Saturday, 31 March 2018
31/3/4448 Bright Star Danor Rakara - Return to Stonehell
7:30am 2018-3-31 Smon Has entered the room
Keelia: 6:30pm
Smon: Hi guys
JamesDevil: Hi Simon
7:30am 2018-3-31 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
Keelia: hi!
Smon: Hi Bill
JamesDevil: cool, not gonna fall asleep then ^^
JamesDevil: Hi Bill
Smon: Bill is playing his new PC Rakara the red dragonborn warlock.
Keelia: hi guys
JamesDevil: what level is he?
Smon: GM: Just had 6 month time jump & a very wet rainy season is winding down.
JamesDevil: k
Keelia: ok. I'm expecting cooperation as he's not a rogue.
Smon: Rem you can add a tool proficiency or language if you spent the time studying.
JamesDevil: k, Danor now knows elvish then
Smon: (ok) The plains west of Selatine are beginning to dry out, becoming less of a muddy mess.
Smon: Dr Rosa is keen for adventurers to resume exploration of Stonehell and find a way down to the Nixthisis.
Keelia: Bright Star learned Dwarvish from Danor then
Keelia: Bright Star meets with Dr Rosa and is happy to continue the exploration
JamesDevil: danor will follow
Smon: Stonehell maps I just posted to FB.
Smon: level 3, entry from north of level 2 asylum -
Smon: Rosa suggests you could either continue exploring level 2 or press on down to level 3. Where there are rumours of ogres, rough and savage beasts.
JamesDevil: shall we finish off level 1 to ensure no back attacks?
Smon: GM: You are in Lady Vex's hall in Selatine, Danor & Bright Star with the newly arrived dragonborn scholar Rakara and Dr Rosa.
JamesDevil: I think we should finish searching level 2, that way all the groups that visit can focus on level 3
Keelia: (we didn't have a whole left lot on L1, better to go to L2)
JamesDevil: and we may well clear level 2 entirely
JamesDevil: L2 it is then
DESTROYERBILL: rakara sacrafises a rat to get 8 temparery hp
JamesDevil: lets set out then and go explore l2 then
Smon: The Asylum area in the NW of level 2 seems largely cleared, so you could explore east or south of there.
Keelia: (btw - is Ferg showing up today? did he mention?)
JamesDevil rolls 1d2 and gets: 2
JamesDevil: south first
JamesDevil: (Danor flipped a coin)
Smon: I've PM'd Fergus
Keelia: (Did anyone document how much of level 2? I only have a little past the pharmacy)
Smon: Dr Rosa: "Bright Star, Danor, this is Rakara a dragonborn scholar interested in exploring Stonehell."
Smon: Rakara has a teeny red dragon sitting on his shoulder.
JamesDevil: O hi there, i was waiting on the introduction
Keelia: Bright Star looks the dragonborn up-and-down. "Is this one known to you?" she asks Dr Rosa
Smon: >>(Did anyone document how much of level 2? I only have a little past the pharmacy)<< See map
JamesDevil: Thats Brightstar, BS to her friends
Keelia: Bright Star's ears fold back. "Bright Star should not be referred to as Cat. Unless you wish to be Lizard. Treat her with respect and she will do the same."
Smon: Rosa nods to BS.
DESTROYERBILL: hello bright star
Keelia: "Greetings, Rakara. Your shoulder companion. Does it have a name as well?"
JamesDevil: you any good in a fight Rakara?
Smon: Map needs rotating - south is to the right.
DESTROYERBILL: its name is bloodtide
DESTROYERBILL: i can cast spells like a warlock
Keelia: She nods.
JamesDevil: hmm, that'll do
Smon: GM: 31/3/4448 The rain has stopped for a couple days (wish it were so IRL!) and the land is dry enough to traverse.
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 7,
Keelia: (I thought that was level 1 from the title on the corner )
Smon: In fact sun is peaking through the clouds!
Smon: Main map is 2A, bit on left is bottom of 1A.
JamesDevil: The gods bless our travels! let us depart!
Smon: GM: Rosa bids you farewell. Heading out from Selatine you head west over the plain.
Smon: A couple hours & 7 miles later you reach the woods fringing the hills, soon reaching Stonehell Canyon.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
JamesDevil: Can your little bloodtide act as a scout Rakara?
JamesDevil: good to know ;)]
Smon: Approaching the eastern wall a band of foraging goblins spot you and approach.
JamesDevil: do they look hostile?
Smon: BS & Danor recognise Mreggle who waves happily at BS.
Keelia: Bright Star waves back at Mreggle.
JamesDevil: not hostile then, good to know
Smon: Mreggle: "Hello peaceful near-human chums!"
Keelia: "These are allies," she says to Rakara. "They are friends."
Smon: The goblins regard Rakara a little nervously.
Keelia: "Greetings, Mreggle. You are well?"
Smon: Mreggle: "I am very well! Mate have many babies!" He offers to guide you down to level 2.
JamesDevil: I think we'll follow
Keelia: "Congratulations! And our thanks."
Smon: GM: Mreggle leads you through the canyon and Stonehell main entrance, south through level 1 to the stairs down to level 2.
Smon: "Good luck!"
Keelia: Bright Star follows. "Rakara, your kind has night vision, yes?"
JamesDevil: Danor casts Aid on the group +5 temp hp
JamesDevil: no night vision? not a problem
JamesDevil: Danor picks up a stone and casts light on it then hands it to Rakara
DESTROYERBILL: well danor i already have 8 tempary hp from sacrafising a rat to tiamat
JamesDevil: just cover it entirly if you want it block out the light, i can dismiss it if it becomes a problem
JamesDevil: well now you have another 5
DESTROYERBILL: temp hp does not stack sadly
JamesDevil: fair enough, just me and BS then
DESTROYERBILL: if it did i would sacrafise 100 rats a day
JamesDevil: anyways, you have light now so you can see
JamesDevil: up to 20 feet
Smon: The stairs descend around 50' to the brightly lit asylum.
Keelia: (if we head North from the 'living room' I don't think that's been explored yet)
JamesDevil: we head down the stairs then
JamesDevil: I'll take the lead
Smon: Do you want to head NW and explore beyond the 'living room'?
JamesDevil: sure
Keelia: (yes)
Smon: OK you head west then north down the long corridor to the living room.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: No sign of life.
Keelia: (so west from the room at the bottom of the stairs, north up the hall, to the living room, then the NW branch)
Smon: You head down the unexplored NW branch, Danor in the lead.
Smon: BS & Rakara behind.
Smon: /roll d20+10
JamesDevil: any sign of tracks on the floor?
Smon rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 3, (+10) = 13
JamesDevil: any sign of tracks on the floor?
Smon rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 3, (+10) = 13
JamesDevil: any sign of tracks on the floor?
Smon rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 3, (+10) = 13
JamesDevil: any sign of tracks on the floor?
Smon rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 3, (+10) = 13
Smon: Examining the floor, Danor sees no recent tracks - the tunnel turns North after 30' and runs n 30' before turning again ahead. Still examining the floor, Danor spots a pressure plate across the floor!
Smon: Midway down the 30' n-s section.
JamesDevil: Danor waves to BS
Keelia: Bright Star follows and peers at the plate.
Smon: The plate is narrow enough to easily step across if you know it's there.
Keelia rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 8, (+10) = 18
Keelia: for thieves tools to see if it can be locked
Smon: Concealed with a patina to resemble the stone floor.
Keelia: so no one trips over it when we run back
Smon: Might be able to wedge it, but if slip up could activate it.
JamesDevil: Guidance on BS
Smon: DC 20 to wedge, 15 or less activates.
JamesDevil: plus a d4 on your attempt
Keelia: Bright Star considers. "Perhaps friend Danor and Rakara wish to pass this hall before Bright Star tampers with the trap?"
JamesDevil: good point
JamesDevil: Danor steps over the trap to the other side
Smon: GM: D & R step over the trap and reach the turn.
Keelia: Bright Star waits until they are at the far end of the hall before she turns her attention back to the trap.
Smon: The tunnel ahead runs NE 30' before opening into a lit chamber.
DESTROYERBILL: how about i writeon the wall saying trap here wach out
Keelia rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 13, (+10) = 23
JamesDevil: do i see any more pressure plates?
Keelia rolls 1d4 and gets: 4,
JamesDevil: nice BS
Keelia: 27 total
Smon: Rakara writes on the wall w grease pencil while BS jams the plate up.
Smon: No more plates.
JamesDevil: nice
JamesDevil: after BS rejoins Danor will proceed to the next room
Smon: The tunnel ahead opens into the SW corner of a 30x30 chamber with a single exit at the N end of the E wall.
Smon: You see Peeling frescos of sunlit fields & woods. Cracked mural of sunny sky painted on ceiling.
Smon: Over the entryway is scribed "Solarium".
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Keelia: Bright Star glances around the room carefully
Smon: GM: Looking around the chamber, it seems empty.
Keelia: Bright Star steps in carefully.
JamesDevil: Danor steps into the room
JamesDevil: then begins to walk to the other doorway
Keelia: Bright Star stays closer to the wall.
Smon: You cross the solarium undisturbed. The east tunnel runs 40' to a side tunnel S. An overturned hobby horse lies on the floor at the intersection.
Keelia: Bright Star frowns at the hobby horse
JamesDevil: odd..
Keelia: "That seems unusual."
JamesDevil: Danor approaches the horse
Smon: 15' beyond the intersection is a door in the S wall, the passage continuing east past it another 40' until it ends at a door in the east wall.
JamesDevil: so, S or E?
JamesDevil: tempted to say E
Smon: Danor reaches the child's hobby horse, it seems crudely constructed. The head looks like it was made by someone who's only heard of horses.
Smon: The s tunnel runs 30' from the intersection then turns west. Where it turns is a door in the s wall.
JamesDevil rolls 1d2 and gets: 1
JamesDevil: lets go E
JamesDevil: the coin has spoken
Keelia: Bright Star shrugs and continues
Smon: A better hobby horse
Keelia: "East is fine with Bright Star."
JamesDevil: we head East
Keelia: She considers the door on the wall just past the junction
Smon: A few steps east past the intersection bring you to the door. A sign on it says "Hydrotherapy".
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Keelia: She frowns.
JamesDevil: what is this place a spa?
JamesDevil: does the door appear to be locked?
Keelia: "Bright Star is uncertain. It could be a water elemental, a blue slime pool, or a fresco."
Smon: Are you trying the door?
Keelia: She reaches out and touches the door knob carefully.
JamesDevil: .....yes....after the rest step back
Smon: The knob turns in BS's paw, the door opens quite easily.
Keelia: Bright Star peers into the room.
JamesDevil: ooc damn you DM!
Smon: You see Sunken baths filled with dirty water; iron boiler & water tanks; decayed linens.
JamesDevil: whats inside after all that?
JamesDevil: no other exits from the room?
Smon: The chamber is about 30x30 with a 10x10 inset in SE corner, no visible exits.
Smon: One of the sunken baths appears to have a figure lying below the water.
Keelia: Bright Star edges inside curiously. "A figure?"
JamesDevil: hmm, Danor will inspect the bath with the body
DESTROYERBILL: i eldrich blast the body
JamesDevil: can he see what the body looks like?
Smon: Danor goes over and looks down at the body of an elf or half elf male in travelling clothes, holding a wand, with a coin pouch at his belt.
Smon: Roll Investigation Danor
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 12,
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
18 (+6) = 24
8 (+6) = 14
JamesDevil: i'm not super smart
Smon: Rakara shoots at the body with eldritch blasts, the body doesn't react.
Smon: The flesh on the corpse looks odd, cooked/boiled.
Keelia: Bright Star draws her bow as Rakara starts using magic.
JamesDevil: I don't spose you have mage hand do you Rakara?
DESTROYERBILL: just making sure the body isent alive
JamesDevil: hmm
Keelia: Bright Star digs around in her bag and comes up with trip wire.
JamesDevil: Danor uses one of his arrows to try and fish out the coin purse
Smon: The purse is attached to the belt of the corpse.
JamesDevil: sigh, is any of the corpse above water?
Smon: No, it's about 2' underwater, Leaning in and poking pouch w arrow does nothing.
JamesDevil: i really don't want to get wet
Keelia: She makes a loop of the wire and offers it as a way to lasso the corpse and pull it up.
JamesDevil: Danor will try to lasso the corpse with the wire from BS
DESTROYERBILL: i just reach in the bath and take the pouch out
Smon: Rakara reaches into the bath and grabs the pouch - suddenly the water boils, searing hot!
JamesDevil: ooc roll for the plague
Smon: The water gushes and boils around Rakara.
Keelia: Bright Star steps back.
Smon: roll DC 15 CON save w advtg for fire res
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
5 (+6) = 11
8 (+6) = 14
Smon: Rak
JamesDevil: does he get the pouch and does he not have resistence to heat?
Smon: /roll 4d8
Smon rolls 4d8 and gets: 6, 8, 7, 7, = 28
Smon: 28 /2 for resistance = 14 dmg
JamesDevil: Danor casts protection from elements on hisself (Fire) and reaches in for the wand
Smon: An even redder than usual Rakara emerges with the pouch & wand.
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 8, (+2) = 10
JamesDevil: o, k nvm me then
JamesDevil: if you pass me the wand i can ritually cast identify on it
Keelia: Bright Star watches from the distance, unable to help with hot water
DESTROYERBILL: i have a pouch of rats i kill so i can get temp hp every time i get hurt
JamesDevil: k, pass me the wand so i can identify it
DESTROYERBILL: fine identafiy it but its mine
Keelia: Bright Star waits.
Smon: Danor casts identify on the wand - Wand of Magic Detection This wand has 3 Charges. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to cast the Detect Magic spell from it. The wand regains 1d3 expended Charges daily at dawn.
Smon: The pouch holds 700 sp.
Keelia: Bright Star loops up the wire and stores it away again.
JamesDevil: its a wand of magic detection, i can cast it ritually so its no use to me anyway
DESTROYERBILL: ill take it
JamesDevil: Danor passes it back to Rakara
JamesDevil: ok, so nothing else in this room then?
DESTROYERBILL: i pass my dead rat to bright star and asks her if she wants it
Smon: The linen sheets seem too decayed to be much use.
Keelia: Bright Star turns and heads towards the door down the East hall.
JamesDevil: hmm, ok, back to the horse intersection then
Smon: GM: You leave the hydro room. BS heads east.
DESTROYERBILL: ill jist throw away this dead rat then
Smon: The door at the east end of the tunnel is slightly ajar.
JamesDevil: ooc Cats tend to prefer stuff they can hunt, no sport in hunting a dead animal
Keelia: Bright Star pauses at the next door.
DESTROYERBILL: im following
Smon: Rakara follows BS as she listens at the door.
Smon: roll perception BS
JamesDevil: Danor is behind BS
Smon: The chamber beyond the ajar door is dark.
JamesDevil: I'll assist her
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 17, (+8) = 25
JamesDevil: ah, wait, no nvm, not proficient
JamesDevil: didn't need it anyway
Smon: The chamber is silent, dark, and ...webby.
Keelia: She carefully pushes the door open, bow ready in her off-hand.
Keelia: "Spiders," she murmurs to Danor. "Have you fire?"
Smon: About 40x40 with 4 even-spaced pillars supporting the arched ceiling.
JamesDevil: Danor picks up a rock, cast light on it and throws it into the room
Keelia: she turns her attention to Rakara. "Fire?"
Smon: It looks like an old Dining Hall: Trestle tables & benches; thick webs choke much of the hall.
Smon: BS & D make out a door in the e wall.
JamesDevil: Danor casts shield of faith on himself and steps into the room
JamesDevil: 23AC bring it
Smon: D's rock lands on the floor with a clatter, illuminating the two giant spiders on the ceiling!
Keelia: Bright Star draws her bow and nocks an arrow, waiting.
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 5, (+1) = 6
JamesDevil: sacred flame on the first one to move
Smon: As Danor casts soF and steps in, the spiders scuttle down the pillars to attack... roll init
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 12,
JamesDevil: :/
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 1, (+6) = 7
Keelia: lol
Keelia: ok.
