Saturday, 10 November 2018
10/11/48 Fall of Magrathor (1925 XP)
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8:28am 2018-11-10 Smon Has entered the room
Smon: Good morning Jorian
joriandrake: Good morning Simon
joriandrake: My coffee isn't ready yet so i feel groggy but should work out
8:31am 2018-11-10 JamesDevil Has entered the room
JamesDevil: Morning
Smon: Good morning James
joriandrake: Good morning James
Smon: Levels - Danor still Clr-8, is Alvariel still Wiz-5?
JamesDevil: yep, i'm < 1k from 9
Smon: Looks like being a small group today, hope Keelia can make it!
Smon: No Bill today & no Fergus looks like.
joriandrake: Alvariel gained a level midgame last time
Smon: good
joriandrake: Indeed, Fergus and I PMed and he didn't reply since last session so must be very busy
joriandrake: i go check if coffee is done
Smon: GM: Recent events 10/11/48 - lots of rain (well into wet season now); a week since you killed Wheezy and got the flute of resurrection; 11 days since other adventurers & the Vrilya drove the Mountain Trolls from level 5, clearing another route to level 6.
Smon: My coffee brews in about 4 minutes, my high tech solution of kettle, brew pot, strainer & carafe is the superior approach
Smon: Danor Gordak while visiting the new dwarven shrine on level 1 by the kobold market, you hear rumour from Priestess Heltharn of a powerful wraith king on level 3.
joriandrake: back
JamesDevil: ooo, waith king, nice >:
joriandrake: It's an old coffee machine and on main floow - have to take stairs down
Smon: The shade of Magrathor, the Sterling Potentate, who built Stonehell - Heltharn & her surviving companion Featherblade the Altanian fled from Magrathor after he killed their elven wizardess companion with a single touch, then brought her back as a spectre under his command.
JamesDevil: sounds like we have our target for the game!
joriandrake: Alv helped Danor while not learning the language with Bright Star, might also have visited the market with him
joriandrake: did that wizardress com panion die recently, or as I assume this is ancient history?
Smon: About a month or so ago.
Smon: 23/9/448 - that's a bit over 6 weeks.
Smon: The elven wizardess was called Yllorian of Diancecht.
Smon: Priestess Heltharn warns you both that her Turning was ineffective against Magrathor.
joriandrake: "Well well, Danor. THis seems like an interesting possibillity for an archeological expedition that might also offer us a chance to resurrect Yllorian, unless the undead curse still lingers. Magrathor sounds like a very powerful opponent we would have to face though"
JamesDevil: well, if she has any minions it will hopefully work on them
Smon: But she is sure a mighty Patriarch like Danor can handle it
JamesDevil: so, are we waiting on anyone else?
joriandrake: "Hiring some extra guards would still be a good idea" (considering lack of players we need extra fighters, maybe a scout/rogue if Keelia isn't coming)
JamesDevil: true
JamesDevil: anyone particularly useful we can hire before we can enter stonehell Simon?
joriandrake: GM: I think I might have mentioned the flute in last Messaging with Prisha, so perhaps it is a possibility to have Orph come to Selatine and might be able to join us?
joriandrake: (my idea is to request Orph to join us but up to SImon if that is even viable)
joriandrake: (He is the bard I mentioned last session, good with rogue things and music)
Smon: Heltharn can send a guide to the well-hidden location of Magrathor's lair on level 3, it's through the chamber of lenses, past a maze and a teleporter.
JamesDevil: sounds good to me
Smon: Some bugbear mercenaries are available for hire at the Kobold Market.
JamesDevil: do they need to be paid? I have plenty of gold
JamesDevil: lets hire a couple of Bugbear fighters
Smon: They claim to know the level 3 area, they used to work for a wizard who sadly met his end there.
joriandrake: I suggest to hire the bugbears then, and give them some polearms
JamesDevil: good to know
Smon: GM: You can hire 2 bugbears for 30gp each for the day.
JamesDevil: k, marking it off my items
joriandrake: Alvariel will ask more about that deceased wizard, probably Yllorian but not certain
joriandrake: (possible spell book as loot nearby?)
Smon: The bugbears (Brully & Lou) are equipped with shield & morningstar.
Smon: "Wuz male ooman. He wanted the Hexperiment. Got in fight with other oomanz, dead now."
Smon: GM: OK will assume no Keelia
joriandrake: HM, that works well for front guards, they still have a good reach even with short melee weapons "Wonderful, I mean dreadful!" Alvariel remarks about the wizard's info "If you know where he was defeated or where you had camp location before, in case his research notes and belongings are still there we can check that out before venturing forth"
JamesDevil: i messaged her but got no response, haven't heard from her for a few days
joriandrake: Keelia might be confused due to time zone changes in europe
Smon: She played last week after the change
joriandrake: if so, I don't know if AUstralia has such changes, she might come a hour later
joriandrake: That's true
joriandrake: ok, so we need that extra guide too then
joriandrake: during off-time ALvariel swapped spells prepared a bit
JamesDevil: same for Danor
joriandrake: I now have Dispell Magic and Warding Wind prepared
Smon: GM: The bugbear explains the wizard's stuff was destoyed or looted. The dwarf minion leads you to the stairs from level 1 Quiet Halls down to the level 2 temple of Yig, former lizardman domain, and from there to the elevator down to level 3. From there he leads you east to a great hall with many 4' wide lenses arrayed in rows, east into a mazy labyrinth of smooth stone walls, avoiding various glyphs, to a teleporter glyph. He explains that stepping onto the glyph will take you to Magrathor's lair.
Smon: Dwarf: "Mistress Heltharn told me to wait here for your return. Good luck."
JamesDevil: "ok, all ready?"
JamesDevil: "I understand laad"
Smon: The bugbears heft their morningstars, looking uneasy.
JamesDevil: lad*
Smon: The dwarf nods respectfully to Danor, tugging his beard.
JamesDevil: Danor casts Bless on the group
JamesDevil: "lets go"
Smon: level 2 slot?
joriandrake: Alvariel sadly notes the loss of the wizard's belongings, so much knowledge lost once again. "Good dwarf, do you really not intend to come and experience the great dungeon for yourself? I heard ith as great importance to dwarvenkind and might result in some swarven hidden doors or items be found by you"
joriandrake: Mage Armor casting for my wizard
Smon: "Mistress Heltharn said no." He eyes Alvariel. "Or Magrathor will turn me into another Spectre, she said."
JamesDevil: "not when we'ere done with her
joriandrake: "It is your choice, but of course if we perish you might have to wait here for eternity... or just come with us and see for yourself how things go" Alvariel tries to persuade the dwarf to come with them "At least, you might stay in the back row and use a crossbow if a battle occurs"
Smon: "No."
joriandrake: "Oh well" He concedes
Smon: The dwarf looks to Danor for support. "The Wraith King will kill me and bring me back to fight you, she said."
