Completed rest. Leave Diancecht on Foamrunner
Arrive at Capricia Dwarf Town.
Maglor gets it on with Princess Crystal in her chamber at the dwarf lord's hall.
Sandor introduces elf captain Meanan to the half elf doxy Mealia.
Maglor & Sandor Travel north 3 hours to Imp Brucke thorpe, taste cheese, kill two mutant chaos goblins at the ruined mill.
Sandor has a date with a cheese vendor, Lena.
![]() |
Mealia |
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Lena of the Ancient Cheese |
9:01am 2017-12-16 Smon Has entered the room
Smon: Morning folks
Sandor Sunneson: Morning Simon
Sandor Sunneson: on phone brb
chris107: Morning Simon
Smon: Listening to Sabaton - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ylyqoxh-cXk&index=1&list=RDYlyqoxh-cXk
Smon: Lots of great historical battle tracks
Sandor Sunneson: Is your boy with us too??
Smon: nope
chris107: Rourkes Drift
Sandor Sunneson: So Sandor and Maglor it is then!
Sandor Sunneson: Welshmen never yield !!!
chris107: Just digging out Maglor's character sheet. 1 min.
Smon: Best Sabaton tend to be non-Anglosphere stuff, like the Last Stand of the Papal Guard vs several thousand brigands - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7U9lVjZg-Kg&list=RDYlyqoxh-cXk&index=5
Smon: One for Fergus - Bannockburn - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi7xBe5-M8k&list=RDYlyqoxh-cXk&index=13
Sandor Sunneson: ha ha,
chris107: back
Smon: Last session - http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2017/12/22-2964447-bccc-sandor-shieldbiter.html
chris107: Close to 9th
Smon: Elf music for Diancecht https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqnohMfrS3Y
Smon: End of last session: Smon: Crystal LIKES Maglor. GM: Your battered band return to Diancecht a little after dawn. chris107: Sandor Sunneson: nice one, had it been a 1, would have been something like, she really likes Maglor and feels that Maglor reminds her of her brother, Smon: Crystal: "Thanks for scouting out those traps Maglor, Shieldbiter..." chris107: Haha chris107: Her brothers dead! Smon: "I think that dungeon might be a little too 'high level' for me!" chris107: M to C - Yes. I want to keep you very safe indeed! Smon: Crystal: "Now Mr Mysterious Spy, you're going to face some serious interrogation from me..." she winks. Sandor Sunneson: good XP that though Smon: OOC Stopping there.. Smon: 3600 XP each chris107: Nice one! That gets M v close to 9th chris107: Looks like Stone Golems are as hard in 5th as they are in 1st? Sandor Sunneson: And Sandor not so far from 13 Smon: Over the next week Shieldbiter researches the songs of praise to Rhissel the Morninglord, Smon: even taking a short trip to Delmirev Hold to get the song details. Smon: yup Smon: Crystal shows Maglor her private gardens... Smon: "These are begonias, and those are blue roses of Valon..." chris107: Maglor is a natural horticulturist Smon: "...We use ice magic to keep them chill enough to flourish here." Sandor Sunneson: lol chris107: He enjoys her company greatly Smon: Crystal asks Maglor a lot about his homeland and the Royal Court at Anatal. Smon: ok stopping there chris107: Always remembering that she is a princess of the blood.
chris107: Maglor likes taht
Smon: GM: After a week's recovery in Diancecht you are fit and well again. Princess Crystal is clearly interested in Maglor, but seems a little shy.
chris107: And Maglor reciprocates
chris107: in similar fashion.
chris107: Courtly & elvenlike
chris107: (They got centuries after all)
Smon: Shieldbiter is off researching at Delmirev Hold on the tales of Rhissel Morninglord, likely to be another week or two, so Crystal suggests a voyage to Capricia to see the Dwarves.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor tells them both to get a room together and that you only live once,
chris107: But for a very long time...
chris107: Maglor explains about Elves having spirits rather than souls
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor the Skandik looks for mushrooms to take to become more elven
chris107: And touchs on the tantric nature of Elven love making. One act can often take decades
Sandor Sunneson: How many XP does one gain for that?
Sandor Sunneson:
chris107: one does it just for the pleasure.
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, we could do that bridge adventure? Sandor is also wanting to get back to find out whether he is Dad to a boy or girl or if the child was stillborn
chris107: Maglor as usual will play second fiddle and go where ever prince Sandor wishes.
Sandor Sunneson: So would rather pt the voyage to Capricia on hold
chris107: So long as he gets to have some time with Princess Crystal and make promise to return. he's happy.
Sandor Sunneson: Cool
Smon: Clenderi due around 1/9, currently 29/6, you have 2 months.
Sandor Sunneson: cool
chris107: "Then lead where you will bold Prince."
Sandor Sunneson: We'll go to the little village to investigate the bridge
Smon: GM: The trip up mighty Northwatch Fjord (the River of Visions) passes peacefully, the river is well patrolled by the Elves & Dwarves and their human allies.
Smon: The 75 miles upriver against the current takes Foamrunner a day, and you arrive morning 30/6.
chris107: A fine ship.
Smon: Visiting the local court with Crystal, she passes on her father King Kambdum's greetings to the ruler, the dwarven lord-priest Gotarerin of Kazadarum. He welcomes you all. "Greetings, friends. What news do you bring?"
chris107: (OOC and just for the record, the trap at the botom of the Ziggurat is nearly spent. One gem left I think? I reckon that's where Sandor's amulet will be found)
chris107: M watches his master closely.
Smon: Others at Gotarerin's court are Ercel, male Tharbrian (leader of the human fishermen); Meanan, male wood elf NG Ftr4 (captain of the marines); Azu, male dwarf [city] (captain of the guards).
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor socialises with the locals, just being polite and showing no signs of barbarian thuggery
chris107: "Perhaps news of the Amiondel captives, Prince Sandor?" he suggests
Sandor Sunneson: He will tell the dwarven priest of the situation with the elves
Smon: Crystal explains news from the South, how you captured two spies of the Amiondel elves.
Sandor Sunneson: Let me type ffs
Smon: Letting Sandor supply the details.
chris107: M bows and drops back into the background.
Sandor Sunneson: He will explain what happened on the beach and that they spies were handed on to the dwarves for interrogation
Sandor Sunneson: And how Sandor thinks the dark elves could soon be banging the drums of war to the south
Smon: "To the Dwarves of Klerkenwell? Aye, that is good! Old Roroen will make them talk!" He grins happily.
