a donkey's head, tail and a donkey's "front tail", also... Defeat stirges and undead Lord Justin Wrenwald III; Jorbin decides to claim Wrenwald Manor for himself, Lee Ham has the signet ring. Out the back encounter hordes of rats and a sad Dryad, Luacia, who asks them to lift the curse on her by cleansing all the manor's remaining undead.

18/10 S11 Elbin, Skulk, Krimo, Lilli, Liana, Gol plus Bertrude & Martin, rescue Charlotte Tournais from the lair of the Vermin Wake pirates, killing several. Gol throws Abbot's Gold cheese before the pirate's wererat leader Grimble, distracting him and enabling the party to escape.

20/10 S12 Creeg & Courage recruit Craggle & Ikam Kott in Imp Brucke, explore the Tomb of the Hunters, rescue Andrea Beaumont from halfling ghouls.

21/10 S11 Elbin, Skulk, Krimo, Lilli, Liana, Gol plus Bertrude & Martin reach Diancecht by ferry, overnight at a nice inn.

22/10 S11 Elbin, Skulk, Krimo, Lilli, Liana, Gol plus Bertrude & Martin, audience with Elf King Kambdum & Princess Crystal. Elbin gives the King the books of Tosasth; the King holds a feast in their honour.

24/10 S11 Elbin, Skulk, Krimo, Lilli, Liana, Gol plus Bertrude & Martin, arrive back in Capricia on the Foamrunner captained by Princess Crystal; they subsequently use a Writ of Posession created by Skulk to boot Irina Tournais from Tournais manor; Charlotte takes control of the Tournais Estate. Skulk recruits Martin as a full-share Retainer.

ca 28/10 Liana meets  Maatkare, Priestess of Shune. 

Maatkare, Priestess of Shune
The priestess is slender, with tanned skin, dark hair and eyes, and arms covered in intricate, twisting tattoos.  She offered Maatkare a drink after the Elk Amazon promptly dealt with some unwanted male attention towards the priestess. They kept on drinking, and the rest is history!

27/10 S12 Creeg Courage Craggle & Ikam return to the Tomb of the Hunters. Creeg is temporarily transported by a dragon rune to the bath of Dragonqueen Saith atop her tower. She blasts him with balefire but he somehow survives, again. Clearly their love is meant to be.

3/11 S12 Creeg Courage Craggle & Ikam explore the tunnels beneath Cowbell Farm. Surviving numerous Kobold traps, they eventually find and defeat the kobolds, returning to the surface. (SeaArt) Craggle joins Andrea Beaumont for a trip north into the Vale.

4/11 S13 (25/10 IRL) Alf Lilli Krimo plus Shuki & Bugs explore the moonlit shrine of Rafflesia in the swamp by Imp Brucke.


5/11 S13 Alf Lilli Krimo plus Shuki & Bugs carouse in Capricia.

6/11 S13 Alf Lilli Krimo plus Shuki & Bugs travel from Capricia via breakfast at Imp Brucke, up into the hills to Caer Ferros. Exploring the ruins they fight undead and free three ancient Nerathi nobles of their cure, gaining a magic greatsword. Shuki & Krimo grow attached.

7/11 S13 Alf Lilli Krimo plus Shuki & Bugs rest/carouse. Lilli knocks over a table lantern during an altercation in the Iron Hammer with the Savage Wardens, and is put in the beer cellar to cool off for a day. Where she ruins Elbin's brewing batch of Jarr's Ale.

10/11 (1/11 IRL) S14 (online) Krimo & Shuki, Elbin & Bertrude, Jorbin Skulk Lillli Liana Gol and Courage take on the Bristleback Goblins in the Northwatch Hills. Rescuing a friendly Druidess & her Beastman friend from a goblin ambush on the trail, they reach the Bristleback lair and enter via the mines to the south, battling skeleton miners. They work their way up to the lower temple halls and the Pit chamber, where a great battle with goblins and skeletons ensues. Skulk makes friends with Penelope, the blind ogress chef. Princess Shuki seems madly in love with her "Li'l Sugar Pastry-Pie" (Krimo). (8/11 IRL) S16 Drive off or kill the goblins and loot the goblin king's treasure vault, before fleeing.

12/11 (SeaArt) The noble girl Amelia Winslow is brought from England to a bandit lair in the Northwatch Hills.

13/11 (SeaArt) Amelia Winslow escapes the bandits, and reaches Imp Brucke after dark, meeting Martin at the Iron Hammer Inn.

14/11 (6/11 IRL) (SeaArt) Amelia & Martin journey north through the Northwatch Hills to Ogbert's Stead in the Vale, where they meet Craggle & Andrea Beaumont. 15/11 Alkminis 16/11 Plato 17/11 Sane 18/11 Temple Tomb of Belaras. 22/11 Martin returns to Imp Brucke.

21/11-30/11 (3/11 IRL) S15 (live) 21/11 Lee Ham, Creeg, Elbin & Betrude, Courage & Ikam, travel from Imp Brucke to Ham Manor, driving off a hungry manticore. Clear the manor of remaining undead and lift the curse. Luacia the Dryad and Julianne the Swamp Hag confirm Lee Ham as Lord of the Manor. 22/11 Travel to Ogbert's Stead and carouse 22-24/11. Lee Ham recruits 4 servants for Ham Manor. 25/11 Waking up in a trough, Lee Ham encounters Pompitous the flying cat, who says his mistress Lyssa, a fellow apprentice of Cyrus, has been kidnapped by slavers. Travel two days 25-26/11 to Castle Whiterock, kill 2 human slavers & capture one. Lyssa has been sold to Orcs in the Whiterock mines. Travel to Pineford, where the local Priest has been murdered. Next day 27/11 travel into the southern woods at the behest of the Gnomic tailor. At an old temple, destroy undead skeletons, end the last remnants of a Lich's ritual, and gain much treasure. 28/11 rest/carouse in Pineford, Lord Ham persuades the bandit to become an honest inn worker & buys scarves for his new servants. 29/11 Party travels Pineford-Capricia and splits up. Lord Ham & co travel on to Imp Brucke. 30/11 Lord Ham & co return north to Ham Manor, where renovations are under way. The manservants have discovered a mysterious crypt.  


1/12 (1/12 IRL) S20 (live) Creeg & Craggle, Bertrude, Courage & Ikam plan to help Pompitous the flying kitty rescue Lyssa the Apprentice. Travel from Pineford, rescuing a local shepherdess & Craggle from a plant tentacle monster. Craggle was swallowed by the Vine Monster - Ikam Kott the Fighter ripped open the plant monster, pulled out Craggle, and took his unconscious body to Sister Bertrude for healing. Then to Castle Whiterock where they pay 200gp to buy Lyssa from the slavers and return her to Capricia. Pompitous the flying kitty is happy to be reunited with his mistress. 50gp reward from Cyrus. Carouse. 2/12 ride to the Halls of Enlandin (avoiding a band of cannibal brigands worshipping a troll), explore the tunnels, fight and recruit kobolds, fight giant ticks, find a secret entrance, find the lair of an evil Necromancer in the laboratory of Enlandin, kill him & his Fighter minion and gain much loot. Return to Capricia and celebrate. 

Giant Tick

5/12 (15/11 IRL) S17 (online) Liana Lilli Krimo Shuki Bugs Nulamor Kezi & Gram meet at Imp Brucke, travel to Capricia. 6/12 travel west to Eelshead. 7/12 west round the Lake of Visions. 8/12 up to Castle Nether. 9/12 Liana guides them on the High Pass to Khelagul. 10/12 encounter a wary slaver group heading for Khelagul, reach the Mountaintop Inn. 11/12 travel an hour to the Henge Gate at the foot of Dwimmerhorn Peak, defeating an Orc attack, and Lilli activates the Gate with the Amulet of Ord. Gram the annoying dwarf princess leaves to recruit dwarves to explore Gunderholfen. 

11/12 (22/11 IRL) S18 (online) Elbin & Skulk join the western party at Highfell. Group explores the Forgotten Citadel of Kalguumer the Conjurer, finding some rare and valuable books, then returns via the Henge Gate to Mountaintop Inn to Carouse. That night Nulamor drunkenly knocks over a lantern while demonstrating knife throwing techniques to Kezi, and is locked in a disused beer cellar for 4 days (11-12/12, 12-13/12, 13-14/12, 14-15/12). Elbin & co sing a bawdy song about the Laquins and make friends with Rowan the cheerful Innkeeper. Various loot is sold to passing merchants. 12/12 Bugs visits Nulamor in "jail". Skulk buys a silver dagger from Omer the dwarf merchant. 

14/12 (29/11 IRL) S19 (online) While Nulamor is in beer jail, & Liana is recovering from a giant rat bite accompanied by Kezi, the other adventurers plan a return to Highfell. A strong band of bandits lie in wait at the Henge Gate for returning adventurers. The party attack them and force them to retreat, but Shuki is killed. Krimo and Bugs mourn her loss. Three adventurers emerge from the Gate, and are quite confused. The party go up to Highfell and finish exploring the east tower, finding a laboratory, then head for the north tower, but encounter a Goblin band. Bugs learns of the Volsectum before the party attack and scatter the goblins then return to the inn to carouse. Bugs makes friends with the priestess Freydis Finehair. 15/12 a group of 8 Volsectum arrive at the Mountaintop Inn. 

16/12 (6/12 IRL) S21 online. Aurelia the Elf joins Lilli Bugs Nulamor Liana Kezi & Krimo at Mountaintop Inn. Expedition to Highfell. Attack and kill 6 Volsectum, explore the Tower of Garzekel and gain much arcane loot including books and Garzekel's magic robe. At the Inn Aurelia survives Nulamor's blindfold knife throwing exhibition while Kezi & Bugs spend a couple nights in beer jail (16/12, 17/12).

18/12 (13/12 IRL) S22 online. Elbin has returned from Khelagul with a war pig, Chow Ochi. Lilli Bugs Nulamor Kezi Krimo Aurelia Elbin & Skulk head for Highfell, killing 8 Volsectum following them. Head to the north tower and finish looting it, finding a gold coffer and potions, from a window Aurelia spots baboons on balloons. Head north to the baboon tower and assault it, killing 3 luft baboons ("There are 99 luft baboons!") and crossing a dangerous "moon door" bottomless pit to reach the 2nd level. A battle with guards alerts the inhabitants. 
(20/12 IRL) S23 online. Party hack their way through levels 2 & 3, killing baboon chief on #2, taking a magic flail from the baboon stirgemaster on #3, before returning to inn to carouse. Subsequently return east to Capricia & Diancecht (21-30/12).

27/12 (22/12 IRL) S24 live, BIRTHDAY GAME at Ham Manor. Explore an ancient elven crypt-condiminium, battling and talking with the undead residents. Drive off an elven vampire, saving the maids of Ham Manor from being sucked.

4455 BCCC/AD 2025


10/1 (10/1/25 IRL) online S25. Return from the east & return to Highfell. Defeat zombies in the ruins. Psyruque's Stormhold; drive off a wyvern, but then summoned air elementals kill Elbin Lilli & Bugs. Skulk Krimo & Liana escape.

12/1 (12/1 IRL) live S26 Creeg Craggle Courage Ikam explore the Halls of Enlandin.


6/2 (6/2 IRL) online S27 Explore Highfell, recover loot from bodies of the fallen. Dungeon beneath Psyruque's Stormhold encounter rats & zombie giant ants, lose a Retainer Priest to the giant rats.

9/2 (9/2/25 IRL) live S28 Creeg Craggle Courage Ikam explore the Halls of Enlandin.

13/2 (13/2 IRL) online S29 Explore dungeons beneath Psyruque's Stormhold, lose Sister Bertrude and retainer Red Sonja to a Grell. 

27/2 (27/2 IRL) online S30 Skulk Krimo Dorna & Liana explore Dunixiva's Domed Decahedron, the tower of the Woad Goblins on the south side of Highfell, killing many. Encounter a powerful Volsectum priest who nearly kills Dorna.


6/2 (6/2 IRL) online S31 Skulk Krimo Dorna & Liana explore dungeon beneath Dunixiva's Domed Decahedron.

9/3 (9/3 IRL) live S32 Courage Ikam & Torbin. Track and kill manticore in hills above Imp Brucke. Courage defeats a bandit leader in single combat, Torbin takes his magic axe. Raid the Vermin Wake lair and kill the wererat pirate chief.

13/3 (13/3 IRL) S33 Skulk Krimo Dorna Liana & Torgar raid Dunixiva's Domed Decahedron.

20/3 (20/3 IRL) S34 Skulk Krimo Dorna & Torgar raid Dunixiva's Domed Decahedron and kill ythe last enemy warriors, their mounts fly off. Skulk rescues the goblin boss's harem and escorts them to his clan. 

27/3 (27/3 IRL)

Rumours 4455 (Imp Brucke region)

1.  On 6/1/4454, the abandoned Mage Hold of Highfell tore itself loose from atop Mt Dwimmerhorn, and now drifts across the Great Salt Flats! Amulets of Ord still allow access via the Henge Gates.

