Friday, 21 August 2015
Session 31 7-8/2/4446 Bashing Oriax
Hakeem, Barbarian LEVEL 7 XP 1000+31,167=32,167/34000
Rey Rogue LEVEL 7 XP 1000+23,965=24,965/34000
Bjornalf Brighteyes Warlock LEVEL 6>7 XP 4000+19970=23970/23000>34000
Eardvulf LEVEL 5 XP 12,200/14000
5:58pm 2015-8-21 Smon Has entered the room
6:02pm 2015-8-21 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: Hi Simon
Smon: Hi chris
Smon: I suddenly have audio again in the DF chatroom!
Smon: After a couple years!
Smon: Guess somebody updated something.
6:03pm 2015-8-21 Kjato Ragfoot Has entered the room
Smon: Hi Kjato.
6:03pm 2015-8-21 chris107 Has exited the room
Kjato Ragfoot: Hello!
Smon: oops lost chris!
Smon: test
Smon: You there kjato?
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes.
Smon: Guess we wait for chris.
6:09pm 2015-8-21 chris107 Has entered the room
Smon: Hello again chris.
chris107: I think I went....
Smon: Yup!
chris107: I was typing away merryly
chris107: I notice kalthalax is still on Hakeem's sheet. Should it be?
Smon: I've not edited the sheets - only got back to Internet-land last night!
chris107: Ah
chris107: How were the Highlands?
Smon: It was sunny now & then!
chris107: Dodgy connection tonight
Smon: My son took a ride on a quad bike at the Rhynie Gala and went flying when he tried to take a corner at speed while waving to the crowd. Luckily was unharmed.
chris107: Phew
Smon: I've scored through Demonslayer on H's sheet.
chris107: Thanks
chris107: It was fun while it lasted
Smon: @Kjato - so we did a 2-week time jump last time, the PCs are recently back to Selatine after completing mission in the north.
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. What mission did we complete?
chris107: Chopping Demons into pieces.
Kjato Ragfoot: The one with the strange cult?
chris107: Yes Kjato
Smon: The K'tulu cult at Clear Meadows seems to have been wiped out by the Star Demons Hakeem released.
chris107: We released a whole load of demons into the dungeon.
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. OK.
Kjato Ragfoot: What happened to the two strange elfs?
Smon: Negotiations have recovered the Ralluan women from Ahyf; Eldam Alamsor of Rallu is about to set sail back south with the rescued women.
chris107: They went looking for their own world
Smon: The elves bidded you farewell to seek a way home.
Smon: You still have the young druidess Cassandra Starling on board your ship, hiding from sight of Oriax.
Smon: & bonking young Polyakkus.
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah. Right. We wanted to transport her to one of the islands, but she fell in love with Jana's acolyte.
Smon: yup
chris107: Ah yes
Kjato Ragfoot: Seems we need to find another asylum for her.
Smon: Jana Vex was seized by Oriax while you were at Clear Meadows in reprisal for the demise of his Orcs, and is now one of the wizard's chariot girls.
Smon: Her brother Lord Vex is quite vexed.
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. She was to be betrohed to that southern merchant prince.
chris107: Hakeem is not pleased at this
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah. I remember that we wanted to negotiate an alliance with the pirate town, against the warlord's horde?
chris107: He would have taken Kalthalax to the Horned One if he had known.
Kjato Ragfoot: Who was the Horned One?
chris107: Perhaps we should start making life difficult for Oriax?
chris107: Oriax the wizard who uses girls as ponies.
chris107: Any word from Graham?
Smon: >>Kjato Ragfoot: Ah. I remember that we wanted to negotiate an alliance with the pirate town, against the warlord's horde?<< The Warlord of Ahyf seems friendly, but the city has not joined the Lord's Alliance against Yusan.
Smon: Graham says should be on ca 7.30pm.
chris107: Hakeem doesn't really get polotics but he sees the sense of building forces to fight Oriax
chris107: Yusan been a Sword Knight may be an idea?
Smon: Currently it's a couple days after Hakeem Rey & Eardvulf killed the 3 manticores, the Ralluan ship Hale & Hearty is about to set sail on the evening tide, watched by an assembled crowd.
Kjato Ragfoot: If I remember correctly, we have to return my lightning thrower and that anti-demon sword once we vanquished Oriax?
