Saturday, 30 June 2018
16/6/48 The Awakening #2
7:28am 2018-6-30 Smon Has entered the room
Sandor Sunneson: Morning Chris
joriandrake: hi
chris107: Morning Simon
Sandor Sunneson: Morning Jorian and Simon
Smon: Morning all!
chris107: I've just got 45 minutes before I need to go meet my friends.
Sandor Sunneson:
Sandor Sunneson: That's a pic of Elfis Simon for the bolog
Sandor Sunneson: blog
Smon: This was last sesh
chris107: Ferg
Smon: Cool thx Ferg
joriandrake: I thought Bill is coming?
Smon: yup
Smon: will call him
chris107: "I wonder what this Maugraign's plans are? "
chris107: "I wonder what this Maugraign's plans are? "
chris107: "I wonder what this Maugraign's plans are? "
chris107: "I wonder what this Maugraign's plans are? "
Sandor Sunneson: To conqur the world Sandor I guess will say sarcastically whilst eating his breakfast?
chris107: "If I were him I wouldn't let these artefacts out of my sight. I wonder if we aren't better killing him if we get the hance?"
Sandor Sunneson: To conqeuer the world I guess Sandor will say
Sandor Sunneson: Have you encountered him before?
chris107: Moffet does not think so.
joriandrake: "If I knew more about the artifacts I might be able to track them with Locate Object spell"
chris107: "I never even say any of the Khazdrugr."
chris107: saw
chris107: "That would be ever so useful Mrs. Prisha."
Sandor Sunneson: Here is a picture of him beckoning us in for a fight
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: GM: Ahyf map -
chris107: "If these dwarves are anything like old Tor Caradoc, getting at their treasure will be tough. It was hard work to get him to open his purae when it was his turn at the bar."
7:39am 2018-6-30 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
chris107: Morning Bill
joriandrake: "They might not consider the artifacts as treasure, probably they will have them stored seperatedly from an actual treasure vault"
joriandrake: Hi Bill
Sandor Sunneson: mornign Bill
chris107: "Tor Caradoc considered every copper piece part of his treasure." Moffet looks gloomy. Wondering what ever happened to his old friend.
chris107: "Most of my friends have died....."
chris107: "One was eaten by a Blue Dragon called Alcatrix. Have I told you about that?"
Smon: GM: The party is assembled in the sewers of Ahyf, equipped with Goggles of Night. Shieldbiter, Prisha, Moffet (who will guard the rear later) Sandor, elf spy Seroni of Onhir, and Altanian sword knight Harlgrimm, the latter two to guard delicate Prisha from harm.
joriandrake: "Just a few times" Prisha nods. "Still, I need to go over all the details of the artifacts known to us, as knowledge of the object is important for the spell to succeed, and lead can block the detection spell. As such I wonder if anyone can tell me the caverns around there have lead. A treasure vault with lead layer could block it as well."
DESTROYERBILL: its like you wear it with a badge of houner that one of your freinds was eaten by a blue dragon
Smon: Harlgrimm: "I heard a dwarf name of Tor Caradoc adventured with mighty Hakeem in the Caverns of Thracia, and met his death there at hands of a foul wight."
chris107: "Oh no?! Poor old Tor Caradoc."
Smon: Harlgrimm: "Be proud that your friend fell in such illustrious company!"
joriandrake: "Not sure anyone who is eaten by a dragon actually feels, or would feel honored." Prisma smiles and tells Shieldbiter
chris107: Moffet looks sad.
joriandrake: "Was your friend...digested? I know this sounds rude, but I ask for a good reason"
chris107: "You kind of had to be there Mr. Shieldbiter. We were saving the Queen you see?"
Sandor Sunneson: A positive for every negative, may he rest in peace
Smon: Seroni looks sceptically over the gaggle of heroes. "You want me to scout ahead?"
DESTROYERBILL: so say that all the time not your freind was eaten
chris107: "I just found some pieces of his armour. He had a really nice breastplate, from Veridistan. But the dragon had eaten everything else."
chris107: "I can scout with you if you like Seroni?"
DESTROYERBILL: lets stop dille dallying and go on an adventure
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will swing his blade around and then get ready to followthe general direction of the scouters
joriandrake: "Hold on to those armor pieces. They might be the link to have your friend revived in the future." Prisha says then turns to Seroni. "That would be welcome, just be careful."
joriandrake: (The Queen said she gets diamonds for the revive spells prepared. How did that work out SImon?)
Smon: Seroni nods to Moffet. "Very well. We'll go together." She looks over the others. "Just try to be quiet."
Smon: /roll 2d3
Smon rolls 2d3 and gets: 1, 3 = 4
Smon: GM: Harlgrimm hands Prisha 4 Revivify diamonds.
joriandrake: Prisha nods. "All right, this allows me the use of six lesser revive spells with my own supplies included, and two of the moderate Revive spells which can be used to up to a week from death's time on someone."
