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Saralya of the Chyvak Uul, a fan of Mordred Midwinter |
7:24am 2018-6-23 Smon Has entered the room
chris107: Yeah, I'm happy to do what ever Sandor wants. Was just throwing ideas out.
Sandor Sunneson: Hi Simon
Smon: Hello chaps! Chris are you home early?
chris107: Hi Simon
Sandor Sunneson: I'm happy with that too,
chris107: Setting of at 0850 back 1030
Smon: aha
chris107: Hoped to catch you before I left.
Sandor Sunneson: Sure there is something for Sandor and Maglor/hobbit to investiagte in Ahyf, it seems a hib of business4
chris107: I'd like to swap out Light for Pretididgitation (?) at 6th? Then as Mordred gets his additional spell casting/fighting abilities maybe swap again to Blade Ward?
chris107: Moffet is already in the caves with SB I think. So Maglor and Sandor can do their own thang.
Smon: ok
Smon: I don't think Moffet & co ever actually left Ahyf. Prisha wanted more bodyguards to protect her precious hide.
chris107: Blade Ward Cantrip, Attack and Shield reaction should make him a bit of a tank.
chris107: hehe
7:29am 2018-6-23 Keelia Has entered the room
chris107: Then Moffet will be happy to go adventuring. I've been looking at Maglor this week though. Rogues are pretty awesome!
Keelia: hi, just need a couple minutes
chris107: Hi Keelia
7:31am 2018-6-23 JamesDevil Has entered the room
JamesDevil: morning all
chris107: Morning James
Smon: Hi Keelia! BTW when Mordred & Sandor & Bright Star & Danor returned to Selatine after last session in Erdea Manor, they find Dr Rosa the sage increasingly concerned about something. Something about evidence of parrallel dimensions bleeding through.
Smon: She thinks the Nixthisis is having a harmful effect on local dimensional stability.
chris107: Mordred has learned to trust Dr. Rosa.
Smon: Hi James
JamesDevil: Danor assumes its a humies fault again, it usually is
chris107: Has Mordred heard of other adventurers searching Stonehell?
Smon: Rosa: "Yes - Bard Trystan's group penetrated as far as the 5th level of Stonehell a couple weeks ago, found a teleportation room that appears to give access to lower levels. But they were warned off by the inhabitants."
chris107: "Perhaps Nixthisis is growing more powerful as we have left it alone. Or perhaps because it feels more preasure on it with the proximity of more enemies?"
Sandor Sunneson: what inhabitants at L5?
JamesDevil: ooc have we had a rest btw?
Smon: "A strange humanoid race known as the Vrilya."
chris107: long one James
Smon: GM: You've just completed a Long Rest.
JamesDevil: sweet
chris107: Ferg and I got pretty beaten up last week
chris107: Shadows nearly did for us.
chris107: "The Vrilya, like the armour we found?"
Sandor Sunneson: Was easy,
JamesDevil: Vryilya eh? has Danor heard of them?
chris107: "One more hit and I would have had another Shadow to kill, Sandro!"
Smon: Rosa: "I've been getting strange, inconsistent reports from Ahyf, Ghutaris, Bratanis - they don't seem right... I think the 'walls between worlds' are weakening, inconsistent Parrallels bleeding through..."
Smon: GM: Yes, the strange armour you found in Erdea Manor was Vrilya made.
Smon: Danor can roll History.
chris107: "Perhaps we should postpone our hunt for Vera and concentrate on the Nixthisis?"
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 12, (+3) = 15
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro can sense that war is on the horizon............
JamesDevil: not too bad
Smon: GM: Danor has heard a very little about the Vrilya - an obscure subterranean race said to resemble both elves and men. They apparently warred with the Nerathi centuries ago. Tales picture them as powerful and cruel, wielders of strange magics.
chris107: Do they appear in Valonian folk lore?
JamesDevil: Danor relays this information to the group and Sera
JamesDevil: *Rosa even
Smon: Danor now wears the refurbished Vrilya +1 platemail of a purplish-black alloy, much lighter than regular steel.
Sandor Sunneson: How many of them were encountered?
Smon: Trystan & co met a small group of armoured warriors led by a beautiful female mage(?), who had been met once before on level 4. She warned them off. Name something like Sarya.
Smon: GM: They're not native to the Great Glacier region as far as Mordred knows. He can roll History.
chris107: What did she say was the peril on level 5?
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 18, (+6) = 24
Smon: The Vrilya are on level 5.
chris107: Ah, thanks
JamesDevil: shall we pay them a visit?
chris107: Mordred is happy to.
Smon: GM: Mordred has heard of the Vrilya, they claim to be the ancestors of both men and elves, and to wield powerful magics of unknown origin.
chris107: (Though I now have to whiz some friends to the airport. I'll be back about 1030)
Sandor Sunneson: Yeah lets go
chris107: Mordred will watch your backs until I return
Sandor Sunneson: to L5?
JamesDevil: too L5!
JamesDevil: to*
chris107: (I'm leaving the computer open so if someone types Chris stinks or the like. You know Kyle is awake
JamesDevil: and that Chris stinks
chris107: Try to stay alive until I get back!
Smon: Rosa: "If you are going, be careful. The teleport room itself was unguarded, you might be able to explore without alerting the Vrilya. The access was via the Quiet Halls on level 1. From the entry go south to the end then east, the teleport room is concealed on the north side of the east-west tunnel, east of the crumbly bridge over the fetid pit."
Keelia: sorry that took so long - parents were having technical problems
Smon: OOC Keelia do you have a level 1 Quiet Halls map?
Keelia: Not to hand
Smon: Here's one - https://scontent-lht6-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/30265015_438663509923754_9116785536143767205_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=b72764818cfed1cc4e1d2817db71979c&oe=5BB1E5C0
Keelia: thanks
Smon: Rosa advises turning east opposite the stairs down to level 2, then south, avoiding the crumbly bridge...
