Tuesday, 30 January 2018
Oona & Friends #2, Viridistan 6/9/47 (300 XP)
Chris' Review of Session 2 (30th January 2018)
Players and their characters.
Chris Bourne playing Alkaia
Ken Rothstein and Xandor
Don Donald Fairfield with Earendil
Bill Newman with Batta the Kobold
Simon Newman and Oona
Anthony Terry introducing Belgarion the Bard.
The Action.
Belgarion the Bard has been with the Mycretians and decided to stay and adventure with the party.
After further questioning of Jerech and with help from Earendil they pieced together that the tomb was that of Prince Ashan the Immortal, known as The Ironspear.
Off they trot and sure enough in the sandstone cliffs just south of the wall they find it.
Scrambling up, Batta checks around for traps then Alkaia flexed her mighty muscles and broached the aincient entrance. Once inside they sealed it shut once more.
They set off north down marble steps, the Light of Mitra illuminating their path. Deep they delved until a northbound corridor decorated with plaster images of ancient warriors led them deeper into the tomb.
Another foul construct from eons past was set loose. Only with great effort was it overcome. Magical frost from Xandor, Holy fire from Earendil and much beating with big sticks saw it battered but it was Belgarion with a suave thrust of the sword which finished the creature.
After much searching of the empty tomb it was Oona who discovered the cracked plasterwork and secret door in the north wall. And the treasure room beyond!
Here we leave our heroes, a little after 3PM on their first day of freedom, until next week.
Smon: Evening Chris
chris107: Evening Simon
Smon: I just discovered a bunch of posts on CSWE thread I'd missed & read them
Smon: Also bookmarked your blog so I can find it again!
chris107: Thanks
Smon: You could put link in your DF sig for the benefit of those less diligent than I
chris107: The Blog has been updated. Hopefully after your conversations with Jerech tonight there will be tons more to add.
Smon: Yup I see how you've added stuff to the first post.
chris107: I don't know how to do that I'm afraid.
Smon: "User Control Panel" top right of Forum screen
chris107: Each chapter (this is Midwall) will hoipefully build into a ready reference sheet.
Smon: Then "Profile" on left
Smon: Then "edit signature" - for me link is https://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/ucp.php?i=profile&mode=signature
chris107: Ah, got it. Thanks
Smon: Oona is a bit put out that Harlgrimm ignored her last session - she even smiled at him, too!
Smon: Like he doesn't like his ladies covered in blood and brains... or he doesn't like ladies... or he doesn't like Oona (surely not!)
chris107: I'm afraid romance has to be worked at here. No dice rolling
chris107: Hmmmmm my sig link is not working. I'll have to get Kyle to look at it when I can prize him off his new computer game.
chris107: I'll go try again.
7:23pm 2018-1-30 Drfuzzylogic Has entered the room
Drfuzzylogic: Good evening gents
chris107: Hi Ants
Smon: Oona said "hello friend", eyes him up, and >>Smon: She turns to the big Tharbrian, pushing bloody blonde hair from her eyes. "You fought well. I don't think I know your name?" (tag chris)<< yet still no response!
Smon: Hello Dr
chris107: 2 mins just sorting a link out.
chris107: He had his hands full
chris107: Or was playing hard to get!
Smon: GM had his hands full!
Smon: Should be slightly easier tonight!
Drfuzzylogic: Chris in 5th how does one work out their passive perception?
Smon: 10 + bonus
Drfuzzylogic: Is it wis + proficiency + 10?
Smon: yes
chris107: 10+ wisdom bonus + prof bonus if it's one of your class skills
Smon: Fuzzy you were away session 1?
chris107: Don't forget you have ALL your classes skills as proficient.
Drfuzzylogic: I was I havent got allot on atm and totally forgot it was a tuesday
Drfuzzylogic: till about 11 when i looked at the clock and was like o fuck its tuesday ;/
chris107: These things happen.
Drfuzzylogic: Set an alarm this week to be sure lol :/
Smon: I think I still have your bardic inspiration die?
Smon: Never used it
Smon: Been a couple hours in-game I think
Drfuzzylogic: Then you would use, as far as im aware it lasts untill use or i give it to someone else (ill check this now)
Drfuzzylogic: would yes*
chris107: Just a reminder, Ants. I don't look at your character sheets. If you want to do something; cast a spell, attack etc. I expect you guys to have the details and bonuses to hand. I trust you all
Drfuzzylogic: Risky business trusting me chris
Smon: Checked - it lasts 10 minutes looks like https://open5e.com/classes/bard.html
chris107: hehe
Drfuzzylogic: But i will keep it in mind and work it out now. Ill jot down some spell details
chris107: Coolio, thank you.
chris107: I'll handle the game end as best I can. But you guys know your characters better than I ever could or have the time for during a game.
Smon: >> I expect you guys to have the details and bonuses to hand. I trust you all << Can I say that's insane as it's only 07:29?
chris107: hehe
Drfuzzylogic: You are indeed right smon 10 mins only sadly it seems i have no limit to how often i can do it tho
Drfuzzylogic: which is nice
Smon: 7:30pm - I bow to the God Emperor's Infinite Wisdom.
chris107: I just think it will speed the game up no end if everyone has their own character sheets to hand and know what they can do. I don't have time to do it X6
Smon: Half the players only know 1e, most of the others assume it's like 3e...
chris107: Sometimes folks will get it wrong. Sometimes I will. But it will all come out in the wash
chris107: The main thing is to keep it flowing and to keep it fun.
Drfuzzylogic: I am not sure on the details 5E wise for things like charm person but will open up a players handbook now and have all the basic stuf like range jotted down
chris107: That would be brilliant! Thanks Ants.
Smon: GMing I find I spend tons of time checking the rule book - I tried trusting Don on spells & felt bady burned. But maybe your lot will shape up.
chris107: Also this way. As characters advance they will be updating their own stuff and learning how to use it.
7:33pm 2018-1-30 genghisdon Has entered the room
chris107: Evening Don
genghisdon: hi all
Smon: Hi Don
Drfuzzylogic: Howdie Don
genghisdon: good to "see" you Anthony, happy new year
Smon: Bill is logging in/booting up on his old 2004 PC
chris107: Nearly a computer meltdown here 30 minutes ago. I was having kittens!
genghisdon: uh oh!
chris107: Lost all my stored images.
Smon: Bill's had to restart too
chris107: But have rescued the ones I need for early on (I think)
genghisdon: i probably should start preparing, my machine is getting long in the tooth
genghisdon: and I've truly massive amounts of un-backed up stuff at present
genghisdon: soon
Drfuzzylogic: I brought a new pc around the time we were playing on thursdays :> What put me over the edge was losing allot of my notes of the game mid writting one day it can be a nightmare
chris107: Tried getting all 21st Century and storing all the images I need for during the game. Setting them up with Gyazo for pulling up.
chris107: failed miserably
7:35pm 2018-1-30 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
chris107: Evening Bill
genghisdon: hi bill
Smon: Bardic Inspiration "You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once)."
genghisdon: keep at it chris, it will work out in time
Smon: "You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest."
chris107: Ants, that's a shame. I don't think I ever rolled a better character than in your game.
7:36pm 2018-1-30 Bochi Has entered the room
Drfuzzylogic: Thanks smon. Any help with this stuf is greatly appreciated.
Bochi: Hi guys
genghisdon: He's still here on DF, no?
chris107: Evening Bochi
genghisdon: hi Bochi
Drfuzzylogic: And indeed chris the golden knight was indeed quite mighty and his details are still in the thread
chris107: @ Don, he is.
Drfuzzylogic: I think we had most chars up to the date
genghisdon: since u are here Dr Fuzzy, can I (or you) transfer your character to here?
genghisdon: https://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=78825&start=60
genghisdon: I've moved everyone elses already
Drfuzzylogic: Sure go for it
chris107: Okay guys. We can say that Belgarion was for some reason tagging along with Jorech and his band of Mycretians.
genghisdon: beter if you do, as you'll want to at some point to be able to modify it
Smon: >>Tried getting all 21st Century and storing all the images I need for during the game.<< I just upload or c/p mine to Blogspot pre-game
chris107: The same band you are now sitting down, breaking bread with. As Jerech gives you dire warnings of pursuit.
genghisdon: Begarion is you, Ants?
