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Dragon Turtle |
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Statue of Athena |
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Sora Menekakhos, Priestess of Athena, in battle garb |
XP Award: 11,000 each.
Hakeem, Barbarian LEVEL 9>10 XP 11000+61764=72764/64000>85000
Thuruar, Cleric LEVEL 8 XP 11000+34070=45070/48000
Rey Rogue LEVEL 8>9 XP 11000+43238=54238/48000>64000
Smon: I added your Hakeem pic Chris - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/session-4
Smon: This music just came on my feed - https://youtu.be/68I3j2luW64?list=RDMMpu7AR0-FRro - hopefully not an omen.
chris107: hehe thanks Simon!
chris107: The Slayer looks for omens
Kjato Ragfoot: I would prefer this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUC8dJ0D6sA
Smon: (Yes Kjato, that would be better) Am I right you decided to head north by ship, probably make for Zothay port?
chris107: That would get my vote.
chris107: Kjato, that theme still makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up even after all these decades
Smon: I think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUC8dJ0D6sA is definitely a Rey theme...
Kjato Ragfoot: Definitely. The other option would require intense involvement of Rey.
chris107: I noticed some foot hills further north of the elf lands through the mountains too.
Smon: Hakeem is more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZY2mRG5mzg
Kjato Ragfoot: A long time ago, in a Cimmeria far, far away.
Smon: Kjato what did you think of my suggestion that Thuruar was trained at the Temple of Athena in Zothay?
chris107: This used to get a lot of play during D&D games
chris107: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxIFzdwrzek
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah, must have overread it. That suggestion suits me well.
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar from Zothai Temple then.
7:02pm 2015-11-12 Amalric Has entered the room
chris107: Graham!
Smon: Hi Graham! Very punctual!
Kjato Ragfoot: Hello Graham!
Amalric: evening gents!
Amalric: LOL, doesnt happen often
chris107: We are in an age undreamed of. In the days of the rise of neo-Nerath after the fall of the etc....
Smon: GM: >>Kala steps forwards: "Laara and Valyara have seen the future that will come if we face Nerath in their full power. There will come a time to fight - but it is not this day. Let them spend their strength on the Gnolla. Let them feel secure. All the while a small band of heroes will be moving north, a dagger to their heart. Then - when the Black Sun falls - then will be our time." Smon: Minars sighs sadly, knowing he cannot defy the Wise Women. Smon: Vorkes nods: "Then it is decided. We will avoid battle for now, save our strength while Knight Hakeem leads his band to close the Black Sun Gate." chris107: Yay! chris107: (Hi Band) Smon: Kaag grins, hefting his axe: "We will not fail!" chris107: Guys I got to go. Thanks for a great game Smon: Sarene: "You'll be going close to Antil territory, Lord Reynard - a chance to meet your relatives." She grins. 11:38pm 2015-11-07 chris107 Has exited the room Smon: ok, will stop there. Smon: Can you do Thursday next week G & K? Amalric: "Right...can hardly wait. Want to meet your future in-laws?"<<
Amalric: heh
Smon: Hopefully you'll abort that rise of Neo-Nerath - though the previous PC group who tried didn't do so good.
chris107: Rey's Outlaws should be interesting
Kjato Ragfoot: Well, Thuruar will do his best to re-convert all Nerathi we meet to the worship of Athena.
chris107: So we sail North?
Smon: Most of them already worship Erathis who they regard as another name for Athena.
chris107: With our new allies
Kjato Ragfoot: In that case, I need to convince them that the Black Sun is a sworn enemy of Erathis.
Smon: GM: As you aren't going west, Bulwark the Warforged bids you farewell and good luck - his Warforged will seek to slow Nerathi reinforcements over the Bisituni highlands.
chris107: "Victory go with you Bulwark."
Smon: "And with you."
Smon: This came on my feed - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTW30Q4B3Go&index=27&list=RDMMpu7AR0-FRro - a good omen
chris107: Gosh you have an eclectic play list Simon
Kjato Ragfoot: I won't rest till the sorceror is dead? Must be the Hakeem vs Oriax theme song...
Smon: Your group heading north by ship comprises Hakeem, Thuruar, Rey, Kaag, and 4 others: Amdor the Mighty, and three slaves - Alicia Scarnetti, Priestess Amber, and the Nerathi concubine Gail Skara gifted to Kaag by the Seawolf druid Ernsorn Blue.
chris107: This is true. Oriax will fall or Hakeem will die trying.
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. We bring Amdor along. That is going to be fun.
Smon: Amdor: "Very excited to be going on this expedition! Saving the world, indeed!"
chris107: And Laara?
Smon: & Laara, thanks!
Smon: Knew I was forgetting someone
Smon: After a night of feasting at the Clan Moot, the next dawn you depart to a fanfare of cheers from the assembled Altanian warriors.
Smon: High Chief Beklomda Mor garlands each of you with a chain of flowers, the warriors raise their axes and swords in salute.
Smon: Beklomda: "Bondorr go with you, Warriors! Crush the Nerathi!"
Smon: ~Cheers~
chris107: HURRAH!
Smon: Kaag waves cheerily to the assembled crowd, hoisting his new concubine aloft in one hand, his huge axe in the other. "YAARRR!" he says eloquently.
Kjato Ragfoot: Hurrah!
chris107: Well I guess this is the beginning of the end then guys?
Smon: Once the farewells are complete, Sarene leads you south to her Den, and mid-morning the Lady Spite sets sail on the crimson waters of Vigil Sound.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
chris107: Scupper the nerathi, race back and sort out Oriax, free Selatine, meet with daddy Yusan then sit back and see what happens
Kjato Ragfoot: Sounds like a plan.
Smon: A strong wind is blowing, whipping up spray; Sarene's men skillfully maneuver the ship out of port and you head south-east across the Sound.
chris107: Hakeem loves been at sea
Amalric: Rey is getting used to it
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Smon: 8 hours' sail brings you to the Eyestones jungle coast towards evening; the ship heads due south along the coast.
chris107: "Mermaids Rey! Keep an eye out. Maybe there is one lass out here you haven't shagged yet?"
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will reign the Erathis Empire consisting of Nerathi and Altanians alike.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
chris107: gulp
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 9,
Amalric: "Maybe, but I doubt it!"
Smon: You retire for the night, but around 2am are wakened by Sarene's men and told to come on deck. She points out a dark shape off to starboard/right - another ship in the water, heading in your direction.
Smon: Sarene: "We're rounding the cape - they're heading east too - could be a merchant ship out of Ahyf - or it could be Nerathi."
chris107: H smiles and goes to fetch Bloodletter and the Wolf shield of Thuria
Smon: (Just got 'to fight the unfightable foe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjI7VeIA7ZI&list=RDMMpu7AR0-FRro&index=27)
Amalric: "So dont you have someone to fireball them?"
Amalric: "Or was that a different adventure?"
Smon: Sarene: "I have a scroll, as it happens... I'm saving it for an emergency."
chris107: Ol' Blue Eyes sings it well. But I prefer the Elvis version
Kjato Ragfoot: It would be unwise to just fireball any ship we came across.
Kjato Ragfoot: First of all, it is definitely to steal a burning ship. They tend to sink.
chris107: "Yeah it's hard to pillage a burning boat Rey."
chris107: "And the lady Sarene may want to add it to her collection."
Kjato Ragfoot: Not to mention they might be friendly Nerathis, that do not worship the Black Sun.
Kjato Ragfoot: We definitely do not want to all Nerathi to be our enemies, the existing cultists are bad enough.
Smon: Sarene: "Do we hail them, or try to outrun them?"
chris107: Agreed
chris107: Hakeem is always game for a bit of plunder and blood shed but we are on an important mission.
