Gate Castle destroyed. Dark Lord Kranz & Priest Odrim are dead. Behir eats two surviving Nerathi soldiers. Road battle south of Gate Castle ruins - Morthor Cof killed, 4 Nerathi Veterans killed, T-Rex & Behir killed, Kaystar Saru survives, Hakeem escapes.
Hakeem 7366
Thuruar 3683
Hakeem, Barbarian LEVEL 12 XP 7366+104574=111940/120,000
Thuruar, Cleric LEVEL 10 XP 3683+73380=77063/85,000
Rey, Rogue LEVEL 10 XP 64859/85,000
+Tug, new Giff PC LEVEL 10 XP 64000/85,000
Smon: GM: Last session >>....With a thunderous crash the Portal destabilises, necrotic energies washing over you all... chris107: We couldn't have done it without you Bill! Smon: You all black out.<<
chris107: eek!
Oculus Orbus: wtf?
Oculus Orbus: Uh, Simon?
chris107: Yeah, even on full mac page that took up a lot of room
Smon: Oculus Orbus, meet my 8 year old son, DESTROYERBILL
Oculus Orbus: oh, thank gawd!
Oculus Orbus: lol
Oculus Orbus: Hi, Bill!
chris107: (I did discuss raising the Zombies with Kjato earlier this week)
Oculus Orbus: My name is Richard. How do you do?
Oculus Orbus: Great!
chris107: Who's this RICHARD fellow?
Oculus Orbus: My secret ID
Kjato Ragfoot: Richard MacOrbus. Famous scottish occulist.
chris107: Who's taken the real OCCLES?!
Oculus Orbus: ha
Oculus Orbus: brb need water
chris107: KILL THEM ALL!
Smon: GM: Outside the Gate Castle, a semi-dormant Zombie-Rex raises his head as a great explosion thunders out from the Castle, sending masonry flying high into the sky. There is a flash of bright white light and then the Vitalic energy washes over him... Z-Rex blacks out.
chris107: Thanks for updating Hakeem's sheet Simon
Smon: You're welcome Chris.
chris107: Yum, beer
Oculus Orbus: lashings of ginger beer
Smon: When Hakeem, Laara and Thuruar wake up some time later inside the ruins of the Castle, it is after dawn.
chris107: Lashings and lashings!
Smon: Daylight shines down upon them.
chris107: I have Hakeem down to 60hP
Smon: All their wounds are healed - even the old scars.
DESTROYERBILL: bravery can do 2 atakes maxemom 56 dameg
chris107: Wow, nice.
Smon: Nearby, the Behir stirs...
Oculus Orbus: I have chunks of that behir in mah BELLEH!
Smon: As the Behir groggily gets to its many feet, the others see the lightning-bolt symbol of Bondor emblazoned across its chest. It looks ALIVE.
chris107: So now on 149HP and 20 Strength?
Smon: yup
DESTROYERBILL: but 200 befor
chris107: Yay for Bondorr and Behir!
Kjato Ragfoot: Bill, not you, Hakeem is at 149.
Smon: Outside the fortress, a very much alive Tyrannosaurus Rex is likewise awakening.
chris107: "Hello Behir! You're alive?!"
DESTROYERBILL: wy not 200hp
Smon: Behir has 200 hp, Hakeem 149.
chris107: "Hello Z- erm T-Rex!"
Oculus Orbus: now, when you say "alive" what exactly does that mean?
Smon: Oc, you open your Tyrannosaur eyes to see two women looking nervously at you - they seem familiar (Feani & Alicia).
DESTROYERBILL: alive or zombeyd
Smon: "alive" - you're not undead any more. However you do still have elevated INT.
chris107: (Please don't eat 'em)
Oculus Orbus: exactly, Bill
Oculus Orbus: oh!
Oculus Orbus: Well, I just ate (heh heh) so I don't need to feed
Smon: Scrambling over the rubble of the castle, Hakeem Thuruar & co see a few bodies crushed under rubble, or lying alive but unconscious here and there.
Oculus Orbus: Z-Rex sniffs the air around them
Smon: The girls take a step back away from Rex.
chris107: Can we search the dark lord and his minions before escaping?
DESTROYERBILL: its trex now not zrex
chris107: And nick any sundry treasures
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will try to stabilize everyone alive.
chris107: brb 2 mins
Smon: brb tea
Oculus Orbus: oh dear...
Kjato Ragfoot: Not TrextwfkaZrex?
Oculus Orbus:
Oculus Orbus: yeah, this is gonna be different
Oculus Orbus: do I still have that amulet in my gut?
DESTROYERBILL: snakes are cming dadey told me
Smon: presumably it's still there, yes.
Oculus Orbus: yikes!
Oculus Orbus: what's my new INT?
Kjato Ragfoot: 2
Smon: INT 7 now
chris107: back
Oculus Orbus: oh, okay
Oculus Orbus: well, at least I'm not a robot anymore
chris107: That's about as clever as Hakeem
chris107: What cavalry we will make if TREX and BEHIR don't eat us.
Oculus Orbus: heh
Smon: Updated t-rex sheet -
Oculus Orbus: thank you, sir
chris107: Snakses
Kjato Ragfoot: Well. We killed both before and we can kill both again.
chris107: Yeah but they're our chums now. (I hope )
Smon: *sigh*
Oculus Orbus: WAHOO!
DESTROYERBILL: evrey amoge
chris107: Very clever Bill.
Smon: Bill you were really working on that a long time weren't you?
chris107: hehe
DESTROYERBILL: grrrrrrrrrrr
7:26pm 2016-1-29 DESTROYERBILL Has exited the room
Smon: /roll d6
chris107: Anyone heard from Graham?
Kjato Ragfoot: I haven not heard from Graham since before christmas.
Oculus Orbus: I did. He said "Fuck you, Oc"
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
7:27pm 2016-1-29 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
Smon: Hi Bill
chris107: Eek! Simon's back on form with the 6's!
chris107: Welcome back Bill
7:28pm 2016-1-29 DESTROYERBILL Has exited the room
7:28pm 2016-1-29 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
Smon: Hakeem finds Dark Lord Kranz squashed under a large chunk of masonry (the d6 was 3 in 6 chance he survived).
chris107: Any goodies?
