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Aya |
Hakeem XP
Hakeem, Barbarian LEVEL 17 XP 1900+1800+228,363=232,063/265,000
5:43pm 2017-4-15 Smon Has entered the room
5:58pm 2017-4-15 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: Evening Simon
Smon: Evening Chris
chris107: Three games in a week. What a treat!
Smon: Easter present
chris107: Sauna is in the lounge extoling the virtues of 5e.
chris107: He's bought the 5e PHB and loves it.
Smon: I've generally preferred 5e to older editions for Wilderlands.
chris107: It does have a great High Fantasy feel
Smon: I like how it can be cut down more, or expanded
Smon: It also works well for replacing 3e/Pathfinder
chris107: Yeah, I guess there's a lot you could add, feats 'n stuff. But it works brilliantly as is.
Smon: I wish some of the classes were lower magic (eg Ranger) but that's my only big gripe. Just means my NPC Rangers don't resemble the PC class.
chris107: I haven't really looked at Ranger yet.
Smon: Paladins likewise - I'd prefer they didn't use the spellcasting mechanic. I like the Barbarian & Rogue designs much better.
chris107: The Paladin did seem very powerful.
Smon: Fighter is a bit weak, but I love Barbarian, love playing them & GMing them.
chris107: Rogues look like they could be fun.
Smon: Paladin is very powerful Striker if you only have 1 fight/day. Squishier than Barb though.
Smon: Can get AC up very high.
chris107: Both Ursa and Hakeem really appeal to me. And with 5e you can really play them as Barbarians.
Smon: Yeah, I like how they no longer drop dead like in 3e
chris107: They sure can.
Smon: And they're fiercer than the 1e UA version which was a bit odd.
chris107: And help the party a lot too. Adding to saves, resisting Charm, Magic and stuff.
Smon: Yeah, the Pal save bonus is huge
chris107: 6th level for pal saves bonus for the party?
chris107: I was looking at it earlier. Hope Kjato does play the Paladin
Smon: I like making NPCs in 5e too - yesterday was statting out the Bronzes of Hara, day before that in-depth backgrounds and stats for the barmaids of Thusia.
Smon: Buedra has a tragic backstory.
chris107: Her preasent ain't too clever either!
Smon: No doubt she tells Ursa: Background: Buedra was born 16/6/4427; she and her father Piegeron the Potter come originally from Carchimish town. When she was little, bandits took Carchimish from King Koloth (in 4432, 15 years ago as of 44447), and the brigand lord Marnt enslaved her mother (also Buedra) and gave her to his men; she soon died. Piegeron feared his young daughter would be taken by the brigands too, so in 4433 he fled the town with his only child and settled in Thusia, where he makes a decent living making red stoneware, while Buedra serves big jugs of dark ale at the Sun & Stars. In M1 4447 Buedra & Davos were kidnapped by brigands, but rescued by Sandor & the dwarf Ursa, with whom she is much enamoured.
Smon: Shaele has a similarly fascinating past which you may find out sometime.
chris107: Nice!
chris107: I spend way too much time reading the blog.
Smon: I really appreciate someone reads it!
chris107: (An amazing Aida from the Met on R3. )
chris107: I find it invaluable.
chris107: Both for making in game plan and thinking about backgrounds for possible characters.
Smon: (hm, think I'll put my radio on!) I love the political stuff but it only works if someone pays attention to events & NPC relations.
chris107: (Last time I heard Aida I was in Verona at the Opera Festival. To experience it in a 2000 year old ampitheatre was just mind blowing!)
Smon: On therpgsite they asked "what do you not tell players pre-game?" I wrote: Things are generally as they appear. I appreciate it's hard grokking a campaign world through the limited bandwidth of me talking, so I try to keep everything as straightforward and comprehensible as possible. This is so that you have the chance to understand what's going on and act on that knowledge. Eg if you're going to get doublecrossed, it's probably by that treacherous dwarf slaver you just released when he promised to take you out in the wilderness to the lair of his old buddies... No, I am not actually going to tell you when you are about to be doublecrossed, unless you take some minimal action such as requesting an Insight check. I would like you to be paying enough attention you can work it out for yourself."
chris107: makes sense.
Smon: (ok got Aida on my 30 yr old analogue radio!)
chris107: Hakeem will have a triumphal march into Bisgen
chris107: And restore the temple of Bondorr.
Smon: I've had players who expect everything to be smoke & mirrors & don't trust what I tell them, More common are players who expect a linear experience with signposts all the way - what to do, who to fight.
chris107: Somewhere in the middle is nice.
Smon: But I really like running an Open campaign where the players drive the action and I can GM to see what happens.
chris107: The blog is an excellent tool rather than just relying on sense motive
Smon: Yeah, I don't detail everything on the campaign page, just what PCs might conceivably know.
chris107: Your Wilderlands is great as there is enogh intrigue if one wants it. Or we could decide to just go and explore ancient Thracia tomorrow.
chris107: The world would carry on.
chris107: And that sense of continuity really helps pull the story along.