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 7,
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro nods, lowers the risk
Smon: It's a grey and overcast day. OK you're heading to Stonehell looking for the teleport room?
JamesDevil: fair enough
JamesDevil: yep
JamesDevil: Kitty leading the way
Sandor Sunneson: sounds like a plan, Sandro is happy to go and follws K
Smon: Rosa: "Sadly I don't have a map for this area yet - can pay 50 gold if you bring one back!" she smiles.
Smon: GM: Heading over to Stonehell canyon, you arrive mid morning and are greeted by friendly goblins, who offer to escort you to the quiet halls.
Keelia: [Chris, can you do the mapping?]
Sandor Sunneson: Chris is away, I';ll give it a go, will go and get paper and pen
Smon: Chris is leaving now
Smon: OOC gold & XP to mapper who maps & uploads to the FB group.
Keelia: ok
Keelia: Thanks, Ferg.
Sandor Sunneson: is it best to have paper in landscape or pirtrait form?
Sandor Sunneson: portrait?
Sandor Sunneson: rock n roll, lets go
Keelia: portrait
Smon: GM: Mreggle and the friendly goblins greet Bright Star & her friends, escort you down into Stonehell, north through the ogre mouth arches, past the rusty dragon sign and then east through stone mausoleum doors into the Quiet Halls, where fire beetle graze peacefully on the grey lichen.
Sandor Sunneson: starting from the bottom of the page working up
Smon: Currently you are at top chamber L1 map https://scontent-lht6-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/30265015_438663509923754_9116785536143767205_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=b72764818cfed1cc4e1d2817db71979c&oe=5BB1E5C0
Smon: South from the pillared entry hall a long tunnel runs past numerous looted crypts.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Smon: Some of the bone scattered on the tunnel floor show signs of having been gnawed on recently, by rats and larger ...things.
Keelia: Bright Star stealths back to the L2 stairs, and will double check the trap is still disabled.
Keelia rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 16, (+13) = 29
Smon: Proceeding south over 100' you come to the stairs down to level 2 to the west, a cobwebby chamber to the east with a dead giant spider near the entry.
Sandor Sunneson: Not mapping till lower level
Smon: BS stealths over to the stairs. The stairway looks recently used, the trap is currently jammed but by a different piece of metal than the one BS used.
Smon: Rosa wants you to map out level 1 access route to the teleport room as she hasn't got a map of it.
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, will wait for BS to return
Sandor Sunneson: or will map once BS has returned
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will go to the stairs too
JamesDevil: Danor follows
Keelia: Bright Star continues South to take the East tunnel - as per what Rosa said?
Smon: OOC Trystan Raeka & some others went down there last Sunday to fight lizardmen, Trystan is currently dead from lizardfolk, have to see if they raise him or not.
Smon: OOC The trap had been re-enabled but Raeka spotted it & jammed it again.
Sandor Sunneson: have started mapping
Smon: >>Bright Star continues South to take the East tunnel - as per what Rosa said?<<
GM: You return to the tunnel and continue south to where it forks west and (10' further on) turns east.
Sandor Sunneson: any noises?
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 15, (+5) = 20
Smon: The west fork turns south after 20' whereas the east fork runs east 20' then opens into a large smelly chamber, 30' n-s by 50' e-w, with a stone arched bridge over a central 10' wide pit of filthy stagnant water, water that crosses the chamber from n to s.
Smon: Sandor thinks he hears the faint muffled sounds of the Kobold Market aways off to the south. Here in the Quiet Halls it's quiet... too quiet?
Keelia: Bright Star will follow the East tunnel carefully and quietly, eyes peeled for traps
Sandor Sunneson: this isn't working this mapping, sorry
Keelia: ok, give me two seconds to grab some paper and a pen
Smon: "Bas-reliefs of veiled mourners on walls; open pit (10‘ deep) in center of room, spanned by stone
bridge (no balustrades); pit filled with rank water, bones, rusted accoutrements, and rotting organic matter."
Smon: OOC I didn't think you were cut out to be a mapper Fergus.
Sandor Sunneson: Its interesting challenge, I will continue for interests sakr
JamesDevil: mapping is always a pain in the but
Smon: There appear to be a couple exits from the NE corner of the chamber, beyond the bridge & pit - one N one E.
JamesDevil: butt*
Smon: Chris & Keelia are great mappers.
Smon: New guy at the Meetup Jack doing a good job too.
Keelia: ok. i don't have graph paper but I can manage a rough map
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 10, (+5) = 15
Smon: Danor's stonecunning indicates to him that the bridge looks a bit iffy.
Smon: Currently you are all at the western entry to the chamber.
JamesDevil: "careful here every one"
JamesDevil: "this bridge isn't exactly Dwarvern grade"
Keelia: Bright Star nods
Keelia: She carefully picks her way over to examine the bridge
Keelia: then looks beyond it
Smon: Made of decaying limestone blocks; A light critter like BS might be able to cross it successfully, but a heavy blighter like Danor would likely go straight through the decayed masonry.
Keelia: "Perhaps, we jump instead of crossing?"
Sandor Sunneson: Is the room well ledged?
Smon: BS notices bones in the water. Just under the surface a fat white maggot-grub worms its way through the eye socket of a brown skull.
Sandor Sunneson: walk round the ledges possibly?
Keelia: Her lip curls with disgust and she points it out to the others
Smon: A skilled athlete might be able to use the bas reliefs to climb round, but equally could take a running jump over the foul pit.
Smon: There are no ledges per se.
Keelia: Bright Star will leap over the bridge so as not to put any pressure on it.
Keelia: with a running jump
Smon: Leap over the pit to side of bridge?
Keelia: leap over bridge/pit together, instead of walking over the bridge, she'll jump the whole thing
Smon: So she is running up the west side of the bridge, leaping central section above the water, land on east side of bridge?
Keelia: yes
Smon: Roll either DC 10 athletics or DC 15 acrobatics, with advantage due to ramp/ski jump effect from bridge.