Smon: lemme see...
Oculus Orbus: I'm as smart as a troll now
Smon: Pouch with 60 platinum pieces.
chris107: Smarter than the every bear
DESTROYERBILL: if he is thate stupid
Smon: 2 potion vials.
Oculus Orbus: Yes, that's true, Bill
DESTROYERBILL: i was taking aboat trex
Oculus Orbus: YEs
Oculus Orbus: T-Rex is still stupid
chris107: So Is Hakeem
Smon: Behir is INT 7 too BTW
Oculus Orbus: I'm surprised that trolls are smarter than ogres in 5e
Oculus Orbus: dang, we have a regular brain trust happening here
chris107: heh
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Oculus Orbus:
Smon: The potions vials are marked Invisibility & Cloud Giant Strength.
DESTROYERBILL: srength vvoad help me im govving for it
Kjato Ragfoot: You are probably already stronger than any giant.
Smon: Nearby in the rubble a couple of Nerathi soldiers get to their feet, see the Behir, and scramble quickly away.
DESTROYERBILL: no cload has 27 i have 20
DESTROYERBILL: i chase after them
Kjato Ragfoot: Behir, stop!
Oculus Orbus:
Smon: The men scream...
Kjato Ragfoot: Let them go!
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20 and gets: 3,
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 1, (+1) = 2
Smon: The Behir swiftly catches them...
Oculus Orbus: BILL WINS!
chris107: Gnosh-gnosh
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will run after Behir and try to stop him from killing the soldiers.
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 7, (+10) = 17
Smon: /roll 3d10+6
Smon rolls 3d10+6 and gets: 9, 3, 9, (+6) = 27
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 18, (+10) = 28
Smon: The Behir has already killed them both by the time Thuruar comes up.
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d40+12 and gets: 40 (+12) = 52
Oculus Orbus: Bill continues to kill
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will scold the Behir: Stop that! Do not kill people that do not attack you.
Smon: Laara: "Behir, please stop killing them."
chris107: hehe
DESTROYERBILL: no ill eat you if you conplane
Oculus Orbus: "HHRRONNNNK!"
Oculus Orbus: lol
chris107: hakeem sniggers a bit
Oculus Orbus: looks like there's a new boss in town, Kjato
Smon: Laara takes a step back. Glancing downhill from the castle top she sees the T-Rex.
Smon: Laara: "The Z-Rex - it's alive too!"
Kjato Ragfoot: Last time you tried to eat us, you ended being paralysed.
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh!
DESTROYERBILL: hoo conplanes gits eaten 1 worning or bye bye
Smon: T-Rex, sniffing the air you can smell Behir from the castletop to the west.
chris107: " Come brother Behir! Bondorr has bigger fish for us than these poor folk."
Oculus Orbus: Simon, do you mean a different behir?
Smon: Down below, Alicia & Feani see Laara atop the castle and wave.
chris107: "let us go find Mortar Cof!"
Smon: Are you all rendezvousing?
chris107: blinking spell check on mac is awful
chris107: yes
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes. Lets meet again.
Oculus Orbus: then maybe you should spell better
chris107: Morthor Cof
DESTROYERBILL: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuto
7:45pm 2016-1-29 DESTROYERBILL Has exited the room
chris107: Hakeem walks down and says hello to the girls and (now) TREX
7:45pm 2016-1-29 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
Oculus Orbus: "hrnfhh"
Smon: Behir Hakeem Thuruar & Laara clamber down the castle slope to meet with T-Rex Feani & Alicia.
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will follow Hakeem, keeping a close eye on Behir.
Smon: Behir & T-Rex size each other up.
chris107: "How grand to have two such huge chums!"
chris107: "Let's ride down and eat lot's of Nerathi!"
Oculus Orbus: "Runkh"
Smon: Feani: "Hakeem! I'm glad you're alive! You won?"
Kjato Ragfoot: Well, he wants to kill Nerathi, I would say he is fine.
Smon: Alicia: "Is the Gate closed?"
chris107: "We closed the gate"
chris107: "But Morthor Cof was not there to face justice."
chris107: H grins nastily at the word justice
Smon: Feani: "What now?"
chris107: Do we assume that the powers that be saw their little gate collapse?
Smon: Alicia: "We should get Rey - he must still be in Palen Spring..."
chris107: and will be on their way in numbers to investigate?
Smon: Alicia: "There was a big explosion - a huge white light - I think we blacked out for awhile..."
chris107: "TREX, Behir, may we ride upon your mighty backs?"
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
DESTROYERBILL rolls 100d1000 and gets: 477, 974, 60, 508, 779, 955, 936, 438, 141, 850, 114, 931, 140, 624, 407, 147, 1, 828, 280, 965, 188, 2, 551, 933, 213, 237, 817, 363, 657, 772, 189, 134, 746, 248, 642, 524, 203, 578, 962, 343, 427, 75, 274, 567, 699, 681, 713, 699, 509, 993, 663, 697, 994, 214, 629, 206, 450, 445, 569, 106, 217, 757, 240, 963, 4, 881, 486, 206, 458, 448, 549, 885, 523, 823, 451, 221, 503, 164, 920, 12, 156, 583, 708, 149, 796, 336, 355, 245, 781, 923, 351, 998, 680, 590, 960, 684, 470, 446, 890, 928 = 52207
Kjato Ragfoot: I am quite sure the Nerathi are aware of what happened.
Oculus Orbus: I hunker down to allow you up
chris107: "Then maybe friend Thur now is the time to raise the good 'ens among them?"
Kjato Ragfoot: Well, as long as Behir simply eats all Nerathi he see, there is little point in doing so.
chris107: "Shall we go collect Rey in style?"
Kjato Ragfoot: We should.
Smon: GM: You mount up... the Behir's long windy back is quite easy to ride on.
chris107: "Thuruar which mighty mount would you prefer?"
Smon: Hakeem can mount the more challenging T-Rex ok.
Kjato Ragfoot: T-Rex.
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah. Then Behir.
chris107: Okay H will ride along with Behir if that's okay Bill?
chris107: hehe
chris107: okay, H on TREX?
Kjato Ragfoot: H on Trex, T on Behir.
