
7:14am 2018-9-01 Smon Has entered the room
Smon: Good morning Chris!
chris107: Morning Simon, how are you?
Smon: Quite good - had a nice long phone chat with my dad last night.
Smon: Got my 5e stuff ready
chris107: Always nice to catch up with parents.
chris107: How goes your Realms PBP?
Smon: I have to do some Law research before calling him but I managed to read up on Pastiche fair dealing in copyright
chris107: Your father is a lawyer too? Very handy
Smon: FR game - Steve dropped out, not happy at how 1st level illusionist spells are a bit crap.
Smon: No he's a retired academic
chris107: That's a shame.
chris107: ah
Smon: Game still going with Geoff & Roxy. Still posting daily but I've neglected it a bit due to too much Skyrim.
chris107: haha, Skyrim is a bit of a life-eater
Smon: The 1st level OSRIC PCs just killed an Ankheg (6 hd, 27 hp, THAC0 14 & 3d6 dmg!)
Smon: After about 10 days' play my dark elf Arno Wryddin has gone from 1st to 40-something
chris107: I'm resting level 100 Hakeem and playing a destruction wizard. Level 40 to press, 94 Destruction and nearly 1000 Magica.
Smon: That's cool, destruction wizard is one of the hardest builds in Skyrim.
chris107: Ankhegs are fierce in 1e/Osric. The 3d6 'spit' is so dangerous.
Smon: 4d8 spit, but it died before it could spit
chris107: Got him casting Destruction spells for free too. So he's a bit of a beast.
Smon: Party has 2 weapon spec Rangers & a weapon spec Ftr
chris107: 4d8?! Ouch! That would be dangerous in 5e!
chris107: They will chop most anything to bits I guess.
Smon: Yeah I saw a Youtube Skyrim video said that free casting was the way to get a destructo wizard to work.
Smon: The OSRIC 1st level Rangers with max hp have 16 hp each, more like 5th level OD&D PCs!
7:25am 2018-9-01 Keelia Has entered the room
Smon: Morning Keelia
Keelia: hi!
chris107: He can spam Chain Lightning all day. But very much a glass cannon. On anything higher than adept setting he dies. A lot.
chris107: Morning Keelia
Keelia: hi!
Smon: (My first Skyrim PC was a wizard - I thought she was hot stuff - until I realised Bill had put the difficulty setting on Novice!)
Keelia: How are you guys today?
chris107: hehe
Smon: I'm good, was telling Chris had nice phone chat w my dad last night, but too much Skyrim while Bill is with Ingrid. How is Oz? Getting into Spring?
chris107: and very well thanks, Keelia.
Keelia: I should have another go at skyrim. its been a while
Keelia: It was a lovely day here today, yep. Tomorrow's going to be cold though, which is a bummer since it's my sailing day.
chris107: That's a shame.
Keelia: I'm working through a cold myself, so if I disappear suddenly, it's because I've gone hunting for tissues.
Smon: Good luck not getting too wet tomorrow!
Keelia: thank! i'll need it
Keelia: last time I ended up soaked from hip to shoes but it's the sacrifice of sailing practically sideways...
7:29am 2018-9-01 sandor sunneson Has entered the room
Keelia: (that was good fun if a little scary )
chris107: Morning Fergus
Smon: GM advice - never play solo with Simon while nursing a cold. I've killed demigod PCs that way! One guy Bob decided to fight the goddess Hel...
sandor sunneson: Good morning civilisation, Yorkshire here
Keelia: hi ferg!
chris107: All sounds jolly exciting, Keelia!
Smon: Hi Fergus!
sandor sunneson: Hi all
sandor sunneson: Good to be back in the Saturday morning 5e routine
Keelia: a random person taking on a goddess.... sounds exactly like something we would try
7:30am 2018-9-01 JamesDevil Has entered the room
chris107: God slaying is only for some. Not to be undertaken lightly
Smon: He was hacking through her temple ok when she appeared. He thought "ah, another monster to kill!"
JamesDevil: Hi
chris107: Morning James
Keelia: also sounds strangely familiar
Keelia: hi james
JamesDevil: Ah, the full team excellent
Smon: If you think of the Thor v Hel kerbstomp at start of Thor Ragnarok, it went a lot like that, except 1e AD&D Hel has infinite move and after dispelling his physical form could follow him back through the Astral & kill him permanently.
chris107: Aye, let the demons tremble!
Smon: Hi James! All here!
chris107: ouchers
sandor sunneson: Just waiting for Jorian to log on and 'spectate'
Keelia: right. remind me to think twice about fighting gods unless i am godlike myself...
Keelia: as long as he spectates quietly
chris107: Keelia, would you mind mapping today please? I've managed to sit on my reading glasses and am having to squint a lot to see the screen.
Keelia: Sure, no problem.
JamesDevil: It never works out]
chris107: Thank you.
Keelia: are we going to head to level 9?
JamesDevil: i think so
chris107: Well we seem to be doing pretty well there and Mordred is now eager to get to level 8...
Smon: Chris's Hakeem did kill the demigod Kainos, with some good luck, but I would advise not fighting any major gods of Death.
sandor sunneson: Luck? Tactical victory
chris107: some amazing look. He made 15 saving throws back to back
Keelia: psh. demigods. dime a dozen.
chris107: After failing the first half dozen and going from 300+ HP to 1HP
Keelia: O.o
Smon: (Fergus has lost a couple ultra high level PCs to gods IMCs too!)
sandor sunneson: Just as well Prisha wasn't around or Kainos would have been resurrected
sandor sunneson: That was years ago GM
chris107: Or recruited
sandor sunneson: Kainos and the temple of love, sounds like an 80s pop song
Smon: GM: Selatine news update - the dragonborn Talaxakan reports having made peace with the Vrilya, having told them that the hated dragonborn Konrad is dead in the Cursed Mine on level 5.
sandor sunneson: or group
Keelia: I'm all for adopting Quillax adopted a robot, an army, and would have adopted the big bad if given the chance
JamesDevil: ah yes, the robot....i remember....#
Keelia: Alright, to level 9!
Smon: Talaxakan has bought the lease on the empty-again villa beside Mordred for 5000gp, swearing allegiance to lady Vex as a Knight of Selatine (an honorary position used to extract large sums of cash from wealthy adventurers)
Keelia: (Clank was a good robot)
chris107: The neighbourhood really has gone to pot.
JamesDevil: did he die? i thought we pu that adventure on indfinite hold?
JamesDevil: so techn ically he will live forever!
Keelia: ah, yes, the neighbour-from-hell. Bright Star is willing to give Mordred the various nasty potions she has picked up. Hair removal, babbling in tongues, and green skin are all options.
chris107: Thank you.
Keelia: (we wrapped it up. he's living at the library with his new robot librarian buddy)
chris107: He will deconstruct them in his spare time.
Smon: (@James Clank is 'alive' and well in a Rune Lord library with his robot librarian friend)
Smon: GM: 1/9/4448 The last month of Dry Season; enjoy the easy march over the parched plain west of Stonehell while you can. You set out bright and early, reaching Stonehell by 9am, greet your goblin pal Mreggle at the Gatehouse and make your way to level 1 - teleport to Efaah Soom level 5 - teleport to level 9.
Smon: (Lady Vex now has 10,000 gp in the bank thanks to the villa lease/knighthood)
7:44am 2018-9-01 sandor sunneson Has exited the room
7:44am 2018-9-01 sandor sunneson Has entered the room
Smon: GM: You make your way out of the level 9 teleport chamber, open & secure the doors to the lightning trap room, and enter the Stone Snake room.
chris107: "An excellent move, my lady. But can't we settle them somewhere other than next door to me?"
sandor sunneson: Sandro does his stretches to get into battle mode again
Keelia: (last time there was one ooze we didn't kill, so keep an eye out for it)
chris107: (It went north didn't it?)