Smon: "Hope those bugbears of yours don't meet the same fate."
JamesDevil: "its fine lad, obey your Mistress"
JamesDevil: *fyi i did cast bless at lv 2
joriandrake: Alvariel woN't press the matter, he is not that sociable as a certain someone else anyway
Smon: GM: Herding the bugbears along you step onto the teleporter glyph?
JamesDevil: yep
joriandrake: They step on it first then we do too
Smon: The bugbears somewhat reluctantly step onto the glyph; there is a flash of light and they vanish.
JamesDevil: "here we go"
joriandrake: "Well, off we go" (Alvariel has currently AC 14, Shield spell can improve this to 19, but until now I don't think I ever had the luck of a Shield casting being enough to avoid blows)
JamesDevil: Danor steps on
Smon: Danor & Alvariel follow the bugbears...
joriandrake: Alvariel mentally prepares to flee right away if the bugbears are dead on the other side
Smon: You find yourselves on a raised circular platform (10' wide & 1‘ high) covered with a mosaic of mystical formulae in the center of a room 30x30, heavy double doors in the north wall. The bugbears are just stepping off the platform.
JamesDevil: Danor steps off towards the doors
joriandrake: Alvariel inspects the room and the mosaic
JamesDevil: Keelia is not feeling well
Smon: Alvariel ascertains that the mosaic is a two-way teleporter; step off then on & it should teleport you back where you came from.
JamesDevil: "Alvariel mind checking the doors for traps?"
Smon: The ancient double doors are of dark oak bound with iron, almost no dust. The air here is dry. Almost no dust on the floor.
JamesDevil: Danor casts detect good and evil
joriandrake: The wizard looks at the doors, from afar as he isn't a rogue
JamesDevil: ah, nvm, its a con spell
JamesDevil: you've got the highest investigation .)
joriandrake: "the doors seem fine to me"
joriandrake: (true, if required I can roll on that)
JamesDevil: Danor will step forward to the doors, waves the bugbears over then opens the door
Smon: The doors have regular handles, no lock. They open away from you.
joriandrake: "The place gets either cleaned, or is often used"
Smon: The doors swing open, revealing a 20' long passage with a matching set of double doors at the far (n) end.
Smon: Danor you can roll your INT +x2 prof Stonecunning
JamesDevil: Danor will proceed caautiously down the corridor to the next set of doors
joriandrake: (good luck)
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 1, (+8) = 9
Smon: The second set of doors look to open towards you.
joriandrake: =(
JamesDevil: -.-
Smon: 9 is a fail
Smon: Been about 30 seconds since casting of Bless
joriandrake: "Hm, maybe let one of the bugbears open the doors ahead of us so the rest of us can react better to ambushes"
JamesDevil rolls 1d4 and gets: 1,
JamesDevil: my luck today
joriandrake: Who did you just attack?
Smon: (Bless doesn't affect ability checks BTW)
JamesDevil: gah
joriandrake: (yep that is guidance)
JamesDevil: Danor will proceed
Smon: Danor opens the north doors?
JamesDevil: yep
joriandrake: Alvarial proceeds to go after them, and also attempt to hide between/behind them on the way
joriandrake: (not as great at hiding as Bright Star, nor as advantageous, but still worth a try)
joriandrake: -connection test-
Smon: GM: Danor pulls open the north doors to an amazing sight! A well lit throne room about 30' deep. Audience Hall: Rune-carved pillars; raised dais opposite; a throne of wood & bone stands on the dais with 10' alcoves behind it to either side, a door at the back of each alcove. Human courtiers in archaic Nerathi noble guard are standing and talking in the space before the throne, while numerous platemail-clad men-at-arms stand guard around the walls.
Smon: None of them pay any attention to your appearance.
joriandrake: "Oh boy, an undead throne room"
JamesDevil: do they look undead?
Smon: As well as the two doors behind the raised dais you see a side door at the east wall of the throneroom, which is about 50' e-w.
joriandrake: Alvariel very worried these might 'activate' just like the golems in that other room
Smon: They look like regular Alryan-Nerathi humans, though their garb is 3 centuries out of fashion.
JamesDevil: hmm
Smon: Although the courtiers appear to be talking, you cannot make out any distinct words.
joriandrake: "Perhaps spirits, or just visual echoes"
joriandrake: "I'm more worried about the armoured guards at the walls"
JamesDevil: I drop Bless and cast detect good and evil
joriandrake: Alvariel considers their possible actions "Well, we still have to go inside if we want to proceed so let us just step inside and see if your Bless can be useful"
Smon: GM: Danor senses powerful Evil emanating from the eastern door.
Smon: Feels like Undead.
JamesDevil: powerful to the evil to the east
JamesDevil: UNDEAD evil
joriandrake: "...that means we should check that door as the last one?"
JamesDevil: lets try to be diplomatic with these lot
Smon: You stand and talk at the entrance, the bugbears shifting uneasily behind you. The courtiers & guards are still ignoring you.
Smon: You can roll Investigation.
joriandrake: "After you" Alvariel says "We might be able to avoid combat if acting like fitting in the throne room's aristocracy, but not certain of it"
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 12, (+7) = 19
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 1, (+4) = 5
joriandrake: (Oh boy)
Smon: Alvariel realises that after a minute or so they are repeating the same actions.
joriandrake: "Hm... echoes, or spirits captured into a loop"
JamesDevil: Danor will step into the room
JamesDevil: "ghost do not frighten me"
joriandrake: "They woN't react to anything we do, but I'm still uncertain about the armoured ones at the walls, who might get triggered into attack if we go closer"
Smon: Danor steps in, the bugbears pad in silently after him.
JamesDevil: Danor will move closer to one of the armoured ones
joriandrake: Alvariel tiptoes inside too
Smon: The inhabitants continue to ignore you.
joriandrake: "Well, we missed the opportunity to sit into a throne at the golems, but if you wish, we can try that here instead" Alvariel looks around trying to figure out how and why the images of the people here appear
JamesDevil: ".....lets not"
joriandrake: "As you wish"
JamesDevil: right, so, two doors right? lets head to the west one first
joriandrake: "To the one that didn't radiate evil"
Smon: The throne has a nice comfy purple cushion. A couple steps on each side of the dais allow easy access.
Smon: 3 doors
JamesDevil: ah, well either way we start with the west door
Smon: 2 behind dais on n wall in alcoves to at w and e of the throne. 1 door at ground level in e wall - emanating evil.
joriandrake: "Hm"... "We might just as well try the throne, we are now here, if any attacks occur when we sit on it at least we clear out the room before we moved on"
joriandrake: Alvariel fancies the purple cushions
joriandrake: he is, after all, still wearing black and purple clothes too
JamesDevil: Danor will open the one to the w behind the dias dais
Smon: It's a nice fat silk covered cushion, fit for a king's posterior.
joriandrake: Alvariel takes a mental note of grabbing at lest the cushions before leaving to Selatine, then goes after Danor
Smon: Danor steps up onto the dais, moves west past the throne and tries the w door - it's locked.