Oculus Orbus: He's waiting...
chris107: Mental Barbarian mounted on T-Rex is iconic D&D
Oculus Orbus: haha
Oculus Orbus: hell yeah!
Smon: GM: Mounted on strange war brutes, the little band leaves the ruins of the gate castle, heading south along the road to Palen Spring.
chris107: "Don't be sad Behir! From up here I can watch you eat our enemies!"
Oculus Orbus: awww, Bill
Oculus Orbus: coffee. brb
Smon: You've travelled south about 8 miles, a bit over an hour, when you see a large group of armoured riders ahead, approaching fast.
chris107: KILL!KILL!KILL!
DESTROYERBILL: me kill yes or no
Kjato Ragfoot: Let's first check who they are.
Smon: Above them flap three large winged humanoids, with horns and forked tails - devils, by the look of them.
chris107: (We best wait for the clever ones to decide Bill )
chris107: Ah that decides it I'd say
Smon: Dark riders -
chris107: CHARGE!
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. That might be difficult.
Smon: They look like a platoon of Nerathi Veterans, the elite warriors of Restored Nerath.
DESTROYERBILL: kill kill kill
chris107: 1 min sorry guys
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah. I am not sure we can defeat a platoon of Veterans.
Smon: At their head is a figure richly garbed in jet & gold -
DESTROYERBILL: me atak them yes or no
Smon: You instinctively know this is the great Morthor Cof himself - in which case the plate armoured knight riding beside him might be - Kaystar Saru?
DESTROYERBILL: me kill kill kill them
chris107: That's the fellow we're after.
Smon: /roll 4d6x30
Smon Rolls 4d6x10 and gets:
1, 2, 1, 5 = 9
1, 4, 1, 1 = 7
4, 6, 3, 4 = 17
1, 3, 2, 5 = 11
3, 4, 5, 3 = 15
6, 6, 4, 2 = 18
2, 5, 1, 4 = 12
2, 1, 6, 2 = 11
2, 6, 1, 3 = 12
3, 2, 4, 1 = 10
Smon: /roll 4d6
chris107: Jato any protection v his evil magic?
Smon rolls 4d6 and gets: 6, 1, 5, 3, = 15
chris107: Yes Bill
chris107: KILL!
Smon: They're about 450' away right now.
DESTROYERBILL: me slater them i run and litning him
chris107: hehe that's the way!
Smon: You count 16 Veterans, the Knight, the high priest Morthor Coff, and the 3 devils.
chris107: "BONDORR!"
Smon: ok you all charge them?
Kjato Ragfoot: I think that is a horrible idea.
chris107: (Oh dear came all over Elriky there)
Kjato Ragfoot: Concentrate on Morthor Cof. He needs to die first.
chris107: Agreed
chris107: Rehire's lightning breath should distract him
chris107: Then TREX and I will carve him into little pieces.
DESTROYERBILL: i was sent to test you by the god of vvar and litning him self to test you
Smon: The three devils swoop down towards you, flames forming on their pitchforks.
chris107: Rage!
DESTROYERBILL: die die die
chris107: die die die
Smon: Alicia rolls her eyes, and jumps nimbly from the Behir as the devils swoop down.
Oculus Orbus: back
Smon: Feani also dismounts.
Oculus Orbus: DEVILS!
Kjato Ragfoot: Thuruar will jump down from the Behir as well.
chris107: "Come Z-Rex! Eat the big one!"
Smon: Thuruar too. The devils intercept you well before you reach the onrushing force of riders.
Smon: roll init
Oculus Orbus: Rex sings the Song of War
chris107: H points out Morthor once the lightning bolt has gone
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 15, (+2) = 17
Oculus Orbus rolls 1d20 and gets: 14,
chris107 Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
20 (+2) = 22
20 (+2) = 22
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 14, (+3) = 17
chris107: Whoa! Bondorr is with us
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 7, (+6) = 13
Oculus Orbus: I don't know what my bonus is
Oculus Orbus: okay, 10 it is
DESTROYERBILL: no i rolld 10
Oculus Orbus: haha
chris107: Silly OCCLESREX!
Oculus Orbus: O-Rex
Smon: T-Rex is +0 so 14
Oculus Orbus: Oculus Rex
Oculus Orbus: 14! Woo!
Smon: As the devils swoop down within 150', Hakeem & Thuruar can act first.
Smon: then devils, then everyone else.
chris107: Rage then slash at the closest devil before Behir bolts Cof.
Kjato Ragfoot: Cof will take some rounds to arrive.
Smon: Enemy riders inc Coff are around 300' away.
Smon: The devils are in the sky 150' above you.
Smon: Not looking too good.
chris107: Ride on then Rexy!
chris107: I'm a raging and ready for BLOOD!
Smon: Behir lightning is only 20' range.
Smon: Thuruar do you do anything?
Kjato Ragfoot: I cast Spirit Guardians.
Smon: Around yourself, ok.
Oculus Orbus: "Wakka-ding-hoy!"
Smon: The devils start to fling firebolts down on you as the enemy riders slow and form into an enveloping semi-circle, Morthor & Kaystar towards the middle.
chris107: (Ah if Moffet was here he'd be straight for that meanie Kaystar!)
Smon: T-Rex/Hakeem and the Behir charge towards them, Laara decides to follow Alicia Feani & Thuruar in leaping off the suicidal monster.
Smon: 3 rounds to reach the enemy, so 9 firebolts on you before you get to them...
Smon: say 3 each Hakeem, T-Rex & Behir.
chris107: (Do I assume H will only rage when he is within range to do so?)
Oculus Orbus: are there trees nearby to take cover under?
chris107: CHARGE REX!
chris107: KILL!
Smon: The terrain is light scrubland with scattered trees, yes.
Oculus Orbus: RAH!
Smon: ok, 1 lot of firebolts then you can scatter.
chris107: "We must kill Morthor Cof before he can ensile us!"
Smon: /roll 1d3x3
Smon Rolls 1d3x3 and gets:
1 = 1
3 = 3
2 = 2
chris107: enspell
Smon: 1 on each
Smon: vs Hakeem:
Smon: /roll d20+7
DESTROYERBILL: okay i vvill not hide
Smon rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 2, (+7) = 9
Smon: miss
chris107: "Hahahahahahahaha!"
