Saturday, 9 June 2018
9/6/4448 The Awakening #1 - Sandor (1600 XP)
Smon: Starting 'today', 9/6/4448 BCCC.
Smon: Just started raining on me, my computer, my washing I just put out *sigh*
Sandor Sunneson: Can I get XP for Sandor ttraining the Ahyf guard and all that sort of stuff ?
Sandor Sunneson: How heavy is rain? If it's light leave it out? Might still dry off if weather is decent tomorrow
Smon: I just brought it in
Smon: You get XP for stuff done in game sessions
Smon: GM: Coronation at Hara was 11-13/9/47, now 9/6/48 so nearly 9 months have passed. A few months ago at the end of the wet season M3 4448 Sandor & co used a trap ship to destroy some Skandik raiders. On reaching the Isle of Ogigian you found it aparently abandoned by the Skandiks, just some beautiful fluttering birds.
Smon: Things have been quiet in Ahyf recently, news from the north is that the King of Ossary has been diverted into battling the Invincible Overlord, quietly aided by Archpriest Thuruar.
Smon: However M6 4448 there has been a kidnapping - The wealthy cloth merchant Mikael Tanis' young bride Meera, a cousin of Father Camus of Thoth and one of the fairest lasses in Ahyf, has been taken from their wedding bed while he lay in drunken stupor. A considerable sum in wedding gifts was also taken. Investigation by Sjt Hendryk of the Town Watch indicates the sewer goblins are likely responsible. No ransom is demanded; interrogation of a captive goblin indicates the lady has been sold on to the Kazadurgar, or Deep Dwarves.
Sandor Sunneson: In which cave system do the deep dwarfs live?
Smon: Serjeant Hendryk: "The Kazadurgar are known for their unnatural lusts, but if you ask me they're up to something!"
Smon: Hendryk: "They are rumoured to live in caves beneath the Ghinarian Hills, connected by tunnels to our sewers."
Sandor Sunneson: S will say They aren't beings we have come across
Sandor Sunneson: S: Have they any allegiances to anyone?
Smon: Hendryk: "They keep to themselves - they came to the Underground Market to trade with the Ghouls, before we shut it down."
Smon: GM: With Sandor's amazon connection, he recalls hearing from Laurana that a small Kazdurgar force was encountered recently in the dwarf halls beneath the Stone Tooth, rekindling the Forge of Fury.
Sandor Sunneson: S: Do we know much about their leader?
Smon: Hendryk: "No. Only what I've gleaned from the goblin we caught."
Sandor Sunneson: S: Ok, do you know where the sell on occurred?
Sandor Sunneson: S: as in where the bride was sold on to the dwarfs?
Smon: "Yes, in the sewers. The goblin says he can show us the tunnel by which the dwarves entered the sewers, but he knows little more."
Sandor Sunneson: S: Sounds like a plan,
Sandor Sunneson: Guess it's morning? We can leave more or less straight away?
Smon: GM: 09:00 morning briefing yes
Smon: Do you want to organise an expedition? Who's going?
Sandor Sunneson: Lol, Sandor, no PCs unfort
Sandor Sunneson: He will discuss with Maleen what she thinks as he doesn't want high level NPCs killed off unnecessarily
Smon: GM: Sandor and Hendryk go to see Queen Malenn. She listens thoughtfully.
Smon: Malenn: "We know very little of the Kazadurgar, or how strong they might be. I suggest a small scouting expedition - be careful, and look for an opportunity to rescue the girl if possible. I will see what aid I can find - I hear the dragonborn Shieldbiter is looking for adventures... Perhaps he can help repay what he's cost us."
Sandor Sunneson: I guess we are stuck between a rock and a hard place, I'm not entirely sure I trust him, he always runs when the going gets tough
Smon: Hendryk: "Scouting will be hard when most of us can't see in the dark..."
Smon: Malenn nods to both comments.
Smon: OOC Just PM'd Chris in case he's free.
Sandor Sunneson: He will discuss with Maleen what she thinks as he doesn't want high level NPCs killed off unnecessarily
Sandor Sunneson: Guess it's morning? We can leave more or less straight away?