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 13, (+7) = 20
Smon: Acrobatics?
JamesDevil: nice
Sandor Sunneson: well done
Keelia: yes, acrobatics - my athletics is crap
Smon: BS easily leaps the bridge, landing lightly on the far side.
Smon: From here she can see through the exit arches.
Sandor Sunneson: That's the way to do it Danor, you next?
JamesDevil: yep, athletics for me
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 17, (+2) = 19
Smon: At the e end of the n wall is a 10' x 10' space, the destroyed remains of a door before a doorway leading into a vaulted, pillared ruined temple scattered with dead stirges. At the n end of the east wall a long tunnel with crypt doors along the s wall and a marking on the n wall 30' along.
Smon: Danor lands heavily beside BS.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will follow the others
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 9,
Smon: As he prepares to jump, Sandro hears odd sounds behind him!
JamesDevil: i should probably have gone last and given you each guidance....
Sandor Sunneson: He'll turn around
Keelia: Bright Star draws her bow
Sandor Sunneson: to look
JamesDevil: Danor readies SF
Smon: The hallways and chamber fill with cold mist and the
sound of water lapping on a boat‘s hull is heard from the west. The mist glows an eerie yellow-green. Then a high-prow funeral skiff of ancient Altani style (like Egyptian) emerges from the mist behind Sandro, crewed by 4 skeletons, 2 zombies, and a cowled figure at the rudder... The figure raises a bony claw, pointing at Sandro...
Sandor Sunneson: Sandr will jump to the other sde
JamesDevil: how far away are they?
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 13, (+6) = 19
Smon: As the skiff 'sails' across the mist towards Sandro, the undead crew reach towards him...
Smon: roll init first Sandro, DC 13
Sandor Sunneson: INIT
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 15, (+3) = 18
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 20,
Smon: About 10' from Sandro, 30' from BS & D.
Keelia rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 9, (+6) = 15
Keelia: for init
Smon: Sandro turns his eyes from the weird sight and runs back, leaps over the pit to land beside the others.
Keelia: (also, nice roll, james!)
Smon: The skiff sails over the mist towards you... You all won init, what else are you doing? Sandro took an action to jump.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will get his bandoleer ready to fire
JamesDevil: I'll hold Channel Divinity until they are as close as possible then unleash it
Smon: Could flee (eg) east down the tunnel, attack skiff, ready etc
Keelia: Bright Star will target the cowled figure
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 2, (+7) = 9
Smon: ok Danor prays to Goibhnie & Kazadarum - is his holy symbol his weapon?
JamesDevil: his Shield
Smon: ok
JamesDevil: althugh a suppose a hammer is more fitting :/
Smon: BS takes a shot at the cowled figure, misses - the arrow sprouts from the high prow of the skiff as it glides over the pit...
Smon: Sandro draws throwing darts as Danor unleashes the power of the Forge...
Smon: What's your CD save DC and what CR do you destroy on a turn Danor?
JamesDevil: save of 15, destroy CR 1/2
JamesDevil: Wis save
Smon: OK, the skeleton crew seem resistant (advtg on saves)
Smon: 4 skeleton crew
Smon: /roll d20-1x8
Smon Rolls 1d20-1x8 and gets:
4 (-1) = 3
16 (-1) = 15
18 (-1) = 17
2 (-1) = 1
7 (-1) = 6
2 (-1) = 1
11 (-1) = 10
2 (-1) = 1
Smon: 15 17 6 10 - 2 of the skeletons crumble to ash!
Keelia: nice!
Smon: 2 zombies (also advtg)
Smon: /roll d20-2x4
Smon Rolls 1d20-2x4 and gets:
12 (-2) = 10
19 (-2) = 17
19 (-2) = 17
10 (-2) = 8
Smon: 17 & 17, bad luck!
JamesDevil: aw
Smon: GM: As the skiff glides up to you still tillered by the cowled Ferryman, the undead crew reach over the sides trying to grab you...
JamesDevil: pfft, advtage on a save for a spell that destroys them >..
JamesDevil: did the ferry man not have to make a save?
Smon: 4 left, 1 each + one extra on...
Smon: (no)
Smon: /roll d3
Smon rolls 1d3 and gets: 3
Smon: Sandro
JamesDevil: hmm, ok
Smon: The ferryman seemed unaffected by the Turning.
Sandor Sunneson: dart the ferryman
Smon: You already had your action Sandro
Sandor Sunneson: ok, the jump, cool
Smon: skel grabs at Danor, Danor roll athletics or acrobatics
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 9, (+2) = 11
JamesDevil: pfft
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 11,
Smon: Danor fends it off.
JamesDevil: phew
Smon: Skel grabs at Bright Star, likewise.
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 4,
Smon: I believe BS +7 acrobatics auto dodges
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 15, (+7) = 22
Smon: 2 zombies grab at Sandro.
Smon: /roll d20+1x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+1x2 and gets:
10 (+1) = 11
9 (+1) = 10
Smon: Sandro roll athletics or acrobatics need 11+
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d1+6 and gets: 1 (+6) = 7
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 19, (+6) = 25
Keelia: nice
Smon: Sandro dodges their grasp.
Smon: Round 2 - your turns, starting w Sandro
Sandor Sunneson: He'll attack the zombies in front of him with his sword using 1 ki for double attacks flurry ise
Sandor Sunneson: wise
Smon: ok. AC 10
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+5x4 and gets:
7 (+5) = 12
18 (+5) = 23
4 (+5) = 9
20 (+5) = 25
Smon: (AC 8 +2 for cover from boat rim)
Smon: 2 hits & a crit
Smon: roll dmg
Sandor Sunneson: will do
Sandor Sunneson rolls 4d6+9 and gets: 3, 4, 4, 6, (+9) = 26
Keelia: nice
Smon: The greenish decayed flesh & bones shatter, the zombie's head goes flying back into the boat and its headless body collapses.
