Tuesday, 12 September 2017
Chris CSIO game #1
XP 90/300 each (Brigar, Mouse & others)
The first adventure went well. It saw Larsenio 'Mouse' Haul an Alryan rogue native to the CSIO, Brigar the Unbroken a Scandic Barbarian from far off Croy a half Elf of the Dearthwood named Stefano and Jaroh a High Elf Bard meet with Murinae in the Silver Eel and offer to help her out for the sake of her hungry children.
Tracking the two ruffians she had described to a back ally hovel betwixt the Street of Shadows and Guardsman Road they investigated further.
A secret passage led from the cellar under the river and towards the Redoubt of the Dead. Here they came across a fearsome sight! The two thugs dead and being devoured by a terrible undead thing, a ravenous Ghoul.
With stunning speed they dispatched the nightmare creature and then set to searching. They discovered a note from Murinae that implicated her in less than savoury goings on.
Here we will rejoin them next time. XP 90 each.
6:05pm 2017-9-12 Smon Has entered the room
Smon: Hi Chris!
Smon: Feverish setting up going on here
chris107: Evening Simon
chris107: Not sure how I'll get on trying to run 5e!
Smon: "I'm just having a bit of technical probs... goddammit" says Bill
chris107: Internet has been sketchy here all day. Tell him not to rush
Smon: OK got a pad & PHB
Smon: Bill is plugged
Smon: Fishfingers are in oven...
chris107: yum!
chris107: Fishfinger sandwiches?
Smon: Gonna microvave some frozen mash
chris107: I'm starving here. Kyle is making a Chilli but so far no evidence of it, just a lot of noise from his new computer game
chris107: He's helped me write this by the way and chosen some of the monsters. So blame him if it turns terminal!
6:11pm 2017-9-12 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
chris107: Hi Bill
chris107: So you two all ready to roll your characters?
chris107: Who wants to go first?
Smon: >>so far no evidence of it, just a lot of noise from his new computer game << Just like Bill
Smon: OK I'll go first
chris107: 4d6, choose best 3 and assign to taste.
Smon: Bill is on headphones for his Ipad videos
DESTROYERBILL: is anyone els joining
Smon: /roll 4d6x6
Smon Rolls 4d6x6 and gets:
1, 5, 5, 1 = 12
3, 6, 5, 5 = 19
4, 4, 3, 5 = 16
2, 1, 2, 6 = 11
4, 4, 5, 4 = 17
5, 1, 4, 5 = 15
chris107: Fergus and possibly Amalric.
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 4d6x6 and gets:
4, 5, 2, 1 = 12
2, 5, 2, 2 = 11
3, 3, 3, 6 = 15
2, 6, 2, 3 = 13
3, 1, 5, 1 = 10
5, 4, 2, 6 = 17
Smon: 11 16 13 10 13 14 I get
chris107: Simon, yup.
Smon: My high is DEX
chris107: Bill, you can roll again if you like?
DESTROYERBILL: 11 9 12 11 9 15
chris107: Assign the scores where you like Simon.
chris107: 4d6 rearranged
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 4d6x6 and gets:
2, 2, 4, 5 = 13
6, 2, 6, 3 = 17
5, 3, 5, 6 = 19
1, 6, 4, 4 = 15
6, 5, 1, 4 = 16
4, 5, 3, 5 = 17
chris107: nice
chris107: 11-15-16-14-15-14
Smon: Reckon I'll keep mine as rolled, Alryan human Rogue +1 each stat
Smon: Larsenio Haul of the CSIO.
chris107: Cool
Smon: Bill PC gets STR 16 DE 16 CO 16 IN 15 WI 12 CH 17
Smon: I need get dinner out,
Smon: brb
DESTROYERBILL: im a viking barbaireon
chris107: Scandic?
chris107: Nice one.
DESTROYERBILL: my name is brigar the unbroken
chris107: Thank you.
6:22pm 2017-9-12 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
chris107: Hi Fergus
Sandor Sunneson: hello boyz
chris107: How was the pub?