Smon: yeah I don't want to force players to do all delving or all politics. I like a mixture. Bill only likes the fighting in Wilderlands even though he is extremely political in my Mystara game.
chris107: I;
Smon: Yup, continuity also generates new adventures & links.
chris107: I'm sure when Shieldbiter and Hakeem head north to sack the CSIO in a couple of years he will love it!
Smon: Eg when I read Dyson's Delve and saw the stuff there about the rival expedition I knew they had to be Black Sun.
chris107: Oh rules question.
chris107: Yes that was a shock. The Trogs came over as really exotic too. Well done there.
chris107: What happens after level 20?
Smon: After 20 I use the Epic Boons rules in the DMG.
chris107: And the fact they worship (possibly) the transformed Arch Mage, genius!
Smon: For major achievements you get an Epic Boon, they are about equivalent to a Feat.
chris107: Ah cool. I don't know about that stuff. It was Mori, he said something in the lounge. About there been nothing past level 20.
Smon: (In the original they worship the dragon, but he isn't described as Dyson, just a generic dragon. My version is better).
Smon: No 5e has good post-20 rules, best I've seen I think. Planning to use them in 4e and maybe other versions of D&D.
chris107: It sure adds flavour!
Smon: Dyson Logos' stuff is great for building on, he gives just enough detail to whet the appetite.
Smon: Not drown me in it like Paizo stuff in my Sunday game.
chris107: Hakeen was dissapointed when Lord BRONZE WANTED TO 'TALK' TO THE dRAGON IN THE dELVES :d
chris107: Hakeem had other plans for it
Smon: Also minimalist fits the Wilderlands.
Smon: Hakeem can make a WIS+Prof insight check
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 9, (+6) = 15
chris107: Hakeem would like to add Dragon Slayer to his list of names.
Smon: Bronze probably hopes to get Dyson on his side personally, which would give him a lot of leverage - currently his position is weak, he betrayed Neo-Nerath to join with your lot but isn't well trusted.
chris107: When time allows he may lead an expedition to the Isle of Dread
chris107: Interesting.
Smon: Gargantuan black dragon skull would look good over the mantlepiece.
chris107: I was very tempted to let the Altani clans sack Harra. Only the Rangers of Woad Castle stopped me. They seem like goodly folks.
Smon: Also rem Bronze is an usurper, though apparently he has now married Earani Cor the former ruler of Hara.
Smon: Thuruar would be sad if the Rangers died fighting your Altanians.
Smon: (enjoying the opera!)
chris107: Finding something to keep the clans occupied after the war is going to be fun.
chris107: (Verdi is amazing)
chris107: Thuruar would indeed. But he's a practical fellow.
chris107: Trying to disentangle Hakeem after the war is one of my biggest headaches.
chris107: Leaving an empire for young Hassan would be ace.
Smon: From the reports you're getting, the Black Sun have been devastating the western tribes, if you beat Black Sun there'll be room for expansion there. Or lead your horde north to Grimalon & smash the Red Reavers?
chris107: But....
chris107: Oh yes, the Red Reavers have to be splattered. They upset Malenn after all.
chris107: Hakeem is only 23.
Smon: Malenn still dreams about returning home to Grimalon & refounding Mitra's Shield Hall.
chris107: I feel a free spirit like he would want to wander far off lands in search of High Adventure.
Smon: Also finding out if her older sister Yrsa ("Mrs Queen") is still alive.
chris107: Mrs. Queen!
Smon: Yrsa who Moffet rescued from Alcatrix all those years ago, at the cost of Dinas & Barbelle.
chris107: There really are years of this stuff left. It's great!
Smon: (been looking at the old logs recently)
chris107: I remember it well.
chris107: (me too)
Smon: Wilderlands has a lifetime of adventure in it easily, even within one campaign.
chris107: Moffet's +2 Charisma from the Moon Goddess was amazing. So lifted him from mud-dull hobbit to Hero.
Smon: Taking on the God-Emperor of Viridistan would be a tough challenge for level 20+ PCs, and there are 2000-hp Cthuloid monstrosities up there...
chris107: Eek
chris107: Hakeem would love that. I really don't think he has ever backed down or out of a fight. A true Barbarian cut from Conan cloth.
Smon: I have the Primeval Thule for 5e book which has great Wilderlands-useful stuff like 5e Great Old One stats.
chris107: Maybe he's just too dim
chris107: Can't 5e Warlocks have Cthulhu type connections?
Smon: Normally your PCs are too brave to survive in my games, & Hakeem has nearly died a few times.
chris107: he has indeed.
