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Sarene & her Men. |
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Polyachus has a girlfriend now. |
Loot from orcs - 300 each (Os 300)
Consecrations - 300 each (Os 100)
Duel with Sarene - 1800 XP to Hakeem!
Helping Polyachus & Cassandra get it on - 300 to Bjornalf
Roleplay - 200 each
Bjornalf Brighteyes Warlock LEVEL 5 XP 1100+9740=10840/14000
Hakeem, Barbarian LEVEL 5 XP 2600+9512=12112/14000
Players Not present
Osgar, Fighter LEVEL 3 XP 400+2250=2650/2700
Rey Rogue LEVEL 5 XP 10,110/14000
Kradis Barbarian LEVEL 3 XP 1378/2700
Warlord Sarene is mighty impressed with Hakeem.
Polyachus & Cassandra Starling are an item.
Bjornalf is having his ship Vex Gratitude readied to take Cassandra Starling to the islands. It should be ready morning of 17/1/4446. Meanwhile she's staying in his guest bedroom.
Smon: GM: Ready to start.
chris107: Good to go here.
boredom3031: I'll be getting too drunk to disrupt.
Smon: At the end of last session you were resting in the outer cave.
Kjato Ragfoot: Alright.
Smon: Osgar I'll assume will be hanging out at the back nursing his wounds.
chris107: Hakeem will toss rocks at any rats brave enough to show their snouts.
Kjato Ragfoot: That is the other entrance, not the one leading to the former goblin guard rooms?
Smon: Cassandra Starling speaks to the giant rats. They come over and nuzzle her toes in friendly fashion.
chris107: Ewww
Smon: I have posted the dungeon level 1 map to the thread & the blog.
Smon: You are in the southern cave.
chris107: Oh cool. I'll take a look.
Smon: https://rpgcharacters.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/level1.jpg?w=529
Smon: Cassandra: "Rats are wonderful creatures really, much better than Humans - or Orcs..."
chris107: Got it
Smon: Cass: "They'll let you take the coins now, if you want."
Kjato Ragfoot: What coins?
chris107: Hakeem thinks she's probably a bit batty.
chris107: 4000CP
chris107: But soon warms to her
Smon: The 3000cp in their lair. Jana Vex has been eyeing the naked druidess Cassandra unhappily.
chris107: Hakeem will scoop big handfulls into Orc helmets and cloaks or anything else that comes to hand.
Smon: Osgar is also taking coins - 1000cp per PC?
chris107: Maybe we should get this lot back to town?
chris107: And all the Orc stuff too.
chris107: (Simon can't keep rolling 6's )
Smon: Hakeem how many healing dice did you spend & what is your hp tally now?
Kjato Ragfoot: I will cast a minor illusion of fig leaves over Cassandras private parts, to spare Jana the blushing.
chris107: Hakeem is tired after his Berserking afterall
chris107: spent 3 of 5 now on 58/60Hp
Smon: That doesn't help Bjornalf, but nice try
Smon: Jana whispers to Hakeem & Bjornalf: "If Oriax finds out we're sheltering her, he'll destroy Selatine!"
Kjato Ragfoot: We are here to consecrate an evil undead menace and should do so before returning.
Smon: Jana nods. "Show me the way through to the Crypt". You can lead her through the cave to the Crypts.
chris107: "If Oriax comes calling I'll chop off his head and give it to your brother on a silver platter Lady Vex."
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 55,
Kjato Ragfoot: What if we do not shelter her, but Ahyf does?
Smon: Amazingly you reach the Crypts without an encounter!
chris107: Yeah!
Kjato Ragfoot: Would Oriax then raze Ahyf?
Smon: Jana seems unconvinced by Hakeem's promise. She nods to Bjornalf. "I suppose so..."
Smon: "...If they didn't give her up."
chris107: (You Kjato are a cunning fox! )
Kjato Ragfoot: They cannot give something up they do not have. We just need to convince Oriax they have her.
Smon: Jana: "I don't know exactly how powerful Oriax is - but powerful enough to keep Yusan at bay."
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 88, (+4) = 12
Smon: Cassandra stands and comes over. "Talking about something?"
Smon: She has good hearing!
Kjato Ragfoot: Indeed, we are speaking about you.
Smon: Jana nods. "The fig leaves suit you, Druidess."
chris107: "Yes Cassandra. There is some talk of fearing Oriax."
Smon: Polyachus watches Cassandra happily, clearly smitten.
Kjato Ragfoot: Specifically, we think how to shelter you properly. If we bring you to Selatine, Oriax would surely raze place.
Smon: Cassandra's face darkens. "I can survive in the wild. Just - anything you can give me would be useful. Gear, clothes maybe..."
chris107: over my dead body mumbles Hakeem
chris107: Hakeem offers the woman his wolf skin cloak.
Smon: She looks around the bones littering the cave. "Goblins used to live here. If he catches me I'll tell him goblins killed his orcs."
Smon: Cassandra looks at it, shrugs it on. "Thanks. Do you have a knife?"
chris107: Hakeem doesn't like Oriax and would prefer this brave young lass to be free of him.
Kjato Ragfoot: There are undead further down in the crypts. Say you hid there, he will easily believe they killed the orcs.
Smon: "Dame Heather showed me how to make a fur loincloth from skins..." she smiles slightly.
Smon: She nods to Bjornalf.
chris107: Hakeem will go butcher one of the dead wolves for a new cloak
Smon: That'd be a very messy cloak.
chris107: This one with a wolves head on
Smon: She wants to cut strips off your current, cured cloak to make a loincloth.
chris107: He will have the skins tanned when we return to Selatine.
Smon: "Also, if any of you can get this collar off me..."
chris107: She's welcome to. Though Hakeem has no dagger.
Kjato Ragfoot: Bjornalf will offer her one of his spare daggers.
chris107: How is it attached?
Smon: Pollyachus produces a small knife. "Here y'go."
Smon: The collar appears to be locked on at the back, a key or pick could open it.
Kjato Ragfoot: Collar?
chris107: Not brute strength and ignorance then?
Smon: A length of chain hangs down in front, the last loop looks melted through by great heat.
Smon: She's wearing an iron slave collar.
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah!
chris107: Hakeem's face darkens. He really doesn't like slavery.
Smon: Brute strength - iffy, her neck would break easier than the collar.