Smon: OOC On a killing crit they don't get their save to stay up.
Smon: One zombie crew remains, & 2 skels. Danor & BS next
JamesDevil: Sacred flame on the remaining zombie then SoF on me
JamesDevil: DC 15 dex save
Smon: /roll d20-2
Smon rolls 1d20-2 and gets: 3, (-2) = 1
JamesDevil rolls 2d8 and gets: 7, 3, = 10
Smon: burn!
Smon: Danor goes Shields Up.
JamesDevil: "that'll teach you to resist the will of the gods"
Smon: The zombie grabbing at Sandro is burned but still up.
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 19, (+7) = 26
Smon: Danor senses amusement from the silent Ferryman.
JamesDevil: brb
Smon: What does BS do? A skel is grabbing at her.
Keelia: (ferryman again)
Keelia rolls 4d6+4 and gets: 3, 6, 5, 3, (+4) = 21
Smon: GM: I will be kind and assume she used her bonus action - disengage before shooting.
Keelia: thanks
Smon: The arrow seems to pass right through the Ferryman and vanish!
Smon: He waves a disapproving bony finger at BS.
JamesDevil: back
Keelia: Bright Star blinks
JamesDevil: "ignore the ferryman"
Smon: Their go - the zombie is still trying to haul Sandro in.
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 15, (+1) = 16
Smon: Sandro roll athletics or acrobatics DC 16
JamesDevil: ooc meta gaming it i think i know whats going on with the ferryman
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 18, (+6) = 24
Smon: Sandro ducks the bony rotten hands.
Smon: GM: BS has moved back away from the skiff, so both remaining skels reach for Danor...
Smon: /roll d20x2
Smon Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
2 = 2
2 = 2
Smon: LOL
JamesDevil: lol
JamesDevil: i have +2 to athletics, do i even need to roll?
Smon: Danor ignores the feeble skels' bony paws.
Smon: (ok)
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 3,
JamesDevil: that would be it i used acobatics
Smon: Round 3, your goes
JamesDevil: which would have been amusing
JamesDevil: SF again
JamesDevil: on the zombie
Smon: /roll d20-2
Smon rolls 1d20-2 and gets: 6, (-2) = 4
Smon: burned
JamesDevil rolls 2d8 and gets: 7, 7, = 14
Smon: It burns away to ash!
JamesDevil: "thats more like it"
Sandor Sunneson: what's left?
Smon: Sandro & BS
Sandor Sunneson: Skeleton?
Smon: 2 skels reaching for Danor
JamesDevil: yarp
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will Ki attack the skeletons
Smon: Sandro's fists are extra effective vs skels
Keelia: Bright Star turns her attention to the other enemies. She targets a skeleton
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+5x4 and gets:
5 (+5) = 10
17 (+5) = 22
9 (+5) = 14
12 (+5) = 17
Smon: AC 15 (unless you're in the boat) - Sandro hits twice
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6+6 and gets: 5, 2, (+6) = 13
Smon: 8x2= 16, 5 x2 = 10 - Sandro destroys one with one punch, damages the other.
Keelia rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 15, (+7) = 22
Smon: BS shoots the last skelly.
Keelia rolls 4d6+4 and gets: 1, 1, 6, 2, (+4) = 14
Smon: Can SA as it's in melee - its head falls off, impaled.
Smon: The Ferryman nods approvingly at you as the last undead falls. The sounds of lapping water grow stronger, the mysterious funerary skiff begins to fade away...
JamesDevil: ooc I assume that is the mythical Ferryman? from greek legend? (and several other other myths)
Smon: Within moments it has vanished, along with the mysterious glowing mist, leaving no sign of the battle.
Sandor Sunneson: Are you Charon? Legendary Ferryman of the Styx?
Smon: OOC looks like it!
JamesDevil: he's not evil, he's a bit like death in Disecworld
Keelia: She waits until it's faded then turns back to the hallway. "Bright Star does not like incorporeal enemies."
Smon: GM: You can have +300 XP each for surviving your encounter with Death.
Keelia: (Thanks!)
JamesDevil: yay
Sandor Sunneson: plodding on?
JamesDevil: yep
Keelia: Bright Star remembers the symbol on the wall and decides to go investigate
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will look round the room seeing if anything e;lsse is of interest
Smon: BS heads down the east corridor, noting the open tomb doors on the s wall at 20' intervals. 25' down the tunnel on the e wall is the scratch mark, she recognises Raeka's personal mark - this must be the entry to the teleporter!
Sandor Sunneson: as he walks over in the direction of BS
Smon: BS checks it - a secret door - spots the hidden catch.
JamesDevil: Danor will wander over and cast Guidance on BS while she checks the symbols
Sandor Sunneson: So that was an encounter with someone from another dimension,
Smon: >>Sandro will look round the room seeing if anything e;lsse is of interest<< There is rusty metal, rotten bones and fat white grubs in the fetid waters of the pit.
Keelia: Bright Star nods at Sandro, claws scrabbling with the catch of the secret door
Smon: Bas reliefs of hooded funeral mourners etc
Smon: GM: BS gets the door open - it swings open to reveal a 10x10 bare chamber with a mystic sigil on the opposite wall.
Smon: Anyone have Arcana trained?
JamesDevil: nope
Keelia: no
Smon: This matches the teleporter Rosa told you about - press glyph to teleport to the main teleport hall far below, level 5.
Sandor Sunneson: Maybe it's worth coming back here with Rosa?
Smon: Down there, press the matching sigil to open door into room full of multiple teleport stations...
JamesDevil: is there any where else to go on this floor?
Keelia: "Gather around, let us try to push the glyph"
Smon: Yes, the east tunnel continues east.
JamesDevil: before we do
JamesDevil: Danor casts Aid on the group
JamesDevil: +5 tempt hp
Smon: Are you all going into teleport room & BS presses glyph?
Sandor Sunneson: why not
JamesDevil: shouldn#'t we finish mapping?
