Hakeem heading on to Nerra via Clear Meadows.
12/8: Hakeem with Kogor at Theber
13/8: Hakeem & Kogor travel to Ahyf via lizard caves & ruins of Trade. Slave revolt in Ahyf, 6 slaver lords imprisoned inc Seroni & Rolth.
14/8: Hakeem leaves Sandor as Prince of Ahyf. Angry re Carchimish, he decides to seek out Malenn and heads for Nerra by sea from Clear Meadows.
Borgus, Deacon of Mitra Apollo, is freed, and departs Ahyf with his pilgrims.
![]() |
Camus |
8:49am 2018-2-10 Smon Has entered the room
8:49am 2018-2-10 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: Morning Simon
Smon: Good morning Chris
chris107: No Fergus
chris107: Can't blame him though!
Smon: Saw that, big shame
chris107: New Zealand beach party!
chris107: It's 3 degees and sleeting outside here. Perfect gaming weather.
chris107: I liked the sound of the high level dungeons
Smon: 11/8/47 (afternoon) Hakeem is dropped off in Selatine by King Regent Bronze. Plans to head north from there, giving the armour & sword of Bondorr to Aeanor at Anatal. Hakeem speaks to Jana Vex. 12/8/47 Hakeem heads out of Selatine, passing through the ruins of Thracia (gnolls flee at his approach!) he reaches Theber that night, where the dwarf Kogor of Kolda now rules as Thegn, vassal to Lord Kaldrac of Verius.
Smon: Hakeem's rage begins to cool during the long trek.
chris107: (Joint King-Regent)
Smon: Does Hakeem seek shelter in Kogor's hall, camp in the hills, stay at local inn?
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
chris107: He remembers Kogor from the early days in Selatine and exploring Thracia. He'll go see his old friend.
Smon: GM: Kogor greets Hakeem warmly. The dwarf seems happily esconced with his human concubine Princess Opa Theber, the pair together at last - it was Kogor's seduction of Opa that caused much trouble years ago.
Smon: News has reached Kogor of Hakeem's slaying of the dragon, and the dwarf has many questions about the battle.
chris107: "Life has been kind to you my Dwarven friend. We have both come a long way."
chris107: Hakeem is happy to banish his foul mood with talk of battle with another warrior.
Smon: Kogor grins: "Aye, thegn of a human village! I prefer these Ghinarians to my own folk, truth be told. But you seem troubled my lord. Something ails you?"
chris107: "Aye, I am troubled indeed."
Smon: Opa: "I'm glad that dragon destroyed Trade. Horrible place!"
Smon: Kogor frowns at his wife's interjection.
chris107: "Horrid it may have been. But there were goodly folk there too. "
Smon: Kogor nods. "Aye! Tis the innocent who suffer most! More wine?"
chris107: "Even Ahyf, den of scoundrils that it has become has some good folks. And it's my job to set them right. Too long did I trust that sepant in our midst."
Smon: "Aye, that Sarene is a snake alright..."
chris107: "I turned a blind eye out of past friendship. It will not happen again."
chris107: "Nay, Sarene I always knew to be wicked!"
Smon: Kogor: "Well if you have need of my hammer you can always count on me, my friend."
chris107: "It was the turncoat and traitor, Shieldbiter that is to blame."
chris107: Hakeem brightens at the trusty Dwarf's words.
chris107: "That is comfort to me indeed."
chris107: "I was going to go North. Now...now I don't know."
chris107: "I have worked long and selflesly to make a place safe for the common folk."
Smon: Kogor grins. "There must be a thousand men - and dwarves - would follow you into Hell, for all you've done. But I still recall the youth just down from the hills with goat's blood on his shoulder."
chris107: "It would be wrong of me to turn my back on them now. They suffered such neglect at the hands of that perfidious Dragonborn. If I do not help them I would be no better."
chris107: "Kogor! So do I." Hakeem smiles for the first time in weeks.
Smon: Kogor: "I don't envy you, the Regency. One village is enough for me. Here I can see what's going on - I order the palisade repaired, it gets repaired. I save the smith's daughter from goblins, she stays saved."
chris107: "Dwarves I will certainly have need of. Not for war but for building."
chris107: "I have tried to do too much. My brain is too slow to run an empire. I have such good and able men around me."
chris107: "I have given the regency to Bronze and Minars. While I sort out some personal business."
Smon: Kogor waves to Opa to fetch more wine, she sashays off, he regarding her rear appreciatively. "We are trying for a child... but half-dwarves are rare, I fear."
chris107: "The trying is still fun..."
chris107: "My Aunt Gnubis is the one you should be talking to."
Smon: Kogor grins. "Aye! I'll drink to that!" He empties his cup to the dregs. "But what of Malenn?"
chris107: "She knows about these things. Perhaps I could ask her to visit you?"
Smon: (Aunt Nefeti, Gnubis is your mother)
chris107: "Malenn is in Nerra, she too has a wiser head than me."
Smon: Kogor: "By all means! I shall entertain her royally!"
chris107: (Oops, it is early )
Smon: "I mean, what does she think of your Abdication?"
Smon: Opa brings a new pitcher of wine, serving you both. It is late at night now as you drink in Kogor's cosy personal chambers, his Hall sleeping.
chris107: "Malenn will be cross." Hakeem looks worried. "My temper has always burned hot. And betrayal by one considered a friend is the worst kind. I must go speak with her." Hakeem does not look pleased at this prospect.
chris107: "I would rather face Kainos again than an angry Malenn."
Smon: Kogor nods. "Aye. You should speak with her. She has a good head on her shoulders..." He looks over at famously-dim Opa and sighs. "A blessing."
chris107: "Sometimes."
chris107: "Kogor, your wine and your company have put me in a better humour than I have seen in a long time."
Smon: Kogor chuckles. "Let's drink to your triumphs, over monsters, men, gods... and with women, the best of luck!"
chris107: "Would you ride with me to Trade in the morning? I must see what damage needs repairing."
chris107: "To Luck! And to Kogor!"
Smon: Kogor grins. "Aye. An excellent plan. I fear little remains of the village, though the lizard caves and nearby farms survived."
chris107: "The lizards are still there? I was never happy about them been brought here."
Smon: "No, I heard they have abandoned their warren." GM: You drink long into the night and rise early next morning, only Hakeem's +14 CON save bonus keeping him in good spirits...
chris107: hehe
Smon: You breakfast early with Kogor (Opa still fast asleep) and head north on horse & pony.
chris107: and advantage on Con saves
Smon: A slight detour NW brings you to the lizard 'caves', indeed they seem hurriedly abandoned, some personal effects still scattered about.