Sandor Sunneson: fed and watered, lovely veggie curry with a pint of cider
Sandor Sunneson: sweet potato curry too
chris107: Sounds nice. Now I'm very hungry!
Sandor Sunneson: sorry, lol. Chris, do you want me to roll again? I used the di I rolled the other day and started to build a PC
Smon: Brigar is a big fur clad Skandik w greataxe 2 hand axes 4 javelins pack & 10gp.
Smon: blond
chris107: I was here when you rolled the other day Fergus. Happy for you to use that guy.
Smon: hp 15
Smon: Larsenio "Mouse" Haul his little Alryan friend, my PC
Sandor Sunneson: I'm going to make my new character a Blue Dragon Barbarian, so has the stats of a normal barbarian and a blue dragon combined, Don style combo
Smon: Rogue-1 hp 10 STR 12 DE 17 CO 14 IN 11 WI 14 CH 15
chris107: Blue Dragonborn?
Sandor Sunneson: I'll check the character table stats
chris107: Do you have a name for your guy?
Sandor Sunneson: I'll keep away from Sandor/Sandro
Smon: Larsenio has 2 Shortswords, burglar's pack, leather jerkin 2 daggers, thieves tools
Sandor Sunneson: Simon has gone Latin/Italian
Sandor Sunneson: Maybe Polio?
Sandor Sunneson: Nah Stefano
Smon: Alryan, the natives of the CSIO
Sandor Sunneson: happy with that
Sandor Sunneson: Stefao
Sandor Sunneson: Stefano
chris107: Stefano. Got you
Smon: Brigar AC 16 Larsenio AC 14
chris107: Cool.
Smon: My Expertise is Stealth (+7) & Persuasion (+6)
Sandor Sunneson: What allignment your characters??
Smon: N I guess
chris107: So Scandic Barbarian, Brigar the Unbroken. Alryan Rogue, Larsenio 'Mouse' Haul and Blue Dragonborn Barbarian, Stefano.
Sandor Sunneson: Am deciding on his species, just checking players handbook on + and -
chris107: Mouse has been showing the outlanders around the magnificent city of the Invincible Overlord. It is late afternoon 1/9/4433
chris107: You wandered down Cutpurse Row a couple of hours ago and fell into the Silver Eel Inn.
chris107: The fetid stench of sour ale and stale sweat from the usual clientele at the Silver Eel is thankfuly masked by the sweet odour of burning Black Lotus and other exotic and smoky herbs that hang thickly in the air. The cheering from the down at heel crowd for Djela, the sultry Altanian belly dancer almost drowns out the insistent beat of the small group of enthusiastic muscians who play for her there each day. You have been in town only a short while and this low place is about as far as your light purses will stretch. Therefore you are somewhat surprised when the crowds part and a comely young woman of about 30 slips up to your table. "My name is Murinae. I hope you can help me?"
chris107: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NpNOHGBt-A
Sandor Sunneson: I'll pick half elf Chris
DESTROYERBILL: so not blue dragon
chris107: Half Elf Barbarin then?
Sandor Sunneson: No, half elf
Sandor Sunneson: Yes
Sandor Sunneson: That ok?
chris107: Cool.
chris107: Of course, your character
chris107: Just let me know the basics for now please Fergus. Stats, AC, HP, equipment.
Sandor Sunneson: WIS and INT 8
Sandor Sunneson: CON, DEX, CHR 14
Sandor Sunneson: STR 16
Smon: Larsenio looks up from nursing his ale, brightening. "Hi there, Murinae!" says the small man.
Sandor Sunneson: HP 15? (12+3)??)
chris107: "Good afternoon to you."
DESTROYERBILL: i try to charm the lady
chris107: +2 for 14 Con, Fergus.
chris107: @ Bill, by doing what?
Sandor Sunneson: Is base AC 10?
chris107: @ Bill, what do you say to her?
chris107: Fergus, yes. Are you going unarmoured defence?
DESTROYERBILL: you look lovley my rose
Smon: OOC Found the Silver Eel on my CSIO map! I can guide!