Smon: GM: Maglor the Spymaster bids you all farewell and you head south from the sewers down the secret tunnel under the plain, Seroni & Moffet scouting ahead.
Smon: The subterranean path is unlit but for occasional glowing mosses, but seems well marked and oft used, Sandor has no trouble retracing his steps.
Smon: Seroni & Moffet move ahead a little beyond sight & sound of the others.
Smon: You travel for several hours through the subterranean world. Moffet roll Survival (INT or WIS)
chris107: Moffet whispers a soft prayer to Alinah
joriandrake: (afk have to go over to mom's room to help a bit. If we get into combat Prisha will cast healing spells and/or Bless of there are lots of enemies)
Sandor Sunneson: set the tone Chris
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 14, (+6) = 20
chris107: not bad
Smon: Moffet reckons the elevation has gone up a bit, and you must be nearing or in the northern edge of the Ghinarian Hills now.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Sandor Sunneson: Have you got furniture in place to throw at any enemy? Chair leg or small table?
chris107: Not today
Smon: After hours of travel, you reach the cavern with the bridge, where Sandor slew several Duergar. There are a few bloodstains, but no bodies - from the smears, they have been carried away, not eaten here.
DESTROYERBILL: i coud throw a big table
Sandor Sunneson: They were kicked into the river
Smon: The tunnel path continues beyond, into unknown territories.
Sandor Sunneson: and sunk without trace because of their armour
chris107: Passive Perception 16 but M will look out for hidden sentries
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 10, (+6) = 16
Smon: Moffet spots no sentries. It looks as if the bodies may have been kicked into the fast-flowing stream.
chris107: "Can you see anything with your keen elven eyes?" He asks his companion
Smon: Perhaps lost beneath fast flowing waters.
chris107: hehe
Smon: /roll d20+8
Smon rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 20, (+8) = 28
joriandrake: back
chris107: wb Jorian
Sandor Sunneson: oooh
joriandrake: (Simon starting with a 20 is not good)
Smon: Seroni looks around, points out subtle marks. "More dwarves came here after Sandor killed some. They found the blood marks, and fished in the waters."
DESTROYERBILL: its amazing
Smon: That was Seroni rolling Perception. "They came back, and used long hooks to recover their dead from beneath the water."
chris107: "Did they take them beyond the bridge? Can you tell where to?"
Smon: Seroni nods. "Yes, they carried them away - that way." She points down the unknown southern tunnel. The rest of the party arrive at this point, Seroni explains what she's deduced.
chris107: "Lets cross this bridge and look for ways out beyond the big cave. We can bring our friends here once we know it's safe."
Smon: Seroni,+Elf+Trader.jpg
chris107: "Oh look, they're here all ready. They all have such long legs."
Smon: Seroni: "We must be entering patrolled territory. Be wary."
Sandor Sunneson: Lets hope they don't turn them into zombies
Smon: GM: You head on south, Moffet & Seroni moving ahead again.
joriandrake: Prisha is reminded of the powered up ghouls due to that remark and shudders
chris107: Moffet stays close to the eastern wall
chris107: "Port out my old dad used to say."
Smon: You travel about 2 miles, the air growing slightly fresher. Then Moffet & Seroni reach a fork on the trail, one lesser used tunnel going right/west (slightly south(, the more beaten trail continuing ahead south. Many Duergar tracks on the south trail.
Smon: Seroni points out the tracks to Moffet.
chris107: "Thanks Seroni. I think we better just check a little way down the other trail to make sure we are not leaving enemies behind us."
Smon: "I think we are very close to this Maugraign's Hall, now."
Smon: GM: Seroni & Moffet wait while the others come up to the junction.
chris107: "Wait here I'll just go a few hundred feet and take a look. Our friends should be here by then."
chris107: M sneaks off down the right hand tunnel for 200' then returns if it looks deserted.
Smon: Seroni nods. She waits at the junction while Shieldbiter Prisha Sandor approach from the north.
Smon: Roll stealth Moffet.
chris107 rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 19, (+9) = 28
Smon: Moffet heads west. The tunnel roof rises, becoming more like a crack or rift, at least 30' high, with ledges and cracks along the walls.
Smon: Roll perception Moffet.
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 17, (+6) = 23
DESTROYERBILL: the dice are with you
Smon: Moffet spots the skull of a cave lizard lying on the ground, and looking around, other debris. Looking up, he sees suspicious looking clefts near the top of the rift, possible monster lairs? Creatures could be lurking up there, but if so they don't seem to have noticed him... ahead the tunnel bends left/south.
chris107: He creeps back to tell his friends. "Probably nothing intelligent. I think if we leave them alone they won't bother us."
chris107: And on that note I must leave you. Moffet will stay at the back and protect Mrs. Prisha.
chris107: Good luck guys!