Smon: The wight in Thracia and the Night Things of Tizun Thane were two I thought he'd had it.
chris107: I don't mind that though. Rather a heroic death
chris107: and the undead purple worm
chris107: and the shadow demons
chris107: and the orc champion early on and Sarene
chris107: He has pushed it right to single figure HP many times.
Smon: I did want to run this campaign with a bit of "Thongor of Lemuria" flavour, including heroic escapes.
chris107: I bought those a few months ago. Haven't got round to reading them yet.
Smon: 5e Warlocks can make Great Old One pact yup.
chris107: Sauna was talking Hobbit Demonic Warlock
chris107: background -Guild-Cheese maker.
Smon: OK to do some IC stuff now?
chris107: Sure, was hoping Kjato would pop in, he was in the lounge.
Smon: Ask him in if he's around, I don't have chatroom page open
chris107: I closed mine too. I mentioned ealier that you were here and the room was up
chris107: Ah I didn't close it.
chris107: Asked him, mentioned maybe Thuruar/Hakeem stuff?
Smon: GM: The morning after the Lordsmoot, Hakeem rises late, he & Malenn breakfast with Lady Meda in her private quarters, the babe Hasan attended by a nursemaid.
chris107: Hakeem wonders if it is too soon to get the boy a sword.
Smon: Malenn: "Three months might be a *little* early, my love..."
chris107: "Hmmm."
chris107: "We must not let civilisation make him soft Malenn."
Smon: Malenn grins: "As you say milord!" Lady Meda smiles: "Good morning to you both. I think the Lordsmoot went well, yes?"
chris107: "Aye milady. Many questions still remain unanswered but for the first time all factions seemed agreed on our purpose."
chris107: "Our greatest threats remain the Warbringer and Borit Crowfinger."
Smon: Malenn: "Lady Meda, I heard a rumour last night, some of the girls from Selatine were sold at Ahyf. The shepherdess Aya, who aided Hakeem in the Caverns of Thracia. We should free them."
chris107: "Aye, I heard that my friend was enslaved. This can not be allowed."
Smon: Meda nods. "I can send Damne to Ahyf with money to buy her, and any others she can find?"
Smon: Malenn: "Sometimes I think it would be best to send an army to Ahyf and deal with those Antillians more... decisively."
chris107: "I have a little time...Perhaps I could go and erm...negotiate her release? Without her and Max I would not have survived my first adventures."
Smon: Malenn sets her jaw determinedly. Then yawns sleepily - late night.
chris107: "I promise not to kill too many my love." He says serioisly
Smon: Meda smiles. "Aye Hakeem - that seems an excellent idea. A little forceful negotiation might not go amiss. Show them that the people of the Ghinarian Hills are under our protection, now."
chris107: "Would you rather I went off to look for the Warbringer?"
Smon: Malenn puts a hand on Hakeem's broad shoulder. "If you only kill slavers and pirates, that would be fine my love."
chris107: Hakeem seems mighty pleased that he will get the chance to help his old friend.
chris107: and maybe kill a few slavers too.
Smon: Meda frowns. "You have the armour and sword to face the Warbringer, but it must be at a time and place of our choosing. When we are ready."
chris107: "Aye Lady Meda. I am a fool I know. But a fool who has bled too many times to rush in."
Smon: Malenn: "I think... I think if we can defeat the Warbringer before his army, on the battlefield... their spirit will be crushed."
chris107: "Bondorr tells me my test against Kainos is not yet at hand."
chris107: "As always my dear you are right. I was lucky to marry such a warrior! Our son shall be fierce indeed."
chris107: (He worries the child may go soft and favour Mitra )
Smon: Malenn nods. "My record of military success is not... unparralleled... but I think you are right. We destroy Kainos before the Nerathi, they will know fear. We need to bring them to battle and defeat them."
chris107: "But for now I must honour my commitments.Aya and Max need my help."
Smon: Meda: "War will come soon enough - when the rains end, the armies will march. The final battle will begin."
Smon: OOC Radio 3 a lot less enjoyable now! Gonna turn it off...
chris107: Yes, the met do put these add breaks in. I turned it down too.
chris107: "I will be carful passing the Halls of Tizun Thane this time."
chris107: And may spend the night at Clear Meadows.
chris107: "I am getting flabby, the walk to Ahyf will do me good."
Smon: Meda: "I was going to suggest that Artemisia or Laurana could fly you there, but as you wish."
Smon: Malenn: "Yes, you are looking a little pudgy Hakeem, too much Elfbread?" She grins wickedly.
chris107: Hakeem laughs good naturdly. With the two women he respects most in the world.
Smon: Meda: "Other matters - You asked that I seek out Oriax and his apprentice. I believe they have fled through the Mirror to another world, a sort of Nexus, perhaps..."
chris107: "See what that old devil Synjin has been up to since our last visit. I hope Kalthalax does not call me."