Drfuzzylogic: Yes
Smon: That rough looking amazon pic today required a screen capture/edit/upload though!
chris107: Prepare for screen wall of text drop.
chris107: Jerech turns out to be an enthusiastic and knowledgeable fellow. It seems that he and his band are to spread the message of Mycr throughout the land even if this means they will without doubt be eventually captured and crucified by empire forces. In between healing you with Mycrâs magic and extolling the virtues of âThe One True Godâ you learn the following from him: The Great Wall has indeed been built most high and the Emperorâs soldiers march along it day and night. Trying to climb over it to the relative safety of the north could prove difficult. The Aelsinar elves rule the great Elsenwood and suffer Viridians to not disturb even a single leaf upon the ground; the only safe way through is on the ancient Imperial Roads, though Shah Satyrbis of Effernath is said to seek a greater understanding with the elves. But waiting here would be fatal! You say one of the guards escaped? Why Iâm amazed the hounds are not upon you already. Jerech knows a better place for you to hide out. A place taboo to the green skinned devils. A tomb, a haunted place they say and sacred to them. You would be safe there while you made better plans at least. (He sketches you a map showing the location near the top of the S in Serf, Hex 3526). He warns that Farzad, far-bin Abtin. Jenaab of Midwall is a wicked and capable man who will waste no time hunting down renegade slaves and the fate they should expect would be worse than that even he and his fellows have to look forward to.
genghisdon: (no guards DID escape, did they?)
Smon: 1
Smon: Map - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhHaS58ga8Pg2gHY-ntaCjCErubcXsaY0kOUFYZFfkFMO9izMBZCvE6DBdAn7e6zzd9QzVNv5E9RXtY_3Z8wWpq-m1gGMbb4li4tKWPNNH8N8TJ6fUOSJNOdW9xC6g_25d6Jq4OMZPIWns/s1600/Starting+Map.png
genghisdon: (i recall that not, unless it was a second kobold)
chris107: DM: We will start here. Ken can catch us up if he arrives.
genghisdon: (ah well)
chris107: @ Don. One did. That's why I wrote one escaped
Smon: Oona: "Jerech, would there be anything in this cursed tomb you'd like us to fetch while we're at it?"
chris107: (I keep notes of that sort of stuff)
genghisdon: "not all of us with lovely green tinged skins are devils, I'll remind you"
Smon: Farzad, Jered of Midwall, bad guy - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiGvyp8zg_oKB3JcKHAxA8dPYK3c4C858z1ZIBISy-_tR7I379C69xD1dXP-dx_BabJi0YmBfqlHSpSOv9EBi4wSsXz77-yHAHLSrBZbUbqW2VYTHidy6j0sO1ilqsiBlqq7fXmbQLKHn0/s1600/thumbnail_IMG_3359.jpg
genghisdon: can i roll a check on this tomb, if my people hold it sacred?
Bochi: Nice pecs though.
chris107: Jerech looks at Earendil. "Peace brother. We are all one in the sight of Mycr. A turn of phrase only."
genghisdon: ah, 300's Darius or Xerxes, eh?
chris107: You can Don. DC12 int+prof with advantage due to your background
chris107: 20+ gives extra info
genghisdon: history or religion or arcana (or all 3?)
Bochi: "Shieldmaidens do not skulk in tombs" says Alkaia. "But the weaker among us may need its protection. I will put aside my pride and help."
chris107: History
genghisdon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 19, (+5) = 24
genghisdon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 1, (+5) = 6
chris107: DC12+ int+prof
chris107: Thanks Don
chris107: first @ Una "I have never been there, Sister. I only know of it."
Drfuzzylogic: "very noble of you lady" says belgarion "I for one will feel much safer with such a fine shield maiden to protect us"
genghisdon: (about as good as possible, yay!)
Smon: Batta PC sheet - https://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=78815&p=1899507#p1899683
genghisdon: I tell the others what I heard of this tomb...
genghisdon: i did one for bill here, plus a pic, if he likes it
genghisdon: https://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=78825&start=30
chris107: Earendil has of course heard about the tomb. Sacred it is said to Prince Ashan the Immortal. Known as 'The Iron Spear'. It is said his spear was made from the metal of a falling star.
genghisdon: "still not insterested, spear maidens?"
Bochi: "Star-iron!"
Bochi: "That is the most desirable of metals for forging weapons..."
chris107: "So it is said lady."
Bochi: Alkaia seems much more interested now.
genghisdon: anythign else I can recall of the prince, his spear, or his tomb?
chris107: That was including the additional information from rolling high, Don.
genghisdon: ok
genghisdon: how long ago did he live?
genghisdon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 13, (+5) = 18
chris107: It is taboo in Veridian culture to dessicrate the graves of the great.
chris107: In antiquity, some 3000 years ago.
genghisdon: lol, now it is me that has interest in going
genghisdon: did "healing" take me from 6 hp to 9?
chris107: @ everyone and Don. I don't know. I don't keep track of your character sheets.
Smon: Oona shrugs. "Well, I like spears... "
genghisdon: ok, do these people heal us then?
chris107: @ All. You have compleated your short rests.
Smon: Jerech & co healed us all to full AIR
chris107: They healed everyone to full.
genghisdon: ok
genghisdon: thnx
chris107 rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
DESTROYERBILL: hey sweetie dear if we find dat spear you aint weilding it we sellin it probs worth big coin with a rair metal like dat
chris107: Jerech "Time is moving on. The Emperor's hounds will be out soon. Can I help you further in any way?"
Smon: Oona looks to Alkaia the Amazon, who seems to have her head on right. "If you want to check out this tomb, I'm with you."
Smon: Oona looks down at the kobold. "Don't call me sweetie."
Drfuzzylogic: "If for no reason than the veridians would be displeased this tomb gets my vote, who knows maybe finding this spear could help us get past the wall. I would imagine if its important we might have a barging chip to stay alive longer than tomorrow"
genghisdon: Thanks to you, followers of Myrcir, as a Mitran priest, know I would ahappily return the favor"
DESTROYERBILL: ill call you that all i want sweetie
Bochi: Alkaia says "I think we must, Oona. If only to ensure that if it has to be desecrated, it is done in a respectful way."
Smon: Oona sticks her tongue out at Batta the kobold.
chris107: "Your demon is known to us wise one. Only Mycr can bring you true peace however."
genghisdon: can i make one last check Chris, to see if legend paints this prince as a typical villain of my people, or was he actually a decent sort?
genghisdon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 9, (+5) = 14
genghisdon: "demon?"
chris107: "Then if I can serve you no further. Go in peace with the blessings of the one true god and the friendship of Jerech of Tel-Qa."
genghisdon: "try to avoid getting crucified"
chris107: @ Don, this is lost in the mists of time.
Smon: Oona smiles at Alkaia. "Very good then. Let us respectfully desecrate this accursed tomb!"
DESTROYERBILL: the one true god is death
genghisdon: ok
Bochi: Alkaia thanks Jerech for the healing and the blessing and gives him a rabbit skin.
Drfuzzylogic: "Respectful pillaging, what a novle idea. I feel this is something i have to see. Should we proceed? The longer we delay the more likely that escaped guard comes back with some pretty angry slavers"
chris107: @ Don . Mycretians believe all other gods to be illusions or demons.
genghisdon: brb
genghisdon: (doesn't make me happier about it)
chris107: @ Alkaia. "Thank you sister. The litltle one did not give it's life in vain."
Bochi: Alkaia takes a rough bearing from the position of the sun and suggests we go "thataway".
Smon: Oona: "I hope your god gives you peace, Jerech... thanks for the healing."
chris107: DM: The children of Mycr go dancing off to the south east. Their tambourines clashing out a jaunty little rythm.
Smon: Oona will follow Alkaia over the plain
Drfuzzylogic: With his most dazzling smile belgarion proclaims "I would follow you any way young shieldmaiden" and proceeds in the indicated direction
chris107: They wave at you as they chant their songs.
Smon: Oona smirks behind the Bard's back at his outrageous flattery of the amazon.
chris107: You all set in a generaly northern direction, following the crude map you have been given.
Bochi: Alkaia sets a good pace. When she gets a chance she asks Oona: "Oona, is that Bard hitting on me? How do you tell? I have no experience of males."
chris107: It's about an 8 mile hike, 2 hours or so at a fair pace or you could jog (DC8 Con) and cover it at half the time.
chris107: (a failure of the DC 8 would indicate 1 level of exhaustion)
Drfuzzylogic: (Bochi that just made my day I snorted my coke up my nose a bit laughing)
genghisdon rolls 1d20 and gets: 7,
chris107: (Hehe )
Drfuzzylogic rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 7, (+2) = 9
genghisdon: sorry, have +1 for 12 ccvon
chris107: Cool, thanks Don.
