Acquiring Alicia - 100 each
8 skels 400/3=133
Quest completion 50
Total: 283 each
Hakeem Greywolf, Barbarian-3: 1058+283=1341/2700 hp 35 hd 3
Rey 'Lord Reynard', Rogue-3: 787+283= 1070 (LEVEL UP)/2700 hp 30 hd 3
Not Present
Tor Caradoc: Fighter-3 1538/2700 hp 28 hd 3
Kradis Barbarian-2 312/900 hp 23 hd 2/2
Bjornalf Brighteyes: Warlock-1 175/300 hp 10
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Captive Alicia |
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The Skeletons of Ulther's Crypt |
Smon: GM: Looking to start on the evening of Rey & Hakeem's returns to Selatine.
chris107: Hakeem is pleased to be back. And in one piece!
Smon: Rey gets back to Selatine with Kradis a little before nightfall, and is already ensconced in the Redeye Inn when Hakeem & co return just after dusk.
Smon: Aya saunters along, smiling to Hakeem as you enter the town. "Not much gold, and no gems, but at least we're alive... We should do this again soon!"
chris107: With all of 5 gold pieces to our name.
Smon: *woof* says Max.
chris107: Hakeem bids both a very fond farewell.
Amalric: think Rey has 14 ep to his name, but he did get a nice and shiny +1 dagger
Smon: As Malenn the blonde ex-paladin serves Rey a beer, he sees Deacon Borgus approaching through the evening tavern crowd.
Smon: Hakeem bids farewell to his chums and enters the inn, Tor going off to mind his own thoughts.
chris107: "Hi Malenn." Beems Hakeem
Smon: Rey you see Hakeem the Altanian enter.
Smon: Malenn looks up and smiles, brushing hair from her eyes. "Hi there."
genghisdon: all right, I'll try to be in for friday then guys
Smon: Next game is a Monday am on 14th, then Friday am+pm 17th April.
Smon: Weekly after that.
chris107: Hakeem will spend his share of the few gold on drinks for Rey and gives the coppers to malenn
genghisdon: is Amazon pally an ok pick/fit though or should i try X or Y?
chris107: You away Don ?
Smon: amazon Paladin is fantastic, tres Wilderlands
Smon: Have to give you a starting bonus item.
genghisdon: i am leading 42 other players in another game right now, don;t have my character done, etc...yeah, I'm away
genghisdon: sorry
Amalric: "Evening doll." says Rey, then looks to Malenn, in case Hakeem gets the wrong idea
chris107: Okay, catch you next time I hope?
Smon: ok, make a note of the 17th April!
chris107: 42 players?!
Smon: LOL @Rey
genghisdon: done!
genghisdon: have fun guys!
Smon: cheers
chris107: Cheers
5:52pm 2015-4-01 genghisdon Has exited the room
Amalric: Rey eyes the Deacon with a raised eyebrow
Smon: Deacon Borgus nods to Hakeem, then sits down beside Rey. "Welcome back. How did you fare?"
Amalric: "The undead had risen, you said? I thought it might be one or two...not a WHOLE HORDE OF THEM!!"
Amalric: Rey slams down his beer on the bar. "We were lucky to get out of their alive - the place was crawling!"
Smon: Borgus chuckles. "I thought we made the situation plain. What of poor Brother Mikhel?"
Amalric: "Dragged off and eaten most likely. Or risen again to have YOU for dinner."
Smon: Borgus frowns. "So you saw little. Very well, tis as I feared."
chris107: (Hakeem gets to thinking... didn't fatty Borgus or the skinny chick offer us gold for our stuff driving off the Hobgoblins?)
Smon: Borgus: "I shall emplore Lord Vex and his Priestess sister for assistance, but at present they are deep in their cups."
Amalric: "We killed two goblins and a giant ferret, plus some undead monster and a skeleton. And there were many more besides."
Smon: Borgus: "If the Crypt cannot be cleansed, that leaves only the Tomb of Belaras as a place of pilgrimage.. *sigh*"
Smon: "We will need an honest escort in those wild hills, or else depart again for Rallu. A sad tale."
chris107: "I'll clense your wretched shrine priest. Just keep the gold flowing. Start with three hundred for the blond wench!"
Smon: Borgus looks at Hakeem. "Hmm."
Smon: Borgus: "As I told your friend this morning, cleanse the shrine of the Undead and I shall reward you."
chris107: "She will wield a sword by our side."
Smon: "Say, one hundred electrum?"
Smon: Borgus: "You already spent most of our money that was taken by the Goblins - we barely have three hundred gold between us!"
chris107: "Malenn will be a fine ally to fight off all the undead."
chris107: "Maybe chat to old red-eye then and get her cheaper?"
Smon: This looks like a Difficult CHA check to me...
chris107: Cool
Smon: /roll 1d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 1515, (+3) = 18
chris107: d20+1?
Smon: only 2 under.
Smon: I added your Profiency bonus.
chris107: Darn was worth a try.
chris107: Good effort.
chris107: Ah well Rey what 'you want to do?
Smon: Borgus casts an appreciative eye over Malenn's rear as she saunters off to tend more customers. Borgus: "That one? There's something different about her... who is she?"
Amalric: eh
Smon: OOC you ain't failed yet.
chris107: "A Paladin of Mitra no less!"
Smon: heh finally.
Amalric: gimme a sec
chris107: "As I said a fine ally in our quest to free your shrine!"
Smon: Borgus starts. "Really?! In such a fallen state?!"
Smon: Borgus makes the sun-circle sign of Mitra-Apollo.
chris107: "I a terrible shame..."
Amalric: "What are you offering? 100 electrum? No thanks, that's way too dangerous for my liking..."
Smon: Borgus considers. "I should speak with her. Three hundred, you say?"
chris107: "I know not how a holy chap like you can let such a thing be.."
chris107: "Aye three hundred."
