Saturday, 3 November 2018
3-4+/11/4448 Between Wheezy & Mist
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8:33am 2018-11-03 Smon Has entered the room
JamesDevil: morning Simon
Smon: Hi all
joriandrake: Keelia: my sincere apologies about forgetting to use Tenser's Floating Disc, it might still trigger the steel guardians but if not, that might be a way to get your corpse out of room
joriandrake: hello Smon
JamesDevil: Steel eh? ....
JamesDevil: I have a spell they won't like >:)
Keelia: eh, considering the risks we take, i'm surprised she's gotten this far without dying at least once
joriandrake: re-session: my connection is funky, on & off, plus today is my birthday which I forgot about, I told relatives I don't need anything else than peace and quiet so I hope nothing happens
Keelia: happy birthday!\
JamesDevil: Happy Birthday man
8:36am 2018-11-03 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
joriandrake: Also true, but I consider this my personal failure as a newbie 5e wizard, I totally ignored that wizards can cast ritual spells unmemorized out of their spell books
JamesDevil: morning Bill
joriandrake: thanks James
joriandrake: and hi Bill
joriandrake: also thanks Keelia
JamesDevil: how many golems were there?
DESTROYERBILL: i need 3000xp to level up
Smon: Happy birthday Jorian
joriandrake: (can you Keelia and Bill please increase font size to 14? I think my eyes got worse)
joriandrake: thank you Simon
Smon: My font size is 14
DESTROYERBILL: happy birthday jorian!!!
8:38am 2018-11-03 joriandrake Has exited the room
8:38am 2018-11-03 joriandrake Has entered the room
DESTROYERBILL: is fergus coming today
Smon: no
Keelia: how's that
Keelia: it says it's 14 but it seems tiny still...
Keelia: ?
Keelia: ah ah
Keelia: there we go
joriandrake: it works and thanks
JamesDevil: yea, mines does that too
Smon: GM: So currently Danor Talakakan & Alvariel have retreated to the formerly mist-filled room at the top of the stairs, 30' west down corridor from the giant rose throne/steel guardian chamber with the red tiles & white tiles.
DESTROYERBILL: it does but it looks bigger on othere peoples screens
Smon: Bright Star was killed by the guardians, you can see her body lying on the edge of the red tiles.
joriandrake: "Well... this didn't work so great. I will attempt to get her out of the room if the guardians rest at the throne again, but I need you to tie a rope on my waist and pull me out if anything happens. The golems didn't react when we stepped on white tiles so I assume they wouldn't react if I use a floating 'step stone', but I am not certain"
Smon: test
JamesDevil: wait
joriandrake: Alvariel tells Tal
JamesDevil: stay back
JamesDevil: you are squishy
Smon: hm, yes it said 14 but really was not!
joriandrake: "Perhaps, but I can cast the spell"
JamesDevil: Danor will step into the room on white tile
joriandrake: It looks 14 font size to me
Smon: GM: You hear the Steel Guardians stomping back to their gard positions in front of the throne.
JamesDevil: I Danor will then 'jump onto yhe next white tile
JamesDevil: what colour tile is Bright Star body on?
Keelia: the bad colour
joriandrake: Alvariel begins to cast Tenser's floating disc as a ritual, close to Keelia (& Danor), careful to stay 100 feet close to the location so the disc materializes and doesn't disappear. Positioning of the disc is done so that Danor can better use it as a platform to lift Bright Star onto it from the floor
Keelia: basically the room is split in half as opposed to like a chess board
joriandrake: (imagine it as a hovering stair step)
JamesDevil: @Keelia ok
Smon: >>Danor will step into the room on white tile<< Danor re-enters the chamber. A giant-sized throne of rosehued
marble sits against the SE wall of this ca 40x40 chamber, protected by three massive humanoid figures fashioned from steel. Red and white tiles divide the floor into two
separate sections. A 15’ pathway of white tiles leads
SW-NE between the room’s N & W exits (Danor is at west exit); the rest of the room bears red tiling.
Keelia: (you could try to lasso her foot or something, too, if spells don't work as planned. She's dead. She's not going to care )
Smon: Bright Star lies on the edge of the red tiling near its sw end.
DESTROYERBILL: does any one have rope
JamesDevil: the floating disk spell is fix reltive to the cast if i remeber correctly
Smon: Danor could reach over while standing on the white tiles & grab Bright Star's ankle.
JamesDevil: anor will drag her body onto the white tiles
joriandrake: (If this image is correct this should be a 3 feet diameter disc$_86.JPG which I position as well as possible for easy access to the body)
Keelia: (@Bill, everyone should have rope )
joriandrake: "Dragging her out by the ankle might trigger the guardians, perhaps better to use the disc to lift her upside?"
JamesDevil: its a disk not a carnival claw
Keelia: have Danor lie on the disk, get him just close enough to grab her ankle or whatever body part he can grab, and then pull disk and him out, which will drag her...
JamesDevil: Danor drags her off the tile
joriandrake: "I meant you can step onto the disc and lift her up yourself from it"
Smon: (the floating disk cannot be commanded per description, but follows the caster). GM: Danor drags Bright Star off the tiles. The blank faces of the three steel guardians turn slightly to watch him, but don't attack.
JamesDevil: save the spell slot
joriandrake: it is a ritual cast spell
Keelia: (simon.... we need two wizards. One with the disk and one with the magic hand. Combined to form a carnival claw!)
JamesDevil: Danor heaves Bright Star onto his back and moves back yto the goup on the shitw til
Smon: GM: Danor could load Bright Star onto the disk for ease of transport if you wish.
JamesDevil: ]es
joriandrake: (maybe, but Simon as written above Alvariel attempts to cast the spell so that the disc is positioned well at the casting, and then can walk out of the room to get the disc fol,ow him utside once the body is on it)
JamesDevil: how ,long has sh been dead?