Smon: Oona nods to Alkaia. "I believe so."
8:01pm 2018-1-30 KenTheConfused Has entered the room
chris107: Hiya Ken
KenTheConfused: hey. wasn't this game wednesday this week??
Smon: nope
genghisdon: hi /ken, we are jogging off to a tomb, roll a con check (need
genghisdon: 8
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 10, (+4) = 14
Smon: Oona: "Don't run, you'll only get tired."
Bochi: Alkaia colors. "I wish they wouldn't do that. Can't they wait to be captured?"
genghisdon: wednessday was wrote, but no
KenTheConfused rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 18, (+1) = 19
Bochi rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 10, (+1) = 11
genghisdon: simon?
Smon: Oona follows along.
DESTROYERBILL: he wants to do it in 2 hours
chris107: @ Ken, I posted both on the thread and facebook page that we were back for Tuesday. Sorry if you missed it.
genghisdon: (hi Ken, btw )
Smon: >>It's about an 8 mile hike, 2 hours or so at a fair pace or you could jog (DC8 Con) and cover it at half the time.<<
Smon: Oona is happy with 2 hours
genghisdon: so we all get there an hours sooner...ok
chris107: Okay, have we all passed?
Smon: Oona's not running.
Drfuzzylogic: All but smon chris who is trailing behind Wisely covering the rear!
chris107: Okay the rest of you jog ahead leaving the big Barbarian girl to saunter along at her own pace.
Bochi: Alkaia jogs up and down on the spot at the tomb and does some stretches.
Smon: Oona whistles softly to herself, twirling the little levy spear shaft.
chris107: Af ter an hour the front runners are moving up into the sandstone cliffs that head up towards the emperors great wall.
DESTROYERBILL: i jugle my daggers
Smon: "Beautiful day in Viridistan..."
chris107: They notice that all is very quiet as they leave the verdant fields behind.
DESTROYERBILL: im sleeping while i wait for the barb
chris107: They walk silently betwixt high, sheer cliffs when suddenly infront of them they see.
chris107: https://gyazo.com/b3b2a03531924fd0b551e7d99e3ef02e
chris107: Meanwhile back on the plain.
chris107 rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Bochi: This must be it, says Alkaia.
genghisdon: cool pic
Bochi: "I like the stairs. It makes it more defensible."
chris107: Oona thinks she may hear the sound of braying dogs some distance behind her.
Bochi: She trots up the steps and stands on the lip of the apron, staring out across the plains for Oona
KenTheConfused: who owns this tomb?
chris107: The plains have been lost to the twisting canyons that brought you here.
genghisdon: (forgot to add guidance +3 on all my checks thus far...'doh!)
genghisdon: " Prince Ashan the Immortal."
Bochi: Apparently he died.
chris107: @ Ken. The Mycretian with some help from Don's Veridian character knew the tomb belonged to an ancient Viridistani hero. Prince Ashan 'Iron Spear'
Smon: Oona breaks into a jog...
KenTheConfused: ok
Smon: Oona CON save
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 3, (+4) = 7
Smon: knew it!!!!
Smon: A sweaty Oona runs up panting and exhausted...
genghisdon: Mitra aid Batta in finding any traps or tricks (cast guidance on the kobold rogue)
Smon: "Dogs... behind me..."
Bochi: Alkaia sits on the stairs and adjusts her shortbow to her liking. She checks the fletchings of her eleven arrows. She lays them out beside her in case she needs them.
chris107: @ All except Oona You here the rapid approach and wragged breathing of Oona as she pelts through the canyons.
Smon: (I need to play Batta right now)
Bochi: Alkaia nocks an arrow to cover Oona's approach
genghisdon: "can you please check the way up for us Batta?" (u get +3 on your next check/prof
chris107: @ Oona, you left the braying dogs far behind.
Smon: 1 level of exhaustion - disadvantage on all ability checks.
Smon: That's everything but skills & saves. Oona screwed now. :9
Smon: (Oona is scared of the dogs)
genghisdon: (can't be helped, I have only cantrips left for now)
Drfuzzylogic: Better than being eaten by dogs :<
Bochi: "You'll be fine" says Alkaia. "Just run through the pain."
KenTheConfused: "Oona, maybe you should lay off the bread a little"
Smon: Oona gasps: "I heard dogs, baying - a long way back *gasp*... trackers!"
genghisdon: "catch your breath while Batta scouts for traps & such"
Smon: Oona glares at the wizard who made the 'bread' crack.
Bochi: "Then we should get in the tomb before they arrive. Maybe they won't want to follow inside."
genghisdon: "they will not, but neither do I"
Smon: Batta chirps and goes check the tomb exterior for traps... Perception...
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 13, (+5) = 18
Bochi: "Has anybody got a cantrip to cover our tracks, take our footprints out of the dust?"
genghisdon: +3 for guidance?
Smon: 21 then
KenTheConfused: I can mage hand the sand and do a little light dusting
genghisdon: "no, Alkaia, but Mitra can enhnce your own tracking & counter tracking skills if you wish to try"
Bochi: That would help!
chris107: The little Kobold, even with his eyes stinging from the light reports no traps.
genghisdon: "Mitra aid our brave ranger" guidance on Alkaia
Drfuzzylogic: Does sound echo well around here chris? The picture makes it seem open but have we headed up some kind of windy cliff path that would let out an echo?
genghisdon: (+3 next roll)
chris107: Xandor dusts away some of the eaons of sand that have covered the face of the tomb.
Smon: Oona sits on a rock (brb 3 mins)
chris107: @ Ants. Noise roils down the narrow canyons like thunder.
genghisdon: (I think it is like the great wall of china we are at, yes?)
chris107: Xandor points at ancient writings above the tomb entrance.
genghisdon: I read the markings, if they are my own ancient language
chris107: (Not yet Don, the great wall is about another half mile north. You are in the rocky sandstone canyons leading up to it.
genghisdon: (ok, thnx)
Drfuzzylogic: "I could perhaps play a trick on our woodbe captors and use my illusionary magic to let out a roar of a mighty dragon. The sound should carry to them and make them more cautious about following us"
Bochi: "Come on, they are nearly here..."
chris107: Even though the carving is strange, Earendil recognises it as High Veridian and can read it.
genghisdon: "go for it, bard"
KenTheConfused: it reminded me of the red city of whatever in the side of the wall, I forget what it is called
Bochi: Petra
*genghisdon reads it aloud to the grou[*
genghisdon: group
KenTheConfused: yes
chris107: Perta
chris107: Petra even
genghisdon: (Petra)
chris107: Bochi beat me to it
Drfuzzylogic: Belgarion will cast minor illusion. Generating the roar of a mighty Red dragon into the path bellow and then suggests we head into the tomb and out of sight
Smon: Oona winces at the roar. "Great. If they didn't know we were here already..."
genghisdon: no other writing?
chris107: The air is rent by a mighty roar! Magnified many times over by the strange accoustics of your surroundings.
Bochi: Alkaia retreats to the door of the tomb with her bow and arrows and waits for the others to pass inside while she watches for trouble.
genghisdon: guidance (+3) on Batta so the kobold can determine how to open it up
chris107: There are many carvings but no further writing.
chris107: One moment please.
genghisdon: carvings of?
DESTROYERBILL: so do i roll
Drfuzzylogic: For you reference chris - If a creature uses its action to exam ine the sound or image, the creature can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the illusion becom es faint to the creature
genghisdon: wb
chris107: The door is huge and old. DC20 Athletics to open it. (You can reroll)
genghisdon: heh
chris107: Thanks Ants.
genghisdon: might as well, bill
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 3, (+6) = 9
genghisdon: Mitra grant your might to mighty Oona
chris107: @ Don. Mainly figures from ancient Viridian history. Winged lions, soldiers etc.
genghisdon: +3 to Oona, let her try
genghisdon: thnx chris (mesopotamian style?)
genghisdon: is Simon away still?
KenTheConfused: perhaps there is another, secret entrance behind a wall?
chris107: (Yes)
genghisdon: if so, let Bochi try at +3
genghisdon: "there may be (character name again Ken?)
