Monday, 25 June 2018
21/6/4448 S&W Morgansfort - Princess Rescued! (1800 XP) Rest up 21-25/6, resume 26/6.
6:04pm 2018-6-25 Smon Has entered the room
chris107: Sat out in my deck chair from 8-2
Smon: Hello
chris107: Then it just got too hot!
chris107: Evening Simon
Smon: They chose a great day to close my swimming pool! *grr*
chris107: grrrr
6:05pm 2018-6-25 joriandrake Has entered the room
Smon: hi J
joriandrake: hello
chris107: Evening Jorian
chris107: The map shows us 4 options, gents.
joriandrake: As long as you lead us to loot John follows the loot
joriandrake: I mean lead
chris107: Pass the wolves somehow. This is where the Goblin footprints went to from the boat with the captive.
chris107: The bees with the magical honey
chris107: The Kobolds
chris107: Or two sets of double doors likely leading to a large chamber.
Smon: campaign page
joriandrake: Elfis I think said last time to leave the bees until the end, which I agreed to, John would have to attempt to sneak in and steal honey, that seems like a good but risky way to get money from the quest later
chris107: agreed
Smon: end last sesh: >>Smon: You could continue to follow the tunnel N. joriandrake: "how can goblins and kobolds both claim this place?" chris107: "We risk discovery by our wandering" Sandor Sunneson: Maybe they are prisoners? Smon: Looks like it runs N 60' & ends at double doors. Smon: They sound pretty happy to John. joriandrake: "What if not the goblins but kobolds have the girl?" chris107: "Maybe we should go find the girl(My map shows that the double doors at the end of the north passage here will likely link into a chamber from the east leading passage from the octaganol room. Smon: OOC need to finish 11pm latest. Can continue 7pm Monday evening if that suits? Smon: Have 50 map XP chris, that's brilliant work. chris107: "Because we have seen goblin footprints and Gnarly saw the goblins take the girl."<<
joriandrake: Wolves might have some loot too if perished beasts or adventurers is what they snack on, but much less likely to be worth the fight
chris107: So do we follow the captive, fight kobolds or explore the double doors?
Sandor Sunneson: map explained a lot, you would put Mercator out of work Chris
joriandrake: Kobolds use items, so the best chance to have worthwhile loot is with te kobolds, and is also worth to check if they a. know about the girl or b. actually have her
chris107: (I honestly believe that online games don't work without maps as a common point of reference)
chris107: Okay, everyone happy kicking open the Kobold door?
Sandor Sunneson: true, but to produce something like that compared to my effort on Sat am
Sandor Sunneson: yes
Sandor Sunneson: Evening Jorian and Simon
joriandrake: morning Fergus
chris107: Sigurd grins, happy to be able to bloody his blade at leat. He will boot the door.
chris107 rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
chris107: yay!
joriandrake: John tries to be stealthy as he readies weapon
joriandrake: (if this system doesnt allow sneak attack at range then the sword, otherwise bow)
Smon: The door bursts open to the mighty Viking's kick!
Smon: Backstab needs melee but with bow you get 2 shots/round.
chris107: "Grrrrr!"
Sandor Sunneson: Elfis will have his arrows ready to fire at anyone in the room if an enemy
Sandor Sunneson: maybe best with an axe in this case, yes axe
joriandrake: (Can I ask you Chris to please increase font size to 13 or 14? It helps that it is in red but still tires my eyes)
Smon: The place is dimly lit by a cooking fire - it's crawling with little leathery horned imp-men, many of them curled up sleeping - Kobolds!
chris107: better?
joriandrake: (yes, thanks)
chris107: "Wake up you mangy curs! Where's the bint?"
Smon: BTW You can use Control + to increase your screen size
joriandrake: (I'm on full screen but that doesn't seem to change font size for me)
Smon: There must be 30 kobolds in here, a veritable tribe - about 2/3 sleeping, the rest surprised by the sudden appearance of a loud Skandik.
joriandrake: (30 might be a bit too much to fight o_O)
chris107: (Bugger. Ah well I'll get the d6ready )
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 4, 5, = 9
joriandrake: "Psst, wait, maybe we can turn them against hte goblins?"
Smon: The kobolds skitter away fiercefully. One yells in high pitched Common: "Bint?! Wos bint?!"
chris107: "I do hope so."
chris107: "The human woman those damn Goblins stole!"
joriandrake: "A goblin, Bint is a goblin who took a girl we are looking for"
joriandrake: "Human girl"
Smon: The kobolds mill around, more coming awake. "Goblins ave 'er! Not Kobolds!"
Sandor Sunneson: Are you friends with the goblins?
Smon: The kobolds cackle at Sandor's words. "He he he! No ways!"
Sandor Sunneson: Would you fancy helping us take them out, then you could expand your territory and we get the bint back?
Smon: "Dese our caves! Not like goblins! You go kill 'em!"
chris107: "Then would you like to help us kill them?"
Smon: /roll 3d6
Smon rolls 3d6 and gets: 3, 3, 5, = 11
Sandor Sunneson: So you can have their caves too?
chris107: "We will help you reclaim these caves from all dangers."
joriandrake: "Then help us get rid of them, you don't want an army come here and mistake you for the enemy, so why not let us join with you against the goblins? We share loot 50-50 % and you also keep their territory, and we take the hostage and tell back at the human castle that no army has to be sent, because the kobolds killed the goblins, and nw we are friends, or allies?"
