Friday, 16 March 2018
10/9/47 Prisha restored - Thusia
Smon: Sandor & Nighshadow travelled to Carchimish, avoiding Flab Giants on the road. Then Sandor went on to Highhaven and his queen of hearts Laurana.
Smon: Best wishes for speedy recovery, we missed you
joriandrake: Well it kinda fits
joriandrake: Prisha was dead and I got ill almost same time
Smon: yup
joriandrake: hope she got also better =p
joriandrake: Otherwise this will be a short session for me o.O
joriandrake: Just logged in today so I didn't read blog or somesuch yet
Smon: GM: Prisha has been restored from the sleep of death by the power of Mycr, the Unknown God, in the person of Lady Meda, the great 'sorceress' and ruler of Thusia. Prisha lies in fever for several days, tended by Amanda the young priestess of Mycr at Thusia. No sign of Orph - as Prisha recovers from her fever she remembers him saying he's not welcome in Thusia.
Sandor Sunneson: So two different parties heading to Hara in different ways, one flying, one by boat
Smon: Even by the standards of the Ghinarian Hills, young Amanda is a very well endowed lass - - and she tends Prisha tenderly in the sanatorium of Thusia's little shrine.
joriandrake: eh, bigger than her head
Smon: (she has terrible back trouble!) On the third day 10/9 the fever finally breaks. Prisha wakes feeling better, warm afternoon sunlight slanting through the windows of the spartan but clean little bedroom.
Smon: She's alone.
joriandrake: Prisha won't talk about Orph, she will ask him alter and asking of her love around here might cause unnecessary trouble
joriandrake: She stay in bed and considers the events
joriandrake: Prisha remebers being assaulted by multiple ghouls, and is pretty sure she died
joriandrake: This doesn't look like the next step in the cycle of rebirth to her
Smon: Prisha has been lying in bed a few minutes recollecting, when there comes a knock on the door. A woman's voice. "May I come in?"
joriandrake: Prisha carefullyspeaks up "Yes." Fearing that her voice might just tear apart the illusion of life
joriandrake: She revived othrs before, but this is her first personal experience with death
Smon: The door opens. In walks a tall, exotic looking woman with light green screen and tawny hair. There is an aura of grace about her, something like the holy fakirs of Populva. Perhaps something more.
Smon: She gives Prisha a kindly look. "I am Meda, Lady of Thusia. Welcome back, Prisha Acharya."
Smon: light green skin, sorry!
Smon: "How are you feeling?"
joriandrake: The green skin might remind Prisha of the Emperor's Eternal City in case she crossed through it or near it while travelling to this continent. Prisha holds her right hand to her belly under the blanket and nods at Lady Meda "Thank you. I assume I feel good enough for being dead, I suspect you have something to do with that." She takes am oment to take in the sight of both the room and woman "Where is Sandor, are the others well?"
Smon: Meda smiles. "I am the vessel through which Mycr restored you to life. He has plans for you yet, I think. May I sit?"
Smon: (Populva is opposite direction from Viridistan so you'd not likely have seen a Viridian before)
joriandrake: ((She asked for Sandor because he was the last time on front of combat as she recalls, and not about Orph as he fled from fear spell when she was still conscious))
joriandrake: hm, I roll intelligence for the knowledge then, maybe history?
joriandrake rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 13, (+1) = 14
joriandrake: (if proficient +4)
joriandrake: "Yes, of course.... "
Smon: "All are well. No one else fell in battle. Sandor travels to reunite with his love, Laurana. They will attend the Coronation. You will need to hurry if you wish to be there in time!" She smiles warmly, sitting by the bed.
Smon: Prisha recognises the green skin as Viridian. Not a race with a good reputation, especially the nobles.
Smon: "Your coming child is also well."
joriandrake: "How much time has passed?" Prisha asks, and remembers to continue not to judge based on rumors
joriandrake: She feels relieved from Meda's last comment
Smon: "This is the tenth day of the ninthmonth. Namelin is crowned in two days."
joriandrake: She nods, knowing this didn't go as planned... well, then again death is normally not part of any plan
Smon: Meda regards Prisha thoughtfully. "Your lover, Orph... You should know that he is not a good man. Though I suppose people can change."
joriandrake: "Not sure I can go to the ceremony in time then, unless Lord Dyson is here to use his teleportation"
joriandrake: She stiffens when Orph is named "... please explain"
Smon: >>unless Lord Dyson is here to use his teleportation"<< Meda grins. I have such magic also... but I prefer to save it for emergencies. The Amazons of Highhaven will be here tomorrow on their war griffons. They can fly you to the coronation, if you wish." >>"... please explain" << Meda's smile fades. "His last girlfriend, that I know of, was a slave concubine of Lord Rey. When she entered Thusia she became free, as all do. However, while here she fell for Orph, who was staying at our Inn. They left Thusia together. When..."
Smon: Meda looks down. "When he tired of her, he sold her, again as a slave."
Smon: She looks up. "You should know that he has done many wicked things. Whether he will change for you, I know not."
