![]() |
Corporal Sand |
Smon: After the swift flight down the Cedarwade, upstream on the Farhills is extremely slow, and Lyssana looks a little disgruntled, but avoids comment.
5:37pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
5:37pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
Sandor Sunneson: Is this the day we arrive in Hara>
Smon: As the sun sets, the tired crew set anchor the stream, well away from either bank.
Sandor Sunneson: sorry, tomorrow,
joriandrake: ooc: GM: did I have a plus one day short ret to heal, and/or gaining spells back?
Smon: You dine that evening in the cramped barge cabin, the soldiers & crew on deck.
joriandrake: rest
joriandrake: Is there only one cabin?
Smon: You can Short Rest in 1 hour but that doesn't recover spells for a Cleric
Smon: Warlocks only
Sandor Sunneson: Kosvar will stay on guard whilst others eat
joriandrake: I askeds short because that healing
Sandor Sunneson: keep an eye out on the riverbank,
Smon: You can spend hit dice.
joriandrake: ok
Smon: With your late start yes you got enough overnight sleep Prisha to recover 1 hp/level if below max, so +9 hp (house rule)
joriandrake: Well, if there is only one cabin that makes Prisha's plans with Orph a bit problematic
joriandrake: ok
Smon: I meant galley not sleep cabin
Sandor Sunneson: Kosvar will eat after the others have
Smon: The barge captain, Kosvar, Prisha & the Princess have private rooms.
joriandrake: Prisha will ask Orph to be with her this night in her cabin
Sandor Sunneson: Cramped then
Sandor Sunneson: What they eating tonight?
joriandrake: Did I misunderstand the meaning of the cabins, I thought Prisha also has a private room and the Princess as well, also Kosvar?
Smon: After dinner, Before dinner, Delanie goes for a sunset swim in the shallow waters off the boat, soon joined by
Smon: Well I know what Orph will be eating...
joriandrake: Esmalia remained in the city
Smon: sorry
joriandrake: Shae is there
Smon: not quite with it yet, need to get my stuff together
joriandrake: no problem
joriandrake: You make far less mistakes than I do so I can't complain yet =)
joriandrake: before getting into the cabin with Orph Prisha sends a new message to Sandor
joriandrake: <<"Old Koloth is ill despite removed curse, likely dying of old age soon. Don't use force, will influence talks for peace, suggesting good trade agreements.">>
Sandor Sunneson: no rush Simon
Smon: Delanie goes for a sunset swim in the shallow waters off the boat, soon joined by Shae.
5:47pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
5:48pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
Smon: The soldiers watch the cavorting priestesses with interest... Kosvar overhears Norbert feasting his eyes on Delanie and boasting "I'll be 'avin some of that tonight!" to chortles from his men.
joriandrake: ooc: were you reading the message to Sandor before you crashed?
joriandrake: Prisha won't interfere in 'that' as she gave a free day off for everyone
joriandrake: ....and because she also has her own plans already prepared
Smon: That night in Prisha's cabin, Orph (taking 10 on sexual technique) takes Prisha to indescribable heights of sexual ecstasy, far beyond anything she has ever known... and he makes her a woman.
Smon: Unless you previously acquired & used contraceptives Prisha, please roll me a d6.
joriandrake: Prisha tries to make both of them as nice an event of it as possible, while not being experienced with men
joriandrake rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 2, (+12) = 14
joriandrake: ooc: this actually fits her being the first time/losing virginity part
joriandrake rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
joriandrake: lol
5:52pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
Smon: Don't worry, Prisha is well taken care of... and Orph seems to find her rather innocent fumblings cute and amusing.
Smon: Well there's a random encounter for ya
5:53pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Sandor Sunneson: Kosvar will guard the Princess, ensuring she is ok, whilst keeping watch too.
joriandrake: This is actually an RP situation I'm not certain how to handle. Prisha made love to him out of her free will, and considers this a child of love... so yeah, might even keep it
Smon: GM: Prisha can roll a DC 12 Medicine (INT+prof check) to tell that given the time of her cycle, pregnancy is likely.
joriandrake rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 17, (+5) = 22
Smon: OK so you can roleplay accordingly.
joriandrake: She will have to think about it (once she gets to know of it) seriously, but the result is pretty sure to not give up on the child, and as she was a street urchin who didn't know her own parents she won't do the same to the kid either....
Smon: GM: Late that night towards midnight, Kosvar is stoically standing guard outside the Princess's door, listening to the sounds of Delanie and Norbert going at it like rabbits somewhere nearby.
joriandrake: Prisha remains with Orph for the rest of the day, talking, continuing with making love, cuddling, and if required casting a healing wounds spell on herself (due to first-time bleeding and pain)
Sandor Sunneson: Kosvar will quietly open the door and check if the Princess is sleeping
Smon: Suddenly the door behind him opens and slave Shae pokes her head out. "Kosvar... the Princess requests that you summon a replacement guard, and attend upon her..." Shae hears the sounds of Delanie "oh! ...oh! ...uh!" and grins wickedly: "I think Lance Corporal Porkins?"
Smon: GM: door in front of him since he was about to open it
Sandor Sunneson: Kosvar will go to the Princess, you want a replacemet guard?
Smon: (ooc: I do like my Carry On films)
Smon: Kosvar goes in, Shae shutting the door behind him. The Princess is sitting up in bed in her negligee. She shakes her head.
Sandor Sunneson: All ok Lyssana? All a bit mental here tonight
Smon: "That's quite all right. I just wanted to ...apologise for my behaviour earlier."
Sandor Sunneson: What's the matter Kosvar will ask?
joriandrake: ooc He indeed needs to learn to read a situation better
Sandor Sunneson: K: I thought we put that behind us, I have anyway.
Smon: Lyssana bites her lip. "I understand you and Shae are close? I, er... " Lyssana looks uncertain.
Smon: "I wanted to, to, to give you permission to..."
Sandor Sunneson: K: We had an encounter last night.......
