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Jane Poole of Bognor Regis with Lorius Vex of Ahyf. |
Exploration, Roleplay & Discovery=1800 each
Total 2200 each
Hakeem 2200+241,988=244,188/265,000 LEVEL 17 Dagda 2200+89,600=91,800/100,000 LEVEL 11
27/1/4447: Shieldbiter (w Helga) flies Aya to Thusia, they should arrive that evening.
Hakeem heads south.
28/1: meets Lorius Vex & Jane Poole at Sky God Idol.
29/1: Continues south w Dagda.
6:05pm 2017-4-23 Smon Has entered the room
chris107: Hey Simon
Smon: Hi chris
chris107: Will Billor Fergus be joining us?
Smon: I think it's just us tonight, if so hopefully mostly talky stuff.
chris107: Cool.
chris107: Spent the afternoon exploring the real Blackmoor
Smon: I kinda like not feeling pressured to come up with a battle anyway sometimes - where is Blackmoor?
chris107: It's on the borders betwixt Lancashire and Yorkshire.
chris107: Under the shadow of Pendle Hill where witches were tried in the middle ages.
Smon: GM: 27/1/47 After a couple nights resting & relaxing in Shieldbiter's Hall, you are fully healed up and ready for battle once more.
Smon: BTW rem when you berserk you take a level of Exhaustion until you can rest.
chris107: Excellent.
chris107: Recover up to three levels of exhaustion/day with a short rest as anAltanian Barbarian?
Smon: Shieldbiter has Helga re-equipped in Ghinarian bronze plate & warspear so she looks like a proper Shieldmaiden, he also provides Dagda a shield from his extensive supply.
Smon: (yup)
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 5,
chris107: Nice, probablyslightly nibbled?
Smon: heh yup
chris107: Can Prince Shieldbiter arrange a suitably well protected caravan to get Aya to Thusia?
Smon: Every shield nibbled honours Bondorr and the Dragonborn-Altanian Alliance.
chris107: Having gone through all that to rescue her I'd hate to see her come to harm.
chris107: hehe
Smon: He was going to fly her there on the Royal Wyvern - you too if you want.
chris107: Hakeem needs to slip off the radar and head south to explore the Three Swords Isle.
Smon: It's been fitted with special panier saddles and he insists he can get five people on it and still take off.
chris107: But he would be very grateful if Shieldbiter could fly Aya there.
chris107: (I'm quite enjoying incognito Hakeem )
Smon: (yeah me too) OK Shieldbiter will fly Aya there, taking Helga of course.
Smon: He promises to catch up later.
Smon: Where are you heading from Trade then?
chris107: Cool. Hakeem will borrow 50GP from Shieldbiter if he can. + get a stained and worn travelling cloak.
chris107: I think it best to avoid Kren's Cairn and the other coastal towns.
Smon: Shieldbiter has Carol the serving girl bring you a platter with 50gp in coin and some provisions, meat bread and a gourd of lemonade.
chris107: So he will stock upon trail rations and water canteens before heading off into the wilds
Smon: Sue digs around and finds you the dirtiest most ragged travel cloak in Trade.
chris107: excellent
chris107: Skirting between Sceros and Theber
Smon: "Here you are sir... " she says, her nose wrinkling at the slightly rank aroma rising from it. "Archimedes the drunken beggar was happy to sell it."
chris107: and passing the Sky God Idol to the east
chris107: passing west of Bratanis, Kalmisj and Ghutaris
chris107: "At least he has principles."
chris107: Quips Hakeem
chris107: He means to stop and reprovision at the Citadel of Water.
chris107: (and then Iwill need to bring up the next map )
chris107: He will rely on his Barbarian heriatage to sneak through the wilds.
Smon: Fully equipped, Hakeem bids farewell to Trade and heads out the gate, a light drizzle falling as he hikes south-west through fields and meadows towards a line of sandstone hills NW of Theber.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
chris107: He keeps well below the ridgelines
Smon: Reaching the hills, you find a recent trail that leads to a sandstone cliff that shows signs of recent excavation - someone has begun digging a tunnel.
chris107: not wishing to be spotted from the town.
chris107: Any tracks about?
Smon: Tracks lead back towards Trade - make a Survival check
chris107: What size of tunnel?
Smon: INT or WIS + Prof
Smon: about 5' wide by 7' high, arched.
chris107: +2 for Altani Barbarian?
Smon: yup
chris107: Or did I make that up?
Smon: nope you're right
chris107 rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 18, (+8) = 26
chris107: He still has it
chris107: Still a Barbarian at heart.
Smon: Nice - Dragonborn tracks, the most recent about 3 days old. It looks like a group of 3 dragonborn were mining here, dumping rubble at the edge of a clearing before the cliff face.
chris107: He creeps towards the entrance to take a look.
Smon: There's about a 10' long passage that looks to widen into a chamber ahead.
chris107: He stops close to the entrance and listens..
Smon: just the sound of rain water dripping from the trees behind you.
Smon: /roll d6
chris107: What time of day is it?