JamesDevil: i guess we'll find out
Smon: https://scontent-lht6-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/40019652_548147438975360_8813778426222608384_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=2cd178137f887f0a0f011f3be74807ff&oe=5BEFB445
Keelia: Bright Star recommends the group head to the southern hall towards the off-angle room, pass the glass room, then into the ooze hall to hopefully avoid it.
chris107: Thanks. South past the black pudding/treasure room?
JamesDevil: Danor agree and follows Bright at a distance of 30'
Keelia: Staying on the West side of the ooze hall?
Smon: GM: BS leads the way south to the entry/stairs chamber with the walls painted with symbols resembling a frayed cloth, symbol of the Unraveller.
Keelia: Bright Star will engage sneak
Keelia rolls 1d20+14 and gets: 4, (+14) = 18
JamesDevil: Daor will engage Dwarf mode
Smon: From there she leads east past door to the Room of Glass, into the black tiled chamber where you encountered the giant black pudding.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Keelia: "Keep your eyes open for the Fire Giant. Bright Star is interested in meeting him."
Smon: All seems quiet, and you all have night vision now.
Smon: 2 exits north to bell hall, 2 tunnels south.
JamesDevil: south was where the black pudding was right?
chris107: in the black tiled chamber was the pudding
Keelia: We're in the room where the black pudding was. the other jelly went north towards the bells to eat the puddlng where we killed it.
chris107: yup
JamesDevil: k, cool
Keelia: So, we can check out the North, the East tunnel by the bells or we can go South.
JamesDevil: i think north
Smon: You are in chamber where it was. It chased you north to bell hall & died there. Its burnt corpse attracted an ochre jelly.
Smon: (as Keelia says)
JamesDevil: well if Birght can sneak ahead and check to see if the ochre one is still there...
Keelia: If no one is averse to north?
chris107: "North we have to pass this new ooze?"
chris107: If it's ooze free I'm happy to go north
Keelia: "Only if it's still there. A week is a long time to feast on it's fallen cousin."
Smon: GM: BS sneaks down thewestern north tunnel to check out the scene in the bell room.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
chris107: hehe
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
chris107: off to a flying start!
Smon: /roll d3
Smon rolls 1d3 and gets: 3
Keelia: Bright Star sneaks along, looking for ooze (and probably finding it )
Smon: 3 ochre jellies and 3 carrion crawlers are feasting on the still-vast remnants of the gigantic char-grilled black pudding.
Keelia: Bright Star tip toes back the way she came
chris107: eek
sandor sunneson: yuk
Smon: They don't seem to have noticed her. She creeps back & reports.
JamesDevil: hmm, if don't clear them out we could get attacked from behind
Keelia: she reports back. "Six enemies but likely they would be distracted should we choose to sneak past."
chris107: "What do we know of these creatures?"
JamesDevil: I could blow a wall of fire, they don't seem to like being burnt
Smon: Carrion crawler https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/9/96/Monster_Manual_5e_-_Carrion_Crawler_-_p37.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141110131238
Smon: About 12' long.
Keelia: "They have a meal, and plenty of it. There is little chance they would bother with a meal that will put up a fight."
Keelia: "We only need to worry in about a week when it runs out."
Keelia: South is still an option, or we can sneak past.
JamesDevil: take a sneaky look south first
chris107: "I say either we kill tham or we leave them alone and head south."
JamesDevil: so we can way our options
sandor sunneson: south?
JamesDevil: check south first in case there is something worse
Keelia: Bright Star turns south on silent-ish feet
chris107: SWor SE?
JamesDevil: they lead to the same room no?
Smon: GM: If you wanted to get past them should take the east north tunnel as they are near the west tunnel mouth where the pudding died.
Keelia: Probably doesn't matter but Bright Star will try the Western tunnel
Smon: (no James)
chris107: Not sure where they go afre black tiled room.
sandor sunneson: E noth tunnel sounds good to S
Smon: BS sneaks 30' south down the western south tunnel.
Smon: She reaches a 4 way intersection where tunnels run NW SW and E.
Smon: Looking NW, the tunnel runs 15' and opens into the SE wall of a chamber with a large rusty steel font in the middle.
Smon: Looking SW the tunnel turns S after 15'.
Smon: Looking E the tunnel runs 30' to an intersection with side tunnel N - must lead back to the tiled hall where the others are waiting - then turns SE.
chris107: Lots of choices and a font to investigate..
Keelia: Bright Star will poke her head into the NW into the chamber
Smon: The font to NW is engraved with runes lacquered red.
chris107: (well 2 se tunnels to investigate really I suppose? )
JamesDevil: See much more promising than north
Keelia: She trots back out to wave mordred over. Red runes seem like something he would know
JamesDevil: Danor will move up as well
8:04am 2018-9-01 sandor sunneson Has exited the room
JamesDevil: we should slipt up more than we have too
Smon: BS creeps NW to the chamber - 20' NW-SE and 30' SW-NE. The font basin contains 1” of clear, cold water; six humanoid skeletons lie on floor
arranged around basin in haphazard fashion. There is enough water in the basin to fill a single vial.
8:04am 2018-9-01 sandor sunneson Has entered the room
chris107: M sticks with Danor
sandor sunneson: Sandro stays on alert, bit apprehensive oabout going ahead as he doesn't fancy being trapped by a random monster
sandor sunneson: so stays with M and D
Smon: BS can roll an INT check to read the runes.
Keelia: she has crap int
Smon: So can M when BS fetches party
Keelia rolls 1d20 and gets: 7,
JamesDevil: Can I roll a med check on the skellies to see what they died from?
Smon: It's all Ghinoran to BS!
Smon: GM: BS fetches the whole party to the font chamber.
Keelia: She shrugs and waits for Mordred, keeping a wary eye on the skeletons.
Smon: The skeletons show no sign of battle damage.
chris107: Mordred asks his friends to stand watch while he begins a ritual to read the words.
JamesDevil: "hmm, didn't die in battle...."
JamesDevil: Do the runes look familiar to Danor?
Keelia: Bright Star stands in the hall, bow drawn, back against the wall so she can see both ways
Smon: Danor can roll a Religion check.
Smon: DC 10 for D
Keelia: buff yourself
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 5, (+7) = 12
sandor sunneson: good role, setting the mark
Smon: It seems to be archaic Nerathi common - "Basin of Weal" - dedicated to the Powers of Law. It looks like this is a holy water font, but more than that, the runes indicate it can produce especially powerful holy water spontaneously.
JamesDevil: yay for head band of int
JamesDevil: huh
JamesDevil: Danor relys this to the group
JamesDevil: "has anyone for a vial? I want to test something"
Keelia: Bright Star blinks. "So why the skeletons?"
Smon: Mordred completes his Ritual and can read it too. It looks like the font will produce 1 phial of super holy water per day.
JamesDevil: "Unworthy perhaps?"
chris107: Nice
Keelia: Bright Star is bound to have a vial on her from the various potions they have drunk
Keelia: she'll hand it over
JamesDevil: OOCIF you drink it do you become super sayian?
chris107: "Super holy water could prove very useful to us."
JamesDevil: Danor will fill the vial
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: Danor fills the vial with clear water from the bottom of the font, leaving the font mostly empty.
Keelia: (better chance of being super-pope instead of super saiyajin)
JamesDevil: ok, i'll note down one bottle of super juice
8:12am 2018-9-01 sandor sunneson Has exited the room
chris107: first tunnel south?
Keelia: Bright Star will exit the hall and head southernly.
chris107: yay
8:13am 2018-9-01 sandor sunneson Has entered the room
JamesDevil: sounds good
Keelia: yep. Staying to west side.
Smon: From the font chamber you can return to 4 way intersection. You head SW from there?
