Saturday, 26 May 2018
12/5/48 Erdea Manor #5 - final.
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7:29am 2018-5-26 Smon Has entered the room
Smon: Morning Chris
chris107: Morning Simon
chris107: Lots of Ogres this morning?
Smon: could be
chris107: Yay!
chris107: Danor is pretty epic agin the Ogres
chris107: A pretty good team.
7:32am 2018-5-26 Keelia Has entered the room
chris107: Hi Keelia, good week?
Keelia: Morning, gentlemen
Keelia: Not too horrible. Accepted a new job since I didn't like my current one. And handed in my notice.
Keelia: How about you?
Smon: Hi Keelia
Keelia: hi simon!
chris107: Congrats on the new job. All good here a few days on the south coast now back in sunny Yorkshire.
Keelia: that sounds lovely
chris107: 1 min brb
7:35am 2018-5-26 JamesDevil Has entered the room
Smon: Hi James!
JamesDevil: Morning all, soz i'm a bit late
Keelia: hi james!
Smon: OK group now quorate once Chris gets back
Smon: GM: end of last session >>Smon: Chest is much bigger than the coins Sandor Sunneson: We'll put coins in packs then Smon: GM: You collect up the money - 250gp per PC.<<
chris107: Morning James
JamesDevil: morning
JamesDevil: is anyone missing Aid?
Keelia: ME
chris107: Me too
Keelia: sorry for caps. new keyboard - the keys are oddly spaced
JamesDevil: Aid cast for everyone then
Keelia: thanks!
chris107: (I am also 2HP down)
chris107: Thanks
JamesDevil: wel now you have +5 temp hp
chris107: Fab
chris107: 47/44HP
chris107: and one Second Wind used.
Smon: GM: You are currently in the shrine/bedchamber of the ogre shaman, stairs down to north.
JamesDevil: "down we go I suppose?
chris107: (I have no exits from that area marked on my map
Keelia: Bright Star nods and takes the stairs back down
chris107: except along the long N-S corridor
Keelia: (we went up the stairs to the loft, now we go back down then back out of the room into the corridor, I think)
Smon: Yup no other exits. The stairs to north go back down to the large three-tiered hall with the corridor off to the north.
Keelia: Bright Star is going to have a quick look for hidden doors
chris107: yup, that's how I've got it
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 19, (+6) = 25
Smon: BS checks the walls - definitely solid, she is confident no secret doors here.
Keelia: (what a lovely roll to start, and probably wasted )
chris107: So back north and look into the first chamber on the west?
Keelia: She trots back down the stairs and heads back to the corridor
chris107: (opposite the blocked off door)
chris107: (M lowers the light from his sword down to 'low')
Keelia: (there is North and the door to examine? The door leads down?)
chris107: (I have an opening opposite the barricaded door/store room and then further north steps down?)
Smon: >>back north and look into the first chamber on the west?<< Down the north corridor 30' there is a landing chamber to west with stairs going down from its west end. This is opposite a closed door in the east wall, which Mordred reckons must be the same door blocked off by furniture on its east side (+25 map XP Mordred)
Smon: To the north the corridor continues north.
chris107: yup
Keelia: ah, now i understand what you meant by blocked. I thought we removed the furniture to get through so I got confused
Keelia: Bright Star will stealth north
Keelia rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 3, (+13) = 16
chris107: (Posted my map)
chris107: M waits on the landing area
Keelia: Bright Star looks to him. "Shall Bright Star go first?"
chris107: (Oh sorry, thought you meant north-north. )
Smon: >>Bright Star will stealth north<< BS heads north down the corridor. After about 30' she reaches a broad archway in the east wall leading to the chamber with the pressure plate/gas trap. Just to the north are stairs going down about 15', it looks as if the corridor continues north beyond the stairs. BS saw 2 ogres there before, no sign of them now.
chris107: "By all means my feline friend."
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
Keelia: She glances at the others to see if they wish to proceed this direction,
Smon: Are the others following BS north down the corridor?
chris107: Could we have a description of what M sees from the landing firt? Then catch up?
Smon: Mordred is standing on the landing. It has a largish alcove on the north side. On the west side spiral steps descend steeply into darkness.
chris107: he'll listen down the stairs then if all is silent move north after BS
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 10, (+3) = 13
Smon: Faint sounds drift up the stairs from below, it sounds like a deep, angry, inhuman voice muttering to itself.
JamesDevil: Danor will follow as stealthily as hit armour will allow
chris107: He will advise the others when we are all together,
Smon: Danor stomps north after BS.
Keelia: Bright Star is still looking back, waiting to see who is going where.
chris107: M creeping up to catch up with BS
Smon: Mordred leaves the alcove and catches up with the others down the corridor, just south of the northern stairs, with the pressure plate room to east.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Keelia: Bright Star will continue forward, keeping an eye out for traps (pp 18, pi 16)
Smon: BS creeps down the short flight of stairs until the tunnel levels out again. There are recent ogre footprints on the muddy stone floor here. The tunnel runs north another 20' or so to a T junction.
Keelia: Which way does the footprints head?
Smon: back and forth.
Smon: Can roll investigation.
Smon: or survival
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 18, (+6) = 24
Keelia: investigation
chris107: nice start
Smon: It looks as if the most recent prints are 2 large ogres heading south up the stairs - likely the 2 BS saw before.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Keelia: she will follow
Smon: BS heads north to the T-junction. All is quiet.
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 18, (+6) = 24
Keelia: for investigation to further follow footprints
Smon: At the T junction she sees: to east the tunnel runs ca 10' then opens onto the south side of a chamber's west wall, chamber about 20' e-w. To the west the tunnel runs ca 10' and then opens into the east side of a larger chamber with much wrecked furniture and beer casks, a faint smell of spilled beer, torn drapes on the walls.
Smon: The ogre prints go east.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Keelia: Bright Star will head East
chris107: M waits at the T junction
Smon: BS steps into the east chamber - it's largely empty, but for a ragged bear pelt sleeping rug and a few nails and other spikey bits lying by the rug. It's dry here, no mud on the floor. The chamber is about 30' deep n-s with an archway exit at the n end of the e wall.
Smon: M follows up to the T junction.
Smon: The chamber to west looks like the wrecked remains of a dwarven tavern, a torn tapestry shows a dwarf hero standing over a dying steel bull.
Keelia: Bright Star heads towards the archway exit
Smon: BS heads across the east chamber to the arch. Looking through she sees a narrow antechamber with an arch on east side opening into a final chamber about 20' or so deep, with a pile of ogre-sized sleeping rugs.
Smon: OOC I'm assuming Danor is with Mordred unless James says otherwise.
Keelia: she will creep in carefully
Keelia rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 1, (+13) = 14
Keelia: for stealth
JamesDevil: i am indeed#
Smon: BS creeps east into the sleeping chamber, a pebble skitters away underfoot.
Smon: There is a strong ogre stench here.
Keelia: she huffs quietly to herself about that - she'll need to practice more
Smon: BS sees some crude charcoal writing on the east wall of this last chamber.
Smon: It appears to be in Giantish runes, written by an ogre sized hand.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Keelia: can she read it? (she knows dwarven, but not giantist)
Smon: Can roll investigation DC 20 BS
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 9, (+6) = 15
Keelia: for invest
Smon: Nope
Keelia: darn
Smon: Danor standing with Mordred you can see the wrecked dwarf tavern to west. You recognise the Dying Bull tapestry as depicting the dwarf hero Kagli triumphing over the Bull of Midor, the orc god.
JamesDevil: "Ah, yet another sign of Dwavern superiority"
Smon: Danor can roll History.
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 1, (+3) = 4
Smon: DC 12
Smon: fail
JamesDevil: -.-
chris107: Mordred silently rolls his eyes behind his visor
JamesDevil: well, that was pathetic
chris107: Can Mordred roll History? He's good at that
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Smon: DC 22 for Mordred
JamesDevil: we are so going to get ambused -.-
Keelia: Bright Star will go and fetch the others - the writing may be important
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 5, (+6) = 11
chris107: Hmmm
chris107: Not much better
Keelia: I was going to suggest you buff him, but a d4 wouldn't have done much
Smon: Mordred does not have a great knowledge of local Altanian dwarf clan history.
Smon: BS returns to the others.
chris107: "Let's go look at Brightstar's runes."
JamesDevil: good plan
Smon: You all head east to where BS found the writing. It looks like a crude scrawl in ogrish Giant script.
Smon: Anyone know Giant?
JamesDevil: nope
chris107: Not me
Smon: Even semi-literate ogres are unusual.
chris107: Mordred makes a mental note to self.
Smon: So it would need a comp languages ritual to decipher.
Keelia: isn't giantish not far off from dwarven? can danor try to buff himself and try?
chris107: "Well we can chase these clever Ogres through the tavern or down the spiral steps where the horrid voice is."
Smon: Danor can roll investigation DC 20 same as BS.
chris107: "Oh, I can do that as a ritual."
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 16,
chris107: (Mordred forgets he's a wizard sometimes)
JamesDevil: Danor facepalms
chris107: Mordred blushes.
JamesDevil: Guidance on M when he finishes his ritual, so you can add a D4 if needed
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Keelia: Britght Star says nothing
chris107: M begins his ritual. "Keep watch"
Smon: Very quiet in the dungeon today
Smon: 10 minutes for ritual?
chris107: Yes
Smon: OK, BS and Danor keep watch to west while Mordred casts the ritual.
JamesDevil: pp 14
Smon: 10 minutes later: the writing says: Orthur sad. Want Jubal & Vera get along.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
JamesDevil: well, that was worth 10 mins
chris107: Vera is the Ogress we're looking for?
JamesDevil: yep
Smon: OOC: I'm assuming Sandro & the new dragonborn went outside for a smoke break this week.
Keelia: awww, it's someone's diary
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
chris107: Oops
Smon: You are standing around conferring when...
Smon: /roll d20+1x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+1x2 and gets:
11 (+1) = 12
4 (+1) = 5
chris107: They can come get our mangled corpses next week.
Keelia: lol
Smon: You hear a stealthy tread in the west passage and then suddenly a huge green warty TROLL bursts into the chamber!
chris107: "Arrgghh!"
Smon: You hear a high pitched invisible voice from the air: "There they are! Get them!"
Smon: The troll glares at you angrily: "Grrargh!"
chris107: (We got to get that last Quasit. It's a blinking menace!)
JamesDevil: ugh, friggin imps, knew i should ahve cast detect m,agic while we waited
Smon: It raises its black-taloned claws and comes at you!
Smon: Roll init
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 9,
Smon: DC 12
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 10, (+3) = 13
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 20, (+6) = 26
Smon: BS & M can act before the troll attacks.
Keelia: Bright Star raises her weapon and strikes
JamesDevil: are we still using the newer init system?
chris107: If I attack it that allows Keelia a surprise attack?
Smon: will do cyclical after 1st round
chris107: As we are within 5'?
JamesDevil: k
Smon: It's not surprised, obviously. You mean sneak attack?
Smon: She can sneak it either way - ally adjacent or no one adjacent.
Smon: as swashbuckler
chris107: sorry, yes. Sneak attack
chris107: Cool
chris107: Mordred strikes, the Sword of Omens blazes to full brightness.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
8 (+7) = 15
19 (+7) = 26
Smon: AC 15 - 2 hits
chris107 rolls 2d8+12 and gets: 1, 2, (+12) = 15
chris107: drat
Smon: M slashes at the Troll's rubbery green skin.
Keelia: Bright Star will attack
Smon: BS go
Keelia: with sword
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 13, (+8) = 21
Smon: OK BS draws sword and strikes - hit
Keelia rolls 1d6+5 and gets: 1, (+5) = 6
Keelia rolls 3d6 and gets: 2, 2, 1, = 5
Keelia: 11 damage total (including sneak)
Smon: You see the troll's wounds closing.
Keelia: she'll use fancy footwork to retreat with no OA
chris107: Does Mordred know ought of Trolls?
Keelia: it's magical if that helps (lycanthrope bane sword), but probably not
Keelia: they're weak to elements, esp fire and acid
Keelia: i think
Smon: BS dodges back from the troll to the east end of the chamber, by the writing & ogre furs.
Smon: The troll turns on Mordred. "RAAGH!"
Smon: /roll d20+7x3
chris107: AC19 + poss reaction
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x3 and gets:
1 (+7) = 8
10 (+7) = 17
3 (+7) = 10
Smon: Mordred's skill and stout armour/shield fend it off.
Smon: Danor then BS & M again
chris107: yay
JamesDevil: Sacred flame on the troll then bonus action SoF
Keelia: (yay!)
JamesDevil: DC15 Dex save plz
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 7, (+1) = 8
JamesDevil: then i'll move into melee range
Smon: the troll is hit by the divine radiance
JamesDevil rolls 2d8 and gets: 8, 3, = 11
JamesDevil: in Dwarvish - "heal back from that you son of a bitch"
Smon: Danor casts shield of faith & moves up.
Smon: M & BS can act
JamesDevil: 24AC
chris107: M disengages to avoid OA then moves to be with BS ready to Flamebolt next time.
Keelia: swapping to bow
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 1, (+7) = 8
Keelia: nope
JamesDevil: Danor sees the arrow skid past his foot
JamesDevil: "BS did you just throw your arrow?"
Smon: M falls back as BS shoots wide.
Smon: The troll turns on Danor Gordak...
JamesDevil: "I'm no expoert but i don't think thats the way you're meant to use it"
Smon: Its wounds are still healing up.
Smon: /roll d20+7x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x3 and gets:
15 (+7) = 22
15 (+7) = 22
4 (+7) = 11
JamesDevil: miss miss miss
Smon: Danor's many enchantments protect him from its powerful teeth & claws.