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: Not noon yet.
Smon: You left about 9am, currently ca 11am.
chris107: Tempted as he is to inspect the cave further he decides to press on with his journey.
Smon: Skirting the cliff you soon find a way upslope.
chris107: (He will mark it on the crude map he is making however)
Smon: And rise up into the hills, soon catching your first glimpse of the mighty Sky God Idol rising from its peak miles off.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
chris107: Does he think he can reach the idol before darkness falls?
Smon: The day's trek is uneventful, by nightfall you have done around 20 miles and are probably 5-6 miles from the Idol.
Smon: The terrain is tough going as you cross ridgelines and down into deep dells.
chris107: He will search for a stand of trees or some other cover to make camp.
Smon: There are plenty of trees.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
chris107: Laying snares and trip wires around his biouac.
Smon: You find a stand and bivouac for the night...
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 2,
Smon: The weather 'worsens', heavy rain buckets down, little bother to Hakeem.
chris107: He searches the area for spoor or other tell tale signs of predators
Smon: Then just after full dark a flash of lightning illuminates the Idol rising to the SW.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
chris107: "Bondorr guides me."
Smon: nothing recent, some hyenadons passed by a week or so ago.
chris107: His supersticious barbarian mind tells him that Bondorr wishes him to visit the fables idol.
chris107: (The following day)
Smon: The night passes wet but uneventful.
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 1,
chris107: He vaguely remembers exploring a dungeon nearby?
Smon: The weather worsens further. Yes there are dungeon pits at the foot of the idol.
Smon: Lightning flashes and thunder rolls across the hilltops.
Smon: Hakeem sets out, the slopes are muddy and treacherous.
Smon: Make a CON+Prof check DC 15
chris107: This is troublesome but he is sure Bondorr wishes for him to go to the Sky Father's Idol for some reason. And he will head there in the morning.
chris107 rolls 1d20+11 and gets: 4, (+11) = 15
Smon: (Endurance check)
chris107: eek
chris107: just!
Smon: Hakeem is starting to get tired, but no Exhaustion yet. Still it's clear why armies don't campaign in the Wet Season...
chris107: He will make a proper warm camp and rest at the Zeus' idol.
Smon: Around noon Hakeem comes out onto the Pilgrim's trail that leads from the Sky God Idol east to Bratanis.
chris107: Resting for a full half day and a night.
Smon: The Idol rises about half a mile off.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
chris107: Using the huge statue as cover and building a proper fire to dry his clothes and heat his food.
Smon: Looking towards the Idol, suddenly Hakeem sees a massive explosion at its base - BOOM! A Fireball!
chris107: Hakeem looks for cover, he needs to see what's going on.
chris107: (Half expecting to see the horned helmet of Tim..erm Oriax )
chris107: He touches the silver pendant at his throat for luck.
Smon: OOC Sorry taking me awhile to find the dungeon!
chris107: noprobs, chilled, relaxed night here
Smon: found it on drivethrurpg
chris107: Really enjoying playing Hakeem again
Smon: It looks like the Fireball occurred in front of the dungeons/ruined halls at the foot of the statue.
chris107: Can he creep forward and take a look? Keeping to what ever (if any) cover is available.
chris107: And putting a couple of heavy stones into his pouch belt to chuck if need be.
Smon: Creeping cautiously forward, Hakeem covers 1/3 mile or so and at the edge of a treeline sees the trail leading to the entrance to the ancient halls at the foot of the cliff on which stands the gigantic winged statue, facing east towards the dawn over the sea.
chris107: Can he see any movement?
Smon: There is smoke in the air, a large swathe of charred ground in front of the entrance on which lie scattered half a dozen small charred bodies - goblins.
chris107: He looks for evidence of hidden wiziards.
chris107: Or even ones in plain sight..
chris107: Do the Goblins look like they were trying to get into the caves or had come out of them?
Smon: They look like they came out of the caves, and were facing roughly in your direction when fireballed.
chris107: And no sign of the person who cast the spell?
Smon: Two sets of human sized sandal-prints can be discerned. Looks like they looted the goblins then went west into the arched entryway
chris107: Hmmmm
chris107: Well Bondorr brought him here for a reason.
chris107: He will creep down, keeping out of sight of the entrance if possible
chris107: "I hope you know what you are doing mighty Bondorr...."
Smon: You circle round, approaching the entrance from the north you should be out of sight.
chris107: he will do that.
Smon: GM: Hakeem reaches the entryway, looks in.
chris107: (Oriax and Joseph?)
Smon: Two goblin corpses lie sprawled just inside, killed by swordstroke.
Smon: The passage runs west 20' into the cliff then turns north.
chris107: he creeps in as far as the light allows and looks north.
Smon: You go in - looking north the passage runs 20' n then turns w. Muddy human-sized tracks lead down the tunnel.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: It's quiet.
chris107: He listens for sounds ahead..
chris107: ah
Smon: WIS+Prof check
chris107: if the light allows he will head north then sneak a look west.