JamesDevil: Danor will try to kick the door in
Smon: OK Danor roll Athletics.
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 20, (+4) = 24
joriandrake: "Hm..."
joriandrake: lol
joriandrake: 1-1-20 or such
Smon: There is a flash of light; Danor bounces off the magical ward (Arcane Lock) and 8 glowing darts of light shoot from the door into him!
Smon: /roll 8d4+8
Smon rolls 8d4+8 and gets: 1, 3, 1, 4, 4, 3, 1, 2, (+8) = 27
JamesDevil: ffs#
joriandrake: "Oh my!"
Smon: Danor takes 27 force damage from the magic missiles.
joriandrake: If he is stil lstanding, then Alvariel casts Dispel Magic on the door
JamesDevil: still standing]
Smon: The door glimmers as Alvariel hits it with a Dispel Magic.
Smon: A crack appears in the door where Danor kicked it.
joriandrake rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 15, (+4) = 19
JamesDevil: Danor will get up and break what left of the door open
joriandrake: this was the spellcasting ability roll for Dispel Magic
joriandrake: ("The DC is 10 + the spell's level. On a success, the spell ends.")
Smon: Danor kicks the door again - no light or magic missiles this time - a few more blows and the door bursts open, the mundane lock shattered.
Smon: (You auto dispelled the wards J)
joriandrake: "Well, congrats on finding that trap Danor" (great)
JamesDevil: -.-
JamesDevil: right, we investigate the room
joriandrake: "Hm, perhaps we should be more careful, I could cast Detect Magic ritually and concentrate on that from now on as I don't have any concentration spell active currently"
Smon: You see a lit chamber, 30x30, clearly a very well stocked arcane laboratory. You are at the e end of the s wall (another door is at the w end of s wall). Spell research materials & tools are piled on workbenches.
joriandrake: Alvariel offers before they inspect the room closer
JamesDevil: "I think this is your kind of place Alvariel"
joriandrake: Actually yes, the wizard begins the ritual, bneing in a researcher's room makes it more logical to cast Detect Magic anyway
joriandrake: "Indeed, let me do the ritual then we inspect the place closely"
Smon: Must be over 2,000 gp worth of reagants & other research materials here, about 100 lb in weight.
joriandrake: After the ritual Alvariel checks for active magic to avoid more traps or find magical items, the asks Danor if the bugbears could pack up the whole 100lb materials to bring with them "They are big, strong guys, I think they can easily handle it"
Smon: If you wanted to craft Uncommon or Rare items this laboratory looks very useful.
JamesDevil: feel free to take it all, its not my kind of stuff unless any of them are devine
joriandrake: Alvariel considers to move the laboratory to a safer location instead, but rememmbers the option of just keeping one here if it can be permanently cleared out
Smon: Alvariel senses magic from the western door, which is of mahogany.
joriandrake: Similar effect as an arcane lock or such?
JamesDevil: Mahogoany magic? ah!
joriandrake: "The western door is also magical"
JamesDevil: "mind dispelling it?"
Smon: GM: The bugbears produce their leather sacks and start sweeping the materials into them, you hear the sound of smashing glass from the more delicate vials.
JamesDevil: lol
joriandrake: "well..." Alvarien cringes
joriandrake: "Wait a minute" he rushes in and packs away the more delicate, less weighting items himself
joriandrake: (to minimize losses)
joriandrake: After that the wizard does as asked and dispells the other door too
JamesDevil: brb
Smon: Alvariel senses Enchantment magic from beyond the west door.
Smon: /roll d6x50
Smon Rolls 1d6x10 and gets:
5 = 5
5 = 5
1 = 1
3 = 3
2 = 2
6 = 6
4 = 4
4 = 4
2 = 2
4 = 4
Smon: GM: Alvariel salvages 2250gp of research materials.
joriandrake: yay
Smon: Alvariel casts Dispel on the west door - no reaction.
joriandrake: "I think this will be very useful, I could set up a lab temporarily at the library until the construction of the Meroya temple isn't finished"
Smon: It has a handle & keyhole.
JamesDevil: back
JamesDevil: Danor opens the west door
joriandrake: (Will wait for james now) "Well, I did cast Dispel on it, which 'should' solve any magical trap problems, but this also means we need to take a short rest before trying the last, 'evil' door so I can cast at least a fireball or such during the future battle"
joriandrake: He points out "I can after short rest cast in combat a fireball or one more Dispel Magic, but then I am out of my most powerful spells"
JamesDevil: ok
Smon: Danor opens the west door on the south wall of the lab. It opens into a dimly lit chamber with black floor tiling, the walls lined with shelves holding hundreds of grimoires. The library is 30x30 with the SE wall canted SW to NE, matching the NW wall of the throneroom west of the dais - it must be adjacent.
JamesDevil: we'll check the next door with a rit cast detect magic, that will help
Smon: Alvariel is still running Det Magic?
joriandrake: The wizard warns Danor of the enchantment he senses
joriandrake: and yes, stil lactive if 10 or less minutes since casting
Smon: There are no other exits visible from the black library. Alvariel senses powerful Enchantment from throughout the library.
JamesDevil: ok, these books arn't going anywhere, take a quick look then lets go back to dais room
joriandrake: "the whole library is engulfed in Enchantment scool aura" he says "So either these are all spell books or possibly the books might even attack us"
joriandrake: school*
joriandrake: "then again, maybe they are just protected against fire damage or such"
Smon: Roll Investigation or Arcana J
joriandrake: Guard me "Alvariel says to a bugbear as he carefully stewps closer to the nearest books
joriandrake rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 17, (+10) = 27
Smon: A bugbear (Lou, a large tawny female) pads after Alvariel.
joriandrake: Arcana 27
Smon: Al. reckons that protection vs fire would register as Abjuration not Enchantment.
joriandrake: ok "Well, not protection against fire, hm, that would be Abjuration, so we need to be careful" at the same time he is really interested in the books, so he picks one up as a test
joriandrake: He inspects the book
Smon: Al reaches the nearest books. They are bound in black leather - some looks scaly, others could be human skin. The words on the spines seem almost to shift and flow to his gaze.
Smon: What languages does A have?
joriandrake: Alryan (Nerathi), Orichalan (Moonraker), Common, Elven (Alvar), Draconic - and in procerss of learning another with Bright Star, I believe it was Abyssal?