2. On the road east from Pineford and north into the Vale towards Cillamar lie the ruins of ancient Castle Whiterock within a volcanic caldera, said to be once inhabited by a reclusive order of warrior-monks. But brigands and slavers are said to be active in the area. Vast dungeons are said to lie beneath the ruined Keep.

3. In the hills northwest of Imp Brucke lie the Halls of Enlandin the Philosopher, the ruined fortress of a wizard, cast down by the warriors of Nerath more than three centuries ago. It's said that the tunnels beneath the fortress are almost endless. Scavengers have long since looted the upper works, but treasure - and danger - may still be found below.

4. Bristleback Goblins have been raiding the trail north from Imp Brucke into the Vale. They are rumoured to be based in a ruined hilltop temple west of the trail. Recently (10/11/54) a band of adventurers raided their lair and stole their treasure.

5. Avoid the Lost Citadel of the Crimson Minotaur! Few who enter there return.

6. In the western hills towards the Castellans is Lah's Refuge, where an order of former warrior priests dwell in isolation, having laid down the arms they once wielded in service to the Princes of Neo-Nerath. They provide succour to weary travellers, asking little in return. They cleared Stull of undead infestation, but the village remains abandoned, the woods haunted by vile Ghasts.

7. Merilla the Mage is a goodly sort. A former adventuress, now she dwells quietly in her tower west of Imp Brucke, engaging in magical researches. She has an animosity with her rival, Cyrus of Capricia, ever since Cyrus' clumsy halfling apprentice stepped on her dress at the Lord's Ball and ripped it quite off! 

8. Caer Ferros is an old Nerathi border fortress in the Northwatch Hills, said to be cursed and long abandoned.

9. Raiders from the Crimson Serpent Jungle have been disrupting trade with the South, attacking both traders and Altani villages along the Scalos River. The Dwarven High Lord of Capricia would be glad to see them dealt with. The raiders are numerous and dangerous, though - and not human.

11. The Cult of the Green Skull dwell in a dungeon not far south of Imp Brucke. They once (in 4454) painted green skulls all over the village, and are known to kidnap travellers on the road, including a couple adventurers, Ikam & Andrea, who were rescued from their dungeon. Luckily, the Pact stops the Cult harming the village itself.

12. Far to the west beyond the Castellan Mountains, on the edge of the Marshes of Sorrow, lies the fallen Dwarf-Hold of Gunderholfen.

13. On the western slopes of the Castellan Mountains lies the dead elven city of Tosasth. The Elf King of Diancecht would pay well for recovered elven treasures.



Northwatch Hills

(2902) Imp Brucke

9 miles north of Capricia and beholden to that town lies the small human village of Imp Brucke (7 buildings, pop. 42 in 4454). The villagers head downriver on market day to trade. Settled millennia ago by far travelled Tharbrians, Imp Brucke is the centre of strange magickal energies, and is protected by an ancient magical goblin-human Pact that if renewed annually shields the Humans  from Chaos and the Goblins from Law.

Imp Brücke refers to both a small collection of buildings and an ancient stone bridge crossing the Pearl River near its junction with Scale Creek. The bridge has been here for centuries and shows little sign of the ages passing – legend says it was originally constructed by earth elementals under the control of a Magus of the Three Circles. The bridge itself is made of a hard brown stone and arches smoothly over the Pearl river. Along the sides of the bridge are the shapes of many misshapen faces with open mouths staring at the river.

Residents of Imp Brücke

This small collection of homes and outbuildings is the sum total of the residents of Imp Brücke. A scattering of solitary farms exit to the west and the farmers make trips every few weeks to Imp Brücke for trade and news. There are four buildings of interest to the average traveler here.

The Ancient Cheese – run by stout Mother Sidra (4405-), mother of Lena, this cheesemaker specializes in exotically herbed cheeses with multicoloured fungal growths. Some are quite ...strange. M7 4447 BCCC: After selling their entire stock to mighty Lord Shieldbiter the cheesemongers went on vacation pilgrimage to the Temple-Tomb of Belaras. 4448 Lena marries Maltooth the Smith. End of M10 4454 With a recent uptick in business, Mother Sidra takes on Farmer Brymassen's niece Daisy as her new assistant.

Tromeo Reggiano (1 gp) – Epicure lapses into death-like sleep for 1d4 days; upon waking, save vs poison CON (12) or awaken as mold-zombie.

Orange Marbled Brick (4 gp) –  advantage to eater’s CON rolls vs poison for 24 hours.

Soft Barrel Cherry Cheese (5 gp) – causes a strange tingling sensation in the consumer’s extremities for d8+1 hours, no other effects.

Speckleroot Hard Cheese (7 gp) – consuming this cheese increases a character’s healing rate to 1 hp/hr.

The Gaffer’s Black (7 gp) causes extreme sweating, consumer can commune with nearby spirits for two turns if she fails a CON save vs poison at DC 15.

Pink Kleebus (8 gp) – Grants +2 bonus to AC, at the cost of -4 to all reaction rolls. The effect lasts for 6 hours, culminating in an epic visit to the latrine.

Ancient Lavender Creme (9 gp) –  Save CON DC 12 or permanently lose 1 Con. Regardless of save result, gain advantage on all future CON saves vs poison.

Wax-Bound Dogwood Cheese (10gp) – A hard wheel bound in bright red wax. Has a shelf life that can be measured in decades (at least, until the waxy rind is broken open). No canine — not even a hellhound or lycanthrope — can resist this cheese; it is the ultimate bribe where dogs, wolves, and the like are concerned.

Juniper Curd (12 gp): For the next 12 hours consumer automatically “turns” insects each round as if turning undead of similar HD (giant insects roll vs Cha, DC 15)

Truvan Beaver Cheese (15 gp) – causes horrendous indigestion and nausea (disadvantage on attack rolls for 12+d12 hours), but the consumer casts all spells with Advantage during the first four hours.

Brindlburn Abbot’s Gold (25 gp) – consuming this cheese prevents death for 20 minutes unless completely dismembered, disintegrated, or similar. It does not prevent incapacitation at 0 hp, but roll d20 each round while at 0 hp to regain 1 hp & resume activity.

The Iron Hammer – a small inn and the only standing stone building in the area, the Iron Hammer is run by Ol’ Chumpin (4412-), a rotund man who inherited the inn from his father and from his grandfather, the adventurer Chumpin Earthsmasher who retired due to an arrow in knee. During the day there are 0-3 travelers and farmers here, but typically an additional 2-5 arrive in the evening. Over the hearth of the main room is a massive iron warhammer, rusted and pitted with age. Chumpin’s wife Agatha Earthsmasher works in the kitchen, while his  eldest daughter Cassie Earthsmasher (a Thief) serves as barmaid. Elkins the Drunkard often hangs out at the Iron Hammer, mourning his dead brother Evan (see below).

Maltooth’s Smithy – this small smithy makes iron goods for the local farmers. He also has a fine-looking two-handed sword hanging by the entrance that he is inordinately proud of (but would sell for double the normal price). Chumpin thinks Maltooth 'all talk and no apron'. Maltooth (4420-) was widowed young but married again, to the buxom Lena (4427-), only daughter of Mother Sidra, in 4448. They have five children, with a sixth on the way (as of M8 4454).

The Burned House - former residence of Evan Elkins & family (RIP) destroyed in arcane conflagration 25/6/4447, during a failed ritual with the local goblins. The house is rumoured to be cursed, and has been left abandoned ever since.

NPC Adventurer Parties

1. The Savage Wardens of Soux Jinvik - rumoured to have once stolen a sleeping dragon's gold from a seacoast cave. Core members are the Altanian warrior Soux Jinvik (Fighter, h-f, axe & shield), Escande (Fighter, h-f, longbow & bastard sword), Blotglag the Goblin (Thief, g-m) and Lyron the Mage (Wizard, h-m), who has a rivalry with a fellow former apprentice of Cyrus Gol Lionmane (PC).


Eastern Oricha (27xx-41xx)

Ancient home of the Orichan Dragon-Lords, this southern end of the Pazidan and Antillian Peninsulas is known as Oricha.

Black Crow River (Calm Aquatic): Narrow and darkwatered, the river flows through the south-eastern Crimson Serpent Jungle. Fishing boats from the Altanian settlement of Blackcrow are sometimes seen on the river.

Crimson Serpent Jungle (Dense Forest): Extremely dense and difficult to pass through, the main expanse of the Crimson Serpent lies to the south of the settlement of Diancecht. It is known to harbor Tasloi humanoids, a species of intelligent ape, as well as jungle dryads, Viperians (including a tribe of serpent-centaurs that worship Yig), and Couatl. The Dryads are said to guard the Sphere of Disjunction (2907).

Northwatch, River/River of Visions (Calm Aquatic, Busy): This broad rift river cuts through an ancient glacial fjord. It was a major transportation route for the old Orichalans. After the fall of Arkhosia & the Empire of Glorious Doomfire ca 2,500 BCCC, sea-faring Tharbrian human colonists from the north settled here long ago. Today, the river still carries traffic to and from the Lake of Visions and various small settlements along its banks. Encounters: merchants, fisherfolk, lizardmen. M1 4447: Recently the local lizardmen have been migrating northwards.

Northwatch Hills

Once the border between the southern Dragonborn Empire of Arkhosia and the northern Demonbrood Empire of Glorious Doomfire/Empire of Bael Turath, many ruined fortifications dot the wild hills. Draconic creatures are common. Encounters:  (D12) 1 Snake, Giant (SD 252) or Snake, Cobra (SD 252), 2 Kobolds (SD 228), 3 Chimera (SD 201), 4 Blue Dragon (as Desert) (SD 210) (esp near coast) or Wyvern 5 Basilisk 6 Goblins 7 Pig Orcs 10 Wolves 11 Bear 12 Men, Bandit or Peasant

Scalos River (Calm Aquatic): Green with algae and home to schools of large catfish and snakehead, the Scalos flows along the northern edge of the Crimson Serpent Jungle. Scalos Clan Altani dwell along its banks.

Spite, River of (Rough Aquatic): Fast and deadly, the River of Spite is well-named, for most who attempt to cross or travel on it end up regretting their decision.

Visions, Lake of (Calm Aquatic): Located at the southern end of the Castellan Range, the Lake of Visions is a deep, clear mountain lake. It is a great source of fish for the dwarves of Capricia. Due to the strange gasses given off by the lake, the human and halfling fisher-folk often report having strange visions, some of which give brief glimpses of the future. A strange algal-encrusted weed that causes this effect is often gathered for sale to herbalists and witches.

(2901) Ogbert's Stead AL N/L

Farmers, shepherds. Population ca 30 in 4454 (1 extended family plus allies): the patriarch Ogbert, his sturdy wife Esmalia, his seven shepherdess daughters inc buxom blonde Rian and her husband Torin & their three young children (his daughter Esmalia now follows the Love Priestess Prisha Acharya at Carchmish), his unmarried & eligible daughters Sophia and Jane, his three shepherd sons Yurtus, Bastian, Emmett, Yurtus' wife Jenny and their own two young sons, and Jenny's unmarried sister Caprice. This palisaded farmstead of stout frontier folk in the southern Vale is wealthy with loot from chimerae slain by the adventurers Sandor & Maglor M7 44447. From Ogbert's stead a trail leads south through the woods and up into the Northwatch Hills towards Imp Brucke. 13/10/54 The great telescope at Wrenwald Manor provides a fantastic view north to Ogbert's Stead, especially the bathing pool...

Bastian, son of Ogbert
Emmett, son of Ogbert

(2901) Ham Manor, formerly Wrenwald Manor, AL N

Jane, servant at Ham Manor

Long ages ago, when the village near the marsh was settled (on order of the King of Nerath, who sought to bolster his southern borders),  a family of Wizards known as the Wrenwalds served as the settlement’s overlords. The Wrenwalds weren’t particularly good or kind, but they did protect the villagers from the ravages of the marsh’s beasts, and as long as the heavy and oppressive taxes rolled in, nobody died from by the hands of the wizards. One night in the reign of Lord Justin Wrenwald III, while the family reveled with friends, the swamp witch Julianne demanded entrance as an honored guest. Seeing the ugly hag, and unimpressed by her reputation, Lord Justin laughed in her face and ordered her put out. For this insult the she cursed the family, and horrible magics rose from Dark Realms. Some simply died, while others transformed into undead, and the very estate itself took on the taint of evil. A few villagers who served on the grounds escaped to tell the awful tale, and since that night the Vale folk have avoided the grounds. It is said the ghosts of the dead still haunt the estate, and their sounds can be heard from within, but that if anyone goes there, they never return. 13/10/54 Brave adventurers defeated the undead Lord Justin Wrenwald, Jorbin the Dwarf claimed the Manor for his own. Luacia the Dryad begged them to cleanse the place of Undead. M11 The adventurers clear the remaining undead & lift the curse. Lee Ham is confirmed Lord of the Manor by Luacia and Julianne. He recruits four folk from Ogbert's Stead to work in the Manor - Jane, Caprice, Bastian & Emmett.