Kjato Ragfoot: (I assume ships would usually hail each other and exchange news?)
Kjato Ragfoot: (In that case, Thuruar will suggest doing just that to keep a low profile)
Smon: (Neither ship has running lights, these waters are dangerous - pirates, you know!)
Amalric: "Leave them behind, we have work to do."
chris107: "Outrun the beggers then, We will have time to pillage these waters when the Neo-Nerathi are destroyed."
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. Probably just smugglers, they do not want to be seen and neither want we.
Smon: Sarene gives the order to put on full sail. The unknown ship slips behind.
Smon: Eventually it's out of sight, Sarene tells you to stand down.
chris107: H re-wraps his gear against the salt water.
Smon: 13/4: When you rise next morning the Lady Spite has rounded the cape, a sinister black volcanic island rising some miles to the south.
Smon: Sarene: "The Isle of Dread... lair of Matriarx, the greatest dragon in these parts. Let's hope she's sleeping..."
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Smon: Matriarx appears to be slumbering, for the Isle slips away behind you.
Kjato Ragfoot: Hakeem, remember: First the Black Sun, then Oriax and afterwards you can go after any dragon you like,
chris107: "A Dragon?! Can we stop and kill it?"
Smon: "No." By noon you are heading north along the jungle coast.
chris107: "They have great treasures you know?"
chris107: "Ah yes. Black Sun, Oriax. Right."
Kjato Ragfoot: "No. First the Black Sun and Oriax. The dragon will be still here once we are finished with that."
Smon: Sarene: "Like Thuruar says - after the Black Sun, you can get yourself killed any way you like."
Smon: At noon, you are passing over clear shallow water a mile or so offshore. Sarene points out the marbled pillars of a great tumbled city fathoms deep below your keel...
Amalric: "I'd rather not."
Smon: "The ruins of Bael Turath, capital of the Empire of Glorious Doomfire..."
chris107: "Mark it on the map Tur. More treasure to loot!"
chris107: Thur
Smon: Priestess Amber nods: "Their Rain of Colourless Fire destroyed the Dragonborn of Arkhosia. The Black Sun have sought their secrets..."
Kjato Ragfoot: It would be much easier to simply mark the places you do not want to explore.
chris107: H is moochy as he hasn't killed anything in ages.
Smon: Sarene: "They say the leaders of Bael Turath were horned, devil-men..."
Kjato Ragfoot: (Somehow reminds me of Oriax)
Smon: Sarene nods. "Yup. I never believed the tale Oriax was just a Satyr..."
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: You leave Bael Turath behind, heading north.
Smon: Eventually the sun sets, the ship sails on through the night.
Smon: Smon: You leave Bael Turath behind, heading north. Smon: Eventually the sun sets, the ship sails on through the night.
Smon: 14/4: Sarene has everyone up before dawn.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: It looks like being a fine sunny day, but Sarene is nervous scanning the ocean.
chris107: H looks too.
Smon: "This is Old Ropey's hunting ground... and unlike Matriarx the black dragon, he rarely sleeps..."
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Kjato Ragfoot: Who is Old Ropey?
Smon: "A giant octopus... only he can fly."
Kjato Ragfoot: There are strange things between heaven and earth.
chris107: "A flying Octopus! Can we kill it?"
Kjato Ragfoot: LATER!
Amalric: "Does he carry knives, too?" asks Rey
Smon: "If it comes for us, be my guest..." Dawn comes up and the hours pass, Sarene begins to relax.
Smon: You spot faint smoke trails from the western ocean. Sarene: "That's probably Tristor, an Elf town in the Eyestones jungle..."
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
chris107: H looks a little disappointed that he didn't get to kill the black dragon or the flying octopus. He contents himself there will be rivers of Nerathi blood to wade through soon enough.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Smon: No sign of Old Ropey, and the ship sails on up the coast.
Smon: 15/4: Mid-morning next day you round the horn of the Eyestones jungle, a small trading post can be seen on a rocky, vine-wrapped promontory.
Smon: Sarene: "Ressnysh's trade post - the lizardmen there are peaceful... usually."
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: The ship begins to leave the horn behind, heading north-west across the Bay of Trespasses towards the Fogbound Coast and Onhir territory.
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 20,
chris107: Oh dear
chris107: that looks dangerous
Kjato Ragfoot: Suddenly, Oriax appears riding on Matriarx, while playing sea chess with Old Ropey?
chris107: Yay!
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 1,
chris107: Three birds with one stone!
chris107: 6-20-1
chris107: what are the odds on that?
Smon: lucky - You spot the great shell-crest of the monster as it surfaces, swimming in your direction.
Smon: The lookout yells: "Dragon Turtle!"
chris107: Bugger!
Smon: Sarene curses. "Dangnabbit!"
chris107: H gets his sword and shield ready.
chris107: "This should be a fun fight Sarene." He grins like a wolf.
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh well.
Smon: It's closing fast... Sarene clenches her fist. "I hate this bit... it's looking for treasure!"
chris107: (I'm guessing we can't outrun it?)
Amalric: "Bloody hell."
Amalric: "Can we throw it a bone?"
Smon: It's moving at about 8 mph to your 3.75 mph.
chris107: Hakeem stands at the pointy end ready to do battle with it.
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will call to Athena to create a whirlpool directly in front of the monster, "COntrol Water)
Smon: The shell is around 40' across.
Kjato Ragfoot: That should slow it down.
chris107: Could H jump on the shell and hack the head off?
chris107: (If Thur's whirlpool doesn't slow it down?)
Kjato Ragfoot: You can still jump on the shell if the whirpool slows it down.,
Smon: GM: As the Dragon Turtle comes within 300', Thuruar summons a mighty whirlpool, 50' wide - enough to catch the Turtle, swirling it around.
chris107: "Haha!" Laughs Hakeem.
Smon: GM: ok it gets a STR check vs your spell save DC to break free, otherwise it's caught.
Smon: Roll:
Smon: /roll d20+7
Smon rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 18, (+7) = 25
Smon: bad luck.
Kjato Ragfoot: IT suceeds easily.
Amalric: bah
Smon: /roll 2d8
Smon rolls 2d8 and gets: 3, 6, = 9
chris107: Oh well. Fighting a dragon turtle will be fun!
Smon: it takes 4 dmg
chris107: "Fish me out when it's dead."
Smon: Sarene: "I think you annoyed it..."
chris107: H prepares to leap upon the beast's shell and slay it.
Smon: Sarene yells to her men to ready x-bows and the ballista.
chris107: He leaves Bloodletter and the shield on board. Taking only his great sword.
Smon: As it comes within range: "Loose!"
chris107: H will pounce when he can
Smon: 24 x-bows fire, hit on a 16:
Smon: /roll 24d20
Smon rolls 24d20 and gets: 13, 2, 2, 18, 4, 8, 12, 18, 9, 9, 18, 8, 13, 10, 14, 13, 3, 16, 13, 16, 4, 9, 20, 19 = 271
Smon: 8, w 1 crit
Kjato Ragfoot: 7 hits?
Smon: yeah 7, 8 dice
Smon: /roll 8d10+14
Smon rolls 8d10+14 and gets: 2, 5, 6, 1, 8, 7, 9, 6, (+14) = 58
Smon: 58 dmg
chris107: Rage, leap, hackety-hack, berserk!
Amalric: "Nice shooting, guys!"
Smon: Ballista
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 2, (+5) = 7
Smon: misses
chris107: "Grrrrr!"
Smon: Sarene curses as the ballista bolt bounces off its steel-hard shell.
chris107: H will hack at the exposed bits, fins, head etc.