Smon: firebolt vs Behir
Smon: /roll d20+7
Smon rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 13, (+7) = 20
Smon: hit...
Smon: /roll 4d6
Smon rolls 4d6 and gets: 1, 1, 3, 2, = 7
Smon: vs t-rex:
Smon: /roll d20+7
Smon rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 10, (+7) = 17
Smon: hit
Smon: /roll 4d6
Smon rolls 4d6 and gets: 6, 3, 5, 1, = 15
Oculus Orbus: drat
Oculus Orbus: ouch!
DESTROYERBILL: ah my vveaknes tikoling
chris107: Grrrr!
Smon: 15 dmg, 144 left T-Rex
Smon: he meant Tickling is his weakness
chris107: hehe
Oculus Orbus: "RRAASHK!"
Smon: So you are still charging? Not fleeing into the trees?
chris107: Hakeem spurs the mighty TREX onwards
Smon: Feani shoots up at the devils...
Oculus Orbus: I'll charge
chris107: YES!
Oculus Orbus: haha!
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
2 (+5) = 7
13 (+5) = 18
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: /roll d8+3
Smon rolls 1d8+3 and gets: 2, (+3) = 5
Smon: does 2 hp dmg
Smon: Feani: "Thuruar, we need to get out of here! We can't fight this!"
DESTROYERBILL: no we canet
Smon: 2 more rounds of firebolts then Hakeem & co in range & I'll roll rider init.
Smon: 2 vs Hakeem:
chris107: KILL!
Kjato Ragfoot: I know, but we need horses. Otherwise, they will ride us down.
chris107: BONDORR!
Smon: /roll d20+7x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
19 (+7) = 26
9 (+7) = 16
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: /roll 4d6
Smon rolls 4d6 and gets: 2, 1, 3, 6, = 12
Smon: 12 dmg to Hakeem
Smon: 2 vs T-Rex
chris107: Flee those on the ground to cover then. Hakeem will do the killing and hold them as long as he can
Smon: /roll d20+7x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
5 (+7) = 12
16 (+7) = 23
chris107: 137/149HP
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: /roll 4d6
Smon rolls 4d6 and gets: 3, 5, 5, 2, = 15
chris107: (And the flying devils will just fireboat us to death if we fllee)
Smon: Rex burned for 15, 134 left.
Smon: Sorry 129 left T-Rex.
Smon: 2 n
chris107: (Once we're among 'em the tide will turn)
Oculus Orbus: "ARRRGH!"
DESTROYERBILL: cris you got 25pt
chris107: Arrrggghhh thanks Bill
Smon: 2 on Behir:
Smon: /roll d20+7x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
2 (+7) = 9
13 (+7) = 20
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: /roll 4d6
Smon rolls 4d6 and gets: 5, 3, 6, 2, = 16
Smon: 177 left Behir
Smon: Riders init:
DESTROYERBILL: i mean 25pt i the big writing
chris107: yeah
DESTROYERBILL: yoare small agen
chris107: (I'll save 25pt for really important stuff)
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 3, (+2) = 5
Oculus Orbus: Chris, I hope you have the proper tools to fight these blighters
chris107: Occs, I have rage and good on our side
Smon: Apparently the enemy are stunned by the stupidity of your attack
chris107: Hakeem is indominatable
Oculus Orbus: I have 8 inch teeth on our side
chris107: hehe
chris107: Gnash-gnash!
Oculus Orbus: lol
Smon: As the enemy riders close in, the insane trio spur forward - who is attacking who?
DESTROYERBILL: i bring litning
Smon: Behir lightning bolts Morthor Coff...
Kjato Ragfoot: EVeryone on Mortor Cof!
chris107: After Behir's lightning H spurs TREX straight at Morthor Cof
DESTROYERBILL rolls 12d10 and gets: 7, 2, 9, 7, 8, 2, 7, 1, 7, 6, 2, 5, = 63
chris107: (Watch Kaystar!)
Oculus Orbus: Rex doesn't know what a Morthor Cof is
chris107: (LUNCH)
Smon: The lightning zaps the Nerathi soldier directly in front of Morthor, and the high priest behind him...
Smon: /roll d20x2
Oculus Orbus: ha
Smon Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
8 = 8
6 = 6
Smon: both fail their saves - the elite guard is incinerated.
chris107: Now Hakeem is filled with the righteous Rage of Bondorr
chris107: (He still has inspiration left)
Smon: Morthor is badly charred, but still alive.
chris107: (Not for long)
DESTROYERBILL: litnitning is da best
Oculus Orbus: TOO TRUE!
chris107: it is cool
Smon: Hakeem and T-Rex spur forward, riders closing on each side - 1 opportunity attack on each of them.
DESTROYERBILL: i got him down to 12 i did 63 damege
Smon: vs Hakeem (you are Raging):
chris107: RAGE!
chris107: ac19
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 18, (+5) = 23
Smon: hit
Smon: /roll d8+5
Smon rolls 1d8+5 and gets: 2, (+5) = 7
Smon: 3 dmg
Smon: vs t-rex:
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 3, (+5) = 8
chris107: 134/149
Smon: miss
chris107: Reckless attack on Morthor!
Oculus Orbus: heh heh
Smon: The T-Rex vaults over two incinerated horses, as Morthor picks himself up Hakeem strikes down...
Smon: Hakeem roll to hit, 2 attacks
chris107 Rolls 1d20+11x2 and gets:
5 (+11) = 16
3 (+11) = 14
chris107 Rolls 1d20+11x2 and gets:
14 (+11) = 25
8 (+11) = 19
Smon: AC 20 - one hit
chris107 rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 6, (+10) = 16
chris107: oops
chris107 rolls 1d8+10 and gets: 1, (+10) = 11
Smon: lol
chris107: cripes!
Oculus Orbus:
Smon: 1 hp left
Smon: Good luck T-Rex, you are their only hope!
chris107: KILL HIM REXY!
Oculus Orbus: MINE!
Oculus Orbus: bite claw?
Smon: yep
DESTROYERBILL: no we can go next roand
Kjato Ragfoot: Can I grant T-Rex the +10 from Athenas inspiration on his first attack?
Smon: ?
Smon: I've no idea, what are the rules?
