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Saralya of the Chyvak Uul |
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Dyvim of the Ghulu Amonuc |
7:18am 2018-9-15 Smon Has entered the room
Smon: Morning James
JamesDevil: Morning Smn
7:31am 2018-9-15 Keelia Has entered the room
JamesDevil: Hi Kiki
Smon: Morning Keelia!
Keelia: hi!
Keelia: morning!
Smon: Any thoughts on where in Stinehell you'd like to go today?
Smon: Stonehell
7:33am 2018-9-15 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
Smon: Hi Fergus!
Smon: Smon: Any thoughts on where in Stonehell you'd like to go today?
Sandor Sunneson: That's better :), morning Simon
JamesDevil: If i'm alive again, somewhere harder
Keelia: everyone is alive
Keelia: How about level 5? That should be hard enough for the 3 of us?
Keelia: Without risking a TPK
JamesDevil: sure, sounds good
Smon: Dr Rosa is quite keen to see if you can negotiate with the Vrilya to get down to Level 6 - no one has ever been there! Or else teleport to 9 and either explore 9 or up stairs to 8.
Keelia: I'm game for level 6.
Smon: So you can go 5 - Vrilya - hopefully 6?
JamesDevil: same
Keelia: sounds good to me
Sandor Sunneson: Sure
JamesDevil: sounds dangerously like a plan
Smon: GM: 15/9/48 OK it's 2 weeks from the end of the Dry Season but still sunny when you three head west across the plain from Selatine. In the village the preparations are underway for the marriage of Aya & Vuthrik, two of Lady Vex's most esteemed warriors.
Sandor Sunneson: nice
JamesDevil: cool
Keelia: Bright Star is keeping out from underfoot - not wanting to be roped into hanging decorations or the like.
JamesDevil: Danor will offer to perform the Ceremony if required
Keelia: (BRB - one minute)
Smon: Lady Vex thanks Danor but she will be performing the ceremony.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will get his Sunday best on
Keelia: (back)
Smon: GM: You reach Stonehell without incident, greet Mreggle and the goblins you descend into the dungeon depths. Passing a kobold work crew nervously repairing tomb doors on level 1's Quiet Halls,you descend to 2, where an elevator takes you down to 4 and from there a short walk through caves to the meeting place where a small elevator descends to the mines of level 5.
Smon: Stepping over the rat chewed corpses of two recently slain cockatrices (another party's work) you head south through the mines to the Minotaur guardroom at the edge of Vrilya territory, the door in the south wall.
Smon: (4 mine tunnels lead off to N E W & SW). 5 minotaurs regard you. The leader, in a glossy black leather waistcoat, steps forward. "Yerr?"
Sandor Sunneson: Here to explore S will say
Smon: "Explore wut?"
Sandor Sunneson: the unknown corridors and passages, and make them safe for folk like you working here
Smon: "There Iz no Unknown Passages."
JamesDevil: "Then could you provide us with a map perhaps?"
Smon: "Ten gold ta go east or west" - he gestures with his great axe. He turns to Danor and blinks bovinely. "No."
Sandor Sunneson: That would be nice??
Keelia: Bright Star adds, "Ah, then you know all about the Fire Giant on the lower levels! Bright Star is interested in making his acquaintance. Could you show her the way lower?"
Smon: GM: roll Persuasion Bright Star.
Keelia rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 14, (+5) = 19
Smon: pass
JamesDevil: nice
Keelia: She grins excitedly at them.
Smon: He shakes his head.
Smon: "Naw. Vrilya show you. Me call them."
Keelia: Bright Star nods. "Bright Star offers her thanks."
Smon: Passing by a large stone brazier (currently unlit) the minotaur boss goes over to the south door and yanks a pull chain. a brass bell tolls loudly.
Smon: "Now you wait."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will give the thumbs up
Keelia: (Her ears flick back at the loud noise.) "Bright Star saw some cockatrice bodies back there, Did those give you trouble?" she asks to pass the time.
Keelia: Her ears twitch as she listens for footsteps, glancing at Sandro also to see if he has heard anything.
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 19, (+5) = 24
Keelia: (he can hear a mouse fart with that role, I think )
JamesDevil: lol
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Keelia: (if it had been a 20, it would have been a cockroach )
Smon: Minotaur: "No." A few minutes later the south door opens and you see four Vrilya guards in iridiscent Lagh armour, armed with sword & shield. They step in, eyeing you warily as the glamorous Vrilya enchantress Saralya comes in behind them. Like the other Vrilya has golden hued skin, long platinum hair and weird amber eyes with a brassy hint, the pupils almost catlike. Unlike them she is scantily clad in a sort of metallic bodysuit, with a separate mesh glove - a lightning glove.
Keelia: Bright Star sketches a bow. "Good morning!"
JamesDevil: Danor grips his war hammer, "greetings"
Smon: The guards spread out to either side of the door. Beyond it you see a chamber with many faces carved into the walls. Saralya inclines her head to Bright Star. "You wish to pass through the Upper Halls?"
Keelia: "Yes, to the lower levels."
Keelia: "Bright Star has heard of a Fire Giant below and she wishes to make his acquaintance."
