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Maglor |
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Sidral's Tower |
Sandor Sunneson: Shall we start then?
Sandor Sunneson: Here he is
Smon: Awesome Sunday tabletop game - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2017/12/236-and-246-to-77-lvl-1-4-stonehell.html
Sandor Sunneson: Evening William !
chris107: mine did that this morning while I was trying to log in to Bochithulhu
chris107: Evening Bill
Smon: GM: Previous session - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2017/12/306-17-sandor-maglor-trouble-at-imp.html
chris107: Sounds like they did really well?
chris107: Chumpin seems like a nice guy
Sandor Sunneson: So the death has been avenged, all good
chris107: maybe he could tell us more of these curses.
Sandor Sunneson: Yeah, we were going through the different places one by one
chris107: Sidral's Tower curse etc.
chris107: (OOC - has Maglor leveled or does he need to long rest?)
chris107: Maglor thinks the abandoned mill would be a good place to start. There were those horrid Goblins there after all.
Smon: (They did do amazing!)
chris107: Alsomaybe go find the Goblins under the bridge?
Sandor Sunneson: Yeah, we need to find out what went wrong
Smon: I told them they'd have been dead meat w/out Drakonok killing that 11.
Smon: 1 week rest to level up yep
Sandor Sunneson: But not attack the goblins as we need to chat to them
chris107: It's very interesting having a live PC party exploring the same dungeon.
chris107: Okay, I've updated his sheet to 9 but have his old sheet here too.
Smon: GM: 5pm in the Ironhammer Inn, Imp Brucke - Sandor Sunneson: To the caves?? Smon: "If you ask me, Smith Maltooth is all mouth and no apron, if you take my meaning. Talks a good game, like..." chris107: “Well it’s been an honour. If anyone would have said to me this morning that I’d be talkin to kind of Chumpin Earthsmasher, I’d have thought them mad!†Smon: "If you go to him he'll try to sell you that fancy greatsword he hangs by the entrance. Don't be taken in!" chris107: Mill first I think Fergus? Smon: OOC Maglor has completed his short rest Will stop there Sandor Sunneson: Let's chat to the mill first chris107: Let’s get to the bottom of one area at a time rather than dashing around willy-nilly?
Smon: Suddenly there is a commotion outside and the screams of a buxom young cheese-wench...
Sandor Sunneson: t't mill?
chris107: hmmm odd that I'm on my computer but the odd symbols are still showing up in the text.
Smon: Then Lena bursts into the Inn, screaming: "A Wyvern!"
Sandor Sunneson: We'll run out to see what's up
chris107: M dashes to a window to look.
Sandor Sunneson: Guess Prince SB is on his way?
Smon: And with a great flap of wings, the mighty Royal Wyvern of Shieldbiter lands on the green.
Smon: It's the copy/pasting Chris, it looks crap to me too
Sandor Sunneson: It's ok Hen, we know how this is,
Smon: Lena throws herself swooning into Sandor's strong arms.
Smon: Though still gripping tight to a wax-wrapped slab of Abbott's Gold.
chris107: Maglor returns to the bar.
Sandor Sunneson: What's so special about the Abbott's Gold, what is the side affect Lena?
chris107: still nursing his warm half pint.
Smon: https://rpgcharacters.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/goblin-valley-production-3.jpg?w=529&h=369
Smon: "It's amazing!" Says Lena, recovering.
Sandor Sunneson: In what way?
Smon: "Here! Eat the cheese!" says Lena, offering the golden slab to Sandor. "You'll see."
Smon: Shieldbiter dismounts and strides into the Inn.
DESTROYERBILL: ill take it
Smon: Inside he sees Sandor Maglor cheese wench & innkeep.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will try it
Smon: opposed athletics check
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 10,
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 16, (+13) = 29
Sandor Sunneson: +3=13
Smon: Shieldbiter snatches the delicious golden cheese...
Smon: *chomp*
Sandor Sunneson: Is there anymore?
Smon: Shieldbiter ate the slab.... he now feels INVINCIBLE!
chris107: "Nice to see you again, Shieldbiter. Lovely manners."
Smon: For the next 20 minutes Shieldbiter CANNOT DIE! (unless disintegrated)
Smon: (or dismembered)
Sandor Sunneson: hope you pay the lady for that?
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, shall we go to the mill Maglor or is this still rest week?
Smon: SB offers to pay. Lena: "25 gold sir."
chris107: Rest will have to wait it seems.
Smon: SB asks for more cheese... Lena nods happily and leads him to the Ancient Cheese...
chris107: "Would be nice if we could solve their problems my Prince."
Smon: Where her mother Sidra will happily sell him many cheeses...