Smon: 8 miles NW from there takes you to the coast and the acid-burned ruins of Trade.
chris107: Hakeem uses his Altani survival skills to see what direction the lizards took?
chris107 rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 14, (+8) = 22
Smon: The stench of Matriarx is still here, over 3 weeks since the attack, in the fetid green pools among the acid-rotted timbers and tumbled stone.
Smon: The lizardmen clearly went to Ahyf.
chris107: Hakeem looks sadly at the ruined town.
chris107: "Surely no one could have survived that? But we must go look."
chris107: (Thanks)
Smon: There is no life here; a few acid-rotted remnants of crumbled sheep and human bones among the devastation. No carrion birds feast here.
chris107: Hakeem sets off down, anger stirring within him.
chris107: Seeing the hopeless condition he turns to Kogor.
Smon: Matriarx seems to have taken especial delight in destroying the Lord's Hall, barely a single stone still atop another.
chris107: "This is the reward of Shieldbiter's greed."
chris107: "And my foolishness."
Smon: Kogor: "Twas fortunate for Shieldbiter's servants they had decamped to Ahyf... mostly it was the peasants who perished, and a few guardsmen."
chris107: "Will you ride to Clear Meadows with me?"
chris107: "Isn't it always so my friend? The Poor and the weak suffer for the greed of the powerful?"
Smon: Kogor nods. "Sure. The fresh air does me good. I was never a cavern-dwarf."
chris107: Hakeem looks once more at the devestation and hardens his heart. "Let's go."
Smon: Kogor shrugs. "Aye. Some places are just unlucky. This town never fought anyone, yet was sacked by Yusan, then slaughtered by Matriarx..."
Smon: OOC If Hakeem has a good memory he might recall he allowed Trade to be taken by Yusan as part of the strategy to lure him to the trap at Krens' Cairn.
Smon: GM: Are you heading west to Ahyf now?
chris107: "I was here when Tarcon kicked Shielbiter's arse. He flew away then. I should have seen what happened after coming then."
Smon: "So the lizard has a history of cowardice... I see."
chris107: (First casualty of war, Simon )
Smon: brb
Smon: GM: Riding west through the farmlands between Trade & Ahyf, you do 25 miles on the road and reach Ahyf around 2pm, the horses a litle tired now.
chris107: Have the folks returned?
Smon: There are no guards at Ahyf's gatehouse, which stands open.
Smon: returned where?
chris107: (We were going via Clear Meadows)
chris107: chris107: "Will you ride to Clear Meadows with me?"
Smon: You have to go via Ahyf to get to Clear Meadows, but you can skirt the walls if you wish without entering the town.
chris107: Ahyf was going to be the last stop.
Smon: ??
Smon: Look at the map!
chris107: If we're here we will go in
chris107: I have the map in front of me as always.
Smon: From west to east: Clear Meadows - Ahyf - Trade are all on the coast road.
chris107: Hakeem has plenty of time on his hands at the moment. Thinking time
chris107: But either way is good.
Smon: Approaching the town you see the male slave workers gathering in the wheat harvest in the surrounding fields.
chris107: Hakeems rage begins to rise again.
Smon: One fat slave looks oddly familiar - Deacon Borgus, who was enslaved by Tsamar the Pirate some years ago along with his pilgrims.
chris107: "Who is your master?" He asks of them.
chris107: (I remember that well)
Smon: Borgus looks up at Hakeem, squinting against the sun. "You!" He grimaces.
Smon: He looks rather healthier/trimmer now than when they first met.
9:39am 2018-2-10 chris107 Has exited the room
9:41am 2018-2-10 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: "Borgus. "
Smon: "We belonged to Elder Dalar - then Sarene, after Shieldbiter slew Dalar. Now... " Borgus shrugs.
chris107: Hmmm don't know what happened there.
Smon: "You I suppose?"
Smon: A scrawny young overseer watches you from his seat on a nearby rock.
chris107: "Then you are free. Borgus you are an educated man if a proud one. Help these fellows. Make me proud."
chris107: "Do good with your life."
Smon: Borgus looks over at the overseer. "Thank you milord... But we'll need money to buy passage home?"
chris107: Hakeem hands Borgus 50GP.
chris107: "Help here in Ahyf for a while. We will have need of learned men."
Smon: Borgus takes the money. "Hmm, enough for five of us, perhaps. Thank you."
chris107: "Then if you wish to leave, I will send more gold."
Smon: Borgus pockets the cash. "Stay in this shithole? No thanks!"
Smon: He laughs, his coterie joining in.
chris107: "You are an ungraeful fool. Have you learned nothing?"
chris107: "Have your years of toil taught you nothing? No humility?"
Smon: Borgus glares up at Hakeem. "Two years! Two years I've been here! You left me here happily enough - left all of us!"
Smon: "And now you say we're free - as if we couldn't have walked out days ago!"
Smon: The overseer shrugs.
Smon: There are mutterings of assent from the other slaves.
chris107: "But you didn't. Get from my lands. Any of you who wish to go with him, leave now. Any who wish to stay and help rebuild Ahyf into a better town, come with me."
Smon: One of the other slaves pipes up. "Master Hakeem, we hear the villas are unguarded now. May we take from them, as the Masters took from us?"
9:48am 2018-2-10 joriandrake Has entered the room
Smon: The crowd throngs round Hakeem.
Smon: (hi Jorian)
Smon: The overseer looks thoughtful, then turns and hurries off...
9:49am 2018-2-10 joriandrake Has exited the room
Smon: like that
chris107: "I understand your wrath at your former masters. I promise you a better future. Stay your hands from robbery for now. I will make sure supplies are sent here. Together we can rebuild something that will benefit all."
Smon: roll CHA+prof
chris107: "The Villa's must open their doors and supply houses freely."
chris107 rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 5, (+9) = 14
Smon: Borgus laughs. "Aye! Excellent! They'll open their doors alright!" He turns to the others. "You all heard! We are free! Tell the others! We'll feast in Sarene's Hall tonight!"
Smon: The crowd cheer wildly.
Smon: The other slave gangs gathering wheat seem to have noticed.
chris107: DC 17 Wisdon save for Borgus as Hakeem turns his scary glance upon him.
Smon: Casting down their loads.
Smon: Borgus seems entirely oblivious to Hakeem, the rage of years in him - and he was never a humble man.
Smon: He hops up on the rock the overseer abandoned.
Smon: Borgus: "We shall be merciful! No killing of the wretches Sarene and her dragon pet abandoned - not unless they fight us!"
chris107: Hakeem rides his horse slowly towords him.
