Hakeem L19 XP 1500+318,896=320,396/355,000
Sandor Lvl 9 XP 1500+51,370=52,870/64,000
+Laurana, Livilla at Hara
Smon: Rey reluctantly accedes to the idea. "So Hakeem, they want me to steal the Shield of a God."
Smon: Meda: "And bring it to Hakeem."
Smon: Rey: "Yeah. Great."
Rey rendezvous 14/3.
6:18pm 2017-7-28 Smon Has entered the room
6:24pm 2017-7-28 sandor sunneson Has entered the room
Smon: Hi Fergus
Smon: test
sandor sunneson: Hi Simon
sandor sunneson: was on phone, back now, Chris is in other chat room
6:27pm 2017-7-28 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: Evening chaps
sandor sunneson: hello Chris ")
Smon: Hi chris
chris107: just grabbing a drink, 2 mins.
Smon: I been napping but coming awake
sandor sunneson: got quick call to make too
Smon: ok start at 7.33
chris107: back
sandor sunneson: ready
Smon: GM: Thusia, morning, 7/3/4447 BCCC
Smon: Smon: Rey reluctantly accedes to the idea. "So Hakeem, they want me to steal the Shield of a God." Smon: Meda: "And bring it to Hakeem." Smon: Rey: "Yeah. Great."
sandor sunneson: Just had food, in character, had tuna and rice, Sandor knows that verbal negotiation takes alot of energy
chris107: Hakeem smiles broadly at his old chum.
Smon: Rey has agreed to meet Hakeem at Hara in 1 week. With the Shield of Kainos (hopefully)
chris107: "You will go down in legend, my friend."
sandor sunneson: Sandor thinks that verbal communicationwith Kainos would probably fail so is out of the question
Smon: "I already go down in legend." He winks lewdly at Alicia Scarnetti, who has the grace to blush slightly.
chris107: Hakeem has also beem thinking startegy.
chris107: hehe
Smon: Lady Meda raises an eyebrow at Rey, then speaks: "The grace of Mycr go with you, Rey."
sandor sunneson: How far is it from Thusia to Hara?
Smon: Straight shot only about 50 miles, past the Halls of Tizun Thane and cross the river at Cahli.
chris107: Drawing the forces of Neo-Nerath towards the river at Cahli and the forces of the Ghinarian Lords whilst the Bronzes and the Castle of Wode hold the river to the North and Mara.
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhTN9bMOUWhiUudbHQ6aLIx6pavPQlXfHELXSfACaF4G3LYGUIpvTKcvS7VIzRXRT1KmILXoL53TpNx70d34zIUYLSacUBdRqnUa-FnUXgH3ntJAY6K_P58mPCu3xjq7n32-vSx-ZoIsDk/s1600/Ghinarian%252BHills.jpg
Smon: You should have that map as your phone screensaver like Chris does.
chris107: Then the Barbarian Altani Tribes sweep down from the Midnnight Goddess Hills iongto the rear and supply lines.
sandor sunneson: I thought he had a map of Yorkshire as screensaver? Like any true blooded Yorkie would??
Smon: Meda is sending the ravens to summon the Lords to Cahli, muster within 2 weeks.
chris107: And Hakeem hopefullysestroys the shieldless God and causes morale to brake among our enemies ranks.
Smon: The Altanians are due to gather at Nerra for the Clans Moot but not for 3 weeks.
Smon: Meda will also send a raven to Chief Minars Rapak and ask him to summon the clans early.
sandor sunneson: Do they send a back up raven? In case one gets picked off by an eagle or something above it in the food chain?
chris107: If we can make them attack early and tramp through the mud, so much the better.
Smon: Hakeem by your reckoning Minars should be able to summon most of the clans within 2 weeks, probably not the Red Tiger in Oricha though.
sandor sunneson: When Simon played 1e, there was always a 1/20 chance that the carrion didn't make it.
chris107: Hakeem is hoping that defeating Kainos will be enough...
Smon: Meda using https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/5e_SRD:Animal_Messenger
chris107: OOC - Having read up on 20th level Fighters, I'm not so sure! I fear that 3 rounds of action surge will have Hakeem stone dead )
chris107: Handy spell.
Smon: If Raven doesn't come back she sends another one, takes a few days for faraway.
sandor sunneson: cool
Smon: Within 50 miles (ie most of Ghinaria) it's free as a Ritual, further away she needs to use spell slots.
Smon: Princess Laurana picks at her breakfast sausage. "So, Sandor, are you going with Hakeem?"
chris107: "Having the Wolf by my side would be a great help."
Smon: Laurana nods.
sandor sunneson: It's upto him, I've been missioned with keeping his wife safe should it go wrong, but would be honoured to help him
Smon: Malenn: "Hakeem will not fail!"
sandor sunneson: I'll gladly come along Hakeem\
chris107: "Good man!"
sandor sunneson: Well not gladly, but I'll come along!
Smon: Laurana looks up, smiles slightly: "Want a hand?"
sandor sunneson: Always need a rose between the two thorns
chris107: (OOC - do I remember some healing potions and a ring of protection +1 going begging?)
Smon: Meda is happy to let Hakeem have whatever she can provide. Are you asking her?
chris107: Yes.
Smon: Laurana: "I'll take that as a yes, Sandor. Though as roses go, I am quite prickly already."
chris107: (OOC My whole stratagy for defeating Kainos revolves around getting more than one chance to go to 1HP and making lots of saves )
Smon: Meda: "Be careful, Laurana. You know Artemisia is relying on you to lead the amazons should she fall." She turns to Hakeem, nods. "Of course."
Smon: Meda slips the ring from her finger and passes it to the Slayer.
Smon: Ring of Protection, +1 AC & Saves, needs attunement.
Smon: Puts you at 3 attuned items, the max.
chris107: hmmm, don't think Hakeem has any attunement slots left?
Smon: 1 sword 2 armour ?
chris107: Then he will wait. Sandor maybe?
chris107: (Hoping 3 kainos' Shield )
Smon: oh 3 boots yup
Smon: Boots of Striding and Springing Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) While you wear these boots, your walking speed becomes 30 feet, unless your walking speed is higher, and your speed isn’t reduced if you are encumbered or wearing heavy armor. In addition, you can jump three times the normal distance, though you can’t jump farther than your remaining movement would allow.
Smon: Sandor takes the Ring?
sandor sunneson: ok,
Smon: gimme a Persuasion CHA+prof check both of you, DC 15
sandor sunneson: He's got a ring of warmth and a +1 ring
chris107: (OOC been looking at a Wood Elf, Eagle Totem Barbarian...)
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 13,
chris107 rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 17, (+8) = 25
sandor sunneson: +4=17
Smon: Amazingly you both pass, Weaponmaster Damne looks a bit disapproving but does not try to stop you nicking her Lady's ring.
sandor sunneson: I shall return this to you Damne
Smon: OOC Just to mention Hakeem is my favourite character ever, hope he survives & if he retires, that I get to GM him again.
Smon: "I shall return this to you Meda" I assume?
sandor sunneson: her Lady, yes
sandor sunneson: Could do a wish spell, I wish that for the fight against Kainos we can use a 1e harm spell on him to reduce him to d4 HP
sandor sunneson rolls 1d4 and gets: 2,
sandor sunneson:
chris107: And if not, I hope that at some stage Hassan will get a game in your Wilderlands too?
Smon: Meda nods: "Thank you. Sandor, our armourer can fit you with vambrace and greaves if you require further protection?"
Smon: OOC can make your breastplate to half plate. +1 AC
sandor sunneson: Thank you Meda, that would be appreciated
Smon: Hassan - sure, though I'd be reluctant to do a 16 year time jump.
Smon: Maybe in 2033?
Smon: Maybe slightly earlier.
chris107: Hehe If I last that long! I'll be a great age by then
sandor sunneson: will do, AC now 21
chris107: Excellent!
Smon: GM: After breakfast, Rey takes Alicia upstairs for some goodbye rumpy-pumpy, then bids you all farewell.
Smon: Sandor attunes to the ring & has armour fitted, so AC +2 yup
Smon: /roll d4+4
Smon rolls 1d4+4 and gets: 3, (+4) = 7
Smon: /roll 2d4+2
Smon rolls 2d4+2 and gets: 3, 2, (+2) = 7
chris107: Hakeem will secure any healing potions safely, padded and protected. Maybe a special pouch belt could be crafted to hold them and allow easy access?
Smon: Meda provides you also with 7 potions of healing & a tub of 7 doses of Keoghtom's ointment.
Smon: Damne fits you with a vial belt, like a small bandolier for the potions.
Smon: The ointment needs to stay in the closed wood tub when not in use.
chris107: Got you.
Smon: Tub says "Oil of Keogh - Fights the 7 signs of dying"
Smon: brb tea
sandor sunneson: Sandor is leaving his coin behind in case he doesn't come back. He requests that it be passed on to his unborn child
Smon: Meda nods: "I will take care of your coin, and your child Lord Sandor."
Smon: Rey: "See you guys in Hell or Hara!" He salutes jauntily, then turns to leave.
sandor sunneson: even if it is a boy too please.
chris107: "Hell or Hara!"
Smon: Alicia: "Goodbye Rey! Come back safe!"
Smon: The amazons open the north gate and Rey jogs out, on his way to steal the shield of a demigod.
Smon: Meda nods to Sandor: "Of course." Laurana: "So, we heading out today too?"
Smon: Rey disappears from view.
Smon: Damne: "May we see him again."
chris107: "We will, Rey has many beds to warm before the Hells take him."
Smon: Something in the surly amazon weaponmaster's tone might hint that deep down even she has certain feelings for the Rogue.
Smon: There are many smiles at Hakeem's quip, even Meda!
sandor sunneson: All the ladies love the Rogue
Smon: GM: You can be at Hara in 2 days, so your choice when you head out. Hakeem was planning to speak with Dyson Logos there AIR.
chris107: He was.
chris107: Dyson will be invaluable in our struggle.
sandor sunneson: He will vacuum up all evil and collect them like a ball of dirt in his stomacg
Smon: That's Dyson Logos' son James, the Reverse Dragon.
chris107: Hakeem will be happy if he can keep all the wizards and spell casters from the fight.
chris107: hehe
Smon: Priestess Livilla approaches: "As you know, I am of Nerath, and I have pledged myself to your cause in this fight. If you wish me to come with you, I am willing."
sandor sunneson: You should make that an extra attack of his GM. Suction Power. Dyson sucks up all creatures within a 100m radius (without a saving throw) and they melt in the digestive juices of the dragon's stomach
Smon: https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/fantasy-priestess-22713410.jpg
chris107: "We would be pleased to have you along. Your knowledge of our enemies will be most useful."
Smon: Livilla, nods, looking nervous but determined.
Smon: GM: Sandor you actually know Lord Bronze of Hara better than Hakeem does, since you quested for Dyson Logos together.
Smon: Malenn: "Hakeem my love, stay a few more days. Your son barely knows you. And I..." She looks down.
Smon: OOC let me know when you head to Hara.
Smon: You could stay 5 days & still make the rendezvous. 4 might be safer as you want to meet w Dyson first?
chris107: 4 will be safer.
sandor sunneson: Yeah, that makes sense, see Dyson
Smon: GM: OK you rest up 7-10/3/47, much to the delight of Hakeem's loving wife. Hassan seems bigger and stronger every day, at 5 months already making determined efforts to stand.
Smon: Though it will likely be another 4-5 months before he's wrestling bears.
Smon: Meda watches as baby Hassan tussles with one of the village shep-hounds. "He certainly takes after his parents!"
Smon: /roll d100
Smon rolls 1d100 and gets: 15,
Smon: Hassan's hair is jet black, like his father.
chris107: Hakeem nods his approval
Smon: GM Is Sandor making efforts w melting Princess Laurana's stony heart?
sandor sunneson: Why not,
chris107: "Make sure Hassan grows up to take vengeance if I fail.
Smon: OK you can either make a persuasion check now, or tell me what you're doing & I'll see if it gets a bonus Sandor.
chris107: "Bloodletter his his."
Smon: Malenn: "You'll not fail." Meda simply nods to Hakeem.
sandor sunneson: OOC Is Laurana close to her nephew?
sandor sunneson: OOC or does she play the hard cow to everyone?
Smon: Damne: "I feel this battle is the one where we turn the tide. Where the Nera... the Black Sun - finally meet their doom."
chris107: Hakeem smiles back warmly. Knowing he has done the right thing and willing to face the consequenses.
Smon: Her nephew Hassan?
sandor sunneson: I thought Laurana was Hakeem's sster?
chris107: she is
chris107: half sister
Smon: Yup she is. Sandor does catch her occasionally smiling at the sight of Hassan, very very slightly.
sandor sunneson: So is the child not her nephew?
Smon: yes like I said
sandor sunneson: cool
sandor sunneson: yes, Hassan, unless there are others\
Smon: I think he's her only nephew yup.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will go up to her and saw you can be a bit more open with him, he might even smile back if you smile a bit more
Smon: She & Hakeem have a half sister, Lady Thuvia of Bratanis' young daughter.
Smon: Yusan got around a lot.
sandor sunneson: male slag?
chris107: Not quite as bad as Rey. But getting there.
Smon: He may have more offspring you don't know of, but yes a bit like Rey. Could even be charming BiTD.
Smon: A lot more evil though.
Smon: OK Sandor make CHA+Prof roll.
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 11,
sandor sunneson: +4=15
Smon: +4=15 pass.
Smon: "you can be a bit more open with him, he might even smile back if you smile a bit more"
Smon: Laurana raises an eyebrow archly at Sandor. "The babe? You think I should smile at my ...nephew?"
Smon: Across the Green you see Lady Malenn scoop up the babe, hold him to her breast.
Smon: Lord Hakeem comes over to the two, embracing his wife - as he seems to do every 5 minutes when she's around.
sandor sunneson: why wouldn't you? He's part of your family
Smon: Laurana's brow furrows slightly. "You know our way, Sandor. We are Amazons - no man is truly our ...family."
Smon: She gestures to the amazon tents that fill the side of the green, the mothers & children there washing, eating.
sandor sunneson: Well you're brother ain't done too badly, look how happy he is with his wife.
Smon: Laurana nods slowly. "Yes... He has overcome our father's evil."
Smon: "His mother must be great indeed."
Smon: You watch as Malenn kisses and snuggles Hakeem lovingly.
Smon: Laurana sighs, clearly jealous of what her brother has.
sandor sunneson: Exactly, you are a better person already than your father, even you played a role in defeating him
Smon: "Aye. I slew him - stole Hakeem's kill. Hakeem would have triumphed without me. He is the Avatar of Bondor."
sandor sunneson: why be jealous? can you not be happy for him? Don't say you can't have that, anyone can
Smon: Laurana's eyes flash angrily. "I am happy for him! You don't understand. My mother..."
sandor sunneson: Stole? Does it matter? Ursa killed Fion, we all played our part.
sandor sunneson: your Mum??
Smon: Laurana shakes her head angrily. "My mother was Queen Khelara. She loved Yusan. I saw my father slay her!"
sandor sunneson: How horrible, he'll give her a big hug (whether she wants it or not)
Smon: Laurana points at Sandor. "My father came to her, courted her, loved her... I was born, and my brother, Arak. Khelara returned Arak to him, raised me. I was old enough to watch her die, when he came again with his army."
Smon: Having worked Laurana up into considerable dudgeon Sandor attempts to embrace her... this could either go very badly or... roll CHA+Prof
sandor sunneson: My Father never bothered with me, once my mother died he became obsessed. Made me not want to be like him
sandor sunneson: and that's my aim in life
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 7,
sandor sunneson: +4=11
sandor sunneson: CHR10, so bare pass??
Smon: 11 - fail - angrily, Laurana pushes Sandor away, her face red.
Smon: Your CHA does not set the DC Fergus.
Smon: Laurana turns and swiftly hurries away. Before Sandor can pursue he feels a gentle hand on his shoulder - it's Lady Meda, the wise ruler of Thusia.
Smon: Meda: "Sandor, wait."
sandor sunneson: Sandor ain't chasing
sandor sunneson: will say to Meda she needs to know that many people do care for her
Smon: Meda: "She is in much pain. Yes."
Smon: "But she loves him - her brother." - Meda points to Hakeem across the green, now bouncing Hassan on his broad knee.
Smon: "And I see that she has feelings for you, too. By Mycr's grace she will let go of her pain, one day."
Smon: Meda looks southwest, towards the mountains and far-off Highhaven.
sandor sunneson: Interesting times ahead Meda, I'm only aware of wars between lands, not undead and the likes.
Smon: "Her father betrayed her mother, slew Queen Khelara in battle. Part of her fears, if she loves you, then she will meet the same fate."
sandor sunneson: Unless we somehow ended up on different sides, I'm not sure how that would come around
Smon: Meda nods: "I believe her fears groundless. But she is Amazon, as I am - it is hard for her. If you wish to help her, perhaps you should speak with Hakeem. He is her brother, and he has a certain... wisdom, beyond his years. They have become close."
sandor sunneson: Her father seemed like a nutjob, not the type of person you would want to meet on a dark night.
Smon: Meda: "Once he was... Not so different from you or I, Sandor. But rage took him, he committed a foul crime, and descended into darkness. He wreaked much woe before Hakeem defeated him south of Krens' Cairn."
Smon: OOC Sandor recalls rumours that Yusan raped & murdered the Psychic Defender of his Altanian clan, the Red Tiger.
sandor sunneson: She'll came down, she knew where I was coming from I'm sure. My father was obsessed with empire building and he wasn't that good at it. His family was nothing to him, we all react in different ways. Yes Meda we can all turn one way or another. What crime did he commit?
sandor sunneson: calm down even
Smon: Meda explains Yusan's crime.
Smon: "I know you would not do such a thing, Sandor. But Laurana was raised to see all men as threatening... dangerous."
chris107: (A real charmer, Hakeem's old man.)
Smon: Death was well deserved!
sandor sunneson: Ok, well we're all stuck together for the indefinite future anyway.
Smon: GM: OK do you want to talk w Hakeem, or cut to departure fr Thusia?
sandor sunneson: Nah, cut to departure, he'll apologise to her a few hours later and say that he admires her inner strength with dealing with her demons, and if she ever wants to chat he'll listen
Smon: Laurana: "Thanks. I'm fine. You have nothing to be sorry for."
Smon: 11/3/47 Morning, day of departure
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 3,
Smon: Sky is grey and overcast, a cold wind blowing down from the western mountains.
Smon: Malenn of Mitra hugs Hakeem goodbye. Hassan embraces his leg. "Dada!" he says, firmly.
chris107: Hakeem pulls his worn old wolf skins tightly around his shoulders.
chris107: Giving his family one last hug. A reassuring smile to malenn.
Smon: Damne: "I have made four horses ready, that your journey might be swift - if you wish?"
Smon: Malenn smiles back, though tears glint in her lovely eyes.
chris107: "Aye, I'm not a great rider. But time is short. I have a God to slay!"
Smon: Damne smiles a little, snaps her fingers. Four fine horses - two stallion, two mare, are brought forth, saddled & bridled.
Smon: The grooms help Livilla mount, Laurana leaps lightly to the saddle.
Smon: "You're not Goldmane... but you'll do." She pats the mare's neck. Then wheels.
Smon: Hakeem & Sandor mount, make final farewells, then head out the north gate with Livilla & Laurana.
Smon: You ride north through the wild forested hills.
chris107: "This is it, Prince Sandor. Our destiny awaits."
sandor sunneson: Lets go
Smon: 8 miles north of Thusia rises the cruel volcanic peak that houses Tizun Thane's Hall within the Caldera, and its terrible Night Things that so nearly slew Hakeem.
Smon: By daylight however there is little to fear.
chris107: That was a tough fight...
Smon: You pass a little west of the volcano, riding north through little used game tracks.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
chris107: hehe
Smon: Suddenly the horses shy!
Smon: Ahead in a small clearing you see one of the massive, elusive Ghinarian Sabre-Cats, huge fangs like swords.
chris107: Hmmmm can Hakeem try and Frighten it?
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg6rZgCP7vqa945x80R0UGak9o9HNBaXS61qoEX1KaL7kYEB7_06Z0ARQ1n3ORuqPlg_6d33QpzsWleTh_BE6Jo7-2bo4AbJAUllI7l4cPRJE1ssESbK0_GcD5PbCvcJJ924COSYf1qYUg/s1600/frazetta-escapeonvenus.jpg
Smon: Yup
Smon: As Hakeem draws Bondor's sword, ominous thunder rolls across the peaks, and rain begins to fall.
chris107: DC 16
Smon: Roll Intimidate CHA+Prof w advtg
chris107: Wisdom save?
Smon: Why?
chris107 Rolls 1d20+8x2 and gets:
2 (+8) = 10
3 (+8) = 11
Smon: LOL
chris107: His frighten ability as a Berserker
chris107: can frighten one enemy in view?
Smon: ok
chris107: DC 8+Cha+Prof
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 3, (+1) = 4
chris107: (Never usedit before but Hakeem likes animals and wouldn't want to slay the beast. It would be a bad omen.)
Smon: The mighty beast's ears go back.
Smon: It whimpers in fear, then turns and bursts away like a giant furry streak of Bondor's lightning.
Smon: Laurana blinks: "Wow."
Smon: Livilla: "A good omen."
sandor sunneson: jeez, seen it all
chris107: Hakeem nods happily.
Smon: GM: It's just after noon and you have been riding 4 hours when you come down from the hills, through meadowlands, to the stockaded village of Cahli on the River Cedarwade.
Smon: As you pass through the gates locals cry out, rushing to alert the ferryman.
Smon: "Hakeem! Lord Hakeem has come!"
Smon: Laurana points to the Inn: "Some lunch? My rear could do with a rest from this beast's back."
chris107: "Aye, got to keep our strength up." Hakeem waves happily at the good folks of Cahli.