Smon: Lyssana looks at Kosvar, blushing slightly. "You mean the Night Things?"
Sandor Sunneson: K: I'm here to guard you.
Smon: She nods helplessly. "Yes, yes. I'm sorry to bother you."
Smon: Behind Kosvar, Shae giggles.
Smon: Lyssana glares at the slave wench.
joriandrake: ooc: Perhaps Shae has to help in this
Sandor Sunneson: K: No, sorry meant after the fight at the baths
Sandor Sunneson: K: Been a bit chaotic and you forget things even though they just happened 2 days ago.
Smon: OOC Lyssana is doing her best with WIS 8, Jorian
Sandor Sunneson: K: Are you ready for tomorrow your Majesty?
Smon: Lyssana exhales. "Yes... I need to be ready for Lord Bronze... thank you. You may go."
joriandrake: ooc: WIS 8 might also just get her break down and demand Kosvar to shag her
Smon: LOL
Sandor Sunneson: K: Guess you must be feeling the pressure, try not too, remember to follow the heart, you've been in a bad relationship before. Be strong
Smon: Shae, now looking disgruntled/disappointed, opens the cabin door for Kosvar to leave.
Sandor Sunneson: K: I'll be outside if you want me for anything, just shout
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: Lyssana looks conflicted, but nods. At last she smiles brightly, a little fake perhaps. "Indeed. After all, who knows what the morrow may bring? Goodnight."
Sandor Sunneson: After a few hours, Kosvar will pop his head around the door to see if the Princess is sleeping
Smon: GM: Outside, Delanie & Norbert seem to go on all night.
joriandrake: o_O
joriandrake: Prisha might also attempt a round 2
Sandor Sunneson: 2nd win ha ha
Sandor Sunneson: The orgy barge
joriandrake: ooc 'love boat' and well, I can't get Prisha more pregnant
joriandrake: ooc: oh well, let's see how second round works out
joriandrake rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 7, (+12) = 19
joriandrake: ooc: a tiny-tiny bit better
Smon: About 3am when Norbert is finally snoring atop a thoroughly exhausted Delanie, Kosvar opens the Princess's cabin door. In the moonlight through the clear glass window he sees her sleeping in her bed, nude with the sheet around her thighs, for it is a little hot and stuffy in the cabins. Shae is sleeping in the little cot at foot of the large double-bed.
Smon: Prisha & Orph are starting up again nearby.
Smon: Orph congratulates Prisha on her slightly improved technique.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
joriandrake: Once finishing Prisha kisses him for a long moment. "Thank you...."
Smon: Wasn't quite Delanie's time for preggers.
Smon: Orph pulls Prisha to him, kisses her back deeply. After a long moment he lets her go, grinning. "You're welcome."
joriandrake: ooc perhaps rolling a 20 side dice would be better for pregnancy rolls
Smon: Why?
joriandrake: Prisha goes out with orph, asking him to swim together
joriandrake: ooc well, aren't chances more closer to that than 1 in six?
Smon: I do use d20s occasionally but d6 is really more accurate if it's just one check/month
Smon: no not really
joriandrake: ok
Smon: A nurse did criticise my d6s as not wholly accurate(!!)
joriandrake: ooc had basic first aid/nurse training in health/medic school never finished it tho
Smon: If I was rolling for a whole year, assuming moderate sexual activity, then 12 d20 rolls is fairly accurate
Smon: That lets me work out month of pregnancy ok.
joriandrake: ooc didn't mean to criticize was just thinking out 'Loud'
Smon: That's ok, but I have thought about it a fair bit. You'll note I don't roll a d6 more than about 1/month.
joriandrake: ahem... well , Prisha asks orph if he would swim together with her
Smon: Orph nods. "Sure. Bet you swim like a fish."
Smon: As the first dawn light brightens the eastern sky, Prisha and Orph go skinny-dipping.
Smon: /roll d6
joriandrake: "I'll swim any way you want me to" She grins, glowing
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: Orph: "I'll bet you will!"
Sandor Sunneson: pregnant or monster
joriandrake: a pregnant mosnter
Smon: encounter
Smon: /roll d100
Smon rolls 1d100 and gets: 16,
joriandrake: ooc with my luck she's dying today o_O
Smon: A fishing boat hoaves by, the three man crew staring down at Orph & Prisha in the water.
joriandrake: Prisha looks at them, winks and goes swims after Orph
Smon: On deck, a very sweaty & naked Delanie is just stepping up to the rail to dive in when she sees them too - she blushes a moment, then smiles and waves.
Smon: The men nod affably back, smiling.
joriandrake: Prisha waves back and invites her as well "I doN't think you would mind it Orph, right?"
Smon: Orph grins: "I will have to endure."
Smon: Delanie grins and dives in with a splash beside the pair.
joriandrake: ooc ah you meant the fishers, consider Prisha rolling 1 on perception/insight
joriandrake: She'll relax with Delanie and her newfound love
Smon: Kosvar is still on deck, a fisherman calls out: "Ho there, friend! What news?"
Smon: The river water is quite cold this time of day.
Smon: The sun is now peaking up over the horizon.
Smon: Looks like being another hot day in the late Dry Season.
joriandrake: Ideal for refreshing and waking up.
Smon: GM: Eventually a clean, relaxed, and somewhat chilly Prisha Orph and Delanie clamber back aboard ship.
Sandor Sunneson: The boat of lust this is Kosvar will say
Smon: Orph: "*brrr* Most invigorating!"
Sandor Sunneson: All ok with you he'll ask in return? Good catches over the last few days?
Smon: The grizzled Nerathi fisherman nods to Kosvar, chewing a wad of tobacco.
joriandrake: "Indeed" She smiles and stretches in the sun before going to dres up
Smon: "Aye, the sea bass in the Korm basin are givin' a rich catch. That dragon sure stirred em up!"