Luacia the Dryad, Sprouting anew
Jane STR 10 DEX 5 CON 12 INT 13 WIS 14 CHA 13 HD 1 HP 2 AC 7 Dagger ATT +0/dmg 1d4
Emmett STR 12 DEX 16 CON 10 INT 6 WIS 15 CHA 12 HD 1 HP 3 AC 13 Club ATT +1/dmg 1d4
Bastian STR 15 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 6 CHA 10 HD 1 HP 7 AC 11 Club ATT+2/dmg 1d4
Caprice STR 10 DEX 7 CON 8 INT 13 WIS 13 CHA 16 HD 1 HP 4 AC 8 Dagger ATT +0/dmg 1d4
30/11/54 all have Gnomic Scarves, +1 vs cold weather.

Caprice, servant at Ham Manor
Luacia, the Dryad of Wrenwald Manor
Julianne, the Swamp Witch of the Hagmarsh

Temple Tomb of Belaras, Paladin of Apollo-Mitra, Ghinarian Hills

A sip from the holy goblet of Belaras is 500gp. Many Acolytes and Warrior Priests of Apollo-Mitra are trained here.

Novice Vedana










(Small Town, Domain Capital): Conventional; AL N/L; TL 7; 800 gp limit; Assets 48,800 gp; Population (4,454 BCCC) 2,088 (Able bodied 522); integrated (dwarf 32%, human 52%, elf 6%, half-orc 5%, halfling 4%, goblin 1%)

Total domain population is around 15,000, with around 425 infantry (mostly dwarven, some human, elven marines) & 75 light cavalry (human & elven) spread across the domain. Gotarerin himself commands around 150 warriors in Capricia, with the remaining 200 serving his various vassals, including the border fortresses of Mazargog (80) & Khelagul (60), and the townships of St Orlan (40) & Fauxpass (50). Several allied Altanian villages of the Scalos tribe dwell along the Scalos river to the south, though they have recently suffered raiding and slave-taking by vicious Tasloi and other monstrous creatures from the Crimson Serpent Jungle.

Town Resources: Fish (+400gp/m), Market (+300gp/m)

Authority Figure: High Lord Gotarerin Grimscarp, Patriarch of Kazadarum, male dwarf Priest 8. Married to Elsa Grimscarp, Priestess of Madeera. They have fie adult children, three sons and two daughters.


Councillor Ercel, male Tharbrian ("Spokesman of Men"), old with long white beard.

Captain Meanan, male elf Ftr4 (captain of the marines) - in love with Princess Crystal of Diancecht.

Captain Azu, male dwarf Ftr5 (captain of the Dwarven Guard).

Ivy, human temple slave acolyte, & Gleep, temple mephit mascot

Cyrus the Wise, crotchety old human male Mage (SD 231)

In ancient times these lands were the contested border provinces between the Empire of Glorious Doomfire to the north, and the southern Dragonborn Empire of Arkhosia. Both empires fell in mutual destruction more than 2,000 years ago. In the following centuries migrating Tharbrians from the north settled along the River of Visions. More than a thousand years ago (ca 3400 BCCC) around the time of the foundation of Old Nerath, several dwarven clans came south into the region from the northern holds of Kolda and Chacban (Barbarian Altanis); aiding their western brethren in the final conquest of the evil elves of Tosasth. Most of the northern dwarves then moved on to settle in Snake Hill. A few others settled among the human Tharbrians of the River Northwatch and founded the settlement of Capricia. 

When the Arang Tok Orcs and the undead legions of Queen Zrexia invaded the region 500 years ago (3950 BCCC), many of the scattered human and dwarven settlements fled and moved to the protection of Caprica. The high priest of Kazadarum, Gamli the Bold organized the remaining dwarves, elves, and humans, defeated the invasion, and became the first High Lord of Capricia.

Today Caprica is a thriving mixed community of dwarves and humans. The humans, under their chief councillor Ercel, generally continue to accept the high priest of Kazadarum as their leader. Gotarerin is the current high priest and he works to maintain the harmony among the races inhabiting Oricha. Azu is the captain of the dwarven guards and organizes the protection of the caravans making their way to and from Capricia. Meanan is from Diancecht, seconded here by King Kambdum, and organizes the protection of the ships and barges that transport good from Capricia to Diancecht. He pines for adventure - and for Princess Crystal.

The Loving Arms is a small fairly high class brothel near the Capricia docks, owned by the Church of the Love Goddess Meroya under High Priestess Prisha Archaya, centred in Carchmish, a town far to the NW - the brothel also serves as a temple to the Goddess, and many of the staff are Acolytes of Meroya. In 4454 the Loving Arms is managed by the Meroya Priest, Esmalia Half-Elven

Cyrus the Wise is an elderly and somewhat crotchety human Mage, whose ramshackle tower lies near the eastern wall. He has trained numerous apprentices over the years. In 4454 he is experimenting with petrification magic, using a cockatrice egg acquired from the Halls of the Scarlet Minotaur by his failed halfling apprentice Lee Ham. Cyrus studied under Archmage Quintus, and is still friends with his former mentor.  He is rivals with Merilla the Mage. His current apprentice is Lyssa, a talented young mage. She has a Familiar, Pompitous, a magical flying talking cat that some call a Chessym.

Cyrus the Wise
Lyssa the Apprentice (rescued)

The Temple of the Gods in Capricia is a cathedral dedicated to the gods of Law and Balance, presided over by the great bronze statue of Kazadarum Dwarf-Father. Lord Gotarerin himself is High Priest of Kazadarum. Lesser shrines are dedicated to the following:

Saint Terragnis (L, f) Priestess: Becca Laquin, the Swordmaiden (h f, age 28 in 4454)

Madeera the Covenant (Athena to the Ghinarians & Amazons) (L, f) - depicted here as the Bride of Kazadarum. Priestess: Lady Elsa the Wise (dw f), wife of Lord Gotarerin

Gede, the Patron of Feasts, Mirth, the Wilds & Ocean (N, m) Priest: Jolly Hamhock (1/2 m)

Ord (aka Thoth-Ord), God of Magic & Knowledge (N, m) Priest: Torvash One-Eye (1/2o m)

Ivy is a human temple slave Acolyte of Kazadarum at the Temple of the Gods, friends with Gleep the temple's mephit Mascot. 

Resources: Loyal followers of a deity can purchase minor healing potions (1d4 hp) from the god's priests for 50gp each. Typically 1d4 such potions are available from each deity's priests (so 5d4 potions total), on any given week. For the faithless, purchase of a potion typically requires 75gp and a DC 12 Charisma check per Priest (DC 9 if 100gp is offered). A similar number of vials of holy water are available, at 15gp/25gp per vial. This Holy Water does 2d4 damage to corporeal undead.

St Terragnis

The Dark Gods

Shune the Vile (Hekate to the Ghinarians, Rhiannon to the Tharbrians, Feninva to the Amazons) is widely revered by witches, and prayed to quietly by common folk seeking her boon. She is often said to have the power to grant or take fertility to man and beast alike.
Ramlaat, Lord of Strength (Midor to the Orcs, and some associate him with the Altani Bondorr) is a patron of Half-Orcs and Barbarians, but most commonly associated with brigands, pirates and raiders.
Memnon, Supreme Principle of Khaos, is a mysterious Power sometimes associated with the Nerathi War-God Bane, father of Kainos Warbringer, a mighty demigod whose bones moulder outside Hara. Others identify him with the ancient demon lord Elidyr, Monarch of Demons, Dweller in the Vaults of Eternity.

Inns of Capricia

A) The Singing Bell (high) merchant's inn known for its rare food and drinks. Tried the candied scarabs (1gp) with halfling summer wine (5sp, +1 Cha for 1 hr). Proprietor Vakesh the Elder (h-m Soldier), one eye, smokes pipe. A former Red Sash marine of Rallu, he retired wealthy. On the town square. Quintus the Wandering Alchemist can often be found here, offering potions for sale to wealthy merchants and adventurers.

Vakesh the Elder


B) The Boar & Eel (mid), known for treasonous meetings by human dissenters unhappy with Dwarven rule, aka 'The Patriarchy'. Try the saffron duck neck (1sp) & the Autumn Mead (3sp) . Proprietor Mariel the Comely (h-f Tharbrian Thief), shapely, beauty mark on left cheek. Frenemy of Shadrak the Cunning. Often frequented by Acolytes from the nearby Temple of the Gods. 

C) The Spitted Wench (low), Thieves' Guild hangout, Thugs for hire.  Sign depicts a buxom wench looking uncomfortable while tied to a roasting spit over a roaring fire. Try the comely slave wenches (5sp/hr) & stale ale (5cp, free refills but too much dulls the senses, -1 Wis/1 hr). Proprietor Shadrak the Cunning (half-orc male Thief 8, handsome, bearded, floppy hat, retired Crawler, rumoured to head the Thieves' Guild). On the docks before the docks gate; a centre of smuggling activity. Deadly pit fights also occur beneath the Spitted Wench; not all the participants are there voluntarily. Shadrak is assisted by his lieutenant and enforcer Hercules (Reaver), a brutal warrior and former gladiator, originally from the Ghinarian Hills.  Dispossessed by her father Eldris for "wilful disobedience", young Eloise Laquin has been forced to find work as a common barmaid at the Spitted Wench. 

Eloise Laquin, serving wench

Shadrak the Cunning

Hercules, Shadrak's Enforcer, & wench 
Tess, wench

Maieve, wench


 Laquin Family

The wealthy Laquin merchant family have a large fortified manor in the countryside outside Capricia to the west. They own the lumber/timber village of Stull, far to the west. The eldest daughter, Helena (38, qv), is the wife of the Lord Dyce of St Orlan in the western mountains. The second daughter Irina Tournais (nee Laquin) controlled the Tournais estate, since her stepdaughter Charlotte Tournais was seized by pirates from a river boat, until Charlotte's return 24/10 with a (fake) Writ of Repossession. Irina was evicted, returning to her father's estate.
The priestess of St Terragnis in Capricia, Becca (28) the Swordmaiden, is another prominent Laquin, youngest daughter of the aging Laquin patriarch Sir Rodney Laquin (68) & his wife, the Lady Elise of Moundroche (65)an aunt of the priest Oldaric (PC, RIP). Rodney's eldest son and heir presumptive is Eldris Laquin. Eldris' several offspring by concubines include Jonathan and Eloise. Dispossessed by her father for "wilful disobedience", Eloise Laquin has been forced to find work as a common barmaid.

Sir Rodney Laquin

Irina Tournais (nee Laquin), 36 in 4454

Eldris Laquin
Jonathan Laquin

Charlotte Tournais, rescued 18/10/54


2904 Mazargog Castle (Castle)
Conventional; AL L; TL 6; 100 gp limit; Assets 10,250 gp; Population 328 (82 soldiers - 40 dwarf infantry, 30 dwarf crossbowmen Soldiers, and 12 dwarf veterans Ftr 3-5 make up the castle’s defensive forces; the rest are builders, craftsmen and merchants or villagers and farmers)
Mixed (dwarf 79%, other 21%); Authority Figure: Lady Warden Bolina Mazargog,
Lady Bolina, daughter of Choisin Mazargog
female dwarf Ftr 5.
Important Characters:
Mardic Westcup, male halfling L Thief (castellan and keeper of the grounds);
Fuvan, male human Thief (serves Aldore of Faking).

Mazargog Castle is responsible for guarding and escorting caravans from Capricia and southern Oricha.
Bolina organizes the escorts and patrols the caravan routes. Her father Choisin retired from his duties as Lord Warden in 4432 to pursue knowledge as a Sage.

Mardic Westcup has been here over eighty years. He was originally from Maidstone, but never fit in with the halflings of that village. When he took a job aiding the old Lord Warden Choisin Mazargog he found his true calling. He runs a small but busy staff, whose responsibility is to ensure that the travelers and caravans stopping here are provided for. Typically over a fifth of the castle population is comprised of caravans and travelers.

2202 Gunderholfen AL C 
Gunderholfen is said to be a fallen Dwarf Hold on the edge of the Mashes of Sorrow, cleft by a mighty rent. Some blame the Viperians, or Serpent-Men, for its fall. Since Shieldbiter defeated the terrible black dragons of the marshes ca 4448 BCCC, and united the Lizardman swamp tribes in his service, adventurer bands from Thatchum and Longfelt have begun to explore the lost city.

2304 Longfelt AL N/L is a good sized human township, vassal to the far-off King of Nerath since the refounding of the kingdom in 4447 BBCC. Some adventuring bands have used Longfelt as a base from which to explore Gunderholfen.

