Saturday, 28 July 2018
22-23/6/48 The Awakening #7 - The Antechamber (2000 XP)
5:48pm 2018-7-28 chris107 Has entered the room
5:50pm 2018-7-28 joriandrake Has entered the room
joriandrake: hi
chris107: Evening Jorian.
chris107: I wonder what tonight will bring?
joriandrake: Not sure, but at least I feel better and am up for it
chris107: Good, glad you are feeling a little better.
chris107: You were saying you saw the red moon the other night?
joriandrake: So, Prisha as Knowledge cleric has Identify that she can cast as a ritual, although I didn't memorize Magic Detection it should suffice to check those scrolls
joriandrake: yes I did
joriandrake: barely, we had clouds
joriandrake: but Idid, but for me it was rather pinkish
chris107: Must have been quite dramatic. Heavy cloud cover meant nothing to see here.
joriandrake: Actually, it kinda reminded me of some anime drawing, it felt like out of some girly vampire story, one with those vampire princesses
chris107: Yes, a whole lot of scrolls to look at. Hope they are not cursed. Does Prisha have dtect evil?
5:55pm 2018-7-28 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
joriandrake: Pink moon, cloudy night, and then she appears
chris107: Evening Fergus.
joriandrake: hi Sandor
Sandor Sunneson: evening boyz
joriandrake: btw, I assume these scrolls are like the ones from that s&w game
chris107: I'm afraid I don't know anything about Anime.
Sandor Sunneson: we've not checked them out yet, so we'll have to wait and see
chris107: The tubes seem very well made. As dwarven ones would be I assume?
joriandrake: nvm, imagine something girly, even more than the sparkly twilight movies, but with better story and more humour
joriandrake: so basically that is what the couded pink moon reminded me of
joriandrake: clouded*
chris107: Cool
joriandrake: If i recall the place was magically dewastated
5:57pm 2018-7-28 Smon Has entered the room
joriandrake: where Moffat found the cases, that is what reminded me of the cursed scroll
chris107: Evening Simon
joriandrake: hi Simon
Smon: Hi all
Sandor Sunneson: Hi Simon :), you 2 had a good day?
chris107: Would the dwarves make finding cursed scrolls so difficult?
joriandrake: I've read the end of the session
chris107: Only the devestation had caused the secret compartment to be revealed.
joriandrake: I doN't know, the dwarves might have built the temple but someone stole cases from there later, or perhaps there was a war/battle and during it some got taken? / Prisha will prepare and cast her Identify ritual, then check the scrolls
Smon: I had a nice swim then we went to the pub for beer/coke & toasties
chris107: yummers
joriandrake: that sounds nice, all I did was fall asleep, woke up 20 minutes ago, but at least I feel better and more ready for our session
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Sandor Sunneson: Bill just logging on??
joriandrake: Swimming would be great, but the nearby swimming pool is pricey, full of people, hot, and badly maintained so I rather just use the bath tub
Smon: Identify as ritual is 10 minutes per item, so 70 minutes for the 7 scrolls. Is that your plan Prisha?
Sandor Sunneson: Sounds nice, I bought a 2nd hand back, so went out for a ride on it,
Sandor Sunneson: was good
Smon: Cool
chris107: nice one
Smon: My health club membership is £65 for everything but pool only would be £30 and I swim every day so obvious choice.
Smon: Bill logging on.
Sandor Sunneson: Off to Aldborough tomorrow
6:04pm 2018-7-28 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
joriandrake: Well, I don't have for Prisha Detect Magic ready, only Identify, had to read up and indeed it seems it would only affect one item per casting
Smon: Identify
1 divination
Casting Time: 1 minute (10 minutes as ritual)
Range: Touch
Components: V S M (A pearl worth at least 100 gp and an owl feather)
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Bard, Wizard
You choose one object that you must touch throughout the casting of the spell. If it is a magic item or some other magic-imbued object, you learn its properties and how to use them, whether it requires attunement to use, and how many charges it has, if any. You learn whether any spells are affecting the item and what they are. If the item was created by a spell, you learn which spell created it.
If you instead touch a creature throughout the casting, you learn what spells, if any, are currently affecting it.
chris107: evening Bill
joriandrake: so I guess I cast Identify once on randomly picked scroll
joriandrake: hi bill
Smon: OK so take 10 minutes to cast Identify on a random scroll case? Everyone else stand around waiting?
chris107: Moffet goes back to the entrance to watch/stand guard
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will check walls for secret passages
Sandor Sunneson: Give us a shout Moffat if you see anything sus Sandor will say to him
joriandrake: Well, we doN't HAVE to identify them all right now, but that is the quickest to identify one. We can also have them identified one by one during short rests
chris107: hiding in the shadows to do so
joriandrake: quickest way*
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor more or less B15 now, nearly there........
chris107: He gives Prince Sandor the thumbs up
chris107: nice one Ferg
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 16, (+6) = 22
joriandrake: (btw we got heatwave warning for whole nation from tomorrow, this means a certain crisis alarm level raising, people need to accept anyone who requests shelter or water as example. Until now it was hot, but no amarm level was raised, but now we have also legit forest fire risk)
joriandrake: (alarm* - not sure if UK has a similar alarm level system)
chris107: sounds srious
Sandor Sunneson: (I visited Hungary once, was baking hot)
Smon: GM: Moffet goes to the rubble and listens to distant sounds of thunderous collossal feet and Duergar screaming. Sandor searches around but only locates the 5 doors you already spotted. Prisha casts identify on a scroll case...
Smon: Prisha completes her ritual
Smon rolls 1d7 and gets: 3
Smon: She IDs it as a scroll containing accounting documents for the Great Temple of Grun.
chris107: Could well be clues as to the relics in this stuff.
joriandrake: (there are quite a few forests around my location, and hot summers are atypical here, then again for scandinavia forest fires are also atypical, so global warming makes us all suffer now. News said it is now more than twice as likely for Europe to suffer through such heatwaves per year due to global warming, so there is a chance next summer will be as much terrible or worse. )
Smon: The sounds of Duergar getting squashed seem to have drifted further off. Now Moffet hears the sounds of Collossal feet returning in your direction across the Great Cavern, drawing closer.
chris107: He slips deeper into the shadows
joriandrake: Prisha will tell the others what she found, and ask them if she should continue to identify further scrolls, as that takes time and risks their position/notification by dwarves
Sandor Sunneson: Is there anywhere to hide in this cave?
joriandrake: ...but probably it is better to try the other hidden doors quickly
joriandrake: (you just opened a single one by force, yes?)
chris107: yes
Smon: Through the gap Moffet sees the feet & shins of a Collossus as it strides across the cavern floor, back to its original position at the east end of the D-shaped temple forecourt.
joriandrake: Prisha will go up to one of the doors and use help action for whomever tries to open that
Sandor Sunneson: Maybe between us we could take down a colossus, think of the XP
Smon: You are not in a cave Fergus.
Smon: You need to say which door obviously.
Smon: Moffet roll survival WIS+PROF
joriandrake: (I would not risk it, the colossus also helped us so as long it stays there it is good for us)
chris107: "I don't think they fight alone, Prince Sandor."