Sandor Sunneson: yes
JamesDevil: plus Chris will hopefully be back in a bit
Keelia: ok, so where do you want to go? the north room? or check out the crypts further south?
JamesDevil: lets go north
chris107: Back
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro follows N
Keelia: (all rosa wanted was the map to the teleporter, yes?)
Smon: In the east tunnel (that you're in) the first open crypt door in the S wall is 5' east of the teleport door in the n wall.
JamesDevil: yep
Sandor Sunneson: No Chris, we are heading north, not back
chris107: Anyone dead?
Keelia: all alive. And at the teleporter.
chris107: yay
Smon: GM: As you stand around indecisively, Mordred arrives in the quiet halls and reaches a chamber with a bridge spanning a foul pit - the rest of you see the light of his sword to the west.
Smon: Mordred hears the voices of his friends to the east - he could walk over the bridge to join them?
chris107: Mordred gives a cheery wave to his chums.
chris107: He will do so.
Smon: The pit is full of foul water & seems rank
Smon: Mordred walks up onto the bridge...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
chris107: He puts his perfumed handkerchef to his nose.
Smon: A block of stone falls away beneath his foot - the bridge is unsafe!
JamesDevil: ooc this is going to be so fuunny
chris107: And uses his new cantrip to scent the air around him like lavender.
Keelia: Bright Star leans out the door and calls out for him to jump the bridge
chris107: "Arrgghhh!"
chris107: He tries to leap.
Smon: As the stone hits the foul water, it alerts the dozens of aquatic rot grubs, they come squirming upwards...
chris107: Ewwwww
Smon: roll DC 8 Athletics or Acrobatics
chris107: Athletics.
chris107 rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 3, (+7) = 10
chris107: eek
Sandor Sunneson: minimal
JamesDevil: "sigh, bloody long legged elves and humies...."
Smon: +7 is nice
chris107: too close for comfort
chris107: 18 Str now at 6th level
Smon: Mordred hurriedly jumps to the east side, another block crumbling away beneath his foot as he jumps, arriving safely.
chris107: "Gosh. That bridge is dangerous. Someone ought to put up a sign."
Smon: The others are 25' down the east tunnel (there's also a north exit) before an open secret panel that leads into a 10x10 chamber with a teleport glyph on the far wall.
chris107: He uses his new cantrip again to polish off any dust or grime that may have got onto his shiney purple armour.
chris107: (I hope someone is mapping?)
Smon: (was 2 in 6 chance of total bridge collapse, lucky Mordred I rolled a 4!)
chris107: (That would have been bad)
Smon: Oh yeah, Mordred has the Vrilya armour.
Smon: Mordred joins his chums.
chris107: "Ready to go when you chaps are."
Sandor Sunneson: Lets move on
Keelia: "Gather close," Bright Star urges, hand hovering over the symbol. "And ready yourselves"
JamesDevil: "lets do this then"
chris107: "Lets."
Smon: OOC Dr Rosa believes the Nixthisis can sense her presence in Stonehell, that she has some kind of psychic bond with it, and that her presence would endanger your party.
chris107: ahhh
Smon: GM: You all enter the room. As BS presses the glyph there is a crackle of energy and a flash of blue white light...
Smon: As your vision adjusts, you see your surroundings have changed...
Sandor Sunneson: ooooh, are we in Victorian Birmingham?
Sandor Sunneson: or in the presence of Alexander the Great?
Smon: Now you are in a circular room, also 10' across, with a matching glyph on one wall (danor senses it's the west wall) and a weird metal circular iris door opposite it.
Sandor Sunneson: or in 21st century Barnsley?
JamesDevil: Danor points out the directions "thats West, tahts East
Smon: Dimmish blue light comes from an unseen source. There is a faint humming in the air, as if great magical energies are at work here.
chris107: A metal iris door... Have any of us seen it's like before?
JamesDevil: "
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro nods in agreement
Sandor Sunneson: and waits
JamesDevil: Danor will move to the door
JamesDevil: and opens it
chris107: "A very practical people the Kazad."
Keelia: Bright Star readies her bow
Smon: Danor finds nothing on the iris door to open it.
chris107: Mordreds fingers flicker with fire.
JamesDevil: "hmm, anyone wanna take a look at this door? I can't figure it out"
Keelia: Bright Star comes over to investigate
chris107: Mordred will bgin an Identify ritual
Smon: https://ak5.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/10181615/thumb/1.jpg
Keelia: (is there a hole that Bright Star can wedge an iron spike in?)
Smon: 10 minutes later, Mordred completes the ritual - you need to press the teleport glyph here to open the door. Pressing glyph a second time will reactivate the teleporter.
chris107: (We're in a space ship aren't we? )
Keelia: Bright Star presses the gly[j
chris107: (A Marcab craft no doubt)
Smon: It looks to BS that someone previously tried to lever the door open with a metal spike or similar, there is slight damage to the centre of the iris.
Smon: The iris opens!
JamesDevil: Danor steps through the iris
Keelia: Bright Star follows him, drawing her bow
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will follow the wee dwarf
chris107: (OOC @ DM, does the light flexible plate armour allow any dexterity bonuses?)
chris107: Mordred too.
Smon: Danor steps through into the NW of the chamber beyond... The walls, floor, and ceiling of
this chamber are of a glossy, unknown stone, and a
series of metal iris doors line the east and west walls of
the room. Set into the wall beside each door is a brass
lever. There is a slightly dented set of metal double doors in the south wall also.
Smon: >>does the light flexible plate armour allow any dexterity bonuses?<< No, it's still Heavy armour.
chris107: thanks
JamesDevil: "ok, lets head to those doors"
chris107: "Odd that even a dwarf doesn't recognise this stone?"
Smon: The brass handle by 'your' iris (NW) is down, the other 5 are up.
JamesDevil: "BS can you check the doors for traps please?