Keelia: "She and her friends will deal with any distractions which might cause you to dirty your blades if they are encountered along the way."
Smon: Saralya regards Danor's massive hammer somewhat nervously. She turns back to Star. "The Hellrill of the Fire Giants lies far below Tanna T'iev. If you wish to travel there you should employ the Efah-Soom."
Sandor Sunneson: And to make the dungeons safer we will remove any risks we come across
Keelia: "To reach the Efah-Soom, Bright Star needs to proceed through the Upper Halls?"
Smon: Saralya narrows her eyes. "No. We could take you through now, but you could also have employed the Efah Soom from the Uppermost Level. You know this."
Keelia: "Ah, Bright Star understands now. She is interested in the long way down, as it may also reveal to her a rainbow room she is looking for."
Smon: "Do you wish us to blindfold you and escort you to the Efah Soom? From there you can access the Ninth Level. The Hellrill lies just to the East, beyond the Temple of the Unraveller, where we do not go."
Keelia: "Would Saralya be kind enough to show Bright Star and her companions the way lower?"
JamesDevil: "Why do you not go to the temple?"
Smon: She turns to Danor. "The Cult of the Unraveller seeks to have all join them, or slay those who will not. We of course are immune to their mind powers. But the Unraveller grants them strange powers. We have no need to fight them. So we do not go there."
JamesDevil: "interesting"
Sandor Sunneson: what do these mind powers do??
Smon: Roll persuasion all 3 of you pls
JamesDevil: "I may ned to pay these heatherns a visit..."
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 19, (+2) = 21
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 14, (+4) = 18
Keelia rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 11, (+5) = 16
Keelia: (and Danor has a silver tongue!)
JamesDevil: hehe
Smon: Saralya looks thoughtful. "The forces of the Unraveller become warped - Mutated. Some gain limbs. Others breathe flame. The weak become strong."
Sandor Sunneson: Sounds like a warped polymorph
Smon: "I believe that the Unraveller may be the entity you seek - the evil thing that lies in the lowermost depths. The Nixthisis."
JamesDevil: "sounds like dark influences"
JamesDevil: "then we'll definitly need tyo visit at some point, maybe not today though"
Smon: Saralya nods. "The minds of the Vrilya are too strong for such to affect us. But weak things fall under its control."
Keelia: Bright Star nods. "The information is much appreciated. The evils of the Unraveller are something we seek to stop."
Smon: Saralya nods, smiling slightly. "I believe that would be good. The Vrilya no longer venture below the Seventh Tier, for the evil beneath grows stronger with each passing year."
JamesDevil: "hmm, oerhaps we should go and scout them out, maybe make some hit and runs on them, prod their defenses so to speak"
Smon: The other guards look at Sarlya with concern - apparently she is telling you more than they are comfortable with.
Sandor Sunneson: Do you not fear they will come up and 'visit' when the time is right for them?
Keelia: "Bright Star thinks we should proceed to the next level and see if any evil has spread there. She and her companions will push to the next floors and see what evil can be stopped by hammer and blade."
Smon: Saralya. "We can take you to the Efah-Soom today. There will be no charge. Or we can take you to the entry to Upper Tanna-T'iev, the Sixth Tier, from your perspective. The soldiers below will charge you each one hundred gold for the access tokens, that are good for one visit."
Smon: Saralya sees the looks from the guards and ignores Sandro's query about fear.
JamesDevil: "i think a free entrance today would be good"
Sandor Sunneson: Thank you much
Keelia: (Efah-Soom takes us to level 9, we want the Upper Tanna-T'iev)
Smon: "We will take you to the Efah-Soom then?" Saralya sees that your group appears in disagreement.
JamesDevil: ah, ok, i got confused there
Keelia: (unless you guys want to tackle level 9? If so, I'm happy to. We have figured out we can carry bodies in bags of holding )
JamesDevil: "I think we will tackle lv 9 when our group is larger and better armed
JamesDevil: "
Sandor Sunneson: S agrees with the dwarf
JamesDevil: "the entrance to level 6 would be better I think"
Keelia: Bright Star nods. "We would much appreciate being led to the Upper Tanna-T'iev to enter level 6."
Smon: Saralya nods. "We will blind fold you until we reach the stairs to Tanna T'iev." She gestures to a guard, who produces three blindfolds of black spider silk.
Smon: brb toast
JamesDevil: ooc they are supplying toast? SWEET!
Sandor Sunneson: lol, Sandor gestures to the guard to put the blindfold on
Keelia: Bright Star holds her hand out for the blindfold. Her ears are sensitive and she doesn't like strangers touching them if she can avoid it.
JamesDevil: Danor is not happy about it but he lets them put his on
Smon: GM: The guards blindfold you securely, then you are led south about 60', west about 50', south 30' west 40' south 50' west 40' and north 20'.
Keelia: She nods to the minotaurs as they leave.
JamesDevil: Danor scowls at them
Keelia: (Bright Star makes a mental note of the path.)
Smon: Your blindfolds are removed and you find yourself blinking in a chamber with faces of many emotions carved into the walls, brightly lit by flickering torches of eternal flame.
Keelia: Bright Star looks around. "Fascinating." she turns to the Vrilya. "Bright Star's thanks for the safe journey."