Sandor Sunneson: Good, all peaceful then
Smon: The fishing boat sails off, your barge weighs anchor and onward you go.
joriandrake: Prisha offers her arm to Orph, for round 3 before other business, and before getting clothes on
Sandor Sunneson: Kosvar will go back and stand guard, check in room that all is ok
Smon: Prisha &n Orph have a pre-breakfast quickie, then dresss. It's about noon when the barge turns a bend and at last you see the walls and docks of mighty Hara...
joriandrake: Prisha won't mind it if Kosvar comes in, will be too preoccupied
joriandrake: "So that is Hara!" She says once actually coming out of the cabin for breakfast
Sandor Sunneson: Kosvar will knock on Princess door to say we are coming up to Hara
Sandor Sunneson: You slept well your Majesty, you feeling ok about today?
Smon: Hara looks a lot like this - http://donbarone.selfip.net/Cole_The_Departure_ATC.jpg
Sandor Sunneson: Very grand
joriandrake: nice greenery and shores
Smon: Today the Princess is being dressed by Shae in her finest regalia, a deep blue silk dress, plunge-necked to offset the great ruby-heart pendant of Aroya at her breast.
Smon: Lyssana nods coolly. "Yes, thank you Kosvar. Very well. See everyone is assembled for our arrival."
joriandrake: Meroya. Prisha will dress in red, similar to how her chosen character photo dress is like
Sandor Sunneson: K: I will do, you look absolutely stunning, you'll knock em dead.
joriandrake: As they gather Prisha will remark "Kosvar will join us as your bodyguard. Orph will be our guide and also come to any negotiation. His knowledge will be of much use here."
Smon: As the ship approaches the well guarded Haran docks, Porkins calls out to a sentry: "Tell your Lord the Princess Lyssana Koloth-Mercellin of Carchamish is here!"
Sandor Sunneson: K: everyone ready for the assembly
Smon: Lyssana smiles gratefully at Kosvar's compliment. She looks a little nervous. "Thanks."
Sandor Sunneson: K I'll make sure you get through today your Majesty
Smon: Dockhands secure the ship ropes, the gangplank goes down. Assembled on deck with her retinue, Lyssana thanks the Bargemaster, who nods. "I can wait up to a week, your Grace."
joriandrake: "We hope it won't take that long good captain." Prisha will smile at him and offers her hand to the princess when moving off the barge.
Smon: >>K I'll make sure you get through today your Majesty<< Lyssana looks sidewise at Kosvar. "Er, thanks." She turns to Sam Nasclem the bargemaster. "Thank you Captain, but I think we may be longer. We'll see how it goes."
Smon: Lyssana glances to Prisha as the high priestess takes her hand and helps her down the gangplank, a little unsteady on some very high heels.
Sandor Sunneson: K: We can look at getting other transport if required he'll say to Sam
Smon: Lyssana: "You may want to go back without me, Prisha."
Smon: Sam nods to Kosvar, puffing affably on his pipe. "aye."
joriandrake: "Those heels look uncomfortable" She then adds "I don't plan to go without you, but the length of our stay depends on various things... I hope the results will be good for everyone, including you Lyssana"
Smon: Then you see a squad of Haran soldiery approaching - compared to Norbert's men these are clearly hardened veterans, in superior armour of splinted brigandine.
Smon: "Oh, they don't hurt.... maybe not ideal for those cobbled streets..."
Smon: The Haran Corporal bows to Lyssana. "Lord Namelin and the Lady Llanet bid you welcome to Hara, Princess Lyssana. Lord Bronze enquires if your father received his message?"
joriandrake: Prisha smiles "I'll help yur balance, hold on to me if needed"
Smon: Lyssana looks puzzled at the corporal. "Message? No...?"
joriandrake: She then becomes quiet as the Corporal comes closer
Smon: The grizzled Corporal nods to Lyssana. "He thought it unlikely you could have received the message and come so quickly. A happy coincidence, then. Please, come with me."
joriandrake: Prisha starts to walk with her as the other escort joins up
Smon: The Haran soldiers look like men who have clearly seen the face of war. Norbert and his green troops are silent and subdued as the Harans fall in behind and in front of the Carchimish delegation, then escort you up through the cobbled town streets.
Smon: The beautiful princess tottering on her high heels (but aided by Prisha) receives a lot of attention from the townsolk, mostly admiring, though there are a few sniggers.
joriandrake: "Your city is beautiful Corporal." Prisha mentions on the way
Smon: The Corporal nods. "Hara has never been taken."
joriandrake: Prisha will walk and guide her, smiling and nodding at the onlookers as she whispers to lyssana "Be regal now."
Smon: Orph looks around appreciatively. "Good old Hara! Beautiful Nerathi stonework, like a page from the history books..."
Smon: Lyssana puts her shoulders back and attempts maximum regality...
joriandrake: Then turns to the Corporal again "A city not being taken doen't mean it will be beautiful. This is the result of the local citizens, aits soldiers, and leadership"
Smon: Lyssana DEX check:
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 12,
joriandrake: She smiles at the man. "This is the result of your loyalty, duty, and love."
Smon: Lyssana avoids stumbling, impressing the crowd with her grace and beauty.
Sandor Sunneson: K: Are you ok your Majesty? I can offer you an arm if required
Smon: The Corporal nods, eyeing Prisha appreciatively. "Milady is wise."
joriandrake: Prisha noticing this presses the hand of lyssana a bit to show Prisha's approval of her
Smon: Lyssana looks at Kosvar coolly. "Prisha's support is all I require ...thank you."
6:49pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
joriandrake: "Thank you for your compliment Corporal... excuse me, I don't recall your name when you introduced yourself to the princess. I'm Prisha Acharya myself, a member of the advisor council of Carchimish and Priestess of Meroya."
Smon: "Sand. Corporal Sand."
joriandrake: "Thank you for the compliment, Corporal Sand." She repeats now with a soft smile
Smon: At length you reach a cobbled square before the great Keep of Hara. The square is dominated by an enormous wooden structure that most resembles a collossal kennel, but one big enough for...