Smon: The head is pockmarked with x-bow bolts as it rises up some 40' from the ship, mouth gawping wide...
Smon: Sarene: "uh-oh."
Smon: Hakeem can jump around 16'.
chris107: H takes cover! Using his barbarian skills to dodge damege he can see
Smon: maybe 20' or so leaoing down.
Smon: everyone roll init
Smon: turtle:
chris107: He will leap only when the creature is within leaping range
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 3,
chris107 Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
19 (+2) = 21
9 (+2) = 11
Smon: pirate crew:
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 18, (+2) = 20
Smon: /roll d20+2
chris107: (Darn, H should have been shot from the balistae at it!)
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 4, (+2) = 6
Smon: Sarene: "Take cover!"
Amalric rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 11, (+5) = 16
chris107: yup
Smon: GM: You all throw yourselves behind bales, the ship's boat etc a moment before a vast torrent of boiling steam-breath scours across the deck...
Smon: DC 14 DEX save or else take damage.
Smon: Pirates need 12:
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 6, (+2) = 8
Smon: /roll d20x24
Amalric rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 4, (+5) = 9
Smon Rolls 1d20x10 and gets:
10 = 10
1 = 1
1 = 1
11 = 11
13 = 13
10 = 10
20 = 20
7 = 7
1 = 1
14 = 14
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 8, (+6) = 14
Smon: /roll 14d20
chris107: advantage using barbarian ability
Smon rolls 14d20 and gets: 13, 1, 10, 7, 1, 5, 16, 14, 2, 14, 5, 3, 4, 9, = 104
Smon: Only 7 pirates survive the scouring blast.
chris107: Ah, made it anyway
chris107: "Come on you bastard!"
Amalric: (bad to say "thank god!", but for a moment I thought it was 14-280 damage!)
Smon: ok Rey & Thuruar get blasted, DC 18 CON save or take 52 damage, 26 if you save.
chris107: 104 is bad enough
Amalric rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 4, (+2) = 6
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 20, (+2) = 22
Amalric: consecutive 4s, nice
Smon: You add your proficiency (+3) - Rey still fails.
Smon: 26 dmg Thuruar, 52 dmg Rey?
Smon: No, Rey has: >>Level 7: Evasion - half damage from area effects "such as red dragon breath" - when make DEX save for half damage, half damage if fail, no damage if pass!<<
Smon: oh, but CON save.... hm.
Smon: Sarene DEX:
Smon: /roll d20+7
Amalric: made the DEX roll first, failed, but should still be 26hp
Smon rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 14, (+7) = 21
Amalric: ?
Smon: technically it was a DEX save for no dmg, but I'll allow it, so 26 dmg
Smon: Sarene takes no dmg.
Smon: The screams of the dying surround you. Next round: The dragon turtle emerges from the sea, huge paws crunching into the hull as it starts to tip the ship towards its gaping maw. Hakeem has his chance to attack...
chris107 Rolls 1d20+8x2 and gets:
20 (+8) = 28
3 (+8) = 11
Amalric: nice crit!
chris107: savage critical with a great sword!
Smon: Rey & Thuruar what are your actions?
Amalric: attack
Smon: Is Hakeem raging and attacking it?
Amalric Rolls 1d20+8x2 and gets:
12 (+8) = 20
11 (+8) = 19
chris107: 6d6+7?
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will attack the turtle with Guided Strike and Divine Strike.
Amalric: (+9 for the dagger, so 2 20s)
chris107: Yup see above. rage then berserk
Smon: savage crit is +1 die, so 5d6 I fear.
chris107 rolls 5d6+7 and gets: 2, 3, 2, 2, 1, (+7) = 17
Amalric: that sucks
chris107: Berserk next round
chris107: 3 reckless attacks
Smon: Sarene leaps at it, stabbing at its great beady eyes, as her panicking sailors try to avoid falling into the ocean.
Smon: It's AC 20 so Rey got 2 hits, sneak attack
Smon: Sarene uses her boat spear on it, +9 to hit
Smon: /roll d20+9x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x3 and gets:
8 (+9) = 17
9 (+9) = 18
14 (+9) = 23
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: /roll 2d8+4
Smon rolls 2d8+4 and gets: 3, 1, (+4) = 8
chris107: "Haha Sarene! We will sail North in it's shell!"
Amalric rolls 1d8+5 and gets: 5, (+5) = 10
Amalric rolls 1d4+1 and gets: 3, (+1) = 4
Amalric rolls 4d6 and gets: 1, 3, 3, 3, = 10
Smon: 24 dmg Rey
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 14, (+12) = 26
Amalric: (d6s are not rolling well for us tonight!)
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d6+2 and gets: 6, (+2) = 8
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d8 and gets: 4,
Smon: Is that 12 dmg Kjato?
chris107: (So far! Hakeem feels good about this fight. )
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes,
Smon: The sailors on the ballista at the rear of the ship were not within the steam-blast, as the ship lurches they get off a second shot:
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 7, (+5) = 12
Smon: bounces off its shell.
Amalric: lol
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: Angrily the turtle swipes and bites at the tiny figures stabbing at its great head...
Smon: Thuruar was that a melee attack you made?
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes.
Smon: ok 1 Sarene 2 Rey 3 Hakeem 4 Thuruar...
Smon: /roll d4
Smon rolls 1d4 and gets: 2,
Smon: The Turtle goes for Rey.
Smon: bite:
Smon: /roll d20+12
Smon rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 18, (+12) = 30
chris107: ouch
Smon: /roll 3d12+7
Smon rolls 3d12+7 and gets: 11, 7, 12, (+7) = 37
Smon: 37/2=18 dmg
Amalric: what?!?
Amalric: 17/61 left
chris107: gulp
Smon: 2 claws, I'll roll again for target
Smon: /roll d4x2
Smon Rolls 1d4x2 and gets:
2 = 2
2 = 2
Amalric: oh come on!
Smon: bad luck Rey.
chris107: it hates Rey!
Smon: /roll d20+12x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
7 (+12) = 19
18 (+12) = 30
Amalric: its the father of all those women, come back for vengeance
Smon: /roll 4d8+14
Smon rolls 4d8+14 and gets: 4, 1, 7, 2, (+14) = 28
chris107: hehe
Smon: Rey is battered to the deck at -11 hp.
chris107: Hakeem berserks and attacks the thing withrecklessly
Smon: His unconscious form starts to slide down towards the water as the ship lurches, the damaged side-rail may not hold him...
chris107: to avenge his friend Rey
Smon: Next round: The surviving sailors are scrambling to get below deck before the Turtle breathes again.
Smon: Hakeem you can attack.
chris107: 3 attacks all reckless
chris107 Rolls 1d20+8x2 and gets:
19 (+8) = 27
11 (+8) = 19
chris107 Rolls 1d20+8x2 and gets:
7 (+8) = 15
8 (+8) = 16
chris107 Rolls 1d20+8x2 and gets:
8 (+8) = 16
16 (+8) = 24
chris107: 2 hits
chris107 rolls 4d6+17 and gets: 5, 3, 4, 5, (+17) = 34
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will rush to the ballista shooters and bless them with Wargods Blessings (+10 on their next attack).
chris107: 31
Smon: 31 dmg?
chris107: should have been +14
chris107: yup
Smon: Thuruar make a DC 10 acrobatics check to get to the rear & the ballista.
chris107: (Is anyone stopping Rey's body slipping into a watery grave?)
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 5, (+2) = 7
chris107: bugger
Amalric: not our night!
Smon: Thuruar makes his way slowly along the deck.
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 3, 5, = 8
Kjato Ragfoot: Do I get within 30 feet of the ballista? That would be sufficient.