Oculus Orbus rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 13, (+12) = 25
Smon: No need, T-Rex gulps down a tasty Morthor...
chris107: YAY!
Smon: *chomp*
chris107: "Now for Kaystar!"
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah. OK. It is mostly whether I am within 30 feet of T-Rex or not.
DESTROYERBILL: good wate aboat demons
chris107: BERSERK!
Smon: Kaystar Saru yells orders and 15 elite veterans of Nerath close on you...
Smon: But above the Devils shimmer and vanish, the spell broken.
chris107: Chase him down REXY!
Smon: Enemy turn
Oculus Orbus: YOU chase him, you little booger!
Smon: 4 vs Hakeem, 4 vs T-Rex, 7 vs Behir
Smon: vs Hakeem:
Smon: /roll d20+7x8
chris107: Eek for Behir!
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x8 and gets:
13 (+7) = 20
6 (+7) = 13
12 (+7) = 19
3 (+7) = 10
1 (+7) = 8
11 (+7) = 18
14 (+7) = 21
2 (+7) = 9
Oculus Orbus: now look what you've done, Hakkem
Oculus Orbus: *Hakeem
Smon: 3 hits
chris107: ac19
Smon: /roll 3d8+15
Smon rolls 3d8+15 and gets: 2, 1, 6, (+15) = 24
Smon: 12 dmg Hakeem
Smon: vs T-Rex
chris107: 122/149
Smon: /roll d20+7x8
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x8 and gets:
2 (+7) = 9
3 (+7) = 10
20 (+7) = 27
3 (+7) = 10
11 (+7) = 18
19 (+7) = 26
19 (+7) = 26
18 (+7) = 25
Oculus Orbus: uh oh
Smon: 5 hits
Smon: /roll 5d8+25
Smon rolls 5d8+25 and gets: 5, 7, 6, 7, 1, (+25) = 51
Smon: 51 dmg, 78 left
chris107: cripes
Oculus Orbus: ouchie
Smon: 14 vs Behir:
Smon: /roll d20+7x10
Oculus Orbus: I'm down 81 points, I think
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x10 and gets:
3 (+7) = 10
11 (+7) = 18
9 (+7) = 16
9 (+7) = 16
17 (+7) = 24
1 (+7) = 8
20 (+7) = 27
17 (+7) = 24
1 (+7) = 8
4 (+7) = 11
Smon: /roll d20+7x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x4 and gets:
6 (+7) = 13
5 (+7) = 12
14 (+7) = 21
4 (+7) = 11
chris107: (Well we've killed Morthor, do we scarper?)
Kjato Ragfoot: (Yes)
Smon: only 5 hits out of 14!
Smon: /roll 5d8+25
Smon rolls 5d8+25 and gets: 2, 7, 1, 3, 2, (+25) = 40
Smon: Behir 137 left.
chris107: (Will we be quick enough on TREX and Behir?)
Smon: You're pretty much surrounded by Nerathi cavalry at this point.
chris107: Okay Hakeem will hew around him berserk
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
chris107: but not risking reckless attacks v so many
Smon: Thuruar, from cover you see the devils vanish and the enemy descend on your friends.
Smon: Behir's lightning recharges (5-6) successfully.
Kjato Ragfoot: Very well. How far are they?
chris107: Take the tale of our bravery back Thuruar
Smon: (Bondor is clearly with Hakeem, I keep forgetting comb advtg vs him)
Smon: 300' or so away.
chris107: Look after Hakeem's child
chris107: Bill, now we need 25 point
DESTROYERBILL rolls 12d10 and gets: 6, 10, 6, 10, 9, 6, 4, 7, 4, 1, 3, 8, = 74
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah. OK. That is far out of range. Thuruar will flee with Feani and Alicia. There is nothing he can do for them at the moment.
Smon: Behir lightning bolts, catching a soldier plus Kaystar Saru.
Smon: /roll d20x2
Smon Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
2 = 2
14 = 14
Smon: Behir incinerates a veteran.
chris107: Yay!
Oculus Orbus: Chris, I want to fling Hakeem into the soldiers with my tail
Oculus Orbus: are you ready?
DESTROYERBILL: smons looking for stuf
chris107: Erm....
Oculus Orbus: flick!
chris107: From up here he can hack around
chris107: Oh
chris107: too late I guess
Oculus Orbus: lol
Oculus Orbus: I didn't, but we should keep that in ind
Oculus Orbus: *mind
DESTROYERBILL: die die die
Smon: can't find Kaystar's old stats
Smon: I'll say he's getting slow with age & use regular knight DEX 11 (+0) so he fails DEX save.
Oculus Orbus:
DESTROYERBILL: that means he dies yay
chris107: hehe
Smon: Still, 97 hp so
Smon: 23 left.
chris107: eek
chris107: Hakeem bellows a challenge to him
chris107: as he flies into his cohorts
Smon: His horse is killed, he falls, looking woozy.
Smon: Hakeem & T-Rex can attack.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+11x3 and gets:
14 (+11) = 25
13 (+11) = 24
1 (+11) = 12
chris107 rolls 2d8+20 and gets: 4, 3, (+20) = 27
Smon: Hakeem wounds a veteran.
Smon: T-Rex do you want to tail sweep or bite/stomp?
DESTROYERBILL: i killd two
Oculus Orbus: tail sweep: /roll d20x3
Smon: ok
Oculus Orbus: oops
Smon: ac 19
Oculus Orbus Rolls 1d20x3 and gets:
8 = 8
3 = 3
10 = 10
Oculus Orbus: ewwww
Smon: hit on 7+
Oculus Orbus: Thanks, Obama
chris107: what +'s you get Occs?
Smon: 2 are hit, inc first (wounded) one
Smon: 3d8+8 dmg each
Smon: +12
Oculus Orbus: I don't think I get any for that attack
DESTROYERBILL: kill 2nd him woanded
Smon: you attack at +12
Smon: dmg is 3d8+8
Oculus Orbus rolls 3d8+8 and gets: 1, 8, 5, (+8) = 22
Smon: 9 left
Oculus Orbus rolls 3d8+8 and gets: 2, 7, 7, (+8) = 24
Smon: 34 left
Oculus Orbus: whap-whap-whiff!