Sandor Sunneson: Yeah, why noy
Sandor Sunneson: yes, will be.
chris107: Murinae looks a bit startled. "Why thank you, Sir. That is very kind of you."
Smon: Larsenio glares at the big Skandik for muscling in on the lady.
Smon: Larsenio: "How may we assist you, my darling?"
chris107: (I put a blown up map of the immediate area on the Castle Redstar thread.)
Sandor Sunneson: AC=8?
chris107: Fergus, with unarmoured defence you add both Dex and Con modifiers to your basic AC
Smon: @Fergus http://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=60325&p=1875114#p1874039
chris107: So you will be 10 +2+2 = 14
chris107: Murinae - "May I sit?"
Smon: "Of course!"
6:47pm 2017-9-12 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
Smon: I offer a chair gallantly.
DESTROYERBILL: i offer her my lap
chris107: She primly takes a seat. Looking out of place in this den of thieves.
6:47pm 2017-9-12 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
chris107: "I have recently taken ownership of the Sword-Rat Resthouse, just south of here on the Street of Shadows."
DESTROYERBILL: may i kiss your hand fair maden
chris107: "I have two young boys and a babe to feed. Up until recently I had an arangement ..."
chris107: She stops and looks a little confused.
Smon: Larsenio: "We are not so forward in this Civilised city, barbarian!" I hiss.
Sandor Sunneson: AC=6 lol
chris107: "Erm, kind Sir. Your offer to kiss my hand is a little forward. Why, I am a widow woman and not accustomed to kissing strangers."
chris107: Fergus, no. AC 14
chris107: This is a 5th edition game.
DESTROYERBILL: okay okay ill stop sheesh
Smon: Larsenio pats her hand. "Do not fear milady. I am sworn to protect damsels in distress!"
chris107: "Thank you kind sir, I can see you are a stranger to our soft and civilised lands."
Sandor Sunneson: sorry, yes +4 from 10, soz
Smon: "The Sword-Rat is run by Masterin Hoary-Head and his Ogres, Mub and Kurg?"
Smon: "I of course have no need of such cheap accommodations, but I hear it is a fine place."
chris107: "Why indeed it was." She seems surprised
6:53pm 2017-9-12 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
Smon: Larsenio taps his nose. "I am an endless font of knowledge."
chris107: Looking over towards the lythe figure of the dancing Altani woman you notice the two well known Ogres among the crowd.
Smon: Larsenio eyes them warily.
Smon: "You are Masterin's widow?"
chris107: "Masterin had to leave town quickly so I made him a fine offer for his business."
Smon: "Ah. I see." I sip my beer sagely.
chris107: "It is ideal for me. What with the children and what not."
Smon: "Indeed."
chris107: "However I am not sure now that I can make a go of it. As I was saying, I had an arrangment."
6:56pm 2017-9-12 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
chris107: Dodgy connection there Fergus
Sandor Sunneson: Sorry about that, not sure why it's happening
Smon: "Are those two ogres working for you, Murinae?"
chris107: "No, I dismissed them. I could not have Ogres around my babies."
chris107: "And it is concerning my babies that I come to you for help."
Smon: Larsenio: "Hmm."
Smon: "Do go on."
chris107: "I get little time to leave the house, what with cooking and cleaning and looking after the wee ones. So I had made a deal with two local brothers."
chris107: They would bring me food to feed the bairns and I would pay them a fair rate for doing so."
Sandor Sunneson: Sounds fair enough to me
chris107: "But they have not been near for days now and the young 'ens are starving! Could you pay them a visit and either get my money back or scare them into upholding their bargain?"
Sandor Sunneson: Would be glad to help you
chris107: "I'll offer you free board and lodgings for a month if you can."
Smon: Larsenio grins. "Sure thing. If you throw in laundered sheets."
chris107: "I have little else to offer. Those rogues took most of what coin I had left after buying the place."
Sandor Sunneson: As long as the room is clean, I'l be happy
chris107: She beams a warm smile, tinged with relief.