Smon: The ballista crew fail a morale check and go down the hatch, fleeing below decks.
Smon: No
Smon: Not before they fled.
Smon: You can cast it on Sarene if you like?
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes, will do that.
Amalric: surely Sarene will save Rey?
Amalric: Amdor? Alicia?
Smon: Amdor & Alicia are safe below decks.
Amalric: fairy godmother?
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
chris107: hehe
Smon: Sarene glances over at Rey, sees him come to rest on an intact stretch of rail, and jabs up at the great beast...
Smon: /roll d20+19
Smon rolls 1d20+19 and gets: 8, (+19) = 27
Smon: /roll d20+9x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x2 and gets:
12 (+9) = 21
17 (+9) = 26
Smon: 3 hits!
chris107: Nice!
Smon: /roll 6d8+12
Smon rolls 6d8+12 and gets: 4, 7, 5, 6, 3, 7, (+12) = 44
Amalric: i'm not sure +19 is correct, btw...
Smon: ouch
Smon: +19 included +10 spell bonus
Smon: from Thuruar
Amalric: sorry, i'm dying, ignore me
chris107: (+10- for Thur's spell G)
Smon: Thuruar is out of melee range right now, 4 in 6 it goes for Sarene
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
Smon: yup
Smon: /roll d20+12x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+12x3 and gets:
13 (+12) = 25
10 (+12) = 22
13 (+12) = 25
chris107: ouch!
Smon: /roll 3d12+7
Smon rolls 3d12+7 and gets: 9, 3, 5, (+7) = 24
Smon: /roll 4d8+14
Smon rolls 4d8+14 and gets: 5, 1, 1, 7, (+14) = 28
Smon: 52 dmg as she's nipped and battered by mighty claws.
chris107: Hakeem attacks with fresh vigour
Smon: Sarene picks herself up, wipes blood from her nose, her clothes ragged and rent. "Now you made me angry..."
chris107: 3 attacks all reckless again.
Smon: Next round - Thuruar sees that the ballista is loaded, he might be able to get to it & get off a shot?
chris107: "A fine little fight lady Sarene!"
Kjato Ragfoot: He will try.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+8x2 and gets:
19 (+8) = 27
20 (+8) = 28
chris107 Rolls 1d20+8x2 and gets:
8 (+8) = 16
18 (+8) = 26
chris107 Rolls 1d20+8x2 and gets:
12 (+8) = 20
18 (+8) = 26
Smon: DC 8 DEX check Thuruar.
chris107: 3 hits. 1 crit!
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 13, (+2) = 15
Smon: Sarene:
Smon: /roll d20+9x3
chris107: 9d6+21!
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x3 and gets:
3 (+9) = 12
17 (+9) = 26
1 (+9) = 10
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: /roll 2d8+4
Smon rolls 2d8+4 and gets: 3, 5, (+4) = 12
chris107 rolls 9d6+21 and gets: 6, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 4, (+21) = 49
Smon: Thuruar gets to the ballista, swings it round aimed at the Turtle...
Smon: Ballista attack is +3 prof +2 DEX so +5 vs AC 20 I believe?
Kjato Ragfoot: Seems correct.
Smon: ok roll to hit
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 16, (+5) = 21
chris107: yes!
chris107: Good shot Kjato!
Smon: 10d6+2 dmg inc DEX bonus
Kjato Ragfoot: Wooo!
chris107: Nice
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 10d6+2 and gets: 2, 2, 6, 2, 4, 2, 3, 5, 2, 6, (+2) = 36
Smon: The massive bolt hits it between the eyes, it blinks in pain...
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d8 and gets: 2,
Smon: 38 dmg?
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes.
Smon: /roll d6x2
Smon Rolls 1d6x2 and gets:
5 = 5
4 = 4
chris107: Well over a hundred hit points just this round!
Smon: 4 in 6 the Turtle breathes at Thuruar...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: No, maybe it didn't realise who hurt it...
Smon: Sarene & Hakeem are too close for the breath attack. 4 in 6 attacks Hakeem.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: yup
Smon: /roll d20+12x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+12x3 and gets:
15 (+12) = 27
18 (+12) = 30
13 (+12) = 25
Smon: AC 17?
Smon: /roll 3d12+7
chris107: yup
Smon rolls 3d12+7 and gets: 7, 12, 1, (+7) = 27
Smon: /roll 4d8+14
Smon rolls 4d8+14 and gets: 8, 5, 6, 8, (+14) = 41
Smon: 68/2=34 dmg
Smon: It seems to be weakening, like that bolt cracked its skull...
chris107: 79/113HP
Smon: Sarene:
Smon: /roll d20+9x3
chris107: Hakeem lunges again with reckless abandon
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x3 and gets:
18 (+9) = 27
20 (+9) = 29
1 (+9) = 10
8:52pm 2015-11-12 Eliana Has entered the room
chris107 Rolls 1d20+8x2 and gets:
4 (+8) = 12
12 (+8) = 20
Smon: /roll 6d8+8
Smon rolls 6d8+8 and gets: 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 7, (+8) = 37
chris107 Rolls 1d20+8x2 and gets:
10 (+8) = 18
20 (+8) = 28
chris107 Rolls 1d20+8x2 and gets:
8 (+8) = 16
13 (+8) = 21
chris107: 3 hits 1 crit again!
chris107 rolls 9d6+21 and gets: 5, 6, 5, 5, 1, 4, 5, 4, 2, (+21) = 58
Smon: Sarene's boat spear plunges deep into its throat as Hakeem's sword pierces an eye, punching 4 feet down into its living brain...
chris107: "Hahahahhahahah!"
Smon: with a sad sigh the dragon turtle releases the boat and begins to slide back into the ocean - dead.
Smon: CR 17 monster, 18,000 XP BTW
Amalric: *gurgle*
Smon: As the ship rights itself, Rey rolls back across the deck.
chris107: We best rescue Rey then go find the Dragon Turtles lair
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will rush over to Rey and pour as many healing spells down his throat as necessary.
Smon: Well done
chris107: How many HP?
Smon: Sarene pokes it with her boat spear, helping it off the ship back into the ocean, then turns to survey the carnage.
chris107: Hakeem tries to help the burned sailors. Save as many as he can.
Smon: I'll roll for the 17 scalded pirates.
Smon: /roll 17d20
Smon rolls 17d20 and gets: 16, 8, 17, 13, 6, 12, 5, 3, 6, 10, 4, 3, 7, 7, 4, 16, 6, = 143
Smon: 17+s took 26 dmg not killed instantly - one by my count.
Amalric: yep
Smon: /roll d20x3
Smon Rolls 1d20x3 and gets:
20 = 20
20 = 20
7 = 7
Smon: A little life still lingers in one massively scalded fellow.
Smon: Sarene stalks over to him, inspects his scalded flesh. "Ouch. Priest, some magic healing for Bolgan here?
chris107: "Sarene, helping us has cost you dearly. I swear we will help when we can."
Kjato Ragfoot: Of course.
Kjato Ragfoot: Cure Wounds on that poor fellow.
Amalric: *gurgle*
chris107: hehe Graham!
Smon: Sarene shrugs. "It was either lose men or give up the ship's treasure..."
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d8+5 and gets: 1, (+5) = 6
Smon: Bolgan still at -4 hp.
Kjato Ragfoot: And then over to Rey.
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. OK. Second spell on Bogdan.
chris107: "Rey is laying down on the job again!"
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d8+5 and gets: 5, (+5) = 10
Smon: Sarene whistles for the rest of her men to come back on deck, start laying out the bodies.