Smon: Enemy atga
Smon: attacks...
chris107: hehe
Smon: vs Hakeem:
Oculus Orbus: Hakeeeeeeeeem!
Smon: /roll d20+7x8
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x8 and gets:
14 (+7) = 21
4 (+7) = 11
13 (+7) = 20
6 (+7) = 13
15 (+7) = 22
3 (+7) = 10
13 (+7) = 20
1 (+7) = 8
Oculus Orbus:
chris107: Have faith Bill
chris107: We will win.
Smon: 4 hits
Smon: /roll 4d8+20
Smon rolls 4d8+20 and gets: 4, 2, 6, 6, (+20) = 38
Smon: 19 dmg Hakeem
chris107: 103/149
Smon: vs T-Rex:
Smon: /roll d20+7x8
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x8 and gets:
7 (+7) = 14
14 (+7) = 21
2 (+7) = 9
8 (+7) = 15
17 (+7) = 24
15 (+7) = 22
13 (+7) = 20
20 (+7) = 27
chris107: eek
Smon: 7 hits
Oculus Orbus: Chris, you killed me with your charging!
Smon: /roll 7d8+35
Smon rolls 7d8+35 and gets: 7, 4, 3, 3, 5, 2, 1, (+35) = 60
Smon: T-Rex takes 60 dmg, 18 hp left.
Oculus Orbus: AGH!
Smon: vs Behir:
chris107: Not dead yet Occs!
Smon: /roll d20+7x10
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x10 and gets:
18 (+7) = 25
10 (+7) = 17
10 (+7) = 17
11 (+7) = 18
3 (+7) = 10
14 (+7) = 21
11 (+7) = 18
14 (+7) = 21
14 (+7) = 21
6 (+7) = 13
Smon: /roll d20+7x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
16 (+7) = 23
11 (+7) = 18
chris107: heck n bother!
Smon: 10 hits on Behir!
Oculus Orbus: if I get hit again, my next attack is on YOU, Hakeem!
Smon: /roll 10d8+50
chris107: Cripes!
Smon rolls 10d8+50 and gets: 2, 4, 1, 6, 2, 4, 7, 8, 7, 1, (+50) = 92
chris107: Stick together!
Oculus Orbus: Holy cow
Smon: 92 dmg to Behir, 45 hp left.
Oculus Orbus: Oh, we'll stick together, alright
Oculus Orbus:
Smon: Behir & T-Rex are getting hacked to pieces.
chris107: We better do plenty damage this time
DESTROYERBILL: the next atak on trex is his last time of life
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Oculus Orbus: You'll be sticking to my ribs, you tasty thing, you
Kjato Ragfoot: Kill that saystar!
chris107: We have the initiative?
chris107: Could we break off and flee or would we just get hacked as we go?
Smon: Your goes, yes.
9:00pm 2016-1-29 DESTROYERBILL Has exited the room
chris107: Yeah Hakeem will take any hits on him and ignore them as he pelts towards kaystar
Smon: You can make a tactical withdrawal as your action.
chris107: BERSERKING!
chris107: 40' move
9:01pm 2016-1-29 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
Smon: Hakeem make athletics check DC 17 to vault over the Nerathi cavalry from atop T-Rex and reach Kaystar,
chris107: "Keep them off my back lads or save yourselves as you see best!"
DESTROYERBILL: see you t rex next wean i die
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 3, (+6) = 9
Smon: fail by 1-4 they get attacks on you, fail 5+ you don't reach him & take op attacks
Oculus Orbus:
Smon: oops
chris107: Ah!
DESTROYERBILL: hakeam led you in to a death trap pay him back
chris107: Now I will use my Inspiration!
Smon: 4 opp attacks on Hakeem as the enemy surround him
Smon: ok...
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 3, (+6) = 9
Smon: LOL
chris107: JEEZ!
chris107: Bobdorr?!
Oculus Orbus: oh dear
chris107: Why have you deserted me in my time of need?
Smon: Your Athletics is STR (+5) Prof (+4) = +9 BTW.
chris107: Hack away Simon
DESTROYERBILL: t rex dead now
Oculus Orbus: not yet, buddy
Smon: So you got 12, which is exactly what you needed for a complete fail.
Smon: /roll d20+7x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x4 and gets:
8 (+7) = 15
9 (+7) = 16
13 (+7) = 20
19 (+7) = 26
Oculus Orbus: lol
Smon: 2 hits
Smon: /roll 2d8+10
Oculus Orbus: whew!
Smon rolls 2d8+10 and gets: 4, 1, (+10) = 15
Smon: 7 dmg Hakeem
Smon: He can still hit them back.
chris107: Yea96/149
chris107 Rolls 1d20+11x3 and gets:
10 (+11) = 21
14 (+11) = 25
17 (+11) = 28
Smon: 3 hits
chris107 rolls 3d8+30 and gets: 8, 1, 3, (+30) = 42
Smon: Kills one who had 34 hp.
Smon: T-Rex has 4 men attacking him, what does it do?
Oculus Orbus: another tail sweep
chris107: (Who has the cloud giant potion?)
Oculus Orbus: YES!
Smon: you do Hakeem, also invisibility.
Oculus Orbus: INT 7 FTW!
Smon: roll 3 d20+12 attacks Oc
Oculus Orbus Rolls 1d20+12x3 and gets:
18 (+12) = 30
18 (+12) = 30
9 (+12) = 21
Smon: 3 hits
Oculus Orbus: YES!
Smon: 3d8+8 dmg
Oculus Orbus rolls 3d8+8 and gets: 1, 4, 8, (+8) = 21
Oculus Orbus rolls 3d8+8 and gets: 7, 6, 1, (+8) = 22
Oculus Orbus rolls 3d8+8 and gets: 1, 1, 1, (+8) = 11
chris107: (Can he defend with his shield effectively while drinkig the cloud giant potion if he misses an attack? Will this dispel his rage/berserk?)
Smon: had 9, 58, 58
Oculus Orbus: haha
chris107: Nice OCCLES!
Smon: It's an action to drink potion.