Smon: The chamber is about 30 e-w x40 n-s. There is a door behind you (n) with a kind of glass viewing slit in it, and in front of you (s) a steep stone stair descends from the centre of the chamber, the central 20' n-s by 10' e-w of the chamber forming an open stair well. Beyond the stair well the stairs continue descenr into the depths. Tunnel arches lead off the chamber from the s end of e and w walls.
Smon: Saralya nods to two of the guards. "We will come with you to Tanna T'ieve entry post."
JamesDevil: "E, W or down?"
JamesDevil: ah ok
Smon: Saralya gestures to the stairs. "Down. A long way."
JamesDevil: Danor will proceed down"
JamesDevil: "
Sandor Sunneson: S is on alert
Sandor Sunneson: and follows Danor
Smon: GM: Saralya heads first down the stairs, you three behind, the two guards bringing up the rear.
Smon: Roll Insight pls
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 17, (+8) = 25
Keelia rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 8, (+5) = 13
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 6, (+5) = 11
Smon: Danor thinks she seems nervous.
JamesDevil: "something wrong Saralya?, you seem a little on edge"
Keelia: Bright Star's ears twitch towards Saralya.
Smon: The stairs are lit at intervals by a dim glow from rods set in the walls. You are aout 40' down when Danor speaks. Saralya turns to him, still descending carefully the steep steps. "I am of the Chyvak Uul caste. We do not normally leave our duty without permission."
Sandor Sunneson: We appreciate what you are doing for us
JamesDevil: "what is your normal duty if i might ask?"
Sandor Sunneson: What is your reason for breaking your curfew?
Sandor Sunneson: If I mAY ASK
Sandor Sunneson: soz caps, not sjoutng
Sandor Sunneson: shouting
Smon: "The guards below are of the Dyzon Kylryl, a higher caste."
To Danor: "My duty is to guard the Upper Hall, above Tanna T'iev, and ensure that only those who come in peace may venture below."
To Sandro: "I wish to ensure that you pass the guards without violence. I had an unfortunate experience with adventurers not long ago, who slew four of the Sahnyam Ana and brought me prisoner back to the Bright World above."
Smon: (she was actually held in Vex Villa dungeon for a week)
JamesDevil: "I understand, thank you your candor, and I am sorry that you wree held prisoner"
Sandor Sunneson: that does not sound like a pleasant experience, thank yu
Smon: She nods. "I believe that the thing you call Nixthisis is dangerous. But this is not a widely shared belief among my people. Few are aware of its existence." She glances back at the guards behind, and speaks in low tones. "You must be careful below. Just as your people have many who are cruel, so also mine."
JamesDevil: Danor glances back at the guards "indeed"
Smon: GM: You near the foot of the long stairs, a hundred feet below. They open out into an open area about 30' n-s with 20' wide passage/hall to e and w.
Keelia: Bright Star carefully shows no sign of the discussion but murmurs, "Bright Star will ensure any who heed her words will know to proceed with care on this level. That you are ally."
Smon: You see eerily smooth walls and floor; more of the dimly glowing rods in sconces; and facing the stairs a massive officious looking desk with metal-bound books on it. A Vrilya in gold embossed Lagh armour sits behind the desk, and a squad of guardsmen are sat around the hall at tables, standing at your approach. Beside the desk lounges a large grey scaled reptile about 4' long plus tail - a basilisk!
JamesDevil: Danor raises an eyebrow at the Basilisk
Smon: The Vrilya behind the desk calls out in archaic Common as you reach the foot of the stairs. "Approach and be recognised!"
Keelia: Bright Star's tail twitches
Keelia: "Bright Star bids you good morning."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro of Rallu (bows)
JamesDevil: "Danor, dwarf, seeking passage below"
Smon: The nine guards stand with hands on sword hilts. As Saralya steps forward, the bureaucrat scowls. "You are not permitted here!"
Smon: Saralya bows her head: "Dyzon Kylryl. I am escorting these noble visitors to Tanna T'iev. I beg permission to accompany them."
Keelia: Bright Star steps smoothly between. "Bright Star insisted so as to prevent misunderstandings."
Smon: Roll Persuasion BS (DC 10)
Keelia rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 14, (+5) = 19
Smon: "Hmm... " he opens one of the steel-bound ledgers and makes several notes. "Most irregular. You will need to purchase a token for the Chyvak Uul, also. That will be four hundred gold."
Keelia: Bright Star sets the gold on the table.
Smon: GM: BS pays the 400 for everyone?
Keelia: (for all of them)
JamesDevil: Danor tosses 125gold on the table
Keelia: (prevents anyone knowing that they are all carrying money)
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro pays his way too
Sandor Sunneson: and will pay BS back
Smon: (too late D&S) The bureaucrat smiles slightly, counting out the coins carefully then unlocking the desk.
Keelia: Bright Star glances at the lock/key out of professional habit.
Smon: He puts the coin bags in one drawer, and from another produces four bright-glowing oval tokens on shimmering lagh chains. "Put these on."
Smon: The drawers are on the far side of the desk from BS, but she gets a look at the key - four pronged and very complex.
Keelia: Bright Star examines it - shiny!!! - and slips it on.