Sandor Sunneson: And having seen the standard of house keeping round here, I would expect nothing less
Smon: "Where do you think we might find them?"
chris107: "The sheets and all else is cleaned and polished like a new pin! I promise you."
Smon: "That's not how Masterin kept it! Good to hear." I grin.
7:03pm 2017-9-12 Amalric Has entered the room
Smon: Yo! A!
chris107: "Why they are only a short walk away."
chris107: Hi Graham!
Amalric: Yo! S!
Amalric: evening Chris
chris107: How was your summer?
Amalric: it was very good. already disliking early autumn
Amalric: and yours?
chris107: Grand thanks. But Autumn has started early here in the wooley north.
Amalric: same here
chris107: The guys have just created their characters for a bit of 5e.
Smon: I'm Larsenio 'Mouse' Haul the Rogue
chris107: Set in the CSIO around the time the Redstar characters have just arrived there.
Smon: My boy Bill here is Brigar the Unbroken, Skandik Barbarian
Amalric: nice name, wonder what the inspiration was for Larsenio...
Smon: & Fergus is a half elf barbarian name unknown
chris107: They are in the Silver Eel Inn listening to a ladies tale of woe if you are interested in joining them?
Amalric: does that mean I need to get out my 5E rulebook?
Amalric: I am, what do I have to roll (been a while!)
Sandor Sunneson: 4d6 x6
Smon: 5e yup
chris107: arrange to taste.
Amalric Rolls 4d6x6 and gets:
1, 4, 1, 5 = 11
1, 4, 2, 6 = 13
6, 3, 2, 1 = 12
1, 4, 5, 4 = 14
4, 2, 1, 3 = 10
6, 3, 1, 4 = 14
Amalric: oh wow, epic
chris107: eek
chris107: I think that deserves a re-roll
Amalric: 10,12,11,13,9,13
Amalric: thanks
Amalric Rolls 4d6x6 and gets:
2, 1, 2, 2 = 7
5, 4, 5, 6 = 20
3, 2, 4, 5 = 14
3, 3, 5, 6 = 17
3, 4, 1, 2 = 10
3, 2, 4, 6 = 15
chris107: one 15 to keep
Amalric: better
Amalric: 6,16,12,14,9,13
chris107: Much better
Amalric: any suggestions to class/race? i'm open
chris107: Are you guys okay with a 10 minute brake while Graham does his stuff and I eat my supper?
chris107: Rogue and two Barbarians at the moment..
Smon: yup np
chris107: Two humans and a half elf.
Amalric: something different then
Sandor Sunneson: Humans get +1 onto all stats
Smon: Goblin Sorcerer?
Smon: (Goblins are banned from CSIO after nightfall)
Sandor Sunneson: Troglodyte fighter?
chris107: PHB only
Amalric: +1 to ALL stats?
Sandor Sunneson: Blind priest??
chris107: as a human, yes
Sandor Sunneson: blind cleric of Odin??
Amalric: no thanks
Smon: 1-eyed Cleric of Odin?
Smon: The main gods of the CSIO are Odin Thoth Hamarkhis & Morg
Smon: Also the Spider God & the Gargoyle.
Smon: & the Toad, god of the Mermist marshes
chris107: Soon to be Bondorr
Smon: But a traveller could revere exotic alien gods like Bondor.
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: OOC did you hear Frank Mentzer got banned from Dragonsfoot?
Amalric: he did? why?!
Smon: The Lord thy Steve is a harsh Steve.
chris107: No need to go into massive detail for now G.
Sandor Sunneson: who he??
chris107: For hawking his setting?
Smon: http://www.tenkarstavern.com/2017/09/tsr-luminary-frank-mentzer-booted-from.html
Smon: Frank Mentzer wrote BECMI the most successful version of D&D
chris107: He was one of the TSR design team in the 80's Fetgus
Smon: esp the 1983 Basic set,
Smon: He got in an argument w EOTB.
