Wednesday, 14 March 2018
7/9-9/9 Sandor & Nightshadow to Carchimish, Sandor to Highhaven (1000 XP)
Smon: GM: 7/9/47 - The day after your victory over Radu and the Darrakhul.
Sandor Sunneson: And we collected 1800gp for the town coiffers
Smon: The Harans minus Prisha & Orph are leaving Ahyf bound for Hara on their ship Seastrider.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will say goodbye to Kosvar
Sandor Sunneson: And thank Anna for their support
Smon: Nightshadow & Grog are heading back to Carchimish ahead of the coronation with an invite for King Koloth, while Sandor has an invite for Queen Laurana of Highhaven, both written by Princess Anna.
Smon: GM: Anna Bronze & Dyson Logos bid you both farewell on the docks at Ahyf.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will ask NS and Grog if he can accompany them on the Carcamesh road as Highhaven is heading that way anyway
Smon: Nightshadow has begun inspecting empty properties in Ahyf for his new villa...
Smon: Malenn outfits NS & Grog with fine (non-elven) horses with saddle & tack, provisions etc.
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 4,
Smon: Small clouds scud across the windy sky as you ride out of Ahyf's west gate, heading for Carchimish and for Sandor, beyond.
Smon: An hour and a half's ride brings you to famous Cahli village with its steel shutters to keep out marauding Night Things.
Smon: From there the trail goes southwest along the valley of the Cedarwade.
Smon: Early in the evening you reach the mining village of Irondawn, and can stay the night at the coaching inn there - 1gp each for the best private rooms.
Smon: 8/9/47 Rising bright and early, you should reach Carchimish this evening.
Smon: Leaving Irondawn behind, the trail winds up from the river flood plain, into the western edge of the lush Ghinarian Hills.
Smon: You have been riding an hour or so, your bellies comfortably full after a good Inn breakfast, when suddenly you see movement in the trees ahead!
Sandor Sunneson: Gnolls?
Sandor Sunneson: Kobolds?
Smon: Out of the sun-dappled trees move three enormously obese figures, over eight feet tall!
Smon: Ogres? No, these are like nothing you've seen before...
Sandor Sunneson: Hill giants?
Smon: "FOOOD!" yells one, clearly female. "GIVE OORMA FOOOOD!!"
Smon: The 'flab giants' close on you with surprising speed as your horses come to a juddering halt, equine eyes wide with fear as the foul stench of stale sweat and worse emanating from the creatures reaches their nostrils.
Smon: roll init
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 5, (+3) = 8
Sandor Sunneson: rage
Smon: /roll d20-2
DESTROYERBILL: advantage fergus your a barbairon
Smon rolls 1d20-2 and gets: 3, (-2) = 1
Sandor Sunneson: of course,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 10, (+3) = 13
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 18, (+5) = 23
Smon: You've not long rested since ghouls of course
Smon: But you have recovered 2 hp/level for 2 nights rest
Sandor Sunneson: +56
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20 and gets: 1,
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 11,
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20 and gets: 20,
Smon: "+56"?
Smon: ok you all win init as the obese lard sacks lumber forward slowly.
Sandor Sunneson: 2 hit points per leve, 14Th level x2=28, 2 nights =56
Smon: NO 1 hp per level per night, 2 nights = 14x2=28
Smon: How are your hp?
Sandor Sunneson: ah ok,
Sandor Sunneson: 120HP
Smon: NS first
Sandor Sunneson: 119, 91+28
Smon: They are slow, currently 20' away
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 7, (+5) = 12
Smon: moving at 20'/round
DESTROYERBILL: i yawn and ride my horse away
Smon: NS wheels his horse and canters away.
Smon: Sandor your go
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will do the same with his horse
Smon: Grog follows NS & Sandor.
Smon: The flab giants impotently shake flabby fists as you turn and ride away. "HUNGRRRY!!" "GISSA FOOOOD!!"
Smon: Sadly they uproot some nearby bushes to munch disconsolately as you disappear over the nearest rise.
Sandor Sunneson: going veggie
Smon: GM: So the road to Carchimish is blocked by flab giants. What are you doing now?
DESTROYERBILL: ride arouned them
Sandor Sunneson: Whilst they chew on their bushes
Smon: You could ride down to the plain and follow the edge of the hills, this will take a few hours longer but you should still reach Carchimish tonight.
DESTROYERBILL: yep doing that
Sandor Sunneson: ok
Smon: After a few miles back along the trail you find a path leading west down out of the hills onto the plain.
Smon: You reach the plain, continuing on you reach a charming riverside village in time for a late lunch. NS & Grog's horses are pretty tired from the exertion.
Smon: Animal Handling for NS
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 9, (+6) = 15
Smon: NS has the horses lathered, watered and fed appropriately.