Smon: Sarlya puts on her token round her neck also.
Keelia: (if she can do so without being obvious, she'll have a glance at where the key is put when done)
JamesDevil: Danor puts his on
Keelia: "does Bright Star get to keep this?" she asks, rolling the oval token between her fingers.
Sandor Sunneson: S puts his on
Smon: The 20' wide corridor west only runs 20', ending at a door in n wall, likely a guardroom. To e it runs 30' e, ending in massive 20' high double doors. 10' west of these double doors is a small side tunnel in n wall.
Smon: Saralya: "The tokens will glow for the duration of your stay in Tanna T'iev. Once you leave the glow will fade, and you must purchase new tokens to return."
JamesDevil: Danor considers thisand wonders if he can reproduce the effect....
Keelia: Bright Star nods at the answer. "Pity. Bright Star likes it shiny."
Smon: Saralya goes to the massive doors, over 15' tall. "These are agulduuan gates, reinforced with Lagh." She knocks with an inset knocker, a view slit opens revealing the face of a male Vrilya and she shows her token, gesturing to you to do likewise.
JamesDevil: Danor shows his token
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will do likewise
Keelia: Bright Star mimics the motion
Smon: You hear bolts drawn back and then the doors swing open to another guard post 30' n-s, tables chairs and iron weapons rack; here two Vrilya are accompanied by 6 bugbears in steel mail & carrying glaives.
Smon: A Vrilya gestures curtly for you to proceed through, the great tunnel continues east beyond.
JamesDevil: Danor proceeds
Smon: Saralya leads you through the second guard post (her 2 guards have gone back upstairs) 80' east, to where a 10' side tunnel goes north. The main 20' tunnel continues east another 50' then you see it opens out into a massive hall at the end.
Smon: There is some kind of activity going on in this hall to the east end of the great tunnel, you can see wagons, barrels, crates, and several Vrilya talking with dwarf-sized figures before massive gates in the SE wall.
Smon: Saralya: "That is the processing yard. I see a Kazadurgar convoy has arrived... Their armies recently met with a terrible defeat, I hear." She smirks.
Keelia: Bright Star cannot help but smirk back.
JamesDevil: "one word comes to mind - Good"
JamesDevil: can Danor tell what race the dwarf sizeed figures are?
Smon: Saralya indicates the small north tunnel. "That leads through to the Gladiatorial Hall and then on into the parts of this Tier unclaimed by Vrilya."
Sandor Sunneson: How tragic for them Sandor will say in an unconvinving voice
Smon: The dwarves have a greyish pallor and their hair is patchy, unhealthy looking - Kazadurgar, deep dwarves, those who forsook Kazadarum and turned to the mad prophet Ladurgar. Some call them Duergar.
JamesDevil: "deep born scum"
JamesDevil: Danor spits in their general direction
Smon: Saralya nods. "Yes. But useful merchants."
Smon: She sees Danor spit. "Perhaps it is best you do not meet with them."
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: on an 8 they spot D
JamesDevil: "probably for the best"
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 3,
Sandor Sunneson: Been spotted spitting?
Smon: Nope - just some Grimlock slaves approaching down the north tunnel
Smon: /roll 2d4
Smon rolls 2d4 and gets: 4, 1, = 5
Keelia: Bright Star turns to Saralya. "Should he be disguised?"
Keelia: She considers what she has in her bag. "Bright Star can turn your skin green, although this will not hide you are a dwarf."
Smon: 5 grey-skinned humanoids wearing iron collars and carrying panniers are approaching from the north. Blood oozes from the panniers. Saralya smiles. "I see the Gladiator Pit is in session."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will watch as they pass him
JamesDevil: "I won't hide myself Bright, its not the dwarf way anyway"
Smon: The strange creatures have no eyes, just covered sockets in their grey skin.
Smon: They pass you by with little attention, turning east.
Smon: Saralya: "They have been ordered to bring food to the lizards of the Kazadurgar."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will grimace when he hears this
JamesDevil: "The lizards?"
Keelia: Bright Star's tail curls briefly. "How big are these lizards?"
Smon: Saralya fingers her gleaming token, apparently enjoying being off duty for once. She smiles. "Their lizards eat flesh... Where would you like to go? I can escort you down to the main city, or to the halls beyond Vrilya territory here on this tier."
JamesDevil: "I think to the lower level from here"
Smon: Saralya points out an enormous lizard-thing with heavy panniers on its back in the eastern hall. About 8' at the shoulder. "There is one."
Smon: She nods to Danor. "East is quickest, but with you I think north... follow me."
JamesDevil: Danor follows without questioning why its best to go north rather than east
Sandor Sunneson: S follows D
Keelia: Bright Star follows also, glancing back at the enormous lizards. "With wings, they could almost be small dragons," she muses.
Smon: Saralya leads you down the north passage, past 2 doors inset to east, side tunnel to w, passage crooks e then n again past 2 more doors... after about 160' it comes out into a great 20' tunnel again, at the bottom of an L. To n 50' you hear raucous sounds from a throng of Vrilya and others,and battle - the gladiator pit. To e the tunnel runs 40' (past door in n wall) then turns s.
Smon: Saralya: "In the Arena you can win glory and renown... But you wish to keep a low profile?"