6:52pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
joriandrake: "May we know of the message we were meant to receive, before we arrive at your castle?"
joriandrake: keep*
Sandor Sunneson: connection went, sorry
Smon: The ghost of a smile plays on Sand's serious face as Prisha thanks her.
Smon: 'The dragon." says Sand, indicating the great 'kennel'.
joriandrake: "Which one? There were stories of many recently, the one called Matriarx?"
Smon: "This is where the ancient dragon Dyson Logos, founder of Nerath, resides, when he blesses Hara with his presence. Awoken by Lord Bronze from centuries of slumber beneath Dyson's Delve."
Smon: "May we know of the message we were meant to receive, before we arrive at your castle?" Sand: "I do not know."
Smon: The Harans laugh at Prisha's mention of Matriarx.
joriandrake: "Ah. Fascinating." Then nods accepting the lack of the corporal's knowledge "A pity."
Smon: Sand stifles a chortle as he sees Lyssana is unamused.
joriandrake: "This is now the third dragon I heard about wince I arrived on the continent. Seems like this dragon is benevolent however."
joriandrake: since*
Smon: Sand: "Dyson Logos, the Archmage! With Magrathor he slew Ayunken-Vazen, lit the Flame Imperishable upon the highest rampart of Nerra."
joriandrake: "at least you talk of it with respect and kindness"
Smon: You cross the square to the keep, the great gates and portcullis stand open in welcome.
joriandrake: Prisha soaks up the corporal's words with interest
Smon: "With Dyson we defeated the Black Sun! We united the empire... Lord Bronze will speak more of this, I expect."
Smon: "Dyson was once a man, but he is now a great dragon, with scales of polished brass..."
joriandrake: "Indeed, I expect it too, as our visit is partly to talk about the empire." She nods, wondering how the dragon walks around in the city, or how it gets fed
joriandrake: "if it was a man once, what, and how does he eat?"
Smon: "He took Hakeem and Sandor to the Palace at Bisgen, battled the Dead Men of Borritt Crowfinger, defeated the Black Sun..."
Smon: Sand: "As I recall, he eats rather a lot. But it has been some months since he was last here... ah, here we are."
joriandrake: "Does he return to human form for a meal, or gets dinner served on a large scale table with dragon-size spoon and fork?"
joriandrake: She then stops at the mention of arrival
Smon: GM: You enter the Keep itself, horns and herald announcing your arrival as you ascend to the throne room.
joriandrake: "Thank you for the history lession Corporal Sand, it was fascinating, and I hope to learn more about Hara."
Smon: Sand: "He has no other form now, as far as I know. Some say he became a bird to escape the arrow storm of Crowfinger's Last Guard..."
joriandrake: She tells him before their ways part
Smon: Sand nods to Prisha at the gates to the throne room. "It has been a pleasure, milady. May we speak again soon."
Smon: brb gotta get dinner on.
7:04pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
joriandrake: She nods and once the escort with the Corporal leaves before the throne room she whispers to Lyssana "We're here. Don't go into any deal on the first offer for it, have us get a room, take our time to discuss and debate the correct choice of action, make sure you and I get the same room."
Sandor Sunneson: OOC I'm going to sign off just before 8pm GMT (1 hour)
joriandrake: Fergus you show upÅ as if you have left the chatroom right now
Smon: breaking for dinner 8.05
joriandrake: I can continue on, will be mostly diplo/negotiation I believe anyway. Not something Kosvar could do much with
Smon: Lyssana nods to Prisha just as the guards fling open the throneroom's great double doors, you see a high hall bedecked with banners.
joriandrake: I mean continue after your dinner time
7:08pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
Smon: (sure)
7:08pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
Smon: Beneath the banner of a bronze fist upon sable field is the Throne of Bronze.
joriandrake: EncouraginglyPrisha presses her hand once and lets it go, as her holding hand might become a problem
Smon: Courtiers and guards flank the red carpet leading to the throne.
joriandrake: Still Prisha remains by the side of Lyssana, just a small step behind
Smon: Upon the throne, watching the Princess appreciatively, sits Namelin, Lord of Hara.
7:10pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
Smon: You advance into the Hall, Prisha just behind Lyssana, Kosvar and Shae behind, the escort taking up position with the Haran soldiery near the doors.
joriandrake: Prisha checks and remembers the porition of orph
7:11pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
joriandrake: position*
Smon: Looking with envy at the Harans' bronze breastplates and splint or banded brigandine.
Smon: You bring Orph in with you?
joriandrake: ooc that was the intention - joriandrake: As they gather Prisha will remark "Kosvar will join us as your bodyguard. Orph will be our guide and also come to any negotiation. His knowledge will be of much use here." Smon: As the ship approaches the well guarded Haran docks, Porkins calls out to a sentry: "Tell your Lord the Princess Lyssana Koloth-Mercellin of Carchamish is here!"
Smon: OK Kosvar & Orph behind the women, Shae as the lowest to the rear.
Smon: Two women stand near the throne - one old, one young.
Smon: A herald announces all of your names.
Smon: Then: "You stand before Namelin Bronze, the Lord of Hara! The Lady Llanet Bronze, Head of Clan Bronze!"
joriandrake: Prisha bows at them, signaling to the others hoprefully not forgetting to do it too as their names are called. She makes sure to bow towards the women as well, smiling kindly.
Smon: Llanet - http://www.hellomagazine.com/imagenes/profiles/judi-dench/6076-judi-dench.jpg
Smon: "The Lady Anna Bronze!"
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhInvctvMjACKSmf_GKba4NtzeM77bDaxAKdr4osRwuI74DcDEL7-kTGWhEiz6wCVruQm_grJJ7MA7OVobMRw_rJUz5yRTauQBsAdy7e_bBYvb812Dnfz24GeEOHx2X7YaLpfTDoYDwhjM/s200/Lady+Anna+Bronze.jpg
Smon: He then continues with various other courtiers - Bronzes and such, including one fearsome fellow:
Smon: "Sir Rasgar Skarrison!"
