Friday, 23 March 2018
To ca end M11/47
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7:47pm 2018-3-23 Smon Has entered the room
Smon: Hi Jorian
joriandrake: hi
joriandrake: Wasn't sure when we play today, time wasn't written so I logged in at 7 gmt
Smon: I was aiming for 7.30 but got in 7.40
joriandrake: I'm going to take out mom's dinner of the oven in about 20 mins but otherwise i'm ready to play
joriandrake: Will Bill/Fergus come today?
Smon: bill should be logging in
Smon: he's on warhammer 2 total war right now
Smon: GM: OK after the planning meeting, do you want to meet with anyone? Dyson says something about making Prisha something nice when he gets the chance to reassemble his spellbook & laboratory.
joriandrake: Sim9on I thought of what you said about playing a fighter, I think you were partially correct, not playing any in 5e yet I often just blinked when watching half a dozen or more damage dices being used by barbarians or such, perhaps I would need a 'combat exercise', could be done with the samurai in his homeland maybe, a simple, mission-based game to learn the ropes with warriors
joriandrake: >>Dyson: I can wait if he wants that, but I think he agreed to come to Carchimish anyway, I wish to make a library and a place for him to live, maybe train some students
joriandrake: I assume King Koloth and Lyssana wouldn't mind a famous ex-dragon to be around either
Smon: He definitely didn't agree to settle in Carchimish.
joriandrake: He agreed to stick around until his delve/hoard situation is settled I believe, when Prisha invited him to stay at the temple and suggested the library being named after him, unless I remember wrongly
Smon: You remember wrongly.
Smon: Feel free to check the logs where you kept saying that & I kept saying no.
Smon: He's planning on staying in Hara of course.
8:00pm 2018-3-23 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
joriandrake: hm, I thought using the spell d4 put him above 15 and got him agree, but seems I am wrong
joriandrake: hi Bill
joriandrake: I think PÅrisha stays a bit longer at hara
DESTROYERBILL: even if dyson did agree bronze would urge him to stay
joriandrake: has to see what happened with Delania, the issue about the temple
joriandrake: How things fare between Lyssana and the prince
DESTROYERBILL: any way dyson is better in harra so he can help protect against scandic invasions
joriandrake: and decide how to do the marriages, and where
joriandrake: HGm, you might be right Bill
DESTROYERBILL: and while he is in harra he can help advise king bronze
joriandrake: Well, I will open a library in Carchimish named after him if possible, get him to be present at the opening, maybe have him get apprentices in Hara if he doesn't wish to move
joriandrake: This might be the best reason at all to have him stay there
DESTROYERBILL: if you wat dyson to live in one of your temples ask him to live in the hara temple he probably whould stay in there with all the young beutiful ladies
joriandrake: Hah, not a bad idea, but Prisha only once heard of the temple from Delania so she still should hm, inspect it, I believe it was said it is under construction now?
joriandrake: maybe it is still time to expand it with a library and have Dyson be there/get apprentices there isntead of Carchimish
joriandrake: Also, Prisha needs to se how/when Lyssana (and Delanie? to the king?) wishes to marry, and decide her own time and place for marriage with Orph
Smon: GM: Yes obviously Dyson is staying in Hara, where the King has promised to help him create a library & laboratory in the castle.
DESTROYERBILL: might i sugest a marage in carcamesh in the first temple you got
joriandrake: Hm, of that I didn't know. Well a mere priestess can't offer the same as a King to an ex-dragon
Smon: Delanie is just the King's mistress/bit on the side, he isn't going to marry her.
joriandrake: I see
joriandrake: as far I know he isn't married though? Correct? I believe that is why lyssana first thought the alliance would be her marriage to Lord Bronze
Smon: Dyson is the Archmage of Nerath and his support validates King Namelin's rule.
joriandrake: Indeed. I just didn't think his direct presence in Hara is needed for that. Carchimish is now also part of nerath but I understand the reasoning, also the offer of the King is probably too good for Dyson to pass
DESTROYERBILL: king bronze now he will be gravley insulted if you call him lord bronze
Smon: Nightshadow suggests >>might i sugest a marage in carcamesh<< that the temple of Meroya in Hara be consecrated with the marriage of Prince Ector & Princess Lyssana.
Smon: Everyone thinks this an excellent notion.