Smon: The villagers, mostly of Ghinarian stock, some Nerathi, wave back.
Smon: Sandor notices all the windows have stout shutters bound with iron.
Smon: It looks as if the place could be entirely sealed up come nightfall.
Smon: You dismount and go into the Inn, where the Innkeeper hurries to bring you his best victuals.
Smon: /roll d6
chris107: "Keep those bloody Demons out."
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
sandor sunneson: Well they are prepared anyway poor folk, just hope it works for them
Smon: A few farmers and a band of merchants make space for your group. Among the latter Hakeem & Sandor see Gluck Goodkind and his lovely daughter Kym.
Smon: Sandor sees Gluck's injuries from the bugbears are healing well.
chris107: "The ones you and Ursa rescued, Prince Sandor?"
Smon: Gluck: "Sandor, my friend! And Lord Hakeem!" Kym smiles and waves. "Hi there!"
chris107: "Hi."
sandor sunneson: Greetings Gluck, good to see you are ok
Smon: OOC Travelling incognito hard these days. Gluck: "Funny to see you milord Hakeem, we just met Lord Rey a couple days back..." Kym looks like the cat who got the cream.
Smon: Gluck: "I live thanks to your efforts, good Sandor! Please, let me pay for your lunch."
Smon: GM: You eat lunch, drink beer and chat with the friendly merchants.
sandor sunneson: Thank you very much, a kind and very generous offer.
chris107: "Thank you."
Smon: GM: After lunch the ferry is ready for you and your fine steeds. The merchants bid you farewell.
chris107: "Any news of the road aheas?"
Smon: Gluck: "All was safe between here and Hara. I hear Black Sun raiders were scared off by a mighty dragon Lord Bronze has harnessed! He must be mighty indeed."
Smon: Kym: "There was much fighting in the west, around Madcat Mountain. The Hara folks fear the Black Sun will come soon in strength."
Smon: Gluck: "Aye. We are bringing fine bronze works of Hara to Ahyf - we'll not go back north til this war is done."
chris107: "How are the roads? The rainy season seems shorter this year?"
Smon: Gluck taps his nose shrewdly. "You might think that. But I hear a great storm pounds Madcat Mountain and the high passes, for weeks now. Some say the priests of Athena have conjured it, drawing rains from the east to do battle with the West!"
Smon: "As long as it lasts, no Black Sun army can come this way."
Smon: Livilla: "I am priestess of Athena-Erathis, friend. It would take great power indeed to raise such!"
chris107: "Thuruar..."
Smon: Livilla nods. "It must be Thuruar the Arch-Priest, and the Temple of the Lady of Wisdom. Only they could do this!"
Smon: Livilla looks to Hakeem. "This is mighty magic. But it can last only so long as there are rains to fall - a few weeks more, at most."
Smon: Laurana: "Hmm. Rey is going to get very, very wet."
Smon: GM: You say goodbye to Gluck & Kym?
chris107: Unless you can think of anything else, Fergus?
sandor sunneson: Stay safe Gluck,
sandor sunneson: nope march on
Smon: "And you milord!"
chris107: "Thanks guys, hopefully the rods to the North should be clear soon."
chris107: roads
Smon: Leaving Cahli, you are ferried across the river, then remount and ride on, into ancient Nerathi lands.
Smon: 15 miles north you pass by a small farming village around 4pm, entering more settled territories.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Smon: You ride through fields, past fortified farms along the west bank of the River Fairhills.
Smon: These are rich lands, but they have suffered the depradations of the notorious pirate queen Sarene; here and there are burnt-out noble manors, though the humbler farms seem untouched.
Smon: 7pm. You smell - and hear - Hara/Mara before you see the evening fires of the great bronze-working town, copper and tin mines in the rolling countryside to the west.
Smon: With Carchimish and Ahyf, Hara is one of the few towns in these parts worthy of the name, with stout walls dating from the Empire of Nerath - it's said by some that even the Gnoll Horde of White Ruin failed to storm them.
chris107: "Ursa would have liked to see these walls."
Smon: Other darker rumours have it that somehow the people of Hara reached accommodation with the Ruin Horde, and were thus spared as they turned south towards Ghinaria, to be turned back at last near Clear Meadows by a great hero, St Irrig, wielding Kalthalax the Demonblade.
chris107: Kalthalax
Smon: Whatever the truth of it, today Hara remains a thriving and prosperous Nerathi town.
Smon: The mighty gates are shut for the night as you approach. Guards toting crossbows rim the walls.
Smon: "Gate is closed, friends! There's an Inn a mile back up the road."
Smon: The serjeant calls down.
chris107: "We are here to see Lord Bronze."
Smon: Apparently Hakeem's cloak disguise is successful, for once.
chris107: "Take us to him."
Smon: "And who might you be, to make demands of the Hara guard?"
chris107: He casts off the cloak.
sandor sunneson: do they recognise him?
chris107: "I am the Slayer."
Smon: "The Slayer!"
Smon: Make a CHA +Prof check & don't roll a 1.
chris107 rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 3, (+8) = 11
chris107: cripes
Smon: Good enough (just!)
chris107: close
sandor sunneson: I think that's what's his face ???
sandor sunneson:
Smon: "O-Open the gate!"
Smon: After a short delay the great gates swing open. 6 guards meet you and escort you through the close-built streets, so unlike the little villages of Ghinaria.
Smon: Ancient Nerathi tenements loom three, even four stories high!
Smon: To Sandor it is but a small town, smaller than Soderfjord, of vaguely Thyatian style - stone, lots of columns and colonnades.
Smon: To Hakeem it is the greatest centre of civilisation he has ever seen.
sandor sunneson: ok
chris107: Hakeem is impressed by the grandeur of the town.
Smon: Unlike Ahyf the streets are cobbled, with central channel for waste/rain and regular sewer grates.
Smon: Though old, the Nerathi buildings seem well maintained, a faint testament to the glory of their fallen empire.
Smon: Where Nerra is a ruin, a place of choking vines and old death, this is living Nerath.
Smon: Eventually you come out into a large central square, dominated by a huge new-built shed.
chris107: Hakeem decides that there is much that he still has to see.
Smon: Two faint wisps of smoke rise from within the vast open doorway.
Smon: Guard: "Lord Bronze and Lady Anna are consulting with the Great One."
sandor sunneson: Ah, this looks familar
Smon: The guards take you to the entrance, where you see the vast bulk of Dyson Logos, lounging upon what appears to be the treasure from his lair beneath the Delve.
Smon: He is conversing with the fair Lady Anna and her brother Lord Namelin, Lord of Hara.
Smon: Namelin rises from his seat. "Ah! There you are, friends! Welcome!"
Smon: Anna smiles.
Smon: Dyson Logos' vast head turns to regard you. "Hello there, Sandor. You other fellow too."
chris107: Hakeem smiles and greets them warmly.
chris107: He looks at the magnificent beast. "Glad your on our side."
Smon: Namelin comes forward and shakes Hakeem's hand with the arm-grip power shake.
sandor sunneson: Hello Dyson, good to see you again
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi10uzOXfBZqHhcWuKYtPckRErckrUbN7RfHJEAht_oeVuGav9CaT6hh575rbV_NJraeNBkByt4gwLSNq3yNxKDkBKwvmvANO4ex4-0ROCqgwNMupDMDxVrLnCNzFqge0FDpUhZQ88FEJ0/s400/Namelin.jpg
Smon: Dyson: "We were just having an interesting chat! Things have certainly changed since my day, I can tell you!"
Smon: The Heart of Elemental Chaos at his breast shines brightly.
Smon: Priestess Livilla bows low before the legendary dragon-mage of Nerath.
Smon: Laurana: "I am Princess Laurana of the Amazons."
Smon: Namelin nods: "Welcome, amazon. Your queen we rescued is well, I trust?"
chris107: "And I am Hakeem of the Middnight Goddess Hills."
Smon: Laurana: "She says she'll die soon..."
Smon: Namelin smiles: "Lord Dyson, this is our great Lord Hakeem. You saw him briefly at Thusia?"
Smon: Dyson: "I see - humans all look rather alike these days... splendid. Splendid."
chris107: Hakeem grins, enjoying the company of such a magnificent creature.
Smon: Namelin ignores Laurana's wisecrack about Artemisia.
chris107: (and hoping his sword is not feeling thirsty for Dragon's Blood)
sandor sunneson: So what have you missed whilst you've been held up in your cave Dyson? Big changes then...
Smon: Namelin: "Your friend Lord Rey passed through, two days back..." He eyes his half sister Anna, who blushes slightly.
chris107: Rey has been busy!
Smon: Dyson nods to Sandor. "No more Nerath! And we'd only just got started!"
Smon: Rey had to make one or two last hurrahs just in case...
chris107: (OOC can't be too late tonight, up at 4 )
Smon: Dyson: "Apparently it's been 247 years since Nerath fell, 700 since my time! Can you believe it?!"
Smon: can stop in 5 mins?
sandor sunneson: ok
chris107: Hakeem rarely thinks in time periods longer than a minute or two. Hundreds of years are hard to comprehend.
Smon: Tuesday ok for next game?
sandor sunneson: yes, I'll be in Skye so as long as there is wifi
chris107: We're going away for a week from Sunday. Well 6 days, back Saturday)
Smon: Anna: "We were explaining how the Black Sun have corrupted the Legacy of Nerath."
Smon: OK I guess no game next week. I'll be at a party Saturday, hopefully.
sandor sunneson: You able to wifi it Chris or would you rather wait?
chris107: "Aye, they spread only death and darkness."
chris107: I'm looking forward to switching the phone and the internet off. May check in a couple of times.
Smon: Dyson: "Apparently the Snake God Zehir-Set has convinced these fellows he represents Inner Wisdom and the Endless Cycle of Return. And zombies."
Friday, 28 July 2017
Monday, 17 July 2017
Session 126 to 7/3/47 Return to Thusia xp 1500
Hakeem L19 XP 1500+317,396=318,896/355,000
Sandor Lvl 9 XP 1500+49,870=51,370/64,000
+Laurana & a bunch of amazon children & mothers at Thusia
At Forge of Fury: Ursa, Ajax, Great Ulfe, an Amazon platoon.
6:30pm 2017-7-17 Smon Has entered the room
6:31pm 2017-7-17 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: Evening Simon
Smon: Hi chris
6:32pm 2017-7-17 sandor sunneson Has entered the room
chris107: Evening Fergus
Smon: Somehow just clicked on my Races of the Wilderlands page - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/wilderlands-background-notes-gods-men.html
Smon: Nice pics
Smon: Hi Fergus
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgJZcgJZXrCG93nj62o5H_YkSaLNkblewPfctLqpOSnrbYvQsJzwlAo2-boZAMDy0jDXQ4JDNthLMAJw5HnHSZCdLqo1Fx1tc9235QiN7JjB_m8zPQohoNRRgwB9bc70lBNlyHzDpmDm3M/s400/Races.png
Smon: Antillian, Avalonian, Skandik & Tharbrian
sandor sunneson: Hello lovelies
chris107: The Avalonian Sorceress looks well cool.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will worship Bill the Backstabber
sandor sunneson: I did pick someone for him, a Norse God, can't remember who
Smon: There is but one God, and His name is Bill/Death
Smon: Has a nice timeline too, ends with 4433 The Neo-Nerathi Necromancer Borritt Crowfinger gains the Ilhiedrin Codex. 4434 Bisgen in western Altanis falls to the undead hordes of Neo-Nerath under Borritt Crowfinger and Tal Lorvas. Parre of Bisgen and the barbarian hero Varek of the Tigerclaw fall in a last stand holding the river bridge against Crowfinger's thousand ghouls. 4435+ The Necromancer-ruled Empire of Neo-Nerath begins to spread across western Altanis, from Morthor Coff's domain in the north at the Gate Castle of the Black Sun, south to the Orc territories south of Bisgen, her undead legions warring with the Altanian Barbarians and the newly awakened Warforged of Madcat Mountain. 4444 Captain Lance Harcourt seduces Jana Vex, who is exiled from Selatine. 4445 M12 The Pirate Tsamar is captured by Eldam Alamsor at Selatine, later executed. 4446 Black Sun Nerathi invasion of eastern Altanis defeated. Warlord Hakeem closed the Black Sun Gate; later he defeats his father, the brigand Warlord Yusan, and is acclaimed leader of eastern Altanis. The demigod Kainos conquers Madcat Mountain.
sandor sunneson: Reminds me of Bill & Ted that ha ha
sandor sunneson: Anyway, ready to rock and roll me,
Smon: last session http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2017/07/session-125-terror-of-stirges-29247.html
sandor sunneson: and if required, happy not to do childrens mission if it means assisting Ursa in caves, so it's easier for you to GM
Smon: chris107: Ursa. "Maybe you can hand hold the women and children Sandor?" sandor sunneson: Ok, you staying here Ursa then? chris107: Ursa settles down to keep watch and set traps for the invading Orcs. sandor sunneson: Sandor will be babysitter chris107: "Yup." sandor sunneson: Ajax will go back to HighHaven to get his HP back Smon: The amazon leader looks surprised as Hakeem starts off, but nods to Ursa. "We'll be glad of your aid, friend Dwarf." Smon: Ulfe: "And you have ME for two weeks, ladies!" He grins broadly.
Smon: GM: Am I right that Hakeem is tromping off on his own, leaving Sandor to evac the Amazon mothers & children?
chris107: Yes.
Smon: Ursa is staying to claim & defend the dwarf hold with the amazon squad?
Smon: What is Ajax doing?
chris107: yes
sandor sunneson: Going back to Highhaven to get his HP and spells back
Smon: Does Sandor need a long rest too before he sets out?
sandor sunneson: Quite hard playing MUers as once they have cast a spell, it can take a long time to get them back in game play. They are at too much of a disadvantage. Regards Ajax, he'll be ready for the war, cast some fireballs and then leave the battlefield or whatever he;'s doign and go and bake a cake or something
sandor sunneson: Sandor is pretty much at full strength I believ
sandor sunneson: So Sandor is ready to go
sandor sunneson: and assist the woman and children ??? lol
Smon: OK, 2 days after the battle (Sandor recovered 18 hp if down) he sets out with a convoy of amazon women and children for Thusia. It will take them about a week.
sandor sunneson: How many amazonae?
Smon: It takes fleet-footed Hakeem only 4 days however to trek from the high slopes of the Stone Tooth, across the Vale and through the Ghinarian Hills, back to Thusia.
Smon: They send 12 warriors with Sandor.
sandor sunneson: soldiers I mean assisting
sandor sunneson: cool
Smon: 3/3/47 after a hard day's trek through the hills on the pilgrims' trail north from the Temple Vaults of Belaras, Hakeem sees the little village of Thusia gleaming in the late afternoon sunlight.
Smon: Men and women are tending the fields and planting the last crops before Dry Season.
Smon: Here and there, sheep browse unmolested by the half-orc menace that has come to Bratanis to the east...
chris107: hehe
Smon: As Hakeem comes into view, a poncho-smocked & broad-hatted ghul farmer is the first to spot him. "It's Hakeem! He's back!"
Smon: The villagers break off from their work and cheer Hakeem as he tromps the last few yards to the village gates. "Hakeem! Hakeem!"
Smon: Hakeem has barely passed through the village gate when he sees his lovely wife Malenn come running towards him, their son Hasan in her arms. "Hakeem!" she cries joyfully, running to embrace him.
chris107: He embraces them both
Smon: Lady Meda, the Viridian-hued sorceress who also has done so much to protect these lands, emerges from her hall, smiles and nods in greeting.
Smon: Malenn: "What news from the Amazons, my love? Lady Meda has sent two guards to escort Aya safe to Selatine..."
sandor sunneson: This is like Flags of Our Fathers/Letters from Iwo Jima, 2 stories happening at the same time. :). Great GMing Simon!!
Smon: LOL
Smon: OOC Yeah you'll recall Aya was in Bratanis last session.
sandor sunneson: (Sandor is having a break in the green room whilst the Directors and cast concentrate on the Hakeem story....)
sandor sunneson: (Sandor will play an extra in the village greeting Hakeem, but be in disguise)
chris107: "The Amazons have taken dwarven ruins close to Highhaven, Ursa is there preparing surprises for them."
chris107: (The Orcs)
Smon: LOL This is the exact same day Sandro & Mordred & Zagaar are heading west from Bratanis at end of Saturday game.
chris107: Good timing
Smon: NIce coincidence for once.
sandor sunneson: (green room is busy)
Smon: Malenn nods. "That sounds good news. Come my love, Meda will want to speak with you."
sandor sunneson: (Sandor eyes the midget actors who play stirges, giving them the evils)
Smon: They're CGI these days Fergus.
sandor sunneson: Not in my wilderlands, just like the original Charlie and the Chocolate factory
Smon: And we only had a budget for 6 stirges but we used mood & feel to make it seem like dozens...
Smon: GM: Lady Meda greets Hakeem warmly and listens to his brief report. Meda: "The rains are ending early this year. It may be best that you go swiftly to join your people and rally your clans, before the Black Sun cross the mountains..."
Smon: Malenn: "Surely Hakeem has time to spend a week or two here with me first, milady?!"
sandor sunneson: Sandor gets the town guard costume out and mingles in the background
chris107: "I am minded to take my clans and my family elsewhere. I have no allies I can trust that will allow me to stand against the Warbringer."
Smon: Sandor is trudging across the lush meadowlands of the Vale alongside a large column of amazon mother & wee bairns, accompanied by a small squad of warriors.
sandor sunneson: he'll chat to the ladies
sandor sunneson: Assuming he doesn't know any of them
Smon: Meda: "You have us, Hakeem."
sandor sunneson: But focus on task in hand
Smon: Malenn looks concerned: "You seem downcast, my love? Did something untoward occur? Ursa is safe, yes?"
Smon: Sandor finds the shapeliest amazon to chat to.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will scout around the group of civilians to make sure danger is diverted
chris107: "I have no one to stand at my side. It will be my sword alone against the Warbringer's Spear. It will be my wife without a husband, it will be my child without a father."
Smon: (reminds me of my day with the ovely lady cops of the Tooting Safer Neighbourhood Team)
sandor sunneson: Is Sandor and party travelling along a used road?
Smon: Meda looks puzzled. "There are thousands who worship you Hakeem, as Bondor reborn. Thousand who would fight and die in your name."
Smon: Yes Sandor is on the road to the village of Plato with its Siren's Call Inn, where you stopped in for lunch, but the amazons plan to camp in the meadows, avoiding attention.
chris107: "I will not have thousands die in my name. "
Smon: Malenn: "We spoke before, Hakeem. Kainos is mighty and terrible, but you have the Sword and Armour of Bondorr. If anyone can defeat him, you can. That is why you must fight him - alone, so that thousands do not die. So the war can end."
sandor sunneson: Guess Hakeem's Sister ain't one of the Amazonae? lol
sandor sunneson: Sandor will ask one hour lunch and on we go?
Smon: Meda nods. "Malenn is right. The Nerathi question their leaders. They have turned to the use of Orcs. If Kainos falls, their soldiers will lose heart. With the aid of Dyson Logos I believe they will turn to our side."
chris107: ""Then I will do this alone. And I will do it now. Meda, I ask only one promise. If I fail, you will get Malenn and Hassan to safety. Use the mirror of Oriax if you have to. They must not fallinto the hands of Crowfinger. Now fetch Lord Rey. He will get me close enough to this Demi-God to do war upon him."
Smon: GM Sandor make DC 13 Persuasion check if you wanted to bring Laurana.
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 17,
Smon: GM: Laurana despite her reluctance did agree Sandor needed someone competent (ie her) along.
Smon: Meda: "I will do as you wish, Hakeem. But Kainos must fall in fair fight, before the army of Nerath."
sandor sunneson: (Sandor has mentioned to Ursa, that Hakeem's family could use Sodersfjord as a hideout if required, nobody would know who he is there)
Smon: Malenn: "I thought it better you fight him before our assembled hosts... But I trust your wisdom, my love."
sandor sunneson: (who they are there....)
Smon: Laurana strides along the road beside Sandor, a couple scouts ahead and the main convoy behind. "So, you all had fun at the Stone Tooth?"
Smon: GM: Meda dispatches a Raven Messenger to Carchimish, to bid Rey come attend.
sandor sunneson: It was a bit chaotic, they are setting traps there now for the orcs,
chris107: "The fight will be fair. I have never walked away from a fair fight. He will not live to bring the armies to the field. Without him the Nerathi will fall back West of the mountains and no more lives shall be lost."
Smon: Laurana nods. "I heard Artemisia got her buddy Bricis killed?"
sandor sunneson: Yes, by a big ogre. She took it rather personally, but is showing signs of leadership and coming into her own
Smon: GM: Meda and Malenn seem a bit doubtful, but trust Hakeem's judgement, for he has never failed them.
Smon: Laurana: "Leadership? Hmm."
Smon: "Let's head off the road here. That copse in the distance looks a good campsite."
chris107: "Do you have the talking stones? Can we speak with Thuruar. I must know what magic he weaves."
sandor sunneson: Sandor will head for the trees
Smon: Meda has: MI: 1d4+4 potions of healing, Ring of Protection +1 AC & Saves, 2d4+2 doses of Keoghtom's Ointment, Cloak of Elvenkind, the Heart of Dur - a giant ruby which functions as a Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals. Stored for Ursa & co: Old Bill's +2 chainmail AC18.
Smon: Meda: "Rey has one, Thuruar the other I believe."
sandor sunneson: It's worrying seeing the historical divisions in the alliance, I hope they hold it together. Where I'm from countries fight for land against each other, but big ones, here the alliances of scale haven't been formed yet. Hakeem and Meda have done amazing.
Smon: GM: Sandor & co camp in the trees, Laurana occasionally casting sidewise glances at Sandor as they eat their dinner.