Smon: /roll d3
Smon rolls 1d3 and gets: 2
Oculus Orbus: Throw the drink in my mouth
chris107: Okay, next time he will do that
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
chris107: (I fear TREX will not be around next round )
Oculus Orbus: I blame you
Oculus Orbus: you should have given me that invisibilty
chris107: (And I think you're 27 strength all ready?)
Smon: Behir makes for the enemy commander, Kaystar Saru.
Oculus Orbus: pee break brb
chris107: Go Behir!
Smon: Behir athletics check, d20+6
Smon: DC 13
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 13, (+6) = 19
chris107: Yay!
Smon: Behir tumbles horses aside as he reaches a dazed-looking Kaystar....
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 6, (+10) = 16
Oculus Orbus: back
chris107: "Come now Thruar! Bring Athena's power to the battle!"
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 7, (+10) = 17
Smon: AC 20.
Smon: Bad luck guys.
Smon: Thuruar do you want to do anything?
Smon: Or have you left with the ladies>
Kjato Ragfoot: I wanted to run away with Feani and Alicia the last time you asked.
Smon: ok
Smon: You're well away by now then, should be back safe in Ghinaria in a month or two.
chris107: okay, tell Hakeem's child that he died fighting.
Smon: 6 attacks vs Hakeem:
Smon: /roll d20+7x6
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x6 and gets:
18 (+7) = 25
19 (+7) = 26
10 (+7) = 17
16 (+7) = 23
9 (+7) = 16
11 (+7) = 18
Oculus Orbus:
Smon: 3 hit
Smon: /roll 3d8+15
Smon rolls 3d8+15 and gets: 2, 8, 4, (+15) = 29
Smon: 14 dmg
chris107: 82/149
Kjato Ragfoot: Well, I planned to do that when Hakeem asked me to run to care for his child at the beginning of the battle!
Smon: 6 attacks vs T-Rex:
Smon: /roll d20+7x6
chris107: hehe no probs Kjato
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x6 and gets:
8 (+7) = 15
15 (+7) = 22
20 (+7) = 27
11 (+7) = 18
18 (+7) = 25
2 (+7) = 9
Smon: /roll 5d8+25
chris107: It's what Hakeem would want
Smon rolls 5d8+25 and gets: 7, 2, 3, 3, 7, (+25) = 47
Smon: The brave T-Rex crashes to the ground.
Smon: At -29.
Oculus Orbus: What about the amulet?
Oculus Orbus:
Smon: With the Gate closed the amulet is dormant.
chris107: glug-glug
Smon: Kaystar Saru Withdraws from the Behir as 6 Nerathi close in to kill the monster.
Oculus Orbus: Then with his dying breath, T-Rex croaks out "I'll see you in HELL, Hakeeeeeeem!"
Smon: (If you wanted to live, drink the INVIS potion)
chris107: (I intend to if I drop to 50HP
Smon: /roll d20+7x10
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x10 and gets:
15 (+7) = 22
18 (+7) = 25
13 (+7) = 20
7 (+7) = 14
4 (+7) = 11
17 (+7) = 24
13 (+7) = 20
7 (+7) = 14
7 (+7) = 14
17 (+7) = 24
DESTROYERBILL: im dead hello trex
Smon: 6 hits
Smon: /roll 6d8+30
Smon rolls 6d8+30 and gets: 6, 5, 2, 6, 8, 8, (+30) = 65
Oculus Orbus: Hello, dead behir!
chris107: One last chance to leap with Giant Strength after Kaystar. in his plate mail he should be much slower than H
DESTROYERBILL: hay dead trex
Smon: The Behir crashes down too onto the bloody ground.
Oculus Orbus: When Hakeem gets here, we shall dine on his cursed soul for eternity
chris107: (I also get one DC5 chance to stay at 1HP even if I get knocked down)
Smon: Hakeem drinks his STR potion? STR now +8 so net +3 to hit & dmg.
DESTROYERBILL: yea he led us in to a death trap
chris107: (Led been the word)
Oculus Orbus: He totally DID!
chris107: (from the front)
DESTROYERBILL: vve must feast on his evil soale
Smon: Kaystar Saru yells to his men: "Dismount! Form ranks!!"
Kjato Ragfoot: If I remember correctly, it was a certain Behir that shouted "kill, kill, kill" the whole time. And then, when he got killed, he complaint!
Oculus Orbus: We shall!
chris107: "Bondorr let me slay my foe Kaystar Saru before you take my soul!"
Oculus Orbus: lol
Smon: The Nerathi around Hakeem dismount, forming a wall of steel around him.
chris107: I have the initiative?
DESTROYERBILL: hay do you know weare mofer cofe is trex
Oculus Orbus: You have to avenge us, Hakeem
chris107: And it's my go I think?
Oculus Orbus: I don't know, sorry
chris107: You ate him Occs
Smon: Safe behind a dozen elite warriors, Kaystar calls out: "It's over, barbarian! Surrender and I shall be merciful!"
Oculus Orbus: oh, yeah! lol
Smon: neither side attacked so you're out of init I reckon.
DESTROYERBILL: if he avenges us he has too kill himself
Smon: Rage ended when you drank potion & they didn't attack.
Oculus Orbus: Yes
chris107: "Bah! Bonder take me!" He raises his shield and drinks the invoice potion. Hopefully looking like Bonder has snatched him from the battle
chris107: Invis
Smon: Hakeem vanishes...
Oculus Orbus: the invoice potion!
DESTROYERBILL: we will feast too nigt on hakeam soale
chris107: he will then try use his barbarian survival skills to slip away
chris107: yeah blinking spell check
Kjato Ragfoot: (The potion of invoice, forcing everyone who attacks the drinker to pay damages)
Smon: The Nerathi look around... Stealth check with advtg, Hakeem.
chris107: (Hakeem has to kill Oriax before he dies )
Oculus Orbus: TPK TPK TPK TPK!!!
chris107 Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
13 (+6) = 19
12 (+6) = 18
DESTROYERBILL: die for diner hakeam
Smon: Unseen by the Nerathi, Hakeem slips out of the closing ring of steel...
chris107: hehe Thanks TREX and Behir!
Smon: What's he doing now?
Oculus Orbus:
chris107: He slips away stealthily and makes his way back towards Ghinnarea
Oculus Orbus: BOOOOOO!
