Saturday, 25 November 2017
Hakeem plans early M6 4447
Castle Redstar
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9:46am 2017-11-25 Smon Has entered the room
9:59am 2017-11-25 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: Morning Simon
Smon: Morning Chris
Smon: I'll just put some toast on brb
chris107: No probs
Smon: GM: OK, so early M6, Hakeem has been back in Thusia with his family a couple weeks.
10:01am 2017-11-25 chris107 Has exited the room
10:02am 2017-11-25 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: And a blessed relief for him too
Smon: Thuruar has been called back to the Temple of Athena to act as Arch-Priest. Hakeem gets Sendings from Ernsorn Blue every couple days; Minars Rapak & the Nerathi are busy clearing Arang-Tok Orcs out of the territories south of Bisgen.
chris107: Nice
chris107: (OOC - struggling to find the name of the Nerathi General from Renth)
Smon: While the Altanian clans around Bisgen area have been wiped out by the Black Sun, contact has been made with surviving Carnelian Plains clans who took shelter in the Lagoldurna Jungle.
Smon: Kogol
chris107: Thanks
Smon: There seems to be some tension between the Altanians under Minars and the Nerathi, and between the western Nerathi under Kogol and the eastern under Lord Bronze, who Hakeem promised rulership of the west.
Smon: Minars is planning to return east of the mountains before the end of dry season with the loot gained from conquests.
Smon: Minars wants to know where Hakeem will be seating the new capitol of the empire - Nerra, Bisgen, Thusia?
Smon: Lady Meda: "Thusia is a place of refuge, not rulership."
chris107: Hakeem is not too bright. But he understands that tensions are bound to occur. He there fore wishes to create a Council of the Wise. A body where issues can be dealt with without resorting to bloodshed.
chris107: Nerra as planned will be the seat of empire.
Smon: On the bright side, the Temple of Bondor at Bisgen has been restored better than ever and the Sword Knights have begun questing, helping the Carnelian Altani defeat remaining undead on the plain.
chris107: It is the sight of the Flame Eternal, ordained by Dyson Logos and the sight of the great Altani victory.
chris107: This pleases Hakeem greatly
Smon: Meda nods. "It is the best place, though far from Bisgen."
Smon: GM: Who are you appointing to this Council of the Wise?
chris107: Bisgen was held in thrall a long time and even with the reconsecration of Bondorrâs temple will take time to repopulate.
chris107: Overtures must first be made to those within our borders who have yet to decide their course.
chris107: But Hakeem has a list of possibles who he will share with Lady Meda.
Smon: Overtures - Who do you want to visit first?
chris107: Itâs very fluid at the moment and will require pruning or extension to be fit for purpose.
chris107: Visits to:
chris107: Prince Cuchulainn of Onhir
chris107: Queen Cildarith
chris107: King Frandal
chris107: King Dorin of Kolda
chris107: The current list of the wise stands at:
chris107: Lady Meda
chris107: Kren of Krens Karin
chris107: Father Camus
chris107: High Priest Larsonos
chris107: Lady Llanet Bronze
chris107: Tagoler of Castle Wode
chris107: Ernsone Blue
chris107: Lilith of Athena and the Amazoni
chris107: Kogol, Nerathi General
Smon: Lady Meda looks at the list. "It will not be possible to keep such a group permanently in session at Nera. Perhaps we could gather once or twice a year at best..."
chris107: And, depending on the outcome of the meetings with the none humans representatives of Dwarves, Gnomes, Elves and Lizard folk
chris107: Agreed
Smon: OOC You have the problem of feudal/personal rule clashing with the demands of Empire.
chris107: He would also like to add Aya the Shepherder as a representative of the common folk
chris107: OOC - donât I know it, been wracking my brain. Hakeem would likely do things differently
Smon: Meda suggests it would be practical to gather the Council in Nerra at the Spring & Autumn (M4 & M10)
chris107: And some mechanism be put in place that will allow the wise to find out what is going on in the empire.
chris107: They must be of the people
Smon: Day to day running of the empire currently looks like defaulting to Lord Bronze, after Minars and most of the eastern Altani return to their tribal grounds.
chris107: Which brings us nicely to the first major issue.
Smon: Malenn: "The biggest problem husband is you have this bloody great mountain range through the middle of your empire..."
chris107: Thatâs fine with Hakeem providing a system is in place to represent the common man.
chris107: The biggest problem my little minx is that of slavery.
chris107: Half the population is in fetters!
chris107: Slaves make poor farmers and worse soldiers. We are in need of both.