2402 Highfell AL C
Long long ago, a group of seven elven Magi dedicated to Ord, God of Magic (perhaps fleeing the destruction of Tosasth, ca 2800 BCCC) were drawn to a nexus of magical power located on a tall mountain, called the Dwimmerhorn. Exploration of the Dwimmerhorn revealed three henge gates, apparently constructed by the Dragonborn of Akhosia (Akhosia fell ca 2500 BCCC). Through study the elves harnessed the nexus (or so they thought), and built mage towers and spires in order to study the phenomena. Centuries later (ca 3600 BCCC) they also invited human wizards of the young Empire of Nerath to join them, and together they created a magic school high atop the cold and remote Dwimmerhorn Mountain. For generations Highfell wizards both human and elven recruited promising young adepts, and brought them to the school as apprentices – it was a great honour for one’s son or daughter to receive an invitation to Highfell. After the Fall of Nerath (4200 BCCC), most of the surviving mages left Highfell, and those few who stayed took fewer and fewer apprentices. Highfell, once the epicenter of magical study, was abandoned. Towers collapsed, ruins became overgrown, and the site was lost. As the enchanted wards failed, monsters, once kept at bay by the power of the mages, occupied the caves, holes, and hovels. Adventurers too began to explore the remains.
On the sixth minute, of the sixth hour, of the sixth day of the new year of 4454 BCCC, people staying at the nearby Mountaintop Inn saw an eerie green light emanate from the ruins high atop the Dwimmerhorn. The intensity of the light grew until an explosion rocked the great peak. Highfell pulled away from the mountain, and now drifts slowly – and occasionally phases in and out of place – over the Great Salt Flat of the Southern Reaches. 
Note: The Mages of Highfell were known to use the mystical Amulets of Ord to activate ancient Akhosian Henge Gates scattered throughout the mountains and beyond. These would give access to matching Gates atop Highfell. One such Gate lies at the foot of the Dwimmerhorn, near Mountaintop Inn.

2501 Tosasth AL C The dead city of Tosasth on the western slopes of the Castellan Mountains is said to be a place of horror. Long ago the elves of Tosasth pledged allegiance to the Doomfire Emperor, and became corrupted by Chaos. When the Empire fell two thousand years ago, long wars with the Dwarven clans of the mountains followed. Centuries of war left the proud city abandoned and in ruin. But the dead do not rest easy. 

2502 Tower of Khelagul (Citadel): Conventional; AL L; TL 7; 100 gp limit; Assets 725 gp; Population 232 (58 Soldiers - 35 infantry; 20 crossbowmen; 3 Sergeants Ftr 3; remaining 174 are civilians; Isolated (dwarf 96%, other 4%); Authority Figure: Diranmale dwarf Ftr3. Important Characters: Lognus, male dwarf Ftr4 (captain of the Rangers).
Five hundred years ago the orcs of the Arang Tok (Barbarian Altanis, 2131) invaded Orchia and caused widespread devastation among the demi-human communities of northern Orchia. The dwarven lords of Capricia established the Tower of Khelagul in the Castellan Mountains to watch the invasion route and as a rally point from which raids can launched against the orcs. Lognus is the captain of the dwarven rangers based at the tower and was for decades in conflict with the Arang Tok orcs patrolling out of Barath (Barbarian Altanis, 2133). Diran is recently appointed as the tower commander and is eager to prove himself. However Lognus considers Diran too inexperienced, and this is a continuing source of conflict between the two.

2505 Dragon's Crown AL N is a magnificent mountain, beneath which dwell a powerful clan of golden and silver scaled Dragonborn. They are vassal to the dragonborn demigod Shieldbiter of Hara and thus nominally Citizens of Nerath. 

2508 MAIDSTONE AL C/L (Small Town): Conventional; TL 4; 800 gp limit; Assets 47,000 gp; Population 1,880 (Able bodied 470); mixed (halfling 68%, dwarf 19%, elf 5%, human 3%, other 4%); Resources: Market. Authority Figure: Cathmaric, male halfling Archmage. Important Characters: Amarva, female halfling Ftr 4 (captain of Maidstone’s Rangers); Seredine, female halfling Priest (high priestess of the Maid); Handoc, male halfling Mage (apprentice to Cathmaric).
Maidstone was established several hundred years ago when a small group of halflings wandered into the area and were besieged by orcs of the Arang Tok. A goddess only known as the Maid (L, Divine Rank 2) manifested and kept the halflings safe until a dwarven army from Snake Hill drove them away. In her honor a village was founded on the site of the battle and the temple of the Maid was constructed around the stone where she appeared. Although her clerics taught the traditional halflings values of reliance and cooperation, the halfling came under the influence of the dwarves of Snake Hill and adopted their ruthless view of dealing with outsiders. Now many have turned away from the Maid viewing her teachings as weak and out of touch with the times.
Cathmaric is the Mayor of the Village, and the chief advocate for those who take a strict view in dealing with outsiders. Amarva captain of the Rangers is often found working with the dwarves of Snake Hill in undertaking reprisal raids against orcs and human who attack the caravans and inhabitants of the two communities. Handoc is Cathmaric’s apprentice and since his recent journey among the other villages of Orchia have moderated his views. He is working with Seredine to try to turn the halflings back to the worship of the Maid.

2601 Saint Orlan AL L (Small Town): Conventional; TL 4; 800 gp limit; Assets 45,000 gp; Population 1,700 (able bodied 425, 40 Soldiers). Authority Figure: Lord Dyce D'Órlan (44 in 4454), a burly human male Knight, vassal to the High Lord of Capricia. Lady Helena D'Órlan (38, nee Laquin) is his beautiful wife. They have six children, aged from 14 to 22 years old in 4454 BCCC. Their eldest daughter is Amanda.
Lord Dyce DÓrlan

Lady Helena DÓrlan
St Orlan region, 1 mile/hex
Rebecca DÓrlan (17)

Amanda DÓrlan (22)
Sir Thomas DÓrlan (20)

The Human town of St. Orlan is named after the holy figure. The people maintain a small temple in his honor, headed by the Priest (h-m) Laszlo Kern . The population is approximately 1,700 people, spread over about 50 acres. A wooden wall surrounds a central patchwork of buildings. Two odoriferous districts, stinking of tanners and butchers, are nestled outside the walls. Imposing wooden towers allow the Lord's Soldiers to watch over the north and south gates.
Saint Orlan (Law) is known for resisting many temptations in his journey west after he rose out of the Eastern Ocean on the head of an octopus. (The eighth month, Octopus, is locally named after him.) Along his path, undead arose to tempt him with powers and treasure, all of which he refused. When he reached the shores of the Sea of Five Winds, he battled the lich Putah and was burned to ash that scattered to the wind.

Alas Balle of the Iron Knight

The best inn in St. Orlan is T
he Iron Knight, kept by a retired human male Soldier named Alas Balle. Meals are excellent and beds are soft. Those with less to spend will find The Red Mark in the odoriferous district. It is little more than a shack with a few benches inside and a stable out back. Sanzir (human male Thief) rents out flea-infested blankets and a spot near the fireplace by the night.

2601 Milltown AL Law Population 250 
People of great ambition dwell in the small village of Milltown, a day’s walk into the mountains south of St. Orlan. Several milling and lumber operations supply goods to  nearby towns, and the hard-living workers there consider ale-drinking their primary recreation.
Barod the Fat (Soldier) is sheriff of Milltown.
The town Cleric (Acolyte) is Father Lionel.
Charlot of the Seven Staves (Ftr 1)
Charlot (Ftr 1) is the good hearted innkeeper of The Seven Staves. She is a half-elf, daughter of the adventuress Agatha, 45 in 4454, and single.
Others include Sam, a lumber mill owner, Tom Shepherd the shepherd, and Tom's man Gord (Ftr 1). 
Tom Shepherd

Tom Shepherd's Sheep Farm

Tom is the same age as Charlot (though he looks older) and is attempting to court her since her mum died; Sam is his rival. Tom has two sisters Hana & Rosalin Shepherd, and a cousin Maisie, all in need of husbands (he says).
Gord 4/10/54: "I reckon yon Hana has her eye on me... soon as I've saved up some gold" he grins. After a successful expedition with Skulk the Goblin to the Manor of Elab Jarr, Gord married Hana Shepherd 18/10/54.
Gord of Milltown (Ftr 1)
Hana, married Gord 18/10/54


Rosalin, sister of Tom

Rumour: Since Charlot inherited the inn from her mother recently, several of the menfolk are competing for her hand.
Rumour: Don't go up to the old manor up in the mountains - danger awaits! The old man's treasures aren't worth the risk!
Rumour: Charlot's mother Agatha (bless her soul) never married, but she had many lovers. Seven, in fact.
4/10/54 Charlot smiles and brings over a jug of the local swill, refilling Gord's tankard. He smiles happily and takes a good swig. Charlot: "Three coppers Mr Goblin sir. Or if ye're staying the night, I can start you a tab? Bed in the common room is 1 silver, or sleep on the taproom floor for 2 coppers."
Charlot takes the coppers from the Goblin's clammy hand. If she has any disgust at the wicked looking creature, she doesn't show it. "Thank ye kindly, Mr Skulk si... Mr Skulk. And would you like a hot bath drawn? One silver. And a good meal is one silver, too."

(2601) The Mountain Manor of Elab Jarr
Elab Jarr was a wealthy eccentric who became obsessed with the afterlife as he aged. He slowly burned away his fortune on a mountain retreat above Milltown, researching secrets better left unknown. One day he stumbled into town naked, his leathered skin marked with small abrasions. He collapsed at the feet of the statue of Saint Orlan, his dead hands clasped rigidly in final prayer.
The good people of town buried him in the shadow of the small church. The shrewd climbed up the mountain road to loot his home. Most of them returned the next day telling tales of demons belching green fire. That was about 150 years ago. Today, no prudent person gives a second thought to exploring the old manor up the mountain road.

2601 Muleshoe AL L Four families built homesteads near each other seven miles down the western road out of St. Orlan. They represent the western frontier of the area cleared of most monsters and wild beasts. The homes are built at a crossroads where the main track runs south west to Khelagul Fortress, and an ancient roadway heads north towards the dead city of Tosasth.

2604 FAUXPASS (Village): Conventional; AL L; TL 4; 200 gp limit; Assets 8,975 gp; Population 1,436 (Able bodied 359); integrated (half-elf 37%, human 20%, elf 18%, dwarf 10%, halfling 7%, other 8%); Resources: Copper. Authority Figure: Lady Kyranuin, Chatelaine of Fauxpass, female half-elf Mage. Important Characters: Amion, male elf Ftr6 (captain of the guard); Uner, male human (leader of the miners); Lady Ciode, female half-elf Mage (Lady Kyraniun’s  Lady in Waiting).
Lady Kyranuin, Chatelaine

Lady Ciode, Lady in Waiting
An Altanian tribe took refugee with the dwarves of Caprica during the invasion of the orcs of the Arang-Tok 500 years ago. After the invasion was defeated, the Altani settled on a rich copper deposit in the Castellan mountains and began to trade with the dwarves. Three hundred years ago Kyranuin’s father came here, and was struck by the rich natural beauty of the region. He founded a bardic college, and brought more elves to help with running it. Today the two communities have merged into one, with the elves helping the miners live in harmony with the land and the miners supporting the college. Amion is the captain of the village guards and often helps the dwarves of the Tower of Khelagul (2502) in their patrols. Kyraniun is now head of the college, and looking to attract the best students of music in the Wilderlands. Uner is the leader of the Miners and is currently negotiating with the dwarves of Caprica to establish a bronze works in the village. He and Ciode have cooperated in shaping various unused areas of the mines into performance chambers. The dwarves are much impressed with their beauty and the quality of the music played in these chambers.

2613 COVERTLING (Village): Conventional; AL N; TL 6; 200 gp limit; Assets 4,400 gp; Population 704 (Able bodied 176); mixed (human 75% [many Tharbrian, some Alryan, a few Skandik], dwarf 10%, elf 7%, halfling 3%, other 5%); Resources: Gold. Authority Figure: Zangorafemale Tharbrian N Mage. Important Characters: Samenzmale human [Tharbrian] Ftr8 (captain of the guards); Erdor, male Alryan (leader of the gold cartel); HenariTharbrian human female Thief (spy for Aldore of Flaking). Covertling is one of the oldest human communities in the region and it is rumored that the gold mines have been in continuous operation for over four thousand years. Lady Zangora takes her family’s duty of safeguarding the village and its mines very seriously. She was a student at the Conclave of the Hidden Eye, and uses her influence to keep them from interfering with the town. Erdor is the leader of the cartel that was formed to ship the gold from Covertling. It is rumored that the World Emperor has invested in the cartel and ensures the safety of its caravans. Samenz is the Captain of the Guard and in charge of the elaborate defenses and patrols that ensure that all the gold mined in accounted for. Henari was sent into Covertling by Aldore to turn the town toward the worship of Armadad Bog. She has influence among the courtesans and wenches that the miners turn too after the day’s work is done. She is using them to spread discontent among the miners. Because of this there are the beginnings of a rebellion among the miners.