Smon: GM: With BS's body recovered you can leave the dungeon.
joriandrake: Too long for revivify
Keelia: yay!! well done.
joriandrake: "Well done, let us leave now"
JamesDevil: "indeed, lets get her back to town"
Keelia: We've got some diamonds of resurrection in the bag. Bright Star will undoubtedly wake up with a very bad hair day
JamesDevil: yep
joriandrake: The disc is active for a hour, so we can use it to carry BS out of the whole dungeon I assume without having the cleric or warrior occupy one or both their hands
joriandrake: it will just float after Alvariel, carrying the body
Smon: GM: You return to Selatine; Lady Meda of Thusia who can Raise Dead is currently at the Lighthouse 10 miles south of Selatine and will kindly raise BS for just the 500gp diamond
Smon: GM: OK, 1 week later?
JamesDevil: sounds goodl, do we progress on outr crafting?
Smon: Yup, 6 days of crafting by 3/11/4448.
JamesDevil: coolio
joriandrake: "Sadly I didn't prepare GFentle Repose, will do that now. Should spare us a few hundred gold coins worth of diamonds if I can cast itquick enough"
joriandrake: Alvariel will continue to aid in the crafting
JamesDevil: i have it on ritual its fine
Smon: 3/11/4448: The rain beats down outside the Vex Villa that evening. You have had a long rest (except Alvariel if doing 16 hour days). Bright Star is still feeling a bit groggy but a lot better.
JamesDevil: i'll just switch spells for it
JamesDevil: use our slots for killing things
joriandrake: (I also have it as ritual, but Revivify requires to be cast in a minute or less, otherwise you need to use the costier Raise Dead, which s why I'll need to memorize Gentle Repose to be able to cast it quicker so Revivify can still be used on it)
JamesDevil: its fine, you stick to wizrd stuff, i'll stick to cleric stuff
Smon: Gentle Repose does not appear to affect Revivify AFAICT
joriandrake: Alvariel will visit Bright Star and bring her some coffee, and also continue language learning with her
JamesDevil: it says such as raise dead, but you are the DM, so i won't argue
Smon: days... raise dead... yup
joriandrake: (The spell also extends the time limit on raising the target from the dead from spells such as Raise Dead. - Revivify is 'such a spell' but can't be cast as a ritual for that, because that would overstep the 1 minute time limit) )
JamesDevil: Jorian....please stop
joriandrake: I even mentioned this in the thread a week ago
Keelia: Bright Star, back on her feet, and having gotten her fur under control, seems undaunted by her brush with death.
Keelia: "Back again, except perhaps maybe not towards the throne?"
JamesDevil: "fair neough, there are 2 other paths off that room though
joriandrake: "Yes, probably not attempting the throne again"
JamesDevil: we just need to stick to the white tiles
Smon: GM: So you want to go to level 9 and back to level 8 the same way as before?
JamesDevil: yess unless there are any objections?
joriandrake: Alvariel will follow Bright Star and Danor's choice on route
Keelia: let's go for it
DESTROYERBILL: i think we should go to level 7 through the varillia city
JamesDevil: sigh
JamesDevil: those types of dwarfs don't like my type of dwarfs, it just makes thing difficult
JamesDevil: o wait, Varillia
9:03am 2018-11-03 joriandrake Has exited the room
JamesDevil: not crappy dwarfs
JamesDevil: misread
JamesDevil: still its 2 to 1
DESTROYERBILL: no not the duagar
Smon: (Vrilya) 4/11/48 Morning You head through the rainsoaked lush plains west of Selatine to the Stonehell Canyon.
9:04am 2018-11-03 joriandrake Has entered the room
joriandrake: sigh
Smon: Alvariel Bright Star Danor & Talaxakan the dragonborn tagging along.
JamesDevil: Jorian casts sign
JamesDevil: sigh
Keelia: we went east last time, was there a west?
Smon: You have heard rumours that the Mountain Trolls on level 5 have been driven from Stonehell by adventurers (including Talaxakan) and the Vrilya.
Smon: Taking the Efah-Soom teleporter you descend level 1 - 5 - 9 and start heading south towards the stairs.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 4,
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 6, 2, = 8
Smon: You see a friendly ochre jelly happily going about its business on the ceiling, not bothering anyone
JamesDevil: ....
Smon: Stuffed full of decayed minotaur flesh it has no interest in eating PCs.
Keelia: Bright Star shudders slightly.
JamesDevil: do we want to kill it anyway?
JamesDevil: I hate Jelly
joriandrake: "We could, if you attack it from afar first"
DESTROYERBILL: arent you suposed to be a holy cleric
Keelia: distance kill. I'm good with that.
Keelia: the last one nearly ate Bright Star
joriandrake: "Holy clerics can also hate jelly. I hate bees"
DESTROYERBILL: dont judge a species by one of theirs attacking you
JamesDevil: ranged back up, I'll cast first, to get it down
Keelia: (our group is developing a weird list of phobias. Jelly. Bees. Thrones.)
Smon: GM: You are in the long tunnel that runs south past the chamber where you encountered the minotaurs.
joriandrake: "Look at it from a different perspective: THis time the jelly didn't notice us and didn't drop on our heads, but the next time we walk through here it can happen"
Keelia: Bright Star engages stealth (mental note to go get the holy water) and draws her bow.
Smon: The jelly is on the ceiling of the minotaur room when you spot it through the archway.
joriandrake: (True, we should get the holy water before we venture more deeper)
JamesDevil: standing 10 foot infront of the group by 10"Danor will cast Sacred Flame
Smon: GM: OK you flame and shoot the jelly until it drops dead from the ceiling (no XP)
JamesDevil: DC save of 16
JamesDevil: :/
JamesDevil: that was....disappointing
joriandrake: Alvariel will wait for the jelly to be hurt and then cast toll the dead (I assume we start with surprise? if not I roll init)
Keelia: excellent.
JamesDevil: ok, onwards
joriandrake: nvm
Smon: jelly murderers
Smon: GM: You reach the steps up and ascend...
joriandrake: I prefer pudding to jellies myself
Keelia: Jello has to come from somewhere
joriandrake: Alvariel suggest the idea to Keelia that the empty new jar he has might be useful to fill it bit by bit by that holy water
joriandrake: I mean to Bright Star
Smon: At the landing at the top of the stairs, Talaxakan sees his lost viper waiting for him. To the south thick blue fog again obscures the entire room.