Sandor Sunneson: No Chris, your character has to go up a level
chris107: Happy plodding along
chris107: And this mistery is integuing.
Smon: Tromeo Reggiano (1 gp) Orange Marbled Brick (4 gp) Soft Barrel Cherry Cheese (5 gp) Speckleroot Hard Cheese (7 gp) The Gaffer’s Black (7 gp) Pink Kleebus (8 gp) Ancient Lavender Creme (9 gp) Wax-Bound Dogwood Cheese (10gp) Juniper Curd (12 gp) Truvan Beaver Cheese (15 gp) Brindlburn Abbot’s Gold (25 gp)
Smon: per portion, 8 portions to a wheel (x8 cost)
Smon: SB decides to buy the entire shop...
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will try the lavender creme
Sandor Sunneson: do they sell the shop to him?
chris107: Maglor is still highly sceptical of the cheeses and keeps his distance.
Smon: ok Sandor feels queasy... make a CON save DC 15 Sandor.
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 19,
Sandor Sunneson: do they sell the shop to him?
chris107: yay
Sandor Sunneson: phew....
Sandor Sunneson: Nearly an Ursa moment there diving into the puddle of death#
Smon: OK Sandor does not lose a permanent CON point, but he does now have a permanent +2 on saves vs Poison.
chris107: nice
Sandor Sunneson: cool, had he failed that is that what would have happened ??
Smon: The cheese shop hangs out a "Closed" sign as SB just paid 824gp for the entire contents.
Smon: (yes)
chris107: Must be some good effectsto be had then.
Sandor Sunneson: So it's only the cheese he has bought?Not the products
Sandor Sunneson: or the shop I mean
Smon: He bought ALL THE CHEESE.
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, shall we get going to the Mill?
Sandor Sunneson: Ok
chris107: Maglor is ready.
Smon: 6pm and night is falling as SB finishes loading cheeses onto his wyvern paniers.
Sandor Sunneson: SB, we are going to check out the mill, there have been funny going ons here, you coming along?
Smon: You wait for SB & go to Mill together?
Smon: SB: "OK"
Smon: His hands are full of cheese.
Sandor Sunneson: Once he has loaded the fromage into the paniers
Sandor Sunneson: yes we wait,
Smon: The Cheese Ladies are planning a vacation with their cash.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will help him
Smon: "I hear Diancecht is lovely this time of year..."
chris107: £40K in chesse. Must be good!
Smon: At dusk you three head east over the dry field to the ruined mill by the river.
Smon: Through the trees you see it standing by the riverside.
chris107: M scans it with his nightvision
Smon: The remains of the two scaly purple chaos goblins M&S killed are already rotting.
chris107: or at least as far as it reaches
Smon: Searching around, it's clear the goblins had been lairing in the ruined shell of the mill for some days, the grass is all trampled down.
Smon: No treasure or mysterious dungeon entrances though.
Sandor Sunneson: any clues to any interference of any kinds?
Smon: No, and it's clear this was not a permanent goblin abode.
Smon: can roll int+prof dc 15
chris107: Signs that just the two were there?
Smon: yup
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 1,
chris107 rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 20, (+4) = 24
Sandor Sunneson: +6=7
Sandor Sunneson: Stephen hawking and Stan Laural look at each other
chris107: Maglor's long pointy nose is twitching as he investigates.
Smon: Maglor ascertains that the goblins must have taken shelter here after the ritual.
chris107: "Shall we move along?"
Smon: A lot of grass is pulled up, as if the gobbos had been chewing on it?
Sandor Sunneson: I have a feeling the abandoned tower maybe a place of interest
chris107: hmmmm
Smon: SB munches on Tromeo Regio
chris107: not usual goblin fare
Smon: SB feels very sleepy...
Smon: SB settles down & falls asleep in the tower.
Smon: He almost appears dead, hardly any breath.
Sandor Sunneson: Must be the fromage I guess
chris107: In the tower?
Sandor Sunneson: Shall we leave him here and go and investigate the bridge?
Smon: SB ate the WORST CHEESE
chris107: Maglor looks appraisingly at all his magical gear...
Smon: SB is in a death-like sleep.
chris107: But simply covers him in his cloak to keep him warm.
Smon: Little bits of mould forming around his mouth.
DESTROYERBILL: can you bring him back to town
Sandor Sunneson: That's nice,
Smon: He weighs about 600 lb.
chris107: "Hmmm this doesn't look good."
chris107: "Can we make him sick?"
Sandor Sunneson: Yeah, touch his punchbag at the back of his throat?
chris107: "Get the cheese out of his system somehow?"
Sandor Sunneson: But face him away from us so he vomits and doesn't spray it on anyone
Smon: Are you trying to make him vomit?
chris107: "We have to do something. Can't just let him die."