Smon: Crystal: "We may have need of your mighty warriors, Lord Gotorerin. And those of Mazargog Fortress. The Dwarves of Klerkenwell cannot stand alone against such Reckless Hate as the Amiondel."
Sandor Sunneson: We are also hear to investigate the on goings at Imp Brucke
Sandor Sunneson: Do you know of these misshapen faces ?
Smon: Gotorerin nods gravely. "You have our axes, Princess Moonsilver. With the Vale subdued by Hakeem, we can at last afford to send warriors south."
Sandor Sunneson: There is lots going on Crystal, they have evil tendencies and must be dealt with,
Sandor Sunneson: Lets hope the peace can last Gotorerin, the tension amongst some of the clans and families is there for all to see
Smon: Gotorerin turns to Sandor. "Imp Brucke? Strange little place! The Cheeses are amazing - you should try some! But there are whispers of dark pacts - with Goblins, even! And now strange lights in the sky, a family slaughtered... The locals told my dwarves it were just a house fire, but I suspect different! The work of Chaos, I'll warrant! Yes, please investigate, and let me know what you find."
Sandor Sunneson: Will do,
Smon: >>Do you know of these misshapen faces ?<< Gotorerin: "The old Troll Bridge? Aye. Demonbrood work, I'd warrant."
Smon: >>Lets hope the peace can last Gotorerin, the tension amongst some of the clans and families is there for all to see<< Gotorerin: "You speak of the North? What tensions? What clans?"
Sandor Sunneson: In general I mean, some of the clans from different areas have a historic hatred, Hakeem is looking at the bigger picture trying to keep peace for all, unfort tribal differences are showing and some clans would probably like to take advantage of this politically shall we say
chris107: M is interested to hear which clans these are too..
Sandor Sunneson: However they won't in Hakeem's presence as they know he would deal with them accordingly (laughs out loud)
chris107: But says nothing, just pins back his elven ears
Smon: make a CHA+prof check Sandor
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 19, (+4) = 23
Sandor Sunneson: whoa, high roll on an addition
chris107: (That's just undermined months of hard work )
Smon: Despite Sandor's waffling lack of any specifics, the dwarf lord is in a good humour and laughs. "I see, I see! Very good."
chris107: (We are trying to foster unity not sow worry among our potential allis)
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor is a thick Barbarian from Mystara who is disapointed that humans don;t show generic unity
Sandor Sunneson: Everything will be fine with Hakeem in charge
Sandor Sunneson: is fine with Hakeem in charge
Smon: "Aye, as long as the warlord Hakeem rules, I'm sure none will oppose him! Now, enjoy the hospitality of my Hall..."
Sandor Sunneson: Thank you,
Smon: GM: You drink and feast; luckily this is a mixed settlement with humans and even elves, so it's not all dwarf beer & stone bread.
chris107: M will enjoy this extra time with Princess crystal.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will mingle amongst the locals and chat to Ercel the Thrabian
Smon: Crystal is very polite & friendly with the locals, paying special attention to Ercel, representative of the human fisher-folk.
Sandor Sunneson: amongst others
Smon: Ercel is an elderly ruddy-faced Tharbrian with white beard, a bit like Happy Iocunnu back in Selatine.
Smon: The Wood Elf marines captain Meanan is rather flirtatious with Princess Crystal...
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 9,
Sandor Sunneson: oh, a buster merryfield type
Smon: But she responds only politely, seeming to have eyes only for Maglor.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will look for someone else to bleather with of a more higher social ranking
Sandor Sunneson: in a polite way
chris107: Mordred makes no fuss of this. Seemingly very relaxed and only having time for the Princess
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will have a few beers but not get excessivley drunk
chris107: I like the excessively bit
Sandor Sunneson: Mordred?
chris107: Sorry, too many M's.
chris107: Magolr
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will stop drinking
chris107: Maglor even.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro Sandor Mordred Maglor
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Sandor Sunneson: A monk whips out the back door undetected by all
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will chat with Meanan
Smon: Dwarf Captain Azu gives a history lesson: "A thousand years ago (ca 2450 BCCC) several dwarven clans came into the region from Kolda and Chacban (Barbarian Altanis) most of them moved on to settle in Snake Hill. A few others settled among the human fisherman of Capricia. When the orcs invaded the region 500 years ago many of the scattered dwarven settlements fled and moved to the protection of Caprica. The high priest of Kazadarum, Gamli the Bold organized the remaining dwarves, elves, and humans and defeated the invasion. Today Caprica is a thriving mixed community of dwarves and human. The humans, under their chief Ercel, continue to accept the high priests of Kazadarum as their leader. Gotarerin is our high priest and he works to maintain the harmony among the races inhabiting Oricha. I, Azu, am the captain of the dwarven guards and organize the protection of the caravans making their way to and from Capricia. Meanan is from Diancecht and organizes the protection of the ships and barges that transport goods from Capricia to Diancecht..."
chris107: M to S "So we go to look for adventure?"
Sandor Sunneson: and calm down on the drinking front
Smon: Meanan to Sandor: "The Princess seems smitten with that Northern elf!"
Sandor Sunneson: Yeah we'll head to this Brucke place tomorrow, so enjoy the time with the lady as we'll be away he'll say to Maglor
Smon: Meanan has been drinking rather a lot of elvish wine. He stares moodily over at Maglor & Crystal. "He looks more a Servant than a Prince!"
Sandor Sunneson: Yeah, it's nice, they seem to have hit it off quite well, both quite shy types, but just letting them get on with it.
Smon: "hmmph."
chris107: (He's not wrong)
Smon: "He's shy, eh? Aye, I can see it... He'll not win her hand like that."
Sandor Sunneson: She's not one to go for a rough arse like you and me my friend, bit too airey fairy for me though, let them be. Must be other stunning elven ladies around
Smon: Meanan smiles not very nicely.
chris107: haha
Smon: "She'll tire of his reticence, and then..." The Elf Captain raises an eyebrow at Sandor. "Who are you calling a rough arse?!"
Sandor Sunneson: Fighter types I mean, metaphorically, me and you
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: Meanan - http://media.moddb.com/images/articles/1/122/121667/leindal_portrait_300x300.jpg
Sandor Sunneson: Have any elves and dwarves ever well you know...... he'll ask the Captain?