Smon: "...My scryings reveal isles cloaked in a purplish haze, dotted with strange structures that emit powerful energies. It looks a fell place."
chris107: "Damn him! I'll have his head one day. At least he can not cause mischief here. Is the mirror well protected?"
Smon: "I have Warded it, with Father Thuruar's aid. I do not think it can be used against us."
chris107: "When our work here is done I will follow him to the very deepest Hells if need be."
chris107: Hakeem will dig out his shabby old wolf skins.
Smon: Meda nods. "A noble quest. I doubt his evil will rest until his head is parted from his shoulders - if then."
chris107: Carfuly concealing the artefacts below.
chris107: (I fear he will be a dnger to our son Malenn. I will not have that."
chris107: He will also cover his shield with old leather.
chris107: And will be travelling on foot like any wandering Altani.
chris107: (Perhaps he can purchase a large travelling cloak with a cowl?)
Smon: GM: Hakeem prepares to head north for the coast, avoiding the winding eastern trail via Sceros that lesser men would take, avoiding the mount of Tizun Thane.
chris107: He shudders at the memory.
Smon: Lady Meda happily finds him a suitable travelling cloak.
chris107: still feeling the icy claws of the Shadow Dancers on his skin.
Smon: The rain is pouring down on the Green as Hakeem girds on his sword, ready to depart. He sees a small group approach - the Altani; Chief Minars, Druid Eynsorn, Kaag and Laara the Defender.
Smon: Minars: "Hakeem!" he claps your shoulder. "Good speech last night!"
chris107: "Thank you Brother. Your efforts in the north have done us all proud." He shakes his hand warmly
Smon: Minars glances around at a few other knots of delegates here and there. "We need you at the Clan Moot in three months - give that speech again and every warrior with a head on his shoulders will be frothing to crush those Nerathi scum!"
chris107: Greeting the other in a similar fashion. He is delighted to see Laara again. He asks Kaag for news of his mother.
Smon: Kaag: "Yaaar!"
Smon: Laara smiles and hugs Hakeem.
chris107: "My Brother, I will stand at your side at the Clanmoot."
chris107: "The time of the wolf is at hand."
Smon: Kaag: "Gnubis is in good health. I left my concubine with her - she's teaching the girl how to cook. And other tricks too, I hope." He grins broadly.
Smon: Laara frowns at Kaag's rather uncouth statement about Hakeem's mother.
chris107: Hakeem tries to smile at this oaf. He would happily split him in two. But he makes his mother happy and can weild a fair axe in battle.
Smon: Past the Altani you see Laurana and Artemisia feeding their griffins on the green. There is clearly little love lost between the two women.
Smon: Laurana spots Hakeem and waves: "Brother! How goes the day?"
chris107: He greets them both in a friendly fashion too. All to aware of the tensions.
Smon: Artemisia turns, sees Hakeem and waves too, striding forward. "Greetings My Lord Hakeem. Laurana has told me a little of your adventures in the north. Of your...dwarf?"
chris107: "Sister" he hugs her "The day goes well. My boy is already looking to the sky for Bondorr's Lightning. And you?"
chris107: "My friend Ursa?"
Smon: Artemisia: "Aye. He and his friends rescued me from the Black Sun's dungeons."
chris107: "He has the heart of a lion that one. And the shoulders of a bear!"
chris107: "And for that I offer up my prayers. How did you end up there?"
Smon: Laurana hugs Hakeem back, clearly enjoying demonstrating to Artemisia her connection with the powerful warlord.
Smon: Artemisia: "I was scouting.. Over the hills. Stopped off to let my Griffon rest..." she sighs.
chris107: (I thought at first Laurana was behind Artimisia's disappearence)
Smon: Laurana grins: "No need to feel bad my Queen. We all make mistakes. Foolish mistakes."
chris107: "I shall slay a thousand black sun soldiers in repayment of their insult to you my Queen."
chris107: "Your people are my people, by blood now. I shall die defending them."
Smon: Artemisia looks coldly at Laurana. "Thank you." To Hakeem: "There came a beautiful singing... entrancing... I followed it - a Harpy! Then they set upon me."
Smon: (Laurana was in the north w you so would have taken some Machiavellian planning!)
chris107: "Ursa told me off the Harpy. Foul things of chaos. I believe his band slew it."
Smon: Artemisia nods. "I saw the corpse."
chris107: (I like Laurana a lot and would not put it past her. She is as ambitious and blood thirsty as Hakeem.)
Smon: Laurana: "Nevertheless, clearly your captivity has been a great trauma. Perhaps you should rest a while, let another take the burden of leadership?"
chris107: "And they took the head of a Princess of Neo Nerath too. Good work."
chris107: Hakeem keeps a straigh face at Laurana' barb
chris107: "It is good to see you well and fully recovered Artemisia."