KenTheConfused: you can call me Xan
genghisdon: "start looking while our muscle tries the door"
Smon: Oona is at disad remember
KenTheConfused: I named my character after the first character I ever had back in 197x
Drfuzzylogic: (Can you switch that +3 round willy nilly don? Quite a handy ability) I provide the young shield maiden with bardic inspiration to aid in the moving of the bolder
Bochi rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 19, (+8) = 27
genghisdon: crazy handy, yes
Smon: She drags herself off the rock slowly.
genghisdon: (only one going at a time though)
Bochi: Alkaia braces herself against the door and pushes steadily
chris107: The mighty shield maiden heaves and the stone door scrapes back... a his escapes it and a foul smelling gasseeps out.
genghisdon: (I was thinking Xan from baldur's gate game, ken!)
Bochi: Alkaia mutters "It's not very fragrant in there"
genghisdon: "ugh, that confirms the undisturbed age, at least"
KenTheConfused: his name was Xandor...he hasnt seen action in over 35 years but this could be Earth II Xandor
genghisdon: Wilderlands Xandor
genghisdon: chris: is there a way to close it on the other side?
Smon: Oona stumbles forward, leaning on her spear. She doesn't look very good.
genghisdon: "everyone get inside quickly"
Smon: (disad on, eg: Initiative, Athletics...)
*genghisdon heads in*
chris107: A set of pale marble steps leads down 9northwards) they are 10' high and the roof above them stays at about that height too.
*genghisdon casts light on my slaver's shield*
Smon: Oona follows them in, glancing back down the canyon for sign of pursuit
chris107: @ Don, a further DC20 athletics roll would close it.
Bochi: Alkaia tries to close the door...
chris107: The light of blessed Mitra illuminates the ancient staircase.
*genghisdon casts guidance on Alkaia again*
Bochi rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 8, (+8) = 16
Drfuzzylogic: (dont forget the inspiration with needed bochi you can add +1d6 to the roll)
genghisdon: "mitra grant hert strength"
chris107: (Advantage to Alkaia if someone helps her)
Drfuzzylogic: if needed*
Bochi rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
genghisdon: +6 will become +4 then Chris?
Bochi: The song cheers Alkaia and gives her added inspiration
genghisdon: +d6 i mean
Smon: 16+5 = 21 pass right?
chris107: Yes, we are using hiogh average on rolls like that to save time.
genghisdon: (my thing is +d4 Ants, Chris/we were deciding on faster play w/o rolls)
Drfuzzylogic: Ok so +4 then and thankfully still a pass
chris107: 212 is a pass. The door grinds shut behind you with a dull thud.
genghisdon: (so inspiration +d6 is just +4, which is nice!)
Bochi: Alkaia smacks the dust off her hands
genghisdon: "huzza, we are safe, for the moment"
chris107: You all stand in the strange false light. Entomned
Smon: Oona heads slowly down the stairs, looking around.
Bochi: "Don't worry Oona, as soon as we can you can take a breather
genghisdon: (true light of mitra!)
Smon: "I need a nice sleep..."
chris107: The pale steps, seemingly untouched in centuries lead downwards into darkness.
Drfuzzylogic: Im guessing its dark in here chris? If so belgarion will cast light on the tip on oonas weapon
genghisdon: I follow, but warn "we should have Batta look for traps, this is a tomb"
Bochi: Alkaia readies a spear
Smon: Oona blinks as her spear tip flares to light. "Er, thanks Bard!"
*genghisdon casts guidance on Batta*
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 6, (+5) = 11
chris107: The steps are delved deeply indeed. You go down some 100' before they level out into a 10' wide, 10' high corridor heading directly north. The light of mitra illuminates the walls clearly. They are decorated on both sides like so.
chris107: https://gyazo.com/1c3d5c0d5667a02220ebeda526e6865a
genghisdon: (guidance +3, if u didn't add it bill)
Smon: >14 then
chris107: @ Ants, Don had already cast light but 2 lots don't harm
Smon: Oona regards the frescoes. "More Viridians... Great."
genghisdon: (2 is better, yes!)
genghisdon: "racist"
Smon: She holds the spear up to illuminate them better.
chris107: No traps are obvious
KenTheConfused: lets examine these
chris107: They seem to be cast in plaster over stone.
KenTheConfused: one might be guarding something
genghisdon: they might
genghisdon: cast guidance yet again on Batta
chris107: (Sorry guys could I have your passive perception scores again?)
genghisdon: 13 for me
Smon: "At least we seem to have lost that other one. Azar." She grins evilly at Earandil. "I think he went dancing off with the Mycretians."
genghisdon: (sounds like Xandor wants to roll though)
chris107: thankyou
Smon: Oona PP 13
Bochi: 13
chris107: What is Xandor doing exactly? (this is old school remember )
Smon: Batta PP 15
KenTheConfused: sorry
KenTheConfused: I am pushing against some of these figures to see if they give way
Bochi: Alkaia prods the plaster with her spearpoint. Is it soft, mouldy?
Drfuzzylogic: Belgarions passive Perception i believe is a quite shameful 10 oO
Bochi: Crumbly?
Smon: Oona decides to wait and watch the crazy wizard (Xandor/Ken)
Bochi: In any way like Lancashire cheese?
chris107: Xandor pushes against the plaster work, it crumbles pretty easily due to it's age. Revealing stark white plaster then sandstone wall.
Bochi: Crumbly
DESTROYERBILL: fuzzy you add prof
chris107: (We don't use the L word in this house, Bochi)
KenTheConfused: hmm, ok guess the plaster may not be hiding much
Smon: Oona sighs and starts to pad quietly north up the passage (half speed, stealthing)
genghisdon: "it might be, but we can look elsewhere before smashing it down"
Bochi: (I'll call it Burnley then)
KenTheConfused: ok, lets proceed
chris107: Alkai likewise destroys centuries old works of art .
genghisdon: I follow, renewing guidance on Batta as needed
DESTROYERBILL: im sneeking
Bochi: Alkaia follows
chris107: Okay.
genghisdon: "enough destroying please"
DESTROYERBILL: im am going to lean on the walls
Drfuzzylogic: Belgarion will try and position him self behind the ladies with the sharp spears and follow on
chris107: You move along the corridor, little Batta sneaking ahead quietly on his scaly clawks.
DESTROYERBILL: eather thers a trap or a secret door or nothing
genghisdon: (that was my thoughts, hence I keep giving you +3 to find it)
chris107: After about a hundred feet the rest of you look on as Batta leans against the walls.
chris107: @ Bill Perception roll DC 16 with advantage.
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+8x2 and gets:
11 (+8) = 19
5 (+8) = 13
chris107: Batta is some 6d10 feet ahead of you at this point.
genghisdon: (all too easy)
chris107 rolls 6d10 and gets: 3, 3, 10, 6, 2, 10, = 34
chris107: 34 feet ahead of you you see the kobold stop, step back and in the dim light at that distance you see the plaster figures begin to errupt from within.
KenTheConfused: I knew it!
Smon: Oona: "Uh oh!"
Bochi: "Just as I suspected!"
Smon: She hefts her spear and races forwards...
DESTROYERBILL: i did to kind i thought walls
chris107: @ Bill, your acute senses note a movement in the plaster seconds before it starts to peel away, you see bony hands with bronze weapons within tring to get out! You have auto initiative this round.
Bochi: Alkaia iss eager to strike a blow and runs forward
Smon: "Kobold! Get back!"
chris107: @ the others, initiative please.
Drfuzzylogic: is it d20 in 5th like 3rd?
Smon: /roll d20+2x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
13 (+2) = 15
15 (+2) = 17
Smon: LOL even w disad I get 15
Bochi rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 13, (+2) = 15
chris107: You all gain +4 this round as the 'skeletons' fight their way through plaster.
Smon: d20+DEX bonus
KenTheConfused rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 8, (+1) = 9
Drfuzzylogic rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 13, (+3) = 16
DESTROYERBILL: barb get in there so i get pack tacticks and sneak
Smon: The prospect of battle clearly invigorates Oona
chris107: Just Don?
chris107: Or did \i miss it?
Smon: Don's not rolled
genghisdon rolls 1d20 and gets: 19,
Smon: He has Now!
genghisdon: (sorry, phone)
chris107: (Bill you will have to tell me what your pack tactics do, please.)
DESTROYERBILL: gives me advantage on attaks
chris107: Okay, 'Skeletons'
Bochi: (should give him advantage when his target is being attacked by an ally)
genghisdon: (if others are attacking same for, yes?)
DESTROYERBILL: if alli is attacking enmies
chris107 rolls 1d20 and gets: 11,
DESTROYERBILL: no one els gets my pack tack only me
KenTheConfused: that is a feature of what class?
genghisdon: (race i think, he is a kobold)
chris107: Okay Bill first as he was on the scene and autio gets initiative.