Smon: Laurana: "We value our freedom here. We are not slaves to some great King."
Smon: L: "We have had many empires - the land is littered with their bones. Empires fall, but the strong survive."
sandor sunneson: Getting Dyson could be key, I like the alliance of using specific animals. They can provide guidance and knowledge that no human could come up with.
sandor sunneson: True, and nature too. Respect the lands and see what they can offer too.
Smon: Laurana: "The Dragon of Nerath is no mere animal. You did well to raise him from his ancient slumbers. A feat worthy of my brother!"
Smon: She smiles slightly at that.
Smon: Laurana looks into the campfire flames. "So, Sandor... do you hope Clenderi will bear you a son?"
sandor sunneson: Meant generically speaking, in the north, wolves and storm giants can be useful allies.
sandor sunneson: To be honest, I don't get you Amazonae getting rid of the child because of the tradition that the child has no control of.
sandor sunneson: What will be will be. I want the child to have a better up bringing than I did. Irrelevant of sex
Smon: Laurana: "We don't... In the past, yes, male infants were Exposed. Now we return them to their fathers, to be raised as Men. A man should not be raised by Women."
sandor sunneson: What will happen if it is born trans? Are they thrown away too by the Amazonae?
Smon: OOC I really don't think that is a word in Sandor's vocabulary Fergus. But nice piss-take.
Smon: Moving on...
sandor sunneson: Well, it's not something I agree with, so the flick of the coin of fate decides whether one looks after the baby or not. Sounds rather primative.
sandor sunneson: Cut......
sandor sunneson: Sandor will offer Laurana some fruit after she has had her main course
Smon: Laurana looks into the flames. "If I had been raised by my father, the Warlord Yusan, I would have been like my brother Arak, a worthless brigand. My mother Queen Khelara taught me strength, as your father did you."
sandor sunneson: OOC was being serious, interested to know how they would treat those types of humans
Smon: If you mean a baby born with intersex genitalia I guess you could say so. I don't think it would go well judging by ancient Greek practices.
sandor sunneson: My father changed once my Mother passed away, my Mother and Step-mother probably influenced me as much.
Smon: 7/3/47 4 days later, after a long hike across the Vale and through the hills, Sandor and the amazons are approaching Thusia, when they are joined by two fellow travellers, a slender roguish fellow and an incredibly gorgeous & busty brunette.
Smon: Laurana: "That's probably why you are not King of your land, just as I am not Queen of Highhaven. A Prince & Princess, denied our heritage..." She grins sardonically.
Smon: The travellers greet Sandor & Laurana. "Hello there Laurana old girl!" says the man, then turns to Sandor. "Rey, King of Carchimish, at your service!" he bows.
sandor sunneson: Well they have put my fat stepbrother in charge lol. Someone's pulling his strings too. lol
sandor sunneson: Rey, a man of charm and guile so I hear. Honoured to meet you!
Smon: Laurana: "Hello King Rey, hello ...er, I'm sorry, I don't recall your name?"
sandor sunneson: Sandor,
sandor sunneson: and will shake his hand
Smon: The gorgeous (& tall) concubine smiles thinly at Laurana: "Alicia - Alicia Scarnetti, of Sandpoint, on the world of Golarion. Pleased to meet you, Prince Sandor."
Smon: Alicia, always Rey & Amalric's favourite - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgoP_23jzerVtWYQk_6uNuf8SlkIV_oauGevgqz4QdNgOZHTPGJCI30Wq5ud6faAJXwEKAXvrKbg4Hek3pqwnphzPr0XYdCJDRWmnb6SNbzXUXqF4IkffQrTILcS7F8uUvPpKd-CDiHPDQ/s400/Alicia+Scarnetti.jpg
sandor sunneson: Jarl in waiting actually Laurana he'll say sarcastically back
Smon: Rey gives Sandor a firm handshake. "Good to meetcha!"
Smon: King Rey - http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/011/9/4/for_gold_and_glory___mostly_for_gold___by_solidtom-d5qqsoj.jpg
chris107: (OOC - count your teeth )
Smon: You walk together the last few miles to Thusia, Alicia & Laurana exchanging occasional barbs. They seem well matched.
sandor sunneson: I guess you will be on the way to assisting the great Hakeem? May the strength of the Norse Gods keep you safe
Smon: "Aye, Hakeem has summoned me for one last adventure!" says Rey.
Smon: "I was getting kinda bored in Carchimish anyway, nothing to do all day but..." he winks at Alicia. "...Well I guess it wasn't *so* bad."
sandor sunneson: I have a feeling I know what it will be, well there is always adventure round the corner if desired....
Smon: Your weary column arrives at Thusia at dusk, an amazon guard on the palisade blows her horn.
Smon: Hakeem Meda Malenn & Damne come out to meet the new arrivals.
chris107: "Rey!, Alicia!"
Smon: Rey grins broadly at the sight of Hakeem: "Hey, you old dog! I hear you're a demigod now?"
Smon: Alicia smiles and embraces Hakeem.
chris107: Hakeem shrugs. "Well, you know how people talk."
Smon: Rey turns to Malenn & Hasan: "And who's this fine fellow! Wow so big! Beating up your dad yet, eh?"
Smon: Hasan gurgles happily.
chris107: Hakeem flushes with pride.
Smon: "Da-da" says Hasan.
chris107: "This is Hassan Greywolf."
Smon: Malenn blinks. "His first word!"
sandor sunneson: A fine warrior he will make one day
Smon: Rey: "Well, don't look at me kid!"
chris107: Hakeem looks at Malenn with some alarm.
Smon: Malenn blushes crimson. "Rey! He was talking to Hakeem!"
Smon: Rey looks to Hakeem, sees his joke might have fallen a little flat.. "Honestly Hakeem, your wife is the purest most faithful woman I know!"
Smon: Malenn "Yes Rey, and don't you forget it!"
Smon: She glowers, only half jestingly.
chris107: Hakeem roars with laughter. Happy to have caught his old friend out for a change.
Smon: Rey winces then looks relieved. "Ah... You got me. Must be losing my touch."
chris107: "Come let us go drink and talk. If it suits our Lady Meda?"
Smon: Malenn: "And you've put on a few pounds of belly-fat, looks like! Too many royal crumpets I'd warrant."
Smon: Meda nods, and you all retire to her Hall, Sandor & Laurana also invited of course.
chris107: "Royal strumpets, more like." Grins Hakeem.
Smon: The amazon women and children are settled in prepared accommodation.
Smon: Rey shrugs: "Well what is a King without a Harem..."
Smon: Alicia rolls her eyes, but clearly doesn't much mind - officially of course Rey is married to Queen Lyssana Koloth and Alicia is merely his 'Vizier'.
chris107: "Rey, you still got that old speaking stone?"
Smon: Soon a great feast is being served for you all, with much more for the hungry amazon girls outside.
chris107: "We need to speak with Thurar, urgently. We have a little job to do."
Smon: Rey nods: "From when I killed that giant sea monster? Yup!"
Smon: He produces the smooth round stone. "25 words, as I recall."
chris107: "Wow, twenty five words. Webest be careful. I wish he was here with us. We need his wise council."
Smon: "It can be used again next dawn." says Alicia.
sandor sunneson: IS that 25 per person or per day?
Smon: per day of course
sandor sunneson: thought so, new rules :P, old rules per person
chris107: "We need to know what magic he is weaving to aid in the battle with the Warbringer."
Smon: pg 274 phb
Smon: Rey: "Here, take the stone. Focus on it for an hour and you'll be able to use it."
Smon: He tosses Hakeem the smooth grey stone.
chris107: "I need to stop Kainos before he leads his forces onto the field. And, Rey. You're going to help me."
Smon: Rey arches an eyebrow. "Yeah? Is this going to be the Black Sun Gate all over again?"
chris107: "I find it hard to focus on anything for an hour. Well apart from this one." he gives malenn a hearty squeeze.
chris107: "It will be worse."
Smon: ooc Alicia sheet - http://smonstats.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/alicia-scarnetti.html
Smon: Rey sheet - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/5egh-amalric-pc-rey.html
Smon: Maleen grins and hugs Hakeem back, happy to have him here.
Smon: Rey sighs. "Great. As if Morthor Coff and Kaystar Saru wasn't bad enough..."
7:54pm 2017-7-17 subaltari Has entered the room
Smon: "Not to mention all those zombie t-rexes..."
Smon: "And that elf scout chick - well I guess she was ok."
chris107: "I think we will have one chance."
Smon: Hi subs!
chris107: Hi Subs
Smon: Doing a great job in White Star subs!
Smon: Rey: "I'm listening."
chris107: "We need to get to Kainos, kill him before the forces of the Nerathi can stir and then get out. Not a lot to ask from a fellow like you?"
Smon: Rey nods: "Well, they say he's 25 feet tall.... Shouldn't be too hard to find."
chris107: "Can you go do some scouting about and find a suitable spot?"
Smon: Rey's gear - +1 ring of protection (attuned) +1 rapier of Agollos, potion of water breathing (1 hr) +1 mithril chain shirt Goggles of Night - Darkvision 60' 2 Sending Stones
Smon: Rey: "I can certainly go find him. Probably even not get killed doing it. I can maybe even get you to him, too."
subaltari: (Thanks, doing another 'lunch' post now )
chris107: "This sounds positive. I sense a but.."
Smon: Meda: "Our last reports were that Kainos had ripped open Madcat Mountain and is using it as his lair."
subaltari: ( So there's a Rey Telesca in your 5e game?? )
Smon: No
Smon: This is a VERY different Rey.
Smon: More of a Max Davidion type!
subaltari: More like a Rey Mysterio?
Smon: http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/5egh-amalric-pc-rey.html (NSFW major boobage)
Smon: Amalric's old PC, now NPC
Smon: Quite the lady's man!
chris107: "I need to know about his lair, if he has guards, is there more than one way in and out. Everything."
subaltari: My kind of guy
chris107: "A map would be nice."
Smon: Rey nods. "OK. Long as he stays holed up there, shouldn't be too hard. He's only HALF God of War, right?"
Smon: Malenn: "I would think only the largest chambers could accommodate his great size."
chris107: "Yeah, nothing to worry about at all. I'll be doing all the bleeding. Don't worry."
chris107: "We need some way to keep his minions away while I hack him to death."
Smon: Rey to Malenn: "We're not talking about me, baby - sorry..."
sandor sunneson: Wise words Mrs G
chris107: "Rey, she's used to a greatsword. A rapier is just not going to do it!"
sandor sunneson: Do we know much of his minnions?? Demons? Red dragons?
chris107: "So, map, way in, way out, way to stop his mates helping. You got that?"
Smon: Rey glares at Hakeem in mock annoyance. "It ain't what you got, it's what you do with it that counts! And there's as much steel in my Rapier as that LOngsword of yours, anyway!"
Smon: Alicia: "It's true, Rapiers and Arming Swords are of very similar mass..."
chris107: Hakeem again roars with laughter. Happy to have his old friend back.
Smon: OOC been watching too much ScholaGladiatoria on Youtube.
chris107: "Now we need to find out what magiks our friend Thuruar has been brewing."
Smon: Rey grins. "Sorry, now what were we talking about? Oh yeah, me not dying... Yeah, I'll scout out the place, find a route to him."
chris107: "Try not to die, Rey. Alicia would miss you."
chris107: "And Malenn says I don't need a vizier."
Smon: Meda: "Minions - soldiers of Neo-Nerath, perhaps some Priests and Magi. Knights, in numbers. Recently we have begun to hear word of Orcs clad in heavy steel..."
chris107: "And that is whyI must kill him. I will not have thousands die in my name."
Smon: Alicia: "No fear Hakeem, if Rey dies I'm getting Thuruar to send me home!"
chris107: "And why, Lady Meda. You must be ready to get my wife and child to safety, if I fail."
Smon: Meda: "Prince Sandor, Alicia Scarnetti here also comes from another world."
chris107: "You will have earned that much, Alicia. Meda, can you arrange that too?"
Smon: Malenn: "You won't fail." She regards her husband with absolute confidence and devotion.
chris107: "And for Prince sandor?"
sandor sunneson: Hakeem, I would suggest Sodersfjord area on Mystara as a bolthole worst case. It is politically safe.
Smon: Meda: "I cannot employ Banishment - but Thuruar can, yes."
Smon: Meda: "But I could perhaps use the Mirror of Oriax."
Smon: Malenn: "Technically I think I come from another plane too... even if a close one."
chris107: "I would have my son grow to be a warrior. Make sure this is so. Take Bloodletter for him to use when he is grown. Tell him of me."
Smon: Rey: "Hey Hakeem, just you and me are local kids! All these foreigners moving in..."
Smon: OOC Wilderlands is like London.
chris107: "The neighbourhood has gone down a bit." Grins the huge Barbarian.
sandor sunneson: lol
Smon: Malenn nods seriously to Hakeem, her slim hand on his brawny one. "If, one day, you fall, my love, I will raise Hassan. I will tell him of you. But it is not this day."
chris107: OOC - so it's arranged. If Hakeem falls, Malenn and the child go with Sandor?
sandor sunneson: Hakeem, I know of the whereabouts of 2 of the old town guard who fought for my father. They are good men and it is a bit of a longshot, but could come up with a story so they offer your lady and son safety
Smon: She raps her knuckles against the massive diamond on Hakeem's breastplate. "'Cos of that!"
Smon: Laurana: "Hakeem - brother - if you do fall, I will go with Sandor here to protect your wife and son."
chris107: "Oh, I'm going to trade the power of survival to hurt that bastard Kainos. It's him or me. The world is not big enough for both of us."
sandor sunneson: Why not even deliver them to Sodesfjord now, I could go in disguise and suss the place out a bit. I have money to pay for rent for your wife and lady
chris107: "Erm...because I'm not dead yet, Sandor..."
sandor sunneson: I meant hide them there whilst the war goes on, then go and collect them after
Smon: Laurana: "Don't mind Sandor Hakeem, he's always trying to lure us there. It must be lovely." she says, sarcastically.
chris107: "I will prevail."
sandor sunneson: Almost as lovely as you laurana
Smon: >>I'm going to trade the power of survival to hurt that bastard Kainos. It's him or me. The world is not big enough for both of us."<< Malenn pales at these grim words, and falls silent.
sandor sunneson: But nothing can be that lovely
chris107: awwww
Smon: Laurana arches a sardonic eyebrow at Sandor, but really one can tell she enjoys the compliment.
Smon: Even if she would never admit it.
subaltari: (She loves you bro)
Smon: OOC I love Laurana, she's cool.
Smon: Naughty girls are the best.
chris107: (Hakeem does not understand magic, that's why he needs Thuruar and Meda. He has a half formed plan to use the powerful magical gem though...)
Smon: Meda: "Hakeem, if you prefer, I can employ the Sending Stone. What do you wish to ask?
chris107: "I was told that kainos could not be harmed by mortal man? That his shield protected him from all damage. I believe Thur was working on this? "
Smon: Meda nods. "I can enquire as to his Rituals."
Smon: GM: Meda takes the stone and holds it, Attuning to its powers.
chris107: "Also, I need Thuruar to ask his Lady of Wisdom to provide us with a suitable last meal."
Smon: Meda: "Last meal?"
Smon: Malenn: "A Heroes' Feast?"
chris107: "He fed us a meal fit for heroes before our last great battle."
chris107: "That was it."
Smon: Malenn: "I know of such, the hero Belaras of Mitra received such before his last great battle." (OOC he lost)
Smon: "The effects last but a day."
chris107: ( )
chris107: "If it takes me more than a day to kill the bastard, we're all in trouble."
Smon: Meda: "Hmm... my understanding is that Thuruar cannot leave the Temple of Athena, but he could provide a Scroll, to be used by a junior Cleric, perhaps?"
sandor sunneson: Hakeem, Ajax had a wand of strength that if cast before you in battle would give you extra strength, would that be useful to you? Sure we could get it from Highhaven for you??
chris107: ""Meda, when Rey finds us a way in, can you get us there?"
sandor sunneson: That thing shaped like a dong
chris107: "Bold Sandor. It is because I do not wish to put anyof my friends at risk that I must do this alone. Ajax can wave his Bull's dick elsewhere."
Smon: Meda glances at Sandor: "...I have the powers of Scying and Teleportation, though neither is infallible. Perhaps Dyson Logos could bring you swiftly there, though?"
chris107: "Aye! The Dragon! You are wise Lady Meda."
sandor sunneson: I want to assist you in anyway I can Hakeem, Ursa mentioned it when he got it that it would be useful for the big conflict, has 16 charges left
chris107: "And Dyson could keep any minions busy while I slay Kainos."
Smon: Rey pauses. "oops... Sorry Hakeem. Just remembered something."
chris107: (Scroll is a good idea)
Smon: "Err..."
Smon: "The other Sending Stone? I gave it to Sarene the Pirate. I expect she still has it."
Smon: Meda sighs, and hands back the Stone.
chris107: "So Thuruar has no stone?"
Smon: Rey shakes his head. "Sorry. Nope."
Smon: Malenn: "Well, we still have the Dragon... He could fly swiftly to the Temple of Athena, yes?"
Smon: Meda: "Also, there is a mighty Druid of the Seawolf Clan, with the Power of Sending. He has used it to speak with me, before."
chris107: "He could but time is running short. I do not want another life wasted."
Smon: "Ernsorn Blue is his name. He will be with Chief Minars at Nera, I think."
chris107: It is 60 miles from here to Mara?"
Smon: Closer to 50 miles.
chris107: "And many leagues to the North to the Temple of Athena?"
Smon: If you go right past the Halls of Tizun Thane.
Smon: Rey: "We were there! Remember? On Sarene's boat. Took *forever*!"
chris107: "Then let's get started. Rey go do your stuff. Meet us at Mara. You have a week."!
chris107: "I do remember." says Hakeem, it seems fate is trying to foil his plans.
Smon: Rey: "Hmm... OK, I'll base in Mara, go scout out Madcat Mountain, then meet you back there in a week. Lord Bronze is on our side now ...right?"
chris107: "He is, keep away from his womenfolk.."
Smon: Rey grins: "Me? Oh ye of little faith!"
chris107: If it comes to it. We must muster the men at Cahli as initialy conceived. If Hakeem falls there must be a defence in place.
Smon: Malenn: "His baby sister Anna Bronze is very fair..."
Smon: Alicia scowls.
sandor sunneson: Kainos though, can he not be hurt by magical weapons?
chris107: Hakeem slides the Sword of Bondorr out of it's sheath. "You think this will do the job?"
sandor sunneson: Or magic? Fireballs, lightning bolts, cones of cold? Immune to them too?
sandor sunneson: Sandor will stand up and shout Bondorr!!!!!!!
Smon: Meda: "I will send word to the Ghinarian Lords to rally at Cahli. Within two weeks the army can be mustered there. I hear Prince Shieldbiter has raised quite an army of Lizardmen, also."
sandor sunneson: (watch out there Chris, whose side is he on ?? )
sandor sunneson: Et tu Shieldbiter......
chris107: "Then, Malenn, let us to bed. For I must away to Mara and speak with this Dragon in the morning."
Smon: Meda: "Our priestess of Athena-Erathis told us she saw Kainos wounded by an enchanted arrow that passed over his shield. Perhaps you should talk more with her?"
Smon: OOC Livilla the one you captured in Dyson's Delve.
Smon: Who apparently knows loads about your nemesis...
Smon: Who is right here in Thusia...
chris107: "I shall, perhaps she can come with us?"
Smon: Who worships the same goddess as Thuruar.
Smon: The crowd watch Sandor yell Bondorr. Most of them revere Athena, a few Mycr or Mitra.
sandor sunneson: Well bring her in??
Smon: Malenn glances lovingly/lustingly at Hakeem. "Yes, bed..."
chris107: Hakeem is happy to oblidge.
Smon: Meda calls from the high table down to the main hall where her warriors & others of lesser rank feast: "Livilla, come join us. Take Malenn's seat."
Smon: Hakeem carries a happy bundle of blonde lovin' off to bed..
chris107: (2 mins, Chinese has arrived )
Smon: Priestess Livilla takes Malenn's still warm seat, Meda asks her about Kainos' vulnerabilities.
sandor sunneson: (OOC- can we finish after this meeting)
Smon: Livilla: "He cannot be harmed by mundane steel, but enchanted blades may pierce him, though his shield is very strong, of Adamantine, forged by the god-smith Hephaestus at the Dawn of Time."
Smon: OOC finish at 10pm?
sandor sunneson: cool
chris107: cool
Smon: "I have seen many brave Altanians and Warforged perish to his spear, or beneath his heel."
Smon: "He is resistant to magics, but can be harmed by sorcerous energies, I think."
chris107: "Does he have any weakness?"
sandor sunneson: (OOC- off to Skye tomorrow and the Highlands, the Jacobites could have done with a Hakeem, rather than all fighting each other and fought for their greater good)
sandor sunneson: Sercerous what??? Come again?
Smon: OOC Hakeem is currently undressing Maleen in their bedroom...
chris107: Ah yes, soz
Smon: "Energies - Lightning, Fire, Frost and such."
chris107: The sweet and sour pork caused me to become distracted
Smon: "He is an Empyrean - a Demi-God."
Smon: OOC not had dinner myself, hungry now!
sandor sunneson: So cone of cold? fireball, bolts of lighting from a mage's had etc??
Smon: OOC Had 2 pints of Pride for lunch.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will look at Laurana and shrug
sandor sunneson: Ok, sounds strong but means nothing to me (like Vienna).
Smon: Livilla looks nervous and uncertain. "I think so... His shield cannot protect him from such; only from weapons."
chris107: Chiswick's finest
Smon: Laurana meets Sandor's eye and shrugs back.
Smon: Livilla: "Oh! One thing..."
sandor sunneson: I would suggest we get a few MUers in there to assist, if you tell Ajax what to do and don't expect him to lead, I'm sure he'd assist
sandor sunneson: Yes....