Smon: A crowd of ex slaves is gathering to listen to the demagogue.
chris107: He rides up close
Smon: Borgus: "Ahyf shall be YOUR town! Hakeem wants us to stay - then stay we shall!"
Smon: The crowd watches.
Smon: "By St Ulther, I say, a new day dawns!"
chris107: "This pleases my Borgus."
Smon: Some cheers at Hakeem's words.
chris107: "There will be a place in Ahyf for all free men."
chris107: "The empire let you all down."
chris107: "I let you all down."
Smon: Borgus stops to listen. "Aye. You did."
chris107: "It will not happen again."
Smon: roll CHA+Prof again
chris107: "I trusted someone I thought was a friend. He let me down. The deaths in Trade are as much my fault as his. But I am here to put things right."
chris107 rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 8, (+9) = 17
Smon: pass DC 15 - your first fail was funny
Smon: Borgus beams. "I accept your apology! And there is wisdom in your words."
chris107: "Help me build the Free Town of Ahyf?"
chris107: "A town where all can prosper through their own efforts."
chris107: "There will be no more shackles, no more whips."
Smon: Borgus nods, turns to the crowd. "You all hear Hakeem! Ahyf is to be ours - not to sack, but to rebuild! A free town, under our headship! Let the slavers shiver and shake!"
chris107: "Aye Borgus! Your words are wise. Come! To Ahyf."
Smon: MUCH cheering now! Borgus turns back to Hakeem, speaking loudly that all may here. "The Council is gone! The pirate bitch and her serpent are gone! But the slavers - Seroni, Rolth - still remain. Let us deal with them now!"
chris107: "Looks like we dine in Ahyf tonight my Dwarven friend."
chris107: "The Sword of Bondorr is with you!" Hakeem draws his impressive blade and it crackles nastily.
Smon: Kogor chuckles, drawing close to Hakeem and speaking quietly. "You have a way of winning men round, Hakeem. I thought you were going to put that sword through his fat belly."
10:02am 2018-2-10 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
chris107: "I did think about it."
chris107: Hey Fergus
Smon: The crowd - now several hundred strong, basically all the farm slaves around Ahyf - cheer wildly.
Smon: Kogor chuckles.
Sandor Sunneson: Evening/Morning
chris107: "TO AHYF! TO FREEDOM!"
Sandor Sunneson: Update please
Sandor Sunneson: Ahyf welcoming back Hakeem?
chris107: Hakeem will ride at their head.
chris107: The slaves seem pleased to see me. Just about to enter Ahyf.
Smon: GM: Sandor and Maglor have travelled from the Vale north via Bratanis & the ruins of Trade to Ahyf.
Sandor Sunneson: Any encounters to date?
Smon: Nearing the town, they see Hakeem on horseback, a dwarf on pony beside him, addressing a crowd of hundreds of ragged male farm-slaves.
Smon: A fat slave on a rock also addresses the throng.
Smon: Hakeem draws the crackling sword of Bondorr, the slaves cheering.
Smon: Hakeem sees Sandor & an elf (Maglor) approaching on horseback along the road.
Smon: >>"TO AHYF! TO FREEDOM!"<<
Smon: Much cheering, and the crowd, Borgus in the lead, surges towards the town's open gate.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will salute the big man
chris107: "Just in time."
chris107: "Let's ride ahead and secure the gates?"
Sandor Sunneson: Good turn out,
chris107: Hakeem spurs his horse on.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will say, head toward the gate
Smon: GM: Whoever is supposed to be guarding the gate seems to have abandoned it, and you ride in unopposed at the head of an ever-larger mob, Borgus panting along behind you.
chris107: "We're going to put a stop to slavery in Ahyf."
Smon: As the mob pours in there are shrieks and screams from the townsfolk; some cheers from the serving slaves.
Sandor Sunneson: Head to the Citadel?
Smon: You hear calls: "I know Seroni's Villa!" "I know Rolth's!" "To the Town Hall!" "To the Fighting Pits - free the fighting slaves!"
chris107: "The airshark innis where the slavers meet?"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will say, head toward the gate
Sandor Sunneson: Good turn out,
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will salute the big man
Sandor Sunneson: Charge on to the Airshark Inn
Smon: GM: Of an evening, the 'great and good' gather at the Airshark fighting pits to see the battles there.
chris107: "Aye! Free the slaves and bring the slavers down! But leave the towns folk be!"
Smon: Borgus: "Seize the villas! No killing! Take the slavers alive!"
chris107: H goes looking for Father Camus.
Smon: GM: Sandor heads down to the docks, while Hakeem seeks out the Temple of Thoth.
Smon: GM: I'll do Sandor first.
chris107: cool, I'll grab a coffee
Smon: Down at the docks, word has already spread apparently. Most of the ships at anchor have pulled up their boarding ramps.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will head to the Airshark Inn
Smon: Just outside the Airshark Inn a gaggle of naked coin girls - slave prostitutes with money boxes at neck or hip - have cornered Hognun, their manager & manager of the Airshark.
Smon: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/brave-new-pathfinder-world/images/9/90/Innkeeper_4.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140920221551
Sandor Sunneson: Does he look worried?
Smon: Several carrying bricks or bottles, the girls seem ready to set upon the poor man, who definitely looks worried.
Smon: The girls seem led by a redhead - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgrJurPKb2y17NhQsoEBeD7VR8aBqEvJngSsYNzuvmmbCWlb1-p6kXhFTqsprxt4rc8hhvfZJ5Zgix5RY2DQ6d02o3rA2MylsSFqT_kTq9GQRVnwporGgOz8WEzfjVWINByvAh0nNZ7NWI/s400/Beverly.jpeg
Smon: Beverly: "Hognun!"
Smon: Hognun: "If this is about the cigarette ration, I'm sure we can negotiate..."
Smon: Beverly: "This is it, Hognun!"
Smon: Waving her bottle, she & the others look round as Sandor rides up.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will shout, leave him be. salevery has been ended in Ahyf but revenge attacks will not be tolerated
Smon: OOC don't want to do umpteen links but the coin girls are athttp://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/the-ghinarian-hills-campaign-labyrinth.html
Smon: http://smons.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/the-ghinarian-hills-campaign-labyrinth.html
Smon: Include 1. Atesia/Eve 2. Linda Gordon 3. Beverly McFadden, unofficial CG leader 4. Elizabeth Moondew, half elf 5. Serani Redeye
Smon: Hognun looks relieved as the girls lower their improvised weapons.
Sandor Sunneson: Any slaves in the Inn ready to fight, ensure they are freed
Smon: Hognun: "There you go ladies! You're free! I'm sure we can negotiate reasonable hourly rates... I'll inform the Servers they're free too, milord. What about the Orcs in the fighting pens?"