Smon: The kobolds consider. "You go kill goblins, then we take their caves! Watch out fer orcs too!"
chris107: (Well we are no wore off and at least we don't have to fight 30 Kobolds) "Where are the Orcs?"
joriandrake: "wait, you should do something yourself if you want to take their territory. Why noit send at least a dozen or so of your brave warriors with us ?"
Smon: A scrawny kobold is pushed forward by the others. A big kobold female speaks. "Blacktail here lead you to Goblins! Bring back half treasure fer us!"
joriandrake: "Then you can also take the orcs lands and food supplies"
chris107: (I'm happy with been led straight to the Goblins...)
Smon: The scrawny kobold Blacktail looks up at you nervously, tongue darting in and out. "I nose secret way. Not go near bad doggies!"
joriandrake: (I won'zt push it, but it is worth a try to see if we can get more support from them)
chris107: (That is a result!)
joriandrake: John nods and looks at Sigurd and Elfin to continue anegotiations
Sandor Sunneson: Sounds like a plan
chris107: "Lead on Blacktail!"
joriandrake: "Then we have an agreement"
Smon: Blacktail looks relieved that you've agreed. The kobold clan watch you suspiciously as Blacktooth heads out the door into the corridor, slamming the door firmly shut behind you.
joriandrake: "Blacktail, how many goblins and orcs are there?" John asks as they gather up
Smon: Blacktooth eyes John. "Me not count so good... more than one hand!"
joriandrake: "Less than kobolds?"
Smon: He holds out a scaly four-clawed paw and blinks. "Two hands maybe? They not so many, just arrived. We worried more comin'."
chris107: "Not when we put their heads on spikes outside."
joriandrake: "Good" John nods, and is satisfied with the result that fighting the goblins should be easier than the kobolds
Smon: "Orcs are hiding in a secret room - goblins not know 'bout them. Then there's the gnolls and hobgoblins but they already went downstairs to the Bad Place..."
Sandor Sunneson: like the idea of that
chris107: "Perhaps you could point out the Orcs secret room too?"
Sandor Sunneson: badness often4 festers downstairs in dark places
Smon: Blacktooth leads you north down the passage. "Yip."
chris107: (towards the double doors/)
joriandrake: "Good idea, let us see about those orcs as well" He then pauses "Tell us what you know of their leaders. Both orcish and goblin ones" John think if they can identify the leaders and strike them the others might lose whatever organmization and morale they got
Smon: Blacktooth reaches the double doors at the n end of the tunnel and stops to listen.
joriandrake: (John will listen too if it helps)
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: Blacktooth gives John a puzzled look as John talks on, then pushes the doors open into a silent chamber.
Smon: A heavy, long table and ornate chairs, badly deteriorated, occupy the center of this room. Discolored patches on the wall seem to indicate that many paintings once hung there.
joriandrake: "So you know nothing of the leaders?" John asks softly
Smon: The chamber is large, up to 50' across, with the 4 corners inset 10' (so the 4 walls are each only 30' long).
Smon: Blacktooth shakes his head. "I know where find 'em."
joriandrake: "all righty"
Smon: There are 4 sets of matching double doors to N S W & E.
joriandrake: John prepares his weapon and sneaks to the nearest corner to move along the wall from there
Smon: Blacktooth heads across towards the n door.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
joriandrake: (I guess to the closest door then)
chris107: S follows Blacktail
Smon: Elfis' keen eyes detect a hidden pit before the west doors!
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
chris107: (Blacktail is showing us the secret way, we should just follow him)
Smon: John sneaks onto the pit just as Elfis notices it...
Sandor Sunneson: He'll sign that to the others
joriandrake: When John sees the others picked a different door he sneaks after them
joriandrake: ...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Sandor Sunneson: excellent, lol
Smon: As Elfis calls out, the ground gives way under John's feet!
Smon: John roll a d20 saving throw
joriandrake: athletics or such
joriandrake rolls 1d20 and gets: 12,
Smon: (+1 for high DEX = 13, fail by 2)
Smon: John plummets from sight!
joriandrake: ok, I guess John dies now
Smon: Blacktooth sighs. "Said to follow me."
chris107: "Crap!"
Smon: *crunch*
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 4, 2, = 6
chris107: Sigurd goes and looks down the pit. "Are you okay, John?"
joriandrake: (I think the char had 6 hp)
Smon: (Sigurd looks down. The light from his torch illuminates the 20' deep shaft and the body sprawled at the bottom. There appears to be a tunnel leading west from the bottom of the pit.
Sandor Sunneson: he did
chris107: "Anyone got rope?"
Smon: John appears to be dead or unconscious.
Smon: Blacktooth looks agitated. "Not go down there! Bad place!"
Smon: The pit looks slimy, nacreous and foul.
joriandrake: (wait a sec, what is the normal hp for a thief in this system? I have 12 to Con I think, or more)
chris107: "No worries, Blacktail but we have to get our friend out."
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
Smon: Normal is d4 but I'm giving 6 hp.
Sandor Sunneson: How smooth are the shaft walls?
chris107: You got any rope Ferg?
Sandor Sunneson: No, unfort not
Smon: Not that smooth, but dank and slimy. A Thief might climb down without rope.
chris107: no, me neither. We forgot Gamgee's first law.
Sandor Sunneson: Can we approach from the tunnel below?
joriandrake: >A heavy, long table and ornate chairs, badly deteriorated, occupy the center of this room. Discolored patches on the wall seem to indicate that many paintings once hung there.<
joriandrake: (can't those be used?)
chris107: So has John got 7HP?