Smon: OOC If you do something sensible to help SB he'll get advtg on the poison save to not die...
chris107: Maglor tries
Sandor Sunneson: Yeah, lets do that
chris107: Putting him in the recovery position first.
Sandor Sunneson: We'lll try and induce him to vomit
Sandor Sunneson: yes
Smon: OK Maglor make medicine check, INT+Prof dc 12
chris107 rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 9, (+4) = 13
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: Dragonborn physiology is a bit weird, but Maglor manages to induce a fiery blast of vomit!!
Sandor Sunneson: well done
Sandor Sunneson: just
Smon: Bill CON saves
chris107: "EEK!"
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+10x2 and gets:
3 (+10) = 13
16 (+10) = 26
Smon: YAAY!
Smon: SB wakes up NOT a mold zombie!
chris107: Phew
Smon: 1 level exhaustion to SB though
chris107: good job he had advantage!
Smon: disad on ability checks (but not attacks & saves)
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, to the Tower or do you want to go back to village SB?
chris107: "Maybe we should go rest atthe inn for the night?"
DESTROYERBILL: 1 night rest
Smon: SB leaves the nasty cheese in the tower...
chris107: "You're very welcome by the way."
Smon: spreading out chunks.
DESTROYERBILL: thank you alot
chris107: Maglor follows Prince Sandor.
chris107: "Welcome."
Smon: It looks like SB is deliberately setting bait.
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, les go to the top of the hill and the ruined tower, its the sort of place where evil festers
Smon: GM: With queasy SB following you head over the fields, cross the bridge road towards Sidral's Tower...
Sandor Sunneson: We;; check the bridge whilst here
chris107: M loads his light crossbow.
Smon: https://rpgcharacters.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/goblin-valley-tower.jpg?w=529&h=572
chris107: nice
Sandor Sunneson: Looks much more in tact than I first imagines
Sandor Sunneson: imagined
chris107: All dark?
Smon: You can't see much of the bridge in the dusk light
Smon: It'll be full dark soon
Smon: You hear the gurgle of the stream.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will use Barbarian senses to keep him alert
Smon: The tower itself was once 50 or 60 feet tall, but now only the bottom 30 feet are intact, with crumbling remains above. The multiple interior levels have all collapsed, leaving a large interior space.
Smon: SB munches on Truvan Beaver Cheese...
Smon: causes horrendous indigestion and nausea
Smon: /roll d12+12
Smon rolls 1d12+12 and gets: 7, (+12) = 19
Smon: -1 to attack for 19 hrs
Smon: saving throws against spells cast by the consumer are at a -2 penalty during the first four hours.
Sandor Sunneson: Can you not stop eating whilst on adventure? You are endangering us all
Smon: (ie +2 DC)
Smon: It's the Sorcerer's Cheese!
DESTROYERBILL: are you ....... kidding me
Smon: Any wizard would kill for such a powerful cheese!
Smon: You hear a flap of leathery wings...
DESTROYERBILL: ill just go back to the village
chris107: keep going,you'll get the right one eentually!
chris107: "Guess we're on our own Prince Sandor?"
Smon: /roll d20+3
DESTROYERBILL: (barf every where
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 18, (+3) = 21
Smon: Anyone got passive per 22+?
chris107: 18
Smon: prof+wis+10
chris107: (will be 20 at 9th )
Smon: OK the red stirges already are landed on you before you notice them...
Smon: Nice of you to approach at night when they're awake.
chris107: "EEK!"
Smon: /roll d3
Smon rolls 1d3 and gets: 1
Smon: 4 on Maglor 5 on SB 5 on Sandor
Smon: att w advtg
chris107: AC17
Sandor Sunneson: rage
Sandor Sunneson: they attack first
Smon: giant 3' long stirges land on you, probisces questing...
Smon: Maglor AC?
chris107: 17
Sandor Sunneson: 17
Smon: /roll d20+5x8
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x8 and gets:
14 (+5) = 19
6 (+5) = 11
18 (+5) = 23
4 (+5) = 9
16 (+5) = 21
10 (+5) = 15
1 (+5) = 6
2 (+5) = 7
Smon: 3 hits
chris107: (Is his sword short enough to attack the ones attached?)
Smon: /roll 3d8+9
Smon: (yup)
Smon rolls 3d8+9 and gets: 4, 3, 4, (+9) = 20
Smon: 20 dmg maglor as they suck his blood, it feels lovely
chris107: can he uncanny dodge that?
Smon: (no as surprised)
chris107: one of?