Drfuzzylogic: Chris others seem to of picked up weapons, can i assume belgarion has done the same and is armed or am i still working with my fists?
chris107: @ Ants, just fists and spells for now.
genghisdon: I an unarmed
chris107: (You were dancing with the hippi erm, Mycretians)
Smon: @Bill Ready to throw dagger when ally moves adjacent to skel.
chris107: Batta sets off back towards you.
KenTheConfused: I have a question....I am playing a wizard with no spellbook...does that mean I am limited to cantrips only?
chris107: @ 19 Earendil
DESTROYERBILL: i get my daggers out object interaction get the other as a action
genghisdon: I summon sacred flame from Mitra onto a skeleton/plaster warrior (dex save 13)
chris107: @ Ken, yes. Just like last wek. Thjough you can have one set of spells memorised.
chris107: And what does that do please, Don?
chris107: Skel save
genghisdon: (which means NO, you do have some spells/the same ones...I'm out though)
chris107 rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
chris107: fail.
genghisdon: d8 radiant damage
genghisdon rolls 1d8 and gets: 1,
Drfuzzylogic: (Silly wizzards needing spellbooks! Us bards have no use for such things, we just make magic with our sexyness)
chris107: roll away.
genghisdon: huzza
chris107: #16 Belgarion
genghisdon: (still need components for many i expect Fuzzy)
KenTheConfused: now that I am free, my first priority is to find gold and purchase a spellbook and spells
Drfuzzylogic: I Will add bardic inspiration to the lady Alkaia "May my song guide your spear shieldmaiden" (_4 to any roll but damage)
Drfuzzylogic: after that i stay back as far away from skeles as possible
chris107: (Please remember to tell me any further actions your characters do at the end of your turn)
chris107: Thanks Ants.
genghisdon: back up
DESTROYERBILL: i need to get a giant sombrero
chris107: Oona and Alkaia both 15, highest dex goes first.
genghisdon: (radiant dam might do more to undead or the like, dunno/on u chris)
Smon: oona dex 14
Bochi: A;l 15
Bochi: Alkaia jabs her spear at the skeleton illuminated by Don's radiance
chris107: (@ Bill, that tactic isn't going to wash I'm afraid but 10/10 for effort )
Bochi rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 12, (+9) = 21
DESTROYERBILL: what are you talkin about
chris107: A first then. She runs forward 30' and jabs 5'. +2 to hit as they exit the walls.
chris107: AC13 hit.
chris107: (Your big hat, Bill )
8:54pm 2018-1-30 Drfuzzylogic Has exited the room
8:54pm 2018-1-30 Drfuzzylogic Has entered the room
chris107: (Laters)
Bochi rolls 1d6+3 and gets: 1, (+3) = 4
DESTROYERBILL: how is that a tactic
chris107: (We can talk about it after Bill)
Bochi: Alkaia needs a giant sombrero too.
DESTROYERBILL: its not to stop me looking like a kobold its to protect me from the sun
chris107: Bit's of bone and plaster break but it keeps coming. #15 Oona
Smon: Oona reverses her grip on the levy spear. Using the blunt end as a staff she comes up and whacks 2-handed at the skel Alkaia hit.
DESTROYERBILL: no she dosent i do
chris107: (Okay Bill, thanks, we can talk later)
genghisdon: "Mitra is the lighjt of the sun, embrace his light!"
Smon: Improvised weapon d4? Or d8 2-h staff?
Smon: /roll d20+6
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 11, (+6) = 17
chris107: @ Simon, d6 two handed sp[ear haft but double damage v skels
chris107: AC13 hit
Smon: cheers
Smon: /roll d6+4
Smon rolls 1d6+4 and gets: 1, (+4) = 5
Smon: 10 dmg?
chris107: At the same one?
Smon: yes
chris107: Yes, 10 damage
Smon: (I didn't Rage BTW)
genghisdon: (prob 6, but up to chris)
genghisdon: wow
KenTheConfused: how many are there? is it an entire hallway of these things popping out of the wall?
Smon: Either 2d6+8 or d6+4 times 2
chris107: Oona brings down the spear haft and the first of the four skeletons is smashed to tiny fragments
KenTheConfused: ok
chris107: Oops sorry, yes that should have been 6 damage but still enough.
Smon: not per RAW chris
Smon: He's confused vulnerability with critical hit
Smon: vul is straight x2 dmg
Bochi: vulnerability = 2x all damage
genghisdon: (he assumed, actually, never read it at all)
chris107: Can we please discuss this after? The thing is dead!
chris107: Okay for next time we know.
chris107: Now can we move right along?
genghisdon: sure
genghisdon: init for bill?
chris107: I'll tell you, if you hang on.
genghisdon: (prob not, my bad)
chris107: Please stop jumping the gun. It makes these big combats very difficult if I have to keep typng this rubbish
chris107: Okay. DM: Oona smashes the first of four skeletons to bits.
chris107: Batta moved back on auto initiative.
chris107: to use his pack tactics and has yet to go. He can choose when he does.
chris107: otherwise @ 11 the skeletons brake free and attack.
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
6 (+6) = 12
20 (+6) = 26
Smon: critted w thrown dagger
DESTROYERBILL: i got a crit
chris107: @ Bill, please type your action before rolling in future, it would really help.
DESTROYERBILL rolls 2d4 and gets: 2, 1, = 3
DESTROYERBILL rolls 2d6+4 and gets: 6, 3, (+4) = 13
chris107: A flying dagger from Batta hit's a freshly emerged skeleton.
Smon: 16 dmg
genghisdon: yikes!
chris107: Striking it on it's copper shod head and the thing falls lifeless.
Bochi: Alkaia looks at the kobold with fresh respect
chris107: @ 11 the remaining two attack.
DESTROYERBILL: im the killer
Smon: "Me too!"
chris107 rolls 2d6 and gets: 2, 6, = 8
chris107: One at Batta and one at Oona
DESTROYERBILL: im at range
chris107: (as always I use your positions down the right hand side of the screen to determine who is attacked at random)
DESTROYERBILL: so he runs at me
chris107: Not 30' away you're not Bill.
Smon: Maybe it came out of the wall beside Batta
chris107: It came out when you were 34' away.
chris107: Batta moved back (I assumed his full 30' then waitefd to throw? The skeleton moves 30' then attacks 5' reach)
Smon: Did it move past Alkaia or Oona for opp att?
chris107: v batta
chris107 rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 8, (+4) = 12
chris107: No, it's a 10' corridor, they were running forward)
chris107: Miss.
chris107: v Oona
chris107 rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 16, (+4) = 20
chris107 rolls 1d6+2 and gets: 5, (+2) = 7
Smon: "ouch"
chris107: The ancient bronze short sword still bites!
Smon: Oona at 7/14
genghisdon: (well, we will soon have some more arms)
Smon: (yaaay)
chris107: @ 9 is Xandor
KenTheConfused: I let loose a frigid ray of frost at the skeletoin who came charging
KenTheConfused rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 7, (+5) = 12
KenTheConfused: or maybe not
chris107: AC13 miss
chris107: Okay, we're back to the top but I'm going to brake there for 5 mins as Kyle just brought my supper.
genghisdon: sacred flame on Oona's skeleton (dex save 13, ignores cover)
genghisdon: when it matters
genghisdon: we need to get a long rest in some time, for spells * Oona's exhaustion
genghisdon: what spells did Xandor & Belgarion take?