Smon: "I heard a rumour that his Shield is gigantic size when Kainos wields it, but shrinks to that of a normal shield when left his hand."
chris107: (Handy)
Smon: Meda: "So it could be taken - stolen, by a Clever Thief, perhaps?"
Smon: Meda grins. Rey's eyes widen. "You don't mean ...OH NO!!"
Smon: OOC good stopping point?
sandor sunneson: Do we know of one?
Smon: Meda explains that Rey is a legendary Rogue.
sandor sunneson: Brilliant, well brought together GM
Smon: GM: Next morning Sandor & Hakeem have completed a Long Rest.
chris107: Good progress. Cheers guys
Smon: Rey reluctantly accedes to the idea. "So Hakeem, they want me to steal the Shield of a God."
Smon: Meda: "And bring it to Hakeem."
Smon: Rey: "Yeah. Great."
sandor sunneson: (98% chances of success Simon)
sandor sunneson rolls 1d100 and gets: 74,
chris107: "And lend it to me while I kick his ass. Yes. Great isn't it? Welcome back."
Smon: LOL
Smon: I'll post log!
sandor sunneson: That was close.......
chris107: Cheers guys!
sandor sunneson: had I thrown a 99
Smon: OOC I think fetching Rey & taking time to talk out a plan worked well!
Smon: Worst case scenario you're down a Rogue...
sandor sunneson: Can his player not come out of retirement too?
sandor sunneson: Drop him a message? Or email?
chris107: He may be in Redstar tomorrow. We can ask.
Smon: Be great if Amalric wants to play.
Smon: One. Last. Job.
chris107: And Kjato
Smon: I see the movie trailers now.
Smon: Yup
sandor sunneson: Until Simon thinks up an even more evil mosnster
Smon: One last job for Rey, that is.
Smon: There are loads more enemies for you guys.
chris107: If Hakeem pulls this one off he should make 20th. It's up to the kids after that!
Smon: There's the Iso-Monster in Viridistan I think it has over 2000 hp.
sandor sunneson: Is that Wilderlands ??
Smon: Hakeem can open his Bondor's Training Academy teaching HAMA
Smon: yes
Smon: Historical Altanian Martial Arts.
sandor sunneson: If only Gracy had left the crown behind, could have placed it on the head of that
chris107: Hitting things with a big sword
Smon: Kainos' head too big for the helm.
sandor sunneson: could play Wed next? I'll be in Skye
sandor sunneson: Meant the Iso Monster
Smon: Plan is to do level 3 from 8pm next Wed.
chris107: This thing has to be fought. No short cuts.
Smon: Viridistan is in Wilderlands yes.
sandor sunneson: to think he could be killed by a 1e harm spell and a couple of magic sword attacks
Smon: LOL
Smon: If you got past his 95% Magic Resistance.
Smon: In 5e MR just gives advantage on saves vs magic.
Sandor Lvl 9 XP 1500+49,870=51,370/64,000
+Laurana & a bunch of amazon children & mothers at Thusia
At Forge of Fury: Ursa, Ajax, Great Ulfe, an Amazon platoon.
![]() |
Kainos the Warbrunger, Son of Ares-Bane |
6:30pm 2017-7-17 Smon Has entered the room
6:31pm 2017-7-17 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: Evening Simon
Smon: Hi chris
6:32pm 2017-7-17 sandor sunneson Has entered the room
chris107: Evening Fergus
Smon: Somehow just clicked on my Races of the Wilderlands page - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/wilderlands-background-notes-gods-men.html
Smon: Nice pics
Smon: Hi Fergus
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgJZcgJZXrCG93nj62o5H_YkSaLNkblewPfctLqpOSnrbYvQsJzwlAo2-boZAMDy0jDXQ4JDNthLMAJw5HnHSZCdLqo1Fx1tc9235QiN7JjB_m8zPQohoNRRgwB9bc70lBNlyHzDpmDm3M/s400/Races.png
Smon: Antillian, Avalonian, Skandik & Tharbrian
sandor sunneson: Hello lovelies
chris107: The Avalonian Sorceress looks well cool.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will worship Bill the Backstabber
sandor sunneson: I did pick someone for him, a Norse God, can't remember who
Smon: There is but one God, and His name is Bill/Death
Smon: Has a nice timeline too, ends with 4433 The Neo-Nerathi Necromancer Borritt Crowfinger gains the Ilhiedrin Codex. 4434 Bisgen in western Altanis falls to the undead hordes of Neo-Nerath under Borritt Crowfinger and Tal Lorvas. Parre of Bisgen and the barbarian hero Varek of the Tigerclaw fall in a last stand holding the river bridge against Crowfinger's thousand ghouls. 4435+ The Necromancer-ruled Empire of Neo-Nerath begins to spread across western Altanis, from Morthor Coff's domain in the north at the Gate Castle of the Black Sun, south to the Orc territories south of Bisgen, her undead legions warring with the Altanian Barbarians and the newly awakened Warforged of Madcat Mountain. 4444 Captain Lance Harcourt seduces Jana Vex, who is exiled from Selatine. 4445 M12 The Pirate Tsamar is captured by Eldam Alamsor at Selatine, later executed. 4446 Black Sun Nerathi invasion of eastern Altanis defeated. Warlord Hakeem closed the Black Sun Gate; later he defeats his father, the brigand Warlord Yusan, and is acclaimed leader of eastern Altanis. The demigod Kainos conquers Madcat Mountain.
sandor sunneson: Reminds me of Bill & Ted that ha ha
sandor sunneson: Anyway, ready to rock and roll me,
Smon: last session http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2017/07/session-125-terror-of-stirges-29247.html
sandor sunneson: and if required, happy not to do childrens mission if it means assisting Ursa in caves, so it's easier for you to GM
Smon: chris107: Ursa. "Maybe you can hand hold the women and children Sandor?" sandor sunneson: Ok, you staying here Ursa then? chris107: Ursa settles down to keep watch and set traps for the invading Orcs. sandor sunneson: Sandor will be babysitter chris107: "Yup." sandor sunneson: Ajax will go back to HighHaven to get his HP back Smon: The amazon leader looks surprised as Hakeem starts off, but nods to Ursa. "We'll be glad of your aid, friend Dwarf." Smon: Ulfe: "And you have ME for two weeks, ladies!" He grins broadly.
Smon: GM: Am I right that Hakeem is tromping off on his own, leaving Sandor to evac the Amazon mothers & children?
chris107: Yes.
Smon: Ursa is staying to claim & defend the dwarf hold with the amazon squad?
Smon: What is Ajax doing?
chris107: yes
sandor sunneson: Going back to Highhaven to get his HP and spells back
Smon: Does Sandor need a long rest too before he sets out?
sandor sunneson: Quite hard playing MUers as once they have cast a spell, it can take a long time to get them back in game play. They are at too much of a disadvantage. Regards Ajax, he'll be ready for the war, cast some fireballs and then leave the battlefield or whatever he;'s doign and go and bake a cake or something
sandor sunneson: Sandor is pretty much at full strength I believ
sandor sunneson: So Sandor is ready to go
sandor sunneson: and assist the woman and children ??? lol
Smon: OK, 2 days after the battle (Sandor recovered 18 hp if down) he sets out with a convoy of amazon women and children for Thusia. It will take them about a week.
sandor sunneson: How many amazonae?
Smon: It takes fleet-footed Hakeem only 4 days however to trek from the high slopes of the Stone Tooth, across the Vale and through the Ghinarian Hills, back to Thusia.
Smon: They send 12 warriors with Sandor.
sandor sunneson: soldiers I mean assisting
sandor sunneson: cool
Smon: 3/3/47 after a hard day's trek through the hills on the pilgrims' trail north from the Temple Vaults of Belaras, Hakeem sees the little village of Thusia gleaming in the late afternoon sunlight.
Smon: Men and women are tending the fields and planting the last crops before Dry Season.
Smon: Here and there, sheep browse unmolested by the half-orc menace that has come to Bratanis to the east...
chris107: hehe
Smon: As Hakeem comes into view, a poncho-smocked & broad-hatted ghul farmer is the first to spot him. "It's Hakeem! He's back!"
Smon: The villagers break off from their work and cheer Hakeem as he tromps the last few yards to the village gates. "Hakeem! Hakeem!"
Smon: Hakeem has barely passed through the village gate when he sees his lovely wife Malenn come running towards him, their son Hasan in her arms. "Hakeem!" she cries joyfully, running to embrace him.
chris107: He embraces them both
Smon: Lady Meda, the Viridian-hued sorceress who also has done so much to protect these lands, emerges from her hall, smiles and nods in greeting.
Smon: Malenn: "What news from the Amazons, my love? Lady Meda has sent two guards to escort Aya safe to Selatine..."
sandor sunneson: This is like Flags of Our Fathers/Letters from Iwo Jima, 2 stories happening at the same time. :). Great GMing Simon!!
Smon: LOL
Smon: OOC Yeah you'll recall Aya was in Bratanis last session.
sandor sunneson: (Sandor is having a break in the green room whilst the Directors and cast concentrate on the Hakeem story....)
sandor sunneson: (Sandor will play an extra in the village greeting Hakeem, but be in disguise)
chris107: "The Amazons have taken dwarven ruins close to Highhaven, Ursa is there preparing surprises for them."
chris107: (The Orcs)
Smon: LOL This is the exact same day Sandro & Mordred & Zagaar are heading west from Bratanis at end of Saturday game.
chris107: Good timing
Smon: NIce coincidence for once.
sandor sunneson: (green room is busy)
Smon: Malenn nods. "That sounds good news. Come my love, Meda will want to speak with you."
sandor sunneson: (Sandor eyes the midget actors who play stirges, giving them the evils)
Smon: They're CGI these days Fergus.
sandor sunneson: Not in my wilderlands, just like the original Charlie and the Chocolate factory
Smon: And we only had a budget for 6 stirges but we used mood & feel to make it seem like dozens...
Smon: GM: Lady Meda greets Hakeem warmly and listens to his brief report. Meda: "The rains are ending early this year. It may be best that you go swiftly to join your people and rally your clans, before the Black Sun cross the mountains..."
Smon: Malenn: "Surely Hakeem has time to spend a week or two here with me first, milady?!"
sandor sunneson: Sandor gets the town guard costume out and mingles in the background
chris107: "I am minded to take my clans and my family elsewhere. I have no allies I can trust that will allow me to stand against the Warbringer."
Smon: Sandor is trudging across the lush meadowlands of the Vale alongside a large column of amazon mother & wee bairns, accompanied by a small squad of warriors.
sandor sunneson: he'll chat to the ladies
sandor sunneson: Assuming he doesn't know any of them
Smon: Meda: "You have us, Hakeem."
sandor sunneson: But focus on task in hand
Smon: Malenn looks concerned: "You seem downcast, my love? Did something untoward occur? Ursa is safe, yes?"
Smon: Sandor finds the shapeliest amazon to chat to.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will scout around the group of civilians to make sure danger is diverted
chris107: "I have no one to stand at my side. It will be my sword alone against the Warbringer's Spear. It will be my wife without a husband, it will be my child without a father."
Smon: (reminds me of my day with the ovely lady cops of the Tooting Safer Neighbourhood Team)
sandor sunneson: Is Sandor and party travelling along a used road?
Smon: Meda looks puzzled. "There are thousands who worship you Hakeem, as Bondor reborn. Thousand who would fight and die in your name."
Smon: Yes Sandor is on the road to the village of Plato with its Siren's Call Inn, where you stopped in for lunch, but the amazons plan to camp in the meadows, avoiding attention.
chris107: "I will not have thousands die in my name. "
Smon: Malenn: "We spoke before, Hakeem. Kainos is mighty and terrible, but you have the Sword and Armour of Bondorr. If anyone can defeat him, you can. That is why you must fight him - alone, so that thousands do not die. So the war can end."
sandor sunneson: Guess Hakeem's Sister ain't one of the Amazonae? lol
sandor sunneson: Sandor will ask one hour lunch and on we go?
Smon: Meda nods. "Malenn is right. The Nerathi question their leaders. They have turned to the use of Orcs. If Kainos falls, their soldiers will lose heart. With the aid of Dyson Logos I believe they will turn to our side."
chris107: ""Then I will do this alone. And I will do it now. Meda, I ask only one promise. If I fail, you will get Malenn and Hassan to safety. Use the mirror of Oriax if you have to. They must not fallinto the hands of Crowfinger. Now fetch Lord Rey. He will get me close enough to this Demi-God to do war upon him."
Smon: GM Sandor make DC 13 Persuasion check if you wanted to bring Laurana.
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 17,
Smon: GM: Laurana despite her reluctance did agree Sandor needed someone competent (ie her) along.
Smon: Meda: "I will do as you wish, Hakeem. But Kainos must fall in fair fight, before the army of Nerath."
sandor sunneson: (Sandor has mentioned to Ursa, that Hakeem's family could use Sodersfjord as a hideout if required, nobody would know who he is there)
Smon: Malenn: "I thought it better you fight him before our assembled hosts... But I trust your wisdom, my love."
sandor sunneson: (who they are there....)
Smon: Laurana strides along the road beside Sandor, a couple scouts ahead and the main convoy behind. "So, you all had fun at the Stone Tooth?"
Smon: GM: Meda dispatches a Raven Messenger to Carchimish, to bid Rey come attend.
sandor sunneson: It was a bit chaotic, they are setting traps there now for the orcs,
chris107: "The fight will be fair. I have never walked away from a fair fight. He will not live to bring the armies to the field. Without him the Nerathi will fall back West of the mountains and no more lives shall be lost."
Smon: Laurana nods. "I heard Artemisia got her buddy Bricis killed?"
sandor sunneson: Yes, by a big ogre. She took it rather personally, but is showing signs of leadership and coming into her own
Smon: GM: Meda and Malenn seem a bit doubtful, but trust Hakeem's judgement, for he has never failed them.
Smon: Laurana: "Leadership? Hmm."
Smon: "Let's head off the road here. That copse in the distance looks a good campsite."
chris107: "Do you have the talking stones? Can we speak with Thuruar. I must know what magic he weaves."
sandor sunneson: Sandor will head for the trees
Smon: Meda has: MI: 1d4+4 potions of healing, Ring of Protection +1 AC & Saves, 2d4+2 doses of Keoghtom's Ointment, Cloak of Elvenkind, the Heart of Dur - a giant ruby which functions as a Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals. Stored for Ursa & co: Old Bill's +2 chainmail AC18.
Smon: Meda: "Rey has one, Thuruar the other I believe."
sandor sunneson: It's worrying seeing the historical divisions in the alliance, I hope they hold it together. Where I'm from countries fight for land against each other, but big ones, here the alliances of scale haven't been formed yet. Hakeem and Meda have done amazing.
Smon: GM: Sandor & co camp in the trees, Laurana occasionally casting sidewise glances at Sandor as they eat their dinner.
Smon: Laurana: "We value our freedom here. We are not slaves to some great King."
Smon: L: "We have had many empires - the land is littered with their bones. Empires fall, but the strong survive."
sandor sunneson: Getting Dyson could be key, I like the alliance of using specific animals. They can provide guidance and knowledge that no human could come up with.
sandor sunneson: True, and nature too. Respect the lands and see what they can offer too.
Smon: Laurana: "The Dragon of Nerath is no mere animal. You did well to raise him from his ancient slumbers. A feat worthy of my brother!"
Smon: She smiles slightly at that.
Smon: Laurana looks into the campfire flames. "So, Sandor... do you hope Clenderi will bear you a son?"
sandor sunneson: Meant generically speaking, in the north, wolves and storm giants can be useful allies.
sandor sunneson: To be honest, I don't get you Amazonae getting rid of the child because of the tradition that the child has no control of.
sandor sunneson: What will be will be. I want the child to have a better up bringing than I did. Irrelevant of sex
Smon: Laurana: "We don't... In the past, yes, male infants were Exposed. Now we return them to their fathers, to be raised as Men. A man should not be raised by Women."
sandor sunneson: What will happen if it is born trans? Are they thrown away too by the Amazonae?
Smon: OOC I really don't think that is a word in Sandor's vocabulary Fergus. But nice piss-take.
Smon: Moving on...
sandor sunneson: Well, it's not something I agree with, so the flick of the coin of fate decides whether one looks after the baby or not. Sounds rather primative.
sandor sunneson: Cut......
sandor sunneson: Sandor will offer Laurana some fruit after she has had her main course
Smon: Laurana looks into the flames. "If I had been raised by my father, the Warlord Yusan, I would have been like my brother Arak, a worthless brigand. My mother Queen Khelara taught me strength, as your father did you."
sandor sunneson: OOC was being serious, interested to know how they would treat those types of humans
Smon: If you mean a baby born with intersex genitalia I guess you could say so. I don't think it would go well judging by ancient Greek practices.
sandor sunneson: My father changed once my Mother passed away, my Mother and Step-mother probably influenced me as much.
Smon: 7/3/47 4 days later, after a long hike across the Vale and through the hills, Sandor and the amazons are approaching Thusia, when they are joined by two fellow travellers, a slender roguish fellow and an incredibly gorgeous & busty brunette.
Smon: Laurana: "That's probably why you are not King of your land, just as I am not Queen of Highhaven. A Prince & Princess, denied our heritage..." She grins sardonically.
Smon: The travellers greet Sandor & Laurana. "Hello there Laurana old girl!" says the man, then turns to Sandor. "Rey, King of Carchimish, at your service!" he bows.
sandor sunneson: Well they have put my fat stepbrother in charge lol. Someone's pulling his strings too. lol
sandor sunneson: Rey, a man of charm and guile so I hear. Honoured to meet you!
Smon: Laurana: "Hello King Rey, hello ...er, I'm sorry, I don't recall your name?"
sandor sunneson: Sandor,
sandor sunneson: and will shake his hand
Smon: The gorgeous (& tall) concubine smiles thinly at Laurana: "Alicia - Alicia Scarnetti, of Sandpoint, on the world of Golarion. Pleased to meet you, Prince Sandor."
Smon: Alicia, always Rey & Amalric's favourite - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgoP_23jzerVtWYQk_6uNuf8SlkIV_oauGevgqz4QdNgOZHTPGJCI30Wq5ud6faAJXwEKAXvrKbg4Hek3pqwnphzPr0XYdCJDRWmnb6SNbzXUXqF4IkffQrTILcS7F8uUvPpKd-CDiHPDQ/s400/Alicia+Scarnetti.jpg
sandor sunneson: Jarl in waiting actually Laurana he'll say sarcastically back
Smon: Rey gives Sandor a firm handshake. "Good to meetcha!"
Smon: King Rey - http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/011/9/4/for_gold_and_glory___mostly_for_gold___by_solidtom-d5qqsoj.jpg
chris107: (OOC - count your teeth )
Smon: You walk together the last few miles to Thusia, Alicia & Laurana exchanging occasional barbs. They seem well matched.
sandor sunneson: I guess you will be on the way to assisting the great Hakeem? May the strength of the Norse Gods keep you safe
Smon: "Aye, Hakeem has summoned me for one last adventure!" says Rey.
Smon: "I was getting kinda bored in Carchimish anyway, nothing to do all day but..." he winks at Alicia. "...Well I guess it wasn't *so* bad."
sandor sunneson: I have a feeling I know what it will be, well there is always adventure round the corner if desired....
Smon: Your weary column arrives at Thusia at dusk, an amazon guard on the palisade blows her horn.
Smon: Hakeem Meda Malenn & Damne come out to meet the new arrivals.
chris107: "Rey!, Alicia!"
Smon: Rey grins broadly at the sight of Hakeem: "Hey, you old dog! I hear you're a demigod now?"
Smon: Alicia smiles and embraces Hakeem.
chris107: Hakeem shrugs. "Well, you know how people talk."
Smon: Rey turns to Malenn & Hasan: "And who's this fine fellow! Wow so big! Beating up your dad yet, eh?"
Smon: Hasan gurgles happily.
chris107: Hakeem flushes with pride.
Smon: "Da-da" says Hasan.
chris107: "This is Hassan Greywolf."
Smon: Malenn blinks. "His first word!"
sandor sunneson: A fine warrior he will make one day
Smon: Rey: "Well, don't look at me kid!"
chris107: Hakeem looks at Malenn with some alarm.
Smon: Malenn blushes crimson. "Rey! He was talking to Hakeem!"
Smon: Rey looks to Hakeem, sees his joke might have fallen a little flat.. "Honestly Hakeem, your wife is the purest most faithful woman I know!"
Smon: Malenn "Yes Rey, and don't you forget it!"
Smon: She glowers, only half jestingly.
chris107: Hakeem roars with laughter. Happy to have caught his old friend out for a change.
Smon: Rey winces then looks relieved. "Ah... You got me. Must be losing my touch."
chris107: "Come let us go drink and talk. If it suits our Lady Meda?"
Smon: Malenn: "And you've put on a few pounds of belly-fat, looks like! Too many royal crumpets I'd warrant."
Smon: Meda nods, and you all retire to her Hall, Sandor & Laurana also invited of course.
chris107: "Royal strumpets, more like." Grins Hakeem.
Smon: The amazon women and children are settled in prepared accommodation.
Smon: Rey shrugs: "Well what is a King without a Harem..."
Smon: Alicia rolls her eyes, but clearly doesn't much mind - officially of course Rey is married to Queen Lyssana Koloth and Alicia is merely his 'Vizier'.
chris107: "Rey, you still got that old speaking stone?"
Smon: Soon a great feast is being served for you all, with much more for the hungry amazon girls outside.
chris107: "We need to speak with Thurar, urgently. We have a little job to do."
Smon: Rey nods: "From when I killed that giant sea monster? Yup!"
Smon: He produces the smooth round stone. "25 words, as I recall."
chris107: "Wow, twenty five words. Webest be careful. I wish he was here with us. We need his wise council."