Keelia: Yes
Smon: Danor you can roll Religion again on the phial.
chris107: sw then turns s
Smon: DC 12
chris107: se sorry
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 9, (+7) = 16
JamesDevil: I'm feeling more relgious ajust holdi9ng the thing ^^
sandor sunneson: Feeling very worldly today Danor
Smon: The water seems to glimmer with a faint holy aura to Danor's gaze. It is x4 strength holy water, 8d6 dmg to fiends or undead. Also can act as potion of extra healing (4d4+4).
Keelia: Very nice!
Smon: BS roll me a Stealth check
sandor sunneson: cool
Keelia rolls 1d20+14 and gets: 14, (+14) = 28
chris107: nice indeed
Keelia: (like the wind.)
Smon: BS creeps SW then S. After 20' south she reaches an intersection, tunnels go W and E and continue S.
Smon: The tunnel s continues as far as she can see, with a side tunnel W after 40'.
Smon: Looking W at the intersection she sees the tunnel of black stone runs W 40' then turns N out of sight.
chris107: (back to stone serpent room maybe?)
Smon: Looking E she sees the tunnel runs E 20', ending at a heavy wooden door scrawled with writing, a single word - "Diedra!"
Keelia: (very likely)
JamesDevil: OOC Don't Dead Open Inside
Smon: BS smells a faint stench of rotten flesh on the air, seems to be coming from east.
Keelia: what?
Keelia: Ah.
Smon: Minimise OOC advice while scout ahead pls chaps
Keelia: She'll just pop west to confirm that the tunnel heads back towards stone snake lair first.
sandor sunneson: could be trouble ahead
chris107: soz
Keelia: If it smells like rotten flesh, that's zombies and that's Danor's territory. She would fetch them first before opening the door.
Smon: BS creeps west to the turn and looks north. After 10' north the tunnel opens into a great columned hall, not the Stone Snake lair - you are too far south.
Keelia: What can her awesome cat eyes see?
Smon: The hall is 60' N-S by 40' E-W with 2 rows of 3 columns supporting 30' arched ceiling. There is a tunnel N at w end of N wall that could go back to Stone Snake lair.
Smon: There is another tunnel exit in S wall. You are at E end of S wall, the other exit arch is 10' to 20' west of you.
sandor sunneson: Sandro will investigate the columns
sandor sunneson: see if there is anything of note, if not, head back to group
JamesDevil: Can I roll to invewstigate the stonework with stonecunning?
JamesDevil: woops...
Smon: Guys if you are gonna use a scout, stick with it!
Keelia: Bright Star will go back to the hallway and summon the others
Smon: Hold up
chris107: Mordred quietly joins BS and the others.
sandor sunneson: ah, sorry
Smon: BS notices the columns and walls have carvings of masked humanoid forms engaged in elaborate dance.
Smon: OK, BS returns to the others now?
Keelia: Yes please
Smon: It's 120' back to where the others are waiting outside the font chamber.
Keelia: She'll explain eastern hall has door and smells of death. western hall leads to columned room an she needs backup before she enters
Smon: BS returns to fetch them. Encounter check...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
Keelia: Yes, she'll tip toe back and do the above assuming she makes it alive
Smon: OK, all still quiet, BS reaches them and explains.
JamesDevil: "hmm, ok, hall or poke around the undead?
JamesDevil: I've got a scroll of detect good and evil, so i can check if there are any undead within 30 feet when we get to the door
Keelia: Hall first. Undead second. The death smell is behind a door. better make sure there isn't a second stone snake first!
JamesDevil: might just be dead meat rather than undead
JamesDevil: very good point
JamesDevil: "to the hall then"
Keelia: she'll lead them to the columned room
chris107: "Shall we continue southM is at D's shoulder.
Keelia: as they walk, she'll explain about the dancing humanoids on the columns and walls
chris107: oops
chris107: M is at D's shoulder
Keelia: "Could be a magic trap?"
Smon: GM: BS leads the group back to the columned hall a couple minutes later. Danor roll INT+x2 Prof Stonecunning.
Keelia: "makes people dance?"
8:30am 2018-9-01 sandor sunneson Has exited the room
8:30am 2018-9-01 sandor sunneson Has entered the room
sandor sunneson: S will look at the runes in amazenemnt at the level of artwork
JamesDevil Rolls 1d20+7x7 and gets:
18 (+7) = 25
8 (+7) = 15
11 (+7) = 18
18 (+7) = 25
13 (+7) = 20
10 (+7) = 17
7 (+7) = 14
JamesDevil: woops
Smon: I guess that is a 25
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 13, (+10) = 23
Smon: The columns are very very odd to Danor.
chris107: (Mordred likes dancing. Prof. P. tought him )
Smon: Far from supporting the ceiling, he notes the hairline cracks at the base, and how they are thicker at top than bottom - the ceiling is supporting the columns!
JamesDevil: "something is odd about these coloumns guys...."
Smon: Something is very strange here - he gets a weird sick feeling in his gut.
Keelia: Bright Star remains at the entrance to the room.
chris107: "Cripes!"
JamesDevil: "they are hanging DOWN from the cieling
Keelia: "Odd? Odd how?"
chris107: "Let's get out of here."
sandor sunneson: eeek
Smon: GM: I take it none of you have entered the room.
sandor sunneson: agrees with M
JamesDevil: nope
JamesDevil: well Danor was look from the doorway
Smon: yup
chris107: and M is at D's shoulder.
Smon: You are all looking in from the tunnel exit.
JamesDevil: ok...back to potential undead then?
Keelia: Bright Star is very tempted to put a foot into the room while staring at Danor (like one of those cats pushing a vase off the table while staring at the camera)
JamesDevil: "Bright we've known eachother a long time....don't test me on this"
Keelia: She'll turn away from the room with a mutter of, "there's another door"
JamesDevil: lol
Smon: BS foot is just off the stone floor
Smon: GM: OK you head back to the Diedra! door?
Keelia: Sure
JamesDevil: I think so yea
Smon: You head south then east 80' to the door.
chris107: Mordred sighs. What with bell ringing clerics and playful pussy cats he's not going to live long
sandor sunneson: lol
Smon: At the door the rotten flesh stench is strong enough you can all detect it.
Keelia: She'll let Danor lead, muttering to herself about other doors and unfinished maps. (she's just going to assume from the position that the hallway connects with the stone snake room
Smon: BS roll INT (mappers tools)
Keelia: Bright Star covers her nose and draws her bow
Keelia rolls 1d20 and gets: 17,
8:37am 2018-9-01 joriandrake Has entered the room
joriandrake: (hello)
sandor sunneson: hi Jorian
chris107: (Hi Jorian)
Smon: OK the north tunnel would have to be 60' long to connect w the south exit from stone snake lair
JamesDevil: so do we want to detect good and evil first or assume that there will be undead and open the door? it might just be rotten flesh
chris107: "If we can. Fore warned is fore armed."
Keelia: (she's drawn the long tunnel and marked it with a ? as there could be a room tucked in the middle or something but the map lines up for the two halls to connect)
Smon: At the door you notice BTW that the last 10' of wall to N and S is stone 'bricks' not raw passage tunnel.
chris107: odd
Smon: Well made, unlike the construction you've seen in upper Stonehell, clearly not the same builders.
JamesDevil: very odd
Smon: To Danor this whole zone looks much more ancient.
Keelia: Bright Star lightly scratches at the brick with her claws. "Made by hand to contain something of value?"
Smon: (good map stuff K)
JamesDevil: Danor will take out the scroll and cast detect good and evil
JamesDevil: ooc Simon since i have the spell already do i need to roll to cast it?
JamesDevil: i didn't prep it today
Smon: The stones are smooth and resist BS's claws, no scratch marks.
Keelia: (thanks!)
Smon: Danor can use Detect Good & Evil on a scroll no roll
JamesDevil: cool, any undead within 30'?
Keelia: She tucks herself behind Mordred who is behind Danor (?). Undead and she do not tend to get along well.
Smon: He speaks the words - immediately he senses a powerful undead presence about 15' away through the door.
chris107: Mordred stands ready, shield up. Sword of Omens still in scabbard.