JamesDevil: ooc even the Sacred flame injury?
Smon: yup
Keelia: Bright Star chuffs at him for his comment.
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 13,
Smon: your goes
chris107: Firebolt
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 11, (+6) = 17
Smon: Hit!
chris107 rolls 2d10 and gets: 2, 2, = 4
Smon: As the troll is burned, its Regeneration stops.
chris107: Garn! not rolled higher than a 2 for damage so far.
Smon: BS & D
JamesDevil: its hammer time
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 1, (+5) = 6
JamesDevil: pfft, apparently it is not hammer time....
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 13, (+7) = 20
chris107: "Did he just use the wrong end of that hammer? I'm no expert but.."
JamesDevil: Danor stays infront of the troll
Keelia rolls 4d6+4 and gets: 5, 3, 5, 6, (+4) = 23
Smon: BS shoots it in the neck.
Keelia: She nods satisfied
Smon: Black blood spills out - it looks wounded now.
chris107: nice
JamesDevil: wp
Smon: The angry troll moves past Danor to reach Mordred (& BS) at the east end of the chamber, Danor gets an opp att w hammer.
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 19, (+5) = 24
Smon: hit
chris107: yay
JamesDevil rolls 1d8+2 and gets: 2, (+2) = 4
Keelia: nice!
JamesDevil: -.-
Keelia: ...
Smon: Its regen is currently turned off, but it lunges at Mordred with steel-hard talons...
Keelia: Bright Star thinks about being invisible very hard
Smon: /roll d20+7x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x3 and gets:
5 (+7) = 12
14 (+7) = 21
20 (+7) = 27
Smon: ouch
chris107: AC19 + poss shield reaction
chris107: Shield saves him from 1
chris107: But that critical is going to hurt
Smon: using shield on 1st hit, that's just the one crit then
chris107: yup
Smon: The troll's claw slashes Mordred's face
Smon: /roll 4d6+4
Smon rolls 4d6+4 and gets: 3, 6, 3, 2, (+4) = 18
Smon: 18 dmg
chris107: "Not the face?!"
Keelia: (not the face O.O)
Smon: He'll have a nice scar. It's in melee with M & BS now.
Smon: Your goes.
chris107: 5 goes from James' spell so
Keelia: (Mordred may now look like this -> --.O
chris107: 29/44
JamesDevil: lol
Keelia: Bright Star lashes out on Mordred's behalf
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 19, (+7) = 26
Keelia rolls 4d6+4 and gets: 1, 5, 1, 2, (+4) = 13
chris107 Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
8 (+7) = 15
18 (+7) = 25
chris107: Mordred gets his revenge
chris107 rolls 2d8+12 and gets: 5, 5, (+12) = 22
Smon: M & BS slash & stab it.
Smon: More blood flows but its wounds are beginning to close again
Smon: Danor?
JamesDevil: SF, DC15 dex save plz
Smon: It looks very badly wounded.
Smon: /roll d20+1
JamesDevil: then move into melee
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 20, (+1) = 21
chris107: drat
Smon: The flame misses.
JamesDevil: well that was a waste
Smon: The troll's wounds are closing again as it attacks Mordred.
Smon: /roll d20+7x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x3 and gets:
3 (+7) = 10
9 (+7) = 16
14 (+7) = 21
chris107: Last shield
Smon: M fends off the troll claws with his last Shield.
chris107: That's all his spells gone.
chris107: AC24
Smon: Your goes - it's very badly wounded but is regenerating.
Smon: Only the fire bolt stopped the regen.
chris107: He'll risk an oa, move back and blast it with FB
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 16, (+6) = 22
Smon: good idea
Smon: /roll d20+7
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 6, (+7) = 13
Smon rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 16, (+7) = 23
chris107 rolls 2d10 and gets: 3, 10, = 13
Smon: As M moves west the troll slashes him.
Smon: /roll 2d6+4
Smon rolls 2d6+4 and gets: 5, 1, (+4) = 10
Smon: 10 dmg to M
chris107: 19/44
Smon: He gets away from it and blasts it in the chest with fire - screaming horribly it falls, burning brightly!
JamesDevil: hurray!
chris107: "Foul creature!"
Smon: BS slashes at it, but it's already burning away into a foul smelling grey ash.
Keelia: well done.
Smon: Mordred can have Inspiration
chris107: "Is that little spy still around?"
Smon: M can roll Perception as an action
chris107: (Can he have it twice?)
JamesDevil: Danor will ritually cast detect magic, if it tries to attack me we'll know where it is
Smon: (no, you have to use it, can't hoard it)
chris107 rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 14, (+4) = 18
chris107: (Okay, got you)
Smon: No sign of the invisible demon.
Smon: Danor casts detect magic
Smon: GM: You can have +700 XP each
chris107: Yay!
Keelia: Bright Star is at 15/39 - she needs a potion or short rest
chris107: (That has to take M close to 6th )
JamesDevil: coolio
chris107: 19/44 rest needed here too
JamesDevil: 4/10 slots left
Keelia: That puts Bright star 3.5k xp from next level
JamesDevil: i could blow them on healing but that leaves no rezes
Keelia: If you'd rather save the spells, I've got 4 hit die left
Keelia: I also have potions
JamesDevil: or other healing till a long rest
chris107: 13,445/14,000
Smon: GM: 5e det magic says only works on the visible, but you can find any magic items within 30' as an action.
Smon: NB your SoF goes down
Keelia: (very nice, chris, so close!)
JamesDevil: yep, concentration
chris107: "Shall we rest in the secret room or outside?"
JamesDevil: 17,965/23000
Keelia: Bright Star hands Danor and Mordred two of her three Potions of Extra Healing. "Save the spells."
JamesDevil: if we are going to rest them hang on to them BS
JamesDevil: secret room i think
chris107: "Thanks, Bright Star."
Keelia: (is that 5d4+5, Simon?)
chris107: "Yeah keep hold."
JamesDevil: we can burn hit die that way and avoid random encounters
chris107: And Mordred needs to stitch that nasty wound.
Smon: 4d4+4 per potion of extra healing
chris107: Short rest then?
Keelia: (I also have 3 super healing, what are those? I have super marked as 4d4+4. Are they the same thing with different names?)
JamesDevil: sounds good
Smon: GM: You head back towards the secret armoury, is Danor using Det Magic as he goes?
JamesDevil: yep
Smon: (yes, old school extra healing is superior healing in 5e)
Keelia: (thanks! then I have an extra 3)
Keelia rolls 4d4+4 and gets: 1, 3, 3, 1, (+4) = 12
chris107: Yay!
Smon: GM: As you reach the T-junction intersection Danor senses strong Dwarf magic from the wrecked tavern to the west.
JamesDevil: does Danor spot anything with detect magic on his way back?
chris107: Oooooo
JamesDevil: "hold up, theres some kind of Dwarven magic this way
JamesDevil: Danor heads in the direction of the tavern
Smon: It seems to be coming from under a shattered ale barrel.
chris107: Mordred's ears prick up at the mention of magic.
JamesDevil: Danor will inspect the shattered barrel
Keelia: Bright Star chugs the potion then follows then to see what Danor is investigating
chris107: M will take advantage of BS' offered potion if that's still okay?
chris107: Then follow.
chris107 rolls 4d4+4 and gets: 3, 3, 4, 4, (+4) = 18
Smon: Danor enters the tavern, clearly dwarves fought ogres here and lost, there is blood on the wall. Two open doors to w & s lead into empty storerooms. Lifting the barrel aside, Danor sees a rune-carved dwarven warhammer - the hammer of Kagli!
Keelia: Yes, I've marked them off my sheet. Both Mordred and Danor should add a 4d4+4 potion to their inventory and do with it what they will
chris107: 37/44HP
Keelia: (is it possessed?)
chris107: Nice one James!
Smon: The hammer seems to gleam slightly with dwarven puissance.
chris107: and thanks Keelia
Keelia: (no worries!)
JamesDevil: I'll take it back to the secret room and rit cast identify on it
Smon: Danor remembers the tales, how when Kagli grew old and depaeted for the Undying Forge, he left it to his descendants, with the words that a dwarf strong of heart and neat of beard could draw upon his power to defeat all foes.
Smon: Danor takes the sacred hammer - what is his CHA?
JamesDevil: 9
chris107: (OOC Looks like there's just down the spiral stairs left to do)
Keelia: (neat of beard )
Smon: OK, he'll need to Attune to it then to use its full power.
JamesDevil: he will do just that
Smon: GM: You return to the secret armoury with its Vrilya coats of plate.
chris107: closing the doors and checking we leave no trail.
Smon: You rest for an hour - it must be well after dark outside now - Danor stroking the mighty weapon.
JamesDevil: time to roll some hit die
Smon: After an hour's hidden rest you can roll HD
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
chris107: 1 dice for M
JamesDevil rolls 2d8 and gets: 4, 8, = 12
chris107 rolls 1d10+2 and gets: 8, (+2) = 10
chris107: 44/44HP
JamesDevil: 52/53 +5 temp
Smon: Danor attunes to the Hammer of Kagli - +1 hammer, in the hands of a true dwarf (with neat beard) when Attuned it does double damage dice, ie 2d8.
Keelia rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 6, (+1) = 7
JamesDevil: sweet
chris107: verynice indeed!
Keelia rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 1, (+1) = 2
chris107: "Dare we risk the stairs?"
JamesDevil: if we have the slots left let do it
chris107: "Vera and her vile priest are no doubt down there."
Keelia: Bright Star nods.
chris107: "I have no spells left but my cantrips. "
chris107: "But I'm cross now. Let's do it!"
JamesDevil: "you hang back well out of range then and pull back if things get dicy
Keelia: Bright Star nods. "It will be a difficult battle, but worthy.@
chris107: "Evil will not triumph over us."
chris107: M grips the Sword of Destiny closer.
Smon: GM: You jump over the pressure plate in the trap room again & head over to the spiral stairs that descend into darkness.
Keelia: Bright Star will stealth along in the lead
Keelia rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 2, (+13) = 15
Smon: BS will need to go well ahead of M & his glowing sword.
Keelia: (or barely stealth along )
Smon: brb phone
JamesDevil: still better than Gordak would manage
chris107: Yeah, it will be a fair perception that notices her even with that roll.
Keelia: she should be like a ghost only sometimes she's a clumsy one.
Smon: back
Keelia: ::sneak sneak::
Smon: BS descends some 40' down the winding stairs to Level 2...
Smon: Eventually she comes out on the west side of a great bleak hall, with vaulted ceiling. Narrow e-w (about 20'), much longer to N & S.
Keelia: She tiptoes in, checking out the ceiling as well as keeping an eye for traps and ogres
JamesDevil: ooc but she is not keeping an eye out for dragons...of which there are 10 in the room
Smon: Opposite her entrance she sees a matching archway with spiral stairs descending down.
Keelia: (dragons != ninjas, thankfully)
Smon: There are many tracks on the muddy floor - could be ogres, trolls, smaller clawed three toe ones that look reptilian...
Keelia: she'll cross the room as quietly as she can and head for the opposite stairs, pausing to look at the footprints
Smon: The hall extends at least 40' to N and 40' to S.
Keelia: kobolds?
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 8, (+6) = 14
Keelia: for investigation
Smon: There appear to be several exits off to E and W at the N & S ends of the hall.
Smon: Too big for kobolds, lizardmen or troglodytes maybe.
Keelia: she pauses at the sight of new exits and retreats back to the others to decide which path to take
Keelia: and to pass along the info about the footprints
chris107: phonr brb
Smon: BS sneaks over to the east arch - definitely spiral stairs going down. She retreats back upstairs.
Smon: & tells the others.
JamesDevil: "Hmm, so more places to go on that level or down further...."
JamesDevil: we should probably clear the whole floor before proceeding down further"
Keelia: (How many exits in total? Did she count?)
chris107: back
chris107: I think we have cleared all the first floor?
chris107: At least according to my map, I'll post it now.
Smon: At least 2 to north, at least 2 to south but the hall widens east-west at south end, could be more out of sight.
Keelia: (we have several exits from this new room - one stair down opposite but 'several' N,S,E,W)
Smon: The north end wall of the hall is curved.
JamesDevil: if that floor is totally clear then we should head down, but this might be a seperate section to the parts we have cleared
Smon: You haven't searched all of level 1, you never went past the wolf pen.
chris107: Oh yes, south past the wolf pens.
chris107: Shall we?
JamesDevil: ok, lets go back past the wolf pens then
Keelia: (you want to double back to wolf pens before this room?)
chris107: (May as well make sure of all level 1 first?)
Keelia: (ok)
JamesDevil: lets do it
Keelia: Bright Star turns and heads back up the stairs to L1 towards the wolf pens
Smon: OOC How long do you want to play to?
JamesDevil: i've got nothing lse planned for today
chris107: I'm free all day
chris107: Kyle working until 4
Smon: I can keep going then.
Smon: Will stop around 11.30am then
Keelia: It's only 7:30pm here, so I'm good
chris107: (My yet make level 6!)
Smon: GM: You head back to the chamber just west of the entry chamber, it holds a dead ogre and fire now nearly out. From there you step over the dead wolves and head south down the tunnel, past the wolf pen with broken weak chains.
Smon: The tunnel bends east, sloping gently down.
Smon: It passes a couple wall recesses and heading SE enters a small storeroom.
Smon: This room was used for storage ages ago. A few shattered barrels are all that remain of the stores kept here for sieges and disasters. There is an exit in the SW wall.
Keelia: continue thru the exit
Keelia: with stealth
Keelia rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 18, (+13) = 31
chris107: any sign of secret doors in the recesses?