Smon: That's what you told their maker.
chris107: Kalthalax has been returned
Smon: But Hakeem returned the sword after sealing the demons in the dungeon.
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. Then Bjornalf will have returned the lightning rod as well.
Smon: ok
chris107: Mmmmm hasty Hakeem
Smon: I'll start now while we wait.
Smon: GM: The docks of Selatine are red-lit in the evening sun, as Eldam Alamsor and his bevvy of rescued aristocrat ladies assemble for departure. Eldam approaches Kjato, offering a hand.
Kjato Ragfoot: Bjornalf will take the hand.
Smon: (Bjornalf I mean) "My friend Bjornalf, we owe you more than I can repay."
Smon: The demurely dressed ex-captives smile and simper at the handsome Skandik.
Smon: Eldam continues: "The pirate Tsamar has been justly tried by Lord Vex and executed for her crimes. No longer will she prey upon the sea-lanes. My cousin and her friends are saved. Rallu will always have a welcome for you."
Kjato Ragfoot: Eldam, I am happy I could take part in this little adventure.
Kjato Ragfoot: You return home a hero, and I will be a hero for fighting on your side.
Kjato Ragfoot: There will be songs sung for our deeds, and your and my children will toast on that memories one day.
Smon: Eldam smiles and nods: "Well said, friend." His cousin Lady Lucretia speaks up: "I trust my handmaid Alli is serving you satisfactorily, Lord Bjornalf?"
Kjato Ragfoot: But, first things first - we need to rescue Jana, so that you can have those children in the first place!
Smon: Eldam looks uncertain at the mention of Jana Vex, and rubs his nose. "Yes, well... we must be going ere the tide turns. Come, Lucretia. Rallu is far."
Kjato Ragfoot: (Hehehe)
Kjato Ragfoot: (I think Rey bought Ally?)
Smon: Lucretia: "Good luck with your quest to free Jana from that foul brute, Lord Bjornalf. Fare well..." (yup Rey took her off your hands) ...Lucretia leans forward and kisses Bjornalf's cheek, then the Ralluans turn to ascend the gangplank.
Smon: Lord Vex steps forward to bid Eldam and co a warm farewell, then the great ship casts off, catches the swell and soon sweeps away, white sails full.
Smon: Once the Hale & Hearty is out of earshot, Lord Vex turns to Bjornalf, face taught. "Be wary of Oriax, Captain. Do not bring more disaster upon Selatine."
chris107: H spits and makes the sign to ward off evil at the mention of Oriax
Kjato Ragfoot: I never intend to bring disaster anywhere.
Kjato Ragfoot: Yet, sometimes, it follows in my footsteps.
Kjato Ragfoot: Regardless. We should do things that strengthes Selantine now.
Kjato Ragfoot: Before rescuing your sister.
Smon: Hytirus nods, looking out to sea after the departing ship. "You have something in mind?"
Smon: Hytirus' lover, the Nerathi priestess Chelarre Foxwood, steps forward, taking Hytirus' arm and nestling in close to him against the evening chill.
chris107: (H doesn't trust her as far as he could throw her)
Kjato Ragfoot: (Well, you could throw her quite far!)
Smon: Chelarre: "The Altanian Yusan is the danger. When the dry season comes, he will strike."
chris107: (H doesn't trust the Nerathi in general)
Kjato Ragfoot: Then we should speak with his enemies to make them our allies, and then strike at him before he is ready.
Smon: Hytirus lets his left hand rest on Chelarre's pale breast, turning to her with a slight smile: "If he comes this way, the Lord's Alliance will be ready for him. With any aid Nerath can provide."
Smon: Hytirus nods to Bjornalf. "Of the nearby Lords, only Lady Aeschela of Bratanis has declined the Alliance - Yusan holds her sister Thuvia captive."
Smon: GM - the following Lords are not part of the Alliance: Other Tower of Oriax (Fortress, Orcs & Outworld Slave Girls): Oriax the Lecherous, Archmage Bratanis (Ghinoran): Aeschela Ahyf (Town, Ghinoran/Antillian): Briaron (selected) & the Council of Elders Clear Meadows (vassal to Ahyf, Nerathi/Ghinoran): Temple of St Irig Sceros (vassal to Ahyf, Ghinoran): Lord Arkonos Thusia (Ghinoran/Amazon/Outworld): Lady Meda, Amazon Sorceress Temple-Tomb of Belaras (Temple Fortress, Ghinoran): High Priest Larsonos of Apollo-Mitra
Kjato Ragfoot: Amazon Sorceress temple sounds like the ideal place for Rey to visit!