Smon: Moffet goes to guard the rear.
joriandrake: (bye Chris)
Smon: Bye Chris!
Sandor Sunneson: Have a good day
8:14am 2018-6-30 chris107 Has exited the room
Smon: Seroni looks to the others at the junction. "So, try this west fork, or south down the main trail?"
joriandrake: Prisha looks at Sandor for a decision on it
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor shrugs, main trail probably, more likely to lead to the leader
joriandrake: She nods in agreement
Smon: Seroni: "OK... again, you all stay back, let me scout ahead. The Kazadurgar are close."
Smon: Seroni moves ahead down the main/south tunnel.
Smon: /roll d20+6
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 1, (+6) = 7
Smon: LOL
joriandrake: Probably way too obvious
Sandor Sunneson: Lol
joriandrake: so we can stop Seroni from suicide maybe
Sandor Sunneson: Somebody falls on top of us?
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
joriandrake: I assume it was Seroni's stealth check
Smon: /roll 17d20
Smon rolls 17d20 and gets: 5, 10, 3, 20, 13, 4, 20, 18, 17, 20, 9, 10, 9, 14, 8, 3, 4, = 187
joriandrake: o_O
Smon: lotta 20s!
Sandor Sunneson: She's only a npc, no worries
joriandrake: (I doN't dare to ask about it)
Smon: You are heading down the south tunnel when you hear a sudden scream, female.
Smon: /roll 20d10+7
Smon rolls 20d10+7 and gets: 8, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 9, 3, 7, 8, 3, 3, 1, 4, 7, 5, 7, 10, 7, 9, (+7) = 113
Sandor Sunneson: Moffet has a lot to answer for just heading to the back of the group
joriandrake: Prisha looks worried, she is thinking about the possible events unaware to them and if she already has to revive a comrade
Smon: You come round a slight bend to see ahead of you Seroni lying dead, perforated by 7 arbalest bolts. Beyond her down the tunnel the far end where it opens into a vast cavern is blocked by a rough built wall of stones and wood, sharpened stakes at the base pointing north. Numerous xbow armed dwarvish figures can be seen on the parapet.
joriandrake: Prisha whispers "we need to quickly get her body back here, then I can easily enough revive her."
Sandor Sunneson: Well we'll do it at the end,
Sandor Sunneson: they are probably alerted we are here now
Smon: An alarm horn blares from the parapet. Seroni's body is about 50' from you, 50' from the wall.
Smon: roll init
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
13 (+2) = 15
20 (+2) = 22
Smon: dc 12
joriandrake: GM: parapet, how far are the dwarves from each other from a center point in the air imagined in between them at about the same distance?
DESTROYERBILL: fergus you also get advantage on intitive becouse were barbareions
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 1, (+3) = 4
Sandor Sunneson: hmmmm
joriandrake rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 9, (+2) = 11
Sandor Sunneson: good start
Sandor Sunneson: lol
joriandrake: ferg rol lagain
Smon: The wall is about 30' across, the dwarves are close packed on the top.
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 2, (+3) = 5
Sandor Sunneson: lol
joriandrake: o_O
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor stretches and says good morning to all and welcome to the day
joriandrake: npc's rolled by GM
Smon: Halgrimm init
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 3, (+2) = 5
Sandor Sunneson: thanks Bill for remingding me
Smon: Only SB wins init
Smon: SB you spot 4 dwarves with rank insignia, 13 regulars.
Smon: SB aims at a leader.
Smon: AC 20 on parapet
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+13x2 and gets:
13 (+13) = 26
16 (+13) = 29
DESTROYERBILL rolls 2d12+14 and gets: 4, 10, (+14) = 28
Smon: A duergar screams and plummets from the wall, 2 arrows in it, as the other 16 release their bolts.
Smon: 4 at each target
Smon: vs SB
Smon: /roll d20+3x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+3x4 and gets:
10 (+3) = 13
16 (+3) = 19
1 (+3) = 4
15 (+3) = 18
Smon: miss/bounce off
Smon: 4 vs Prisha
Smon: /roll d20+3x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+3x4 and gets:
9 (+3) = 12
16 (+3) = 19
10 (+3) = 13
3 (+3) = 6
Smon: Prisha AC?
joriandrake: 18...