Keelia: investigation
Smon: The exit tunnel runs SW 15' to a broader side tunnel SE which opens out into a large circular well room, a brick-lipped well in the centre. To the SW the passage enters a small room with tunnel off to NW.
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 16, (+6) = 22
Smon: Mordred sees no secret doors in the recesses.
Smon: What is BS investigating?
Keelia: for secret doors
Smon: Finding things is Perception
Keelia: right
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 12, (+8) = 20
Keelia: still not bad
Smon: Putting together connections or figuring how things work could be investigation, occasionally investigation can be used for searching eg to deduce a hidden chest compartment.
Keelia: I always get the two confused
Smon: The recesses seem solid. There are black soot stains, they likely once held braziers or large torches.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
chris107: so well or nw passage?
JamesDevil: Danor will look down the Well
Keelia: Well first to ensure nothing is hiding in it
Smon: The well chamber is domed, with stone ribs/buttresses running up the walls, nice and solid.
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 6, (+4) = 10
chris107: Mordred stands guard, illuminating the area.
Smon: Danor stomps over to the well and looks down. The 'water' a few feet down suddenly lunges at him!
Smon: The gigantic ooze attacks Danor with surprise...
JamesDevil: !£"$$£!
chris107: "Eek!"
JamesDevil: 22AC
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 8, (+6) = 14
Keelia: for init
Keelia: (when we get there)
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
1 (+5) = 6
8 (+5) = 13
chris107: Phew
Smon: Danor jerks back, droplets of acid hissing on his shield.
JamesDevil: bad ooze
Smon: Danor roll init DC 8
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 14,
Smon: Danor can act, the others come in next round
JamesDevil: does Danor see any metal in the ooze?
Smon: The transparent ooze rears up...
chris107: Cool, Do you need an init roll from M?
Smon: no
JamesDevil: k
Smon: M can roll if you like DC 8 but the creature gets one more go before M & BS can get into room & attack it
Smon: Danor your go
chris107: got you.
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 6, (+3) = 9
JamesDevil: Danor pulls out a copper coin and flips it into the ooze
Smon: The coin hisses as it strikes the ooze and begins to disintegrate!
JamesDevil: does that count as an acction or bonus action?
Smon: action
JamesDevil: ok, Danor moves back as far as he can and casts SoF
Smon: The ooze lunges at Danor AC 22 I believe (opp att)
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 13, (+5) = 18
JamesDevil: 24 now because of SoF
JamesDevil: meh, eitherway misses
Smon: (you worded it move first then cast) Danor skips back and casts SoF yet again...
JamesDevil: fair enough
Smon: Danor gets back into the corridor. The ooze subsides back into the well, out of sight.
Smon: Your goes, M & BS & D
chris107: "Ewww. What was that horrid thing?"
Keelia: Bright Star looks at the others, then starts to creep around the side of the room as far from the well as possible towards the other door
chris107: Can M get a firebolt off as it goes?
JamesDevil: an Ooze, if it hasn't disolved the ocin i can heat metal it from the inside out
Keelia: "Ooze," she shudders as she scoots along the wall
chris107: (Did I miss a door? I don't have one in the well room.)
Smon: BS moves into the well room and around the wall. It has no other exits.
Smon: The brick wall around the lip of the well shields the ooze from view.
Keelia: (I misread: To the SW the passage enters a small room with tunnel off to NW)
chris107: map update posted
Keelia: she'll use fancy footwork to dart in, attack, and retreat with no OA to try to draw it out
chris107: M stands back 30' ready with flamebolt
Smon: SW from the intersection (where SE goes into well room) is a small room, NW from that a 10x10 space opens into a smelly ogre lair.
JamesDevil: Danor readies Heat metal for the coin inside the ooze
chris107: Thanks Simon
Smon: BS darts in to the lip of the well - the ooze uses its Readied Action to attack her, lunging up, D & M can uses their Readied actions as it lunges up at her too!
Keelia: Bright Star moves in, bow drawn.
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 15, (+7) = 22
Smon: >>she'll use fancy footwork to dart in, attack, and retreat with no OA<<
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 12, (+6) = 18
Smon: Ooze readied attack as BS reaches lip of well:
Smon: /roll d20+5
chris107: 18 with Fiebolt
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 14, (+5) = 19
Keelia: AC 16
Keelia: ouch.
JamesDevil: heat metal on the coin inside the ooze
Smon: The coin is gone - the ooze can dissolve 1" of metal per round.
JamesDevil: it needs to make a DC15 dex save or take 3d8 (casting at level 3 due to lack on lv2 slots
JamesDevil: eh? but copper is resistant to acid!
Smon: sorry 2"
Smon: LOL
JamesDevil: bah, waste of a slot
JamesDevil: ffs
Smon: I guess it only dissolved 1" then
Smon: The ooze grabs BS, burning her.
Smon: /roll 5d8+3
Smon rolls 5d8+3 and gets: 5, 3, 7, 7, 5, (+3) = 30
chris107: Ouchers!
Smon: 30 dmg, can use her Rogue reaction to half dmg?
Keelia: bollocks. Uncanny Dodge?
Smon: yup, 15 dmg
JamesDevil: literally copper dragons are acid based -.-
Keelia: not AS bad
Smon: BS was slashing it w scimitar?
Keelia: so, after taking off the 5hp from aid, only 10 damage.
Keelia: No, bow and arrow.
Smon: ok, shooting in melee has disadvantage
Keelia: Not risking my swords.
Keelia: ok, so first was 22
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 12, (+7) = 19
Keelia: second is 19 to hit
Smon: BS shoots an arrpw into it, Mordred burns it w fire bolt
Smon: AC 7
chris107 rolls 2d10 and gets: 5, 10, = 15
Keelia rolls 4d6+4 and gets: 1, 4, 3, 2, (+4) = 14
Keelia: I'm easily amused over 1+2+3+4
Smon: 29 dmg. BS pulls away from it w fancy footwork - like sliding through treacle - and away as it subsides again out of your sight.
Smon: The ooze obviously doesn't want to leave the protection(?) of the well, but will attack you when you get close.
JamesDevil: Danor will step in next to draw it out again when the other 2 are ready
Keelia: She hesitantly brushes the burns on her fur
JamesDevil: still 24 AC
Smon: What armour did BS have on?
JamesDevil: holding after to SF it
Keelia: studded leather
chris107: ready
Smon: Half the studded leather has corroded away to mulch, it's now just leather +1 AC, you lose 1 pt of AC.
JamesDevil: I'll fix that for you when we next long rest
Keelia: Damn.
Smon: You all ready (BS arrow, M firebolt) then Danor steps up to the plate... the well...
Keelia: (thanks!0
chris107: M prepares another FB
Smon: The ooze lunges out mindlessly at D.
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 13, (+5) = 18
JamesDevil: miss
chris107: yay
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 7, (+7) = 14
JamesDevil: and SF dex save of 15 plz
Smon: Danor's enchantments protect him & his precious gear
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 6, (+6) = 12
Smon: /roll d20-3
Smon rolls 1d20-3 and gets: 11, (-3) = 8
Smon: 8 on DEX save
Smon: M zaps it
chris107 rolls 2d10 and gets: 2, 7, = 9
JamesDevil rolls 2d8 and gets: 4, 5, = 9
Keelia: nice!
Smon: D sacs it?
Smon: BS shoots it
Keelia: is it dead? or should i roll dmg?
Smon: need bs arrow dmg w sneak
Smon: has lotsa hp
Keelia rolls 4d6+4 and gets: 3, 6, 6, 6, (+4) = 25
chris107: nice!
Keelia: Bright Star is not best pleased over the state of her armour
Smon: BS arrow disrupts the membrane, but it's still going.
chris107: Mordred comiserates with her
Smon: It attacks Danor
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 16, (+5) = 21
chris107: ooooo
JamesDevil: miss
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 10, (+7) = 17
chris107: yay!
Smon: Any normal PC would be acidised
Smon: your goes
Keelia rolls 4d6+4 and gets: 2, 5, 5, 6, (+4) = 22
JamesDevil: same again, dex save plz
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 9, (+6) = 15
Smon: /roll d20-3
Smon rolls 1d20-3 and gets: 12, (-3) = 9
chris107 rolls 2d10 and gets: 5, 10, = 15
JamesDevil rolls 2d8 and gets: 4, 2, = 6
Smon: The hideous ooze is blasted shot and burned until it flies apart in little driplets, many burning brightly.
Keelia: Bright Star peers over. "Is it still alive?"
Smon: Eventually it seems to be dead.
chris107: "Ugghhhhhhh!"
JamesDevil: ok, Danor will try to look down the well again, anything else in there?
Smon: You have defeated the horrible ooze. Take +400 XP.
Keelia: She nods at Mordred. "Bright Star agrees with you."
chris107: Mordred keeps to his position to keep an eye out in each direction.
Smon: Most of the remains of the transparent ooze are still in the stone well.
Keelia: yay!
JamesDevil: ok,lets move on
Smon: There is probably water deep down below the ooze level. It's hard to see even with darkvision but the well shaft looks deep, probably descending at least 40'.
Keelia: "What a waste," Bright Star grumbles, turning away from the lack of shiny objects hidden in the well.
chris107: Up into smelly ogre room?
Smon: This little bit of the dungeon ends in the ogre lair (SW then NW), a decent sized chamber with furs for a half dozen ogres, and open chests holding much loot, as well as a barrel of dwarf parts, a few barrels of fresh water, a keg of beer, 24 sheep skins, and a pile of lumber for firewood.
Keelia: Barrel of dwarf parts? As in body parts? Like pieces of dwarf?
Smon: Most of the huge piles of coin are copper, but also good numbers of gold, and a few smallish rubies and emeralds amidst the coins.
Smon: yes
Keelia: Bright Star gravitates towards the shiny gems
chris107: M is happy to stand guard while the good stuff is sorted?
JamesDevil: Danor will help with the xsorting
Smon: Searching through the coins, BS picks out 4 gems, total value 1000gp (avg 250 each).
Keelia: Her mood is much improved with the obtaining of shinies
Smon: It'll take an hour to sort the gold from the copper if you wish.
Smon: There are over 10,000 coins, about 200lb in weight.
chris107: Okay with me
JamesDevil: I'm mat myn max carry weight
chris107: me too
Keelia: Bright Star can carry just a little more. She isn't carrying any armour, just the gold from before.
chris107: But we have Sherpas Bill and Fergus only a few feet away
Keelia: But she's content with the shinies, so is happy to ignore the rest if there is no way to carry it
Smon: Around 8.30pm you finish sorting the coin - 1000gp (weight 20 lb) and 10000 cp (weight 200lb).
chris107: Maybe time to haul it back to Selatine?
chris107: We have a lot of treasure and are almost out of spells..
JamesDevil: yea, i need to sort out my new armour and fix BSs too anyay
JamesDevil: anyway*
Keelia: Bright Star grabs the gold and lugs it along.
chris107: M will stand rear guard until all are out safely.
Smon: You'll not get back to Selatine tonight; you could make St Ulther's Lighthouse where the amazons stand guard - about 5 miles away, about 3 hours currently with all the loot.
Keelia: Sounds good!
chris107: That works for me..
Smon: 2 hours if you leave the copper and non magical armour suits.
JamesDevil: works for me
chris107: (Mordred has one none magical suite)
Keelia: (leaving copper, just taking gold)
JamesDevil: can we take a long rest there then? i need to decurse then modify my armour for a dwarf sized person and fix BSs
chris107: And also make sure the secret doors are shut and an effort made to clean tracks
Smon: You gather up the ancient gold coins, stamped with the crown of ancient Nerath. The most recent bear the image of Good King Elidyr.
Smon: Yes you can LR at the Lighthouse Inn. OK you leave the copper & suits of Vrilya plate armour, secure the secret trophy/armoury, and head back east through the night.
Smon: 6 = night encounter...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Keelia: (they group probably smells too bad for anything to want to attack them )
chris107: (@DM - Mordred has his suit of Vrilya Plate with him?)
JamesDevil: so i need to leave the magical set i have too?
Smon: You hear giant Ghinarian hyenas cackling in the distance as they devour a fallen Mastodon, but nothing menaces you as you return to the Lighthouse, the Amazon guards allowing entry.
chris107: Final map posted.
Smon: no you can bring the stuff you already had.
chris107: cool
JamesDevil: k
Smon: Amazon Saera: "In the morning Captain Clenderi will take your report."
Smon: "For now, you are welcome to stay at our Inn."
Keelia: Bright Star thanks her
JamesDevil: good, i need sleep
chris107: (This would be a good place to long rest if they will have us?)
chris107: "Thank you."
Keelia: (agreed)
Smon: GM: You rest overnight in the Lighthouse Inn - once an orc barracks for Oriax's foul beasts, now repurposed to a spartan but comfortable inn.
JamesDevil: brb, bio
Keelia: Bright Star makes use of any bathing facilities to wash the burned fur from the ooze
Smon: GM: In the morning Amazon Captain Clenderi takes a break from nursing her son by Prince Sandor, the great hero of the Black Sun War, to take your report of goings-on.
chris107: Mordred wants to spruce up too.
chris107: We tell them of the fearsome Vera and her cohorts.
Smon: You can all get thoroughly cleaned up, taking turns in the Inn bath tub
chris107: At Erdia Manor ruins and the dungeons below.
JamesDevil: back
Smon: Clenderi & 3 other amazon warriors listen with interest.
chris107: And our intention to rid the area of the menace.
Smon: Clenderi: "You are welcome to base yourselves here while you campaign against these monsters. We have not seen any dwarves recently, they must have gone west to Kalmisj."
chris107: "Do you have any little sacks of flour by the way? They have a wretched Quasit dogging our every move."