Smon: Rey could likely pick the lock.
chris107: Hakeem didn't think of that
Smon: GM: You have reached the Crypts, Jana checks they seem clear of living dead, then she and Pollyachus begin the consecration.
chris107: Rey would likely just replace Oriax as her owner.
Smon: (:D) They start lighting incense candles throughout the crypts.
chris107: Hakeem stands guard on them.
chris107: His danger senses working overtime.
Smon: Jana: "This will take about 2 hours...."
Smon: (12 rituals x 10 mins)
Smon: They start at the south end of the ancient crypts, working north.
chris107: He will keep especial watch on the south bound corridor
chris107: (Where the ghouls fled)
Kjato Ragfoot: Hm. Who would have the keys for the slave collars?
Smon: You are on level 1, the ghouls were on level 3.
chris107: Oriax?
Smon: You can go down to level 3 next.
Kjato Ragfoot: He will have surely, but most likely others will have as well.
Smon: Cassandra nods. "And the Orcs' captain."
chris107: Cool
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 33,
Smon: "And Joseph, his apprentice."
Smon: An hour passes, the air thick with incense.
Smon: Time is a bit after 2pm.
chris107: Did we find a key on the orc captain when we searched him?
Smon: The priests keep working, droning away in their ancient chant.
Smon: No. Cassie: "That wasn't their leader, just one of the Orogs - sort of elite Orcs..."
Smon: Sweat beads on Jana's brow, Pollyachus starts to wilt as the ceremony goes on...
Smon: /roll 1d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 11,
chris107: "He fought well but was no match for Malenn's sword play!"
Smon: Eventually just after 3pm Jana announces that this level of the Crypts has been Re-Consecrated.
Kjato Ragfoot: That is the area with the goblins nailed to pillars?
chris107: "Good work Lady Vex and young Pollyachus."
Smon: Jana: "It is getting late, and we have little incense left. We should leave and return tomorrow for the deep levels."
Smon: (you just did level 1 today)
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah. That was level 2!
Smon: (goblin corpses pillars are on level 2)
chris107: That's fine by me.
Kjato Ragfoot: That explains why my map does not match yours.
chris107: just change CD brb
Smon: brb tea
Kjato Ragfoot: That is fine. We can buy some gear for Cassandra, so that she is equipped.
Kjato Ragfoot: Till then, she can stay in the goblin mage's room downstairs.
chris107: back
boredom3031: *hands chris and kjato another beer*
Kjato Ragfoot: That is rather comfortable.
chris107: Thanks
Kjato Ragfoot: Thanks, but I had enough. I tend to get tired and depressive from drinking beer.
boredom3031: I get rather flirty...if there are females around.
chris107: All men here Zach
boredom3031: Indeed, you are safe.
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. I should try that next time I have a beer.
chris107: Thankfully beer just makes me sing then sleep
Smon: Well I am finished w beer for the evening, tea now so I stay awake
boredom3031: I do get more talkative, at least in person when drinking. I am usually pretty quiet.
Smon: GM: By the time 2 hours have passed Cassandra has turned half of Hakeem's cloak into a rather fetching fur bikini, plus a lot of scraps.
Smon: Cassandra: "I don't want to stay in this dungeon - it stinks of death. Is there a forest near here?"
boredom3031: Had women tell me I need to live my entire life drunk.
chris107: Back to Selatine with our loot and to stock up on incense?
Smon: Jana nods. "Yes."
chris107: "Come with us cassandra?"
Smon: Cassandra: "If you think it won't endanger you..."
chris107: Hakeem scoffs at danger.
Kjato Ragfoot: Hakeem, you can handle danger, but the children, elderly and civilians at Selantine do not.
Smon: Jana looks uncertain, then nods. "You saved Hakeem from the Orcs. We owe you what help we can give. Then you must go west, to the forest."
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. I have an idea.
Kjato Ragfoot: I have a ship. You could sail to one of the outer islands. They are dangerous, but most likely not as dangerous as staying here.
Smon: Cassandra shrugs, then nods to Bjornalf. "An island sounds good. On the way, tell me more about this world. I knew a Wise Man once, a dear ...friend. They told me he was lost to another world. Probably not this one, I guess..."
Smon: OOC Wilderlands islands are full of weird hermits & stuff just like Cassandra.
chris107: Cool
chris107: (I do like the Wilderlands setting)
Smon: You leave the caves.
Kjato Ragfoot: Then we can ship her off to Ogigian.
Smon: (every single island has its own entry)
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 11,
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. We should get a cloak for her somehow, so that not everyone sees immediately who she is.
Smon: No sign of Orcs, or Oriax.
chris107: Hack packs up wolf skin galore, orc stuff and copper to the roof.
Smon: Pollyachus tells Cassie to keep his knife, she thanks him & he blushes.
Smon: Packed up, you begin the trek back to Selatine under the afternoon sky.
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes. As many coppers as we can carry.
Smon: You can carry them all when split between you.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 66,
Kjato Ragfoot: We do not want the rats getting stomach ache from accidently eating copper, after all. Better for them to eat orc.
Smon: That evening you are nearing Selatine, when...
Smon: /roll 2d10
Smon rolls 2d10 and gets: 88, 11, = 9
Smon: /roll 2d10
Smon rolls 2d10 and gets: 66, 99, = 15
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 22, (+1) = 3
Smon: You see a group of figures trying to hide in the rocks ahead along the coast trail.
Smon: /roll 4d6
Smon rolls 4d6 and gets: 44, 66, 44, 22, = 16
Smon: They are about 160' away. Over a dozen of them.
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 22, (+2) = 4
chris107: Hakeem shouts at them
Smon: They rise up - you see a large number of brawny, axe-wielding shaven-headed Altanian warriors, led by an Altanian woman with red hair, brandishing a sword. Jana: "Sarene!"
chris107: He limbers up, flexing his musdles and swinging his gruesome blood splattered sword
Smon: The woman calls out: "Hey, who are you calling vermin?!"
Smon: She gestures with her sword, her warriors move towards you - 15 of them in all...
chris107: "Haha Altanean Brothers and sisters!"
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. You are related?
chris107: "Why were you skulking in the rocks?"
Kjato Ragfoot: Strange. Distant cousins I assume? You are not looking familiar at least.
Smon: Jana: "That is Sarene, greatest pirate on the Ghinarian coast!" She sounds afraid.