Smon: "Not many elven ladies in Capricia as fine as the Princess... Fighter types... You mean Maglor is a Sorcerer?"
Sandor Sunneson: They don't do much for me female dwarves, you should get yourself down to the land of the Amazons, the ladies there are stunning
Smon: Meanan looks at Sandor somewhat stupefied. "Amazons? Hmm..."
Smon: roll CHA check Sandor
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 10,
Sandor Sunneson: that's exact pass
Sandor Sunneson: and amazing fighters too
Smon: What is your bonus>
Sandor Sunneson: scantily clad smooth skinned female warriors
Sandor Sunneson: +4
Sandor Sunneson: PROF
Smon: "Humans... But yes, I take your point."
Sandor Sunneson: And (he'll make sure everyone else esp the ladies are out of earshot)
Smon: Meanan quaffs the last of his elf wine. "But sadly, I am constrained to remain on the Northwatch, ensuring the security of shipping."
Sandor Sunneson: they all have huge mammories
Sandor Sunneson: must be a genetic thing
chris107: Maglor can only guess at the magnificent diplomacy taking place across the room.
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: Meanan grins at that, looking over at Princess Crystal's impressive cleavage. "Mammories... mmm..."
Smon: OOC Mammories are made of this
Sandor Sunneson: There is always place for adventure to those who want it lad, look at the bigger picture, look to help the world rather than your local village
Smon: OOC https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mammaries
Sandor Sunneson: If you think that's impressive Meanan. you'd be heaven with the Amazons
Smon: Meanan: "Adventure? I am swore to obey my King. To protect the Northwatch."
Smon: Meanan sighs, clearly having reveries of amazon mammaries.
Sandor Sunneson: That's fine and a great job you'll do at that/ Maybe ask if you could do a spying mission or something for him, would at least get you out of the area, whilst still protecting him for the greater good
Smon: Across the Hall, Crystal turns to Maglor. "Hmm... Sandor and Captain Meanan seem to be getting on well, don't you think?"
Sandor Sunneson: Can you show me around the town Meanan?
chris107: Maglor briefly causes illusionary asses tails to appear behind each of them.
Smon: Meanan: "I cannot leave my post, unless another of equal competence could be appointed. And with the death of Vailin on Three Sword Isle, there is no other."
Sandor Sunneson: You are very loyal, your King is lucky to have you on his side
Smon: Crystal sees the asses tails and giggles, nearly spilling her drink. She's clearly slightly tipsy. "Oh! he he... oh, I think I had better retire, Lord Gotarerin. Maglor, could you escort me to my room?"
chris107: "Aye Princess, they do indeed seem very fond of each other."
chris107: "And of course."
Smon: Make a CHA check Sandor
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 11,
chris107: (Maglor rarely drinks and never to excess)
Smon: Meanan: "Show you around ...? Oh! Yes, there is a little place down by the docks we could visit... Come with me."
chris107: (Though his sleight of hand often makes it appear that he consumes more than he actually does)
Sandor Sunneson: Lets go there, he'll wink at Maglor as he leaves for the docks
chris107: "It seems our prince has found a sailor."
Sandor Sunneson: Hello Sailor
Smon: Maglor & Princess Crystal head up stone stairs to the guest quarters, while Meanan leads Sandor out of the dwarf lord's hall down to a little human/half elf brothel down by the docks...
chris107: Butterflies and humming birds flit around the Princess as maglor helps her to her chamber.
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: OOC For a moment Meanan thought Sandor was hitting on him, then decided with the talk of busty amazon wenches that was unlikely. :
Smon: Upstairs, Crystal looks around in wonder at the flitting butterflies & hummingbirds. "Oh!"
Smon: Maglor make CHA check
Sandor Sunneson: He'll enter the brothel and look around at what's available
Sandor Sunneson: don't throw a 1 please Chris
chris107: (All I'll say is that Maglor's acrobatics and sleight of hand are both at +11 )
Sandor Sunneson: set the tone.........
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 20, (+3) = 23
Smon: LOL
Sandor Sunneson: ha ha
chris107: Thank you very much. And Good night Vienna.
chris107: 17 rolled last time now a 20. Pretty convincing
Smon: Inside Crystal's well appointed chamber (two guards outside), the beautiful elven princess looks shyly at Maglor as she disrobes... her gown falls to the floor... ~fade to black~
chris107: Swinging from Chandelliers and leaping from wardrobes ensues?)
Smon: OOC Unless Maglor flees the room like an acrtess from Harvey Weinstein, there will be a night of elvish lovemaking yup!
chris107: haha
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
chris107: No Maglor has his eye on marrying a Princess.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor, will have a scout round the brothel, he'll offer to get Meanan a lady for the night as a thank you for his hospitaliyy and leave him to it
Sandor Sunneson: a night? That could take years
Smon: Sandor looks around the brothel... Meanan has good taste (1= really grotty, 6 = exquisite)
chris107: Don't hold your breath.
Sandor Sunneson: what is the most stunning doxy on offer for him?
Smon: Sandor finds a very good looking half-elf doxy, Mealia by name.
Smon: OOC weirdly when you are looking for pics of half elf doxies Google suddenly becomes unhelpful!
chris107: haha
Smon: Whereas when *not* looking...
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Sandor Sunneson: HE'll say to her, my friend over there has a broken heart, please fix it for him
Sandor Sunneson: And show him that there is always adventure for those who seek it
Smon: Mealia smiles seductively. "I shall sooth his ache..."
Sandor Sunneson: Would this suffice? showing her 5gp?
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor does not know what the going rate is for a ride
Smon: There we go - Mealia - https://orig00.deviantart.net/5cd0/f/2015/046/8/9/sakura_haruno___happy_valentines__by_serafleur-d8i4az8.jpg - that was some tough research!
chris107: It's a hard life
Sandor Sunneson: jeez lol
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will give her 20gp as payment and then make his way back to his accomodation for the night, he'll say to Meanan if you seek you will find, and not just in ladies my friend but also adventure and rewards too. See you around and enjoy
Smon: Mealia looks at the 5 coins and laughs lightly. "Fifty of those should suffice."
Smon: OOC you can make CHA check to bargain to 20
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 10,
Sandor Sunneson: spot on, lol
Smon: Mealia sighs and takes the 20gp. "As a favour for such a handsome stranger..."
Sandor Sunneson: +PROF =pass
chris107: DC?