Smon: EOTB doesn't like these Johny come Latelies w their post-1e versions of the One True Game.
chris107: I saw a bit of that.
chris107: Unpleasent stuff.
Smon: I posted on the Tenkar blog: "OK, so my impression is: 1. EOTB can be really really annoying. 2. Frank can't handle EOTB being really annoying. 3. Unfortunately EOTB may be really annoying - a bit of a dick, in fact - but he is still within the DF rules. DF applies its rules evenhandedly, so Frank loses out."
chris107: I hadn't even heard of Tenkar's Tavern.
chris107: But as adults we should be able to play nicely by now
Smon: yes
Smon: Or get thick skins
Amalric: EOTB??
Smon: Over on therpgsite there are people literally want to kill me, I just keep them on Ignore.
Smon: I'm slightly conservative & some Antifa guys think I'm Literally Hitler.
Smon: Anyway Bill is bored...
Smon: EOTB is a poster w strong views
chris107: I'm back and ready to start whenever Graham is ready.
Sandor Sunneson: not Paisley??
Amalric: oh, I've never seen Tenkar's Tavern but I see where thats going
Amalric: what a crock
chris107: So just a quick recap for Graham.
chris107: You guys were watching the exotic dancer at the Silver Eel when a timid lady, Murinae, came and asked for your help with a little trouble she is having.
chris107: She had recently taken over the Sword-Rat Rest House and had made an arrangment with two locl brothers to supply food for her children.
chris107: It seems that the brothers have taken the coin but not delivered on the food.
chris107: You've agreed to pay them a visit to convince them of the error of their ways and have been promised a month's room and board in reward.
Amalric: what kind of Rogue? is that just a Thief by another name?
Smon: We are level 1
Smon: So just Thief for now
chris107: Mouse, as the local guy knows the allyways around this part of the city well and with Murinae's directions could probably find the brother's house..
Smon: Larsenio has Stealth & Persuade expertise
Amalric: ah yes, of course
Smon: BTW Bill points out I gave his Rogue 4 Expertise
Amalric: lets go with Elven Bard
chris107: Bragar is a great big, blond Scandik Barbarian and Stefano a half elf Barbarian from...?
Smon: If I can have 2 more then Thieves Tools & Perception I guess
Smon: Dearthwood?
Sandor Sunneson: StefaNO HAPPY TO HELP
chris107: Background and Class skills do tend to add up to 4. I'll trust you
Smon: Stefano could come fr orc infested Dearthwood over the river
Sandor Sunneson: SOUNDS GOOD TO ME
Smon: Bragar from Croy, the Skandik isle allied w CSIO
Sandor Sunneson: sorry caps
Smon: Mouse will take directions from Murinae.
Amalric: Jaroh, elven bard
chris107: Cool, which type of elf, Graham?
Smon: (I'm allowing 4 Expertise slots to Rogues because w everyone getting blanket single Prof their benefit of lots of skills is negated)
Amalric: High Elf: S 12, I 14, W 6, D 16, C 9, CH 16
chris107: Cool,thanks.
chris107: You turn south down Cutpurse Row turning west along the Stret of Shadows.
chris107 rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
chris107: heading south down a narrow ally to the side of Murinae's rest house.
chris107: you pass a turning to the west then stop at the corner as it turns east. The dust rises from the dry earth of the floor.
chris107: Looking down she points to a heavy looking wooden door, the only one in the ramshakle tenements that make up these back streets.
chris107: (No. 7 on the large scale map on the thread )
Smon: Got it
Amalric: yep
chris107: It's now around 5PM on a bright, sunny, September day.
Smon: I check the door, if it's unlocked.
Smon: Also check for traps (Bill says)
chris107: "I'll have to get back to the children." Whispers your new friend. "Their names are Olaf and Oli Grimm."
Smon: "Leave it to us, madam!"
chris107: There is a crude and simple lock on the door (+2 to skill checks)
Smon: (did we get their description?)
Smon: I pick it
chris107: There is no sign of obvious traps on the door.