Kjato Ragfoot: Now, two Cure WOunds on Rey.
Smon: Bolgan wakes up. "Eww. I had a terrible dream... oh."
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 2d8+10 and gets: 4, 7, (+10) = 21
chris107: "Sarene is there rumour of this great creatures lair?"
Kjato Ragfoot: Did you dream that a dragon turtle boiled of your skin and only Athenas grace saved you?
Smon: Priestess Amber is among those who come back on deck. "I have a little healing?" She kneels beside Bolgan. "Thank'ee lass." he says.
chris107: "It is said that Dragon's hold mighty treasures!"
Smon: Bolgan nods. "aye. But the dream is much better now..." he grins broadly as Amber bends over him, kissing his forehead.
chris107: H rests while he dreams of great treasures.
Smon: /roll d8+2
Smon rolls 1d8+2 and gets: 8, (+2) = 10
Kjato Ragfoot: (Rey, are you concious again or do you need more healing?)
Smon: Bolgan gets up, stretches. "Aw, I feel much better!"
Amalric: "Golden Arches! I can see the Golden Arches!" says Rey, waking up again
Amalric: (Far Side joke)
chris107: (and will use 4 healing dice)
chris107 rolls 4d12+20 and gets: 11, 5, 1, 5, (+20) = 42
chris107: 113/113HP
Smon: GM: You take a short rest for an hour, then can spend healing dice.
Smon: Sarene:
Amalric: http://zettlhomeopathy.ca/zettlme/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/farside-golden-arches.png
Smon: /roll 4d8+12
Smon rolls 4d8+12 and gets: 5, 8, 2, 8, (+12) = 35
Amalric rolls 4d8+8 and gets: 4, 1, 1, 4, (+8) = 18
chris107: (You lost me there Graham )
Amalric: my dice sucketh tonight
Smon: THis was playing when you killed the turtle - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmA93ppNBws&list=RDMMpu7AR0-FRro&index=22
Smon: Sarene is thinking about treasure. The turtle corpse can be seen floating a couple hundred feet from the ship, sharks beginning to nibble at it.
Smon: Sarene: "I hear they keep their loot in their bellies?"
Kjato Ragfoot: Healing Dice
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 3d8+6 and gets: 6, 8, 5, (+6) = 25
chris107: "The death of this great Dragon fortells of the fall of Neo-Nerath!"
Amalric: "in their bellies? disgusting."
Kjato Ragfoot: 58/59
Smon: Amber shakes her head. "No mistress, only for transport - they regurgitate it when they reach their lair. A cave of some kind."
chris107: Is it still floating near by?
Smon: Sarene is thinking about treasure. The turtle corpse can be seen floating a couple hundred feet from the ship, sharks beginning to nibble at it.
Smon: brb tea break.
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. Where would that lair be?
chris107: hakeem is thinking about it's treasure too!
Smon: "Sea caves..."
chris107: Hi Eli
Eliana: Hi
chris107: Sorry we were a bit tied up when you arrived.
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. Are there any sea caves nearby?
Kjato Ragfoot: Hello Eli!
Eliana: (Not tied bur burned )
Eliana: (Hi)
Eliana: *but
Smon: Hi Eli
Smon: There's a rocky jungle coast a couple leagues to your south-east, might be caves there?
chris107: I think we should
chris107: That was a proper man sized dragon-turtle
chris107: (How many HP Simon?)
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes, we need plenty money for Malenn's warchest.
Smon: 341 hp. Sarene orders the ship to turn around and you head back across the bay, looking for caves.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
chris107: (And Sarene's crew fund)
chris107: 341HP?!
Smon: As luck would have it, before the sun sets you do spot a very large cave in the cliffs just above a stretch of sandy beach.
Smon: Sarene orders the ship's boat lowered. "Let's hope there's no baby turtles..."
chris107: Hehe Hakeem hopes that the creatures Mother may be at home
Smon: GM: Two brawny Altanian sailors row Hakeem, Sarene, Rey & Thuruar ashore.
Amalric: Rey hopes that WAS the mother
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar goes along to make sure nobody dies from stubbing their toes or anything.
Smon: You walk the last few feet through the surf, up the sand beach and into the cave.
Smon: Inside, it smells like turtle - or like dragon, maybe.
chris107: H will take Bloodletter and his wolf shield this time
chris107: (There would have been a lot of soup to be made out of that critter)
Kjato Ragfoot: Yep. A pity we do not have a fish restaurant.
Amalric: haha!
Amalric: not yet, anyway
Smon: Inside are great chest brimming with tens of thousands of coin - silver, mostly - but gold too. Gems, a crown, and other things.
Smon: Sarene grins: "Yup."
chris107: "Hahahahhahaahahah!"
Smon: It looks like taking several trips to get the whole hoard back to your boat.
Smon: 9,500 Gold 120,000 Silver 8 azurite worth 10 gp each 6 blue star sapphire worth 1000 gp each gold crown set with star sapphire worth 2500gp platinum fine chain set with a fire opal worth 2500gp cloth-of-gold ribbon strung with pink pearls worth 2500gp Potion of heroism Sending stones Potion of mind reading Scroll of Hold Monster, (PHB 251)
Kjato Ragfoot: Well. We are not that much in a huarry and I doubt Sarene would leave without the treasure anyway.
chris107: A fine haul
Smon: Around midnight you have everything back aboard ship and counted up - hoard total: 35,080.00 gp in cash, plus the magic items.
Amalric: nice!
chris107: (What are sending stones?)
Smon: Sarene looks at the stones. "Hmm. Buggered if I know."
Smon: GM: Thuruar can identify them if he has Detect Magic?
Kjato Ragfoot: Has Amdor the Mighty ever heard of Sending Stones?
Amalric: "They are stones...for sending."
Amalric: Alicia?
chris107: hehe
Kjato Ragfoot: I know the spell but have not prepared it right now.
Smon: Amdor nods. "Why yes, of course! Such things are not uncommon in civilised lands... Two or more such stones in a circuit. One may send messages between them, at any distance!"
chris107: "Amdor! You are a master wizard indeed!"
Smon: Alicia can't ID them (no det magic)
Kjato Ragfoot: That sounds very useful.
Smon: Amdor smiles proudly and bows.
Kjato Ragfoot: You are a font of knowledge indeed!
Smon: Sarene: "So if I took one back to the Clans and you the other on your quest, you could let us know how it's going?"
chris107: "Sarene, do you have enough crew to reach our destination?"
chris107: H leaves magical stuff to the others
Smon: Sarene nods: "Oh yeah. Bit short of crossbowmen, but there's still over 60 men aboard."
chris107: he cleans and protects his weapons for the rest of the journy.
Smon: Sarene takes a stone. "Which of you would like the other one?"
chris107: Not H
Smon: At this point Kaag appears in the cabin doorway, yawning happily. "Evening, friends! I heard I missed a little excitement?"
Kjato Ragfoot: I would vote for H, he is the toughest to kill and the clans respect him.
chris107: "You missed all the fun Kaag!"
Smon: Kaag has been spending most of the time getting acquainted with his new concubine below decks. He sighs sadly.
chris107: Kjato: He is also the least politic
Smon: "You should come get me Hakeem! That girl wears me out! I have slept all the day!"
Amalric: "I will take the other stone. More likely I can speak while Hakeem is killing things."
chris107: (Isn't Kaag with Hakeem's mother?)
Smon: Sarene nods to Thuruar. "Lord Rey here is a little squishy..."
Smon: (Kaag did not take Gnubis on the trip)
chris107: (Ah okay)
Smon: (Not all Altanians are as faithful as Hakeem)
Smon: Kaag looks at the stones dubiously. "Sorcery!"
chris107: (Not all Altanians are having a son who will be a great hero!)