Smon: Meda: "I suggest a proclamation ending the slave trade. The obvious problem is Ahyf..."
Smon: Meda: "I have spoken with your sister Hakeem and she has a proposal, though I do not know if you will like it..."
chris107: You make a valid point. But proclamations wonât end slavery. We need to show the people the benefits of emancipation
Smon: Malenn: "If you ban slavery completely you will lose the loyalty of your Lords..."
chris107: A small groan escapes the mighty Barbarians lips. What has his wild sister gone and done now?
chris107: Then they will lose their heads.
chris107: Hakeem has ideas of creating a kind of Citizen Class if ex slaves. Citizen Soldiers, farmers and tradesmen.
chris107: Of
chris107: Using the land and the labour more effectively
chris107: For the benefit and defence if all
chris107: This to emiliorate the Lords.
chris107: Think not that you loose a slave but that you gain a free sword, ploughshare and cobbler.
Smon: Malenn grimaces. "Perhaps you are right." Meda: "I agree with Hakeem, slavery must be banned. Now, Shieldbiter has his eyes set only on one thing... the legendary Dragon Armour said to lie beneath Fortress Badabaskor. He would give much for that - even turn on Sarene and end slavery in Ahyf... and the Amazons seek their lost sisters and the Crown of Crystal Mind."
chris107: Hakeem is silent for a moment.
chris107: Remembering the stories told by Prince Sandor of Shieldbiters desertion. Leading to the death of his friends.
Smon: Meda: "Laurana has proposed that in return for your aid in Badabaskor, Shieldbiter will ban slavery in the Dragon Dominion, while the Amazons will provide fledgling griffons to raise a cadre of griffon-riding Sword Knights, with which you can hold the empire together."
chris107: H - we must all play our part. The sacrifice has been great. Do we reward those unwilling to sacrifice with us?
chris107: H - Bah!
Smon: Malenn: "What do you think we should do?"
chris107: (He is secretly desperate to fight mighty dragons but it would seem like he is avoiding his responsibilities to say so )
Smon: Malenn & Meda regard the glowering Regent.
chris107: He rubs his chin and scratches his great shaggy head as if deep in thought. Hakeem does not dissemble well
chris107: H - the first step to the abolition of foul slavery must be unity.
chris107: As an empire we can not flourish whilst there is dissent among our own people.
chris107: If I must, reluctantly, take up Bondorrâs Sword again to achieve this. Then so be it!
chris107: (He tries not to grin at this)
Smon: LOL
Smon: Malenn pats Hakeem's shoulder sympathetically.
chris107: H - send emissaries, trusted me to the Elves and Dwarves. Let them know freely of our intentions and good will.
chris107: Oh! And fetch me my armour. I have work to do!
chris107: Trusted men
chris107: Hakeem whistles happily
chris107: He half heartedly grumbles about a heroes lot been a unhappy one.
Smon: Meda: "I have no Men to command, Hakeem... Perhaps you could send your Sword Knights from Bisgen? Also, the northern territories lie close to Badabaskor, you could visit some on the way?"
chris107: So where is this unpronounceable fortress?
Smon: Meda: "I believe it lies in the mountains west of Black Baron Pass... Let me consult my maps..."
Smon: Meda goes off and returns with a map of Altanis -
chris107: H - Very well. I shall be both hero and diplomat. I shall leave by the end of the week. In the mean time I think itâs time Malenn and I did some catching up again. Up stairs my lovely!
Smon: Leaving Meda to pore over her maps, Hakeem scoops up a giggling Malenn and takes her upstairs...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Smon: Next day...
chris107: Which hex please Simon, those maps are tiny on my phone screen
Smon: Meda reports that Fortress Badabaskor lies in the mountains 45 miles south of Jarmoco.
Smon: Altanis 2906
chris107: Thanks
chris107: Somewhere near the headwaters of the Rillcat?
Smon: A remote and inaccesible valley, south west of Black Baron Pass, east of the Elder Stream.
chris107: Got it, many thanks
Smon: Meda: "It has reportedly been held by a cult dedicated to Angall of the Perpetual Void for countless centuries."
chris107: What do we know of this Angall?
chris107: And the strength of his cults and fortress? Will we need an army?
Smon: "Two thousand years ago and more, Angall was a great wizard lord, a Dragon Lord and ruler of the Doomfire Empire. Legends say he battled and defeated Zanaaphic, All King of the Spirit Universe..."
chris107: H - Does he still live? Or does the cult worship his memory alone?