Sandor Sunneson: S: Sounds like a plan,
Sandor Sunneson: S: as in where the bride was sold on to the dwarfs?
Sandor Sunneson: S: Do we know much about their leader?
Sandor Sunneson: S: Have they any allegiances to anyone?
Sandor Sunneson: S will say They aren't beings we have come across
Sandor Sunneson: How heavy is rain? If it's light leave it out? Might still dry off if weather is decent tomorrow
Sandor Sunneson: Can I get XP for Sandor ttraining the Ahyf guard and all that sort of stuff ?
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, from a time perspective, is Sandor a little bit behind in time or you going to jump him forward to where the others are?
Sandor Sunneson: Cool,
Sandor Sunneson: I have these goggles of the night I got from the market up there
Smon: Not sure why all your messages reposted!
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will wave round his goggles
Smon: Hendryk nods. "Then you are an excellent one for scouting, Captain!"
Sandor Sunneson: I am more than happy to go
Smon: OOC Chris says he's at a party, so Maglor unavailable.
Sandor Sunneson: I am happy to scout it out your Majesty, will come back by the end of the day
Smon: Malenn nods. "Very well. Sandor, see if you can locate their lair. Then we can plan a rescue."
Sandor Sunneson: Yes your majesty
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will get ready to go
Smon: GM: Sandor gets a pack ready and his gear. Hendryk has the wretched goblin captive show you both to a concealed tunnel entrance on the south side of Ahyf's sewers.
Smon: Hendryk: "Good luck captain."
Sandor Sunneson: Thank you
Smon: GM: Bidding Hendryk farewell you set off down what seems a well-travelled route south.
Smon: The trail passes through narrow tunnels, high vaults, crystalline caves, winding ever southwards.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: /roll d100
Smon rolls 1d100 and gets: 20,
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Sandor Sunneson: oooh, he is accosted by Amazons?
Smon: You have been travelling the subterranean route about 3 hours, probably have travelled about 6 miles, when the tunnel opens out into a broad cave crossed by a stream, a narrow arch of stone leading across the stream. Crossing the bridge are several dark burly forms, like dwarves.
Smon: roll stealth.
Smon: /roll d4
Smon rolls 1d4 and gets: 3,
Smon: 5 of them, coming in your direction.
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 13, (+8) = 21
Sandor Sunneson: Are they on foot?
Smon: They haven't seen you - you are where your tunnel opens out into the cave - but they will reach you shortly.
Smon: Yes on foot. They wear dark chain armour and have war picks and heavy crossbows.
Sandor Sunneson: Is there a boulder or anything I can hide behind?
Sandor Sunneson: ok, foot patrol
Smon: There is a large stalagmite about 10' from the tunnel exit, you could try to duck over & hide behind it.
Sandor Sunneson: ok,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 16, (+8) = 24
Smon: DC 15 - like a ghost Sandor flits over to the cover and hides.
Smon: The duergar approach with heavy tread, eyeing the tunnel exit.
Smon: The nearest is about 10' from Sandor as they pause, one mutters.
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 19,
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will try and hear what he says
Smon: Do you speak Dwarf?
Sandor Sunneson: lol, no,
Smon: The leading Duergar kneels down to inspect the floor.
Smon: Pointing out some disturbed gravel.
Smon: In the shape of Sandor's boot!
Smon: The duergar stiffen. "Man-Thing!"
Smon: Are you waiting?
Smon: Duergar rolled 19 on Perception
Sandor Sunneson: Yes, can I observe them at all or not?
Sandor Sunneson: e.g. blocked by rock I'm hiding behind
Smon: Yes, from round the stalagmite.
Smon: The duergar unholster their x-bows and flick off the safeties.
Smon: Pointing in your direction.
Sandor Sunneson: cheers lol
Smon: The leader calls out in common: "Man-Thing! Show yourself!"
Sandor Sunneson: I'll step out, with firesword at side
Sandor Sunneson: Hello dwarf things
Smon: Duergar -
Smon: The duergar aim their x-bows at you. "Stay where you are Man-Thing! Why are you here?"
