HP 42
AC 6 (studded, DE 15)/3 vs large > 13 / 15 vs Large
wpn: +1 shortsword d6+1, shortbow d6+1
20pp, 25gp
XP 36941 (+10%)
Moffet Manglemaimer of Byrny first made an entrance 24th March 2009 in Session 4. Here he met Dinas Emrys and together they explored the Tomb of Charelsfane. The adventures continued until his last appearance with Tor Caradoc of Thunderhome (later to turn up and meet a grisly end in Thracia) 29th June 2010. That was quite a game!
Saturday, 30 April 2016
Friday, 29 April 2016
Session 74 11-12/6/4446 Shadow Demons
Plans & Scouting - 2000
Shadow Demon Battle - 6600/2=3300 each
Total: 5300 each Hakeem & Shieldbiter
Hakeem, Barbarian LEVEL 15 XP 5300+169263=174563/195,000
Shieldbiter, Dragonborn Barbarian LEVEL 12 XP 5300+106158=111458/120,000
Thuruar, Cleric LEVEL 13 XP 130486/140,000
(Rey, Rogue LEVEL 12 XP 102749/120,000)
XP Level Proficiency
85,000 11 +4 (15000 to level)
100,000 12 +4 (20000 to level)
120,000 13 +5 (20000 to level)
140,000 14 +5 (25000 to level)
165,000 15 +5 (30000 to level)
195,000 16 +5 (30000 to level)
225,000 17 +6 (40000 to level)
265,000 18 +6 (40000 to level)
305,000 19 +6 (50000 to level)
355,000 20 +6 (N/A)
5/5/4446 Black Sun Gate closed. Undead armies of Nerath collapse.
18/5/4446 Altanian Barbarians under Chief Minars Rapak of the Seawolf assault Nerra and wipe out the Neo-Nerath army there. Minars takes the head of Neo-Nerathi Prince Thulseus Doomfire.
26/5/4446 Hakeem Rey Thuruar & co reach Nerra, met by Minars. Vorkes dies; Hakeem declared War Chief of Greywolf.
1/6/4446 Altanian fleet leaves Sarene's Den.
3/6/4446 Altanian fleet reaches Ghinarian coast, encounters Skeleton Fleet 5 miles off Trade. Death of Tal Lorvas. Destruction of Ring of Nemeia & sinking of Staff of Olnehr. Two ships captured & crewed. Dock at Trade.
4/6/446 Rey to Krens' Cairn. Emissary Ilyra arrives at Trade.
5/6/446 Ilyra Thuruar & Hakeem travel to Theber, meet Yusan. Return. Shieldbiter kills Tarcon at dawn.
6/6/4446 Sarene leaves Trade at dawn; Hakeem/Thuruar/Rey attack Yusan's scouts south of Trade, a few escape. Altanian host travels from Trade to Krens' Cairn. Yusan sacks Trade. Hakeem & co consult with Krens.
7/6/4446 Rey sent south to Talholm. Thuruar asks Jana Vex & Lady Meda for aid. Meda promises to contact the Amazons of Highhaven.
8/6/4446 Sarene & Shieldbiter reach Dianceht, Hakeem duels Yusan; Yusan invests Krens' Cairn.
10/6/4446 (morning) Sarene's fleet leaves Dianceht with Red Tiger Clan (Xatchar) & Dragonborn.
11/6/4446 (evening) Sarene's fleet reaches Talholm; Lord Usarus welcomes them.
11-12/6/4446: Night Hakeem & Shieldbiter scout mission - Yusan's army heading south to face the Red Tiger/Dragonborn force. Shadow Demons attack, killing the wyverns (1 royal 3 standard) - Hakeem & co battle their way back.
3:00pm 2016-4-29 Smon Has entered the room
3:00pm 2016-4-29 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: Hi Simon
Smon: hi chris just doing back exercises, be 10 mins
chris107: No problem
3:04pm 2016-4-29 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
chris107: Hiya Bill
chris107: All ready to rescue us Bill?
chris107: Good
chris107: We need to hang on for three days.
chris107: ThIf you arrive too late... Take vengence on Yusan for us.
chris107: I got tooth ache
DESTROYERBILL: hope you git froo it okay
chris107: Thanks Bill.
DESTROYERBILL: yoar welcoame
chris107: I hope Kjato and Graham can make it for the game too.
chris107: I think we will need all the help we can get. Maybe Gate in Lord Bravery?
chris107: Or the Drolem?!
chris107: Also if we win. I think we should go sieze The Citadel of Water as our base.
DESTROYERBILL: you coald the times woark defrontly in this world to bravery mabyethe drolem just got back from repair shop
chris107: Did you brake the Drolem?
DESTROYERBILL: no a cloid giant did
chris107: Ouch!
DESTROYERBILL: the drolems levil 21 pepol need a 3+ wepon to hit it a monster woald need a natrole plus 3 to hit it and its umune to fire lightnig ice and fire and levol 4 spells or bello
chris107: So a big Giant is one of the few things that would do it much damage?
DESTROYERBILL: yea only cload and storm giants can hurt it in the giant famely and mointin giants level 21
chris107: Poor Drolem
DESTROYERBILL: moantin giants are mercenreys yousally
chris107: Yeah, I like Mountain Giants. In The 1e Fiend Folio they have 14 Hit Dice but do 4-40HP Damage/attack
Smon: In Classic they have variable HD - 1 per foot of height.
Smon: (back)
chris107: Yay!
DESTROYERBILL: drolem kood kill like a millon levol 10 figheters with plus2 swords in clasick
chris107: One day I shall bring my Hobbit, Moffet to your Classic Game Bill.
chris107: He's not very good but I know he would like Drolem
Smon: GM: For three days Krens' Cairn has been assailed by monstrous phantasms, ghosts that coalesce from the mists, then vanish.
Smon: The sleep of the soldiers is disturbed by strange and horrible dreams.
chris107: "Bah! Witchery!"
DESTROYERBILL: we vvoald levol up yoare harfling to level7 at least
Smon: Krens: "They employ their mind magic against us... I have warded as best I can, but they are many..."
chris107: Each day, Hakeem will parade the battlements taunting Yusan for his cowerdice.
chris107: Challenging the warlord to come out from behind his witches skirts and fight like a man.
chris107: (I think he's level 6 all ready Bill )
DESTROYERBILL: yousans a scrady cat
chris107: Yeah! He's a scardy cat
DESTROYERBILL: level 6 is weak
Smon: One bit of good news - Krens' warriors are swollen by defectors from the Ghinarian lords who submitted to Yusan, and now number some 120, though they lack the ferocity of Hakeem's 125 Altanian warriors.
chris107: (He has a +1 short sword called Hornet, Bill )
Smon: Hakeem make a CHA check (w Prof) to seek to counter the demoralisation of the enemy wizards.
Smon: Enemy Arcana roll:
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 16, (+6) = 22
Smon: /roll d20+7
Smon rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 12, (+7) = 19
DESTROYERBILL: +1 is terobol we all have at leat +2 swords
Smon: The men, though tired, are heartened by Hakeem's constantl litany of insults, morale stays good.
chris107: "You follow this tired old fool? He will send you to your deaths and flee like the woman he is!"
chris107: Hakeem spits noisily from the wall. Laughing loudly.
chris107: Hakeem watches the horizon for the shapes of Dragons.
chris107: And hopefully the stones or the sendings can be used to combine our forces into a devestating surprise attack?
DESTROYERBILL: the dragons coame out of the hirizen with wivens and fliying dragon born soasers and the foot men
chris107: Thuruar dropping his Flame Strike or Blade Barrier etc onto any wizards stupid enough to bunch together?
Smon: Among the Ghinarian warriors defending Krens' Cairn, Hakeem finds old Balthus of Selatine, once Weaponmaster to Lord Hytirus Vex, and his wife Iris.
chris107: Yay!
Smon: The enemy stay well back, hidden by the mists.
chris107: "Master Balthus! How good to see you again. How goes Lord Vex?"
Smon: Balthus: "Hakeem! Tis good to have you here - and to have your warriors, even better!" He grins, grasping Hakeem's arm.
Smon: His face darkens. "Vex is lost - a broken man since he gave in to Oriax... He drinks himself to death, alone in his hall but for one slave girl who yet stays by him."
chris107: "Ahhhh that is a shame. A good man wasted."
Smon: Balthus: "I would have glady given my life, fighting by his side - but I would not stay to see what Selatine has become."
chris107: "Oriax has much to answer for. I shall have his head when we have finished our current business."
chris107: "We shall yet save Lord Vex. And have you and Iris back in Selatine."
Smon: A lookout calls from the walls: "The Wyverns! The wyverns are coming!"
chris107: "Why he gifted Malenn to me in that very Hall. We are married now you know and have a child on the way!" Hakeem's smile lights up the dark room
Smon: At that moment - coincidence? - the sun breaks through the roiling grey mists that have cloaked the Cairn for long days.
chris107: "The Wyverns! Yay! For the Dragonborn and Shieldbighter!"
Smon: Balthus: "Congratulations, my friend! Iris too is expecting... he looks up, sunlight on his grizzled face.
Smon: Sunlight shines on the great draconic forms of a dozen great wyverns and their Dragonborn warriors as they fly over the enemy army, on to the Cairn.
chris107: "Congratulations yourselves! Our boys will learn to fight together in Vex Hall!"
chris107: Hakeem rushes to the battlements to wave!
DESTROYERBILL: i wave back
Smon: Shieldbiter sees an army of nigh on 800 besieging the high tower of Krens' Cairn, a low outer stone wall and sundry outbuildings.]
Smon: Shieldbiter spots Hakeem and waves.
chris107: "Our allies are here!" He waves them down to the courtyard to meet Krens and Balthus etc.
chris107: "They will have news of our other forces no doubt?"
Smon: His father, brothers and sisters, and sundry relatives with him land in the courtyard, packed with the great beasts.
chris107: Hakeem greets his friend warmly.
chris107: Shaking his great scaley hand
chris107: "You made it!"
Smon: A huge elderly Dragonborn nods to Hakeem. "I am Chief Ruffar, Shieldbiter has told me much of you."
chris107: He greets his relatives respectfully
Smon: Sarene the Pirate dismounts from behind a female Dragonborn. "Thanks for the lift, Dragaleena!"
chris107: "Chief Ruffar. I am honoured to meet you. And grateful for your help in defeating this tyrant Yusan."
chris107: "Sarene!"
Smon: Ruffar nods, hefting his axe. "Happy to help our friends."
DESTROYERBILL: how old are you yoang man)said ruffr
Smon: Sarene grins, punching Hakeem's chest playfully. "Quicker than you expected, eh! With 300 men just south at Talholm!"
chris107: (I think Hakeem is about 20)
chris107: "We need to strike them with surprise.
Smon: OOC Within reason Bill can play the Dragonborn.
chris107: "Have the Ghinarean Lords Verius and Talholm joined us too?"
DESTROYERBILL: dragaleana swoons at hakeams bulging musols
chris107: OOC Of Course! They are Bill's Dragonborn!
chris107: hehe Bill!
Smon: Sarene: "They saw us fly in, but Chief Xatchar is marching the men north. Usarus of Talholm has joined us with fifty men."
chris107: If they can fall on the rear of Yusan's forces....
Smon: Sarene: "Rey is seeking to get Kaldrac of Verius to join us too - no word when we left. He may prefer to sit it out."
chris107: (Can the stones/sendings be used toplan the timing of our attacks?)
Smon: Sarene: "Yusan is smart - he'll soon know they're coming. Probably lift the siege and march south against them."
chris107: (Any news back re the Amazons?
chris107: The we must chase him down!
chris107: "Shielbiter, can a couple of your Wyver riders fly high enough to scout what he's doing?"
Smon: Thuruar does a Sending to Meda, gets back: "We are coming - on the Griffons of Highhaven."