Smon: Clenderi: "I'll see that Hippolyta provides you all the flour you require."
Keelia: Bright Star thanks her for the offer. "Would Bright Star's companion be able to use your forge? The Ooze destroyed Bright Star's armour and friend Danor found some armour to resize for himself."
Smon: Clenderi nods. "Of course."
Keelia: "Bright Star is most grateful."
Smon: The Tower has a good sized smithy, larger than the 12 amazons stationed here really need.
chris107: "Thanks, perhaps if there is time Danor could look at resizing my armour too?"
JamesDevil: Danor nods and heads over to the forge
JamesDevil: send anyone my way that needs armour or weapons, its good for me to keep in practice
Smon: Danor can use it over the next week to rework the suits of armour - fashioned of Lagh, a strange alloy infused with tiny amounts of Vaedium, the raw stuff of magic, they rework easily in his hands.
Keelia: (don't forget, you need to attune to that weapon if you want to use it - now would be a good time )
Smon: By the end of the week both suits can be resized to fit.
chris107: Thanks!
JamesDevil: Danor will fix Bss armour first, then attune to the hammer, then decurese and mod the magic armour
JamesDevil: coolio
Keelia: (and Bright Star's armour can be fixed to be +2 again?)
JamesDevil: can we sell off other stuff here, i won't need my old armour
Smon: GM: OK you long rest up here, Danor working happily in his element, the buxom amazon smith looks very impressed by his skill.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
chris107: Mordred asks if he can store his old armour here until he can arrange for it's transport to his villa in Selatine?
Smon: You can sell stuff for up to 200gp to passing traders heading up to Selatine; no major merchants pass through.
Smon: Clenderi: "Sir Mordred, I would be happy to have Saera deliver your armour to Selatine with any report to Lady Vex you wish to make."
JamesDevil: whats the sell price? 50% of the normal cost per item?
chris107: "Your kindness does you credit. Thank you."
chris107: "Perhaps along with this gold? My poor housekeeper must be right out of vim by now."
Smon: Mundane items typically sell at 20% but depends what it is. Treasure uses listed values.
Smon: max 200gp/item
JamesDevil: plate armour (sized for a dwarf and a warhammer
Smon: Can sell your old armour for 200gp here.
chris107: (Any exploration or treasure XP to come this week?)
JamesDevil: cool, warhammers normally cost 15gp
JamesDevil: so about 3gp if its 20%?
Smon: yes. Although you could take a few weeks to visit Ahyf, catch up on the timeline, and sell gear at 50%, so 750gp for plate armour.
Smon: Since you spent a month of real time in the dungeon - benefit of not taking a long rest for awhile
JamesDevil: awesome! so 750gp + 7gp 50sp then
chris107: (Could Jam's stuff be taken to Selatine with mine?)
Smon: yup
Smon: If we move forward a month you could easily visit Selatine in the interim
chris107: Then we are all heading to Ahyf?
chris107: Super.
chris107: Drop our stuff off at Selatine along the way.
JamesDevil: 22 AC before the forge divity buff, then 23 AC and topping out at 25 AC with buff + SoF
Smon: GM: I'll stop there & resume after long-long rest. Are you planning to return to Erdea manor?
chris107: Very nice!
chris107: I'd like to go finish off Vera
JamesDevil: me too
chris107: And am only 155XP away from 6th
Smon: OOC I think I mentioned the Vrilya armour when fitted to you has no stealth disad and weighs half what regular plate weighs.
chris107: yup
Keelia: I'm happy to go back and finish the fight after the long rest
JamesDevil: sweet, didn't know abouyt the weight
Keelia: we did promise
Smon: ok good
chris107: A very good session
Keelia: indeed, an excellent session!
Keelia: thanks, Simon!
JamesDevil: very nice session, well done all
Smon: Actually 3 weeks looks like - you were adventuring on 12/5, next session will be 31/5.
Smon: thx all, now next Saturday I am away I just realised so next game in 2 weeks
Smon: 2/6/18. will make it 2/6/48 in-game actually
Keelia: thanks for letting us know - I'll update my calendar. Have a good break
chris107: June 9th?
Smon: Have +50 final XP
Smon: Sorry yes!
Smon: June 9th is in 2 weeks
chris107: Arrgghh under 100 XP needed!
JamesDevil: good to know, thanks
Keelia: great, thanks!
Smon: I get confused :\
Smon: Well you can level up after next SR.
Smon: We can say you have spell book ready to level M.
Saturday, 19 May 2018
12/5/48 Erdea Manor #4
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7:30am 2018-5-19 Smon Has entered the room
chris107: Good morning Simon
Sandor Sunneson: Morning Simon
JamesDevil: morning Simon
7:30am 2018-5-19 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
Smon: Hi all
chris107: Morning Bill
JamesDevil: Keelia is running a few mins late
JamesDevil: morning Bill
Sandor Sunneson: Morning Bill
Smon: Map for you -
7:32am 2018-5-19 Keelia Has entered the room
Smon: You are in #8, you deliberately activated the trap in #14
chris107: Gosh, puts mine to shame.
JamesDevil: Hi Keelia
Keelia: sorry I'm late
chris107: Morning Keelia
Smon: Hi Keelia
Smon: Map for you -
Keelia: Hi everyone!
Sandor Sunneson: Evening Keelia
chris107: Ogres and wolves came up from 9 then?
chris107: beyond 9 rather
chris107: 9 is wolf pens.
Smon: yes
Keelia: ok, so which way are we headed?
Smon: You are currently hanging around listening to sounds of ogres waking up and getting ready to attack you.
chris107: Do you want to do a kitty sneak run down past 9 see what is there?
JamesDevil: that seems like a plan
Keelia: As long as you are prepared for me to bring something back in a hurry
JamesDevil: I'll stay here and keep my clanking to a minimum
Keelia: Bright Star will put her sneak on
DESTROYERBILL: i have a new charecter
chris107: Ogre sounds coming from which direction?
Smon: Smon: The gas is now thick enough you can see a whitish miasma forming below you and rolling out into the west tunnel. Keelia: Bright Star shifts so she is behind mordred, bow drawn Smon: You can hear ogres yelling in the distance. Smon: The whistling sound begins to fade. Keelia: Bright Star wets a piece of cloth and ties it across her nose and mouth Sandor Sunneson: Kettles boiled! Smon: The ogres don't seem to be coming towards you. Keelia: (tea's up! ) Smon: anyone have Medicine skill to check Danor? chris107: “Let’s let them settle. At least until our Dwarf wakes?†Keelia: not trained but I have +2 Smon: can't tell how long he'll be out if untrained JamesDevil: ooc I would like to medicine check myself while I am asleep >.> Smon: Smon: The whistling ends. Keelia: I have a potion that can put him back to sleep but nothing to wake him up Smon: The pale miasma begins to dissipate. Smon: You are staying at the top of the stairs? JamesDevil: ooc i doubt the cure for sleep is more sleep Sandor Sunneson: Might be a good place to continue next time?? JamesDevil: as much as i wish that was true in real life..... Keelia: Bright Star will sneak down after signalling Mordred to stay on guard. chris107: My vote would be yes, until Danor wakes
Keelia rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 17, (+13) = 30
Smon: Danor is asleep
chris107: Oh dear. I forgot our meat shi...erm Dwarven friend is sleeping.
chris107: "Perhaps we should get Danor to the surface?"
Keelia: Try poking him. In the meanwhile, Bright Star will creep (30 to stealth) to check if anyone is around any of the nearby corners
Smon: Bright Star sneaks down the stairs into the gas room.
Smon: Roll Perception BS
chris107: Mordred leaves the dwarf poking to Sandro. He stands guard.
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 5, (+8) = 13
Keelia: pp=18
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro shakes him gently to try and wake him up
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: Danor seems fast asleep.
chris107: oops
Smon: BS steps over the gas trap & reaches the western corridor.
Keelia: (I still have a potion of speed, we could dose him and see if that wakes him quicker, when BS is back?)
chris107: (Worth a try if we get into deep water)
Keelia: She'll continue to sneak forward
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will put the dwarf into the recovery position, to make sure his airway stays clear
chris107: Mordred listens and watches for all he's worth.
chris107: Keeping the light from his sword to a bare minimum to see by.
Smon: Looking north down the corridor BS sees stairs going down, the corridor continuing beyond. Two ogres are heading towards her up the stairs.
Keelia: (I also have a potion which is either enlargement or diminution, so he may become small enough to easily move or far too large, but it's an option)
chris107: (Excellent)
Keelia: Bright Star will turn and stealth back to report to the others of the approaching pair
chris107: "If we can lessen their forces taking out small bands like this it can only help our cause. But without Danor we may all bleed a lot more."
Smon: Looking south BS sees that after 20' there is a door in the east wall and an arch in the west wall, the corridor continuing another 20' to open into a large chamber. A huge and hideous ogre in Shamanic robes steps into view, looking at BS despite her stealthiness.
Sandor Sunneson: true
Smon: BS roll init
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 19,
Keelia: (damn, what is a 30 to stealth even worth :D)
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 13, (+6) = 19
Keelia: oh, possible
Keelia: roll off?
Smon: ok
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 16,
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 11, (+6) = 17
chris107: hard lines.
Smon: 16 beats 11
Keelia: yep
chris107: (I'm starting to think that trying the Speed potion is a jolly good idea)
Smon: The invisible demon familiars who were hovering above BS telling the Shaman her location attack her as he casts a spell & warns the other two ogres...
Smon: Invisible demons attack with advtg:
Keelia: She bares her teeth at him.
Keelia: ac 16
Smon: /roll d20+4x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x4 and gets:
17 (+4) = 21
1 (+4) = 5
3 (+4) = 7
18 (+4) = 22
Sandor Sunneson: \Sandro tries to wake the dwarf again lol
Smon: 21 & 22, 2 hits
Smon: /roll 2d4+6
Smon rolls 2d4+6 and gets: 2, 4, (+6) = 12
Keelia: uncanny dodge
Smon: 12 dmg, roll two DC 10 CON saves
Keelia: no uncanny dodge?
Smon: She can't use Reaction on them as they were invisible & undetected
Keelia rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 15, (+1) = 16
Keelia rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 9, (+1) = 10
chris107: yay
Keelia: just
Smon: OK you're not Poisoned & no extra dmg
Smon: The Shaman casts Bestow Curse on BS, roll DC 13 CHA save with disadvantage
chris107: (Lookig at the map we are in a vulnerable position and could be easily trapped. Mordred suggests a strategic withdrawl)
Keelia: Fancy Footwork for an attack and retreat without opp atk then follow up with kitty retreat?
chris107: (Back as far as 6 at least, avoiding the trap)
Smon: The Shaman casts Bestow Curse on BS, roll DC 13 CHA save with disadvantage
7:54am 2018-5-19 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
Keelia: (is that with or without prof?)
Keelia Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
14 (+2) = 16
19 (+2) = 21
chris107: "Sandro, help me drag Danor back to the entrance. Watch out for that trap. BRIGHTSTAR! TO US!"
Keelia: (I rolled without prof, so I'm safe either way)
Smon: You save, resisting the foul curse.
chris107: (Nice rolls)
Keelia: (Lucky dice today, thankfully )
Keelia: (was my previous plan acceptable? or does kitty retreat take the bonus action?)
Smon: The other two ogres head up the stairs to where two small leathery-winged demons are attacking BS. About 15' away. BS your go
Smon: There are two quasit demons above you BS, fancy footwork would let you attack one & move with only the second one getting an opp att.
Keelia: Bright Star will lash out with her blade at one of them, retreat with only 1 OA, then feline agility her way back at 2x speed to warn the others
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 10, (+8) = 18
Smon: BS slashes out at one - hit, no sneak
Keelia rolls 1d6+5 and gets: 1, (+5) = 6
chris107: oh! hard lines
Keelia: she'll engage super speed and zooooom
Smon: Is it a magic weapon?
Keelia: (and hopefully not take any more damage)
Keelia: yes +1 lycanthrope bane sword (scimitar which is house ruled for finesse, according to my sheet)
Smon: ok full dmg, it splashes green ichor
Smon: BS flees - quasit opp att
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 5, (+4) = 9
Smon: miss
Smon: Roll DC 12 acrobatics to get over the trap plate
Keelia: (phew!)
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 19, (+7) = 26
chris107: hehe
Keelia: yeah, she flies over it gracefully, as if she was wearing rockets
Smon: BS leaps over the trap plate and flees across the room back up the stairs to Mordred & Sandro.
Smon: GM: Are you all leaving or waiting here?
Keelia: she calls out a warning of their approaching enemies as soon as she's in sight
chris107: "We need to retreat."
8:03am 2018-5-19 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
Sandor Sunneson: sorry about that, laptop went all funny
Keelia: She pours a potion of speed down Danor's throat
Smon: The Shaman casts Bestow Curse on BS, roll DC 13 CHA save with disadvantage
chris107: Backto the top of the steps
Keelia: (probably while the others are dragging him)
Keelia: again?
Smon: sorry ignore that
Smon: wrong copy paste!
Keelia: no worries
chris107: Mordred will stand rearguard if BS and Sandro can get Danor out.
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, sounds good
Smon: GM: You drag Danor towards the stairs. BS gives him a potion of speed - Danor roll DC 15 poison save w advtg
JamesDevil Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
4 (+2) = 6
16 (+2) = 18
Smon: The jolt of caffeine in the speed potion wakes up Danor!
Keelia: "Get up, friend. We have many enemies incoming!"
JamesDevil: "huh? what? whats going on?"
JamesDevil: stand and fight or flee?
chris107: @ DM are the secret doors to 7 closed?)