Smon: Artemisia: "Fion, yes. A Grey Mage of Nerath. Young, but skilled in battle magics." She glares over at Laurana. "Princess Laurana. I know my destiny. I have seen the creature of Undeath that shall take my life. Most likely, when that day comes you shall have your turn. Not before."
chris107: "We shallsee the Black Sun fall, together."
Smon: Laurana: "Ah yes, your dream. The 'Spectre of Thanatos'. Whatever."
chris107: "Thanatos you say?"
Smon: Artemisia turns back to Hakeem: "Thank you Lord Hakeem. I do feel recovered... Yes, many times I have dreamed it."
chris107: "I foolishly left a priest of ancient Thanatos below Lord Vex's dungeons. I believe he stirs trouble as we speak."
chris107: "Maybe I shall bring you his head."
Smon: Artemisia's face darkens. "Macreus. Aye. Your dwarf and his party are to deal with him, yes?"
chris107: "They are. I feel a burden of guilt for letting him live however. An ancient evil is rising because of my compassion. It will not happen again."
chris107: "We will sweep his filth into the wine dark sea."
Smon: Artemisia: "I have spoken with Lady Meda about my dream... She says it is a True Dream, a Vision. Destiny. A fate I have befallen before, and will again, across many worlds and times. But if I am to die, I want my death to count for something."
chris107: "And see Mitra once more in Selatine."
Smon: Artemisia smiles: "That is good. I will aid however I can."
chris107: "Destiny can be changed if your sword is sharp enough my lady."
Smon: Artemisia sighs: "I have seen myself die... But who knows."
chris107: He grins at them both and bids them fare-well.
chris107: "Courage Queen Artemisia. And Good luck my sister."
chris107: "Bondorr guid your swords to the hearts of your enemies."
Smon: Artemisia: "Thank you." The Amazons and Altani bid you farewell and you head out the gate, trekking north towards the coast, the great volcano peak of Tizun Thane's mount rising ahead.
chris107: Hakeem is happy to be trecking the roads of the wilderlands again. The cares of civilised life left behind for a while.
chris107: He remembers back to a time not so long ago that he was heading towards the Red Eye in at Selatine, fresh from the Midnight Goddess Hills.
chris107: Is it really only two years that have passed?
Smon: GM: Putting the mountain to your left you trek north-east through wild hill country, soon catching your first glimpse of the distant gleaming sea - the waters of the Korm Basin a dozen miles north - from atop a high bluff.
chris107: Now that Barbarian lad is a Sword Knight, married and with a son.
chris107: As always he is alert to any dangers.
chris107: But is relaxed and happy. Enjoying the fine views.
chris107: He tries to remember the Airshark Inn but thinks maybe it was Rey who went there alone..
Smon: These lands, or a bit further east, was where he first entered the Ghinarian Hills all that time ago - skirmishing with wild dogs, killing a goat and bringing it to the gate of Selatine for passage...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
chris107: He remembers that goat. It has brought him luck. He gave it to the gate guards at Selatine.
Smon: A little after noon, Hakeem comes across the spoor of a great Ghinarian Tiger, the saber-tooth brutes that hunt the shaggy mastodon herds. But no sign of the cat itself.
chris107: He pulls his cloak tightly about him as he reaches the higher ground.
chris107: He loosens his sword in it's scabbard. His barbarian senses on alert should the huge beast still be about.
chris107: But continues along his way.
Smon: Tireless, Hakeem makes good time and the sun is still high in the sky as he passes down from the hills onto the coastal plain and sees the smokes of Clear Meadows rise a few miles off amidst tilled fields.
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 8,
Smon: The weather down here on the plain is sunny and dry, though he can see dark rainclouds over the hills to the south.
chris107: Hakeem enjoys the freedom and the feel of the sun on his face.
Smon: You're about 2 miles from Clear Meadows, 17 from Ahyf - about 4-5 hours on the coast road at a good pace, would get there about 2-3 hours after nightfall. Or stop in at Clear Meadows for the night?
chris107: Clear Meadows for the night was the plan.
Smon: Hakeem approaches the western gate, sees a bored-looking guard on duty. He eyes the approaching barbarian. "Ho there, Altanian! What's your business here?"
chris107: "I am thirsty from the road my friends and seek the fine ale at the Rampant Lion."
chris107: He keeps his hood up and will try remain inconspicuous.
Smon: "Hmm... Had a bunch of your sort pass through a couple days back. Trouble up north? Black Sun got you on the run, eh?"
Smon: A second guard mutters something about the Warbringer.
chris107: "Aye, there is trouble but we stand our ground. What news from hereabouts? I have a few silvers for any news you my have."
Smon: Make a CHA+Prof check
chris107 rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 18, (+7) = 25
Smon: Nice
chris107: makes a nice change
Smon: The guard grins. "Silver? Gold'd be nice..."
chris107: "If I had gold to spare I wouldn't be heading for Ahyf looking for mercenary work my friend."
chris107: "I'm told the fighting pit at the Airshark is a fine place to maybe earn some gold?"