DESTROYERBILL: yea we might be abol to send dragolenas fionca
Smon: You see the fog returning.
chris107: Then we must coordinate a time to fall upon Yusan!
Smon: Krens: "If they lift the siege, it'll be under cover of that damned fog."
DESTROYERBILL: dragolinA(no not my fionca)said dragolina
chris107: "Is the fog magical? If so maybe Athena can blow it away for us?"
DESTROYERBILL: if not we can yous 1 of the wivens to use ther wings and blow it away
Smon: Dusk is falling.
Smon: Sarene: "It's 20 miles to Talholm - Xatchar and the army should be here at dawn."
Smon: OOC Control Weather is Level 8.
Smon: OOC Are you going to sit tight & wait for morning?
chris107: No
chris107: I think we need to send out a skirmishing force.
chris107: If Yusan has slipped away we need to be on his heals and direct the Griffon Knights in
Smon: Who are you sending?
chris107: Hakeem will ask for fleet footed skirmishers
Smon: As night falls, the familiar phantoms appear in the mist - larger and more terrifying this time.
chris107: (Do we have any non-humans? Any with night vision?)
Smon: Rotting ghosts reach for Shieldbiter & Hakeem, among others... roll WIS saves DC 15.
chris107: Hakeem will lead a small force of bow armed fellows if they are willing
chris107 rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 15, (+4) = 19
Smon: Wyverns have Darkvision 60'.
Smon: Bill roll d20 for save
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20 and gets: 4,
chris107: mmmmm
Smon: +5, still fail.
Smon: Shieldbiter looks disturbed.
Smon: /roll 3d6
chris107: Nooooo
Smon rolls 3d6 and gets: 2, 6, 6, = 14
Smon: 14 psychic damage and can't benefit from a rest during the haunting.
chris107: "Come my friend. Lead me on your Wyvern to find Yusan!"
Smon: Thuruar blesses Shieldbiter:
Smon: /roll 3d8+5
Smon rolls 3d8+5 and gets: 7, 6, 7, (+5) = 25
chris107: "Shake of these phantoms. Let's see what the old fox is up to. Kren, get your men ready to march or fight."
Smon: Back to full hp.
Smon: Krens nods.
Smon: Hakeem mounts up behind Shieldbiter on the Royal Wyvern.
Smon: Just the one Wyvern scouting?
chris107: "Shielbiter, will you fly me on your Wyvern? Let us hunt them down?"
chris107: (3-4 spread out would be better)
DESTROYERBILL: also draggalinas fianca will scoat as well
Smon: Your big wyvern & 3 smaller wyverns take to the air, heading south.
Smon: You soon pass through the fog, into a clear night.
Smon: Down below you see what looks like most of Yusan's army, marching south.
Smon: /roll d20+7
Smon rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 20, (+7) = 27
chris107: "Quickly back and raise Kren's forces to march!"
Smon: Unfortunately you don't see the whispy forms rising from the ground until it's too late...
Smon: (crit success on stealth, sorry!)
chris107: It happens
Smon: Suddenly you find yourself surrounded by shadowy winged demons, clawing at your steed...
chris107: "Bah! More illusions!"
chris107: "Bah! More illusions!"
chris107: "Bah! More illusions!"
chris107: "Bah! More illusions!"
Smon: /roll d20+5x10
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x10 and gets:
13 (+5) = 18
10 (+5) = 15
1 (+5) = 6
8 (+5) = 13
15 (+5) = 20
7 (+5) = 12
20 (+5) = 25
19 (+5) = 24
14 (+5) = 19
3 (+5) = 8
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
13 (+5) = 18
5 (+5) = 10
DESTROYERBILL: nope this is real
Smon: 6 hits, 1 crit
chris107: Send at least one back Bill!
chris107: We need those men marching and to get Thur to tell the Amazons
Smon: /roll 28d6+18
Smon rolls 28d6+18 and gets: 2, 1, 4, 1, 5, 2, 4, 4, 3, 6, 2, 5, 2, 4, 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 5, 1, 5, 4, 1, 6, 5, 5, 5 (+18) = 121
DESTROYERBILL: okay small wyvens go back
Smon: Your wyvern cries out in agony as misty hands pass through it.
chris107: Wow!
Smon: Around you you see your companion's 3 wyverns spinning towards the ground...
chris107: "Back to the Cairn!"
chris107: "We must fly low!"
Smon: roll initiative
chris107: "Let us rescue your fallen comrades!"
chris107 rolls 2d20+2 and gets: 16, 12, (+2) = 30
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20 and gets: 10,
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 1, (+3) = 4
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20 and gets: 17,
DESTROYERBILL: we will save the dragon rider
chris107: Did the other Wyverns fall among Yusan's ranks?
Smon: Hakeem you can slash at the shadow demons, while Shieldbiter puts the Royal Wyvern into a dive, trying to intercept Dragonleena's fiancee.
Smon: The other three are spiralling down...
Smon: /roll 1d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
chris107: Okay, RAGE!
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
5 (+12) = 17
13 (+12) = 25
Smon: Unfortunately no beach here...
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
Smon: Demon AC 13
chris107 rolls 2d8+20 and gets: 7, 6, (+20) = 33
Smon: Hakeem slashes a shadow demon, wounding it.
Smon: You dive... Shieldbiter brings his wyvern in, it snatches at a dying wyvern and Shieldbiter grabs the rider - Dragaleena's fiancee.
chris107: "Well done!"
Smon: The three dying wyverns smash into the ground and sea...
Smon: /roll d6x2
Smon Rolls 1d6x2 and gets:
3 = 3
3 = 3
Smon: The two with riders ditch in the ocean.
chris107: What are the demons doing?
chris107: "Do your kin swim well Shieldbiter?"
Smon: Behind you you see a flock of shadow demons chasing after you...
chris107: "Back to the Cairn! " Rages Hakeem persistently. "I'll hack these demons up if they get close, fly low!"
Smon: Gruffs - Dragaleena's fiancee - grabs the saddle. "Aye they swim! ROAARRR!"
DESTROYERBILL: yea dragonborn can swim
chris107: "Skim the very ground but get us back to Kren!"
Smon: Your wyvern is heavy laden with three people, but is a lot faster than the pursuing demons.
chris107: Hakeem will slash at any Shadow Demons that get close!
Smon: WIS check for Shieldbiter for riding to outmaneuver the demons.
Smon: DC 12
chris107: "Filthy sorcery!"
Smon: +5 on roll.
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
chris107: Hard lines Bill.
Smon: Several demons were hiding in the bank of fog straight ahead - they rush at you... roll init.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
14 (+2) = 16
4 (+2) = 6
Smon: demons:
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 2, (+3) = 5
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20 and gets: 8,
Smon: Gruffs:
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 3, (+1) = 4
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20 and gets: 12,
chris107: Gruffs?
Smon: Gruffs is DRagaleena's fiancee, he has 58 hp & 9 hd.
chris107: Ah thanks
Smon: Hakeem & Shieldbiter first.
chris107: hakeem slashes the demons
Smon: Wyvern goes on Shieldbiter's turn.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
13 (+12) = 25
18 (+12) = 30
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
chris107 rolls 2d8+20 and gets: 2, 6, (+20) = 28
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+10x2 and gets:
10 (+10) = 20
7 (+10) = 17
Smon: Hakeem spots the one he wounded earlier and slashes, wounding it badly.
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 9, (+5) = 14
chris107: "Fly on Shieldbiter! We must get to trhe cairn, set our forces after Yusan!"
Smon: Shieldbiter hacks at another.
DESTROYERBILL rolls 2d8+18 and gets: 1, 6, (+18) = 25
DESTROYERBILL rolls 4d6 and gets: 4, 4, 2, 2, = 12
chris107: Yay!
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
12 (+6) = 18
6 (+6) = 12
Smon: Shieldbiter and Gruffs hack
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d8+6 and gets: 4, (+6) = 10
Smon: As Shieldbiter breathes a gout of flame over 3.
Smon: Gruffs breathes fire too
Smon: /roll 4d6
Smon rolls 4d6 and gets: 6, 6, 3, 5, = 20
chris107: Nice!
Smon: 1 is incinerated (had 5 left)
Smon: 2 more get saves
Smon: /roll d20+5x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x4 and gets:
16 (+5) = 21
16 (+5) = 21
2 (+5) = 7
3 (+5) = 8
Smon: 1 saves twice, 3+5= 8 damage
Smon: At 23
Smon: One unwounded one takes 6+10=16, at 50.
chris107: How many in total?
chris107: Demons?
Smon: The Wyvern bites and claws at the remaining 5...
Smon: /roll d20+7x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
11 (+7) = 18
9 (+7) = 16
chris107: (Thanks)
Smon: It rips one apart (counting Royal Wyverns as magical) - 24 dmg to 23 hp demon
Smon: The remaining 4 focus on killing the wyvern...
Smon: /roll d20+5x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x4 and gets:
14 (+5) = 19
11 (+5) = 16
12 (+5) = 17
14 (+5) = 19
Smon: 4 hits
Smon: /roll 8d6+12
Smon rolls 8d6+12 and gets: 2, 3, 5, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, (+12) = 33
Smon: The wyvern had 28... bad luck... its little heart gives out and it plunges into the mists, into the ground...
Smon: Luckily you're still angry as you hit the ground.
Smon: /roll 20d6
chris107: We were flying as close to ground level as possible?
Smon rolls 20d6 and gets: 6, 6, 2, 1, 6, 1, 2, 5, 2, 4, 1, 4, 6, 5, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 3, = 71
Smon: 35 dmg.
chris107: Whoa!
chris107: That's from flying low?
chris107: 150/185HP
chris107: "The mighty beast has given it's all!" Rages Hakeem, I shall destroy those filthy demons!
Smon: Picking yourself up from the smashed wyvern, you find Gruffs, thrown from the wreck and critically wounded.
Smon: Any healing magic? Guess not.
chris107: "Shieldbiter! Can you get Gruff back to the fort? I'll slay these demons!"
chris107: Hakeem wii guard Shieldbiters back as we head for the cairn from the trees. How far is it?
Smon: Right now it's night, you're on the plain a couple miles south of the Cairn, a quarter mile inland maybe.
DESTROYERBILL: i cant leave you it wwoald be really hard to git out of hear
chris107: Hacking furiously at any demons that try to pass him.
Smon: Your fall outpaced the demons, it may take them a moment to find you, and they didn't seem very fast.
chris107: The trees where Yusan's men were hiding was a couple of miles from the cairn?
Smon: There are scattered copses of trees.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
chris107: Lets head out for the cairn Shieldbiter. It's our only chance.
Smon: You see a dark group of trees ahead - a good place to take cover maybe?
Smon: Or run for it?
chris107: We must get back or our plan fails.
Smon: OOC gonna stop ca 6pm so not playing when Bill's mum arrives.
chris107: Run!
chris107: Okay, no problem Simon.
DESTROYERBILL: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Smon: OK you run for it - Shieldbiter carrying Gruffs?
Smon: ok make athletics checks STR+Prof, Hakeem has advtg
chris107 Rolls 1d20+10x2 and gets:
1 (+10) = 11
6 (+10) = 16
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20 and gets: 18,
Smon: As you run past the trees, you sense shadowy forms closing.
chris107: Cripes!
Smon: /roll d20+3x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+3x4 and gets:
18 (+3) = 21
2 (+3) = 5
8 (+3) = 11
9 (+3) = 12
chris107: Hakeem will guard Shielbiter and Gruff.
Smon: Shieldbiter pulls ahead, running strongly.
Smon: /roll d20+7
chris107: "Keep running my friend! You must get back to the fort and alert Kren. I'll hold them!"
Smon rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 11, (+7) = 18
Smon: A shadow demon strikes unseen at Hakeem...