Smon: Could combine with marriage of Prisha & Orph?
joriandrake: Yes, that is why I wondered how to time and place the marriages, I also thought the best way to open the one in Hara to use it first for the ceremony of Ector and lyssana
joriandrake: I'm fine with that, if Orph doesn't mind it being public, he hinted last time of considering a secret ceremony
Smon: It will be about 2 months until the temple in Hara, a refurbished villa, is ready for opening. You can have a small dome on top!
joriandrake: Nice
Smon: >>as far I know he isn't married though? Correct? I believe that is why lyssana first thought the alliance would be her marriage to Lord Bronze<< No he married Earani Cor after usurping her as ruler of Hara! They have 2 children. Their daughter Eratha is betrothed to Hakeem's son Hassan.
joriandrake: I totally forgot that, despite knowing it before.
DESTROYERBILL: shield biter is looking for a big villa arouned 10000gp
Smon: /roll d100
Smon rolls 1d100 and gets: 76,
joriandrake: If there is no plan yet to what to be inside the dome I will let that to be decided by Delanie and Dyson. Delanie will by Prisha officially be declared future Priestess of Hara's new temple. Until now this was not officially decided.
Smon: GM: Delanie has clearly been blessed by Merpya, she's now a full Cleric.
Smon: Prisha roll insight WIS+Prof
joriandrake: ....almost didn't take the food out of oven in time
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 10, (+7) = 17
Smon: GM: Prisha reckons Lyssana is not in love with Ector, but happy to have achieved her mission with the Bronzes.
Smon: Delanie by contrast seems quite taken with King Namelin.
Smon: >>Delanie will by Prisha officially be declared future Priestess of Hara's new temple. Until now this was not officially decided.<< OK
Smon: GM: I'll say you rest up a week and have a long rest to 20/03
joriandrake: Prisha will pull her aside at a time and tell her that Lyssana's happiness is more important to her, but as princess and heir to Carchimish it is her decision whom to marry and bound lives together with. When able she will also tell Delanie that worinkg on her diplomatic persuasion skills with patience King Bronze might agree later to marry her, as Meroya's faith allows to have more than one wife, thus she should work on befriending the current Queen, the first wife as well.
joriandrake: ok
Smon: Delanie nods affably at Prisha's suggestion.
Smon: Orph does seem to prefer the idea of a secret marriage but is easy either way.
Smon: OOC Jorian we are doing the 6 month time skip soon, so if you like we can abstract next few months with some checks?
joriandrake: Prisha then will ask him to make it public, which would be her personal wish. Then Delanie can do a double marriage as you suggested, for which Prisha can help the basic preparations and ceremony rites with before it happens.
joriandrake: We can do that for the time jump yes
Smon: Delanie is absolutely delighted at the thought of marrying Prisha
Smon: OK, 2 months later...
joriandrake: Prisha after marriage in Hara will return to Carchimish to see how things fare there, work with Goldscale and others on that reade route
joriandrake: trade*
Smon: 23/11/47 The Rains of the Wet Season are pouring down as the wedding of Princess Lyssana & Mistress Prisha to Prince Ector & Orph the Bard is held in the newly opened Grand Temple of Meroya in Hara.
Smon: /roll 5d4
Smon rolls 5d4 and gets: 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, = 6
Smon: Prisha gets 6000gp in wedding gifts from the assorted Nerathi nobles and King Bronze
joriandrake: ok, nice (even if the rolsl were not that good)
Smon: Lyssana & Ector get a huge pile of wedding gifts, after all they are royalty
joriandrake: Prisha will use 2500 for lyssana's amulet to be turned into the first full Pendant of Meroya. (unless she wants to pay for herself)
Smon: King Bronze's children play with Shieldbiter's fast growing dragonborn kids in the royal palace.
joriandrake: Or, as she doesn't go yet back to Carchimish, the money is rather set aside for this
Smon: Prisha can spend 2500 to get the reagants to enchant Lyssana's ruby pendant.
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d100 and gets: 79,
joriandrake: OOC consider it done, only +3500gp from marriage thus
Smon: SB is able to get a 10,000gp mansion in Hara from an old widow. It's in need of refurbishment.
joriandrake: Prisha will pay and consider it her wedding gift to lyssana
Smon: Lyssana is happy. She seems quite distracted by her new husband.
joriandrake: Prisha will use her free time in Hara to visit Dyson, check on Kosvar & Anna, and help with the temple construction so the elements of Karakan construction and decoration are implemented (as month(s) ago written in PM)
joriandrake: Nothing too flashy, as she doesn't want to anger conservatives in Hara and Lady llanet
joriandrake: If everything right?
joriandrake: Simon?