Smon: Borgus nods, stands, and goes over to Malenn, beckoning her over to a quiet corner. Intense conversation ensues.
Smon: Malenn gets her own CHA check now...
Smon: /roll d20+6
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 55, (+6) = 11
Smon: Not great.
chris107: Grrrr
Smon: After talking with her, Borgus rejoins his fellows in further conversation.
chris107: "Ah well I tried Malenn. I'll get you free one day."
Smon: Malenn casts an eye on him, then goes over to Hakeem. "Hakeem... he says that perhaps I am doing penance for my sins - my failings."
chris107: "Nay you're a fine one. We'll have you smiting evil again in no time!"
Smon: The Pilgrims look over at Malenn, then turn away. She sighs. "They'll not pay to free me."
Amalric: "You want to buy this girl?" Rey asks Hakeem
chris107: "I want to set her free Rey."
chris107: "A hawk should not be in a cage."
Amalric: "And he says 300?"
chris107: "He does."
chris107: "And these skinflint priests, who are happy for us to shed our blood will not help."
Smon: From the kitchen comes the smell of burning. At the bar Aldo Redeye the Innkeep scowls. "Not again! I'll tan her hide..." He heads for the kitchen, rolling up his sleeves.
Amalric: "Well there are riches there aplenty, I can tell you."
chris107: Hakeem takes a great gulp on his tankard.
Amalric: "Guarded by horrid undead, but they are just in the way."
chris107: "Then we'll go put them back to sleep!" Hakeem is happy now death and mayhem are imminent
Amalric: "But we'll need a priestess, or something."
chris107: "We have blades do we not?"
Smon: From the kitchen issues the sound of feminine yelps as the bar wench Beverly is chastised for burning the stew again. A few patrons chuckle.
Smon: The barmaid Cirella brings you more ale, smiling at Rey. "I'm afraid dinner will be a little delayed..."
chris107: "Shall we be off and give this fat priest his shrine back?"
Amalric: "We'll need more than that. Kradis is a big lunk, just like you, and we barely got out with our skins."
Smon: OOC also you're quite beaten up.
Amalric: Rey smiles at Cirella. "I'm not that hungry...for stew." He gives her a tasty wink
Amalric: OOC LOL yes, down to 9hp?
Smon: Kradis is in the corner chatting up Serani, the innkeep's young and well developed wife, and clearly not about to leave.
Smon: It'll be 3 days before you're completely tip-top condition.
chris107: 34/35 for Hakeem?
Smon: Do you want to rest up & plan a return to the shrine?
Amalric: 3 days it will have to be
Smon: 34/35 at 1/3 healing dice, yup.
chris107: Works for me.
chris107: so one overnight and he's ready to roll!
Smon: OK, take off 3gp for moderate consumption, or 1.5 if frugal
Amalric: that'll be 6 at least
Amalric: just for Rey
chris107: Leaves 2GP. He'll toss them to Malenn as we leave. No frugal living for Hakeem.
Amalric: have to keep Cirella and whatsername entertained
Smon: Three nights and two days later... Rey has had a high old time with Cirella and now red-bottomed Beverly, Hakeem is visited often by Malenn, not shy with her favours either.
Smon: Perhaps not typical Paladin behaviour, but who could resist Hakeem?
Smon: Malenn tells Hakeem she has saved up some gold - nearly fifty - towards her eventual freedom.
chris107: They will fight shoulder to shoulder one day
Amalric: she's certainly a fallen one!
Smon: Morning, 26/11/4445, you are all healed up, feeling a bit poor, and ready to go.
Smon: /roll 1d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 22,
Amalric: did we want to go by the Vex mansion?
Smon: Pity it's raining - still, it's that warm Altanian rain, fat raindrops off the sea.
chris107: Maybe we'll get more healing potions?
Amalric: we have healing potions
Amalric: ?
Smon: There seems some tension in Selatine - Priestess Jana seems less than taken with Lord Vex's new paramour, the Priestess of Erathis Chelarre.
chris107: I had one. Fed it to a doggie
Amalric: a healthy doggy?
Amalric: does she now?
Amalric: does she want to take a sabbatical?
Smon: Jana Vex's deputy Calyakkus is quite friendly with you, and relays some gossip.
Smon: Calyakkus is the gangly acne'd youth, a minor Cleric.
chris107: A fine brave lad
Amalric: "Whattup, Spotty?"
chris107: He came with Tor and I on our first trip to the shrine. Says Hakeem to Rey.
Smon: Calyakkus: "Chelarre is of Neo-Nerath - I hear tell they're all Necromancers! They raise their own soldiers as zombies, to fight again!"
Smon: He says, over porridge at the Inn.
Amalric: "Sounds like she's been to the Shrine..."
Smon: "Wouldn't surprise me it's the Nerathi caused all those skeletons!"
chris107: "Rey, did you not say that there was Necromancer work on at the shrine?"
Smon: Calyakkus nods. "She, or one of em!"
Amalric: "Got to be one of those shits down there. No way all those dudes got up and wandered around by themselves."
Smon: Calyakkus: "It's the pretty ones you got to look out for... hi Malenn!" he smiles bashfully at the buxom blonde as she brings you goat's milk.
Amalric: "I mean.." *cough* "Yes, verily, one of those dastardly necromancer sorts must be holed up down there."
Smon: Caly: "Some humus and pitta please... and some of them Bratanis olives..."
Smon: Malenn nods.
chris107: "Beer."
Amalric: "What he said."
Smon: Malenn nods and collects beer from Serani at the bar.
Smon: Calyakkus: "Beer for breakfast?!" his eyes go wide.
chris107: "I like beer."
Amalric: "Breakfast of Champions, dear boy!"
Amalric: "And for lunch, dinner, supper..."
Smon: You see the pilgrims come downstairs. Deacon Borgus strides over to Calyakkus. "Any word of help from your lords?" Calyakkus shakes his head.
chris107: "Now we have some stuff to kill...again?"