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 8, (+3) = 11
JamesDevil: rogue + swashbuckler
JamesDevil: serious swashbuckler is such an op path
Smon: ok #12 Danor
Keelia: (it's got some fantastic bonuses if you do it right )
JamesDevil: sacred flame on the closest one
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 12, (+3) = 15
JamesDevil: DC 15
JamesDevil: edx
JamesDevil: arg
JamesDevil: damn, end turn
Smon: The sacred flame blasts the pillar above the spider as it drops down.
JamesDevil: looks like its hammer time
Smon: Scuttling forward they lunge at the heavily armoured poison resistant dwarf
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
15 (+5) = 20
10 (+5) = 15
JamesDevil: miss miss
Smon: can't get through his ridiculous AC
JamesDevil: i didn't even need soF for that :
Smon: #7 BS
Keelia: Bright Star takes aim at one of the spiders with her bow
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 9, (+7) = 16
Smon: hit
Smon: sneak att
Keelia rolls 4d6+4 and gets: 3, 6, 3, 3, (+4) = 19
Smon: It's badly wounded
Keelia: Bright Star ducks back around the corner and hides
Keelia rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 12, (+13) = 25
Smon: #6 Rakara
DESTROYERBILL: i use eldrich blast
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
3 (+6) = 9
8 (+6) = 14
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d10+3 and gets: 6, (+3) = 9
Smon: Two black beams shoot out, one strikes the wounded spider, it bursts!
Smon: The corpse is flung back, legs in the air.
Smon: R2 #12 Danor
JamesDevil: warhammer on the remaining one
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 10, (+5) = 15
Smon: *crunch* hit
JamesDevil rolls 1d8+2 and gets: 1, (+2) = 3
JamesDevil: -.-
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 6, 4, = 10
Smon: The spider Disengages and scuttles back up the nearest pillar to the ceiling.
JamesDevil: hmm
Smon: Hiding amidst the webs.
JamesDevil: can Danor still see it?
Smon: #7 BS - emerging from hiding you see the spider has fled. You have a general idea of its location, a dark shape amidst the webs. As it takes a while to locate you don't have advtg on shooting it.
Smon: Passive Per 17+ can see it w/out an action
Smon: Cover from webs gives AC 16
DESTROYERBILL: i eldrich blast it
Keelia: I have pp 18
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
13 (+6) = 19
8 (+6) = 14
JamesDevil: ooc wait your turn Bill
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d10+3 and gets: 7, (+3) = 10
Smon: (you can all go) Rakara blasts it off the ceiling.
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 6, 3, = 9
DESTROYERBILL: well its knoked from the webs with 10 feet push back
Smon: It hits the ground, badly wounded.
JamesDevil: warhammer
Smon: BS you can shoot it now w advtg
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 1, (+2) = 3
Smon: as it lies on the floor
JamesDevil: aw commo0n....
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 5, (+7) = 12
Smon: Danor steps up, swings
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 14, (+7) = 21
Keelia rolls 4d6+4 and gets: 2, 2, 2, 2, (+4) = 12
Smon: BS finishes it off with a shot to the thorax.
JamesDevil: nice
DESTROYERBILL: see knoking it down was good
DESTROYERBILL: i will search for eggs and if i find them destroy them
JamesDevil: so, was there anything else in here other than spiders?
Smon: GM: There are the husks of previous meals here, mostly rats.
JamesDevil: any other exits?
Smon: Rakara spots several egg clusters up near the ceiling.
Smon: The east exit
Smon: Rakara happily blasts down the egg sacs.
DESTROYERBILL: i blast them with my eldrich
Keelia: Bright Star collects her arrows and heads across the room towards the East door
Smon: GM: The east door leads to a tunnel that runs east, dimly lit.
JamesDevil: Danor joins BS at the door
Keelia: She waits for Rakara to finish burning the eggs before she continues down the hall
Smon: After 20' a side tunnel runs s from it. 10' beyond the side tunnel is a pitoned-open secret door in the N wall. 20' beyond that the tunnel turns N.
Keelia: Bright Star is interested in the pinned open secret door
JamesDevil: explored by a previous group perhaps?
JamesDevil: lets take a look
Smon: GM: Yes - the map you have shows this area -
Smon: top left of map
JamesDevil: k, cool
Smon: It looks like the area to south/right was thoroughly explored
JamesDevil: ok, lets go the other way then
Smon: Beyond the secret door BS sees dusty steps descending into darkness
Smon: This looks like the way down to level 3.
JamesDevil: shall we proceed down or continue clearing up here?
Smon: Going carefully down the east tunnel to where it turns N, you see it runs N just 10' to a smashed door, wood littering the ground, & beyond the archway a chamber 30x30.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Keelia: no point in going south, it's been cleared
JamesDevil: N then is S has been cleared
Smon: The chamber to north looks like a former Former Dormitory: Old cots; empty footlockers; mildewed clothes.
Keelia: Bright Star pokes around
JamesDevil: Danor heads towards the archway
Smon: The place seems thoroughly picked over, a search finds nothing of value.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 5,
Keelia: Bright Star shrugs and turns around to head back to the stairs
JamesDevil: Danor will follow BS
Smon: However BS does find a nest of pit vipers who were snuggling up among a pile of mildewed bedding
Smon: The snakes were a bit sleepy, but hiss angrily as they're disturbed.
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 6, 1, = 7
Keelia: ah.
Smon: They start to uncoil and rise up.
Keelia: Bright Star has an AC of 16 and uncanny dodge
Smon: what is BS doing?
JamesDevil: now would be a good time to back away
Keelia: backing away
Keelia: slowly
Smon: OK BS roll animal handling (CHA)
JamesDevil: guidance for + 1d4
Smon: no
Keelia rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 3, (+2) = 5
Keelia rolls 1d4 and gets: 2,
Smon: The snakes attack!
JamesDevil: O.o
Smon: Guidance has to be cast BEFORE the check, takes an action, it's not a reaction
Smon: roll init
JamesDevil: i don't have prot from poison prepared >.>
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 13,
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 5, (+6) = 11
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 20, (+4) = 24
Keelia: well, damn
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 19, (+1) = 20
Smon: The snakes lunge at poor BS.
Smon: /roll d20+6x5
Smon Rolls 1d20+6x5 and gets:
2 (+6) = 8
7 (+6) = 13
12 (+6) = 18
2 (+6) = 8
8 (+6) = 14
Keelia: only 1 hit
Smon: DC 11 CON save (w prof)
JamesDevil: sleepsneks
Smon: (give all online PCs prof all saves if not using feats)
Smon: /roll d4+4
Smon rolls 1d4+4 and gets: 2, (+4) = 6
JamesDevil: yay!
Keelia rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 16, (+4) = 20
Smon: /roll 3d6
Smon rolls 3d6 and gets: 4, 6, 6, = 16
Smon: 6 piercing and 16/2=8 poison = 14 dmg total.
Keelia: ok
Smon: Rakara creates a Hypnotic pattern weaving across the snakes & BS...
Keelia: so 9 after taking off the aid, not as bad as it could have been
Smon: WIS save DC 14 BS (w prof)
9:16am 2018-3-31 DESTROYERBILL Has exited the room
Smon: roll WIS save BS, good luck
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 14, (+7) = 21
9:16am 2018-3-31 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
JamesDevil: nice
Keelia: 21. phew
Smon: Those warlock mind tricks don't work on BS...
Smon: /roll d20x5
Smon Rolls 1d20x5 and gets:
6 = 6
9 = 9
11 = 11
15 = 15
1 = 1
Smon: 4 snakes are charmed!
Smon: Their snakey eyes go wide as they weave back and forth in time to unseen music.
DESTROYERBILL: they will not move or attack untiul the spell is over
Smon: 1 snake uncharmed.
JamesDevil: war hammer on the one that saved
Smon: #13 Danor
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 5, (+2) = 7
Smon: miss again
JamesDevil: o ffs
Smon: #11 BS
JamesDevil: i move away
DESTROYERBILL: if you hit them they will go back to normal
JamesDevil: i was attacking the omne that saved
Smon: snake bites at Danor as he moves away
JamesDevil: i know how the spell works
Smon: /roll d20+6
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 14, (+6) = 20
JamesDevil: miss
Smon: AC 21, yup wow
JamesDevil: it'll be 22 next level
Keelia: Bright Star will back off - cunning action to disengage.
Smon: #11 BS - you see 4 snakes swaying rhythmically
Keelia: No point in fighting the snakes if there is nothing beyond it of it interest
Smon: BS backs away carefully
JamesDevil: indeed
Smon: ok R2 snake morale
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 1, 5, = 6
Smon: The snake must be hungry, it slithers forwards...
Smon: /roll d3
Smon rolls 1d3 and gets: 3
Smon: It'll attack BS unless she fled full speed last round (action to move)?
Keelia: yep, she was out the door
JamesDevil: lol
Smon: OK Danor is nearest then so goes for him
Smon: /roll d20+6
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 18, (+6) = 24
Smon: hit!
JamesDevil: hly cow
JamesDevil: yep
Keelia: damn - thru your armour
Smon: poison sv w advtg DC 11
JamesDevil: resist and advant though
Smon: /roll d4+4
Smon rolls 1d4+4 and gets: 2, (+4) = 6
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 3,
Smon: /roll 3d6
Smon rolls 3d6 and gets: 2, 5, 1, = 8
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 4,
JamesDevil: err, is a consave right?
Smon: (yes) 6 piercing & 8/2 =4 poison
JamesDevil: k, so plus 3 to those....still not great
Smon: 10 dmg
Keelia: (don't forget you had your aid on)
JamesDevil: yep
DESTROYERBILL: i blast the norm one
JamesDevil: so i'm now poisoned...
Smon: Rakara moves in to get a clear shot & EBs
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
7 (+6) = 13
15 (+6) = 21
JamesDevil: with no way of curing it .....
Smon: You don't have the Poisoned condition no
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d10+3 and gets: 9, (+3) = 12
Smon: just 10 dmg inc poison dmg
JamesDevil: o thank god
Smon: Rakara blasts the snake across the dorm, killing it!
JamesDevil: k, cool
Smon: The other snakes still sway to the hypnotic pattern.
JamesDevil: lets leave them be
DESTROYERBILL: now danor will you exacute the other snakes
JamesDevil: given my recent rolls i think someone else should handle them ....
DESTROYERBILL: okay lets leave
Smon: Rakara's familiar is chirping in draconic, singing praises of the mighty warlock snake-defeater.
Keelia: "Down the stairs?" she asks, pointing to the previous hall
JamesDevil: sounds good
Smon: 10:28 - stop there?
JamesDevil: good point
Smon: Can do XP now
Keelia: (Yep. That's our cut off. perfect timing )
JamesDevil: XP sounds good
Smon: Tabletop group will prob go down those stairs tomorrow, so best thing is you go back & return next week at full strength, explore from this point.
Keelia: That's cool. Bright Star will leave a message at the Inn or with Dr Rosa about the snakes
Smon: XP is 520 each.
Keelia: awesome, thanks
Keelia: good game, gents. see you next week - same time in UK. An hour earlier for me
JamesDevil: still need another 680 for next level, very slowly getting thetre....
JamesDevil: thxs for the game
Smon: OK that night BS can tell Rosa etc about the snake threat
Smon: Could prob start at 8 next week, 2 hrs is a bit short?
JamesDevil: sure if that works for everyone else
Keelia: That should be fine. That will be 5pm for me, so I may be in the middle of dinner but I'll be on
Smon: ok let's aim for 8am UK if that suits everyone, an extra 30 mins play is good :)
Sunday, 25 March 2018
Tabletop 16 25/9/47 Stonehell - into level 3
1. Elsie, Half Elf fey pact Warlock 2 > 3
2. Bandar, Half Elf infernal pact Warlock 2 > 3
3. Cain, Human Paladin 3
4. Aeris, High Elf Wizard 3
5. Ying Fu, Human Monk 5
Group fights gnolls in the canyon then delves down through level 2 & secret stairs to 3, barely surviving a battle with powerful hobgoblin-oids, before Elsie gains a powerful magical elephant figurine.
Bratanis Group (David)
Bratanis; 25/9/47;
The siege of Bratanis comes to a head.
With the hobgoblin army surrounding Bratanis, the local adventurers and guards
men come until a series of daily attacks, trying to hold out for reinforcements and the dwarven mercs they hired.
The defenders use the magic pedestal to ward off manticores.
The attacks were as follows;
Hobgoblins forming a tortoise of shields, attacking the gate with acid.
Goblins with semi-functioning wings, being fired from Ogre catapults. Hobgoblin cultists try to raise the resulting corpses inside the walls.
Ankhegs tunneling into Bratanis's temple. The local adventurers barely manage to save the local priest.
Harpies try to lure Bratanis's guards off the walls, but get driven off by orc mercs.
Dwarven mercs are spotted (about a day after they should have arrived), causing hobgoblin knights to abort a charge.
A flying, invisible cultist causes chaos. (With multiple concentration spells on him, it suggests there were more of those cultists somewhere in the area, maintaining the spells).
Finally, the Hobgoblin warlord, a cart full of acid, and two manticores attack the tower from above.
The magic pedestal's ward against manticores forces those to fly off, but warlord remained on the roof, with acid burrowing into the tower.
The adventurers burnt up the energies of the Pedestal (turning it non-magical), to give the party a quick short rest.
They then fought the warlord on the roof. 2 adventurers hit the floor, then two flying creatures swoop in.
First is the third manticore. Second is Calcryx, the white dragon wyrmling from the Sunken Citadel (ridden by the kobold leader Yusdrayl). Dragon beats manticore. (Interestingly, Calcryx seems to be getting bigger..).
The tide turns, and the party is victorous, lifting the siege.
1. Elsie, Half Elf fey pact Warlock 2 > 3
2. Bandar, Half Elf infernal pact Warlock 2 > 3
3. Cain, Human Paladin 3
4. Aeris, High Elf Wizard 3
5. Ying Fu, Human Monk 5
Group fights gnolls in the canyon then delves down through level 2 & secret stairs to 3, barely surviving a battle with powerful hobgoblin-oids, before Elsie gains a powerful magical elephant figurine.
Bratanis Group (David)
Bratanis; 25/9/47;
The siege of Bratanis comes to a head.
With the hobgoblin army surrounding Bratanis, the local adventurers and guards
men come until a series of daily attacks, trying to hold out for reinforcements and the dwarven mercs they hired.
The defenders use the magic pedestal to ward off manticores.
The attacks were as follows;
Hobgoblins forming a tortoise of shields, attacking the gate with acid.
Goblins with semi-functioning wings, being fired from Ogre catapults. Hobgoblin cultists try to raise the resulting corpses inside the walls.
Ankhegs tunneling into Bratanis's temple. The local adventurers barely manage to save the local priest.
Harpies try to lure Bratanis's guards off the walls, but get driven off by orc mercs.
Dwarven mercs are spotted (about a day after they should have arrived), causing hobgoblin knights to abort a charge.
A flying, invisible cultist causes chaos. (With multiple concentration spells on him, it suggests there were more of those cultists somewhere in the area, maintaining the spells).
Finally, the Hobgoblin warlord, a cart full of acid, and two manticores attack the tower from above.
The magic pedestal's ward against manticores forces those to fly off, but warlord remained on the roof, with acid burrowing into the tower.
The adventurers burnt up the energies of the Pedestal (turning it non-magical), to give the party a quick short rest.
They then fought the warlord on the roof. 2 adventurers hit the floor, then two flying creatures swoop in.
First is the third manticore. Second is Calcryx, the white dragon wyrmling from the Sunken Citadel (ridden by the kobold leader Yusdrayl). Dragon beats manticore. (Interestingly, Calcryx seems to be getting bigger..).
The tide turns, and the party is victorous, lifting the siege.
Saturday, 24 March 2018
L5+ 24/9/47 Clearing the Hive - Otroggic Hive #4
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7:29pm 2018-3-24 Smon Has entered the room
Smon: Morning Keelia
Keelia: morning!
Smon: How is Bright Star for money?
Keelia: I know for certain she has 75g but she has more on her other character sheet - I just don't know how much
Keelia: (it's still in transit from London)
Keelia: plus 225 silver
Smon: Any healing potions?