Smon: OOC The only time 10 is a pass is on death saves Fergus, otherwise you need to know the DC.
Smon: Sandor leaves Meanan happily esconced happily in the loving arms of Mealia and slips out of the brothel, back to the Lord's Hall.
Sandor Sunneson: ok
Smon: Next morning Sandor is up with only a slight hangover, but no sign at breakfast of Crystal & Maglor!
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will go down for breakfast
Sandor Sunneson: He'll wait until about the equivalent of 0830am, if still no sign will give them a knock on the door and say Maglor, breakfast stopped being served in 30 minutes
Smon: The Foamrunner First Mate Aenaro Half-elven joins Sandor. "I fear we'll not be seeing the Princess and your friend today..."
Sandor Sunneson: Oh, what happened?
chris107: maglor is the soul of discretion . And ready for adventure after a suitably loving farewell.
Smon: Maglor wakes (cos Wilderlands elves do sleep) to the knock at the door, with beautiful naked princess on the bed sleeping beside him, silk sheets in disarray.
Smon: Maglor hears Sandor calling about breakfast running out.
Smon: Crystal stirs. "Mmm..."
chris107: "I'll return soon. Wait for me. etc. etc."
chris107: (OOC He does have 1,800 XP to earn after all )
Sandor Sunneson: We can leave in an hour if you want to say farewell?
chris107: "Better make it two."
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, can time line skip that though ??
chris107: works for me
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will ask if lunch can be made so they have provisions for road as Maglor feeds the Princess a final bit of morning meat
chris107: hehe
Smon: GM: It's close to noon by the time a contented Maglor is ready with Sandor to head north.
Sandor Sunneson: He'll look to say farewell to Meanan, encourage him to look for adventure and say to him, I'm sure if you asked for it to help your king, he would find something for you
Sandor Sunneson: Head North
Smon: Princess Crystal looks dreamily at Maglor as she hugs him goodbye. "Do not be long..."
Sandor Sunneson: Direction Thrabia!
chris107: Maglor is equally affectionate (He knows he doesn't roll a 20 everyday).
Smon: Meanan is looking spick & span after his night in the brothel - elves don't seem to suffer much from hangovers. "Hm. Farewell friend Sandor."
Sandor Sunneson: There's many random things out there, even talking swords!! And he'll show him Bane. See you around my friend
Smon: GM: Hra
chris107: M hurries after S "I'm ready, master."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor and Maglor head north
Smon: Heading out the north gate, Sandor and Maglor hike north for three hours along a well used traill, passing a few dwarf and human hamlets on the trek.
chris107: M's elven senses on full alert for danger (PP18)
Smon: The line of the Northwatch Hills that separates Orichala from the Vale and Altanis loom high ahead.
Smon: 9 miles north of Capricia the land is growing wilder when you arrive at Imp Brucke around 3pm.
Smon: https://rpgcharacters.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/goblin-valley-production-3.jpg?w=529&h=369
Smon: The tiny hamlet (1) is unwalled, with a small river just to the east where the troll bridge crosses.
Sandor Sunneson: Guess we come from 1? Any signs of life in the main st of the hamlet?
chris107: We are travelling up the road that enters in the SW corner?
Smon: There is an old abandoned mill on the stream (3) and a rather sinister ruined tower looms over the village to the north (2)
Smon: yes
Sandor Sunneson: Any signs of life from the Tower?
Smon: To the ne at 5 towering rushes with massive cat tails 20' tall loom over marshland between the stream forks.
chris107: (6 looks interesting too)
chris107: M follows his master.
Smon: The tower looks long ruined - there are many such watch towers in these parts, for the Northwatch hills are ancient border lands.
Sandor Sunneson: We'll walk through the village and head in the direction of 6 via 7 and 4
chris107: "Should we ask around first?"
Sandor Sunneson: So no flag or guards that are visible then?
Sandor Sunneson: Yes, as we go through the village we'll ask around
Sandor Sunneson: if there are signs of life
Smon: To the east (6) in the woods is broken hilly ground of the sort might hold caves.
Smon: No guards or flags, the tower is a ruined shell.
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, any signs of life in village?
Sandor Sunneson: OOC- need to go by 11:30 gents
Smon: Imp Brücke This small collection of homes and outbuildings is the sum total of the residents of Imp Brücke. A scattering of solitary farms exit to the west and the farmers make trips every few weeks to Imp Brücke for trade and news. There are four buildings of interest to the average traveler here.
Smon: (I know Fergus, you said - still have 50 mins)
Smon: The Ancient Cheese
Sandor Sunneson: (sorry, lol)
Smon: The Iron Hammer Inn
Sandor Sunneson: (didn't realise)
Smon: Maltooth’s Smithy
Sandor Sunneson: Lets go to the Aincent Cheese, as recommended by the dwarf
Smon: The Burned House
Smon: A couple local yokels with broad brimmed hats against the sun's glare watch as you enter the dimly lit and fragrant cheesmongery.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor feeling peckish at seeing the Ancient cheese after listening to what the dwarf said
Smon: Two women are at the counter, a voluptuous wench of 20 or so and a dumpy older woman, likely her mother.
Sandor Sunneson: Greetings locals, we here there is excellent cheese for sale here
Sandor Sunneson: Hello ladies,
chris107: Maglor too is keen to try this famous fromage.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor looks at the size of the well fed woman and reckons it's probably because of the fromage
Smon: The women smile in greeting. The younger smiles lasciviously at Sandor while the older speaks: "Welcome, strangers! I am Sidra of the Ancient Cheese. We have many amazing cheeses here! Finest in all Oricha - all Pazidan!"
Sandor Sunneson: May we have some for the road please, so tell us more of this place we are visiting
Smon: Sidra: "We specialise in exotically scented cheeses - truly remarkable! The... fungi... we employ grow nowhere else!
Smon: "Let me show you our cheese..."
chris107: yummers
Sandor Sunneson: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=voluptuous+wench&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjj8_b8rI7YAhUHDcAKHfFADsMQ_AUICigB&biw=1536&bih=747#imgrc=ZqmnDe_a373wwM:
Sandor Sunneson: link to voluptuous wenches FYI
Sandor Sunneson: You employ mushrooms as in fungi? Did I hear that right?
Sandor Sunneson: How cute he'll say!!!!