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhtLz1TiAh6fp0k2bYmAoZmkcMl4UcTX8XYAuMCFVy7D2517hXTo1i56CmBFvXGO7nibvkM-r1HTD4JSjgEYCjs69tJ4clklib7PjOrG0-bIvLmx4zUUqZs-Kzak6hMCGXNMmxswbroBfc/s400/Rasgar1.jpg
joriandrake: ooc Dench is a great actress
joriandrake: Prisha realizes the great difference between the wealth and might of the two realms of Hara and Carchamish
Smon: "Earani Cor, wife-concubine to the Lord of Hara and mother to Eratha and Llanus!"
Smon: Earani a few years back https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjB4QraMueh1DXn8tcadll-mLnSDXh4vd9u31gDD-ruR3zyWdVRVqllE-c_dDt6FyrKqBi_Fh78xH1uoEXpmTc9yZ34aSu72301LQbzJZIQCdvZRIOjY1FUp3aT6LgInXd8BaX21ky7Dpc/s1600/Earani+Cor.gif
joriandrake: She doesn't remember an 'Eratha' being introduced
Smon: She's looking a good bit plumper now, and has 2 children in tow, a girl of 3 or so and an infant boy of 1.
joriandrake: ooc ah then one is Erath
Smon: Eratha is the girl
Smon: Lord Bronze's offspring.
joriandrake: Prisha gently smiles at the mother and children
Smon: Lord Bronze calls out, smiling at Lyssana: "Princess! You are most welcome! You could not have come at a better time!"
Smon: Lyssana smiles, bows gracefully before the throne. "Thank you Lord Bronze. Why is that?"
7:19pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
joriandrake: ooc Fergus you have some serious problem with your connection or your computer
Smon: Bronze smiles: "I have just received a Sending from Livilla, High Priestess of Erathis-Athena. General Kogol and the Lords of the West have answered my summons also - they are coming to Hara with all haste."
7:20pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
Smon: (yeah your PC is crap Fergus)
joriandrake: ooc too crap to stay here and hear about it o_O
joriandrake: ooc: well he will still be able to read it, and thankfully this isn't really the time for Kosvar to shine
Smon: Lyssana: "Forgive me my Lord, but we received no summons. I am sent by my father, the King Koloth of Carchimish, with friendly greetings. We seek to restore our old bonds of friendship and alliance."
joriandrake: "Kogol..." Prisha whispers to herself. Then glancing into the direction of orph
Smon: Orph whispers to Prisha: "General Koloth of Neo-Nerath, he was. A big man."
Smon: sorry Kogol!
Smon: not Koloth
joriandrake: "Please accept our apology King Bronze, we probably began the journey before the message reached us." (lol slip)
joriandrake: Prisha courtsies as she saw from others to the king
Smon: Orph: "General Kogol Verganth - his daughter married High Prince Halvath Cormarrin, who died at Hara."
joriandrake: She listens meanwhile carefully to Orph's words
Smon: Orph: "Then the Necromancer Crowfinger sacrificed her to the Black Sun - so Kogol went over to Namelin's side. With a little persuasion from Dyson Logos."
Smon: Lyssana has approached the throne and is exchanging formal greetings with Namelin, who seems very happy.
Smon: Now old Llanet Bronze speaks up. "Guests! As head of the Bronze family, I bid you all most welcome to our humble abode." She smiles graciously.
joriandrake: Prisha considers the first meeting, first impression a success, and nods at orph to continue while the others are preoccupied with the princess.
joriandrake: Prisha nods and smiles gratefully at the woman.
Smon: "There will be a feast tonight in your honour. For now, my youngest daugher, Anna, will escort you to guest quarters. And I expect we will have private meetings once you are freshened up, mm?"
Smon: Namelin nods cordially. "Aye! Anna, see to it."
Smon: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhInvctvMjACKSmf_GKba4NtzeM77bDaxAKdr4osRwuI74DcDEL7-kTGWhEiz6wCVruQm_grJJ7MA7OVobMRw_rJUz5yRTauQBsAdy7e_bBYvb812Dnfz24GeEOHx2X7YaLpfTDoYDwhjM/s200/Lady+Anna+Bronze.jpg
Smon: The young blonde woman steps forward, smiling. "Princess - guests - please come with me."
joriandrake: "Indeed, once Princess Lyssana is ready we can have our first meeting." Prisha nods and goes closer to Anna "Hello Princess Bronze." She bows a bit to her as well "I'm Prisha Acharya, a member of the advisor council of Carchamish and Priestess of Meroya, friend to Princess Lyssana."
Smon: Anna leads you out of the hall. A servant shows the guards to their barracks quarters, while the senior guests (Lyssana Prisha & their personal retinue of Kosvar Shae & Orph) are led upstairs.
Smon: Anna smiles brightly at Prisha.
Smon: Prisha roll insight WIS+PROF
joriandrake: "We didn't see much of your city yet, but I already know it is beautiful and must be ruled wisely"
Smon: "We do our best..."
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 9, (+7) = 16
Smon: pass
Smon: Anna: "I'm very pleased to meet you, Priestess Acharya."
7:31pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
Smon: Prisha notices that beneath her makeup, Anna has the look of someone who has been crying a lot recently - and probably not sleeping much, either.
Smon: Anna: "Ah, here we are, your room. Do you require a separate chamber for the menfolk?"
Sandor Sunneson: Sorry about this, computer and pnetwork not working together
joriandrake: "Likewise. I hope our relationship will improve and bring much joy to our ruling families, citizens...and merchants." She then smiles at her. "I wish to hear more of your history and realm, may I ask you to tell me of it if you have time?"
Smon: Lyssana eyes Orph and Kosvar.
joriandrake: Prisha looks a bit longingly at Orph but says "It's the decision of Princess lyssana"
Smon: Anna nods, pushing open the door to a very well appointed guest suite, with large central double bed and smaller side chambers for maid, lady in waiting etc.