Keelia: yes
Keelia: she has 1 jar of nemuan paste, 5 extra healing, and 1 normal healing
Smon: So pretty good
Keelia: yes
Keelia: she also has all those other potions (either enlargement or diminution, hair removal, babble in tongues, poison, cause hallucinations, speed, sleep and turning skin green)
Keelia: and the scroll of protection from undead
Keelia: oh, btw, if my responses are slow - I'm having to work off my phone internet as my house internet is dead right now
Keelia: it seems quick enough but I don't know how quick it's getting to you.
Smon: (seems fine) The prot fr undead scroll is slightly smudged, giving a 20% chance of failure when used.
Keelia: yes - I'll make a note on the sheet now
Keelia: james is running late - missed his train.
Smon: ok thx
Keelia: Bright Star will ask Danor to bind the tablet key back together
Smon: If it's just Bright Star to start, could either finish mapping the Otroggic Hive (carefully) or else explore the stargazer dungeon/Modnar's cellar in the woods?
Smon: GM: By the time Sandro has his magic items from the kobolds, Danor has the tablet reassembled - it's fragile but is in one piece.
Keelia: Sure - she'll start out
Keelia: She'll wrap that up carefully and head out.
Smon: GM: 24/3/47 Bright Star heads out bright and early one morning at the end of the dry season, Vuthrik the Last Deathwalker pacing alongside her.
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 1,
Smon: Fat warm drops of rain are falling on the parched landscape, and in the distance thunder rolls over the Ghinarian peaks, occasional lightning flashes in the cloudy grey sky.
Keelia: Bright Star's ears twitch at the thunder
Smon: 2.5 hours after leaving Selatine, a rather damp Bright Star & Vuthrik reach the entrance to the Otroggic Hive.
Smon: A few wolf bones are scattered about, but the entry cave is deserted.
Keelia: She heads towards the rope with a smile at Vuthrik
Keelia: "Try to dry yourself in the cave, friend!"
Smon: Vuthrik nods, lowering the rope and pitoning it. "Be careful down there."
Smon: Outside the rain is pouring down, but the cave is dry and comfortably warm.
Keelia: She nods. "Bright Star will do her best."
7:54pm 2018-3-24 JamesDevil Has entered the room
JamesDevil: Hi
Keelia: She'll climb down the rope and activate stealth mode
JamesDevil: sooooooooooo sorry
JamesDevil: i hate tfl -.-
Keelia: (hey James! no worries!)
Smon: GM: BS is about to climb down the rope when a wet and harrassed looking Danor comes in out of the rain into the entry cave.
Smon: hi James
Smon: Vuthrik: "Good morning, Father."
Smon: No sign of Sandro yet.
JamesDevil: morning all, looks like the lord has blessed us with a little more rain!
Keelia: (He's probably off practicing new Monk things)
Smon: GM: You're in the entry cave above the Otroggic Hive. The weather has finally turned, in the distance thunder rumbles over the Ghinarian Hills.
Smon: Vuthrik has secured the rope.
Keelia: "Come, friend, let us go investigate more of the cave"
JamesDevil: Danor climbs down the rope after BS
7:57pm 2018-3-24 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
Keelia: And here is the monk!
Smon: GM: BS & Danor climb down into the mossy blue entry grotto, Danor's feet crunching on the old bones. Above them a rain wet Sandro arrives...
Sandor Sunneson: Good evening/morning
Keelia: (hey ferg!)
JamesDevil: yo
Smon: Vuthrik nods a good morning and indicates the rope down into the Otroggic Hive...
Smon: hi Fergus
Sandor Sunneson: (Hello :)) , hope all is well :), all still alive?
Sandor Sunneson: Hi Simon, how's Bill?
Smon: Just started
Smon: fine, playing Total War
Keelia: (we've barely started - just climbing down the rope)
Smon: /roll d6
Sandor Sunneson: Cool, clocks go forward tomorrow and I have an early start, so will play for about an hour
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: The entry grotto seems undisturbed in the 3 weeks since you were here last.
Keelia: (then we'd better go straight for the sealed room )
Keelia: (we can explore later)
Smon: (good plan)
Sandor Sunneson: sounds good
JamesDevil: indeed, grreat plan, lets go!
Smon: GM: Taking the exit tunnel you come to the 5-way intersection.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro has on his goggles of the night
Smon: You head straight east to the ambulant shroom room?
Keelia: Bright Star has the fragile but put-together tablet in her bag and once everyone is down the rope, she points to the South East hall, which leads to the walking mushroom/pool room and the locked door
Keelia: (yes)
JamesDevil: Danor casts aid on everyone, +5 temp hp
Keelia: (thanks for the aid )
Sandor Sunneson: Merci
Smon: The natural caves give way to worked stone here, indicating that intelligent beings formed this chamber. The walls and ceiling are covered by a myriad of cracks that seep water, and a pool of mineral-laden red water has accumulated in the center of the room. A colony of motley mushroom, each 4‘ tall and colored purple, blue, and pink crowd around the verge of the pool. The colony is comprised of twenty armada mushrooms...
Sandor Sunneson: Guess timewise we had a long rest? So back to full Ki for Sandro?
Keelia: Bright Star will carefully stay to the edge of the room to avoid spooking the mushrooms
Keelia: (yes, we had several weeks)
Sandor Sunneson: (cool)
Smon: (yes, 3 weeks since your return, time to sell the magic sword & get your items made) Your mushroom friends don't seem too agitated as you edge round the north side of the chamber, round to the east exit, 20' tunnel into the ruined dormitory.
JamesDevil: Danor will follow BS's lead and try to avoid startling the mushrooms
Smon: The air in this room smells of mold and mildew punctuated by the slightly sweet smell of old death. Formerly a common room/sleeping quarters, this chamber contains rickety cots, fragile tables, and rotted chairs, the wood of which is spongy with moisture. Mildew clings everywhere and harmless vermin skitter away from your feet...
Keelia: Bright Star carefully draws out the tablet and hands it to Sandro, then she digs out the scroll of protection from undead and hands it to danor
Smon: The doorway on the north side of the chamber is of black wood and it is flanked by a pair of impressive-looking pillars. Both the columns and the door bear carvings that depict a variety of bugs, worms, maggots, and other disgusting pests. In the center of the door is a 4 inch x4 inch undecorated depression.
Keelia: "Friend Danor has a better chance of casting this than Bright Star, though it still has a chance of failure"
JamesDevil: Thank you BS
Smon: Using an action to read the scroll encloses you in a invisible barrier that extends from you to form a 5-foot-radius, 10-foot-high cylinder. For 5 minutes, this barrier prevents creatures of the specified type from entering or affecting anything within the cylinder. The cylinder moves with you and remains centered on you. However, if you move in such a way that a creature of the specified type would be inside the cylinder, the effect ends.
Smon: So if Danor reads it & Sandro & BS stay right beside him, all should be protected for 5 minutes - if it works.
JamesDevil: so its self only?
JamesDevil: k, coolio
Sandor Sunneson: sounds good
Smon: let me know if/when using
Keelia: Bright Star takes the tablet back from Sandro and moves towards the door. "All are ready to see what is behind this door?"
Smon: The black door appears glossily moist and rotten to the eye, but you have reason to suspect all is not as it seems.
Sandor Sunneson: yes
Keelia: She slots the tablet into the depression, careful to avoid touching the wood
Smon: As BS slots the tablet into the depression - it fits perfectly - a red glow glimmers over it.
Smon: Then the door swings silently open on unseen hinges into the entryway of the dark and foreboding chamber beyond...
Keelia: she steps back a little, wary of magic but peers into the darkness, reaching for her bow.
JamesDevil: Danor cast light on a rock and throws it through the door
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will look through the door with his goggles on
Smon: The walls of thefuneral chamber beyond (about 15x15) are painted with frescoes of more noisome pests. A 4‘ diameter painting of a cockroach encircled by a worm with its tail in its mouth adorns the wall above a plain stone bier. Atop it is a human-sized corpse wrapped in a shroud. The slight glint of metal is visible beneath its wrapping.
Sandor Sunneson: It's going to come alive folks
Keelia: Bright Star agrees
JamesDevil: Danor holds a sacred flame
Keelia: She checks for a place to hide
Smon: In the light of Danor's rock you see writing on the bier - This is the corpse of Lythurgik Truluj. That is not dead which is forever consumed in Otrogg's Name.
Smon: The light causes an expected reaction, as the corpse on the Bier shifts, rising swiftly to its feet...
Keelia: She wrinkles her nose. "Bright Star thinks bugs will be involved momentarily."
Smon: roll init
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 1,
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 13, (+6) = 19
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 17, (+3) = 20
Keelia: (damn, james)
JamesDevil: good start >.>
Keelia: (but nice one, ferg)
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 19, (+2) = 21
Sandor Sunneson: He said roll init, not your golf handicap
Keelia: (lol!)
Smon: Fine, arm length worms wriggle through gaps in the withered corpse's flesh and its empty eye sockets as it reaches for you...
Keelia: (if it makes you feel better, my polo handicap is -2, the worst you can get )
Smon: You're really +6 init BS?
Keelia: yes
JamesDevil: I assume it will be coming from me since i threw the light rock
Smon: nice
Keelia: it has to do with swashbuckler and some other feats
JamesDevil: ooc gogo Swashbuckler
Smon: The remains of Truluj raise a hand, green light swirls out, whirling around Sandro & Bright Star - both roll WIS save DC 14
Keelia rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 1, (+2) = 3
Smon: Bright Star is paralysed.
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 13, (+5) = 18
Keelia: (not good)
JamesDevil: i think it just cursed your dice BS
Smon: Sandro resists the effect.
Keelia: (ah! someone get my nemuan's paste from my bag - it has anti paralysis!)
Smon: The creature reaches Danor in the doorway, reaches for him...
Keelia: (sandro knows it's there)
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 18, (+5) = 23
JamesDevil: damn him! hit
Keelia: (damn! simon's dice-fu is strong today )
Smon: As it touches Danor, flesh and armour corrode, worms wriggle into his flesh...
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 1, 6, = 7
Smon: /roll 3d6
JamesDevil: O.o
Smon rolls 3d6 and gets: 3, 2, 1, = 6
JamesDevil: dfaq?
Smon: 7 bludgeon, +6 necrotic = 13 dmf & roll a DC 14 CON save
Keelia: (luckily you put on aid!)
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 8, (+2) = 10
JamesDevil: wth?
Smon: Danor isn't feeling too good.
Smon: kinda infested...
Smon: #20 Sandro - are you applying the paste to BS?
Sandor Sunneson: yes
Sandor Sunneson: as instructed
Smon: GM: OK Sandro fishes the paste jar from BS's pack, opens it and smears it over her face... her paralysis ends.
Smon: #19 BS
Keelia: "Bright Star thanks you!"
Sandor Sunneson: welcome
Keelia: What's the rules on apply potions to weapons? Does it take a full action?
Smon: yes
Keelia: thanks.
Keelia: OK - i still have that potion of enlargement or diminutive (not sure which it is) I could try it on the bad guy. He might be too big to get through the door or he might just get stronger. he could also shrink
JamesDevil: or attack him? we've not tried so far
Keelia: or I can give someone a potion of speed
Keelia: I've got piercing weapons. Is he zombie-like or skeleton like?
Smon: Looks more zombie like
Keelia: Bright Star draws her bow and takes aim - using fancy footwork she can attack and retreat with no OA
Smon: The hooded cowl mostlt covers his face but you catch glimpses of withered grey flesh, worms spilling from mouth and eye sockets.
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 2, (+7) = 9
Keelia: you are joking
Smon: BS shoots past Danor, still in the doorway - misses.
JamesDevil: I think we need to reboot d&d
Keelia: Bright Star cannot hit the broad-side of a barn right in front of her. She's become a storm trooper
Keelia: she backs off and looks for shadows
Smon: She could retreat round the corner of the dormitory entry tunnel to west
Keelia: yes, she's going to back off so she can get sneak
Smon: ok
Smon: #1 Danor
JamesDevil: If i cast lesser restoration on myself will it cure this infestation?
JamesDevil: would Danor know that?
Smon: yes, should clear your Helmuth Infestation
Smon: Helminth
JamesDevil: k, Danor cast lesser restoration on himself
Smon: The worms wriggling into Danor's flesh perish and are expelled.
JamesDevil: he then bonus action cast sheild of faith on himself and ends his turn
JamesDevil: 23AC now
Smon: can only do a cantrip + spell
Smon: not 2 spells
JamesDevil: k, no sheilfd of faith then
JamesDevil: end turn
Smon: #21 the wormhearted remains of Otrogg attacks Danor again...
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
13 (+5) = 18
20 (+5) = 25
JamesDevil: 1 hit
Smon: sorry remains of Truluj, priest of Otrogg - crit
Smon: /roll 4d6
JamesDevil: ugh
Smon rolls 4d6 and gets: 6, 6, 2, 6, = 20
Smon: /roll 6d6
Smon rolls 6d6 and gets: 3, 4, 5, 1, 3, 2, = 18
Smon: 20 bludgeoning & 18 necrotic = 38 dmg - you down?
JamesDevil: 37 hp
JamesDevil: yep, down
Smon: DC 14 CON save
Keelia: including your aid?
JamesDevil: that was blown away by the first sattack
Sandor Sunneson: James, you silly sausage
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 19, (+2) = 21
Smon: No infestation.
JamesDevil: small victories....
Smon: The creature moves forward, standing over its prey, and looks to Sandro...
Smon: #20 Sandro
Sandor Sunneson: Are we gettibg the dwarf and getting out of here ?
Sandor Sunneson: Or shall I attack?
Sandor Sunneson: Keelia/James?
Keelia: I think we should grab James and find a more defensible place - we haven't even had a chance to land a blow yet
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, lets withdraw to come back for overall victory
Smon: Would need a bullrush (opposed athletics) to knock it off Danor
Smon: you delaying then?
Smon: Or fleeing?
Sandor Sunneson: athletics is strength?
Smon: yes
Sandor Sunneson: hmmmmm
JamesDevil: yep
Sandor Sunneson: STR 10
Sandor Sunneson: hmmmmm
Sandor Sunneson: I'll attack it once, to see how easy it is to damage it, then Catwoman can grab James?
Keelia: Bright Star could get a running start and body slam it (she has 10 athletics), letting Sandro grab Danor. She'll then use feline agility to run like hell.
Sandor Sunneson: I was going to attack attack it, then you grab Danor
Sandor Sunneson: Stick to your plan, you slam him
Sandor Sunneson: or it
Keelia: your choice
Smon: Shove only takes 1 attack I see so Sandro you could hit it first then shove
Sandor Sunneson: I'll attack it
Smon: what with?
Sandor Sunneson: with his swords
Smon: non magical?
Smon: roll to hit
Keelia: (isn't one magical?)
Sandor Sunneson: he sold froghammer
Keelia: (oh well )
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, he'll see if it does any damage, (He couldn't use it anyway)
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 2, (+5) = 7
Smon: miss
Sandor Sunneson: bah
Smon: 2nd sword attack
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 2, (+5) = 7
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: miss
Smon: You can make 1 unarmed attack, or 2 if spend ki
Keelia: wth dice?
Smon: or shove
Sandor Sunneson: shove
Smon: Otrogg is with his faithful servant
Smon: ok roll athletics STR+Prof
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 13, (+3) = 16
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 16, (+3) = 19
Sandor Sunneson: get in, have it!
Keelia: yes!
Smon: Sandro punches the creature in the chest, sending it flying back.
Keelia: Bright Star ducks in, grabs Danor, and activates Kitty Retreat Power!
JamesDevil: hurray!
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will follow BS
Smon: BS grabs Danor - what's her STR?
Keelia: 8 but she's very motivated
JamesDevil: lol
Smon: actually +10 athletics would auto pass anyway
Keelia: she's got 10 athletics as it's trained
Smon: OK BS grabs Danor and hauls him away at speed, Sandro assisting
Smon: You flee back past the mushrooms.... you hear the creature following you through the tunnel... roll a death save Danor
Keelia: Bright Star zooms past the mushrooms and towards the entrance.
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 18,
Keelia: finally cooperative dice!