Smon: With his limited knowledge of Abyssal script Alvariel can make out some of the words - "Al Azif" - "Necronomicon" "De Vermiis Mysteriis"
joriandrake: "oh, I think this is what one would call 'jackpot' -he remarks, and places the book back
joriandrake: "We can come back for these later, they are worth a small fortune I believe, but the language most are written in I didn't fullyl earn yet, so it can wait"
JamesDevil: fair enough
joriandrake: He nods as he places the book back and goes to Danor
JamesDevil: Danor heads back to the dais room
Smon: GM: Back in the dais room the courtiers are repeating their endless loop.
JamesDevil: we sit have two more doors? one north and one east right?
joriandrake: "Not certain if once we defeat - if we defeat - the undead ruler we can return here again, so we can pick the books or at least some of them up before we go to Selatine. For now let us choose another door, or maybe rest now?" (if we do the short rest now i regain a 3rd level spell and you can spend HD to heal)
JamesDevil: Danor rit cast detect magic
joriandrake: I might still have my detect magic active
Smon: There is one door on n wall e of throne, one on lower level on e wall.
JamesDevil: any magic from any of the remaining doors?
Smon: /roll d2
Smon rolls 1d2 and gets: 1
Smon: You have a minute or so left of det magic Alvariel.
joriandrake: OK then I stop Danor from casting the spell atm
joriandrake: Alv looks around to see if anything in the throne room is magical, as we didn't check it yet
Smon: Alvariel detects magic through the n door
joriandrake: "Northern door..." then tells which magic school he notes
Smon: The courtiers and guards radiate Illusion magic
JamesDevil: through the door but not the door itself?
Smon: yup
joriandrake: "This room is not magical by the way, which means the people in a loop are not something like an illusion spell effect"
JamesDevil: good to know
joriandrake: heck i jsut type too slow
joriandrake: (ignore last sentence)
JamesDevil: i nod to the bugbears to assist me it breaking the northen door
joriandrake: "try opening it first with the handle"
Smon: You can't read aura of magic beyond the n door
joriandrake: ok
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 15, (+4) = 19
Smon: The unlocked door bursts open as Danor slams into it & he goes flying through.
joriandrake: might not even need the bugbear assistance to bash it in
joriandrake: (lool)
Smon: Into a huge and opulent royal bedchamber, 30x30, the door at w end of s wall.
JamesDevil: hmm
joriandrake: Alvariel looks to find purple bed sheets, blankets, etc
Smon: The great four poster bed is at the n wall, a massive mahogany cabinet at e wall
Smon: The bed has purple covers with white silk sheets.
joriandrake: Alvariel quickly checks the room before his Detect Magic ends
JamesDevil: Danor will investigate the room
Smon: There are ancient purple drapes, the chamber reeks of opulence
Smon: metaphorically
Smon: The cabinet radiates powerful Transmutation magic
joriandrake: (investigate rolls too, if required in collaboration with detect magic effect)
Smon: Your det magic ends now A
joriandrake: "Transmutation magic -everywhere"
joriandrake: "...and detect magic has just worn off for me"
JamesDevil: Danor heads to the cabinet
joriandrake: "The cabinet has the strongest transmutation magic"
joriandrake: "be careful with that one, you might end up turned itno a chicken"
JamesDevil: hmm
Smon: The cabinet has a sturdy door with lock & handle
Smon: It is about 6' high.
joriandrake: Alvariel, if certain that the bed is safe from his detection earlier - will sit on it and feel overjoyed of the rich find of purpleness
Smon: Alvariel sits on the lush royal bed.
joriandrake: "so comfy, very purple, much relax"
JamesDevil: Danor will cast heat metal on the lock
Smon: The purple covers are embroidered with the gold dragon sigil of Old Nerath.
Smon: The lock starts to glow red.
joriandrake: "oh, I planned to bring these with me but now I am sure to do it" He begins to carefully fold and pack away the covers and cushions and such "I love them, but they might also be worth more to people like the Bronzes of Hara"
Smon: Does Alvariel have bags of holding?
JamesDevil: ok, Danor cast cure wound and healing word on himself
JamesDevil rolls 1d8+5 and gets: 8, (+5) = 13
joriandrake: um... nope, but I can ask the bugbears to act as pack mules (they can carry a lot) and ask Danor for his assistance too, I think he has a bag
JamesDevil rolls 1d4+5 and gets: 1, (+5) = 6
Smon: If the bugbears are carrying the 100 lb weight of research materials their bags are in use already
joriandrake: This time Alv makes sure he is the one to pack stuff away tho
joriandrake: ok
joriandrake: In that case Alv takes one cushion and two covers only, we might be able to carry the rest later anyway
JamesDevil: I'll hold them for you till we get back to town
Smon: They can pack a couple cushions and the bed's main cover & a sheet
joriandrake: "Thank you!"
Smon: Using Danor's bag of holding you finish stripping the bed.
joriandrake: Alv also goes back for the two cushions in the throne room as those weren't magical
JamesDevil: "was the magic IN the cabinet or the door of the cabinet itself?
Smon: one cushion on throne
joriandrake: "Others might find my choice of loot weird, but comfy loot is good loot"
Smon: The cabinet radiated transmutation magic, could not tell if more magic inside
joriandrake: Alvariel tells Danor he remembers as if the cabinet was magical
joriandrake: "I believe I couldn't have tell of the school magic type of Transmutation if it wasn't the cabinet itself, but something on the inside"
JamesDevil: Danor step back behind the bed, peeks over then uses his light crossbow to shoot he lock on the cabinet
Smon: OK roll to hit AC 20 w advtg
joriandrake: "...remember that Transmutation could mean various things, like the cabinet being a cursed human who got transformed"
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 17, (+3) = 20
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 6, (+3) = 9
Smon: The shot hits the red hot lock and you hear a crack
Smon: For a momnent purple light shimmers around the cabinet.
JamesDevil: "hey Alvariel can you mage hand the lock off?"
JamesDevil: it should be cracked now
Smon: The lock is broken, he could try to mage hand door open
joriandrake: No mage hand, have mainly attack cantrips for Stonehell :/
Smon: OK the cabinet is still closed.
joriandrake: except shape water
JamesDevil: sigh
joriandrake: oooh i got an idea
joriandrake: I am meant to be/become a water elementalist anyway
JamesDevil: I use fabricate to make a set of 10 foot long piching shears
joriandrake: I cast shape water on my water
joriandrake: Shape water can have 2 effects active at given time and works for a hour without concentration, i just make the shape water spell flow the water up to the cabinet
joriandrake: turn into a hand and open it
JamesDevil: give it a try then
joriandrake: I can animate it so maybe that effect alone is enough for this
joriandrake: if a hand is too difficult a shape "meaning: not simple enough) then just form a hook and open it as such
Smon: You only have about a pint of water in your waterskin so this is not going to work. You can't make it levitate.
joriandrake: or pincer
joriandrake: I didn't want it to levitate, I thought of it being on the floor and become elongated to reach it
joriandrake: but oh well, I ask the others if they want to help with more water
Smon: You make a kind of spindle of water up from the floor but it has no force, it can't open anything
JamesDevil: Danor will cast fabricate to make a set of 10 foot long pinching shears
Smon: OK Danor can take an hour & 100gp to make a sort of mancatcher - cabinet catcher?