KenTheConfused: i have Burning Hands, MM, Sleep and Prot from evil
KenTheConfused: but only two of those have no components
genghisdon: cool
KenTheConfused: so those two are what I have memorized, and I guess I wont cast them unless it is an emergency
genghisdon: I'm in the same boat ATM, but also used my slots up last game
Drfuzzylogic: As a bard i believe i dont have to prepare spells ahead of time and can just cast like a 1e cleric kinda. My 1st level spells are a little limited in use how ever and are charm person, disguise self, longstrider and detect magic
genghisdon: u can cast them, u just can't change spells w/o book
KenTheConfused: so it is Missile and Hands
KenTheConfused: but you cannot rememorize them again without a book
genghisdon: u do not forget them in 5e
KenTheConfused: oh I had no idea
genghisdon: which of those can u actually use fuzzy?
genghisdon: it's ok, it's odd, i know
Drfuzzylogic: Any? I get to choose at casting and can cast 2 a day
KenTheConfused: I am not an avid 5e-er
genghisdon: i mean components
Drfuzzylogic: (brb bio)
genghisdon: (neither am I, but I'm gettign lots of practice on DF chat)
9:16pm 2018-1-30 chris107 Has exited the room
KenTheConfused: I play with some people and just leave the rules to them
genghisdon: Chris, and I think Simon, like it best now
KenTheConfused: the times I DMed 5e I basically ignored all rolls
9:17pm 2018-1-30 chris107 Has entered the room
Smon: I mostly like 5e best but depends what for
KenTheConfused: 5e is ok but there are just so many rules
9:18pm 2018-1-30 chris107 Has exited the room
KenTheConfused: and discussions always comes down to math
genghisdon: well, having played 3-4, it seems no more than those (less, probably)
Smon: Last night my 4e players were complaining there are no rules in 5e
genghisdon: lol, see
Smon: They refuse to play 5e now due to lack of crunch.
genghisdon: well, u guys play stripped down 5e too,
Smon: I think this particular game might be best in 1e though
KenTheConfused: I was in a 5e game and I went to the black market and tried to puchase poisonous candy to kill orcs without fighting
genghisdon: odd bunch then Simon
KenTheConfused: and what I got was "thats not how poison works, it causes disadvantage"
KenTheConfused: and that is sort of 5e in a nutshell
Drfuzzylogic: for me 5E started out as 3E light (bias as a long time 3E player) Very similar to 3.0 before 3.5 and the 100 books of rule bloat that came after
9:20pm 2018-1-30 chris107 Has entered the room
Drfuzzylogic: the more they release for 5E the more i feel it is just 3E with a new name
Drfuzzylogic: with some 4e flavor
Bochi: Poison does cause disadvantage but it can also cause damage as well
genghisdon: well, it is
Smon: >>"thats not how poison works, it causes disadvantage"<< GM was mistaken
Smon: Wyvern venom 7d6 dmg
genghisdon: well, THAT poison might do that, no?
genghisdon: "poisoned candies" of?
chris107: Back, sorry about that. But piri-piri chicken and garlic bread was not to be turned away
genghisdon: indeed not
Smon: Even the weak poisons in DMG do a bit of dmg
Bochi: Yes the poisoned candy might just give you a bad bellyache
genghisdon: do u want bill to roll init, or is he first still?
Drfuzzylogic: at a quick glance dom the only spell component for any of my spells is a peice of fleece for minor illuson
chris107: DM. Bill initiative please.
Drfuzzylogic: the rest require no components but V/S
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 17, (+4) = 21
Smon: >>"thats not how poison works, it causes disadvantage"<< Yum
KenTheConfused: and also the silly races
genghisdon: (those are the ones u want, but look for fleece!)
genghisdon: (races? they are in any edition)
chris107: #21 Batta
DESTROYERBILL: i attack from beside the wizard so i get advantage
chris107: roll
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
20 (+6) = 26
8 (+6) = 14
Smon: crit
chris107: Critical
DESTROYERBILL rolls 2d4 and gets: 2, 3, = 5
DESTROYERBILL rolls 2d6+4 and gets: 1, 4, (+4) = 9
Smon: 14 w sneak
DESTROYERBILL: killed another
chris107: @ Bill, Perception roll DC 12 please
genghisdon: destoryed, they aren't alive, but yeah
DESTROYERBILL: do i still have guide
genghisdon: nope
genghisdon: it's one & done
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 16, (+5) = 21
chris107: Thanks Don
chris107: Batta notices as his sharp daggers do their work that the skeletons seem to be held together by copper wire and cogs and such.
Bochi: Bill is STEAMING
genghisdon: indeed
chris107: The contraption falls apart at Batta's blow.
DESTROYERBILL: well cyborgs
KenTheConfused: I am going to unspool and keep some copper wire
KenTheConfused: you never know
chris107: #19 The Holy Flame of Mitra surrounds the final one. Save
chris107 rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
KenTheConfused: when the battle is over of course
genghisdon: sacred flame on Oona's skeleton (dex save 13, ignores cover)
genghisdon rolls 1d8 and gets: 2,
chris107: fails, roll damage please Don
genghisdon: lol
genghisdon: feeble sparks more like'
chris107: it is singed a little
chris107: #16 Belgarion.
Drfuzzylogic: Belgarion will encourage his companions best he can and prepare his fists to strike any skeletons that approach him directly
genghisdon: (there are short swords on the gorund...)
chris107: Okay, got you. first #15 is Alkaia
Bochi: Alkaia rushes to Oona's side. She reverses the grip on her spear and brings the butt down on the skeleton's head with both hands.
Drfuzzylogic: (Near the skeletons..... Belgarion is a singer/love not a fighter )
chris107: One slightly singed skeleton left.
Bochi rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 9, (+5) = 14
chris107: G'dsh! She hits.
Bochi: What did we say the butt damage is?
genghisdon: (I'm a wuss too _
chris107: double damage
chris107: d6
genghisdon: d6
Smon: d6
Bochi rolls 1d6+3 and gets: 6, (+3) = 9
Bochi: 18
chris107: That's a lot of Butt hurt
Smon: LOL
genghisdon: heh
chris107: The powerful Amazon smashes the thing to scrap!
Smon: Oona: "Thanks Alkaia! Thanks Batta!"
DESTROYERBILL: i collect my daggers
Bochi: Alkaia brings a sword to Belgarion.
Smon: Oona feels a bit faint at the sight of blood oozing from her thigh,
Bochi: "Thanks for the musical accompaniment, bard" she grins.
genghisdon: what do they wear for armor aside from helms?
Smon: she sits down to bind it with some rag.
chris107: They lay at your feet all cogs, wheels, wire and bones. Each had a copper circlet around it's head baring an eye design. Each also had a bronze short sword.
*genghisdon helps pull free the copper*
chris107: @ Don, just scraps of rotting leather and mail. Unusable.
Smon: (Oona is tired & isn't planning to move until completed an SR and spent HD).
Drfuzzylogic: Belgarion will scurry forward and arms him self with a bronze short sword, do they have scabards chris?
chris107: DM - The corridor continues ahead out of light range but all is now silent.
chris107: No scabbards
genghisdon: we disassemble them while Oona rests
Smon: (Chris lemme know if/when get SR)
genghisdon: anyone want to track group T?
chris107: Don, DC 15 Int History check
genghisdon: guidance
genghisdon rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 17, (+8) = 25
chris107: @ Group, all is silent now. It's up to you when you btry resting.
Smon: I am resting
genghisdon: we are trying
chris107: Thanks, Don. Nice roll.
DESTROYERBILL: i get my daggars
Smon: Tell me when END rest thx
chris107: Will do.
DESTROYERBILL: and the copper wires and cogs
DESTROYERBILL: i can make traps with that
genghisdon: I'll do group, as none spoke out
KenTheConfused: I took some also..you never know when you will need copper
genghisdon: or, Bill can take it all
genghisdon: & Ken said,,nevermind
DESTROYERBILL: i can make traps
genghisdon: go ahead
chris107: Earendil has of course heard of the Order of the Veridian Eye. Made up of powerful Wizard-Artificers that create such monstrosities.
genghisdon: was that roll for something chris?
genghisdon: I tell the others
DESTROYERBILL: give me some copper wire a short sword and some cogs and i might make a trap
genghisdon: "we can no doubt expect others in here"
Smon: Oona: "Great... golem skeletons."
genghisdon: does that roll let me think of any other thingsd they make?
Smon: "I KNEW not to trust that priest!"
chris107: I will always tell you all you know, Don.
DESTROYERBILL: ill make a trip wire that sets off the short sword that swings on the cogs
chris107: @ Bill, where are you setting your trap?
genghisdon: "one look at him was all that took, Oona...creepy"
DESTROYERBILL: at the door way
DESTROYERBILL: no one can sneak up on us if ther dead ayh
chris107: DC10 to set properly, please.
genghisdon: recast light a few times as we wait
chris107: (Thieves tools roll)
chris107: (Sorry)
genghisdon: (smart bill, in case solider come in after us)
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 13, (+6) = 19
chris107: Batta is satisfied that his cunning trap will work.
Bochi: Alkaia approves of the kobold's ingenious plan. "This will allow everybody to rest."
chris107: The hour drags by in your underground tomb. All remains quiet. Roll any healing dice etc. Oona is no longer exhausted.