Sandor Sunneson: I explore for treasure and coin, a man thing has to feed himself and his family at the end of the day
Smon: roll Deception CHA+prof
Smon: DC 10
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 15, (+5) = 20
Smon: The duergar nod and relax a little.
Sandor Sunneson: S: You must be of the Duergar dwarf clan I believe?
Smon: Leader: "Coin is good... but you must leave this place. Maugraign's Hall is forbidden to you now."
Sandor Sunneson: Who is Maugraign?
Sandor Sunneson: Is he your clan chief?
Smon: The dwarfs look scornful. "Mauhgraign! The First King of the Dwarves! Beloved of Kazadarum!"
Smon: "He has been gone for aeons! The treasures of his Hall are not for you - go back!"
Sandor Sunneson: Excuse my ignorance sir, I live above the ground, not below it. Please tell me about this might King
Smon: "Maugraign, forged of Kazadarum, crafter of the Works of Power! Long, long ago - when the children of Kazadarum were one race..."
Smon: The Duergar looks a little misty eyed.
Sandor Sunneson: What happened to him? By long ago, do you mean in my lifetime or dwarven time? I know you dwarves live more or less forever
Sandor Sunneson: Compared to us man things Sandor will laugh
Smon: "Khand has united the Three Clans, brought us here to reclaim the Power... Our armies lay claim to the Hall. It is not for humans now!"
Smon: "Aeons ago! Thousands upon thousands of years!"
Smon: The duergar start to look annoyed.
Sandor Sunneson: Even for dwarfs
Sandor Sunneson: To reclaim the power from who?
Smon: roll Persuasion
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 15, (+5) = 20
Smon: "The power that was lost... the ancient relics of Maugraign that, united, will give us the Ultimate Power! To command the Heart-Fires of Creation."
Sandor Sunneson: And who are your enemies?
Sandor Sunneson: 3 clans, all united, possible enemies, all allies, who are in your sights next?
Smon: "All who seek to stop us are enemies. The light-dwarves, who challenge our mastery of the Forge-Fires... the wretched Gnomes..."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor makes a wis check, dark =good, bad=evil
Smon: He glares with beady eye at Sandor. "Humans should beware less they become our enemies too!"
Smon: brb tea
Smon: back
Sandor Sunneson: How big do these armies get below ground by the way? I could never imagine thousands of dwarfs like you fighting huge numbers of enemy because of lack of space below ground?
Smon: "Our forces are countless as the dust!"
Smon: "Now, be off with you, man-thing!"
Smon: The duergar gesture with their arbalests for Sandor to turn back.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor has to turn toward them as he has rock behind him?
Smon: They want him to return back north down the tunnel.
Sandor Sunneson: Oh, thought i was just outside the tunnel
Smon: You have to shuffle left 10' to get to the tunnel.
Sandor Sunneson: So they are blocking Sandor from going further into tunnel?
Smon: They are blocking the way south over the bridge
Sandor Sunneson: Well I shall keep going south anyway, as I have come from the north
Sandor Sunneson: So let me pass
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 3, 2, = 5
Smon: "Kazagh!" They shoot at you...
Smon: /roll d20+3x10
Smon Rolls 1d20+3x10 and gets:
5 (+3) = 8
1 (+3) = 4
1 (+3) = 4
17 (+3) = 20
15 (+3) = 18
6 (+3) = 9
13 (+3) = 16
8 (+3) = 11
12 (+3) = 15
14 (+3) = 17
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will charge in at them
Smon: 8, 20, 18, 16, 17 - all miss or bounce off.
Sandor Sunneson: AC 21
Smon: As the Duergar drop their x-bows and draw their picks Sandor gets in amongst them... you can attack
Sandor Sunneson: How deep is the drop below the bridge?
Smon: About 15' to the water
Sandor Sunneson: cool, 2 attacks
Smon: AC 16
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+11x2 and gets:
14 (+11) = 25
12 (+11) = 23
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 5,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 6,
Smon: Sandor hacks at the brutes.
Sandor Sunneson rolls 4d6 and gets: 6, 2, 2, 5, = 15
Sandor Sunneson: 26+18=44
Smon: You hack down 2 of them (they have 13 hp)
Smon: 2 attack w war picks...