Sandor Sunneson: no 6
Smon: Then you hear something from down the pit, from the tunnel leading off west from its base... A sound like a boot pulled from sticky mud can be heard. It repeats, coming closer...
Sandor Sunneson: he's KO
chris107: Okay, has Blacktail's fellows got any rope?
joriandrake: (OIK, John is, or will soon be dead)
Smon: (I've listed the stat bonuses on the web page for players too lazy to read the pdf) COn 9-12 = +0
Sandor Sunneson: Elfis gets his bow ready?
chris107: (I have no distance weapons)
joriandrake: (in that case it makes no sense to add +1 to Cha, as it would still just be 12, if allowed I would place the +1 not to Cha but Con then
joriandrake: (...altho i might alreadyh ave the other +1 on that)
Smon: >>Can we approach from the tunnel below?<< Maybe, if you knew how to get down there other than by jumping down the pit!
Smon: (pretty sure you did +1 CON +1 CHA)
Sandor Sunneson: Does Blacktooth know?
Smon: (anyway not messing w stats right now)
Smon: Elfis gets his bow ready, idly wondering what Blacktooth might know of alternate pit access routes.
chris107: S looks for heavy objects to chuck.
chris107: "Soz, Blacktail. We'll be with youin a moment."
Smon: The kobold looks down into the pit, chitters fearfully at the sucking sound, & skitters back. Sigurd's eyes fall on the massive table & the ornate chairs.
chris107: He brings a chair ready to drop on enemies below
Smon: At this moment an enormous mass of viscous grey foulness oozes out of the tunnel into the bottom of the pit...
chris107: "Bugger."
chris107: Sigurd hurls the ornate chair at it.
Smon: Sigurd goes to grab a chair - is Elfis shooting it?
Sandor Sunneson: ja
Smon: /roll 3d6
Smon rolls 3d6 and gets: 5, 2, 1, = 8
Smon: OK Sigurd grabs a heavy chair as Elfis unleashes long elfin shafts down into the beast... roll to hit twice E, AC 12
Smon: You attack at +2 for d6
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
17 (+2) = 19
10 (+2) = 12
chris107: yay!
Sandor Sunneson: 2 hits,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6+4 and gets: 6, 3, (+4) = 13
Smon: Hit! Hit! Meanwhile Sigurd raises the chair high over his head and flings it... (roll to hit, AC 12, ATT +1)
chris107 rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 18, (+1) = 19
Smon: Splat!
Smon: You may never know whether it was arrow or chair that killed the foul beast, but it's stopped moving and seems to have broken apart into fetid runnels of jelly.
chris107: Whatdamage does Chair, Heavy do from 20'?
chris107: ah
chris107: Now let's get John out of this hole and get back to what we were doing."
joriandrake: (wow, congrats, even if I'm dead killing the jelly was nice)
Smon: If only you had a rope.... Hmm, there was plenty of rope back in the fishing boat...
Sandor Sunneson: good idea
chris107: How long are the boards that mke up the table?
Sandor Sunneson: how long would it take to go back there?
chris107: S will run and get rope
chris107: "Keep watch while I'm gone and don't let Blacktail go."
chris107: he creeps past the bee door
chris107: sneaks around the trap
chris107: across the octagon
Smon: Table is not 20' long, more like 15', but you could with luck use it as a kind of ramp?
chris107: and up the steps to the boat. Grabs ropeand retraces his steps, carfully.
Smon: OK have to roll checks as S heads out alone.
chris107: (We can tie the rope around the table when I get back.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
chris107: He'll grab more torches too.
Smon: S makes it past the bee door and into the entry hall, heads upstairs into daylight.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
chris107: heck and bother
Sandor Sunneson: you're evil Simon
Smon: Sigurd gets to the boat. Gnarly is smoking a pipe, he nods affably as Sigurd takes up coils of heavy rope. Blacktooth & Elfis wait nervously in the ancient meeting room...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Smon: /roll d2
Smon rolls 1d2 and gets: 1
joriandrake: (guess we should've realized back then already that we will need a rope from the boat)
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: Something big and hairy skitters across the ceiling towards Elfis and Blacktooth - spider!
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 3, 4, = 7
Sandor Sunneson: Elfis fires an arrow at it
Smon: Likely disturbed by the recent fraca, the giant spider moves down the wall... towards the pit... Elfis looses an arrow - roll to hit
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 10, (+2) = 12
Smon: Blacktooth shrieks and flees for the south exit.
Smon: AC 12 - hit! Roll d6
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d6+2 and gets: 6, (+2) = 8
Smon: just d6 - 6 dmg
Smon: The angry spider drops to the floor, arrow sticking from it!
Smon: /roll d6
chris107: Dead Eyed Dick!
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: Elfis wins init - what does he do?
Sandor Sunneson: Attack it with his ax
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 14, (+1) = 15
Smon: OK, you raise your axe and strike as it comes at you... att d20+1 for d8
Smon: hit!
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 6,
joriandrake: (apolgies if all of us die because John fell into the pit)
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 6, 1, = 7
Smon: The spider bites!
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 3, (+2) = 5
Smon: You fend it off.
chris107: Yay!
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 4, 1, = 5
Smon: Blacktooth passes morale check(!)
Smon: As Elfis battles the spider, the kobold pulls out a dart and throws it.
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 8,
Smon: Misses
Smon: Elfis can attack the wounded spider
chris107: yay
chris107: erm boo
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 11, (+1) = 12
joriandrake: o_O
Smon: Yes he threw it at the spider
Smon: Hit!
chris107: Good rolling Ferg!