Smon: Sandor AC?
chris107: okay
Sandor Sunneson: 21
chris107: 42/66HP then
Smon: /roll d20+5x10
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x10 and gets:
2 (+5) = 7
14 (+5) = 19
6 (+5) = 11
11 (+5) = 16
13 (+5) = 18
8 (+5) = 13
6 (+5) = 11
3 (+5) = 8
11 (+5) = 16
5 (+5) = 10
chris107: yay!
Smon: They cannot pierce your stout cuirass!
Smon: 5 on SB AC 20
Smon: /roll d20+5x10
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x10 and gets:
18 (+5) = 23
8 (+5) = 13
10 (+5) = 15
9 (+5) = 14
20 (+5) = 25
18 (+5) = 23
10 (+5) = 15
4 (+5) = 9
6 (+5) = 11
6 (+5) = 11
Smon: hit + crit
Smon: /roll 3d8+6
Smon rolls 3d8+6 and gets: 2, 7, 7, (+6) = 22
Smon: ok roll init, barbs have advtg
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 19, (+3) = 22
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 7, (+1) = 8
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 8, (+3) = 11
Smon: barbs have advtg
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 11, (+5) = 16
Smon: SB doesn't cos sick as he explained to me just now
Smon: roll again fergus...
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 12,
Smon: stirges win
Sandor Sunneson: +3=15
Smon: 1 attacks Maglo
DESTROYERBILL: (just like they did against hakeem
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 14, (+5) = 19
Smon: hit?
chris107: ac17
chris107: yup
Smon: Mag can react to 1/2 dmg...
Smon: /roll d8+3
Smon rolls 1d8+3 and gets: 4, (+3) = 7
Smon: 7/2=3
Smon: 3 sucking Maglor
chris107: he willdoso
Smon: brb
chris107: 39/66
Smon: /roll 3d8+9
Smon rolls 3d8+9 and gets: 8, 2, 6, (+9) = 25
Smon: 25 blood suck dmg maglor.
chris107: 14/66
chris107: How close to the stream are we?
Smon: 1-
Smon: 1050'
Smon: sorry dad phoned
chris107: okay, too far to dash and submerge himself then...
Smon: 3 attack SB
Smon: /roll d20+5x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x3 and gets:
6 (+5) = 11
16 (+5) = 21
4 (+5) = 9
Smon: another attaches
Smon: 3 suck...
Smon: /roll 3d8+9
Smon rolls 3d8+9 and gets: 1, 2, 7, (+9) = 19
Smon: 5 attacking Sandor
Smon: /roll d20+5x5
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x5 and gets:
14 (+5) = 19
15 (+5) = 20
15 (+5) = 20
14 (+5) = 19
16 (+5) = 21
Smon: 1 attaches
Smon: /roll d8+3
Smon rolls 1d8+3 and gets: 6, (+3) = 9
Smon: 9 dmg Sandor
chris107: phew
Smon: Bbns you see Maglor won't last much longer, he's gone white.
Smon: you can all go
chris107: M sets himself on fire with his sword. Hoping the flaming clothing will drive them off.
Sandor Sunneson: Lol, suicide bomber tactics
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20 and gets: 18,
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20 and gets: 16,
chris107: Then cunning action Dash towards the water
Smon: SB rips two stirges off Maglor then squashes them
chris107: 14/66 Ferg, I won't last another round
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will attack sturges and rage
chris107: "Thanks!" He shoutsas he runs
Smon: Sandor attacks stirges attacking him?
Smon: Maglor sets himself on fire(!)
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: 6 dmg from burning clothing Maglor
Sandor Sunneson: yes, lol
chris107: One more round and M is down. Desperate times...
chris107: 8/66
Sandor Sunneson: yes, his aim was to get to the ones attacking maglor
Smon: and M runs into the trees, 2 stirges attached.
Smon: Sandor races after him...
Smon: OK M is making it hard to save him...
DESTROYERBILL: ill kill them for yoo
chris107: If he sees his chums trying to help he will slow down.
Sandor Sunneson: OOC- I thoguht the 6 was a wondering monster attack
Smon: OK M stops and the others catch up, stirges buzzing around them
Sandor Sunneson: lets deal with the stirges around Maglor
Smon: Sandor you have burning sword drawn, can attack stirges AC 18 due to long sword (AC 13 w dagger or shortsword)
Smon: Sandor make 2 to-hit rolls vs AC 18
Smon: they have 10 hp
Sandor Sunneson: I'll go for 18
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 13,
Sandor Sunneson: +10=23
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 13,
chris107: nice
Sandor Sunneson: +10=23
Smon: 2 hits
Sandor Sunneson: focusing he takes them out with a consistent swing
Sandor Sunneson: ist attack
Smon: They are down to 7 hp so Sandor kills them both leaving Maglor stirge-free.
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 3, 6, = 9
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 2,
Smon: Round 2...
chris107: Phew!Thanks guys!