Sandor Sunneson: true, was joking hence the wink
chris107: /roll 1d20+6
Sandor Sunneson: could be a good ally
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 6, (+6) = 12
joriandrake: GM: Then Prisha stands to whichever door someone tries to open and will use help action on that
Smon: Moffet reckons most or all of the 6 collossi that were before the temple are returning to their original positions.
joriandrake: (sorry, didn't notice this in time, next roll Moffat will have Guidance)
DESTROYERBILL: does any one know why duagar statues attack duagar
chris107: "Wow they killed all those dwarves? Phewey!"
Smon: >>use help action<< is not a spell, you need to come up with a credible means to assist.
Sandor Sunneson: Could maybe be a specific event triggered by something Sandor will ponder
joriandrake: "Hm, probably not the same clan? As far I know this city was built by different dwarves? In which case it makes sense just like for warring human nations, that they doN't get along"
chris107: "No idea, Shieldbiter. But I bet it has something to do with us breaking into this temple."
DESTROYERBILL: mabye but why not target us
chris107: "I got a hunch the dwarves blocked off the entrance and then set guards."
chris107: "You've got me there. Shall we search here for further clues to the relics or head out north to the Lord's Hall hoping it's safe now."
Sandor Sunneson: Lord's Hall?
Smon: GM: There are the skeletons of dozens of fallen dwarf wariors scattered about the floor of the Temple Hall you are standing in, it looks as if they fell in battle.
chris107: "The other big building to the north in this cavern. Likely where the ritual will be done."
joriandrake: As far Ãi know Help action can be also used outside of combat in 5e, which was my intention to grant advantage on an opening roll to an ally
Sandor Sunneson: Or we could go there
joriandrake: I never said it was a spell
chris107: Moffet would rather search here first. He feels there is something we can find.
Smon: Yes... but if you have no way to assist in an action you can't just mash the Help button & expect to get results.
Sandor Sunneson: Shall we try one of the other doors?
chris107: Moffet nods.
joriandrake: Help action caqn be anything, for Prisha this might be using her divine pool of knowledge to tap into and guide the one trying to open the door through instructions or deciphering symbols or recognizing weak points in the stonework.
chris107: "It looks like the collosi have settled down again. For now at least."
joriandrake: as you know Prisha can become proficient in any existing skill or profession
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor goes over to one of the unopened doors
joriandrake: Prisha goes over to the door Sandor goes to
Sandor Sunneson: He'll pick door no. 4, if that was the door smashed open, he'll go to door 2
Smon: Help for opening a door would be eg 2 people combining to use a battering ram on it, higher STR one getting advtg. Again you can't treat it as if it were a spell you can use without thought.
joriandrake: Shall i use Knowledge of Ages?
chris107: We have south north east, south east and what looks like west back to the collonade still unopened.
chris107: (I put the map up on DF)
Smon: Thank you Chris for paying attention
Sandor Sunneson: SB, shall we try opening this door (pointint to the one on the S)
Smon: map
Sandor Sunneson: got it, excellent Chris
joriandrake: A stonemason could identify weak points in a buuilding to mnake demolitions or opening stone doors easier by helping, Prisha can become a stonemason, shall I use Knowledge of the Ages?
chris107: Tht would be most helpful
Smon: @Jorian that sounds reasonable
Smon: HOw long does that take J?
joriandrake: Okay, Prisha uses Knowledge of the Ages to tap into the pool of information from ancient stonemasons
chris107: Moffet stands ready behind them. Sword and shield ready.
joriandrake: an action, so only a single turn, but i spend one of my channel divinity points
chris107: wb Bill
Smon: ok roll INT+prof Prisha
joriandrake: it will work for 10 minutes, which means Prisha can go from door to door to aid others with guidance to grant Help action too
Smon: Prisha inspects the doors.
joriandrake: Prisha casts guidance on herself
Smon: ok
joriandrake rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 1, (+5) = 6
joriandrake rolls 1d4 and gets: 3,
joriandrake: eh, lol
joriandrake: Knowledge cleric doing knowledge things, of course I roll an 1 right now =p
Smon: Prisha's stonemasonry does not enable her to detect any weakness in the dwarven doors.
chris107: "Brute strength and ignorance wins again."
Sandor Sunneson: SB, shall we try and smash the southern door?
joriandrake: (well, you can still try it, although without advantage)
Smon: Is someone smashing the door? If so Athletics STR+Prof
Sandor Sunneson: After 3, SB and Sandor will try and destroy the sothern door
Sandor Sunneson: 1...2.....3
joriandrake: (and ofc multiple people can stil ltry same door, just not 10 Str Prisha)
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 12, (+9) = 21
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+1000 and gets: 7, (+1000) = 1007
joriandrake: o.O
Sandor Sunneson: door is smitherened
joriandrake: (hope 21 is enough and it didn't need dc 25)
Smon: Sandor & SB both bounce off the sturdy door. You'll need to try another.
joriandrake: Prisha casts guidance on Sandor
chris107: "Be careful not to stand on the steps of the dias."
Sandor Sunneson: one on NE?
chris107: why not?
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 15, (+9) = 24
joriandrake: +d4
joriandrake: so you have at least 25
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d4 and gets: 3,
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 19, (+13) = 32
joriandrake: I assume both Shieldbiter and Sandor open doors
Smon: You go over to the NE door. Sandor tries to smash it, he's getting pretty sore - with P's Guidance he breaks through as SB comes along to help and punches through.
Smon: The door is pretty destroyed. Sandor's shoulder is sore now
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: Sandor takes 1 hp dmg.
chris107: M looks nervously over at the entrance.
joriandrake: Guidance on moffat
Smon: The door is pretty much destroyed, hanging off its hinges.
chris107: For what?
joriandrake: "Meroya may guide you"
joriandrake: (I assumed you sneak inside again?)
chris107: (no)
joriandrake: (okay then)
Smon: (You can use Guidance on any 1 skill check in next minnute. Range is touch so Prisha is dashing back & forth across the bone-scattered hall.)
joriandrake: "Who will be the brave one to scout inside?" Prisha asks as the dust settles at the broken door
DESTROYERBILL: i rip it off the hinges and i throw it at the other door we coudent broken the door down
chris107: "Let's hope the noise doesn't attract the attention of those collosi."
joriandrake: Guidance is a cantrip, 1 action cast time?
joriandrake: (If everyone uses their guidance bonus right awaqy then prisha can cast it ten times in a minute)
Smon: The hall is about 120' wide so Moffet at the west rubble/stairs is a long way from Sandor & SB at the NE corner.
joriandrake: ah, now I understand, he is too distant
Smon: yeah
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will whistle over to Moffat to join them
joriandrake: well then, Prisha stands at the opened door with Sandor and Shieldbiter, she stil asks the question, and looks around as she assumes Moffat would scout inside as earlier
Sandor Sunneson: once door is broken
Smon: SB throws the defeated door 80' across the temple in the direction of the S door, it clangs to the floor and skids, kicking up a wave of debris.
Smon: Very loudly.
chris107: Moffet winces at more noise, checks that the collosi are still then scuttles over as fast as his little legs can manage.
DESTROYERBILL: mabye that wasnt the best idea
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor waits 3 hours for Moffet to join the others
joriandrake: "Imagine if all giant statues woke up and not just one, then they all fought the duergar. Even one probably caused quite a mess."