DESTROYERBILL: i call my viper over
Smon: The viper wriggles forward eagily to rejoin its host/master.
Keelia: dispel magic anyone?
DESTROYERBILL: i was worried about you venasas
JamesDevil: nope
JamesDevil: any torches in here? unlit ones?
Keelia: It's magic time mist. we need to dispel it or blow it away somehow
Smon: Venasas hisses, indicating he was lost and is happy to see Talaxakan again, and he is hungry.
Smon: The blue mist glows eerily, same as before.
Smon: Talaxakan feeds the snake a rat tail.
JamesDevil: hmm
DESTROYERBILL: i ask venasas what was in the fog
JamesDevil: i have an idea
Smon: The INT 1 snake doesn't say much but indicates it hasn't seen anything and hasn't eaten in a long time.
JamesDevil: can i use my forge cleric channel divinity to create a big two handed fan?
JamesDevil: it mightpush it back at least >.>
Keelia: nice
JamesDevil: i don't think its in the equipment list as an item, really thinking out of the box with this
Smon: GM: OK that will take an hour to make a metal fan, say 25 gp.
JamesDevil: ok, lets do it
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: always!
Smon: /roll d4
Smon rolls 1d4 and gets: 2,
joriandrake: Alvariel looks strangely interested at the snake but says nothing
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
joriandrake: (uh oh)
Smon: GM: Danor has been working on the fan for half an hour when you hear a strange wheezing sound coming from the stairwell...
Keelia: Bright Star raises her bow and wills herself invisible
JamesDevil: lol, invisibility through sheer force of will
JamesDevil: you should be Batman
JamesDevil: not catwoman
Smon: Looking down the stairs you see a monstrous gelatinous cube, clearly more than 10' across, oozing up the steps - it has lost the transparency of its brethren and is instead bright green in coloration and slightly luminescent!
joriandrake: "More jelly"
Keelia: (doesn't mean it works )
Keelia: She raises her bow and prepares to fire an arrow
Smon: A regular asthmatic honking sound emanates from it as it oozes its way up towards you... roll init please
Keelia: (I wonder if we catch some in a bottle will it act as a nightlight)
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 19, (+2) = 21
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 14, (+7) = 21
JamesDevil: quick question, if i want to join the fight do my spell fizzel out?
JamesDevil: does*
joriandrake rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 18, (+1) = 19
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
Smon: GM: Your half made fan stays half made, it's not exactly a spell is it?
joriandrake: (which spell?)
JamesDevil: no, just it is a ritual and costs my a channel divinity
JamesDevil: me*
Smon: (you can fight & still complete the fan)
JamesDevil: coolio
Smon: /roll d20-2
Smon rolls 1d20-2 and gets: 10, (-2) = 8
joriandrake: (go go multitasking forge cleric )
Smon: #21 Bright Star your go
Smon: The ooze is 15' from top of stairs
DESTROYERBILL: i also got 21
Smon: #21 Talaxakan too
Keelia: bow
Keelia rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 18, (+10) = 28
Keelia: assuming sneak?
Smon: Passive Per 15+ you notice the odd flute of alien metal lodged partway in the cube, from which the strange sound emanates.
Keelia rolls 6d6+6 and gets: 2, 5, 2, 2, 4, 6, (+6) = 27
Smon: Tal you have heard rumours of Wheezy the legendary green gelatinous cube of Stonehell dungeon!
Smon: GM: BS can use Bonus Action to be light on feet (stealth) allowing advantage & sneak attack.
Keelia rolls 1d20+16 and gets: 7, (+16) = 23
Keelia: for stealth
Keelia: if necessary
DESTROYERBILL: i cast blurr
Smon: OK BS hits it with arrow for 27 dmg; as she does so a pseudopod lashes out at her...
Smon: /roll d20+9
Smon rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 14, (+9) = 23
Smon: acidic tendril lashes Bright Star as she leaps back.
Smon: /roll 6d6
Smon rolls 6d6 and gets: 3, 3, 5, 4, 2, 2, = 19
Keelia: uncanny dodge
joriandrake: (pseudopod - new word learned!)
Smon: 19 acid damage
Keelia: uncanny dodge for 1/2?
Smon: Talaxakan casts Blur on himself. BS dodges so 9 dmg
DESTROYERBILL: my one trew purpose it does acid damge that means i have resitance
Keelia: cheers
JamesDevil: (a fancy word for a tentacle made of a liquid/jelly)
Smon: #19 Alvariel
joriandrake: - casting Fire Bolt
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 2, (+7) = 9
joriandrake: ac 9? its slow?
Smon: AC 8 hit
joriandrake: yay!
joriandrake rolls 2d10 and gets: 2, 7, = 9
joriandrake: 9 fire damage, ten feet move back, turn end
Smon: Alvariel burns it for 9. A pseudopod lashes out at him.
Smon: /roll d20+9
Smon rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 15, (+9) = 24
Smon: /roll 6d6
joriandrake: o.O
Smon rolls 6d6 and gets: 4, 5, 1, 2, 5, 5, = 22
Smon: 22 acid damage to Alvariel
Smon: Alvariel staggers back scorched.
Smon: #15 Danor
joriandrake: ... damn, 16/38 hp
JamesDevil: Ddanor casts heat metal on the metal flute thing inside it
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 18, (+8) = 26
JamesDevil: I assume that hit it?
JamesDevil rolls 2d8+5 and gets: 6, 2, (+5) = 13
JamesDevil: 13 damage
Smon: Does not need a to hit roll?
joriandrake: (so we can't use ranged attacks/spells against it without getting a reaction attack on us, I need to think of a new approach)
JamesDevil: then move up and hit itwith Divine strike (foge cleric)
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 4, (+8) = 12
Smon: The flute glows red hot, the ooze wheezes harder; a pseudopod lashes at Danor as he closes
JamesDevil: another 12 fire damage
Smon: /roll d20+9
Smon rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 15, (+9) = 24
JamesDevil: miss
JamesDevil: 25 AC
Smon: GM: Danor explain why you add +5 to the heat metal dmg, is it a forge priest thing?