Sandor Sunneson: Are the stirges coming out to fight?
Smon: The stirges around SB & S still sucking
Sandor Sunneson: as Sandor and SB ran away after Maglor?
Smon: 1 attack vs SB
Smon: 2 sorry
Sandor Sunneson: Continue to attack
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
20 (+5) = 25
1 (+5) = 6
Smon: crit
Smon: /roll 2d8+3
Smon rolls 2d8+3 and gets: 7, 6, (+3) = 16
Smon: 8 dmg
Smon: 3 suck
chris107: ouch
Smon: /roll 3d8+9
Smon rolls 3d8+9 and gets: 1, 2, 7, (+9) = 19
Smon: 35/2=17 total
Smon: 4 atts on sandor
Smon: /roll d20+5x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x4 and gets:
7 (+5) = 12
5 (+5) = 10
14 (+5) = 19
16 (+5) = 21
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: 2 sucking now
Smon: /roll 2d8+6
Smon rolls 2d8+6 and gets: 7, 1, (+6) = 14
chris107: Maglor, now stirge free will use the closeness of his wolf friend to take advantage of sucking stirges.
Smon: 14/2 = 7 dmg Sandor
Smon: ok Maglor can att w advtg vs stirges on sandor
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will attack
chris107 Rolls 1d20+10x2 and gets:
1 (+10) = 11
20 (+10) = 30
Smon: AC 13 for 3 in air, AC 18 for Sandor vs suckers
chris107 rolls 8d6+7 and gets: 2, 6, 2, 1, 3, 4, 3, 2, (+7) = 30
Smon: 10 hp
chris107: "Die you blood sucking ********!"
Smon: Maglor pops a bloody stirge
Smon: Sandor attacking 3 in air?
Sandor Sunneson: ok
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 4,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 1,
Smon: ac 13 1 hit
Sandor Sunneson: +10=15
Sandor Sunneson: 1 hit
Sandor Sunneson: 1 dead, i miss
Sandor Sunneson: 1 miss
Smon: ok
Sandor Sunneson: Can roll damage if you want?
Smon: Sandor cuts 1 from the air (10 hp)
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
3 = 3
20 = 20
Smon: SB pulls off & crushes 2 stirges
Smon: next round
Sandor Sunneson: 5 left?
chris107: Death to Strirges! Keeping close to Sandor
Smon: 6 left
Smon: 1 att SB
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 11, (+5) = 16
Smon: miss
Smon: 2 sucking SB
Smon: /roll 2d8+6
Smon rolls 2d8+6 and gets: 8, 5, (+6) = 19
Smon: 19/2=9 dmg
Smon: 2 attack Sandor
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
17 (+5) = 22
2 (+5) = 7
Smon: 1 hits
Smon: /roll 2d8+6
Smon rolls 2d8+6 and gets: 3, 3, (+6) = 12
Smon: 12/2 = 6 dmg sandor
Smon: your go
Sandor Sunneson: attack x2
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
8 = 8
11 = 11
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
5 = 5
6 = 6
chris107: at the one atattached to S
Sandor Sunneson: 15 and 16
chris107 Rolls 1d20+10x2 and gets:
16 (+10) = 26
8 (+10) = 18
Sandor Sunneson: 2 hits, 2 dead from Sandor
Sandor Sunneson: 103/125
chris107 rolls 7d6+7 and gets: 6, 6, 4, 4, 1, 2, 4, (+7) = 34
Smon: no, ac 18 attached fergus
chris107: (Maglor is enjoying some payback )
Smon: sandor can kill the last stirge flitting around him, misses an attached one
Smon: maglor kills it - one left attached to sandor
Sandor Sunneson: oh, lol
Sandor Sunneson: cheeky stirges
Smon: 2 stirges left...
Smon: one flying round sb...
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 6, (+5) = 11
Smon: 1 sucks sandor
Smon: /roll d8+3
Smon rolls 1d8+3 and gets: 1, (+3) = 4
Smon: 4/2=2 dmg
Smon: your goes
chris107 Rolls 1d20+10x2 and gets:
19 (+10) = 29
16 (+10) = 26
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
10 = 10
14 = 14
Smon: You slay the Stirges!
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 18,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 1,
chris107: ,roll 6d6+7
Sandor Sunneson: lol
chris107 rolls 6d6+7 and gets: 1, 5, 5, 6, 6, 4, (+7) = 34
Sandor Sunneson: what a great monster they are!
Smon: 14 mighty stirges lie dead in a trail from the tower into the woods and down towards the river where you end the epic battle.
Smon: Kainos v Hakeem had nothing on this!