Smon: 1 bolt hits
Smon: /roll 2d10+1
Smon rolls 2d10+1 and gets: 5, 8, (+1) = 14
Smon: 14 dmg
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor AC21
Smon: 4 vs Sandor
Smon: /roll d20+3x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+3x4 and gets:
8 (+3) = 11
19 (+3) = 22
19 (+3) = 22
4 (+3) = 7
joriandrake: (I thought most of use wwere still in the tunnel towards that open shooting arena)
Smon: 2 hits
Sandor Sunneson: ouch
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: /roll 4d10+2
Smon rolls 4d10+2 and gets: 3, 5, 9, 4, (+2) = 23
Smon: 23 dmg to Sandor
Sandor Sunneson: 122/145
Smon: 4 on Harlgrimm
Smon: /roll d20+3x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+3x4 and gets:
2 (+3) = 5
16 (+3) = 19
17 (+3) = 20
11 (+3) = 14
Smon: 2 hits v AC 16
Smon: /roll 4d10+2
Smon rolls 4d10+2 and gets: 7, 7, 3, 5, (+2) = 24
Smon: 26/50 left
Smon: The Kazadurgar duck down behind the parapet to reload, out of your immediate sight.
joriandrake: but effectivels they didn't move away, right? just hid?
joriandrake: ...vely*
Smon: roll perception Prisha
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 2, (+7) = 9
joriandrake: (our rolls are 'amazing' since Chris left)
DESTROYERBILL: my ones were good
Smon: P can't be certain, they are not visible. Might have retreated back down far side of wall presumably.
Smon: Beyond the wall it looks as if the tunnel expands into a huge cavern.
Sandor Sunneson: how high is the parapet?
joriandrake: Prisha can only try deduction, that they wouldn't leave as they only killed one of us, and they have the numbers and tactical advantage
Smon: OOC You only have darkvision 60' so they are only dimly visible, whereas they seem to see you perfectly. The parapet is about 15' high.
Smon: You can see Seroni's body clearly 50' away on the tunnel floor.
Smon: Duergar are about 100' away from you.
Sandor Sunneson: Is the parapet wall smooth or rough? How easy would it be to climb up?
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, about 30m, is there any boulder or ledge we can take cover behind?
Smon: What are Prisha & Sandor doing? The wall has stakes at the base to deter attack, Sandor can't see if there might be gaps unless he gets w/in 60'
Smon: You can easily retreat back up the tunnel out of their sight
Smon: The area in front seems open, cleared of obstacles
joriandrake: how far is the tunnel for us, to reach a place they cant shoot at?
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor wants to use his warbow, fire at them and duck back out of sight, like they are doing, what you doing SB?
Smon: You only have to retreat about 15' to get out of their sight
joriandrake: "I consider a spell, everyone go back to the tunnel, ready your weapons [attacks] and wait)
Smon: The dwarves are in cover behind their parapet. You could Ready to shoot when they stand up to shoot at you (1 shot only)
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, and Bill? What is SB doing? Sandor's plans is to use his warbow, fire and retreat back 15ft
joriandrake: (To be clear: I plan to cast Confusion)
Smon: Last chance P & Sandor - are you Readying actions? Dithering helplessly?
joriandrake: Prisha wil lcast confusion this turn then move to the safe space 15 feet away, then end turn
Sandor Sunneson: I told you, I said I will fire an arrow and retreat back 15ft
joriandrake: Confusion target is at top of room at center so it likely makes all dwarves roll save agaisnt it
Smon: Sandor shoots an arrow pointlessly at the parapet then retreats round out of sight of the enemy.
Smon: Prisha casts Confusion over the parapet
Smon: range is 90' so falls about 15' short, outer radius does not reach the top of the parapet.
Smon: P retreats back round the corner
joriandrake: Wait, was it not 15 feet?
Smon: Followed by Harlgrimm
Smon: nope
Smon: range 90', 10' radius sphere
joriandrake: Prisha would in that case position the center so that it hits most dwarves, no reason to shoot it into the air with no obvious targets hit if outside range
Smon: SB joins the rest of you round the corner
Sandor Sunneson: SB any plans?
Smon: (You go out of combat as no immediate attacks)
joriandrake: ... hm
Smon: Harlgrimm inspects his wounds. "Any ideas?" In the distance you hear more alarm horns.
Sandor Sunneson: Well the initiative has been lost
joriandrake: "We have to get her body, quickly. Then as we already messed up the 'stealth' plan approach we have not many options. Either retreat or hold a tunnel?"
Sandor Sunneson: Why don't we go back up that other path we encountered
Sandor Sunneson: I'm not going to be a pin cushion for their accurate archers
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor says
Sandor Sunneson: She messed up,
Sandor Sunneson: Lets take the other path, SB any ideas?
joriandrake: Prisha casts Sanctuary(bon), Shield of Faith(conc, bon) (I turn) then goes in trying to sneak, then drags her body out
joriandrake: "Tie a rope around my waist" she says meranwhile
joriandrake: meanwhile*
DESTROYERBILL: lets make a charge on them suprising them so we can get on top and kill them
Smon: Harlgrimm nods and ties a rope round P's waist (takes 5 rounds)
joriandrake: "Shieldbiter, go and distract them, once I'm out with her retreat"
joriandrake: (The rope tying gives time to SB for the distraction)
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, like the sound of that, you can fly, can we see a way up onto the parapet at all toward the other end of it?