Smon: Meda: "Few records from that era survived the Doomfire and the fall of the second Dragon Empire, but a cult dedicated to Angall grew up at the alleged site of his battle."
Smon: Meda: "The cult is reclusive - I would think they must be relatively few in number."
chris107: H - and this armour, what do we know of it or itâs location?
Smon: "However their sorcerous powers may be strong, deriving from those of the ancient Dragon Lords."
chris107: H - Bah! More wizards sent to vex me!
Smon: Meda: "According to Lord Shieldbiter, ancient red dragons sleep beneath Badabaskor, guarding many artifacts of great power, including armour forged by the legendary dragonborn master smiths from whom Shieldbiter claims descent."
chris107: H - I should outlaw wizards as well as slavers. He grumbles. No offence Meda
Smon: Meda smiles back.
chris107: H - Dragons you say? With an s?
chris107: H - I once saw a Dragon Turtle. Would these ancient Dragons be larger than that?
Smon: "This armour was lost in the wars between the Dragonborn Empire of Arkhosia in the south, centred on Oricha, and the northern Doomfire Empire of Bael Turath, much of which is now lost beneath the waves of Vigil Sound."
Smon: Meda: "Larger than a dragon turtle? Possibly... more puissant, certainly."
chris107: H - and the buggers can fly?
chris107: Breath fire and such?
Smon: Meda: "Gargantuan dragons would have difficulty taking to wing, I think... but they can breathe fire, certainly. And would not be affected by Shieldbiter's fiery sword."
chris107: H - alas I am not immune to their fires....
chris107: H - it would be a glorious fight....
chris107: H - erm for the empire. A fight to bring the empire closer.
Smon: Malenn: "There must be some way to gain partial resistance, at least?"
chris107: H looks at Meda.
chris107: A potion perhaps?
Smon: Meda nods. "Such things exist, though I do not have the formula. Alas, I am no true Wizard..." she smiles.
chris107: H - hmmmmm
chris107: My old friend at Anatal May be able to help...
Smon: Malenn: "The Wizards of the City State would surely know of such things... " she listens to Hakeem's suggestion "You mean Aeanor?"
11:00am 2017-11-25 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
chris107: He does all that smithy work and never seems to get burned. And I do have to kind of go there.
Smon: hi Fergus
Sandor Sunneson: Morning boys
chris107: Hi Fergus
Smon: Meda nods. "Yes, Aeanor would surely know."
Sandor Sunneson: The ghosts of Sandro, Ajax and Sandor enter the room looking for XP to vacuum up
Smon: Hi Fergus, we are doing Hakeem planning.
Smon: (I don't normally give XP for pure planning)
Sandor Sunneson: yeah, I've got 30 minutes or so, so thought I would pop in
chris107: H - Yes, Aenor, Ursa and I worked closely when I was reforming this (he taps the huge blade, rarely away from his hip). He is a great wizard.
Smon: (But you get loads of XP for *implementing* plan)
chris107: H - then itâs a plan. I can call in on elf and Dwarf on my way north to kill these dragons.
chris107: Bring Ahyf back into the fold, pluck the thorn that is Sarene from our flesh, rescue the princess, get my men their griffons and be back in time for tea.
Smon: Meda nods: "I have been to Anatal, Hakeem - I can attempt to teleport us there, though the spell is risky. But perhaps a trip overland would be better, so you can visit more territory on the way."
chris107: Hakeem seems positively jolly by now. But tries to hide it as best he can. H to M - You must keep an eye on the serpents who would take power while I am gone.
Smon: Malenn: "I cannot do that from Thusia, my love."
chris107: No, no you canât can you...
chris107: Hmmmm
Smon: GM OOC So Hakeem will travel north by road from Thusia to Anatal, taking in various holds along the way?
chris107: I think you need to visit Narra. Take the boy to see his throne. But you will need a fine escourt. I will not put you or him at risk.
chris107: OOC - yes
Smon: Malenn nods. "We will come with you to Hara. Why not tell Lord Bronze and Minars to meet you there?"
Sandor Sunneson: OOC Once Sandor/Ajax are split up, perhaps one of those could accompany Hakeem?
chris107: Iâm thinking a couple of Sword Knights and a dozen warriors at least + possibly a cadre of Amazonâs
Smon: OOC For some reason you thought it'd be a great idea to take ship hundreds of miles south.
chris107: H - Aye, Iâd feel safe if Minars was there to look after you too.
chris107: OOC - those creepy sounding elves will be fun!