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
18 (+5) = 23
6 (+5) = 11
Smon: hit... Hakeem feels a searing in his brain (psychic dmg)
chris107: Hakeem reacts to the hit
Smon: /roll 4d6+3
Smon rolls 4d6+3 and gets: 3, 6, 2, 1, (+3) = 15
Smon: can't React when Surprised
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 1, (+12) = 13
Smon: heh
Smon: 15 dmg Hakeem
chris107: Ah
Smon: Hakeem roll init
chris107: 135/185
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 3, (+3) = 6
Smon: /roll d20x6
Smon Rolls 1d20x6 and gets:
5 = 5
8 = 8
12 = 12
14 = 14
6 = 6
7 = 7
Smon: chris?
chris107: yes?
chris107: Oh sorry missed the init thing
Smon: roll init
chris107 Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
11 (+2) = 13
19 (+2) = 21
chris107: Berserk!
Smon: Hakeem you can use your 3rd rage today
chris107: I thought I was still on Rage 1? Persistant?
chris107: Until I choose to stop it?
Smon: It still ends after 1 minute!
chris107: Oh okay. Pretty crap 15th level ability then
Smon: "It ends EARLY only if..."
chris107: 3rd Rage it is + berserk
Smon: Poor Barbarian, so weak.
chris107: They killed the mighty Royal Wyvern!
chris107: hehe
Smon: roll to hit
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
11 (+12) = 23
16 (+12) = 28
chris107 rolls 2d8+20 and gets: 6, 1, (+20) = 27
Smon: Ahead, Shieldbiter feels Gruffs shudder: "I'm dying... Tell Dragaleena I love her..."
Smon: The demon strikes back:
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 15, (+5) = 20
chris107: Noooo!
Smon: hit, 10 psychic.
Smon: Gruffs goes limp.
Smon: /roll d6x3
Smon Rolls 1d6x3 and gets:
6 = 6
3 = 3
2 = 2
chris107: (What were your potions Bill? Any healing for Gruff?)
chris107: 125/185
Smon: Another demon comes out of the mists at Hakeem:
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
12 (+5) = 17
18 (+5) = 23
chris107: Can I react to this attack?
Smon: not vs the unseen attacker, yes vs the first one
Smon: Another 17 psychic dmg.
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 11, (+12) = 23
Smon: Hakeem on 108 by my count.
chris107: 108/185
Smon: you hit
chris107 rolls 1d8+10 and gets: 1, (+10) = 11
Smon: OK your 3 attacks vs your 2 attackers.
chris107: yup 108/185
Smon: 1 is on 12
Smon: 1 on 66
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x3 and gets:
5 (+12) = 17
12 (+12) = 24
2 (+12) = 14
chris107: first one
chris107: on the wounded
chris107 rolls 1d8+10 and gets: 2, (+10) = 12
Smon: kill
chris107: 2 on the other
chris107 rolls 2d8+20 and gets: 5, 5, (+20) = 30
chris107: Phew! Only just Simon
Smon: /roll d6x2
Smon Rolls 1d6x2 and gets:
3 = 3
2 = 2
Smon: That one strikes back, joined by a third.
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 15, (+5) = 20
Smon: 1st hit, you can react
chris107: I react
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
17 (+5) = 22
3 (+5) = 8
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 15, (+12) = 27
Smon: hit, total of 27 psychic dmg
chris107 rolls 1d8+10 and gets: 8, (+10) = 18
Smon: You hit then get 3 more attacks, they are on 18 & 66
chris107: 79/185
Smon: 108-27=81
chris107: on the first
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 5, (+12) = 17
Smon: The demons hiss at Hakeem: "NOT SO TOUGH NOW, EH BIG BOY! FEEL OUR CLAWS IN YER MIND!!"
chris107: (Thanks)
chris107 rolls 1d8+10 and gets: 8, (+10) = 18
Smon: Running on, Shieldbiter sees the gates of the Cairn ahead; a horn blows.
Smon: kill 18/18!
chris107: "Bondorr is with me foul Demon! I'll send you back to Hell!"
Smon: It screeeches and dies.
Smon: 2 more attacks?
chris107: The first one dies! two on the second
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
6 (+12) = 18
4 (+12) = 16
5:09pm 2016-4-29 The Middle Aged One Has entered the room
chris107 rolls 2d8+20 and gets: 6, 1, (+20) = 27
chris107: "C'mon Demons!"
Smon: Hakeem slashes at the demon.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
chris107: Hi TMAO
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 1, 2, = 3
The Middle Aged One: helloam I interupting? Ill leave
Smon: It passes a morale check and slashes back with wispy claws.
Smon: (you're fine MAO)
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 5, (+5) = 10
Smon: miss, Hakeem strikes
Smon: or not - can't if foe misses?
chris107: Hakeem laughs horribly. The Demon will die!
The Middle Aged One: hello
Smon: H's go.
DESTROYERBILL: nice to meet you mao?
chris107: (Yeah I got to be hit to strike back)
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Smon: /roll d12
Smon rolls 1d12 and gets: 9,
Smon: H gets 3 attacks
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x3 and gets:
19 (+12) = 31
11 (+12) = 23
6 (+12) = 18
The Middle Aged One: Hey long time gamer here Im 55 started in 78
Smon: 41 hp left
chris107 rolls 3d8+30 and gets: 6, 3, 2, (+30) = 41
Smon: I'm 43 started ca '83.
chris107: 56 here, started in '76
Smon: DESTROYERBILL is 8, started ca 2013
chris107: Hakeem raises a prayer to Bondorr!
The Middle Aged One: wow your an old timer like me
Smon: Hakeem slays the fiend as another slips from the mists...
Smon: /roll d20+7
Smon rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 9, (+7) = 16
chris107: hehe I feel young playing with Simon and DESTROYERBILL!
Smon: Your WIS is still 9 H right?
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
18 (+5) = 23
10 (+5) = 15
chris107: Yes Simon
Smon: ok, it got surprise on you, hit for 17 psychic.
Smon: You're on 64.
Smon: /roll d12
Smon rolls 1d12 and gets: 10,
chris107: 64/185HP
Smon: Hakeem senses the main body of demons draws near.
Smon: But only one left of this group.
Smon: ok you get Retaliation + 3 atts on it.
The Middle Aged One: see yas
chris107: Jeez! More of them?
chris107: Yusan should have just sent these in first. We'd have been mnassacred!
chris107: Bye MAO
Smon: There were 24 attacked your scouting party, you've killed 5.
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 1, (+12) = 13
Smon: Their powers depend on attacking by surprise, in darkness.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x3 and gets:
1 (+12) = 13
12 (+12) = 24
9 (+12) = 21
Smon: 1 miss
Smon: 1 misses
Smon: 2 hits
chris107 rolls 2d8+20 and gets: 2, 4, (+20) = 26
Smon: 3 in 12 main force reaches you...
Smon: /roll d12
Smon rolls 1d12 and gets: 7,
chris107: 2 x 1'sa Bondorr is telling Hakeem to leg it!
Smon: No, but you can see forms flitting in the darkness, drawing near...
chris107: Hakeem bolts at full 40' rate towards the fort.
Smon: Your foe gets free attack
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 13, (+5) = 18
Smon: misses.
Smon: Hakeem roll Athletics again.
chris107: okay
chris107 Rolls 1d20+10x2 and gets:
14 (+10) = 24
17 (+10) = 27
Smon: Shieldbiter is allowed into the gate with Gruff's body, followed a minute later by a badly wounded Hakeem.
Smon: Krens: "What happened out there?!"
chris107: "Demons! Foul sorcery! Yusan is heading South!"
chris107: "Thuruar I need your aid!"
Smon: Thuruar nods, bending over Gruff's body.
Smon: T: "I need a diamond..."
5:21pm 2016-4-29 The Middle Aged One Has exited the room
chris107: If we have one use it.
Smon: Shieldbiter fishes in his pouch and hands T a shining diamond.
chris107: Hakeem explains about the demon hoard on its way.
chris107: Kren, can you dispel it?
DESTROYERBILL: thuruar rase gruffs my sistor will kill me if gruffs dead for ever
Smon: T: "At least he was killed by the fall, not the demons.." He begins to pray.
chris107: If not heal me and I will battle them to the end!
Smon: The dragonborn gather round, watching anxiously.
Smon: Krens: "To summon a flock of demons requires great power... Either a Gate to Hell, or else their Wizards, each maintaining the summoning of one such... "
chris107: Hakeem sends a prayer to Bondorr to save the brave Dragonborn!
Smon: As dawn light glimmers over the eastern sea, Thuruar finishes his long incantation... And Gruffs' eyes blink open!
Smon: Gruffs: "Oww.. that hurt."
Smon: OOC Stopping there.
chris107: "Two dozen of them Kren? If he had such power....."
chris107: Yay!
chris107: Phew! Thanks Simon! Cheers Bill
chris107: Is that the game done for a few weeks now?
Smon: OOC I don't believe it - as dawn comes, two very bedraggled Dragonborn scouts reach your gate!
Smon: We rolled to see if they survived, both made it!
chris107: Been a cracking campaign so far!
Smon: I'm taking a break for a few weeks yes.
chris107: Ah that's good
Smon: Will post log.
Smon: Bill used the die he made himself BTW
chris107: Have a great time both of you.
Smon: Made it of glue!
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Session 73 6/6-11/6/4446 Yusan vs Hakeem

Hakeem defeats Yusan: 5900 XP
Talky Stuff: Hakeem +500, Shieldbiter & Thuruar +1500
Hakeem, Barbarian LEVEL 14>15 XP 6400+162863=169263/165,000>195,000
Thuruar, Cleric LEVEL 13 XP 1500+128986=130486/140,000
Shieldbiter, Dragonborn Barbarian LEVEL 12 XP 1500+104658=106158/120,000
(Rey, Rogue LEVEL 12 XP 102749/120,000)
XP Level Proficiency
85,000 11 +4 (15000 to level)
100,000 12 +4 (20000 to level)
120,000 13 +5 (20000 to level)
140,000 14 +5 (25000 to level)
165,000 15 +5 (30000 to level)
195,000 16 +5 (30000 to level)
225,000 17 +6 (40000 to level)
265,000 18 +6 (40000 to level)
305,000 19 +6 (50000 to level)
355,000 20 +6 (N/A)
5/5/4446 Black Sun Gate closed. Undead armies of Nerath collapse.
18/5/4446 Altanian Barbarians under Chief Minars Rapak of the Seawolf assault Nerra and wipe out the Neo-Nerath army there. Minars takes the head of Neo-Nerathi Prince Thulseus Doomfire.
26/5/4446 Hakeem Rey Thuruar & co reach Nerra, met by Minars. Vorkes dies; Hakeem declared War Chief of Greywolf.
1/6/4446 Altanian fleet leaves Sarene's Den.
3/6/4446 Altanian fleet reaches Ghinarian coast, encounters Skeleton Fleet 5 miles off Trade. Death of Tal Lorvas. Destruction of Ring of Nemeia & sinking of Staff of Olnehr. Two ships captured & crewed. Dock at Trade.
4/6/446 Rey to Krens' Cairn. Emissary Ilyra arrives at Trade.
5/6/446 Ilyra Thuruar & Hakeem travel to Theber, meet Yusan. Return. Shieldbiter kills Tarcon at dawn.
6/6/4446 Sarene leaves Trade at dawn; Hakeem/Thuruar/Rey attack Yusan's scouts south of Trade, a few escape. Altanian host travels from Trade to Krens' Cairn. Yusan sacks Trade. Hakeem & co consult with Krens.
7/6/4446 Rey sent south to Talholm. Thuruar asks Jana Vex & Lady Meda for aid. Meda promises to contact the Amazons of Highhaven.
8/6/4446 Sarene & Shieldbiter reach Dianceht, Hakeem duels Yusan; Yusan invests Krens' Cairn.