Smon: You hear the sound of a mob coming down the street behind you (Sandor)
Sandor Sunneson: If they want to fightt, they are free to go. Sandor will turn around
Smon: Elizabeth - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgpjz8sIWsGcw7HIA519kUk70FVew4Sazn3nl457DZrJ1QS5IlIidGW5simpAafB15opqqbTINXRNmCJ3YsCkJUlA-rvYr3Jof7HK50vBuWGDuOkMPLkK0EYHTlMQtV-WRcxi7EMNr1Sp4/s400/Elizabeth+Moondew+of+Bisgen.jpg speaks
Smon: "I don't want hourly rates! I want to go home! I am a noble of Neo Nerath!"
Smon: She pales as a large crowd of newly freed farm slaves turns the corner and gets their first sight of the naked coin girls.
Smon: Sandor & his horse between the two groups.
Smon: The male slaves grin. "Hey girls!"
Sandor Sunneson: He will address the crowd, I am Sandor Sunneson, New Leader of Ahyf
Smon: "This is freedom day!"
Smon: The advancing men pause to hear Sandor's words.
Sandor Sunneson: From this day on, all forms of slavery are illegal,
Sandor Sunneson: Revenge on slave traders will not be tolerated
Smon: Behind Sandor, Hognun ducks into the Inn, out of sight of the ex-slaves.
Sandor Sunneson: We all have to work tod=gether for a better and more prosperous future
Smon: YOu can roll CHA+Prof
chris107: good luck!
Sandor Sunneson: New opportunities will be made for those willing to serve Ahyf,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 8,
Sandor Sunneson: +5=
Sandor Sunneson: 13
Sandor Sunneson: hmmmm
Sandor Sunneson: He's going to stick to fighting monsters
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: A big man with black beard steps forward, scoops up Elizabeth the Nerathi ex-noble. "Aye! Let's drink to that in the Airshark! Open taps!" The men cheer and surge forward, the lucky ones in front scooping up coin girls.
Smon: A rather ugly fellow carries off Beverly.
Sandor Sunneson: Oi, big man, where you going with her?
Smon: roll intimidate cHA+prof DC 15
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
Sandor Sunneson: +5=7
Smon: He ignores Sandor, carrying Beverly through the Airshark's open doors into the warm & fuggy interior, where the revels are already starting.
Sandor Sunneson: OOC- has Sandor got any town guard around to help him?
Smon: Hognun must be inside somewhere but has already made himself scarce.
Smon: LOL
Smon: town guard LOL
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will go into the airshark inn
Smon: The farm slaves are breaching the beer & wine kegs, beginning to celebrate with the coin girls & the servers.
Smon: A free patrons & Hognun's guards get shoved & roughed up a bit as they seek to make themselves scarce, but right now the mob is fairly good natured.
Sandor Sunneson: And in the pit areas?
Smon: The pits are empty right now. It takes a minute before Sandor sees Beverly on the lap of the ugly fellow, who is quaffing a beer with three fellows, another girl (Serani) between two of them https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjA6LmorAzF1S1pCrfTGiBEKa75SaX0A-OgGFIhnRqrqMiHP-0zdXv4ZA1B8PregZw9qI-XzKCx9spj6_Np6b-Qool2XyLPH_38VYsxCWwzjpWyFQdp6VlGx067psQ7sjznujUz58X-H_c/s320/Serani.jpg
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 10,
Sandor Sunneson: Do the ladies look particualrly happy?
Smon: Beverly sees Sandor looking at the empty pits and calls out. "The orcs are in the cells downstairs!"
Smon: The Altanian girl Serani looks pretty intimidated by the two lusty farm slaves pawing at her. Beverly seems to be handling mr Ugly ok.
Sandor Sunneson: He'll go up to the former farm slaves, just because your free don;t behave like a bunch of cocks
Sandor Sunneson: Now behave or I'll shove this sword down your throat
Smon: Sandor sees the black bearded man carrying the Nerathi half elf noble girl upstairs over his shoulder.
Smon: ok roll intimidate
Smon: cha+prof
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 1,
Smon: LOL
Sandor Sunneson: +5=6
Sandor Sunneson: lol
chris107: I'm lost for words
Sandor Sunneson: wtf is it with Sandor and CHR rolls
Smon: The men laugh at Sandor's joking, otherwise ignoring him.
Sandor Sunneson: Does the nertahi elf look scared ?
Smon: More of the mob have poured into the Airshark, filling the place.
Smon: The kegs behind the bar won't last long at this rate!
Sandor Sunneson: wtf is it with Sandor and CHR rolls
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Sandor Sunneson: Do the ladies look particualrly happy?
Sandor Sunneson: New opportunities will be made for those willing to serve Ahyf,
Sandor Sunneson: We all have to work tod=gether for a better and more prosperous future
Sandor Sunneson: If they want to fightt, they are free to go. Sandor will turn around
Smon: She looks unhappy, but presumably has already been a Coin Girl some time, made to service drunken sailors at the docks.
Smon: will go to Hakeem
chris107: Okay
Smon: GM: Hakeem reaches the small Temple of Thoth.
chris107: Are the doors barred? How many freed slaves are about?
Smon: A small crowd of worried citizenry have gathered here for sanctuary as the uprising spreads like wildfire through the streets.
chris107: Hakeem scans their faces for any of the well known slavers.
Smon: There is no freed slave mob here, but about 20-24 people inside the church, mostly women & children with their husbands.
Smon: /roll d6x2
Smon Rolls 1d6x2 and gets:
2 = 2
6 = 6
Smon: Hakeem spots a muscular cowled figure at the back among the small crowd - Rolth!
Smon: The big Altanian looms over a couple elderly matrons, urgently praying to Thoth.
chris107: Hakeem asks the dwarf to hold his horse and shout if there is any sing of trouble out side
Smon: Father Camus sees Hakeem enter and hobbles forward; he looks much older than last time, though not frail like Synjyn.
chris107: And he walks up to Rolth.
Smon: Kogor nods.
Smon: Rolth sees Hakeem approach and casts off his hood, glaring.
Smon: "You did this."
chris107: Hakeem smiles at Father Camus, gesturing that he keep away fro a moment.
chris107: Hakeem rages and punches Rolth on the nose.
Smon: Camus nods, steps back and turns to comfort a crying mother.
Smon: roll init
chris107 Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
20 (+2) = 22
13 (+2) = 15
Smon: You win
Smon: roll to hit AC 13!
chris107 Rolls 1d20+13x2 and gets:
2 (+13) = 15
15 (+13) = 28
chris107: Jab in the nose then an uppercut to the jaw
chris107: 24 points
Smon: The massive blows send Rolth flying back, scattering pews (dmg 1+STR+rage per hit = ?)