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 3,
joriandrake: str?
Smon: The shining war axe cleaves the brute! It falls!
Sandor Sunneson: 14
chris107: Nice one!
Smon: Oh, should be d8+1 for 2 handed use... I'll give bonus XP
joriandrake: (You all go into heroic mode to save this not-so-princess in distress)
Smon: Sigurd returns to the ruins, now laden with rope...
Smon: Have to get past the guard wolves and the giant bees...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
chris107: "Why have you been messing around with spiders when there's work to do?"
Smon: Seems the wolves have gone to bed and the bees still sluggish in the morning chill... Sigurd returns in triumph!
chris107: Sigurd ties the rope to the heavy table in a sailor's knot.
Sandor Sunneson: lets save John
chris107: "You're the lightest. I'll lower you down. Tie the rope around John and I'll haul him up. Then let it back down for you."
Sandor Sunneson: will do
Smon: GM: Elfis is lowered down into the foul smelling pit of doom...
Smon: Reaching the bottom, he finds John unconscious and bloody, but alive. Probably some cracked ribs and sprained wrist, but a couple week's rest in a warm inn bed and he should be right as rain.
joriandrake: (if that slime had anything worth swallowed then at least yo uget that too)
Sandor Sunneson: He'll pick him up gently and get hoicked back up
joriandrake: (Thanks, this makes him survive, but still KO during the quest)
Smon: GM: Sigurd would have a hard time hauling up both men at once.
chris107: Sigurd braces himself agin the heavy table and hauls hand over hand. "Help me please Blacktail!"
chris107: One at a time
joriandrake: (they discussed that he pulls us back one by one)
chris107: John then rope back for Elfis
Smon: The kobold's tiny paws grasp the rope and pull.
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, john first
Smon: How are you tying rope to John, Elfis?
joriandrake: (not the neck, not the neck o.O)
Sandor Sunneson: round his waist
Smon: Elfis ties the rope round John's gambeson'd waist. Sigurd pulls... John starts to rise up, hanging from his waist.
Smon: 2 in 6 he falls out head-first...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Sandor Sunneson: real knot tht
joriandrake: (depends on if Simon says 6 is the best or worst roll)
Smon: Luckily Elfis tied high enough that the rope loop slips up and catches under John's armpits, allowing him to be safely pulled up to the top, where Sigurd & Blacktooth haul him onto the side.
chris107: (It's used up one of Simon's 6's at least)
Smon: John groans, doubtless dreaming of Merrie Englande.
joriandrake: (true dat)
Smon: /roll d6
chris107: Sigutd makes sure he's safe then throws the rope back down.
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
Smon: Sigurd throws the end of the rope back down. If feeling energetic, Elfis can use it to climb out of the pit, bracing against the wall.
Sandor Sunneson: Elfis make himself secure, doubling the rope iunder his armpits ad heads up
joriandrake: Might dream of the barmaid Marian
chris107: S heaves
Smon: Elfis with Sigurd's help is brought up, and you assemble again. Blacktooth regards the adventurers doubtfully.
Smon: "You still want kill goblins? Before they eat bint?"
Sandor Sunneson: Of course
chris107: "Yes please, Blacktail."
Smon: He goes over to north doors, listens, then pulls them open, revealing a stone tunnel running north 30' to a matching pair of doors.
Smon: "Tooth. Black tooth. Cos of me rotten teeth!"
joriandrake: ((This bad situation ends up being actually effective in game, my sister just arrived and I will need to help her and mom with packing and such. Thanks for the game ,for rescuing John, will see you next time)
Sandor Sunneson: Chat soon Jors
Smon: (cya J - take 50 XP :D) The kobold regards Sigurd disapprovingly.
chris107: see you next time Jorian
joriandrake: (have fun and good night)
7:25pm 2018-6-25 joriandrake Has exited the room
chris107: (His name was Blacktail first, I just used that one )
Smon: LOL
Smon: They don't speak common too good
Smon: >>Smon: Blacktail looks relieved that you've agreed. The kobold clan watch you suspiciously as Blacktooth heads out the door into the corridor, slamming the door firmly shut behind you.<<
Smon: The kobold beckons you to follow him down the corridor - what are you doing with sleeping John?
chris107: Sigurd follows BlackTOOTH
Sandor Sunneson: Elfis follows Sigurd
chris107: (Can we leave him with the Kobolds?)
Smon: (sure...) "Mebbe Blacktail is a better name anyway..." the kobold mutters thoughtfully to itself.
Smon: Are you taking John to the kobolds?
Sandor Sunneson: Can do
Smon: Elfis hauls John back down the south tunnel to the kobold door & knocks. It's opened.
Smon: The kobolds regard the unconscious human approvingly. "Yumm. Looks good!"
Sandor Sunneson: Look after hiim , we'll be abck
Sandor Sunneson: back
Smon: "We will!" says the big female with stripey red back.
Sandor Sunneson: No human, no treasure
Smon: /roll 3d6
Smon rolls 3d6 and gets: 3, 2, 2, = 7
Smon: "aww."
Smon: The kobolds nod sadly. "We no eat him, you bring treasure?"
Sandor Sunneson: we'll do our best
Smon: "Deal."
Smon: The kobolds prop John in a corner while Elfis returns to join his comrades.
chris107: "Now can we get on?"
Smon: "Black tail... yes, me Black tail now!" your kobold guide opines happily, waving his tail.