DESTROYERBILL: me and sandor are barbarieons we can charge them
Sandor Sunneson: cool
DESTROYERBILL: its only 15 feet high
joriandrake: "Good. Remember we don't actualyl try to win this time, just give us an opportunity window"
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, Sandor gets ready to rage and charge
joriandrake: She smiles "Not that I would mind if you kill them all while at it"
Smon: GM: OK so Sandor & SB charge round raging then Prisha follows them round?
joriandrake: yes
Sandor Sunneson: Sounds good by me
joriandrake: although they have 4 turns
joriandrake: to paly with, so they can charge earlier
joriandrake: compared to Prisha as she gets her roipe tied
Smon: Are you charging right away, several rounds before Prisha comes round (say 3 rounds)?
Sandor Sunneson: Yes, if SB is? Lets do it
joriandrake: (I would suggest at least 2 earlier)
Smon: OK SB has 6 rounds Rage left; Sandor rages & charges so 10 rnds
joriandrake: (if there are no dwarves, if they truly left then at least Prisha can avoid casting 2 spells)
DESTROYERBILL: i charge 80 feet
Smon: GM: SB and Sandor come racing round into the hail of arbalest bolts from the defenders.
Smon: 8 each
Smon: vs SB
Smon: ooc SB got AC wrong earlier
Smon: was AC 19 so 1 hit earlier
Smon: /roll 2d10+1
Smon rolls 2d10+1 and gets: 8, 3, (+1) = 12
Smon: 12/2 = 6
Smon: 8 more now vs AC 24 (shield up)
Smon: /roll d20+3x8
Smon Rolls 1d20+3x8 and gets:
12 (+3) = 15
3 (+3) = 6
17 (+3) = 20
5 (+3) = 8
3 (+3) = 6
17 (+3) = 20
14 (+3) = 17
3 (+3) = 6
Smon: Arrows bounce off the mighty shield
joriandrake: (yay)
Smon: 8 at Sandor
Smon: /roll d20+3x8
Smon Rolls 1d20+3x8 and gets:
2 (+3) = 5
13 (+3) = 16
12 (+3) = 15
4 (+3) = 7
1 (+3) = 4
20 (+3) = 23
12 (+3) = 15
17 (+3) = 20
Smon: AC 21?
Smon: The Kazadurgar duck back as you race forward.
Sandor Sunneson: ja
Smon: 30'-35' to parapet
Smon: Round 2 roll init again
Smon: DC 12
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
11 (+2) = 13
8 (+2) = 10
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 17, (+3) = 20
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 2, (+3) = 5
Smon: You see there is a narrow 3' gap in the stakes at the base of the wall, to allow a ladder or rope to be let down.
joriandrake: (I assume if they get atop the parapet they swap weapons)
Smon: Sandor could use his Action to try to climb the wall (DC 20 Athletics as shield out, would be 15 no shield)
Smon: SB can just flap his wings and land atop the parapet.
Sandor Sunneson: will aim for that, ok, will chuck shield on back and scramble uup
Smon: Is Sandor still level 14? Persistent Rage at 15
Smon: Takes an Action to put shield on your back
Sandor Sunneson: no, 14
joriandrake: Athletics advantage for barbarian I think, so even with shield dc 20 is having better chance
Sandor Sunneson: ok, will go for it,
Sandor Sunneson: with shield lol
Smon: Bill points out that Sandor took a crit hit so his Rage is still up
Smon: /roll 4d10+1
Smon rolls 4d10+1 and gets: 4, 3, 9, 1, (+1) = 18
Smon: Sandor took 18/2 = 9 dmg last round
Sandor Sunneson: from the 8 arrows?
Smon: Raging so advtg on Athletics roll Sandor
Sandor Sunneson: cool, yeah see it, so 114/145
Smon: 1 hit last round for 18/2 = 9 Fergus
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+9x2 and gets:
1 (+9) = 10
12 (+9) = 21
Sandor Sunneson: yes, 114/145, was 123 befor
Smon: SB flaps to the top with a single snap of his wings while Sandor scrambles up.
joriandrake: (yay)
Smon: Beyond you get your first glimpse of the vast darkling cavern beyond, the dim fires of the Duergar army - hundreds of the little brutes are camped in several warbands.
Smon: SB sees the Duergar behind the battlement look panicky as he lands on the parapet, laying about him.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor attacks once up the wall
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+15x2 and gets:
5 (+15) = 20
14 (+15) = 29
Smon: SB sweeps 2 Duergar off the wall with a swing of his sword as Sandor joins him atop the wall. You see a couple ladders leading down from the south side of the wall to the cavern beyond.