Smon: thx
Smon: Women scream. Hakeem stands over the wretch.
Smon: He shakes his head.
Smon: /roll 2d6
Smon rolls 2d6 and gets: 4, 5, = 9
Smon: "I'll not fight you."
chris107: "You are finished. Surrender now and I may stop the freed slaves from gutting you."
Smon: Rolth staggers to his feet, hands raised.
Smon: Fear in the Altanians' eyes.
chris107: "Fetch rope, secure him well."
chris107: "Search him for hidden weapons."
Smon: (is that to Kogor? Camus?)
chris107: "Father Camus, sorry about that. How are you?"
chris107: (Sorry, Kogor)
Smon: Kogor happily ties up Rolth, divesting him of various daggers, scourge, branding iron and other implements.
chris107: (Dwarves are good with knots)
Smon: Camus smiles, taking Hakeem's arm.
Smon: "I'm glad you've come... I think." From outside comes the sound of breaking glass and yells.
chris107: Hakeem is gentle with the wise old priest. He remembers his kindness many times in the past.
Smon: "Things have been hard. The pirates..."
Smon: "...It's good they've left. What happens now milord?"
chris107: "I can imagine. Please keep your flock safe. I must see what is happening outside."
Smon: Camus nods. Kogor: "Shall I stay here Hakeem, keep these good folks safe?"
chris107: "We are freeing Ahyf." Hakeem gives him a big grin as he walks into the street.
chris107: "Yes please my friend." He asks Kogor.
chris107: "Make sure that bastard doesn't slip free. He has crimes to answer for."
Sandor Sunneson: Lucky di rolls Chris
Smon: Kogor nods, eyeing trussed-up Rolth with hammer in hand. Rolth eyes Kogor scornfully, but has sense to stay silent. GM: Following the source of greatest commotion, Hakeem heads through town.
Sandor Sunneson: but well played
chris107: Thanks
Smon: A large, lavishly appointed villa is being looted by the mob.
chris107: Hakeem approaves.
chris107: Let them have their head. For today.
chris107: Does it seem otherwise good natured?
Smon: As Hakeem approaches he sees Borgus and two more men dragging a naked & chained female elf out into the street, yelling: "Seroni! We have her!"
Smon: The arrogant elven slaver looks terrified as the mob congregates on her.
Smon: "Shave her! Take her hair!"
Smon: "Tar and feather the bitch!"
Smon: "I say smash her brains!"
Smon: Borgus yells at the last speaker: "No killing!"
chris107: "Bind her fast. I have secured Rolth already. They will stand trial."
chris107: "You will prove better than them. Borgus has theright of it."
Smon: Borgus looks up at Hakeem, sweat stained and grinning. "Aye! Trial!"
chris107: "Bring her here."
Smon: Hakeem notices smoke pouring from a broken upper window.
Smon: Someone must have knocked over a lamp.
chris107: "AND PUT THAT FIRE OUT!"
Smon: Borgus drags Seroni on her leash towards Hakeem.
chris107: "NOW!"
Smon: The slaves mill around, unsure what to do.
Smon: Borgus: "Pails of water! The well is right there you fools!"
chris107: "Fetch water, make a chain, get buckets. NOW!"
Smon: Hakeem & Borgus yell at them until they are organised and carrying buckets into the villa.
Smon: 2+ on d6 they control the blaze:
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
chris107: When they seem organised H will ask Borgus how things stand.
Smon: Yup, a room is damaged but soon the fire is out.
chris107: Keeping a firm hold on the wicked elf.
Smon: Seroni appears to have been manacled & shackled with her own implements and is definitely not going anywhere.
Smon: Borgus: "All is good! The slavers' guards flee rather than fight! The city is ours - yours... my lord."
chris107: "I am taking her to the temple of Thoth, where she will be held with Rolth until they can stand trial. Now round up the others! You are doing well!"
Smon: He grins - that must be the first time Borgus has ever used an honorific to Hakeem.
chris107: "No Borgus. Ours. All of ours!"
Smon: "Ours! Ours! Ours!"
Smon: The cry is taken up by the mob, spreading through Ahyf...
Smon: GM: moving on
chris107: "There will need to be a strong leader of course to guide the rebuilding but Ahyf is now a Free Port!"
Sandor Sunneson: one with CHR
Smon: That evening, with Ahyf secured, Sandor & Hakeem gather at the Temple of Thoth.
Smon: Six stripped and manacled slaver-lords - four male & two female, inc Rolth & Seroni - have been rounded up.
chris107: H will work tirelessly searching for and releasing supplies. Promising payment if needed.
Sandor Sunneson: A chaotic day, but all a bit over jolly celebrations Hakeem
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
chris107: Tonight none will be hungry or in chains. Except the wicked!
Smon: Looks as if no one has died today, though there have been plenty of broken noses and sore heads.
Sandor Sunneson: He'll say in private to H, the wicked should be executed, put them to rest of their crimes
chris107: Good
Smon: Kogor is with H & S.
Smon: Kogor: "As slave rebellions go, this one has been remarkably civil."
chris107: Privately to S "This is what you would call justice?"
chris107: "They haven't commited any crimes. Slavery is not a crime. It is an abomination and one I would be shut of. But they have broken no laws."
Sandor Sunneson: They profited out of other people's misery
chris107: "We ned to use them as an example."
Smon: Seroni still has her hair, but the other female merchant has been shaved of her head, and two of the men plastered with pitch & feathers before Borgus collected them.
Sandor Sunneson: This is true
chris107: "Use them to show the citizens of Free Ahyf that justic will prevail here."
chris107: "But for tonight let our happy mob celebrate their freedom!"
Smon: Father Camus stands in the torchlight. "Is the trial tonight, Lord Hakeem?"
Sandor Sunneson: In theory they have done nothing wrong, even though they have as slavery is abhorant
chris107: "Broach every cask and bottle in Ahyf if need be! You are free!"
Smon: The crowd need little encouragement.
Smon: Seroni, calmer now, speaks up. "So, what will you do with us?"
chris107: Quietly to Camus "I do not think a trial tonight would be fair. Feelings are high and inflamed by wine. Let us talk of trials in the morning."
Smon: Camus nods. "This is not a good place to hold prisoners. I suggest the Elders' Hall, there are cells beneath."
Sandor Sunneson: You shall find out soon enough, we will let you sleep tonight anyway
Smon: brb breakfast run!