Smon: Lyssana surveys the suite. "If Orph and Kosvar take the servants' room, and you take the attendants' room, Prisha... and Shae may sleep at the foot of the bed. It's very large."
Smon: Orph grins: "Something like that, anyway..."
Smon: He winks at Prisha.
Sandor Sunneson: Sorry guys, I'll catch up on thread, phone connections playing up and not been able to participate
Smon: ok fergus, shame
joriandrake: Prisha nods at the princess. "As you wish" Then behind the back of Anna nods at orph with a mischievious smile too
Smon: Anna: "Servants are bringing your bags up from the docks. Some wine?"
Smon: She goes to a carafe on a side table.
joriandrake: "Thank you that will be nice... please also stay here with us Princess Anna, let us chat a bit."
joriandrake: "and share the wine"
Smon: Lyssana nods, sitting at one of several ornate chairs round a good sized table.
Smon: Anna looks to Lyssana, who nods agreement. Anna smiles and sits with the pair, while Orph sits on the big bed, and Kosvar goes to check on security arrangements...
joriandrake: Prisha sits beside her (right side I believe?)
Sandor Sunneson: Thanks Simon ð, I'll check df thread layer
Smon: (right) Anna: "I'd be delighted to chat! We rarely have quite such distinguished visitors... Mostly Altanians, recently." She scowls.
joriandrake: ooc bye Fergus, do something about this connection problem if yo ucan
Smon: Anna offers a full goblet to clink. "Cheers."
7:39pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
joriandrake: "Well, we certainly aren't altanians" Prisha smiles at her
Smon: She drinks deeply, Lyssana sipping more moderately.
Smon: /roll d20-1
Smon rolls 1d20-1 and gets: 2, (-1) = 1
joriandrake: Prisha laso sips moderately, and waits for Anna to become a bit tipy before asking questions
Smon: Lyssana def has not noticed anything wrong w Anna, but to Prisha she looks shaky.
Smon: You sit and chat about inconsequential matters for half an hour.
Smon: Until Anna, drinking more, is looking a bit tipsy.
joriandrake: "... as a Priestess, I have a certain connection to my goddess which can reveal hidden things. may I ask what troubles you Anna?" Prisha asks with sympathy in her tone and worry in her eyes
Smon: roll CHA+prof
joriandrake rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 3, (+8) = 11
Smon: Anna looks thoughtful, gazing into the dregs of her wine cup.
Smon: "Oh, you'll hear about it soon enough. May as well be from me. I was an idiot..."
joriandrake: "Perhaps I can be of help, or maybe just sharing will help you"
joriandrake: Prisha nods and waits for the continuation
Smon: She looks up, bitterness in her eyes. "I was the fool who told Hakeem Greywolf he should be King of Nerath!"
joriandrake: Waiting in silence a bit more Prisha reacts. "Oh my!" Prisha sips a bit of the wine. "Is that the reason he misunderstood the role of regent with that of a king?"
Smon: "How was I to know he'd abandon his charge at the first sign of trouble - or boredom - and do something as stupid as to make my brother and Minars of Seawolf joint Regents!"
joriandrake: Prisha nods "It isn't your fault. It was his own decision" Prisha kindly encourages her
Smon: Anna shakes her head. "What? No. Being Regent for his son Hassan and Namelin's daughter Eratha was his own idea. Also stupid, in hindsight. A land needs a King."
joriandrake: She gently smiles at her. "Or a Queen"
Smon: Anna groans. "I should have known... do you realise, when we decided to rise up against the Black Sun, what we did?"
joriandrake: "No, what was it?" She asks, certain that even lyssana understands how much the chat means
Smon: "The Black Sun - Neo-Nerath, had sent Namelin an 'advisor', a powerful Priestess of the Black Sun called Megaera Lorvas. Her brother Tal Lorvas was a Knight Concordant of Neo-Nerath, one of the most powerful Necromancers of the Black Sun."
Smon: "His victories were countless - he raised Cormarrin's Three Hundred from the Sleep of Death. He aided his master Crowfinger smash the Altani Horde at Bisgen..."
Smon: "Countless... until he met Hakeem last year, at the sea battle off Trade. There he fell."
joriandrake: "I see, that 'advisor' sounds like trouble, what did she do? Was she with someone who could be described as a 'red one'? Crowfinger doesn't sound like the name of a nice person either"
Smon: Anna pours more wine. "Anyway, Megaera Lorvas is a chip off the old block. We were all scared of her. "
joriandrake: Prisha nods empathically
Smon: Anna: "Red One? Yes! The Red Priestess they call her! For her hair, and the red dresses she always wears."
Smon: ooc well spotted J
joriandrake: "I . see."
joriandrake: ooc one less question to ask the dead
joriandrake: ooc: evewn lyssana should remember this as she was present at the questioning
joriandrake: "So what happened to Lorvas?"
Smon: Anna: "Crowfinger... at the end, I hear, he became a Lich. Sacrificed Kogol's daughter the Princess Analise to open a new Black Sun Gate over Bisgen. Anyway, Crowfinger's dead now. Hakeem killed him. Hakeem kills everyone."
joriandrake: Prisha nods "I heard he supposedly also killed the god of Death.... one can't simply kill a god, it might be reborn, or replaced."
joriandrake: "Was hakeem a bringer of death before that event already?"
Smon: She laughs. "He certainly killed Tal Lorvas! Out there on the Korm Basin. Lorvas took all the ships we'd built for him, crewed them with skeletons from the Licheway, and engaged the Altanian fleet. Hakeem slaughtered him."
Smon: Anna: "God of Death? No... I was watching from the walls, here at Hara, when Hakeem slew Kainos Warbringer, son of Ares-Bane. A demigod, yes."
joriandrake: "Did anyone see the death of Megaera Lorvas as well?"