Smon: 220' to the entrance... the creature is following... you can outpace it, unless you stop to heal Danor?
JamesDevil: i'll need to be concious to climb that rope
JamesDevil: maybe heal me when we get there?
Keelia: If Bright Star uses Feline Agility - she ca get 2x speed to outpace the bad guy, buy space to pour a healing potion down Danor's throat to get him up, then they can climb up (or Vuthrik can pull him up)
Smon: You can move him at 80'/round, slower of your two paces, went ca 40' on first round so 2 more death saves.
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 17,
Smon: BS on her own can't go at 180'/round w STR 8 carrying a ca 180 lb dwarf
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 3,
Smon: OK you reach the entry grotto well ahead of the creature, with Danor still alive, just.
JamesDevil: 143lb + 128lb of gear....
Smon: LOL
Smon: heavy dwarf
Keelia: Bright Star is MOTIVATED
Smon: BS can carry around 80 lb and that's generous
JamesDevil: is there any other kind?
Keelia: She pours a extra healing potion down his throat. it's 4d4+4
Keelia: according to her sheet she can carry 120 but drag 240, and his armour makes him like a slide
Smon: GM: As BS pours the potion down Danor's throat, the creature enters the grotto...
Keelia rolls 4d4+4 and gets: 1, 4, 1, 1, (+4) = 11
Smon: 120 at half speed I believe
Smon: Danor wakes on 11 hp.
JamesDevil: have we got time to all climb up the rope?
Smon: The rope dangeles enticingly from above.
Smon: roll init
Keelia: I have no idea about those rules - but MOTIVATED
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will distract it egging it over in his direction
JamesDevil: lo
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 1, (+6) = 7
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 10, (+3) = 13
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 7, (+2) = 9
JamesDevil: screw it, i'm using the scroll on my turn
JamesDevil: no kitty will be left behind
Smon: #15 Danor gets to his feet, reading the slightly smudged scroll...
Smon: roll d100, get 21+
JamesDevil rolls 1d100 and gets: 22,
Smon: lol
Keelia: yay!
Smon: A bright blue light enfolds Danor, stutters for a moment, then goes firm!
Sandor Sunneson: minimal effort
JamesDevil: can i bonus action healing word myself?
Smon: At the base of the rope, you are all within the 5' radius light
Smon: yup
JamesDevil rolls 1d4+4 and gets: 4, (+4) = 8
Smon: OOC my screen just turned blood red hue for night time vision, very dramatic
Keelia: Bright Star calls up to Vuthrik, warning him of the incoming evil
JamesDevil: end turn
JamesDevil: lol
Keelia: ( )
Smon: #13 Sandro your go
Smon: You could eg clumb the rope to safety, or leave the protected area & attack it?
Keelia: (climb the rope, throwing weapons?)
JamesDevil: can't he stand in the protected area and attack?
Smon: No, it's not adjacent to the shielded area, it's just at the tunnel entrance to the grotto
Smon: He could throw something if he has anything
JamesDevil: k
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will climb up the road to safety as he ain't got a magic weapon, no point in fighting it, agreed?
JamesDevil: well i've got 5 mins of it not getting closer to me, so i'm gonna sacred flame the bastard till its ashes
Smon: OOC you should prob read your class abilities sometime Sandro
JamesDevil: but yea, for you climbing maakes snse
Sandor Sunneson: Ki-Empowered Strikes Starting at 6th level, your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming Resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Sandor Sunneson: been working today, how cool is that, nah I'll attack it then
Keelia: ok. We have the rope as an escape.
Sandor Sunneson: he'll use 1 ki point on the flurry of attacks
Smon: OK Sandro leaps to the fray...
Sandor Sunneson: so four attacks
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+5x4 and gets:
12 (+5) = 17
19 (+5) = 24
2 (+5) = 7
4 (+5) = 9
Smon: 2 hits
Sandor Sunneson: 5 Ki left
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6+6 and gets: 1, 1, (+6) = 8
Sandor Sunneson: duck off
Smon: Sandro hears a slight crunching.
Smon: Truluj reaches for him...
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
7 (+5) = 12
7 (+5) = 12
Smon: misses
Smon: #7 BS
Keelia: Bright Star nocks and arrow and prays that this time her shot will land true
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 9, (+7) = 16
Smon: hit (shooting past Sandro +2 AC = AC 14)
Smon: can sneak dmg as Sandro adjacent
Keelia: great!
Keelia rolls 4d6+4 and gets: 1, 3, 6, 6, (+4) = 20
Sandor Sunneson: nice
Smon: The arrow has a small effect - takes half damage from non-magical, so 10.
Keelia: (phew some good dice finally )
JamesDevil: aw...
Smon: #15 Danor
JamesDevil: sacred flame
Keelia: (better than a miss!)
Smon: DEX save
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 1, (+2) = 3
JamesDevil rolls 2d8 and gets: 8, 5, = 13
Keelia: (yay!)
Smon: The sacred forge flame strikes it, worms shriek and burn...
Smon: It takes 26 dmg - radiant vulnerable!
JamesDevil: healing word myself as a bonus action
JamesDevil: yay!
JamesDevil rolls 1d4+4 and gets: 4, (+4) = 8
Keelia: Bright Star cheers (her god is Tezca so she likes fire )
JamesDevil: end turn
Smon: #13 Sandro
Sandor Sunneson: do another 4 attacks for another Ki
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+5x4 and gets:
18 (+5) = 23
20 (+5) = 25
15 (+5) = 20
3 (+5) = 8
JamesDevil: nice
Sandor Sunneson: excellent
Smon: 3 hits inc 1 crit
Sandor Sunneson: 15+4d6?
Sandor Sunneson rolls 4d6+15 and gets: 2, 6, 6, 3, (+15) = 32
Smon: The ki empowered flurry of blows smashes ribs and worms
Keelia: nice!
Smon: 4d6+9 presumably
Sandor Sunneson: sorry, yes
Smon: 26
Sandor Sunneson: 26
Smon: Truluj attacks Sandro
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
10 (+5) = 15
3 (+5) = 8
Smon: AC?
Keelia: Bright Star cheers again for Sandro
Sandor Sunneson: 15
Sandor Sunneson: one hit
Smon: /roll 5d6
Smon rolls 5d6 and gets: 5, 2, 5, 1, 5, = 18
Smon: 18 dmg & roll a DC 14 CON save
Sandor Sunneson: ouch
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 4, (+6) = 10
Sandor Sunneson: double ouch
Smon: Worms burrow into Sandro - infested
Smon: #7 BS
Sandor Sunneson: it'll be fine, he has that paste stuff too
JamesDevil: does that clear infested?
Smon: Bright Star your go
Keelia: paralysis yes, not sure about infested
Keelia: She takes aim again
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 4, (+7) = 11
Smon: miss
Smon: #15 Danor
Keelia: darn!
JamesDevil: lesser restoration on Sandro
JamesDevil: then end turn
Smon: can't, it's a touch spell
Keelia: Burn the baddie - we can clear infestation later?
JamesDevil: sigh, ok, sacred flame then
Smon: You'd need to go over to Sandro, pushing the prot fr undead against the creature which would drop it
JamesDevil: not, sacred on the undead
Smon: ok dex save
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 20, (+2) = 22
JamesDevil: yea
JamesDevil: -.-
Smon: this time he ducks.
Keelia: O.o
Smon: #13 Sandro
JamesDevil: healing word on Sandro
JamesDevil rolls 1d4+4 and gets: 2, (+4) = 6
Smon: It has no effect
Smon: The infestation stops Sandro regaining any hit points
Sandor Sunneson: how badly injured is this thing?
Smon: badly
JamesDevil: o, ffs
JamesDevil: waste of a slot
Sandor Sunneson: he'll do another ki attack
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+5x4 and gets:
17 (+5) = 22
3 (+5) = 8
8 (+5) = 13
15 (+5) = 20
Smon: 3 hits
Sandor Sunneson rolls 3d6+9 and gets: 1, 3, 3, (+9) = 16
Smon: The creature staggers under the ki empowered blows, many dead worms scattered around.
Smon: It reaches for Sandro...
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
11 (+5) = 16
2 (+5) = 7
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: /roll 5d6
Smon rolls 5d6 and gets: 2, 6, 2, 5, 1, = 16
Smon: 16 dmg to Sandro
Smon: bludgeoning & necrotic
Sandor Sunneson: 17/51
Smon: #7 BS
Keelia: Bright Star swaps over to her lycanthrope bane sword and uses fancy footwork to get in, attack, and retreat back to safety. She hopes her god will favour her strike this time.
Keelia rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 13, (+8) = 21
Smon: OK BS leaves the safe zone nips in and hits it... what sort of sword is it?
Sandor Sunneson: +7 vorpal??
Keelia: lycanthrope bane +1
Smon: short? long?
JamesDevil: a vorpal at this level?!?!
Keelia: It's not vorpal - just bane
Smon: why +8?
Keelia: and for lycanthropes. It's magical.
JamesDevil: longsword or shortsword?
Smon: scimitar? rapier? Where's it from?
Keelia: not sure - that's what I have on my sheet. My normal attack is +7, the +1 gives me 8
JamesDevil: whats the damage dice?
Keelia: I think it's scimitar. I've used it ebfore
Keelia: *before
Keelia: it's 1d6+5 - plus my sneak because Sandro is adja
Smon: Longsword is d8 but can't sneak attack, uses your STR 8. Scimitar is d6 + DEX +1
Sandor Sunneson: There was a scimitar going around earlier as a prize I remember
Keelia: *adjacent, which gives me the 4d6 (same as my bow) but it's +5 damage because it's a +1 sword
Smon: OK, you need to note the kind of sword/weapon since they do different sorts of dmg & most can't sneak attack
Keelia: can't use sneak for sword?
JamesDevil: not if its a long sword
JamesDevil: finesse only ones
Keelia: ok - i know it's a weapon i can use and it's 1d6 - so it's a scimitar
Keelia: which I can use
Smon: ok
Keelia: so, sneak or no sneak? I can re-roll
Smon: (I'm gonna house rule Rogues can use scimitars)
Smon: Yes + sneak
Keelia: thanks
Keelia: great!
Smon: (I've been letting Bill's Rogues use scimitars, too late to change now!)
Keelia: excellent
Smon: roll high
Keelia rolls 4d6+5 and gets: 5, 2, 6, 2, (+5) = 20
Keelia: hopefully that's high enough
Smon: The scimitar seems to slice straight through the mouldering bones, and it collapses in a heap of dust and dead worms.
Keelia: Bright Star slips back into the light (fancy footwork means no OA)
JamesDevil: yay
Sandor Sunneson: finally
JamesDevil: any loot in the heap of dust?
Keelia: Bright Star sighs and wipes dead guts off her sword and puts it away
JamesDevil: o yea, and lesser restoration on Sandro
Keelia: Bright Star uses an arrow to sift through the dust
Smon: Beneath the rotted shroud you see a silver & gold Otrogg amulet, gold cockroach encircled by silver worm.
Keelia: She lifts it out with the arrow and sets it aside.
Sandor Sunneson: thank you
JamesDevil: no worries hummy friend
Smon: It's very heavy - solid gold, worth ca 250gp.
JamesDevil: found a shiny BS?
Smon: Sandro feels better.
Keelia: She holds it up on the tip of an arrow. "Gold and Silver. Good for a few drinks and a few potions."
Smon: The arrow sags - it weighs about 2.5 lb, over a kilo
JamesDevil: a few drinks sounds good to me
Smon: Have 800 XP each
Keelia: She struggles to keep it level, then gives up and wraps the bug amulet in a cloth to avoid getting dead bugs in her bag
Sandor Sunneson: 83gp each,
JamesDevil: only 2 spell slots left, both 4th level, so if we go forward we'll need to be careful
Sandor Sunneson: Nice, thank you
Keelia: Anyone not have a potion?
Smon: You could short rest upstairs w Vuthrik?
JamesDevil: not me, but i can heal so
JamesDevil: i won't get any slots back on a short rest will I
JamesDevil: ?
Smon: no
Sandor Sunneson: no
JamesDevil: k, still better to rest and spend hit die though
Smon: Your cantrip did 4d8 that seems plenty
JamesDevil: go up and rest then?
Smon: GM: You clamber up the rope into the ex wolf cave.
Smon: Rain beats down outside.
Keelia: if anyone needs health, sure.
Smon: Vuthrik: "You look a little beat up."
Sandor Sunneson: S will rest up
Keelia: (brb - need to fetch my phone charger before it dies and I lose my internet from it)
Smon: GM: OK you short rest and Vuthrik gives you sandwiches, mercifully bug free
JamesDevil: Danor will rest too
JamesDevil: "Nasty bugger down there, took me out of the fight right quick!'
Sandor Sunneson: 17/51, will use all 6HD
JamesDevil: Danor uses 3 HD
JamesDevil: now back to full
Sandor Sunneson rolls 6d8+18 and gets: 7, 5, 4, 1, 2, 2, (+18) = 39
Sandor Sunneson: Back at full
Keelia: (back)
JamesDevil rolls 6d8 and gets: 2, 7, 3, 8, 3, 3, = 26
Sandor Sunneson: 3 Ki left
JamesDevil: 2 x 4th level slots and thats it
Smon: GM: After patching up & short rest you are back to full Ki (6 per short rest Sandro)
Sandor Sunneson: cool
Keelia: (we have maybe 6 unexplored paths. Alternatively, we can go explore elsewhere.)
JamesDevil: right, back down and check the room the dust pile came out of?
Keelia: Bright Star nods "South-East and East further."
Sandor Sunneson: ok
Sandor Sunneson: Back we go
Smon: GM: OK you return to the Hive and make your way back to the crypt of Truluj.
Smon: Searching around, it seems bare of treasure, just the noisome frescoes.
JamesDevil: :/
JamesDevil: ok, guess we should check on of the other unexplored paths
Keelia: (nearest unexplorered is North of the walking mushroom room beside us)
JamesDevil: thats our destination then
Keelia: (opposte direction of the green slime room)
Keelia: Bright Star keeps to the edge of the room so as not to terrify the mushrooms into a stampede and heads north
Keelia: then west
JamesDevil: Danor does the same
Smon: GM: You check out the tunnel from the mushroom room, north then west. It runs a good way then turns SW and you find yourselves back at the 5 way intersection just SE of the entry grotto.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor follows the masses
Keelia: ok. Take the South path towards the room with the 5 benches
Smon: I'll give 100 XP if you tell me the right way to go
Keelia: there's two paths there we haven't checked
Smon: You go SE and come out into the room with benches & glowing lichen.
Smon: There is a tunnel to the south that bends west, to north you've gone, and to east bending SE.
Keelia: If we go South East, I think that leads to Bug queen room. but not sure.
Keelia: So probably try South first?
JamesDevil: sounds good
Sandor Sunneson: lets go
Keelia: Ok, we'll head south - south-west
Smon: You head south down a mossy tunnel with clear beetle tracks. It runs sw then w then nw, after 60' or so coming out into a fairly stinky cave 20' across.
Smon: A heap of cracked bones, torn armor, broken weapons, and other assorted debris stands in this cave. Mixed in with this pile are rotting fungi, soil, and excrement. This looks to have been the death grip beetles‘ garbage heap, the place where they dragged the remains of their meals
Keelia: Bright Star wrinkles her nose and stops at the entrance
Smon: Roll Nature please
Sandor Sunneson: oh
JamesDevil: Danor throws a stone with light on it into the room to see if there is any reaction
Keelia rolls 1d20 and gets: 9,
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 14,
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will use his goggles to see in the dark
Smon: The stone illuminates a large central pile of filth
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 19,
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro is feeling natural
Keelia: Bright Star is too distracted by the smell
Keelia: But Sandro sees all
JamesDevil: throwing light stones into rooms really seems to work well ^^
Smon: Sandro you reckon the filth pile is warm & fetid, it could release dangerous toxic gas if released.
Keelia: he and mother nature are best buddies
Smon: Might be best to send the dwarf in?
Keelia: Bright Star looks at Danor questioningly.
JamesDevil: is that a crack about my bo?
Keelia: No, but aren't you resistant to poison or something?