6:41pm 2015-5-01 boredom3031 Has exited the room
chris107: "Enemies Jana?"
Smon: Sarene swaggers forwards confidently - but stays out of your charge range. "You must be the mighty Hakeem, I presume?!"
6:41pm 2015-5-01 boredom3031 Has entered the room
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh. I always thought Tsamar was the greatest pirate around?
Smon: Jana: "Maybe she was - Sarene is now... "
chris107: "I am Hakeem of clan grey wolf."
Smon: Sarene - http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/220/8/9/pirate_queen___promo_1_by_ganassa-d45tw18.jpg
chris107: His oiled muscles and blood splattered form do a bit of theatrical rippling.
Smon: Sarene looks Hakeem over. Malenn moves forward to stand protectively beside him - just in front of him, in fact.
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. She is actually quite sexy. Definitely better looking than Tsaram.
chris107: If Hak detects any form of aggression he will chop her head off.
chris107: He can feel his blood preasure rising already
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 1010, (+4) = 14
Kjato Ragfoot: Say, Sarene, what is a dangerously attractive woman like you doing in a safe and dull place like this?
Smon: Sarene: "I've come to find out what happened to Tsamar. Been hearing ugly rumours, y'know?" She grins.
Smon: /roll d20+7
chris107: Maybe another ship for Bjo to add to his collection here Kjato..
Smon rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 11, (+7) = 8
Smon: Sarene ignores Bjornalf, bad luck there buddy.
Kjato Ragfoot: Well. It seems my plan of an alliance through mutual attraction goes down the drain.
chris107: hehe
chris107: "Take these rats back abourd your ship pirate. They will find only death here." Says Hak quietly.
chris107: His anger now building nicely
Smon: Sarene glares at Hakeem. "Now, now. "
chris107: He levels a gaze that could freeze the sea at her.
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 44, (+4) = 8
Smon: She doesn't seem afraid.
Kjato Ragfoot: Why does it always have to end in a blood bath? Last time you sunk a whole ship just because one sailor made a remark about your mother's ferocity.
chris107: "I like blood."
Kjato Ragfoot: As do gnats.
chris107: "Now do you move aside or do I kill you all?"
Smon: Sarene turns slightly, regarding Jana in her priestess' robe. "Priestess of Apollo... that'll be Jana Vex, then. And the Skandik is Bjornalf. The busty blonde must be Malenn, who Tsamar enslaved... I heard she did terrible things to you - with you, darlin'." Malenn blushes. Sarene turns back to Hakeem and limbers her sword arm. "You really want to fight me? I've killed a lot of men just like you."
chris107: "And give your ship to my friend here."
chris107: Hakeem seems amused by her claims.
chris107: His rage building.
chris107: inside.
chris107: "Then come and get it pirate!"
Smon: Sarene considers. "Here's a deal. Give me Jana Vex there and we'll go."
chris107: Hakeem howls his war cry
Smon: Sarene nods. "Ok then. Men, stand back. This is just me and the big one..."
Smon: GM: Is Bjornald going to let Hakeem duel Sarene alone?
chris107: He launches himself at the pirate threatening his friends
Smon: ok init.
Kjato Ragfoot: Is there any way I could stop him?
Smon: /roll d20+2
chris107 rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 1717, (+2) = 19
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 1919, (+2) = 21
Smon: Sarene strikes like lightning...
Smon: /roll d20+7x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x3 and gets:
7 (+7) = 14
16 (+7) = 23
4 (+7) = 11
Smon: 1 hit, I'll say you already Raged during the smack talk.
Smon: /roll 2d8+4
Smon rolls 2d8+4 and gets: 11, 11, (+4) = 6
Smon: lol. 6/2=3 dmg
chris107: 55/60HP
chris107: 2d8 is worrying though
Smon: The pirates & Hakeem's company watch the duel...
chris107: Berserk this round then?
Smon: Yup
Smon: 3 atts
chris107 Rolls 1d20+6x3 and gets:
18 (+6) = 24
12 (+6) = 18
12 (+6) = 18
Smon: Sarene staggers back eyes wide under the immense barrage...
Smon: roll dmg
chris107: 3 hits?
Smon: 3 hits
chris107 rolls 6d6+15 and gets: 33, 33, 66, 55, 22, 66, (+15) = 40
Smon: Even her super=parry ability was of no avail!
chris107: Ouch!
Smon: She recovers & strikes back...
Smon: /roll 1d20+7x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x3 and gets:
17 (+7) = 24
13 (+7) = 20
14 (+7) = 21
chris107: 3 hits
Smon: Sarene grins as her blade finds its mark...
Smon: /roll 6d8+12
Smon rolls 6d8+12 and gets: 66, 22, 11, 44, 77, 88, (+12) = 40
Smon: 40/2=20
chris107: measure for measure
chris107: 35/60HP
chris107 Rolls 1d20+6x3 and gets:
2 (+6) = 8
9 (+6) = 15
3 (+6) = 9
Kjato Ragfoot: (OK, question: How does my fey presence work? Do I just have to pose dramatically and look? Or is that more brimbrambrorium?)
chris107: bugger bad rolls there.
Smon: Sarene uses her Parry special Reaction to knock aside the one thrust that gets close.
Smon: She smiles, more confident now.
Kjato Ragfoot: (Because if it is not to obvious, I would try to fear Sarene for one round)
Smon: "You're good... but not good enough!"
chris107: Hakeem salutes his foe. But grits his teeth and digs deep into his courage.
Smon: Pose dramatically & look, yes.
chris107: yes
Smon: But they have to be within 5' of you.
chris107: then pounce
Kjato Ragfoot: OK. Then, when during the fight she steps a little closer with me, I will look menancingly at her.
Kjato Ragfoot: 10' I thought?
Smon: She's not going close to you or Malenn or any of your side.
Smon: I'm assuming Hakeem stays away from her boys too.
chris107: Yes
chris107: a fair fight
Smon: (it's a '10' cube originating from you' - ie you are the centre of the 10' cube)
chris107: It's Hakeems way
Smon: Sarene strikes...
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah!