DESTROYERBILL: i eat them all first i cook them
chris107: Maglor, hair all burned off and looking very bedraggled stabs the last one
Sandor Sunneson: Shall we short rest at the village and come back here during daylight?
chris107: Haha
Sandor Sunneson: Don't eat any cheese or anything, I thought all cheese was left in the panniers anyway?
Smon: They are bright red and much bigger than normal stirges
Sandor Sunneson: lol
chris107: Maglor shudders
Sandor Sunneson: back to village for short rest and we'll come back here in daylight
chris107: "I think I need to lay down."
Smon: SB chargrills stirges w sword then pops in mouth... delicious
DESTROYERBILL rolls 2d4 and gets: 2, 2, = 4
Smon: SB recovers 2d4 hp for delicious stirge meat
chris107: M only has 2 healing dice left anyway.
chris107: (He's a little outclassed in this company )
Smon: Your weary band stagger back to the village, where a group of locals are now drinking at the Inn.
chris107: Thanks guys!
Smon: Lena & Sidra are buying rounds of drinks.
Smon: Two flower-clad witch priestesses regard you with amusement.
DESTROYERBILL: lena do not sell the 1 gp cheese anymore its death cheese
Smon: "Do you require ...succour?" asks the dark one
DESTROYERBILL: puts you in a coma and turns you into a mold zombie
chris107: "Yes please."
Smon: Lena listens wide eyed to SB. "Oh no! Really?"
Sandor Sunneson: He wants to be sucked !
chris107: "I feel a little drained."
Smon: https://cavernaobscura.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/born-ib-paradise-blue03.jpg
Smon: https://cavernaobscura.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/born-ib-paradise-pink02.jpg
Smon: The priestesses caress Maglor...
Smon: /roll d8+3x6
Smon Rolls 1d8+3x6 and gets:
7 (+3) = 10
2 (+3) = 5
1 (+3) = 4
1 (+3) = 4
3 (+3) = 6
2 (+3) = 5
DESTROYERBILL: i offer a random person at the inn to have some juniper curd
Smon: 34 hp back Maglor
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor's eys pop out as he sees such frilly dressed ladies in the pub
Sandor Sunneson: why Bill? If they fail a saving throw they loose a CON point
chris107: "Thank younPriestess."
chris107: 42/66
chris107: his own two healingdice
DESTROYERBILL: its not that cheese fergus
chris107 rolls 2d8+4 and gets: 6, 1, (+4) = 11
Smon: Malttooth the smith accepts the juniper curd
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will use 3,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 3d12 and gets: 11, 2, 3, = 16
chris107: 53/66HP
Sandor Sunneson: +6=
Smon: weevils pop out of the woodwork & scurry away from him
Smon: (you complete short rest, can spend hd)
Sandor Sunneson: ah, wrong cheese
chris107: M at 53/66 no HD left
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, back to tower?
chris107: in the morning
Smon: Sidra the cheesemonger: "Our amazing cheeses never used to be THIS amazing..."
Smon: Chumpin: "1 gp each for a private room, friends, or 5 silvers for a shared one."
Sandor Sunneson: Is there any magical influence in the area? Any spell casters Sidra?
DESTROYERBILL: i offer sombody els some wax-bound dog wood cheese
Smon: Sidra shakes her jowls. "Surely not! Well..."
Smon: make CHA+prof roll Sandor
chris107: M pays up and slinks off to bed
Sandor Sunneson: Well.....???
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 8,
Smon: The locals look apprehensively at SB's cheese
Sandor Sunneson: +5=13
Smon: M gets private room? Or share w witches?
chris107: private, he's buggered
Smon: LOL
Sandor Sunneson: Lets go to the back at chat Sidra
Sandor Sunneson:
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 8, (+6) = 14
Smon: Lena: "I shall eat your cheese!"
Smon: Lena unwraps the hard red rind from the dogwood...
DESTROYERBILL: first sine this waver so you can not sue me for any acsidents caused by the eating of the cheese
Smon: The Innkeep's dog perks up!
Smon: (cos bbns carry legal contracts...)Lena
Smon: takes a nibble. "mm, tasty!"
Smon: The dog leaps up and tries to snarf her cheese!
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 6, (+3) = 9
Smon: "eek!" says Lena, fending off the mutt.
Sandor Sunneson: What of the caster?
Smon: "Don't mind him, he's just friendly! Here boy!" says chumpin
Smon: No canine can resist the dogwood cheese!
Smon: It is the ultimate doggy bribe!
chris107: brb 1 min
Smon: No caninoid can fight its power... Lena gets a few more bites then has to give up & let doggie finish the rest.
Sandor Sunneson: What does Sidra tell Sandor about the caster?
DESTROYERBILL: what is the name of your dog
Smon: Sidra looks at Sandor. "No casters round here."
Smon: Chumpin: "Name's Mutt."