Smon: "It can be used again next dawn." says Alicia.
sandor sunneson: IS that 25 per person or per day?
Smon: per day of course
sandor sunneson: thought so, new rules :P, old rules per person
chris107: "We need to know what magic he is weaving to aid in the battle with the Warbringer."
Smon: pg 274 phb
Smon: Rey: "Here, take the stone. Focus on it for an hour and you'll be able to use it."
Smon: He tosses Hakeem the smooth grey stone.
chris107: "I need to stop Kainos before he leads his forces onto the field. And, Rey. You're going to help me."
Smon: Rey arches an eyebrow. "Yeah? Is this going to be the Black Sun Gate all over again?"
chris107: "I find it hard to focus on anything for an hour. Well apart from this one." he gives malenn a hearty squeeze.
chris107: "It will be worse."
Smon: ooc Alicia sheet - http://smonstats.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/alicia-scarnetti.html
Smon: Rey sheet - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/5egh-amalric-pc-rey.html
Smon: Maleen grins and hugs Hakeem back, happy to have him here.
Smon: Rey sighs. "Great. As if Morthor Coff and Kaystar Saru wasn't bad enough..."
7:54pm 2017-7-17 subaltari Has entered the room
Smon: "Not to mention all those zombie t-rexes..."
Smon: "And that elf scout chick - well I guess she was ok."
chris107: "I think we will have one chance."
Smon: Hi subs!
chris107: Hi Subs
Smon: Doing a great job in White Star subs!
Smon: Rey: "I'm listening."
chris107: "We need to get to Kainos, kill him before the forces of the Nerathi can stir and then get out. Not a lot to ask from a fellow like you?"
Smon: Rey nods: "Well, they say he's 25 feet tall.... Shouldn't be too hard to find."
chris107: "Can you go do some scouting about and find a suitable spot?"
Smon: Rey's gear - +1 ring of protection (attuned) +1 rapier of Agollos, potion of water breathing (1 hr) +1 mithril chain shirt Goggles of Night - Darkvision 60' 2 Sending Stones
Smon: Rey: "I can certainly go find him. Probably even not get killed doing it. I can maybe even get you to him, too."
subaltari: (Thanks, doing another 'lunch' post now )
chris107: "This sounds positive. I sense a but.."
Smon: Meda: "Our last reports were that Kainos had ripped open Madcat Mountain and is using it as his lair."
subaltari: ( So there's a Rey Telesca in your 5e game?? )
Smon: No
Smon: This is a VERY different Rey.
Smon: More of a Max Davidion type!
subaltari: More like a Rey Mysterio?
Smon: http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/5egh-amalric-pc-rey.html (NSFW major boobage)
Smon: Amalric's old PC, now NPC
Smon: Quite the lady's man!
chris107: "I need to know about his lair, if he has guards, is there more than one way in and out. Everything."
subaltari: My kind of guy
chris107: "A map would be nice."
Smon: Rey nods. "OK. Long as he stays holed up there, shouldn't be too hard. He's only HALF God of War, right?"
Smon: Malenn: "I would think only the largest chambers could accommodate his great size."
chris107: "Yeah, nothing to worry about at all. I'll be doing all the bleeding. Don't worry."
chris107: "We need some way to keep his minions away while I hack him to death."
Smon: Rey to Malenn: "We're not talking about me, baby - sorry..."
sandor sunneson: Wise words Mrs G
chris107: "Rey, she's used to a greatsword. A rapier is just not going to do it!"
sandor sunneson: Do we know much of his minnions?? Demons? Red dragons?
chris107: "So, map, way in, way out, way to stop his mates helping. You got that?"
Smon: Rey glares at Hakeem in mock annoyance. "It ain't what you got, it's what you do with it that counts! And there's as much steel in my Rapier as that LOngsword of yours, anyway!"
Smon: Alicia: "It's true, Rapiers and Arming Swords are of very similar mass..."
chris107: Hakeem again roars with laughter. Happy to have his old friend back.
Smon: OOC been watching too much ScholaGladiatoria on Youtube.
chris107: "Now we need to find out what magiks our friend Thuruar has been brewing."
Smon: Rey grins. "Sorry, now what were we talking about? Oh yeah, me not dying... Yeah, I'll scout out the place, find a route to him."
chris107: "Try not to die, Rey. Alicia would miss you."
chris107: "And Malenn says I don't need a vizier."
Smon: Meda: "Minions - soldiers of Neo-Nerath, perhaps some Priests and Magi. Knights, in numbers. Recently we have begun to hear word of Orcs clad in heavy steel..."
chris107: "And that is whyI must kill him. I will not have thousands die in my name."
Smon: Alicia: "No fear Hakeem, if Rey dies I'm getting Thuruar to send me home!"
chris107: "And why, Lady Meda. You must be ready to get my wife and child to safety, if I fail."
Smon: Meda: "Prince Sandor, Alicia Scarnetti here also comes from another world."
chris107: "You will have earned that much, Alicia. Meda, can you arrange that too?"
Smon: Malenn: "You won't fail." She regards her husband with absolute confidence and devotion.
chris107: "And for Prince sandor?"
sandor sunneson: Hakeem, I would suggest Sodersfjord area on Mystara as a bolthole worst case. It is politically safe.
Smon: Meda: "I cannot employ Banishment - but Thuruar can, yes."
Smon: Meda: "But I could perhaps use the Mirror of Oriax."
Smon: Malenn: "Technically I think I come from another plane too... even if a close one."
chris107: "I would have my son grow to be a warrior. Make sure this is so. Take Bloodletter for him to use when he is grown. Tell him of me."
Smon: Rey: "Hey Hakeem, just you and me are local kids! All these foreigners moving in..."
Smon: OOC Wilderlands is like London.
chris107: "The neighbourhood has gone down a bit." Grins the huge Barbarian.
sandor sunneson: lol
Smon: Malenn nods seriously to Hakeem, her slim hand on his brawny one. "If, one day, you fall, my love, I will raise Hassan. I will tell him of you. But it is not this day."
chris107: OOC - so it's arranged. If Hakeem falls, Malenn and the child go with Sandor?
sandor sunneson: Hakeem, I know of the whereabouts of 2 of the old town guard who fought for my father. They are good men and it is a bit of a longshot, but could come up with a story so they offer your lady and son safety
Smon: She raps her knuckles against the massive diamond on Hakeem's breastplate. "'Cos of that!"
Smon: Laurana: "Hakeem - brother - if you do fall, I will go with Sandor here to protect your wife and son."
chris107: "Oh, I'm going to trade the power of survival to hurt that bastard Kainos. It's him or me. The world is not big enough for both of us."
sandor sunneson: Why not even deliver them to Sodesfjord now, I could go in disguise and suss the place out a bit. I have money to pay for rent for your wife and lady
chris107: "Erm...because I'm not dead yet, Sandor..."
sandor sunneson: I meant hide them there whilst the war goes on, then go and collect them after
Smon: Laurana: "Don't mind Sandor Hakeem, he's always trying to lure us there. It must be lovely." she says, sarcastically.
chris107: "I will prevail."
sandor sunneson: Almost as lovely as you laurana
Smon: >>I'm going to trade the power of survival to hurt that bastard Kainos. It's him or me. The world is not big enough for both of us."<< Malenn pales at these grim words, and falls silent.
sandor sunneson: But nothing can be that lovely
chris107: awwww
Smon: Laurana arches a sardonic eyebrow at Sandor, but really one can tell she enjoys the compliment.
Smon: Even if she would never admit it.
subaltari: (She loves you bro)
Smon: OOC I love Laurana, she's cool.
Smon: Naughty girls are the best.
chris107: (Hakeem does not understand magic, that's why he needs Thuruar and Meda. He has a half formed plan to use the powerful magical gem though...)
Smon: Meda: "Hakeem, if you prefer, I can employ the Sending Stone. What do you wish to ask?
chris107: "I was told that kainos could not be harmed by mortal man? That his shield protected him from all damage. I believe Thur was working on this? "
Smon: Meda nods. "I can enquire as to his Rituals."
Smon: GM: Meda takes the stone and holds it, Attuning to its powers.
chris107: "Also, I need Thuruar to ask his Lady of Wisdom to provide us with a suitable last meal."
Smon: Meda: "Last meal?"
Smon: Malenn: "A Heroes' Feast?"
chris107: "He fed us a meal fit for heroes before our last great battle."
chris107: "That was it."
Smon: Malenn: "I know of such, the hero Belaras of Mitra received such before his last great battle." (OOC he lost)
Smon: "The effects last but a day."
chris107: ( )
chris107: "If it takes me more than a day to kill the bastard, we're all in trouble."
Smon: Meda: "Hmm... my understanding is that Thuruar cannot leave the Temple of Athena, but he could provide a Scroll, to be used by a junior Cleric, perhaps?"
sandor sunneson: Hakeem, Ajax had a wand of strength that if cast before you in battle would give you extra strength, would that be useful to you? Sure we could get it from Highhaven for you??
chris107: ""Meda, when Rey finds us a way in, can you get us there?"
sandor sunneson: That thing shaped like a dong
chris107: "Bold Sandor. It is because I do not wish to put anyof my friends at risk that I must do this alone. Ajax can wave his Bull's dick elsewhere."
Smon: Meda glances at Sandor: "...I have the powers of Scying and Teleportation, though neither is infallible. Perhaps Dyson Logos could bring you swiftly there, though?"
chris107: "Aye! The Dragon! You are wise Lady Meda."
sandor sunneson: I want to assist you in anyway I can Hakeem, Ursa mentioned it when he got it that it would be useful for the big conflict, has 16 charges left
chris107: "And Dyson could keep any minions busy while I slay Kainos."
Smon: Rey pauses. "oops... Sorry Hakeem. Just remembered something."
chris107: (Scroll is a good idea)
Smon: "Err..."
Smon: "The other Sending Stone? I gave it to Sarene the Pirate. I expect she still has it."
Smon: Meda sighs, and hands back the Stone.
chris107: "So Thuruar has no stone?"
Smon: Rey shakes his head. "Sorry. Nope."
Smon: Malenn: "Well, we still have the Dragon... He could fly swiftly to the Temple of Athena, yes?"
Smon: Meda: "Also, there is a mighty Druid of the Seawolf Clan, with the Power of Sending. He has used it to speak with me, before."
chris107: "He could but time is running short. I do not want another life wasted."
Smon: "Ernsorn Blue is his name. He will be with Chief Minars at Nera, I think."
chris107: It is 60 miles from here to Mara?"
Smon: Closer to 50 miles.
chris107: "And many leagues to the North to the Temple of Athena?"
Smon: If you go right past the Halls of Tizun Thane.
Smon: Rey: "We were there! Remember? On Sarene's boat. Took *forever*!"
chris107: "Then let's get started. Rey go do your stuff. Meet us at Mara. You have a week."!
chris107: "I do remember." says Hakeem, it seems fate is trying to foil his plans.
Smon: Rey: "Hmm... OK, I'll base in Mara, go scout out Madcat Mountain, then meet you back there in a week. Lord Bronze is on our side now ...right?"
chris107: "He is, keep away from his womenfolk.."
Smon: Rey grins: "Me? Oh ye of little faith!"
chris107: If it comes to it. We must muster the men at Cahli as initialy conceived. If Hakeem falls there must be a defence in place.
Smon: Malenn: "His baby sister Anna Bronze is very fair..."
Smon: Alicia scowls.
sandor sunneson: Kainos though, can he not be hurt by magical weapons?
chris107: Hakeem slides the Sword of Bondorr out of it's sheath. "You think this will do the job?"
sandor sunneson: Or magic? Fireballs, lightning bolts, cones of cold? Immune to them too?
sandor sunneson: Sandor will stand up and shout Bondorr!!!!!!!
Smon: Meda: "I will send word to the Ghinarian Lords to rally at Cahli. Within two weeks the army can be mustered there. I hear Prince Shieldbiter has raised quite an army of Lizardmen, also."
sandor sunneson: (watch out there Chris, whose side is he on ?? )
sandor sunneson: Et tu Shieldbiter......
chris107: "Then, Malenn, let us to bed. For I must away to Mara and speak with this Dragon in the morning."
Smon: Meda: "Our priestess of Athena-Erathis told us she saw Kainos wounded by an enchanted arrow that passed over his shield. Perhaps you should talk more with her?"
Smon: OOC Livilla the one you captured in Dyson's Delve.
Smon: Who apparently knows loads about your nemesis...
Smon: Who is right here in Thusia...
chris107: "I shall, perhaps she can come with us?"
Smon: Who worships the same goddess as Thuruar.
Smon: The crowd watch Sandor yell Bondorr. Most of them revere Athena, a few Mycr or Mitra.
sandor sunneson: Well bring her in??
Smon: Malenn glances lovingly/lustingly at Hakeem. "Yes, bed..."
chris107: Hakeem is happy to oblidge.
Smon: Meda calls from the high table down to the main hall where her warriors & others of lesser rank feast: "Livilla, come join us. Take Malenn's seat."
Smon: Hakeem carries a happy bundle of blonde lovin' off to bed..
chris107: (2 mins, Chinese has arrived )
Smon: Priestess Livilla takes Malenn's still warm seat, Meda asks her about Kainos' vulnerabilities.
sandor sunneson: (OOC- can we finish after this meeting)
Smon: Livilla: "He cannot be harmed by mundane steel, but enchanted blades may pierce him, though his shield is very strong, of Adamantine, forged by the god-smith Hephaestus at the Dawn of Time."
Smon: OOC finish at 10pm?
sandor sunneson: cool
chris107: cool
Smon: "I have seen many brave Altanians and Warforged perish to his spear, or beneath his heel."
Smon: "He is resistant to magics, but can be harmed by sorcerous energies, I think."
chris107: "Does he have any weakness?"
sandor sunneson: (OOC- off to Skye tomorrow and the Highlands, the Jacobites could have done with a Hakeem, rather than all fighting each other and fought for their greater good)
sandor sunneson: Sercerous what??? Come again?
Smon: OOC Hakeem is currently undressing Maleen in their bedroom...
chris107: Ah yes, soz
Smon: "Energies - Lightning, Fire, Frost and such."
chris107: The sweet and sour pork caused me to become distracted
Smon: "He is an Empyrean - a Demi-God."
Smon: OOC not had dinner myself, hungry now!
sandor sunneson: So cone of cold? fireball, bolts of lighting from a mage's had etc??
Smon: OOC Had 2 pints of Pride for lunch.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will look at Laurana and shrug
sandor sunneson: Ok, sounds strong but means nothing to me (like Vienna).
Smon: Livilla looks nervous and uncertain. "I think so... His shield cannot protect him from such; only from weapons."
chris107: Chiswick's finest
Smon: Laurana meets Sandor's eye and shrugs back.
Smon: Livilla: "Oh! One thing..."
sandor sunneson: I would suggest we get a few MUers in there to assist, if you tell Ajax what to do and don't expect him to lead, I'm sure he'd assist
sandor sunneson: Yes....
Smon: "I heard a rumour that his Shield is gigantic size when Kainos wields it, but shrinks to that of a normal shield when left his hand."
chris107: (Handy)
Smon: Meda: "So it could be taken - stolen, by a Clever Thief, perhaps?"
Smon: Meda grins. Rey's eyes widen. "You don't mean ...OH NO!!"
Smon: OOC good stopping point?
sandor sunneson: Do we know of one?
Smon: Meda explains that Rey is a legendary Rogue.
sandor sunneson: Brilliant, well brought together GM
Smon: GM: Next morning Sandor & Hakeem have completed a Long Rest.
chris107: Good progress. Cheers guys
Smon: Rey reluctantly accedes to the idea. "So Hakeem, they want me to steal the Shield of a God."
Smon: Meda: "And bring it to Hakeem."
Smon: Rey: "Yeah. Great."
sandor sunneson: (98% chances of success Simon)
sandor sunneson rolls 1d100 and gets: 74,
chris107: "And lend it to me while I kick his ass. Yes. Great isn't it? Welcome back."
Smon: LOL
Smon: I'll post log!
sandor sunneson: That was close.......
chris107: Cheers guys!
sandor sunneson: had I thrown a 99
Smon: OOC I think fetching Rey & taking time to talk out a plan worked well!
Smon: Worst case scenario you're down a Rogue...
sandor sunneson: Can his player not come out of retirement too?
sandor sunneson: Drop him a message? Or email?
chris107: He may be in Redstar tomorrow. We can ask.
Smon: Be great if Amalric wants to play.
Smon: One. Last. Job.
chris107: And Kjato
Smon: I see the movie trailers now.
Smon: Yup
sandor sunneson: Until Simon thinks up an even more evil mosnster
Smon: One last job for Rey, that is.
Smon: There are loads more enemies for you guys.
chris107: If Hakeem pulls this one off he should make 20th. It's up to the kids after that!
Smon: There's the Iso-Monster in Viridistan I think it has over 2000 hp.
sandor sunneson: Is that Wilderlands ??
Smon: Hakeem can open his Bondor's Training Academy teaching HAMA
Smon: yes
Smon: Historical Altanian Martial Arts.
sandor sunneson: If only Gracy had left the crown behind, could have placed it on the head of that
chris107: Hitting things with a big sword
Smon: Kainos' head too big for the helm.
sandor sunneson: could play Wed next? I'll be in Skye
sandor sunneson: Meant the Iso Monster
Smon: Plan is to do level 3 from 8pm next Wed.
chris107: This thing has to be fought. No short cuts.
Smon: Viridistan is in Wilderlands yes.
sandor sunneson: to think he could be killed by a 1e harm spell and a couple of magic sword attacks
Smon: LOL
Smon: If you got past his 95% Magic Resistance.
Smon: In 5e MR just gives advantage on saves vs magic.
Saturday, 15 July 2017
Level 3: 26/2 to 3/3/4447 Sunken Citadel #3 "Zagaar finds a sentient female" (128 XP)
Lvl 3 XP 128+1392=1520/2700
6:59pm 2017-7-15 Smon Has entered the room
7:02pm 2017-7-15 chris107 Has entered the room
7:02pm 2017-7-15 Prince Skylio Has entered the room
chris107: Evening Simon
Prince Skylio: Hello
Smon: Hi both
chris107: Evening Orc
Smon: Last week's session - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2017/07/lvl-3-day-26247-to-ca-3pm-sunken.html
Prince Skylio:
chris107: Through the crenelated shooting range, pantry and into the many columned room with a door to the west
chris107: Mordred 15/25HP
Smon: You hear the high pitched yelping of many goblins in the distance...
chris107: no action surges left, 1 second wind left.
Smon: It looks like the smoky hall has many exits.
Smon: Hard to see through the murk (of WotC's terribly drawn maps)
Prince Skylio: Zagaar 25/25
Smon: 3 doors off along the n side of the pillared hall, one on the s side towards the w wall. Double doors opposite.
chris107: Can we pinpoint if the Goblin voices come from a specific direction?
Smon: It sounds like many goblins are in a commotion beyond the double doors opposite, but the doors stay shut for now.
Smon: Listening, Modred hears the sound of hobnailed boots from his right.
chris107: Mordred slips from pillar to pillar
chris107: The doors to the North?
Smon: The heavy booted steps are approaching from beyond the 2nd or 3rd door on the n wall.
Smon: Mordred moves through the Hall stealthily - where is he heading to?
Smon: There are 2 rows each of 5 pillars in the 20' wide hall.
chris107: the first pillar to the south side of it
Smon: The hall is about 60' long e-w.
Smon: OK
Smon: Mordred slips behind the pillar.
Smon: What is Zagaar doing?
Smon: He is currently at the east doorway of the smoky hall.
chris107: Loking for paractamol at the moment
chris107: 1 min
Prince Skylio: Sorry
Prince Skylio: Zagaar was walking around the kitchen confused for 15 minutes
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Prince Skylio: Z will attempt to stay hidden in the pantry
Smon: OK Zagaar stays back in the pantry.
Smon: A few more moments pass.
Smon: I'm guessing Sandro has fallen back too. In the silence you hear a muffled snort from the first door on the e wall - sounds like some large beast... Then you hear a war-horn sound from behind the second or third n door.
chris107: Mordred dashes back towards the pantry
Smon: A moment later the central north door bursts open...
Smon: Mordred roll init to get out of the hall ahead of them.
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 12, (+3) = 15
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 12, (+1) = 13
Smon: Mordred is disappearing through the pantry door as several heavily armoured Hobgoblin warriors pour into the hall from the north, one blowing a horn.
Prince Skylio: (If Z is stood in the pantry/doorway will he have enough room to swing his hammer?)
Smon: At the sound the far doors open away from you, revealing dozens of goblins hefting miscellaneous rusty implements.
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 5, 2, = 7
Prince Skylio: "Mordred.. What should we do?" whispers Z
chris107: "RUN!"
Smon: The south door opens too, and several woad-tattooed goblins in furs wielding shortbows also emerge.
Prince Skylio: "Let's go!"
chris107: Mordred shoots Firebolts into the wooden boxes as he sprints off behind Zagaar
Smon: As you exit the pantry you hear angry shouts in Goblin from the top-knotted hobgoblin war chief. "BREE-YARK!"
*chris107 jumps over the little castle walls and legs it*
Smon: You run from the pantry back to the archery range.
chris107: "RUN, ZAGAAR!"
Smon: DC 8 Athletics or Acrobatics to clear the wall.
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 11, (+5) = 16
Smon: (I'll assume the Monk makes it)
Smon: Zagaar has +6 so fail on a 1 I think?
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 17, (+8) = 25
Smon: +8?
Smon: +4 STR +2 Prof?
Prince Skylio: oops chris confused me
Smon: Then I forgive you.
Prince Skylio: yes +6
Prince Skylio: 23
Smon: Easily vaulting the little wall you flee back the way you came.