Smon: Tromeo Reggiano (1 gp) Orange Marbled Brick (4 gp) Soft Barrel Cherry Cheese (5 gp) Speckleroot Hard Cheese (7 gp) The Gaffer’s Black (7 gp) Pink Kleebus (8 gp) Ancient Lavender Creme (9 gp) Wax-Bound Dogwood Cheese (10gp) Juniper Curd (12 gp) Truvan Beaver Cheese (15 gp) Brindlburn Abbot’s Gold (25 gp)
chris107: Taster platter?
Smon: (In US English voluptuous now implies 'morbidly obese', like 'homely' means 'extremely ugly')
chris107: haha
Sandor Sunneson: This looks a lovely village too, all beautiful and peaceful!!
Smon: Lena, the younger cheese wench: "We use all sorts of fungal moulds, all the colours of the rainbow..."
Smon: Sidra: "Peaceful. Yes, very peaceful. No trouble at all. Sad about the Elkins house burning down."
Smon: Lena, younger cheesemonger
Sandor Sunneson: Those prices for a huge ball of cheese?
Sandor Sunneson: Who are the Elkins? Neighbours? Who burnt the house down ?
Sandor Sunneson: Asking in a generic wayy
Smon: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/05/f8/06/05f8062d1e44056cdee70cf7a89445ee.jpg
Smon: Lena: "Accident. It was an accident."
Smon: Sidra: "They died. Very sad."
chris107: "Very sad indeed."
Smon: Sidra: "Prices are per portion. Some of the cheeses have amazing effects! But you need to eat a portion."
chris107: "When did this happen?"
chris107: "Did the tower yonder burn down too?"
Sandor Sunneson: That's not good, did they accidentally leave the stove on?
Smon: Sidra: "Oh, a few days back. The dwarf lord's soldiers came by, asked some questions. Nothing suspicious."
Smon: Sidra: "Must have knocked the fire I suppose."
Smon: OOC rem you can make Insight checks if you want
Sandor Sunneson: Is her voice one of fear?
chris107: "Only we heard tell that there had been strange lights spotted nearby?"
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 4,
Sandor Sunneson: +5
Smon: "Lights? Oh, must have been the fire, reflecting off low clouds..."
chris107: int+prof?
Sandor Sunneson: not feeling insightful today
Smon: They sound a bit shifty to Sandor.
Sandor Sunneson: You sound a bit worries lady
Smon: Insight is WIS + Prof
chris107: (Great explanation by the way )
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 17, (+5) = 22
Sandor Sunneson: a narrow pass
chris107: DC?
Smon: Sidra: "How about a nice slice of Tromeo Reggiano?" She offers you slices of a black cheese.
Sandor Sunneson: I'll try the aincent lavender please
chris107: M decides to avoid cheese. Something is not right here.
Sandor Sunneson: and the juniper turd
Sandor Sunneson: sorry curd
Smon: "That's 21gp..."
Smon: She slices a fat chunk of lavender cheese
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will smell it, hand over 21gp, can I get you one too? What's your favourite?
Smon: & another of the juniper curd.
Sandor Sunneson: So who were the family whose place got burnt down?
Smon: Lena: "Abbott's Gold of course! It's delicious - but it takes ages to mature; we only have half a wheel."
Smon: Sidra: "The Elkins? Good honest folks, farmers."
Sandor Sunneson: Don't like the sound of that, can you show us where that happened
chris107: (my 22 insight roll revealed nothing new?)
Smon: They seem shifty to Maglor, definitely hiding something about the fire.
chris107: Investigate roll?
Sandor Sunneson: Is that CHA?
Smon: You have to be investigating something, eg searching the burnt building.
chris107: Okay, thanks. Got it now.
Sandor Sunneson: Yes, ask them to show us the Elkins property
Sandor Sunneson: show us where it is
Smon: GM: You could see the burnt farm as you came in to town, I listed the 4 notable buildings inc burned house.
Smon: Sidra points out the door to the burned farm across the green.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will pay the 21GP for the cheese
chris107: Mill?
Smon: What about the mill?
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will say to the Buxom lady, maybe see you around later
chris107: aandoned mill, sory, can't read my own writing.
Sandor Sunneson: let me get map
Smon: They wrap up Sandor's cheeses. "There you go."
chris107: (My notes are a little scribbled this morning)
Smon: Lena https://i.pinimg.com/originals/05/f8/06/05f8062d1e44056cdee70cf7a89445ee.jpg giggles at Sandor and winks. "I'm off work this evening - see you at the Inn!"
chris107: (Maglor's shet is more than a little full now)
chris107: "I think we should go look over the Elkin's place."
Sandor Sunneson: Go to check out burnt down place
Sandor Sunneson: We are heading right there
Smon: Striding out from the Ancient Cheese into the hot afternoon sunlight, you head over to the burned-out building.
Smon: Only the outer shell remains, and debris is scattered several yards beyond, especially roof timbers and patches of burnt thatch.
chris107: any sign of an starting point for the fire?
Smon: can Investigate (INT+prof)
chris107 rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 13, (+4) = 17
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 10,
Smon: Seems to be centred in the ruined/collapsed cellar of the building.
Sandor Sunneson: +6=16
Smon: The debris field shows there was an internal explosion.
chris107: Does the structure look safe?
Smon: Material was blasted into the air, then fell back down to earth, before the main building burned down.
Sandor Sunneson: hmmm, doesnt feel right Maglor
Sandor Sunneson: Maybe flour?
chris107: "The mil is over there."
Sandor Sunneson: or maybe not
Sandor Sunneson: meant more in the kitchen, but probably nonsense
Sandor Sunneson: at this impact
chris107: Could m use stealth to tread lightly towards the cellar?
chris107: ie avoid collapse.
Smon: No, the outer stone walls still largely stand but the interior is all collapsed charred tinder and ashes. Then Maglor spots a blackened bone sticking out from under a fallen burnt timber.
Smon: Acrobatics to get to the bone.
Smon: DC 10
chris107 rolls 1d20+11 and gets: 5, (+11) = 16
Smon: Maglor runs lightly along the timber, and inspects the bone.
Smon: It looks like a humanoid leg bone, could be a child but too thick to be human child, slightly bowed - unlike a dwarf leg.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor asks, what's that? Can you bring that over what youve found?