JamesDevil: thats the plan
joriandrake: hm, Alvariel makes the water gather at the lever and use the freeze effect to turn the water into an ice that wieghts the lever down to open the cabinet (?)
joriandrake: lever/handle
JamesDevil: I'm handling it Jorian
JamesDevil: pun not intended
Smon: Alvariel coats the door handle in ice. An hour later Danor has the device fabricated.
joriandrake: well, I already have the spell active so at least I can try it
joriandrake: =(
Smon: With some effort Danor manages to get the handle in the prongs of his device and tugs it open.
joriandrake: ok, note to self. next cantrip to pick is mage hand
JamesDevil: what do we see with in it?
Smon: Inside on the shelves you see pouches of money, a large ornate key, an ebony dagger, a potion vial, a scroll tube, and a scabbarded longsword with gold-threaded hilt.
Smon: Suddenly you hear words in your head! "Hi there! I'm Slider the Magic Sword!"
JamesDevil: oh gods
joriandrake: "ooh. nice" He looks at them "I think we should rest in the bedroom here, I can cast before that detect magic to see if these are magical, I assume the key is to that door earlier"
Smon: "I can detect moving walls and rooms at ten foot range! You only have to ask!" it says, cheerily.
JamesDevil: Hello Slider, whats is so magical about you? other than the fact that you can speak?
Smon: "Between you and me, many secret doors count as moving walls, too!"
joriandrake: (do I hear it too or only Danor?)
Smon: both of you hear it
joriandrake: "oh, nice... doy oudetect those moving rooms or walls, or do you make them move yourself?" Alvariel is a bit worried the sword might be the cause and as such very tricky
Smon: "My dagger friend there isn't smart like me, but he can Banish any extra-planar conjured foes you may be having trouble with!"
JamesDevil: Danor will empty the cabinet items onto the bed so we can cast detect magic on all of them a identify them as well
Smon: "I only detect them!"
joriandrake: "good"
Smon: How long for all the identify spells?
Smon: Detect Magic indicates all the items (not the money pouches) are magical.
JamesDevil: rit casts, so, 10 mins for each
JamesDevil: we both have identfy
joriandrake: indeed
joriandrake: We can split the time by casting Identify both
joriandrake: "Then we should rest up"
Smon: ok 10 minutes ritual cast det magic, 4 Identifies so 30 minutes total
JamesDevil: sword, dagger, potion, scroll and key
JamesDevil: yep
JamesDevil: i think i'll hang onto the sword
JamesDevil: for now at least
joriandrake: 2 each no? 20 minutes? or do I calculate it wrong,
joriandrake: "Perhaps let the bugbears wield them for now?"
Smon: The Dagger of Banishment - +1 dagger, 1/day can Banish (CHA save DC 15) a conjured creature it strikes.
joriandrake: "both of us need to focus on spells"
JamesDevil: I'll hang onto the dagger for BS
JamesDevil: nah, they'll be fine as they are
joriandrake: (She can have it, bnut I meant for now, this session)
joriandrake: but*
Smon: Slider the sapient longsword - +1 longsword, intelligent, detects moving walls & rooms 10' range
Smon: Potion of gaseous form
joriandrake: Before or after we rest we will walk around the already explored rooms with Slider and ask him to see if we missed any moving walls/rooms
Smon: Scroll of Invisibility + Phantasmal Force
joriandrake: niiice
Smon: Slider says no
JamesDevil: short rest here i think
joriandrake: I take the scrolls and potion then, Alv thanks SLider politely
Smon: The key is faintly magical but does not ID as anything in particular.
Smon: In the money pouches are 10,000 sp and 400 gp.
joriandrake: Will check its shape, might be the key to the door I cast dispel on the second time
Smon: It's too big for the library door
joriandrake: "Hm, well we might find the fitting keyhole later"
Smon: The key prongs resemble the letters "RD"
joriandrake: Alvariel plans to repay the money he wwas given until now with the loot they find now and possible sale of some of the covers and such
JamesDevil: i'll equip Slider
joriandrake: "RD? Residence Dorms?" Alv tries to think of anything more probable using his knowledge of history
Smon: Slider: "Repulsive Doors! It opens the doors to the Plated Mage's Hexperiment. He was living here awhile."
Smon: "But he left." Slider sounds sad.
joriandrake: "oh my, Thank you Slider. You're a very helpful magic sword. Also, you seem to know this place well."
Smon: "He didn't think I was useful enough to take with him, I guess."
Smon: "Yes!" Slider says cheerily. "Watch out for the Wraith tough!"
JamesDevil: right, splitting the money 200 gp and 5000 silver, we can convret it to gold later
joriandrake: "We could use your aid, do yo uthink you can act as our tour guide here?"
Smon: "I heard a lot of screaming from the throne room a few weeks back. Looks like he can come out of his lair now."
Smon: "Well, I'll do my best!"
joriandrake: (ok James, let'ss ee what we find before end of session so splitting can wait)
joriandrake: "Tell us more of the wraith and his lair"
JamesDevil: ok, only one door for the wraith now? or two?
joriandrake: "What is it exactly, and is there a way to dismiss it or easily defeat it?"
JamesDevil: i have banish :/
Smon: "The Mage says he's the Shade of Magrathor, bound here for All Eternity for his crimes!"
joriandrake: (I think we still have one moreu neyplored non-evil door)
Smon: Only door left is the Door of Evil.
joriandrake: "Ah yes, he is the one we heard of. Hm."
joriandrake: "Do you think your fellow dagger could make him disappear? Banish?"
Smon: "Mr Marek - the Mage - wouldn't let his people go in there. But I heard it's like a room with lots of tapestries. I'd avoid it if I were you."
Smon: "No."
JamesDevil: ok
Smon: (The Banish dagger dispels summoned creatures, not undead)
JamesDevil: lets go do this
joriandrake: "well, I think we might have to face the shade, but I am all up for just returning home with the finds we already gained" (was not certain how this shade came into being or this place)
JamesDevil: nope, we take this damn thing down, my god would want it
joriandrake: Alv reminds Danor of the short rest
JamesDevil: we'll take a quicvk short rest
Smon: GM: You take a short rest & then head back into the throne room & open the east door?