Sandor Sunneson: Shall we head to the Elders Hall and then onto the Palace? Pretty sure there was a palace in Ahyf?
chris107: "Seroni. All of you. I want you to know that you are under my protection. As Father Camus says, we need to keep you securely until things calm down."
chris107: Hey Fergus! Glad you could make it
chris107: How was the beach party?
Sandor Sunneson: We need to get together some kind of council Hakeem, maybe we ask Camus for influential figures
Smon: ooc Bill is telling me how Sarene & SB's Ahyf treasury is a 'joint bank account'
Sandor Sunneson: BBQ, in garden, storm set in now
Smon: OOC not sure what you mean by palace Fergus. There is the ex-Warlord Briaron's villa, which SB took for his.
Smon: No King, no Palace as such.
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, we'll head to the Villa to stay then, where did Sarene stay?
chris107: "I think we stay by the prisoners tonight."
Smon: Elder Dalar's villa, plus the Elders Hall/Town Hall
Smon: Which is the admin building not a real residence.
chris107: "We do not want any lynchings"
Sandor Sunneson: Cool, so we have choices
Smon: Ahyf has lots of nice mansions
Smon: But no huge palace like Carchimish.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will say to Camus and Hakeem, I suggest we meet tomorrow morning,
chris107: "We must look to the safety of the residents and the town."
Sandor Sunneson: we need to get to know who is who and the key figures of the town and work with them in rebulding the area
Smon: GM: You secure the prisoners in the town hall gaol cells, Borgus finds a few trusted men to help stand guard. He is clearly enjoying himself immensely.
chris107: "Borgus is able, Camus is wise."
Smon: Borgus: "What this town needs is a temple to St Ulther!"
chris107: "But we will need a strong and fair leader to help them."
Sandor Sunneson: That will come,
Smon: Early next morning Hakeem Sandor & Kogor meet with Fr Camus and Deacon Borgus in the town hall council chamber.
chris107: "All religions except those of the wicked are welcome in my empire, Borgus. "
Smon: Camus: "There are few good men left in Ahyf, but I do have one idea."
chris107: "Your words are always welcome, Father Camus."
Smon: "Shieldbiter massacred the Councillors, but one man was spared - Warlord Briaron, who was exiled."
Sandor Sunneson: Did the dead councillers not fight for the black sun?
Smon: "I recently heard he and his wife Calpurnia Cor have settled in Hara - she is sister to Earani Cor, the wife of Lord Namelin Bronze."
Smon: Camus: "There was evidence they had dealings with agents of Neo-Nerath, yes. And with Yusan of course. Sarene made much of this."
chris107: Hakeem is stunned at Shieldbiters evil. "He massacred them all?"
chris107: "And what is your idea?"
Smon: "All the Councillors, yes. The lizardmen & pirates attacked in the night, killed the guards and the Councillors. Surviving family were exiled."
Sandor Sunneson: Would it be worth asking if Briaron was to move back to Ahyf
chris107: "He had dealings with our sworn enemies!"
Smon: Camus: "Briaron was not a strong ruler, but he is a good man, I think. He could be of use."
Smon: Camus: "I cannot swear to it, but I do not think Briaron had dealings with the Black Sun - unlike Elder Dalar."
chris107: "He no doubt could help, if he is truely repentant of his crimes. But we need a strong ma. A leader who can take Free Ahyf forward."
Sandor Sunneson: Briaron? Don't think he did ?
Sandor Sunneson: Hence why he was allowed to live
Sandor Sunneson: I am happy to give it a go and the rebuilding of Trade
chris107: "Camus, my friends. I have an idea too."
Sandor Sunneson: if you trust me, we should rename Trade so it does not have the association with Slaves
Smon: Camus shrugs. "Sarene believed Briaron had some favour with Hakeem. Hence he was spared."
Sandor Sunneson: and as the town will be built from scratch
Smon: Kogor: "There's nothing left of Trade!"
chris107: "Trade is smoking ruins."
Sandor Sunneson: The Phoenix can rise from the Ashes and we can give the area a future
Sandor Sunneson: We need stability here first, and then decide what to do with the dealers
chris107: "Briaron, Borgus, Camus. A fine start to a council. With Prince sandor's strong leadership. Could this work?"
chris107: "Also the goodly folks of Clear Meadows should be consulted."
chris107: "And any survivors from the ruined town of Trade."
Sandor Sunneson: Punishment for the traders, well they should be stripped of all profit they made from their trade
chris107: "The whole are will need rebuilding."
chris107: area
Sandor Sunneson: If the slaves are looking for employment, they could be used to rebuild Trade
chris107: "The lands around are fertile, this must be protected, but owned and run by free men."
Smon: Camus: "There were survivors - the refugees were given some compensation by Sarene and settled among their kinfolk."
Sandor Sunneson: Yes, it is not magic missile science
chris107: "Then who ever is to guide this rebuilding had best have a clear idea of what needs doing and how it is to be achieved. All have a stake in Free Ahyf. But it's prosperity will need to be rebuilt too."
chris107: "I unfortunately have other calls on my time."
Smon: Kogor: "I saw Trade, Sandor. You'd be better off building a fresh town, than there. The very ground is poisoned."
Sandor Sunneson: Please explain Kogor, poisoned by what?
Smon: Borgus steps forward. "I am willing to run this town for you, Hakeem. The freedmen will follow me. Together we'll make this shithole a great hole!"
chris107: "Camus, Borgus? Would you be happy to work with Prince Sandor and a returned Briaron in this task? Prince Sandor, is it a task you would welcome?"
chris107: "By Matriarx's Acid!"
Smon: Kogor looks at Sandor. "The acid breath of the great dragon Matriarx."
Sandor Sunneson: It is, I would,
Sandor Sunneson: Of course, yes, we rebuild the town from scratch
Smon: Borgus eyes Sandor. "You can serve as my deputy, friend. I'll have need of your strong arm."
Sandor Sunneson: Are there any undesirables that need dealing with?
chris107: "Borgus, I know you can do an amazing job of organising the free folks and I welcome this. But what if another dragon comes to call? Prince Sandor's hand is mighty."
Smon: "Indeed. He should command our warriors, as captain of the guard!"
chris107: "He is a Prince and a mighty warrior. "
Sandor Sunneson: I will reign. however I will work with you locals too.
chris107: "He is one of the Heroes of Bisgen."
Sandor Sunneson: I am a fair man, if you treat me fairly, I'll support you
Smon: Borgus scowls angrily.
Sandor Sunneson: and help rebuild this coastal area from what it has been through for a prosperous future
chris107: "With your wise guidence he will make a fine leader."
Smon: Borgus: "We have had enough of princes!"
Smon: He turns to leave.