10/6/4446 (morning) Sarene's fleet leaves Dianceht with Red Tiger Clan (Xatchar) & Dragonborn.
11/6/4446 (evening) Sarene's fleet reaches Talholm; Lord Usarus welcomes them.
5:52pm 2016-4-27 Smon Has entered the room
Smon: Hi Kjato
5:52pm 2016-4-27 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
Smon: Hi Bill
Kjato Ragfoot: Hello!
Smon: Looks like chris has a bit of Internet trouble.
Kjato Ragfoot: Again?
Kjato Ragfoot: His internet must be cursed, he had it just repaired.
DESTROYERBILL: he was in the dF loange a minet ago
Smon: Well he seems to have vanished... Last session - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/session-72.html - You defeated Yusan's outriders ok, but some escaped. You reached Krens' Cairn with your army, looking back you saw smoke rising from Trade, presumably sacked by Yusan.
DESTROYERBILL: cris is not hear now
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes, Chris already told me. No idea why he allowed the patrol to escape.
DESTROYERBILL: trvjyyhg67,slkglkthr,irdj,mrg76uiopduyokfghjut7uskmvucxkjgcuisvhigvgjjhguhfhnhjhth
Smon: Hakeem wants to defend Krens' Cairn, wait for Shieldbiter to return with his clan & the Red Tiger nomads, and have Thuruar do Sendings to Temple-Tomb of Belaras & Meda of Thusia asking for help.
Kjato Ragfoot: That sounds sensible.
DESTROYERBILL: oops ment to hit backspace button
Smon: Well the lesser brigands galloped off while the Chosen Axe were still fighting, so the had a big head start.
DESTROYERBILL: on my last post
5:58pm 2016-4-27 chris107 Has entered the room
Kjato Ragfoot: That is why you put a blade bareer in front of the wannabe escapees.
Smon: Chris!!
chris107: Simon, Bill, Kjato
Kjato Ragfoot: Then they rush to their own demise.
Kjato Ragfoot: Hello Chris
DESTROYERBILL: yay yoar hear cris
DESTROYERBILL: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
chris107: I sent a PM to Graham but no reply.
chris107: He missed last night's game too
chris107: Difficult colour to see
Smon: (Bill is stuck on green)
chris107: Dragon Green?
Smon: More turquoise I'd say.
Smon: >>Smon: Krens: "Do you know how many warriors Captain Sarene will bring north?" chris107: okay, good to go again chris107: "Not of the Dragon folk or our friends. But she will bring her own howling Pirates that number 60. Her ships can hold 300 more souls and I expect them to be bursting at the seems. Plus the Dragonfolk are bringing mighty Wyrims!" Smon: Krens' eyes widen. "Then we could close to match Yusan's numbers..." Smon: Odense: "All depends on if we can hold here. Against the Wizards..." chris107: "And with you and good Thuruar we are a match for them in magic too!" Smon: Krens: "I hope so. This Unseen Conclave is powerful in Illusion." chris107: "Thuruar is a mighty High Priest of Athena. His magic is strong. He can call forth mighty allies from the Heavens!" Smon: "They say the defenders of Theber saw a mist, from which came forth hordes of demons..." Smon: Odense: "That's good to hear." chris107: "And there soldiers fall like wheat beneath our blades. Only this morning just Thur and I bested 20 of their number including a champion taking barely a scratch!" Smon: Odense: "So, we can feed your men a couple weeks, long enough for your allies to get here." chris107: "Bah! Illusions and tricks to fool peasents. Thuruar can actually bring forth the most powerful servants of his mistress!" Smon: Krens nods. "With your power, our walls, and the stout hearts of our men, I think we have a chance." chris107: "Stout men can not fall before jakals!" Smon: "But Yusan has over six hundred - more, with the conscripts." chris107: "And his men are used to besting women and town guardsmen. Not seasoned warriors and migty magicians!" Smon: Odense nods to Hakeem. "Yusan is a jackal. He took Theber by surprise, He'll not breach our walls." chris107: "Now we have a little surprise for Yusan in that department. Organised by friend Rey here." He gestures to the elegant rougue who is no doubt chatting to the servant girls Smon: There's a sad lack of feminine pulchritude in Krens' hall, but Rey contents himself chatting with a skinny young maid. chris107: hehe Smon: OOC think I'll stop soon, say 9pm. Smon: "A surprise?" chris107: "Now that the conscripts have seen what becomes of their town regardless of their loyalty. I think we may rely on them." chris107: OOC Yeah sure Simon. You've run an amazing amount of sessions in a short time in this campaign. You must be ready for a break? Smon: Krens nods. "Yusan has doubtless slain the Trade conscripts. If those of Verius and Talholm yet live, freeing them would be worth much..."<<
chris107: Also along with Verius and Talholm we need to get the Amazons on side if we can.
Smon: OOC - With our tired nurse friend Rebekah coming round tonight might be a short session, but I can GM more on Friday if you like.
chris107: Or at least get Talholm to let our friends dock safely so they can fall on the rear of Yusan's forces.
Kjato Ragfoot: I should be able to play on Friday, but cannot promise right now.
chris107: Friday should be good for me.
Smon: GM: You eventually retire for the night, waking early next day.
Smon: Oh yeah, Ingrid is snaffling Bill.
chris107: We need your Dragons and Wyverns Bill!
Smon: I'd like to move things forward quick.
Smon: Hakeem's Altanians get to work helping bolster Krens' Cairn's defences.
Smon: If you want to do Sendings, do them now.
Kjato Ragfoot: OK. What do we want to tell whom?
chris107: My vote would be Verius, Talhome, The Amazons, Thusia, Janna Vex
chris107: Also making sure that sarene and our allies from the south can get safe passage through Talholm
Smon: GM: Shieldbiter - you are currently aboard ship, sailing south with the Southern wind on your scales. It feels good to be back in the southern seas.
DESTROYERBILL: whate aboat shild biter talk to him
chris107: And if we can track down Lord Vex and his warband, so much the better.
chris107: Shieldbiter is on board with Sarene?
Kjato Ragfoot: The problem is: I can only send to people I know. Thuruar never met Talhome, the Amazons or Lord Vex.
chris107: We need him and his mighty Dragon allies to strike North through Talholm and into Yusan's (hopefully) besieging forces.
Smon: Shieldbiter you are at the prow of Lady Spite that morning - Sarene the pirate queen points out the great spire of Oriax's Tower on a headland to the west.
chris107: Ah okay Kjato, I was clutching at straws I guess?
chris107: Then we need to send Rey to Talholm to make arrangnments.
Smon: Sarene: "An evil wizard lives in that lighthouse. Best avoided!"
chris107: Before we are invested.
Smon: Sailing on down the eastern coast, Shieldbiter & co leave the Ghinarian Hills behind. Now to the west is a lush meadowland, the Vale - domain of Yusan the Warlord.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: heh
chris107: Drat! Simon's 6's!
chris107: Just when we don't need them.
Smon: /roll d8+d12
Smon rolls 1d8+12 and gets: 4, (+12) = 16
Smon: /roll d12
Smon rolls 1d12 and gets: 1,
Smon: Shieldbiter, suddenly you see figures break through the surface of the sea ahead, riding on giant sea-horses - mer-men!
Smon: Sarene: "Merfolk!"
Smon: "They're usually friendly..."
DESTROYERBILL: frends mabye
chris107: Yay!
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. Invite them in. If we beat Yusan, they can have their citadel of water back.
Smon: Six mermen & mermaids wave at you - the leader, a green-haired male, calls out: "Hail there, land-folk!"
Smon: Sarene orders the ships to heave-to, and lowers a boat so she, two lieutenants & Shieldbiter can talk to the merfolk at their level.
DESTROYERBILL: hello im giting my dragonborn soilgers to wipe out yousan
Smon: The leader greets you. "I am Bolgreth - so you are Dragonborn?"
Smon: "Can I interest you in a bone spear carved from the rib of a great sea-dragon? Or perhaps some enchanted potions?"
DESTROYERBILL: well my name is shildbiter i eat shilds the moare value the shild is the better it tastos
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
DESTROYERBILL: ill git poishons please#
Smon: "We have no shields, I fear. Perhaps a coral necklace? Oh, potions...."
Smon: A buxom orange haired mer-maid swims over, carrying a rack of potion gourds.
DESTROYERBILL: vvate poshons are ther
Smon: "Fish Friendship, Far-Seeing, Smallness, and Vitality."
DESTROYERBILL: fish frendship?
Smon: "Makes all marine life your friend... Only 200 gold."
DESTROYERBILL: okay ill git far seeing and vitaliy and fish frenfship
Smon: "Far Seeing is 400, Vitality 800. Or do you have a trade?"
DESTROYERBILL: ill just bye them
DESTROYERBILL rolls 2d4 and gets: 4, 1, = 5
Smon: Shieldbiter has 5000gp in gems & coin, he spends 1000 & acquires the 3 potions.
Smon: The red vitality potion pulses with a dull light, calling to mind a heartbeat.
chris107: Nice
Smon: Fish Scales float in the muddy Fish Friendship potion.
Smon: A fishy eyeball floats in the yellow potion of clairvoyance.
chris107: ewwwww
Smon: Sarene & her men also do some trade with the merfolk, then bid them farewell.
Smon: Bolgreth: "Fare thee well - watch out for the Merrows! Hadst thee passed this way at night..."
Smon: @Kjato are your Sendings ready?
Kjato Ragfoot: The next morning, yes.
Smon: ok post what you're Sending.
Kjato Ragfoot: Jana Vex: "We are defending Kern's Cairn against Yusan. Have 500 men. Send aid if you can."
Kjato Ragfoot: Jana Vex: "We are defending Kern's Cairn against Yusan. Have 500 men. Send aid if you can."
Kjato Ragfoot: Jana Vex: "We are defending Kern's Cairn against Yusan. Have 500 men. Send aid if you can."
Kjato Ragfoot: Jana Vex: "We are defending Kern's Cairn against Yusan. Have 500 men. Send aid if you can."
Smon: Jana: "I'll tell the High Priest." She doesn't sound too hopeful.
Kjato Ragfoot: Lady Thusia "We have 500 men against Yusan. Hakeem worries about Oriax. Can you help us?"
chris107: (Thanks Thur)
Smon: Meda: "...I'll do what I can, Thuruar. What kind of help do you require?
Kjato Ragfoot: (I am not sure - did Thuruar ever meet Lord Vex?)
Smon: (no, not afaik) Shieldbiter & co sail on south through the day, making good time on a northerly wind.
Smon: To the west Shieldbiter sees the hills that mark Oricha's northern border, the ancient treaty block shining in the sunlight.
Smon: Sarene: "Excellent time - we should reach Dianceht tonight."
Kjato Ragfoot: To Lady Meda: "Intercept Yusan's messengers to Water Citadel and Carchimish. Ambush any fleeing brigands. Contact amazons."
chris107: (Oh I like that Thur)
Smon: Meda: "I'll send out the Amazon Guard of Thusia and send word to the amazons of Highhaven."
chris107: Yay!
Smon: "I'll tell Queen Artemisis to go to you."
Smon: (Artemisia)
Smon: GM: Are you going to contact the Ghinarian lords to the south?
chris107: If we can
Kjato Ragfoot: (I do not know any of them)
chris107: I mentioned Rey upthread if not by magic
Smon: OK, you send Rey south to talk to them.
Smon: Talholm is closest, are you planning to have Shieldbiter's fleet land there?
chris107: Asking for their help or at least a safe passage for the Dragonborn
Smon: ok
Smon: Next day - Shieldbiter, you reach the elven port of Dianceht by dawn, to find Wyvern-Riders already circling the spires.
chris107: KEWL!
Smon: Not all the Red Tiger & Dragnborn have yet arrived, but your father, brothers & sisters are here.