Smon: Not seeing anything in FP description.
JamesDevil: bah, my bad
Smon: ok 8 dmg
JamesDevil: 1d8 extra
JamesDevil: its like they make these things purposly hard to understand -.-
JamesDevil: anyway heat metal is still up....for now
Smon: GM: After casting Heat Metal you said you attack it - how?
JamesDevil: Divine strike
JamesDevil: forge cleric ability
JamesDevil: once a turn i can attack and add 11d8 extra to the attack
Smon: does not give you a bonus action attack
JamesDevil: 1d8*
Smon: Divine Strike just gives you extra damage on a melee attack 1/turn
JamesDevil: sorry, heat metal is a bonus on subsequent attacks >.<
JamesDevil: sorry bad brain day
Smon: yup!
joriandrake: (no worries all of us have those)
Smon: GM: Danor casts Heat Metal (action) & closes on the cube as it reaches the top of the stairs, fending off a pseudopod. Can you explain your AC 25 likewise please?
joriandrake: (does marmelade/lekvár/jam count as a jelly? if yes, I'm just eating one)
Smon: +1 plate AC 19, +2 shield > AC 23. +1 forge priest > 24. Cloak or ring as well?
JamesDevil: ring of protection
Smon: (yes Jorian)
Smon: thx
JamesDevil: i swapped out the boots
Smon: ok; #8 the Ooze. At the top of the stairs it tries to engulf Danor - roll a DC 17 DEX save
JamesDevil: well i'm fucked
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 10,
JamesDevil: knew it
joriandrake: omg
Smon: The ooze engulfs Danor
Keelia: we'll rescue you!
JamesDevil: con save for heat metal?
JamesDevil: or do i just lose it?
Smon: can't breathe; restrained; will take dmg
JamesDevil: k
Smon: /roll 6d6
Smon rolls 6d6 and gets: 6, 1, 6, 6, 6, 2, = 27
joriandrake: "It IS slow, let us flee... and if possible rescue Danor"
Smon: 27 acid dmg, DC 13 CON save for heat metal
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 17, (+2) = 19
JamesDevil: if you flee IWILL DIE
DESTROYERBILL: lets kill it
Smon: Round 2 - the non-engulfed PCs fall back down the corridor as the ooze advances towards them, they are in a 10' gap now between ooze and blue mist behind them.
Keelia: My turn?
Smon: #21 Bright Star & Talaxakan
DESTROYERBILL: we are not cowards we are some of the most powerful adventurers around
DESTROYERBILL: i run up and action surge
joriandrake: (Maybe BilL's Tal can block him but msot of us will die just from the reaction attacks, I'm going to cast Mirror Image next, but got no clue what to do, we might get forced into the mist)
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+9x4 and gets:
4 (+9) = 13
20 (+9) = 29
5 (+9) = 14
1 (+9) = 10
Keelia rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 8, (+10) = 18
Smon: T attacks
Smon: BS can sneak att (no advtg)
DESTROYERBILL rolls 12d6+18 and gets: 1, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 6, 5, 5, 2, (+18) = 60
Smon: Bits of ooze splatter before Tal's attack.
joriandrake: Alvariel watches closely if Talaxakan gets attacked once or multiple times, once after each of his own strikes
Smon: Tentacle vs Tal
Smon: /roll d20+9
Smon rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 2, (+9) = 11
Smon: miss (no disad from Blur as Blindsight)
Keelia: bright star is going with fancy footwork, with the hopes that no OA will help
Keelia: 18 was the attack roll
joriandrake: (crap, thatm eans Mirror Image won't work against it either)
Keelia rolls 6d6+6 and gets: 1, 3, 6, 2, 1, 2, (+6) = 21
Smon: BS stabs it for 21.
Smon: Pseudopod legendary action is not an opp att
Smon: /roll d20+9
Smon rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 17, (+9) = 26
Smon: hit
Smon: /roll 6d6
Smon rolls 6d6 and gets: 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 1, = 23
Keelia: uncanny dodge
Smon: 23/2 = 11 dmg
Smon: it's taken 125 dmg BTW
Smon: #19 Alvariel
Keelia: keep hammering at it! we must save Danor!
joriandrake: How damaged does it look? a bit? a lot?
Smon: A lot, it's oozing gloop
Smon: it's 'bloodied' below half hp yup
JamesDevil: o god i have a hilarious idea
joriandrake: "Folks, I try a ming (wisdom) affecting attack, if it still lashes out at me after that I will probably die or be unconscious myself, I have no other option than that or a fireball in the mids of us all, and we have barely any wiggle room between the jelly and the mist... so wish me luck"
joriandrake: mind*
joriandrake: - TOll the Dead: WIS save 15
Keelia: fireball the mist!
Keelia: it might evaporate it
Smon: The sound of a bell tolls
joriandrake: (nope, I doubt it, it is a chronomatic effect, basically a time rift, if I die drag me through the mist that is our only route to flee)
Smon: /roll d20-2
Smon rolls 1d20-2 and gets: 11, (-2) = 9
Smon: fails
joriandrake rolls 2d12 and gets: 6, 5, = 11
joriandrake: 11 hp necrotic damage from the bell
joriandrake: Alvariel expects a reaction leash attack and hopes shield can...shield him from it
Smon: ok has taken 136 dmg; it lashes out at the source of the chanted spell - Alvariel
Smon: /roll d20+9
Smon rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 18, (+9) = 27
Smon: hit
Smon: /roll 6d6
joriandrake: (of course it doesn't shield him)
Smon rolls 6d6 and gets: 6, 2, 5, 5, 5, 2, = 25
Smon: 25 acid dmg
joriandrake: dead/unconscious
Smon: Alvariel goes down
Smon: #15 Danor takes more acid dmg
Smon: /roll 6d6
Smon rolls 6d6 and gets: 4, 6, 5, 6, 6, 6, = 33
joriandrake: (Well, Bill might still defeat it, but if not we are doom'd)
Smon: 33 acid dmg, the dice are hating you
Keelia: if...if i use my bottled lightning, how much will that hurt Danor?