Smon: Meda: "I will have Damne select four of our amazon guard to protect Malenn and Hassan."
chris107: Fergus, I get the feeling this would be a death sentence for lower level characters
Smon: OOC Badabaskor says it's for level 10-12.
chris107: And maybe even a step too far for Hakeem.
chris107: Cripes!
chris107: Red Dragons are pretty tough I thought?
Sandor Sunneson: OOC- The dark elves story or accompying Hakeem?
chris107: OOC - I sure wouldnât want to risk Maglor there
Smon: Well they assume players don't necessarily have to fight gargantuan red dragons if they're wise... depends what your goals are, eg rescue, scouting.
Sandor Sunneson: There is always negotiation
Smon: There are lots of factions, it being typical Judges Guild. Don't have to Rambo everything.
chris107: Hakeem doesnât really do negotiation:D
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor hears the echoes of afar calling for his negotiation skills
chris107: Hehe
Sandor Sunneson: OOC-- I was looking to get Sandor back to Ghinorian Hills territory, esp as he is due to become a Dad, just to establish a bit of welfare for his child long term, esp if it is a boy and the Amazonae don't look after sons
chris107: Tok. However there are still several factions within this area who have not declared their support and worse some that seem to already be plotting rebellion. Among the former the chief of these are the Elven Realms and the Dwarven Holds. Each of these will benefit from the fall of the Cormarrin Princes and Borrit Crowfingerâs Empire of Death. Either directly or indirectly via the new trading opportunities made possible by peace. Their inclusion into the new order would be warmly welcomed, not as subjects but as willing partners in a new power for good. Overtures of friendship must be made to them along with reassurances that their sovereignty is not under threat. Mutually beneficial trade arrangements should also be explored. The second faction is not s
Sandor Sunneson: Were these the red dragons SB wanted for something?
chris107: Yes, a deal has been struck to get SB back inside
chris107: On side
Sandor Sunneson: Does that mean the death of Sarene?
Smon: SB wants the legendary dragon armour guarded by the red dragons under Badabaskor, supposedly.
chris107: The above will be the line Hakeem is peddling at the Elves and Dwarves
chris107: He will return Ayhf to the fold, outlaw slavery and deal with Sarene in return for the armour.
Smon: GM: I suggest Hakeem choose which of his Sword Knights he wants to meet him at Hara from the list.
Smon: of those at Bisgen.
Smon: Fergus you could play a Sword Knight as a level 8 Barbarian PC if you liked.
Smon: I have default Barbarian stats 1-8 or you could make one up.
Sandor Sunneson: Could it be worth long term doubling up Maglor and Ajax for adventures in Rallu area, only downside to that combo is that in a 5e world, there is no brute strength fighter to back those 2 martial artists up
chris107: Iâll go take a look. The Greywolf Guy for sure +1 other
Smon: Also WotC published pregens of all classes 1-10.
chris107: Iâll make them up if thatâs okay? It will be a nice project for this week
Sandor Sunneson: Could I not take on an existing NPC just for the adventure? I've already got 3 characters on the go, but yes, see what you mean, need another pure bred fighter
Smon: >>Could it be worth long term doubling up Maglor and Ajax for adventures in Rallu area<< Well they're both second-string characters, I don't know.
Smon: >>Could I not take on an existing NPC just for the adventure? << That's what I just suggested.
Sandor Sunneson: Or Ajax could be retired for a bit and focus on his magic items production?
chris107: Historically none fighter types donât seem to last long
Sandor Sunneson: Cool,making sure, I read that as a new character beig made
Smon: Barbarians are a lot better.
Smon: no I just said there are 2 sources of pregen stats.
Smon: Here, you can use these: LEVEL 8 ST 20 DE 15 CO 14 IN 13 WI 9 CH 10 PB +3 AC 16 (+2 DEX +2 CON +2 shield) HP 77 2 attacks per attack action Battleaxe ATT +8 dam d8+7 rage 4 javelins ATT +8 dam d6+5 2 hand axes ATT +8 dam d6+7 rage (d6+2 off-hand raging) SA: Rage 4/day, 1/2 dmg and do +2 melee dmg. Reckless Attack, Danger Sense advtg on DEX saves vs visible Bear Totem -raging half all dmg but psychic Fast movement 40' Bear totem - x2 carrying, advtg on STR checks to push/pull/lift/break objects Advtg on Init checks, can act when surprised if rage
Smon: Replace axe w sword though
chris107: Big Swords are very Bondorr
Sandor Sunneson: Could I have CON and ST at 18 and 16 respectively?