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 8, (+6) = 14
Smon: Hakeem hears nothing.
chris107: He doesn't want to surprise a trigger happy wiziard
Smon: Sneaking north to where the passage turns - it is pitch black here, but looking west you think you see a faint glow as of reflected firelight from down the tunnel. It looks as if the tunnel splits after 10' w a side tunnel north and the glow comes from that direction.
chris107: Does Hakeem have torches in his adventures pack?
Smon: yup
Smon: Also he has a suspicion he could get the Sword of Bondorr to crackle with lightning if he wished...
chris107: He will strike one up and hiss down the passagway in common "Friend wizards, do not blow me to smitherenes. I come in peace."
chris107: That would look really cool but he is incognito after all.
7:05pm 2017-4-23 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
Smon: You hear sudden movement, then a woman's voice: "W-who's there?! Show yourself!"
Smon: Hi Fergus!
chris107: Hey Fergus! You made it
Sandor Sunneson: Evening!!
Sandor Sunneson: Is it Hakeem we;re playing??
chris107: "Happily, but steady on with those fireballs. I'm no goblin."
chris107: It is
Sandor Sunneson: Dagda happy to help too if required
Smon: GM We can say Dagda decided to follow Hakeem up into the hills and caught up with him just as he entered the dungeons at the foot of Sky God Idol.
chris107: Hakeem, sword in scabbard and hands held high slowly shows himself.
Sandor Sunneson: Sky God Idol, that sounds like a talent competition for Sky Gods!
Smon: Dagda you came out from the trail to see cliff with dungeon entrance, burned goblin bodies lying around and Hakeem just entering.
chris107: hehe
Smon: Following him into the tunnel, it turns n then w, unlit but you suddenly see Hakeem as he lights a torch - Hakeem you see Dagda just 10' away behind you.
chris107: Hakeem has his cloak wrapped around him and his hood up.
Sandor Sunneson: Hakeem friend, I never knew you had the power to fireball goblins too!
chris107: "I am but a wandering Barbarian. I saw your handy-work on the goblins. Nicely done."
Smon: Hakeem is at an intersection, he is talking to someone down a north side passage.
Smon: brb tea
chris107: "And this is my friend Dagda."
Sandor Sunneson: (Who else is in the party??)
chris107: just Hakeem
Sandor Sunneson: Ah, a woman's voice.........
chris107: He's heading south incognito. He thinks Bondor sent him a sign to go to the Sky God Idol.
Smon: 25' down the north passage is a doorway, door ajar, in the east wall, from which firelight comes.
Smon: The woman's voice comes again: "If you are friendly, approach then - slowly!" She sounds a bit nervous.
chris107: "Are we okay to approach?"
chris107: Hands in clear sight Hakeem approaches slowly
Smon: Past the door the passage reaches a T-junction after another 10' or so.
Sandor Sunneson: (I bet when GM revealswhat she looks like she will have a fine set of mammories)
Sandor Sunneson: I hold you no quarrel lady
Smon: Hakeem reaches the open door, looks in to see a merry fire composed of broken furniture in the middle of what looks like the remains of an ancient laboratory, broken glass and some intact containers lie scattered around.
Smon: Near the fire is a comfortable campsite. In the middle of the room stand two figures, an athletic redhead dressed amazon style, wielding twin blades, and a lanky human male in civilian garb, a gold and ruby pendant at his neck.
chris107: "Hi, I'm Onigan."
Smon: The couple, in more luxurious surrounds - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhs5-QJ83Wq1Sldmg87rb0BmfYsnl8A068wyHcB9IMbFma5w8-4JaJIIcEFlCEx1zfZh7zj5Kgzups0Se3E9tiFjkIYXQNWawWAwoaKRsRpGnXgGVTOU9Q2bT_DrAyvm2DpAPVOQs_j23Q/s1600/4b9205be2d37efef97b902540e2daef0+%25281%2529.jpg
Sandor Sunneson: (alias time??)
chris107: "I was heading south when I saw your handywork."
Sandor Sunneson: Greetings, I'm Callum
chris107: (The alias he's used before, He want's no one knowing where he's heading)
Smon: The woman nods: "I am Jane Poole, of Earth." The man speaks up: "And I am Lorius Vex, most recently of Ahyf."
Sandor Sunneson: (I am aware of that)
Smon: The young man has a somewhat wizardly look to your experienced eye.
chris107: Jane, Lorius. Nice to meet you. May we warm ourselves by your fire?"
Sandor Sunneson: And how do you find yourselves to be in these cosy surroundings?
Smon: Lorius nods: "Damn goblins! We only wanted a shelter from the rain... They disagreed."
chris107: "I have rations to share.."
Smon: Jane brightens: "Rations? What kind of rations?"
Sandor Sunneson: I'm glad you got your way
chris107: "We too need shelter. Strength in numbers?"
chris107: "Only trail rations, but plenty to go round."
Smon: Jane's face falls. "Trail rations? Oh well. Yes we have some too - let's share!" she says brightly, sheathing her blades she squats to dig in her pack. Lorius waves you in.
chris107: Hakeem unpacks his rations. Been carful to keep his wolf skins over his posh armour as he dries his cloak and boots.