JamesDevil: obv
joriandrake: "we can rest now and then face the thing"
JamesDevil: thats the plan
joriandrake: yes, class ability for wizard used to regain a 3rd level spell slot
joriandrake: Mage Armor works for 8 hours, should still have 4 or 5 hours left after rest for it, will cast ritual of Detect Magic too before going inside as preparation to face whatever we find
joriandrake: Danor might be better served with Bless or such if he wants to cast a conc spell too
Smon: You head back into the throne room & open the unlocked east door into a 30x30 reception chamber, the n part of w wall canted nw-se matching the ne wall of throneroom. The air here is bone chillingly cold, and dust lies heavy on the furnishings. Around the walls tapestries depict a tale of civil war - Good King Magrathor betrayed by his vicious and treacherous nephew Prince Elidyr.
JamesDevil: Danor will use one hit die
JamesDevil rolls 1d8 and gets: 3,
joriandrake: "Well, wish us luck Slider. This might get nasty"
Smon: "Good luck!"
Smon: The bugbears look nervous, hefting their morningstars.
joriandrake: Alvariel is careful to positionhimself behind Danor and bugbears
JamesDevil: Danor steps into the middle of the room
Smon: Alvariel lurks behind hairy bugbear hide; he can't see much.
Smon: Danor steps in, surveying the scene.
joriandrake: "The undead might be hard to damage if your morningstars aren't magical, but if you can keep the undea away from us clerical and wizard spells should take care of them"
Smon: Danor roll History (DC 10)
joriandrake: Alv also checks for magical stuff once inside
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 20, (+7) = 27
joriandrake: wow
joriandrake: you really balanced out htose 2 1 rolls
Smon: The bugbears follow in behind Danor, Alvariel lurking behind them.
Smon: According to history, Prince Elidyr led a rebellion against the evil Magrathor, the Sterling Potentate who had murdered his father, defeated him in battle and brought in the last golden age of Old Nerath before the Gnoll Times.
Smon: The telling here appears to be a moral inversion. The last tapestry shows heroic King Magrathor and his remaining loyal knights riding out for final battle against evil Elidyr's horde of demons, undead and traitorous nobles.
Smon: Besides Magrathor rides a beautiful elven princess in azure gown, flowers in her hair.
JamesDevil: Hmm, this is old, talks about King Magrathor and the betrayal
Smon: Below her is written 'Yllorian"
JamesDevil: "a beautiful princess rides next to him with the name Yllorian
Smon: brb phone
joriandrake: "History is often written, rewritten by the victors. This might be the actual truth, but fact remains Magathor is now an undead and most likely automatically an evil one"
joriandrake: "ok... I take that back"
JamesDevil: "
joriandrake: Alvariel inspects the image "Yllorian was not living in that time, this isn't normal"
JamesDevil: "not always A"
Smon: Phishing call :\
JamesDevil: :/
Smon: "Hello this is Richard calling from Microsoft in regards to your computer" in really weird accent.
JamesDevil: lol
joriandrake: "As we know Yllorian didn't die until recently, so it is unlikely this is true, unless there was a similar named princess back then." Alvariel wonders "It might be that the shade adds every fallen opponent to his story on the tapestry as someone who was an ally of Magrathor"
joriandrake: ", if we die here Danor and Alvariel and two bugbears could also appear on the tapestry as heroic allies and friends of Magrathor after our defeat"
JamesDevil: Danor casts Thaumaturgy and yells out "Yllorian"
Smon: >>Alvariel inspects the image "Yllorian was not living in that time, this isn't normal..."<<
As Alvariel is talking, the image of Ylorrian turns in the tapestry, eyeing him - Alvariel roll a DC 15 WIS save please
Smon: At the same moment the image of Magrathor moves out of the last tapestry, reaching for Danor
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 18, (+3) = 21
JamesDevil: AC25
joriandrake rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 13, (+5) = 18
Smon: DC 21 Stealth vs Danor's Perception so gets surprise
joriandrake: success
JamesDevil: pass perp or roll?
JamesDevil: passive*
JamesDevil: 15 passive
Smon: (PP) Alvariel takes a step back as the luminous figure of Ylorrian steps out of the tapestry and flies at him
JamesDevil: otherwise
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 6, (+5) = 11
Smon: /roll d20+2x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
13 (+2) = 15
5 (+2) = 7
joriandrake: Slider warned us but I don't think we expected them to come out of the tapestry
JamesDevil: well, i'm suprised
Smon: What is Alvariel's PP?
joriandrake: 16
Smon: At least Magrathor doesn't have Advantage on you like he did on poor Ylorrian
Smon: OK roll init, Alvariel not surprised
joriandrake: Yay
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 16,
joriandrake rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 11, (+1) = 12
Smon: Magrathor:
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 4, (+3) = 7
joriandrake: bugbears
Smon: Alvariel
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 15, (+2) = 17
Smon: bugbears
joriandrake: my init was 12
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 18, (+2) = 20
joriandrake: wow
Smon: Sorry I meant the elf spectre 17
JamesDevil: if its my turn, are the both ethereal or just the female one?
Smon: #20 bugbears - surprised - surprise ends
Smon: #17 Ylorrian flies at Alvariel, reaching for him
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 3, (+4) = 7
joriandrake: whew
Smon: He sidesteps the lunge
Smon: #16 Danor surprised - surprise ends
Smon: #12 Alvariel your go
joriandrake: casting Mirror Image in preparation for the whole combat
Smon: OK Alvariel casts Mirror Image
joriandrake: that is it - turn end
joriandrake: ( woN't move as I think it would trigger attack of opp for Ylorran)
Smon: Magrathor turns into a black roiling mass of shade, glowing yellow eyes and an iron crown - he reaches for Danor
Smon: /roll d20+6x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
1 (+6) = 7
15 (+6) = 21
Smon: miss & deflected
joriandrake: "Guards to the front!" Alv yells as he triers to get the bugbears focused
Smon: Bugbear morale check
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 4, 5, = 9
Smon: What's your CHA Alvariel?
joriandrake: 12, but also have persuasion proficiency... ?
Smon: 12 means bugbear morale is 9 so exact pass
Smon: R2 #20 The bugbears look fearful but close on the spectral elf, clubs swinging
joriandrake: (that would've been terrible if our bugbears flee o.O)
Smon: /roll d20+4x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x2 and gets:
9 (+4) = 13
3 (+4) = 7
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: /roll 2d8+2
Smon rolls 2d8+2 and gets: 7, 2, (+2) = 11
Smon: causes some disruption (5 dmg)
Smon: #16 Danor your turn
JamesDevil: Spiritual guardians
Smon: The forge spirits appear around Danor, hammers whirling
Smon: He can catch both undead in the 30' diameter zone. #12 Alvariel your go
Smon: sorry
Smon: missed Ylorrian
joriandrake: Alvariel considering the situation casts Chronomatic orb (fire damage) on the female spirit
Smon: she goes after bugbears before Alvariel
joriandrake: Oh well, she is not attacked in melee by two bugbears
joriandrake: now*
Smon: Ylorrian-spectre attacks the bugbear that struck her
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 19, (+4) = 23
joriandrake: eek
Smon: hit
Smon: /roll 3d6
Smon rolls 3d6 and gets: 6, 4, 6, = 16
Smon: The bugbear Brully goes pale, skin withering
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 17,
Smon: OK Alvariel can cast Chromatic Orb
joriandrake: (question: shouldn't the spirit woman already be affected by danor's guardians on her turn?)