JamesDevil: "
Smon: There are 3 irises on west wall, 3 more on east wall.
9:35am 2018-6-23 Keelia Has exited the room
Sandor Sunneson: anyway?
Smon: The floor here seems to be constructed from a single slab of rock, appearing more
like poured concrete than flagstone. The ceiling here is 15‘ high and flat, quite unlike the
usual arched vaults found throughout Stonehell
chris107: Mordred will move the lever on our door
Smon: Mordred pushes the NW lever up - the iris closes smoothly with a faint hiss & clink.
JamesDevil: does Danor recognise any of the stone/stonework here?
chris107: (He's pretty sure intelligent beings live here and intelligent beings don't trap their living room doors.
9:37am 2018-6-23 Keelia Has entered the room
Smon: It seems alien, the product of vast magical(?) energies.
Smon: Smon: There are 3 irises on west wall, 3 more on east wall.
9:35am 2018-6-23 Keelia Has exited the room
Sandor Sunneson: anyway?
Smon: The floor here seems to be constructed from a single slab of rock, appearing more
like poured concrete than flagstone. The ceiling here is 15‘ high and flat, quite unlike the
usual arched vaults found throughout Stonehell
chris107: Mordred will move the lever on our door
Smon: Mordred pushes the NW lever up - the iris closes smoothly with a faint hiss & clink.
JamesDevil: does Danor recognise any of the stone/stonework here?
chris107: (He's pretty sure intelligent beings live here and intelligent beings don't trap their living room doors.
9:37am 2018-6-23 Keelia Has entered the room
Smon: It seems alien, the product of vast magical(?) energies.
Smon: (welcome back Keelia)
chris107: Does Mordred know of the Markabs?
JamesDevil: Danor will move up to the big dented doors and try to listen through them
Smon: Let's say yes, he's heard legends of the demonic Markabs and their strange magics.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will have a look at the stonework to see if he recognises it
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 13, (+5) = 18
Smon: You've seen nothing like this before.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro says he's seen nothing like this before
Sandor Sunneson: And takes a selfie with the stonework in the background
Smon: To Mordred, well it could be Markab construction, or related perhaps.
chris107: "History says that those who came before had ships that flew through the air. That ate stuff like we eat food as fuel. This looks like their work to me."
chris107: "My house in Selatine has such magics."
Smon: It does remind Mordred of his house in Selatine, and the Vex villa's silvery under chambers.
Smon: Perhaps there's a shower room around somewhere where he can clean off?
chris107: hehe
JamesDevil: What was Mordred doing in Vex's under chambers?
JamesDevil: disgusting
chris107: (That was one of my favourite D&D sessions, ever! )
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: The tale of Captain Lance in Vex's under chambers was one for the history books...
JamesDevil: screw it, Danor will open the big dented doors
Smon: Listening at the south door, Sandro can roll Per.
chris107: Aye and Dick the Butcher. That session led to a lot of adventure.
Smon: The south doors seem locked from the far side.
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 12, (+6) = 18
Smon: They show signs of recent repair.
Smon: Listening, Sandro hears far off what sounds like the noise of battle! No, more like sparring.
Smon: The clash of steel(?) on steel(?) is too regular, too repeated. Muffled yells in an uknown tongue.
Keelia: sorry about that, back
JamesDevil: hmm, does Danor think he can break through this door? or dismantle it?
Sandor Sunneson: He will reveal that to the others
Smon: There are no visible hinges. It might be possible to smash through with a ram or maul, given time & noise.
Smon: There is no visible lock mechanism.
JamesDevil: hmm, will heat metal have any effect on the door?
chris107: "The other doors opened with those levers. Perhaps it is just the lever that is jammed?"
Smon: However there is a very fine line/crack between the two doors that BS might be able to lever with thieves' tools to give a way to wedge/break them open.
JamesDevil: "right, BS wanna give it a wack?"
Smon: The south double doors have no lever. Only the 6 irises have levers.
Keelia: Bright Star comes over to investigate
chris107: oh yes, sorry
Keelia rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 18, (+10) = 28
Keelia: for thieves tools
chris107: nice!
JamesDevil: ALL the locks are unlocked in every dimension
Keelia: if i had gotten a 20, every door should have instantly unlocked
Smon: DC 20 - BS uses her thieves' tools to crack the doors open a tiny fraction, until the internal deadlock stops it. Through the tiny crack you can see what looks like a well lit e-w tunnel, floor of the same poured concrete.
Smon: BS can try to saw through the locking bolt now - slow but quiet.
Keelia: commence sawing with stealth
Smon: The sounds of sparring are coming from the east.
Keelia: (do I need to roll stealth for this?)
Smon: Roll Thieves Tools again DC 15
Keelia rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 20, (+10) = 30
chris107: nice rolls
Keelia: yep.
JamesDevil: niiiiiiiice
Smon: A tiny diamond tipped file cuts through the alien metal...
Keelia: It slips thru silently
Smon: After a few minutes the doors are unlocked and can be pushed apart, sliding back into the walls. The sounds of sparring have ceased.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Smon: Those with PP 16+ can hear conversation from the east - the tunnel turns south after 15'. To the west the tunnel runs 40' or so to a 4 way intersection, continuing on beyond.
chris107: Mordredsummons the Sword of Omens to his hand.
Smon: There is a brass lever in the corridor, presumably to close/open the doors, in the down position.
Smon: GM: James r u leaving? Keelia & Chris want to continue?
Sandor Sunneson: west or south?
Smon: & Fergus
chris107: Mordred gestures towards the east
JamesDevil: I can stick around today, my other game has been cancelled
JamesDevil: for today
chris107: yay
Sandor Sunneson: east it is
Smon: ok thought the meant you were leaving!
JamesDevil: no, that was my PP of 14
chris107: (East is where the voices are?)