Smon: Borgus sighs, laying a heavy hand on the boy's shoulder. "Very well, I see it is time for us to leave this forsaken place. There's a merchant ship docked, the Tsamar's jewel - is her captain honest?"
Smon: Calyakkus shrugs non-committally.
Amalric: Rey snorts into his beer
Amalric: "Of course!" he says. "Finest captain on the coast!"
Amalric: he smiles sweetly and says no more
Smon: Calyakkus: "She - she's a very fine captain, sir, as Lord Reynard says."
Smon: Borgus grins happily. "Excellent! Have this copper for your trouble." He tosses Cally 1 cp, then yells to Serani: "Breakfast, wench! And it better not be burnt this time! This is our last meal here!"
Smon: The would-be pilgrims settle down to eat.
Amalric: "Come, Hakeem. Lets go search this shrine."
chris107: "So best leave us your gold before you go..."
chris107: "If you want us to go empty your shrine of zombies."
Smon: Calyakkus looks to Rey and Hakeem. "Do you want help? I could come. I have a padded jack!"
chris107: "Did I not tell you he was a lad of spirit?!"
Amalric: "Certainly young man! Such bravery will surely be rewarded by the gods!"
Smon: He looks down. "Or Jana might help. But she doesn't like to adventure these days."
Smon: brb
Smon: back
chris107: (Captain Lance even put her off adventuring )
Smon: You finish breakfast, and see the pilgrims readying to leave.
Amalric: (she realised she wanted to settle down with a good man. Or failing that, Lance )
chris107: They leave no cash for our help?
Smon: Doesn't look like it
Amalric: "Any healing potions or holy water, Deacon?"
chris107: Miserable gits
Smon: Borgus looks at you, and points to the Shrine of Mitra.
Smon: One of the pilgrims comes hurrying up, accompanied up from the docks by a striking lady in a broad hat - the infamous Captain Tsamar.
Amalric: "Thanks," says Rey, his voice heavy with disgust
Smon: Tsamar -
Smon: Borgus smiles ingratiatingly at the Captain and goes over to her. Calyakkus smirks.
chris107: Well I guess that's the last we'll see of Borgus
Smon: Calyakkus sighs. "Mitra teaches tis a sin to wish ill on others..."
Smon: "...But sometimes one can't help it."
6:41pm 2015-4-01 Amalric Has exited the room
chris107: Oops lost Rey
Smon: He looks up. "See - the morning service is ending. Jana will be free - she might give you some potions." OOC yeah
Smon: (never trust an Apple. This chromebook seems ok if I stick strictly to browser stuff)
chris107: Hakeem will loiter over and let Rey work his magic on her.
chris107: (Yeah I'm back on my PC this evening. Much easier than the MAC)
Smon: Rey seems a little subdued, no doubt tired by his nightly exertions.
Smon: You go with Calyakkus into the shrine, where Miss Vex has just seem out the last of the congragants, mostly old biddies.
6:44pm 2015-4-01 Amalric Has entered the room
Amalric: (internet went off for no reason)
Amalric: (can still see everything)
Smon: >>Smon: He looks up. "See - the morning service is ending. Jana will be free - she might give you some potions." OOC yeah Smon: (never trust an Apple. This chromebook seems ok if I stick strictly to browser stuff) chris107: Hakeem will loiter over and let Rey work his magic on her. chris107: (Yeah I'm back on my PC this evening. Much easier than the MAC) Smon: Rey seems a little subdued, no doubt tired by his nightly exertions. <<
chris107: (You are deffo back )
Smon: You go with Calyakkus into the shrine, where Miss Vex has just seem out the last of the congragants, mostly old biddies.
Amalric: "Miss Vex? Good morning!"
Smon: Jana Vex is looking quite fetching in gold & white priestess robes, snugly cut.
chris107: "We go to shed more blood to clense your shrine Lady Vex."
Amalric: (dont' appreciate women with their clothes on)
Smon: She looks up from the font. "Welcome, friends."
Smon: (you work on that)
Smon: Jana nods. "Yes, the undead. I have prepared holy water and healing potions..."
Amalric: "You are too kind, milady."
chris107: "We are blessed by your friendship."
Smon: Calyakkus nods. "I shall go with them, and cleanse the evil, by Mitra!"
Amalric: "Of course, protection from the undead by the virtue of a priest being there, would be greatly appreciated."
Amalric: "Or failing that, this guy."
Smon: Jana frowns. "Callyakkus is much too young. I will go with you, whatever my brother says. In any case he is most distracted."
chris107: "He will be a great help I'm sure. Fine lad."
Smon: Callyakkus: "We can both go! Two holy symbols are better than one!"
chris107: agreed
Amalric: "You will? Excellent! Perhaps Callyakkus can attend the flock..." (and quietly) "perhaps he'll try sticking his head in the font to treat those spots"
Smon: /roll 1d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 77,
Smon: Jana nods to Rey. "Yes. Callyakkus will stay here. I will go. Callyakkus, attend to the shrine."
Smon: Callyakkus looks crestfallen. "Ohh! But I want to go!"
Amalric: "Sorry lad, but we need you here, lest something befall us out there."
Smon: Jana ignores his entreaty. "Please wait here while I change. I prefer to travel in Altanian garb."
Amalric: O_O
Smon: She leaves you, heading to the priest's quarters behind the main hall.
Smon: Rey and Hakeem wait expectantly.
Smon: Calyakkus fidgets. "She - she never used to... when she came back, she was different... Probably that man."
chris107: "Bit of a bastard was he?"
Amalric: "Which man? And why?"
Smon: "Lance was his name. A roguish sort. Took her honour in the Vex bathchambers as the soldiers looked on! She was banished..."
chris107: "Sounds a ghastly fellow!"
Amalric: "Sounds like my kind of..."
Smon: "...Both of them were. She came back a year and a day later, beseeched Lord Hytirus to take her back... that were just last month."