Smon: All the Royal Wyverns, including a young one for Shieldbiter.
Smon: Shieldbiter's father greets him gruffly with a cordial punch to the shoulder that would fell a mere human.
DESTROYERBILL: hay sis can you ride on afer siss vvyven
Smon: Shieldbiter's sister Dragaleena scowls. "Yer wot?"
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20 and gets: 4,
Smon: "I ain't givin' up me wyvern! Hisss!"
DESTROYERBILL: dad can one of you give up ther royal wyven for a bit
Smon: Chief Ruffar of the Dragonborn shrugs. "PLENTY OF TIME TO SQUABBLE LATER!"
Smon: Shieldbiter's brothers Fy-tarr and Dess-troyar greet him with roars and gouts of flame.
Smon: Nearby elves take cover.
chris107: hehe
DESTROYERBILL: i need the wyvin for a chiften to ride hoos my frend please
Smon: A group of Altanian warriors, heavily armed, can be seen coming down to the dock - Chief Xatchar Red-Tiger and his warriors. Sarene greets them.
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20 and gets: 9,
Smon: They shake their heavy heads, growling.
DESTROYERBILL: well a normal wyven
Smon: Ruffar: "ONLY THE WARRIORS OF THE DRAGONBORN MAY RIDE THE ROYAL WYVERNS!! Maybe a little one for your friend."
Smon: GM: Sarene and co begin to load the Dragonborn and Red Tigers onto her ships.
Smon: Meanwhile far to the north, dawn comes up to reveal Yusan's army encamped only a mile or so west of Krens' Cairn...
chris107: Grrrrrrr
Smon: On the battlements of Krens' Cairn, Hakeem Krens & co scan the host - looks like 700 or so, maybe 800.
chris107: Hakeem will collect several throwing stones through out his stay and pop them into his pouch.
Kjato Ragfoot: Can we conjure the shadow of a dragon that will cause dragon panic among the enemy when they try their first assault?
chris107: How are his forces disposed?
Smon: A parley party moves forward under a flag of truce - you see Yusan, the Blue Mage Ilyra, Enos Snake-Eyes the sorcerer, and several of the brigand lords.
Smon: They stop well beyond bowshot.
chris107: "Watch out for their magic."
chris107: "Kren, It's your place...."
DESTROYERBILL: hay dess stroyer are you going to fight yousans army and biter the same
Smon: They are arrayed in a semi-circle to the west. Currently extending round to the south, but the gap there not yet closed - and they're not enough for solid wall at this range.
chris107: I will be at your shoulder or I can tell them to go the Hell right now.
chris107: (Thanks)
Smon: Krens: "I'm willing to talk with them, though I doubt it will be fruitful."
Smon: (Shieldbiter's brothers are happy at the prospect of fighting Yusan, a terrible criminal & outlaw from their Red Tiger friends.)
chris107: (Good)
Smon: You hear Yusan's aide call out: "Lord Krens! The Great Yusan wishes to speak with you and your friends!"
DESTROYERBILL: oops why backspace so near to send
chris107: H will stand by Krens. Looking relaxed and confident.
Smon: Krens, Odense, Hakeem & Thuruar head out to converse with the Parley party.
Smon: Yusan grins at the sight of your approach.
chris107: Hakeem grins back
Smon: Yusan: "Krens! You are hopelessly outnumbered. My wizards command sorceries beyond your power. Submit and join me, as all the other lords have, and you shall be well treated!"
Smon: "Resist, and I will destroy your Cairn, slay every man, take the women and children as slaves."
Smon: Yusan glowers. "As I destroyed Trade yesterday."
chris107: Hakeem loosens but doesn't draw Bloodletter
chris107: Just enough so all can hear it rattle
Smon: Yusan looks at Hakeem, hand on sword hilt.
chris107: "I wasn't at Trade yesterday." He says flatly
Smon: "Don't think to break parley, pup."
DESTROYERBILL: tell yusan the dragonborn are coming
chris107: "I'll fight you now or after the parley old man."
Kjato Ragfoot: No, we do not want to spoil the surprise.
chris107: (No we need to surprise him Bill)
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh, Trade. A little, defenseless town - and you needed 800 men to burn it?
Smon: Yusan grins. "I've killed better men than you... and never say I shirk a challenge!"
chris107: "Bondorr can decide this. Or do you stand behind the skirts of your witches now?"
Smon: Yusan draws a massive greatsword, coursing with green witch-fire.
DESTROYERBILL: (over back soath the dragonborn are giting ready to atack but it will take them a while
Smon: "Bondorr's sword..." Yusan looks at it admiringly.
Kjato Ragfoot: If they scared your that much, your army cannot be that impressive.
chris107: Hakeem says a silent prayer to Bondorr and draws Bloodletter. "Lets save a lot of lives."
Smon: Ilyra: "Master... Is this wise?"
chris107: "It is good to see you have honour. I may yet be proud to call you Father."
Smon: Yusan glowers at Hakeem. "I welcome you to my Hall... You repay me by killing my men."
chris107: "I will kill many more if I have to. We have a greater enemy than you."
Smon: "I sacked Trade because it pleased me... As it will please me to kill you now, Hakeem Yusan's son. Die well."
DESTROYERBILL: guys be carful ther might be traps on the fild coverd by ulooshins
Smon: Yusan raises his sword and spurs his horse forward... Hakeem too?
chris107: "Die well. BONDORRRRRRR!"
chris107: Yes
Smon: Yusan: "BONDORRRR!!!"
chris107: But I thought H was on foot
Smon: The two great warlords come together...
Smon: Normally you'd be on horse for the parley.
Smon: Good for swift retreat.
chris107: okay, is H trained to fight from horseback though? If not he will stand on his own feet as Bondorr made him.
Kjato Ragfoot: (Shall I kill Yusan's entourage while you duke it out with your father? Or do we save that for later?)
Smon: (The honourable thing is to let the duel play out)
chris107: (Got to be your choice Kjato, but I know what I'd do )
Smon: Hakeem dismounts to fight, Yusan does likewise.
DESTROYERBILL: save for later the awdsome batle is yet to coame
chris107: (Also Simon I believe I still haven't used the inspiration?)
chris107: "It is a good day to die."
Smon: ok
Smon: roll init
chris107 Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
4 (+2) = 6
18 (+2) = 20
chris107: Rage then Berserk
Smon: /roll d20+2x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
3 (+2) = 5
3 (+2) = 5
Smon: lol
Smon: Hakeem wins, strikes first.
DESTROYERBILL: lolx10000000
chris107: Bondorrr!
chris107: 2 this round 3 from next right?
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 9, (+12) = 21
Smon: yes
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 4, (+12) = 16
DESTROYERBILL: make yoare archers shoot make yousan coame to you
Smon: AC 17
chris107 rolls 1d8+10 and gets: 2, (+10) = 12
Kjato Ragfoot: (+10 on the second attack)
chris107 rolls 1d8+10 and gets: 3, (+10) = 13
Smon: What's the +10 on 2nd attack for?
chris107: I don't know
Kjato Ragfoot: I can give an ally twice per short rest a +10 on an attack roll.
Kjato Ragfoot: War Priest ability.
Smon: So you're going to cheat?
chris107: (Is that against the rules of the duel though?)
chris107: No!
chris107: I'd rather win or loose fairly
Kjato Ragfoot: If it is cheating, I will not, but I assumed that was just a psychological effect of blessing my ally.
Smon: Any buffs would be cheating, yes.
chris107: If Hakeem is to fall it will be with honour.
Kjato Ragfoot: OK. Then I won't do that.
Smon: OK 1 hit, 12 dmg.
DESTROYERBILL: go fight honerbley
Smon: Yusan: "A scratch..." he lunges.
Smon: /roll d20+11x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+11x3 and gets:
1 (+11) = 12
9 (+11) = 20
12 (+11) = 23
Smon: 2 hits
chris107: AC20
Smon: /roll 4d6+20
Smon rolls 4d6+20 and gets: 1, 3, 6, 2, (+20) = 32
Smon: 32/2=16 dmg
chris107: 157/173
Smon: Enos Snakeyes looks nervous, his weird yellow eyes staring at Hakeem, sweat on his brow.
chris107: "Bugger off Snake Eyes! This is between men!"
Smon: YOur go
Smon: /roll d20+4x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x2 and gets:
13 (+4) = 17
2 (+4) = 6
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 1, (+12) = 13
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will keep an eye on Yusan's mages. If any seems to cast a spell, he will interfere.
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 9, (+12) = 21
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 7, (+12) = 19
Smon: Ilyra & Enos watch the battle, but aren't casting.
chris107 rolls 2d8+20 and gets: 1, 1, (+20) = 22
chris107: Jeez!
Smon: "You'll need to do better than that, boy!"
Smon: /roll d20+11x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+11x3 and gets:
14 (+11) = 25
2 (+11) = 13
10 (+11) = 21
Smon: 2 hits
Smon: /roll 4d6+20
Smon rolls 4d6+20 and gets: 2, 2, 2, 1, (+20) = 27
chris107: Shrugs and gives a huge wide smile
Smon: 27/2=13
chris107: 144
Smon: Yusan sees his strikes are having little effect.
Smon: round 3
chris107: Hakeem lunges using his youth to strike at the older man hard!
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 13, (+12) = 25
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 12, (+12) = 24
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 12, (+12) = 24
chris107 rolls 3d8+30 and gets: 2, 8, 6, (+30) = 46
chris107: "Bondorr!"
Smon: Yusan reels back, sword swinging & lunging...
Smon: /roll d20+11x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+11x3 and gets:
20 (+11) = 31
3 (+11) = 14
11 (+11) = 22
Smon: crit
chris107: Ouch!
Kjato Ragfoot: (That is going to hurt=
chris107: There's life in the old dog yet!
Smon: /roll 8d6+20
Smon rolls 8d6+20 and gets: 2, 4, 5, 4, 6, 5, 5, 4, (+20) = 55
chris107: 117/173
Smon: 55/2
Smon: r4
chris107: Hakeem spits blood from the slash across the face he just recieved
chris107: Am I right on 117?
DESTROYERBILL: 27 damige you toock
chris107: Then launches himself back with every once of his rage.
Smon: 55/2=27 dmg
chris107: yes
chris107: 144 down to 117
Smon: 144-27=117 yup
chris107: Then H strikes again
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 6, (+12) = 18
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 5, (+12) = 17
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 13, (+12) = 25
chris107 rolls 3d8+30 and gets: 8, 5, 2, (+30) = 45
Smon: Thuruar what is your Passive Perception?
Smon: Yusan is badly wounded now.
Smon: Yusan strikes:
Smon: /roll d20+11x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+11x3 and gets:
2 (+11) = 13
3 (+11) = 14
2 (+11) = 13
Smon: oops
Smon: Yusan: "Now!"
chris107: "You're tired Father. Give up."
Kjato Ragfoot: At leat 16
chris107: Hakeem strikes
Smon: Yusan looks to Hakeem: "Too late..."
Smon: He vanishes!
Smon: Ilyra & Enos also vanish!
chris107: "Bondorrr! You let this coward hold your blade?!"
Kjato Ragfoot: 18
chris107: H leaps for his horse expecting more treachery.
Smon: The four warriors who were with Yusan turn to ride away.
Smon: You see a fog rolling in from the sea, yellow and poisonous.
chris107: (Just wondering the strke back at foes who jit you rule. Does it stand in single combat too?)
Smon: I'd guess so, but you have to declare it!
Smon: OOC You had the old geezer pretty badly outclassed.
chris107: Drat
Kjato Ragfoot: Look out!
chris107: Just came to me then.
Smon: But he does have a ton of wizards.
Smon: The fog bank is making for Krens' Cairn.
chris107: But no honour,
Smon: Naw.
chris107: Thur, Kren, this wizardry is beyond my ken.