Smon: Riding on...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: Night is falling when you see the walls of Carchimish rising ahead.
Smon: Bad memories for Sandor
Sandor Sunneson: Not really, quite impartial to this place, he'll go and stay in the pub
DESTROYERBILL: sandor they dont really like you there you know why but just be qiute and yes do stay in the pub
Sandor Sunneson: I am aware of this, this is why I am playing it low and will go and stay in the pub
Smon: GM: Riding up past Myrko's pond you reach the East Gate -
Smon: A familiar gate guard is on duty - Lance Corporal Norbert Porkins! He snaps a salute at NS.
Smon: "Sir! Welcome home Sir!""
DESTROYERBILL: hello norbert
Smon: OOC Porkins reminds me of Arnold J Rimmer Fergus
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: Porkins puffs his chest out in pride. "Been back two days Sir! With Sir Baltek. The Princess is still in Hara - she is to be wed!"
DESTROYERBILL: who is marrying the princess
Sandor Sunneson: Sir Baltek
Smon: Porkins eyes Sandor suspiciously. "Princess Lyssana is marrying the Prince Sir Ector Bronze, brother to Namelin King of Nerath! Twas love at first sight I hear!" he grins.
Sandor Sunneson: Happy days, they'll make a lovely couple
DESTROYERBILL: i need to say ther are three flab giants on the road to hara
Smon: Norbert: "They say Ector will be moving here to Carchimish, with two hundred men to join our forces..."
Smon: Norbert nods. "Yes sir. I'm sure Sir Baltek will want to hear of that."
Sandor Sunneson: We avoided them and left them munching bushes
Smon: GM: You ride into town; Sandor heads over to the Harper's Cauldron Inn on the main square while NS & Grog head to the Palace.
Smon: Soon NS & Grog are escorted into the grand courtroom, where a very happy looking King Koloth awaits, flanked by Sir Baltek & Sir Oghrim the dwarf.
Smon: Koloth: "My fool! Welcome! What news?"
DESTROYERBILL: hakeem is no longer a real problem to you and your people my king
DESTROYERBILL: he attacked and killed dyson logos but dyson was resurected
DESTROYERBILL: hakeem has no power politically now
Smon: Koloth: "I heard he had 'ascended' - what piffle... Killed Dyson Logos?! The Dragon of Nerath?!" There is a gasp from the court as NS goes on.
DESTROYERBILL: so he has no way of putting sandor in charge
Smon: Koloth nods. "Excellent... but how was Dyson restored to life?"
DESTROYERBILL: prisha the love guru reserected him
Smon: Baltek grins. "I see we made the right choice, accepting her - and you - into our hearts, good Don."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will go to the pub, pay for a bed for the night and stable for the horse
DESTROYERBILL: also besides hakeem you have been pesonally invited to the couranation of high king bronze
Smon: A buxom barmaid, the innkeep's wife Euma, charges Sandor 1gp and brings him an excellent meal of lamb & grilled cabbage.
DESTROYERBILL: also a flab giant problem on the road to hara 3 of them
Smon: Koloth takes the invite from Anna, breaks the seal, reads it and nods, smiling.
Smon: "Flab giants? Never heard of them."
Smon: Baltek: "We should take barge to Hara, your grace."
DESTROYERBILL: big fat giants not even as powerful as hill giants my king
Smon: Koloth: "Hm... we'll need to deal with those. I'm sure my future son in law Prince Ector would enjoy the sport!" He grins.
DESTROYERBILL: you should also look out for scandic scout ships we saw one of those
Smon: The King nods to his slave girl Juko, who bows and comes over to NS with a velvet pouch. She bows deeply and proffers it.
Smon: Baltek: "Skandiks? Yes, we have heard of the raids against the eastern Vale. Refugees are fleeing inland. Lord Tug cannot protect his people.
DESTROYERBILL: thank you my leige but what is inside
Smon: Koloth smiles: "A hundred coins..."
DESTROYERBILL: of which variety
Smon: "Oh, that would be telling!"
Smon: "he he he" he grins.
DESTROYERBILL: oh good my king i shall check now if i may
Smon: "Of course."
Smon: NS opens it - as expected, 100 platinum gleam.
DESTROYERBILL: oh thank you my leige you are so kind and genourus
Smon: Koloth orders a great feast for tonight - NS just has time to go see Kym Goodkind his lady.
Smon: She's very pleased to see him back.
Smon: NS orders goggles of night for 650gp w 2 day delivery from Dark Odo, the expert artificer.
Smon: OK will do Sandor now for rest of tonight
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will rest up for night
Sandor Sunneson: and then head to Highhaven the next day
Smon: GM: 9/9/47 While NS and the Carchimish royal court are leaving for Hara by boat...