Smon: OOC Any of those possible recruitment targets? Hakeem & Malenn have had dealings with the Temple of Apollo-Mitra, and the Amazons of Thuvia.
chris107: H "Lady Meda would be a powerful ally."
Smon: Lord Vex rubs his chin thoughtfully. "Bring Lady Meda into the Alliance and you will be greatly rewarded."
chris107: H will let Malenn do the talking, he's not very good at this stuff
Kjato Ragfoot: Well, we can but try.
chris107: But he tries a few words to Lord Vex
chris107: "Our child was blessed by Lady Meda, she is a wise woman. We will be happy to speak with her on your behalf. Oriax and the Sword Knight must be checked."
Smon: Vex nods thoughtfully. "Hakeem. Bjornalf. Walk with me."
Kjato Ragfoot: Bjornals will do as asked.
Smon: He gestures for Hakeem and Bjornalf to accompany him along the quayside - away from Chelarre.
chris107: same
Smon: Lord Vex looks south, after the departing ship. "Oriax has long valued Selatine as a slave market. He has helped deter Yusan's wolves from attack. If he falls..."
Kjato Ragfoot: ... he will need to be replaced, by someone of equal or greater power.
chris107: "Lord Vex. We can not rely on one devil to deter another."
6:59pm 2015-8-21 Amalric Has entered the room
chris107: Hey Graham
Amalric: evening Chris!
Smon: Vex smiles. "I am inclined to agree with Bjornalf, Hakeem... ah, Lord Reynard approaches!"
Smon: GM: Bjornalf & Hakeem are chatting with Lord Vex on the Selatine docks as the Ralluan ship sails off into the sunset, sort of.
Kjato Ragfoot: Also, we have a druid that seeks shelter. Perhaps there are other priests of natur around that would make good allies?
chris107: "Those are wise words indeed Bjorn."
Smon: Vex: "Nature priests? Wild hill hermits, you'll find them hither and yon. Most worship Artemis, called Melora by the Nerathi."
Smon: As Lord Reynard approaches (having torn himself at last from the attractions of his harem) down to the quayside, he sees a disgruntled looking Priestess Chelarre standing alone, her lover Lord Vex talking to Hakeem & Bjornalf.
Amalric: "Evening gentlemen, Lord Vex. How are we all this evening?"
Smon: Vex: "The followers of Melora hate Yusan for taking the Citadel of Water, one of her sacred Citadels, for his own."
chris107: "Rey."
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes. My mistress is angered by that sacrilige as well.
Smon: Vex nods and smiles to Rey. "Well, thank you, considering what Oriax the Goat has done to my sister! At least the Ralluans are safely on their way."
chris107: "So we have lady Meda and the Hill Hermits who may be allies?"
Smon: Vex nods to Bjornalf. "The warrior-monk Kane believes your Queen of Ocean is an Aspect of his Melora. I cannot say, and do not much care."
chris107: "How do Oriax and Yusan get their power? What can we do to cut that off? How can we hurt them?"
Smon: Vex nods to Hakeem. "Meda and her Amazon Guard would be useful allies."
Kjato Ragfoot: The hill hermits could make good scouts, warning us in advance of Yusan and allowing us time to prepare.
Smon: Vex shrugs to Hakeem. "I am no Mage. Perhaps you should ask Meda."
Smon: Vex yawns - he is someone easily bored - as the ship slowly disappears into the gathering dusk.
Kjato Ragfoot: I am sure we will figure something out. But we should return to the hall, before we draw suspicion.
Smon: Vex: "Yusan's power lies in the army of brigands he commands."
chris107: Hakeem too. He's thinking about collecting more gold for his son to be
Smon: Vex nods, beckons Chelarre to join you, and invites you all to his Hall for the evening's feast.
chris107: "haha brigands?! They will fall as wheat before our blades"
Smon: GM: Any plans for the next day? Dungeon-delving or more emissary work?
chris107: Dungeon delving!
Kjato Ragfoot: Well, in that case we need a dungeon to delve into!