Amalric: "Squishy?! Thats all the thanks I get for diverting its attention from you!"
Smon: Alicia sighs theatrically. "I'll take it if no one else will - I'm pretty squishy too, though."
Kjato Ragfoot: For being that squishy, Rey survived a rather hot steam bath.
Smon: Sarene grins wickedly at Rey. "You did a great job."
chris107: He did indeed.
Amalric: exactly
chris107: Now we have a job to do?
Amalric: "If the roles had been reversed, it would have been me stabbing it in the eye, and standing around looking smug!"
Smon: Sarene tosses Alicia the stone. "There you go."
chris107: Like saving the world from a wicked necromantic empire?
Kjato Ragfoot: Yep. That is something we have to do.
Smon: Alicia tucks the smooth grey stone into her loincloth. Sarene: "How about these other items?"
chris107: Hakeem urges that we make best speed.
Smon: Potion of heroism Sending stones Potion of mind reading Scroll of Hold Monster, (PHB 251)
Kjato Ragfoot: All of those sound useful for investigating and destroying and evil cult.
Smon: Sarene: "Well, you can sleep on it. If you want some petty cash for your journey, feel free to take a few silver."
chris107: H is happy to take a few coins for now.
chris107: The magic does sound useful for our quest
Smon: OOC I'm a bit tired was thinking take a break now but could resume later at 10pm? OK?
chris107: That works for me
Amalric: and me
Kjato Ragfoot: Isn't it almost 10?
chris107: 23 minutes
Kjato Ragfoot: I should not stay up much longer, have to work tomorrow at 7.
chris107: That's a shame Kjato
Smon: See you in 23 mins if you'd like to continue then.
chris107: Count me in
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. I think I can play till midnight my time.
Smon: Yeah I'll do 10pm-11pm then stop.
Kjato Ragfoot: All right. Then I will be here after the break.
chris107: Use your healing dice Kjato
Kjato Ragfoot: Already did.
chris107: I meant Kjato's dice not Thurs
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. I would need some dice that allows me to forgo an hour of sleep. ^^
chris107: 18.000 + treasure will be a very healthy XP add
Kjato Ragfoot: Yup. That is quite a sum
chris107: should be a level each
Kjato Ragfoot: Na. Thuruar just leveled, would need 14,000 XP for a levelup.
chris107: 35,000 +18,000/ how many?
9:53pm 2015-11-12 Smon Has entered the room
Kjato Ragfoot: Good question. At least Rey, Hakeem, Thuruar and Sarene.
chris107: mmmmm
chris107: H only needs 2,250 or so
Smon: back
Smon: Sarene gets a full share, another share for the ship's crew.
Smon: 53,000/5
Smon: 10600 each.
9:56pm 2015-11-12 Oculus Orbus Has entered the room
Eliana: is the game finished?
chris107: not yet Eli
chris107: starting again in 5 mins or so
Eliana: I see
chris107: Occles
Oculus Orbus: Hi, I'm friendly
Oculus Orbus: Is this Smon's 5e Wilderlands game?
chris107: yup
chris107: it's Thursday Occs
Oculus Orbus: I've heard it's really good
Oculus Orbus: Wait... what day is this?
chris107: yeah. we just killed a Dragon Turtle
9:56pm 2015-11-12 Oculus Orbus Has entered the room
Eliana: is the game finished?
chris107: not yet Eli
chris107: starting again in 5 mins or so
Eliana: I see
chris107: Occles
Oculus Orbus: Hi, I'm friendly
Oculus Orbus: Is this Smon's 5e Wilderlands game?
chris107: yup
chris107: it's Thursday Occs
Oculus Orbus: I've heard it's really good
Oculus Orbus: Wait... what day is this?
chris107: yeah. we just killed a Dragon Turtle
9:56pm 2015-11-12 Oculus Orbus Has entered the room
Eliana: is the game finished?
chris107: not yet Eli
chris107: starting again in 5 mins or so
Eliana: I see
chris107: Occles
Oculus Orbus: Hi, I'm friendly
Oculus Orbus: Is this Smon's 5e Wilderlands game?
chris107: yup
chris107: it's Thursday Occs
Oculus Orbus: I've heard it's really good
Oculus Orbus: Wait... what day is this?
chris107: yeah. we just killed a Dragon Turtle
9:57pm 2015-11-12 Smon Has entered the room
Oculus Orbus: Dragon Turtles! An underused monster.
chris107: 321HP!
Oculus Orbus: Teenage Mutant Dragon Turtles
Smon: xp... Sarene gets a full share, another share for the ship's crew. Smon: 53,000/5 Smon: 10600 each.
Oculus Orbus:
Smon: I may get logged out again, the room I want to gm in has the worst internet signal...
Oculus Orbus: I hear Roll20 is nice
10:01pm 2015-11-12 Smon Has exited the room
Oculus Orbus:
*Eliana slaps OO*
Smon: Trying a different room... (Having some muscle pain, the futon in Bill's room is best but the Internet there no good, *sigh*)
Amalric: 341hp actually
chris107: hehe
10:02pm 2015-11-12 Smon Has entered the room
*chris107 slaps Occs too *
Smon: ok...
Smon: GM: The ship heads north across the Bay of Trespasses.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: The night pases peacefully, when morning comes the gnoll-infested northern Eyestones Jungle coast on your left is giving way to the swamplands south of Fogbound forest.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
chris107: Ah yes I know where we are...
Smon: The ship sails north/north-west hugging the coast, a little after noon passing the river mouth that marks the southern limit of the Onhiri elven territories.
Smon: Thuruar knows these lands - 50 miles north-east across great Damkina Bay on a rocky headland lies the great Temple of the Lady of Wisdom. For a thousand years the Temple has stood invincible, training Clerics of Athena from all across the Wilderlands.
chris107: "That sounds like the place for us."
Smon: It's about 4pm 16/4/4446 and you are heading along the west coast of Damkina bay, the Fogbound Forest visible -and foggy - just beyond the shore.
chris107: Anyone?
Smon: Sarene: "You want me to take you to the Temple of Wisdom? We're only a half day from Zothay now, north at the mouth of the Mageven River."
Smon: A lookout calls out: "Captain! a port on the shore!"
chris107: "Thur what would you say?"
Smon: Looking to shore a half mile off you can see a ruined, vine-wrapped tower rising above a stone quayside. It has an abandoned look.
Smon: Sarene: "I could drop you off there if you like? Looks lovely!"
chris107: Any sign of movement?
chris107: around it?
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
chris107: "Aye, you have done us proud Lady Sarene."
Kjato Ragfoot: (I am not sure where we are on the map)
Amalric: "How hospitable."
Smon: (You don't see any movement, the quays look unused for years, but a faint smoke trail rises from the tower.
Smon: (You're way off the Ghinarian map)
Amalric: "Not as it appears, then. Someone obviously likes some solitude for burning...wood."
chris107: (I think where the thick brocken black scandik line crosses the coast)
Smon: On this map you're a bit south of Zothay - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/wilderlands-players-map-click-for-full.html
chris107: "Then let's go warm ourselves by his fire!"
Smon: Yes, you're on the edge of Skandik territory, but still in Elven territory. The Temple of Wisdom is in Skandik territory but all assaults on it by the Vikings have failed disastrously, now they leave it alone.
chris107: (yeah, not a million miles off)
chris107: So do we get off here or go on?
Kjato Ragfoot: Well, we need to go west instead of north. So dropping off at the Temple would be fine, I assume.