Smon: yes, BS can hear them, the language seems strange but resembles Elven
Smon: GM: You go east/south?
chris107: Stealthily
chris107: Towards the voices
JamesDevil: how close? Danor knows Elven, Common and Dwarfish, is it a combination of them?
chris107: would be M's call
Smon: GM: The corridor turns south, then east again - the voices are louder now, you can all hear. If you speak Elvish you can roll INT DC 8 to understand.
Keelia: sorry, I'm having lots of technical troubles.
Sandor Sunneson: agree with M
chris107: Vrylya surely?
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 6,
Smon: likely Vrilya.
JamesDevil: bah
Smon: Sounds like several males and a rather mocking female, Danor can't understand the words.
Keelia: BS has PP18
chris107: Mordred has sword and shield ready.
chris107: (We are assuming the Vrilya are wicked?)
JamesDevil: pretty much
chris107: Then lets go get'em
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro too for what it's worth
Smon: You can all roll stealth w advtg (or negate disad for Danor). Rosa said Trystan & co have dealt peacefully with them twice now. But the legends present them as pretty wicked.
JamesDevil: i don't have dis aadvt
chris107 Rolls 1d20+3x2 and gets:
13 (+3) = 16
14 (+3) = 17
JamesDevil: remember i have the awesome armour
Smon: ok
Keelia rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 6, (+13) = 19
JamesDevil rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Keelia rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 8, (+13) = 21
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 19,
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 16, (+6) = 22
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 15, (+6) = 21
chris107: We are a stealthy bunch now
Keelia: (yay, stealth!)
chris107: Mordred's 17 is lowest
Smon: (DC 14) GM: Creeping stealthily round the corner, you see what looks like a guard room of some sort, chairs and weapon racks on the walls. Five tall, athletic and eerily beautiful figures with pale complexion and platinum blonde hair - four male warriors in purple black armour, and a gorgeous female in scanty scarlet robes, some kind of silvery metallic glove on her right hand.
Smon: They are standing around chatting, sweaty from recent exertions, holding silvery blades & axes.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
chris107: (I guess we got to decide now if they are enemies?)
JamesDevil: maybe one person should introduce themselves? who's the most charismatic?
chris107: 12
Keelia: mordred is the cleanest - that will probably be most interesting to the elves
Smon: They are keeping an eye on the broad SE exit from this chamber, a 20' wide space that narrows to a 10' tunnel running east, but have not spotted you in the w tunnel yet.
Sandor Sunneson: 13
chris107: Happy to try
chris107: Mordred steps out boldly
JamesDevil: lets do it, that way at least the ret of th e group can stealth attack if needed
Smon: The figures whirl round in surprise as Mordred steps forward into the chamber.
Sandor Sunneson: true
chris107: "Good morning. My name is Mordred Midwinter. My father is an Earl in Valon. We are looking for the Nixthisis. Can you help?"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will step out beside mordred
Smon: The warriors ready their weapons as the woman raises her gloved hand and speaks in common: "Halt!"
chris107: "Why of course, good lady."
Smon: Mordred roll Persuasion
chris107: Mordred smiles in a way he thinks ladies like.
JamesDevil: lol
chris107 rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 4, (+1) = 5
Smon: Inspiration?
chris107: oh yes!
chris107 rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 19, (+1) = 20
Smon: The beautiful Vrilya woman's gaze softens at the sight of the handsome - and immaculately presented - Avalonian...
chris107: He's had that inspiration since 1st level
chris107: I'll cross it off now.
JamesDevil: lol
chris107: Mordred looks a bit underved by her reaction.
chris107: "So the Nixithis? You know of it?"
Smon: "W-welcome, I am Sarlya, of the Chyvak Uul caste... Yes, we know of it... How did you get here?"
Smon: The warriors eye Mordred & Sandro with suspicion. Their gaze goes to Danor lurking further down the corridor.
Smon: (as BS is a Rogue I'm assuming she's hiding round the corner)
chris107: "Well Dr. Rosa, I think you've met her? She said to come through the teleport thingie and perhaps I'd find it."
JamesDevil: Danor casts Thau,aturgy to make his eyes glow white
Keelia: (yes)
Smon: Sarlya sighs: "We have only just repaired that door!"
chris107: "And very nice to meet you, Sarlya of the Chyvak Uul."
JamesDevil: I'll fix, don't worry
chris107: "I am so sorry. My companions are good meaning folks but do prefer a more direct route. " he mouths not much going on upstairs to her
Smon: The warriors regard Danor's glowing eyes with interest. Saralya (correct spelling) smiles, offering Mordred her non-gloved hand. "That is good, dwarf... " back to Mordred: "So, the Nixthisis. You seek it?"
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: Behind Saralya two warriors are muttering, if speak Elvish can roll INT DC 8
JamesDevil rolls 1d20 and gets: 16,
chris107: Mordred takes her hand graciously as he was tought and continues the converation as the dwarf does his stuff
Smon: Danor hears a Vrilya warrior saying "More intruders... Damn Surveillance crew asleep on the job again!"
chris107: "We do, we do indeed. Causing all sorts of bother. Different dimensions and such. If you could show us where it is, I'll slay it and we can get out of your way."
JamesDevil: Danor reply's in Elvish: "if your crew are a bunch of long legged Elves what do you expect"
chris107: "We promise not to bash in anymore of your doors."
Keelia: (is tabaxian close enough to elvish? It's close to hobbit-ish)
Smon: Saralya looks thoughtful. "The Nixthisis is believed to dwell on the 10th level of Stonehell, where Reality itself breaks down as countless dimensions merge into one."
JamesDevil: ooc btw we didn't beash down that door, we just lock picked it
Smon: (not very Keelia)
JamesDevil: someone else bashed it before us
chris107: "Well that is a bother. I was hoping to destroy it today."
Keelia: (fair enough )
JamesDevil: did the warrriors react to Danor's statement?
chris107: ooc but that wouldn't have been funny and would take too long to type, James )
Smon: Saralya: "The Bard Trystan and his men came here recently via the Efah-Soom... the teleporter. They broke the door."