Smon: The temple is completed to P's satisfaction
Smon: (was getting custard)
joriandrake: ok
joriandrake: bon appetit then
Smon: Bill is faffing around with SB's treasury
Smon: Anna Bronze doesn't seem ecstatic at her brother taking on Sarene as a vassal, but keeps her silence.
Smon: Nerathi who have suffered from her raids in the past not ecstatic either.
joriandrake: Prisha will tell her that Sarene might inded be an asset currently, but if possible she should not allow the pirate to get her hands on any new Nerathi ships built based on the blueprints
Smon: But her pirate fleet and the hundreds of warriors SB & Sarene can field are certainly welcome.
Smon: Anna nods to P's advice. "My brother will personally command the new squadron, I believe."
joriandrake: Prisha smiles at her and nods. "...and if you and Kosvar decide to want to marry, you can now go either to Delanie or visit me. I would be happy to do the ceremony later in Carchimish, although obviously Delanie will be closer."
Smon: Anna grins. "Thanks for that."
Smon: OOC I have an adventure set near Ahyf I'd like to run, I think the best thing would be to run it next time we have Fergus & you two together
joriandrake: ooc OK
Smon: So Sandor Nightshadow & Prisha I think
joriandrake: ooc not the one which was supposed to happen yesterday?
Smon: Right now you could do crafting if you have the money.
Smon: Once Dyson has his laboratory and gets 25,000gp of reagants together, he is able to enchant Shieldbiter's shield to +3.
Smon: Making it even tastier.
joriandrake: I wondered what to do, have about 4000 gold currently, but I have to buy at least 3 diamonds worth 500gp for revivals and diamonds worth 300 to have more for the lower level option too. That's 1800gp gone, 2200 gp remaining. If prisha wants to build or expand the temple in carchimish unsure if enough for anything, considered an orphanage, local library, or shrine (on the nymph isle) as options
Smon: Prisha could craft up to 3 Uncommon items at 500gp/each, eg +1 weapon, +1 shield
joriandrake: I asume 2000gp wouldn't be enough for an orphanage or shrine?
Smon: Princess Lyssana indicates her father is likely to fund expansion of the temple in Carchimish.
Smon: A guidhall sized building is typically 5000, a small shrine would be less.
DESTROYERBILL: i suggest orphanage whould make people like you much more
joriandrake: Ten Prisha will hint that the shrine could be build on the isle, and a road/bridge to it before expansion of the temple is considered
joriandrake: Prisha will pay for orphanage if she has the money for it
joriandrake: Consider the shrine to be the size simila to buddhist Japanese shrines with space for a family (Priest and family) to live in
joriandrake: so, about the same size as small house
Smon: NB there is more a population shortage not excess, so you don't see huge numbers of abandoned children
joriandrake: Is this true for Hara as well?
joriandrake: If it seems more valid to build/open an orphanage in Hara it will be done there isntead
Smon: Pretty much, though it's not as silly as an orphanage in the Ghinarian Hills where there are very few people.
Smon: I'd say a smallish shrine 2000; orphanage 5000
Smon: Probably more orphans in Carchimish
Smon: The bandits killed a lot and bred a lot
joriandrake: Ok, then Prisha keeps the 2200 currently, might need it later, plus I would never be able to gather the required 5000gp for her own pendant otherwise, the diamons will always get used up anyway
joriandrake: WIll leave it to Lyssana to decide if building the shrine/bridge at the isle is an idea she likes or not, and have King Koloth pay for what she deems more to her tastes
Smon: SB distributes alms to the poor in Hara (2000gp total) making himself a lot more popular.
Smon: SB counts his dragon mount's hoard: 433 Copper 4,674 Silver 508 Gold 5 set(s) of fine clothes (75 gp) 2 flask(s) of alchemists' fire (100 gp) 4 bolt(s) of fine silk (400 gp) 3 bolt(s) of fine silk (300 gp) 7 bottle(s) of common wine (1.4 gp) 6 brown jasper worth 50 gp each 9 red garnet worth 100 gp each Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments hoard total: 3,056.18 gp
Smon: Lyssana: "Really I'd like to keep the Isle our little secret."
Smon: "But I do think an orphanage for the poor waifs is a good idea!"
joriandrake: Prisha nods. "As you wish. I just remembered we talked earlier there about the possibility of a shrine. Let it be then an orphanage" Prisha thinks this might even ger some good points with the courtesans who would like to keep, or at least not get rid of the children in a gruesome way
Smon: Lyssana thinks that is a great idea. OOC Any more book keeping stuff? If not I think will stop there for now and go on when Fergus free.
Smon: (still tired sorry)
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