Smon: Beyond the doorway you see stairs descending north, after 20' they turn west out of sight.
Sandor Sunneson: shall we go on?
joriandrake: Prisha will use the waiting time to contunue identification of further scrolls until Moffat is back
Smon: Moffet does not hear any noise from the Collossi outside. He heads over to the others... 15 seconds later...
Sandor Sunneson: lol
joriandrake: (15 seconds o_O)
chris107: "Okay, I'll slip down and take a look."
joriandrake: "Eait a moment, I will help you once I identify this one scroll and if Moffat isn't back yet then"
joriandrake: Wait*
joriandrake: targetr scroll is random again
chris107: Moffet creeps down the steps towards the turning west.
joriandrake: (btw, I hand over the temple scroll to Sandor, I think no one actually checked it out yet)
Smon: Unless you burn a spell lot it takes P 10 minutes to ID a 2nd scroll.
chris107: (Spamming guidance drives me bonkers so unless it's a special case, don't worry about casting it on Moffet )
Sandor Sunneson: We need to guard him Prisha if required
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will put it in his belt
joriandrake: We don't know when Moffat returns, Prisha started the ritual for the next scroll
Smon: Moffet creeps down the steps to the west turn... looking west he sees the steps descend a good way (50'?) then turn south.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor follows Moffet
Smon: OK Prisha is chanting away to herself touching the next scroll.
Smon: Sandor heads downstairs after M, not as quiet.
chris107: Hmmm they go back under the temple? Probably some undercroft filled with horrid skelingtons... Thinks Moffet
Smon: The steps are very finely made, dwarven craftwork.
chris107: He continues down.
Sandor Sunneson: is SB staying with Prisha?
joriandrake: (The accounting documents for the Great Temple of Grun might have hints on what to expect inside the temple, would be good to read it now)
Smon: There is little dust but you get the feeling this area is undisturbed for a long long time... Moffet reaches the south turn. Looking south he sees the stairs end after 20' at the north end of a rubble strewn ruined hallway, not in much better shape than the scroll room above. It looks to have numerous exits.
Smon: OOC suggestions like "you should do X" should be done in character.
chris107: he gestures for Prince Sandor to hold still (in fear of him bringing the roof down) then creeps in on padded paws to take a look.
Smon: ie "The accounting documents for the Great Temple of Grun might have hints on what to expect inside the temple, would be good to read it now"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor gives thumbs up and holds still
joriandrake: (I don't know as player if Sandor wit the scroll is currently still in hearing distance of Prisha or not, thus the ooc note)
joriandrake: (last time as I see Sandor said he moves to go after Moffat)
joriandrake: Bill: Where is Shieldbiter?
DESTROYERBILL: im staying with prisha
joriandrake: ok
Smon: Moffet creeps down carefully to the foot of the stairs. Beyond mounds of rubble Moffet can see wide ruined arches exiting to w and e at the n end of the hall, a narrower tunnel exit further south on w wall opposite an oddly blank and unmarked part of the e wall. Further south again an arch in w wall opposite a door in the e wall. And at the south end the hall narrows to steps heading up.
joriandrake: Prisha continues her identification ritual
Smon: About 3 minutes so far.
Smon: Steelclaw is staying w Prisha & SB.
chris107: (I think I've got that )
chris107: Moffet examines the strangely blank section looking for secret doors.
Smon: Roll perception.
chris107: /roll 1d20+6
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 18, (+6) = 24
Smon: Is Moffet creeping over to look, or staying at the north end of the hall?
joriandrake: (nice roll)
chris107: creeping over and examining the blank section on the east wall.
chris107: 9thanks)
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will read the scroll he was given by Prisha
Smon: OK roll Acrobatics DC 10 w advtg Moffet
chris107: /roll 1d20+9 x2
chris107 Rolls 1d20+9x2 and gets:
1 (+9) = 10
2 (+9) = 11
chris107: wow, that's cutting it fine
joriandrake: (oh boy =P)
Smon: Sandor pops open the ancient scroll case and unfurls the accounts written in neat dwarven script.
Smon: LOL
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: A little dust falls from the sagging ceiling as Moffet heads over to the blank area - yes, definitely a door here, much better concealed than the ones upstairs.
Smon: It is smooth & unmarked, with no keyhole or catch to open it.
chris107: He looks for a way to open it. Preassure pads, hidden handles or such.
chris107: ah
chris107: he puts a little preasure on it. Trtying to push, shove, slide or pull..
Smon: There are some dwarf runes near the ceiling above the door - from long association with Tor Caradoc Moffet deciphers a number, '94'.
Smon: The door remains utterly unyielding, with no clue as to how it might open.
Smon: Above, P completes her Ritual!
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
chris107: he decides to come back at let Mrs. Prisha see if her goddess knows about this stuff but has a swift scout through the arches and the south tunnel to make sure it's safe.
joriandrake: ( )
Smon: P ideas the scroll as containing mundane records of temple affairs, with a lot of attention to failures in the lower waste disposal pipes due to black puddings clogging the chutes.
joriandrake: Prisha feels alarmed by this "I hope they don't find pudding down there" and leaves Steelclaw and Shieldbiter in the dark with her remark on why she said this. "We should group up again"
joriandrake: "Shieldbiter, can you read dwarven script?"
Smon: The south stairs ascend then turn east. It's hard to see much over the rubble without risking a landslide but M reckons the 3 arches open into similar ruined chambers while the narrow tunnel exit in w wall leads to a flight of ascending steps rising west.
Smon: M creeps back upstairs, now dusty, and joins the others.
chris107: (wow! I'll read those descriptions carefully after the game and attempt to map again. Mine is a mess so far on this one.)
joriandrake: "If yes, I give this scroll to you. It contains data of mundane temple affairs, but it mentions disposal pipes below being clogged by black pudding"
Smon: (feel free to ask questions re dimensions Chris)
chris107: (Thanks Simon, just a lot of twists and turns, not your description, my ability to put them down on paper to blame )
Smon: Steelclaw yawns. "Things have gone quiet outside. Let us rest while the priestess completes her invesigation of the scrolls."
chris107: "Mrs. Prisha, could you get your Goddess to look at this door sownstairs? Be carful because the roof may fall in at any moment."
joriandrake: "If Sandor can't read the other scroll it is better to ask him to give it to you as well. That one is about accounting data and might have hints on what else to expect in the temple, it might even detail things like costs for hidden stone doors" She half-jokes about this, as bureaucratic dwarves might indeed detail data about construction costs for secret passages
Smon: Steelclaw pushes some old bones aside and sits down.
DESTROYERBILL: we must keep our guard upat all times
joriandrake: "Well, Moffet could escort me down to where you wish me to investigate"
chris107: "Of course."
DESTROYERBILL: we should play tik tak to in the ground carving with our swords at least
joriandrake: "but I myself don't read dwarven, that seems to be a skill of Shieldbiter"
Smon: Steelclaw eyes SB and the others as he pulls out some dried beef and starts to eat.