Smon: he is in melee so roll to hit with disadvantage Alvariel
Smon: no she went on 17, Danor on 16
joriandrake: ah ok
joriandrake Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
11 (+7) = 18
14 (+7) = 21
joriandrake: 18
Smon: hit, the orb burns Ylorrian
Smon: roll dmg
joriandrake rolls 3d8 and gets: 2, 3, 2, = 7
Smon: she takes 3 dmg
joriandrake: o_O
joriandrake: wait, magical fire damage also gets halved... damn it
Smon: #7 Magrathor
Smon: wis save
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 1, (+5) = 6
joriandrake: "Try to affect them in a clerical way Danor, not even my spells seem tohave much effect!"
Smon: fails, takes full spirit guardians dmg
JamesDevil rolls 3d8 and gets: 6, 3, 1, = 10
joriandrake: Meanwhile Alvariel considers what else he could do, fire was the mostl ikely element to work on the undead, he could try other things but probably ice or poison wouldn't work either... thunder maybe?
Smon: Magrathor circles around Danor to attack the injured bugbear, I'll say 3 in 6 chance has to break contact
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: yup, so Danor gets an opp att on Magrathor
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 17, (+8) = 25
Smon: hit!
JamesDevil rolls 1d8+5 and gets: 6, (+5) = 11
joriandrake: You're wielding Slider right?
JamesDevil: yep
Smon: Magrathor shimmers & attacks the bugbear
Smon: /roll d20+6
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 13, (+6) = 19
Smon: /roll 4d8+3
Smon rolls 4d8+3 and gets: 2, 8, 7, 3, (+3) = 23
Smon: The bugbear shrivels and drops dead as Magrathor's right hand clutches its heart.
JamesDevil: 0.o
Smon: Then he gestures with his left hand and a spectral bugbear rises up from the corpse...
joriandrake: "If we win we can return him to life!" Alv yells to try keep the spirit in the other bugbear
JamesDevil: shit, couldn't get gentle rpose off
Smon: "Brully!" screams Lou.
Smon: R3
Smon: #20 Lou the bugbear morale check at -2
Smon: /roll 2d6
joriandrake: "Focuson the main ghost" Alv just realized the elf woman's spirit might also get freed if thMag is gone
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 1, 4, = 5
Smon: Lou heroically swings at Ylorrian-spectre
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 9, (+4) = 13
Smon: hit
Smon: /roll 2d8+2
Smon rolls 2d8+2 and gets: 6, 6, (+2) = 14
Smon: 7 dmg
joriandrake: (James did you activate a bless?)
Smon: Ylorrian wavers
JamesDevil: no thats con
Smon: (no he has spirit guardians up)
joriandrake: (ok)
Smon: #17 Spectres
Smon: Ylorrian attacks Lou
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 3, (+4) = 7
Smon: miss
Smon: Spectre-Brully attacks Lou
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 5, (+4) = 9
Smon: miss
joriandrake: guardian wis save
Smon: cheers
Smon: /roll d20x2
Smon Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
11 = 11
16 = 16
Smon: roll dmg Danor
joriandrake: (sorry to point it out, but atm basically Danor's guardians cause most damage to enemy and we really need that to survive)
JamesDevil rolls 1d8 and gets: 1,
Smon: 3d8
JamesDevil rolls 3d8 and gets: 4, 4, 1, = 9
joriandrake: guardian spirit damage
JamesDevil: typo
Smon: Ylorrian flickers and goes out (9 dmg); the bugbear spectre takes 4
Smon: #16 Danor your go
JamesDevil: melee attack on the big M
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 6, (+8) = 14
joriandrake: "Magrathor! If we get him Brully shall rest as well!"
Smon: Danor closes on the wraith king - hits! AC 13
JamesDevil rolls 1d8 and gets: 6,
JamesDevil: (thats normal melee
Smon: how much dmg?
JamesDevil rolls 1d8 and gets: 6,
joriandrake: + str and +1 magical from Slider?
Smon: yes
Smon: ?
JamesDevil: so yes, +5 so 17 total if nor resisting fire
Smon: takes half from fire so 14
joriandrake: radiant damage might work well agaisnt these
JamesDevil: ok cool
Smon: #12 Alvariel
JamesDevil: then SF on it again
JamesDevil: Wis save
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 11, (+5) = 16
JamesDevil: o wait, nvm
JamesDevil: it an ation, thought it was a bouns
JamesDevil: haven't used it in ages >..
Smon: #12 Alvariel
joriandrake: so... Chromatic Orb againj, this time trying thunder damage
Smon: cantrips are always actions
Smon: vs Magrathor?
joriandrake: yes/roll d20+7
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 10, (+7) = 17
joriandrake rolls 3d8 and gets: 1, 1, 1, = 3
joriandrake: hells
Smon: disad unless you move back - he moved adjacent when he attacked Brully
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 3, (+7) = 10
Smon: miss
joriandrake: then i won't even hit
Smon: not much difference
joriandrake: if posible Alv moves away if that wouldn't trigger opp attack, if not he stays there
joriandrake: turn end
Smon: #7 Magrathor - WIS save
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 19, (+5) = 24
Smon: pass so half dmg fr SG
Smon: roll 3d8 D
JamesDevil rolls 3d8 and gets: 3, 4, 7, = 14
Smon: Magrathor wavers slightly and attacks Lou
Smon: /roll d20+6
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 2, (+6) = 8
Smon: miss
Smon: 2nd attack
Smon: /roll d20+6
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 14, (+6) = 20
Smon: hit
Smon: /roll 4d8+3
Smon rolls 4d8+3 and gets: 1, 6, 8, 8, (+3) = 26
Smon: 1 hp left!
Smon: /roll d20
JamesDevil: o.0
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 19,
Smon: Lou's fur turns white but she is still up.
Smon: #20 Lou
joriandrake: "lou, strike with all your ability, I assure you if we win you and Brully both will still celebrate at a tavern alive!"
Smon: Roll DC 18 Peruasion Alvariel
joriandrake: oh here goes..
joriandrake rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 8, (+4) = 12
joriandrake: nothing?