Smon: Dyson's Delve & Thracia are close at hand.
chris107: Dyson's Delve has proved most lucarative in the past.
Kjato Ragfoot: But it is close to Oriax who is extremely angry at us.
Amalric: eeny meeny miney mo
chris107: "Bah I'll lift the old goat's head!"
Amalric: the Delve then?
chris107: "Should have done it while I held Demonslayer."
Kjato Ragfoot: Well, Oriax might punish Jana if we anger him more. So we should be careful.
chris107: "The Delve. I have a child to support. I need the cash."
Amalric: "I have a harem to support, I also need the cash."
Kjato Ragfoot: Very well. The delve it is then.
Smon: LOL
chris107: H goes to sharpen his greatsword.
Smon: GM: Morning, 8/2/4446 BCCC. After a hard night's drinking, three heroes sharpen their weapons and prepare to depart.
Smon: Malenn kisses Hakeem farewell. "Be careful! And bring back lots of gold." She smiles.
Kjato Ragfoot: (Oh. Can I send my ship with Cassandra to the island with the Neptune statue as planned? I would hate see her taken in our absence by Oriax)
chris107: "Haha! Look after our boy!"
Smon: Bjornalf's housekeeper cooks him a hearty breakfast, while Rey has a final roll with Lucy, Alicia, Cirella & co.
Amalric: it's a hard life, but someone has to live it
Smon: Bjornalf meets with Happy Iocunnu, who agrees to sail Cassandra & Callyachus out to the Neptune-statued Isle of Ogigian.
chris107: "Good luck Cassy & Cally!"
Kjato Ragfoot: (He and the sailors are free to trade with the merfolk on the way)
Smon: Cassandra smiles gratefully to Hakeem, and blows him a kiss. Callyakkus looks nervous, but smiles too. "We'll be ok. Come and visit us!"
chris107: "We'll bring the child!"
Kjato Ragfoot: We will. Have a good and Oriax free time!
Smon: Cassandra nods to Hakeem & Bjornalf, smiling. Bjornalf's ship casts off on the morning tide, heading east towards the rising sun.
chris107: "Now. Shall we go get rich?"
Amalric: Rey yawns and scratches his nuts
Kjato Ragfoot: Sure.
Smon: GM: You rendezvous at the west gate and take the trail SW on the 3-hour walk to Dyson's Delve...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: heh
chris107: H uses his survival skills to scout and avoid any problems. or at least tries.
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 4,
Amalric: "Actually, I feel a headache coming on..."
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 2,
Kjato Ragfoot: "If you do not have a headache, the night was not worth it."
Smon: ok, Hakeem make a WIS check w Prof
chris107 rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: d20
chris107 rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 1, (+2) = 3
chris107: OOPS
chris107: H is daydreaming...
Smon: Failing to spot the signs on the trail, you top a rise just in time to see a titanic fireball explode in the dell below you, consuming a band of hyena-faced gnolls.
Smon: They scream, burning.
chris107: Which direction did the FB come from?
Smon: Above them flying in the air appears Oriax, cackling madly as he unleashes a second fireball into the throng. BOOM!
Smon: /roll 1d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
chris107: Oh well it's been fun
Smon: Most of the gnolls are dead now, but a small band of three come running madly upslope in your direction, fur ablaze.
Amalric: Rey runs for cover
Smon: What do you do?
Kjato Ragfoot: Let's leave before Oriax notices us. He seems to be preoccupied with the gnolls for now."
Kjato Ragfoot: Bjornalf tries to hide somewhere.
chris107: H looks for stones and rocks that he can chuck at the wizard
Smon: There are trees and plenty of undergrowth to hide.
Smon: & plenty of rocks.
chris107: That looks like the very spot then
Kjato Ragfoot: Undergrowth sounds good.
Smon: roll init each of you
chris107 rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 16, (+2) = 18
Smon: /roll d20+2
Amalric rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 9, (+3) = 12
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 6, (+2) = 8
Amalric: woops +4 for me if its DEX
Smon: yup
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 5, (+2) = 7
Amalric: nice knowing you, Bjornalf
Smon: Hakeem first - he's throwing rocks at Oriax?
chris107: Hakeem will stand by you Bjorn.
chris107: Only if it looks like we can't avoid him.