Smon: /roll d20+7x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x3 and gets:
2 (+7) = 9
11 (+7) = 18
10 (+7) = 17
Smon: 2 hits
chris107: 2 hits
Smon: /roll 4d8+8
Smon rolls 4d8+8 and gets: 44, 33, 22, 77, (+8) = 24
chris107: Hakeem fights through the pain
Smon: 24/2=12
chris107: 23/60HP
chris107 Rolls 1d20+6x3 and gets:
13 (+6) = 19
3 (+6) = 9
14 (+6) = 20
Smon: Malenn looks on anxiously. "Hakeem..." she starts forward, but Pollyachus puts a hand on her shoulder.
Smon: 2 hits
chris107 rolls 4d6+10 and gets: 11, 55, 55, 33, (+10) = 24
Smon: Sarene is bloodied now.
Smon: She wipes a trickle of blood from her mouth, grinning widely.
Smon: "Real real good... best I ever seen. Except for ME!!"
Smon: /roll 1d20+7x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+7x3 and gets:
2 (+7) = 9
19 (+7) = 26
9 (+7) = 16
Smon: /roll 4d8+8
Smon rolls 4d8+8 and gets: 33, 88, 33, 55, (+8) = 27
Smon: 13 dmg.
chris107: Hakeem grits his teeth the wounds taking their toll
Smon: What are you at?
chris107: 10/60HP
Kjato Ragfoot: I whisper to Jana and Cassandra: Malenn is surely to interfere. Prepare for battle.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+6x3 and gets:
12 (+6) = 18
6 (+6) = 12
3 (+6) = 9
Smon: Cassandra nods. Jana too.
chris107 rolls 2d6+5 and gets: 66, 44, (+5) = 15
Smon: Sarene staggers back, her strength is fading - but Hakeem's is too...
Smon: morale check
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 22, 66, = 8
Smon: fail... she falls back. "Okay barbarian, you win!"
Smon: Her men move forward to protect her.
Smon: Sarene: "Ouch.... I'll be feeling that tonight!"
chris107: "Get ye from Selatine and never darken her shores again!"
chris107: "Drop your weapons and leave!" Roars the blooded Barbarian
Smon: Behind a cordon of guards, Sarene nods. "Sure you wouldn't like a position as me deputy, big guy?"
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. Idea.
Kjato Ragfoot: Catch her and sell her as slave to Oxirian?
chris107: "GO!"
chris107: Hakeem returns to Malenn and his friends.
Smon: The pirates start to withdraw, towards the distant cliffs about 2 miles off to the south. A small wood lies between the road & the coast here.
Smon: OOC Sarene was at 33/112 there.
chris107: Phew! Hakeem was very lucky
Kjato Ragfoot: (Are we going to get them? Will probably never again have such a good chance of taking her down...)
chris107: Though he had some bad rolls too
Smon: She could *probably* have finished you... But she didn't live this long taking unnecessary risks.
chris107: A fine fight!
Smon: Effectively you were on 20/120 and she on 33/112
Smon: Malenn looks at Bjornalf. "Hakeem gave his word, We're letting them go."
chris107: Hakeem has a strange kind of honour. The fight was fair and he wouldn't take advantage now.
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh well.
Smon: Jana Vex turns to Hakeem: "You saved me from being taken captive... I thank you."
Kjato Ragfoot: But don't blame me if they do not honour theirs.
chris107: I think she'll think twice before trying it again.
Smon: The Altanian pirates disappear into the trees.
Smon: Dusk is falling.
chris107: "Lady Vex you are a friend. I would not see you ill used."
Smon: Jana smiles. "You are a man of great honour and bravery, Hakeem."
chris107: After 2 berserks Hakeem is pretty exhausted.
Smon: (& lucky dice when it matters!)
chris107: "A pint and a dance with Malenn is what I need now!"
Smon: Malenn helps Hakeem as you stagger back towards Selatine, arriving after nightfall.
Smon: Malenn: "I will bathe your wounds... you must rest."
chris107: No complaints are heard on this score
chris107: Hakeem enjoys the evening
Smon: Cassandra looks around the small town with curiousity and some apprehension.
Kjato Ragfoot: Bjornalf invites Cassandra to stay at his house, and Polyakkus along.
Smon: Jana: "Cassandra, come with me. The smith can remove that collar."
Kjato Ragfoot: Surely Polyakkus can tell Cassandra about all the things she wants to know, while bjornalf finds a lockpick and some clothes for her?
Smon: Cassandra nods to Bjornalf.
chris107: He also spends his share of the coppers on every one in town that wants a drink.
Kjato Ragfoot: Jana, better let me take her in.
Smon: Jana looks to Bjornalf, shrugs. "Very well. I will retire and prepare for tomorrow, then."
Kjato Ragfoot: If she rests in the mansion, Oriax will destroy the town. If she sleeps in my house, you can simply give me up.
Smon: Cassandra looks to Bjornalf. Pollyachus looks eager to keep tagging along with Cassie...
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. Cannot understand that... Pollyachus is usually such a shy person.
Smon: Hakeem staggers in to the Redeye Inn, aided by Malenn, and soon has everyone drinking & singing Altanian war ballads...
Smon: Pollyachus: "Er, I'll go get some picks Master Bjornalf, see you at your house shortly..."
Kjato Ragfoot: Nono Pollyachus, you need to stay with Cassandra.
Kjato Ragfoot: Let me care for the picks and everything. I insist. Shorten her waiting by telling her about this great place!
Smon: Pollyachus nods. "Er, ok." Cassandra looks to Bjornalf as he takes her to the front of his villa, Pollyachus following. "Very nice..."
chris107: after a rest hak will use up his 2 remaining healing dice for the day
Smon: ok, roll your d12s
chris107 rolls 2d12+8 and gets: 1111, 55, (+8) = 24
chris107: 34/60HP
chris107: (He half expects the pirate wench to attack the town tonight)
Smon: Opa opens the door to Bjornalf and welcomes you inside. Is Bjornalf leaving Cassie with Pollyachus in B's living room while he goes looking for picks?
Kjato Ragfoot: I will show them into the guest room, that is a little more private. In case I get official visitors or something, after all Cassy is a refugee.
Smon: Bjornalf escorts Cassie & Polly to a rather snug guest room with a single bed, red blanket. At the Redeye, Kogor of Kolda has just returned from Thracia, his wench Beverly laden with supplies. Kogor: "How'd you get them wounds, Hakeem?"
Kjato Ragfoot: Also, Bjornalfs living room would probably make Polly to nervous, with all those mermaid statues and whatnot.
chris107: "Just a little scuffle outside of town Kogar. Are you well?"