Smon: Lorius: "No harm you sharing our fire - handy if more goblins turn up, eh?" He smiles.
chris107: "I'm sure between us we can fight off any curious goblins."
Smon: Fingering the strange amulet he wears. Jane sees him doing this and frowns. "Put that thing away, love."
Smon: Hakeem make DEX+Prof check (sleight of hand)
Sandor Sunneson: You never know, you both on the way somewhere??
chris107: "Callum, will you be joining me on my journy in the morning?"
Smon: Lorius: "Why yes! We're going to Thracia..."
chris107 rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 1, (+8) = 9
Sandor Sunneson: of course
Smon: He glances at Jane. "I'm sure it's alright to tell them, darling."
Sandor Sunneson: lol
chris107: "Thracia? I have journied there myself in the past..."
Smon: Hakeem's wolkskins fall open, revealing his shiny black breastplate and the massive inset diamond. Jane gasps.
chris107: "Oops." He grins sheepishly
Smon: Lorius: "Why yes, it's very close to the old home burg... I say, nice armour!" He smiles encouragingly.
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 20,
Sandor Sunneson: ooooooooh
Smon: Lorius' eyes widen in recognition. "That wouldn't be the Armour of Bondorr, any chance?"
chris107: Hakeem shrugs.
Smon: OOC nat 1 to conceal then nat 20 on INT check to recognise
chris107: "I could tell you what I know of Thracia, may save you some trouble?"
Smon: "I'm sure it is! Doesn't Varek Tigerclaw wear that, though? The Nerathi Death Knight? You're not...?"
chris107: Hakeem's incognito idea is not working out well...
Smon: Jane: "You better not be! Ha ha."
chris107: "I'm afraid I am..."
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
chris107: "I ripped it from the death knight's chest with this hand..."
Smon: A rat scurries past the door.
chris107: "I'm sure we can remain civilised about this?"
Smon: Lorius scratches his head. "Civilised? Oh yes, of course! You're saying you destroyed Varek?! *ulp*"
Smon: Jane: "If that's true, wouldn't want to get on your bad side! Ha ha."
chris107: "He was a mighty sword knight of Bondorr once. But cursed into undeath. I had little choice."
Smon: Lorius' gaze wanders to the hilt of Hakeem's sheathed blade.
Smon: "Indeed..."
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 6,
chris107: "Yes. It is."
Smon: Lorius: "Is what?"
chris107: He draws the mighty blade slowly. Allowing lightning to flicker along it's length.
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 9,
Smon: Jane: "My, that's a big sword!"
chris107: "I took it from my father's cold dead hand."
Smon: Lorius "*ulp* - The - the - the Sword of Bondorr! So you must be... "
Sandor Sunneson: Fine standard of forging on that !!
chris107: "That is an interesting bangle you wear yourself. magical?"
Smon: He catches Jane's eye, they speak together: "Hakeem!!"
chris107: "I am Yusan's bastard. Yes."
Smon: "Bangle - oh, oh, yes, the amulet..."
Smon: Jane: "Do we bow?"
chris107: "Haha no. I am a penniless barbarian from the Midnight Goddess Hills. Not a great lord."
Smon: Lorius: "It - err, it definitely has magic powers. And connected to Thracia. Been feeling a sort of - compulsion - recently... there's script on the back..."
chris107: "Mean anything to you Conner?"
chris107: brb 2 mins
Smon: Jane nods, smiling: "As you wish, Hakeem - Lord Hakeem. Your exploits are legendary." She looks over at Dagda. "I'm sorry, I'm sure yours are too!"
Sandor Sunneson: No, (Callum), lol
Sandor Sunneson: So this earth place you are from, how did you end up here?
Smon: Jane raises an eyebrow at the name change. Lorius shows you the odd runes engraved on the back of the amulet - it looks like Draconic script.
Smon: Jane shrugs: "Oh, usual story - pulled across time and space to a world that should not exist... There were some horrid beasts Lorius tells me were Orcs - but I managed to get away."
Sandor Sunneson: Ok? (look confused), thought earth may have been some place near here I had somehow missed?
Smon: Lorius: "I believe she was brought here by the magics of Oriax the Lecherous - but something went wrong, instead of arriving in his tower she appeared a little to the west."
Sandor Sunneson: And you 2 trying to find the way back to earth?
chris107: oops
Smon: Lorius: "Oh no, Earth is a long way away! The dark mage Oriax brought many earth women here, before Lord Hakeem ended his tyranny!"
chris107: Hakeem is a terrible liar
Smon: Jane: "A way back? Well to start with that was all I thought of..." she says wistfully. "...But now, well, I wouldn't want to leave Lorius here. He has his uses." She grins, Lorius blushes.
chris107: "There is a magical portal, speak with Lady Meda at Thusia, she may be able to advise you on returning to this Earth."
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, well I hope you get to Thracia, what you both hoping to find there?