JamesDevil: "powerful undead 15' ahead of us
JamesDevil: "
Smon: D & M to front, BS & S to rear.
JamesDevil: if the door locked?
JamesDevil: is*
chris107: Mordred is excited that he will be able to fight undead.
Smon: BS can roll Per to check lock
Smon: Door has handle & a keyhole
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 15, (+8) = 23
chris107: He says a prayer of thanks to Lady Amala.
Smon: BS determines the door is unlocked.
JamesDevil: ok
Keelia: She tells them and gets back behind mordred
JamesDevil: all ready?
JamesDevil: Danor casts SoF
JamesDevil: 26AC now
chris107: M summons the sword of Omens to his hand. "Ready!"
JamesDevil: He opens the door and steps in
chris107: M follows him.
Keelia: Bright Star stays at the door
sandor sunneson: nice one, like trying to pierce granite
Smon: Hexagonal chamber 50' across, with east and west doors inset 10' into the room into anti-alcoves (incoves?) - hence the bricks. Overpowering stench of rotting flesh; glint of precious coins. Enormous undead hydra right in front of you...
Smon: Roll init!
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 3,
JamesDevil: lol
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 1, (+3) = 4
Smon: The hydra's many heads seem rimed with frost. It's right in the middle of the chamber, treasure scattered around the floor.
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 5, (+6) = 11
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 18, (+3) = 21
JamesDevil: not doing great on init are we....
joriandrake: (many low rolls)
Smon: DC 12
JamesDevil: its all on you Chris
JamesDevil: one shot it
chris107: "Lady Amala grant me strength!"
Smon: As the 10 heads of the undead cryo-hydra turn on you, Mordred is first to act...
chris107: Mordred moves to attack, action surges for 2x attacks
chris107: (And prays his Shield spell will save him from the 10 attacks to come )
chris107 Rolls 1d20+8x4 and gets:
18 (+8) = 26
19 (+8) = 27
2 (+8) = 10
10 (+8) = 18
Smon: The Diedras appears as a rotted, multi-headed, reptilian corpse swathed in decaying bandages.
Smon: AC 15
chris107 rolls 3d8+21 and gets: 8, 4, 4, (+21) = 37
Smon: Mordred slashes it 3 times
chris107: end of turn
Keelia: Burn it!
sandor sunneson: here we go.....
Smon: Mordred's holy blade severs a foul neck - one head falls to the floor, 9 left.
JamesDevil: nice start
Smon: ok each head breathes on a 5-6
joriandrake: (prhaps as an undead it won't regrow those )
Smon: /roll d6x9
Smon Rolls 1d6x9 and gets:
5 = 5
2 = 2
5 = 5
5 = 5
6 = 6
2 = 2
5 = 5
6 = 6
2 = 2
chris107: eek
JamesDevil: ugh
chris107: that's a dead Mordred
joriandrake: (not your lucky day)
Smon: 6 heads breathe on Mordred
sandor sunneson:
Keelia: ....bright star has a potion if you don't completely die
chris107: Thanks
Smon: 96 frost damage, DEX DC 17 for half
chris107 Rolls 1d20+6x9 and gets:
2 (+6) = 8
7 (+6) = 13
8 (+6) = 14
7 (+6) = 13
15 (+6) = 21
13 (+6) = 19
17 (+6) = 23
4 (+6) = 10
3 (+6) = 9
Smon: just 1 roll - 8 - fail
chris107: oh sorry, just one?
Smon: Mordred turns to an icicle I guess!
chris107: fail. Morfdred at -36
Smon: Not enough to kill?
chris107: 60 HP max
Smon: Kill has to take you to negative max hp right off
Smon: So 24 short
chris107: so the bites may finish him off.
Smon: Frozen Mordred falls to the ground; the hydra moves forward over his body and bites at Danor still in the doorway.
joriandrake: (which level are you on? mountain level i mean)
chris107: Good luck guys
Keelia: Bright Star recommends closing the door!
chris107: (9)
Smon: /roll d20+9x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x3 and gets:
11 (+9) = 20
19 (+9) = 28
17 (+9) = 26
JamesDevil: miss hit,hit
Smon: 2 hits on Danor
JamesDevil: two con saves needed
Smon: /roll 2d10+10
Smon rolls 2d10+10 and gets: 8, 8, (+10) = 26
JamesDevil Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
18 (+2) = 20
19 (+2) = 21
Smon: 26 piercing damage, not your day guys!
JamesDevil: SoF is still up And Danor it still up
Smon: OK D BS & S can act
chris107: You're rolling well, Simon.
Keelia: "Close the door!" she hisses, grabbing for Mordred's frozen arm and pulling like hell
JamesDevil: Fire wall as much of the room as possible covering the hydra definitly
Smon: Mordred is still alive (just) but will be rolling death save top of R2.
Smon: That'll get Mordred D
Smon: You ok w that?
chris107: (He's 25' into the room Keelia )
Smon: Not 25'
Smon: Hydra was 15' away I said before you opened door
joriandrake: (Keelia can run fast, maybe pull him out?)
JamesDevil: eh? he was next to me wasn't he? if the hydra on him?
Smon: He only had to move in 10' to hit it
joriandrake: (I mean BS can run fast)
chris107: ah, cool. I just read middle of the room.
Smon: Rem the insets
JamesDevil: ok, my bad, i move next to M
Smon: Also hydra is Huge, 15' across
JamesDevil: then I cast firewall AROUND us
Smon: You can't.
Smon: Smon: Frozen Mordred falls to the ground; the hydra moves forward over his body and bites at Danor still in the doorway.
Smon: Hydra is on top of Mordred
Smon: Blocking the doorway
Keelia: if Bright Star uses Fancy footwork, which is ATK + retreat no OA, can she get in, get Mordred, and get out?
chris107: Poor Mordred
JamesDevil: ok.....turn undead
Smon: M lies 10'-15' inside room
Keelia: or tie a rope around his arm and get out?
sandor sunneson: S will try to get M out too
Keelia: then she and Sandro can pull him out?
chris107: The hydra is on top of Mordred
JamesDevil: danor cast turn undead, DC 15
sandor sunneson: souns good it
Smon: undead hydra https://pre00.deviantart.net/2951/th/pre/i/2016/086/3/7/zombie_hydra_by_scrap_paper22-d9wmzry.png
Keelia: yes, but not standing on him? just over him like a chicken with eggs, I assume?
Smon: GM: Danor channels the power of Kazadarum...
joriandrake: (if standing on him, then Modred not only already dead but a waffle)
Smon: @ K yes & D&D hydras have legs so theoretically possible to grab M, but tough Acrobatics & Athletics rolls
Smon: GM: Holy power envelops the undead hydra
Smon: WIS save?
chris107: (Ah, I was thinking snakey tailed hydra, sorry)
JamesDevil: yes
JamesDevil: 15
Keelia: silly question, but are they like alligators/crocs where they have no opening strength? it's all bite?
JamesDevil: in real life yes
Keelia: Because Bright Star has wire and kitty speed.
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
Smon: Heads are more like snake heads
JamesDevil: FFS
Smon: The hydra resists the Turn attempt!
joriandrake: (Smon rolls too good )
chris107: Crap, nice try, James.
JamesDevil: how much of this thing is on M?
Smon: What is BS's STR?
Keelia: -1
Smon: It's 15' across and there is 10' of it between you and M
Keelia: aka 9
Keelia: *8
JamesDevil: can I place the firewall onits arse or somthing?
Smon: BS would really struggle to drag M out
Smon: Your go over Danor right?
Keelia: There is also a door behind it.... could she run through, wrap a loop of wire around his wrist, and get out the other door?