Smon: If you want to go to the Temple of Wisdom Sarene will need to sail you NE across Damkina Bay, about a half day. Or half a day N to Zothay town. Or let you off here at the ruined tower.
chris107: Let's do that then. Leave the smokey chap in the tower alone.
Smon: GM: Leaving the mysterious ruined tower behind, the ship turns north-east into the wind and tacks across Damkina Bay.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
Smon: You spot a couple white sails far off north towards Zothay, but are unmolested.
Smon: 17/4/4446: Dawn comes up shining bright on the majestic headland where stands the invincible Temple of the Lady of Wisdom, where the Warrior Priests of Pallas Athena have trained for more than a thousand years...
Smon: Four Skandik armies have assailed the Temple - all have failed.
chris107: "Skandik armies......mmmmmm"
Smon: Your ship nears the white cliffs, the small but bustling docks below, with the warehouses that hold the excellent white wine exported by the Temple.
Smon: High on the cliffs above, a great white marble statue of Athena stands, spear raised in greeting - or warning.
chris107: H salutes the war goddess with Bloodletter
chris107: But says a prayer to Bondorr.
Smon: The high priest here, Thuruat knows, is Vanir Tholemestes, his deputy the priestess Sora Menekakhos.
*Kjato Ragfoot thanks Athena for the safe and lucrative journey.*
Amalric: Tholemolester?
Amalric: strange name
chris107: "I think we should speak with the leaders and find the safest rout.
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes. We should pay our references and ask around for a good route.
Smon: Thuruar remembers the friendly Temple vintner, a fellow Altanian by name Thumektos - and approaching the wharfs, Thuruar sees the vintner's rotund form, overseeing the loading of wine barrels onto a small merchant ship.
Smon: The grapes of Athena are said to be enchanted, they produce calm introspection not rowdy revelry...
Kjato Ragfoot: Thumektos! Still keeping the world happy with good wine, I see!
Amalric: "Bit of a party killer, this stuff then?"
Smon: Thumektos looks up, scanning your deck as the stevedores rope off your ship, eyes shielded against the dawn light.
Smon: "Thuruar! My friend, you are returned!"
Smon: (yeah, it's not for Rey!)
Kjato Ragfoot: Indeed, I have. Good to see you again!
Smon: Two dignified Athena priestesses - Sora and a junior priestess - in shining white robes - turn to watch the pirate ship with curious gaze.
Smon: Sarene looks a little uncomfortable at the marble, togas, and general calm, dignified air of the place.
Smon: As your gangplank falls, Thumektos bounds up it and enthusiastically shakes Thuruar's hand. "It's been too long! You must tell me of your adventures! And your friends?"
Smon: Sarene shifts: "Don't mind me, I'll be going soon..."
chris107: H grins at Sarene
Kjato Ragfoot: Of course, of course, I will. Those are Hakeem the Sword Knight and Lord Reynald.
Amalric: "Can I come with you? I feel the goodness choking me already..."
Kjato Ragfoot: Our captain is a little shy, and feels out of place. Do not mind Rey, he loves it and spoke about nothing but finally tasting Athenas wine fresh from the source!
Amalric: "Lord ReyNARD, thankyou. Thuruar and I have known each other for some time, yet its almost like he's over-indulged on some substance that's affecting his thought processes. I wonder what that could be..."
Kjato Ragfoot: Probably the lack of good wine outside the temple.
Smon: The vintner-priest Thumektos smiles affably at Rey. "Not enough good Athenian wine, I expect!"
Smon: "Ha! Great minds think alike!"
chris107: H flicks silver coins at Sarene to cheer her up
Smon: Sarene grabs the coin from the air. Alicia Scarnetti is also regarding the Temple uncertainly.
Smon: Sarene: "From here Rey's all yours again, Alicia darlin'. Try not to break him."
chris107: (OOC Graham, has the hurricane hit you yet?)
Amalric: "My thanks, Lady Sarene - until we meet again!"
Amalric: (had hellish wind and rain around 4pm until 6:30pm, stopped long enough for me to take the dog out!)
chris107: "Aye thanks Sarene. Try not to spend all our treasure at once."
Smon: Sarene turns to Hakeem. "I'm going to head for Zothay and resupply there, before heading back south. Take on more crew maybe. If you're quick overland you might even catch me there."
Amalric: (has rained since but off now, still windy though. You?"
chris107: (Passed North of here thankfully. Really heavy rain for about an hour but all gone now)
Smon: Sarene smiles innocently: "Any treasure I spend will be to aid the war effort of our Glorious People, of course."
Smon: Kaag gazes up at the mighty temple on the cliffs above, seeming awestruck by its majesty, axe on shoulder.
chris107: Hakeem laughs at the spunky pirate lady. What a couple they could have made.
Kjato Ragfoot: Kaag, you wanted to learn on wisdom.
Kjato Ragfoot: This is the place wisdom calls home.
chris107: "Come Kaag. We have Nerathi blood to spill!"
Smon: Sarene winks at Hakeem, turns to Rey. "Hey Rey, how about a parting kiss?"
Amalric: "Thought you'd never ask!" says Rey, and obliges
Smon: Kaag looks up, deep in thought. "Wisdom... blood... yes."
Smon: Sarene & Rey are engaged in a deep smooch.
chris107: "Bugger wisdom Kaag. Let's have blood. RIVERS OF NERATHI BLOOD!"
Smon: Hakeem & Thuruar see the two Athena priestesses strolling over, well in earshot of Hakeem's 'Bugger wisdom' remark. They smile a little coldly.
chris107: "No offence my ladies. I am but a simple man."
chris107: "A simple man with a big sword."
Kjato Ragfoot: Remember what the Elders said, you lack the wisdom to lead your people - not the prowess at arms.
Smon: The fairer skinned one - Tharbrian by her red hair - speaks: "Welcome, travellers. I am Sora Menekakhos, priestess of Athena. Welcome back, Priest Thuruar."
chris107: (They said that to the egregious Kaag)
Amalric: Rey would interject, but he's far too busy
Smon: Sarene: "mmm...."
chris107: H gives them a shallow bow.
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will properly address them.
Smon: Kaag looks down from the heights, to Thuruar and the priestesses. He gives a clumsy bow, following Hakeem's example.
Kjato Ragfoot: I missed this place and had the luck to go on a quest with some friends that lead nearby.
Smon: Sora: "How are events in the South? We heard a pirate queen met her end at the hands of Tula?"
Smon: (OOC she's wrong, probably thinking of the Ralluans who captured Tsamar)
chris107: H looks a bit guilty
Kjato Ragfoot: Indeed. Tamara abducted the wrong lady and met her end at the hands of her brother.
Kjato Ragfoot: Tsamar, not Tamara.
Kjato Ragfoot: IT was Ralluans though, not Tulan.
chris107: H remembers a lot of pirate blood.
Smon: Sora nods to Thuruar, gestures for you to walk with her, Thumektos and the other priestess up the steps to the temple.
chris107: H follows on. Happy that Thur is looking after things
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will join her.
Smon: Sarene releases Rey. "Guess this is goodbye Rey. Call me! She indicates the stone tucked in Alicia's loincloth.
chris107: He hugs Sarene once Rey has done with her
Amalric: "I guess it is. And don't worry, I'll make a point of it. There's not a dragon out there that is as fiery as you!"
chris107: Thanking her for her help and wishing her a safe trip. "See you soon lass."
Smon: Sarene hugs Hakeem back, looking up at the great warrior. "For a guy who tried to kill me, you're not so bad."
Amalric: as Rey walks back to Alicia he says, "I've forgotten her name already, promise."
Kjato Ragfoot: Thank you for taking us, and more luck with sea monsters on your journey home!