Smon: She smiles. "We still have Kainos' body, covered in stones now of course, out on the plain! I can show you tomorrow, if you like."
joriandrake: ooc must be mistaken, I thought of Thanatos here
Smon: Anna pales. "Oh! You don't know?"
joriandrake: "No, but please tell me"
Smon: "Megaera's not dead! That's what I was getting to..."
joriandrake: "I see... you have so much troubling you, it must be hard, but please don't nblame yourself for something simple you said to the Conqueror" Prisha leans to Anna and kisses her forehead
Smon: "We trussed her up, chained and gagged. Namelin sent me to go with her to Thusia, where Hakeem was staying with his friend the Lady Meda. This was after he killed Tal Lorvas but before he killed Kainos and Crowfinger, you understand."
joriandrake: Prisha nods
Smon: Anna accepts the kiss.
joriandrake: not really understanding, but wanting her to continue
joriandrake: "and she fled?"
Smon: "Even then, my mother could see which way the wind was blowing. Hakeem had closed the Black Sun Gate, his forces had destroyed the Neo-Nerath armies at Nerra and Ractuan. Anyway..."
Smon: "No. Well..."
joriandrake: She waits for what Anna is going to say
Smon: "I deliverered Megaera Lorvas to Hakeem, with our offer of alliance with him, against the Black Sun. He seemed pleased. His wife was having their child, I remember. Anyway..."
Smon: "I expected, of course, he would kill Lorvas. Obviously. I thought probably swiftly. They say he murdered the priestess Chelarre Foxwood happily enough. But no...."
joriandrake: Prisha takes her hand, with a swift nod to layssana Prisha presses the hand of Anna encouragingly, so she continues
joriandrake: "What did he do instead?"
Smon: "He had his Priest, Thuruar, cast some kind of banishing spell on her! Even though she promised she would return for revenge! Can you believe it?!" Anna shakes her head a bit woozily.
joriandrake: "I see... and she did return."
joriandrake: "in fact, she attempted to get rid of Carchimish royalty for some reason"
Smon: Anna, pale, nods. "It seems so. We've had word that she has seduced the King of Ossary, turned the Skandiks to the Black Sun. They have the greatest navy in all Pazidan!"
joriandrake: Prisha adds the deduction
Smon: Anna looks surprised. "We suspected she had agents here... what happened?!" Lyssana explains about the poisoning.
Smon: Anna nods grimly. "The Black Sun have assassins everywhere! Thank goodness for Rasgar Skarrison, my brother's bodyguard. He's very effiicient..."
Smon: "..One last thing. "
joriandrake: "Worry not, we're here to help get rid of her. Carchimish will likely be benevolent and forget about this risk to the life of their reigning dynasty for a boon or two. We're here to improve our ties and you'll be very helpful in that." Prisha smiles, sits a bit closer and presses the hand of Anna again a bit gently, looking deep in her eyes
Smon: Orph pipes up from the bed: "Yeah! I know. Hakeem didn't leave. Or at least, he came back real quick."
Smon: Anna presses back, but seems distracted by Orph.
Smon: Orph: "You DO know he's at Ahyf, right?"
joriandrake: Prisha also turns to Orph "Hm, is Hakeem there alone? Or with Prince Sandor?"
Smon: Anna: "Well... we heard he freed Ahyf, before returning to Nerra." Word has not yet reached us of where he went then..."
joriandrake: "I thought the town got erased by that dragon"
Smon: Orph: "My bet is Sandor and Hakeem are both in Ahyf right now."
Smon: Orph: "No - that was Trade, just east along the coast."
Smon: brb dinner ready
joriandrake: "I assume hakeem returned then? Did he ask to regain his role as regent too?"
joriandrake: ok, bon appetit
Smon: 10 mins then restart ok?
joriandrake: your statspage doesnt load for me
joriandrake: just tried to refresh it
joriandrake: just tried to refresh it
joriandrake: ok nvm 'third time's the charm'
Smon: Anna considers her words carefully. "On the Isle of Dread, Matriarx's island, Hakeem resigned the Regency, to go hunt the traitors Shieldbiter and Sarene who had marooned him there. And he told us Namelin would be joint Regent with the barbarian Minars Rapak of Seawolf, our old enemy. Namelin and I begged him not to - told him it was madness - but he would not listen."
joriandrake: "So then he gave up all power as a leader."
joriandrake: "What happened to his child, and ...who did you say was the child betrothed to?"
joriandrake: "Is Namelin and Minars keeping them safe?"
Smon: Anna nods. "Yes. We left him at Selatine, and sailed back to Hara. My mother confirmed the madness of Hakeem's plan. But she had another plan. Namelin would rule as sole Regent, make Minars his honoured Vice-Regent. Namelin went to Nerra and did this. All was going as well as could be expected - of course Hakeem's wife the Queen Malenn must have been devastated, to be abandoned by her husband so..."
joriandrake: ooc: I start to feel as if being inside Game of Thrones
Smon: "Yes, Namelin kept them safe of course. Until, a few days later, Hakeem returned. You see, he had changed his mind! Ha!!
Smon: She laughs bitterly, considerably drunk now.
joriandrake: Prisha looks surprised "...that...doesn't seem plausible, is there no royal council or similar? If yes, did they and the regents accept Hakeem's return?"
joriandrake: Prisha gently takes away her glass of wine
Smon: "Namelin told the fool what had transpired, tried to reason with him. It did no good. Again and again he threatened and insulted my brother, there on the docks of Nerra. I think he wanted Namelin to fight, so Hakeem could slay him."
joriandrake: "Prisha nods It was wise not to get lured into combat then"
Smon: Anna shrugs. "Hakeem has ordered the creation of a Council. Its first meeting was to be in two weeks. Instead, Namelin is calling one here. In Hara. Your father was invited, Princess Lyssana."
Smon: Lyssana nods, her eyes a bit glazed over.
joriandrake: Prisha looks at Orph "You have any wise questions?" then also taking away the glass from lyssana
Smon: Ana takes a deep breath.
Smon: Orph: "Hmm..."
joriandrake: Prisha holds the hand of both girls
Smon: /roll d20+6
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 6, (+6) = 12
Smon: "Naw."
joriandrake: "hm, what do you think Lyssana, Orph. Shall we help Princess Anna feel better?"