Smon: In the battle lines of the enemy army ca 150 yards west, you see Yusan standing. He waves his sword in ironic salute to Hakeem. Still, you made him look bad in front of his men, hopefully.
chris107: Hakeem spits, showing his contempt for the old coward. He has no father.
Kjato Ragfoot: Did Enos do anything? After all, I watched him to be able to interfere if something like that happened.
chris107: H calls down a terrible oath to kill Yusan for all to hear.
Smon: Bill was just saying: "Wizards are way too overpowered in this edition! They made this edition the wizard's edition!"
Smon: (I love my edition warring 8 yr old) :D]
Kjato Ragfoot: (Look at third edition, that had powerful wizards9
Smon: Enos never acted, nope.
chris107: (Hehe )
Smon: (Agree about 3e)
chris107: How do we stop this cloud?
Smon: Krens grimaces. "While we were watching the two mages with him, an invisible one must have approached unseen, spirited him away!"
Smon: Krens wheels his horse round. "I'll try a Dispel... "
Smon: He heads back for the Cairn, followed by Odense.
chris107: "Bah! If his soldiers fight like he does, we will have no problems."
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will follow him.
chris107: "Thur, I guess we should go back too?" H follows
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes. Let's hurry.
Kjato Ragfoot: I have an idea how we might even the odds.
chris107: "Good man!"
chris107: "Good man!"
chris107: "Good man!"
chris107: "Good man!"
Smon: GM: You reach the Cairn safely and mount the wall to see the yellow cloud billowing in,
chris107: H wets his cloak and pulls it over his nose and mouth.
Smon: Krens summons his power and casts Dispel at the 5th rank.
Smon: As the cloud comes within 120'.
chris107: Thur, if you could help with a few of these scratches some time as well?"
Kjato Ragfoot: Sure.
Smon: The cloud - also at the 5th rank - breaks up, chunks evaporating away.
Kjato Ragfoot: (How many hit points are missing?)
Smon: Krens looks relieved.
chris107: "Krens! You're a genius!"
chris107: 50 odd
Smon: Krens: "Thanks. As long as they can't do that again today..."
Smon: GM: To the south, the Dragonborn & Altanian army sets sail north on Sarene's ships.
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 3d8+15 and gets: 5, 6, 3, (+15) = 29
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d8+5 and gets: 1, (+5) = 6
chris107: Thanks
Smon: Yusan's army moves round to invest Krens' Cairn, wreathed in a grey fog that hides their deployments.
Smon: The Wyverns fly high above the ships.
chris107: 146/173
Kjato Ragfoot: 35 hitpoints back.
chris107: 152/173
Smon: And you wait...
Smon: GM: Waiting for Shieldbiter to arrive now?
chris107: Can we have a short rest?
chris107: if so H will use 2 healing dice
Smon: You can be back to full several days later, when Shieldbiter's army arrive at Talholm, welcomed by Lord Usarus.
chris107: And Simon, yes
Smon: "Welcome mighty warriors!" says the Lord Usarus of Talholm. "We are agreed - we shall join you in this battle to free our land!"
Smon: OOC You guys wouldn't be free early on Friday by any chance? Like 4pm-6.30pm?
chris107: I can be
Kjato Ragfoot: I should be.
DESTROYERBILL: yay i can play now
chris107: Yay!
Saturday, 23 April 2016
Session 72 6/6/4446 Krens

XP awards
Yusan's outriders:
1 Berserker xp 700
5 Chosen Axe xp 200x5=1000
14 Warriors xp 100x14=1400
Total 3100/2=1550 to Hakeem & Thuruar
Hakeem meets with Krens +1000 to Hakeem
Hakeem, Barbarian LEVEL 14 XP 2550+160313=162863/165,000
Thuruar, Cleric LEVEL 13 XP 1550+127436=128986/140,000
Shieldbiter, Dragonborn Barbarian LEVEL 12 XP 104658/120,000
Rey, Rogue LEVEL 12 XP 1000+101,749=102749/120,000
XP Level Proficiency
85,000 11 +4 (15000 to level)
100,000 12 +4 (20000 to level)
120,000 13 +5 (20000 to level)
140,000 14 +5 (25000 to level)
165,000 15 +5 (30000 to level)
195,000 16 +5 (30000 to level)
225,000 17 +6 (40000 to level)
265,000 18 +6 (40000 to level)
305,000 19 +6 (50000 to level)
355,000 20 +6 (N/A)
5/5/4446 Black Sun Gate closed. Undead armies of Nerath collapse.
18/5/4446 Altanian Barbarians under Chief Minars Rapak of the Seawolf assault Nerra and wipe out the Neo-Nerath army there. Minars takes the head of Neo-Nerathi Prince Thulseus Doomfire.
26/5/4446 Hakeem Rey Thuruar & co reach Nerra, met by Minars. Vorkes dies; Hakeem declared War Chief of Greywolf.
1/6/4446 Altanian fleet leaves Sarene's Den.
3/6/4446 Altanian fleet reaches Ghinarian coast, encounters Skeleton Fleet 5 miles off Trade. Death of Tal Lorvas. Destruction of Ring of Nemeia & sinking of Staff of Olnehr. Two ships captured & crewed. Dock at Trade.
4/6/446 Rey to Krens' Cairn. Emissary Ilyra arrives at Trade.
5/6/446 Ilyra Thuruar & Hakeem travel to Theber, meet Yusan. Return. Shieldbiter kills Tarcon at dawn.
6/6/4446 Sarene leaves Trade at dawn; Hakeem/Thuruar/Rey attack Yusan's scouts south of Trade, a few escape. Altanian host travels from Trade to Krens' Cairn. Yusan sacks Trade. Hakeem & co consult with Krens.
10/6/4446 Sarene's fleet due to rendezvous with Red Tiger Clan (Xatchar) & Dragonborn at Dianceht in Oricha.
6:02pm 2016-4-23 Smon Has entered the room
6:04pm 2016-4-23 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: hi simon
Smon: Hi chris
Smon: I think it's just us.
chris107: sorry was in lounge
Smon: Just nuked some soup, will be a few mins getting ready.
chris107: no probs
Smon: Yeah, Kjato says "I plan to be in Paderborn this Saturday, unless something forces me to cancel the trip I won't be able to play."
Smon: BTW you know I'd love it if you could do a guest star appearance in my tabletop Classic D&D game sometime - possibly playing a star-lost Moffet Manglemaimer.
Smon: Those Red Reaver Wizards & their Plane Shifts...
chris107: that would be great
Smon: Next games scheduled are May 6th 13th 17th & 27th.
Smon: I'm also thinking if my Karameikos players ever leave London I'll ask if they want to continue text chat on DF, but that will be years away.
Smon: Hopefully two of them will be married with kids by then.
chris107: 6th I'm in London, but can't play
chris107: That would be great too.
chris107: Sorry, cooking answering texts and phone calls for a bit there. All done now
chris107: I still have Moffet's character sheet.
Smon: OK I forgot we were in the middle of a battle at the end of last session..
Smon: *oops*
chris107: He had done pretty well after the Dragon hoard. 6th level I think
chris107: Yeah Kjato had blasted a load
Smon: Yup. I'd put Moffet up to 100,000 XP so he'd be max level, I'm using the BECMI Attack Rank rules too.
chris107: The horses were dead I think he caught them all.
chris107: Moffet was never really much cop as a numbers machine but he was just such fun to play!
Smon: Yeah, one of my fav characters.
chris107: Can H make a judgment as to if our troops will be able to make it to the cairn before these barbarians can get back to Yusan and Yusan set out in poersuit/beat us there?
Smon: OK looking over it, you took the Outriders by surprise, killed 9. Wounded leader + 10 more are left.
6:17pm 2016-4-23 chris107 Has exited the room
6:20pm 2016-4-23 chris107 Has entered the room
Smon: Your guys could certainly reach the cairn before Yusan's infantry. Cavalry - his riders would have to go ca 55 miles Trade-Theber-Krens before you did 25 Trade-Krens. Might do.
chris107: Drat!
Smon: Welcome back
chris107: Was typing away and I think I'd lost connection?
Smon: yup
Smon: Smon: OK looking over it, you took the Outriders by surprise, killed 9. Wounded leader + 10 more are left. 6:17pm 2016-4-23 chris107 Has exited the room 6:20pm 2016-4-23 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: Gosh not sure if we can take that chance but for H to attack the remaining Altanians without any backup could be suicidal.
chris107: All their horses are gone?
Smon: Leader is 40' away, prone, you have surprise on him.
Smon: Further back 10 more were outside the fire storm & unharmed.
chris107: Could I attack him with advantage? Rage, charge and Berserk?
chris107: Oh jeez!
chris107: so there were 30 of them + the leader?
Smon: You can rage & charge & you have advtg but you can't get berserk bonus attack.
Smon: No, 20 total, you hit 10 inc leader, killed 9.
chris107: Ah okay
chris107: 10 unwounded is still a big ask. But H will try.
Smon: OK, you can draw Bloodletter, rage, charge & swing at him.
Smon: 2 attacks w advtg.
chris107: two attacks with advantage and rage then. He will berserk next round if the unharmed 10 approach rather than flee.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
14 (+12) = 26
7 (+12) = 19
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
16 (+12) = 28
18 (+12) = 30
chris107 rolls 2d8+20 and gets: 2, 8, (+20) = 30
Smon: AC 14
Smon: You hit him, he's still alive.
Smon: Round 1, roll init.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
10 (+2) = 12
18 (+2) = 20
Smon: leader:
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 15, (+1) = 16
Smon: Chosen Axe:
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 8,
chris107: Hakeem Berserks but does not attack recklessly
Smon: warriors
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 19, (+1) = 20
Smon: warriors tie w you, roll off w no mods
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 14,
Smon: just 1 die
chris107 rolls 1d20 and gets: 14,
chris107: hehe
Smon: again
chris107: close!
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 8,
chris107 rolls 1d20 and gets: 14,
Smon: Well done
Smon: roll for Thuruar
chris107: Hakeem roars his battle cry and Berserks!
chris107: Hakeem roars his battle cry and Berserks!
chris107: Hakeem roars his battle cry and Berserks!
chris107: Hakeem roars his battle cry and Berserks!
chris107: He will hack at the leader until he is dead then go for the axe men
chris107 rolls 1d20 and gets: 5,
Smon: http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/thuruar-war-cleric-of-athena-kjato-pc.html
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x3 and gets:
14 (+12) = 26
10 (+12) = 22
16 (+12) = 28
Smon: I'll feel bad if we kill T...
chris107 rolls 3d8+30 and gets: 5, 5, 4, (+30) = 44
Smon: You still have advtg btw
Smon: You'll need a lucky crit to finish him... roll 3 more dice
chris107 rolls 3d20 and gets: 20, 19, 10, = 49
Smon: YAAY
chris107: yes!
chris107 rolls 2d8 and gets: 1, 2, = 3
chris107: Drat!
Smon: 44+3=47, 4 hp left
Smon: Spitting blood the enemy leader snarls, warding off Hakeem he gets to his feet as his warriors come rushing in, axes raised...
Smon: 3 on Hakeem, 4 on Thuruar; they ride past after attack so you'll get a reaction attack back.
Smon: vs Hakeem:
Smon: /roll d20+6x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x3 and gets:
18 (+6) = 24
3 (+6) = 9
6 (+6) = 12
Smon: 1 hit, uses brutal strike
Smon: /roll d8+7
Smon rolls 1d8+7 and gets: 6, (+7) = 13
Smon: 13/2=6 dmg
chris107: (Simon, what bonuses should Hakeem be getting due to the heroes Feast?)
chris107: 167/173 (183 with HF?)