Smon: "Well let's see..." he muses. "Things been quietish here since I got here from Ahyf. There was some kind of cult up in the hills, Father Synjyn'd know more. We been gettin' refugees from west of the mountains come through, heading for Ahyf port."
chris107: Hakeem listens, happy to only have these small cares to worry about for a change.
Smon: "Airshark? Aye, great place - finest hooters in all the land! And the pit fights are the bloodiest... Why I saw Achermos' last battle, where he killed Thorin the Black, one of those Dwarfs... "
chris107: "I hear they have the women fight in the pit too?"
Smon: "Thorin put up a good fight with his axe and cesti - fair ripped old Achermos up - but the old man did for him in the end. Prize was so big I hear even old tight-fist Bronze had to admit Achermos had bought his daughter's freedom... women? Aye, now and then. "
chris107: "Achermos has managed to buy his daughter's freedom at last? That is fine news."
Smon: "Not too many women volunteer, but you see 'em among the slave fighters now and then. Saw a big Skandik girl there my last visit."
chris107: "Why even in the hills his name is legend."
Smon: "Aye! Didn't you hear? One of them Ghinarian Ladies offered him a place as her Weaponmaster, straight up!"
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 7,
chris107: "If only we were all so blessed!"
Smon: "Can't recall her name... One o them hill lords."
chris107: He hands the fellow a hand full of silver coins for his new.
Smon: "Blessed? Aye, well, do well in the pits and all sorts of opportunities open up!"
Smon: The guard happily pockets the coins and waves you through.
chris107: "Thank you, it's good we have lads like you to keep us safe in our beds."
Smon: The guards grin back. "Cheers mate. Yer well-spoken for an Altanian."
chris107: He wants to keep a low profile so heads straight for the Rampant Lion.
chris107: The plan been to rent a fair room a good meal and an early night.
Smon: Red shadows of evening fall as Hakeem pushes open the swing doors of the Rampant Lion, already starting to bustle with travellers and fishermen back from the docks. Two buxom blonde wenches hurry around serving while the hulking Ghessorm Hammerhand serves ale at the bar.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
chris107: He would really like to take Aya's 'owners' by surprise
chris107: He will find a discreet table
Smon: Hakeem spots a familiar trio - a halfling, an exotic warrior-woman and an elven mage - Berk, Miya & Elfric, well known adventurers he once encountered at Cahli.
chris107: and quietly ask for supper and a room.
Smon: They haven't spotted you yet it seems, poring over some kind of treasure map.
chris107: He will try avoid any contact if possible.
Smon: stealth check - DEX+Prof
Smon: can add +2 for the cloak
chris107 rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 9, (+10) = 19
Smon: The Samurai wench glances in your direction as you pass and catch the attention of Pamela, one of the serving wenches, but she turns back to her map.
chris107: phew
Smon: Pamela: "Supper and a room - 5 silvers, please."
chris107: he pays and leaves a silver tip.
Smon: Gimme a PER check WIS+Prof
chris107 rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 8, (+7) = 15
chris107: oops take 1 off that
chris107: 14
Smon: (ok) Hakeem makes out Miya the samurai talking: "Berk you know those dwarves were onto something! Erdea was the wealthiest Nerathi manor in all the Ghinarian Hills! Right, Elfric?"
chris107: Hmm the name of Erdea does not ring bells with him.
chris107: He will store it away. No doubt these fellows are up to no good again
Smon: The elf mutters something you don't catch, then: "...In any case, curse or not its sunken condition should have warded it from most looters. There should still be..."
chris107: hmmm he remembers Lorvas' gem sinking off the Korm Basin but so much has happened since..
Smon: Berk: "Aye, well. Our pals in the west would pay well for Nerathi artifacts - but a Curse is a Curse, right? That'll mean Undead, sure as Shattin."
chris107: He will mention it to meda upon his return. His business today is personal.
chris107: He takes great offence at his friends been enslaved..
Smon: Miya: "If we don't loot it, the Dwarves will! Or worse, Lorius and his whore lover!"
Smon: Pamela sashays over, bringing you a flagon of ale and a great steaming platter of meat and corn-hobs.
chris107: (Hmmm I see nothing on the map reflecting that name..)
chris107: Hakeem quietly thnks her and sets to the meal, hungry from the days walk."
Smon: Berk: "I wouldn't worry about Vex and Poole - last I heard they were headin' off Thracia way."
chris107: He checks the plate and flagon for any unusual odours or residues first though
Smon: (no Erdea Manor is unfamiliar to Hakeem. Sounds Nerathi - from the Empire, maybe)
Smon: Investigation is INT+Prof
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 11, (+6) = 17
Smon: Food & drink seem good. You set to work, eating heartily after the exercise.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
chris107: Then if all is well he will head off to bed. Very early start in the morning.