Smon: The duergar grab melee weapons & swing at you, 3 atts each
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will attack 2
Smon: /roll d20+4x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x3 and gets:
18 (+4) = 22
12 (+4) = 16
14 (+4) = 18
Smon: miss SB
Smon: /roll d20+4x3
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x3 and gets:
14 (+4) = 18
4 (+4) = 8
7 (+4) = 11
Smon: miss Sandor
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+11x2 and gets:
5 (+11) = 16
19 (+11) = 30
Sandor Sunneson: 2 hits?
joriandrake: Prisha as much as possible keeps attention to the distraction battle while she gets ready. The many enemies mean it would be best to not use up all spells and cast strategically, so she hopes to to get to the body with as few used as possible. "Harlgrimm, the body might be too heavy for me, in that case just try to drag us both back here into safety, our combined strength should be enough."
Smon: Further back several shoot up at SB
Smon: 8 shots at SB
Smon: /roll d20+3x8
Smon Rolls 1d20+3x8 and gets:
11 (+3) = 14
7 (+3) = 10
10 (+3) = 13
20 (+3) = 23
19 (+3) = 22
12 (+3) = 15
6 (+3) = 9
14 (+3) = 17
Smon: 1 hit on SB
Sandor Sunneson: oooh, 1 hit there
Smon: /roll 4d10+1
Smon rolls 4d10+1 and gets: 8, 2, 9, 8, (+1) = 28
Smon: 28/2 = 14 dmg SB
joriandrake: Then after a short pause she continues "Then again, as far I know Sandor might be able to defeat them all on his own, together with the dragonkin they might finishe the battle before I go to her corpse"
Smon: Sandor is atop the wall, attacking - AC 16, 2 hits
Smon: dmg?
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+15x2 and gets:
9 (+15) = 24
10 (+15) = 25
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 2,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 2, 4, = 6
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 17, (+13) = 30
DESTROYERBILL rolls 2d6 and gets: 5, 2, = 7
Sandor Sunneson: +11=19 from first hit
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 8,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 1, 3, = 4
Sandor Sunneson: +11
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 16, (+13) = 29
DESTROYERBILL rolls 2d6 and gets: 5, 5, = 10
Smon: Sandor kills 2 troopers, SB kills 2 of the serjeants
Sandor Sunneson: sorry, 17 from first hit, and 21 from second
joriandrake: (23 from second hit?)
Sandor Sunneson: +9 damage, not +11, +11 is attacj
joriandrake: k
Smon: Only 10 enemy left now
Smon: morale check
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 5, 4, = 9
joriandrake: 9 flee?
Smon: fail - the duergar to the rear fling down their arbalests and scramble down the ladders. 4 nearest you, unable to flee, keep fighting in melee (2 on each)
Smon: SB then S
Smon: /roll d20+4x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x4 and gets:
5 (+4) = 9
8 (+4) = 12
16 (+4) = 20
13 (+4) = 17
Smon: all miss
joriandrake: (third turn soon I think, Prisha pwobably won't have any dwarves left to fear)
Smon: Then they leap from the wall - you get free attacks on them, 1 each
Smon: 13 hp each ac 16, hit kills
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+15 and gets: 6, (+15) = 21
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+11 and gets: 7, (+11) = 18
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 5,
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 6, 2, = 8
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 6, 4, = 10
Sandor Sunneson: 27, deceased
Smon: 2 killed, 2 survive landing heavily and falling prone at the foot of the wall 12' below you.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will fire his warbow bolt them
joriandrake: fall damage 1d6?
Smon: Prisha emerges from her hiding place and walks 30' towards the body of Seroni, the rope (50' long, 45' after tie) playing out behind her.
Smon: (yes d6 fall)
joriandrake: Prisha keeps faith in her goddes and friends , also that the dwarves are quite preoccupied with the barbarians to focus on her
Smon: The nearest Kazadurgar camp is about 150-180' away across the vast cave. Several dozen duergar are forming up there, and you see massive armoured war beasts like ankylosaurs being mounted.
joriandrake: She puts her arms below arms around waist of the scout and tries to pull her back to safety
Smon: The rope is too short to reach Seroni
joriandrake: must be joking, the whole plan was to goddamn reach the corpse with the rope o_O
Smon: SB and S have 2 prone duergar below them. The rest are fleeing across the cave towards their battle lines.
joriandrake: Prisha uses a katara/dagger to cut the rope near the knot quickly to still be ablée that turn to attempt pulling Seroni out
Smon: LOL, I love how you assume everything, check nothing.