Sandor Sunneson: Yeah, that sounds good
Sandor Sunneson: That's only probably cos of rage Chris
Smon: yes you can restat & email me modified stats.
Smon: Maybe Gottchi? See Sword Knights near top of
Sandor Sunneson: hence why the games master 'cheated' and said you don't get all your rages back until after a long rest
Smon: Chris created 6 - names & 2 pics.
Smon: Er, that is the default rule.
Smon: Long rest taking a week is a DMG suggested variant.
Smon: Since PCs are supposed to have 6-8 fights per LR according to the DMG
Smon: It says modify LR duration to get that.
chris107: Gotchi is a Fighter I think?
Smon: Players of course like 1 fight per LR
Sandor Sunneson: ah, fair enough, didn't look into it from an analytical point,
Smon: OK here is the list The Sword Knights of Bondorr at Bisgen. 1. Harlgrimn Ironteeth. Human Altanian (Grey Wolf) Barbarian Berserker. 2. Gottchi the Sly. Human Altanian (Sea Wolf) Fighter, Champion. 3. Valchek of the (Feathered-Bear) Human Altanian, Bear Totem Barbarian. 4. Arkat of Ketche (Sea Wolf) Xa Chun Human Altanian, Wolf Totem Barbarian. 5. Borvast Eagle Eyes (Winged Lion) Human Altanian, Eagle Totem Barbarian. 6. Xa chun, The Beast of Orichia (Red Tiger) Human Altanian , Tiger Totem Barbarian.
Smon: You can play one of those Fergus.
Smon: Tell you what, I'll post basic PC stats for SK Fighters & Barbs.
Sandor Sunneson: I'll pick no 4,
Smon: ok cool
chris107: Cool
Sandor Sunneson: I've got to go now, so enjoy the rest of the politics, I'll go for Arkat
chris107: Laters, Fergus. Have a great weekend
Sandor Sunneson: See you tomorrow morn, is it 9am start? I could do 8
chris107: 9 better for me. Wedding reception tonight. May be a little hung over
Smon: 9am better for me too
Smon: OK I am doing a stats page for the Sword Knights statted as PCs.
Smon: Most would be 5-7 but I'll assume some are 8.
chris107: Nice
Sandor Sunneson: Cool, enjoy you 2, as a matter of interest, how far are Sandor and co now from Rallu in terms of distance?
chris107: Weâre at the far north east of the fingers
chris107: By those two little islands and down from the castle
Sandor Sunneson: yeah, saw that, where is Rallu?
chris107: (Donât have the Map up on my phone at the moment)
chris107: Let me find it
Smon: The maps are terrible since Isle of the Blest covers 3 hex maps.
Sandor Sunneson: I had a bit of a search and couldn't see it after yesterday's game
Smon: You are off the NW end of Isle of the Blest, Rallu is off SE end.
Smon: can see here -
chris107: Rallu, City State of the Sea Kings, is a large city at the south-eastern end of the Isle of the Blest. Once a pirate haven, she is known now as a major mercantile and trading hub.
Smon: Probably 2 or 3 days by sail.
Sandor Sunneson: See it, so definetly on our way there
chris107: I see you found it before I did
Sandor Sunneson: I'm happy to rest Ajax up for a bit, get him making some magic items and we can bring him back in at a point in the future, he's not done too badly
Sandor Sunneson: Assuming he gets there :), anyway, take it easy you 2 and see you tomorrow morn at 9
Sandor Sunneson: Ciao
chris107: See you in the morning
Smon: bye now
11:38am 2017-11-25 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
chris107: @ DM - so H is heading North?
Smon: yup, I'll get stats together for the expedition
chris107: Via the Holds and elven Realms.
chris107: To see Aenor for protection v fire stuff then on the the fortress?
Smon: yup
Smon: You can arrange to rendezvous with Shieldbiter at Anatal.
chris107: And M is off (with a large escourt) to Nerra?
Smon: M & H can go together to Hara initially then split up there, Malenn & Hasan to Nerra?
chris107: Anatal it is.
chris107: Yes, she must be queen while Hakeem is gone
Smon: Malenn is a bit worried about safety so Meda volunteers to send the extremely competent Damne with her.
Smon: Although Damne not ecstatic at leaving Meda unguarded.
chris107: And the Sword Knights, Amazonâs etc?
Smon: Meda: "I was without you a long time before we met, Damne..."
chris107: Malenn & Hassans safety is paramount
Smon: You'll rendezvous with Sword Knights, Lord Bronze & Minars at Hara.
chris107: (To Hakeem)
Smon: (Meda concurs w Hakeem)
chris107: Super!