Smon: Maybe the Nerathi will reanimate Behir & T-Rex one day to take their terrible revenge...
chris107: Sorry guys
DESTROYERBILL: if i git awt of this hell hoal ill kill hakeam
Oculus Orbus: LOL
chris107: Hakeem will avenge you but odds like that alone?
Kjato Ragfoot: Well, we just killed their main reanimator.
chris107: Eaten no less
chris107: and chomped
Smon: Eventually Hakeem joins up with Thuruar and co.
Oculus Orbus: By "avenge" I mean take your own life
Smon: Word soon reaches Palen Spring that the Gate Castle is destroyed and Morthor Coff dead.
chris107: "Our mighty friends Behir and Z-Rex fell. I could not stand against so many "
Smon: Rey slips away from the town and joins his friends in the woods...
Oculus Orbus: Morthor Coff is een mah BELLEH!
Oculus Orbus: Rey?
Smon: (Graham's Rogue PC) After Rey frolics with Alicia in the woods, it's time for the survivors to begin the long trip home...
chris107: Our absent rogue
chris107: Who was off spying
DESTROYERBILL: i will kill hakeam wean my soal gits a new bodey
Oculus Orbus: Was he off spying with DJ
Oculus Orbus: ?
chris107: Really sorry Bill, Occs. I misread that one
Smon: (Graham's Rogue PC) After Rey frolics with Alicia in the woods, it's time for the survivors to begin the long trip home...
Oculus Orbus: Yeah, Hakeem's gonna be in some serious trouble if we come back to life
chris107: And they did roll really well agin you.
DESTROYERBILL: kill yoare self hakeame now now
Oculus Orbus: lol
DESTROYERBILL: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
chris107: Hakeem stands tall, he did his best.
Smon: As GM of course I thought you'd flee the obviously vastly superior force.
Smon: Oh well you got Morthor & only lost 2 PCs.
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes. Killing Morthof Cof was a great feat on its own.
chris107: I really thought that we could carve through them with Rexy and Behir
Smon: He had so much stuff & rolled so crap on Init
Smon: You knew the Veterans were tough.
chris107: A statue to Behir and TREX will be built
Smon: Think Conan in Battle of the Mounds - you need strategy to beat those guys.
Oculus Orbus: See, that's the problem with two stupids in a group. With a measly 7 INT, problems will arise
chris107: Yeah, a bad miss-call by me
Oculus Orbus: I died with honor and a belly full of villain
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes. They were the same as the leaders from the other Nerathi patrols we fought.
Oculus Orbus: Hakeem must live the life of a coward now
DESTROYERBILL: i hate you hakeame :ab1: i will kill you
Oculus Orbus: SHAME! SHAME!
chris107: You did in deed OCCLES
Smon: Both your previous fights with just a few of them were tough.
Oculus Orbus: Simon, can I roll up a Giff now?
chris107: Hey Hakeem led from the front and fought on past you dying dead on him!
Oculus Orbus: I hope I proved myself
DESTROYERBILL: im not joking you killd my carcoter
Oculus Orbus: Hakeem? I don't know a Hakeem.
Oculus Orbus:
Smon: Yes you can play a Giff PC Oc If you will use actual 5e rules.
chris107: And our actions allowed the others to escape.
Oculus Orbus: I shall
Smon: Bill is smiling BTW
DESTROYERBILL: no im hating grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Oculus Orbus: I am, too
Oculus Orbus: I'm just having fun with you Chris
Smon: Not sure what racial modifiers for a Giff would look like, I'm open to ideas.
Oculus Orbus: Simon, just say when and where and we can roll him up
DESTROYERBILL: i will kill hakeam
Smon: I think everyone is level 10+ now so you can make a 10th level PC.
chris107: Many have tried
Oculus Orbus: bonus on STR, penalty on INT for starters
Smon: Oc use default array 15 14 13 12 10 8
DESTROYERBILL: i hate hakeam
Oculus Orbus: Chris, Simon and I had great plans for Z-Rex, too
Kjato Ragfoot: We succeeded on both goals we had when we departed for the north: the gate is closed and Morthor Cof dead.
chris107: Poor Hakeem
Smon: Rules are at the bottom of the campaign page
Oculus Orbus: Simon, do I distribute that?
chris107: Yup
Oculus Orbus: ok
Smon: You can post draft PC to the Dragonsfoot thread.
Smon: (Bill has exited)
9:35pm 2016-1-29 DESTROYERBILL Has exited the room
chris107: And Laara will return to the Greywolves with stories of Hakeem, Behir and Z-Rex charging overwhelming enemies)
chris107: Cries the guilt of killing an 8 year olds character is dreadful!
chris107: Cripes
Smon: I'll post log now. Are you free Tuesday or Wednesday next week?
Oculus Orbus: I think there are rules for Giff PCs somewhere. I thought I saw them back when
Smon: Don't worry at all re Bill, chris, he was just messing with you.
Oculus Orbus: I am, as far as I know
chris107: Wednesday yes. Tuesday no
Kjato Ragfoot: Tuesday yes, Wednesday no.
Oculus Orbus: uh oh
Smon: In that case Thursday, no Bill?
Smon: Or Saturday?
Smon: I can't do Friday.
chris107: Thursday yes, Saturday no.
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh wait. We usually start at 19 english time, that is 20 my time. I should be able to play from 19:30
chris107: I can't do Friday either, in London all weekend
Kjato Ragfoot: Thursday no.
Kjato Ragfoot: So, we can play Wednesday, I will just join a little later.
Smon: Wednesday ok Kjato?
chris107: Why not do something for the other guys next week Simon?
chris107: Say Hakeem catches them up later?
Oculus Orbus: TRAVELLER next Wednesday, Chris?
chris107: Give them a chance to get some Hakeem free XP
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes, Wednesday is OK.
Smon: Wednesday looks good for everyone?
chris107: Wednesday I'm 99% sure I'm free yes Occs.
Oculus Orbus: Yes and yes
chris107: 5-7 Trav then 7 - 5e?
Smon: ok cool
Oculus Orbus: next TRAV will be new characters and I don't know what.
Smon: (I rem last time we played w/out Chris, Kjato's PC got killed by shadows)
Oculus Orbus: and Roll20 school
Smon: See you Wednesday.