Smon: roll intimidate.
chris107: "Without this Prince you would not have been working the fields as slaves!"
chris107: "Your very soulds would belong to the Black Sun!"
chris107 rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 13, (+9) = 22
Sandor Sunneson: OOC- who is Borgus anyway?
Smon: Deacon Borgus stops, turns back, clearly afraid of Hakeem despite his bluster.
chris107: (He is an ex slave, an over wheanng boor. But an able man.)
Smon: GM: I think it was session 1 of the campaign, years ago - he was leading a group of pilgrims to the Shrine of St Ulther in Dyson's delve.
chris107: "Kainos would now rule these lands, he and his Cormarrin bitches. Crowfinger would have you're skeletons tilling the dead earth! You will treat him and me with respect!"
Smon: They were set upon by goblins and beaten with sticks!
Sandor Sunneson: We will work together, we have lots to do, from defence to rebuilding the economy, we will be successful though
chris107: "I respect your abilities Borgus and would welcome them been used to benefit us all."
Smon: Later Hakeem let them take passage on the ship of Tsamar, a notorious pirate/slaver
chris107: "But we must work together."
Smon: Hakeem saw him in bondage outside Ahyf but did nothing to free him
Smon: That was a long time ago
Sandor Sunneson: Borgus, you will get your new place of worship to St Ulther in the new town of Trade under whatever name it is given and here in Ahyf
Sandor Sunneson: should you wish
Sandor Sunneson: The wisdom of faith's like Ulther will be important in cleansing the area of its former sins
Smon: Borgus: "I am tired... It has been a long night. I think I will go now, seek passage home. I have wife and children. I have not seen in years."
chris107: "Then you will be missed. Your wife and children could flourish here too."
Smon: He looks at Hakeem, looking grey and old. "Goodbye milord. I do not think we will meet again."
Sandor Sunneson: Where do they live? Would it be an idea for them to come here and live here?
chris107: "But I understand. I too have been unable to spend the time I would have wished with my family."
Sandor Sunneson: And you can rebuild the church of Ulther
Smon: Borgus ignores Sandor. "LOrd Hakeem, may I leave now?"
Sandor Sunneson: lol
chris107: "Of course. You are free. As so many are thanks to your efforts today. We will not forget you." Hakeem gives him a fifth of his gem stones (100GP)
Sandor Sunneson: not laughing out lous, but laughing by his actions
chris107: "You and your family will always have a place here. I am right am I not, Prince Sandor?"
Smon: Borgus smiles. "With this money, the rest of my pilgrims too shall return safely home. After two long years. We'll find a better ship this time!"
Smon: Borgus bows, then withdraws.
chris107: "Good luck to you. Thank you for your help."
Sandor Sunneson: Of course, we have helped the church of Ulther et their lighthouse back, so a church here would be fantastic for the area
chris107: "We have lost an able man there. Troublesome but able."
Smon: Father Camus watches him go. "Prince Sandor, you'll find Briaron much more amenable, I think. Though his wife Calpurnia does have a sharp tongue."
chris107: "Do you know who St. Ulther was?"
Smon: (to Sandor chris?)
chris107: Hakeem to Sandor
Sandor Sunneson: Not coming from this area, no
Sandor Sunneson: That is common of many fine woman Father Camus
chris107: "If you are going to rule. It's probably best to get to know your people."
chris107: "Father Camus, are you happy to work with Prince Sandor and Briaron to rebuild a new region?"
Sandor Sunneson: I will he will say to Hakeem, I will give it my best shot
chris107: "I trust your widom."
Smon: Camus strokes his beard. "Of course milord, I serve at your command. You know, I do have a thought..."
chris107: "Thank you. Prince Sandor, Father Camus."
Smon: "...Talent can be found in the most unusual places. Sometimes I minister to the Coin Girls, down at the docks..." (:D)
chris107: Hakeem awaits the thoughts of Camus in the way he awaits a ballista bolt.
chris107: I bet he does!
Smon: "...I noticed one among them, a redhead, seemed blessed with unusual intelligence?"
chris107: "Ah yes. I know her. Beverly?"
Sandor Sunneson: Is that Beverley?
Smon: "A little older than the others, Beverly her name. Given to grumblings, tis true, and addicted to that Ralluan tobacco, but still..."
Smon: Camus nods,
chris107: (Popular girl )
Sandor Sunneson: She is confident too,
Smon: "The others see her as a leader, of sorts. She could be useful."
Smon: Kogor coughs, looking down.
chris107: (I remember Kogor buying her!)
Sandor Sunneson: IF you could draw up a list of any other possibilities we could maybe unearth a few gems
chris107: "We must use talent where ever we find it?"
Smon: Hakeem recalls that when he first met Kogor, the dwarf had a redhead female pack slave, indeed! Beverly was a terrible cook at the Redeye Inn, Aldo Redeye sold her to Kogor.
chris107: "Now if I can leave you two to sort this town out? Kogor and I have an appointment with a keg of ale!"
chris107: "Be wise, be true."
Sandor Sunneson: As the Ahyf folk have a love for fighting, I was also thinging that it maybe worth investing in a gladiator arena, so the pit fighting is better seen, and maybe a possible recruitment ground for armed forces
chris107: (Hakeem has given up on micro-managment)
Smon: Kogor: "I can certainly vouch for her abilities.... If you can stand the odd moan. Of course I would cane her... a practice I thoroughly recommend with ill-bred women."
chris107: Hakeem shakes his head and groans. "I'll mention that to Malenn shall I, Kogor?"
Sandor Sunneson: Not sure how management would see such an action Kogor in the new Ahyf?
Smon: Kogor grins: "Unneeded with Malenn! I'll be happy to stay here a few days with you Prince Sandor, help get this town running smooth.
chris107: OOC - Looks like it's all your Fergus. Here Hakeem will leave you with his trust.
Smon: Kogor: "Running a city is very much like making love to a beautiful woman..."
Smon: Camus: "May I speak with you briefly, Lord Hakeem? In private?"
chris107: At some convenient point to Sandor "How did things go in Carchisch?"
chris107: "You always have my ear Father camus."
Smon: (let's do S & M first)
chris107: Maglor looks pained.
Smon: sorry Freudian slip - S & H
chris107: But says nothing.
Smon: S&H&M I guess!
Sandor Sunneson: I was a bit naive Hakeem, but Koloth wasn't willing to hand his crown over to me or work with me at all.
chris107: "Are you now King of Carchimish?"
chris107: "Wasn't willing?"
chris107: "I sent you to tell him you were to be King."
Sandor Sunneson: No, it was all a bit odd, he wanted me as his minion, I asked for his iarmys military strength in terms of numbers
chris107: "I assume he is a head shorter?"