DESTROYERBILL: in your case axe
Sandor Sunneson: on phone, but reading script
Smon: Steelclaw eyes Prisha. "He was joking."
joriandrake: Prisha will follow Moffet but ask if Shieldbiter shouldn't also come
joriandrake: Prisha just politely nods at steelclaw's relark
joriandrake: remark*
DESTROYERBILL: if prisha is leaving so are we
chris107: "He will shake the whole cieling down!"
chris107: "Didn't you heae what I said? The roof could come down at any moment."
Smon: Steelclaw shakes his head at P's back as she heads downstairs following Moffet. He looks to SB. "I think they want us to stay here."
joriandrake: "Well... tell them where to stop to avoid that, I f I find dwarven writing I can copy that for him then"
DESTROYERBILL: ah well so what
Sandor Sunneson: sandor will head into the tunnel so he aint hit by debris
DESTROYERBILL: i dont know dwarven
joriandrake: (wait, now I got confused)
Smon: GM: M & P head downstairs alone afaict.
DESTROYERBILL: i know comman and draconic
chris107: Does anyone know where we are? I get the feeling not.
Smon: (Bill don't try jokes w Jorian)
chris107: GM: Thanks
joriandrake: (Shieldbiter doesn't know dwarven either?)
DESTROYERBILL: no im a dragon born
DESTROYERBILL: no one knows dwarven
joriandrake: (Well it doesn't matter then, I hope at least one of us does)
joriandrake: (sigh... GM: does language knowledge count as a skill proficiency?)
chris107: "I think those scrolls are pretty mundane. This secret door may not be."
Smon: GM: Shieldbiter & Steelclaw are in the great temple hall. Sandor is on the stairs. Moffet & Prisha pass him as they descend to the north end of the ruined hallway beneath the great temple.
Smon: (LOL no J)
chris107: Thanks Simon.
joriandrake: Prisha will try to sneak like Moffet
Smon: There is a 1st level ritual spell Comprehend Languages
joriandrake: "Show me the way"
chris107: Moffet creeps down the northern stairs, turns west then south. Where he points out the blank section opposite the western side tunnel heading south.
joriandrake: (I know, but that is not a cleric spell, I wondered if I oculd use Knowledge of Ages to be able to read it instead)
Smon: P & M look into the ruined hall - piles of rubble, ceiling sagging in places. Terrible battle magics were wielded here, long ago.
Smon: (no, it says KoA grants Tool & Skill profs)
joriandrake: "Probably the magical combat here weakened the structure"
chris107: "Be careful, I found the door but couldn't figure out how it opens."
chris107: he points it out.
joriandrake: (yes, that is why I asked if languages count as skill, I still make mistakes and remember 3rd edition having languages a s skills buyable with skill points)
joriandrake: "Okay, let me see what I can do with this"
Smon: GM: The blank area/secret door is halfway down the hall in the east wall, a regular door about 15' further south.
joriandrake: Prisha inspects the secret door
Smon: P heads over to the secret door? Moffet can roll survival to give her advtg on not setting off a cave in...
joriandrake: Prisha also looks around to see if there are any levers, torch holders, or other items which may hide a movable lever mechanic, or stones that could be pushed
chris107: ah,I have it towards the north end in the east wall. I'll change it once the game is done rather than waste everyones time now
joriandrake: Prisha casts guidance on herself
chris107: /roll 1d20+6
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 16, (+6) = 22
chris107: He points out a safe route (hopefully)
Smon: P roll Acrobatics (DEX,no Prof) w advtg as Moffet tries to help you navigate safely.
joriandrake rolls 1d4 and gets: 2,
joriandrake Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
12 (+2) = 14
4 (+2) = 6
joriandrake: 16
joriandrake: (thanks for the advantage, 8 would've been too low)
Smon: Pass - you get to the secret door. It is completely smooth and featureless, except for the dwarf runes above it in a line just below the ceiling, about 12' up.
Smon: No levers, torch holders etc.
chris107: "It says 94." Whispers M
Smon: If anything the wall seems uncannily smooth, the outline of the door has been occluded by cunning stonework, only a clever hobbit could spot it.
joriandrake: Prisha remembers if the writing above is the same as for "waste disposal pipes" or "pudding"
Smon: She has no idea since she can't read dwarven.
joriandrake: "The second identified scroll by the was spoke of disposal pipes below being clogged by black pudding"
Smon: Identify helps you ID an item, it doesn't let you read mundane script.
joriandrake: ok
joriandrake: Prisha places her hands on the wall, carefully checking the stone blocks around it and softly pressing them one by one
Smon: In the hallway there are 3 broad arches leading off into more chambers, NW SW NE, with door SE, narrow tunnel/stairs up W, and stairs up S.
Smon: P can roll INT+Prof
Sandor Sunneson: S follows.....(still on phone)
joriandrake rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 3, (+5) = 8
joriandrake: o_O
Smon: No sign of anything unusual with the smooth stonework.
joriandrake: "The other chambers probably need exploring further before we can open this door"
joriandrake: "at the current time I can't do anything with it"
chris107: "Don't follow! You'll have the roof down!"
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
joriandrake: "I will wait here, and give you some guidance Moffet if you wish to explore ahead"
chris107: "Let's get back to our friends. This is too well hidden for us."
Smon: Moffet yells out as he sees Sandor descending the north steps.
Sandor Sunneson: S stops
joriandrake: She nods "fine then. We return"
joriandrake: Prisha and Moffet track back on the route they got to the door
chris107: Once we are back together Moffer once again asks what the party wishes to do. He explains the state of the roofs below.
joriandrake: and Prisha asks if anyone speaks dwarven, and tells of the two identified scrolls, including the pipes and pudding
chris107: "The state of ancient plumbing doesn't seem too important."
Smon: GM: You head back & eventually all congregate up above, in the great temple hall with the brooding statue of GRUN.
joriandrake: "It will be, if we find ourselves in rooms with pipes and giant pudding monsters"
chris107: "I think that's a red herring. Check all the tubes and if they are all of the sme ilk we look at them later."
Smon: Steelclaw. "Dwarves speak Dwarf. We could go fetch Kogor the Dwarf."
chris107: "Mrs. Prisha. Those scrolls are hundreds if not thousand of years old. Any puddings will be long gone."
Smon: Are you taking 50 minutes to ID the last 5 scroll cases?
joriandrake: "Yes, Kogor is an option, but that would mean we leave this place agai nand waste time, no we can't do that now, we need to try to get the artifacts or at least save the girl"
joriandrake: I can do that, if others agree with it
chris107: "We ccould all do with the rest. Try that then we can move on."
joriandrake: "Give me a hour and I know more about all the scrolls"
joriandrake: "YOu can use a short rest as well"
Smon: Steelclaw eyes Prisha. "Girl was in main cavern when stone collossi attacked evil dwarves.." he doesn't look like he gives much for her chances.
Smon: "...Unless they move her somewhere else."
chris107: "Our main choice has to be if we stay here or go look in the building to the north?"
Smon: GM: OK so you Short Rest & ID scroll cases?
chris107: Yes
joriandrake: "Being dead is no ecuse for not being rescued." Prisha notes with a smile. "Then again, this could be the best chance to get her if she's dead, and if her corpse is more than just a pulp"
joriandrake: excuse*
joriandrake: "Moffet, if yo uwish you oculd try scout the main cavern meanwhile"
joriandrake: "if you find the girl's body and are capable to do it, return her here and after the scroll identification I can revive her"
chris107: "I could indeed. But I'd rather like to know what those scrolls are first. Please check them. If they are all about plumbing we know we have to do something else"
Smon: GM: You settle down & patch yourselves up, can spend hit dice. P IDs the scroll cases...