Amalric: "Erm, never mind. What a cad." *cough*
Smon: "she were talking all kinds of stuff about seeing another world, but not many believes her. We get all sorts of nonsense around here."
Amalric: "Seems like a harsh punishment just for having a shag..?"
chris107: "We'll take care of her lad."
Smon: "Well, now no one'll marry her - no one important, like..."
Smon: Some time later, Jana Vex re-enters the Shrine hall, carrying a stout walking staff and indeed clad Altanian style, in sandals and loincloth. Callyakkus blushes, looking down,
chris107: Hakeem wonders at the strange beliefs of civilisation.
Amalric: "Hopefully she heals us by stuffing those things in our faces," says Rey quietly to Hakeem
chris107: Hakeem nods. Admiring her martial aspect
Smon: Jana looks at Callyakkus and sighs, then turns to Hakeem, hefting a stout pack. "This holds the potions and vials - and some provisions."
Smon: /roll 1d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 11, (+3) = 4
Smon: Jana's interest in Hakeem is clearly platonic.
Amalric: good man
Smon: "Four healing, eighteen vials of holy water - enough for your horde of undead?"
chris107: "Well let's be off then."
Amalric: "Yes, lets"
chris107: "A fine gift indeed."
Smon: GM: Jana nods and leads you to the gate, the warm rain pouring down.
Smon: Lightning flashes in the distance, over the hills.
Smon: Once outside you head south-west across the plain.
Smon: /roll 1d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 55,
chris107: "Bondor..." says Hakeem in a Conanesque fashion. He touches his silver pendant
Amalric: "So Jana, tell me about these strange lands you visited..?"
Smon: (Hakeem is Inspired again) You make good time despite the weather. About noon you approach the cliffs where the shrine lies. Jana speaks a little on the way.
Smon: "It was a place called Sandpoint, on the world of Golarion. Very different from here. At first I thought it a paradise, but... paradise has its serpents."
Smon: At the word 'serpent' there is a sudden brilliant flash of blue lightning, directly over the shrine, arching down to the centre of the clifftop ruins.
Amalric: "Paradise? Why? Sunshine and pleasureable fruits?"
Smon: A titanic thunderclap half-staggers you.
Smon: Jana gasps. "I... no, it was cloudy a lot. But very peaceful. The towns had no walls..."
chris107: "BONDOR!"
Smon: It looks as if the lightning struck right by the top of the clifftop stairwell.
Amalric: "Sounds dangerous, no walls. But if it was that peaceful, maybe...""
Smon: Are you heading up the cliffside?
Amalric: "Anyway, lets go up there and check what that lightning hit."
chris107: Unless jana/Rey knows a better way in?
Smon: Jana: "There were a few little goblins. But the people - the people were deceptive..."
Amalric: "People who are not what they seem? Can't imagine what they were thinking..."
Smon: Jana: "The ways in are the cave ahead, the stairs in the shrine... and there is supposed to be a third entrance in the deep gorge north of the cliffs. I would avoid that way - it leads to the deep delves far below the Crypt."
chris107: "Where were these hoards Rey?"
Amalric: "Deeper is not better, unless you're with a woman, eh Hakeem?"
Amalric: "And they'll be inside."
Smon: You start up the narrow cliff trail to the top. Jana: "There was one - a woman. She seemed a friend, but really she only wanted - wanted my man..." she blushes, rain running down her cheeks. "She sent me to a... a place of ill repute."
Smon: You reach the top of the cliff, the wind is up and the warm rain lashes you.
Amalric: (Quite the businesswoman, thinks Rey. I like this one woman, whoever she is, as opposed to this lackwitted priest)
Amalric: any lightning damage evident?
Smon: Two prone forms lie unmoving in a scorched circle of grass at the centre of the redstone ruins, close to the stairwell.
Smon: One is a buxom, raven-tressed woman, the other a scrawny green goblin with huge melon-head.
chris107: I bet I know who those are
Amalric: human? goblin? other?
Amalric: "What the heck?"
Smon: And as you look at them you see a faint blue radiance coruscate over their naked bodies.
Smon: Jana gasps, incredulous.
chris107: Hakeem stands slack jawed in superstitious awe.
Smon: Jana hefts her staff as if about to strike the unconscious form.
Amalric: "Friend of yours?"
Amalric: "WHOA!!"
Amalric: Rey stops Jana
Amalric: "What kind of priestess hits an unconscious person?"
Smon: Jana stops. "She! She is the she-devil! The deceiver!"
chris107: Hakeem thinks this wench will go a long way towards the cost of freeing his fallen paladin
Smon: "From Sandpoint!"
Amalric: "The goblin, fair enough. But her..."
chris107: "Then we sell her to old Red-Eye. Repay her in kind."
Smon: "She sent me to a Rogue, a Sczarni, who used me for his pleasure! I became nothing - a cheap trull!"
Amalric: "Wait wait wait wait."
Amalric: "Lets give her a chance. That...."
Amalric: "Everyone makes mistakes..."
Smon: Jana may be weeping, hard to tell in the rain. She's shaking with emotion.
Smon: cha check Rey
Amalric: (Rey prefers dark haired girls)
Amalric: "Give me a moment."
Amalric rolls 1d20 and gets: 1313,
chris107: In the mean time Hakeem stabs the goblin
Amalric: CHA is 15 I think
Smon: 13+4=17, good pass. Jana calms down as Hakeem draws his blade. She winces as Hakeem stabs the goblin, killing it.
Smon: The dark-haired woman sighs, stirs. "Mmm... cold..." she murmurs, her accent strange, aristocratic.
Amalric: Rey kneels down and checks Alicia
chris107: Hakeem makes a rope halter to bind this new slave.
Amalric: "Whoa, easy Hakeem."
Amalric: "Let me see to her."
Smon: Hakeem sets to work with his rope. Jana looks over at Hakeem and nods in satisfaction.