Smon: Hakeem could duck away into the trees if you like.
chris107: He will not leave Bjorn
Smon: OK, Rey ducks for cover as the gnolls careen towards you Oriax flings a third fireball, 3 in 6 the 40' blast radius catches you.
Smon: (diameter I mean)
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
chris107: If the old wizard looks like he's spotted Bjorn he will hurl a rock to spoil his spell
Amalric: "The only thing worse than a sucker, is a burnt sucker."
Smon: He was focusing on the gnolls... DEX save, DC 17
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 9, (+2) = 11
chris107 rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 6, (+2) = 8
Smon: you add Prof (+3)
Smon: still fail
Smon: /roll 10d6
Smon rolls 10d6 and gets: 5, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 6, 1, = 31
chris107: So my rock didn't get off first with a 18 initiative?
Smon: Your readied action did not trigger on the stated condition.
chris107: 51/82HP
Kjato Ragfoot: 14/45
Kjato Ragfoot: MISTY ESCAPE!
Smon: The gnolls scream and die.
chris107: Rock chuck
Smon: Bjornalf teleports away in a puff of mist.
Kjato Ragfoot: (I teleport behind some large rock about 60 feet away and turn invisible.)
Smon: Hakeem can throw a rock at Oriax, AC 15.
Amalric: Bjornalf has no qualms about leaving Hakeem, even if the reverse is not true!
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 18, (+5) = 23
Amalric: (and there;s nothing wrong with that in Rey's mind!)
Kjato Ragfoot: Bjornalf also has a healing potion, somewhere.
chris107: d3?
Smon: Oriax yells in pain or annoyance as the rock bounces off his horned pate.
Kjato Ragfoot: No, a real healing potion.
Amalric: tell us it ruins his fly spell, and he falls to his death...
chris107: That would be nice!
Amalric: be a classic D&D end to a hugely powerful wizard!
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. And I have a scroll of "Protection from Magic".
Smon: d4 looks like.
chris107 rolls 1d4+4 and gets: 2, (+4) = 6
chris107: "Come on you old bastard!"
chris107: "Fight like a man!"
chris107: "Bondorr help your servant now!"
Amalric: Rey retreats further into the trees
Smon: Hovering above Hakeem, Oriax looks down in annoyance, though he doesn't seem much injured. "Oi! That hurt!"
chris107: "Good your bloody fireball smarted a bit too!"
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah. Suck it. Dispel Magic on Oriax.
Kjato Ragfoot: I simply want to see that smug wizard being trashed by barbarian fists.
chris107: H makes sure he has another rock or three to hand
chris107: Go for it Kjato! Good luck!
Smon: Oriax starts to cast again as Rey retreats out of harm's way. In the distance Rey spots Oriax's chariot with its bevy of shackled beauties.
chris107: (Rey's throwing daggers would help too)
Smon: Bjornalf casts Dispel Magic.
chris107: Hurl rock to spoil his spell
Kjato Ragfoot: Moment! The misty escape is a reaction, I think I can still act this round?
chris107: Using his advantage on initiative and raging to cause extra damage
Smon: What level does B cast at?
Kjato Ragfoot: Third (Highest level he can)
Kjato Ragfoot: (Unless I leveled while I was absent, then fourth)
Amalric: LOL might be a 15% chance
Smon: ok, Oriax's Fly goes off, roll DC 14 spellcasting check to dispel his Stoneskin.
chris107: (I think you did level Kjato)
chris107: Throw your blinking daggers at him Rey!
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 9, (+4) = 13
chris107: aarrrgghhhh so close!
Smon: (only Rey levelled)
Smon: Oriax plummets 20' to the ground in front of an angry Hakeem.
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 4, 2, = 6
Smon: 3 dmg.
chris107: Hakeem pounces
Smon: Hakeem pounces...
Kjato Ragfoot: Wrestle him, so that he cannot cast spells!
chris107: battering him with the rock in his hand and berserking
chris107: using reckless attacks
Smon: You have advtg anyway as he's prone
chris107 Rolls 1d20+7x3 and gets:
6 (+7) = 13
12 (+7) = 19
11 (+7) = 18
Smon: You can go berserk & make 2 attacks this round.
Smon: Couldn't Rage before as not in melee - would have ended.
chris107: Okay. Can I have the last 2?