Smon: /roll d20+9
Smon rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 2, (+9) = 11
Smon: 11 w thieves tools
chris107: (Big Skandic ruffians)
Smon: We have one too
chris107: DC10 so the simple lock clicks open.
Smon: Bill says "ruffians" is an offensive term
Amalric: thats a lousy lock
Amalric: ruffians is a compliment to him
chris107: Hey it's a crap part of town
Smon: "After you, Brigar"
chris107: Mouse swings the door open revealing a dank and smelly interior.
DESTROYERBILL: ill go in first
Smon: I follow the big fellah in
chris107: It's a pretty big space inside considering. Perhaps once several of the little tennaments that abound in the back streets?
Amalric: I'll lurk outside the door, just in case
Sandor Sunneson: I'll follow the thief
Smon: Check ground floor then up stairs
chris107: The floor boards are a bit rotten and uneven and several items of cheap furniture are spread about. Including two big unmade beds.
Smon: OOC This feels very Pulp Fiction.
Smon: No one go to the toilet!
chris107: The steps go downwards into a cellar. Any upstairs has long since collapsed and the sky can be seen through the slates above.
Sandor Sunneson: Feels a monster will be lurking here
DESTROYERBILL: ill go down the stairs
Smon: I stealth into the shadows - like a Mouse!
Smon: & follow Brigar.
Smon: (stealth +7)
chris107: The big barbarian sets off down the wooden steps.
chris107: They creak alarmingly under his bulk but hold up.
chris107: Mouse creeps along behind him.
chris107: The other two are still outside?
Amalric: no Jaroh will come inside to lend his keen eyes
Sandor Sunneson: Following
chris107: Could you each give me your passive perception scores?
Smon: mine 16
chris107: The elven contingent enter the old house as their friends head downstairs.
Smon: Brigar 13
Sandor Sunneson: how do you work that out?
Sandor Sunneson: Guess mine would be around 13
chris107: 10+ your perception and level bonus.
chris107: (I think )
Amalric: 10 + Wis adjustment? A whopping 10 then!
Amalric: (-2 for Wis, +2 for 1st level?)
Smon: yes
chris107: yup
Sandor Sunneson: 2 skills will be athletics and survival
Smon: Fergus what is your WIS?
chris107: 8
Smon: PER 11 then
Sandor Sunneson: 8
chris107: You enter a rough cellar. The bricks are old and crumbly.
Smon: I light a torch if necessary.
chris107: There are some old coffins stacked up against the west wall and two well worn shovels are stuck into a pile of loose earth.
Smon: "Hmm."
Amalric: "Funny place for a graveyard..."
Sandor Sunneson: will check for carrion crawlers amongst the debtis on the floor
chris107: Mouse's torch illuminates the area more clearly. Both he and Brigar think that an area of the east wall looks strange. A secret door perhaps?
Sandor Sunneson: any footprints or anything on floor?
chris107: Stefano's keen barbarian eyes easyly pick up footprints across the room.
chris107: roll your survival roll please Fergus.
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 14,
chris107: (Please add any bonuses to the dice roll)
chris107: (I'd really appreciate if you all add your own bonuses to your dice rolls.)
Smon: Moon on a Stick!
chris107: (Will save a lot of game time)
Amalric: (moon on a stick? whats that again?)
Smon: I'll check out the east wall.
chris107: That makes it without bonuses as it happens, but I would appreciate it in the future.
Smon: "You're asking for the Moon on a Stick!"
chris107: Two sets of big heavy booted feet. Quite recently and often. Lead towards the section of wall that Mouse and Brigar are inspecting.
Sandor Sunneson: will do, think it's 16 Chris
Smon: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=moon%20on%20a%20stick
chris107: With his 16 PP Miouse easily uncovers the secret door and can have it open in a jiffy.
chris107: Cheers, Fergus
Smon: I slip the catch & slide it open.
chris107: Inside your torchlight illuminates a narrow (5') natural stone passageway leading off east then turning gently south...
chris107: It's height varies between 6' and 8'
Smon: "You first, Brigar. I'm right behind you mate."