Smon: Bjornalf escorts Pollyachus & fur bikini clad Cassandra to the guest room. As he departs he hears Cassie: "This wolf hide is starting to itch - could do with some lining..."
Smon: Kogor nods. "Scuffle? Never seen you so damn beat to hell!"
Smon: "Not even when they dragged you back from that Wight..."
chris107: "Just a scratch."
chris107: "With Malenn in my arms I'll be fine in the morning!" he grins and buys more beer
Kjato Ragfoot: Bjornalf will then go and find someone to pick a lock, also ask around how quickly he boat could be made ready for sea.
Smon: Kogor: "Aye, well. Been checking out the Deathwalker tunnels - cracked a few skulls. There's nae so many of them now - reckon a determined push could clear em all out. I'm looking at setting up a base in the ruins, save a lot of time..."
chris107: (Though I imagin even the irrepresable Hakeem is pretty darn sore right now?
Smon: Malenn grins and kisses Hakeem, passing on her last 3 pts of healing.
chris107: Nice
chris107: 37/60HP
chris107: "A fine idea Kogor!"
Smon: Bjornalf starts off on his errands. The shops are shut, but he eventually finds Happy Iocunnu down at the docks tying up his little fishing boat with his sons & nephews. Happy: "I have some old picks ye can borrow.
chris107: 2 min brb
Kjato Ragfoot: Oh, that is nice!
Smon: Happy: "Get the Vex Gratitude seaworthy? Well she was in good shape when she came in - reckon maybe four days to sail. Assuming you're paying for a good crew, eh!"
Kjato Ragfoot: Of course. Will also pay for some gifts for the mer-folk. Trade on my behalf, will you?
Smon: "You'll need twenty men to sail her if you want the best out of her..."
Smon: Happy: "You want me to make the arrangements, Captain?"
Kjato Ragfoot: That would be great Happy, you know the sailors in Selatine way better than I do.
chris107: back
Smon: Happy nods. "Me going rate is five gold a day, and I'll need money for the crew - say ten gold each for a month, that's 200 gold for them, 150 for me..." He grins.
chris107: Bjo can have Hak's share of the treasure if it will help?
Smon: "Course they'll want hazard pay if you're planning anything dangerous..."
Kjato Ragfoot: (I have 623 gp left plus whatever we got from this delve)
chris107: (Cool! Rich guy!)
Kjato Ragfoot: No. Just a journey to the statue of neptune, some trade with the mer-folk, perhaps negotiating a more permanent trade with them.
Kjato Ragfoot: I do not expect anything worse than usual.
chris107: Though Hakeem would like the wolf skins tanning to make a new cloak for winter.
Smon: Happy nods. "That'll all be fine then. 350 should be plenty - if there's anything else I need we'll let you know."
Kjato Ragfoot: Good, you know where to find me if you need anything. I
chris107: And probably Os will want the orc armour re-sizing?
Smon: In the Redeye it grows late, Hakeem prepares to withdraw. Kogor: "We should head for Thracia together soon, Hakeem. I reckon them Deathwalkers have a big treasure stash, and we're the ones to take it!"
chris107: Hakeem will gladly help
chris107: But he's said he will help Lady Vex first and he will.
Smon: Malenn leads Hakeem up to his room. Once inside she says. "I... I don't like how Kogor treats his slave, Hakeem. Did you see the brand he put on her thigh?"
Smon: Malenn sighs.
chris107: Hakeem hadn't. And he really dislikes slavery.
chris107: "What would you have me do Malenn?" He asks. He's not very good at thinking.
chris107: (He's pretty good at killing stuff though )
Smon: At the docks the last of the fishing boats are secured for the night. Happy escorts Bjornalf up the cliff steps and to his cramped hovel, where he digs up some rusty lockpicks from under a pile of ancient miscellenaea, lobster-shaped tankards and weird statuary from faraway lands.
Kjato Ragfoot: (Btb, I think Hakeem deserves inspiration for the duel.)
chris107: (My book still hasn't arrived )
Smon: (cheers - Hakeem, you have Inspiration). Malenn shrugs. "I don't know. I suppose he's no worse than most of them, except for being a dwarf..."
chris107: (And he'll settle for getting through the night in one piece )
Kjato Ragfoot: Where do you find that stuff Happy? It is amazing, I search dungeons and hardly have as much curiosa as you!
Smon: "Maybe you could get him to give her some clothes, at least?"
Kjato Ragfoot: (What, no new attempt at twins? I am disappointed!)
Smon: Happy smiles broadly. "Ah, a lifetime of collecting! This statue of Uhlutu'c hails from the Demon Empires, they say..." he holds up a squid-faced monstrosity.
chris107: Hakeem promises to have a word. But he likes the fierce dwarf and doesn't want to loose a friend.
chris107: (Good thinking Kjato! Hakeem will try for twins again! )
Smon: Malenn nods, seeming content, and leads Hakeem to bed to salve his wounds, tend his spirit, and lots of sex.
chris107: Especially if there's a thunder storm.
Smon: /roll 1d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 22,
Smon: It starts to rain heavily. No thunder yet, though.
Kjato Ragfoot: (Bondor waits with the thunder for the moment of conception, as applause!)
chris107: (Yeah! )
Smon: Happy looks at the rain beating on his window pain. "A good night for lovers to be tucked up in bed..." he sighs. "Me last wife left ,me, what, ten years ago this week I reckon. Ah well... "
chris107: Hehe Thunder has just struck during the last movement of Siegfried!
Kjato Ragfoot: Heh. Wifes and the sea. You can't be with them, you can't be without them.
Smon: Happy grins: "Too true, But those girls at the Redeye will welcome an old sailor with money to spend."
Kjato Ragfoot: I am sure you will find a new wife now that you are boatsman of a great Antillian trader.
Kjato Ragfoot: That's the spirit!
Smon: Happy's smile broadens. "A new wife.... Did you see the jugs on that Candice girl Aldo has now? Wonder if he'd let me buy her freedom..."
Smon: Happy starts for the door & his rendezvous with Candice.
Kjato Ragfoot: I doubt it, he has just bought her himself. He would definitely want a replacement.
Smon: Happy nods sadly. "Aye, oh well." He tosses Bjornalf a broad hat to keep the rain off, dons one himself, and steps outside.