Smon: Two women in priestess' robes enter - Tamara and Amari from the Temple - but again they pay you no heed, ordering wine.
chris107: ]he slips off quietly then.
Smon: Pamela comes back, smiling as she clears the table. "Your room's ready sir. Will that be all?"
chris107: Putting a chair behind his door mind..
chris107: "Aye, thank you. If you could have a breakfast packed up and ready as I will be leaving very early." He hands her 4 more pieces of silver.
Smon: "As you wish." Hakeem secures his room for the night and sleeps a litle fitfully on the too-soft bed (Meda's beds are suitably Spartan).
Smon: Next morning you rise before dawn, take your packed breakfast from a fat serving maid in the kitchen, and leave via the empty taproom.
Smon: OOC getting up early good idea BTW
chris107: Carful to conceal his identity.
chris107: Thanks
Smon: /roll d8
chris107: Hakeem has grown up a lot in 2 years.
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 2,
chris107: He pulls his hod up against the rain
Smon: It's raining heavily outside, lightning flashes on the southern peaks and you hear the rumble of Bondorr's thunder.
Smon: I like you work out my dice systems.
chris107: He says a prayer to Bondorr for Aya and touches his well worn silver symbol.
Smon: The journey east along the coast road takes a little longer than expected, you pass several groups of travellers before reaching Ahyf's western gate towards noon.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
chris107: He wishes to make his way discreetly to the Airshark Inn.
Smon: A slaver convoy is just leaving the gate, overseen by a cold-eyed elf woman, about twenty male slaves, some with sailors' tattoos - likely taken by pirates.
chris107: I remember the elf slaver..
chris107: Hakeem really dislikes slavery..
chris107: but keeps his peace.
Smon: "Come on you sea-dregs! It's a long way to Hara!" she cracks a whip over the back of two men, who cry out in pain as it bites their naked skin.
Smon: A guard bars Hakeem's way. "Toll is 2 silvers to a sword-carrier."
chris107: "My appologies good sir. " He will dig deep for a couple more silvers.
chris107: His personal wealth is not great. 10 GP in all!
Smon: "You an adventurer? Warlord Briaron is hiring men for the Guard."
chris107: "Thank you, I am thinking of fighting in the pit at the Airshark but if that doesn't work out I'll go see the warlord."
Smon: "Ah, pit fighter? You any good? What's yer name? Maybe I'll put money on ye."
chris107: "I'm just a begginer sir, I'd save your money for now. Name's Onigan."
Smon: "Begginer? Well ye better shape up fast! Ye won't be fightin' goblins and scrawny dogs down there - Gorok starts ye off with Orcs and Men, it only gets worse!"
Smon: The guards wave you through.
chris107: "Maybe Briaron's work will suite me better? Thanks for the warning friend."
Smon: "Airshark's just off the docks. Good luck - ye'll need it!" Ahyf's bustling docks are crowded with ships, some from distant lands - Tula, Rallu, even Tarantis.
chris107: (I need to find out about Tarantis, Bochi's new game is set there)
chris107: H keeps as low a profile as he can.
chris107: Not wishing to draw unwanted attention.
Smon: One high-prowed ship flies the Pegasus emblem of the City State of the Invincible Overlord
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: The rain is worsening and only a few people scurry from gang-plank to boardwalk, Ahyf's infamous coingirls shelter beneath the eaves, half-heartedly calling out to passing sailors but doing little business.
chris107: (OOC I have my copy of the CSIO from the 70's still. Would love to use it one day)
chris107: Hakeem, heavily cloakes, slips by.
Smon: (70s version is best! Didn't like the 3e version so much). Hakeem ignores a couple calls in his direction, locates the Airshark with a great open fighting-pit (currently the bottom under 6" of water) and slips into the smoky taproom.
chris107: dreams of seeing the Pegasus banners falling into the flames
Smon: Inside the place is thronged with sailors - and most likely pirates - enjoying the attentions of the bevies of naked and near-naked serving maids.
chris107: He slips to the bar, trying not to push anyone
chris107: and keeping an eye out for his friend.
chris107: He will lean against the bar and quietly order a pint of ale.
Smon: One of these looks distinctly familiar - Lucy Prentice, once one of Rey's girls, is sat on the lap of a hairy half-orc sailor.
chris107: Ah yes I remember Lucy, the earthgirl?
Smon: Hakeem recalls Lucy - a 'scientist', she spoke a lot of nonsense. Apparently she ran off with Orph the Bard - now she's here... A dark-skinned, muscular man is serving bar.
Smon: Lucy - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj6oDWWfvC9rAmlUjSOLPKu3tcoiQL8tVcFw_5wlQJ6EYwVr-0USwQPVQUnlcW8VeJgmtRfpiYK9aAycSyADiJ9Zyhw1qgb3z1qiIsQRm96Uj7rGxOO5pWfyNua_k6Qi1n47FeqGIgDepM/s400/93_53.jpg
chris107: "A pint of ale please."