Sandor Sunneson: ja
chris107: "And a fine black tail you have. Which way to rescue the bint from the Goblins?"
Smon: The double doors at the north end of the chamber open onto the south end of a great hall about 30' wide and 50-60' long that angles SE to NW, the NW end turning west to end at a set of west facing double doors.
Smon: Elaborately carved columns parade down the center of this marble-paved hall. In the center of this room is a badly damaged stone statue, which appears to have originally depicted a man carrying a large spear with the point angled downwards; the upper parts of the statue have been smashed, and fragments of marble litter the floor nearby. At the base of the ruined statue is a large wooden chest.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: The floor here is of dark tiles, unlike the rough stone you've seen elsewhere.
Sandor Sunneson: Where now lady?
Smon: The lower part of the statue is intact, the spear - which looks to be made of iron - pointed down at the chest.
chris107: "You want to look in the chest or get on with bint rescuing?"
Sandor Sunneson: chest?
Smon: "Me not lady! Me real boy!" says Blacktail, annoyed.
Sandor Sunneson: Head says chest, heart says bint
chris107: "Do your elfy eyes detect any pits? I don't want to goo the way of John."
Smon: "Bint through west door... not far now." Elfis scans the room.
chris107: "I'd say let's stick to bint rescuing too."
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Sandor Sunneson: Elfis willview the floor for pits and traps
Smon: No pits, but he does notice a secret door at the south end of the west wall.
Sandor Sunneson: He'll point that out to Skandik
Smon: The rider's spear points down to a spot just in front of the chest at the base of the statue.
Smon: Kneeling in front of chest to open it, spear would be pointing right at you.
chris107: "Let's check that out once we have the girl back safely?"
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, good plan
chris107: Let's press on and avoid these dangerous distractions
chris107: follow Blacktail's lead.
Smon: In the flickering light of Sigurd's torch you press on across the ancient hall to the west doors. Black - tail - listens then opens the doors inwards.
Smon: Beyond you see a tunnel running w 20' then turning n. Where it turns is a stout oak door set in the s wall.
Smon: BT whispers: "Gobboes through dat door!"
chris107: "Thanks Blacktail, we'll take it from here."
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
chris107: (Good job too as my map reached the edge of the page )
Smon: Blacktail nods, taking a step back. You approach the door?
chris107: "Shall we split a Goblin skull or three then, Eilfis?"
chris107: "Better look for more wretched pits first I guess."
Sandor Sunneson: ja
Sandor Sunneson: lets rock n roll
Sandor Sunneson: Elfis will check for pits and dangers
chris107: S stomps ahead for pits as he goes.
Smon: You cautiously approach, eyes on the floor looking out for pits. It looks like the tunnel only runs n 10' before turning w again. No pits.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
chris107: S checks which way the door opens then either pulls or pushes it.
Smon: You hear a voice talking in common, from beyond the door! It sounds female, very posh and refined: "So you see, the River Goblins are..."
Smon: Looks like door opens inwards. Sigurd pushes it?
chris107: yes
chris107 rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Sandor Sunneson: Lets do ot
Sandor Sunneson: it
chris107: opened
Sandor Sunneson: Elfis will walk in with Sigurfd?
Smon: Sigurd pushes the door - it gives slightly, but feels as if someone jammed it, it'll need a good kick or shoulder. "..the sacred people of Modron, Goddess of the Waters! She wants you to..." Sigurd kicks the door?
chris107: Check for pits before stepping in. Stomping with his foot.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
chris107: chris107 rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: As the door moved at Sigurd's push, you hear sudden gobliney cries of alarm - then Sigurd kicks the door and it bursts open!
chris107: "Grrrr!"
Smon: You see 4 goblins, one immensely fat and clad in wolf furs, with a brass key on a thong round is neck, sitting in a circle round a beautiful blonde girl, nude but for a blue silk loincloth and golden holy symbol round her neck that depicts the Sun of Mitra rising over the mouth of a great river - the Roglaroon.
Smon: The goblins cry in alarm, scrambling to their feet with hatchets and blades ready.
chris107: "I'm Sigurd Thormansun. I'm here to rescue you." Says Sigurd somewhat lamely.
chris107: (Does she fit the kidnapped bint's description?)
Smon: The princess(?) also gets quickly to her feet, smiling back at the huge viking as she pushes a lock of blonde hair from her eyes. "Thank you, but I was doing quite well by myself! I'm Philomena..."
Smon: She steps forward and offers Sigurd a dainty hand.
Smon: Philomena -
Smon: The warty and hideous goblins look on aghast.
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 1, 1, = 2
Smon: LOL - snake eyes - extreme hostility
Smon: "Dey're stealin' our princess! Get em!" says the fat goblin, raising his chopper with a war cry.
chris107: "Why Princess Philomena, I'll just deal with these unattractive fellows then we can get better aquainted."
Smon: Philomena gasps as the goblins rush at you!
chris107: He brandishes his huge weapon as if to illustrate the point
Smon: roll init on d6, 3+ to win.
Smon: both of you
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
chris107: Does the dex bonus for 13 give +1 to init?
Smon: I included that
chris107 rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
chris107: okay, thanks
Smon: Apparently Sigurd was distracted by the nearly naked princess... but Elfis can shoot or attack w axe?
Sandor Sunneson: attack the chief
Sandor Sunneson: with axe
Smon: ok 2 shots, roll at +2
Smon: ok 1 axe, roll at +1 (d8+1)
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 20, (+1) = 21
Smon: Crit!
chris107: yay!