Smon: Jane nods: "If we could both go back together..."
chris107: Hakeem will tell them of his journies in Thracia.
chris107: The Gnolls up the trees, the lizardmen in the pool etc.
chris107: And draw them a rough map of the levels he explored.
Smon: You settle down round the fire to eat and drink. The strange pair listen to Hakeem's tale and look over his rough maps. Lorius: "Fascinating... So interlinked! A Sphinx, you say?!"
chris107: He tells the story of the mighty Sphinx
Smon: Jane: "Wow... Well I hope she stays friendly!"
chris107: Hakeem takes advantage of the situation to dry all his stuff.
Smon: Lorius: "The lizardmen... I've heard rumours of lizardmen congregating on Thracia. I think it's linked... You see, these runes are ancient Orichalan. They say "The First King Will Rise Again".
chris107: "I have heard those words before..."
Smon: Hakeem thinks back to a rumour he heard recently in Thusia, that a madwoman in Ghutaris has been saying that phrase.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Smon: A beetle crawls over the wall.
Smon: Looking around idly, Dagda notices that a bright green potion lying in one corner of the room is still intact.
chris107: "Beetles and rats..."
Sandor Sunneson: Dagda will go and pick it up and show it to the group
Smon: Lorius: "We're actually fairly competent adventurers, and I thought, if some ancient evil is rising in Thracia, best to check it out, eh? Plus I'm worried about my cousin Hytirus..."
chris107: H is suspicious..
Smon: Jane eyes the potion. "Probably toxic by now!"
chris107: "You should be. I hold Lord Vex in high esteem. But he has fallen low."
Sandor Sunneson: If it's magic, should it not be useable?Can you tell what it is wizard?
Sandor Sunneson: Handing it to Lorius?
Smon: Lorius' face darkens. "Low, yes... He should never have consorted with Oriax. Potion? What? Oh yes, give it here."
Smon: Lorius takes the potion vial.
Smon: "Excessime decidere pondulato!"
chris107: Hakeem tells the story of hitting Oriax on the head with a thrown rock
Smon: "Hmm... some kind of strength potion, I think."
Smon: Jane smiles delightedly and claps at Hakeem's tale. "That's the spirit!"
chris107: "He fell from the sky like a striken pigeon."
Smon: Lorius: "Pity you didn't kill the horned bastard... Oh well, next time, eh?"
chris107: "I did try. I really did. I will have his head eventually. "
chris107: For now we should rest. I have a long and perilous journy ahead."
Smon: Lorius nods. "There are rumours that Hytirus listens only to a strange priest from Thracia... *yawn*, yes, let's turn in."
Smon: Jane moves over to Lorius' bedroll, then glances at Hakeem & Dagda: "If you two wish to sleep... We'll take first watch."
chris107: "We have friends heading to Selatine. They may be able to help you."
chris107: Jane/Dagda first watch?
Sandor Sunneson: Ok
Smon: Jane seems keen.
chris107: Lorius/Hakeem second?
Smon: Jane is clearly wanting to get busy with the young mage...
chris107: (Don't want them to get tempted into hoodwinking the Slayer. He'd hate for this encounter to end... in blood.)
Sandor Sunneson: (indeed, agree)
Smon: Lorius: "I better be on first watch, need a full night's sleep to get my spells back."
chris107: Okay. Hakeem and Lorius first watch
Sandor Sunneson: Hakeem to join him? How many HP is Hakeem down?
chris107: We rested a few days in Trade. We are at fyull
Smon: Jane sighs & frowns at Hakeem's suggestion, but nods. "Oh alright then. I'll take second. Goodnight."
Smon: She rolls over, pulling her furs over her, and is soon snoozing soundly.
Smon: Lorius looks down at her fondly, fingering the amulet.
Sandor Sunneson: Dagda gets 40 winks
chris107: "Where did you discover the amulet Lorius?"
Smon: Dagda settles down.
Smon: Lorius: "Where? Oh, it was down in the Dyson's Delve, a while ago."
chris107: Hmmmmmmm
Smon: "The lower levels aren't Nerathi - they're Orichalan!"
chris107: "And it is...erm.. encouraging you to go to Thracia?"
Sandor Sunneson: (is this like the ring of LOTR? posessing the wearer?_
Sandor Sunneson: )
chris107: "Aye the Nerathi have been searching for a magical amulet in the lower levels..."
Smon: "We had some other adventurers with us, but there was a bit of a falling out, we went our separate ways... " He nods. "Yes. I do feel it tugging at me. But I'm not a lizardman, I can resist it alright."
chris107: "The Heart of Elemental Chaos, I think they call it?"
Smon: Lorius nods: "Why yes! Dyson sought the Heart! That's why he dug the Delve, they said..."
Smon: "No one knows if he ever found it."
chris107: "Have you heard the rumours? About Dyson."
Smon: Jane is snoring gently.
chris107: "They say he is still in the Delves."
Smon: "Rumours? I heard he was connected to Thracia - he defeated the Deathwalkers of Thanatos, drove them from the surface... When the Nerath Empire was young."