Smon: You could just ask Harlgrimm to release it?
joriandrake: Seriously, since the start of the whole plan while talking about the use of the rope it was evident the rope needs to reach the girl
Smon: (I thought your plan was to get in range for Revifify)
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will attack the prone ones to stay in rage
Smon: The rope is 50' long
joriandrake: If Prisha calls out to Harlgrimm that only makes likely the dwarves get more aware of her
Smon: OK Prisha saws at the rope
joriandrake: Revivify needs touching
joriandrake: I need to be able to reach Seroni even for the spell just as much as for pulling her out
joriandrake: also, casting revivify NOW on her restores her to 1 HP, and is at risk to get killed right away dby the 2 dwarves
Smon: (ok) Sandor roll Athletics to get to dwarves, DC 15 (advtg rage)
joriandrake: better plan to get her out and revive in safety of tunnel
Smon: Prisha cannot see any dwarves
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 18, (+9) = 27
joriandrake: ok
Smon: Sandor leaps down & attacks as the dwarves stand up
Sandor Sunneson: He'll attack them
Smon: roll to hit S
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+11x2 and gets:
14 (+11) = 25
10 (+11) = 21
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 7,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 3, 3, = 6
Sandor Sunneson: 13+11 damage hit 1
Smon: Sandor hacks at the little brutes (7 hp & 9 hp) cutting them down
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 1,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 4, 3, = 7
joriandrake: (If prisha doesn't see the dwarves then she can'tz know there are only 2 left to begin with, which makes it even more realistic a plan to just drag Seroni out to revive elsewhere as there could be dozens of enemies still on top for all she knows)
Smon: Prisha cuts the rope & gets to Seroni, can revivify
joriandrake: sigh, okay, time is of the essence she casts it now
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joriandrake: Prishe touches the Girl as she pulls the bolts with one hand and revives the girl at the best moment
Smon: GM: The nearest Duergar camp has a couple hundred dwarves, around 60 are forming up to shoot arbalests while 5 war beasts are now mounted
joriandrake: "No one left behind. A Naga couldn't stop me from reviving my comrades, nor a minotaur to revive a dragon, and certainly not some dwarves to revive our scout here"
Sandor Sunneson: Is there any rock/ledge to hide behind? Guess not as we are entering an open cave
Smon: A 300gp diamond crumbles to dust as Seroni's eyes flicker open (with about 6 seconds to spare)
joriandrake: Everyone get ready to fall back! We can't face their main armies, we have to try the other passage where they might not be prepared for us yet"
Smon: There is a huge open area w hundreds of enemies SB & S
DESTROYERBILL: lets wait for them to come through
joriandrake: "" (was Imeant to IC quote)
Sandor Sunneson: Why don't we let them attack us by the cave opening? Then only so many will get to us?
joriandrake: "If they focus their forces here it might if we're blessed by Meroya actually create an opening through the other passage for us to the girl or artifacts"
Sandor Sunneson: where the entrance is narrower?
Smon: SB & S, off to your right (west) 60' away along the cavern wall is a huge niche with a massive statue of an ancient dwarf warrior.
joriandrake: Prisha turns to Seroni "You were killed, but revived by the will of Meroya, however you're still barely alive." Prisha gives a healing potion of her 3 to Seroni
Smon: 30' tall, hands resting atop huge double bladed axes, the ancient guardian statue watches the scene impassively.
Sandor Sunneson: just need some kind of cover to minimise their attacks
joriandrake: "From now on it is better until you can heal up to keep at the back and use ranged weaponry instead of scouting ahead."
joriandrake: Prisha then looks at the statue "can you warriors topple that think before their tunnels?"
joriandrake: that thing*
Smon: P is nowhere near S & SB
joriandrake: ok, scrap the last comment then
Smon: They are 60'+ feet away on the far side of the wall
Sandor Sunneson: how wide is the statue??
Smon: P cannot see into the great cavern from where she is in the N tunnel.
joriandrake: In that case the only plausible actuin for the NPC's Moffat and Prisha is to pull back and wait at the tunnel where they came from. It was said at start of the plan that this is a disstraction and not actual full attack
Sandor Sunneson: guess one can take cover behind the statue?
Smon: The statue is about 12' wide, must way dozens of tons.
joriandrake: THis should allow our scout to get her bearings, drink the healing potion, Prisha also asks if she has some of her own, and if required she casts healing on her
Smon: You could take cover behind the feet of the 30' tall statue yup.
Smon: It's 60' from the tunnel/wall north back to Prisha
Sandor Sunneson: of course it does, SB and S to take cover behind the statue Bill?
Sandor Sunneson: Ok GM, SB and S will take cover behind the statue
Smon: So SB & S want to head west along the cave wall and take cover behind the statue legs, while Prisha helps Seroni back north down the tunnel.
Smon: SB & S roll init to get there before first arbalests start shooting, you have advtg as bbn
joriandrake: Seems like it. The original plan was a distraction attack while Seroni gets back to safety of the tunnel
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
11 (+2) = 13
3 (+2) = 5
Smon: DC 12
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+3x2 and gets:
1 (+3) = 4
3 (+3) = 6
Smon: LOL
joriandrake: dicesd not really our friends this session
Smon: "Loose!" yells a duergar officer in Dwarfish as Sandor runs for the legs...