JamesDevil: "For now yes"
JamesDevil: "as tempting as glory is...."
Sandor Sunneson: Will always be there D
Smon: Saralya nods and leads you east to where the big tunnel turns s, a side tunnel to n and door inset 10' to e. She leads you s down the great tunnel. You see that after about 100-120' it opens into the n side of the processing yard you saw earlier from the w, with the Kazadurgar trade convoy, but after just 20' s there is a 20' wide entry to e into a 40'x40' chamber, Saralya leads you in there.
Smon: Open area with 20’ ceiling; massive lift platform, heavy door in n wall. 6 Vrilya are on duty. They regard Saralya with a sneer.
JamesDevil: "Are all the guards going to act like this?"
Smon: Saralya whispers: "Those two are of Dyzon Kylryl - Merchant Caste. A high caste. Those four in the dull armour are Obuld Yt Dyzon, indentured to the Kylryl. Priests, in your tongue."
Smon: "The Dyzon are of higher caste than the Chyvak Uul, my caste."
JamesDevil: "Priests lower than warriors? ridiculous!"
Sandor Sunneson: S will smle at D comment
Smon: "Poor business arrangements caused them to become indebted to the Dyzon Kylryl, long ago. The Dyzon are very rich."
JamesDevil: "the Dyzon sound like greedy bastards"
Smon: Both the Dyzon wear an abacus and a tally tablet at their waist, apparenty a caste signifier.
Smon: Saralya nods. "They are a necessary evil."
Smon: Saralya steps forward and speaks to the Dyzon in a strange tongue presumably native Vrilyan.
Smon: They answer, nodding to you.
Sandor Sunneson: Slightly complicated political situation here Sandor will muse
Smon: Saralya turns back to you. "The lift charge is 10 gold each - 50 in total."
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: She glances south. "I think the Kazadurgar are coming soon. We should hurry."
JamesDevil: Danor hands over 10 gold
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will pay for BS and say pay me later
JamesDevil: then another to cover Saralyas fare
Sandor Sunneson: and S
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, sandro will cover BS
Smon: Saralya collects the cash and hands it over. A Dyzon gestures for you to step onto the great elevator.
JamesDevil: Danor steps on and inspects the structural integrity of it
Sandor Sunneson: S steps on 2
Smon: It seems in good order, though the workmanship seems more elven than good solid dwarf-work. Once you are all aboard he nods to an Obuld manning the levers on east wall; he pulls a lever and with a rumble it descends.
Smon: To level 7...
Keelia: (sorry, I got distracted trying to figure out the map!) but if we're going to level 7
Smon: You go down a long way, over 100' you think, into east side of a vast natural cavern, at least 40' high but hundreds of feet wide and deep. Many buildings throng the cavern floor - an underground city!
Keelia: Bright Star nods to Sandro for covering her. They'll even out the gold fare later.
Smon: Saralya's eyes light up. "Tanna-T'iev. I have not been here for some time."
Smon: The elevator descends through 50' of burnished steel frame to the cavern floor, just west of the eastern wall.
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 4, 3, = 7
Smon: /roll d3
Smon rolls 1d3 and gets: 2
9:31am 2018-9-15 chris107 Has entered the room
Sandor Sunneson: Hi Chris, :), all alive still
chris107: Hi guys! Just popping in for two minutes, see how youâre doing
Smon: To the west is a large square with traders of several different races and Vrilya customer, a few dozen people in all, most unarmoured. Several large buildings are around the square, while to the south you see pens along the south cavern wall. Broad paths lead off through the Vrilya city to north (1) and west (2).
Smon: Smon: You go down a long way, over 100' you think, into east side of a vast natural cavern, at least 40' high but hundreds of feet wide and deep. Many buildings throng the cavern floor - an underground city!
Smon: They talked their way through to levels 6 & 7.
Smon: The elevator comes to rest at the cave floor. 7 Vrilya guards in Lagh move towards you, giving Bright Star a puzzled look.
Keelia: She sketches a bow
Smon: Saralya: "These seven are of the Ghulu Amonuc. The Warrior Elite."
JamesDevil: Danor eyes them suspiciously
JamesDevil: his hand moves towards his hammer
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will bow in a neutral manner towards them
Smon: Saralya seems happy to see them. She bows deeply. "My Lords. I am honoured."
Keelia: "Be at ease," she murmurs to her companions.
Sandor Sunneson: S stands at ease
Smon: The leader steps forward with easy gait. He smiles, and speaks in what sounds like archaic common: "Saralya. Sister. Tis good to see you!"
Smon: OOC was lucky roll on which caste was on duty.
JamesDevil: Daor returns to an at ease pose
Smon: Saralya straightens, smiling back. "My Lord."
Keelia: (phew!)
JamesDevil: ooc lucky us
Smon: "Sister, I am still your brother. Call me Dyvim."
chris107: (I better get back. Good luck!)
Keelia: Bright Star's ears twitch as she looks between them. curious but not wiling to interrupt yet
Keelia: (have fun, chris!)
Smon: Saralya nods. "As you wish, Lord ...Dyvim." She turns to you. "The Ghulu Amonuc are unique among us. They are entered only by deeds, not birth."