Smon: >>did the warrriors react to Danor's statement?<< Not much, just eyeing him.
JamesDevil: ah, that damn Bard.....
chris107: "Bards can be like that."
JamesDevil: Danor is busy fixing the door btw
chris107: "They mix with the common rabble too often. It coarsens their nature."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will ask if there is any water around for him to drink as his throat is parched
Smon: (door not here) Saralya nods, smiling to Mordred. She pushes away a lock of platinum hair. "Yes... "
chris107: "And how do we get to the 10th level?"
Smon: Saralya nods to a guard, who offers Sandro a hip flask. It contains some kind of purplish liquid with a sour smell.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandro will say thank you and drink the liquid
Smon: "The first chamber on the left as you enter leads to the 9th level of Stonehell. That is the closest I know. Be warned - even the Vrilya do not venture that deep."
JamesDevil: "Any idea what we can expect?"
Smon: A guard speaks up: "Mistress Saralya! We are supposed to charge the Toll! A thousand gold each!"
chris107: "Why you have been most helpful Lady Saralya."
Smon: Saralya's eyes flash as she turns to the soldier: "You are Sahnyam Ana! I am Chyvak Uul! Be silent!"
chris107: "Once we have disposed of this wretched Nixthisis we shall trouble you no more."
Keelia: (I told you his cleanliness would work )
JamesDevil: lol
Smon: She turns back to Mordred. "As he says, normally a steep toll is required to pass through our halls or use the Efah-Soom, but perhaps an exception can be made for you..."
chris107: ( Good manners and clean finger nails get you a long way on any plane of existance )
Smon: GM: Sandro tastes the liquid - like fermented blackberry juice, it is quite invigorating.
Smon: (could spend a hit die if you were down any)
chris107: "Why that is most kind, my lady. For Gold has been somewhat thin on the ground. This is more of a charity mission."
Sandor Sunneson: He'll give the thumbs up to the soldier who gave him the flask and smile in gratitude
chris107: "Perhaps you could show us this door?"
Sandor Sunneson: And back flip away from him
chris107: "We wouldn't want to damage any more!"
chris107: 9The last was Mordred's attempt at humour. He's not good at humour.)
chris107: (That's 4000GP we just saved!)
Smon: >>Danor "Any idea what we can expect?"<< Saralya: "As I said, in the lowest levels Reality itself breaks down... it is ever changing." She turns to Mordred. "Yes, I will show you, and wait for your return." She turns to the warriors. "Resume your duties here - call me if the werewolf leaves his chambers, or anyone arrives at the main gate."
Keelia: (nicely done!)
JamesDevil: "a werewolf?"
JamesDevil: "you have a werewolf down here?"
chris107: "Nasty smelly creatures, Danor. We will be much better off continuing out hunt for the Nixithis."
Keelia: Bright Star's ears twitch.
Smon: Saralya sashays past Mordred on high heeled boots, beckoning you all to follow. The warriors in purple steel watch you more sceptically. Saralya: "Yes, here in the Chamber of Many Faces we often receive guests. The were is a former servant of Carstahz Faite who sought sanctuary with us, here in the upper levels where his Master will not pursue."
Keelia: She doesn't like the sound of werewolves but she does have a lycanthrope-blade
JamesDevil: "hmm, very well"
Sandor Sunneson: OOC- what time is game going on till??
JamesDevil: brb
Sandor Sunneson: Always a sad human tale behind a were Sandro will say
Smon: Saralya eyes Bright Star. "You would prefer the Tiger-Folk of Mars, who have recently come to visit us through the Monolith Gate. They seek our aid in their war with the Deva."
Keelia: (would now be a safe time to wrap up? I've got technical issues to deal with again )
Smon: OOC I'd rather go a bit longer.
JamesDevil: back
chris107: I'm free all day
JamesDevil: happy to end here if others are
Smon: Can aim for 12pm stop.
chris107: (hope you get your technical stuff sorted, Keelia )
Sandor Sunneson: ok, hapy to play on for a bit, 12 is fine by me
chris107: (All this talk of gates and stuff is intriguing to Mordred)
Smon: OOC As Saralya talks of the Tiger Folk and their war with the Daeva, you arrive back at the Efah-Soom, the teleport chamber.
Smon: Saralya notes the jammed open door with disapproval, then goes to the SW iris and pulls the lever down, it swishes open revealing another circular 10' chamber with teleport glyph on opposite wall.
chris107: "Well thank you so much for your help. It has been a pleasure."
Sandor Sunneson: whoa Sandro will say
Smon: "This goes down to the 9th level. I do not know what you will find there, Mordred Midwinter. The power of the Nixthisis has grown of late. Sometimes it seems to haunt my dreams, despite the pyschic discipline of my Caste."
chris107: Mordred looks at Sandro
JamesDevil: "Lets do this"
Smon: GM OOC the Efah Soom is a pretty good place to stop, I'll have Bill next Saturday so good place to change party makeup.
chris107: Smiling at Saralya
Smon: GM: You all go into the SW teleporter?
Sandor Sunneson: Yeah why not
chris107: Works for me. Guess it's up to the others?
JamesDevil: happy to finish here
Keelia: thanks for the good game!
chris107: Yes, thanks Simon. Sorry I had to duck out for a bit. Cheers guys
Smon: After you go in, Saralya waves Mordred goodbye then pulls the lever back up, closing the iris behind you. James is Danor staying outside & come back in 2 weeks to miss Bill?
JamesDevil: I'll be back in 2 weeks
Keelia: see you guys later
JamesDevil: bye
Sandor Sunneson: Could we not come back to this and do something else with Bill ???
Sandor Sunneson: Bye Keelia
chris107: I have a feeling that I'm away next Saturday morning too
Keelia: bye! have a good weekend!
chris107: By all !
10:46am 2018-6-23 JamesDevil Has exited the room
10:46am 2018-6-23 Keelia Has exited the room
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