Smon: Is Danor on 0?
JamesDevil: ffs
JamesDevil: no
JamesDevil: 20 hp left
JamesDevil: con save again?
Smon: OK then DC 16 CON save
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 18, (+2) = 20
Smon: OK you are ok
Keelia: can ooze sleep?
Smon: You could crawl out the back of it on a DC 17 Athletics check
Smon: Action
Smon: Bonus action to burn w heat metal of course
JamesDevil: hetal metal first then i'll try
Smon: ok roll dmg
JamesDevil rolls 2d8 and gets: 7, 6, = 13
Smon: 149 dmg
Smon: it's below 20 hp...
JamesDevil: hows it looking?
Smon: in a lot of pain & angry
JamesDevil: sod it
JamesDevil: Divine strike
joriandrake: (no idea Keelia - if yes it might still be immune to magical sleep... or at least this one, I doubt this is a normal jelly, more like a boss fight)
DESTROYERBILL: rember you cant do that without a attack with weapon
JamesDevil: so, melee +1d8 fire
Smon: roll to hit w disad as restrained
Smon: AC 8
joriandrake: (please hit it from the inside... and kill it with fire!)
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 3, (+8) = 11
Smon: You are probably safer inside it anyway
Smon: 2nd roll
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 2, (+8) = 10
Smon: hit
Smon: Danor smushes something important inside it
joriandrake: (whew, barely avoided 1's)
JamesDevil rolls 1d8+5 and gets: 6, (+5) = 11
Smon: roll dmg w fire bonus
JamesDevil: (thats the hammer damage, now i add fire
Smon: not using your 2d8 dwarf hammer btw?
JamesDevil: on attuned to it
Smon: ok
JamesDevil rolls 1d8 and gets: 4,
JamesDevil: ffs -.-
Smon: 4 hp left
JamesDevil: somone kill this thing already
joriandrake: (Bill to the rescue - probably)
Smon: #8 ooze - it advances, engulfing Alvariel. Bright Star & Talaxakan roll DEX saves
Smon: DC 17
DESTROYERBILL: its cubes go next
JamesDevil: no, its Keelia
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 18, (+2) = 20
Keelia rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 1, (+9) = 10
joriandrake: i can't, im on floor unconscious
Keelia: jesus
JamesDevil: one of you will get it
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
11 = 11
2 = 2
Smon: Talaxakan you can choose to enter mist or be engulfed
Smon: BS is engulfed
joriandrake: ....
Keelia: I should have done with bottled lightning...
DESTROYERBILL: can i attack while engulfed
joriandrake: (maybe risk being engulfed and kill it from inside?)
Smon: yes
DESTROYERBILL: ok ill go inside it
Smon: /roll 6d6
Smon rolls 6d6 and gets: 2, 3, 6, 3, 2, 6, = 22
Keelia: Bright Star is going to literally claw her way out.
Smon: BS takes 22 acid dmg
Smon: T takes 22/2 = 11 dmg
Smon: A takes 1 failed death save
Smon: Everyone is now inside the cube
JamesDevil: hmm, it should have ade a concheck when it swallowed me....
joriandrake: Jelly party time!
Smon: #21
Smon: /roll 6d6
Smon rolls 6d6 and gets: 5, 1, 6, 2, 4, 3, = 21
Smon: BS takes 21 damage, T takes 10 dmg
Smon: BS you on 0?
Keelia: sorry why am i taking damage again when it just damaged me?
Smon: Start of your turn you take more dmg
joriandrake: 2nd failed death save for Alvariel due to damage I assume
Keelia: well, shit. Yes, 0
Smon: no
Smon: no J
Smon: not till your turn J
Smon: OK BS passes out
joriandrake: (ah, ok)
Smon: T can attack w disad
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+9x4 and gets:
10 (+9) = 19
8 (+9) = 17
5 (+9) = 14
20 (+9) = 29
joriandrake: wohoo!
DESTROYERBILL rolls 6d6+12 and gets: 5, 2, 3, 5, 3, 5, (+12) = 35
Keelia: bill just did.
joriandrake: (due to us all being unconscious/swallowed up, that is how)
Smon: Talaxakan rips his way out of Wheezy the legendary gelatinous cube; it bursts; gloop flying everywhere.
joriandrake: Mighty Tal to the rescue
Keelia: scrounge through our pockets. Bright Star has 2 vials of holy water, a keoghan's ointment and some potions, whatever to get us up
DESTROYERBILL: i check for treasure
JamesDevil: Danor will grab the flute metal thing and cast identy ritually
Smon: You are all free of the gloop, but half of you are currently dying.
joriandrake: on us? o.O
Keelia: or maybe get us up before we die?
Smon: #19 Alvariel roll death save
JamesDevil: ffs, mass healing word on the group
joriandrake rolls 1d20 and gets: 4,
JamesDevil rolls 1d4+5 and gets: 2, (+5) = 7
JamesDevil: 7 hp for everyone
Smon: A on 2 failed death saves. #15 Danor heals everyone 7 hp.
JamesDevil: now back to the flute and identify ritual
Keelia: Bright Star coughs awake with a snarl, shaking goo from her fur
Smon: End of combat.
joriandrake: ok, I guess we woN't die... at the moment
Keelia: "Thanks," she rasps
JamesDevil: "your welcome
JamesDevil: "
JamesDevil: now what is the flute thing now that i cast identify?
joriandrake: "... I.." Alvariel caughs up jelly from his lungs "..I might need to..." caughs again "... add jelly to my list of 'hated enemies' as well"
Smon: XP 1950 each.
Smon: Danor takes 10 minutes to identify the alien looking flute as a Flute of Resurrection.
JamesDevil: hells yea
JamesDevil: is it literally the spell reserection?
Keelia: nice!!
Smon: It has 8 charges; however to cast Resurrection & pipe the deceased back to life you must play the flute with some competency.
joriandrake: Ok, that was worth almost dying for in a party wipe
DESTROYERBILL: im 795xp away from level
JamesDevil: who has the performance skill?