Amalric: "How are you doing, Alicia..?"
chris107: "What is this woman to you? She has treated our friend badly. Her freedom is forfit."
Smon: Alicia's skin seems unblemished except for a few scratches - no burns.
Amalric: "Well let me take charge of her, at least."
chris107: Hakeeem shrugs and hands over the halter.
Amalric: "Lets see what she has to say for herself, and what she did to our priestess here."
Smon: Alicia's eyes flutter. A hand goes to her head. "Ow.. what hit me?"
Smon: OOC Graham you might like my Alicia gallery I did today -
Amalric: "Lightning, my dear. A flash of lightning. We found you here, next to a goblin. Which is now dead."
Amalric: OOC I might
Smon: Alicia opens her eyes, looks up at the handsome Altanian above her. "Hello..." she looks past him, sees Jana quivering with rage, and sighs. "Oh, hello Jana."
Smon: Jana: "Tie her up!"
Amalric: "So you do know each other? Jana was about to bash your head in!"
Amalric: "Apparently she does not consider you a friend?"
Smon: Alicia's eyes widen in surprise and shock. She gets unsteadily to her feet, letting Rey help her up.
Smon: "Jana! After all I did for you!"
Smon: Jana is grinding her teeth. "You.... you!!"
Amalric: "Jana told us you sold her to a brothel?"
Smon: Alicia raises a hand defensively. It's glowing. She looks at her hand, blinking. "Err... never did that before."
Smon: Alicia's whole body is glowing a faint blue.
Amalric: Rey is impressed. "Whoa...a sorceress!"
Amalric: Rey grabs her hand, just in case
Smon: Alicia looks to Rey. "A brothel? Certainly not! The Fatman's Feedbags is a respectable dining establishment! Was, anyway... all gone now, I expect."
chris107: Hakeem growls and draws his sword
Amalric: "Sorry, can't have you incinerating a priestess without a proper explanation. I'm sure you understand."
Amalric: "Oh, so you found her a job, is that it?"
Smon: Alicia sees Hakeem draw his sword, she pulls away, frightened. "Wait!"
Amalric: "That seems a little harsh then, Jana? Perhaps Alicia did you a favour?"
Smon: "I don't know why I'm glowing.., Must be the portal? Did you glow, Jana?" Jana shakes her head curtly.
chris107: ""She is our property now. We will deal with her when we return."
Smon: Alicia: "Yes! I was trying to help her - get her a job! Something suitable to her talents..." Jana growls.
Amalric: "Well you'll have to come with me...with us! Not safe out here."
Amalric: Rey smiles at Alicia admiringly
Smon: Alicia: "Property?" Jana steps forward, smiling triumphantly. "You have your ways, Scarnetti. We have ours. This is the land of Lord Vex. I am his sister. I claim you!"
Smon: Alicia: "Wait a minute..." she looks imploringly to Rey.
Amalric: "Actually, I found her first - and finders keepers!"
chris107: "She is yours Lady Vex."
Smon: Alicia leans in, whispers to Rey "I think she's gone mad! Help me!"
chris107: "You would go against your friends for this woman Rey?"
Amalric: "These holy types are all the same, fucking loopy."
Smon: Jana: "Hakeem - take her, bind her! Sir Reynard, stand back."
Smon: In the distance the lightning flashes again over the far hills.
chris107: Hakeem turns to Janna Vex "I fear our friend is ensorscelled by this wicked creature."
Amalric: "Not 'go against', far from it! I seek to help her - like all good-manered folk do to the helpless."
Amalric: "Isn't that what Mitra preaches, jana?"
chris107: "It is not what Bondor preaches."
Amalric: "Anyway, we're here to do a job, are we not? Lets get down into the shrine before we're all blasted by lightning."
Smon: Jana glares at Rey. "There are limits. Step back from her, or I will use Mitra's power..."
Amalric: "Get out of this blasted rain."
chris107: "Stand aside friend Rey. This witch has stolen your senses."
Amalric: "I will do no such thing. And neither will you, Jana Vex."
Smon: Jana raises her hand. "I am not the novice you once knew, Alicia. I can..."
Amalric: "And Hakeem, I will vouch for her. You can have my share of the loot if she turns."
Amalric: "That'll go a long way to buying that Malenn's freedom, no?"
chris107: Is Alicia's pretty neck within sword reach?
Smon: ok, everyone roll init.
Amalric: Hakeem is risking a sneak attack
Amalric rolls 1d6 and gets: 33,
chris107: Hakeem is planning a reckless attack to take off her head
chris107 rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 1717, (+2) = 19
Smon: d20
Smon: Jana:
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 55,
Amalric: ah yes
Amalric rolls 1d20 and gets: 55,
Amalric: well I beat Jana with my bonus
Smon: Alicia:
Smon: /roll 1d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 99, (+1) = 10
chris107: Rage!
Smon: Hakeem, Alicia, Rey, Jana
Smon: It's like reservoir dogs with less clothes
chris107: Reckless attack bonus?
Amalric: HAHA!
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 1818, (+5) = 23
Smon: Hakeem is inspired by the lightning, can roll twice & take better result
Smon: (just once)
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 33, (+5) = 8
chris107: oh I can save it then?
Smon: 23, who is he attacking? To kill?
chris107: He is trying to seperate Alicia from her head
Smon: We can say that was Reckless - also roll twice, but attackers can roll twice in melee vs you too
chris107: Okay. It was only for the original attack.
Amalric: (all that work earlier today down the drain, Simon!)
Smon: The blue radiance around Alicia is like iron, but Hakeem forces his blade through it, touching her breast.
Smon: hit
chris107 rolls 2d6+5 and gets: 33, 44, (+5) = 12
Smon: Aicia gasps as blood flows from the wound. Jana gasps too.
chris107: "Use your foul enchantments on my friends will you witch?!"
Amalric: "Stop! This is madness!!"
Smon: Alicia staggers back, bolts of blue force spring from her fingers to strike Hakeem.