Smon: I look back to see if the half-elf wildling has followed us.
Smon: "You go after Brigar, friend."
Smon: "When they see you two mighty warriors they'll give us no trouble."
Sandor Sunneson: He's behind
chris107: So you all enter the tunnel?
Smon: Yes, I'll go third w torch
Amalric: looks like it
chris107: Marching order been Brigar, Stefano, Mouse and Jaroh bringing up the rear?
Amalric: whats the worst that could happen?
Smon: yup
Sandor Sunneson: Exactly, roll new characters
chris107: The tunnel turns south then starts to drop quite steeply for a few hundred feet.
chris107: Before turning east again. There are old torch stubs in iron rings set about 60' apart.
chris107: They have burned down to just the nubs.
Smon: "Hmm... they've been stealing coffins? Grave robbing?"
chris107: After about ten minutes walking you can see that water is running down the walls and making small pools on the floor.
Amalric: are we under the river/sea?
chris107: You could well be passing under the river..
Sandor Sunneson: Is it clear? Not coloured?
Smon: Are we south or east of the city most likely?
Smon: east = Redoubt of the Dead, bad news!
chris107: The water is a bit muddy but seems otherwise natural.
chris107: East.
Smon: "Uh oh"
Smon: Mouse looks worried.
Sandor Sunneson: Stefano gets his sword ready
chris107: The passage continues in an easterly direction past the water, rising slowly.
Smon: "Redoubt of the Dead... Can't really be haunted if these two have been stealing coffins..."
Smon: "They say Wild Orcs of the Purple Claw killed every defender - the Overlord buried them where they fell, I guess..."
chris107: Your information i out of date Mouse
Smon: Do I know anything else? INT check?
chris107: It has long been known that the Redoubt of the Dead in this campaign is a well used graveyard for the city )
Smon: "Now it's used as a grave yard..."
chris107: (Many things have changed here and will not be found in the books )
chris107: You press on?
Sandor Sunneson: Oui
Smon: yup
chris107: After another steady ten minutes of gentle ascent....
chris107: Perception roll for Brigar please.
Smon: "Wonder how they discovered this tunnel..."
Smon: d20+3 Bill
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 14, (+3) = 17
chris107: DC12
chris107: The keen senses of the Barbarian pick up the steely scent of fresh blood and rotting flesh up ahead.
Sandor Sunneson: gets sword ready
Smon: When I smell it I wince. "I suspect our boys have done their last food run."
Smon: "Keep going?"
DESTROYERBILL: ill draw my axe
Sandor Sunneson: You going to sneak in and have a look ??
Sandor Sunneson: Or we charge in?
Smon: Does the tunnel open out ahead?
chris107: About 60' ahaead of you it seems to widen. However it's pretty dark and only at the extreme dim edge of your torchlight.
Smon: "Better check it out."
Smon: I indicate for the Barbs to keep going.
chris107: So who's doing what, remembering the positions you are in.
Smon: Same order weapons drawn, I have torch & shortsword
chris107: Okay, thanks.
Sandor Sunneson: I'll follow Brigar
chris107: As you move forward to within 30' your torchlight illuminates an opening into a small cave.
chris107: There is movement within and the torchcatches something. Something horrid.
chris107: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/eb/a9/a8/eba9a85cefe3f96f6f8bee7361261eb5--monster-hunt-fantasy-creatures.jpg
Smon: "eww"
chris107: Blood and gore drip from a fanged mouth. Your light relects on dead white eyes.
Sandor Sunneson: zombie?
Smon: "Charge!" I yell bravely
chris107: It snarls and launches itself towards you!
Smon: LOL
chris107: Initiative please.
Smon: /roll d20+3
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 11, (+3) = 14
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 1, (+3) = 4
Sandor Sunneson: rage
chris107 rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 4, (+2) = 6
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 12, (+2) = 14
chris107: Graham?
chris107: You there Graham?
chris107: We'll assume not then.
Sandor Sunneson: send him in on the front line
chris107: Brigar first then as he's in front. Then Stefano
Smon: Rage Bill?