Smon: barman & wench - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgVJSIOD1Loveo2l3RBaG5xL4tKUFOo04Y5dONu2ReK6ik59A55LxfRzH1qWSrUgoKCzY4xOOWB9oR8_N7pgPm_ihV3U0WYc_YO6Kn1jjfDE_AsRB5cs0e9TBxr-PemCrKQK69OVrj5dj8/s320/n_a+(7).jpg
chris107: Yes, I remember her.
Smon: "Coming up, friend. 1 silver for the good stuff."
chris107: He pays a silver and tips a silver.
chris107: "No fightinmg today?" he asks in a friendly manner
Smon: Lucy is tickling the half-orc's rampant chest hair. The barman smiles, takes the silver. "Fighting? Aye, tonight - main pit is closed for the season, but the back pit is open. You a betting man?"
chris107: "I hear there is a promising Selatine girl worth betting on?"
Smon: Make a CHA check
chris107: "Affa? Arya?Aya?"
Smon: (Raw)
chris107 rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 16, (+1) = 17
Smon: lucky!
Smon: "Aya the Wood Nymph? Aye, but she ain't fought fer real yet... Gorok might well put her out tonight. You saw her in training? Saw her brain ol' Helga?" he grins.
chris107: "She's that good? Would it be possible to see her? Size her up before I bet." he places a gold coin on the bar.
Smon: "Helga's gonna want revenge, and she must be twice the Wood Nymph's size... wouldn't give much fer her chances if Gorok matches them for real." He takes the coin.
Smon: "You want to see her? I'll talk to Gorok. Wait here. Might take a while - he's a busy man."
chris107: "Thanks friend."
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Smon: He calls over a wench: "Linda! You're on bar." "Yes Master Garnoth" says the girl, scuttling over.
Smon: Garnoth leaves through a rear door.
chris107: Hakeem watches carfully. Incase he has been recognised or Garnoth is playing him false.
Smon: Hakeem sits and drinks. Linda - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgyKQdu_XkBpfjKTbBEtVFslxDSA4O7kjeMpLuoGcApg_xtt7u-SHBRKqxnxNWIOSpAPZvSlT0BI__IGwL3vts6dJzSm1SzPrJ2pjvmPwp7cAFPLqyOR6iv6YjhoxlkfD-2sPjgn8dSdHE/s1600/Teri+of+Airshark+Inn.jpg - serves a scrawny sailor, then looks in Hakeem's direction, sizing him up.
Smon: There's a squeal from Lucy Prentice as she's picked up by the half-orc and carried towards the stairs.
chris107: He plays it cool and reserved
Smon: make a DEX+prof stealth check
chris107 rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 18, (+8) = 26
Smon: VERY cool Lucy doesn't notice you as she's carried upstairs to the private rooms.
chris107: He's getting good at this. Like a proper adventurer
Smon: After about ten minutes the rear door opens and Garnoth re-emerges. "Gorok says you can see her. Follow me."
chris107: He does so.
Smon: Hakeem follows Garnoth down a dark passage to a room where two thuggish looking men sit playing dice. Garnoth nods to them, and they stand up, following you as Garnoth opens a door in the far wall and leads you into a cell block, a dozen cells, most containing a human or humanoid, all naked, most showing battle scars.
Smon: Towards the far end a hulking half-ogre waits beside one of the cells, holding a key-ring.
Smon: Gorok Half-Ogre looks Hakeem over. "You want to see the new one?"
chris107: I need to finish at 10 Simon
Smon: (can finish now?)
Smon: (or couple mins)
chris107: a few minutes more would be good.
Smon: ok
chris107: "Aye please."
Smon: Hakeem passes by cells containing a wild-eyed shaggy-haired Tharbrian man, a heavy-set tusked orc, a buxom Skandik valkyrie, and comes up to Gorok as he turns the lock and opens the cell door.
Smon: "There, the Wood Nymph."
chris107: Is it Aya?
chris107: "Come here girl, let me get a look at you."
Smon: At the back of the cell, the dark-haired girl blinks in the light as Garnoth raises a torch. Then she scrambles to her feet.
Smon: "Hakeem!!!"
Smon: It's Aya.
chris107: Oops
Smon: good place to stop
chris107: Good place to leave it?
chris107: Nice one Simon! I enjoyed that.
Smon: yes, I love doing the no combat stuff sometimes
chris107: I better get off and make supper now. Thanks for the unexpected game.
Smon: dice seemed to like you tonight!
chris107: Yeah it was a lot of fun
Smon: bye now - btw hakeem got 1900 xp last time
chris107: Makes a nice change.
Smon: I'll post this & xp
chris107: See you Wednesday!
chris107: Nice
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