Smon: /roll 3d4+3
Smon rolls 3d4+3 and gets: 44, 22, 11, (+3) = 10
Smon: 10 dmg, not halved.
chris107: 30/35HP with Rage
chris107: oh okay
Smon: no, it's not weapon dmg
chris107: 25/35HP
Smon: Rey's turn.
Amalric: Rey has no action, he does not take up his weapon. All he does is stand in front of Alicia, hands wide
Smon: Jana sees this. Something leaves her. She sags. "Hakeem - stop! Don't kill her!"
Smon: Alicia, wounded, clings desperately to Rey.
chris107: Hakeem spits, calming himself.
Smon: Jana turns to Hakeem. "She burnt you... Let me help."
chris107: "If I even think you use your magic agaist us you are a dead woman."
Smon: As Hakeem calms himself, Jana lays on hands...
Amalric: "Have you all gone mad? This woman just appeared from a lightning bolt, out cold, and apparently thats reason to kill her?"
Smon: /roll 2d8+1
Smon rolls 2d8+1 and gets: 33, 44, (+1) = 8
Smon: 8 back.
chris107: Hakeem shakes his head33/35
Amalric: "We have plenty of enemies out here! Lets not kill each other!"
Amalric: "We need to work TOGETHER."
chris107: "She will be the death of you friend Rey."
Smon: Alicia: "I'm bleeding... I didn't even know I could do magic!"
Amalric: "They're all like that, Hakeem."
Smon: Jana looks at her. "You'll live."
Amalric: "And you can now, Alicia. Whatever got you here gave you the ability."
Amalric: "And you two don't have to be friends, or kiss and make up, but right now each needs the other."
Smon: Alicia nods, gulping. "The portal... this storm.. the incantation..." she shrugs.
chris107: "Bind her, then let's be on to do our work."
Smon: The fight seems to have gone out of Jana at the sight of Alicia nearly skewered on Hakeem's blade.
Amalric: "And you need them, Hakeem, as they need you. Stop hacking up everyone. Unless they're goblins or undead."
Amalric: "Or giants weasels."
Amalric: "Or ogres."
Amalric: "Or humanoids of any kind."
Amalric: "Or giants."
Amalric: "Or dragons or manticores."
Amalric: ", you get the idea."
Amalric: "You alright, Alicia?"
Smon: Jana: "Rey, she could still be dangerous, even to herself. On her world she was a silly decadent noblewoman, not a wizard... She's not used to such power."
Amalric: "We may have need of whatever magic you have, before long."
Amalric: "Well maybe she also learned some wisdom. The Gods know there's little of it around here."
Smon: Alicia has a hand to her chest. "It hurts... Jana..."
Smon: Jana: "Once Rey has bound you, I will heal you. Rey, this slave is your charge, to look after.Understand? Whatever she does, you are responsible."
Smon: INT checks
Smon: Rey
Smon: /roll 1d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 1414,
Smon: Hakeem
Smon: /roll 1d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 1111,
chris107 rolls 1d20 and gets: 2020,
Smon: I rolled
Amalric: you want me to roll?
chris107: Ah you rolled
Amalric: cool
Smon: GM: Rey, you have heard of something called Wild Magic, a kind of uncontrolled sorcery that can manifest like this.
Smon: Practioners must master their power or risk being destroyed by it.
Smon: Jana seems also to be thinking on similar lines: "We must get her lead chains - lead will dull the enchantment..."
Smon: "...For now rope must suffice."
Amalric: "Maybe you can blast zombies out of existance? Might be worth a shot."
Amalric: "Shall we venture into the shrine?"
Smon: Jana looks over at the stairwell. "I think the skeletons must wait another day. It is too risky."
chris107: Hakeem grunts and readies himself for the sport ahead
Amalric: "And yes Jana, she is my charge."
Smon: Alicia: "Er, zombies?"
Smon: Jana sees Hakeem frown. "We should get her back to Selatine?"
Amalric: "We came all this way, Jana. Krad - I mean, Hakeem...can dish out some punishment, as Alicia can attest."
Amalric: "And three of us are in fine condition."
Amalric: "We have healing potions, holy water."
Smon: Jana nods. "And we bring her with us?"
Amalric: "We could at least take a look."
Smon: "Very well. Light of Mitra!" A silvery radiance bursts forth from Jana's staff.
Smon: "You warriors go first, then Alicia. I will watch her."
Smon: You descend the stairs?
chris107: Yes, eagerly
Amalric: yes
Amalric: won't even need my dagger to light the way! bitches are useful
Smon: GM: Rey leads the way down the stairs, through the goblin vaults to the Shrine of Ulther.
Smon: The elaborate bas-relief sarcophagus seems untouched.
Smon: Jana checks it. The seal is unbroken. But I sense Evil from the inner crypts..."
Amalric: "Hakeem, lets prise this bugger open. Jana, be ready."
Smon: She points towards the door beyond which Rey encountered the skeleton horde.
Smon: Jana: "What? No!"
Amalric: "The inner crypts are full of skeletons. Moving ones."
Amalric: "No?"
Smon: Jana: "Do not desecrate the tomb of Ulther! It is sacred!"
Amalric: "Sacred enough that Borgas buggered off and left it?"
chris107: ???
Smon: She waves to the bas-reliefs that show the bulging-eyed saint leading ships safely from the rocks by what's now Oriax's Tower.
Amalric: "He was a lighthouse! Whats so good about that?"
chris107: Hakeem looks from Rey to Jana. "Do we slay these things?"
Smon: "Ulther is a Saint of Mitra! He entered the Tower of the Ancients! He mastered their magics! He saved thousands of lives!"
Smon: /roll 1d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 33,
Amalric: "What, these two? No, save it for the skeletons." says Rey to Hakeem
Smon: Jana looks at Hakeem: "Even today the light guides ships from the deadly shore!"