Smon: Sandor rides out of town, the 15 miles from Carchimish through the high country to Highhaven takes only a few hours on the elven steed.
Smon: A little before noon, horns blare on the walls of Highhaven and the gates open, Sandor rides in.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Sandor Sunneson: Just missed somebody leave a few hours before he got there
Sandor Sunneson: The ghost of Hakeem ha ha
Smon: Laurana, just returned from griffon patrol, comes out to meet Sandor accompanied by her Griffon Knights and several of the warrior elite, Sandor recognises familiar faces such as Kalindra.
Sandor Sunneson: Ladies, Your Majesty, resplendent as ever
Smon: Also Kaijahra, sister of deceased queen Artemisia. Laurana grins. "Welcome back!" She runs up almost girlish as she gives her lover a warm hug.
Sandor Sunneson: I have for you Laurana from Princess Anna an invite to the Coronation of Namelin, he'll hand over the scroll
Smon: Laurana's eyes widen. "Did not expect this..." She breaks the seal and reads the invitation.
Sandor Sunneson: We need to talk though, I have news about your brother, maybe you have heard
Smon: "Princess Anna is very diplomatic... She makes clear there'll be no giving of Allegiance to this new king. Very well..."
Sandor Sunneson: Well I'm heading up that way anyway, so would gladly accompany you
Smon: "Yes, of course you should come with me..." she smiles. >>I have news about your brother...<< Putting the scroll in her belt, Laurana's eyes widen. "Yes?"
Sandor Sunneson: His cheeks will puff, I suggest we talk in private,
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will explain how he left Ahyf the time line of events
Sandor Sunneson: Then how the Hara Royalty had sent a party to wake Dyson the Dragon, found a dead dragon, believed to be Hakeem
Sandor Sunneson: Dyson Dragon now resurrected
Sandor Sunneson: And is now an old wizard, and it appears that Hakeem has gone to the celestial planes
Smon: GM: Laurana escorts Sandor to her private chambers where they can talk in peace. Laurana strips off her sweaty riding gear & armour as she listens sombrely to the tale.
Sandor Sunneson: Leaving Maleen in charge at Ahyf
Smon: "You're sure it was really my brother who murdered Dyson?"
Smon: Laurana looks pale. She sits on the bed.
Sandor Sunneson: Dyson seems certain it was him, he said he had never seen him in that state and something was troubling him
Smon: "Do you know why he did it?"
Smon: It seems as if a dark shadow falls across Laurana's fair countenance.
Sandor Sunneson: He got annoyed with SB after he woke the black dragon Matriax, Matriax destroyed Ahyf, Hakeem destroyed Matriax
Sandor Sunneson: Sorry Trade
Sandor Sunneson: not Ahyf
Smon: She nods.
9:14pm 2018-3-14 jimmy Has entered the room
Sandor Sunneson: And then decided that SB needed to be punished
Smon: (hi jimmy)
Sandor Sunneson: (Hi Jim)
jimmy: hi
Smon: (running 5e D&D Wilderlands)
Smon: (very soap opera right now)
jimmy: (im just lurking then was only room with people in it)
Sandor Sunneson: Anyway, Mr Logos will also be at the Coronation
jimmy: (how u all like 5e?)
jimmy: (oops never mind your playing now ok dont answer that carry on)
Sandor Sunneson: So sure he would happily be in the presence of another Queen at the Coronation
Sandor Sunneson: It's cool, suits barbarian's, not so much spell casters7
Sandor Sunneson: (sure you could join in if you wanted)
Smon: (I like 5e a lot, great game)
Smon: Laurana: "How did my brother go from wanting to punish Shieldbiter for attacking Matriarx, to murdering Dyson Logos?"
Sandor Sunneson: Shieldbiter attempted to steal Matriatix's fortunue, this angered the dragon, the dragon then hunted SB, decided to destroy Trade
Sandor Sunneson: Your brother was angry that SB wasn't there to protect the town, but felt he needed to kill the dragon
Smon: Queen Laurana is looking down at the tiled floor as she listens, her body tense.
Smon: "Dyson. Our ally. Why did he attack *Dyson*?!"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor shrugs
Sandor Sunneson: (He wouldn't know why Hakeem attacked Dyson)
Sandor Sunneson: He felt many people had betrayed him Laurana, he said the reason why the black sun were defeated was because of him killing Kainos and Crowfinger
Sandor Sunneson: Whilst other leaders refused to fight,
Sandor Sunneson: He lost Ursa
Smon: She looks up, face pale, tears not far from her eyes (I don't think Sandor has *ever* seen Laurana cry). "Betrayed... We have to find out why. It... it sounds like something our father would do."