Smon: Something doesn't feel right... Magor roll Arcana IN+Prof
chris107: M passes bthis info on.
chris107 rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 14, (+4) = 18
Smon: There are a couple odd nodules on the bone... Maglor scents Sorcery in the air!
chris107: Does it appear to have been broken or cut?
chris107: A wand perhaps?
Smon: No... there may be a foot buried in the ash under the bone, and more remains hidden under the timber.
Smon: No... it was recently burned in the fire.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor is impressed with his mystery traveller. All of a sudden pointing out things whilst before hand he was all quiet. Sandor reckons he is finally coming out of his shell, pumping birds and being like a super sluith
chris107: he digs deeper
Smon: Checking size and shape, it reminds Maglor of Goblin bones.
Smon: the nodules are odd, though.
Smon: also a bit thicker than most goblin legs.
chris107: Fergus!
Smon: Moving ash aside, Maglor uncovers the charred remains of a scaly webbed foot... Goblin, but... mutated.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will gingerly and carefully tread over towards his travelling companion
chris107: What would a Goblin be doing here in the village? Woders M
Smon: Sandor smells the delicious cheese aroma from his wraps. He begins salivating.
Sandor Sunneson: I think there's been a murder here Maglor
chris107: "Chaos!"
chris107: "Someone murdered a Chaos Goblin?"
Sandor Sunneson: Shall we try that tower up there? Or to the inn? Normally a few folk round there
Smon: Sandor make DC 12 WIS save
chris107: "I thinkthere may be more to gleanhere my friend."
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
Smon: Sandor idly munches on some delicious cheese...
Sandor Sunneson: ????
Smon: /roll d2
Smon rolls 1d2 and gets: 2
Sandor Sunneson: It's for the road
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: Sandor looks down and realises he's eaten most of the juniper curd soft cheese.
chris107: M inspects the cellar entrance.
Smon: Several horseflies hovering over the burnt ruins turn and buzz away from Sandor at speed!
Smon: He sees grasshoppers break cover from the nearby grass and flee from him!
chris107: "You'll get fat." Murmers Maglor absently.
chris107: "And you stink."
Smon: GM: Sandor now automatically Turns Insects until it exits his system in 12 hours.
Sandor Sunneson: Look at that? Wierd side affect, Sandor will get his sword ready
Smon: He does have an interesting scent.
Sandor Sunneson: Oh,
Sandor Sunneson: Too the inn or is there more to delve into?
Smon: OOC handy if you meet any giant insects in the next 12 hrs
chris107: Can M get into the cellar without damaging the building further or risking collapse.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will wonder if this cheese could turn Dyson as he mentions the delve word#
chris107: (Do you think there is more to find here?)
Smon: Maglor had to descend into the small cellar to reach the goblin bones, it appears to be the epicentre of the blast.
chris107: ah, got you. Thanks.
Sandor Sunneson: Goblin assasin maybe killed by his own deviousness Magnor?
chris107: and no further stuff around the bones when he searches?
Sandor Sunneson: To the Inn
Smon: Looking around the rubble trying not to be buried in a collapse, Maglor locates scattered burnt debris - remains of several humans and a total of 2 goblins it looks like.
Smon: Sandor can make investigate roll too
chris107: "This whole place isn't right, Sandor. The girls were telling lies, the cheese is magical and the house that belonged to innocent farmers was blown sky high and had a chaos goblin within..."
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 11,
Sandor Sunneson: +6=17
Sandor Sunneson: totally
Smon: There are many tracks around the house, but Sandor locates recent scuff marks in the field out back, a small group of - goblins, maybe? - came in... then a smaller group, looks like just 2, left, heading east.
chris107: M takes the strangley noduledbone.
chris107: "Lets see where they go?"
Sandor Sunneson: Look at this Maglor, he'll pojnt out the tracks
Smon: Within the past few days, likely same time as the explosion/fire.
Sandor Sunneson: and follow
Smon: You can both make Survival checks to track
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 5,
chris107 rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 12, (+2) = 14
Sandor Sunneson: Survival WIS?
Sandor Sunneson: fail anyway
chris107: yup
Smon: Tracks go east over the field in direction of the ruined Mill, but you lose them part way, can't tell if they deviate NE to the bridge or SE away from town or go to mill.
Sandor Sunneson: to the mill?
chris107: "Lets check outthe mill at least?"
Sandor Sunneson: cool
Smon: The Old Mill Abandoned for at least 20 years, the wood of these two buildings is starting to rot and the smaller house has partially collapsed.
Smon: The mill sits in a grove of trees, partly hidden from the village by a bare hillock just to the nw.
chris107: Oops, caps lock there
Sandor Sunneson: Any tracks outside mill?
Smon: You can roll stealth on approach
chris107 rolls 1d20+11 and gets: 2, (+11) = 13
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 15, (+4) = 19
chris107: First bad roll of the day.
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 16,
Smon: Maglor moves ahead, scouting through the trees, scanning the ruined mill just ahead.
Sandor Sunneson: +8=24
Smon: Behind him in the wood Sandor tries to refind the tracks - yes there is a Goblin track...
Smon: Maglor passive Per?
chris107: 18
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will call Maglor over
Smon: Maglor doesn't spot the two massive purple-scaled Chaos Goblins until they rise up on either side of him...
Smon: (19 on their stealth)
chris107: "EEK!"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will charge on over to help out his amigp
Smon: /roll d20+6x8
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x8 and gets:
6 (+6) = 12
8 (+6) = 14
2 (+6) = 8
13 (+6) = 19
17 (+6) = 23
4 (+6) = 10
3 (+6) = 9
1 (+6) = 7
Smon: 14 19 23 & 9 w reckless attack, 2 atts each
Smon: Maglor AC?
chris107: dex count to AC when surprised?
Smon: yes
Smon: but no Reactions
chris107: 17
Smon: 2 hits
Smon: /roll 2d8+12
Smon rolls 2d8+12 and gets: 3, 2, (+12) = 17
Smon: 17 dmg to Maglor
Sandor Sunneson: OOC- Can Sandor make 2 attacks with firesword in strong hand and 1 with bane in left hand with DEX 16?
chris107: 49/66
Smon: The Chaos Mutant Goblins hoot and holler, red eyes wild with madness.