DESTROYERBILL: ill put two swords on for more damage
Smon: "Any rabbits break in here are dead meat."
chris107: That only leaves twio swords...
genghisdon: I'm not prof anyway
genghisdon: roll your hd Simon
Smon: /roll d12+2
Smon rolls 1d12+2 and gets: 3, (+2) = 5
genghisdon: and we can contiue
Smon: (thx genghis)
genghisdon: (no prob, sorry it wasn't higher!)
Smon: Oona stands, feeling better (12/14)
DESTROYERBILL: ill get some hit points too
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d8+2 and gets: 8, (+2) = 10
Bochi: Alkaia remains unscathed
genghisdon: I'll set guidance on Batta again, nice hp roll
chris107: Another 100' brings youto a pair of bronze faceddoors. Both have reliefs of the winged lion creature seen above ethced ito them.
DESTROYERBILL: im searching for traps
genghisdon: "such Shedu & Lammasu are guardians, perhaps more so with the Order of the Veridian Eye"
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 16, (+8) = 24
chris107: Batta finds no traps.
genghisdon: recaST GUIDAnce
Smon: Oona pushes at the doors.
KenTheConfused: perhaps it is time we silently crack the door open and have a peek
chris107: It is heavy and stuck (DC15 to force)
Smon: /roll d20+6
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 17, (+6) = 23
chris107: Oona ignores the cautious mage and forces the ancient portals open
chris107: They open up into a 40' square chamber, the doors in the centre of the south wall.
KenTheConfused: I guess we're going in
genghisdon: (no where else to go as yet)
Smon: ~looks in, holding up light spear~
chris107: The roof is some 30' above you.
Bochi: Alkaia is glad to see Oona has recovered!
DESTROYERBILL: i check for traps
Smon: Oona gives Alkaia a glancing smile.
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 16, (+8) = 24
genghisdon: recast guidance on Batta
chris107: In the centre of the room a white marble sarcophagus stands on a 2 ' step.
chris107: (Please wait for description and tell me what you are searching etc.)
genghisdon: is there any inspirtions on the walls?
genghisdon: inscriptions
chris107: The walls are strangly plain as is the sarcophagus.
genghisdon: (tell chris where u searhc next please Bill)
Smon: Oona scratches her shaggy blonde head.
chris107: @ Batta, what do you check for traps?
Smon: "An unfinished tomb?"
DESTROYERBILL: i checked for traps
DESTROYERBILL: the sarcofagis
chris107: But what did you check?
genghisdon: I'm obviously following the kobold around, to keep casting onto him
chris107: Okay, Batta sets off across the big chamber and steps up towards the sarcophagus.
genghisdon: (stair trap?)
chris107: Earendil following him.
KenTheConfused: wait guys
genghisdon: i recast guidance on Batta
chris107: Where are the rest of you?
Smon: As Batta & Earendil enter, Oona will follow at 20' behind
genghisdon: (too late I think Ken, sorry/i get it)
KenTheConfused: I have an idea
chris107: (You will find out once I know what everyone is doing)
Smon: So just inside doorway I guess
Bochi: Yes Alkaia too
genghisdon: I move back to Xan then, and cast guidance on HIM
chris107: Don, you are on the step behind Batta
genghisdon: (ends it on Batta)
genghisdon: ok
Drfuzzylogic: Belgarion is loitering at the entrance preparing for the what he fears is inevitable monster to show up
chris107: Okay, got you all. Thank you.
chris107: DM: As Batta's clawed foot falls upon the step there is a explosive crack and the sarcophagus lid flies off.
chris107: In the shocked seconds silence that follows...
genghisdon: (Chris aims to teach bill old school trap-y-nes, eh?)
chris107: A terrible thing rises from the tomb.
DESTROYERBILL: so i diddnt get the chance to check for traps then
KenTheConfused: its a balrog no doubt
Smon: Oona eyes the Thing.
DESTROYERBILL: well barb go on
genghisdon: (say the floor, then the stair, then the sarcofagus, next time round bill)
chris107: Firstly a polished white skull, fanged and with an eerie green light glowing in it's eyes. Then it rises on a huge snake skeleton body!
genghisdon: "A necrophidius, avert your gaze!"
chris107: @ Bill - You were heading to check for traps on the sarcophagus?
Smon: Oona watches as it rises up... and up...and up...
genghisdon: (which i do)
chris107: @ Don - you know this?
Smon: LO
Smon: L
genghisdon: (sorry, can't help myself sometimes)
chris107: @ Bill, then no. You never reached the sarcophagus, the trapwas on the step.
genghisdon: (dance od death coming?)
chris107: Okay initiatives please.
DESTROYERBILL: i dont think its a necrophidius
genghisdon rolls 1d20 and gets: 8,
Bochi rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 9, (+2) = 11
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 4, (+4) = 8
Drfuzzylogic rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 3, (+3) = 6
KenTheConfused rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 16, (+1) = 17
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 15, (+2) = 17
genghisdon: (well, then i lie/am wrong, which is fine nby me, but they are created monsters, suits the place thus far)
chris107: The 'thing'
Bochi: "If I can hit it, I can kill it, whatever it is"
chris107: @ Don, no. Initiative is not a Dex check
DESTROYERBILL: you can kill a god but you probably wont
genghisdon: (creepy monster, luv it)
chris107: Now, init for the thing
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 3, (+5) = 8
chris107: #17 oona and Xandor. Highest dex goes first which is Oona
KenTheConfused: oona
KenTheConfused: mine is only a 13
Smon: Oona looks at the beast. Her eyes flash with RAGE
Smon: Bonus action - Rage
Smon: Hefting the spear, Oona races forward and lunges at it, pointy end aimed at the skull.
Smon: /roll d20+6
chris107: roll away
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 4, (+6) = 10
chris107: miss.
Smon: (I assume no 'avert your gaze' )
KenTheConfused: ok. I have no idea how tough this is....I open up my palms and let loose a ray of frost
chris107: It whips it's humonoid skull from your blow with amazing speed.
Smon: If it moves away from me to attack the kobold etc I opp att it!
KenTheConfused rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 11, (+5) = 16
chris107: Xandor's ray flies from his hand.
chris107: and strikes the beast! Roll damage
chris107: AC13
KenTheConfused rolls 1d8 and gets: 1,
genghisdon: (nice Ken)
KenTheConfused: sigh
KenTheConfused: yeah, great
genghisdon: (justl ike me, damn)
chris107: #11 Alkaia
Bochi: Alkaia charges at the creature and attacks it with her spear butt, 2 handed.
Bochi rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 7, (+5) = 12
chris107: It just whips out of your way in time AC13
Bochi: She has, by the way, "favored enemy: undead" which is feeble but can she tell if this is undead or something else?
chris107: #8 Dexterities please?
genghisdon: it beats bill & I in tie
genghisdon: 11
Bochi: (afk for a minute)
chris107: @ Bochi, Alkaia does not sence any undead vibes.
chris107: The thing is dex 20 so goes first.
genghisdon: "order of the Viridian eye, I told you!"
chris107 rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
genghisdon: poor Oona
DESTROYERBILL: let me guess it goes for me
chris107: Oona, who was so close to it, feels it's gaze upon her. DC 13 Wisdom save please.
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 20, (+1) = 21
chris107: (Bill, if you look down the names list on the right of the chat, that's the order the d6 indicates)
Smon: "Gaze into the fist of OONA, Punk!"
genghisdon: lol
chris107: (You have to trust me to be 100% fair)
chris107: Oona laughs off the evil spirit!
Drfuzzylogic: (Chris a note for my bardic inspiration, the player is meant to choose to add the +4 before they know if they would save or not, where you list the DCS upfront thats kind of hard Happy they can just choose to add +4 with the knowledge or want people to say before they roll fullstop?)
genghisdon: (I do, although I'd recomend not commiting suicide via AOO's as often)
chris107: (It's bonus action) (@ AntsI'll look at that in a moment)
chris107 rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
chris107: It slithers, silently around oona and strikes off towards Belgarion. Unfortunately it is too slow.
Smon: opp att
genghisdon: AOO's?
Smon: /roll d20+6
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 11, (+6) = 17
chris107: AOO for
Smon: stabby end
chris107: I am typing, please bear with me it just slows things down.