Smon: You see Meepo ahead of you.
Smon: "Nasty goblins!" he mutters.
chris107: "RUN! MEEPO"
Smon: GM: Do you flee back to Meepo's hall, where there's a barred door?
chris107: yes please
Prince Skylio: yup
Smon: There is much clashing of shields and scornful yelling from behind you, but the enemy seem to be pursuing at a fairly sedate pace. By the time you reach Meepo's hall with him and latch the door closed, the sounds of pursuit are far off.
Smon: Meepo: "Whew! ...Did you find my Dragon?" he asks hopefully.
chris107: "Phew!"
Prince Skylio: "We heard a sound of a large beast..."
Prince Skylio: "Way too many goblins to see what it was though. We had to escape"
Smon: Meepo nods. "Calcryx! Nasty goblins! Bet they not treat him right!"
Smon: Meepo sighs sadly. "Chief Yusdrayl be angry we not rescue dragon."
chris107: "Do you have any friends that could help us fight so many Goblins?"
Smon: Meepo nods.
Smon: His kobold eyes look up at you puppy-dog style.
Smon: "I have three friends!" he says proudly.
Smon: "You... and you... and you!"
Smon: "You help me get dragon? Later, when nasty goblins sleep again?"
chris107: "Go fetch them. We'll rest here...Groan...."
Prince Skylio: "Hmmmmm"
Prince Skylio: "It does seem very dangerous down there Meepo..."
Smon: Meepo nods. "Big goblins are nasty."
chris107: Mordred presses his ear to the barred doors, listning for signs of peruit.
Prince Skylio: "Meepo, say we can find and release this dragon of yours.. Would it help us fight off the goblins?"
Smon: "Before big goblins came, little goblins not so bad. Sell apples to humans."
Smon: Meepo nods eagerly. "Calcryx very powerful! Look at scars he give me!"
Smon: He shows off some deep scars on his right shoulder.
Prince Skylio: "I think you need a new pet"
chris107: "We are not dressed for sneaking, Zagaar.."
Smon: No sign of pursuit - looks like you lost them back there.
Smon: Dragon not pet!" Meepo looks aghast at the suggestion/
chris107: I have one healing dice left, can we short rest? OOC
Smon: "Dragon surrounds us, holds us, binds us together! Dragon is mother! Dragon is father!"
Smon: You settle down and short rest (now 4pm).
Smon: can spend hd.
chris107: "Perhaps Sandro could sneak in and release the dragon?"
chris107 rolls 1d10+1 and gets: 1, (+1) = 2
chris107: 17/25
Smon: Sandro looks dubious.
Smon: OOC don't want to get Fergus' PC killed when he's not here.
chris107: We can die all on our own thanks
Smon: Meepo sighs: "You all wounded... Maybe you need rest, heal? Then we come back and get dragon?"
chris107: "That sounds like a good idea."
Smon: Meepo: "I come with you?" He says, hopefully.
chris107: "Sure thing, Meepo."
chris107: Back and rest in the cells?
Smon: Meepo grins broadly. "You true friends! We four adventurers now!"
Smon: GM: You want to long rest in the infested cells(?!)
chris107: or there was another pillared hall?
Prince Skylio: "So Meepo, want to help us? What if we could get you close enough to release your beloved Calcryx? You're the only one with experience. And the only one small enough to not be detected.."
chris107: (not been blessed with room descriptions only my pencil map...
Smon: Meepo seems to think you're taking him back to human town for a luxury all-expenses vacation.
chris107: Meepo is mistaken.
Smon: Meepo nods to Zagaar. "Yes! We help each other! Right?"
Prince Skylio: "Yeah sure"
Prince Skylio: "We get your dragon back. Your chief is happy. We can find the adventurers. If you don't get kil- I mean as long as that's okay Meepo?"
chris107: "Zagaar, maybe it's time we went and told old lady Hucrele what we know? Show her the Rangers ring, explain the situation and get back up?"
Smon: The kobold chief's hall had pillars, so did the smoky hall in goblin territory.
chris107: Nust be the Kobold chief's room then.
Smon: Meepo nods to Zagaar.
chris107: "Bugger this then, Zagaar. We're off."
Prince Skylio: *sigh* "okay..."
Smon: GM: Are you heading back to Bratanis now?
chris107: "We'll see you soon, Meepo,"
chris107: Yup
Smon: Meepo looks disconcerted: "You not want Meepo come with you?!"
chris107: No point the two of us ending up dead.
Prince Skylio: "We'll be back soon Meepo. You won't be safe back in town, most people don't even take kindly to me there"
Smon: Meepo nods. "You do look weird."
chris107: (OOC also as Mordred only gets his spells and such once a week, I think we need a weeks rest.)
Smon: "But I don't mind."
Prince Skylio: "Thanks Meepo"
Smon: Meepo smiles sadly and waves you all goodbye.
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 3,
chris107: "Bye, Meepo!"
Smon: You emerge from the Sunken Citadel to a light drizzle.
Smon: It's about 4.30pm.
Smon: You ascend the ravine and begin the hike back to Bratanis.
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg0EAbVjvmw_RuuRQVbGfScdl0M27KDmwiDsD16ZERrn2t0Xv3EAzbgudORglrruVt8deaKSVMO92inxqjUdsMRynHwFXyvuBwzUJnp5VdeCWiEcsKJc5zDmYVUmLFB8FdJhHOWQmV02pM/s640/Selatine+Area.jpg
Smon: /roll d12
Smon rolls 1d12 and gets: 4,
Smon: The journey is uneventful and as dusk is falling you come down out of the hills, cross the stone bridge over the Thrace river, and join the crowd of shepherds & sheep returning through the gates. Among the queuing shepherds you see Shelos & Misha, hand in hand.
Smon: Shelos: "Welcome back friends! How was your day?"
chris107: "Dangerous. But we have news. Some at least."
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEioIjqLzaTKZ5qNFJRMTij1maFQdhjk_3hz576GJ4xAUCOo0LX5an14SsMup-Zq18jY1zkx1Mwe56iqd_4PQasHda22jtFLhOA51EL0lYJGtuznM_S7jndMynnoNeV_GW387KN23Wx5ML8/s320/Shelos+the+Shepherd.jpg
Smon: "News, me too!"
Smon: He grins, clearly excited.
Smon: "You first, friends!"
chris107: "Let's grab a beer and I'll tell you all about it."
Smon: Shelos & Misha reach the head of the queue, driving their sheep in with aid of a new young shep-hound.
Smon: Shelos: "I'll get this lot penned, then see you at the Inn, friends."
chris107: Mordred sips at his ale and tells of their discoveries in the Sunless Citadel. Off their encounter with Meepo, his captured Dragon and the information that the Koblods gave us regarding the missing folks. He mentions findingKarakas and shows them the ring. Then goes on to describe the Goblin defences and the Hobgoblin defenders.
Smon: 6.30pm Arriving weary and footsore at the Bratanis Inn, the bar wenches bring you foaming mugs of ale and you are soon relaxing. Shelos and Misha come in, still hand in hand.
Smon: The shepherds listen in wonder. Shelos: "I wonder if the tales of the Gulthias Tree can really be true..."
chris107: "It would seem so."
Smon: Misha nods: "Mako did seem in great spirits after he ate that apple."
chris107: "The Hobgoblins seem to be the villians of the piece."
Smon: She nods over at Mako the halfling Innkeep.
chris107: "Forcing the Goblins to withold the apples and capturing the Dragon."
chris107: "But with only two of us. It would have been certain death."
Smon: Shelos nods: "Hobgoblins are foul beasts! I heard Adventurers drove them from the Tomb of St Ulther... They must have settled further west."
chris107: "We are only novices. I fear it will take more seasoned warriors to fight them."
chris107: "But we have the news we were sent to find."
Smon: Shelos nods. "Perhaps once Archermos has a war band trained, he will lead them south into battle with these hobgoblins and destroy them all."
Smon: "Aye?"
chris107: "We can only hope he will be in time."
Prince Skylio: "I hope Meepo is okay..." Z looks deep in thought
chris107: "We are pretty sure that the adventurers we were sent to find are captives of or victims of the Hobgoblins."
Prince Skylio: "Uh.. I mean. I need another beer" Z walks to the bar with a masculine swagger
Smon: Misha: "They say hobgoblins are born from the rape of human women by goblins - that's why they are all male."
chris107: "Just horrid."
Smon: LOL @Zagaar
Prince Skylio: "nice"
Smon: Misha sighs and sips her beer. "It's a horrid world... At least we rescued you, eh Shelos?"
chris107: "For a handful of gold, we dare not risk further investigation."
Smon: Shelos nods, arm round her shoulders. "Aye, my love! And now we are to wed!"
chris107: "Now, what was your news?"
chris107: "Congratulations!"
Smon: The busty red head server refills Zagaar's flagon with a smile.
Prince Skylio: "yeah I'm going need a seriously bigger paycheck if I'm expected to get raped by goblins"
Prince Skylio: "thanks, what's your name?" Z grins at the server
Smon: "Candice Wright, my Lord... of Yggsburgh."
Smon: She smiles up at the tusky beau.
Prince Skylio: "Well Candrice I might just be the Wright guy for you"
chris107: Mordred rolls his eyes and groans
Smon: Candice - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiJapaNqVPB4K5GHNVkaV6bYRyLLGzRZF7y_cZctIYXRAqAlIN0qwl46S-3uVEipOJu4nqyCX6GBUfAwonLxHbZmYBlC_o8oCSFQtydTVfnRZoHmIpm3rEXca5_U0tmgSHcPRSScCMxNXYu/s1600/Candice+Wright,+wealthy+heiress.png
Smon: She titters, then looks to Mako, who nods.
Smon: Misha leans in and whispers to Mordred: "That's one of those crazy Oriax girls."
Smon: "Thinks she's a Princess or something."
chris107: "Oriax?"
Smon: Misha: "The Horned Goat! The Lecherous One? Surely you've heard of him?"
chris107: "Only in legend."
chris107: "I hear he lives in a magical lighthouse a thousand feet tall?"
Smon: Shelos: "Aye! He brought many a fair maid into his tower, sold them like beasts... Until the Great Lord Hakeem drove him out."
chris107: "And brings slave girls from other worlds to serve him?"
Smon: Misha nods: "That's what Candice there says, anyway. She was a princess in a great city in a faraway never never land..."
chris107: "Praise the Lady of the Dawn for his downfall."
Smon: "...Until the Evil Wizard brought her here."
chris107: "Shocking behaviour, jolly bad form."
chris107: Mordred disapproves
Smon: Candice to Zagaar: "Shall I come sit with you, milord?"
Prince Skylio: "you're more than welcome, princess"
Smon: Shelos: "One day, they say, Oriax will return, for a final battle with Lord Hakeem."
Smon: Zagaar returns to the table with beer, Candice esconces herself on his lap.
chris107: "Then I hope he gets what he deserves!"
Smon: Candice: "Who? Oriax? Oh..." she sighs sadly at her ill-fortune.
chris107: Mordred doles out the various treasures we have aquired
Smon: Your friends look on with interest.
chris107: "Yes, sounds like a beastly fellow."
Prince Skylio: "You're safe with me Candice"
Smon: GM: A week at the Inn will be 3.5gp each.
Smon: Candice giggles at Zagaar.
chris107: We have one find of 17GP
chris107: I'll cross off enough for three of us.
Smon: So deduct 10.5?
chris107: yup
Smon: Zagaar make a DC 5 CHA check to not fart, belch or drool too disgustingly.
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
Smon: LOL
chris107: OOC Looks like Fergus is unable to join us this evening?
Prince Skylio: "i think i'm drunk"
Smon: +2 Prof = 4, fail
Smon: dunno
Smon: Candice winces, soon reminded why one doesn't date half-orcs.... "I better see to the kitchen."
Smon: She rises, leaving Zagaar unlucky in love once again.
chris107: OOC Was chatting with him last night and he seemed keen, maybe his tour is running late?
Prince Skylio: "she wasn't my type anyway"
Prince Skylio: "slag"
Smon: I think he said might be 9.30?
Smon: Misha grins: "She wasn't right for you, Zagaar."
chris107: Mordred quietly dies inside.
Prince Skylio: "you on the other hand seem prime for some orc loving"
Smon: Shelos: "So, as I was saying... we are to be wed in a sixday! Father Eberus will officiate."
Prince Skylio: "you know what i'm definitelty drunk"
Prince Skylio: "do i still get an invite to the wedding"
chris107: "Er,,,Yes, what a handsome couple you will make!"
Smon: Misha: "Only one lover for me, Orc.." She grins, hugging Shelos tighter.
chris107: He hastily talks over the wretched drunk
Smon: Shelos: "My friends, I wish you to be Best Men at my wedding!"
Smon: "Without you, I would be dead!"
Prince Skylio: "if there is ale and bridesmaids i'm there"
chris107: "Well, only if you will accept these as wedding gifts from the three of us?"
chris107: Mordred hands over the three 25GP gems we found
Smon: Misha nods: "My slave girl friends will be bridesmaiding - I expect one of them will like you. Berta the Fat or Holma the Plain, maybe."
Smon: Shelos' eyes widen at the sight of the gems. "Riches beyond belief! You honour me too much, friends!"
chris107: (OOC, nearly £4K, should pay towards the reception )
Prince Skylio: Zagaar looks sad and lifts his right hand to stare at it. "Looks like it's just you and me old friend"
Smon: Misha eyes Zagaar. "I reckon Berta could definitely go for an Orc like you."
chris107: "Is this Bertha blind an doesn't have nose?"
chris107: "No offence."
chris107: He adds hastily
Smon: Misha: "No indeed! She has a very... retrousee nose, as the Antillians say. Bit like his." (Zagaar's)
chris107: Mordred tries not to vomit in his ale, thinking about this great beauty.
chris107: "I'm sure they would make a lovely couple."
8:21pm 2017-7-15 sandor sunneson Has entered the room
sandor sunneson: evening boyz
chris107: Evening Fergus
Prince Skylio: "Maybe they'll have one for you too Mordred."
Prince Skylio: "Or maybe you could just head back to your room and make love to your owl"
sandor sunneson: Hi Chris, Kyle and GM
chris107: "Alas, I am married to the job, Zagaar,"
Prince Skylio: OOC Hi Fergus
chris107: Mordred loftily ignores the stinking Orc. Obviosly drunk.
Smon: Hi Fergus
Prince Skylio: "pussy"
sandor sunneson: How's it going so far? No change of mind for Hakeem fighting that tall bloke?
chris107: He orders more ale for us and the happy couple.
sandor sunneson: Hi Simon
chris107: wrong game, Fergus
Smon: GM: The group heroically retreated from the Goblin Horde and returned to the Bratanis Inn for a night of drinking.
sandor sunneson: very focused Chris
chris107: and a week to recover my two spells
sandor sunneson: Oh yeah, staying alive
Smon: Shelos & Misha announced they are to wed in 6 days.
chris107: Perfect timing.
sandor sunneson: Lovelt
Smon: GM: Next morning you go report to Lady Hucrele as her carriage is readying to leave.
Smon: She is with Lady Thuvia Bratanis in the Bratanis Hall.
Prince Skylio: "....My head is pounding.. What happened last night"
Smon: Hucrele: "Welcome friends. I heard you returned last night... What news?"
Smon: I suspect Zagaar awoke in the sheep pen...
Smon: *bbaaaaaaa*
chris107: "Tell them, Zagaar."
Smon: At least *those* girls never say no...
chris107: hris107: Mordred sips at his ale and tells of their discoveries in the Sunless Citadel. Off their encounter with Meepo, his captured Dragon and the information that the Koblods gave us regarding the missing folks. He mentions findingKarakas and shows them the ring. Then goes on to describe the Goblin defences and the Hobgoblin defenders.
chris107: except minus the ale
Prince Skylio: "...Uh... We met a Kobold.. We searched for a dragon.. Your friend Karakas or whatever is dead.. Uh Mordred I'm not good at this stuff"
chris107: "Anything to add my alert friends?"
Prince Skylio: "Sorry I had a lot to drink last night"
sandor sunneson: Nope, well summarised
chris107: Another little bit of Mordred dies.
Smon: Stout Lady Hucrele nods sadly, turning the ring in her fingers.
Smon: "Most likely my niece and nephew have met a similar fate, then. Thank you for this news."
chris107: "My heart weeps for you, dear lady."
Prince Skylio: "Mordred do you know any spells to get rid of indegestion" Zagaar vaguely recalls a flurry of white wool in his mouth from the previous night
Smon: "Although Karakas is not a relative, I would like to reward you for returning this. Would twenty gold suffice?"
chris107: "That is most kind."
chris107: He gives Zagaar a hard stare
Prince Skylio: Z's eyes gleam "yes. sorry for your loss. but yes. definitely"
chris107: "later! You oaf." he hisses
Smon: The Lady takes the ring and hands you 20gp from her pouch.
Smon: (Nearly 2 weeks at the Inn!)
Smon: GM: Hucrele: "If you have more news, seek me in Ahyf." Archermos the Weaponmaster approaches you.
Smon: Hucrele mounts her carriage and trundles off north.
chris107: Mordred slips the coins into his tunic and away from the grasp of light fingered Monks and grasping degenerate Orcs
sandor sunneson: Dinner on you then!
Smon: Archermos: "Friends, you are the first to return from the Sunless Citadel since I have been Weaponmaster here. What threats did you encounter?"
chris107: "I just paid for your hotel stay you ingrate."
Prince Skylio: "lots of goblins. and hobgoblins"
Prince Skylio: "and a big rat but I squashed it with The Verminator" Z gestures to his hammer
Smon: GM: Zagaar senses he's been watched. Glancing past Archermos, he sees Misha with a ravishing vision of loveliness... https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7f/6a/20/7f6a201ece6c0f1abf750034299c757e--bolton-game-of-thrones-bolton-got.jpg
Smon: Archermos grins: "A fine hammer indeed!"
chris107: "You could do a lot worse mate."
Smon: Misha is pointing out Zagaar. The slave girl with her titters and waves.
sandor sunneson: Any holes a goal
Prince Skylio: Zagaar waves back merrily "Maybe she has a better looking sister"
chris107: "There is a chance, Master Archermos, that the folks are still alive. "
chris107: "Alas, we are not overly skilled. So far."
Smon: Berta smiles and titters more. Archermos frowns and turns round. "You two girls should be out in the fields! Sheep to Shep, crops to plant!"
Prince Skylio: "Archermos I know this is serious business but you are totally cockblocking right now"
chris107: Mordred hangs his head in shame.
Smon: Archermos shoos off the ladies, then turns back to you. "Still alive, eh?"
Prince Skylio: Zagaar realises he is probably never getting laid again ever
Prince Skylio: "Unfortunately, yes. Yes we are."
chris107: "Not for long if he tackles that."
Smon: Archermos eyes Zagaar. "Don't worry my Orcish friend - come Misha's wedding I'm sure there'll be revelry for all!"
sandor sunneson: lol
chris107: Mordred points at the retreating monster
Smon: OOC Fergus - Zagaar had to roll a 3+ on a CHA check to bed a hot busty redhead slave girl.... rolled 2.
chris107: Art imitating life
sandor sunneson: Sandro says that after the wedding, he is considering setting off to Belaras, he needs to pass on this staff to Larsonos (shows staff) and asks if those 2 want to join him
sandor sunneson: Setting the tone.....
chris107: "Yeah sure Sandro, you've been such a help, how could we say no?"
chris107: "But I do need to relearn the two spells I get a week."
sandor sunneson: Not sure what he wants with it. Sure well can set off once your ready
chris107: "And the hotel is paid for..."
Prince Skylio: "mordred if you made a spell that made candice fancy me would that be rape or not"
Prince Skylio: "in fact never mind"
chris107: Mordred retreats inside the inn, pretending he didn't hear.
Smon: GM: Moving on... For the next 6 days the good folk of Bratanis work to erect a new hovel for the happy couple.
chris107: To preserva at least a little of his tattered dignity
sandor sunneson: Erect, snigger snigger
chris107: "By the way, Sandro. You gifted the happy couple a gem. One of the ones Zagaar and I rescued."
Smon: 2/3/47 BCCC Aphrodite sends her protection and the day of the wedding dawns bright and clear.
Smon: Strange rumours have come from the north of hordes of Lizardmen seen on the road, heading towards Trade on the coast.
Smon: And a mighty Wyvern flying above them.
chris107: Mordred combs his hair and polishes his armour
chris107: ready for the big day
Smon: Mako the Innkeep: "I heard rumours of a great battle in the Caverns of Thracia... Hakeem and the Dragonborn Prince Shieldbiter have triumphed once more! Slain the First King of the Dragon Lords and taken his head!"
chris107: "Well, that all sounds very poitive."
Smon: Mako points to a dark haired girl eating breakfast with two amazons at an inn table. "She there told me - Aya the Slinger she's called. She's off to Selatine to be the new Weaponmaster or somesuch."
Smon: Mako beams. "Aye! With Lord Hakeem to protect us, these hills are safe from all harm!"
Smon: "Did I tell you about the time he destroyed the army of Warlord Yusan?"
Smon: "Or the time he closed the Black Sun Gate and collapsed all their zombie hordes?"
chris107: "Sounds like he's been a busy fellow."
Smon: Ellen the barmaid speaks up from scrubbing the bar: "He's the greatest. They say he's Bondor, come again."
sandor sunneson: A man to lead men he sounds like
Smon: Ellen - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhsZeMEPn_2sU95CCeX2bH_srAmxhwz2_D4Ozl6V6SgIoTC0zNQgHtKOME13oXCauXvql1EqQi5AFZqtgfhasmbTwmFg0159uDgoDT6kV4OoINFjX6ONE4aCQ6_crdaLTpEX1M3sIiUNwg/s320/Ellen.png
Smon: Mako nods. "I expect those migrating lizardmen are his doing, too. Probably joining his army."
sandor sunneson: He sounds as if he has lots on this plate Hakeem chap, wonder if he just wishes he could be somewhere else, sunning himself on a beach.