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d8+1 and gets: 4, 7, (+1) = 12
chris107: You're on fire tonight Fergus!
Smon: Elfis lops the head off the goblin chief (I'm just doing max dmg on a crit, so 9 - he had 7 hp)
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 1, 5, = 6
Smon: The other 3 wail in dismay and flee through a secret door in the west wall - Sigurd could attack one at +2 as they flee, or let them go?
chris107: He'll strike as they flee
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 7, (+3) = 10
Sandor Sunneson: he will
chris107: grr
Smon: sorry, west end of south wall
Smon: AC 12
chris107: Would you mind coming with us Princess?"
Smon: Sigurd's sword passes over the head of a fleeing goblin; they slam the door shut behind them.
Smon: Philomena nods, eyes wide. "Gladly - by the way, there are more of them..."
Sandor Sunneson: Lets go
chris107: "Then let us make haste?"
Smon: From beyond the secret door, you hear more goblins yelling angrily. You hasten out, down the tunnel and back into the great hall, where Blacktail lurks.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Smon: As you hurry across the hall and reach the doors at the far end (s), goblins appear at the door behind you, yelling angrily and hefting weapons.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
Smon: You have time to either flee them or attack?
chris107: Flee
Sandor Sunneson: aye
Smon: They're about 50-60' away - you flee on, back into the room with the great table, sounds of goblin pursuit tailing off as you enter kobold territory.
Smon: Soon you reach the kobolds' door; Blacktail knocks and the door opens. You see lots of excited kobolds, and John propped up.
Smon: Big Red: "Treasure? You got treasure?"
Sandor Sunneson: No, we killed the leader. lobbed his head off
Smon: You notice they have the cooking fire heaped up, water bubbling in a large copper cauldron.
Smon: /roll 3d6
Smon rolls 3d6 and gets: 5, 1, 4, = 10
chris107: "We'll get the treasure for you shortly."
Smon: She eyes you, eyes the bloody axe. "Mmm... kay."
Sandor Sunneson: The treasure is there ungaurded, we're going back
Smon: OOC Elfis' CHA 13 has saved your butts a couple times already
chris107: "Just going to get our friend out of your way."
Smon: Blacktail rejoins his fellows.
chris107: Well done Elfis!
Smon: Red: "I see... You come back, kill nasty goblins, bring us preciousss..."
Sandor Sunneson: Any of you lot fancy an adventure?
chris107: "Absolutely madam!"
Sandor Sunneson: Yes
chris107: Lets just get John and the Princess safely out shall we?
Smon: (You're also lucky I rolled Hostile for the 4 goblins and neutral-friendly for the 29 kobolds and not vice-versa!)
Sandor Sunneson: said out of earshot of our guests I tke it
chris107: (We certainly are!)
chris107: That was not "said" Just a hint at you OOC Ferg
chris107: Perhaps the Princess has heling magic from Modron to help John?
Sandor Sunneson: ah ok, yeah lets go
Smon: The kobolds clear a path so you can get to John.
Sandor Sunneson:
chris107: Then snaeak them past bees, wolves and traps back to the boat
Smon: Who picks up John?
Smon: They'll be encumbered at half speed
chris107: Does the princess have any healing?
chris107: If not I guess Sig is the strongest.
Smon: you don't know
chris107: "Princess, our friend is badly injured. I heard you talk of Modron the river goddess. Do you serve her as a priestess? "
Smon: Philomena nods, looking at John. "Yes... but I am but an Initiate of the 1st Rank. I cannot yet wield the full Power of the Goddess..." She looks down, then up. "But I can Turn skeletons!" she smiles brightly.
Smon: Sigurd hefts up the unconscious thief.
chris107: "We better watch out for Goblin ambushes too."
Smon: GM: Philly takes Sigurd's torch so he can maneuver better with John over his shoulder.The kobolds watch the four humans depart.
Smon: You hurry back... just one more encounter check between you and daylight...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
chris107: Phew!
Smon: Rushing through the entry hall you take the spiral steps back up and out into the ruins.
Smon: Philly is carrying one slipper, she winces as her soft bare feet pass over the rocky gravel & debris of the ruined fort.
Smon: "I don't suppose anyone saw a...?"
chris107: Ha!
chris107: Out of his coat Sigurd pulls the slipper. "Yours I think my lady?"
Smon: The late morning sun beats down hot overhead. Philomena gasps in delight at the sight of the slipper. "My hero!"
chris107: He bows florridly
Smon: She swiftly puts on the slightly crumpled slipper.
Smon: You reach the ruined wharfs, where Old Gnarly is tapping out his pipe over the side. His eyes brighten at the sight of the adventurers and the topless blonde princess. "Morning, yer majesty."
Sandor Sunneson: You look like 1 million GP your majesty, welcome back
chris107: "My cloak may be useful to you too?"
Smon: Philly blushes at Elfis' compliment. "Why, thank you..." Gnarly: "So, let's get yon fellow (John) aboard and cast off."
Smon: Philly shrugs, looking up. "It's a hot day..."
chris107: 2mins guys, got to recue supper from the oven
Smon: Gnarly helps her into the boat, then you pass John over, he murmurs, stirring a little.
Smon: Once you are all in the boat - now sunk low in the water - Gnarly casts off, eyeing the shoreline.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: LOL
Smon: Black shapes appear at the shoreline, then dive into the water after you - wolves! Swimming wolves!
Smon: Philly: "Look out! Wolves!"
Smon: /roll 2d3
Smon rolls 2d3 and gets: 3, 3 = 6
Smon: wow, all of them.