Smon: GM: Previous session, 9/9 with Sandor at Highhaven: >>Smon: Laurana goes over to the window, taking in the vista as she listens. "This is our land. Not theirs. They are strangers here - and they know it." Sandor Sunneson: Well no empires last forever, as we have seen just recently Sandor Sunneson: Anyway, looking forward to flying tomorrow by griffin :_ Sandor Sunneson: Smon: "Despite Alkazed - and the Lorvas woman - the Skandiks of Ossary have little magic, from all I hear. We have Dyson Logos - the Nerathi have Dyson Logos. And we have fliers - our war griffons. If only we had a fleet... but it seems my brother cost us that." Smon: She turns back to Sandor, grinning. "Tomorrow, we fly. Tonight..."<<
joriandrake: Prisha nods. Slavery is normal in most of the world, but seems this region grew strongy opposing it under Hakeem, and seems it is also due to other sources, probably also Mycr. "Thank oyu for telling me." after a minute in deep thoughts she continues "I only know him for what he did since we met, Meroya grants second chances to everyone and I shall do it as well. If this meeting with death was any lession to me then it was to grow closer to her wisdom... and also be grateful for your serivess, and for that of your god Mycr for the revival"
joriandrake: services*
joriandrake: "Flying sounds nice, since the wizard told me he loves to fly around I wanted to try it...except that part about shooting fireballs"
Smon: Meda nods. "Your deity Meroya is an aspect of the Gaea, the world spirit..." As Meda is talking with Prisha, suddenly the door opens and in walks a powerful looking Amazon with curly auburn hair. She nods briefly to Prisha, then turns to Meda. "Milady! The griffons of Highhaven have been sighted. They will soon be here."
Smon: Meda nods, standing. "Sooner than I expected. Thank you, Damne."
Smon: Damne -
joriandrake: "Lady Meda, are you part of the growing alliance with Nerath against the Skandiks and Black Sun?"
Smon: @Fergus - riding on the back of Laurana's war griffon, holding tight to your amazon queen, you have been flying for hours across the lush valley of the western Vale and the craggy expanses of the wild Ghinarian Hills. Now you see the little village of Thusia come into view below.
Smon: Meda looks down at Prisha, smiling. "I am an Amazon - my mother was an Amazon - and allied with the goodly Amazons of Highhaven. And I hate the Black Sun with all my heart."
Smon: Laurana looks back to Sandor, grinning, the wind whipping her black hair. "Hold on - we're going down!"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor holds on
Smon: Meda: "We should greet our guests. Prisha, when you are ready, feel free to join us."
joriandrake: Prisha nods, remembering her 'recent' encounter with them at the tower. "Ah yes, the warriors. I've met some, but none of Viridian ancestry. Helped bring Sandor's child to this world as well." She smiles "Don't worry about the fleet. Nerath will make a nice new one, based on old documents. I hope once it is ready you could be persuaded to board one and give aid to the fleet directly, or indirectly. The enemy is strong and have a lot of experience at sea. Magic users like us might be what we need even more on the seas than actual ships"
Smon: Laurana seems to enjoy the extra close holding as she brings mighty Goldmane to land on the village green of Thusia, seven other war griffons alighting just behind her. The villagers gasp, some backing away - such a sight has not been seen here before, even when Dyson-dragon visited for the Great Council.
joriandrake: "Lady Meda... I assume you don't know if they picked a name for the child yet? I hope I wasn't late to the naming ceremony"
Smon: Meda is heading for the door. She pauses. "Prince Sandor's child by Clenderi? No, the boy is yet unnamed, I believe."
joriandrake: Prisha nods and holds her hand still on her belly "Well, I'll make sure to decide on the name of this one before it being too late and everyone just calling 'child' or 'kid' instead of a name."
Smon: Sandor and Laurana have just dismounted Goldmane when they see Meda's weaponmaster Damne coming out to greet them. She nods in greeting. "Welcome, my Queen, my Prince. Meda is with the Mistress Prisha. She will be out shortly."
joriandrake: She looks at Lady Meda "Who paid for the revival?"
Smon: Griffon Knight Kalindra and Kaijahra of the warrior elite are among the other amazons dismounting; Damne greets them each in turn.
Smon: Kaijahra
Smon: Kalindra on right -
Smon: >>"Who paid for the revival?"<< Meda nods. "I believe Queen Malenn provided the gems. We did not need to use the gifts of Princess Bronze."
joriandrake: "I see... I shall repay her kindness then"
Smon: "Excuse me." Meda heads out the chapel - Sandor sees her approaching. "Welcome, Queen Laurana, Prince Sandor. You received my message, my queen?" Laurana nods. "Aye! So, this priestess of a new religion. Where is she?" Meda indicates the chapel.
Smon: Meda: "She is still recovering, but is much better now. Come, let us repair to my Hall..."
Smon: GM: Meda has a feast laid on for Laurana, Sandor and the warrior elite, while goats are slaughtered to feed the hungry war griffons, fed by members of Damne's amazon guard.
Smon: GM: Moving on...
Smon: After Laurana & Sandor have been allocated quarters and given a chance to freshen up, they join Meda and co for the evening feast.
Smon: Meda & Laurana exchange news.
Smon: Laurana: "I take it you're not coming to this Coronation, then?" Meda shakes her head. "My place is here - as always."
Smon: GM: Next day you can fly to Hara.
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