2613 College of Orchia (Citadel): Magical; AL N; TL 8; 100 gp limit; Assets 1,175 gp; Population 376 (50 men-at-arms Soldiers, 34 longbowmen Soldiers and 10 officers Ftr1-4 make up the citadel’s defenses; the others are peasants, servants, laborers and farmers or craftsmen, traders, artisans and hunters); Integrated (human 37% [many Alryan], elf 20%, half-elf 18%, dwarf 10%, halfling 7%, other 8%); 
Authority Figure: Ferton, male Alryan N Archmage. Important Characters: Gitala, female Alryan Mage (works with Flaking); Camus, male human Ftr6 (organizes and guards expeditions from the college).
The college was established 1,000 years ago by sages from Tula, to research the history of Orchia (Oricha) and the kingdoms that once flourished here. They are particularly interested in finding out the identity of the "King of the Lost Lands'', and whether it was in Orchia or nearby. Ferton is the current chancellor of the college having been elected over 40 years ago. Gitala has been seduced by Aldore of Flaking and has formed a small cabal of like-minded sages. They use the resources of the college to aid Aldore’s ambitions. Camus is responsible
for organizing and guarding the various expeditions around Orchia by the sages. He often hires adventurers of good reputation to go on these expeditions.

Sinvet Lar. Wool scarf by Iraga (RIP)

2703 Eelshead population 400. This prosperous fishing village on the Lake of Visions between Stull in the mountains to the NW and Capricia a day's travel to the east has a substantial Inn, the Red Roof (1gp/night for private room & board). The Village Council is headed by Sinvet Lar (h-f Amazon Fighter 5, AL L, follows St Terragnis) originally of Highhaven, who fell in love with the fisherman Abodus Lar and settled here in 4449 BCCC, continuing to defend the village following his death in 4451 at the hands of Orc raiders. Once a Griffon Knight, she can still call upon her griffon Redwing in time of need, using an enchanted whistle. She is friendly with the Priestess Iraga (PC), who knitted her a nice scarf.

2708 SNAKE HILL (Village): Conventional; AL C; TL 5; 200 gp limit; Assets 7,950 gp; Population 1,272 (Able
bodied 318); isolated (dwarf 86%, halfling 12%, other 2%); Resources: Iron. 
Authority Figure: Nostramra, male dwarf Mage. Important Characters: Moinar, male dwarf Ftr 9 (captain of the guard); Danil, female dwarf Priest (Barangorn).
The hills surrounding the village are rich in iron deposits, and over 2,000 years ago dwarves settled here to mine the ore. Five hundred years ago the orcs of the Arang Tok (Barbarian Altanis) invaded and devastated the region. The dwarves rejected the offer of refuge made by Caprica and stayed to defend their mines. For five years they held out alone against the Arang Tok besieging them. After they broke the siege they found out that the dwarves of Caprica formed an alliance among the races of Orchia and never bothered to try to relieve them. Angered, they withdrew into the mines of Snake Hill, their only allies the halflings of Maidstone. Nostramra is the leader of the ironmasters of Snake Hill and the elected lord of the mines. He and his fellow Ironmasters forge magical weapons for the armories. Moinar leads the patrols of the surrounding hills and ruthlessly kill anybody who is not a dwarf or a halfling. The dwarves of Snake Hill turned from the worship of Rosmerta to the worship of the dark dwarf god Barangon, lord of gold and secrets.

2702 The Village of Stull. AL L. Authority figure: Chriztopp Barclay, village foreman. 
Bertrude, Stull schoolteacher
The logging village of Stull was founded 80 years ago. Much of the timber close to the village has already been cut and farms have taken the place of the tall oaks and hemlocks that once grew on the denuded hills as lumbering has moved farther out from the village. The population of Stull is about 500 people. Everyone is employed by the lumber mill owners (the Laquin family), the independent jobbers, or in one of the supporting jobs of the company town (e.g., Laquin Company Store, the Laquin School, or the Temple of Law). It is a rather depressing place. All buildings are owned by the Laquin company and are of the exact same plain one-story design with slabwood roofs. The Barclay home is the one exception, it is a beautiful three-story wooden slate roof construction. The only buildings that have been painted are the Barclay home, Hotel Scholding, and the Laquin Company Store.
In M10 4454 a plague of Undead emanating from the Mausoleum forced the people to abandon Stull and flee north to Milltown. Newly qualified Sister Bertrude joined the dwarf priest Elbin (PC) as his Retainer.

2717 Temple of the Uttermost Flame (Citadel): Magical; AL N; TL 6; 100 gp limit; Assets 1,175 gp; Population 376 (50 temple guard Soldiers, 24 shortbowmen Soldiers and 20 warrior Priests 1-3 defend the temple; the remainder are servants, temple staff or acolytes); Mixed (human 78%, half-elf 8%, elf 5%, dwarf 3%, other 4%); Authority Figure: Luksit, male human Priest. Important Characters: Gisilka, female human Ftr5 (captain of the temple guards).
The Temple of the Uttermost Flame was established by devotees of Thoth (Ord). When the College of Orchia was established several devotees of the god Thoth established the temple along the shores of the bay near Covertling. Since then the temple has grown and is now a safe haven for travelers and adventurers from Tula. Gisilka has recently arrived from the mother temple in Tula, and is busy re-organizing the defenses of the Temple. Luksit is amused by her activities and hopes it helps those traveling between the College of Orchia and Tula. The
Uttermost Flame is an undying flame kept lit in the temple’s fane. It represents the light of knowledge and is the focus for divinations cast by the temple.

2807/2908 Crimson Cliffs These redstone cliffs plunge down a thousand feet to the steaming jungle floor below. To the south the land slopes down gently towards the coast.

2807 Tower of the Dragon Queen. High on the Crimson Cliffs overlooking the Crimson Serpent Jungle a thousand feet below stands the black basalt tower of Dragonqueen Saith (Archmage), among the last of the High Orichalans in this their ancient homeland. It's said that she murdered both her father King Amais and his fire dragon Kynrauch, reanimating the dragon's corpse as a powerful Dracolich that now breathes searing blue flame. As well as the Dracolich, Queen Saith commands flights of lesser wyrms and a small cadre of Orichalan guardsmen clad in ancient burnished plate, as well as the Tower's civilian staff and numerous slaves. It's said that she plots to put all Oricha under the Dragon Queen's rule. Queen Saith is neutral to the Stonemaster Dwarves, but an avowed foe of the Dwarves of Snake Hill.
Dragonqueen Saith
Kynrauch, Saith's Dracolich.

2809 Aerie of the Stonemasters (Citadel): Conventional; AL L; TL 5; 100 gp limit; Assets 1,1138 gp; Population 364 (the population of the school – 60 acolytes, 20 senior monks, 6 defenders in training Ftr4-6, and 5 defenders Ftr7-8 guard the Aerie with fanatical devotion; the remainder are  staff, instructors, builders and
craftsmen); Isolated (dwarf 90%, other 10%);
Authority Figure: Narin, male dwarf  L Ftr 5. Important Characters: Agazthi, female dwarf Fighter 10 of Madeera (leading Stonemaster teacher); Kinilzath, male dwarf Fighter 8 (leading Dwarven Defender teacher).
Built on a rocky outcropping amid the Orchian Hills, the Aerie of the Stonemasters is the center of the teaching of the mysterious Way of the Stone. Developed by the dwarves as both an unarmed and armed technique, its practitioners are among the most feared of dwarven warriors. The monk-priests teach the unarmed techniques of the Way, and the dwarven defenders teach the armed techniques. The school’s masters have charged Narin with keeping up the grounds and dealing with outsiders and aspirants. Agazthi and Kinilzath are two of the most widely respected practitioners of the Way, and are famed among dwarves throughout the Wilderlands.
The Way of the Stone is a form of unarmed Weapon Mastery. 
To hit bonus is +1/level.
Mastery Level Unarmed Damage Unarmoured Base AC (no shield)
1                      1d3                          11+DEX
2                      1d4                          12+DEX
3                      1d6                          13+DEX
4                      1d8                          14+DEX
5                      1d10                        15+DEX
6                      1d12                        16+DEX
+1                     +1                           No further AC modifier

2815 STAISISWELLS (Village): Conventional; TL 5; 200 gp limit; Assets 7,000 gp; Population 1,120 (Able bodied 280); integrated (orc 37%, half-orc 20%, human 18%, elf 10%, dwarf 7%, other 8%); Resources: Pearls. Authority Figure: Lordware, male orc Sage (Mage).
Important Characters: Orm Azbatsson, male half-orc Ftr4 (chief of the town guard); Ararodei, female sea-elf Ftr4 (leader of the sea-elf pearl divers).
The orc chief Azbat led an expedition to the eastern regions of Orchia from Heir Helm searching for the Heir’s Helm. He made contact with the Temple of the Uttermost Flame and befriended them. During his adventures he saved a group of sea-elves from pirates. When a group of sages from Heir Helm desired to be closer to the Temple and the College of Orchia he agree to found a settlement next to the sea-elves. In the intervening years the sages
dominated the town but Azbat and later his son Orm were content to enjoy the wealth brought by the pearls. Lordware is the leader of the sages and deals with all outsiders. He is often organizing expeditions with the College of Orchia and the Temple in search of clues to the whereabouts of the Heir’s Helm. Ararodei is the leader of the pearl divers and is thankful for the protection of Orm and his men.

Image result for valley of the red apes
2908 Valley of the Red Apes
This mile-wide forested valley lies in the hills five miles south of the Crimson Cliffs. A rill runs south through the valley into the Dragon Lord Hills & towards Marduck Bay, reaching the sea 45 miles to the south at Koradin.

Explorations in the Valley of the Red Apes has turned up several points of interest so far. The best known is the Ziggurat of Rhissel the Morning Lord (an ancient Dragonborn hero of Arkhosia), set almost exactly in the centre of the valley. But other adventures are to be found between these mountain ranges – the Secret Of Jen’s Hall in the mountains on the northeastern side of the valley, and another as of yet unexplored cave on the face of the cliff in the middle of the valley.

2913 IRONSHOD (Village): Conventional; AL N; TL 6; 200 gp limit; Assets 6,675 gp; Population 1,068 (Able bodied 267); isolated (half-elf 48%, human 20%, elf 15%, halfling 10%, other 7%); Resources: Market. Authority Figure: Dhiiwrath, male half-elf N Ftr3. Important Characters: Cersi, female half-elf Wiz4 (Dhiiwrath’s wife); Lomeldur male elf Ftr5 (leader of the Black Arrows);
Gerak, male Tharbrian N Thf4 (Dhiiwrath’s spy).
Ironshod was founded by refugees from Cheapside when the Elves of Ludgates seized the village. They work under the leader of Lord Dhiiwrath and Lady Cersi to build a force powerful enough to liberate those who remain in Cheapside. For now the Lord and Lady of Ironshod exercise caution and restraint while building up their strength. However Lomeldur is the leader of the Black Arrows and advocates
immediate action. Against their order Lomeldur and the Black Arrows have led several raids into Cheapside and Ludgates. Gerak works for Dhiiwrath and is aiding him by traveling from town to town learning of the different factions and trying to enlist allies and procure weapons. He will use any means necessary to advance the cause of the refugees of Ironshod.

(3001) Citadel of the Scarlet Minotaur Long ago, a mighty enclave of Ghinarian warriors lived inside the Lost Citadel. They worshipped their Bull God in ever-bloodier, cultish rituals that culminated in their leader, Minoros, transforming into the Scarlet Minotaur. This immortal avatar of rage slaughtered the warriors in a single night of mayhem. However it is rumoured that some of their servants escaped through the unseen halls used by the lowly... Cicadas buzz in the arid scrubland around the citadel, which sits atop a low and rocky rise. Thick, sandy blocks and coral-red columns hold up its tiered rooftops (30'-40' high, gently sloped). The enclosed interior is a cool, dark maze of vaulted chambers and halls that, it's rumoured, funnel into a central courtyard.

3002 Village of Pineford Pineford is a small village beholden to the High Lord of Capricia. Most of the region is small homes and cot holds scattered about, for a total population of around 300. The main part of the village consists of 14 primary structures, based around a large stone bridge built over the stream. The large east-west dirt road that the village is built around is well traveled. 

3008 Delmirev Hold The powerful Delmirev dragonborn clan with its wyvern-riding dragonborn knights dwell here in their extensive underground tunnels and vaults. They number several hundred, including a dozen wyvern-riders.