Smon: Lou Disengages and flees the field, out the door & back into the throneroom
joriandrake: "well... Danor we have to finish this, very quickly"
Smon: #17 Spectre- Brully
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 13,
Smon: 3d8 dmg D
JamesDevil rolls 3d8 and gets: 7, 8, 8, = 23
joriandrake: nice roll
JamesDevil: why couldn't that have been on the boss!
Smon: Brully is destroyed by the spirit guardians
joriandrake: At least it means only the main guy left
Smon: #16 Danor
JamesDevil: is his corpse still there to rez?
JamesDevil: attcking again
joriandrake: (I assumed it is)
Smon: You can't rez things turned into undead
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 9, (+8) = 17
Smon: hit
JamesDevil rolls 1d8+5 and gets: 2, (+5) = 7
joriandrake: hm... damn it
JamesDevil: now the fire
joriandrake: (if we die we permanently lose characters here)
JamesDevil rolls 1d8 and gets: 6,
Smon: how are you doing the fire dmg?
JamesDevil: Divine strike, forge cleric, on first attack each round
JamesDevil: 8th level ability
Smon: ok
Smon: 3 fire
JamesDevil: thats my turn
JamesDevil: coolio
Smon: OK you just Bloodied Magrathor
JamesDevil: yay
Smon: #12 Alvariel
11:53am 2018-11-10 Smon Has exited the room
Smon: test
11:53am 2018-11-10 Smon Has entered the room
Smon: Smon: #12 Alvariel
joriandrake: Protection of Evil on Himself
joriandrake: then mive 30 feet away
joriandrake: move*
joriandrake: undead Magrathor I guess gets opp attack on Alv
Smon: ok
joriandrake: with disadvantage
Smon: /roll d20+6x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
12 (+6) = 18
15 (+6) = 21
joriandrake: 18 would normally hit so mirror image is triggered
Smon: ok roll d20
joriandrake rolls 1d20 and gets: 11,
Smon: An image goes down
joriandrake: ok, he hits a false image
joriandrake: Alv gained distance, turn end
Smon: Alvariel reaches the door to the throneroom about 20' from Magrathor & steps through
joriandrake: "I try to blast it with a fireball next" he warns Danor
Smon: Magrathor turns on Danor
Smon: #7 Magrathor WIS save
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 5, (+5) = 10
Smon: fail
joriandrake: yay
JamesDevil rolls 3d8 and gets: 2, 7, 8, = 17
Smon: Mags is looking pretty ragged now
Smon: He attacks Danor
Smon: /roll d20+6x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
18 (+6) = 24
4 (+6) = 10
Smon: AC 25?
JamesDevil: phew
JamesDevil: yep
joriandrake: You have a great ac
Smon: next round
Smon: #16 Danor
JamesDevil: indeed
JamesDevil: attack again
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 1, (+8) = 9
JamesDevil: aw man
Smon: #12 Alvariel
JamesDevil: end turn....
joriandrake: you roll 1 and 20 today quite often
joriandrake: From distance Alv tries to get the fireball attack on the undead so that the radius includes it but not Danor
joriandrake: might have to target a point in room in a corner or such for this
Smon: LOL no
Smon: You can just about avoid getting yourself
joriandrake: lol no what?
JamesDevil: i got resist just go for it
joriandrake: ok then
Smon: No you can't fireball the room w/out getting Danor
joriandrake: Fireball cast anyway
joriandrake: dex dc 15
Smon: Alvariel impacts a fireball into the far side of the chamber; filling it with flame. Tapestries and ancient furnishings ignite.
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 6, (+1) = 7
Smon: mags sv
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 6, (+3) = 9
joriandrake rolls 8d6 and gets: 1, 1, 1, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5, = 30
Smon: both fail
Smon: & take 30/2 = 15 dmg
joriandrake: 30 hp fire
joriandrake: turn end
Smon: Magrathor WIS save
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 9, (+5) = 14
Smon: DC?
JamesDevil rolls 3d8 and gets: 1, 8, 2, = 11
Smon: 11 dmg?
Smon: Is it DC 15?
JamesDevil: yep
Smon: M attacks
JamesDevil: 16
Smon: /roll d20+6x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
10 (+6) = 16
20 (+6) = 26
Smon: WIS 20?
JamesDevil: ow, one hit
Smon: crit...
JamesDevil: yea
Smon: /roll 8d8+3
Smon rolls 8d8+3 and gets: 8, 5, 2, 1, 1, 6, 7, 6, (+3) = 39
Smon: 39 Necrotic damage
Smon: how is D's hp?
JamesDevil: that hurt
JamesDevil: still up though
JamesDevil: 9 left
Smon: nice
joriandrake: healing is advised
JamesDevil: NOT nice
Smon: Alvariel nearly killed you. Roll a DC 14 CON save
joriandrake: how did I nearly kill him??
Smon: w the 15 fire
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 11, (+3) = 14
Smon: Lucky Danor avoids having his max hp reduced by 39
joriandrake: I am confused, didn't he take that fire damage before all the necrotic one now?
Smon: yes
joriandrake: ok
Smon: #16 Danor your turn
Smon: sorry roll another CON save
Smon: DC 39/2 = 19
JamesDevil: 4th lv cure wounds
Smon: for sg
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 15, (+3) = 18
Smon: The spirit guardians go down
JamesDevil: FUCK
Smon: Magrathor smiles grimly
JamesDevil: ok
joriandrake: well, might cast it again, or heal?
JamesDevil: disengage and run out of the room
JamesDevil: bonus action healing word on myself
Smon: Danor disengages and flees...
joriandrake: ok...well, Alv has still his defences up so maybe he can stall the thing a bit
Smon: #12 Alvariel
JamesDevil rolls 1d4+5 and gets: 4, (+5) = 9
Smon: Danor gets just into the throneroom (5')
Smon: #12 Alvariel
joriandrake: Fire bolt
Smon: AC 13
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 11, (+7) = 18
Smon: hit...
joriandrake rolls 2d10 and gets: 10, 1, = 11
joriandrake: 11/2 i guess
joriandrake: Alv tries to stay in the way of the thing if it comes up to them, at the doorway to shield Danor a while
joriandrake: turn end
Smon: With a terrible wail, King Magrathor expires amidst the burning ruins of his hall, black mist swirling away to nothingness.
Smon: (had 4 hp)
JamesDevil: about bloody time
JamesDevil: lolo
joriandrake: "oh... well... I didn't expect this"
Smon: Alvariel stands triumphant!
Smon: OK you get 1925 XP each for the session.
JamesDevil: Danor moves back into the room and begins too look for loot
JamesDevil: sweet! level up
JamesDevil: we'll head back to town me thinks
Smon: The room is full of smoke and flames
Smon: A quick check reveals no loot
Smon: GM: OK stopping there, that was nearly 4 hrs!
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