Sandor Sunneson: Do any of the weapons give off a magic glow?
JamesDevil: yea, i know you didn't mean it
JamesDevil: fine....Danor steps into the room and pokes the piles with his war hammer
Smon: Foul gas billows up as Danor breaches the cyst...
JamesDevil: i can ritually cast detect magic if you like
Smon: Danor roll CON save DC 13 w advtg vs poison
JamesDevil: takes 10 mins though
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 20, (+2) = 22
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 15, (+2) = 17
Keelia: nice!
Smon: Danor holds his breath until the gas dissipates,
JamesDevil: so, do you want me to ritually cast detect magic?
Keelia: All that alcohol poisoning has built up danor's poison resistance
Smon: poking around he starts to find copper coins, then a silver dagger...
Keelia: sure, we can spare 10 minutes
JamesDevil: k, i ritually cast detect magic
Smon: Casting detect magic he senses something deep in the filth pile.
JamesDevil: theres something magic in that pile
Smon: Seems to be a source of enchantment/charm magic
Sandor Sunneson: oooh
JamesDevil: enchantment or charm magic
Keelia: Bright Star tries to peer in from the entrance, curious but wary of the toxic air
JamesDevil: anyone got a shovel or something?
Smon: You could dig with your hands.
JamesDevil: -.-
Keelia: Is there any broken armour / breastplates that can be used as shovel?
JamesDevil: what she said
Keelia: Bright Star only has iron spikes and they aren't good for digging.
JamesDevil: rather use stuff that is not mine
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Smon: Yes you find a flat piece of rusty metal that can be used to dig.
Keelia: great!
Smon: Avoiding getting too filthy, you dig down...
Smon: Eventually Danor's improvised spade clinks on metal...
Smon: Clearing the gunk away, you see: This 2‘ long iron rod is filigreed to resemble the carapace of an insect. At its top is a 2‖ knob formed in the shape of a beetle‘s head.
JamesDevil: more hidious shinies, but it is magical
Smon: 2" knob
Keelia: A magic stick?
JamesDevil: apparently
JamesDevil: some kind of enchantment magic
Smon: Are you taking it?
JamesDevil: yep
Sandor Sunneson: oooh
Smon: OK, you pick it up - it's the Susurrant Rod... you sense it has the power to command insect-kind!
JamesDevil: hmm, does it require attunment?
Sandor Sunneson: oooh, King of the Insects
Smon: Finishing search of the beetle rubbish mound you find only a few more cps, 76 cp total, plus that silver dagger
Smon: Yes it needs Attunement
JamesDevil: interesting
Keelia: Bright Star uses the time while Danor is examining the rod to consult her map. "Possibly one last path we have not taken. Perhaps two, if the two do not join as expected"
JamesDevil: ok, lead on, Danor hangs onto the rod
JamesDevil: and grabs the silver dagger for latter sale
JamesDevil: later*
Smon: GM: Some dark spirit seems to have gone out of the Otroggic Hive with the destruction of Truluj's shade.
Smon: An hour or so of searching reveals no more hideous beasts, or treasure.
Smon: The unnatural heat is fading, too.
Keelia: "In the previous room, should we take the Eastward path, it should lead towards to room which had the bug queen. If it does, Bright Star has no other paths unmarked"
Keelia: "Unless we wish to jump down the waterfall."
Smon: The east tunnel from the garden connects up to the north of the bug queen chamber - BS has fully mapped the warren.
Smon: 100 XP to BS
JamesDevil: ok, i think we're done here then
JamesDevil: gratz
Sandor Sunneson: well done chuck
Smon: OK you all get +200 XP
Keelia: Excellent
JamesDevil: 12800 xp total
Keelia: Bright Star leads the way back to the entrance where their companion waits
Smon: Eventually you bid the Otroggic Hive a fond farewell
Smon: Vuthrik helps you up and you return to Selatine that evening.
Smon: OOC I'll stop there and post stats for the rod.
Friday, 23 March 2018
To ca end M11/47
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7:47pm 2018-3-23 Smon Has entered the room
Smon: Hi Jorian
joriandrake: hi
joriandrake: Wasn't sure when we play today, time wasn't written so I logged in at 7 gmt
Smon: I was aiming for 7.30 but got in 7.40
joriandrake: I'm going to take out mom's dinner of the oven in about 20 mins but otherwise i'm ready to play
joriandrake: Will Bill/Fergus come today?
Smon: bill should be logging in
Smon: he's on warhammer 2 total war right now
Smon: GM: OK after the planning meeting, do you want to meet with anyone? Dyson says something about making Prisha something nice when he gets the chance to reassemble his spellbook & laboratory.
joriandrake: Sim9on I thought of what you said about playing a fighter, I think you were partially correct, not playing any in 5e yet I often just blinked when watching half a dozen or more damage dices being used by barbarians or such, perhaps I would need a 'combat exercise', could be done with the samurai in his homeland maybe, a simple, mission-based game to learn the ropes with warriors
joriandrake: >>Dyson: I can wait if he wants that, but I think he agreed to come to Carchimish anyway, I wish to make a library and a place for him to live, maybe train some students
joriandrake: I assume King Koloth and Lyssana wouldn't mind a famous ex-dragon to be around either
Smon: He definitely didn't agree to settle in Carchimish.
joriandrake: He agreed to stick around until his delve/hoard situation is settled I believe, when Prisha invited him to stay at the temple and suggested the library being named after him, unless I remember wrongly
Smon: You remember wrongly.
Smon: Feel free to check the logs where you kept saying that & I kept saying no.
Smon: He's planning on staying in Hara of course.
8:00pm 2018-3-23 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
joriandrake: hm, I thought using the spell d4 put him above 15 and got him agree, but seems I am wrong
joriandrake: hi Bill
joriandrake: I think PÃ…risha stays a bit longer at hara
DESTROYERBILL: even if dyson did agree bronze would urge him to stay
joriandrake: has to see what happened with Delania, the issue about the temple
joriandrake: How things fare between Lyssana and the prince
DESTROYERBILL: any way dyson is better in harra so he can help protect against scandic invasions
joriandrake: and decide how to do the marriages, and where
joriandrake: HGm, you might be right Bill
DESTROYERBILL: and while he is in harra he can help advise king bronze
joriandrake: Well, I will open a library in Carchimish named after him if possible, get him to be present at the opening, maybe have him get apprentices in Hara if he doesn't wish to move
joriandrake: This might be the best reason at all to have him stay there
DESTROYERBILL: if you wat dyson to live in one of your temples ask him to live in the hara temple he probably whould stay in there with all the young beutiful ladies
joriandrake: Hah, not a bad idea, but Prisha only once heard of the temple from Delania so she still should hm, inspect it, I believe it was said it is under construction now?
joriandrake: maybe it is still time to expand it with a library and have Dyson be there/get apprentices there isntead of Carchimish
joriandrake: Also, Prisha needs to se how/when Lyssana (and Delanie? to the king?) wishes to marry, and decide her own time and place for marriage with Orph
Smon: GM: Yes obviously Dyson is staying in Hara, where the King has promised to help him create a library & laboratory in the castle.
DESTROYERBILL: might i sugest a marage in carcamesh in the first temple you got
joriandrake: Hm, of that I didn't know. Well a mere priestess can't offer the same as a King to an ex-dragon
Smon: Delanie is just the King's mistress/bit on the side, he isn't going to marry her.
joriandrake: I see
joriandrake: as far I know he isn't married though? Correct? I believe that is why lyssana first thought the alliance would be her marriage to Lord Bronze
Smon: Dyson is the Archmage of Nerath and his support validates King Namelin's rule.
joriandrake: Indeed. I just didn't think his direct presence in Hara is needed for that. Carchimish is now also part of nerath but I understand the reasoning, also the offer of the King is probably too good for Dyson to pass
DESTROYERBILL: king bronze now he will be gravley insulted if you call him lord bronze
Smon: Nightshadow suggests >>might i sugest a marage in carcamesh<< that the temple of Meroya in Hara be consecrated with the marriage of Prince Ector & Princess Lyssana.
Smon: Everyone thinks this an excellent notion.
Smon: Could combine with marriage of Prisha & Orph?
joriandrake: Yes, that is why I wondered how to time and place the marriages, I also thought the best way to open the one in Hara to use it first for the ceremony of Ector and lyssana
joriandrake: I'm fine with that, if Orph doesn't mind it being public, he hinted last time of considering a secret ceremony
Smon: It will be about 2 months until the temple in Hara, a refurbished villa, is ready for opening. You can have a small dome on top!
joriandrake: Nice
Smon: >>as far I know he isn't married though? Correct? I believe that is why lyssana first thought the alliance would be her marriage to Lord Bronze<< No he married Earani Cor after usurping her as ruler of Hara! They have 2 children. Their daughter Eratha is betrothed to Hakeem's son Hassan.
joriandrake: I totally forgot that, despite knowing it before.
DESTROYERBILL: shield biter is looking for a big villa arouned 10000gp
Smon: /roll d100
Smon rolls 1d100 and gets: 76,
joriandrake: If there is no plan yet to what to be inside the dome I will let that to be decided by Delanie and Dyson. Delanie will by Prisha officially be declared future Priestess of Hara's new temple. Until now this was not officially decided.
Smon: GM: Delanie has clearly been blessed by Merpya, she's now a full Cleric.
Smon: Prisha roll insight WIS+Prof
joriandrake: ....almost didn't take the food out of oven in time
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 10, (+7) = 17
Smon: GM: Prisha reckons Lyssana is not in love with Ector, but happy to have achieved her mission with the Bronzes.
Smon: Delanie by contrast seems quite taken with King Namelin.
Smon: >>Delanie will by Prisha officially be declared future Priestess of Hara's new temple. Until now this was not officially decided.<< OK
Smon: GM: I'll say you rest up a week and have a long rest to 20/03
joriandrake: Prisha will pull her aside at a time and tell her that Lyssana's happiness is more important to her, but as princess and heir to Carchimish it is her decision whom to marry and bound lives together with. When able she will also tell Delanie that worinkg on her diplomatic persuasion skills with patience King Bronze might agree later to marry her, as Meroya's faith allows to have more than one wife, thus she should work on befriending the current Queen, the first wife as well.
joriandrake: ok
Smon: Delanie nods affably at Prisha's suggestion.
Smon: Orph does seem to prefer the idea of a secret marriage but is easy either way.
Smon: OOC Jorian we are doing the 6 month time skip soon, so if you like we can abstract next few months with some checks?
joriandrake: Prisha then will ask him to make it public, which would be her personal wish. Then Delanie can do a double marriage as you suggested, for which Prisha can help the basic preparations and ceremony rites with before it happens.
joriandrake: We can do that for the time jump yes
Smon: Delanie is absolutely delighted at the thought of marrying Prisha
Smon: OK, 2 months later...
joriandrake: Prisha after marriage in Hara will return to Carchimish to see how things fare there, work with Goldscale and others on that reade route
joriandrake: trade*
Smon: 23/11/47 The Rains of the Wet Season are pouring down as the wedding of Princess Lyssana & Mistress Prisha to Prince Ector & Orph the Bard is held in the newly opened Grand Temple of Meroya in Hara.
Smon: /roll 5d4
Smon rolls 5d4 and gets: 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, = 6
Smon: Prisha gets 6000gp in wedding gifts from the assorted Nerathi nobles and King Bronze
joriandrake: ok, nice (even if the rolsl were not that good)
Smon: Lyssana & Ector get a huge pile of wedding gifts, after all they are royalty
joriandrake: Prisha will use 2500 for lyssana's amulet to be turned into the first full Pendant of Meroya. (unless she wants to pay for herself)
Smon: King Bronze's children play with Shieldbiter's fast growing dragonborn kids in the royal palace.
joriandrake: Or, as she doesn't go yet back to Carchimish, the money is rather set aside for this
Smon: Prisha can spend 2500 to get the reagants to enchant Lyssana's ruby pendant.
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d100 and gets: 79,
joriandrake: OOC consider it done, only +3500gp from marriage thus
Smon: SB is able to get a 10,000gp mansion in Hara from an old widow. It's in need of refurbishment.
joriandrake: Prisha will pay and consider it her wedding gift to lyssana
Smon: Lyssana is happy. She seems quite distracted by her new husband.
joriandrake: Prisha will use her free time in Hara to visit Dyson, check on Kosvar & Anna, and help with the temple construction so the elements of Karakan construction and decoration are implemented (as month(s) ago written in PM)
joriandrake: Nothing too flashy, as she doesn't want to anger conservatives in Hara and Lady llanet
joriandrake: If everything right?
joriandrake: Simon?
Smon: The temple is completed to P's satisfaction
Smon: (was getting custard)
joriandrake: ok
joriandrake: bon appetit then
Smon: Bill is faffing around with SB's treasury
Smon: Anna Bronze doesn't seem ecstatic at her brother taking on Sarene as a vassal, but keeps her silence.
Smon: Nerathi who have suffered from her raids in the past not ecstatic either.
joriandrake: Prisha will tell her that Sarene might inded be an asset currently, but if possible she should not allow the pirate to get her hands on any new Nerathi ships built based on the blueprints
Smon: But her pirate fleet and the hundreds of warriors SB & Sarene can field are certainly welcome.
Smon: Anna nods to P's advice. "My brother will personally command the new squadron, I believe."
joriandrake: Prisha smiles at her and nods. "...and if you and Kosvar decide to want to marry, you can now go either to Delanie or visit me. I would be happy to do the ceremony later in Carchimish, although obviously Delanie will be closer."
Smon: Anna grins. "Thanks for that."
Smon: OOC I have an adventure set near Ahyf I'd like to run, I think the best thing would be to run it next time we have Fergus & you two together
joriandrake: ooc OK
Smon: So Sandor Nightshadow & Prisha I think
joriandrake: ooc not the one which was supposed to happen yesterday?
Smon: Right now you could do crafting if you have the money.
Smon: Once Dyson has his laboratory and gets 25,000gp of reagants together, he is able to enchant Shieldbiter's shield to +3.
Smon: Making it even tastier.
joriandrake: I wondered what to do, have about 4000 gold currently, but I have to buy at least 3 diamonds worth 500gp for revivals and diamonds worth 300 to have more for the lower level option too. That's 1800gp gone, 2200 gp remaining. If prisha wants to build or expand the temple in carchimish unsure if enough for anything, considered an orphanage, local library, or shrine (on the nymph isle) as options
Smon: Prisha could craft up to 3 Uncommon items at 500gp/each, eg +1 weapon, +1 shield
joriandrake: I asume 2000gp wouldn't be enough for an orphanage or shrine?
Smon: Princess Lyssana indicates her father is likely to fund expansion of the temple in Carchimish.
Smon: A guidhall sized building is typically 5000, a small shrine would be less.
DESTROYERBILL: i suggest orphanage whould make people like you much more
joriandrake: Ten Prisha will hint that the shrine could be build on the isle, and a road/bridge to it before expansion of the temple is considered
joriandrake: Prisha will pay for orphanage if she has the money for it
joriandrake: Consider the shrine to be the size simila to buddhist Japanese shrines with space for a family (Priest and family) to live in
joriandrake: so, about the same size as small house
Smon: NB there is more a population shortage not excess, so you don't see huge numbers of abandoned children
joriandrake: Is this true for Hara as well?
joriandrake: If it seems more valid to build/open an orphanage in Hara it will be done there isntead
Smon: Pretty much, though it's not as silly as an orphanage in the Ghinarian Hills where there are very few people.
Smon: I'd say a smallish shrine 2000; orphanage 5000
Smon: Probably more orphans in Carchimish
Smon: The bandits killed a lot and bred a lot
joriandrake: Ok, then Prisha keeps the 2200 currently, might need it later, plus I would never be able to gather the required 5000gp for her own pendant otherwise, the diamons will always get used up anyway
joriandrake: WIll leave it to Lyssana to decide if building the shrine/bridge at the isle is an idea she likes or not, and have King Koloth pay for what she deems more to her tastes
Smon: SB distributes alms to the poor in Hara (2000gp total) making himself a lot more popular.