JamesDevil: cya Chris
9:38am 2018-9-15 chris107 Has exited the room
Keelia: Bright Star smiles. "That you are family to Saralya predisposes you to Bright Star. That you have done some great deed, more so. Bright Star is pleased to meet you."
Smon: Saralya is beaming, clearly very proud of her brother's status and delighted to see him. Dyvim turns to you. "What brings you travellers to Tanna T'iev?"
Smon: The tall warrior nods to Bright Star. "Your kind is unknown to me."
JamesDevil: "Exploration and eventual defeat of the rising evil below"
Sandor Sunneson: We are here to explore and defeat evil
JamesDevil: "she's a big talking cat, she has savedme more than once"
Keelia: Bright Star's tail twitches and she hopes Saralya's brother is of the same mind as Saralya in terms of the Unraveller being evil.
Smon: Dyvim glances to the other Ghulu Amonuc before replying. "There are many evils... below, above. To the side."
JamesDevil: "haha, true, but we speak of the larger one the Nexisis
JamesDevil: ooc i forget the spelling
JamesDevil: "
Keelia: "Bright Star is Tabaxi," she says loudly, her tail lashing out to whack Danor.
JamesDevil: hehe
JamesDevil: you know you love it
Smon: Dyvim frowns. "The Illtornovu Oulgra tell us the Nixthisis does not exist... and who are we mere Ghulu Amonuc to question the wisdom of the Sorcerers."
Keelia: "She used to be a merchant once, but has done interesting deeds, much like you, she thinks. For now, we explore and if we can help the Vrilya by dispatching any annoyances, it will be done.
JamesDevil: "Not to question Oulgra, but Nixthisis is very real"
Smon: Saralya. "They speak truth, brother. They seek to be friends to Vrilya."
Keelia: "Bright Star does not claim to know what does and does not exist."
Keelia: Her tail whacks Danor harder.
Smon: Dyvim frowns at Danor, nods to Bright Star.
JamesDevil: "I am more inturn with the concepts of good and evil, I can sense it more than others"
Smon: Saralya: "This one is of a strange race related to the Kazadurgar. The beings of the Bright Lands call them Der-warfs."
JamesDevil: ooc HAHA
Keelia: Bright Star stifles a laugh.
Keelia: (lol)
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: Dyvim nods, eyeing Danor he exhales slightly. He gestures to a large building on the north side of the square. "Let us meet in the tavern in an hour, when my duty ends."
Smon: Behind you the elevator begins to ascend.
JamesDevil: "the race from the Kazadurgar are distant relatives of my kin, but they are far below us"
Keelia: "Bright Star and friends Danor and Sandro would be honoured."
Smon: Saralya looks nervous. "A Kazadurgar convoy is arriving now, brother. We should move."
Sandor Sunneson: Shall we walk to the tavern now and make out seats warm?4
Keelia: "Bright Star thinks it is a good plan. Perhaps they have a new alcohol you have not tried, Danor?"
JamesDevil: sounds good, starting a brawl with the Duerggar would be unwise
Smon: Dyvim nods to you. "You are free to pass. Enjoy our city."
JamesDevil: ""
JamesDevil: "Mmm alochol"
Keelia: Bright Star nods to them and ushers Danor towards the tavern.
JamesDevil: Danor heads towards the tavern
Sandor Sunneson: S follows
Smon: You head into the market square. The west side of the square is dominated by a massive hall with defensive emplacements atop roof; white and purple banners hang outside. Saralya: "That is the guild house of the Ghulu Amonuc, where my brother dwells now."
JamesDevil: Danor makes a mental note of it
Smon: She leads you north past a troglodyte vendor selling black dragon scales and phials of black ooze, towards the tavern on the north side. The sign appears to be scripted in fresh blood.
JamesDevil: Black dragon scale, interesting...
Smon: The runes of the sign twist and reform at your approach, to read (in your native tongue) "Bucket O'Blood."
JamesDevil: Danor makes another mental note
Keelia: Bright Star considers the sign, mostly to make sure it won't drip any blood on her fur. "Interesting."
Sandor Sunneson: S holds the door open for his friends to enter the pub
Smon: Saralya pushes the saloon bars open and you enter the fug of the tavern. A large group of hairy bugbears is carousing, along with smaller groups of Vrilya and a few of other strange races, presumably visitors. Morlock/Grimlock slaves serve food and drink, overseen by two Vrilya, one male one female, wearing only strategically placed jewelry.
Smon: Saralya: "This place can be a little rough..." she edges around a drunken bugbear passed out on the floor.
Keelia: Bright Star eyes the jewellery covetously.
JamesDevil: Danor flags down a server
JamesDevil: "A round for me and my group please"
JamesDevil: "one of everything you have"
Sandor Sunneson: S requests the house ale
Keelia: "Do not worry for us," she assures.
JamesDevil: "well, one of everything for me!"
Smon: You take a small table. The eyeless morlock ignores Danor's wave. The female Vrilya sashays over to you. "Welcome! I shall take your order." She produces a tablet. You notice the tiny jeweled abacus at her belt, worked into her jewelry.
Keelia: Bright Star does take note and thinks 'oh, shiny.'