Spell to open Secret Door '94'
Spell - Raise Dead
Spells - 'Commune' & 'Quest'
joriandrake: "Fine."
chris107: Excellent, now we're getting somewhere.
joriandrake: "As luck dictates one scroll is also a stronger reviving spell, commune might also be useful later"
chris107: "Do you think you can cast th spell to open 94?"
joriandrake: (as prisha used the time to identify she won't use HD as she didn' rest, but wounded warriors probably should)
joriandrake: "Yes, but if what Steelclaw says is true then this might also be our best chance to check out the main cavern and find the girl, unles she was moved"
joriandrake: "we know where the door is, it won't flee, so maybe we should scout for the girl there now?"
Smon: GM: All the spell scrolls are Clerical, P should be able to use all of them ok.
chris107: "Can we stick to one thing at a time? Let's see what's through 94 then make further plans. We're going rouind in circles achieving nothing."
joriandrake: (great)
joriandrake: Prisha nods at Moffet and looks at how the others think about the door/girl
chris107: "Once and if we find the girl our priorities will change. For now we are right here."
joriandrake: "Door, or main cavern to find the girl?"
joriandrake: "Well, if she's dead she can stay for a while longer, but dwarven guards are probably curently the most scattered or dead"
DESTROYERBILL: im going with moffets idea
chris107: "Just open the secret door, please?"
chris107: "Or we will grow old and die here. looking at plumbing and wandering the caves."
joriandrake: Prisha sighs and nods. She reads the door spell details
joriandrake: is it a ranged spell?
DESTROYERBILL: daddy is waww
Sandor Sunneson: me too,
joriandrake: waww?
chris107: "Prisha, I didn't want to lead this band but I was asked to. Please let's just do this."
DESTROYERBILL: daddy is away from key board
Sandor Sunneson: mofet's plan
joriandrake: ah, afk
Sandor Sunneson: still on phone
joriandrake: Ok, Prisha will open the door
DESTROYERBILL: i did a typo trying to press back space pressed enter
joriandrake: prefereably from the distance in case a beastie hides behind it
chris107: Moffet and Prisha will retrace their steps and try the spell.
joriandrake: I think the others can also come, as long they don't go near the more damaged place
chris107: They will bring the roof down
joriandrake: (at least the same room's end near the entrance?)
chris107: For heavens sake, Moffet can protect you.
chris107: Can we just do this then we can move on.
joriandrake: (It isn't about protection, but there are other chambers and who knows what behind the door, we might need the whole party to move forward)
Smon: back
chris107: Then if we do we bring them
chris107: one thing at a time.
Smon: GM: OK you head downstairs
Sandor Sunneson: back
joriandrake: Prisha will cast the spell on the door, hopefully it is a ranged spell so she doesn't need to stand right in fron of it
chris107: Moffet will guard her
Smon: SB SC & S stay at the bottom of the north stairs while P & M go back to the secret door. It is a touch spell, you need to chant the spell while touching the door.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will head downstairs, treading carefully
chris107: "Stay up there!"
Sandor Sunneson: Sorry, Sandor will head back up
chris107: ""How many times?!"
Sandor Sunneson: OOC- srry Chris, just came off phone
Sandor Sunneson:
joriandrake: In this case Moffet will be with her, he will stand in front of the door while she will stend at the side and touch it from the side while casting the spell (lol Fergus)
Smon: SB S & SC retreat before the wrath of the annoyed hobbit.
chris107: "This is the last time I lead you lot anywhere!" He fumes.
joriandrake: "I guess I know how you sirvived that battle with the dragon, you souted it into submission"
joriandrake: survived - shouted*
Smon: It takes a minute to cast the ancient ritual, unfamiliar dwarfish rune-words forcing themselves from the priestess' slender throat...
DESTROYERBILL: so sandor want to play tic tac to
chris107: "Now open the bloody door."
Sandor Sunneson: OOC- what time we playing till 2130GMT?
DESTROYERBILL: while we wait
Smon: 9.30 sounds good
chris107: perfect
joriandrake: (fus ro dah)
Smon: There is a click and the door swings silently inward!
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will smile at that suggestion but wouldn't want to write on the wall in case it causes the ceiling to collapse
joriandrake: I can play until a hour longer than that, if others are fine with it
DESTROYERBILL: we write on the floor
joriandrake: "Door open"
Smon: (can go to 10pm then Bill bedtime)
chris107: "Thank you," Moffet investigates.
Sandor Sunneson sent you a private message. If it did not open automatically, check for blocked popups and/or [Click Here]
Smon: Beyond the secret door, M & P see a tunnel run east some 50' then turn south.
joriandrake: (Ok Simon)
Smon: No sign of battle damage, and no dust on the smooth grey stone floor.
joriandrake: Prisha casts guidance on Moffet if he wants to scout it
chris107: "I suggest now we bring our friends one at a time to this safe length of tunnel past the secret door."
joriandrake: "Okay, you need to guide them then, what about the chambers here which were not scouted yet?"
chris107: "Forget them."
chris107: Moffet will mark carfully the path that has been shown to be safe and then go fetch his friends.
joriandrake: (they probably have some loot, we didn't find anything until now and the temple was blocked for a long time)
chris107: (I don't know if this is wise but at least it gets eceryone back involved - OOC)
Smon: P: "they probably have some loot, we didn't find anything until now and the temple was blocked for a long time"
Smon: GM: Who are you fetching first?
chris107: "Then go investigate if that's what you want to do, Prisha."
chris107: "But don't come crying to me if the whole temple collapses on your head."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor when he sees Moffet will follow the trail laid
chris107: "Watch that pile of rubble there, Sandor. Step on that bit. Etc."
joriandrake: "I'm not the scout here, but I am interested in any ancient artifact, gadget, or wealth we might find in the ancient temple. Just as I suspect Kogor would be"
chris107: "Kogor can go boil his head."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will do as instructed to overcome the hurdles
joriandrake: "Then let me put it this way: If we doN't get whatever is in those chambers the duergar are likely to find and use later against us or our allies"
Smon: GM: Sandor steps forward - Moffet can guide him across the rubble to the now open secret door. It'll be DEX & I'll allow Prof due to barb DEX save advtg, so DEX+Prof, w advtg, vs DC 8
Smon: I think that's auto pass for Sandor DEX +3 Prof +5?
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 4, (+8) = 12
chris107: "Where are the most important things going to be found do you think? In a common side chamber or behind a carefully secreated door that requires an ancient and hidden spell to get in?"
Smon: Sandor joins Prisha at the secret door tunnel exit.
Smon: Who does M fetch next?