Sandor Sunneson: Oh, thought he passed the CHA check
Sandor Sunneson: ok
DESTROYERBILL: mutt do a backfflip and you can get some more cheese
Smon: Your prof is +4 as you are still level 12 Fergus BTW
Sandor Sunneson: Any one new come to town then to cause these strange happenings?
chris107: back
Sandor Sunneson: Sidra?
Smon: Sidra: "No, no..."
Smon: /roll d12
Smon rolls 1d12 and gets: 8,
Sandor Sunneson: Sidra, you don't want to make me angry
chris107: (Sidra/Sidral?)
Smon: Sidra: "There be wolves about… you hear them howl at the moon, but you never see their tracks come the morning..."
Smon: Mutt just looks at SB dumbly.
Sandor Sunneson: Have you been up to the Tower yourself?
DESTROYERBILL: i hold chesse out and say slowly do a backflip
chris107: (Sidral's Tower)
Sandor Sunneson: Werewolves possibly? That why you don;t see the tracks?
Smon: Sidra: "“Sid’s fort” and “Sid’s ruins” and “the pile o rocks on the hill”, no one in the area ever goes there!"
Smon: "It is haunted by a foul curse that slays all who disturb it!"
Sandor Sunneson: Will it set the stirges on those and suck their blood?
Smon: "Stirges? What are they?"
Smon: SB is fending off a cheese-frenzied Mutt.
Sandor Sunneson: Big insects, like mosquitos
DESTROYERBILL: i hold it and make it do a back flip by slowly spinning it in the air while holding it
Smon: Sidra shakes her head. "It is known to be dangerous, but also a danger that doesn’t seem to extend beyond the immediate area of the tower."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will whip out the firesword
Smon: SB spins Mutt....
Smon: Everyone gasps as Sandor whips out his burning weapon.
Sandor Sunneson: Your hiding something
Sandor Sunneson: I know you are
Smon: SB feeds Mutt the Dogwood cheese.
Smon: Sidra looks desperately at Chumpin.
DESTROYERBILL: i say no to sandor
Sandor Sunneson: add another letter onto your name and you get the name of the tower
Sandor Sunneson: I'm not going to attack her
Smon: Chumpin: "It's ok Sidra, they know about the Goblins."
Sandor Sunneson: what are you not telling us?
Smon: Sidra: "No! I'm innocent I tell you!"
Smon: The stout woman's eyes are wide with terror.
Smon: Lena: "Leave my mother alone!"
DESTROYERBILL: stop threatning people sandor
Sandor Sunneson: Who has been upsetting her before we came?
Smon: Sidra backs away behind SB for cover (not hard)
Sandor Sunneson: There is something wrong with this village
Sandor Sunneson: the strong cheeses, the burnt property, the ceremony that went wrong
Smon: Chumpin: "The Ritual went wrong! The Goblins! Some kind of ...Energy... was unleashed!"
chris107: Maglor "Zzzzzzzzzzz"
Sandor Sunneson: From where?
DESTROYERBILL: sandor this is becoming a real problem stop threatning people
DESTROYERBILL: you know its illeagile
Sandor Sunneson: We are trying to help these people, strange things are happening in this village
Smon: Sidra nods. "We are just innocent farmers! For hundreds of years the Ceremony has bound us in peace with the Ur-Goblins! Nothing threatens us here! But now... all is wrong!" she sobs.
Sandor Sunneson: Why Sidra
Sandor Sunneson: Let us help you put this right
Smon: Maltooth: "I bet the Goblins are behind this! I never trusted them!"
Sandor Sunneson: where can we find the Ur Goblins?
Smon: Maltooth: "They are Chaos creatures! You should kill them all!"
Sandor Sunneson: In the cave?
DESTROYERBILL: if your going to act like that things will just get worse
Smon: Chumpin: "Maltooth! None o yer nonsense! The Goblins have always done right by us..."
DESTROYERBILL: dont blame someone till you have proper evidince
Sandor Sunneson: We need to speak to the Ur Goblins, something has infiltrated them
Smon: Maltooth turns to Sandor: "Aye! Across the bridge in the woods is their Cave!"
Smon: "They lurk there! By light of the full moon they gibber & caper by the bridge!"
Sandor Sunneson: SB, shall we go and investigate?
Sandor Sunneson: (What time is it in the village?)
Smon: SB patches himself up (back to full hp)
Smon: It's 8pm now.
Smon: bit after
DESTROYERBILL: who wants pink kleebers
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, in the morning, we go to the cave he'll say to SB
Smon: A drunk farmer raises hand. "Gimme 10 gold an I'll do it!"
chris107: (What about the tower?)