Smon: "I am Talana of Dyzon Kylryl. One of everything... that would be 142 gold."
Keelia: She motions for Saralya to order something then orders the same. It doesn't matter what it is, Bright Star will not drink much of it, if any.
JamesDevil: "Nice uniform they have here, i'll take your strongest drink"
JamesDevil: or that
JamesDevil: Danor passes over the gold
Smon: Saralya: "Black wine for myself and Bright Star. House ale for the Human."
Smon: Barmaid nods: "I am Talana. That will be six for the wine, two for the ale."
Smon: The buxom tavern wench Talana smiles at Danor, a little wide eyed by his order, and takes the 142 gold.
Smon: GM: Having taken your order she departs.
Sandor Sunneson: S pays the 8
Keelia: Bright Star sets the 8 gold on the table, with a nod to Sandro
Keelia: For the next round then
Smon: A short time later Morlocks begin to arrive with trays of drink, first the 2 wines & an ale, then platters heaving with many strange concoctions.
Smon: Some smoke, some bubble.
Smon: Some are green. Many black. One brown.
Smon: One blood red, with a straw.
Smon: and a little hat on a stick.
Sandor Sunneson: S will drink his ale
Smon: The drinks mount up around Danor Gordak.
Keelia: Bright Star's fingers twitch towards the little hat. "Bright Star may have this?" she asks him
JamesDevil: Danor hands it over to here ofcourse my dear....why are there two of you?"
JamesDevil: "
Keelia: "Bright Star is practicing a new special move," she grins and takes the little hat on the stick.
Smon: BS's wine is very good, a little sweet for most palates. Sandro's ale is not bad but tastes of mushrooms.
Smon: Danor can roll his dwarf poison save for how much he can drink
JamesDevil Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
9 = 9
3 = 3
Smon: +?
JamesDevil: do i add anything?
Smon: CON & Prof
JamesDevil: +5
JamesDevil: so 14
Keelia: Bright Star eyes him and then lifts her feet off the floor so she is perched on the chair in case he leans over and pukes on the floor
Smon: 14... ok he puts away an impressive amount, but an hour later there is still about 5/6 of the drinks remaining, when Dyvim comes in, nodding to the Vrilya staff and to a group of low caste warriors at another table. A bugbear hurries to get out of his way as he comes over to your table and sits, eyeing the heaped drinks.
Sandor Sunneson: S has never seen a drunk swarf before, so watches with intnet]
Sandor Sunneson: You can relax now S will say to him :))
Smon: Dyvim: "We advised the Kazadurgar there was an outbreak of rot-gut in the Tavern and best stay away... not sure if that will hold them for long. They are thirsty and have iron stomachs."
Smon: Saralya eyes a rear door to the north. "We can leave by that way."
Keelia: "Bright Star is familiar with iron stomachs," she chuckles. "Danor will share?" she asks her companion.
JamesDevil: Danor glares at her
Smon: D is indeed feeling pretty woozy.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Keelia: "You have many to drink and if we must leave quickly, you do not want the Duegar to have them, no? Better to share with our new friends."
JamesDevil: "sure go ahead"
JamesDevil: Danor shares the drinks with the others
Keelia: Bright Star motions for Dyvim to help himself.
Smon: Dyvim nods in thanks and takes an orange concoction in globular glass.
Smon: He sips. "Odd thing... the Kazadurgar slaves for sale include a human female, a Bright Lander. We have not seen such here in years."
JamesDevil: "hmm"
Sandor Sunneson: wonder how she ended up in that state
Keelia: Bright Star sits up. "That is most odd."
Keelia: "What can you tell Bright Star about this?"
Smon: "I asked, and apparently she was intended as a sacrifice for some ceremony, to awaken the Sleeping God, they said. But this ceremony is no longer possible - I think this is connected to the great disaster they suffered some months back. And so they are selling her."
Smon: Saralya: "What do you know of the disaster, brother? Little news reaches us on the highest tier."
JamesDevil: "perhaps we should buy her freedom while we are here"
Smon: Dyvim nods. "I am sure they would sell her to you. They wanted four hundred gold."
Smon: He drinks more.
JamesDevil: "sounds like a plan, although i imagine they would charge me extra!"
Smon: He turns to Saralya. "The Kazdurgar warred with Ahyf, a human town of the Bright Lands. They sought to awaken their Sleeping God. Instead they awoke great Collossi, who destroyed their army and slew their priests."
Keelia: "Bright Star can do that"
Smon: Saralya nods to D.
Smon: Saralya nods. "The Kazadurgar were becoming too numerous. This is good news."
Sandor Sunneson: S will smile at that
Smon: Saralya: "Your mission... Do you wish to know more of the territory around Tana T'iev?"
Keelia: Bright Star nods.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro nods
JamesDevil: "it would be useful"
Smon: Saralya: "To the north lies the Majusek Sulcus - the Great Chasm. It connects the sixth, seventh and eighth Tiers."
Sandor Sunneson: How far to the north?Day travel??
Smon: "To the West is the Casino of the Goddess Chance, where all are welcome - there are even Humans among Her priests."
Smon: Dyvim smiles at Sandro. "No, no. It borders hard on Tanna T'iev. A few minutes' walk."