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 2, (+5) = 7
Smon: att +5 dam d12+5
chris107: Brigar races ahead into the cave, raging to the attack.
chris107: But his axe stroke goes wide.
chris107: as he slips on the bloody floor.
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 10, (+5) = 15
Amalric: sorry
chris107: Stefano.
Amalric: just getting youngest ready for bed
chris107: Hits.
chris107: Could we have an initiative then please G?
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8+5 and gets: 8, (+5) = 13
chris107: d20+ your dex bonus
Amalric: is it d10 or d20?
Amalric: ah
Amalric rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 8, (+3) = 11
chris107: The fierce half elf warrior deals the creature a mighty blow
chris107: Jaroh next, he's behind Mouse, maybe 35' from the cave entrance.
Amalric: and can attack, or move up? or both?
chris107: He can move up to his speed. He can also use an action to do or to attack.
Amalric rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 12, (+1) = 13
chris107: He can also split his move and do these things.
Amalric: he wades in
chris107: What's his speed?
Smon: prob 30'
Amalric: yep 30ft
Smon: wood elf 35'
chris107: He has a 5' reach (I assume, what weapon is he using?)
Amalric: high elf though
Amalric: longsword
chris107: He just manages to take a sweep at full stretch and his sword connects.
Amalric rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 7, (+1) = 8
Amalric: noice
chris107: Lopping the head of the foul creature!
Smon: "Nice work!"
Amalric: "You're welcome!" remarks Jaroh, with a winning smile
chris107: It falls to the floor spewing out thick red blood.
Smon: Mouse comes dawdling up with the torch, looking around.
chris107: The cave is about 20' across with an exit on the opposite side.
chris107: There are two dead humans (big blond ones) on the floor, both partially eaten.
chris107: They are dressed in now ruined studded leather armour, there are a couple of long knives close by them.
chris107: A coffin is broken open and lays by the eastern exit.
DESTROYERBILL: ill check it out
Sandor Sunneson: Stefano will check out coffin
chris107: The coffin was once quite an ornate one but is many years old. On close inspection claw marks can be seen on the inside of the lid.
Sandor Sunneson: probably where that thing slept?
Amalric: "One imagines these were the two fools we sought, come to a bitter end?" muses Jaroh
Sandor Sunneson: I guess so
Sandor Sunneson: ground beef
Amalric: burn the undead?
Smon: I check their bodies for cash.
Smon: "Better cut their 'eads off with that chopper, Brigar mate."
DESTROYERBILL: ill do that
chris107: Mouse rifles the bodies whilst Jaroh does his stuff with the Ghoul.
Smon: (need to stop in 10 mins)
Smon: "We need to get back and search the tenement, too."
chris107: Each has a pouch, both well stuffed with gold, 55 in one and 59 in the other. The bigger fellow, Oli ha a rolled up note in his pouch too.
Smon: I'll unfurl it.
Smon: & read
chris107: 8 minutes is just about perfect timing
chris107: It's writtin in a tight and spidery hand in the Common Tongue and reads.
Smon: "Bet she didn't give them 114 gp for food!"
chris107: My children need fresh food. There will be another 100 gold in it for you for each fresh one.
chris107: It is signed M.
Smon: "Or...."
Smon: "I wonder what exactly her Children are?"
Smon: "You know, my desire to stay at her Inn is much abated."
Sandor Sunneson: Maybe that thing was her children? It ate her brothers and was meant to eat us?
Amalric: "The unliving kind..?"
Sandor Sunneson: or one her children?
Smon: "She was paying them to bring her corpses."
Smon: "They didn't expect the ghoul."
Sandor Sunneson: Maybe she is an undead? Shall we kill her?
Smon: "Her children eat dead bodies."
Amalric: (Undead? Why is it always undead? Who should have been the cleric? EH? EH?????? LOL )
chris107: And there's maybe a good time to leave it?
Sandor Sunneson: Not bad for someone with INT and WIS 8
Smon: OK thanks Chris
Smon: Shocking revelation!
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