Smon: /roll d8+6
Smon rolls 1d8+6 and gets: 2, (+6) = 8
chris107: Would you please wait until directed?
chris107: I know it's exciting
10:12pm 2018-1-30 PapersAndPaychecks Has entered the room
*PapersAndPaychecks uncloaks*
genghisdon: hi P&P
PapersAndPaychecks: I'm certainly excited
Smon: (18 minutes then Bill to bed)
PapersAndPaychecks: on the edge of my seat here
chris107: AOO for Oona (she hits), Alkaia, Batta and Eerendil.
Bochi: Alkaia takes a fresh grip on her spear and tries to bash the thing again.
genghisdon: we are seeing what a 5e necrophidiuous is like (sadly, it is letting us destroy it )
Bochi rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 10, (+5) = 15
chris107: (Sorry Ken, no spell AOO I found out )
genghisdon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 5, (+2) = 7
chris107: AC13
Bochi rolls 1d6+3 and gets: 5, (+3) = 8
*PapersAndPaychecks quite likes 5e*
Bochi: 8 or 16 if it is vulnerable
chris107: Hi P&P
PapersAndPaychecks: Heya
Bochi: hi PP
DESTROYERBILL: did you just say i got apretunity attack
chris107: The spear butt seems to damage it more.
genghisdon: y
chris107: I did, Bill. Go ahead.
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
18 (+6) = 24
3 (+6) = 9
chris107: Hit, AC13
DESTROYERBILL: woo pack tackticks
Smon: "I like your butt, Alkaia!" - Oona switches to the blunt end.
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d4+4 and gets: 2, (+4) = 6
chris107: Not for you AOO
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
chris107: No sneak attack
Smon: why not?
chris107: 6 damage
Smon: Pack Tactics - advtg - SA 1/turn
chris107: Please work with me!
Smon: It's Nec's turn
Bochi: "My butt is like a bludgeon, Oona!" agrees Alkaia enthusiastically.
chris107: If you constantly interupt we will never get anywhere.
chris107: See now I've lost me place
genghisdon: u moved
genghisdon: i think it's bill's turn, then mine (on 8 init)
chris107: That's it and could not reach, the rest of you bludgeoned it as it went past.
Bochi: You were on the Necrophid's turn, it moved to Belgarion, we did aoo's
DESTROYERBILL: i attack it
chris107: Now Bill, use your pack tactics
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
7 (+6) = 13
17 (+6) = 23
chris107: advantage and sneak damage
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d4+4 and gets: 3, (+4) = 7
chris107: hit, AC13
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Drfuzzylogic: That kobold is a lethal little fello ;o
chris107: He knocks great lumps offit but it slithers on regardless.
chris107: #8 Earendil.
genghisdon: sacred flame, dex save 13
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 3, (+5) = 8
genghisdon rolls 1d8 and gets: 3,
chris107: Fail, roll damage please Don
chris107: Arrgghhhh! The Holy Flame of Mitra just fails to incinerate it! 1/45HP
genghisdon: that's ok. soon enough...
chris107: #6 Belgarion is now 10' away from it.
Bochi: "Burn! Burn! Burn!"
genghisdon: heh
genghisdon: finish it Ants
chris107: Ants to go..
chris107: (OOC 9 minutes left to play tonight)
Drfuzzylogic: In a rare moment of bravey (and with a bold flex in the direction of the shield maidens) Belgarion charges the snake with his newly found sword and swings at the beast
Drfuzzylogic rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 16, (+3) = 19
chris107: Roll away, AC13
Bochi: Alkaia makes room for the dashing bard.
Drfuzzylogic: hit?
Drfuzzylogic rolls 1d6+1 and gets: 4, (+1) = 5
chris107: Belgarion's ancient bronze blade splits the dreadful white skull in twain and it falls in a springing of cogs and wheels!
chris107: Well done!
Drfuzzylogic: "Well it seems i may be a fighter and a lover afterall"
chris107: Silence descends upon the scene.
genghisdon: I'll take a look in the sacrophagus
KenTheConfused: lets check the sarcophugus and see of anything is inside hidden
chris107: The sarcophagus is empty.
chris107: You can fiddle around for a while and it reveals no hidden bits.
KenTheConfused: lets now check for secret panels on the sarc itself
KenTheConfused: now thatthe stair trap has been sprung
genghisdon: "could you search it for secret compartments Batta?" cast guidance on Batta
DESTROYERBILL: can i make a perception check
Smon: Oona: "Thought so. False tomb!"
KenTheConfused: ok
chris107: Even the wise wizard finds nothing.
Smon: "We have them in Tharbria sometimes."
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 2, (+5) = 7
chris107: nor the cunning rogue. It is an empty sarcophagus.
genghisdon: "I thought the same, order of the Veridian eye mischief"
Smon: Oona starts searching for secret doors on the walls.
genghisdon: +3 more bill, but shitte anyway
chris107: @ Bill, what are you trying to perceive?
Smon: Oona search PER roll
Smon: /roll d20+3
Drfuzzylogic: Apologies guys im going to have to dash off slightly early. Promised i would pick my by now very drunk parents up. Thanks for the game chris was enjoyable as expected. Looking forward to next week! (ill check the thread for any wrap up i miss)
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 19, (+3) = 22
genghisdon: (roll Ken) they are looking for sec compartments
chris107: Oona, Perception roll please.
DESTROYERBILL: if ther are secret compartments
chris107: Thank you.
Bochi: Alkaia goes back to the door and listens for any sounds that our pursuers have found the tomb
genghisdon: good to see u Ants, see you next time
KenTheConfused rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 9, (+2) = 11
chris107: You are all poking away at the saercophagus when Oona shouts out in glee.
10:26pm 2018-1-30 Drfuzzylogic Has exited the room
chris107: (Ants, thanks for playing mate, I'll post the XP on the facebook page)
Smon: Oona: "There was this guy called Charelsfane, see, he had a false tomb just like this."
chris107: Oona finds a slight crack in the plaster of the north wall, directly behind the sarcophagus.
chris107: @ Simon
genghisdon: "what did it hide? gold? jewels? prayer beads?"
Smon: "EXACTLY like this...."
chris107: It looks like the plaster covers a hidden door.
Smon: Oona: "Oh, the usual..." she tries to open it.
DESTROYERBILL: i get my daggers
genghisdon: I help batter away the plaster with the shield
chris107: How are you going about that, Bill?
Bochi: Has her bow out now, ready to shoot over the kobold's head if needs be
chris107: Cool, shield batter away the plaster revealing the door which opens easily.
genghisdon: "does anyone want the copper wire & such from this one?"
DESTROYERBILL: i pick up my daggers fast?
KenTheConfused: sure, and the wheels might be handy too
PapersAndPaychecks: I think you should rush into the room without checking for traps at all
chris107: Mitra's light illuminates a 30'x30' chamber beyond.
chris107: @ Bill, you can.
genghisdon: cool, but i go back & help take apart the snake bones first
genghisdon: maybe it has a gem for eyes or the like
chris107: Within you notice many things.. bare with my slow typing.
chris107: @ Don, I'll come back to you.
Bochi: Alkaia was thinking of gathering up some wire later so as to make a necklace from the teeth of her enemies.
genghisdon: sure
genghisdon: (helping Ken/Xan)
Bochi: Or maybe feathers.
KenTheConfused: I bet we'll find a staff of the magi here
genghisdon: (and Alkaia too it seems)
chris107: A rotted wooden charriot drawn by two skeletal horses, their harness decorated with silver.
chris107: 6 armed and bronze armoured skeletons (Bronze scale mail and scimiter)
DESTROYERBILL: after i pick up my daggaers i follow them
chris107: a huge pile of copper and silver coins
DESTROYERBILL: well so this is the end of the setion
chris107: many rotten bolts of fancy cloth
genghisdon: loot (& foes?)
KenTheConfused: I can only imagibe what happens if we hop into the chariot, grab the reins and say giddyup
chris107: several 2' tall clay amphora
Bochi: Alkaia tries to sense whether they are undead
Smon: we have to go, will post log
genghisdon: (detect undead is cool ability)
KenTheConfused: are we stopping here?
chris107: and a beutiful rosewood chest about 2'x1' bound in bronze and with a lock.
genghisdon: (lots of loots to look over to start next game)
Bochi: What will happen is most likely the skeletal horses will drag you helter-skelter back along 330 feet of corridor and you will end up impaled on Bill's swinging short sword trap.
chris107: Okay. We'll stop there and pick up next week. 300XP each.
genghisdon: lol
DESTROYERBILL: well lets cover that next week
genghisdon: damn, L2 & still no holy symbol or whatnot
KenTheConfused: thats enough for 2nd level, yes?
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