Smon: 13 & 19, 1 hit, Roll 1 more - 18 & ?
Smon: AC 15 w Mage Armour
chris107 rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 13, (+7) = 20
chris107: 2 hits?
Kjato Ragfoot: His mage armour should be gone?
chris107 rolls 2d4+8 and gets: 4, 2, (+8) = 14
Smon: good point, AC 12 then
Smon: Oriax takes 7 dmg. Bleeding from the nose, he speaks a word of power and vanishes with a POP of air.
chris107: Darn!
Smon: Bjornalf recognises the POP as the sign of a D-Door or Teleport spell.
chris107: Thought that would have spoiled his spell!
Kjato Ragfoot: In that case, his fireball would have ruined my dispel spell as well.
Kjato Ragfoot: "He will have fled to his chariot, over there!"
chris107: Hehe at least we've given the bugger a bloody nose
Amalric: can Rey see the chariot from the trees?
chris107: H races towards the chariot, stone in habnd
Smon: (very hard to ruin a spell in 5e)
Smon: Rey sees the chariot in a small clearing, Jana and three other girls shackled to it.
Smon: (H has not seen it )
Smon: /roll 1d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
chris107: (Okay)
Smon: (nor has Bjornalf)
chris107: brb 2 mins
Kjato Ragfoot: Well, now we have to defeat Oriax once and for all, otherwise he will burn Selantine to the ground.
Smon: back
chris107: back
Amalric: back
chris107: Yes I agree Kjato
Amalric: is Oriax upon the chariot?
Smon: Nope
Amalric: I had a cunning plan, wish I'd acted on it
Amalric: oh!
Amalric: is he anywhere to be seen?
Smon: nope
Amalric: Rey waits a moment, just in case
chris107: We can not pussy foot around Oriax any more
Amalric: then he runs for the chariot
Smon: Rey sees no sign of Oriax, Jana and the other girls gasp as he breaks cover and runs to them.
Smon: Jana: "Rey!"
Amalric: hope he's not invisible
Amalric: who are the other girls again? nobodies?
Smon: You don't recognise them.
Smon: All shapely and beautiful, of course.
Amalric: torn between taking his new toy for a ride, and rescuing these poor girls, Rey reluctantly opts for the latter
Smon: lol
Amalric: if Jana wasn't one of them he'd definitely be taking it for a spin
chris107: do both
Amalric: i'm not sure they'd forgive me
Amalric: nor Lord Vex, for that matter
chris107: hehe
Amalric: although it may be the quickest route back to town!
Smon: Jana: "Save us!" GM: Rey frees the naked pony girls from the chariot?
Smon: (good point re speed) >:)
Amalric: yes, yes he does
Amalric: Lucy was a chariot girl, wasn't she?
chris107: "We must get back and make sure Malenn and the child are safe!"
Amalric: can H destroy the chariot?
Smon: previously Lucy was a chariot girl yup
Smon: The ramshead chariot looks pretty sturdy, and obviously enchanted.
Amalric: thought as much, purchased from Oriax
Smon: You can attack it if you like
Amalric: "We should take this back with us."
Amalric: so lets take it
chris107: agreed
Smon: how?
Kjato Ragfoot: Can we unshackle the girls?
Amalric: well either H and B pull it along, or...the girls
Smon: Yes, Rey unshackles the girls, Bjornalf assisting.
Smon: When this is done the chariot seems very heavy and disinclined to go anywhere.
Amalric: smash it up then
Amalric: Oriax will likely come back for it
Smon: Jana: "It moves by magic... It needs... pullers..."
chris107: Lady Vex, girls, we need you to bare this load one more time. For Selatine and your liberty
Smon: heh
Smon: Hakeem CHA check, no Prof bonus
chris107: "I would not ask if it were not desperate."
chris107 rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 4, (+2) = 6
chris107: bugger
Smon: Jana: "Never! Destroy it!" Her eyes flash angrily.
Smon: 1 in 6 the orcs arrive...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Smon: not yet
Amalric: "Come on. Hakeem, if you can smash it up, do so...but we need to return to Selatine, with haste."
chris107: Set fire to the bloody thing then. But we must save Salatine from Oriax
Smon: (finishing ca 9.30pm I reckon)
Amalric: "Ladies, come with me. I shall see to it that you never suffer like this again."