Smon: "Still in? You mean his corpse? He's not a ...Lich?!"
chris107: "The rumours vary."
chris107: "But in these troubled times, rumour is rife."
Smon: Lorius looks thoughtful, rubs his cheek. "You know Lord Hakeem, if some Orichaland Dragon Lord is awakening in Thracia, chances are it's above my competence. It may take a mighty hero to face the threat. Someone like ...you."
Smon: "I mean I can throw a fireball or two, but the Dragon Lords... Well they're a different kettle of mackerel."
chris107: "I have a number of calls on my time my friend." He grins.
Smon: "Yes... Yes I'm sure you do. Very busy man."
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Sandor Sunneson: oooooooooooh
Smon: /roll d6
chris107: "But I will look into these matters at Thracia."
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Sandor Sunneson: about to be even busier
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 5,
chris107: eeks, Simon's 6's!
Smon: Suddenly Hakeem hears a click-clacketing sound from the corridor outside! He just has time to draw steel, when several animated skeletons appear at the doorway!
Smon: Hakeem roll init
chris107: Chance to test your new equipment Fergus.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
11 (+2) = 13
12 (+2) = 14
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 6, (+2) = 8
Smon: Lorius is surprised. Hakeem can Rage to avoid surprise, and attack (2 atts) or eg wake up Dagda.
chris107: He will rage and attack, shouting his battle cry should wake his new chum
chris107: "BONDORR!"
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Sandor Sunneson: and the sleeping lady!
Smon: /roll d4+2
Smon rolls 1d4+2 and gets: 3, (+2) = 5
Smon: OK Hakeem leaps to his feet and flings himself at the foe...
Smon: can roll to hit
chris107 Rolls 1d20+14x2 and gets:
17 (+14) = 31
11 (+14) = 25
Smon: AC 13
chris107 rolls 2d8+24 and gets: 3, 6, (+24) = 33
Smon: Two mighty blows pound a skeleton warrior to fragments.
Smon: The remaining four hack and slash at Hakeem with their axes.
Smon: /roll d20+5x8
chris107: AC22
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x8 and gets:
16 (+5) = 21
15 (+5) = 20
7 (+5) = 12
7 (+5) = 12
15 (+5) = 20
10 (+5) = 15
3 (+5) = 8
5 (+5) = 10
Smon: LOL
Smon: They bounce off pathetically.
Smon: Dagda roll WIS+Prof DC 8 to wake up.
Sandor Sunneson: Can Dagda attack?
Smon: Jane:
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 14,
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
Smon: Jane also starts awake, reaching for her swords. Sandor roll init
Smon: I mean Dagda
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 7,
Sandor Sunneson: +1=8
Smon: tied w skels
Smon: Lorius init:
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 17, (+2) = 19
Smon: Jane init
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 16, (+4) = 20
Sandor Sunneson: think I'm last??
Smon: Jane flings herself at the skels, blades dancing.
Smon: /roll d20+7x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x3 and gets:
1 (+7) = 8
6 (+7) = 13
15 (+7) = 22
Smon: 2 hits
Smon: /roll 4d6+8
Smon rolls 4d6+8 and gets: 3, 6, 5, 2, (+8) = 24
Smon: She badly damages one but it's still up.
Smon: Lorius casts magic missile - one missile explodes that skel, two hit a second.
Smon: /roll 2d4+2
Smon rolls 2d4+2 and gets: 3, 3, (+2) = 8
Smon: One skel turns to fight Jane, 2 face Hakeem. His go.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+14x2 and gets:
10 (+14) = 24
18 (+14) = 32
chris107 rolls 2d8+24 and gets: 2, 8, (+24) = 34
Smon: Hakeem smashes another skeleton, only 2 left.
Smon: vs Jane:
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
8 (+5) = 13
6 (+5) = 11
Smon: She parries
Smon: vs Hakeem
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
20 (+5) = 25
5 (+5) = 10
Smon: crit!
chris107: Retaliate
Smon: /roll 2d12+3
Smon rolls 2d12+3 and gets: 11, 5, (+3) = 19
Smon: Hakeem takes 19/2=9
Smon: can retaliate
chris107: 200/209
chris107 rolls 1d20+14 and gets: 5, (+14) = 19
chris107 rolls 1d8+12 and gets: 8, (+12) = 20
Smon: Ribs smash but it's still up. Dagda your go.
Smon: 2 damaged skels left.
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 8, (+7) = 15
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 3, (+7) = 10
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 11,
Smon: which one are you going for first?
Sandor Sunneson: +7=18
Sandor Sunneson: injured one
Smon: 2 hits but you are +8 I think
Smon: Hakeem's one has 6 hp left
Sandor Sunneson: d8+6 damage
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8+6 and gets: 4, (+6) = 10
Smon: You smash it then hit the one on Jane.
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 1,
Sandor Sunneson: 7 damage
Smon: r3 Jane yells "Hiyah!" and slashes.