Smon: Sarene smiles quite warmly at Hakeem, lustily at Rey, and then at Thuruar. "Oh, never more than one sea monster per voyage, that's the rule... With my luck we'll have Old Ropey next!"
Kjato Ragfoot: Hakeem will be so jealous!
chris107: "Tell him where to find me Sarene!"
Smon: Sarene nods "Promise." A final wave goodbye, and she turns away, yelling at her crew to get cast off again before the tide turns.
chris107: H now has a Black Dragon and a flying Octopus to add to his list of things to kill.
Smon: Your party ascends up the steps with the three Athena priests - Hakeem, Thuruar, Rey, Kaag, Amdor, Alicia, Amber, Gail and Laara, who has been very quiet the whole voyage.
chris107: H helps Laara. He is solicitous and respectful
Smon: At the top, the priests lead you through a high arch into marbled white halls. Laara gazes around with ill-concealed wonder. "I've never seen... anything like this."
Smon: You pass a pair of huge stone owls - which Thuruar knows are enchanted to animate should the temple come under attack.
Smon: Sora leads you to a resting room set with lounges, where white-clad servants bring wine, water and white grapes to refresh you.
Kjato Ragfoot: The temple is marvelous, indeed. It still amazes me, even though I have lived here for years.
chris107: And maybe the odd leg of cow?
Smon: Laara nods to Thuruar, shivering slightly in the cool of the marble halls, arms crossed over her bare chest.
Smon: Sora: "You desire meat?"
Smon: (to Hakeem)
chris107: "Ah! Yes please!"
chris107: "Killing Sea Dragons is hungry work!"
Smon: Sora nods. "I shall have meat served at dinner tonight."
chris107: he guzzles on grapes and white wine. Cheering Laara up if he can.
Amalric: Rey wonders if he should say he desires dancing girls...
chris107: Leaving Thur and Rey to wage the charm offensive
Amalric: not for dinner, admittedly
Smon: Sora bids you recline on the lounges - your servant-slaves kneeling to the rear (Alicia, Amber, Gail).
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. I am not sure Rey would like Athena's expression ballet.
Smon: Laara takes some of the grapes. "Very good..."
Smon: Thumektos: "How was the harvest in Ghinaria? Good?"
chris107: (Harvest?! )
Smon: Sora: "And also... there are rumours of war?"
Smon: (:))
Kjato Ragfoot: Rather hurried. War is brewing, with enemies marching in from all sides.
11:00pm 2015-11-12 Oculus Orbus Has exited the room
Kjato Ragfoot: The harvest should last the Ghinarians through the winter, unless there is to much plundering.
Smon: Amdor the Mighty: "Yes, those annoying Neo-Nerathi fellows! They inconvenienced me considerably!"
chris107: H grins at Amdor the Mighty's words
Smon: Sora: "The Nerathi chief goddess is Athena, who they call Erathis. Why have they departed from the way of Wisdom?"
chris107: H makes the sign to ward of evil. "The Black Sun."
Amalric: "Bad grammar?" offers Rey, with a straight face
Kjato Ragfoot: Their mind has been cloaked by hate and the thirst for revenge, after an Altanian barbarian massacred plenty of their temples.
Smon: Sora glances at Hakeem. "I see."
Smon: Laara: "Not him, mistress."
Kjato Ragfoot: Several fell to the cult of the Black Sun, which is now the main deity for the Nerathi empire.
Kjato Ragfoot: It seems the Altanians prefer strenght over wisdom and the Nerathi cunning.
Smon: Sora looks troubled. "The Black Sun - as I feared. There are rumours from the north, from the City State. Great numbers of slaves are being sent over the mountains to the domain of Morthor Coff. It is rumoured they are sacrifices for the Black Sun."
chris107: "We go to stop this."
chris107: "We would welcome your help."
Kjato Ragfoot: That might very well be. The cultists are zealots wanting to cleanse everything not Nerathi from the world.
chris107: "The Black Sun will not rise."
Smon: She nods. "We will do what we can to assist you against this evil. But the Black Sun is strong - many senators of the Overlord's Clanute support them. Perhaps even the Overlord himself. The Nerathi came from the City State, long ago - there are still ties."
chris107: "Then we will burn down the City State."
Smon: Sora winces at that.
Kjato Ragfoot: There is one thing you can do to help us: Teach Kaag to be not only a strong, but also a wise leader. For there are two sides to this hate and we need to negotiate peace between them.
Kjato Ragfoot: Hakeem, that won't help.
Smon: She turns to Hakeem: "I do not think that would be advisable."
chris107: H shrugs.
Kjato Ragfoot: Senseless violence gave birth to the Black Sun, and thus will only strengthen it.
Smon: Sora turns to Kaag. "You seek wisdom?" He slowly nods.
chris107: "If the Overlord supports the Black Sun. He is my enemy, I slay my enemies."
Kjato Ragfoot: If we want to defeat the Black Sun, we need to free the Nerathi from their influence.
Smon: Sora: "The Clanute are opportunists, I doubt many are fanatics... If you defeat the Neo-Nerath, the Senators will look elsewhere."
Smon: Thumektos: "It is best not to make an enemy of the City State. They have armies of thousands..."
Smon: Sora: "Many thousands. Only the World Emperor of Viridistan is stronger."
chris107: H again shrugs. Not really knowing what thousands are. But sure he could kill 'em all.
Smon: Kaag: "I wish to lead my people. I have the strength. Now I need the... wisdom."
Eliana: brb
Smon: He says 'wisdom' somewhat distastefully.
Smon: Sora nods: "You are at the right place."
Smon: Kaag shrugs: "We must leave soon, cross the mountains and kill the Nerathi. Destroy the Black Sun. Wisdom will have to wait."
Smon: OOC stop there? Or anything you want to ask/say?
chris107: "Kaag, you must lead our people. You will have need of wisdom."
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes, Kaag. Your place is here - we will need your wisdom to win this war.
Smon: Kaag looks to Hakeem, nods. "Aye. If... " he turns to Thuruar. "Stay here?!"
Kjato Ragfoot: The Nerathi cannot be defeated without a wise leader for the Altanians.
chris107: Nice session guys! Thanks Simon
Amalric: yes, good game!
Amalric: thought Rey had bought it this time
Amalric: bad dragon turtle
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes. Stay here. Learn wisdom. Teach strength. Who knows, you might learn to like this place.
Smon: Kaag: "I come to crush Nerath! Win glory! There is no glory in these halls..."
chris107: DEAD Dragon Turtle
Smon: Thuruar give me a CHA check (Persuasion)
Kjato Ragfoot: There is plenty glory. I will show you tomorrow.
Smon: d20+5
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20 and gets: 18,
chris107: Yay!
Smon: nice
Kjato Ragfoot: That is 23
Smon: Kaag nods. "I... Tomorrow I will see what you have to say."
Kjato Ragfoot: I told you, I will form this Athenian Altanian-Nerathi mixed empire.
Smon: Thanks for the game guys!
chris107: Thank you
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes, thanks for the game!
Smon: That was quite a stretch for me, you going so far!
Kjato Ragfoot: Good night!
Smon: I find it hard to do voyages well, hope that was ok.
chris107: G'night Kjato
Smon: I'll post log.
11:22pm 2015-11-12 Kjato Ragfoot Has exited the room
Amalric: cheers all, thanks Simon
chris107: Kewl. The Dragon Turtle was a bit of a worry
chris107: (To me not Hakeem)
Amalric: a bit?!
Smon: The encounter table said "20 - Dragon Turtle or Kraken"
chris107: G'night Graham, Simon
Smon: Krakens are much worse.
Amalric: Rey Dragon Turtle Bait, as he shall not be known
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