3101 Cillamar Once a thriving Nerathi/Ghinarian township in the southern Vale, Cillamar was largely destroyed by a rampaging horde during the Fall of Nerath, around 260 years ago. In recent years men have returned to the ruins, and with the fall of the Brigand Lords the town is beginning to thrive once more, reaching a population of some 1,000 citizens and nearly 2,000 recent immigrants. It is rumoured that Tug the Giff, the strange alien hippo-man Lord of the Citadel of Water in the northern Vale, has ambitions to incorporate Cillamar into his domain. In 4454 Cillamar is ruled by the Patriarch Franz Mentzer (Priest, L) 

3405 DIANCECHT: Conventional; AL Law; Realm Capital.
TL 4; 100 gp limit; Assets 18,380 gp; Population (4454) 630 (warriors 157) in town, ca 5,130 in surrounding countryside, for a total realm population approx 5,760. Integrated (half-elf 36%, elf 21%, human 18%, dwarf 10%, halfling 7%, other 8%); Resources: Pipeweed, Fish.
Soldiers: 66 - 32 Longbow Archers, 32 Infantry (mostly Glaive), 4 Tarn Knights inc Kambdum; his daughter Crystal also rides a young tarn.
Authority Figure: King Kambdum Domnavrente, Priest 9, male half-elf, "The Paladin of Madeera" (Athena); also reveres Cilborith.
Kambdum Domnavrente, King of Dianceht
Important Characters:
Mior, male elf Priest, priest of Cilborith;
Belendiel Mertakis, female Nerathi-Alryan Priest, priestess of Athena-Madeera. Trained at the Temple of the Lady of Wisdom with Archpriest Thuruar (RIP).
Princess Crystal (Lirthache) 'Moonsilver' Domnavrente (elf Wizard 6) (3/4 elf - father Kambdum, mother is the elf Priestess Filmathiel, qv Grove of Cilborith)

Princess Crystal: 
"My brother was a warrior. A Tarn-Rider - the giant eagles? He thought he could fly to the Islands. My father warned him. He didn't listen. He never came home." She looks down into her glass. "Once out of sight of land there is only the endless ocean. Nothing to see, no landmarks, no resting place. The steed's wings tire. Eventually...  ...The sea is his grave. If he had found land he would have returned to us. I only wish to ensure you not share his fate. The Foamrunner is a fine ship, the best in my father's fleet."

M6 4447: Princess Crystal seemed to very much like the elf Maglor of Anatal (PC)
Princess Crystal (Lirthache), daughter of Kambdum

During the invasion of the Orcs of the Arang Tok 500 years ago (ca 3950 BCCC), Nerathi human refugees were welcomed by the elves of Diancecht. When the alliance of the races defeated the Orcs, many decided to remain and settle there. Since then a mixed community has formed with most all honoring Cilborith, the god of the elves, and Athena-Erathis-Madeera, the goddess of the humans. Elf-King Kambdum is lord of the small realm and in charge of patrolling the area.
Every spring the hamlet honors their joint heritage by celebrating the Festival of Joining, where a man representing Cilborith, and a women representing Athena are joined in symbolic marriage. Kambdum's daughter Princess Crystal (Lirthache) is a skilled sailor and captains his ship the Foamrunner, a high-prowed elven sailing ship (she is also a competent Tarnrider). Foamrunner normally has a crew of 12 elves and half-elves: 6 sailors (Captain Crystal, First Mate Aenaro, 4 crew) and 6 elven archer-marines (Corporal Lurieth, 5 archers)

Image result for elf sailing ship
Tarn Knights

Kambdum and his three Tarn Knights Ashara, Vergessen, & Alladir, ride the giant eagles known as Tarns. They may typically carry a single rider in armour. They may carry a second person for short distances.
1. Ashara Mertakis, human female, niece of the High Priestess Belendiel.
2. Vergessen, elf male, son of High Priest Mior
3. Alladir Domnavrente, half-elf male, nephew of Kambdum & cousin to Crystal/Lirthache.
4. Princess Crystal also rides a Tarn - but only over land!

Related image
Alladir, Half-Elf Tarn Knight

(3506) Grove of the Rising Sun 

(Citadel): Magical; AL CG; TL 6; Population 52 (13 temple guards Ranger Scouts are the citadel’s main defenders; the remainder are scholars and scribes or priests Priest 1-3); Isolated (elf 85% [mostly high and southern], half-elf 10%, other 5%);
Authority Figure: Filmathiel,female elf Priest.
Important Characters: Anewein, female elf Ftr 4 (Ranger) (captain of temple guards). Maegladher, Elf Ftr 3 Scout, and his giant rat Galadan (met Mordred & co on Bratanis-Skygod road 3/3/47, while investigating rumours of events in the North).
Image result for elf ranger
Maegladher, Elf Fighter (Ranger)
The temple is a holy grove devoted to Cilborith the elven
Anewein, Ranger Captain
god. The temple is oriented so that the rising sun illuminates the interior of the grove. Filmathiel, sometime consort of King Kambdum & mother of Princess Crystal, is the current priestessof the grove. She is concerned over the arrival of the Amiondel Elves at Ludgates, and is considering calling a council of the local communities to deal with them. She has charged Anewein, leader of her temple guards, to scout out the Ludgates elves and find out as much information as she can.

4009 Isles of Morose Trees dominate the landscape on these two islands, making a great place for the inhabitants, a colony of some 233 halflings, to raise their crops and sell them to nearby islands. The main crop is pipeweed of a great quality infrequently found in these parts. The Morose halflings are actually quite cheerful. Their chief spokesman is Sam Tarly, a very fat halfling. His Meeting Hall sized for human visitors is a half mile inland of the beach.

3410 Red Tiger Moot (Citadel): Conventional; AL L; TL 2; 100 gp limit; Assets 550 gp; Population 176 (24 Altanian tribal warriors, 10 elite tribal fighter Chosen Axe, & 10
light cavalry make up the citadel guard; the rest are tribesfolk orartisans, craftsmen or hunters);
Isolated (human 96% [mostly Altanian], half-elf 2%, other 2%);
Authority Figure: Chief Xatchar, grizzled male Altanian Ftr7.
Important Characters:
Ceraxa, female Altanian (Psychic Defender, protector of the moot);
Hexar, male Altanian (chief of the smiths).
The Red Tiger Moot marks the gathering ground for the Red Tiger Tribe of Altanians. It is a simple stone tower that is used as a watch post when the clans of the tribe are gathered for the annual moot. It is also inhabited year round by the Red Tiger’s smith. This is also where those females who desire to be protectors can go for training. The high chief Xatchar and his clan maintain the tower during the year and they roam the surrounding area keeping trespassers away. Hexar is the leader of the smithy and takes great pride in the quality of iron weapons the Red Tigers possess. Ceraxa is 60 years old and is looking for a successor to take her position as mentor to the Red Tiger’s protectors.

3810 BLACKARROW (Town): Conventional; AL LE;
TL 5; 200 gp limit; Assets 84,250gp; Population 1,348 (Able
bodied 337); isolated (human 96%, other 4%); Resources:
Timber. Authority Figure: Aryltradamus, male human Wiz 8.
Important Characters:
Typhoon, male human
Birek. human captain of the Mange
Dina, human female, Birek's lieutenant
Sebbrus, male human Thf 5 (leader of the Blackarrows and keeps order in the town for the Brotherhood).
Blackarrow was built by the Brotherhood of Pirates. Captain Crale, the leader of the Brotherhood, (City State, 4612) decreed that this was a free port where any ship of the Brotherhood could be repaired. Aryltradamus and Sebbrus were placed in charge of keeping order in the village after several riots nearly destroyed it. Sebbrus’ cunning and Aryltradamus’ magic have been extremely effective in taming the captains who decide to break the peace. Currently a small cabal had risen around Captain Typhoon to overthrow the two (Typhoon killed in duel with Hakeem the Slayer, 4447). Lumberjacks and shipwrights who put their skills to repairing the ships of the Brotherhood inhabit the village. Most have been kidnapped from around the Wilderlands and have lost all hope of escape. Blackarrow occasionally comes into conflict with the small Blackcrow Altanian tribe who dwell in the forest upriver.

3914 Oyster Beds: A gigantic rustproof chain with links 24 inches across snakes across 640 feet of oyster bed.

3915 Ataman Isle: The harbor is impassable to any medium size or larger vessel due to the two wrecked
warships now lying on the bottom. Usually a hawk is seen flying overhead anytime ships approach this island.

3918 KLERKENWELL: Conventional; AL L; TL 6; 400 gp limit; Assets 11,550 gp;
Population 496 citadel + 1000 dominion (Able bodied 424); (dwarf 45% [mostly mountain], halfelf 6%, elf 4%, human & other 45%); Resources: Spices.
Authority Figure: Roroen, male dwarf [mountain] Ftr 8. 
Important Characters: Goilin, male dwarf Ftr 7 (captain of the Warders); Kigai, female dwarf Priest (Rosmerta).
Many rare and exotic components are needed by the Ironmasters of the dwarves to complete their greatest of magical weapons. Klerkenwell was established several hundred years ago as a base to gather those components from the surrounding jungle. Rare spices are also harvested not only for the dwarves but to pay for the shipping the components back. Roroen has been the leader of the base for the past fifty years. He is well respected for his leadership after defeating the Amiondel elves of Ludgates three times. However he fears their growing strength and has been cooperating with Filmathiel (3506) in her efforts to form a council against Ludgates. Goilin is in charge of safeguarding the dwarven gathering expeditions and knows the surrounding jungles better than the elves. The magical assistance of Kigai has proven instrumental in fending off magical assaults from the elves.

3825 The Sunken City: A Kraken sleeps comfortably in the main square of a sunken Arkhosian city now 300 feet below the waves. The city is composed of 200 buildings surrounding a central palace rumoured filled with treasure.

3923 LUDGATES (Small Town): Conventional; AL Chaotic; TL 4; 800 gp limit; Assets 36,000 gp; Population 1,440 town, + 4,000 dominion (Able bodied 360 +1000); isolated (elf 76% half-elf 10% human 5% other 8%); Resources: Horses.
Authority Figure: Pikarterlard, male dark elf Priest.
Important Characters: Vilmandil, male dark elf high priest (Priest 10) of Natch Ur, leader of the Amiondel Council; Isudia, female dark elf Archmage (member of the Amiondel council); Isin, male dark elf Reaver (member of the Amiondel council).
The Amiondel were elves who delved too far into uncovering the secrets of the earth. No longer desiring to work with the earth, they now desire only to master it. Expelled over four millennia ago, they wandered the Wilderlands for many years. They are now followers of the evil god Natch Ur. The leaders of the Amiondel formed a secret council to discover further secrets. When they arrive in an area they do whatever it takes to wrest its secrets and then leave. A hundred years ago they arrived on the southern shores of Orchia and establishing the town of Ludgates. They conquered the village of Cheapside for slaves and now have spies and agents throughout Oricha. Currently the council has three members, Vilmandil, Isudia, and Isin. They have placed Pikarterlard in charge of maintaining the town and controlling the slaves they have brought in. Currently they are enraged that the dwarves of Klerkenwell continue to defy them and are also preparing to deal with the escaped slaves at Ironshod after the dwarves. Though a key point on the southern tip of Oricha and a natural way-point for those sailing through the Orichalan Straits.  Swift elvish ships patrol the strait. It is oft said that the only thing on which the Overlord and the Green Emperor can agree is that the elves of Ludgates need to be dealt with. In recent years mighty Shieldbiter of Hara has convinced the Amiondel to allow trade through the straits and establish friendly relations with Nerath.

4232 Baying Island: The name of this island comes from the eerie, haunting howling coming from this island. A pack of yeth hounds bays at every rising of the moon.

4321 Rose-Barrier Island: The weather-worn wreckage of many sailing ships litters the shores of this island, a testament to the many dangerous coral reefs surrounding it.

4323 Armelion Island: Sparsely populated, providing less and less food for the hungry land sharks living here, this island is very dangerous for any land bound creature.

4420 Slain Islands: Coming to these islands on the eve of a full moon, visitors can witness the Altani natives performing human sacrifice. While not cannibalistic in nature, the natives here certainly consider taking into custody anyone they believe they can best in combat, using them during the next full moon as victims for the sacrifice to Enlifos. Their religion prevents their leaving the isle for any reason.

4921 Triad Island: Travelers are wise to avoid this island! As the scene of three horrific massacres, this island is rumored by most old mariners as a hotbed of activity for undead, the haunting grounds for enormous numbers of wights, wraiths, specters, and of course ghosts.

5024 Sharmsmoke Rocks: A large mountain peak dominates the profile of these rocky shores. It is no wonder that little grows here, for dispersed within the craggy and rocky lowlands are numbers of fumaroles, most emitting noxious and often sickening or deadly gasses. A single trail leads to the top of the lone peak, attended to by a horrifying incandescent apparition.

5123 Golden Flower Rock: A well-known stopping point for many seagoing vessels, many land here to gather provisions. Anyone experienced and knowledgeable about the area knows to look for the yellow hue coloring much of this isle, provided by the multitudes of sunflowers constantly flowering year round.

Young Shieldbiter Torin, future Hero-Deity of Restored Nerath, is trained by his father Chief Delmirev, in the Dragon Lord Hills of ancient Oricha


Rallu, City State of the Sea Kings, is a large city at the south-eastern end of the Isle of the Blest. Once a pirate haven, she is known now as a major mercantile and trading hub.