Smon: /roll d20+7x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x3 and gets:
4 (+7) = 11
12 (+7) = 19
5 (+7) = 12
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: /roll 2d6+4
Smon rolls 2d6+4 and gets: 4, 6, (+4) = 14
Smon: 29 damage - it staggers back as she slashes its spine, then collapses in a heap of bones.
Smon: You win.
Smon: Jane kicks a skull across the floor. "Bothersome things."
chris107: "Nice fight guys."
chris107: "But it did interupt your sleep."
Smon: Lorius: "Hmm... I think if we dowse the fire now, the room is warm enough... We can bar the door, hopefully remain undisturbed?"
Sandor Sunneson: wonder who sent them\
Smon: Jane glances at Dagda. "Any ideas?"
chris107: "Let's give it a try. My stuff is nice and dry now."
Sandor Sunneson: Think someone knows you're here H
Smon: Lorius douses the fire with two waterskins, which sets thick black stinky smoke rising.
Smon: Jane blinks. "Ow!"
chris107: "I thought I hadn't been followed. But then you turned up."
Smon: Lorius: "Give it a minute to disperse..."
Sandor Sunneson: Not sure, seems a bit random to come across 6 skeletons
chris107: "I have vague memories of exploring these dungeons before."
chris107: "They could just be wandering monsters."
Smon: Jane: "There were 8 goblins at the entrance... God playing dice with the universe, no doubt!"
Smon: She smiles.
chris107: "But tomorrow we make haste. Fast and secret."
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, lets get back to resting
Smon: Lorius coughs at the smoke. "These were old temple halls, a long time ago. Some magic may animate them as Guardians..."
chris107: Hakeems eyes redden with the smoke, he wipes the grime from his face.
Smon: Eventually the smoke disperses, you bar the door and settle down, eventually Hakeem wakes Dagda & Lorius wakens Jana. She yawns sleepily.
Smon: Hakeem & Lorius settle down and fall asleep. Jane eyes the sodden mess of the fire, pulls her furs about her shoulders.
Smon: "*sigh* It was warmer outside than in this Dungeon! Don't you think?" (to Dagda)
Sandor Sunneson: Lets hope it's less eventful than previous shift
Sandor Sunneson: Yeah. gives me the creeps this place
Sandor Sunneson: Unfort I have no furs to give to you
Smon: She nods. "They were a bit tougher than most skels... Would have got bloody without you two here... Oh it's ok, I'm not really cold." She smiles slightly at Dagda.
Smon: "You're a Tharbrian, right? Like Irish?"
Sandor Sunneson: Irish? Never been called that before
Sandor Sunneson: Possibly
Smon: "It's like Tharbrian... the Wild Men, they call you." She grins.
Sandor Sunneson: Yes, from the northern mountains
Smon: "Mountains? Scottish, then!"
Sandor Sunneson: That's us, wild men and well endowed, that's our legend
Sandor Sunneson: What's Scottish?
Sandor Sunneson: This place seems to be full of wilderlands, lots of squabbles wherever I go
Smon: She nods, grinning. "I'm English - I think that's like Alryan - or maybe Alryan is Italian... But the Skandiks are definitely Scandinavian, I got that one right away! "
Sandor Sunneson: Hmm...ok, guess you are talking about earth?
Smon: "Scottish is like Tharbrian - wild men from the mountains, well... well, as you say."
Smon: She nods. "Yes."
Smon: Jane Poole looks a little wistful, thinking of her lost homeworld.
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, well if you get the chance to visit, you should, lovely scenery, but food ain't the best, not much fertile soil up there, so yes, a bit wild
Smon: "Lots of squabbles, but I do quite like it here. I was always pretty good with the sword, but not much call for that in Bognor Regis..."
Sandor Sunneson: What would you want to do back on earth anyway? You seem quite well adapted to here, you can look after yourself here
Sandor Sunneson: Bog? Does it smell gassy?
chris107: (Bugger Bognor as the old King said )
Smon: "I would like to visit Tharbria some time... despite the food. Do? Well I was hoping to qualify for the Olympic fencing team, 2016... I guess that's over now, though."
Sandor Sunneson: Sounds rather mundane, no disrespect to you Jane, well you have left anyway!
Sandor Sunneson: Always other dreams to go for instead......
Smon: She nods. "I would like to let my family know I'm ok, but apart from that..."
Smon: "I guess being an Adventurer is quite good fun!"
Sandor Sunneson: could your partner not send them a dream?
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
Smon: "I don't think so... He doesn't have that kind of power. Not yet, anyway."
Sandor Sunneson: I escaped from the fight pit, so accidental adventurer
Sandor Sunneson: Just follow your heart lady, you seem content
Smon: Jane looks around the grimy dungeon laboratory. "This is the life, eh... You were a slave there too? I was, for a short while - in Ahyf. Bloody ogre..."
Sandor Sunneson: And happiness in that form is important
Sandor Sunneson: They could have killed me, so always a positive, and end up in your company too,
Smon: Jane nods: "Wise words... Thank you."
Sandor Sunneson: as well as those 2, so all good!
Smon: Jane chuckles. "Cheers. Some wine?" She offers a flask.