Sandor Sunneson: Thank you Moffet
chris107: He fetches SB next, he's likely to be the biggest and most difficult but Moffet will help at every step.
joriandrake: "I don't know, both?" (ISn't thwis whole location opened due to a broken secret door anyway? Thus all the schamers here already being in secret room? or am I wrong?
joriandrake: chambers
Smon: SB gets +6 Prof +1 DEX I think so again auto passes due to bbn reflexes
Sandor Sunneson: Well done SB
Smon: SB is led across the ruined hall by M to the secret door.
chris107: Then he goes back for SteelClaw.
Smon: Steelclaw looks nervous. "I do not have my liege's light step..."
joriandrake: If Moffet doesn't scout the chambers Prisha will neak up and peek inside them after all the party is here
chris107: "If I'm wrong about this Prisha. You are in charge for ever afterwards."
joriandrake: Prisha casts guidance on Steelclaw if she can reach him
joriandrake: get in spell range
Sandor Sunneson: remember what happened to that Clendra woman when she went off on her own
Smon: Obviously not
chris107: "But then I have to get you back safely you daft bint!"
Smon: The whole idea is to get SC to where P is, from the north stairs to the secret door.
joriandrake: Prisha goes with Moffet to cast guidance on Steelclaw and then cometogether back
chris107: "Why do you think I've been risking going backwatds and forwards across this tretcherous bloody floor? For the good of my health?"
Smon: Bill rolls for SC
joriandrake: we both already know the route, and I didn't have to roll the second time again anyway
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+1x2 and gets:
1 (+1) = 2
19 (+1) = 20
Smon: OK, P goes back north, casts guidance on SC, SC heads over & you all congregate at the secret door!!!!
chris107: "Please just work with us Prisha. If I'm wrong. It's all yours. I won't say another word."
joriandrake: "I doN't need it all, what I want is to avoid anything to be taken by the duergar"
Smon: GM: You go in the unscathed tunnel?
chris107: "Let's get safely inside where the roof is strong.
chris107: yes please
joriandrake: Prisha told her opinion about wanting to check the other chambers here, but will follow whatever the others decide
Smon: SC nods and steps into the tunnel, adjusting his night goggles as he looks around. "Smells old."
Smon: I think everyone ignores Prisha.
chris107: "Let's go." Moffet creeps up the passage to the south turn.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will look ahead to what he sees with his nigh goggles and eagle vision
joriandrake: ...
chris107: 50' eastthen looks south
Smon: At the east end of the secret tunnel M reaches the turn and looks south, sees steps descending steeply some 50' to a narrow landing, which runs w out of sight.
Smon: Down steps?
chris107: yes please
Sandor Sunneson: Yes
Smon: Eagle vision doesn't really help when you only have 60' darkvision.
Sandor Sunneson: ok
Smon: M creeps down the steps to the small landing, about 10'x20'. Steps descend again to the north/right. Looking down the steps M sees they go down another 50' to the e end of a tunnel that runs w out of sight.
chris107: got iy, he gestures for the rest to follow and sets off down north to the ewestern turn.
Smon: GM: SC & co can head down as they see M wave them on from the landing below.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor follows
8:04pm 2018-7-28 Smon Has exited the room
chris107: He keeps his eyes peeled for preasure plates and other impediments that may cause traps to trigger.
DESTROYERBILL: daddys computer died
chris107: How's he doing, Bill. Is that us done for the evening?
DESTROYERBILL: just booting it back up
Sandor Sunneson: Cool
DESTROYERBILL: it will take a few minutes though
chris107: no worries, time for a nice cup of tea.
chris107: or perhaps a glass of wine. I think I need it
joriandrake: (I'm almost level 11, still almost broke and many spell components that matter, like for revival cost a lot. I still don't have things like magical armor or shield, and this is a dwarven ancient temple, it might not just holdf a +1 armor but perhaps special clerical items Prisha could use, so pelase do explore the rest, including the chambers later)
joriandrake: please*
8:09pm 2018-7-28 Smon Has entered the room
chris107: Like I said if I'm wrong with this one, feel free to take charge.
Smon: We apologise for the loss of power.
Smon: Chris could you copty/paste the log to DF thread?
chris107: But we were geting nowhere checking the plumbing.
chris107: I'll get Kyle to do it now
joriandrake: I don't want you to be wrong, I jsut want to explore the whole place later no matter what we find in here
Sandor Sunneson
8:09pm 2018-7-28 Smon Has entered the room
chris107: Like I said if I'm wrong with this one, feel free to take charge.
Smon: We apologise for the loss of power.
Smon: Chris could you copty/paste the log to DF thread?
chris107: But we were geting nowhere checking the plumbing.
chris107: I'll get Kyle to do it now
joriandrake: I don't want you to be wrong, I jsut want to explore the whole place later no matter what we find in here
Smon: When my battery died Moffet was heading down the 2nd flight of steps.
joriandrake: Smon: GM: SC & co can head down as they see M wave them on from the landing below. Sandor Sunneson: Sandor follows 8:04pm 2018-7-28 Smon Has exited the room chris107: He keeps his eyes peeled for preasure plates and other impediments that may cause traps to trigger. DESTROYERBILL: daddys computer died
joriandrake: you didn't miss much
Smon: At the bottom of the steps a short passage runs west 20' into a 20x20 chamber with heavy double doors set in the opposite wall. It's rather warm down here, the walls & ceiling are of black basalt, not the grey granite of the upper halls.
chris107: Done
Sandor Sunneson: ooooh, sounds volcanic
Smon: There is an oppressive sense of weight, the vastness of the stone above, and ...anticipation? As if ...something... is waiting.
joriandrake: "We are now 'below', this room might hold pipes, and black pudding
Smon: M sees no pipes or black pudding.
joriandrake: Prisha points at the room with double doors
chris107: Moffet waves them down.
Sandor Sunneson: Black pudding,yum yum
Smon: There is dwarven script above the heavy double doors, of dark oak banded in iron.
joriandrake: (doesn't Britain have something called black pudding as food?)
chris107: Can Moffet make out any of it ?
chris107: (we do. It's yummers)
Sandor Sunneson: Sheeps blood
joriandrake: (ah , so I remembered correctly)
Smon: The others join M at the foot of the stairs. The dwarven writing over the doors is in two lines, Moffet makes out:
chris107: "I think this is where Shieldbiter and Sandor take over. There;s something mighty powerful behind these doors."
Smon: Looking around the small chamber, it seems otherwise bare, the floor clear of debris.
joriandrake: "Might be a dragon which powered or heated the temple?"
Smon: The doors appear locked, with massive iron handles.
chris107: "You're on boys."
Smon: There is a single lock, massive & foreboding.
DESTROYERBILL: what dc to rip it down
chris107: Moffet hides in SB's huge shadow.
Smon: You'll find out when you hit it big guy.
DESTROYERBILL: i rage and hit
joriandrake: "Perhaps try to politely knock first?Whatever is locked inside might not be automatically hostile to us"
Smon: /roll d6+19
Smon rolls 1d6+19 and gets: 4, (+19) = 23
joriandrake: "but might be very angry at duergar, dwarves"
Smon: SB smashes into the massive doors, blasting them open!
chris107: "And very old ones too."
chris107: "Noones been here for hundreds of years, Prisha."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor ready with sword
Smon: A gust of ancient hot air flows out from the vast hall beyond, and you sense the presence of powerful ancient magicks... the humans' hairs stand on end.
joriandrake: "...well... hope you're right, now that he 'knocked' on the door."
chris107: Moffet gasps.
joriandrake: Prisha's hairs stand half-on end
Smon: The first thing you see is a kind of antechamber about 50' n-s by 30 e-w, bounded on the w side by a line of columns. Beyond the columns the hall opens out into a vast basaltic cathedral-like space.