Smon: "Soon there'll be the Final Battle. Hakeem will crush the Black Sun - like that!" His fist descends on a bap, flattening it.
Smon: Mako: "No no, he's a real Hero! His destiny is to save us all."
Smon: Mako: "Now, scuse me while I bring these Amazon ladies more baps..."
chris107: Mordred looks on blankly. having no idea who this chap they are talking about is.
sandor sunneson: Don't sound impressed by him Morders?
Smon: GM: You rest that day (you can do your Long Rest recovery stuff now) and gather that evening for the wedding by the Shrine of Zeus, decked out in Aphrodite's flowers for the occasion.
chris107: "Sounds like this Prince Shieldbiter knows what he's doing."
Smon: The whole village is there, Lady Thuvia, Misha in one of the Lady's dresses borrowed for the occasion.
chris107: Mordred is more impressed by rank, sure that a prince can do better than some common Barbarian.
Smon: Ellen: "It's so nice of the Lady to lend Misha such a lovely white dress!"
Smon: Mako in his best halfling samurai armour.
chris107: Mordred admires the cool armour.
Smon: The free and slave shepherds, including Berta among the bridesmaids, wreathed in vegetation for the occasion.
sandor sunneson: Looking good Mako
Smon: Mako grins up at Sandro: "Been polishing it all night! Ain't worn it in years!"
chris107: "Fuck! That's a lot of vegetation!"
Prince Skylio: "since when did you swear"
Smon: Father Eberus the Wise indicates for the Best Men to take their places to Shelos' side.
Prince Skylio: "and snazzy armour Mako"
chris107: Mordred blushes, forgetting his courtly manners for a brief moment at the Shambling Mounds he sees opposite
Prince Skylio: Z makes his way over to Shelos' side
Smon: "Dear Beloved, we are gathered together today in the sight of Aphrodite, Hera and all the gods of our land, to witness the union of..."
Smon: LOL
Smon: Berta's resemblance to http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/91209/ShamblingMound1.jpg is quite striking.
Prince Skylio: hot
Smon: Misha is looking exquisite in the Lady's virginal white dress, with a crown of red-pink flowers.
chris107: Mordred will be all courtly manners and well behaved, genuinly wishing the happy couple well.
chris107: He was just a bit shocked.
Smon: "...If any man or women here knows of a reason why these two should not be joined, let him speak now..."
Prince Skylio: Zagaar burps
Smon: OOC Fergus Berta the bridesmaid - https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7f/6a/20/7f6a201ece6c0f1abf750034299c757e--bolton-game-of-thrones-bolton-got.jpg
Smon: "Shelos of Bratanis, do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?"
Prince Skylio: Z winks at Berta
Smon: "I do"
sandor sunneson: How radiant
Smon: Berta titters and waves back.
Prince Skylio: "Mordred.. Is this not a bit awkward for you.. You know after you named your owl after her" Z whispers
chris107: "Hush, you oaf."
Smon: "Misha, now of Bratanis, do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband, to love honour and obey, until death do you part?"
Prince Skylio: "Just a few of the guys were talking and it kind of seems like you were some desperate stalker or something but hey it's just a rumour I'm sure its nothing" he whispers
Smon: Misha glances over at Mordred, pauses for just a second, then says "I do."
Smon: "You may kiss the bride."
Smon: The crowd cheers.
Prince Skylio: yay
sandor sunneson: Snadro applauds
chris107: The last vestige of self respect perishes in Mordred's breast.
Smon: As darkness falls the bonfire is lit and the feast brought out.
chris107: He cheers as best he can.
Smon: Great tubs of mead are produced from Mako's cellar, while sheep roast on their spits.
chris107: "Too late, Zagaar."
Smon: Zagaar gets chatting with the lovely and frondrous Berta...
Smon: CHA check DC 5 Zagaar.
chris107: Mordred points at the dead sheep
Prince Skylio: "Hi Berta. You must be the sentient pork scratching that Misha was telling me about. How goes your evening?"
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20 and gets: 10,
Smon: Berta giggles "Oh, you!" She punches Zagaar affectionately in the gut.
chris107: 5HP?
sandor sunneson: (what time you playing till?)
sandor sunneson: (we even)
Smon: "I hear you're a great hero, Zagaar! You saved Shelos!"
sandor sunneson: lol
Prince Skylio: "Yeah. That was all me. Nice veg love"
chris107: (Just opened another bottle here, Fergus, so whenever )
Smon: "I know! Isn't it! We were up for *hours* last night weaving it in!" She points to a cabbage on her chest, and some slightly wilted leaks.
chris107: Mordred scurries off. Mortal afraid of what may come next.
Smon: "...So, ere, you got plans to settle down? Get married too, like?"
Prince Skylio: "That's lovely Berta. So do you also enjoy anal I mean asparagus as it is one of my favourite vegetables"
sandor sunneson: (I'm working tomorrow, off to Oban, happy to let you chaps play on)
sandor sunneson: (I'll play till 2230)
Prince Skylio: "Not yet Berta. Maybe if I meet the right lady but alas my heart is torn"
Smon: Berta frowns slightly "Yes... asparagus is very nice. I like the big juicy ones best!"
Smon: "Torn?"
chris107: (That works for me, Fergus)
Smon: She puts a chubby hand on Z's.
Smon: (yes 10.30 good, or may be a bit earlier)
Prince Skylio: "There's this woman I like who sometimes wears cabbages but I don't know if she likes me back"
Smon: Berta blinks. "Oh, that's a coinci... I ... ow!"
Smon: She smiles broadly.
Smon: "I bet she does, you know! Say, why don't we take a walk down by the river? I know I'll be safe with YOU to look after me!"
Prince Skylio: "you sure will Berta"
chris107: Mordred prays that this fades to black!
Smon: GM: I'm prepared to draw a veil over the rest of the wedding night's revelry...
Smon: X-post
sandor sunneson: (Can do 10.20, so ten min or so to organise next game(s))
chris107: OOC If a night with Berta doesn't get Zagaar to 4th level. Nothing will!
Prince Skylio: Zagaar takes 400 damage to his pelvic region
chris107: CR19?
Smon: 3/3/47 Zagaar awakens this time in his room at the inn, to a sound like thunder... Berta is beside him, snoring contentedly.
Smon: Well, it has to beat sheep, right?
chris107: You think?
Prince Skylio: Zagaar has no regrets.
Smon: That seems a good place to stop. Are you planning to head west to the Temple of Belaras now?
Smon: Deliver the stick?
chris107: Yup, Sandro's stick needs delivering. Happy to help
Prince Skylio: Zagaar delivered the stick the previous night
Prince Skylio: But in all seriousness yes
Smon: LOL
sandor sunneson:
Smon: I'm away from next Thursday for a week, next game Saturday 2 weeks?
sandor sunneson: Just as well Bill's not around
Smon: Bill refuses to play low level.
sandor sunneson: 29?
Prince Skylio: good with me
Smon: Yeah 29 8pm should be good.
Smon: My friend Craig will be here, he might play.
sandor sunneson: that should work for me
Smon: Small chance will need to reschedule to a different night
chris107: I won't be able to make 29th but Kyle can.
Smon: Oh, in that case might be best another day that week.
sandor sunneson: Can confirm via DF thread a fews days before
chris107: We co on hyoliday 31st
sandor sunneson: To Filey?
chris107: That's probs best with Kyle's shifts
chris107: To Skeggy!
Smon: Any day 28th July or 1st 2nd & 4th Aug look good
chris107: We're away 31-4th
Smon: How's 28th July?
Smon: Friday
chris107: Good for me but..
Prince Skylio: I'll be working on the bar that evening
chris107: Wednesday 26th?
Smon: OK guess stick w 29th unless I find I have a thing on that day
chris107: That's good for us two
Smon: I could do 26th from 8pm - I fly in from Scotland
sandor sunneson: I don't find out what exact shifts are until the week before anyway
sandor sunneson: but should be around
chris107: pencil in 26th?
sandor sunneson: cool, and we confirm on DF thread a few days before....
chris107: that sounds good
Smon: I get into London 17.15 so home in time I reckon
Smon: OK pencil in 26th
chris107: Heathrow?
Smon: yeah, so 2 hours home & 40 min swim
Smon: might be 8.15
sandor sunneson: So Monday, Hakeem and Lady Meda rendez vous? Tues and Wed night I'll be in Skye so could bring laptop
chris107: no probs, we're both at home.
Smon: Yes, high level game Monday 7pm
chris107: See you on Monday at 7
Smon: Chris game on Tues
chris107: Thanks for a verry funny evening
sandor sunneson: Ok, I'm off so will be around. Is Ajax required or is it just focussing on Hak and LM?
chris107: Redstar is on Tuesday, yes.
sandor sunneson: I'll do that from Skye Chris, so will bring laptop
Smon: I don't know Fergus, Sandor prob more important
chris107: Cool
Smon: We may do Ursa & co stuff too.
6:59pm 2017-7-15 Smon Has entered the room
7:02pm 2017-7-15 chris107 Has entered the room
7:02pm 2017-7-15 Prince Skylio Has entered the room
chris107: Evening Simon
Prince Skylio: Hello
Smon: Hi both
chris107: Evening Orc
Smon: Last week's session - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2017/07/lvl-3-day-26247-to-ca-3pm-sunken.html
Prince Skylio:
chris107: Through the crenelated shooting range, pantry and into the many columned room with a door to the west
chris107: Mordred 15/25HP
Smon: You hear the high pitched yelping of many goblins in the distance...
chris107: no action surges left, 1 second wind left.
Smon: It looks like the smoky hall has many exits.
Smon: Hard to see through the murk (of WotC's terribly drawn maps)
Prince Skylio: Zagaar 25/25
Smon: 3 doors off along the n side of the pillared hall, one on the s side towards the w wall. Double doors opposite.
chris107: Can we pinpoint if the Goblin voices come from a specific direction?
Smon: It sounds like many goblins are in a commotion beyond the double doors opposite, but the doors stay shut for now.
Smon: Listening, Modred hears the sound of hobnailed boots from his right.
chris107: Mordred slips from pillar to pillar
chris107: The doors to the North?
Smon: The heavy booted steps are approaching from beyond the 2nd or 3rd door on the n wall.
Smon: Mordred moves through the Hall stealthily - where is he heading to?
Smon: There are 2 rows each of 5 pillars in the 20' wide hall.
chris107: the first pillar to the south side of it
Smon: The hall is about 60' long e-w.
Smon: OK
Smon: Mordred slips behind the pillar.
Smon: What is Zagaar doing?
Smon: He is currently at the east doorway of the smoky hall.
chris107: Loking for paractamol at the moment
chris107: 1 min
Prince Skylio: Sorry
Prince Skylio: Zagaar was walking around the kitchen confused for 15 minutes
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Prince Skylio: Z will attempt to stay hidden in the pantry
Smon: OK Zagaar stays back in the pantry.
Smon: A few more moments pass.
Smon: I'm guessing Sandro has fallen back too. In the silence you hear a muffled snort from the first door on the e wall - sounds like some large beast... Then you hear a war-horn sound from behind the second or third n door.
chris107: Mordred dashes back towards the pantry
Smon: A moment later the central north door bursts open...
Smon: Mordred roll init to get out of the hall ahead of them.
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 12, (+3) = 15
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 12, (+1) = 13
Smon: Mordred is disappearing through the pantry door as several heavily armoured Hobgoblin warriors pour into the hall from the north, one blowing a horn.
Prince Skylio: (If Z is stood in the pantry/doorway will he have enough room to swing his hammer?)
Smon: At the sound the far doors open away from you, revealing dozens of goblins hefting miscellaneous rusty implements.
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 5, 2, = 7
Prince Skylio: "Mordred.. What should we do?" whispers Z
chris107: "RUN!"
Smon: The south door opens too, and several woad-tattooed goblins in furs wielding shortbows also emerge.
Prince Skylio: "Let's go!"
chris107: Mordred shoots Firebolts into the wooden boxes as he sprints off behind Zagaar
Smon: As you exit the pantry you hear angry shouts in Goblin from the top-knotted hobgoblin war chief. "BREE-YARK!"
*chris107 jumps over the little castle walls and legs it*
Smon: You run from the pantry back to the archery range.
chris107: "RUN, ZAGAAR!"
Smon: DC 8 Athletics or Acrobatics to clear the wall.
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 11, (+5) = 16
Smon: (I'll assume the Monk makes it)
Smon: Zagaar has +6 so fail on a 1 I think?
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 17, (+8) = 25
Smon: +8?
Smon: +4 STR +2 Prof?
Prince Skylio: oops chris confused me
Smon: Then I forgive you.
Prince Skylio: yes +6
Prince Skylio: 23
Smon: Easily vaulting the little wall you flee back the way you came.
Smon: You see Meepo ahead of you.
Smon: "Nasty goblins!" he mutters.
chris107: "RUN! MEEPO"
Smon: GM: Do you flee back to Meepo's hall, where there's a barred door?
chris107: yes please
Prince Skylio: yup
Smon: There is much clashing of shields and scornful yelling from behind you, but the enemy seem to be pursuing at a fairly sedate pace. By the time you reach Meepo's hall with him and latch the door closed, the sounds of pursuit are far off.
Smon: Meepo: "Whew! ...Did you find my Dragon?" he asks hopefully.
chris107: "Phew!"
Prince Skylio: "We heard a sound of a large beast..."
Prince Skylio: "Way too many goblins to see what it was though. We had to escape"
Smon: Meepo nods. "Calcryx! Nasty goblins! Bet they not treat him right!"
Smon: Meepo sighs sadly. "Chief Yusdrayl be angry we not rescue dragon."
chris107: "Do you have any friends that could help us fight so many Goblins?"
Smon: Meepo nods.
Smon: His kobold eyes look up at you puppy-dog style.
Smon: "I have three friends!" he says proudly.
Smon: "You... and you... and you!"
Smon: "You help me get dragon? Later, when nasty goblins sleep again?"
chris107: "Go fetch them. We'll rest here...Groan...."
Prince Skylio: "Hmmmmm"
Prince Skylio: "It does seem very dangerous down there Meepo..."
Smon: Meepo nods. "Big goblins are nasty."
chris107: Mordred presses his ear to the barred doors, listning for signs of peruit.
Prince Skylio: "Meepo, say we can find and release this dragon of yours.. Would it help us fight off the goblins?"
Smon: "Before big goblins came, little goblins not so bad. Sell apples to humans."
Smon: Meepo nods eagerly. "Calcryx very powerful! Look at scars he give me!"
Smon: He shows off some deep scars on his right shoulder.
Prince Skylio: "I think you need a new pet"
chris107: "We are not dressed for sneaking, Zagaar.."
Smon: No sign of pursuit - looks like you lost them back there.
Smon: Dragon not pet!" Meepo looks aghast at the suggestion/
chris107: I have one healing dice left, can we short rest? OOC
Smon: "Dragon surrounds us, holds us, binds us together! Dragon is mother! Dragon is father!"
Smon: You settle down and short rest (now 4pm).
Smon: can spend hd.
chris107: "Perhaps Sandro could sneak in and release the dragon?"
chris107 rolls 1d10+1 and gets: 1, (+1) = 2
chris107: 17/25
Smon: Sandro looks dubious.
Smon: OOC don't want to get Fergus' PC killed when he's not here.
chris107: We can die all on our own thanks
Smon: Meepo sighs: "You all wounded... Maybe you need rest, heal? Then we come back and get dragon?"
chris107: "That sounds like a good idea."
Smon: Meepo: "I come with you?" He says, hopefully.
chris107: "Sure thing, Meepo."
chris107: Back and rest in the cells?
Smon: Meepo grins broadly. "You true friends! We four adventurers now!"
Smon: GM: You want to long rest in the infested cells(?!)
chris107: or there was another pillared hall?
Prince Skylio: "So Meepo, want to help us? What if we could get you close enough to release your beloved Calcryx? You're the only one with experience. And the only one small enough to not be detected.."
chris107: (not been blessed with room descriptions only my pencil map...
Smon: Meepo seems to think you're taking him back to human town for a luxury all-expenses vacation.
chris107: Meepo is mistaken.
Smon: Meepo nods to Zagaar. "Yes! We help each other! Right?"
Prince Skylio: "Yeah sure"
Prince Skylio: "We get your dragon back. Your chief is happy. We can find the adventurers. If you don't get kil- I mean as long as that's okay Meepo?"
chris107: "Zagaar, maybe it's time we went and told old lady Hucrele what we know? Show her the Rangers ring, explain the situation and get back up?"
Smon: The kobold chief's hall had pillars, so did the smoky hall in goblin territory.
chris107: Nust be the Kobold chief's room then.
Smon: Meepo nods to Zagaar.
chris107: "Bugger this then, Zagaar. We're off."
Prince Skylio: *sigh* "okay..."
Smon: GM: Are you heading back to Bratanis now?
chris107: "We'll see you soon, Meepo,"
chris107: Yup
Smon: Meepo looks disconcerted: "You not want Meepo come with you?!"
chris107: No point the two of us ending up dead.
Prince Skylio: "We'll be back soon Meepo. You won't be safe back in town, most people don't even take kindly to me there"
Smon: Meepo nods. "You do look weird."
chris107: (OOC also as Mordred only gets his spells and such once a week, I think we need a weeks rest.)
Smon: "But I don't mind."
Prince Skylio: "Thanks Meepo"
Smon: Meepo smiles sadly and waves you all goodbye.
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 3,
chris107: "Bye, Meepo!"
Smon: You emerge from the Sunken Citadel to a light drizzle.
Smon: It's about 4.30pm.
Smon: You ascend the ravine and begin the hike back to Bratanis.
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg0EAbVjvmw_RuuRQVbGfScdl0M27KDmwiDsD16ZERrn2t0Xv3EAzbgudORglrruVt8deaKSVMO92inxqjUdsMRynHwFXyvuBwzUJnp5VdeCWiEcsKJc5zDmYVUmLFB8FdJhHOWQmV02pM/s640/Selatine+Area.jpg
Smon: /roll d12
Smon rolls 1d12 and gets: 4,
Smon: The journey is uneventful and as dusk is falling you come down out of the hills, cross the stone bridge over the Thrace river, and join the crowd of shepherds & sheep returning through the gates. Among the queuing shepherds you see Shelos & Misha, hand in hand.
Smon: Shelos: "Welcome back friends! How was your day?"
chris107: "Dangerous. But we have news. Some at least."
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEioIjqLzaTKZ5qNFJRMTij1maFQdhjk_3hz576GJ4xAUCOo0LX5an14SsMup-Zq18jY1zkx1Mwe56iqd_4PQasHda22jtFLhOA51EL0lYJGtuznM_S7jndMynnoNeV_GW387KN23Wx5ML8/s320/Shelos+the+Shepherd.jpg
Smon: "News, me too!"
Smon: He grins, clearly excited.
Smon: "You first, friends!"
chris107: "Let's grab a beer and I'll tell you all about it."
Smon: Shelos & Misha reach the head of the queue, driving their sheep in with aid of a new young shep-hound.
Smon: Shelos: "I'll get this lot penned, then see you at the Inn, friends."
chris107: Mordred sips at his ale and tells of their discoveries in the Sunless Citadel. Off their encounter with Meepo, his captured Dragon and the information that the Koblods gave us regarding the missing folks. He mentions findingKarakas and shows them the ring. Then goes on to describe the Goblin defences and the Hobgoblin defenders.
Smon: 6.30pm Arriving weary and footsore at the Bratanis Inn, the bar wenches bring you foaming mugs of ale and you are soon relaxing. Shelos and Misha come in, still hand in hand.
Smon: The shepherds listen in wonder. Shelos: "I wonder if the tales of the Gulthias Tree can really be true..."
chris107: "It would seem so."
Smon: Misha nods: "Mako did seem in great spirits after he ate that apple."
chris107: "The Hobgoblins seem to be the villians of the piece."
Smon: She nods over at Mako the halfling Innkeep.
chris107: "Forcing the Goblins to withold the apples and capturing the Dragon."
chris107: "But with only two of us. It would have been certain death."
Smon: Shelos nods: "Hobgoblins are foul beasts! I heard Adventurers drove them from the Tomb of St Ulther... They must have settled further west."
chris107: "We are only novices. I fear it will take more seasoned warriors to fight them."
chris107: "But we have the news we were sent to find."
Smon: Shelos nods. "Perhaps once Archermos has a war band trained, he will lead them south into battle with these hobgoblins and destroy them all."
Smon: "Aye?"
chris107: "We can only hope he will be in time."
Prince Skylio: "I hope Meepo is okay..." Z looks deep in thought
chris107: "We are pretty sure that the adventurers we were sent to find are captives of or victims of the Hobgoblins."
Prince Skylio: "Uh.. I mean. I need another beer" Z walks to the bar with a masculine swagger
Smon: Misha: "They say hobgoblins are born from the rape of human women by goblins - that's why they are all male."
chris107: "Just horrid."
Smon: LOL @Zagaar
Prince Skylio: "nice"
Smon: Misha sighs and sips her beer. "It's a horrid world... At least we rescued you, eh Shelos?"
chris107: "For a handful of gold, we dare not risk further investigation."
Smon: Shelos nods, arm round her shoulders. "Aye, my love! And now we are to wed!"
chris107: "Now, what was your news?"
chris107: "Congratulations!"
Smon: The busty red head server refills Zagaar's flagon with a smile.
Prince Skylio: "yeah I'm going need a seriously bigger paycheck if I'm expected to get raped by goblins"
Prince Skylio: "thanks, what's your name?" Z grins at the server
Smon: "Candice Wright, my Lord... of Yggsburgh."
Smon: She smiles up at the tusky beau.