Smon: /roll d20+4x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x2 and gets:
9 (+4) = 13
1 (+4) = 5
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+11x2 and gets:
20 (+11) = 31
6 (+11) = 17
Sandor Sunneson: 2 more down
Smon: While the leader expands to massive size, bellowing!
Sandor Sunneson: He'll attack the leader
Smon: Sandor cuts down the last 2 mooks, leaving only the leader. He roars and moves into melee, swings his now-enormous pick.
Sandor Sunneson: init?
Smon: /roll d20+4x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x2 and gets:
17 (+4) = 21
16 (+4) = 20
Smon: hit!
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: /roll 2d10+2
Smon rolls 2d10+2 and gets: 1, 4, (+2) = 7
Smon: 7 dmg!
Smon: your go
Sandor Sunneson: ouch
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+11x2 and gets:
15 (+11) = 26
8 (+11) = 19
Sandor Sunneson: I'll do one hit to see if I can KO
Smon: 2 hits
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 7,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 1, 6, = 7
Sandor Sunneson: 20 damage
Smon: still up
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 5,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 2, 4, = 6
Sandor Sunneson: +8=19
Smon: He goes down.
Smon: Sandor stands victorious over the squishy dwarfs.
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, what I'll do is kick the bodies off the bridge into the brook or whatever is below
Smon: OK you kick the bodies into the water, they sink fast in their heavy armour.
Smon: disappearing from sight.
Smon: There are blood splashes on the cavern floor & bridge though.
Sandor Sunneson: the leader, as he is KO, he'll take with him and head north though
Sandor Sunneson: as he is unconscious, and he'll look for a cave or somewhere in the area
Smon: He seems badly wounded, make a medicine check to stop him dying - WIS dc 10
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 17, (+6) = 23
Smon: You patch him up and head back north carrying the unconscious dwarf.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Sandor Sunneson: He'll got on board his steed and bring him back to Ahyf for Maglor to deal with
Smon: That evening you eventually return safely to the sweet smelling sewers of Ahyf.
Smon: >>got on board his steed<< ???
Sandor Sunneson: maybe not then
Smon: GM: Sandor takes the dwarf to Maglor, who has him resuscitated and questioned.
Sandor Sunneson: He'll pass the information on about what was said to Maleen and Maglor too, seems there are factions of dark against light below the ground as well as above the ground Your Majesty Sandor will say
Smon: Questioning takes some time, but eventually Maglor extracts from him that the Kazadurgar believe Maugraign bound a primal being of great power in his halls - that this being now sleeps, but the duergar high priest Khand plans to awaken it and bind it to his will.
Smon: Malenn: "Thank you Sandor, you've done well."
Sandor Sunneson: Maybe something for the Dragonbourne and myself to investigate your majesty
Smon: Maglor: "The prisoner thinks Khand wanted a human maiden for some dark ceremony - she should be safe until they can begin their ritual to awaken the 'sleeping god'.
Smon: Maglor: "It sounds as if the duergar force numbers many hundreds... we should proceed with caution."
Sandor Sunneson: OOC: Maglor has chilled, Sandor looks at him and is surprised that he didn't say attack!
Smon: Maglor: "They have been gathering artifacts in Maugraign's Hall, but do not yet have all they seek. If we could perhaps... liberate... some from under their noses, they might not be able to complete the ceremony."
Smon: ooc he is serving his queen.
Sandor Sunneson: S: Are there other ways to get into the hall?
Sandor Sunneson: S: if you find that out, we could try those ways in when the Dragonborne arrives
Smon: Maglor: "The dwarf only knows of one way in - via a vast cavern in which the duergar army is encamped."
Sandor Sunneson: S: sounds like the way I was heading in
Sandor Sunneson: S: I could go back there and do more scouting
Smon: Maglor nods. "There may be another way in via the nearby caves. The duergar have not been there long."
Smon: OOC think I'll stop there. Have 1600 XP Sandor.
Sandor Sunneson: Thank you Simon
Smon: Will do 7pm next week.
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