Smon: OOC no, although there are rules & feats that would enable that
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will start to rage as he charges over to help out his amigo
Smon: roll init, Sandor surprised but can act if Rage
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 12,
Smon: /roll d20+2
Sandor Sunneson: +3=15
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 7, (+5) = 12
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 15, (+2) = 17
Smon: advtg init Sandor, for the 35th time
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: roll again sandor
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 16,
Smon: The chaos mutant goblins gibber and moan as they hack at Maglor with goblin cleavers.
chris107: "Ouch!"
Smon: 15+3=18 so Sandor wins, can Rage close to melee & attack
Sandor Sunneson: so one hit 16+10=26
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 17,
Sandor Sunneson: 17+10=27
Smon: bollocks Fergus you can't save that 16, roll again
Sandor Sunneson: i thought the 15 was the first hit, wasn;t meant like that
Smon: AC 15
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
chris107: Good try, mate
Sandor Sunneson: +10=25
Smon: ok attack rolls are 17 & 15, 2 hits
Sandor Sunneson: honestly, those were 2 to hit rolls
Sandor Sunneson: anyway
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d8 and gets: 7, 5, = 12
Sandor Sunneson rolls 4d6 and gets: 6, 6, 5, 6, = 23
Sandor Sunneson: +18
Sandor Sunneson: 53 damage
Smon: Sandor#s burning sword cleaves into the nearest ur-goblin, it had 40 hp and squelches wetly.
Smon: As it dies, a fetid odour rises from the corpse, its chest collapses inward.
Sandor Sunneson: If it was Don they would be decapitated after one attack, both monsters!!
Smon: The second hacks at Maglor.
chris107: ac17
Smon: /roll d20+6x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x4 and gets:
13 (+6) = 19
6 (+6) = 12
15 (+6) = 21
3 (+6) = 9
Sandor Sunneson: From a firebolt too!
Smon: 19 & 21
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: /roll d8+6
chris107: reaction to dodge the first
Smon rolls 1d8+6 and gets: 6, (+6) = 12
Smon: 12/2=6 dmg
Smon: 2nd
Smon: /roll d8+6
Smon rolls 1d8+6 and gets: 7, (+6) = 13
Smon: 13, so 19 total dmg. Still up?
Sandor Sunneson: 4 rages left
chris107: 30/66
Smon: Maglor's go
chris107: He takes advantage of the proximity of the raging wolf totem barbarian
Smon: ok
Smon: advtg & sneak
chris107: drawing his flaming sword with his cunning action he sneak attacks
chris107 rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 5, (+10) = 15
chris107 rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 3, (+10) = 13
chris107: phew!
Smon: (you can draw 1 blade as free object interaction anyway)
Smon: just hit...
11:41am 2017-12-16 chris107 Has exited the room
Smon: !!
11:41am 2017-12-16 chris107 Has entered the room
Sandor Sunneson: ?
Smon: Maglor roll dmg
Sandor Sunneson: I'm getting shoes on
chris107: Drat, computer battery died!
Smon: Sandor you can roll your r2 attacks now
chris107 rolls 5d6+7 and gets: 1, 4, 6, 2, 6, (+7) = 26
Smon: Goblin is wounded by Maglor but still up
Smon: R2 Sandor can attack
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
7 = 7
5 = 5
Sandor Sunneson: +10=17 and 15
Smon: 2 hits
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 6,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 4d6 and gets: 6, 6, 3, 1, = 16
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 3,
Smon: @chris is 5d6 right? don't you have 1d6 weapon, 4 d6 sneak & 2d6 fire?
Sandor Sunneson: 25+18
Sandor Sunneson: 43 damage
chris107: Arghhh forgot about fire
Smon: The goblin shrieks and dies.
chris107 rolls 2d6 and gets: 5, 5, = 10
chris107: Thanks Simon
Smon: Its chaos-warped corpse collapses inwards, a purple gas is emitted.
chris107: âEwwwwww!â
Smon: You have heard tales of the Purple Putrescence, a sign of Chaos.
Smon: Could this be related?
chris107: Something is rotten Here thatâs for sure!
Sandor Sunneson: right folks, have to go now,
Sandor Sunneson: soz
chris107: (All wonderfully Warhammer )
Smon: GM: Bye Fergus!
chris107: See you later, Fergus. Have a great weekend
Smon: Chris do you want to continue investigating or stop there?
Sandor Sunneson: Could play Sunday night or Monday, but will check DF thread, continue to play if you want up to a point of battle to continue next tine?
chris107: 30/66. Could I take a short rest then continue?
Smon: yes
Sandor Sunneson: ok, Simon look after Sandor please
Smon: Can do Monday & will have Boll
Smon: Bill
Sandor Sunneson: ciao
chris107: Then Iâm good for another 20-30 mins
Smon: Bill perfect for cautious detective scenario
Smon: Good, 12.15 perfect
chris107: Healing dice
Smon: Maglor limps away from the battlefield back to town looking for a short rest.
Smon: He can esconce in the Inn, buy a beer and SR
chris107 rolls 6d8+12 and gets: 3, 8, 5, 8, 2, 1, (+12) = 39
Smon: 2 cp for ale.
chris107: 66/66HP
Smon: The Inn, the Iron Hammer is the only standing stone building in the area, the Iron Hammer is run by Ol’ Chumpin’, a rotund man in his mid-30’s.
Smon: Over the hearth of the main room is a massive iron warhammer, rusted and pitted with age.
chris107: He sits at the bar sipping his ale. Absently tapping the gnarled bone across his knee (in plain sight). He says nothing but watches for any reaction
Smon: Maglor's elven senses detect something eldritch about the mighty maul.
chris107: Perception?
Smon: /roll d4-1
Smon rolls 1d4-1 and gets: 3, (-1) = 2
Smon: /roll d2x2
Smon Rolls 1d2x2 and gets:
2 = 2
2 = 2
chris107: (A shame Zagaar isnât here! )
Smon: Two scantily clad human females are propping up the bar, apart from them and Chumpin only Maglor is present.
chris107: He sips sparingly on the ale
Smon: can roll per yes
chris107: Okay. He asks on what they know of Goblins in these parts?
chris107 rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 4, (+8) = 12
Smon: (fail)
Smon: Maglor approaches the women, who listen to his query.
chris107: (Looks like I used up my luck early this game)
chris107: He pays the 2 coppers and bids them farewell
Smon: "Oh, stranger, we are but Travellers, Priestesses of Rhiannon, heading north into the Vale!"
Smon: Rhiannon is the Goddess of Witches.
chris107: Checking he isnât been watched or followed he carfuly skirts around to the trees by the mill again.