Smon: Upstairs at the Redeye the Barry White is playing... Hakeem spends his Inspiration?
Kjato Ragfoot: Have fun.
Kjato Ragfoot: Bjornalf hurries home.
chris107: He does indeed Simon. I'm determined to leave a lasting impression on at least one of your games
chris107: Maybe another character to play a decade or so down the line?
Smon: A rather damp Bjornalf reaches his door, old Opa greets him. "Oh, master. I brought the young couple some wine. They, er.... you know..." she rolls her eyes.
Smon: Hakeem, roll 1d6x2, need a 1
chris107 Rolls 1d6x2 and gets:
55 = 5
66 = 6
Smon: No little Hakeems yet.
chris107: Ah well the practicing is fun. Next time
Kjato Ragfoot: Opa, you know. Youngsters will be youngsters.
Smon: If she got pregnant you know you'd have to go kill things without her?
Smon: Opa nods. "It's odd, Pollyachus was always such a shy boy. I don't know what I'll tell his mother..."
Smon: brb tea break, 3 mins
chris107: Simon: That's okay, I quite like malenn and don't want her getting hurt.
boredom3031: *gives chris and kjato another beer*
chris107: Thanks Zach
Kjato Ragfoot: Thanks!
chris107: Well that was a bit too close for comfort!
boredom3031: Can I retell my brothers tasteless joke of the day?
chris107: Hakeem was lucky to survive that one. But we could hardly let the villian take poor lady Vex?
chris107: Go on Zach
boredom3031: lol Brother: "I don't appreciate all of these holocaust jokes. My grandfather was in dachau. "Really" Brother: "Yeah, he fell out of the guard tower."
chris107: Oooooo meanie Zach!
boredom3031: lol I didn't say it, brother did....though I did laugh.
Kjato Ragfoot: Opa, better do not tell Pollys mother. I am glad he finally no longer passes out if a nude woman approaches him.
Smon: It's "My granfather DIED in Dachau"
Smon: /roll d20+7
boredom3031: lol
Smon rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 22, (+7) = 9
Kjato Ragfoot: And if she now immediately starts with marriage... the poor guy will join a monastery.
Smon: Opa frowns. "Oh no, I had better tell her. They're a very respectable family. She'll want to know if this girl is marriage material... She is a slave girl though, isn't she?" Opa sighs.
chris107: In the morning I guess Hakeem must use more healing dice?
chris107: If we are going to go lay more poor souls to rest.
Smon: "She doesn't believe in all these concubines and harems that are the fashion these days... I tell you, before Mr Oriax came things were very different around here! That was a long time ago..."
Smon: (yes Chris, you'll get 2 back)
Kjato Ragfoot: Yes, and in your youth Opa, there were no shy boys around, right?
Smon: /roll d20+7
Kjato Ragfoot: Back then, it was the stork bringing the children.
Smon rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 1010, (+7) = 17
chris107 rolls 2d12+8 and gets: 1010, 55, (+8) = 23
chris107: 60/60HP
Smon: Opa smiles and giggles. "Oh Mr Bjornalf sir!" She considers. "Very well, as you say sir. Not a word." The sounds of lovemaking drift down to Bjornalf from upstairs - perhaps Cassandra Starling has finally found some kind of happiness. And for young Pollyachus the happiness is just beginning.
Kjato Ragfoot: (Hihihi)
chris107: Good old Cassie. She's not had a lot of luck through the years.
Kjato Ragfoot: Go to sleep Opa, and do your best looking disapproving tomorrow to tease Polly a bit.
Smon: (OOC: Cassie is about the most put-upon character in my entire game universe, I feel sorry for her. Also I just saw today that her RL 'model' Cassandra Lynn died of a drugs overdose last year. Hollywood is nasty. )
Kjato Ragfoot: (Oh.)
Smon: Opa nods to Bjornalf. "I do feel awfully sleepy, Master Bjornalf sir." *yawn* "There's a night cap by your bed, Antillian brandy in case you'd like it. I'll go to bed now." The stout housekeeper retires, leaving Bjornalf alone with his thoughts.
Kjato Ragfoot: Bjornalf will go to bed, regret he borrowed his new "maid" for the negotiations with Ahyf and go to bed.
Smon: Bjornalf retires, the sounds from the guest suite lasting well into the night. He drifts off slowly to troubled dreams of darkling grottoes far beneath the waves. Over in the Redeye, Hakeem sleeps soundly in the arms of a woman who loves him. GM: Skip to next day now - I can GM until 10pm then putting son to bed.
Kjato Ragfoot: (That is alright with me.)
chris107: That's fine with me Simon
Smon: 12/1/4446 BCCC
chris107: Hakeem takes his wolfskins to be tanned.
Smon: You both wake late next morning, Hakeem's wounds still sore but his healing has always been supernaturally fast.
chris107: And get a price to have the armour sorted for Os. If that's okay Kjato?
Kjato Ragfoot: Sure.
Smon: The tanner is already at work on the landward side of Selatine where the stench goes straight over the wall.
chris107: Hakeem wrinkles his nose at the pong.
Smon: Bjornalf goes down to breakfast (did he send Alli off to Ahyf for the diplomatic mission?)
Kjato Ragfoot: (Yes, I sent Alli off to Ahyf)
Kjato Ragfoot: (Would be a bit annoying if they negotiated for the wrong women, wouldn't it?)
Smon: (Right, so she'll be going with Vilius of Theber & maybe Rey to buy the women back). Opa has the table laid with fruit, she's serving breakfast when a happy looking Pollyachus & Cassandra come down together in matching smocks provided by Opa. Polly sees Bjornalf. "G-good morning sir..." he says, face bright red.
Smon: OOC I think I'm going to level Polly up now, he's been 1st level a long time.
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah. Polly. Why do you look so embarassed, does your knowledge did not stand up to our guests scrutinity?
chris107: Yeah!
Kjato Ragfoot: Just sit down and have breakfast. It is great, Opa knows how to wake an adventurer.
Smon: Hakeem arranges for the tanning at 2gp per hide, then goes to the smith, who looks over the armour. "Hm, can do, I'll need the man it's for, and it'll take about a week, cost 150gp. Some parts'll need replacing."
chris107: Hakeem looks sheepish as he has little cash.
chris107: I'll leave it with you and go get some money.
chris107: Unless he'll take the other orc stuff as payment?