Smon: So either Perform skill or Tool Proficiency (flute) would do it
joriandrake: "I know a bard, but he is spillery. Also, husband to the High Priestess of Meroya"
DESTROYERBILL: lady meda is a bard
joriandrake: ah
JamesDevil: ok, what next
Keelia: I'm only +2 for performance.
JamesDevil: well i'm negative 1 so i'll give it to Star for now
joriandrake: "Resurrection is very powerful, basically a legendary divine spell which might revive people if not dead longer than a century, so we could either use the spell on ourselves - or - look for famous and/or wise dead people from history books to revive."
Smon: GM: Without proficiency it'll be a DC 17 CHA (Perform) check to use successfully... with interesting effects on a 12 or less.
JamesDevil: interesting effects.....
Keelia: Guess Bright Star is learning the flute after finishing her language course
JamesDevil: I can onlty imagine what you haave cooked up Simon
Keelia: i'm thinking zombies
JamesDevil: or multi class into Bard
joriandrake: (um, I really think it is better left with a proper musician instead of us tempting our fate more )
JamesDevil: I'm thinking Zombie tornado
joriandrake: we can multiclass? I thought it isn't allowed
JamesDevil: o, right
JamesDevil: it doesn't normally help much anyway in most games
JamesDevil: right, onwards!
joriandrake: "I vote for crawling to a safe space and rest, heal up"
JamesDevil: want me to blow some spells now? whats everyone hp?
DESTROYERBILL: i wouldent mind getting my action surge back
joriandrake: 7
Smon: GM: Amidst the deliquescing remains of Wheezy, Danor finishes constructing his fan. A few waves indicates that it does drive back the glowing blue mist but it roils back pretty fast.
Smon: Are you taking an hour for short rest?
JamesDevil: hmm, thats unfortunate
Keelia: yeah, I need to use some hit dice
JamesDevil: I think so yea
joriandrake: "If we use a proper mist-removing spell that could work"
DESTROYERBILL: yes lets short rest
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: No monsters!
Keelia: no one has dispel magic as ritual? what did we do last time?
Smon: You complete a short rest
Smon: can spend hd
joriandrake: (not yet, lvl 3 wizard spell which I don't have yet)
DESTROYERBILL: i had a scroll of dispell magic last time
joriandrake Rolls 1d6x3 and gets:
5 = 5
6 = 6
1 = 1
DESTROYERBILL: before the rest i used second wind
joriandrake: (you did, but you didn't say you gave it to Alvariel so he could learn it from the scroll)
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d10+8 and gets: 7, (+8) = 15
JamesDevil Rolls 1d8x4 and gets:
1 = 1
7 = 7
3 = 3
8 = 8
Keelia: are we resting?
JamesDevil: yes
DESTROYERBILL: i use one hit die
joriandrake rolls 2d6 and gets: 2, 5, = 7
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d10+5 and gets: 4, (+5) = 9
Smon: dispel magic is not a ritual
joriandrake: 26/38
Keelia rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 5, (+1) = 6
joriandrake: I spent all my hd
JamesDevil: go that roll suck, more dice to roll!
JamesDevil Rolls 1d8x4 and gets:
7 = 7
7 = 7
8 = 8
2 = 2
Keelia rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 4, (+1) = 5
Keelia rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 6, (+1) = 7
JamesDevil: ok, max but all hit die used
Keelia rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 1, (+1) = 2
JamesDevil: ant way around this mist? or somewhere else to go?
Keelia rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 8, (+1) = 9
Keelia rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 6, (+1) = 7
JamesDevil: brb, bio#
Keelia rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 5, (+1) = 6
joriandrake: ÃAlvariel will in short rest's end pray to Meroya and thank her for her protection of the party, then do something priestly and actually purify food & water which might have been contamined by the jelly cube thingy
Keelia rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 6, (+1) = 7
Smon: GM: If you waft fiercely at the fog you might be able to get round edge of room to west or north exit. Reckon a DC 12 Athletics check
Smon: Alvariel purifies you of the gloop
Keelia: took nearly all my dice to recover my hp
joriandrake: Alvariel suggests not to tempt fate with the mist
Smon: You'd need to stick together with one person wafting fast.
DESTROYERBILL: lets go somewhere else the mist is to unsettling
JamesDevil: back
JamesDevil: ok, i have +4 to athletics, anyone else got higher?
Smon: T is +8
joriandrake: "we might better just go home." Alvariel says, looking tired and scared "there, I'll check if we have any spells against the mist in the stores, and if Tal is willing, I could learn and scribble Dispell Magic from his scroll into my spell book"
Keelia: +8
JamesDevil: Danor hand the fan to T
JamesDevil: waft away
DESTROYERBILL: my dispell magic was destoyed last time when i used it
joriandrake: oh
joriandrake: Alvariel is scared to go into the mist with this fan plan
DESTROYERBILL: i dont want to go in
JamesDevil: it'll be fine
JamesDevil: ffs
JamesDevil: where else can we go then?
joriandrake: Alwariel's lips form a thin line as he stares at Danor
DESTROYERBILL: somewhere else on level 8
Smon: Back down to level 9 is the only option then
JamesDevil: back to level 9 it is
joriandrake: "Home, to Selatine. Then check the stores for proper ways to handle the time mist"
Smon: GM: You head back down stairs to level 9.
joriandrake: "We could still go and get the holy water" He reminds BS
DESTROYERBILL: lets go to level 9 then back up to where there were the big blue balls
Smon: There are other stairs to level 8 just south of the stone snake chamber.
JamesDevil: do they go up or down?
Smon: up
Smon: 9 > 8 is up
Smon: Also most of level 9 is unexplored of course
Smon: map
DESTROYERBILL: its mostly unexplored for a reason
Keelia: not really, aside from the bees, we just haven't gotten around to it yet
Keelia: nothing else has stopped us.
joriandrake: (whew, ate 4 cherry jam sandwiches and drank 3 big cups of coffee, I'm full but maybe I also tempted fate by eating jam, I already know I woN't eat any honey for a long time)
JamesDevil: wanna go fight the bees?