Prince Skylio: "Well Candrice I might just be the Wright guy for you"
chris107: Mordred rolls his eyes and groans
Smon: Candice - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiJapaNqVPB4K5GHNVkaV6bYRyLLGzRZF7y_cZctIYXRAqAlIN0qwl46S-3uVEipOJu4nqyCX6GBUfAwonLxHbZmYBlC_o8oCSFQtydTVfnRZoHmIpm3rEXca5_U0tmgSHcPRSScCMxNXYu/s1600/Candice+Wright,+wealthy+heiress.png
Smon: She titters, then looks to Mako, who nods.
Smon: Misha leans in and whispers to Mordred: "That's one of those crazy Oriax girls."
Smon: "Thinks she's a Princess or something."
chris107: "Oriax?"
Smon: Misha: "The Horned Goat! The Lecherous One? Surely you've heard of him?"
chris107: "Only in legend."
chris107: "I hear he lives in a magical lighthouse a thousand feet tall?"
Smon: Shelos: "Aye! He brought many a fair maid into his tower, sold them like beasts... Until the Great Lord Hakeem drove him out."
chris107: "And brings slave girls from other worlds to serve him?"
Smon: Misha nods: "That's what Candice there says, anyway. She was a princess in a great city in a faraway never never land..."
chris107: "Praise the Lady of the Dawn for his downfall."
Smon: "...Until the Evil Wizard brought her here."
chris107: "Shocking behaviour, jolly bad form."
chris107: Mordred disapproves
Smon: Candice to Zagaar: "Shall I come sit with you, milord?"
Prince Skylio: "you're more than welcome, princess"
Smon: Shelos: "One day, they say, Oriax will return, for a final battle with Lord Hakeem."
Smon: Zagaar returns to the table with beer, Candice esconces herself on his lap.
chris107: "Then I hope he gets what he deserves!"
Smon: Candice: "Who? Oriax? Oh..." she sighs sadly at her ill-fortune.
chris107: Mordred doles out the various treasures we have aquired
Smon: Your friends look on with interest.
chris107: "Yes, sounds like a beastly fellow."
Prince Skylio: "You're safe with me Candice"
Smon: GM: A week at the Inn will be 3.5gp each.
Smon: Candice giggles at Zagaar.
chris107: We have one find of 17GP
chris107: I'll cross off enough for three of us.
Smon: So deduct 10.5?
chris107: yup
Smon: Zagaar make a DC 5 CHA check to not fart, belch or drool too disgustingly.
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
Smon: LOL
chris107: OOC Looks like Fergus is unable to join us this evening?
Prince Skylio: "i think i'm drunk"
Smon: +2 Prof = 4, fail
Smon: dunno
Smon: Candice winces, soon reminded why one doesn't date half-orcs.... "I better see to the kitchen."
Smon: She rises, leaving Zagaar unlucky in love once again.
chris107: OOC Was chatting with him last night and he seemed keen, maybe his tour is running late?
Prince Skylio: "she wasn't my type anyway"
Prince Skylio: "slag"
Smon: I think he said might be 9.30?
Smon: Misha grins: "She wasn't right for you, Zagaar."
chris107: Mordred quietly dies inside.
Prince Skylio: "you on the other hand seem prime for some orc loving"
Smon: Shelos: "So, as I was saying... we are to be wed in a sixday! Father Eberus will officiate."
Prince Skylio: "you know what i'm definitelty drunk"
Prince Skylio: "do i still get an invite to the wedding"
chris107: "Er,,,Yes, what a handsome couple you will make!"
Smon: Misha: "Only one lover for me, Orc.." She grins, hugging Shelos tighter.
chris107: He hastily talks over the wretched drunk
Smon: Shelos: "My friends, I wish you to be Best Men at my wedding!"
Smon: "Without you, I would be dead!"
Prince Skylio: "if there is ale and bridesmaids i'm there"
chris107: "Well, only if you will accept these as wedding gifts from the three of us?"
chris107: Mordred hands over the three 25GP gems we found
Smon: Misha nods: "My slave girl friends will be bridesmaiding - I expect one of them will like you. Berta the Fat or Holma the Plain, maybe."
Smon: Shelos' eyes widen at the sight of the gems. "Riches beyond belief! You honour me too much, friends!"
chris107: (OOC, nearly £4K, should pay towards the reception )
Prince Skylio: Zagaar looks sad and lifts his right hand to stare at it. "Looks like it's just you and me old friend"
Smon: Misha eyes Zagaar. "I reckon Berta could definitely go for an Orc like you."
chris107: "Is this Bertha blind an doesn't have nose?"
chris107: "No offence."
chris107: He adds hastily
Smon: Misha: "No indeed! She has a very... retrousee nose, as the Antillians say. Bit like his." (Zagaar's)
chris107: Mordred tries not to vomit in his ale, thinking about this great beauty.
chris107: "I'm sure they would make a lovely couple."
8:21pm 2017-7-15 sandor sunneson Has entered the room
sandor sunneson: evening boyz
chris107: Evening Fergus
Prince Skylio: "Maybe they'll have one for you too Mordred."
Prince Skylio: "Or maybe you could just head back to your room and make love to your owl"
sandor sunneson: Hi Chris, Kyle and GM
chris107: "Alas, I am married to the job, Zagaar,"
Prince Skylio: OOC Hi Fergus
chris107: Mordred loftily ignores the stinking Orc. Obviosly drunk.
Smon: Hi Fergus
Prince Skylio: "pussy"
sandor sunneson: How's it going so far? No change of mind for Hakeem fighting that tall bloke?
chris107: He orders more ale for us and the happy couple.
sandor sunneson: Hi Simon
chris107: wrong game, Fergus
Smon: GM: The group heroically retreated from the Goblin Horde and returned to the Bratanis Inn for a night of drinking.
sandor sunneson: very focused Chris
chris107: and a week to recover my two spells
sandor sunneson: Oh yeah, staying alive
Smon: Shelos & Misha announced they are to wed in 6 days.
chris107: Perfect timing.
sandor sunneson: Lovelt
Smon: GM: Next morning you go report to Lady Hucrele as her carriage is readying to leave.
Smon: She is with Lady Thuvia Bratanis in the Bratanis Hall.
Prince Skylio: "....My head is pounding.. What happened last night"
Smon: Hucrele: "Welcome friends. I heard you returned last night... What news?"
Smon: I suspect Zagaar awoke in the sheep pen...
Smon: *bbaaaaaaa*
chris107: "Tell them, Zagaar."
Smon: At least *those* girls never say no...
chris107: hris107: Mordred sips at his ale and tells of their discoveries in the Sunless Citadel. Off their encounter with Meepo, his captured Dragon and the information that the Koblods gave us regarding the missing folks. He mentions findingKarakas and shows them the ring. Then goes on to describe the Goblin defences and the Hobgoblin defenders.
chris107: except minus the ale
Prince Skylio: "...Uh... We met a Kobold.. We searched for a dragon.. Your friend Karakas or whatever is dead.. Uh Mordred I'm not good at this stuff"
chris107: "Anything to add my alert friends?"
Prince Skylio: "Sorry I had a lot to drink last night"
sandor sunneson: Nope, well summarised
chris107: Another little bit of Mordred dies.
Smon: Stout Lady Hucrele nods sadly, turning the ring in her fingers.
Smon: "Most likely my niece and nephew have met a similar fate, then. Thank you for this news."
chris107: "My heart weeps for you, dear lady."
Prince Skylio: "Mordred do you know any spells to get rid of indegestion" Zagaar vaguely recalls a flurry of white wool in his mouth from the previous night
Smon: "Although Karakas is not a relative, I would like to reward you for returning this. Would twenty gold suffice?"
chris107: "That is most kind."
chris107: He gives Zagaar a hard stare
Prince Skylio: Z's eyes gleam "yes. sorry for your loss. but yes. definitely"
chris107: "later! You oaf." he hisses
Smon: The Lady takes the ring and hands you 20gp from her pouch.
Smon: (Nearly 2 weeks at the Inn!)
Smon: GM: Hucrele: "If you have more news, seek me in Ahyf." Archermos the Weaponmaster approaches you.
Smon: Hucrele mounts her carriage and trundles off north.
chris107: Mordred slips the coins into his tunic and away from the grasp of light fingered Monks and grasping degenerate Orcs
sandor sunneson: Dinner on you then!
Smon: Archermos: "Friends, you are the first to return from the Sunless Citadel since I have been Weaponmaster here. What threats did you encounter?"
chris107: "I just paid for your hotel stay you ingrate."
Prince Skylio: "lots of goblins. and hobgoblins"
Prince Skylio: "and a big rat but I squashed it with The Verminator" Z gestures to his hammer
Smon: GM: Zagaar senses he's been watched. Glancing past Archermos, he sees Misha with a ravishing vision of loveliness... https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7f/6a/20/7f6a201ece6c0f1abf750034299c757e--bolton-game-of-thrones-bolton-got.jpg
Smon: Archermos grins: "A fine hammer indeed!"
chris107: "You could do a lot worse mate."
Smon: Misha is pointing out Zagaar. The slave girl with her titters and waves.
sandor sunneson: Any holes a goal
Prince Skylio: Zagaar waves back merrily "Maybe she has a better looking sister"
chris107: "There is a chance, Master Archermos, that the folks are still alive. "
chris107: "Alas, we are not overly skilled. So far."
Smon: Berta smiles and titters more. Archermos frowns and turns round. "You two girls should be out in the fields! Sheep to Shep, crops to plant!"
Prince Skylio: "Archermos I know this is serious business but you are totally cockblocking right now"
chris107: Mordred hangs his head in shame.
Smon: Archermos shoos off the ladies, then turns back to you. "Still alive, eh?"
Prince Skylio: Zagaar realises he is probably never getting laid again ever
Prince Skylio: "Unfortunately, yes. Yes we are."
chris107: "Not for long if he tackles that."
Smon: Archermos eyes Zagaar. "Don't worry my Orcish friend - come Misha's wedding I'm sure there'll be revelry for all!"
sandor sunneson: lol
chris107: Mordred points at the retreating monster
Smon: OOC Fergus - Zagaar had to roll a 3+ on a CHA check to bed a hot busty redhead slave girl.... rolled 2.
chris107: Art imitating life
sandor sunneson: Sandro says that after the wedding, he is considering setting off to Belaras, he needs to pass on this staff to Larsonos (shows staff) and asks if those 2 want to join him
sandor sunneson: Setting the tone.....
chris107: "Yeah sure Sandro, you've been such a help, how could we say no?"
chris107: "But I do need to relearn the two spells I get a week."
sandor sunneson: Not sure what he wants with it. Sure well can set off once your ready
chris107: "And the hotel is paid for..."
Prince Skylio: "mordred if you made a spell that made candice fancy me would that be rape or not"
Prince Skylio: "in fact never mind"
chris107: Mordred retreats inside the inn, pretending he didn't hear.
Smon: GM: Moving on... For the next 6 days the good folk of Bratanis work to erect a new hovel for the happy couple.
chris107: To preserva at least a little of his tattered dignity
sandor sunneson: Erect, snigger snigger
chris107: "By the way, Sandro. You gifted the happy couple a gem. One of the ones Zagaar and I rescued."
Smon: 2/3/47 BCCC Aphrodite sends her protection and the day of the wedding dawns bright and clear.
Smon: Strange rumours have come from the north of hordes of Lizardmen seen on the road, heading towards Trade on the coast.
Smon: And a mighty Wyvern flying above them.
chris107: Mordred combs his hair and polishes his armour
chris107: ready for the big day
Smon: Mako the Innkeep: "I heard rumours of a great battle in the Caverns of Thracia... Hakeem and the Dragonborn Prince Shieldbiter have triumphed once more! Slain the First King of the Dragon Lords and taken his head!"
chris107: "Well, that all sounds very poitive."
Smon: Mako points to a dark haired girl eating breakfast with two amazons at an inn table. "She there told me - Aya the Slinger she's called. She's off to Selatine to be the new Weaponmaster or somesuch."
Smon: Mako beams. "Aye! With Lord Hakeem to protect us, these hills are safe from all harm!"
Smon: "Did I tell you about the time he destroyed the army of Warlord Yusan?"
Smon: "Or the time he closed the Black Sun Gate and collapsed all their zombie hordes?"
chris107: "Sounds like he's been a busy fellow."
Smon: Ellen the barmaid speaks up from scrubbing the bar: "He's the greatest. They say he's Bondor, come again."
sandor sunneson: A man to lead men he sounds like
Smon: Ellen - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhsZeMEPn_2sU95CCeX2bH_srAmxhwz2_D4Ozl6V6SgIoTC0zNQgHtKOME13oXCauXvql1EqQi5AFZqtgfhasmbTwmFg0159uDgoDT6kV4OoINFjX6ONE4aCQ6_crdaLTpEX1M3sIiUNwg/s320/Ellen.png
Smon: Mako nods. "I expect those migrating lizardmen are his doing, too. Probably joining his army."
sandor sunneson: He sounds as if he has lots on this plate Hakeem chap, wonder if he just wishes he could be somewhere else, sunning himself on a beach.
Smon: "Soon there'll be the Final Battle. Hakeem will crush the Black Sun - like that!" His fist descends on a bap, flattening it.
Smon: Mako: "No no, he's a real Hero! His destiny is to save us all."
Smon: Mako: "Now, scuse me while I bring these Amazon ladies more baps..."
chris107: Mordred looks on blankly. having no idea who this chap they are talking about is.
sandor sunneson: Don't sound impressed by him Morders?
Smon: GM: You rest that day (you can do your Long Rest recovery stuff now) and gather that evening for the wedding by the Shrine of Zeus, decked out in Aphrodite's flowers for the occasion.
chris107: "Sounds like this Prince Shieldbiter knows what he's doing."
Smon: The whole village is there, Lady Thuvia, Misha in one of the Lady's dresses borrowed for the occasion.
chris107: Mordred is more impressed by rank, sure that a prince can do better than some common Barbarian.
Smon: Ellen: "It's so nice of the Lady to lend Misha such a lovely white dress!"
Smon: Mako in his best halfling samurai armour.
chris107: Mordred admires the cool armour.
Smon: The free and slave shepherds, including Berta among the bridesmaids, wreathed in vegetation for the occasion.
sandor sunneson: Looking good Mako
Smon: Mako grins up at Sandro: "Been polishing it all night! Ain't worn it in years!"
chris107: "Fuck! That's a lot of vegetation!"
Prince Skylio: "since when did you swear"
Smon: Father Eberus the Wise indicates for the Best Men to take their places to Shelos' side.
Prince Skylio: "and snazzy armour Mako"
chris107: Mordred blushes, forgetting his courtly manners for a brief moment at the Shambling Mounds he sees opposite
Prince Skylio: Z makes his way over to Shelos' side
Smon: "Dear Beloved, we are gathered together today in the sight of Aphrodite, Hera and all the gods of our land, to witness the union of..."
Smon: LOL
Smon: Berta's resemblance to http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/91209/ShamblingMound1.jpg is quite striking.
Prince Skylio: hot
Smon: Misha is looking exquisite in the Lady's virginal white dress, with a crown of red-pink flowers.
chris107: Mordred will be all courtly manners and well behaved, genuinly wishing the happy couple well.
chris107: He was just a bit shocked.
Smon: "...If any man or women here knows of a reason why these two should not be joined, let him speak now..."
Prince Skylio: Zagaar burps
Smon: OOC Fergus Berta the bridesmaid - https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7f/6a/20/7f6a201ece6c0f1abf750034299c757e--bolton-game-of-thrones-bolton-got.jpg
Smon: "Shelos of Bratanis, do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?"
Prince Skylio: Z winks at Berta
Smon: "I do"
sandor sunneson: How radiant
Smon: Berta titters and waves back.
Prince Skylio: "Mordred.. Is this not a bit awkward for you.. You know after you named your owl after her" Z whispers
chris107: "Hush, you oaf."
Smon: "Misha, now of Bratanis, do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband, to love honour and obey, until death do you part?"
Prince Skylio: "Just a few of the guys were talking and it kind of seems like you were some desperate stalker or something but hey it's just a rumour I'm sure its nothing" he whispers
Smon: Misha glances over at Mordred, pauses for just a second, then says "I do."
Smon: "You may kiss the bride."
Smon: The crowd cheers.
Prince Skylio: yay
sandor sunneson: Snadro applauds
chris107: The last vestige of self respect perishes in Mordred's breast.
Smon: As darkness falls the bonfire is lit and the feast brought out.
chris107: He cheers as best he can.
Smon: Great tubs of mead are produced from Mako's cellar, while sheep roast on their spits.
chris107: "Too late, Zagaar."
Smon: Zagaar gets chatting with the lovely and frondrous Berta...
Smon: CHA check DC 5 Zagaar.
chris107: Mordred points at the dead sheep
Prince Skylio: "Hi Berta. You must be the sentient pork scratching that Misha was telling me about. How goes your evening?"
Prince Skylio rolls 1d20 and gets: 10,
Smon: Berta giggles "Oh, you!" She punches Zagaar affectionately in the gut.
chris107: 5HP?
sandor sunneson: (what time you playing till?)
sandor sunneson: (we even)
Smon: "I hear you're a great hero, Zagaar! You saved Shelos!"
sandor sunneson: lol
Prince Skylio: "Yeah. That was all me. Nice veg love"
chris107: (Just opened another bottle here, Fergus, so whenever )
Smon: "I know! Isn't it! We were up for *hours* last night weaving it in!" She points to a cabbage on her chest, and some slightly wilted leaks.
chris107: Mordred scurries off. Mortal afraid of what may come next.
Smon: "...So, ere, you got plans to settle down? Get married too, like?"
Prince Skylio: "That's lovely Berta. So do you also enjoy anal I mean asparagus as it is one of my favourite vegetables"
sandor sunneson: (I'm working tomorrow, off to Oban, happy to let you chaps play on)
sandor sunneson: (I'll play till 2230)
Prince Skylio: "Not yet Berta. Maybe if I meet the right lady but alas my heart is torn"
Smon: Berta frowns slightly "Yes... asparagus is very nice. I like the big juicy ones best!"
Smon: "Torn?"
chris107: (That works for me, Fergus)
Smon: She puts a chubby hand on Z's.
Smon: (yes 10.30 good, or may be a bit earlier)
Prince Skylio: "There's this woman I like who sometimes wears cabbages but I don't know if she likes me back"
Smon: Berta blinks. "Oh, that's a coinci... I ... ow!"
Smon: She smiles broadly.
Smon: "I bet she does, you know! Say, why don't we take a walk down by the river? I know I'll be safe with YOU to look after me!"
Prince Skylio: "you sure will Berta"
chris107: Mordred prays that this fades to black!
Smon: GM: I'm prepared to draw a veil over the rest of the wedding night's revelry...
Smon: X-post
sandor sunneson: (Can do 10.20, so ten min or so to organise next game(s))
chris107: OOC If a night with Berta doesn't get Zagaar to 4th level. Nothing will!
Prince Skylio: Zagaar takes 400 damage to his pelvic region
chris107: CR19?
Smon: 3/3/47 Zagaar awakens this time in his room at the inn, to a sound like thunder... Berta is beside him, snoring contentedly.
Smon: Well, it has to beat sheep, right?
chris107: You think?
Prince Skylio: Zagaar has no regrets.
Smon: That seems a good place to stop. Are you planning to head west to the Temple of Belaras now?
Smon: Deliver the stick?
chris107: Yup, Sandro's stick needs delivering. Happy to help
Prince Skylio: Zagaar delivered the stick the previous night
Prince Skylio: But in all seriousness yes
Smon: LOL
sandor sunneson:
Smon: I'm away from next Thursday for a week, next game Saturday 2 weeks?
sandor sunneson: Just as well Bill's not around
Smon: Bill refuses to play low level.
sandor sunneson: 29?
Prince Skylio: good with me
Smon: Yeah 29 8pm should be good.
Smon: My friend Craig will be here, he might play.
sandor sunneson: that should work for me
Smon: Small chance will need to reschedule to a different night
chris107: I won't be able to make 29th but Kyle can.
Smon: Oh, in that case might be best another day that week.
sandor sunneson: Can confirm via DF thread a fews days before
chris107: We co on hyoliday 31st
sandor sunneson: To Filey?
chris107: That's probs best with Kyle's shifts
chris107: To Skeggy!
Smon: Any day 28th July or 1st 2nd & 4th Aug look good
chris107: We're away 31-4th
Smon: How's 28th July?
Smon: Friday
chris107: Good for me but..
Prince Skylio: I'll be working on the bar that evening
chris107: Wednesday 26th?
Smon: OK guess stick w 29th unless I find I have a thing on that day
chris107: That's good for us two
Smon: I could do 26th from 8pm - I fly in from Scotland
sandor sunneson: I don't find out what exact shifts are until the week before anyway
sandor sunneson: but should be around
chris107: pencil in 26th?
sandor sunneson: cool, and we confirm on DF thread a few days before....
chris107: that sounds good
Smon: I get into London 17.15 so home in time I reckon
Smon: OK pencil in 26th
chris107: Heathrow?
Smon: yeah, so 2 hours home & 40 min swim
Smon: might be 8.15
sandor sunneson: So Monday, Hakeem and Lady Meda rendez vous? Tues and Wed night I'll be in Skye so could bring laptop
chris107: no probs, we're both at home.
Smon: Yes, high level game Monday 7pm
chris107: See you on Monday at 7
Smon: Chris game on Tues
chris107: Thanks for a verry funny evening
sandor sunneson: Ok, I'm off so will be around. Is Ajax required or is it just focussing on Hak and LM?
chris107: Redstar is on Tuesday, yes.
sandor sunneson: I'll do that from Skye Chris, so will bring laptop
Smon: I don't know Fergus, Sandor prob more important
chris107: Cool
Smon: We may do Ursa & co stuff too.
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