Smon: LOL @P
DESTROYERBILL: sandor is the only human
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor is on alert reeady to rage if required
Smon: The antechamber ceiling is 25' high, you can't see the roof of the space beyond. The 4 columns are 3' wide.
joriandrake: Prisha is on alert, ready to negotiate or persuade anything if required
chris107: so a little over 3' between each?
Smon: The main chamber is dominated by a vast pit at least 50' wide, beyond it you get the impression of colonnaded areas/chambers to n w and s off the main hall.
Smon: The 4 3' wide columns take up 12' space with ca 38' empty space. it's 50' n-s.
chris107: thanks
Smon: SB snarls ragily to himself.
joriandrake: Prisha whispers" If I would be sure it isn't demon or devilkin in here I would jsut loudly tell in even and draconic that we freed them, they are free to leave and to be careful about dwarves still being around"
joriandrake: elven*
Smon: You have a sense of vast, though dormant, magical energies focused in this place.
joriandrake: She looks around "however, we can't allow a demon or demon to go free"
joriandrake: demon or devil*
Smon: /roll d20+10
Smon rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 5, (+10) = 15
Smon: Hmm... it looks (to PP 15+) as if there are concealed doors off the N & S ends of the antechamber.
chris107: "Well we've come this far."
chris107: PP15 here
joriandrake: 17, Prisha helps others notice them too
Sandor Sunneson: ready to rock and roll
chris107: "Get in then."
chris107: Moffet despairs and enters the chamber
Smon: GM: Moffet steps into the antechamber.
chris107: "Great heroes. Pfft."
chris107: He approaches the collumns.
Smon: Moffet roll WIS (No Prof)
chris107: Looking into the huge space beyond.
joriandrake: Prisha blinks at the halfling going ahead of the warriors, and hopes he sneaks at least
chris107 rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 6, (+2) = 8
chris107: luck
chris107: if fail
DESTROYERBILL: can i give moffer my insporatio n
Smon: Awestruck Moffet looks into the vast space beyond the pillars... in the side chambers off the great pit hall he sees items - barrels/tubs to n, lecterns to w, a great table to s...
Smon: can use luck
chris107: (Thanks he has three luck points)
joriandrake: (he can use Luck feature, plus he might alrady have inspiration of his own)
chris107 rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 19, (+2) = 21
chris107: (Thanks, I can play my own character)
Sandor Sunneson: nice one
joriandrake: Ã(nice)
joriandrake: (I replied to Bill)
Smon: Something warns M at the last minute and he reels back as energies crackle between the four columns, an almost blinding flash of light!
chris107: "Thank you Alinah!"
joriandrake: afk
chris107: Moffet staggers, his hair stood on end.
Smon: The columns have some kind of magical ward, preventing egress to the pit chamber.
chris107: "Maybe we should check out the secret doors to north and south of this chamber?"
chris107: Moffet shrugs and goes to investigate the northern secret door.
Sandor Sunneson: Sure
Smon: Steelclaw shrugs too.
Sandor Sunneson: I'll come wth you Mffett
chris107: (Wondering if anyone else is really bothered?)
joriandrake: back
Smon: M heads over to the north wall, eyes tracing the outline of the secret door.
Smon: M roll Percept
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 6, (+6) = 12
joriandrake: Prisha casts guidance
Smon: No obvious handle or catch.
Sandor Sunneson: Try the other wall?? south one?
chris107: "Perhaps one of you large, wise people can find something?"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will have a feel
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 16, (+6) = 22
joriandrake: Prisha goes after Moffet and tries herself
joriandrake: (unless Sandor manages this)
Smon: Sandor checks out the south wall, fingers soon find a subtle catch to right of the door, near the south pillar.
Smon: open?
Sandor Sunneson: Moffet, something here!
Sandor Sunneson: He'll release it
chris107: "Well done, Prince Sandor."
joriandrake: Seeing this prisha checks the other secret door looking for a similar catch
Sandor Sunneson: yes, he'll release the catch
Smon: S turns the catch and the door swings open, revealing a 10' wide 12' high basalt tunnel running south 20' or so into a square 20x20 chamber, seemingly carved from the basalt.
joriandrake: (shall I roll perc on other door/catch?)
Sandor Sunneson: any footprints on the ground?
Smon: A high backed carved stone chair cut directly from the rock is by the west wall, a stone table in front of it. You'd need to go down tunnel to see more.
Smon: no, floor is clear
Smon: ok p roll per
joriandrake rolls 1d4 and gets: 1,
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 18, (+7) = 25
joriandrake: 26
Smon: P finds a matching catch on the n wall left of the n door.
joriandrake: She notifies the others of it but doesn't open the door yet
Sandor Sunneson: They could lead to the next chamber together, a paralel path
chris107: "Shallwe go look?"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will smile, lets go, Proisha SB, SC, come on!
joriandrake: "We see one at a time, yes they might lead to same place, but not certain"
chris107: Moffet follows, relieved.
joriandrake: Prisha follows Moffet and Sandor
Smon: which way?
joriandrake: through the only opened secret door I assume
chris107: Into the 20'x20' chamber with the throne on the west wall and table in the middle
chris107: Through the south secret door
DESTROYERBILL: some one check for traps
Sandor Sunneson: Moffet
Sandor Sunneson: heck for traps
joriandrake: Moffet
joriandrake: check too
chris107: Moffet the Hobbit fighter goes ahead to look for taps that may endanger his mighty barbarian friends.
joriandrake: Guidance on halfling
joriandrake: (Prisha feels insulted being called a barbarian)
chris107: (Hobbit )
Smon: OK you head down the corridor into the room with the throne. Hanging on one of 3 hooks at the north end of the room is an ornate robe (sized for a portly dwarf) flame red in colour with large hood, pocket slits, and gold & silver thread symbol on the chest - sword over hammer over anvil.
chris107: (Moffet feels insulted at been called a Halfling)
joriandrake: (hey, at least oyu havea chance to fgind the one ring)
joriandrake: (you're an actual hobbit??)
chris107: He tip toes over and takes the robe.
Smon: As you enter the room something happens - a glowing fiery form fills the robe!
joriandrake: (sorry, didn't know, I assumed we just use interchangeably hobbit and halfling for description)
chris107: Pulling it over his svelt figure.
chris107: "Arrgghh!"
Sandor Sunneson: finally something to fight?
joriandrake: Finally something to persuade
Smon: The fiery incandescent robe/creature rises up, floating towards Moffet, eyes blazing!
chris107: "I've found the trap!" Moffet stabs at it with his magical sword
Smon: Smoke flows from sleeves and helm!