Smon: SB counts his dragon mount's hoard: 433 Copper 4,674 Silver 508 Gold 5 set(s) of fine clothes (75 gp) 2 flask(s) of alchemists' fire (100 gp) 4 bolt(s) of fine silk (400 gp) 3 bolt(s) of fine silk (300 gp) 7 bottle(s) of common wine (1.4 gp) 6 brown jasper worth 50 gp each 9 red garnet worth 100 gp each Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments hoard total: 3,056.18 gp
Smon: Lyssana: "Really I'd like to keep the Isle our little secret."
Smon: "But I do think an orphanage for the poor waifs is a good idea!"
joriandrake: Prisha nods. "As you wish. I just remembered we talked earlier there about the possibility of a shrine. Let it be then an orphanage" Prisha thinks this might even ger some good points with the courtesans who would like to keep, or at least not get rid of the children in a gruesome way
Smon: Lyssana thinks that is a great idea. OOC Any more book keeping stuff? If not I think will stop there for now and go on when Fergus free.
Smon: (still tired sorry)
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
11-13/9/47 Hara - Coronation (600 XP)
Smon: GM: 11/9/47 the amazon griffons fly Prisha & Sandor to Hara, where the nobles are gathering for the coronation.
Smon: Nightshadow arrives by barge with king Koloth & Sir Baltek etc the same day.
Smon: Queen Malenn is already there with the Ahyf delegation and greets Sandor & Laurana.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor dismounts from the griffon and helps Laurannna down
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will smile in Malenn's direction
7:38pm 2018-3-20 DESTROYERBILL Has exited the room
joriandrake: Prisha bows / curtsies deply to the Queen. "Queen Malenn, I'm in your debt."
7:38pm 2018-3-20 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
Smon: Malenn: "It was the least we could do - you fell fighting for Ahyf."
Smon: GM: That night King Namelin holds a great feast for everyone.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will look around for familiar faces
Smon: During the feast, Chief Minars Rapak arrives with an Altanian delegation and is accorded a place of honour, though clearly relations are still somwhat strained.
DESTROYERBILL: sheild biter arives
Smon: GM: Shieldbiter & Sarene have arrived by ship, and are ushered in.
joriandrake: Prisha looks at the strange newcomer
Smon: King Namelin: "It is good of you to come..."
DESTROYERBILL: "i have come to plege aligiance to you oh high kings with may armeis i will serve you"
Smon: Beside Prisha, Priestess Delanie is chatting away about how Meroya has blessed her, about how great King Namelin is and the rich temple he's building for Meroya in Hara...
Smon: Namelin nods: "You honour us, Lord Shieldbiter. Advance and be recognised as a Lord of Nerath!"
joriandrake: Prisha smiles and nods at Delanie"... In that case I already know what your first ceremony should be in the new temple, but let us discuss that in private Delanie."
Smon: Queen Malenn looks a bit tense at the sight of Shieldbiter.
DESTROYERBILL: call me the king of dragons i like that sound better
Smon: Delanie smiles and nods at Prisha.
Smon: "King of Dragons. Long may you serve Nerath!"
Smon: Namelin's elderly mother Llanet smiles at Shieldbiter. "Your ships will be most welcome, indeed."
joriandrake: If Prisha sits near the Queen, Lady Llanet or Princess Lyssana she will ask who the Dragonkin is
Smon: GM: Sandor could explain?
DESTROYERBILL: oh yes i forgot i also offer you my ships as long as searine is the leader of the fleat is that okay
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will look around to see that Laurana is ok
joriandrake: If Sandor sits near her, sure
Smon: Laurana watches with interest.
Sandor Sunneson: Sure, that is Lord Shirldbiter, the one who annoyed Hakeem
DESTROYERBILL: as you can see i have tamed a dragon of the blue viritey
Smon: Namelin: "If she will pledge..." Sarene swaggers forward and kneels before Namelin. "I pledge allegiance to thee, King of Nerath!"
Smon: (applause)
joriandrake: "...ah" Prisha blinks
Smon: Namelin grins delightedly.
Smon: "Arise Sarene, Captain of the Fleets!"
DESTROYERBILL: i took a small bit of treasure arouned a 15nth and some magiacal items then he swore to kill me
Smon: Princess Anna Bronze sees Queen Malenn's expression.
joriandrake: "and that is Sarene, the Pirate Captain you spoke of earlier?" Prisha asks Sandor
Sandor Sunneson: Correct, beside him
Smon: Anna: "Of course, Lord Shieldbiter and Captain Sarene, you renounce all claims to Queen Malenn's dominion of Ahyf?"
DESTROYERBILL: she can keep the place
Smon: Sarene: "Aye! Queen Malenn, you're welcome to that dump."
Smon: Malenn keeps a poker face. "Thank you."
DESTROYERBILL: i also offer you the head of matriarx to hang with the spear of kanos
Smon: Namelin: "Excellent! The dragon head shall stand atop our walls."
joriandrake: Prisha rolls her yes and smiles. Then nods at Queen Malenn in respect for her restraint
DESTROYERBILL: yes it shall
Smon: "Now, let us feast!"
joriandrake: eyes*
Smon: Malenn nods back to Prisha in acknowledgement as the whole roast oxen are brought out.
Sandor Sunneson: Kosvar watches the goings on too beside Anna
Smon: GM: The feasting goes on long into the night.
Sandor Sunneson: Kosvar gets stuck in to the food and chats with Sandor, Sandor gets tucked in to the nice grub
joriandrake: Prisha looks for where Dyson is
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
joriandrake: and of course his bard
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will go and chat with the Hara knights who he befriended
joriandrake: her
Sandor Sunneson: ooooooooooooooh
Smon: Dyson is beside Namelin, picking at his food.
joriandrake: her bardy
joriandrake: Prisha smiles at Dyson, in a moment when he doesn't look busy with poking the meal
Smon: Yes Prisha reacquaints with Orph. "Hi there. Looking good - or at least alive!" he grins.
Smon: Sandor is greeted warmly by Sir Danelac and co, they trade war stories.
joriandrake: "Yes, we're both well." Prisha smiles and kissed him on the cheek "... I heard the reason why you didn't stay at my side. We should talk later, but no worries. It won't be preaching."
DESTROYERBILL: sheild biter spots dyson and asks "why are you in human form why not dragon form"
Smon: Dyson: "Oh hello, Lord Shieldbiter! Yes when Prisha resurrected me in the Earth Womb, I assumed this form."
joriandrake: Prisha goes to greet and talk to Dyson personally and hears this "Probably because a dragon wouldn't quite fit in here during the feast with all other people." She smiles
DESTROYERBILL: why did she need to resurect you
Smon: "Hakeem... er, the assassin Hakeem's form... took the Heart of Elemental Chaos from me. I guess without it I became a man again."
joriandrake: "Good day Lord Shieldbiter. I am Prisha Acharya"
Smon: Dyson chuckles at P's words.
DESTROYERBILL: hello prisha so you resurected dyson from the hakeem form assasin
Smon: Dyson: "An, er, yes, assassin..."
DESTROYERBILL: i qiute liked your dragon form ah well
joriandrake: "Indeed." She nods while still smiling. "I can't wait for the good mage's presence at Carchimish later and hoped to chat with him now, but I doN't wish to disturb you two if my presence is not required."
DESTROYERBILL: the only people who would have you killed is the black sun and if they took the heart of elmental chaos they could do mass chaos with it mabye even open a gate of some sort
Smon: Dyson nods soberly. "Yes... reopen a Black Sun gate, perhaps."
DESTROYERBILL: we should stop them imediatley do you know where they are
Smon: Dyson "Apparently the Skandiks are massing at Zothay, in the north."
joriandrake: "My, you're well informed my Lord. Seems like everyone heard of Dyson's situation before we arrived at Hara"
Smon: "We also believe they have a small force on the Isle of Ogigian."
DESTROYERBILL: he just told me now
joriandrake: "Of opening a portal with the stolen heart?" She ponders
Smon: Dyson: "If you'll excuse me, I had better retire. I'll see you at the Coronation."
joriandrake: "In either case, the Skandik army is currently the bigger problem."
DESTROYERBILL: i could anilate ther forces with some soilders
Smon: Dyson withdraws to bed.
joriandrake: She nods and bids Dyson farewell.
joriandrake: "That sounds impressive Lord Shieldbiter. I assume King Bronze would be happy for such an offer."
DESTROYERBILL: i go to bronze and ask him where i could stay
Sandor Sunneson: Good night Lord Dyson, good to see you again
Smon: As the crowd begins to tire, King Namelin catches Delanie's eye and they leave together.
joriandrake: Prisha follows quetly Lord Shieldbiter to the King and bows to him, but stays quiet so the Dragonkin can speak with him first.
joriandrake: or not
Sandor Sunneson: Is rasgar around?
Smon: Rasgar is with Namelin as always. GM: The next day, you have had the chance to renew acquaintances.
Smon: (you all get guest quarters)
Smon: The next day is the grand coronation, in the temple of Erathis-Athena.
joriandrake: Prisha will retire with Orph, and also ask Princess Lyssana of how she fared what she managed to do while in Hara
Smon: Lyssana is with Sir Ector Bronze, she greets Prisha warlmly. Ector: "Welcome back, Mistress Prisha!"
joriandrake: "Greetings.... I am not sure we have met yet." Prisha smiles at the man and the Princess beside him
Smon: You file into the Temple along with the great nobles of Nerath and honoured guests from beyond the kingdom.
Smon: Ector nods. "I am the Prince Sir Ector Bronze, Knight of Nerath!"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will greet Rasgar, saying it is good to see him again,
Smon: Rasgar greets Sandor cordially. You all take your seats, triumphal music strikes up.
Smon: King Bronze in full regalia proceeds down the central avenue to the podium, where High Priestess Livilla awaits.
Smon: Grand Oaths are sworn.
joriandrake: "Ah, I heard of you, glad to finally meet you Prince Ector. Last time I heard talk of you it was still just as 'Sir'. Prince seems to souit you better." She looks at Lyssana and back "I hope you two had a nice time at Hara and aquinted yourself, but I would like to make sure the Princess has time tonight to have us chat about recent events, I hope you don't mind my Prince?"
Smon: Then Livilla anoints Namelin and crowns him in the name of Erathis-Athena, King of Nerath. Much cheering.
Smon: Afterwards at the night's feast, a chance to mingle again.
joriandrake: Prisha goes back to Lyssana
Smon: Ector nods cordially, hand round Lyssana's waist. "Aye."
Smon: That evening Prisha gets Lyssana alone.
joriandrake: She smiles "I see you made a friend, maybe more." Prisha tells Lyssana. "Tell me about it in details."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will chat with Sir Ector, say what a super day it's been
Smon: Lyssana smiles at Prisha. "Thank you for all you have done for us Prisha! Yes - we are to be married!"
Smon: Ector drinks lustily alongside Sandor the Knights of Nerath. "Aye! Good feasting - but I look forward to cracking Skandik skulls!"
joriandrake: "...Well, this was unexpected, but I am happy for you two. Shall Delanie marry you two? If yes, which dynastic name shall be continued?"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will nod in agreement,
joriandrake: "I still remeber when you worried to even meet the Prince, I am glad you did it."
Smon: Lyssana tells P many intimate details requiring ~fade to black~ - also that Ector will be commanding a strong Nerathi force sent to help defend Carchimish.
Sandor Sunneson: Are there plans to deal with their leadership? Think SB could come in of use with that dragon
Smon: Delanie to P: "Our children shall be Bronze-Koloth, I think."
Smon: sorry Lyssana to P
Smon: OOC very tired so just short sesh tonight
Sandor Sunneson: ok,
DESTROYERBILL: i can come and help and you can ride on my dragon
joriandrake: Prisha nods then whispers "Be sure to be thankful to all our allies, but let's keep the Nerathi ships stay in Nerathi hands, I'm unsure of that Pirate, I rather won't have to consider what may happen if the blueprint's new ships could do in her hands"
joriandrake: what could do/
Smon: Ector to S & SB: "We'll have a Council of War tomorrow."
Sandor Sunneson: That would be a superb plan SB, I hear you used a tactic where the dragon lifted the leaders up and shall we say drop them off from the sky miles away, that's clever
joriandrake: Prisha also tells Lyssana that the name fits nicely
DESTROYERBILL: it was a wyvern at the time
Sandor Sunneson: Still genuis tactics
Smon: Lyssana smiles: "Thank you, Prisha."
joriandrake: Prisha nods (assuming they are near him due to Ector and Lyssana being close) "Dyson might also be able to teleport a small group behind enemy lines
DESTROYERBILL: laurana copied the same tactic when killing yusan
joriandrake: near her (sorry)
Sandor Sunneson: well if it works of course you copy it
Sandor Sunneson: Genuis, that's what I;m saying, very difficult to combat against
DESTROYERBILL: well now i have a +3 spear i can use
Smon: Dyson comes over to P & co: "I'm afraid a long range teleport is too dangerous... but perhaps my Dyson's Dimension Door might assist."
joriandrake: "...we might have to think of how to get the heart back, Perhaps I could aid in identifying its location. Dyson will require it back soon, the old man's human body is not that well."
joriandrake: ooc ops
Smon: Dyson chuckles as he walks up behind P.
DESTROYERBILL: do you like that head band of wisdom that i gave you sandor
Smon: "I think my own heart will last a little while longer."
joriandrake: "Sorry. I jsut worry about your health."
Sandor Sunneson: It's ok, makes me feel a bit wiser (+1)
Sandor Sunneson: (WIS 12 instead of 10_
Sandor Sunneson: )
Smon: Dyson: "It's strange... I have a feeling the Heart may no longer be on this Plane of Existence."
Smon: GM: Following a second night of feasting, noon the next day (13/9) is time for the Council of War.
Smon: Sandor Prisha Nightshadow & Shieldbiter may attend, Kosvar is not invited.
joriandrake: "... that could happen if moved to a different plane or world. Or if cloaked from divination. Maybe I wil try to find it and that could at least make clear if it is just hidden away."
Sandor Sunneson: How are you finding the new gauntlets SB? We need to go back to that place to get the other magic item at some point too
joriandrake: Prisha will attend
DESTROYERBILL: they are amazing
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, Kosvar won't go, lol
Sandor Sunneson: He'll practice his archery skills
Sandor Sunneson: outside somewhere assuming the weatheer is nice
Smon: Anna Bronze is first to address the Lords and Generals, gathered around the great round oak table of Castle Hara.
DESTROYERBILL: remeber how i ripped the box open instead of getting a key it was great
Smon: /roll d8
Sandor Sunneson: Cool, Sandor will smile
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 4,
Smon: Weather nice, a few clouds in the sky, hot, hint of humidity from the coming Wet Season.
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, he can cope with that being a ranger
joriandrake: "Rain would make naval combat harder I assume"
Smon: Page boys unfurl a map on the great table.
Sandor Sunneson: We fight in the dry season after the rains Prisha Sandor will whisper
joriandrake: Prisha looks at the page boys and when seeing that one from earlier greet him
Smon: Anna: "The Skandik Fleet is gathering at Zothay, far to the north. We believe they do not mean to attack until the rains end."
joriandrake: Prisha thanks Sandor "The Skandiks likely also plan to fight with their fleet before or after it"
Smon: The fair haired boy waves back at P.
Smon: Anna: "They have already established a base at the Isle of Ogigian and begun raiding the Vale coast."
Smon: Anna: "They likely intend to stop over there before the full attack. With their overwhelming forces, the bold move would be a landing on the Korm Basin..."
Smon: Queen Laurana of Highhaven looks to Sandor, and raises her hand. Anna: "Yes?"
Smon: Laurana: "Prince Sandor has fought them. He says they seem very cautious. Would they really chance all to land, surrounded by their strongest foes?"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will look at Laurana, seeing what she will say
Smon: King Namelin: "Perhaps not. Not when they hear of the war-galley fleet we are building to defend the Korm Basin. No Skandik ship shall make it to shore!"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will stand, when they attacked Lygol, we got there just as they were departing, there were only a small group of us, but they didn't attack us en masse as we were expecting
Sandor Sunneson: Apologies Namelin, didn't mean to interrupt
joriandrake: "Ahyf or Farmet could be a target of their landing then, Farmet would also make them easier occupy important rivers to damage our trade, movement, communication." Prisha looks at the map "I'm not sure how fortified Farmet can be, they might jsut sit and hope that we attack them giving them an advantage of defence, unloess our fleets can break their own chain of supply through the sea"
Smon: Laurana nods to Sandor. "Yes. I think they are afraid... "
Smon: Anna smirks: "I'm sorry Mistress Prisha. That note on the Korm Basin says 'Farmers'."