Sandor Sunneson: wahey
chris107: "We ned a choke point to fight them."
Smon: GM: You are currently in room #6 with the broad stairs up to the surface.
JamesDevil: where can we choke point them?
Smon: Suddenly a mysterious figure appears at the top of the stairs!
chris107: The door beween 8&6 would be good if the secret doors are shut
Smon: GM: Bill's new pc
Keelia: "Shaman, 2 quasits, 2 other ogres. And something in front of us," Bright Star rattles off.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro gets ready to combat
chris107: "Who is that mysterious figure?!"
JamesDevil: should i roll init?
DESTROYERBILL: a tall blackened figure emirges with a humungus hammer and a glare of bloodlust in his eye talaktakan the angel of death
chris107: "Eek!"
JamesDevil: its an enemy, kill it
8:09am 2018-5-19 SugarShark Has entered the room
Sandor Sunneson: Who are we going for first?
Keelia: "Bright Star doesn't know. Move aside, stranger, or become our opponent."
chris107: Hi Sugar Shark
JamesDevil: get the imps, they are messibng up BS
chris107: @ DM, are the secret doors closed?
Smon: GM: The mysterious figure is a black dragonborn.
SugarShark: (hi)
Smon: AFAIK you haven't closed the secret doors.
chris107: "Then back to the steps to the surface, we do not want to get cut off!"
chris107: (Or one of us couldtry shutting the secret doors before the masses arrive?)
Keelia: Bright Star will engage kitty speed again and double back to try to close the secret doors
JamesDevil: go for the door
chris107: Cool.
chris107: Then we try hold the door between 6&8?
Smon: GM: BS goes back into 8 and closes the secret door there. Mordred can close the door in #6.
Smon: The ogre noises seem to have stopped.
chris107: Thanks
Smon: you can all roll perception
chris107: "Should we try to lure them to us here?"
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 18, (+4) = 22
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 11, (+4) = 15
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 1, (+3) = 4
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro gets ready to combat
Sandor Sunneson: wahey
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 4, (+5) = 9
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 7, (+8) = 15
Smon: Danor senses he is being watched.
JamesDevil: "Something is watching us..."
Keelia: Bright Star returns to the others after having closed the secret door. "Invisible demons - quasits - were working with the shaman. Could be them."
JamesDevil: anyone got detect magic?
DESTROYERBILL: i poison spray in a circle arouned me
JamesDevil: thats not the way poison spray works...
Smon: The black dragonborn starts puffing poison around him, air freshener style.
Keelia: "Is that one with us or against us?" she jabs her thumb at the random dragonborn spouting acid.
JamesDevil: "not sure, if it isn't I can blow a spell slot and mess it up though"
Keelia: (air freshener style, that's a mental picture!)
DESTROYERBILL: its a cantrip i dont literraly form a circle i spray in a circle so no invisble creatures kill me
JamesDevil: ok
Smon: Every 6 seconds he casts a tiny puff of poison in the air around him.
JamesDevil: "Oi scaly bastard, are you friend or foe?"
JamesDevil: "ok, we have a bunch of ogres to clear out, wanna lend a hand?"
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 5, 5, = 10
Keelia: Bright Star looks at the others, then shrugs. They've had a lot of experience with random dragonborns popping in to help, so she'll go with it.
JamesDevil: "whats your name?"
chris107: Mordred holds the door to 8 slightly ajar looking through.
Sandor Sunneson: I'll call you T Sandro says
Sandor Sunneson: as in the drink
Sandor Sunneson: and letter
Keelia: Bright Star grins at Sandro
DESTROYERBILL: my titel is the angel of death forged by the many i have slain
JamesDevil: I'm Danor, thats BS
Keelia: "Prepare yourselves. Two quasits, a shaman with a fondness for curses, and two ogres."
JamesDevil: "riiiiiiiiiight"
Smon: Danor calls Bright Star BS?
Keelia: "Bright Star," she corrects Danor.
DESTROYERBILL: with my hammer blood drinker
JamesDevil: soz, was faster to right BS
Smon: About 15 minutes has passed, the ogres don't seem to be coming up after you.
JamesDevil: "right, lets take the fight to them"
chris107: "Do you still feel as if you're being watched, Danor?"
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 6, (+4) = 10
Smon: Can roll again
JamesDevil: "nope"
Sandor Sunneson: probably not lol
JamesDevil: "not as far as i can tell
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 7, (+4) = 11
chris107: "Also once we pass the gas trap we risk been surounded."
Smon: He can't tell.
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 5, (+8) = 13
chris107: "Those steps to the west from the wolf pens link up to the long north-south corridor."
Keelia: Bright Star gets her sneak on
Keelia rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 13, (+13) = 26
Keelia: she'll creep forward to go investigate, all senses on high alert
Smon: Are you going 6 to 8 to 14 and into corridor?
chris107: "Looks like the Ogre hunt is on."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro gets ready to follow
chris107: I'd suggest 6-8-15?
chris107: Mix it up a bit and avoid the gas trap.
Keelia: yes, she'll move from 6 into 8, carefully check it,
JamesDevil: sounds good to me, i'll hang back in visual range of the others and wait for them to signal me to follow
Smon: BS sneaks ahead of the others 6-8-14, leaping the trap.
Smon: Reaching the corridor she finds it now empty of ogres.
chris107: 6-8-15 for the rest of us please Simon.
Keelia: She looks both ways then goes to report back.
chris107: We are not so nimble as our feline friend.
Smon: BS returns to the others in #8
Keelia: She'll meet them at 8, then head towards 9, popping into 15
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will follow
Smon: From 8 BS goes down the corridor and opens the door in the west wall, she sees stairs going down into a chamber with doors in west & south wall.
Keelia: She'll check around for traps
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 16, (+6) = 22
Keelia: for investigation
chris107: (T, D & M waiting in 8?)
Smon: #15. A collection of furniture has been piled up against the western door which opens into this room. Anyone pushing through from the west side will need to push the pile of furniture out of the way using the door, while those wanting to open it from inside the room will have to move the furniture first. In the middle of the room there is a small pile of burned debris from a fairly recent camp fire.
Smon: Sandro is behind BS. Rest of you in #8 unless you say otherwise.
Smon: BS sees no traps in #15.
Sandor Sunneson: Ogre camp?
Keelia: Bright Star will go and check out the unblocked door first
Keelia: She nods at Sandro, "likely."
Smon: BS sneaks down into the room and checks the south door - no traps.
Keelia: She doubles back to wave the others forward to the room
chris107: Mordred creeps forward, letting his sword provide illumination.
JamesDevil: Danor moves up
Smon: GM: You all head down into #15. Are you opening the south door?
chris107: M is still nervous about been trapped.
Keelia: Bright Star will creep back forward and carefully open the door
Smon: The door opens. The small room to the south looks like it was being used by the dwarves to store supplies and has been thoroughly ransacked, with wrecked barrels and crates littering the floor and only a couple of pickaxes left.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will put his ear to it seeing if he hears nosise comin from behind
Sandor Sunneson: maybe not
Keelia: (Do that for the other door. We need to be careful of moving the furniture)
chris107: "So the Dwarves barricaded the west door agin the Ogres maybe?"
Keelia: Or the wolves
chris107: "Maybe we should leave it that way?"
chris107: "Keeps our backs a bit safer."
Smon: It will take a couple minutes to move the furniture. The dragonborn looks very strong and could do it quickly.
Keelia: Bright Star glances over at Mordred. "It is this way or over the trap in the other room. Which is your preference"
JamesDevil: This way
chris107: "You make a good point. Lets move the furniture."
DESTROYERBILL: i start moving the furnature
Keelia: "Try to make as little noise as possible," Bright Star suggests.
chris107: Mordred moves back to the top of the steps to keep watch
Smon: The dragonborn easily picks up a massive wardrobe and moves it aside, followed by a battered desk and mahogany table.
Smon: The way they were stacked one atop another, no dwarf could readily do that - more likely ogres.
Smon: Talaxakan finishes moving the furniture.
Smon: You open the west door?
Keelia: Bright Star motions for Sandro to listen at the door
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro listens
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 11, (+5) = 16
Smon: All is quiet.
chris107: Mordred keeps watch from thetop of the steps for now.
8:42am 2018-5-19 SugarShark Has exited the room
Keelia: Bright Star motions for the others to be ready then she opens the door
Smon: BS pulls the heavy oak door open.
Smon: Looking west into the n-s corridor beyond, she sees through an archway a landing area opposite. Beyond the landing are stone stairs going downwards.
Keelia: "Appears clear," she says and creeps into the hall.
Sandor Sunneson: down another level
Smon: The landing is small but with an alcove in the n wall, suitable as a sentry post. The stairway turns north as it descends out of sight.
chris107: Mordred follows on, keeping one eye on our rear.
Keelia: She glances both ways, then heads north.
DESTROYERBILL: i suddenly put my hand over bright stars head
Smon: BS steps into the corridor. To the south the tunnel opens out at the place where the ogre shaman appears.
Smon: @Keelia north down the tunnel?
DESTROYERBILL: scratch that previous thing
Keelia: If BS saw the shaman, then she'd go that way
Smon: No sign of the shaman or other ogres.
Keelia: "Shaman was south, head that way, or North?"
Keelia: "North goes down and down is always interesting."
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d4 and gets: 1,
Smon: west goes down
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 16, (+4) = 20
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will check for tracks
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 18, (+5) = 23
chris107: "Should we check to see if the Shaman is still home first?"
DESTROYERBILL: theres still somithig above bright star
Smon: Tal steps towards BS sensing there is something above her
Smon: Sandro senses it too
Keelia: Bright Star looks up, eyes squinting as she peers into shadows
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will fire darts in its direction
Smon: Nothing visible there.
Sandor Sunneson: using the bandoleer
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 14, (+8) = 22
chris107: Mordred turns up the light.
Smon: You all feel uneasy, but nothing visible.
Sandor Sunneson: He'll shout show yourself invisible thing,
Keelia: IF she can't see anything, and it hasn't attacked her yet, she'll consider i
Smon: Mordred joins the others in the corridor.
Smon: Sandro roll a CHA check
Keelia: Bright Star frowns and stalks south as per Mordred's suggestion to check if the ogre shaman is still there.
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 17, (+3) = 20
Sandor Sunneson: Yeah
Keelia: (nice roll!)
Smon: You hear evil high pitched cackling from above BS.
chris107: Mordred pulls Berta from his sleave and sends it to flap around BS' head
Sandor Sunneson: (Thank the computer generated number determinator)
Keelia: Her ears fold back and her tail fluffs up, agitatedly. "What goes there?:
Smon: Berta flaps around above BS.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
chris107: (Good pereption for Owls?)
Sandor Sunneson: Yeah! 6!
Smon: Collides with the invisible quasit
Keelia: Nice!
Smon: /roll d20+4x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x2 and gets:
9 (+4) = 13
8 (+4) = 12
Keelia: is it the wounded one?
Sandor Sunneson: quasit
Smon: The quasit appears as it lashes out angrily at Berta - miss.
chris107: M prepares to blast it if it becomes visible
Smon: Roll init everyone
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 20, (+3) = 23
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 11, (+3) = 14
JamesDevil: Am i close enough to do anything?
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 20, (+3) = 23
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 15, (+6) = 21
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 12,
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 5, (+2) = 7
Smon: Mordred roll off
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 6,
chris107 rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
chris107: Firebolt. (Hope fire affects Quasits!)
Smon: Mordred gets off a blast before it can flee or turn invisible again.
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 7, (+6) = 13
Smon: AC 13 - hit
Smon: roll dmg
chris107: phew
chris107 rolls 2d10 and gets: 8, 9, = 17
Smon: Fire resistance, 17/2 = 8 hp... it had 7 hp. With a despairing shriek it falls dead beside BS.
Keelia: nice job!
chris107: "Well done Berta! Zagaar would be proud of you!"
Keelia: Bright Star kicks it away from her, with a frown.
Smon: The ugly little winged corpse is about 2' tall. It starts to melt into green goo.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will stand back
Sandor Sunneson: Will Mordred put his face into Chris like Ursa did with that deadly pool?
Keelia: "There is another one still. And the shaman may have been able to watch us and knows we are coming again."
DESTROYERBILL: i spray the corpse with acid splash
Smon: It melts faster.
chris107: "Aye, we must keep a weather eye out for the other beastie."
Smon: The tunnel south ends at the east end of the north wall of a large vaulted chamber with 3 sections.
The room is divided into three segments – an eastern antechamber lined with benches built into the walls, an empty main room with stairs up to the south, and faded murals of human holy days; and a western “alcove” which contains a carved stone pulpit that currently has an open book on it and a massive and ornate iron lantern.
Keelia: Bright Star waves her hand towards the book, looking at Mordred for advice
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will go and inspect the book
Keelia: She'll look around for the other quasit.
Smon: Sandro crosses the vaulted chamber, past the stairs up to the south, and reaches the alcove with the open book on it.
chris107: Mordred follows the monk.
chris107: Wary of attack.
Smon: M follows. BS looks around, no sign of the other invisible demon.
chris107: Protecting his friend from arial attack
JamesDevil: Danor follows as well
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will read the open pages of the book
Smon: The book is written in some kind of mind-bending demonic script.
Smon: Sandro roll a DC 10 WIS save.
Sandor Sunneson: Does it appear to be omitting an aura?
Smon: emitting
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 14, (+4) = 18
Smon: It's just sitting there.
Smon: The writing is in Abyssal. You'd need comprehend languages or read magic or read Abyssal to make sense of it.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will ask the others if he should close the book as it seems to be written in a demonic script he is not familiar with
chris107: Mordred can comprehend languages as a ritual?