DESTROYERBILL: is the hydra dead
Keelia: yes
Smon: as far you know the zombie hydra is dead-dead
DESTROYERBILL: ok lets fight the bees
joriandrake: unless it was a lich, which I hope it wasn't
JamesDevil: very well we head back to the bees
DESTROYERBILL: well its plan bess then
Smon: GM: OK you make your way back south & west towards the arboretum/garden...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
joriandrake: "gods damned bees" Alvariel grumbles but follows them anyway. He checks if his Mage Armor is still working and prepares to cast Mirror Image the first chance he sees enemies
Keelia: no, it was a zombie. Anyway, it couldn't leave it's little room, so just don't open the doors if you are worried
JamesDevil: this time i'll stand in the door way with spirital guardians and you guys pick them off at range or draw them closer
DESTROYERBILL: did you see the 6
JamesDevil: i did, i'm hoping Simon didn't
Smon: /roll d12
Smon rolls 1d12 and gets: 12,
joriandrake: sigh
DESTROYERBILL: at least were not on level 10
Smon: GM: As you enter the ancient ruined salon north of the Arboretum of the Bees, something happens...
Smon: /roll d100
Smon rolls 1d100 and gets: 67,
DESTROYERBILL: hello darkness my old freind im here to die again
Smon: A great sense of sadness overwhelms you. Suddenly in the centre of the ruined salon there is a burst of light and you see a gold-glowing rune-scribed longsword set into a heavy anvil, where a moment before was empty flagstones.
Keelia: is it real or an illusion?
DESTROYERBILL: i pray to yig to protect us
Smon: It looks real.
Keelia: It has to be some heavy duty magic. maybe don't touch it.
joriandrake: "OK, this looks interesting, probably something Danor should check out" Alvariel says, then takes a few steps back "i'll just watch from here in the back"
JamesDevil: Detect DM shnanigains
DESTROYERBILL: i bow to the sword
JamesDevil: Danor will approach the Anvil
Smon: everyone roll a save, you pass on 2+
joriandrake: Alvariel is prepared to either take notes or to flee with hands up in air while screaming
Keelia rolls 1d20 and gets: 5,
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20 and gets: 4,
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 11,
joriandrake rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
Keelia: i'm glad it's 2+ because our rolls are crap
Smon: Bright Star & Talaxakan feel sad. Alvariel & Danor feel ok.
JamesDevil: Danor will place his hand on the Anvil
Smon: Danor approaches the anvil. On it are scribed runes he can - weirdly - read, for they are neither Dwarven nor Alryan-common...
DESTROYERBILL: i read the runes using arcana
DESTROYERBILL: i try and read them
JamesDevil: "what does it say"?
Smon: You can all read the runes if within 5'.
Keelia: doesn't say who it's from. could be from bad guys
DESTROYERBILL: i use arcana to check if there is a faint sent of telaportation magic
joriandrake: "...not sure if it is a wise idea to pull it out" Alvariel will start ritual casting Detect Magic to identify the spell school associated with the sight/sword +anvil
JamesDevil: "hmm, could be, i'm inclined to indeed, feels like a trap"
Smon: Alvariel starts casting (10 mins)
JamesDevil: Danor will cast detect good and evil ritually
Smon: Danor starts casting (10 mins)
joriandrake: k
JamesDevil: ah, not a ritual
JamesDevil: nvm
Smon: ok
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 6, (+7) = 13
JamesDevil: hmm, i will cast identify on the sword....only using a finger toch it, not trying to dreaw it
Keelia: Bright Star is going to guard against bees and ooze and other magically appearing swords. At least there is no bodies of water around because women giving swords out in lakes is no basis for a government!
joriandrake: (GM: shall I have Alvariel attempt to roll for History or Arcana related to this scene?)
JamesDevil: lol
JamesDevil: rit casting identify btw
Smon: OK... the sword is a +3 weapon, it may have other powers currently dormant. Danor you can aid T's arcana check letting T roll again
joriandrake: (I would gladly pick any magically water/sword chosen government over most governments our people picked for themselves - I mean here in Hungary)
JamesDevil: I'll aid him
Smon: Alvariel detects powerful Conjuration magic
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 3, (+7) = 10
DESTROYERBILL: i use insperation
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 4, (+7) = 11
JamesDevil: guidance on Bill
joriandrake: "Folks, the sword is a very powerful one, full with conjuration magic. This might also mean a summoning effect. Either by the sword or its user"
Smon: T can't get a read on it
JamesDevil: bah, you rolled too soon
DESTROYERBILL: i draw the damn sword]
JamesDevil: FFS Bill
Smon: Roll Athletics T
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 5, (+8) = 13
joriandrake: wait!
Smon: T is not worthy.
joriandrake: DON't be hasty let me pick it up if I can using Unseen Servant
joriandrake: oh heck
Smon: The sword is firmly lodged, Tal can't draw it from the anvil.
JamesDevil: hmm, i cast idenitfy rit on the anvil itself
Keelia: Bright Star is curious. "No magic?"
joriandrake: Worth a try, Alvariel begins ritual casting unseen servant
Keelia: "No bad magic?" she clarifies
Smon: GM: Danor you think a spell effect is affecting the sword as well as its inherent powers. Some kind of plane shift effect maybe.
JamesDevil: still not sure....
joriandrake: then commands said servant to try pull sword out, and if it works, place it in some bag or backpack
Keelia: her fur normally stands up when there is bad magic involved. What is her fur status?
joriandrake: shiny? soft?
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
9 = 9
10 = 10
JamesDevil: hmm, it seems like its possible some kinda of plane shift spell, either the sword or the anvil
Smon: Definitely powerful magic involved.... even the Identify spell is struggling here... Danor roll INT (Arcana) DC 10 to get a firm read.
joriandrake: >> note: Alvariel commented it has conjuration - summon magic
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 10, (+4) = 14
joriandrake: "There is no certainty 'our world' written there means OUR world, the one pulling the sword out might be summoned to a different world"
joriandrake: He scribbles notes "which is why I'll try using a magic servant to pull it out for us instead"
DESTROYERBILL: i try and pick up the anvil
Smon: OK.. after 20 minutes Danor establishes that he/she who pulls sword from stone will be summoned to a faraway world to become the battle champion of a race of human-like creatures facing terrible peril.