Rallu Area
(0404 on Silver Skein Isles Map)


(Large City): Nonstandard; AL C/N, TL 8; 40,000 gp limit;
Assets 85,750,000 gp; Population 35,000 (Able bodied 8,750);
Mixed (human 95% [mostly Ghinoran, some Elritorn, Amazon, and other mixed], halfling 1%, elf 1%, dwarf 0.5% (see below), gnome 1%, half-elf 0.5%, half-orc 0.5%, Dragonborn 0.5%);
Resources: Market. Banana plantations. Cotton. Fish, especially crab.
Authority Figure: King Danstone of the Iron Fist, 22nd Sea King of Rallu, male Ghinoran (4406-) Ftr 10
Danstone of the Iron Fist, 22nd Sea King of Rallu

Important Characters: General Trufo the Tall, male Ghinoran
(Commander of the Army); Lord Tgoshe Welstn Tabe, male Ghinoran (cousin, twice removed, of King Danstone, the only other legal contender for the throne); Afcohop, male Ghinoran (leader of the Assassins Guild); Jesen Reckbane, male human (leader of the most infamous Thieves Guild of Rallu); Snjnom Durant, male human (elderly admiral of the fleet, currently bedridden); Moboe, male Ghinoran  (High Priest of Enlifos); Fenimone, female Ghinoran (Druidess, keeper of the city parks, follower of Beytnorn); Teporn Algor, male human (high priest of Poseidon); Samada, female Ghinoran (high priestess of Tama Hama); Almec Felstun, male Tharbrian  (owner of the ‘Southern Star’ inn, a well known smuggler retreat); Varnko Witherspell, male Dorin or Elritorn(?) Mage (owner of the Arcane Archive shop, ally of the Allamsor noble family).

Located on the warm southern tip of the Isle of the Blest, the modern city of Rallu was founded 1,100 years ago (in 3333 BCCC) by Thellagon the Mariner and a group of travelers from the north who discovered ancient Arkhosian (ca 2450 BCCC) & Kelnoran (ca 900 BCCC) ruins in the area. In the 1,000 plus years since then, Thellagon’s descendents built up Rallu into the center of commerce on the Isle. The men of Rallu – all mighty mariners who claim descent from the ship captains of the Kingdom of Kelnore – have come to be known as the “Sea Kings,” though the captains of Tarantis might claim they are the true holders of such a title.
These Sea Kings, through careful and cautious exploration and trade with the northern powers and other local island populations, were able to bring skilled artisans and craftsmen and many goods to the city. All of this was accomplished without any wars or submission to foreign governments, mainly due to the fact the hereditary rulers of Rallu kept the city’s exact location secret from outsiders. This secrecy lasted until the reign of Forgon the Foolish who came to power in 4217 BCCC and who revealed the location of the city to the outside world. He was assassinated by his advisors three years into his reign for this indiscretion. Over the next 10 years (known as the “Shadow Years”) the fate of the city was at many times very bleak and war with the city state of Tula was an ever present threat. These were the times when Rallu’s treasure vaults were relocated to an unknown hiding place; several wild rumors circulate about their contents and guardians (it is even whispered that King Danstone delights in throwing important prisoners into pits full of gold coins, letting them starve on a small fortune). While not openly or heavily pursued by either side, the threat of war with Tula persists to this day. The cities test each other’s sea power several times a year in small skirmishes.
The main business of Rallu is shipping—whether sea trade, ship building and repairing, or any other craft related to shipping. The market of the city bears goods from all over the world and sees as many visitors as any other of the city states.
The narrow streets and small plazas are always bustling with activity. Whether it is slaves, chariots, an antique crown or a rare folio, there will be someone to buy and sell it, or at least have it stolen if all else fails.
The present Lord of Rallu and 22nd hereditary monarch of the city is King Danstone of the Iron Fist, Sea King of Rallu. He assumed the throne in 4425 BCCC (on his 19th birthday) and has led his people into an age of profitable progression, rivaling that of his forefathers. Thanks to Danstone’s masterful move of doubling the navy, Rallu trades not only far and wide but also openly, even with the city states to the north. Rumors say that Danstone has made a secret arrangement with Atar the Lion, King of the City State of Tarantis, to acquire dwarven slaves as smiths and craftsmen, who are secretly brought in on vessels that put into Rallu supposedly for repairs. This rumor is supported by the fact that Danstone has put dwarves to work on the upkeep of the walls and structures of Rallu, which suffer terribly in the humid weather of the Isle, and are in constant need of repairs.
Law enforcement tends to take most outsiders by surprise. There is no local constabulary to speak of. Instead, all ‘policing’ is done either by the army (through patrols and riot squads) or the navy. All visitors to the city are given a strict overview of behavior and laws upon arrival and are expected to adhere to the rules or face the consequences, as would any permanent citizen. Failure to agree to these terms results in ejection from the city for life. Slavery and execution are common punishments. As everything else, justice is a commodity for sale, whether to ignore, pursue or even kill a chosen person.
The average citizen of Rallu is a human (most likely Ghinoran) sailor or craftsman with a bit of military experience. Thieves, thugs and other scoundrels are also common as Rallu is well known to attract and hide their kind. Rallu’s noble merchants such as Lady Lucretia Alamsor and Eldam Alamsor usually live in fortified houses with 10 to 40 house guards each (SD Guard, or mercenary Soldier from the Red Sash Company). The most ancient god of the city is Enlifos the Moon Demon (C), although Danstone tries to discourage his worship, and the cult is slowly dying out. Other common religions include Beytnorn (N)whose druidesses live in a walled park, Poseidon (N/C), to whom a bull is sacrificed each week, and Tama Hama (C), the Goddess of Lust, whose high priestess lives in a bejeweled palace with (it is said) one hundred eunuch guardians. Hanuman the Accursed (C) also has a temple by the sea, but it is sealed and empty.

A Dragon Lord of Ancient Oricha


Additional Rules

Conversion from 5e: 

5e character level is halved, rounding down. So eg a level 4 5e PC is level 2 in Shadowdark, a level 20 5e PC is level 10 in Shadowdark. Remove 5e racial attribute bonuses.

5e XP > SD XP

0-900      0;  01-999  1; 1000-1199 2; 1200-1399 3; 1400-1599  4; 1600-1799   5; 1800-1999   6; 2000-2199   7; 2200-2399   8; 2400-2699   9;  2700-2999   10; 3000-3299   11; 3300-3599   12; 3600-3999  13; 4000-4399   14; 4400-4799   15; 4800-5199   16; 5200-5599   17; 5600-5999   18; 6000-6499    19; 6500-6999   20.

Beyond Level 10

level 10 character can continue to level up as normal, but Priests and Wizards gain only +1 hp; Fighters and Thieves gain +2 hp.  A new Talent is rolled on every odd level. Note that the maximum possible to-hit bonus is +20, the maximum spellcasting bonus is +15, and the maximum possible AC is 25 for mortals, AC 30 for gods. The absolute maximum possible mortal hit points are: Wizard 80 Thief 100 Priest 120 Fighter 150 (Orcus has 120 hp, & the greatest of gods have 300 hp). Thief Backstab damage caps at 20 dice (eg dagger 20d4, shortsword 20d6). Epic/Divine Boons may increase a PC's Attribute Bonus beyond +4, to a maximum possible bonus of +7 (eg The Tarrasque's STR). Fighter Weapon Mastery still increases every even level, to a maximum of +10/+10 at 18th level. A level 20+ Fighter may trade their +10/+10 single attack Mastery bonus for 4 attacks per round. Thief backstab still increases every even level, to a maximum of 20 dice (total), including any extra dice gained from Talent rolls.  Priests and Wizards gain a new spell known on every even level. Level 12 - rank 1 Level 14 - rank 2 Level 16 - rank 3 Level 18 - rank 4 Level 20 - rank 5, then repeat - Level 22 rank 1, and so on. The highest known character in the Wilderlands is the Level 50(?) Wizard Hatulin Seiheitt, the God-Emperor of Viridistan.

Highest Level PC in PC Group: Minimum PC Level (New PC Start Level) & Wealth

1-4               1

5                  1, +50gp starting gold

6                  1, +100gp starting gold

7                  2, +150gp starting gold

8                  2, +200gp starting gold

               3, +250gp starting gold

10               4, +300gp starting gold


11-12   5 (roll 1 time on 4-6 Treasure Table, +300gp)

13-16  6 (roll 2 times on 4-6 Treasure Table, +300gp)

17-20   7 (roll 2 times on 7-9 Treasure Table, +300gp)

21-24   8 (roll 3 times on 7-9 Treasure Table, +300gp)

25-28   9  (roll 4 times on 7-9 Treasure Table, +300gp)

29+     10  (roll 4 times on 10+ Treasure Table, +300gp)

Strongholds & Dominions

Powerful characters may establish Strongholds, a new or existing fortification, and typically control & patrol an area between 1 hex (15 miles) up to 3 hexes (45 miles) across. While patrols are maintained a single hex dominion typically counts as Borderland. With a 9 hex dominion the central hex counts as Civilised, the adjacent hexes typically count as Borderland.

Once the Stronghold is built or claimed, and the immediate area secured, over the next month it can typically attract 5xLord's Level civilians. This is usually enough to maintain a self-supporting stronghold.

A Lord who declares a new Domain may atttract up to 50-300 (5d6x10) armed followers within 1 month - typically these are Level 2 Soldiers, but a variety of creatures of Level 1-3 are possible, such as Bandits, Guards, Berserkers and Knights - typically 2d6x10 Level 1, 2d6x10 Level 2, & 1d6x10 Level 3. 

Lord Level  Followers Attracted (maximum)

9+               5d6x10 (L2 5d6, or L1 2d6 L2 2d6 L3 1d6)

7-8              4d6x10 (L1 2d6 L2 2d6)

5-6              3d6x10 (L1 2d6 L2 1d6)

3-4              2d6x10 (L1 2d6)

1-2              1d6x10 (L1 1d6)

A Lord who cannot afford the full recruitment may initially hire a smaller number and increase number later as resources allow, up to the full maximum numbers for his or her current level. Losses may usually be replaced each season (3 months) at a rate of 10% of the full recruitment number, eg a Lord with a maximum recruitment of 170 may typically replace 17 men per season.

A 15 mile hex in borderlands type territory typically contains 0-3 (d6-3) settlements, for each roll 1d6: 01-3 Thorpe (20-80 inhabitants) 4-5 Hamlet (100-400 inhabitants), 6 Village (500-800 inhabitants). It takes 20 villagers to support 1 footman (6gp/m), 30 to support 1 light horseman (9gp/m), or 50 villagers to support 1 heavy horseman (15gp/m). Excess resource production not used to support the soldiery may typically be taxed and sold for 2 sp per villager per month.

Up to 20% of the village population are healthy adult males who may be levied as unpaid peasant infantry in time of war, typically with a duty to serve for up to 40 days per year. These usually lack armour, but can typically supply themselves with light equipment such as spear & shield, sling & dagger, or 4 javelins & hand axe (d6, 1h). Each such peasant lost in war typically reduces the domain population by 4, as widows, orphans and elderly parents either starve or abandon the Domain.

Example: A newly founded dominion has 4 villages of population 100 100 100 400, total 700. The Lord rolls 5d6 - 190 for his potential followers. His new domain can support up to 35 (1/20) infantry, 23 (1/30) light cavalry, or 14 (1/50) heavy cavalry from taxes; any excess must be paid for.  19 fully equipped followers, all trained men, may be replaced each Season. 70 peasants may be levied to fight in time of war.

Villages in a well defended new dominion typically enjoy seasonal (3 month) growth rates of around 10%, as immigrants flock to the new territory. Dominions that reach the maximum populations listed below typically grow by only around 1% per full year.

Maximum Population, 15 mile hex (194 square miles)

Borderland: 2,000 (just over 10 per square mile)

Civilised: 10,000 (just over 50 per square mile)

Dominion Resources

Valuable resources such as mines, furs, lumber, town markets, orchards, olive groves and pearl beds can typically produce a net income of 100-400gp (1d4x100) per month. A typical 15 mile hex contains 0-3 (d6-3) such resources. It typically takes 1 month to survey a 15 mile hex for resources. Resources in contested territory must be defended. A minimum population of 100 in the hex is required to exploit each resource.

Example: A new dominion of 7 hexes has 4 resources of value 400, 300, 300, 300 = 1300gp/month. The new Lord shall be wealthy indeed! This is enough to support 216 infantry soldiers, 144 light horse, or 86 heavy horse. Or a lot of Carousing.

Mercenary Costs (GP/month)

Peasant 2gp Peasants are typically armed with Shield & Spear.

Light Auxiliary (eg BanditGuardThug) 4gp

Heavy Foot Soldier (chainmail) 6gp; includes shortbow archers, crossbowmen, Cultists and Berserkers.

Light Cavalry/Horse Soldier (chainmail, light horse) 9gp; includes mounted archers & dragoons. Longbow archers, pikemen.

Gladiators and other special troops, where available, typically cost 12gp/m.

Heavy Cavalry/Horse Soldier (chainmail, warhorse) 15gp. Specialists such as Acolytes, artillerists and sappers also cost 15gp/month.

Knight (plate, warhorse) 30gp. Specialists such as Elvesmage Apprentices, and Thieves also cost 30gp/month.

About 1/3 of this sum goes to support the Sergeants (1/10) and Officers (1/40), who are often a level higher than the ordinary troops.

Elite Specialists such as PriestsMagesArchmagesDruidsReavers, Assassins and powerful monsters are rarely available for hire, although if living on the lord's domain they may be willing to defend it against external threats. If they can be employed, they typically cost at least 100gp per level per month if Level 1-7, 200gp per level per month if Level 8+.