Smon: Pollyachus: "Err..." he blushes and looks down. Cassandra holds his hand. "Mr Pollyachus was most knowledgeable, thank you Bjornalf. We... talked long into the night. Your world is... fascinating." She looks him in the eye.
Smon: They sit and tuck in.
Smon: GM: I don't think you could have carried 12 great axes Hakeem. You split the 80gp? Malenn has plenty of cash BTW.
Kjato Ragfoot: I enjoy to hear that. I knew my trust in Pollyachus was well placed.
chris107: Hakeem is not taking money from his woman!
Smon: Polyachus smiles at the praise, still red, and starts eating a melon.
Kjato Ragfoot: Well, we have 4000 cp - that is like 40 gp?
Smon: 3000cp; & 80gp from the orcs.
chris107: He will give his share of the 80GP to the blacksmith as a down payment.
chris107: And go get some more
Smon: The man takes it, shrugs. "I'll get started, then."
chris107: Barbarians do not have ISA's
Smon: GM: You rendezvous with Jana at the Temple of Apollo?
chris107: Sounds good.
Kjato Ragfoot: Well, first I will open that lock.
chris107: Hak now down to 4GP after tanning costs
Kjato Ragfoot: Afterwards, to Jana.
Smon: Bjornalf starts work on the collar. Pollyachus: "Can Cassandra stay in your house for now, Mr Bjornalf? It seems safe here..."
Smon: Opa clears the plates.
Smon: lockpick roll - roll d20+2 Kjato.
Kjato Ragfoot: For a while, she will be safe. But she cannot stay long, just a couple days.
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 66, (+2) = 8
Smon: Polly seems disappointed. Bjornalf isn't getting anywhere with the lock.
Smon: (on a 1 the pick breaks!)
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. Polly, maybe you have more luck. Here, try to open this lock please?
Smon: Pollyachus gulps, and stands. "OK..."
Smon: He starts fiddling.
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 99,
chris107: Good luck Polly!
Smon: Still no luck.
Kjato Ragfoot: I will give it another shot.
Smon: Polly: "Um, Mr Rey isn't in town?"
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 77, (+2) = 9
Smon: (be +2 DC now)
Smon: fail anyway, and you're late to meet Jana now.
Kjato Ragfoot: I thought he was among the dignitaries going to Ahyf?
Smon: Outside the Shrine Jana Vex is waiting with Hakeem & Malenn.
Smon: Polly nods. "Oh yes. Right."
chris107: Hakeem and malenn will chat with Jana Vex while we wait.
Smon: He sighs, downcast.
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. Well, we will ask the local locksmith later.
Smon: Cassie: "It's ok Polllyachus. We'll get it off one day."
Kjato Ragfoot: But for now, we have to meet Lady Vex. We are already late.
Smon: Pollyachus nods. "Oops... oh no! I need to get the Incense! Excuse me!"
Smon: He rushes out of the room in a panic.
Smon: Cassandra watches him go. "He's cute..." she murmurs, then sighs.
Kjato Ragfoot: Opa, be so kind to show our guest around the house and shorten her day a little. I need to meet Lady Vex.
8:31pm 2015-5-01 Eliana Has entered the room
Kjato Ragfoot: To Cassandra: Do not worry, he will return.
chris107: Hi Eli
*Eliana senaks in*
Eliana: Hi !
Kjato Ragfoot: (he eli)
Smon: Outside, Hakeem, Jana and Malenn watch as a flustered Pollyachus tries to sneak into the back of the Temple of Apollo to get his Incense supplies for the day.
Smon: Hi Eli
chris107: "With two levels to bless shall we take more?"
Smon: Cassandra looks at Bjornalf, nods. "Thank you for... everything."
Kjato Ragfoot: Ah, you are welcome!
Smon: Jana nods, adjusting her own pack. "I have some here."
Kjato Ragfoot: He hurries off.
Smon: Cassie smiles at Bjornalf, he goes outside and joins the others, Polly appearing a short time later lugging two heavy bags.
chris107: Hakeem spends another gold buying some stuff for all to eat on the road. Now down to 3GP
Kjato Ragfoot: Hakeem, do me a favour and give all those copper pieces to the smith to pay for the refitting of the armour.
Smon: GM: Hakeem gets provisions from the market and your party sets off again out of Selatine.
chris107: He daydreams about sticking his sword through old Goat Head's belly.
Smon: Jana: "We must be wary of Pirates - and Orcs...."
Smon: dum tum dum...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 66,
Smon: ha!
chris107: Hakeem spent his share of the copper on beer for all last night
Smon: LOL
Kjato Ragfoot: Life is to short to wary.
Smon: /roll 2d10
Smon rolls 2d10 and gets: 33, 55, = 8
chris107: Hahah you have been in 6 heaven today Simon
Smon: The trail is passing close by the woods to the south towards the cliffs, when...
Smon: You hear something moving in the trees.
Smon: A heavy tread.
chris107: Hakeem draws his sword.
Smon: Then there is the sound of like a branch breaking.
Smon: And an angry buzzing sound.
Smon: Like bees.
chris107: odd
Kjato Ragfoot: We better stay away from that. Nobody of us is a beekeeper.
chris107: Very true
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 1212, (+4) = 16
chris107: Shall we move right along?
Smon: Hakeem's wilderness lore kicks in... sounds familiar...
Smon: Yes, there through the trees, the shaggy red pelt, the great claws, the angry buzzing... the famous Scarlet Honeybear of Red Altanis has found its prey!
Smon: The red bear is happily ripping apart a good-sized hive, oblivious to the stings of the angry bees.
chris107: A fine beast no doubt but let's leave him to his honey.
Smon: Malenn nods, relieved.
Smon: (one of the less deadly results on the table, unless you're bees)
chris107: Hakeem likes animals
Kjato Ragfoot: Life is to short to wary.
Smon: Leaving the bear behind you press on, to the edge of Oriax's territory...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 22,
Smon: /roll d100
Smon rolls 1d100 and gets: 707070,
Smon: You reach the Crypts of Ulther undisturbed; the dead orcs still lie where you left them, now rat-chewn.