Smon: CHA check for Rey, can add Prof
Amalric rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 18, (+3) = 21
Smon: LOL, he never fails
Amalric: like flies on shit
Smon: The three unknown girls nod eagerly, Jana: "Yes, let us return to Selatine."
Smon: GM: You head north - leave the chariot?
Amalric: yes
Smon: /roll d12
chris107: or burn it
Smon rolls 1d12 and gets: 6,
chris107: if we can
Smon: It's the rainy season, the undergrowth is wet and only smoked a bit from the fireballs.
Smon: If you have fire magic you might be able to burn it
chris107: Hakeem is all out of fire magic
Kjato Ragfoot: I am a water warlock, I have no fire magic whatsoever.
chris107: Then lets just leave it and get to Selatine.
Kjato Ragfoot: I could try to shatter it.
chris107: H puts a number of throwing rocks in his pouch. Just in case.
Kjato Ragfoot: Shatter works better against inorganic material than against organic material - it could work. But then I would be out of spells till the next rest.
Smon: The chariot is wood w some metal.
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. Won't work then.
chris107: To Selatine!
Smon: GM: You return with Jana & co to Selatine, arriving just after lunch. Alerted by the lookout, Lord Vex meets you at the gate. He nods curtly to his sister, then turns to the adventurers.
Smon: "What happened this time?"
chris107: Oriax lost some blood
chris107: he would have lost more
Kjato Ragfoot: Oriax appeared out of the blue and attacked us with a fireball!
Kjato Ragfoot: He almost burnt us to crisp.
Kjato Ragfoot: Completely unprovoked, I have to add.
chris107: (H is toying with the idea of trying to get Malenn and child out to the islands with Cassie Starling)
Smon: Vex sighs. "He's alive? And you wounded him?"
Smon: OOC pity you just sent the boat away!
chris107: (Or at least to the Amazons to keep them safe)
Amalric: LOL
Smon: Hytirus: "Get Jana out of here - get her to Lady Meda, perhaps - she gives home to waifs and strays. Don't let Oriax find you here."
Smon: OOC you have REALLY bad luck on those wandering monster checks!
Amalric: Lady Meda?
chris107: "Lord Vex, Oriax bleeds like any other man."
chris107: "Lady Meda is a friend."
Smon: Jana: "Meda? The Amazon of Thusia?"
chris107: "She has some prophesy regarding my child. Malenn should come with us."
Amalric: "Are we all going? I better get my girls..."
Smon: Vex: "Bleeds - but not enough, it seems. He has already promised revenge should any more orcs perish. He won't forgive this... Yes, take your wife. Rey, I fear you had better take your harem also."
Amalric: seems legit
chris107: Take a short rest to use healing dice first?
Smon: OOC: 'Fleeing from the Oriax tyranny, a ragtag band of adventurers and harem girls seek a shining sanctuary known as - Thusia!'
Smon: GM: You can take a short rest.
Smon: As you assemble to depart Selatine an hour later with Rey's bewildered harem in tow, think I'll stop shortly.
chris107 rolls 4d12+16 and gets: 7, 9, 2, 7, (+16) = 41
chris107: Bck to full
Smon: Quickest route to Thusia is Thracia-Bratanis-SkyGod Idol & through the hills -
Smon: The central Ghinarian Hills are wild and largely trackless, roamed by hyenas and other fell beasts.
Smon: Oh well, I'm sure nothing bad will happen.
Smon: I'll post log.
Amalric: yeah whats the worst that could happen now?
chris107: Cool. Thanks for the game. Good to be back
Smon: Good to be remembering stuff
Amalric: always nice!
Amalric: thanks for the game
chris107: Next week I'm away on holiday
Kjato Ragfoot: Thrilling as always.
chris107: Lady Meda will be so pleased to see us
chris107: With an angry Arch-Mage hot on our heels
Amalric: what the worst that could happen?
Kjato Ragfoot: Selentine burnt down, all women in Selantine enslaved by Oriax, all men killed.
chris107: It was good to finally get some of oriax' blood on H's hands
Amalric: thats bad?
Kjato Ragfoot: That means: My house gets burnt down.
chris107: Hope you both have home insurance
Amalric: you can build a new house
Amalric: I like mine too, but hey gotta keep the girls
Smon: I guess next week Hakeem & Malenn will be guarding the rear.
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