Amalric: "Fine then, lets leave St Ulther's sacred box."
Amalric: "That door leads to the crypts. That's where the trea...I mean, skeletons are."
Smon: Jana: "Even now his Lawfulness must shield his tomb from the Undead..."
Amalric: "Hakeem? You and Jana can lead the way, I'll bring up Jana at the back."
Smon: Jana nods. "Hakeem. Open the door. When they come, I shall pray to Mitra that they be Turned..."
Smon: She steals herself. Alicia lurks way back.
chris107: "Bah! This witch has sent you soft in the head!" Hakeem hefts his heavy blade preparing to smash the desecrating skeletons to dust
chris107: He opens the door
Smon: The door opens, the staff's light falling on the seried ranks of the inner crypts.
chris107: If they are not destroyed he willl block the way and slay all who come before him.
Smon: Silence for a moment.
Smon: Clitter-clatter...
chris107: In a rage at Rey's cowerdice.
Smon: Skeletons arise, grasping rusty blades...
Smon: Jana waits a moment as they approach, then raises her lionshead emblem of Mitra boldly.
Smon: "Back, Hellspawn!"
Smon: Turn attempt...
Smon: 7+ to succeed...
Smon: /roll 1d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 55,
Smon: heh
Amalric: LOL
chris107: Hakeems turn RAAAGGGGEEEE!
Smon: Jana's eyes go wide as the skeletal mouths clatter in scornful laughter.
Amalric: "Where's a lighthouse when you need one?"
chris107: Can he block the doorway?
Smon: Hakeem goes into Rahe as they surge forward... yes, you can both act before the skels.
Smon: Hakeem moves to block the door, sword raised.
Smon: It's wide enough 2 can attack.
Amalric: "Oh go on then!"
chris107: Is Rey joining Hakeem?
Smon: Hakeem gets 1 attack this round, next can Berserk if desired
chris107: Yeah!
Smon: 2 vs 2?
Amalric: Rey steps past Jana. "Watch out, both of you," he says to Jana, and Alicia
Smon: Jana looks disconsolate at her failed Turning.
chris107: Cool
Amalric: "Wotcher, mate." he says to Hakeem. "Let me show you a thingout swordplay. Kradis didn't know one end of a blade from another." or two ab
Smon: The skels close on you, 8 vs 2. but the narrow door means numbers tell less...
chris107: Hakeem is joyful to see his friend stand beside him.
Amalric: (thing or two about, stupid text swap/mash)
Smon: Rey attacking w Rapier & Dagger? +5/d8+3 and +6/d4+1
Amalric: yep
chris107: init?
Smon: ok, you can sneak attack as long as Hakeem stands beside you, providing a distraction.
Smon: ok init
Amalric rolls 1d20 and gets: 1818,
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 2020, (+2) = 22
Amalric: 21 for Rey
chris107 rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 1717, (+2) = 19
Amalric: wow, some rolls
Smon: I did say your longer blades could go first, so you each get 1 attack, then their go. r2+ you get 2 atts each.
Smon: roll to hit AC 13
Amalric rolls 1d20 and gets: 1313,
chris107: Okay first round attack
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 11, (+5) = 6
chris107: oops that could be bad
Smon: Rey's rapier hits, d8+3+d6
Amalric rolls 1d8+3 and gets: 77, (+3) = 10
Smon: Hakeem swings way too high.
Amalric rolls 1d6 and gets: 66,
chris107: Can I roll again as I'm inspired?
Smon: not any more
chris107: Using the best of the two?
chris107: okay
Smon: 16 damage, its head comes off, it falls.
Smon: skel attacks Hakeem
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 88, (+4) = 12
Smon: miss
chris107: A/C 15
Smon: vs Rey
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 1515, (+4) = 19
Smon: Rey is cut
Smon: /roll d6+2
Smon rolls 1d6+2 and gets: 22, (+2) = 4
Smon: 16/20?
Smon: Your go
Amalric: yes
Amalric: (what time are we playing to?)
chris107: Berserk so 2 attacks?
Smon: end after this fight
Smon: yes
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 1515, (+5) = 20
Smon: not later than 10pm latest anyway
Amalric: (and is it 2 on 1, or 1 on 1 vs skeletons?)
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 22, (+5) = 7
Smon: 1 vs 1
Smon: 1 hit
chris107 rolls 2d6+5 and gets: 44, 33, (+5) = 12
Amalric: oh, nm. skeletons had init
Smon: still up
Amalric rolls 2d20 and gets: 1212, 22, = 14
Amalric: rapier, dagger
Smon: ac 13
Amalric rolls 1d8+3 and gets: 77, (+3) = 10
Smon: hit on 8, 7
Amalric rolls 1d6 and gets: 33,
Smon: 13 dmg, kills a 2nd
Smon: skels slash & stab
Smon: vs Hakeem
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 1919, (+4) = 23
Amalric: "Quite easy when you get the hang of it, old chap!"
Smon: /roll d6+2
Smon rolls 1d6+2 and gets: 55, (+2) = 7
Smon: 7/2=3
chris107: 30/35
Smon: vs rey
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 1717, (+4) = 21
Smon: /roll d6+2
Smon rolls 1d6+2 and gets: 44, (+2) = 6
chris107: Gosh they are on fire!
Smon: at 10/16
Amalric: do we all attack at the same time? i was hoping to cut them down so they couldn't attack!
Smon: Jana sees Rey is getting massacred and runs forward to heal him.
Smon: The ones behind step forward and attack over the bodies of their fallen.
Smon: The ones you kill can't attack, true.
Smon: /roll 2d8+1
Smon rolls 2d8+1 and gets: 11, 11, (+1) = 3
chris107: Hakeem will keep berserking and hacking away
Smon: "Mitra help us!"
Smon: Mitra's light is far from this place.. only 3 hp back Rey.
Amalric: ye gods
Smon: round 3
chris107: They have the init right?