Keelia: Bright Star considers. "It may be safer not to touch it."
chris107: But is keen to avoid such a wicked tome.
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, Sandro will step back from the it
Smon: GM: You congregate & chat.
chris107: "Close the horrid thing."
Smon: brb
chris107: I'll grab a quick coffee then
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will close it
Smon: Sandro closes the weighty tome.
Sandor Sunneson: head on?
JamesDevil: indeed, let us push on
Smon: There is more red-runed writing on the leather (skin?) cover. It practically oozes wickedness.
JamesDevil: ooc unless we want to end early
Keelia: Bright Star nods (do those stairs to the south lead on?)
Smon: Are you going up the south stairs?
Keelia: (let's check out one more room?)
chris107: back
JamesDevil: one more room, then head up methinks
Keelia: Bright Star will go up the south stairs
Smon: A faint candle glow comes from up the stairs.
chris107: Mordred wants to destroy the wicked book.
chris107: Piece it with the Sword of Destiny.
JamesDevil: fine
JamesDevil: Danor casts sacred flame on the book
JamesDevil: i assume it doesn't make the dex save
Keelia: Bright Star pauses on the stairs, looking towards them, waiting to see what happens
Smon: BS goes up the stairs while Mordred stabs the Tome of Cruel Lies and Danor hits it with radiant flame.
Smon: Mordred roll a DC 10 wis save.
chris107: "Athena bless us!"
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 4, (+3) = 7
Smon: w advtg
Smon: Since you invoked Athena
JamesDevil: :/
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 6, (+3) = 9
Smon: aww
chris107: bugger
JamesDevil: Athena is not impressed
Sandor Sunneson: She's having a white wine at her local boozer it appears
chris107: hehe
Smon: The evil book bursts into black flame, but in a final outpouring of hateful energy Mordred is Cursed.
Keelia: Bright Star considers her few remaining potions and wonder if any are of us
Sandor Sunneson: Boozer called Bacchus's Tavern
chris107: "Aaarrggghh! It was worth it to see such evil destroyed!"
JamesDevil: Danor casts remove curse on him
Smon: Mordred has disad on all rolls & must make a WIS save at start of each turn or do nothing.
chris107: Cripes
Smon: Danor invokes the power of the Dwarves to cleanse Mordred...
JamesDevil: Danor cast remove curse on him
Smon: The curse is cleansed from Mordred.
JamesDevil: "be purged of the unclean"
chris107: "Thank you Danor. I will make a sacrifice to your Gods and mine when we return to Selatine."
JamesDevil: "Indeed, lets move on shall we?"
Keelia: Bright Star, seeing that all is in hand, continues up the stairs
chris107: Mordred shivers at the memory of the dreadfulcurse but presses on.
Smon: BS comes out at the top of the steps. The ogre shaman had converted this private shrine of the Erdea family into his headquarters. The room is lit by a dozen black candles and is decorated with the intestines of several slain dwarves.
Smon: There is a large wooden trunk under the makeshift bed.
Keelia: Bright Star motions for whoever is behind her to stop. She will investigate for traps
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 10, (+6) = 16
chris107: "Those untreated intestines will breed germs. And the whole place needs a good dust!"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will stop
Smon: GM: The room is about 20x20. BS searches around, finds no traps.
JamesDevil: Danor seeing the slain Dwarf and mutters a prayer for their souls then moves on
Keelia: "Does anyone sense any evil?"
chris107: Mordred stops. His criticism of Ogre interior decor left unfinished.
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 17, (+8) = 25
Smon: The rotting intestines draping the walls give the place a cozy feel.
Keelia: "or rather active evil?"
JamesDevil: Danors looks at BS for a little longer than, no evil here
JamesDevil: Danor will grab the large chest and drag it into the centre of the room
chris107: Mordred stands guard at the bottom of the steps watching the entrance.
Keelia: "Its contents may be unpleasant. Brace yourself."
Keelia: She draws her bow, just in case
JamesDevil: Danor tries to open the Chest
Smon: Danor drags the chest into the middle of the room. It seems unlocked; Danor lifts the lid.
Smon: Inside are scattered about a thousand gold pieces and an ornate wand, Danor recognises it as a wand of magic detection.
chris107: nice
Keelia: Bright Star wishes for a bag of holding. "We'll have to split it to carry it all."
Sandor Sunneson: Cool
Sandor Sunneson: how many thousand?
JamesDevil: I'm at my carry limit because of the extra set of armour
Smon: "about a thousand"
chris107: me too
Keelia: Bright Star isn't. She didn't take any armour so it wouldn't slow her down.
DESTROYERBILL: i can carry it
Keelia: And Sandro didn't either, I think.
JamesDevil: take as much as you can then
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Sandor Sunneson: will do
Sandor Sunneson: Or T can carry the chest?
Keelia: (Will it stop him from being able to fight?)
JamesDevil: i guess if T can carry the cwhole chest that would help a great deal
Smon: You can carry the coins in your packs.
JamesDevil: he can always drop it
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: Chest is much bigger than the coins
Sandor Sunneson: We'll put coins in packs then
Smon: GM: You collect up the money - 250gp per PC.
Sandor Sunneson: cool
Keelia: cool
Smon: Reckon I'll stop there, you can have 450 XP each.
Saturday, 12 May 2018
12/5/8 Erdea Manor #3 (400 XP)
7:19am 2018-5-12 Smon Has entered the room
Smon: Hi James
JamesDevil: Hi Simon
7:22am 2018-5-12 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
Sandor Sunneson: Morning boyz
Smon: Morning Fergus
JamesDevil: Morning Fergus
Smon: Fergus I was thinking if you wanted to stick with playing Sandro today I could adjust the dates so current Erdea Manor adventure takes place after your trip to Stonehell last Sunday?
Sandor Sunneson: sure
Sandor Sunneson: don't mind Simon,
Smon: OK then Erdea expedition is then set 12/5/48 a week after you fought berserkers in Stonehell.
7:27am 2018-5-12 Smon Has exited the room
Sandor Sunneson: was thinking with Sandro, he would be happy going to do adventures in Ahyf area, would be good to have a PC buddy to do that with.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor even
7:27am 2018-5-12 Smon Has entered the room
Sandor Sunneson: Guess you read response? Happy to play Sandro
Smon: >>Smon: OK then Erdea expedition is then set 12/5/48 a week after you fought berserkers in Stonehell.<<
Sandor Sunneson: Kelia joining us and Chris popping in for last hour?
Smon: Hopefully yes
Smon: Just PM'd Keelia
Sandor Sunneson: Is Erdea a town or area? Where is it in location to Ahyf (roughly)??
7:32am 2018-5-12 Keelia Has entered the room
JamesDevil: Hi Keelia
Keelia: Hi guys! I'm running a few minutes behind
Smon: Hi Keelia
Keelia: i just need two minutes. Sorry!
Smon: >>Is Erdea a town or area? Where is it in location to Ahyf (roughly)??<< Erdea manor is the ruined abode of the long gone Erde noble clan of ancient Nerath. About 5 miles west of the Lighthouse of St Ulther in the Ghinarian Hills.
Smon: About 80 miles from Ahyf.
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, thanks, know roughly now.
Keelia: right, sorry, thanks!
Keelia: is that where we're going?
Smon: The Erde are said to have accumulated great riches fighting for Nerath, but legends say that as the power of the clan waned following the Fall of Nerath 250 years ago, their great manor began to sink and collapse back into the earth.
Smon: That's where you were at end of last session.
Keelia: even better, we're already there!
Keelia: awesome
Smon: Chris's map
Smon: Smon: You look around the antechamber - the bodies of a half-dozen goats are hung on wooden pegs on the east and north walls. The secret door you came in by is opened by removing one of the wooden pegs from the wall and reaching in to press a switch along the bottom of the peg hole. There is a small fire here, and a large pot of tea-like substance on the fire. The two passages exiting from this room have massive and ornate archways over them with the Erdea coat of arms at the peak and both bases of the arch.
Sandor Sunneson: go west?
Smon: A bunch of dead wolves lie heaped just beyond the southern arch, where a tunnel leads south - one wolf escaped. The west arch leads to stairs down.
JamesDevil: anyone need Aid before we move?
Keelia: are they actually goats? I have a sudden memory of a 'white goat' being a euphemism for human sacrifice
Keelia: west works for me
Smon: GM OOC: When combat happens we'll try the variant init system I mentioned. Yes they are goats.
JamesDevil: west it is then, kitty first
Keelia: Bright Star will take the lead, keeping an eye out for traps and an ear out for any other enemies.
JamesDevil: I'll follow behind a few paces
Smon: The three dwarves have conferred and decide to head out with their loot from the hidden armoury you discovered. They thank you again for clearing out the surface ogres.
Smon: Mordred is tired and will guard the surface while the dwarves depart.
JamesDevil: in dwarfish "take care"
Smon: Rakara the dragonborn also heads out, leaving the three of you for now.
JamesDevil: fewer the bodies, the greater the share of the loot
Keelia: Bright Star waits until the others have departed before she continues west as suggested
Keelia: She nods at his words
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will wish Mordred a happy snooze and tell him to catch up once he has had his beauty sleep
Sandor Sunneson: and then follow Kitty west
Smon: GM: Once the others have left, BS stealths down a short flight of stairs into a bare tiled chamber about 15' n-s by 25' e-w, with two alcoves in the N & S walls towards the west end, just before a broad archway in the west wall opens out into what looks like a n-s tunnel.
Smon: Sandro follows BS down the stairs, descending about 10' to the lower chamber.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will see if he hears any noises to the n and s
Smon: can roll percep both of you
JamesDevil: Danor ios following
Keelia: She will check out the alcoves
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 12, (+8) = 20
Smon: Danor stomps down the stairs as BS approaches the alcoves.
Keelia: pp 18
7:48am 2018-5-12 SugarShark Has entered the room
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 11, (+5) = 16
Smon: 20 is exact pass - something not right about the floor here... BS looks closer and detects the faint signs of a pressure plate which crosses the floor from the n to s alcove.
Keelia: "Hold," she calls out to the others
Keelia: "A trap"
Smon: (hi Sugarshark)
SugarShark: lurking above and below. hey hey
Keelia: she crouches down to investigate it.
SugarShark: (oh yeah brackets)
JamesDevil: Guidance on BS when she tries to investigate
JamesDevil: then again when she tries to disarm (assuming she gets that far!)
Smon: BS can roll investigate
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 16, (+6) = 22
Keelia rolls 1d4 and gets: 1,
Keelia: 23 total
JamesDevil: every little helps
Keelia: (indeed )
Smon: The plate is about 5' wide, disguised as part of the stone tiled floor. It looks too big to easily jam. Checking around, BS detects numerous tiny holes in the rear walls of the alcoves, the kind that could emit something nasty if the plate was depressed.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Keelia: She points this out to the others
JamesDevil: "can we try jamming the holes"?
JamesDevil: "that or jump over the plate"
Smon: You would have to step into the alcoves, onto the plates, to reach the holes - the design is rather clever.
Keelia: She'll step around the pressure plate and go check out the alcove, to see if the holes appear burned or such to try to work out what the output would be
JamesDevil: "if its only 5"
JamesDevil: 5'*
Keelia: Ah nevermind
Smon: The plates fill the alcoves
JamesDevil: so the main path is clear?
Smon: /roll d20-1
Sandor Sunneson: hmmm
Smon rolls 1d20-1 and gets: 11, (-1) = 10
Keelia: "Why trap the alcoves?" Bright Star murmurs.
Sandor Sunneson: there's something of low dex watching us
Smon: The plate runs n-s across the chamber, blocking access to the west exit.
Keelia: lol
JamesDevil: ooc lol
JamesDevil: ah, k, but its only 5' wide? so jumping it is possible?
Smon: Suddenly you hear heavy footsteps behind you and turn to see several ogres have appeared behind you at the top of the eastern stairs! With them is the wolf that escaped.
Keelia: Bright Star hisses at the wolf and draws her bow immediately
JamesDevil: "screw it jump over the plate
Sandor Sunneson: Shall we let them come to us and they activate the plates?
Smon: Yes it should be possible to take a running jump over the pressure plate through the west arch into the N-S tunnel.
JamesDevil: lets do it
JamesDevil: Danor will jump over the plate to the opposite side
Keelia: She nods at them both and jumps over the plate into the western arch
Smon: The plate is in front of you (west). The ogres behind you (east).
Smon: OK roll init DC 10+
JamesDevil: how far are they?
Sandor Sunneson: ah ok,
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 13,
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 20, (+6) = 26
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 1, (+6) = 7
Keelia: waste of a crit!
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: They are about 25' away, up the stairs in the antechamber, hefting clubs & javelins.
JamesDevil: BS jump, i'll stand here and buy Sandor time to make the jump as well
Keelia: (Or you can throw him over as your action and then jump over? then we could trigger the plate from the other side
Keelia: )
JamesDevil: you can always shoot from the opposite side, and i don't want to risk thriowing him onto the plate
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro gets ready to be propelled
Smon: GM: OK Danor & BS take a running jump over the plate through the west arch and into the western tunnel as the lead ogre rushes at Sandro, the rear two throwing javelins.
Sandor Sunneson: by a dwarf
Keelia: He'll be fine. You're strong enough
Smon: No you can't pick up Sandro & throw him & get over youself before the ogres arrive
JamesDevil: no, i stay on this side and cast SoF then stand infront of Sandro
JamesDevil: then cast Sacred flame on the wolf
Keelia: Bright Star is certain that no one is listening to her, so she jumps over and turns to take aim at the ogre
JamesDevil: ooc Im not playing a Goliath barbarian Keelia or i would be tossing Sandro all game
Keelia: (eh, sure you can!)