Smon: 18+ to hit
Smon: /roll 60d20
Smon rolls 60d20 and gets: 12, 1, 4, 1, 2, 16, 16, 18, 1, 4, 3, 9, 12, 4, 3, 11, 14, 18, 20, 7, 12, 4, 6, 14, 18, 10, 12, 6, 2, 16, 14, 13, 16, 18, 14, 18, 13, 10, 16, 14, 13, 18, 2, 5, 2, 4, 15, 15, 2, 15, 1, 14, 19, 7, 7, 16, 16, 19, 2, 17 = 631
joriandrake: 9
Smon: 9 hits inc 1 crit
Smon: /roll 20d10+9
Smon rolls 20d10+9 and gets: 3, 1, 1, 8, 1, 2, 6, 4, 1, 2, 10, 5, 10, 1, 10, 9, 5, 6, 10, 4, (+9) = 108
Smon: 108/2 = 54 dmg
Sandor Sunneson: 60 left
joriandrake: (oh gods)
Smon: Sandor staggers as bolts hit & bounce around him, but reaches the shelter of the massive stone legs beside SB
Smon: From the narrow gap behind the legs the arbalesters can't hit you.
Smon: Ever seen end of Butch Cassidy & Sundance kid?
Smon: You hear the sound of the duergar armies approaching.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will rub a potion of keoghtom's ointment on him
Smon: /roll d4
Smon rolls 1d4 and gets: 3,
Smon: 3 rounds rage left SB
Smon: Sandor rubs ointment on him while SB scrambles up to the back of the giant statue.
joriandrake: (...this looks bad. You either get out of there or die)
Smon: Then braces against the cave wall and pushes
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+13x2 and gets:
7 (+13) = 20
12 (+13) = 25
Smon: as the warbeasts approach
joriandrake: (good, that might work Bill)
Smon: Can't budge it
Sandor Sunneson: Bill, can you type what you are doing please,
Smon: Was DC 30 'impossible'
Smon: I posted what he was doing, but I agree Bill should have.
Smon: Sandor are you rolling healing? P are you using any healing o Seroni? Please roll if so
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d4+1 and gets: 2, (+1) = 3
joriandrake: (Seroni was given a healing potion, and asked if she has any of her own, and if Prisha should cast an additional healing on her
Sandor Sunneson: 3 ointments
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d8+2 and gets: 3, 1, (+2) = 6
Smon: Seroni seems dazed P
Sandor Sunneson: 66
Smon: Sandor's Rage ends
joriandrake: ok, Prishga helps her gulp that potion and...
Smon: please roll Seroni's healing P
joriandrake: cast Healing Word as well
Sandor Sunneson: how far is it from the statue to the cave entrance from where we came?
Smon: Seroni nods to P
Smon: 60' like I said several times
joriandrake: I think your healing potions heald 2d4+4?
Smon: OOC I think should finish at 11am
Smon: 2d4+2 as per book
joriandrake: I actually had the touch range healing memoriced in past like at the ghoul fight
joriandrake: shorter range but better healing
joriandrake: ok
joriandrake rolls 2d4+2 and gets: 2, 3, (+2) = 7
Smon: >>OOC I think should finish at 11am<< You need Chris back before you're all dead
Sandor Sunneson: sorry, the online one says 2d8+2
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d4+2 and gets: 1, 4, (+2) = 7
Sandor Sunneson: 67
Smon: 2d4+2 healing potion J asked
Smon: Keoghtom's 2d8+2
joriandrake: level 2 HW
Sandor Sunneson: ah, ok, soz
joriandrake rolls 2d4+3 and gets: 2, 4, (+3) = 9
joriandrake: 16 hp healed, she's on 17 atm
Smon: S & SB hear the sound of maneuvering enemies. A harsh voice yells in Common: "You are trapped, invaders! Surrender or die!"
Sandor Sunneson: how far are we from the cave entrance from where we entered?
joriandrake: "They take too long... this was supposed to be a distraction of the dwarves shooting at us"
joriandrake: "I am not certain what to do, shall we withdraw?" Prisha is worried and asks the others
Smon: P & co have retreated back up the tunnel, they can hear the sounds from the cave of hundreds of Duergar getting into position.
DESTROYERBILL: fergus it 60 foot
joriandrake: In that case, it is not a question anymore, we have to withdraw.
joriandrake: No chance against hundreds of them
Smon: Seroni: "They are Heroes.... madmen!"
joriandrake: Prisha suggests to withdraw to the point where we could decide to either leave fully or go to the other route we didn't pick earlier. (and I suggest to end here)
Sandor Sunneson: I'm just checking something up about Barb
Smon: Duergar: "A hundred crossbows are trained on you! Come out with your hands up!"
joriandrake: "Maybe both" Prisha nods
Smon: (rages have ended)
Smon: Harlgrimm and Seroni agee w Prisha
Smon: They retraeat back up the tunnel to intersection where Moffet waits.
Smon: OK resume at 7pm
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