Sandor Sunneson: He answered 10, which was basically the 8 Amazons and Maglor
chris107: "What are you babbling on about? Is Carchimisch ours?"
Sandor Sunneson: No, I did not attack him, he told me to prove to him I was King, I then had enough and left
chris107: "You left?"
chris107: "So Kolloth is in rebellion against the empire and you let him?"
chris107: "He rules by my word. The town exists today because of me."
Sandor Sunneson: Yes, if I am not wanted or made to feel welcome, I don;t want to govern them, I told him he would not be given any military support from you in the future
chris107: "He serves me at my pleasure!"
chris107: "You were their king! Their king at my command!"
chris107: "And an old man made you leave?"
chris107: "I have so much to do. But I will go their now and make him sorry."
chris107: "We can not have folks just decide if they want to be in the empire or not."
Sandor Sunneson: No, I didn't want to govern a place where I was given such a hostile welcome
chris107: "You are a prince and carried my authority."
Sandor Sunneson: I got the feeling of a power struggle between him and his daughter too.
chris107: "I don't give a flying fuck about him or his daughter! "
Smon: LOL
Smon: OOC but they're such well developed NPCs!
chris107: "They are rebels. They have disobayed a direct order, they have challanged the might of kings!"
chris107: "Yusan held them all in thrall. I lifted that yoke."
chris107: "They were slaves. I freed them."
chris107: "They do not get to tell you anything!"
chris107: Maglor "The food was very good my lord."
chris107: H will leave Prince sandor and his wise councillors to their work. He has another 'King' to sort out.
chris107: But first he has to go face the wrath of Malenn
Sandor Sunneson: Why is she angry?
Smon: GM: Where next for Hakeem? Clear Meadows-Hara-Nera route?
Smon: Could get a boat from Clear Meadows if going to Nerra?
chris107: @ Sandor. "I may have given the empire over so that I can kill Shieldbiter."
chris107: @ GM Clear Meadows-Hara-Nerra please.
chris107: (Have to arrange some of the dragon gold to be sent to Prince Sandor to do his stuff)
Smon: GM: OK Hakeem rides swiftly to Clear Meadows, leaving Sandor in the care of Fr Camu & Kogor the dwarf?
chris107: Privately to Sandor "I have a plan that will, I think bring Shieldbiter to us."
chris107: OOC - Two you can trust there, Fergus.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will liaise with the local VIPs, put plans together for the rebuilding of Trade,
Smon: Before leaving, Camus takes Hakeem aside. "Your friend Prince Sandor clearly has a good heart... But methinks he will need much guidance. He seems, perhaps, a little naive."
Sandor Sunneson: Focusing on security, and finding employment for slaves
Sandor Sunneson: be it in agricutlure or rebuilding
chris107: "He will do just fine. Especially with your wisdom to guide him. He is a fine and brave man."
Smon: Camus: "He has a warrior's heart, not an administrator."
Smon: Camus nods.
Smon: "I will Send to you, Lord Hakeem, and refer your guidance to the Prince."
chris107: "He is a Hero of Bisgen and any who were at that dreadful place, any who stood against Crowfinger at the last. They deserve great respect."
Smon: Camus goes to see Sandor. "The slaves can be settled on the Latifundia taken from the former rulers. If we divide it up into small plots for subsitence..."
Smon: subsistence
Sandor Sunneson: That makes sense,
Smon: "...Some will wish to leave, no doubt, but others will stay."
Smon: Camus seems pleased Sandor is listening to him.
Sandor Sunneson: that is life, they are free to go, hopefully over time others will take the land too
Smon: "No doubt some will keep to their former trades, but now as free men and women."
Sandor Sunneson: Do we have any undesirable threat that needs dealing with? Orcs/hill giants or anything like that?
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will nod
Smon: "The, er, docks trade generated great wealth for Sarene. I expect the Coin Girls will appreciate the chance to keep their own coin, but a small tax would help the coffers greatly..."
Smon: Camus: "Only the war fleets of Ossary, milord. Without Sarene's fleet, and with Matriarx dead, we are defenceless."
Smon: "The shipyard here can build new ships, but they cost much coin..."
Sandor Sunneson: That makes sense, and will help regenerate the economy and Kingdom, well we will look at the cost of that and how much is in the treasury
Smon: "I hope your adventures have brought you much wealth. Sarene and Shieldbiter stripped the treasury when they fled."
Smon: "Not one copper remains."
Smon: GM: finishing shortly
Smon: Hakeem reaches Clear Meadows at lunchtime, to a very warm welcome from Synjyn, Tamara, and the whole of the town.
Sandor Sunneson: cool, not enought to build an army.
Smon: Sister Tamara: "We feared we'd never see you again!"
Smon: She embraces Hakeem.
Smon: "Forgive me your majesty..."
Smon: Hakeem explains what happened?
chris107: "I am glad you are all well. "
Smon: Synjyn: "The boat shall be readied at once - you can sail on the evening tide!"
chris107: Hakeem will explain all including recent events in Ahyf and how under Prince sandor's benevolent rule things will be so much better.
Sandor Sunneson: I am a warrior Camus, I feel I have been thrown into the deep end, I hear there is a threat from Ossary to many countries, so we are in a perilous position
Smon: Synjyn: "That is excellent news indeed! Is Clear Meadows still vassal to Ahyf?"
chris107: "Not a vassal, a partner!"
Smon: Tamara: "That Shieldbiter is a dastard! He'll pay for his crimes..." Amari: "And Sarene too!"
chris107: "A pertner under the protection of Altani-Nerrath!"
Smon: Synjyn smiles. "Partners, yes, of course. We all serve you, King-Regent!"
chris107: "I promise you they will, Tamara. If it's the last thing I do."
chris107: "Where is Steelclaw?"
Smon: Synjyn: "A rider came from Ahyf. They all fled. All the lizardmen."
Sandor Sunneson: We will contact our partners of the Atlani Nerrath and see what assistance they can provide us, if we are stronger, then the whole empite is strnger
Smon: Tamara: "An evacuation - they went to Ahyf. News from there is Sarene loaded the ships with lizardmen and gold, and sailed away."
chris107: "To Saren'es Den no doubt or south maybe to Shieldbiter's family home. I will let them know at least what he has done. There must be nowhere for them to hide."
Smon: Tamara: "I'll come with you to Nera, your Majesty. I've never seen her. It must be wonderful!"
chris107: "It looks like we may have a little war on outr hands." Hakeem looks happy
Smon: OK looks good place to stop
Smon: XP Sandor 1200, Hakeem 1800
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