Smon: HP maximum & current hp +2d10
chris107: (I rolled 10 extra HP)
Smon: Various other stuff not relevant right now.
chris107: So 177/183 HP currently
Smon: Do you want to use your Reaction vs the one that hit you, or another?
chris107: Can I use it v the leader? If not v the one that hit me please?
Smon: you can't make it vs leader.
chris107: Then I will please
Smon: ok vs 1 that hit you.
chris107 rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 14, (+12) = 26
Smon: hit
chris107: ah okay so agin the one that hit me.
chris107 rolls 1d8+10 and gets: 6, (+10) = 16
Smon: Had 16 hp - as he rides past you fell him from his horse, he hits the dirt with a thunk and lies still.
Smon: 4 ride at Thuruar - this is very Battle of the Mounds...
chris107: Very nice!
Smon: /roll d20+6x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x4 and gets:
8 (+6) = 14
16 (+6) = 22
4 (+6) = 10
14 (+6) = 20
chris107: It is indeed, just thinking the same thing
Smon: AC 21 in his elf-forged plate, only 1 hit
Smon: /roll d8+7
Smon rolls 1d8+7 and gets: 2, (+7) = 9
chris107: Yeah sorry was reading his spells, took time to find his AC
Smon: 9 dmg
chris107: Not sure what Kjato rolled for HF HP?
chris107: shall I roll again?
Smon: yeah
chris107 rolls 2d10 and gets: 9, 9, = 18
Smon: nice.
chris107: Yay!
Smon: 18+94=112
chris107: His sheet says 87/94
Smon: Rested overnight, on full.
chris107: okay. so down to 103
Smon: 112-9=103 yup
Smon: The grizzled & bloody leader screams, raising his heavy axe: "BONDORR!!!"
Smon: He swings at Hakeem, Reckless, 2 atts:
chris107: AC20
Smon: /roll d20+5x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x4 and gets:
7 (+5) = 12
4 (+5) = 9
1 (+5) = 6
11 (+5) = 16
Smon: Hakeem parries
Smon: Now the Chosen Axemen come riding in - 1 at Hakeem, 2 at Thuruar...
chris107: Yay!
chris107: Tghur will cast Spirit Guardians
chris107: To dance around us
Smon: They won init by 1
chris107: and stab with Athena like grace at those who attack us. On his init of course
Smon: They have advtg from Pack Tactics and 2 atts each...
Smon: vs Hakeem:
Smon: /roll d20+4x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x4 and gets:
3 (+4) = 7
10 (+4) = 14
7 (+4) = 11
7 (+4) = 11
Smon: miss
Smon: vs Thuruar:
Smon: /roll d20+4x8
chris107: Phew!
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x8 and gets:
20 (+4) = 24
7 (+4) = 11
1 (+4) = 5
9 (+4) = 13
10 (+4) = 14
13 (+4) = 17
18 (+4) = 22
2 (+4) = 6
Smon: 2 hits
chris107: Bondorr is with us
Smon: /roll 2d12+4
Smon rolls 2d12+4 and gets: 8, 3, (+4) = 15
Smon: Thuruar takes 15 dmg.
Smon: They stay adjacent to you.
chris107: 98
Smon: 103-15
Smon: 88?
chris107: They can not get advantage twice right? Pack tactics + me been reckless?
Smon: correct
chris107: Sorry yes
chris107: Trying to do too many things. If it was a 13th level 1e Cleric I'd know the spells off pat.
Smon: What is T casting? Take your time.
chris107: Okay let me look again at SG
chris107: Is he within 15' of H?
chris107: Either way he will cast it around himself. Designating H as unaffected (and Rey and our horses)
Smon: No, H ran forward 40' to attack the leader.
Smon: There is 40' between you.
chris107: Okay, I got to keep T safe. Kjato would never forgive me!
Smon: Thuruar casts Spiritual Guardians. What slot level?
Smon: These guys have 16-32 hp.
chris107: gosh, better make it 6 then
chris107: If he can?
chris107: that will be 6d8?
Smon: Fine, that's 6d8 dmg then
Smon: Hakeem's turn.
chris107: (I still have to look at the 5e spells. Just got spoiled with Hakeem )
Smon: The leader screams: "Come then! Send my soul to Bondorr's Hall!"
chris107: Reckless attacks then, first 1 at the leader
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
5 (+12) = 17
13 (+12) = 25
chris107: Hakeem oblidges
Smon: hit, Bloodletter impales him; he chokes and dies.
chris107 rolls 1d8+10 and gets: 1, (+10) = 11
Smon: had 4
chris107: Just!
chris107: Then two at the pack of dogs around him
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
15 (+12) = 27
8 (+12) = 20
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
15 (+12) = 27
20 (+12) = 32
Smon: Only 1 guy on you, a Chosen Axe
chris107: hehe another crit!
Smon: Tough guy, but you crit...
chris107: oh okay.
chris107 rolls 4d8+20 and gets: 7, 4, 4, 2, (+20) = 37
Smon: should be 5d8
chris107 rolls 1d8 and gets: 7,
Smon: Anyway he had 32, you decapitate him in the saddle
chris107: yay!
Smon: This is not going as well as Yusan's men had hoped...
chris107: As Bill would no doubt say "RRRRRAAWWWWRRRRR!"
Smon: 6 warriors left, morale check for them...
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 6, 2, = 8
Smon: They see the angels around Thuruar, the corpses around Hakeem, and decide to bugger off.
Smon: The six of them turn and flee, galloping south.
Smon: Meanwhile the Angels of Athena strike down at the two Chosen Axe attacking Thuruar.
chris107: If we get init
Smon: roll 6d8
chris107: can Thur charge them and get them into the angels?
Smon: He has 2 riders on him.
chris107 rolls 6d8 and gets: 3, 1, 3, 3, 2, 4, = 16
Smon: crap
chris107: Cripes!
Smon: WIS saves...
Smon: /roll d20x2
Smon Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
8 = 8
18 = 18
Smon: I believe one even passes!
chris107: hehe
chris107: "Come then Thur, Rey, let us gallop off and start the race to Krens Cairn!" H gallops off towards the road where hopefully our lads are making good time?
Smon: I don't see DC on sheet, looks to be 16
Smon: 1 takes 16, 1 takes 8
Smon: morale check for them:
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 1, 2, = 3
Smon: They attack Thuruar...
chris107: "Bondorr is with us this day!" H riffles the body of the leader before doing so
Smon: /roll d20+4x8
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x8 and gets:
10 (+4) = 14
13 (+4) = 17
11 (+4) = 15
2 (+4) = 6
2 (+4) = 6
1 (+4) = 5
2 (+4) = 6
12 (+4) = 16
chris107: Oh, oops.
Smon: apparently so, 4 atts w advtg all miss
chris107: Then H will charge them!
chris107: Then H will charge them!
chris107: Then H will charge them!
chris107: Then H will charge them!
chris107: 40' move
Smon: T's go.
chris107: T strikes at the wounded one
chris107 Rolls 1d20+9x2 and gets:
11 (+9) = 20
10 (+9) = 19
Smon: T's sheet is missing most of the necessary info, I should watch what I copy/paste...
chris107: Divine Strike!
chris107: 3d8+4 then?
Smon: OK AC 12
Smon: I have no idea
chris107 rolls 3d8+8 and gets: 2, 3, 2, (+8) = 15
chris107: 1d8 for devine strike
chris107: +4/hit from Ogre strength
chris107: Ah short sword!
chris107: sorry should be 2d6+1d8
Smon: wounded 1 has 1 hp left then. T could cast Spiritual Wpn as a bonus action?
Smon: ok roll again
chris107: +8
chris107 rolls 2d6 and gets: 2, 1, = 3
chris107 rolls 1d8+8 and gets: 4, (+8) = 12
Smon: 1 hp left
chris107: same!
chris107: Hakeem will strike the lesser wounded one at the end off his charge if he may?
Smon: T casts Spiritual Wpn in level 2 slot, attacks wounded one:
Smon: /roll d20+10
Smon rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 9, (+10) = 19
Smon: Looks like save DC is 18 BTW
Smon: Athena's sword cuts the foe down.
chris107: Yay!
Smon: Hakeem charges up and attacks the last one.
chris107: recklessly!
Smon: ok
chris107 Rolls 1d6+12x2 and gets:
1 (+12) = 13
4 (+12) = 16
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
15 (+12) = 27
2 (+12) = 14
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
13 (+12) = 25
13 (+12) = 25
Smon: ac 12
Smon: Altanians aren't known for their great ACs
chris107 Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
14 (+12) = 26
13 (+12) = 25
chris107 rolls 3d8+30 and gets: 4, 5, 5, (+30) = 44
Smon: You cut him down.
chris107: Now let the race begin!
Smon: You see 6 riders riding away hard across the plain, hooves kicking dust from the dry ground.
chris107: We gallop off towards our guys who should be jogging along the road by now.
Smon: OK you head back north & join your army leaving Trade.
Smon: You head east with them to Krens' Cairn at a swift march?
chris107: Yes please
Smon: GM: OK you rejoin your warriors. Swiftly you pace along the ancient coast road.
chris107: Keeping an eye out for large dust clouds starting out from Theba!
Smon: Towards evening, the spire of Krens' Cairn comes into view on the treeless headland ahead, where angry waves crash against bleak cliffs.
chris107: And riding 'outrider' with Thur to spot harrassing cavalry
Smon: No sign of pursuit, but as Hakeem scans behind him he sees mounds of thick black smoke rising from behind him - from Trade...
chris107: "Here we destroy Yusan or die Thuruar."
Smon: Looks like Yusan prefers to sack defenceless villages than chase you too hard.
chris107: H feels sorry for the towns folk but they were weak and would not listen to sense!
Smon: Thuruar nods grimly to Hakeem.
chris107: (Yusan's treasure coffers will be mighty full if we ever get to them
Smon: As you approach the outer wall of Krens' Cairn you see nervous looking Ghinoran warriors on the parapet, armed & armoured.
Smon: Rey waves, calling out to them.
chris107: (Though Kjato did say that he would spirit Rey, Hakeem and himself away to his safe haven via Word of Recall if it got desperate)
Smon: (right now he has no level 6 slot!)
chris107: H waves back, delighted to see his friend safe and the walls well manned.
chris107: Can T hand wave healing spells for the few HP we lost and relearn overnight?
chris107: Ah, I guess we don't want Y to win through before morning then!
Smon: The gates open, and out comes a small retinue - a slightly built robed man, a grizzled Weaponmaster and two guards.
Smon: The robed man smiles, raising his hand.
chris107: In which case H will use 1 healing dice and rest from a Berserk when he gets chance T probably 2
Smon: "Welcome, Chief Hakeem! I am Krens, once of Tula! Glad I am to see you!"
Smon: (no rest on the march)
chris107: Hakeem greets him with a friendly gesture. "Kren I'm guessing?"
chris107: When we get a chance Simon.
Smon: "Aye! You are all welcome - come in, your army too!"
chris107: "Glad to see you too Krens!"
chris107: H will watch his troops march in before going in last.
Smon: The Ghinoran defenders look nervously at your Altanian horde as they pour into the small settlement.
chris107: hehe hardly surprising I guess?
Smon: Though primitive, the outer stone wall and inner keep tower look much stronger than you've seen elsewhere among the Ghinarians.
Smon: Krens: "Come my friends, dine with me. We have much to discuss..."
chris107: H knows little of this kind of warfare. Thuruar probably knows better.
chris107: (Can we rest while dining?)
chris107: "Food and drink would be most welcome." says the blood and gore splattered Barbarian
Smon: In the Keep's stone hall, Krens introduces you to Odense Ap Wyn his weaponmaster, and Odense's wife, the stout Murika.
chris107: "Will my men be fed and looked after too?"
chris107: H greets them with a friendly smile.
Smon: Krens: "Aye, we have food for all, for now..." He looks admiringly at Hakeem's rippling musculature, spattered with gore. "...And servants to tend your wounds."
chris107: and a firm hand shake for Odense.