Smon: roll init dc 13
joriandrake: eh
chris107 rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 4, (+7) = 11
DESTROYERBILL: let me kill it im yearning for a fight
chris107: crap
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+3x2 and gets:
20 (+3) = 23
13 (+3) = 16
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+1x2 and gets:
14 (+1) = 15
7 (+1) = 8
Smon: Moffet raises his sword.
chris107: AC21
joriandrake: "Please do ignore him, you are probably tired and agry about your imprisonment here, but we opened the door and if you don't want to fight us yo uare free to leave, but be careful as there are still dwarves in the halls"
Smon: those who won init can act
Smon: ok P talks to the fiery figure. It doesn't seem to hear her.
joriandrake rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 2, (+2) = 4
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor being a barbarian who is only used to fighting will attack the firey figur
Sandor Sunneson: e
joriandrake: (well, am dead last anyway)
DESTROYERBILL: i go up and attack twice is rage still going?
Smon: Sandor draws steel & attacks!
Smon: Naw was more than a minute
Sandor Sunneson: rage too
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+11x2 and gets:
5 (+11) = 16
10 (+11) = 21
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+15x2 and gets:
9 (+15) = 24
14 (+15) = 29
Smon: Your weapons cut through the figure, meeting no resistance - it seems unaffected!
Smon: Fire blazes forth from its eyes, enveloping Moffet!
Smon: /roll 6d6
Smon rolls 6d6 and gets: 1, 1, 5, 6, 6, 5, = 24
chris107: "Arrgghh!"
DESTROYERBILL: attack it with silver
Smon: Moffet you take 24 damage as you burn, wreathed in flame.
DESTROYERBILL: prisha use a holy simble
chris107: "Alinah protect me!"
DESTROYERBILL: anyone have ice magic
chris107: 68/92
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor has silver arrows!
joriandrake: nope Bill
Smon: Moffet what are you doing?
chris107: He takes a deep breath to staedy himself (bonus action, second wind)
chris107 rolls 1d10+11 and gets: 8, (+11) = 19
chris107: Then 87/92
chris107: Then diengages.
chris107: disengages
Smon: Moffet retreats back around the corner.
chris107: moves 30' north back to the antechamber
joriandrake: "I will bless our warriors!" prisha declares
chris107: end of turn
Smon: P casts bless?
DESTROYERBILL: use a holy simble
joriandrake: yes
Smon: R2
SB & S to go, bless gives +d4 att/save
joriandrake: Bless on SB, S, and Steelclaw
joriandrake: turn end
DESTROYERBILL: oh yeah steel claw init
Smon: Is she staying in the room?
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 5, (+1) = 6
Smon: Steelclaw can hit it
joriandrake: She stays behind, but still there
DESTROYERBILL: he swipes at it
joriandrake: Prisha is worried the thing might breath fire or such
Smon: Bill can roll for SC
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+9x3 and gets:
19 (+9) = 28
19 (+9) = 28
9 (+9) = 18
Sandor Sunneson: would a battleaxe have a silver head?
Smon: It shot fire from its eyes, enveloping Moffet
joriandrake: (if needed you can add +d4 to that 18)
Smon: If it was a silver headed battleaxe
joriandrake: (isn't your axe magical?)
Smon: SC's mighty blade passes through the flaming apparition, meeting no resistance, as if there were nothing there but air!
Sandor Sunneson: doesn't say
Smon: R2 SB & S to go
DESTROYERBILL: he breathes at it
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will fire silver arrows at it
Sandor Sunneson: no, normal axe
Smon: SB breathes lightning - it passes through the flame thing, burning the wall behind, seemingly without effect.
joriandrake: While concentrating o nthe spell Prishal ooks around, to see if the thing might actually be n illusion and if yes, waht could project it
chris107: 1 min brb
Smon: Sorry that was SC breathing lightning, Bill confused me
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 11,
Smon: P focuses on the thing... when she concentrates, she seems to see it's not really there - an illusion?!
chris107: back
joriandrake: "Guys stop attacking, it seems not to be real"
joriandrake: "I assume it is just an illusion"
Smon: Looking through it, P sees the robe, still hanging from the wall.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor stops,
DESTROYERBILL: shield biter stabs at it using his +3 spear
Smon: S SB SC roll WIS saves DC 15
Sandor Sunneson: puts down his bow before firing
chris107: Moffet pops his head round.
Smon: ok no roll for SB
joriandrake: "The robe is still on the wall, the illusion might intend to protect it"
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 9, (+6) = 15
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 10, (+1) = 11
chris107: "Get the robe, I bet it lets you walk through the pillars."
Smon: SB stabs it with his mighty +3 spear
Smon: it goes right through
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, I'm going to stop there, 10pm,
Smon: SB is wreathed in flames...
Smon: /roll 6d6
Smon rolls 6d6 and gets: 1, 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, = 21
joriandrake: Prisha nods ast Mogfffats words "I suppose it would be wise to identify it first"
joriandrake: Moffet
Smon: SB takes 21 damage as it's not really fire... it's PSYCHIC
Sandor Sunneson: thanks for the game Simon :)been invited to last orders at pub
chris107: See you Fergus
joriandrake: we intended to end at 10 anyway
joriandrake: or 11?
Sandor Sunneson: Waiting to see how many XP so I know if I am L15 ;0
Smon: Eventually P gets through to everyone it's just an illusion... though the psychic damage M & SB took is real.
Smon: The robe still hangs on the hook.
chris107: "Fiendish!"
Sandor Sunneson: very cheeky
joriandrake: Ok, as the others rest and gather their senses Prisha starts identification ritual on the robe
chris107: Moffet again tries.
Sandor Sunneson: that's am\azing
joriandrake: onbly after that will she take it
Smon: OK P takes 10 mins to ID the Robe of Fire Immunity
chris107: he waits for Prisha to do her stuff.
joriandrake: Prisha will tell the others what she found
Smon: immune to mundane fire, advtg & half dmg vs magic fire
joriandrake: Can the robe be worn atop other equipment? like for a cleric or barbarian?
Smon: interior pockets protect possessions vs fire
Smon: yes
chris107: Was it fire that Moffet escaped betwixt the pillars?
Smon: it's very capacious, though a bit short for a human or dragonborn
Smon: no, lightning
chris107: Thanks.
Smon: might help a bit
joriandrake: "Hm, this seems to fit Moffet the best"
Smon: if it absorbs fire dmg it glows brightly
chris107: "That suits you, Prisha. Just your colour."
Sandor Sunneson: brilliant
joriandrake: "At least when we try the other secret room we can consider the possibility that there is an illusion as well"
joriandrake: Prisha nods "Well then, thank you Mofet"
joriandrake: Prisha will try to wear the robe
joriandrake: (if its not cursed I guess we can stop here)
Smon: It is voluminous & short on P but definitely wearable.
Smon: & it does not require attunement!
joriandrake: "I know some people like short clothes"
Smon: OK, 2000 XP each
joriandrake: She considers the option to wear it without anything underneath
Sandor Sunneson: B15 !!!
chris107: Thanks Simon
Sandor Sunneson: Thank you GM
chris107: yay!
joriandrake: ok, thanks simon
Sandor Sunneson: 165165XP
joriandrake: bye Ferg, bye Bill, bye everyone
Smon: Will be a long time to next session, September looks like
Sandor Sunneson: Ciao all
Smon: As Bill & me away in 2 weeks, Bill & Chris away on 25/8
joriandrake: hm, how so?
joriandrake: ah
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