Smon: Philly: "Quick! Shoot them!"
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Sandor Sunneson: Elfis will get his arrows ready
Sandor Sunneson: and fire at the large dogs
Smon: Gnarly struggles to get his boat out into the current, flowing downstream back towards Morgansfort, as the paddling wolves come into range...
chris107: back
Smon: OK you can have 6 shots (3 rounds)
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20+2x6 and gets:
8 (+2) = 10
5 (+2) = 7
13 (+2) = 15
12 (+2) = 14
14 (+2) = 16
12 (+2) = 14
Smon: Sigurd notices that Gnarly is panicking, hands sweaty on the rigging, not catching the morning wind well enough...
Smon: Elfis shoots with deadly effect (AC 12)
chris107: "Steady Gnarly. What ever's in store for us I'll wager it's not a wolf's belly."
Smon: Philomena goes to help Gnarly with the sail. "Let me help with that!"
Sandor Sunneson: can John fire arrows too or is he KO??
Smon: /roll 3d6
Smon rolls 3d6 and gets: 6, 5, 1, = 12
chris107: (You've rolled like a demon tonight Fergus)
Smon: KO
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d6+2 and gets: 3, (+2) = 5
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d6+2 and gets: 1, (+2) = 3
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d6+2 and gets: 5, (+2) = 7
Smon: arrows do d6
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d6+2 and gets: 1, (+2) = 3
Sandor Sunneson: ok, 10 damage then
Smon: The first wolf submerges with 4 arrows in it, then goes belly-up in the river (had 9 hp)
Smon: Philly brings the boat round, sail catching the wind.
Smon: /roll d8
Smon rolls 1d8 and gets: 5,
chris107: Sigurd prepares to sell his life dearly
Smon: Lucky - a good wind from the SW fills your sail and with the current aiding, the ship pulls away from the paddling wolves, heading east out into the Roglaroon past a pair of small wooded islets.
Smon: The wolves fall out of sight.
chris107: "Hahaha!"
Sandor Sunneson: Can Elfis fire more arrow at them?
chris107: "You have a cool head, Princess Philomena!2
chris107: "And you have a keen eye, master Elfis!"
Smon: Gnarly: "Hmm... best keep on a bit till we're sure they've given up, then I'll bring the old bird around and get us back to Morgansfort. Should be home well before dark, this time of year."
Smon: Elfis checks his quiver - 12 arrows left.
Smon: He could shoot in the direction the wolves were last seen.
Sandor Sunneson: He'll take some of John's
Smon: The princess looks doe eyed at Sigurd, hand on her sacred amulet. "Thank you..." She looks around, at the great dark swathe of the Dearthwood to north, the waters of the Roglaroon gleaming to the east as they sweep down towards Modron.
Smon: Elfis finds 8 arrows in John's quiver - take 4?
Smon: They're shortbow arrows though.
chris107: "My pleasure." Purrs the lusty Skandik.
Sandor Sunneson: I'll take 4 to start off with, with the reward money can always buy more back
Smon: Philomena bats her eyelashes at Sigurd. "Wh-where now? I..." she sighs. "Did Huberic hire you?"
chris107: "Aye, we are to get you to Huberic's hall. If that is where you choose to be of course?"
Smon: "Well... "
Smon: She looks down, then up at Sigurd. "I know it's what daddy wants, but to be honest, Count Huberic of the Vast Gut... Huberic of the Tower of Torpid Terror... Huberic of the 30 foot long whip with which he torments those who displease him..."
Smon: She sighs. "I'd really rather not. Mmm, maybe I could hang around with you for awhile?"
chris107: "Then no reward will see me turn you over to such a beast!"
Smon: Old Gnarly hears this and scowls. "Hey now, Skandik. A deal's a deal!"
chris107: "What say you, Elfis. Shall we be four?"
Smon: Philomena: "Oh please, good fisherman! I beseech thee!"
Sandor Sunneson: Yes, 4
chris107: "Why you'd see this picture of youth and beauty sold for a few gold coins? Tish!"
Smon: Gnarly shrugs. Sighs. "Tell me you at least got some decent treasure in there!"
chris107: I think I have 48GP left.
Sandor Sunneson: Elfis will laugh
Smon: Gnarly: "If she's still Intact, she's worth 250 gold to me!"
chris107: "None yet good Gnarly but now there are four, nay five of us as you are a member as much as any of us. We surly will!"
Smon: "Hmph." says Gnarly. "Ok, well, you get me my 250 and I'm happy either way."
Smon: Philomena gives Gnarly a winning smile. "We surely will!"
chris107: "Let's set up camp here on the bank once we are sure the wolves do not follow then go back tomorrow?"
Sandor Sunneson: Sounds like a good plan
Smon: Gnarly eyes the tree line: "No need to camp out here... We'll head upriver in an hour or so, dock back at Morgansfort tonight." Philomena turns to Elfis and Sigurd. "There's something I have to tell you. Something I learned, while I was with the Goblins..."
Sandor Sunneson: speak away mi Lady
Smon: Philly bites her lower lip, hesitating. "I felt... something. Something Evil has awoken, in the depths below the old fortress. It's calling the creatures of Chaos to it. Goblins - and other things, too. The goblins told me other groups of Beastmen were moving into the ruins, and they expected more Goblins to arrive soon. We need... We need to find the source of this evil, and destroy it!"
Smon: "Plus... I bet it has LOTS of treasure!" she grins impishly.
chris107: "Sounds just our line of work."