Sandor Sunneson: I am lucky to be here
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will hug her
Sandor Sunneson: (Sandor thinks, ha cry bitch , no he doesn;t
Smon: She nods at the mention of Ursa. "His friend. I know that hurt him..." As Sandor goes to hug her, she hugs him back tightly.
Smon: (:p)
Smon: After a long hug, Laurana moves back, Sandor's arms still round her, and looks up at him. "He wanted revenge on Lord Bronze? By murdering Dyson?"
Sandor Sunneson: Maleen is also heart broken, but she is holding up, Anna Bronze wants the legend of Hakeem to live on, so we are saying the image that attacked Dyson was an Ossary/Skandik assasin
Sandor Sunneson: We need strong leadership against the Skandiks, they will be visiting when the rains go away, we have already seen their ships and they are attacking the coastal towns
Smon: "I know Hakeem resigned the Regency... Namelin declares himself King..." she sighs. "My brother must have hated that. But still, to kill Dyson? To seek a Black Sun victory?! I... it's hard to believe." She listens on. "Bronze is right... the people have to believe in my brother... the legend, if not the reality."
Smon: Laurana nods, calming her emotions. "Very well. We know what to do."
Sandor Sunneson: Namelin is no fighter, but a good politician, everyone will be there
Smon: Laurana goes and pours some wine. "Indeed. He'll need fighters... he'll need us... when the Skandiks come."
Smon: "The Amazons of Sea Rune have fought the Skandiks for hundred of years. I know a little of them. They are fierce - but not invincible."
Smon: Laurana offers Sandor red wine, they talk some more.
Sandor Sunneson: We leave for Hara in the morning?
Sandor Sunneson: He'll sip it, thank you
Smon: "Yes - by griffon, if you're willing?" Laurana grins a little wickedly.
Smon: "I'll take half the Warrior Elite - put on a good show for the Nerathi."
Sandor Sunneson: He'll say how the political situation has turned Maleen into a Queen and very regal leader of Ahyf
Sandor Sunneson: Sure, I'll hold on tight
Sandor Sunneson: sandor will say
Smon: Laurana grins at that. "You better!" She asks a lot of questions about Ahyf and the Golden Queen; seeming happy that Malenn is doing well.
Smon: "So, you are her ...guard commander, now? How does it feel to serve a woman?"
Sandor Sunneson: I'm happy I don't have to make the day to day running decisions S will say
Smon: Laurana nods. "It is not easy... especially when people die."
Sandor Sunneson: He'll also say he stopped in Carcamesh and how the Princess is marrying Ector
Smon: "The Harans are expanding their reach swiftly."
Sandor Sunneson: Well will be interesting to see what happens should the Skandiks come knocking
Smon: Laurana nods. "We'll fight... again. And we'll win... again. We beat my father. We beat the Arang-Tok and the Black Sun. We'll beat this King Alkazed - without my brother, it seems."
Sandor Sunneson: He's meant to be a brute of a fighter, don't think any champion will put him down, but there are always ways
Smon: Laurana looks out the window - a breathtaking view across the pastoral reaches of the western Vale, the Ghinarian Hills a purple smudge in the far distance.
Sandor Sunneson: S: You've not done too badly yourself, to think that you would be leader longer than your brother too, respect your Majesty
Smon: "We'll find a way. Not like my mother - she tried to duel Yusan one on one. We have to be smarter. Hakeem was smart. He held together an alliance, stronger than our enemies..."
Sandor Sunneson: They are cautious the Skandiks, that could be their downfall
Smon: >>to think that you would be leader longer than your brother too, respect your Majesty<< Laurana looks to Sandor, grins archly. "Hardly a towering achievement!" >>They are cautious the Skandiks, that could be their downfall<< "You've fought them, already?"
Sandor Sunneson: He'll tell her of the beach assult
Smon: Laurana goes over to the window, taking in the vista as she listens. "This is our land. Not theirs. They are strangers here - and they know it."
Sandor Sunneson: Well no empires last forever, as we have seen just recently
Sandor Sunneson: Anyway, looking forward to flying tomorrow by griffin :_
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: "Despite Alkazed - and the Lorvas woman - the Skandiks of Ossary have little magic, from all I hear. We have Dyson Logos - the Nerathi have Dyson Logos. And we have fliers - our war griffons. If only we had a fleet... but it seems my brother cost us that."
Smon: She turns back to Sandor, grinning. "Tomorrow, we fly. Tonight..."
Smon: ~fade to black~
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: GM OOC: OK good place to stop, have 1000 XP and will continue Friday w coronation
Smon: Hopefully Jorian back
Sandor Sunneson: cool, what time Friday?
Sandor Sunneson: I'll be on Skye, so as long as there is decent wifi
9:50pm 2018-3-14 DESTROYERBILL Has exited the room
Smon: 7.30pm, might be just after
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