JamesDevil: no wait
Smon: You used Turn Undead an action, and are still in doorway holding it off
Keelia: I rolled higher yes
JamesDevil: spiritual weapon
JamesDevil: cast behuind it
Keelia: ah, that was a question towards James
JamesDevil: attacks
chris107: (nice spell)
Smon: OK spiritual hammer bonus action appears & strikes
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 4, (+7) = 11
Keelia: Sandro could help pull... (Ferg, what's sandro's str?)
sandor sunneson: 10
Smon: BS with both paws you could drag M across floor but normally take a ton of opp atts
JamesDevil: focus on bringing it down guys, i can get him up afterwards
JamesDevil: or during i9f we can move the damn thing
JamesDevil: i take it that missed Sim?
Keelia: If Bright Star got a loop around Mordred and got out the opposite door, Sandro could pull him out, in theory. Then we close door. Open door, Attack with firewall, close door
Smon: OOC I hate to give advice but James is right, it's suicidal w your crappy STR vs a hydra to try to retrieve M
sandor sunneson: AC15?
JamesDevil: end of my turn then
JamesDevil: SoF is still up
Smon: They aren't normal monsters, they get an opp att per head!
joriandrake: (She wouldn't get opp attacks due to her ability)
JamesDevil: only one headd wouldn't
JamesDevil: the others would
Keelia: Not sure how many OA Fancy footwork prevents.
Smon: GM: OK Danor's spiritual hammer misses on an 11
Keelia: So, let's go with bow then.
Keelia: Any place to hide?
Smon: Shut up Jorian. This isn't a Disengage action. Mordred is lying UNDERNEATH the hydra.
Keelia: Bright Star makes a mental note to learn how to build fire bombs of some sort and draws her bow
Smon: Danor is adjacent to Hydra so BS can sneak attack shoot it
Smon: AC 15
Keelia: "I have another shiny that can raise the dead," she grumbles to herself.
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 14, (+8) = 22
sandor sunneson: nice
Smon: HIt
Keelia rolls 5d6+5 and gets: 5, 4, 5, 4, 3, (+5) = 26
Smon: BS shoots a head, it "dies"! 8 left
JamesDevil: very nice
Keelia: then she backs up into the hall where she cannot get attacked
sandor sunneson: S will throw 2 darts at one head
joriandrake: (Fancy Footwork has nothing to do with disengage. What matters is if the hydra still counts as a single creature. "At 3rd level, during your turn, if you make a melee attack against a creature, that creature can't make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of your turn. " Keelia is in danger if all heads count as a different creature)
Keelia: (hopefully)
chris107: (Can we have one DM please?)
sandor sunneson Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
20 (+6) = 26
15 (+6) = 21
Smon: Please shut the EFF up Jorian
sandor sunneson: Jorian, just let Simon DM please
Smon: There are no rules for recovering bodies from under hydras so I have to use judgement
chris107: Nice rolls, Fetg
Smon: crit & hit
JamesDevil: well done mate
Keelia: Great job on the crit!
sandor sunneson rolls 3d4+6 and gets: 1, 4, 2, (+6) = 13
Smon: (Also Jorian it says 'make a melee attack', BS wanted to use action to grab Mordred, ie you are wrong even on pure RAW)
sandor sunneson: 13 damage
Smon: Wounded, but head still active.
Keelia: nice - now punch it
Smon: Round 2. Mordred roll a death save.
chris107 rolls 1d20 and gets: 16,
chris107: yay
Keelia: (what level do you get the super monk punchy abilities?)
chris107: 1 x +
Smon: Breath recharges...
Smon: /roll d6x8
Smon Rolls 1d6x8 and gets:
4 = 4
3 = 3
1 = 1
6 = 6
1 = 1
1 = 1
5 = 5
4 = 4
chris107: that's better
Smon: 2 heads breathe - first they lower down to blast freezing frost 30' down the passage, at Danor and 1 BS 2 Sandro
chris107: better than the last lot anyway
Smon: /roll d2x2
Smon Rolls 1d2x2 and gets:
2 = 2
1 = 1
Smon: OK everyone roll DC 17 DEX saves
Smon: (except M)
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 10,
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 14, (+8) = 22
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 12, (+6) = 18
JamesDevil: i need to make a con save now...
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 7, (+2) = 9
Smon: Danor takes 32 frost dmg, DC 16 CON
JamesDevil: gah!
Smon: Shield goes down
JamesDevil: back to 24 AC
JamesDevil: ah, next hit will down me
chris107: drat
JamesDevil: 3 HP left
Smon: BS & Sandro do you have abilities to not take dmg from area attacks if save? Any idea?
Smon: I think Rogues do?
Keelia: (use the holy water!)
Keelia: evasion
sandor sunneson: L7 I do, but at the mo S is L6
Keelia: on the dex save, no damage
Smon: OK base dmg is 16, so 8 to Sandro, 0 to BS right?
Keelia: yes, she should have avoided it
sandor sunneson: 43/51
Smon: ok no dmg BS
Smon: 6 bites on Danor
Smon: roll d20+9x6
Smon: /roll d20+9x6
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x6 and gets:
20 (+9) = 29
13 (+9) = 22
18 (+9) = 27
3 (+9) = 12
1 (+9) = 10
4 (+9) = 13
chris107: Oh crap
Keelia: oh crap indeed
Smon: 1st hit is crit he goes down, next 5 w advtg
JamesDevil: if its over 64 dmg i'm dead
Smon: /roll d20+9x5
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x5 and gets:
14 (+9) = 23
13 (+9) = 22
9 (+9) = 18
5 (+9) = 14
5 (+9) = 14
sandor sunneson: We are all tuning into Hydra dinner
Smon: AC 24 right?
JamesDevil: yep
Smon: There was only 1 other hit so 2 failed death saves
Smon: Danor goes down.
Smon: Instead of pursuing BS & S the Diedra starts to drag Danor back into the room. BS & S to go.
Keelia: Right. How many heads left?
Smon: 8
sandor sunneson: 8
chris107: 8?
sandor sunneson: one heavily inured
sandor sunneson: injured
Keelia: ok. we can do this.
joriandrake: (good luck with it)
Keelia: Where is Sandro to bright star? Can she get sneak?
sandor sunneson: If S is to dart the injured head, it would hopefully go down to 7
chris107: (OOC I wouldn't be offended if you ran)
Keelia: Sandro go first, aim for the injured.
Smon: GM: BS could duck round corner of intersection behind her, HIde bonus action, pop out & sneak shot
JamesDevil: ooc I can always roll another toon
sandor sunneson: Ok, S to dart, 2 darts
Keelia: Sounds like a plan. While Sandro targets the injured head, she'll hide.
sandor sunneson Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
10 (+6) = 16
9 (+6) = 15
chris107: yay
sandor sunneson: ooooh, 2 hits
Smon: yup
sandor sunneson rolls 1d4+3 and gets: 3, (+3) = 6
sandor sunneson rolls 1d4+3 and gets: 1, (+3) = 4
Keelia: (no, damn it, Bright Star has invested a lot of time in keeping you lot alive.)
chris107: ( )
JamesDevil: I wish i had realised how big it was compared to the room, this is why i prefer to play in person
JamesDevil: its easier to visualise
sandor sunneson: totally James
JamesDevil: nice hit S
Smon: Sandro has done 23 dmg to a head but needs 25 to kill it
Keelia rolls 1d20+14 and gets: 13, (+14) = 27
Keelia: for stealth
Smon: pass, att w advtg
Keelia: Bright Star will pop around the corner take a shot at an uninjured head (in the hopes of wiping one out completely)
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 9, (+8) = 17
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 9, (+8) = 17
chris107: nice
Keelia: ok, dice gods say that's all i'm getting.
Keelia: hit?
Smon: hit
Keelia rolls 5d6+5 and gets: 3, 5, 6, 5, 6, (+5) = 30
sandor sunneson: yay!
Smon: BS shoots a head dead
chris107: yay!