JamesDevil: lol
JamesDevil: only 15 Str
Smon: GM: BS leaps over the hidden plate (which only she knows exactly where it is) then snaps off a shot at the lead ogre - roll to hit BS
JamesDevil: and no powerful build feat
Smon: Danor moves in front of Sandro and casts sacred flame on it.
JamesDevil: DC15 Dex save from the wolf plz
JamesDevil: then bonus action SoF on myself
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 14, (+7) = 21
Smon: (ok SF on wolf) Seeing Danor come towards them, all 3 ogres and wolf come down the stairs
Sandor Sunneson: and they're not coming down the stairs for a chat and natter either
Smon: /roll d20+2
Keelia: any sneak?
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 2, (+2) = 4
Smon: wolf is burned, ogre is hit
JamesDevil rolls 2d8 and gets: 1, 4, = 5
JamesDevil: bah, the gods are not with me this morning
JamesDevil: SoF on myself at least, so 24AC now
Smon: >>any sneak?<< You're not hidden & they're not adjacent to your ally when you shoot, so no I think
Smon: /roll d6x3
Smon Rolls 1d6x3 and gets:
1 = 1
2 = 2
1 = 1
Keelia rolls 1d6+4 and gets: 2, (+4) = 6
Smon: All the ogres attack Danor, while the wolf yelps and scurries out of sight.
Keelia: do I get swashbuckler sneak?
Keelia: where I get sneak if no one within 5'?
Smon: no
Keelia: ok
Smon: /roll d20+6x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x3 and gets:
3 (+6) = 9
13 (+6) = 19
11 (+6) = 17
Smon: Danor fends off the ogres in his impenetrable armour
JamesDevil: one word "ha"
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: They crowd in so Sandro can't take a running jump
Sandor Sunneson: All that testoserone in a small area, human, dwarf and ogre too.
JamesDevil: can he still try for the jump? at disadvantage or something?
Smon: Two are adjacent to Sandro (to left & right) as well as to Danor, so could attack either of you.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro gets his swords out ready to attack (last)
Smon: yes he could prob standing jump, or attack
JamesDevil: would make more sense to jump i think, but up to you
Sandor Sunneson: just checking character sheet
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, when it's my turn I'll jump
Smon: GM: The ogre BS shot is the one directly east of Danor, while its unwounded companions went round to N & S
Smon: Roll DC 10 Athletics Sandro
Smon: Is he Disengaging?
Sandor Sunneson: yes
Smon: ...
Smon: Roll DC 10 Athletics Sandro
JamesDevil: roll man roll
Smon: ...
Keelia: or simon will roll it for you
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 16, (+6) = 22
Sandor Sunneson: sorry, was brewing up
Sandor Sunneson: 22 pass
Smon: GM: Sandro leaps away from the ogres over the unseen plate, landing beside Bright Star in the N-S corridor.
Smon: R2
Smon: roll init
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 20,
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 12, (+6) = 18
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 9, (+6) = 15
JamesDevil: Dwarfs, well known for their speed
Smon: OK you all go - actions please
Keelia: (if Danor jumps over, then Bright Star or Sandro can trigger the trap)
Sandor Sunneson: I'll use the bandoleer to throw darts at the ogres attacking the little bearded fellow
Smon: (OOC best not to make tea during your turn)
JamesDevil: Saced flame on the wounded one then i'll jump over the plate
JamesDevil: DC15 Dex save plz
Smon: /roll d20-1
Smon rolls 1d20-1 and gets: 3, (-1) = 2
JamesDevil rolls 2d8 and gets: 3, 7, = 10
Smon: ogre is burned
Keelia: (yay for low dex!)
Smon: Danor leaps back, 3 opp atts on him
JamesDevil: now for the jump over th eplate
Smon: /roll d20+6x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x3 and gets:
8 (+6) = 14
18 (+6) = 24
17 (+6) = 23
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 14, (+2) = 16
JamesDevil: 1 hit me
JamesDevil: made the jump at least
Smon: /roll 2d8+4
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will look to dart the burnt one
Smon rolls 2d8+4 and gets: 7, 1, (+4) = 12
JamesDevil: rolling Con check for SoF
Smon: 12 damage,
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 18, (+2) = 20
JamesDevil: thats my turn done
Smon: Pass, so 3rd attack (23) bounces off the Shield as Danor leaps back into BS & Sandro
Smon: Sandro can throw 2 darts
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
20 (+5) = 25
8 (+5) = 13
Smon: hit & crit
8:22am 2018-5-12 chris107 Has entered the room
Smon: hi chris
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d4+3 and gets: 4, 4, (+3) = 11
chris107: Morning folks
Keelia: If everyone is over, Bright Star will trigger the trap
Keelia: (hi Chris!)
JamesDevil: in Dwarfish: "Come on you <insert Dwarf word for shit eaters> come and get us!"
Sandor Sunneson: ouch, 11 damage from hit
Smon: Everyone is over.
Sandor Sunneson: crit
Smon: BS steps on the pressure plate?
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d4+3 and gets: 4, (+3) = 7
Sandor Sunneson: 18 damage from 2 darts
Keelia: yes. she slams the end of her bow down on it
JamesDevil: ooc not sure BS will need to depending how stupid these ogres are
Sandor Sunneson: 11 crit 7 normal
Smon: Roll DC 12 STR check BS
Smon: (no prof)
chris107: (Anything I can do to help?)
Keelia rolls 1d20-1 and gets: 1, (-1) = 0
Keelia: I rolled a zero.
JamesDevil: as weeak as a kitten.....
chris107: Thatâs pretty bad!
JamesDevil: does she push down on the wrong bir of floor?
JamesDevil: bit*
Sandor Sunneson: oh
Smon: Mordred is standing guard upstairs in the ruins when he hears sounds of fighting drifting up from below. Heading down to the antechamber with the cooking fire and dead goats, looking through the west arch & down stairs he sees three ogres with their backs to him and his companions in a broad archway at west end of the lower chamber, beyond the ogres
Smon: Suddenly a wolf rushes at Mordred out of the darkness!
Sandor Sunneson: That's the second 1 rolled this morning
Sandor Sunneson: or evening
chris107: Init?
Smon: BS's kitten push with bow end has no effect, the pressure plate does not descend.
Smon: Also doing that took her close to the ogres, she could bonus action disengage to swiftly get back from them
Keelia: cunning action to disengage, yes
Smon: The 3 ogres seem aware of the pressure plate and instead of stepping on to it, throw javelins.
JamesDevil: at least your bow didn't break BS
Smon: /roll d3x3
Smon Rolls 1d3x3 and gets:
2 = 2
1 = 1
3 = 3
JamesDevil: I'm closest to them i think
Smon: 1 at each of you BS Danor Sandro
JamesDevil: .....nvm
Smon: /roll d20+6x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x3 and gets:
10 (+6) = 16
16 (+6) = 22
6 (+6) = 12
Keelia: (the dice gods have frowned upon us all)
Sandor Sunneson: did the 2 darts not do sig damage to the injured one?
Smon: 16 vs BS, 22 vs Danor, 12 vs Sandro
Smon: The ogre with 2 darts in him looks badly bloodied yes
Keelia: hit.
Keelia: AC=16
JamesDevil: Danor remains unimpressed by the ogres
Smon: Mordred roll init DC 13
Smon: BS is hit by javelin
Smon: /roll 2d6+4
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 19, (+3) = 22
Smon rolls 2d6+4 and gets: 1, 3, (+4) = 8
Smon: 8 dmg to BS
Keelia: uncanny dodge?
Smon: (sure BS) Mordred reacts fast as the wolf leaps at him...
Smon: Mordred slashing at it?
chris107: He hacks at it.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
9 (+7) = 16
6 (+7) = 13
Smon: 2 hits
chris107 rolls 2d8+12 and gets: 4, 3, (+12) = 19
Smon: Mordred cuts down the furry brute!
Keelia: (nice!)
Smon: R3 Mordred is at the top of the 10' stairway looking down. The ogres look around and see him - now surrounded, they start to look worried, though no PCs are in melee with them.
Smon: At his current position only 1 ogre could get to Mordred in melee
chris107: Excellent!
Smon: The ogres have 1 more javelin each, plus heavy clubs.
Sandor Sunneson: animal murderer
Smon: everyone roll init DC 10
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 18,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 9, (+6) = 15
chris107: âItâs a tough job but someone has to do it.â
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 12, (+6) = 18
JamesDevil: ug, looks like i need to jump back other and keep their attention
Smon: OK you all go first
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 13, (+3) = 16
Sandor Sunneson: Linda McCartney will not be impressed!
JamesDevil: Danor jumps back over and sacred flames the wounded one
Keelia: Bright Star is a touch annoyed at getting struck and takes aim with her bow
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 15, (+2) = 17
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 12, (+7) = 19
Smon: The ogres are right up against the pressure plate Danor, you would have to jump into one and try to knock it back (bull rush w disad so not great)
JamesDevil: dex 15 save plz
JamesDevil: k, bull rush with dis it is
JamesDevil: athletics?
Smon: BS shoots wounded ogre, can roll dmg
chris107: Firebolt from Mordred
Smon: (yes athletics)
JamesDevil Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
19 (+2) = 21
19 (+2) = 21
Keelia: sneak?
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 2, (+6) = 8
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 2, (+4) = 6
JamesDevil: Danor bellows out a great battle cry
Keelia rolls 1d6+4 and gets: 5, (+4) = 9
Smon: Danor 21 vs Ogre 6 - Danor slams into an ogre sending him staggering back (that was Danor's Action)
JamesDevil: k, at least i'm back in the fray
Smon: Mordred can firebolt the wounded ogre
Smon: but 8 is a miss
chris107: Missed, rolled a 2
Smon: OK I'm not waiting for Sandro, he can act whenever he wants but the 3 ogres pound on Danor, now on their side of the plate.
Smon: /roll d20+6x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x3 and gets:
13 (+6) = 19
15 (+6) = 21
9 (+6) = 15
8:39am 2018-5-12 SugarShark Has exited the room
Smon: Danor's mighty protections shield him again.
8:39am 2018-5-12 SugarShark Has entered the room
Sandor Sunneson: He'll attack
chris107: Yay!
Sandor Sunneson: with Ki
JamesDevil: Danor is now thinking about what he'll hvae for dinner while ignoring the attacks
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+5x4 and gets:
17 (+5) = 22
12 (+5) = 17
2 (+5) = 7
6 (+5) = 11
Keelia: did bright star get sneak?
Sandor Sunneson: 2 hits?
Smon: Roll an INT check Sandro DC 10 since Fergus clearly forgot about the pressure plate, let's see if Sandro does
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 18, (+3) = 21
Sandor Sunneson: :), you're the best Simon
Smon: @Keelia ok we can say BS waits until Danor slams into ogres the distraction lets her sneak attack
Smon: so +3d6
8:41am 2018-5-12 SugarShark Has exited the room
Keelia: awesome, thanks
Keelia rolls 100d4 and gets: 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 3, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 3, 1, 2, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 2, 1, 4, 4, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 4, 4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 1, 4, 4, 1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4, 4, 1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 3, 1 = 224
JamesDevil: O.O
Keelia: nope
Smon: Sandro take a step towards the ogres then remembers the pressure plate right in front of them
Keelia: that should have been a d not a 4
Sandor Sunneson: Good damage there BS
JamesDevil: lol
8:42am 2018-5-12 SugarShark Has entered the room
Keelia rolls 3d6 and gets: 1, 6, 1, = 8
Keelia: +9
JamesDevil: BS just won D&D
Keelia: = 17 total
Keelia: (she evaporated them all by sheer will)
Smon: The wounded ogre looks nearly dead now
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro can dart again?
Smon: ok 2 darts sandro
Keelia: (in her mind, in reality, it was 17 )
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
12 (+5) = 17
19 (+5) = 24
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d4+6 and gets: 3, 2, (+6) = 11
Sandor Sunneson: at wounded 1
Smon: "Dwarf not die! Why so tough?!" grunts an ogre.
JamesDevil: "Cause Ogre is dumb, Ogre should just lay down and die now"
Smon: GM: The ogre takes a dart in the eye and finally drops dead.
JamesDevil: ooc best I could come up with on the spot soz
chris107: Yay!
Smon: 2 ogres left... they look worried now
Keelia: (lol)
Smon: roll init DC 10
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 16,
Keelia: (perhaps, because Dwarf is protected by his god? Or Dwarf is as a mountain, unbreakable by your clubs?)
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 20, (+3) = 23
JamesDevil: ui've been doing quite well on init today
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 3, (+6) = 9
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 4, (+6) = 10
Smon: You can attack if 10+
Sandor Sunneson: 2 x darts
JamesDevil: "For I am the very earth upon which the storms break"
chris107: Mordred closes and attacks
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
18 (+5) = 23
2 (+5) = 7
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 13, (+5) = 18
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d4+3 and gets: 1, (+3) = 4
SugarShark: (that dwarf racial used to give +4 AC vs giant types)
chris107 Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
3 (+7) = 10
15 (+7) = 22
Smon: (+6 on init is mighty impressive, dunno how you all do it)
JamesDevil rolls 1d8+2 and gets: 2, (+2) = 4
Sandor Sunneson: 4 damage
JamesDevil: bah, should have stuck to sacred flame
Keelia: (rogue, swashbuckler, feat)
chris107 rolls 1d8+6 and gets: 3, (+6) = 9
Smon: Sandro throws last bandoleer dart then fishes one from his quiver (object interaction)
Smon: & throws, 1 hit. Danor hits it for 4. Mordred comes down the stairs and into the fray, stabbing and slashing for 9
Smon: The last 2 ogres swing at Mordred
Smon: /roll d20+6x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
19 (+6) = 25
11 (+6) = 17
chris107: AC19
Smon: 1 hit
JamesDevil: sorry Mordred, they finally worked out that they can't kill me
Smon: /roll 2d8+4
Smon rolls 2d8+4 and gets: 3, 2, (+4) = 9
Smon: 9 dmg to Mordred
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 4, 6, = 10
chris107: 35/44HP
Smon: The ogres try to flee past Mordred up the stairs, Mordred & Danor get opp atts
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 17, (+5) = 22
chris107 rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 5, (+7) = 12
Smon: 2 hits
JamesDevil rolls 1d8+2 and gets: 6, (+2) = 8
chris107 rolls 1d8+6 and gets: 1, (+6) = 7
Smon: 15 dmg to wounded ogre. They race up the eastern stairs (40' move) into the antechamber, shrieking in fear.