Smon: Malenn: "Hmm, seems to me Oriax is definitely less omniscient than is believed..." she kicks an orc corpse, already starting to rot.
chris107: This makes Hak happy
Smon: Are you ignoring the stairway you have never taken (the south one) and take the n stairs down to level 2?
chris107: Yes let's get the Blessing done with. Then we can explore further?
chris107: If that's okay with you Kjato?
Kjato Ragfoot: Let's first bless level 2, we can still take the other stairs afterwards.
Kjato Ragfoot: I agree with chris.
Smon: ok, you descend to level 2. The goblin halls are extensive. You go straight to the room with the goblins spiked to the pillars where the stairs go down to level 3?
chris107: Yes
chris107: Hakeem using his danger sense thingie.
Smon: OK...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 11,
Kjato Ragfoot: There are still the fire beetles around, if I remember correctly.
Smon: A fire beetle scurries out of your path, you reach the hall.
Smon: It will take 80 minutes to Consecrate the goblin burial hall.
Smon: Jana & Pollyachus (lvl 2) set to work...
Smon: Polly's new hit die:
chris107: Hak stands guard. Watching the steps down.
Smon: /roll d8+1
Smon rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 55, (+1) = 6
Smon: not bad
chris107: Nice
Smon: 1 hp less than Jana, both have 3 hd.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 33,
Smon: You complete the Consecration and move down into the ghoul warrens...
Smon: Malenn: "There is evil here..."
chris107: Hak now on red alert.
chris107: Can Malenn sense anything rotten?
chris107: Ah
Smon: (yes) At the base of the stairs the tunnel goes n-s. Starting at the n dead end you can work your way south at 20' per 10 minutes...
chris107: Sword drawn
Smon: Many of the remains are gnawed on and jumbled together, Polly works at rearranging stuff as best he can while Jana chants.
Kjato Ragfoot: Pact weapon drawn
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 11,
Smon: 1st 20'...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 44,
Smon: 2nd 20'...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 33,
Smon: 3rd 20', you reach the end of the n-s passage where it runs east.
chris107: got it
Smon: 9 consecrations left.
Smon: You go east...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 22,
Smon: 1st 20'
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 33,
Smon: 2nd 20', you reach the side tunnel going south, where Hakeem pursued the last ghouls to their doom.
Smon: Malenn: "Shall we set a guard here while Jana continues east? I don't want to be trapped again."
chris107: Any sign of movement from there?
Smon: All is quiet.
chris107: Yes
Smon: Who's guarding? Malenn + Hakeem?
Kjato Ragfoot: I will scout ahead and see where the north path leads.
chris107: Hak will stand guard here. I guess it's the most likely place for attack?
Smon: Bjornalf heads east ahead of J & P.
chris107: Hak+Malenn then.
Smon: After 30' the e tunnel turns n, it runs 50' north to an apparent dead end.
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 88,
Smon: Bjornalf scouts down the n tunnel, the chanting behind him from Jana.
Smon: At the far end of the tunnel, the last alcove on the left holds a coffer, stone.
Smon: It has a keyhole.
Smon: It's about 2' long, 1' deep, 1' high.
Kjato Ragfoot: Hmm. I have no key.
Kjato Ragfoot: Could I carry it?
Smon: You could pick it up, yes.
Kjato Ragfoot: I will try to carry it to Hakeem and Malenn then.
Smon: It might be very heavy but you can try.
Smon: Bjornalf picks it up
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 22,
Smon: There's a click, and a dart shoots out of the 'keyhole'.
Smon: /roll 1d20+6x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
20 (+6) = 26
1 (+6) = 7
Smon: The dart pierces Bjornalf's armour, technically a crit!
Smon: 3 dmg.
Smon: Hmm...
Smon: Bjornalf isn't feeling so good...
chris107: Doesn't sound good
Smon: make a CON save Bjornalf.
chris107: Good luck Kjato
Kjato Ragfoot rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 99, (+2) = 11
Smon: B feels very shaky. What is he doing?
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 44,
Kjato Ragfoot: Returning to Malenn and Hakeem without the coffer.
Kjato Ragfoot: Telling them what happened.
Smon: B staggers down the corridor. Take 20 damage.
chris107: "Malenn, help him!"
Kjato Ragfoot: 15/38
Smon: He gets to Jana, chanting away and waving her holy symbol, passes her.
chris107: Will Malenn's lay on hands work v poison?
Smon: Malenn listens. "I can help..." she Lays on Hands...
Smon: yup
Smon: B feels a lot better - unpoisoned & back to full.
Smon: Malenn smiles: "Glad to help."
chris107: Phew
Kjato Ragfoot: Puh.
Kjato Ragfoot: Thanks a lot.
Smon: (malenn 5/25 lay on hands)
chris107: "Hey that's what pals are for. Now go get the loot!"
Smon: Jana & Polly complete the eastern tunnel to where it turns north.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 33,
Smon: Very quiet in the ghoul warrens this morning.
Kjato Ragfoot: Let's better wait till our priests are done with chanting.
chris107: Just the south to do then?
chris107: Yeah we have been very lucky!
chris107: Drag the coffer at least this far?
Smon: Still 50' of the north tunnel to go, 3 lots to get the end too,
chris107: Oh...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 66,
chris107: H+M will stay on guard duty then.
Smon: 1st 20' done, and...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 44,
chris107: Had to happen some time...
Smon: "~moan~"
Smon: In the light from his torch, Hakeem sees pale shapes shuffling towards him from the southern tunnel.
chris107: Mmmm don't like the sound of that.
Smon: They move slowly, awkwardly, not like ghouls.
Smon: OOC: And I need to get my son to bed!
chris107: He readies his sword
chris107: Okay. Anytime you like Simon.
Kjato Ragfoot: (How many are there?)
Smon: More than 6.
chris107: For next time then?
chris107: I'm free in the morning.
Kjato Ragfoot: I will be offline next week.
Kjato Ragfoot: Beginning tomorrow morning at around 6.
Smon: I'll go get Bill to bed. Kjato you want Chris to play B? Or hang back feeling poorly?
Kjato Ragfoot: B will cast Shatter in the middle of the zombies twice (making use of his darksigh), and then hang on behind.
Smon: have to wrestle Bill now, cya later
Kjato Ragfoot: Chris can do any rolling.
chris107: The Faerie Fire is a great help too
Kjato Ragfoot: Bye!
chris107: Cheers Simon. See you in the morning.
boredom3031: nice game simon
chris107: G'night chaps
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