Keelia: she'll retreat back down the hall and around the corner
chris107: Nice shooting
Smon: Hydra has taken 116 damage and is 'Bloodied', with 7/10 heads remaining. BS retreats round corner north.
joriandrake: (this is basically a boss battle)
Smon: Is Sandro just standing there?
JamesDevil: ooc we notice, shut up already
JamesDevil: not you Sandro
sandor sunneson: no he hides too
sandor sunneson: round corner
Smon: Sandro follows BS round the corner.
sandor sunneson: like a ninja
Keelia: go, ninja, go!
Smon: Next round - M roll death save
chris107 rolls 1d20 and gets: 7,
chris107: boo
chris107: all even. one apiece
Smon: BS & S hear the door slam shut
Smon: 50% chance it kills M & D now
chris107: Hydra food
Smon: /roll d100
Smon rolls 1d100 and gets: 15,
Smon: chomp chomp chomp
Keelia: Bright Star swears at it from around the corner.
Smon: Shall I roll the attacks?
Keelia: balls.
Smon: Or are BS and S retreating?
chris107: Ah well. Mordred had a good run at it. Level 1-7
Smon: I'll roll
Smon: 4 on M
Keelia: Nope, she'll stay.
Smon: /roll d20+9x8
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x8 and gets:
1 (+9) = 10
3 (+9) = 12
10 (+9) = 19
17 (+9) = 26
8 (+9) = 17
19 (+9) = 28
19 (+9) = 28
1 (+9) = 10
Smon: Mordred is slain
Keelia: Bright Star swears at noise
sandor sunneson:
Smon: 3 on Danor (used 1 head to drag him in)
Keelia: (Damn)
Smon: /roll d20+9x6
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x6 and gets:
18 (+9) = 27
6 (+9) = 15
5 (+9) = 14
6 (+9) = 15
18 (+9) = 27
17 (+9) = 26
JamesDevil: one hit and i'm dead anyway, just go, then return and loot my corpse
sandor sunneson: ruthless DMing Simon
Smon: 2 hits, D is also killed.
Keelia: Bright Star will avenge you
chris107: Good DMing we knew the risks. He just rolled bloody well
Smon: BS and S hear the grisly sounds of their comrades being devoured.
Keelia: Bright Star looks at Sandro. "Can you run and open the door and retreat? We'll pick it off one by one
Smon: On Turn Undead, on a save roll of 14 or less would turn 2d6 of the 10 heads it says
sandor sunneson: I only have 6 darts left
sandor sunneson: Happy to give it a go, one head more or less hanging on in there
sandor sunneson: even though it sounds suicidal
Keelia: I don't think you can open the door and attack?
chris107: Yeah, Jame's turn idea was a peach. The 5 was unlucky
Keelia: Just open it and retreat if that's the case.
chris107: 15
sandor sunneson: true, would give game away
sandor sunneson: maybe just worth leaving, Chris and James roll up new PCs and come back with them? (asking allowed), attacking then hydra would be suicidal
Smon: You can open door (object interaction) and attack on same turn. Anyway I would roll init after door opened
sandor sunneson: shall we give that a go BS?
sandor sunneson: Am happy too
sandor sunneson: Am happy too
sandor sunneson: S will open door and BS fire arrows at beast?
JamesDevil: I can roll up another one, what is people preference? does our group need a tank or a healer more at the mo? or something different?
Keelia: let's try. It's only valhalla waiting
joriandrake: (the real problem isn't even that you died, it is that your bodies get eaten due to revival magic restriction)
Keelia: yes, please.
sandor sunneson: true
joriandrake has been kicked for won't shut up
Keelia: Vengeance will be ours!
sandor sunneson: S will go and open the door
chris107: understandable
Keelia: Open and retreat the hell out of there! Don't stick around.
Keelia: Bright Star readies her attack from around the corner.
sandor sunneson: S goes open to the door and gets ready to open it
9:41am 2018-9-01 joriandrake Has entered the room
joriandrake: (crashed)
joriandrake has been kicked for won't shut up
sandor sunneson: if BS is in place and ready to fire
Keelia: she's ready.
Smon: GM: If BS had an x-bow I'd give a free first shot, but she still has to draw bow; I'll give advtg on her init roll
Keelia: arrow nocked and ready!
9:42am 2018-9-01 joriandrake Has entered the room
Smon: GM: Sandor goes to door and opens it.
Smon: Go away Jorian, I Kicked you.
joriandrake: oh... bye then
joriandrake has been kicked for go away!
Smon: BS & S see the hydra ready for them, the mangled & chomped & frozen bodies of their friends. Roll init DC 12, BS w advtg
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 9, (+6) = 15
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 11, (+6) = 17
Keelia: 17 is highest for init
Smon: BS can shoot
Keelia: with sneak?
Smon: Roll stealth for advtg & sneak BS
Keelia rolls 1d20+14 and gets: 5, (+14) = 19
Keelia: for stealth
Smon: DC 16, pass
Smon: BS shoots w advtg
Keelia rolls 5d6+5 and gets: 3, 2, 5, 4, 4, (+5) = 23
sandor sunneson: well done
Keelia: then around the corner
Smon: doesn't kill a head.
chris107: nice try
Smon: Sandro roll init pls
Keelia: darn! ok, next time she'll aim for the same head unless the door stays open and Sandro gets it
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 18, (+3) = 21
chris107: nice roll, Ferg
Smon: Sandro wins init. The hydra is about 10' away
Smon: Filling his vision
Keelia: (nice init roll!)
Smon: Heads turning on him...
Smon: What does he do?
Smon: Fergus?
sandor sunneson: He'll throw 2 darts and retreat back out??
Smon: ok
Smon: You know you haven't used any Ki today!
sandor sunneson Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
4 (+6) = 10
8 (+6) = 14
Smon: miss
Keelia: Ki for retreat!!
Smon: Sandro rushes back down the corridor.
Keelia: get to safety!
Keelia: phew!
sandor sunneson: frustrated that he missed them
Smon: Doesn't need to use ki for that, only about 30' to get round corner
Smon: Behind him the door slams shut again as the Hydra continues tearing at the bodies; Danor is a mite tough
sandor sunneson: Not really been in a piosition to use Ki today
sandor sunneson: or so far
sandor sunneson: Same again?
Smon: After next attempt if you retreat again I will start rolling to see if bodies too damaged for Raising.
chris107: afk 2 mins
Keelia: Same again as long as you feel you can get the door open and get out of there safely. Maybe I should tie a rope to you...
JamesDevil: ooc any chance it accidently bites down on th super holy water?
Smon: 50%
sandor sunneson: as long as they are munching on the copse
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: A hydra head eats the vial, it shatters inside...
Smon: /roll 8d6
Smon rolls 8d6 and gets: 3, 3, 4, 1, 6, 4, 4, 5, = 30
Smon: A head dies
sandor sunneson: yay!
Keelia: nice!
sandor sunneson: we have 2 heads with 2 HP too#
JamesDevil: ooc from Vahalla Danor is laughing
Smon: OK you repeat plan - S opens door; roll init, BS w advtg
sandor sunneson: Sandro has 4 darts left
Smon: DC 16 for stealth check BS
Keelia: yes
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 11, (+3) = 14
chris107: Back, sorry about that, postman.
Keelia rolls 1d20+14 and gets: 3, (+14) = 17
chris107: Nice with the holy water
Keelia: just
Smon: ok roll attacks
sandor sunneson Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
8 (+6) = 14
8 (+6) = 14
Keelia: that was stealth, let me roll init
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 3, (+6) = 9
Smon: Can Sandro not spend Ki to Disengage after attacking? Anyway darts miss
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 2, (+6) = 8
chris107: Hard lines!
Smon: Sandro races past BS as the hydra acts first...