Smon: Chumpin: "Goblins? Aye, err...." he looks shifty, rubbing the bar.
chris107: Sorry at cross purposes there
Smon: (I meant fail to eavesdrop, not total fail!)
chris107: He will do after his chat
chris107: âAye, Goblins. See many of âem about?â
chris107: He also blesses the ladies travels. Canât have too many witches on your side
Smon: priestess of Rhiannon - https://cavernaobscura.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/born-ib-paradise-pink02.jpg
Smon: & https://cavernaobscura.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/born-ib-paradise-blue03.jpg
Smon: "Bless you too, for Strangers are Blessed of Rhiannon" says the duskier Altani priestess.
Smon: Chumpin: "Aye well, they do say as there is Goblins in these parts...."
chris107: (He secretly thinks they will likely catch their death of cold on an evening)
Smon: He coughs, looking down shiftily.
chris107: âBut they never trouble you?â
Smon: Blonde priestess: "Have you tried the amazing Cheeses?"
Smon: Chumpin: "Trouble? No, no trouble at all..."
chris107: âIâm allergic.â Says M glibly
Smon: He looks down, scrubbing harder, clearly uncomfortable.
Smon: The witch-priestesses nod sagely.
chris107: âNot even from the big glowing red ones?â
Smon: Blonde: "Are you heading north, over the hills? We could use a strong Guardian..."
Smon: Chumpin: "Big glowing red?! Err..."
chris107: M looks over the bar keep with keen eyes. Looking for tell tale signs of Chaos.
Smon: He looks up, red in the face himself.
Smon: "Well... " Chumpin glances sidewise at the priestesses.
chris107: âAn entertaining prospect, madam. However I am bound into the service of another.â
Smon: "There's always been goblins living in the bridge. But they're *our* goblins. They leave us in peace."
Smon: The priestesses pout and sigh sadly. "Oh well if you change your mind, we're here til tomorrow!"
chris107: âDid they live in that house that burned down too?â He points
chris107: He smiles warmly at the witches
Smon: "Evan Elkins' place? No... "
Smon: The witches wave at Maglor.
chris107: Turning to the bar keep âCos I found this among the debris.â
Smon: "Mind you, Elkins said he was gonna do up the Old Mill. Knew that place was curst!"
chris107: He shows the odd bone
chris107: âHe did did he? Interesting. Cursed you say?â
Smon: Chumpin's eyes widen at the sight of the bone. "Ah... That's funny-lookin' bone."
Smon: roll CHA+prof, Intimidate
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 10, (+3) = 13
Smon: (DC 13 just pass)
chris107: Phew!
Smon: Chumpin: "Truth to tell, ah..."
12:05pm 2017-12-16 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
chris107: âTell me what you know, my friend. Perhaps I can help?â
Sandor Sunneson: I'm on the bus
chris107: (London or Edinburgh?)
Sandor Sunneson: Edinburgh, to kunch
Smon: "Eh... few nights back reckon the goblins slipped into town, as they do once a year for the magical ritual with the Elkins family that has bound the townfolk and the goblins in peaceful co-existence for untold years... "
chris107: âInteresting...â
Smon: "...Only... something must have gone wrong. Very *wrong*. Reckon they all died, goblins & Elkins both."
chris107: âA few survived. Big ones. All red and scaly. â
Smon: "Evan Elkins must've botched the damn Ritual!"
Sandor Sunneson: Any ideas who or what?
chris107: âSaw them over by the mill.â
Smon: Chumpin gulps. "Red? Scaly? Naw, that ain't right. Our goblins is just goblins... mostly. Well, not all I suppose..."
chris107: âIâd be happy to investigate for you? If the price is right?â
Smon: "What's to investigate? Err..." Chumpin thinks.
Smon: roll a persuasion check CHA+prof
chris107: (Fergus, the towns folk have lived in peace with Goblins from under the bridge for centuries. The Elkins did some kind of annual ceremony that went wrong)
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 17,
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 7, (+3) = 10
Sandor Sunneson: Cheers
Sandor Sunneson: +5 22
chris107: M thumbs over his shoulder at the big Barbarian âHeâs really good at investigating.â
Smon: Chumpin shrugs. "You could go check out the goblins if you like. There's some around the Bridge most nights.... and I hear they have a hole in the woods east of town."
Smon: "But steer clear of Sidral's Tower - 'tis death to go there!"
chris107: âThanks. What can you tell me about that big hammer by the way?â
Smon: "A foul curse slays any who disturb it!"
Smon: "Oh, the hammer? Aye..."
Smon: He puffs his chest out.
Smon: "My grandaddy was an Adventurer like you, til he took an arrow to the knee! He wielded the Iron Hammer in many ventures! Earthsmasher he called it!"
chris107: (Lot of curses here abouts )
Smon: "He retired here, married a local girl and opened the Inn..."
chris107: âI think Iâve heard the Legends! â
Smon: Chumpin smiles warmly at that.
chris107: âEarthsmasher! The mighty hammer of.. oh what was his name?â
Smon: "You heard how he smashed the Elemental Prince of Earth? Big critter called Ogremoch!"
Smon: "Chumpin Earthsmasher of course!"
chris107: âThatâs it! I knew Iâd heard that tale!â
Smon: Old Chumpin beams proudly.
Smon: "Not much to look at these days, all rusted and pitted like that... I took it to the Smith but he could do nothin'."
Sandor Sunneson: To the caves??
Smon: "If you ask me, Smith Maltooth is all mouth and no apron, if you take my meaning. Talks a good game, like..."
chris107: âWell itâs been an honour. If anyone would have said to me this morning that Iâd be talkin to kind of Chumpin Earthsmasher, Iâd have thought them mad!â
Smon: "If you go to him he'll try to sell you that fancy greatsword he hangs by the entrance. Don't be taken in!"
chris107: Mill first I think Fergus?
Smon: OOC Maglor has completed his short rest Will stop there
Sandor Sunneson: Let's chat to the mill first
chris107: Letâs get to the bottom of one area at a time rather than dashing around willy-nilly?
Smon: Play Monday, 7.30pm?
Sandor Sunneson: Yes
Sandor Sunneson: Ok with me
chris107: Monday should be good for me. I really enjoy playing Maglor
Smon: Fun PC
Smon: & Chumpin likes him now!
chris107: Thanks for the game Simon. Good to see Sandor back in action
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