Smon: There is some laughter from round the table.
joriandrake: Prisha smiles and nods at King Namelin "... We have the blueprint. We need time to make a great fleet they can't defeat using the old Nerathi plans." (ooc sorry, my bad/eyes)
joriandrake: She gets bit red due to the misspelling
DESTROYERBILL: shield biter says " we now have a fleet of eight ships due to me and seraine "
Smon: Namelin: "But you are right Mistress, they'll not likely attempt to sail upriver - a landing on the Korm Basin is most likely. Or Ahyf..."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will raise his hand, and if allowed to speak, maybe we show the initiative by taking them by surpirse and taking out their base of Ogigian
Smon: Malenn: "I am having a great boom chain constructed, to guard our harbour."
joriandrake: " could use reinforcements then. The enemy will have a fleet of about 200 ships if I recall right."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will continue, they will hear through the grapevine that the island has been retaken if successful and it may make them think again
joriandrake: ((ooc number out of my head, based on what I remember the captured skandik sailor said))
Smon: Namelin: "No one has 200 ships!"
DESTROYERBILL: they might have 20 not 200
Smon: Anna: "Our captive indicates 50 to 100... we think 50 most likely. Perhaps three thousand men."
joriandrake: "Sandor captured a Skandik sailor, he told they will reinforce the fleet and wait for futher to come"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will say: The Prisoner also said they have managed to make the ships more powerful with magic too
Smon: Namelin turns to Sandor: "You are right. We should take Ogigian and the supplies they have gathered there. Slaughter their garrison."
Sandor Sunneson: S: By the time they have set sail, for us to reclaim Ogigian will be a far shorter journey
joriandrake: "The man was a scout under Jarl Raknar of the Kingsguard"
Sandor Sunneson: S: Thank you Namelin
Smon: Laurana: "A bold warrior would strike straight at Hara through the Korm basin. But look at the Map! The Vale is almost defenceless. If they land there, there is none to stop them."
joriandrake: Prisha tries hard to remember (opened blog) " "He heard there is a great war fleet gathering. The largest ever assembled, every Jarl of Ossary""
Sandor Sunneson: S: That is correct, the prisoner said every single Jarl will be participating
Smon: Anna nods. "We will struggle to match their numbers - and they are tough warriors. But we have well trained soldiers too, and mighty Altanians, sturdy Ghinari..."
joriandrake: She looks at the map and checks the islands "Before my... accident at Ahyf he said there were only 4 ships at that isle, Three Snekkja, and Jarl Raknar's Skeid. SInce then some more may have arrived, but maybe there aren't twenty yet."
Sandor Sunneson: S: And their leader, uses black magic to turnhimself into a mighty warrior
Smon: Sarene: "Retaking this island will be harder than you think, lords. Our ships can't run ashore like theirs - our ships' boats are no match for their longboats."
joriandrake: "That Raknar seems to love battle and slaughter. He is not easily diverted from those.... which coulkd perhaps be used to lure him out"
Smon: Namelin nods to Prisha. "Aye? Go on."
DESTROYERBILL: "i might be able to deal with the king " exclaimes shield biter
Smon: "Good man!" grins Namelin to SB.
joriandrake: "Pricness Anna mentioned..."
joriandrake: "... when at the tower that we could take Ogigian wit hthe aid of Serena's fleet and destroy their food stores"
DESTROYERBILL: i might not be able to do it alone but with sandors help definetly
Smon: Llanet: "Do be careful, Lord Shieldbiter. King Alkazed does *not* fight fair."
DESTROYERBILL: i wont either then
joriandrake: "I'm not the tactician here, but if that leader is so bloodthirsty he might accept a demand for duel, or send out his ships if one lone ship pesters his harbors"
Smon: Sarene listens to Prisha.
DESTROYERBILL: i have a way of growing eight times bigger using magic
joriandrake: "...perhaps it is an option to have a fake merchant ship near it get captured, with poisoned supplies on board?"
Smon: Sarene: "A trap ship? Yes, that could work!"
joriandrake: "In any case, I believe this 'Claw' could be very useful in planning future actions."
joriandrake: "The name of the prisoner"
DESTROYERBILL: we would need to sacrafice people becouse they will be suspicios of an empty ship filled with supplies
Smon: Sarene: "Hm, I think I have a plan...." she looks thoughtful.
Smon: Anna: "Claw will be yours now as promised, Mistress Prisha."
joriandrake: Prisha nods "That may be true, but what if the crew acts as freed slaves who threw their slavers overboard?"
DESTROYERBILL: that might work
joriandrake: "...We do actually have freed slaves, mainly in Ahyf. Perhaps volunteers?..."
DESTROYERBILL: and tell them to surrendor when the skandiks come and tell them that brilliant
Smon: Sarene: "Poisoned supplies won't likely work, they have priests to detect such things. I say fill a trap ship with our best warriors. Capture the first Skandik vessel to attack it. With that, we can easily get ashore in strength!"
joriandrake: "They could also ask to be able to join their army, and fight against the 'former oppressors' o... us"
DESTROYERBILL: your right searine i do like your plan better it makes sense
joriandrake: "With this offer, whi8le unlikely they would be recruited into their ranks, they are not likely to be considered their enemies, even if their ship and cargo is taken" Prisha nods at Sarene "poison might idneed not work though"
Smon: Sarene grins at SB. "Thanks. Plus your lizards can swim ashore with the attack."
joriandrake: "...and there is also Dyson's portal option"
Smon: Dyson: "Yes... only 500 feet range, though. And I cannot transport many."
DESTROYERBILL: yes but either theb lizard men wait in the water for hours or the trap ship is really close to shore
joriandrake: "I actually think the more attempts we do, different approaches at the same time the better, they will hopefuly keep the enemy distracted, split in reaction and more of them succeed"
joriandrake: She looks at Dyson "Just let Dyson with a group of troops also hide in the trap ship's cargo... but in that case the ship needs to get close to the island before being boarded to make it work"
Sandor Sunneson: S: I would suggest for this we do it basically on the 1st day the rains end,
joriandrake: ".... it might work to make the 'freed slave' ship crew look stupid or untrained to make them try 'flee' towards the island from a skandik ship"
Sandor Sunneson: S: At the very start of the 'dry' season, they'll probably have their guards down a bit
Smon: Namelin looks at Prisha and frowns. He turns to Sandor. "Ah. I expected an earlier attack. You hope to take the invasion fleet by surprise?"
joriandrake: "So in that case, the ship moving toward the skangik isle would look like easy prey for the ossarians while allow Dyson to get in range"
DESTROYERBILL: i dont think dyson should be on the trap ship he is the only high level wizard we have
Smon: Namelin nods to SB.
Sandor Sunneson: Namelin, when I witnessed the first war with the black sun, there was a little bit of dilly dallying aroud at the start of the dry season as all sides got their plans together
Smon: Namelin. "Sarene, Sandor, Shieldbiter, you know the sea. You are in charge of this."
joriandrake: Prisha raises an eyebrow. "I don't think they would assume everyone to know the isle is under their control, for some ship unfamiliar wit hthe region it would make sense to flee from Ossarian raiders to the nearest island... that one"
Sandor Sunneson: S: I meant that if we are to strike at the Isle of Oiigin, then there maybe an element of surprise
joriandrake: ooc ok I stop now, obviously it doesn't matter what play I write of
joriandrake: plan
Smon: Anna: "Sandor speaks wisely, your Majesty. The later we strike, the less time they will have to become aware and change plans."
Sandor Sunneson: S: Then we get the booby trap set up to go earlier Prisha
DESTROYERBILL: i can be on the trap ship
Smon: Namelin nods. "Very well."
Sandor Sunneson: S; Day 1 of the dry season, the trick ship sets sail, we can plan all we want during the wet season the ins and outs, but on day 1, that ship has to set sail
DESTROYERBILL: i faught off 80 scandic pirates before i can take the ship with less
Sandor Sunneson: S: I very much doubt the Skandiks with their flotilla from Ossary will be leaving immiediately
Smon: GM: The King agrees Sandor's plan. OOC I'm wrecked sorry, need to stop now.
joriandrake: bye
Smon: 600 XP each
Sandor Sunneson: Cool, thanks for GMing Simon
joriandrake: Prisha nods "I hope my suggestions were of some assistance."
Smon: P gets some odd looks
Smon: Nightshadow arrives by barge with king Koloth & Sir Baltek etc the same day.
Smon: Queen Malenn is already there with the Ahyf delegation and greets Sandor & Laurana.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor dismounts from the griffon and helps Laurannna down
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will smile in Malenn's direction
7:38pm 2018-3-20 DESTROYERBILL Has exited the room
joriandrake: Prisha bows / curtsies deply to the Queen. "Queen Malenn, I'm in your debt."
7:38pm 2018-3-20 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
Smon: Malenn: "It was the least we could do - you fell fighting for Ahyf."
Smon: GM: That night King Namelin holds a great feast for everyone.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will look around for familiar faces
Smon: During the feast, Chief Minars Rapak arrives with an Altanian delegation and is accorded a place of honour, though clearly relations are still somwhat strained.
DESTROYERBILL: sheild biter arives
Smon: GM: Shieldbiter & Sarene have arrived by ship, and are ushered in.
joriandrake: Prisha looks at the strange newcomer
Smon: King Namelin: "It is good of you to come..."
DESTROYERBILL: "i have come to plege aligiance to you oh high kings with may armeis i will serve you"
Smon: Beside Prisha, Priestess Delanie is chatting away about how Meroya has blessed her, about how great King Namelin is and the rich temple he's building for Meroya in Hara...
Smon: Namelin nods: "You honour us, Lord Shieldbiter. Advance and be recognised as a Lord of Nerath!"
joriandrake: Prisha smiles and nods at Delanie"... In that case I already know what your first ceremony should be in the new temple, but let us discuss that in private Delanie."
Smon: Queen Malenn looks a bit tense at the sight of Shieldbiter.
DESTROYERBILL: call me the king of dragons i like that sound better
Smon: Delanie smiles and nods at Prisha.
Smon: "King of Dragons. Long may you serve Nerath!"
Smon: Namelin's elderly mother Llanet smiles at Shieldbiter. "Your ships will be most welcome, indeed."
joriandrake: If Prisha sits near the Queen, Lady Llanet or Princess Lyssana she will ask who the Dragonkin is
Smon: GM: Sandor could explain?
DESTROYERBILL: oh yes i forgot i also offer you my ships as long as searine is the leader of the fleat is that okay
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will look around to see that Laurana is ok
joriandrake: If Sandor sits near her, sure
Smon: Laurana watches with interest.
Sandor Sunneson: Sure, that is Lord Shirldbiter, the one who annoyed Hakeem
DESTROYERBILL: as you can see i have tamed a dragon of the blue viritey
Smon: Namelin: "If she will pledge..." Sarene swaggers forward and kneels before Namelin. "I pledge allegiance to thee, King of Nerath!"
Smon: (applause)
joriandrake: "...ah" Prisha blinks
Smon: Namelin grins delightedly.
Smon: "Arise Sarene, Captain of the Fleets!"
DESTROYERBILL: i took a small bit of treasure arouned a 15nth and some magiacal items then he swore to kill me
Smon: Princess Anna Bronze sees Queen Malenn's expression.
joriandrake: "and that is Sarene, the Pirate Captain you spoke of earlier?" Prisha asks Sandor
Sandor Sunneson: Correct, beside him
Smon: Anna: "Of course, Lord Shieldbiter and Captain Sarene, you renounce all claims to Queen Malenn's dominion of Ahyf?"
DESTROYERBILL: she can keep the place
Smon: Sarene: "Aye! Queen Malenn, you're welcome to that dump."
Smon: Malenn keeps a poker face. "Thank you."
DESTROYERBILL: i also offer you the head of matriarx to hang with the spear of kanos
Smon: Namelin: "Excellent! The dragon head shall stand atop our walls."
joriandrake: Prisha rolls her yes and smiles. Then nods at Queen Malenn in respect for her restraint
DESTROYERBILL: yes it shall
Smon: "Now, let us feast!"
joriandrake: eyes*
Smon: Malenn nods back to Prisha in acknowledgement as the whole roast oxen are brought out.
Sandor Sunneson: Kosvar watches the goings on too beside Anna
Smon: GM: The feasting goes on long into the night.
Sandor Sunneson: Kosvar gets stuck in to the food and chats with Sandor, Sandor gets tucked in to the nice grub
joriandrake: Prisha looks for where Dyson is
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
joriandrake: and of course his bard
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will go and chat with the Hara knights who he befriended
joriandrake: her
Sandor Sunneson: ooooooooooooooh
Smon: Dyson is beside Namelin, picking at his food.
joriandrake: her bardy
joriandrake: Prisha smiles at Dyson, in a moment when he doesn't look busy with poking the meal
Smon: Yes Prisha reacquaints with Orph. "Hi there. Looking good - or at least alive!" he grins.
Smon: Sandor is greeted warmly by Sir Danelac and co, they trade war stories.
joriandrake: "Yes, we're both well." Prisha smiles and kissed him on the cheek "... I heard the reason why you didn't stay at my side. We should talk later, but no worries. It won't be preaching."
DESTROYERBILL: sheild biter spots dyson and asks "why are you in human form why not dragon form"
Smon: Dyson: "Oh hello, Lord Shieldbiter! Yes when Prisha resurrected me in the Earth Womb, I assumed this form."
joriandrake: Prisha goes to greet and talk to Dyson personally and hears this "Probably because a dragon wouldn't quite fit in here during the feast with all other people." She smiles
DESTROYERBILL: why did she need to resurect you
Smon: "Hakeem... er, the assassin Hakeem's form... took the Heart of Elemental Chaos from me. I guess without it I became a man again."
joriandrake: "Good day Lord Shieldbiter. I am Prisha Acharya"
Smon: Dyson chuckles at P's words.
DESTROYERBILL: hello prisha so you resurected dyson from the hakeem form assasin
Smon: Dyson: "An, er, yes, assassin..."
DESTROYERBILL: i qiute liked your dragon form ah well
joriandrake: "Indeed." She nods while still smiling. "I can't wait for the good mage's presence at Carchimish later and hoped to chat with him now, but I doN't wish to disturb you two if my presence is not required."
DESTROYERBILL: the only people who would have you killed is the black sun and if they took the heart of elmental chaos they could do mass chaos with it mabye even open a gate of some sort
Smon: Dyson nods soberly. "Yes... reopen a Black Sun gate, perhaps."
DESTROYERBILL: we should stop them imediatley do you know where they are
Smon: Dyson "Apparently the Skandiks are massing at Zothay, in the north."
joriandrake: "My, you're well informed my Lord. Seems like everyone heard of Dyson's situation before we arrived at Hara"
Smon: "We also believe they have a small force on the Isle of Ogigian."
DESTROYERBILL: he just told me now
joriandrake: "Of opening a portal with the stolen heart?" She ponders
Smon: Dyson: "If you'll excuse me, I had better retire. I'll see you at the Coronation."
joriandrake: "In either case, the Skandik army is currently the bigger problem."
DESTROYERBILL: i could anilate ther forces with some soilders
Smon: Dyson withdraws to bed.
joriandrake: She nods and bids Dyson farewell.
joriandrake: "That sounds impressive Lord Shieldbiter. I assume King Bronze would be happy for such an offer."
DESTROYERBILL: i go to bronze and ask him where i could stay
Sandor Sunneson: Good night Lord Dyson, good to see you again
Smon: As the crowd begins to tire, King Namelin catches Delanie's eye and they leave together.
joriandrake: Prisha follows quetly Lord Shieldbiter to the King and bows to him, but stays quiet so the Dragonkin can speak with him first.
joriandrake: or not
Sandor Sunneson: Is rasgar around?