Smon: /roll d6x6
Keelia: damn, crappy init. Sandro is leading the charge. Hopefully evasion will save Bright Star
Smon Rolls 1d6x6 and gets:
3 = 3
2 = 2
4 = 4
6 = 6
2 = 2
6 = 6
Smon: 2 heads breathe on her
Smon: 32 dmg DEX save DC 17
chris107: good luck Keelia
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 18, (+8) = 26
Keelia: phew
Keelia: evaded
chris107: yay!
Smon: BS spins away... the hydra slams the door shut.
Smon: OK on a 1 D & M are too mangled to Raise. D then M
Smon: /roll d6 x2
Keelia: (my heart!) OK. shall we try again?
Smon Rolls 1d6x2 and gets:
5 = 5
6 = 6
sandor sunneson: yay
Smon: not yet
Smon: ok yet again... luckily the undead monster seems predictable. S opens the door... roll init
sandor sunneson: Ok, once darts run out we go then?
Keelia: ok
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 8, (+3) = 11
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 6, (+6) = 12
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 14, (+6) = 20
chris107: that's bad
Smon: Bad for S
chris107: yes
Smon: BS roll stealth then take shot
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 11, (+8) = 19
Smon: advtg
Keelia rolls 1d20+14 and gets: 13, (+14) = 27
Keelia: 27 was stealth
Keelia: 19 was shot
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 6, (+8) = 14
Keelia: was the adv
Keelia: so 19 was highest
Smon: ok hit on 19
Smon: w sneak att
Keelia rolls 5d6+5 and gets: 4, 3, 6, 5, 1, (+5) = 24
chris107: arghhh
JamesDevil: ooc how many heads remain?
Smon: 2nd arrow at damaged head kills it (not per RAW but I am a kind & loving GM)
chris107: 6?
Keelia: argh indeed!
JamesDevil: I've lost track
Smon: 5 left now
JamesDevil: lolo @ Sim
Keelia: you are indeed and kind and glorious GM
Smon: It's taken 193 damage... 5 heads roll recharge
Smon: /roll d6x5
Smon Rolls 1d6x5 and gets:
6 = 6
4 = 4
4 = 4
5 = 5
6 = 6
chris107: oh heck
Smon: As BS scampers back round corner, 3 heads breathe on Sandro
JamesDevil: ooc Smn is zerksis
Smon: 48 frost dmg save DC 17 DEX for half
Keelia: dodge!
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 10, (+6) = 16
chris107: arrgghhh!
sandor sunneson: lol, sums it all up
Smon: Sandro at 0?
sandor sunneson: 1 point short
Keelia: Are you up?
sandor sunneson: -5
Smon: Sandro drops.
chris107: crap
Smon: The hydra drags him into the room to finish him off, one head slamming the door shut.
Smon: /roll d20+9x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x2 and gets:
7 (+9) = 16
15 (+9) = 24
Smon: hit, 2 failed death saves on Sandro
Smon: What does BS do now?
Keelia: Bright Star stares at the door then charges down to open it, shoot, and retreat
sandor sunneson: head back to Selatine and we'll draw up new characters
Keelia: she'll kill this think or TPK.
chris107: Wow! Brave
JamesDevil: we'll go out....IN A BLAZE OF GLORY!!!!!!!
sandor sunneson:
Smon: OK that's an init roll w/out advtg and shot won't have advtg as far as I can see since it'll see you as door opens
Keelia: for Pony!
Keelia: that's fair
Smon: much better off using fancy footwork melee attack
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 20, (+6) = 26
Keelia: for iit
Smon: would give sneak dmg at least
Keelia: init
chris107: Bloody good luck, Keelia. You deserve it!
JamesDevil: YES
Keelia: pity that wasn't an attack roll.
Smon: ok BS wins init
Smon: she should really use fancy footwork attack then retreat
Keelia: lycanthrope bane sword is +8. Let's go for Fancy footwork.
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 18, (+8) = 26
Smon: hit
chris107: Yay!
sandor sunneson: I'm signing off at 1130GMT
JamesDevil: Unleash the Tiger within!
Keelia: sneak first
sandor sunneson: lol
Keelia rolls 4d6 and gets: 4, 2, 6, 1, = 13
chris107: (I think we'll know one way or the other by then! )
sandor sunneson: good luck
Keelia: sword damage
Keelia rolls 1d6+5 and gets: 4, (+5) = 9
Smon: 22 dmg
Keelia: so 22 and retreat around the corner
sandor sunneson: go for the injured heads if any are left?
Smon: 193+22 = 215 by my count. She stabs a neck; it's looking very ropey but still up.
Smon: can she move 60' ok? Kitty sprint?
Keelia: she'll swear at it a lot from around the corner. Tabaxi curses calling on her fire god Tezca.
Smon: (10' forward then 50' back gets her to safety)
Keelia: (yes, feline agility would allow it but she'll need to wait 2 turns for it to recharge)
Keelia: you can move double but 0 for next turn.
Keelia: so next turn after that, she can zoom again
Keelia: Unless it leaves the door open....?
Keelia: She shakes her fist at it from around the corner
Smon: BS sprints away with fancy footwork & either kitty speed or a Dash bonus action I think Rogues have, the Hydra closes door & goes back to 'eating'
Smon: 1 in 6 D & M ripped apart beyond raising
Smon: /roll d6x2
Smon Rolls 1d6x2 and gets:
3 = 3
1 = 1
chris107: No one can say that Bright Star did not try.
Smon: Sorry Mordred.
Keelia: She sneaks down to the door
Keelia rolls 1d20+14 and gets: 7, (+14) = 21
chris107: It was a fun ride
Smon: The goddess welcomes Mordred to blue Valhalla.
chris107: Good luck to Sandro.
Smon: /roll d20+9x6
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x6 and gets:
11 (+9) = 20
12 (+9) = 21
7 (+9) = 16
19 (+9) = 28
17 (+9) = 26
13 (+9) = 22
Smon: Sandro takes a bunch of failed death saves & is dead too.
Keelia: damn. that's a lot of 20s.
JamesDevil: indeed
chris107: "That blue will have to go and tthose curtains are dreadful!" Are Mordred's first words in the afterlife
Smon: BS opens the door yet again... roll init BS
JamesDevil: lol
Keelia: Bright Star is enraged.
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 10, (+6) = 16
Smon: Soon Mordred's spirit is Athena's top interior decorator/vizier
Keelia: fancy footwork with a side of kitty speed
JamesDevil: ooc
Keelia: for attack
chris107: Go on Keelia!
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 19, (+8) = 27
Smon: BS sees Mordred's remains scattered bloodily in frozen gobbets across the hall.
Smon: BS wins init, charges in & stabs.... hit!
Keelia: with a war cry, she runs over
Smon: +8 was attack right?
Keelia: yes
Smon: Danor is mangled but still intact
Keelia: I think it should actually be +9 since I didn't update my full sheet but I'm going with 8
Keelia rolls 5d6+5 and gets: 1, 2, 6, 1, 4, (+5) = 19
Smon: BS's fancy blade cuts deep into the monster
Keelia: for the sword
Keelia: and back out with kitty speed, swearing all the while
Keelia: "May Tezca bake your bones into ash!"
Smon: It had 17 hp... the massive bulk convulses and as BS flees back, it falls, dead!
Smon: Bright Star stands, alone and victorious.
sandor sunneson: well done
Keelia: "Monster! Foul Beast! Oh, my poor Mordred! But Danor and Sandro may yet be revived!"
chris107: Yay! A great victory for Bright Star! Nicely played Keelia
Smon: Realistically she is going to need help to get the bodies out, Danor is bloody heavy.
*chris107 warms up his d6*
JamesDevil: Bag of holding, we don't heed to breath
Smon: Mordred could be stuffed into a bag of holding at this point.
Keelia: "If i can get them to a higher level, Mreggle can summon help to carry them."
JamesDevil: and we are in pieces....mostly
Keelia: Danor will easily fit into the bag of holding - his own - sorry, not a joke about size
Keelia: Mordred into another. Sandro over her shoulders.