Smon: it's cyclic
Smon: your attacks
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 1212, (+5) = 17
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 1818, (+5) = 23
chris107 rolls 2d6+5 and gets: 11, 44, (+5) = 10
Smon: 2 hits, first kills
chris107 rolls 2d6+5 and gets: 11, 66, (+5) = 12
Smon: 2nd still stands, badly damaged.
Amalric rolls 2d20 and gets: 1111, 1010, = 21
Smon: Rey can hit that one if you like
Smon: 2 hits
Amalric rolls 1d8+3 and gets: 44, (+3) = 7
Amalric rolls 1d6 and gets: 11,
Smon: kill it
Smon: 2nd hit
Smon: d4+1
Amalric: that on the injured one?
Smon: yeah
Amalric rolls 1d4+1 and gets: 11, (+1) = 2
Amalric rolls 1d6 and gets: 44,
Smon: sneak dmg only 1/round, so 2 dmg
Smon: Half the skels are down.
Smon: They surge forward over piles of bones...
Smon: vs Hakeem
Amalric: okay
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 33, (+4) = 7
Smon: miss
Smon: vs Rey
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 1010, (+4) = 14
Smon: AC 14
Smon: /roll d6+2
Smon rolls 1d6+2 and gets: 22, (+2) = 4
Smon: Rey at 9
Smon: Jana prays furiously behind him...
Amalric: may have to chug a potion
Smon: /roll d8+1
Smon rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 22, (+1) = 3
Smon: 3 back, at 12
Smon: r4
Smon: your go
Amalric: how much does a potion heal?
Smon: 2d4+2
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 1818, (+5) = 23
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 1616, (+5) = 21
Amalric: right, Rey steps out for a round to chug a potion
Smon: hit
Smon: hit
chris107 rolls 2d6+5 and gets: 55, 66, (+5) = 16
Amalric: (back in 1 min, have to put junior to bed)
Smon: Hakeem blocks the path as Rey steps back and drinks
chris107 rolls 2d6+5 and gets: 55, 22, (+5) = 12
Smon: 2 skels collapse in heaps of bone (hit 12 dmg to 1 w 11)
Smon: Jana: "I think Hakeem is all we need..." she smiles triumphantly at Rey and Alicia.
Smon: The last 2 skels attack Hakeem.
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 1818, (+4) = 22
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 88, (+4) = 12
Smon: 1 hit
chris107: hit
Smon: /roll d6+2
chris107: miss
Smon rolls 1d6+2 and gets: 44, (+2) = 6
Smon: 27/35
chris107: 27/35
Smon: You still have 5 rounds of Rage left before you're exhausted
Smon: H's go
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 1212, (+5) = 17
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 1111, (+5) = 16
chris107 rolls 2d6+5 and gets: 11, 11, (+5) = 7
Smon: Through the space left by Ray, Jana raises her hand and shoots a bolt of silvery radiance.
chris107 rolls 2d6+5 and gets: 44, 44, (+5) = 13
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 11, (+2) = 3
Smon: It strikes a damaged skeleton
Smon: /roll 1d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 88,
Smon: The last skeleton explodes into dust. You are triumphant.
chris107: Yeah! What a team!
Smon: Jana smiles at Hakeem. "Mitra has sent you to save us!"
Smon: "I can see you will be a great champion, a great warrior. Bondor smiles on us, too."
chris107: "Thank the Sword Lord, Bondor."
Smon: (she's very liberal)
Smon: The dead have been laid. Jana utters an incantation over the bones.
chris107: The rage slowly leaves Hakeem and he stumbles. Falling after his first berserk rage.
Smon: "I sense the evil does not originate here, but somewhere deep below... Hakeem!"
chris107: He gets to his feet exhausted.
Smon: Jana rushes forward to support the now-exhausted warrior.
chris107: "Tomorrow my lady. I must rest."
Amalric: (back)
Smon: Jana nods. "We must get back to the village. I'll see you are both rewarded."
chris107: We have prevailed
chris107: Cool
Smon: "Later I will return and see these bones returned to their proper rest."
Amalric: "Sounds like a plan! Well played, both of you."
Smon: "And that ownership of Alicia is formally granted to Lord Reynard for his service today."
Smon: Alicia: "Hey..."
Smon: Jana: "Perhaps Oriax can advise on the nature of your sorcery..."
Amalric: "Excellent!"
chris107: That'll teach her!
Amalric: Rey winks when only Alicia can see him
Smon: She glances at Hakeem and smiles.
Smon: Alicia looks a bit comforted by Rey, Jana uses a bit of curing magic on her
Smon: /roll d8+1
Smon rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 66, (+1) = 7
Smon: and you return home...
Amalric: "See? We can all be friends! And teammates! Better together!"
Smon: I'll post rewards & xp.
Amalric: (think I've heard that last one before somewhere...)
chris107: Hakeem asks Janna if she will have the fallen Paladin of Mitra freed as his reward.
chris107: Good game chaps
Amalric: always fun
Smon: cheers
Smon: Rey is a bit squishy but you had loads of healing
Amalric: thought we might have a self-inflicted TPK early doors
chris107: Enjoy Scotland and see you on the 17th
Smon: Hakeem vs Rey would have been fun
Amalric: leathers don't lend themselves to front line fighting!
Smon: You're not playing on the 14th Chris?
Smon: 9am?
Smon: 13th
chris107: I honestly thought he had been Charm Personed
Smon: The Monday
chris107: 13th?
Smon: Yes, we said 9am on Monday 13th, then Friday. No?
chris107: Ath's game starts at midday so long as I'm not having a work meltdown should be okay for 13th AM
Amalric: when is the next evening game, the Friday?
Smon: yes
Smon: rewards - Malenn for Hakeem, Alicia for Rey, sounds fair
Smon: & some leftover healing potions.
chris107: Hakeem hopes Malenn will work with us to redeem her Paladin status.
Amalric: i'm happy with that
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