Smon: GM: This setup basically puts Malenn in charge, probably a good approach.
Smon: Since occupying Nera gives legitimacy in the eyes of the Nerathi.
chris107: She is pretty wise and charismatic from what I remember?
Smon: yup
chris107: And she will be able to get lots of new dresses and oversee the crafting of the Bloodstone Crown?
Smon: Started Sword Knight page, need to modify Fighter stats to Altanian -
Smon: yup
Smon: Well dresses may take a while, but Nera is on the old trade routes north to CSIO
chris107: Nice, thank you
chris107: The riches of the CSIO still haunt Hakeemâs Barbarian dreams
chris107: That will indeed be a fine battle!
Smon: Conquering the North would be an interesting campaign.
chris107: Nice that Fergus chose Arkat. Arkat the Destroter, Arkat the Liberator , Arkat the Troll. A mighty Runequest Hero
Smon: I like how the Wilderlands is all about alliance building & reputation.
chris107: Altani live a long time....
Smon: If Hakeem wants to drive slavery from the Wilderlands he will definitely need to deal with the Lawful Evil city states like CSIO & Viridistan.
chris107: It works wonderfully if youâre willing to put the time in (both sides of the screen). Itâs a fascinating space
Smon: yup, very rewarding to effort
chris107: Itâs on his list.
chris107: Hakeem the Conqueror!
Smon: Some say the CSIO was once the Dragon Lord city Ransadron, conquered by the Altanian hero Larsandrow Longsword.
chris107: But for now... Hakeem Dragonsbane will do
Smon: Maybe Hakeem could follow in Larsandrow's foot steps.
chris107: Fingers crossed. He has massive potential still.
Smon: found Malenn - STR 8 (-1) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 11 (+0) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 18 (+4)
chris107: It feels great to be playing a part in a Legend
Smon: So decent WIS & very high CHA
chris107: She will be a good leader in Hakeemâs absence
Smon: Yeah I would think so.
chris107: And he gets to do what heâs really good at. Killing stuff!
Smon: Pretty diplomatic anyway.
chris107: Two HARD could be a bit of a test
chris107: Deliberately avoiding D in the MM
Smon: LOL
chris107: I had previously looked up Blue Dragon, for Alcatrix. They were tough enough!
chris107: 300+ HP, huge damage etc. And that recharge breath...
*chris107 shudders*
Smon: Once you have extended your empire to include Anatal and Palen Spring, Malenn would like to clear out the Red Reavers from Grimalon.
chris107: That will be Hakeemâs wedding anniversary gift next year
Smon: They are a lot weaker than the CSIO, in fact are enemies of CSIO but backed by Viridistan.
Smon: good plan
Smon: I like it that time is progressing moderately fast now
Smon: I hate it when takes months of real time to do days in game
chris107: Itâs a real testament to the strength of the setting (and your hard work) that even after 20 levels the stuff to do is still exciting!
Smon: I'll prob want to time jump a few months in wet season to get real date & game date closer in sync during 2018/4448
Smon: No risk of running out of enemies!
chris107: Well the diplomatic stuff will either work or not I guess?
chris107: Either they are in or out.
Smon: I guess if you created an empire spanning CSIO Altanis & Viridistan... There are still numerous other powerful city states & god-level monsters.
chris107: So that can be a large lump of time
chris107: Then kick off close to Badabaskor?
chris107: Yeah the Gishmesh & Sea Kings too
chris107: And far off Valon!
Smon: We'll see how it goes. At some point will move forward a few months I think to M4 4448 with clan moot etc
Smon: & Tula, city of wizards.
chris107: All good stuff
Smon: Not to mention the Demonbrood Empires of the Uttermost South.
chris107: Hope I make it to 80 then. Just to get this lot done.
Smon: & the Horse Lords of far Karak.
Smon: But I think there is decades of gaming just in the core Wilderlands.
chris107: Iâll be so glad to get back into our home though. This phone job is not ideal.
Smon: I find having parties of different levels keeps it fresh.
Smon: Low level stuff is easy & fun to GM, and you see the impact of high level play at ground level
chris107: Yeah, deffo. Iâm loving the change of pace with Maglor and Mordred.
Smon: I wouldn't like ONLY doing high level diplomacy.
Smon: Good luck getting home!
chris107: I think Hakeem just slipped out of diplomatic mode and back to his old self for a while
Smon: OK I will post these plans & get out while still daylight
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