Smon: Odense shakes Hakeem's hand, grinning warmly. "Good to see Altanians who'll fight on OUR side!"
chris107: Hakeem relaxes.
Smon: Krens smiles and relaxes as serving maids - not slaves, you notice - bring the first course, a chicken broth.
chris107: "Against a beast like Yusan and worse, the evil forces of Neo-Nerathi we must stand united."
chris107: "We have stranger allies on their way too."
Smon: Krens: "Some wine? Tulan, from the wrecks... It's very good."
chris107: Hakeem approves
Smon: The maids serve you an exquisite Southern mage-wine that glimmers all colours of the rainbow.
chris107: "Juist a little Master Krenn. Thank you. The morning will bring the greatest fight of my young life no doubt!"
chris107: Yum!
Smon: Krens nods, sipping his own. "I must confess Hakeem, we had about given up all thought of aid."
chris107: Hakeem looks a little bemused at this exotic drink.
Smon: OK this counts as a short rest, you can spend hd.
chris107: Hakeem outlines the plan.
chris107: The aid we have coming from the south and the time it will likely take.
chris107: H
chris107 rolls 1d12+5 and gets: 4, (+5) = 9
chris107: Full
chris107: T
chris107 rolls 3d8+6 and gets: 6, 8, 7, (+6) = 27
chris107: full
chris107: +H recovers from his Berserk
Smon: (ok) Krens: "Red Tiger warriors, and Dragonborn of Oricha - more than we dared hope for! But the port at Trade is now in Yusan's hands... they may face a hard landing."
chris107: "We need just hold on Krens and the mighty Dragon Hoard will fall upon Yusan's rear like a thunder bolt!"
Smon: Krens: "If Yusan comes to besiege us here... And your allies land unopposed at Trade..."
chris107: "If we dare hope there may yet be hope from Thusia and the Temple of Mitra too.
Smon: "It might be safer if they could land at Talholm, to the south."
chris107: "We have magical stones to direct our forces with from afar. We shall be glad of your wisdom."
Smon: Krens: "Talholm's Lord Usarus is a cautious man, and loves his wife muchly - seeks to keep her safe... But he hates Yusan as much as you or I. He might be persuaded to join with us."
chris107: "With our magical communications we should have a great tactical advantage against Yusan."
chris107: (Gosh H is thinking with his brain rather than his sword for a change. he's behaving like a War Chief! )
chris107: "Then we must attempt to enlist him to our cause when the time is ripe."
Smon: Krens: "If Usarus joins us, I think Lord Kaladrac of Verius shall, too. Usarus' wife Helena is his sister."
chris107: 1 min Simon please need a coca-cola and a packet of crisps as sustenance!
Smon: The bowls of broth are cleared, great racks of roast mutton brought in.
Smon: Krens: "Do you know how many warriors Captain Sarene will bring north?"
chris107: okay, good to go again
chris107: "Not of the Dragon folk or our friends. But she will bring her own howling Pirates that number 60. Her ships can hold 300 more souls and I expect them to be bursting at the seems. Plus the Dragonfolk are bringing mighty Wyrims!"
Smon: Krens' eyes widen. "Then we could close to match Yusan's numbers..."
Smon: Odense: "All depends on if we can hold here. Against the Wizards..."
chris107: "And with you and good Thuruar we are a match for them in magic too!"
Smon: Krens: "I hope so. This Unseen Conclave is powerful in Illusion."
chris107: "Thuruar is a mighty High Priest of Athena. His magic is strong. He can call forth mighty allies from the Heavens!"
Smon: "They say the defenders of Theber saw a mist, from which came forth hordes of demons..."
Smon: Odense: "That's good to hear."
chris107: "And there soldiers fall like wheat beneath our blades. Only this morning just Thur and I bested 20 of their number including a champion taking barely a scratch!"
Smon: Odense: "So, we can feed your men a couple weeks, long enough for your allies to get here."
chris107: "Bah! Illusions and tricks to fool peasents. Thuruar can actually bring forth the most powerful servants of his mistress!"
Smon: Krens nods. "With your power, our walls, and the stout hearts of our men, I think we have a chance."
chris107: "Stout men can not fall before jakals!"
Smon: "But Yusan has over six hundred - more, with the conscripts."
chris107: "And his men are used to besting women and town guardsmen. Not seasoned warriors and migty magicians!"
Smon: Odense nods to Hakeem. "Yusan is a jackal. He took Theber by surprise, He'll not breach our walls."
chris107: "Now we have a little surprise for Yusan in that department. Organised by friend Rey here." He gestures to the elegant rougue who is no doubt chatting to the servant girls
Smon: There's a sad lack of feminine pulchritude in Krens' hall, but Rey contents himself chatting with a skinny young maid.
chris107: hehe
Smon: OOC think I'll stop soon, say 9pm.
Smon: "A surprise?"
chris107: "Now that the conscripts have seen what becomes of their town regardless of their loyalty. I think we may rely on them."
chris107: OOC Yeah sure Simon. You've run an amazing amount of sessions in a short time in this campaign. You must be ready for a break?
Smon: Krens nods. "Yusan has doubtless slain the Trade conscripts. If those of Verius and Talholm yet live, freeing them would be worth much..."
chris107: OOC I'm over three years in at my Castle Redstar game and feel desperate for one.
Smon: OOC Yeah I'd like a short break, it worked wonders for my Classic game,
chris107: hehe another job for Rey!
Smon: I was getting burnt out and had stopped reading the adventures before running them.
chris107: Take a break my friend. It will do you good.
Smon: A bit of time that's an 'official break' really helps me refocus, start thinking about stuff - plans etc.
chris107: (Assuming we survive that long)
Smon: Do you think I should skip this Wednesday? Prob want to take a break then come back & do the big battles.
chris107: OOC and us too.
Smon: Would like to leave it at a good point.
chris107: I'll be available next Wednesday but away to London on the 5th
chris107: But totally up to you
Smon: Could do rescue mission? Best if Graham was around.
chris107: It would be grand if Bill, Graham, Kjato and me could all be there when we do finally go up agin Yusan.
Smon: Yup.
Smon: BTW 3 years of Redstar, very impressive!
Smon: That's weekly, the tabletop version?
chris107: That would be a session talked of for a long time. D&D legend!
chris107: I wish Simon!
Smon: 3 years online?
chris107: My face to face groups only get together a few times a year now. But have averaged over 40 sessions a year now for 38 months.
chris107: I think it's session 127 next week.
chris107: yes.
chris107: With two of the original players.
Smon: Awesome
chris107: Graham joined in week 3
Smon: My 4e tabletop game just had session 96 after 5 years -http://frloudwater.blogspot.co.uk/
chris107: and Pres about three months in
Smon: Fortnightly about 3 hours.
chris107: The link wont work
Smon: I had to take a break on that recently, November-April.
chris107: That's great!
Smon: http://frloudwater.blogspot.co.uk/
Smon: Most of the players had forgotten all the 4e rules when we restarted.
chris107: Thanks, look forward to reading that later
Smon: Should run to August, ca 105-108 sessions maybe.
chris107: I'm told they are quite complex?
Smon: Then it's ending, no more 3 hour combats for me again!
chris107: haha
Smon: It's crazy, basically 1 session = 1 combat with a bit of scene framing
chris107: It's our original campaign's 40th birthday this year.
Smon: It's only slightly younger than me!
Smon: And my Mentzer Classic players think I'm ancient.
chris107: hehe
chris107: We only get to play 3-4 times a year now though.
Smon: Most of them are early-mid '20s... Plus Bill, nearly 9.
chris107: Our original DM lives in Switzerland
Smon: It's still alive if you still play regularly.
Smon: My high school campaign ended in the '90s.
chris107: We are all in our mid-late 50's + a couple of their lads 13 and 31
Smon: It was 1e.
chris107: We been very lucky.
Smon: You guys were old enough to see the Don Turnbull Greenlands stuff when he was writing originally. :
chris107: Even though we were all at different Uni's and lived in different towns we always got together to play.
chris107: And those holidays!
chris107: Weeks on end of long daily sessions.
Smon: wow
chris107: We all moved back to Yorkshire in around 1990 and had five-six years of weeksly sessions
Smon: Is that the one where you're level 18 after 40 years?
chris107: Yes.
Smon: That's quite slow advancement!
chris107: Though we each play several characters.
Smon: In my original campaign my best friend's PC got 117 levels in only about 12 years...
chris107: Wow!
Smon: I saw him described online yesterday as The Ultimate AD&D Powergamer in a review of his Immortals Handbook.
chris107: we all have other PC's in the game around name-13th level too.
8:08pm 2016-4-23 saunatonttu Has entered the room
Smon: http://www.somethingawful.com/dungeons-and-dragons/epic-level-insanity/1/
*saunatonttu is disguised as a 5e kobold*
chris107: hehe
Smon: Hi Sauna, we're just chillin'
chris107: Sauns
Smon: Imagine if the ultimate power gamer in AD&D history met up with the silliest immortal level ideas of Gygaxian excess and decided to create a Monster Manual specifically for ultra-high-level games. The result would be The Immortals Handbook - Epic Bestiary: Volume One..."
chris107: Waiting for next game when the guys are here to start the epic battle
Smon: He made it for 3e so it's totally unusable as far as I can tell.
Smon: We always played 1e with UA, his Cavalier started at 3rd and ended at Lesser God...
chris107: I really want to play some mega-level D&D
chris107: It's like we were meanies for so many years. Now it's time to do it before I die
chris107: Never had a Girdle of Giant Strength or a Holy Avenger etc.
Smon: Hah.
chris107: Never anfought Orcus o any demon lord (except Llolth, who escaped, we had the winning draw)r
Smon: Two Girdles of Giant Str showed up in my Classic game, one in an adventure, one random roll I think.
chris107: Death Knights
chris107: Mmmmm we never did random treasure.
Smon: Thrin & co killed Druaga & Evil Odin.
chris107: It's 'cos we were all wargamers before D&D players so everything gets scripted.
Smon: I like the random tables, I only use them now & then.
chris107: Evil Odin!
Smon: Summoned by Fantasy Hitler to conquer Fantasy Britain.
chris107: Pres' fighter, Rag, in Redstar has Hitler's head in a sack
Smon: Luckily Fantasy Churchill had King Arthur, Merlin & the PCs...
chris107: or did, it vanished a few weeks ago
*saunatonttu smells trouble*
chris107: that's kewl sauns
Smon: King Arthur doesn't like those Saxons...
chris107: King Arthur was on the telly last night. Good filem.
chris107: (Vanishing Hitlerhead is going to be Demilich later on. Demilich glass skull with a hitler mustachios )
chris107: Yeah that's the filem.
chris107: King Arthur did for the Saxons
chris107: That was some high level fighting
chris107: hehe yes
chris107: yeah
chris107: And the arrow shot from the hill top that killed the spy in the tree!
chris107: No.
Smon: The PCs were losing against Wotan, so one cast a bunch of delayed blast fireballs, hid them, lured Wotan in & exploded, dispelling both gods.
chris107: I'll look ot for it.
chris107: That's high level stuff Simon!
Smon: Thrin the undispelled PC god followed Wotan's silver cord back to where his corpse hung from Yggdrasil, and finished him off.
chris107: I hope Hakeem will survive long enough to go against the wiked Gawds!
Smon: Yeah, I'd like to see Hakeem fight the Viridian demon god Amadad Bog.
chris107: Finishing off Wotan!
Smon: Some kind of giant Cthuloid sea monster that lives under the imperial palace.
chris107: And that demigod! Son of Ares!
Smon: Yeah, Kainos the Warbringer.
Smon: He should be beatable if you nick his shield and get to 20th level.
Smon: He's only an Empyrean - a demigod.
Smon: OK posting log now.
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