Smon: The long night drags on.
Sandor Sunneson: We should be on duty, why not a cheeky half glass
Sandor Sunneson: I've got eyes that can see through the dark being a half elf,
Sandor Sunneson: which does help
Smon: Jane & Dagda share a 'cheeky half glass' (well a bit more), chatting long about their respective backgrounds.
Sandor Sunneson: You 2 were hoping to pass the time another way, lol
Smon: Jane blushes, looks down. "Umm... "
Sandor Sunneson: Animal instinct lady, no need to be so prudish, you're amongst friends here
Sandor Sunneson: Only teasing, it was quite obvious, made me giggle
Smon: Jane looks up, chewing her bottom lip slightly. "Could you maybe, er, in a few hours go to bed without waking Hakeem? Then Lorius and I could have a little time alone... I'll be quiet, I promise!"
Sandor Sunneson: I think I would have to think of the greater good unfort, there is much danger here,
Sandor Sunneson: I wouldn't want to face his wrath either
Smon: Jane looks downcast. "Oh, I see. Oh well, I guess..."
Smon: She falls silent.
Sandor Sunneson: You have nice red hair anyway, so guess you might be what they call it ?? Scottish? Irish??
Sandor Sunneson: Jane, you're an attractive lady, I'm sure you'll both have your privacy soon enough
Sandor Sunneson: Sorry, you're English, but maybe somewhere in your bloodline
Smon: Jane nods brightly. "Yes! My parents both have Scottish ancestry! Although Poole is an English name, Chester area..."
Smon: "I guess I am a little Tharbrian at heart, though!" She grins.
Sandor Sunneson: Well he's a lucky guy having red headed girls, red headed girls back home are seen as an excellent catch
chris107: (OOC Magroth, first King of Nerath... "The First King Rises in the Darkness...)
Sandor Sunneson: So you remember that!
Smon: Jane: "Really? Where I'm from it's not so popular, actually..."
Sandor Sunneson: Well what do they know?
Smon: Jane: "Indeed!"
Smon: GM: Eventually 6 hours pass and it's time to wake Hakeem & Lorius again.
Smon: Lorius studies his (slightly damp) spell book with furrowed brow.
chris107: (OOC could Magroth be 'rising' in Thracia, alongside Dyson in his Delves? )
Smon: GM: Are you heading outside at dawn?
chris107: "And we my friend need to make tracks."
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 3,
chris107: "We have a way to go."
Smon: The rain has eased off a little.
chris107: Aye if that's okay with you Fergus?
Sandor Sunneson: Lets go,
Sandor Sunneson: It iss
Smon: Jane yawns and stretches luxuriantly at the dungeon entrance,
Sandor Sunneson: Got XP to collect
chris107: We bid Jane and Lorius farewell.
Smon: Lorius: "We're heading east to Bratanis... If you're not, farewell then."
Sandor Sunneson: Nice chatting Jane, and good luck to you both
Smon: Jane winks at Dagda: "Goodbye friends!"
Smon: She waves, hefting her backpack.
chris107: "We head west."
chris107: Which they will do for a little while before turning south.
chris107: towards the citadel of water.
Smon: Lorius: "Oh, right... If you reach the Temple Tomb of Belaras say hello to my cousin Jana... bye now."
chris107: Hakeem waves at them in a friendly fashion.
Smon: You take your leave and head west a little, then turn south, up into the wild hills...
Smon: Stop there?
chris107: Good for me
Smon: Just a wee fight but you could have searched the dungeon of course.
Sandor Sunneson: Sure
Smon: I do like the character development stuff anyway.
chris107: Hakeem has too many things to do already.
chris107: Yeah, we learned a lot tonight
Sandor Sunneson: On Wed, I'll be joining at about 7.45, my tour finishes at 7, so will head back here ASAP, already have pizza in freezer for meal
chris107: Hakeem's slow mind is pulling the threads together.
Smon: Time for a whisky...
Smon: ok thx Fergus
Sandor Sunneson: Thrubrian malt?
chris107: Thanks for the extra games Simon. See you both on Wednesday. Have a good week
Sandor Sunneson: when you want to continue this one u 2?
chris107: When ever is good for you.
Sandor Sunneson: I'm away for May day weekend, Fri to Mon, but could do Thurs?
Smon: Saturday good
Smon: Thursday good too
chris107: Thursday good for me.
chris107: And Saturday.
Sandor Sunneson: Cool Thursday it is
chris107: yay! Good night then chaps.
Sandor Sunneson: I can't do Saturday, away for weekend break hill walking
Smon: I have osteo Thursday pm but would be back by 8pm latest
chris107: Thanks again!
Sandor Sunneson: but you 2 can continue
Smon: So will say Thursday 8pm but might be earlier
Sandor Sunneson: ok 8pm Thurs, cool, I'll be around anyway
chris107: Cool
Smon: OK see you both on Wednesday w Bill & Don!
chris107: G'night
Sandor Sunneson: night gents and chat soon
Smon: bye, will post log now
Sandor Sunneson: night
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