Sandor Sunneson: He'll apologise to Lena
Smon: The farmer munches down the Pink Kleebus.
Sandor Sunneson: We'll do something
Smon: He smells horrible!
Smon: His mates back away.
chris107: (We just killed the tower monsters, shouldn't we finish off there rather than jumping all around the shop?)
Smon: A pink crust forms over his skin.
Sandor Sunneson: Saying he didn't mean to upset his mother but we now know where the potential problem could be
Sandor Sunneson: (Yes)
Smon: (you're asleep Maglor)
Sandor Sunneson: (We're going in the morning anyway)
chris107: (Sorry)
Smon: The farmer gets +2 AC for Grants +2 bonus to AC, at the cost of -4 to all reaction rolls. The effect lasts for 6 hours, culminating in an epic visit to the latrine.
chris107: ewwww
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: massive pink diaorrea
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will go and rest up for the night
DESTROYERBILL: who wants the gafers black
Sandor Sunneson: He'll apologise to Sidra too
Smon: A drunk witch priestess will try the gaffers black.
Smon: Sandor a DC 20 Persuasion check vs Lena
Smon: The priestess starts to sweat profusely.
Smon: "So... hot..." she starts to tear off her flowers, to cheering from the clientele.
Smon: /roll d20
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 14,
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 3,
Smon: "The Spirits! I can see them!"
Sandor Sunneson: IS this the fair skinned one?
Smon: Lena & Sidra listen politely to Sandor's apology then shuffle away.
Smon: (yes)
Smon: The naked blonde witch looks around in wonder, still sweating heavily.
Smon: The Gaffer’s Black (7 gp) causes extreme sweating, consumer can commune with nearby spirits for two turns if she fails a save vs. poison at -3
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will offer her a glass of water
Smon: She gulps it down, now talking with unseen ghosts.
Smon: "All the ghosts of the thorpe! Wow! I'd have thought the graveyard... but no, they're here!"
Smon: The villagers look uneasy.
Smon: "Excuse me, just going for a swim..."
Sandor Sunneson: here as in where? The village
Sandor Sunneson: ?
Sandor Sunneson: Don't allow her to leave, they could drown her
Smon: She dashes out of the Inn, racing for the stream, her dusky companion following.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will follow
Sandor Sunneson: Admiring the athleticness of the witches from behind
Smon: The dark one turns to Sandor: "I shouldn't worry, we've eaten much stranger than that..." (hippies!)
DESTROYERBILL: who wants speckle root hard cheese
Smon: The witches reach the bridge and run down the riverbank into the stream.
Smon: Moonlight washes the scene.
Smon: /roll d20+4x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x2 and gets:
14 (+4) = 18
13 (+4) = 17
Smon: Somewhere an owl hoots.
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 12, (+6) = 18
Smon: Chumpin sighs. "Well, I guess it's my turn."
Smon: Chumpin eats it. "Wow! Tastes great! And quite filling!"
Smon: He looks down as a cut on his finger fades away.
Smon: GM: Doubles healing rate.
Smon: Can Long Rest in 3 days.
Sandor Sunneson: Give that to Maglor!
Sandor Sunneson: We can have some of that with us even
Sandor Sunneson: In case we need it
Sandor Sunneson: Shall we rest 3 days and then return to the tower?
Smon: GM: The Inn starts to empty out.
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 9, (+6) = 15
Smon: After 20 minutes the witches haul their supple bodies out of the water, moonlight playing on their shapely forms.
Sandor Sunneson: Here we go......
Smon: SB buttonholes the last farmer.
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 11, (+6) = 17
Smon: "Please sir, I have a family..."
Sandor Sunneson: You happy ladies? So free and so caring you both are
Smon: He looks fearfully at the cheese.
DESTROYERBILL: ill pay you 50 gp
Sandor Sunneson: Seeing you dancing in the moonlight
Smon: Blonde witch: "hmm yes, we are! Come in and join us!"
Sandor Sunneson: That's threatening, you tell Sandor not to bully and do it yourself?
Smon: The farmer nods to SB. "If I die, see my wife gets it..."
Smon: The little balding farmer gingerly picks at the soft barrel cherry cheese...
Smon: "Mmm... my extremities are tingling!"
Smon: "With this gold I can buy a new ox, a plough... Marta will be so happy!" he says dreamily.
Smon: Soft Barrel Cherry Cheese (5 gp) – causes a strange tingling sensation in the consumer’s extremities for d8+1 hours, no other effects.
Smon: GM: OK eventually you retire to bed - Sandor with a pair of amorous witches - recover 1 hp/level.
Smon: SB wakes up refreshed (exhaustion gone)
chris107: 61/66HP
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, to the tower?
Smon: OOC stopping now
Sandor Sunneson: Thanks Simon
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