Smon: Hmm... I think may be right re Danor
Keelia: She'll be moving like an old woman but she'll be damned if she leaves them behind.
Smon: BS is too weak to yomp Sandro's body. STR 8 is not good.
JamesDevil: she just needs to get back to the teleporter right?
Smon: She could drag him though
sandor sunneson: could Mordred not come back as a hologram? Like in red dwarf?
Keelia: can he fit into a bag with Mordred?
JamesDevil: lol
Smon: hold up I'll check
JamesDevil: or leave Mordread behind if he can't be raised
chris107: Remember to take his stuff though. He left a will.
Smon: OK looking at it yup you can fit Danor in a bag of holding. I reckon you can get 1 corpse per bag.
Smon: How many bags do you have?
Smon: 1 each?
JamesDevil: I had one
Keelia: I have one and James had one, so 2
JamesDevil: i think so?
Smon: OK you can get 1 intact corpse per bag and squeeze in the bits of Mordred mostly in the bag with Sandro, who is a lot less spherical than Danor.
Keelia: Danor into his own, Sandro into mine, Mordred's belonging divided into each and a distraught kitty dragging corpses out like an accidental serial killer
chris107: haha!
JamesDevil: lol, Danor just rolls rather than walks around ^^
Smon: I reckon the wandering monsters avoid the beast that just killed the mighty Diedra, so a blood splattered BS is able to get back to the teleporter...
Keelia: She has one res diamond and money enough for another; just have to find one.
JamesDevil: lol
Keelia: Also, a blood covered Tabaxi is probably like a wet cat - you don't want to be anywhere near it.
JamesDevil: Danor had a bunch of gold, i'm sure we could buy more
chris107: (Am I okay to roll my character now or would you rather I wait until the end of the session?)
Smon: BS returns safely to the surface, met at the dungeon exit by Mreggle. He sees her alone, covered in the dried blood of her friends, and looks sad.
Keelia: Bright Star is probably a terrifying and gruesome sight as she returns - covered in blood, and dragging mordred's shield
Smon: You can roll now Chris (Chris likes rolling PCs James & Keelia)
Smon: Mreggle: "Me sorry."
chris107: her poor fur!
sandor sunneson: how many XP for today SImon???
chris107 rolls 4d6 and gets: 5, 5, 1, 2, = 13
chris107 rolls 4d6 and gets: 6, 5, 3, 6, = 20
Smon: You only get XP if Raised
JamesDevil: I know the feeling Chris, i've got a google doc with 100 + characters in it that i've come up with ^^
chris107 rolls 4d6 and gets: 3, 2, 3, 3, = 11
Keelia: Bright Star nods, ears drooping and tail dragging. "As is Bright Star. If Mreggle could see Bright Star towards safety?"
chris107 rolls 4d6 and gets: 4, 2, 1, 2, = 9
Keelia: "She is....tired."
chris107 rolls 4d6 and gets: 3, 4, 1, 5, = 13
chris107 rolls 4d6 and gets: 4, 1, 1, 5, = 11
Smon: I'm gonna give BS a double share for the hydra. BTW it had a pile of treasure like I mentioned
Smon: /roll d100
Smon rolls 1d100 and gets: 22,
chris107: 12-17-9-8-12-10
Keelia: Sorry I got everyone killed!
JamesDevil: a decent primary stat at least Chris
Keelia: I can at least res two of you
chris107: Not your fault Keelia
JamesDevil: what? no you didn't!
Smon: By a bit of luck (for once) the 1200gp tiara in the hydra's hoard is set with a 500gp diamond.
Keelia: I got Ferg killed
Keelia: Ah, a res shiny!
sandor sunneson: unlucky di rolls
JamesDevil: how? we all knew the risks
chris107: I think Mordred's brother is a wizard
Keelia: Enough shiny things to raise you both.
Smon: It also had 2000 ep, 1000 gp and 13 +1 arrows from aprevious victim.
sandor sunneson: was 1 short on a few attacks and the save which would have killed the heads with darts etc etc
JamesDevil: how convienient >.>
JamesDevil: so, on rez we'll get xp?
sandor sunneson: anyway, thanks for game, I'll check thread later for XP update, good GMing Simon too
JamesDevil: yea, thanks Simon
chris107: Cheers, Fergus. Speak soon
JamesDevil: good -if brutal- game
Keelia: (reminds me of a thing I read - these guys were playing with a kid and his character died, so he wrote JR beside the name and said "i have come to avenge my father" )
Smon: "Bright Star nods, ears drooping and tail dragging. "As is Bright Star. If Mreggle could see Bright Star towards safety?"
Keelia: "She is....tired.""
Mreggle nods: "Me come with you to your town. Keep you safe home."
Mreggle rounds up a few goblin mates, squinting in the sunlight, and you head back east across the plain, reaching Selatine by evening.
sandor sunneson: please delete comments too about Jorian I made in text
Keelia: It was a great game - I was biting my nails throughout
Smon: OK doing XP now
JamesDevil: BATTLE CAT
Keelia: Bright Star passes them gold in thanks and goes to look for magical assistance. Again.
chris107: Well played guys
Smon: First is 1125 exploration XP
Keelia: Victory is ours! Mostly.
Smon: BS gets +4200 XP for killing hydra.
Smon: Danor & Sandro get +2100 each when raised.
sandor sunneson: nice
Keelia: nice
Smon: So total 5325 to BS
chris107: nice
JamesDevil: nice
Keelia: excellent
chris107: that would have got M to 8th
JamesDevil: gratz Keelia
Smon: 3225 I count to Danor & Sandro
Keelia: She'll ensure Mordred gets a fantastic funeral
sandor sunneson: 8th level hologram
chris107: Yay!
Smon: Chris your new PC I'm afraid starts at 5th w 10,000 XP
Smon: You get 1 Uncommon magic item to start from list I posted on FB
sandor sunneson: thanks Simon and have a good weekend all
JamesDevil: Danor will be lv8 after being raised
Smon: Thx Fergus
chris107: Have a great weekend Ferg
JamesDevil: Thanks all!
JamesDevil: cya!
sandor sunneson: I'll add S stats when I get laprtop back when back home
chris107: Mordred actually got 1-7th
sandor sunneson: ciao
Keelia: Thanks everyone, great game!
chris107: not many do that.
Keelia: hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Smon: 2 weeks to next session, enough time to send Danor & Sandro in their body bags to Thusia for Raising by Lady Meda.
10:31am 2018-9-01 JamesDevil Has exited the room
chris107: Yeah, great game. Catch you all later
Smon: There is much grieving over the death of Mordred
Keelia: body bags is right
chris107: Have fun guys.
10:31am 2018-9-01 sandor sunneson Has exited the room
Smon: He is cremated with great honour in Selatine
Smon: and his ashes interred in the ancestral Vex crypt beside the nobles & the glorious dead.
Smon: And a villa goes back on the market.
Smon: Many are starting to mutter those villas are cursed...
chris107: At least he got a good send off.
chris107: Poor Mordred. He was a lot of fun.
Smon: Lady Vex is most vexed, Dr Rosa is very sad too.
Smon: He was a great PC.
Keelia: Bright Star made sure it was fabulous and paid someone to make sure that the colours didn't clash!
chris107: I'll sort something out but will probably fancy starting a first level character sometime rather than starting at 5th in this one
chris107: I have the rolls noted anyway.
Smon: Yeah, it's a big knockback.
Smon: Next week is back to the high level game
chris107: Let me check my diary
Smon: I've actually forgotten who you play in that Chris!
chris107: Next Saturday is looking good.
Smon: Not Maglor is it?
chris107: Moffet
Smon: Aw right!
Keelia: we'll get your level 5 up to speed in no time
chris107: Maglor seems to have gone all NPC and Hakeem vanished.
Smon: Been a while. Good luck keeping him alive!
chris107: Have a great week guys
Smon: Have a great week
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