JamesDevil: give Simon a sec
Keelia: Eh. Can we get back?
Smon: Unseen Servant won't pull sword from stone
joriandrake: heh, lore master finally does say something lore master-y
Smon: Tal you pick up the anvil.
JamesDevil: "anyone wanna give it a go?"
joriandrake: ok,I won't tempt fate
DESTROYERBILL: i flip it upside down and drop it
Smon: Tal drops the anvil.
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 17,
Smon: The sword is bent, but springs back into shape.
joriandrake: "Woah, Tal, if you are this strong just place the anvil on a floating disc, which I can summon if you want to have it carry the anvil and sword
Keelia: Ok. First, do we want to go to another world
Keelia: Second, if so, do we think we can get back.
Smon: Danor reckons it will only take the sword wielder.
JamesDevil: only ONE person would go
Smon: yup
joriandrake: "YOu already picked up the anvil and it didn't trigger the effect of world jumping, so I think we can safely move it back to Selatine with anvil and give it to Lady Vex"
Keelia: If Tal can pick up the anvil, put the whole thing in the bag of holding and let's move on
JamesDevil: ok, T can we put it in a bag? i assume not
joriandrake: (don't know weight limits for bag of holding, my disc could transport 500 pounds I believe)
Smon: You can drop it into bag & with a bit of wiggling you can get the top drawstrings closed over the hilt, yup.
JamesDevil: it has an opening limit, you can open it beyond a certain sixe
Smon: BoH also 500 lb
DESTROYERBILL: i put it in my empty bag of holding
JamesDevil: ok, back to town or push on?#
joriandrake: ok, in that case Alvariel's offer stands to have it transported on a floating disc, or just pack it into the bag of holding once you emptied that
joriandrake: k, problem solved- moving on
joriandrake: "I suggest we get this strange haul back to town now"
JamesDevil: any objections?
Smon: You head back to town?
JamesDevil: Star?
Keelia: sounds good. we're all out of hit dice
joriandrake: "Famed adventurers like Sandor or Hakeem might be willing to risk it and use the sword once the news spreads"
JamesDevil: back we go then
Smon: GM: OK you head back to Selatine with your haul, reaching town that evening.
Smon: Have +900 XP
joriandrake: (as player I know hakeem is gone, but as character Alvariel still considers him as a potential choice for a 'World's hero')
joriandrake: Alvariel will escort the others to Lady Vex wit hthe anvil
DESTROYERBILL: we should put the thing in the middle of selatine and spread the story around so adventures come and try to pull the sword from the anil
JamesDevil: i was thing that
JamesDevil: 1K exp to level 9
Keelia: you don't know that they won't bring nasty stuff back.
joriandrake: Alvariel suggest against this plan, as some poor, weak farm boy or barmaid might puzll it out and die in the other world quickly
Smon: There are more runes on the anvil which take some time to decipher - apparently the world of Krynn is in dire peril from the dragon armies of the dragon-queen Takhisis, and the Sword of Sturm Brightblade has been "set adrift upon the streams of time" to find the fated hero to save the realm.
DESTROYERBILL: we will tell everyone only do this if you are a mighty hero
joriandrake: (so glad we didn't pull it out)
joriandrake: Any objections to Alvariel's idea to just give it to Lady vex and tell her about the circumstances?
Smon: A couple days later the great loremistress Lady Meda comes to inspect the blade. "It is like a fishing lure... I think the runes are true... but the conjuration evades linear time.... it can wait on our world with no time passing on its plane of origin."
Smon: Meda: "The one who takes the sword will be unable to return."
JamesDevil: sounds good, better to settle the Stonehell matter first eitherway
JamesDevil: right, back to stone hell again?
joriandrake: "interesting, so we could let it get dusty and in twenty or so years once we feel ready to handle the 'quest from another world' we can do it then. Still, probably only one of us would move to the other world that way.... perhaps the time mist also transports us to the same place and time? It's chronomantic magic so it might be both space and time affecting"
joriandrake: Alvariel goes and checks the market/shops for scrolls like detect magic
Smon: Meda: "A great dragon-slaying Paladin would seem most suitable for this task. The anvil should be kept somewhere safe."
joriandrake: I mean dispell magic
joriandrake: Alvariel nods
Smon: Alvariel can get a dispel magic scroll from Dark Odo for 500gp
joriandrake: I also look for Warding WInd
Smon: Meda nods to Alvariel's comments re the sword.
joriandrake: (2nd level spell)
JamesDevil: are we wrapping up here?
joriandrake: Alvariel will ask the others if they could lend him 50 gold to pay for the 500 gp scroll
Smon: GM: Alvariel can attempt to research Warding Wind using the Lighthouse library.
Smon: Yes will wrap up now
joriandrake: ok
JamesDevil: Danor tosses 50gp his way
joriandrake: thanks for the game, that jelly was scary
joriandrake: Alvariel bows to Danor and buys the scroll
JamesDevil: good xp tho
joriandrake: (3 gold left atm)
JamesDevil: next game should level me up! then i can raise dead ^^
Smon: Alvariel roll an Arcana check
DESTROYERBILL: im level 9 now
joriandrake: Alvariel might go and sleep in the library, or the coffee house/temple under construction
Keelia: Bright Star chucks Alvariel 500gp
joriandrake rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 18, (+10) = 28
JamesDevil: right, if thats it then i'm off thanks for the game all cya
Keelia: Jorian, make note of that.
Keelia: Have a good weekend james!
Smon: The library has lots of info on weather magics - Alvariel can take a week & 250 gp for ink & add Warding Wind to his spell book.
joriandrake: Alvariel is once again surprised by her generousity and thanks her, also conti9nues to aid danor's crafting and Star's language learning together
11:12am 2018-11-03 JamesDevil Has exited the room
joriandrake: OK, thanks simon
Smon: ok I'll post log, bye now
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