In high population dominions the Lord can recruit, equip and train soldiers directly from the population, rather than relying solely on Followers and wandering Mercenaries. Such Recruits must be trained, taking 1 Season, paid, and equipped with all gear, at standard prices. Normally up to 5% of the population may initially be recruited in this way; all at Level 1; deduct the number recruited from the domain village population, and from the number of peasant infantry available to levy.  Each year another 2% of the total domain village population become available for service. Recruits may never number more than 10% of the entire domain village population. Loss of paid Recruits does not further reduce Dominion village population.

Mass Battles

1. These are normally resolved at 10:1 scale, with each mass battle round still representing 1 round of regular combat, with each figure representing a squad of 10 men and having x10 standard hp and x3 standard average damage, rounding down (eg d6 > 3.5 > 10). At regular 5' square scale an Infantry Squad occupies an area of 3x3 = 9 squares. A Cavalry Squad occupies an area of 6x6=36 squares. Apply Morale checks as normal - when a formation has lost 50% of its number, or a lone unit has lost 50% of its hp.

PCs & NPCs in mass combat: A single "Hero" character may occupy an area within one Squad and fight in the front rank, without detracting from its operation. Resolve the hero's attacks normally, deducting losses from the enemy Squad hp (eg if a Hero kills a 10 hp enemy Soldier, deduct 10 from enemy Squad hp). The enemy Squad may likewise make 1 squad member's worth of attacks vs the Hero each round, without detracting from its operation.  Note that a lone Hero surrounded by enemies takes x8 attacks each round.

2. Very large mass battles can be represented at 100:1 scale, with each mass battle round between opposing formations representing 10 rounds (1 battle turn) of regular combat, with each figure representing a company of 100 men and having x100 standard hp and x100 standard damage. At a 50' square mass battle scale an infantry Company occupies an area of 1 square. A Cavalry company occupies an area of 2x2=4 squares.

PCs & NPCs in very large mass combat: Up to 3 "Hero" characters may occupy an area within one Company and fight in the front rank, without detracting from its operation. Resolve 10 rounds of the hero's attacks normally, deducting losses from the enemy Company hp (eg if a Hero kills ten 10 hp enemy Soldiers, deduct 100 from enemy Company hp). The enemy Company may likewise make 10 company member's worth of attacks vs the Hero each battle turn, without detracting from its operation. Assuming a "20" to hit, roll a d6 each battle turn. On a 1-3 the Hero takes 1 critical hit. Note that a lone Hero surrounded by enemies takes 80 attacks each battle turn. Assuming a "20" to hit, roll 4 critical hits against the Hero each Battle Turn.

Unit Experience

Units of soldiery may earn experience in the same manner as PCs, and if properly equipped may level up to more powerful forms at the GM's judgement, eg L1 Guards>L2 Soldiers>L3 Knights. As NPCs they normally earn XP at half the PC rate, rounded up (so 1-2-3-5, not 1-3-6-10). NPC soldiery may not normally exceed Level 5, representing ultra-elite troops.


A keep has three main stats:

Fortification (FO). How resistant the keep is to outside attacks. Determined by the type of structure. Ranges from +0 to +2 at base, but can be increased up to +4.

Size (SZ). The Size of the structure. A good keep has about ten Size.

Population (POP). Number of NPCs. This number doesn’t just include NPCs in the keep proper, but also NPCs settled in the immediate vicinity. 


FO Examples

+0 cloth, wattle & daub, thatch

+1 log/wood, cave

+2 stone


There is always a risk that enemies will try to breach the keep’s defenses. Roll 1d6 each week (uncleared area) or month (cleared area). On a 6, enemies attack the keep. If the player characters are in the keep at the time, choose or roll on the appropriate random encounter table. In this case, don’t roll a reaction check: the foes begin the encounter hostile. If the player characters are away when enemies attack, roll 1d20 + FO to determine how well the keep is defended in their absence:


d20+FO Details

1-5 Defense fails. Roll on the Attack Results table

6+ Defense succeeds. No consequences


d20+FO Details

1-3 Razed. All treasure seized. Entire keep and its contents destroyed. All NPCs killed or displaced.

Conquered. Keep and its contents seized. Keep loses 1 FO. 10% of NPCs held hostage. Others killed or fled.

Damaged. Random room destroyed (keep loses 1 SZ). 50% of treasure stolen. Keep loses 1 FO. 2d10 NPCs killed.

6 Looted. 50% of treasure stolen. Keep loses 1 FO. 2d10 NPCs killed.

7-11 Breached. Keep loses 1 FO. 2d10 NPCs killed.

12+ Massacred. 2d10 NPCs killed.

Keep Enhancements


Benefit: +1 Size.

Cost: 250gp (Wattle & Daub FO 0), 500 gp (Wood FO 1), 2000gp (Stone FO 2) (near-sized 30'x30' area, with 10' ceiling) 

Build Time (Wood or Wattle & Daub) 1 week for 1 Size, 3 weeks for 4 Size, 9 weeks for 16 Size.

Build Time (Stone): 1 month for 1 Size, 3 months for 4 Size, 9 months for 16 Size.


Rebuild damaged defenses.

Benefit: Restore 1 lost Fortification.

Cost: 200 gp.

Build Time: 1 week.


Maker of weapons and armor.

Benefit: Makes all common weapons and armor, at half price to keep's owners.

Cost: 300 gp, 1 Size.

Build Time: 2 weeks.

Requirement: 20+ POP.


Siege engines to defend the keep.

Benefit: +1 Fortification (max +4).

Cost: 500 gp.

Build Time: 2 weeks.

Requirement: Guard station.


Sanctum for a weary adventurer.

Benefit: A comfy bed and a chest to store possessions.

Cost: 10 gp, 0.2 or more Size.

Build Time: 1 week for 5 bedrooms.


Temple to one or more deities.

Benefit: Deities’ followers can pray here before an adventure to get an extra luck token.

Cost: 100 gp per deity, 1 Size.

Build Time: 1 week.

Requirement: Construction must be supervised by a LV 3+ priest of the appropriate deity.


Shop that stocks adventuring necessities.

Benefit: Sells all basic gear. 10% discount for the keep’s owners.

Cost: 150 gp, 1 Size.

Build Time: 1 week.

Requirement: 20+ POP.


Staffed with a sentry 24/7.

Benefit: +1 Fortification (max +4).

Cost: 250 gp, 1 Size.

Build Time: 1 week.

Requirement: 20+ POP.


Lodgings for travelers.

Benefit: +20 maximum POP.

Cost: 500 gp, 2 Size.

Build Time: 2 weeks.


Collection of scrolls and arcana.

Benefit: Learning wizard spells from scrolls has advantage if learning is done here over 1 day.

Cost: 400 gp, 1 Size.

Build Time: 1 week.

Requirement: Construction must be supervised by a LV 3+ wizard.


Benefit: Can carouse in the Keep. All carousing costs paid for by the Keep owners are halved, and the keep owners never get put in stocks! 

Cost: 300 gp, 1 Size.

Build Time: 2 weeks.

Requirement: 20+ POP.


Outdoor space for sparring.

Benefit: Fighters can change their choice of weapon mastery or grit stat by training here for one week.

Cost: 200 gp.

Build Time: 1 week.

Requirement: Construction must be supervised by a LV 3+ fighter.


Secure storage for loot.

Benefit: Treasure stored here can’t be stolen during attacks.

Cost: 1000 gp, 1 Size.

Build Time: 2 weeks.

Requirement: Construction must be supervised by a LV 3+ thief.



Counterspell (Wizard, Tier 2)

Range: Far Target: 1 other Caster

This spell is cast on an enemy spellcaster's turn when they cast a spell, and does not use an Action. A successful casting is matched against the enemy caster's spell check. If the result equals or exceeds the enemy caster's spell roll, their spell is negated and does not take effect.

Linked Portal (Priest or Wizard, Tier 3)

Range: Close Target: The Caster, & up to 8 creatures within Close.

This spell transports the Caster and up to 8 creatures within Close to a designated Henge Gate or other functioning Portal on the same Plane. The caster must know the specific runes coding the Portal. The maximum range is 100 miles per Caster level. This spell is not capable of inter-planar travel.


Aztazibar’s Acrid Finger

Tier 1 (Wizard) Duration: Focus Range: Special

By means of this spell a single continuous gout of green acid projects from the index finger of the caster. The jet of acid causes 1d4+1 points of acid damage per round. Aztazibar’s Acrid Finger strikes a target if the range is within near (30 feet).  The caster may choose to target different opponents in different rounds.  The caster must have an unobstructed line of sight to the target. Anything or anyone that obstructs the arc of the stream takes immediate damage. The caster must maintain concentration throughout the duration of the spell and may perform no other actions.

Baltron’s Effusive Bloodboil

Tier 2 (Wizard) Duration: 3 rounds Range: One target within Near

By means of this spell, the magic-user increases the blood temperature of a single humanoid creature. The spell has an effect that lasts for three rounds. In the first round, the victim burns with fever and sweats uncontrollably taking 1d4 points of damage. In the second round, blood starts dripping from the eyes, ears, and nose, and s/he takes 1d8 points of damage. In the third round, as the Bloodboil dissipates, the victim takes an additional 1d4 points of damage.

Fennril’s Exquisite Strangulation

Tier 1 (Wizard) Duration: Focus Range: Near

This spell allows the caster to reach out with magical energy and strangle a medium-sized or smaller humanoid opponent of Level 4 or below. Each round, the victim takes 1d4 hit points of damage plus 1 additional point per caster level. The caster must concentrate solely on the spell or the effect is broken. During the strangulation the victim can take no action or movement and will focus solely on attempting to breath. 

Mikda-Err’s Practical Tilt

Tier 2 (Wizard) Duration: 1 Round Range: Far

Through this spell the magic-user may target 1 human sized or smaller creature in sight and plant a suggestion that the floor has tilted. The target is allowed INT roll vs caster roll for no effect. Failure indicates that the target has fallen and will require the whole of their next round to get up off the floor (& move Close). For each level after the 3rd, the magic-user may affect an additional target (2 at 4th, 3 at 5th etc).

Zu-Pang’s Protracting Eyeball

Tier 1 (Wizard) Duration: 1 round per level Range: Near/Special

Through this spell a magic-user may stretch and extend the muscles of his or her eyeball from its socket to a range of Near/30 feet . The protracting eyeball is completely silent and serves as an excellent means of scouting unknown environments. The caster may turn the eyeball any direction (left, right, up, down, etc.) but may only see what is directly in front (no peripheral vision is provided unless the eyeball is turned to look in a given direction). If the muscles of the eyeball are severed, for any reason, the magic-user loses the eye and 1d3 hit points permanently. Note that Zu-Pang’s Protracting Eyeball stacks with other spells that magically enhance the eye. The eye can be recoiled by the magic-user at any time.


Item  Cost Gear Slots AC Properties

Gambeson   5gp  1     11  Disadv on Swim. Thieves can wear.

Buff Coat      5gp  1     11  Disadv on Swim. Thieves can wear.

Scale         45gp  2     12 Disadv on Stealth, Disadv on Swim. 

Brigandine 90gp  3     14 Disadv on Stealth, no Swim. No DEX mod.

Alryan Plate 600gp 3   16 Disadv on Stealth, Disadv on Climb, no Swim. No DEX mod.


Hand axe (axe): 1d6 damage, melee, close range, 1 handed. Can be used by Priests & Thieves. Can be thrown Near range. 1gp

Halberd (axe): 1d10 damage, melee, closex2 range, 2 handed. 10gp

Bardiche (axe): 1d12 damage, melee, close range, 2 handed. 12gp

Lance (spear): 1d8 damage, melee, closex2 range (disadvantage at closex1), 2 handed unless mounted, 2gp 

Pike (spear): 1d8 damage, melee, closex3 range (disadvantage at closex1), 2 handed, 3gp

Orichalan Dragonbow: 1d10 damage, missile, Far range, requires minimum STR 15, 2 handed. Cannot move and shoot in same turn. 30gp but normally only available to Dragonborn PCs.

Rapiers Falchions Sabres & Cutlasses are classed as Longswords (1d8). 

Smallswords Epees Foils Scimitars and most Messers are classed as Shortswords (1d6).

War Dart: d4 damage, range Near. Can be used by any class. 5 sp.

Sling: d4 damage, range Far. 1gp; ammunition costs 2gp for 10 lead shot (stones are free, and do d2). Sling + 10 ammo occupies 1 Slot. Can be used by Thieves.

Item Crafting Formulae

Composite Longbow Construction: The Elven Way (150gp). Referring to this tome an Elf or Half-Elf character with Weapon Mastery (Longbow) or a Bowyer background may craft an enchanted longbow in a bowyer's workshop, using Elven Yew, deer sinew, and various Arcane Reagants. Crafting Time in days = Materials cost divided by crafter INT score.

Bow Magic Bonus   Character Level  Materials Cost 

+0                                1                      100gp

+1                                3                      200gp

+2                                6                      500gp

+3                                9                      900gp

Example: An INT 10 character is crafting a +1 longbow. This will cost 200gp and take 200/10=20 days.


Typical NPC Fighter Stats

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