Keelia: Bright Star is interested more in the chasm then the casino. Gambling just leaves you missing your shinies.
Smon: Dyvim: "The great Chimera, Tritenabrous, lurks in the chasm - be wary of him. Other flying beasts abound - gargoyles and such."
Keelia: Bright Star nods, making a mental note about the chimera
Smon: Dyvim: "However one can skirt the Chasm via the Chamber of Agonised Faces and find the stairs down to the Eighth Tier, if that is what you seek?"
JamesDevil: "that is one of our goals yes"
Keelia: Bright Star nods. "Bright Star is always interested in how to travel between floors. She and her companions like to explore. And she is looking forward to meeting a Fire Giant in the future."
Smon: Saralya: "To go that way it will be necessary to pass through the Slums - they are dangerous."
JamesDevil: "so are we" Danor smirks
Smon: Saralya combs her long hair thoughtfully. She smiles slightly at Danor's words. "As is my brother."
Sandor Sunneson: The powderkeg will go off, and we shall be victorious
Keelia: "Bright Star would be interested in hearing of the deeds that granted you your position at some point in the future. Bright Star thinks it would be an interesting story."
Keelia: she says to Dyvim
Smon: Dyvim: "Do you know the way, sister? Drigorul Pravumutyl will not permit me to accompany you."
JamesDevil: "who's Drigorul Pravumutyl?"
Smon: Dyvim turns to Bright Star, smiles back. "And I would enjoy hearing of your adventures, likewise." He turns to Danor. "Drigorul is Comprador - Commander of my Caste."
JamesDevil: "ah, i see, i suppose maintaining order in the chain of command is important"
Smon: "You will know him by his silver mask - they say he was horribly scarred in the duel he fought to win his position, before I was born. He is accompanied by a Steel Golem, a gift of the Plated Mage."
Sandor Sunneson: I'm sure we will encounter you again
JamesDevil: "a steel golem eh? a VERY nice gift indeed!"
Keelia: Bright Star's ears perk up at the mention of the plated mage
Smon: Dyvim nods.
Smon: "Ten feet tall, massive, with blades - many blades."
Smon: "It kills by a sort of hug that rips a man into parts."
Sandor Sunneson: OOC- signing off at 1145 GMT
JamesDevil: "sounds.....glourious"
Sandor Sunneson: but painful
JamesDevil: "anyway back to the topic at hand"
JamesDevil: "so, you spoke already of the south and north, what lies to the east and the south of the city"
Keelia: Bright Star blinks.
Smon: Dyvim takes a second drink - green - sipping thoughtfully. "I may be able to introduce you to the Comprador at some point, but I must think carefully..." He looks to Danor. "To east and south, worked tunnels give way to the natural caves of the 'Underworld', as Bright Landers call our world.
JamesDevil: "I see..."
JamesDevil: "What about in the town itself? are thwere any useful shop, or places we sould visit? I'm always looking for near equipment and metals to makes armour and weapons with"
Smon: "There is little Vaedium there, so they are of little interest. Far to the south is a great lake - a sea."
Smon: "The tunnels to the east are usually submerged below water. If you travel far enough you reach under the Bright Ocean." (ie east past Selatine on the coast 8 miles)
Smon: "There are of course many shops and traders here in Tanna T'iev."
Keelia: "Bright Star is not a fan of submerged tunnels but she is glad for the warning!"
Sandor Sunneson: Maybe worth looking around Danor see if any random magic items or equipment are for sale here
Smon: "Tattoos... drugs... carnal pleasures... the Thogrinn's Hall may be of interest if you seek battle magics."
JamesDevil: Danor thinks back to the Black Dragon scale, he could make a set of acid resistent armour...
Keelia: (Also, worth buying that Slave and getting her out."
JamesDevil: "yes, we need to get that slave before someone else buys her"
Sandor Sunneson: good thinking
Keelia: "If Sandro and Danor wish to shop, Bright Star will enquire about the slave and secure her purchase."
Keelia: "Better that Danor not be involved."
Smon: Saralya: "The Thogrinn - half troll, half goblin, half...something else. A strange beast. Yes he often has magics unseen elsewhere."
Sandor Sunneson: Sounds like a good plan S will agree
JamesDevil: "Dyvim could you smuggle me back to your barracks?it would be better if i did not come into contact with a Duregar
JamesDevil: "
Smon: OOC ok better stop there. You get 2000 XP (2 new level awards & an investigation award)
JamesDevil: awsome
Sandor Sunneson: cheers Simon :),
JamesDevil: thanks for the game Simon
Keelia: fantastic, thanks1
JamesDevil: 10K to next level
Keelia: great, game, I look forward to next session
Smon: OK so next Saturday I am finishing up The Awakening then after that Stonehell weekly.
Smon: Bill is with me alternate Saturdays so James you can skip those if you like, first would be in 3 weeks.
Keelia: brilliant!
JamesDevil: coolio
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, sounds good, will let you know if around next Saturday, you looking at 0830 start?
Smon: yup 08.30
JamesDevil: right, thanks for the game all, have a nice day/night/week!
Sandor Sunneson: Have a good weekend everyone
Keelia: thanks Simon. Have a good weekend guys!
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, ciao for now
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