Sandor Sunneson: Sounds good, glad to help
Smon: Philomena looks down at her near naked form, looking perky in the cool breeze off the river. She nods and Sigurd wraps his warm Skandik cloak around her.
chris107: he grins back broadly
chris107: "Maybe get you some armour back at the fort too? I have 40 pieces of gold spare."
Smon: Philomena smiles back. "Your 40 gold pieces.... hopefully that would stretch to getting me a little adventuring gear. Armour would be very useful!"
chris107: "And then we go earn old Gnarly his pension!"
Sandor Sunneson: Elfis nods
Smon: Gnarly sighs again lugubriously as he brings the boat around and you start the slow trip upstream. "Thousand gold, thousand gold up in Haghill, just waitin'..." he mutters sadly.
chris107: "And maybe tn thousand back in those Hell Pits!"
Smon: Philomena looks over at Gnarly. "Fisherman, remember you have seen nothing of any princess! I am Philly, a travelling adventuress, companion of these three fine heroes."
Smon: Gnarly brightens at Sigurd's suggestion of ten thousand gold. He nods at ex-princess Philly. "As you say. As you say..."
Sandor Sunneson: Elfis smiles and nods
Smon: GM: That evening you dock back on the wharfs below Morgansfort. John has recovered consciousness, but is still weak and groggy.
Smon: Philly puts an arm round Sigurd's waist, looking up at his bearded face. "Does your gold stretch to a private room?"
chris107: I have 8 gold left in the world after Philly's equipment. Will it pay for a night for five of us?
chris107: and perhaps a couple more for John to recuperate while we go make some more?
Smon: Gnarly: "The Ironhelm Inn rents private rooms for a gold, wenches for two, bedrolls for a silver." He winks.
Sandor Sunneson: I don't have any
Sandor Sunneson: unfort
chris107: "What's mine is yours!"
chris107: tw rooms and two bedrolls it is then
Smon: Gnarly: "Me 'ovel 'as a nice dirt floor, if you're in need... Just five coppers a night."
chris107: "That may be where we will leave John if we need to. Thanks Gnarly."
Sandor Sunneson: I'm happy to take a chair
Smon: GM: You make your way slowly back up the cliff trail to Morgansfort. The guards at the gate eye your approach, note John's state. "What's the matter with 'im? Fell on his noggin?"
Sandor Sunneson: Slipped down a hole
chris107: He splits his last gold. Two to Gnarly for his floor, four to Philly for her room and the rest for Elfis and he a bedroll and some beer.
Smon: gm What armour did you want to buy Philomena?
chris107: Whatever tthe 40GP will stretch to?
chris107: Leather, shield and a mace?
Smon: leather is 20, ringmail is 30, shield 15?
chris107: (I got to go soon by the way)
chris107: leather+shield then please.
Smon: (will finish up) ringmail cheaper than leather + shield
Smon: both give AC+3
Sandor Sunneson: nice
Sandor Sunneson: good session, thanks Simon
Smon: She has DEX +1 so w ringmail AC > 14
chris107: okay, ringmail it is
chris107: Yeah, thanks Simon
chris107: And thanks Fergus, without your ace rolling we'd have bitten the dust there!
Smon: Rugarr the Smith happily sells an iron mace & ringmail fitted to the feminine form
chris107: I'll post up the map in the morning.
Sandor Sunneson: not sure what I make of this new system but we are alive
Smon: Grey oozes are immune to tables BTW, was the arrows killed it
Sandor Sunneson:
Sandor Sunneson: how many XP?
Smon: Will post log now.
Smon: 1800 XP plus any bonus.
chris107: (As far as I can tell Fighters get +5% if their Str is 13_?
chris107: +
chris107: Yay! second level
Smon: roll your d8s!
Smon: yup on bonus, bit meagre!
chris107: 2158XP
chris107 rolls 1d8+1 and gets: 7, (+1) = 8
Smon: Nice!
chris107: 19HP
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 2,
chris107: oops
chris107: 20HP!
Sandor Sunneson: reallY?
Smon: 11+8 = 19 hp
chris107: oh yeah
chris107: oops
Smon: Elfis has 12 hp
Smon: BTW I'm using minimum hp = level x4.5, so at higher level you have a guaranteed minimum if roll badly.
Smon: Eg at 3rd level 4.5x3= 13.5>14.
Smon: So Elfis is guaranteed at least 2 more hp at 3rd level.
chris107: 2 attacks / round agin creatures under 1HD now?
Smon: Yup
Sandor Sunneson: ok,
chris107: and at 2nd level we can choose to add +1 stat?
Smon: Yup,
chris107: Digurd goes +1 str = 17
Smon: so add +1 to a stat now
Smon: +2 to hit, +2 dmg
chris107: A real Goblin or Kobold slayer now!
Smon: Does Elfis boost STR too Fergus?
Smon: Would give +1 dmg
Smon: sorry no
Smon: 13-15 is +1/+0
Sandor Sunneson: I'm not sure, I don't really get these rules, need to get to read the rule book over the weekend
Smon: Might be worth raising anyway, get to 16 at 4th, 17 at 6th, 18 at 8th.
Smon: The stat boost is a house rule.
Smon: Monday I have an afternoon conference, should be back for 8pm, ok?
Sandor Sunneson: so we playing this again on Monday?
Smon: 8pm Monday ok?
Smon: Will do some bookkeeping on the thread.
Sandor Sunneson: at the mo, yes
chris107: I'll just check the diary but should be okay.
Smon: posting log now
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