Smon: Next round - roll init DC 10
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 3,
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 17, (+3) = 20
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 7, (+6) = 13
Smon: Mordred could reach the trailing one if he wants to follow
JamesDevil: meh, it was going to happen eventually
Keelia: hang on, what about Bright Star?
JamesDevil: BS needs to roll
Sandor Sunneson: you can have my 7 role if you want James
JamesDevil: o wait
JamesDevil: your right
Sandor Sunneson: roll
JamesDevil: no, Simon skipped her go
Keelia: She got a 9, so she had to wait until after the ogres
chris107: If he can follow and attack he will. If not, move to the top of the steps and firebolt
JamesDevil: so it her go
Smon: ok BS first
Keelia: So while they were running, can she still hit them?
8:52am 2018-5-12 SugarShark Has exited the room
Smon: Yes - BS can shoot & if she makes stealth DC 8 bonus action hide can sneak att
Smon: so auto sneak att
Keelia rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 13, (+13) = 26
Smon: to shoot wounded ogre in back
Keelia: for stealth
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 11, (+7) = 18
Keelia: for attack
Smon: (don't need to roll if 1 succeeds)
Keelia rolls 4d6+4 and gets: 2, 6, 6, 6, (+4) = 24
Keelia: for damage
Smon: advtg as hidden
Sandor Sunneson: nice
chris107: Very nice!
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 8, (+7) = 15
Keelia: just to check adv
Keelia: in case it's a crit
Smon: The ogre staggers with arrow in its neck
Keelia: which it's not
Keelia: Bright Star nods to herself, muttering, "that was for the javelin"
JamesDevil: right, so now its next round
Smon: GM OOC Was hard to remember BS, I think I'll go back to cyclical init next time so one init roll vs DC and everyone who wins goes before enemies
JamesDevil: which BS still needs to roll for
Smon: ok
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 19, (+6) = 25
Keelia: for init
JamesDevil: ooc it is a little hard to keep track of
Smon: Did you all win init?
JamesDevil: i didn't
chris107: Mordred did
Smon: Is Mordred chasing them?
JamesDevil: i think i was the only one that failed
chris107: If he can move and attack, yes. If not to the top of the steps and firebolt
Smon: He can reach wounded ogre at top of steps and strike w sword
chris107: Heâll do that then
chris107 Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
6 (+7) = 13
8 (+7) = 15
Sandor Sunneson: nice
Smon: The other ogre has fled through into antechamber & is just out of sight of BS Danor & Sandro in the chamber
chris107 rolls 2d8+12 and gets: 7, 6, (+12) = 25
Keelia: "Give chase?"
Smon: Mordred races back up the steps and drives his sword into the back of the huge brute, it staggers forwards and drops dead.
chris107: Bonus action, second Wind
JamesDevil: i got a plan for him when it gets to my turn
Sandor Sunneson: Good d score
JamesDevil: yep
chris107 rolls 1d10+5 and gets: 2, (+5) = 7
chris107: 42/44HP
Keelia: bright star jumps over the trap and runs after
Smon: The last ogre is running away and is out of sight of you as it runs across the antechamber heading outside
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will follow Bs
Sandor Sunneson: and leap over the playes
Sandor Sunneson: plates
JamesDevil: I run up as far as I can, can i get los and within 60' of it?
JamesDevil: if I can then I'll cast hold person on it
Smon: Is Sandro move 40' same as ogre? BS can use cat-run x2 speed to catch up. Ogre 120' from Danor (move & dash) so x2 move gets him to 70' away
JamesDevil: i'll double dash and just sit there uselessly then
Smon: BS is the only one who can catch it
Keelia: cat run
Sandor Sunneson: yes
JamesDevil: "go get it Kitty"
Keelia: She'll catch up and attack
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 9, (+7) = 16
Smon: OK moving on... BS chases the ogre up into the surface ruins, the others following along behind. She sees it just past the ruined tower, races up and stabs
Smon: can sneak att due to solo target
JamesDevil: brb
Smon: The wounded ogre swings its club at BS
Smon: /roll d20+6
Keelia rolls 3d6 and gets: 3, 3, 1, = 7
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 9, (+6) = 15
Keelia: stab is rapier
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will get his short swords out in prep for attack
Keelia rolls 1d8+4 and gets: 8, (+4) = 12
Keelia: so 19 total
chris107: Mordred keeps running to catch up
Keelia: AC=16 for BS
Smon: ok roll init, Danor with his wee short legs takes an extra round to arrive
Smon: (ogre misses BS)
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 19, (+6) = 25
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 12, (+3) = 15
Keelia: (my D key is acting up )
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 19, (+6) = 25
Smon: Sandro & Mordred come racing up to aid BS, you can all attack it
JamesDevil: even the DM is racist against Dwarfs
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
16 (+5) = 21
14 (+5) = 19
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 16, (+7) = 23
chris107 Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
19 (+7) = 26
6 (+7) = 13
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6+6 and gets: 2, 4, (+6) = 12
Smon: AC 12
chris107 rolls 2d8+12 and gets: 4, 4, (+12) = 20
Sandor Sunneson: 12 damage
Keelia rolls 1d8+4 and gets: 4, (+4) = 8
Keelia: 8 dmg, assuming no sneak
Sandor Sunneson: lets see how ir deals with those flurry of blows
Smon: you can sneak
Keelia rolls 3d6 and gets: 4, 5, 2, = 11
Keelia: so 19 total
Sandor Sunneson: 51 damage in total?
Smon: The three heroes slaughter the poor ogre
JamesDevil: nicely done
chris107: Yay!
Keelia: Bright Star was a little miffed about the javelin, to be fair
JamesDevil: ooc continue on?
Smon: Danor comes running up through the surface ruins in time to see his pals standing over the body of the last ogre.
Smon: yup 20 mins left to 10.30
Sandor Sunneson: can do
Sandor Sunneson: back to the house?
JamesDevil: "well done everyone"
chris107: âI think I better come with you. You seem to get into mischief without me.â
Keelia: Bright Star nods at him as he approaches. She then crouches to check the body
JamesDevil: anyone need patching up?
Smon: The ogres have very little on them, just hide armour. No supplies - they were probably camping when alerted by the wolf?
JamesDevil: whats everyones HP?
Sandor Sunneson: Full
Smon: The sun is now sinking towards the western mountains, over the lush Ghinarian hills.
JamesDevil: k, back down to that plate, jump it and continue onwards?
Keelia: Bright Star frowns as she stands. (hp = good enough)
chris107: 42/44HP
Smon: GM OOC take 400 XP each
Sandor Sunneson: Lets throw an orgres head on it
Keelia: She turns and heads back the way they came. "Beware the trap plates," she tells Mordred
JamesDevil: good plane
chris107: Nice
JamesDevil: plan*
chris107: Mordred bewares the trap
Smon: GM: You return down 2 flights of steps to the pressure plate chamber.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
chris107: âThanks.â
Smon: All seems quiet.
JamesDevil: Danor tosses the head onto the plate
chris107: (How big is the pressure plate chamber and any exits?)
Sandor Sunneson: A severed head on a plate! Nice!
Smon: Sandro cuts off an ogre head & Danor tosses it onto the plate - it bounces but nothing happens.
Keelia: lol
JamesDevil: hmm
JamesDevil: Danor slams his hammer down on the plate
chris107: âThatâll do it. â
Smon: The plate is apparently 5' wide (only BS can detect it) and runs about 25' from n to s alcove, with the broad archway to a n-s tunnel just west of it.
Keelia: Bright Star is keeping her distance from this
Smon: Danor roll STR check DC 8
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 4, (+2) = 6
Smon: BS hangs back
JamesDevil: wtf?
JamesDevil: -.-
Smon: Danor's hammer rings loudly on the stone, but nothing happens.
chris107: Ochamâs Razor has nothing on Danorâs Hammer
JamesDevil: guidance on Danor and try again
Keelia: "Bright Star suggests we jump over and continue, hm?"
Keelia: "After Danor's second attempt"
chris107: Mordred backs away
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 18, (+2) = 20
JamesDevil rolls 1d4 and gets: 4,
Smon: Mordred backs away. Danor slams harder - the plate descends!
JamesDevil: "A dwarf is never defeated by stone"
Smon: There is a loud whistling sound as jets of transparent gas activate from holes in the alcoves. The gas enfolds Danor & Sandro, it's very cold. Further back Mordred & BS catch a whiff of the odourless but cold gas.
Smon: OK poison saves, Mordred & BS have advtg as they were standing well back.
Smon: DC 15, Danor has advtg as dwarf
chris107 Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
1 (+5) = 6
18 (+5) = 23
chris107: 23
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 11, (+6) = 17
JamesDevil Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
12 (+2) = 14
9 (+2) = 11
Keelia: (remind me the stat for poison save?)
JamesDevil: -.-
JamesDevil: w
JamesDevil: t
JamesDevil: f
JamesDevil: con
Smon: (CON save) Danor slumps to the ground fast asleep.
JamesDevil: least i have resistence
JamesDevil: eh?
Keelia: (thanks)
JamesDevil: aw
Smon: The loud whistling continues.
Keelia Rolls 1d20+1x2 and gets:
19 (+1) = 20
11 (+1) = 12
chris107: Whistling like an alarm?
Smon: After a moment you start to hear ogrish cries from deeper in the complex, from beyond the west arch. "Truders! Whistlin!"
Sandor Sunneson: or like a kettle ?
Smon: Yes it is coming from the gas holes in the alcoves, although Mordred is too far back to see them.
Smon: Yes like a kettle
Smon: You all feel a bit sleepy. Danor is sleeping
JamesDevil: does sleep break concentration?
chris107: âTo the top of the stairs! They can only attack one at a time there. You grab Danor. Iâll act as rearguard.â
Smon: yes obviously
JamesDevil: ah, nvm, guidance did that
chris107: Ah
Keelia: Bright Star shakes her head. "Mordred, back up the stairs." She holds her breath, presses her sleeve across her face, and runs down to grab Danor and drag him back
chris107: He shouts from behind
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro heads to the stair top
JamesDevil: just wake me up
Smon: >>guidance did that<<
JamesDevil: @Simon, no point me lying about it
Keelia: (she'll shake him and if he wakes, she'll help him, otherwise, she'll tie a rope around his wrist and have Sandro help her pull)
chris107: âWake him up, Sandro!â
Keelia: (from the stairs)
Smon: GM: Mordred & Sandro retreat to the top of the stairs while BS tries to drag Danor back.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will wake him or try to and if not head to the stair to[
JamesDevil: how wide are the stairs agin? are we sure they can only approach one at a time?
chris107: 10â
chris107: And yes
Smon: BS roll poison save w advtg as the chamber is full of gas
JamesDevil: hmm, k
Smon: >>Sandro will wake him or try to<< ok Sandro roll poison save w advtg too
Keelia: (was holding breath, but ok )
Smon: DC 10
Keelia Rolls 1d20+1x2 and gets:
17 (+1) = 18
15 (+1) = 16
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
1 (+6) = 7
16 (+6) = 22
chris107: Phew!
Smon: OK you grab Danor's sleeping body and heft him up the steps. He seems fast asleep & does not wake when shaken.
JamesDevil: -.-
Smon: The stairs are only wide enough for 1 ogre at a time
chris107: Mordred prepares to defend the stair
JamesDevil: prop my body up and use me as a sheild
Smon: The gas is now thick enough you can see a whitish miasma forming below you and rolling out into the west tunnel.
Keelia: Bright Star shifts so she is behind mordred, bow drawn
Smon: You can hear ogres yelling in the distance.
Smon: The whistling sound begins to fade.
Keelia: Bright Star wets a piece of cloth and ties it across her nose and mouth
Sandor Sunneson: Kettles boiled!
Smon: The ogres don't seem to be coming towards you.
Keelia: (tea's up! )
Smon: anyone have Medicine skill to check Danor?
chris107: âLetâs let them settle. At least until our Dwarf wakes?â
Keelia: not trained but I have +2
Smon: can't tell how long he'll be out if untrained
JamesDevil: ooc I would like to medicine check myself while I am asleep >.>
Smon: The whistling ends.
Keelia: I have a potion that can put him back to sleep but nothing to wake him up
Smon: The pale miasma begins to dissipate.
Smon: You are staying at the top of the stairs?
JamesDevil: ooc i doubt the cure for sleep is more sleep
Sandor Sunneson: Might be a good place to continue next time??
JamesDevil: as much as i wish that was true in real life.....
Keelia: Bright Star will sneak down after signalling Mordred to stay on guard.
chris107: My vote would be yes, until Danor wakes
Keelia: (ah, yes, time is up)
Keelia: (could give him a shot of speed, see if that wakes him)
JamesDevil: lol
Smon: OK will stop there
JamesDevil: this maay end up turning into Pukp Fiction
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