Smon: Rasgar is with Namelin as always. GM: The next day, you have had the chance to renew acquaintances.
Smon: (you all get guest quarters)
Smon: The next day is the grand coronation, in the temple of Erathis-Athena.
joriandrake: Prisha will retire with Orph, and also ask Princess Lyssana of how she fared what she managed to do while in Hara
Smon: Lyssana is with Sir Ector Bronze, she greets Prisha warlmly. Ector: "Welcome back, Mistress Prisha!"
joriandrake: "Greetings.... I am not sure we have met yet." Prisha smiles at the man and the Princess beside him
Smon: You file into the Temple along with the great nobles of Nerath and honoured guests from beyond the kingdom.
Smon: Ector nods. "I am the Prince Sir Ector Bronze, Knight of Nerath!"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will greet Rasgar, saying it is good to see him again,
Smon: Rasgar greets Sandor cordially. You all take your seats, triumphal music strikes up.
Smon: King Bronze in full regalia proceeds down the central avenue to the podium, where High Priestess Livilla awaits.
Smon: Grand Oaths are sworn.
joriandrake: "Ah, I heard of you, glad to finally meet you Prince Ector. Last time I heard talk of you it was still just as 'Sir'. Prince seems to souit you better." She looks at Lyssana and back "I hope you two had a nice time at Hara and aquinted yourself, but I would like to make sure the Princess has time tonight to have us chat about recent events, I hope you don't mind my Prince?"
Smon: Then Livilla anoints Namelin and crowns him in the name of Erathis-Athena, King of Nerath. Much cheering.
Smon: Afterwards at the night's feast, a chance to mingle again.
joriandrake: Prisha goes back to Lyssana
Smon: Ector nods cordially, hand round Lyssana's waist. "Aye."
Smon: That evening Prisha gets Lyssana alone.
joriandrake: She smiles "I see you made a friend, maybe more." Prisha tells Lyssana. "Tell me about it in details."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will chat with Sir Ector, say what a super day it's been
Smon: Lyssana smiles at Prisha. "Thank you for all you have done for us Prisha! Yes - we are to be married!"
Smon: Ector drinks lustily alongside Sandor the Knights of Nerath. "Aye! Good feasting - but I look forward to cracking Skandik skulls!"
joriandrake: "...Well, this was unexpected, but I am happy for you two. Shall Delanie marry you two? If yes, which dynastic name shall be continued?"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will nod in agreement,
joriandrake: "I still remeber when you worried to even meet the Prince, I am glad you did it."
Smon: Lyssana tells P many intimate details requiring ~fade to black~ - also that Ector will be commanding a strong Nerathi force sent to help defend Carchimish.
Sandor Sunneson: Are there plans to deal with their leadership? Think SB could come in of use with that dragon
Smon: Delanie to P: "Our children shall be Bronze-Koloth, I think."
Smon: sorry Lyssana to P
Smon: OOC very tired so just short sesh tonight
Sandor Sunneson: ok,
DESTROYERBILL: i can come and help and you can ride on my dragon
joriandrake: Prisha nods then whispers "Be sure to be thankful to all our allies, but let's keep the Nerathi ships stay in Nerathi hands, I'm unsure of that Pirate, I rather won't have to consider what may happen if the blueprint's new ships could do in her hands"
joriandrake: what could do/
Smon: Ector to S & SB: "We'll have a Council of War tomorrow."
Sandor Sunneson: That would be a superb plan SB, I hear you used a tactic where the dragon lifted the leaders up and shall we say drop them off from the sky miles away, that's clever
joriandrake: Prisha also tells Lyssana that the name fits nicely
DESTROYERBILL: it was a wyvern at the time
Sandor Sunneson: Still genuis tactics
Smon: Lyssana smiles: "Thank you, Prisha."
joriandrake: Prisha nods (assuming they are near him due to Ector and Lyssana being close) "Dyson might also be able to teleport a small group behind enemy lines
DESTROYERBILL: laurana copied the same tactic when killing yusan
joriandrake: near her (sorry)
Sandor Sunneson: well if it works of course you copy it
Sandor Sunneson: Genuis, that's what I;m saying, very difficult to combat against
DESTROYERBILL: well now i have a +3 spear i can use
Smon: Dyson comes over to P & co: "I'm afraid a long range teleport is too dangerous... but perhaps my Dyson's Dimension Door might assist."
joriandrake: "...we might have to think of how to get the heart back, Perhaps I could aid in identifying its location. Dyson will require it back soon, the old man's human body is not that well."
joriandrake: ooc ops
Smon: Dyson chuckles as he walks up behind P.
DESTROYERBILL: do you like that head band of wisdom that i gave you sandor
Smon: "I think my own heart will last a little while longer."
joriandrake: "Sorry. I jsut worry about your health."
Sandor Sunneson: It's ok, makes me feel a bit wiser (+1)
Sandor Sunneson: (WIS 12 instead of 10_
Sandor Sunneson: )
Smon: Dyson: "It's strange... I have a feeling the Heart may no longer be on this Plane of Existence."
Smon: GM: Following a second night of feasting, noon the next day (13/9) is time for the Council of War.
Smon: Sandor Prisha Nightshadow & Shieldbiter may attend, Kosvar is not invited.
joriandrake: "... that could happen if moved to a different plane or world. Or if cloaked from divination. Maybe I wil try to find it and that could at least make clear if it is just hidden away."
Sandor Sunneson: How are you finding the new gauntlets SB? We need to go back to that place to get the other magic item at some point too
joriandrake: Prisha will attend
DESTROYERBILL: they are amazing
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, Kosvar won't go, lol
Sandor Sunneson: He'll practice his archery skills
Sandor Sunneson: outside somewhere assuming the weatheer is nice
Smon: Anna Bronze is first to address the Lords and Generals, gathered around the great round oak table of Castle Hara.
DESTROYERBILL: remeber how i ripped the box open instead of getting a key it was great
Smon: /roll d8
Sandor Sunneson: Cool, Sandor will smile
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 4,
Smon: Weather nice, a few clouds in the sky, hot, hint of humidity from the coming Wet Season.
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, he can cope with that being a ranger
joriandrake: "Rain would make naval combat harder I assume"
Smon: Page boys unfurl a map on the great table.
Sandor Sunneson: We fight in the dry season after the rains Prisha Sandor will whisper
joriandrake: Prisha looks at the page boys and when seeing that one from earlier greet him
Smon: Anna: "The Skandik Fleet is gathering at Zothay, far to the north. We believe they do not mean to attack until the rains end."
joriandrake: Prisha thanks Sandor "The Skandiks likely also plan to fight with their fleet before or after it"
Smon: The fair haired boy waves back at P.
Smon: Anna: "They have already established a base at the Isle of Ogigian and begun raiding the Vale coast."
Smon: Anna: "They likely intend to stop over there before the full attack. With their overwhelming forces, the bold move would be a landing on the Korm Basin..."
Smon: Queen Laurana of Highhaven looks to Sandor, and raises her hand. Anna: "Yes?"
Smon: Laurana: "Prince Sandor has fought them. He says they seem very cautious. Would they really chance all to land, surrounded by their strongest foes?"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will look at Laurana, seeing what she will say
Smon: King Namelin: "Perhaps not. Not when they hear of the war-galley fleet we are building to defend the Korm Basin. No Skandik ship shall make it to shore!"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will stand, when they attacked Lygol, we got there just as they were departing, there were only a small group of us, but they didn't attack us en masse as we were expecting
Sandor Sunneson: Apologies Namelin, didn't mean to interrupt
joriandrake: "Ahyf or Farmet could be a target of their landing then, Farmet would also make them easier occupy important rivers to damage our trade, movement, communication." Prisha looks at the map "I'm not sure how fortified Farmet can be, they might jsut sit and hope that we attack them giving them an advantage of defence, unloess our fleets can break their own chain of supply through the sea"
Smon: Laurana nods to Sandor. "Yes. I think they are afraid... "
Smon: Anna smirks: "I'm sorry Mistress Prisha. That note on the Korm Basin says 'Farmers'."
Smon: There is some laughter from round the table.
joriandrake: Prisha smiles and nods at King Namelin "... We have the blueprint. We need time to make a great fleet they can't defeat using the old Nerathi plans." (ooc sorry, my bad/eyes)
joriandrake: She gets bit red due to the misspelling
DESTROYERBILL: shield biter says " we now have a fleet of eight ships due to me and seraine "
Smon: Namelin: "But you are right Mistress, they'll not likely attempt to sail upriver - a landing on the Korm Basin is most likely. Or Ahyf..."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will raise his hand, and if allowed to speak, maybe we show the initiative by taking them by surpirse and taking out their base of Ogigian
Smon: Malenn: "I am having a great boom chain constructed, to guard our harbour."
joriandrake: " could use reinforcements then. The enemy will have a fleet of about 200 ships if I recall right."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will continue, they will hear through the grapevine that the island has been retaken if successful and it may make them think again
joriandrake: ((ooc number out of my head, based on what I remember the captured skandik sailor said))
Smon: Namelin: "No one has 200 ships!"
DESTROYERBILL: they might have 20 not 200
Smon: Anna: "Our captive indicates 50 to 100... we think 50 most likely. Perhaps three thousand men."
joriandrake: "Sandor captured a Skandik sailor, he told they will reinforce the fleet and wait for futher to come"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will say: The Prisoner also said they have managed to make the ships more powerful with magic too
Smon: Namelin turns to Sandor: "You are right. We should take Ogigian and the supplies they have gathered there. Slaughter their garrison."
Sandor Sunneson: S: By the time they have set sail, for us to reclaim Ogigian will be a far shorter journey
joriandrake: "The man was a scout under Jarl Raknar of the Kingsguard"
Sandor Sunneson: S: Thank you Namelin
Smon: Laurana: "A bold warrior would strike straight at Hara through the Korm basin. But look at the Map! The Vale is almost defenceless. If they land there, there is none to stop them."
joriandrake: Prisha tries hard to remember (opened blog) " "He heard there is a great war fleet gathering. The largest ever assembled, every Jarl of Ossary""
Sandor Sunneson: S: That is correct, the prisoner said every single Jarl will be participating
Smon: Anna nods. "We will struggle to match their numbers - and they are tough warriors. But we have well trained soldiers too, and mighty Altanians, sturdy Ghinari..."
joriandrake: She looks at the map and checks the islands "Before my... accident at Ahyf he said there were only 4 ships at that isle, Three Snekkja, and Jarl Raknar's Skeid. SInce then some more may have arrived, but maybe there aren't twenty yet."
Sandor Sunneson: S: And their leader, uses black magic to turnhimself into a mighty warrior
Smon: Sarene: "Retaking this island will be harder than you think, lords. Our ships can't run ashore like theirs - our ships' boats are no match for their longboats."
joriandrake: "That Raknar seems to love battle and slaughter. He is not easily diverted from those.... which coulkd perhaps be used to lure him out"
Smon: Namelin nods to Prisha. "Aye? Go on."
DESTROYERBILL: "i might be able to deal with the king " exclaimes shield biter
Smon: "Good man!" grins Namelin to SB.
joriandrake: "Pricness Anna mentioned..."
joriandrake: "... when at the tower that we could take Ogigian wit hthe aid of Serena's fleet and destroy their food stores"
DESTROYERBILL: i might not be able to do it alone but with sandors help definetly
Smon: Llanet: "Do be careful, Lord Shieldbiter. King Alkazed does *not* fight fair."
DESTROYERBILL: i wont either then
joriandrake: "I'm not the tactician here, but if that leader is so bloodthirsty he might accept a demand for duel, or send out his ships if one lone ship pesters his harbors"
Smon: Sarene listens to Prisha.
DESTROYERBILL: i have a way of growing eight times bigger using magic
joriandrake: "...perhaps it is an option to have a fake merchant ship near it get captured, with poisoned supplies on board?"
Smon: Sarene: "A trap ship? Yes, that could work!"
joriandrake: "In any case, I believe this 'Claw' could be very useful in planning future actions."
joriandrake: "The name of the prisoner"
DESTROYERBILL: we would need to sacrafice people becouse they will be suspicios of an empty ship filled with supplies
Smon: Sarene: "Hm, I think I have a plan...." she looks thoughtful.
Smon: Anna: "Claw will be yours now as promised, Mistress Prisha."
joriandrake: Prisha nods "That may be true, but what if the crew acts as freed slaves who threw their slavers overboard?"
DESTROYERBILL: that might work
joriandrake: "...We do actually have freed slaves, mainly in Ahyf. Perhaps volunteers?..."
DESTROYERBILL: and tell them to surrendor when the skandiks come and tell them that brilliant
Smon: Sarene: "Poisoned supplies won't likely work, they have priests to detect such things. I say fill a trap ship with our best warriors. Capture the first Skandik vessel to attack it. With that, we can easily get ashore in strength!"
joriandrake: "They could also ask to be able to join their army, and fight against the 'former oppressors' o... us"
DESTROYERBILL: your right searine i do like your plan better it makes sense
joriandrake: "With this offer, whi8le unlikely they would be recruited into their ranks, they are not likely to be considered their enemies, even if their ship and cargo is taken" Prisha nods at Sarene "poison might idneed not work though"
Smon: Sarene grins at SB. "Thanks. Plus your lizards can swim ashore with the attack."
joriandrake: "...and there is also Dyson's portal option"
Smon: Dyson: "Yes... only 500 feet range, though. And I cannot transport many."
DESTROYERBILL: yes but either theb lizard men wait in the water for hours or the trap ship is really close to shore
joriandrake: "I actually think the more attempts we do, different approaches at the same time the better, they will hopefuly keep the enemy distracted, split in reaction and more of them succeed"
joriandrake: She looks at Dyson "Just let Dyson with a group of troops also hide in the trap ship's cargo... but in that case the ship needs to get close to the island before being boarded to make it work"
Sandor Sunneson: S: I would suggest for this we do it basically on the 1st day the rains end,
joriandrake: ".... it might work to make the 'freed slave' ship crew look stupid or untrained to make them try 'flee' towards the island from a skandik ship"
Sandor Sunneson: S: At the very start of the 'dry' season, they'll probably have their guards down a bit
Smon: Namelin looks at Prisha and frowns. He turns to Sandor. "Ah. I expected an earlier attack. You hope to take the invasion fleet by surprise?"
joriandrake: "So in that case, the ship moving toward the skangik isle would look like easy prey for the ossarians while allow Dyson to get in range"
DESTROYERBILL: i dont think dyson should be on the trap ship he is the only high level wizard we have
Smon: Namelin nods to SB.
Sandor Sunneson: Namelin, when I witnessed the first war with the black sun, there was a little bit of dilly dallying aroud at the start of the dry season as all sides got their plans together
Smon: Namelin. "Sarene, Sandor, Shieldbiter, you know the sea. You are in charge of this."
joriandrake: Prisha raises an eyebrow. "I don't think they would assume everyone to know the isle is under their control, for some ship unfamiliar wit hthe region it would make sense to flee from Ossarian raiders to the nearest island... that one"
Sandor Sunneson: S: I meant that if we are to strike at the Isle of Oiigin, then there maybe an element of surprise
joriandrake: ooc ok I stop now, obviously it doesn't matter what play I write of
joriandrake: plan
Smon: Anna: "Sandor speaks wisely, your Majesty. The later we strike, the less time they will have to become aware and change plans."
Sandor Sunneson: S: Then we get the booby trap set up to go earlier Prisha
DESTROYERBILL: i can be on the trap ship
Smon: Namelin nods. "Very well."
Sandor Sunneson: S; Day 1 of the dry season, the trick ship sets sail, we can plan all we want during the wet season the ins and outs, but on day 1, that ship has to set sail
DESTROYERBILL: i faught off 80 scandic pirates before i can take the ship with less
Sandor Sunneson: S: I very much doubt the Skandiks with their flotilla from Ossary will be leaving immiediately
Smon: GM: The King agrees Sandor's plan. OOC I'm wrecked sorry, need to stop now.
joriandrake: bye
Smon: 600 XP each
Sandor Sunneson: Cool, thanks for GMing Simon
joriandrake: Prisha nods "I hope my suggestions were of some assistance."
Smon: P gets some odd looks
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