Smon: Anna holds Prisha's hand. Looks deep into Lyssana's eyes, then Prisha's. "Do you understand? What this means?"
Smon: Anna blinks. "...What?"
Smon: "What are you talking about?"
Smon: She pulls her hand away.
joriandrake: "What does it mean?" Prisha smiles at her and kisses her cheek, waiting for her reaction
Smon: Orph shrugs, lies back on the massive bed with hand behind his neck.
Smon: Anna's eyes widen. She pushes her chair back clumsily, almost falling, and stands.
Smon: "I... I think you have me confused with somebody else!"
joriandrake: "If you don't wish to, I understand. It was really nice to get to know you better" Prisha smiles at her
Smon: Orph chuckles.
joriandrake: "...and thank you for your trust"
Smon: Lyssana smiles woozily at Anna: "Bye now!"
Smon: Anna moves unsteadily to the door...
Smon: roll WIS+prof
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 6, (+7) = 13
Smon: (fail)
joriandrake: Prisha doesn't think she should leave alone
Smon: She takes the door handle. "Goodbye - see you at dinner."
joriandrake: "Let me help you to your room. I think you have had a bit too much wine." She gently tells Anna and stands up
joriandrake: "Just tell me where to go and I escort you there."
Smon: Anna turns the handle, eyes wide she opens the door and backs away from Prisha, into the hallway, where Norbert Porkins & another man are now standing guard.
Smon: "No.. no thank you!"
joriandrake: "It's the least I can do after you explained the situation to us."
Smon: Norbert chuckles. "She's really not that into you."
joriandrake: ooc: You made me roll a WIS-prof roll, was this meant to be a CHA one?
Smon: Anna starts to ascend the rather steep spiral stairs.
Smon: no
joriandrake: ok
Smon: She seems to be doing rather well, though.
Smon: can roll again
Smon: WIS
joriandrake: "Norbert, go with her please. Even if she doesn't want it,... just in case she might fall dfown stairs or something be there to catch her"
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 8, (+7) = 15
Smon: Norbert moves forward.
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 1, (+5) = 6
Smon: As Norbert moves forward to assist, Prisha suddenly realises that Anna Bronze is much less drunk than she appears to be.
joriandrake: ooc: does Prisha now wonder how much of she said is actually true?
Smon: (up to you) Norbert: "Here ma'am, show me your room and I'll take you there."
Smon: Anna nods, acceding to the request, and Norbert assists Anna up the stairs and out of sight.
joriandrake: "I hope you'll feel better at the dinner Princess Anna. Thank you for your time."
Smon: "Thank you..."
joriandrake: Prisha steps back into the room and closes it, then takes a deep breath
joriandrake: "She played us"
Smon: The remaining guard sniggers. "Wonder if old Norbert will have his way with her, too..."
joriandrake: "At least a part of what she said is most likely false"
Smon: Prisha steps back into the room, looks around as she talks...
Smon: Princess Lyssana is out cold on the bed beside Orph, snoring gently.
Smon: Orph grins: "Your princess can't hold her drink! I put her to bed."
joriandrake: "Ah... perfect timing." She goes closer and sniffs, inspects the glasses of wine.
Smon: Lyssana is in her panties and stockings, her rich sapphire dress folded over a chair.
joriandrake: Prisha sits on her bed beside her if the glasses seem not meddled with and in order
Smon: Investigation check INT+wis
joriandrake rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 1, (+5) = 6
Smon: The wine seems fine.
joriandrake: ooc not my best rolls, actually this session I have the worst ones
joriandrake: ooc wait a sec
Smon: /roll d20+6
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 10, (+6) = 16
Smon: Orph: "Hm, let me check..."
joriandrake: ooc would sleeping powder and similar be recognzed by Detect Poison and Disease
joriandrake: Prisha stand back while pondering the event
Smon: He rises, goes over to the goblets. Shae watches from the side of the room.
Smon: "Wine seems fine... but I reckon yon Anna wasn't drinking nearly as much as it seemed.
Smon: He hefts the bottle. "Plenty left in here - and I reckon Lyssana had half of it."
joriandrake: "I noticed as she went upstairs that she acted to be more drunk than truly."
Smon: >>would sleeping powder and similar be recognzed by Detect Poison and Disease<< yes
joriandrake: "That's why I believe not everything is as she told us, perhaps not even the part about the 'red one'."
Smon: Lyssana stirs. "mm... Prisha..."
Smon: "...Kosvar..."
Smon: She smiles, rolling over.
joriandrake: Prisha leans on Lyssana and kisses her
joriandrake: "I trust your judgement Orph, regarding the wine as well"
Smon: Lyssana stirs in her half-sleep, reaches for Prisha, her cool bare breasts pressing against Prisha's gown.
joriandrake: "She had the same wine as we did, and we could've swapped glasses or something like it, making poison unlikely"
Smon: Orph shrugs. "There are anti-toxins... but my guess would be she wasn't trying to poison you."
Smon: "She wanted to tell you a long story, make sure you listened and believed. And it was working fine, until you made to seduce her. Not all girls like that."
joriandrake: Prisha gently carasses lyssana. "Once she returns to her senses we shall discuss what we got to know... or what she wanted us to believe"
joriandrake: "If she had been a bit more drunk she might have indeed fooled me"
joriandrake: Prisha lays beck on the bed, smiles at Shae too.
joriandrake: back*
Smon: Lyssana strokes Prisha back, her eyes half-open now, heavy-lidded. "Prisha... come to bed..."
joriandrake: "Would you like to have Orph join us? maybe Shae as well?" Prisha half-whispers it to the princess
Smon: Roll CHA check w advtg for drunkenness
joriandrake Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
3 (+12) = 15
15 (+12) = 27
Smon: OOC pretty sure that's rape in Sweden.
joriandrake: (using sex roll bonus)
joriandrake: ooc: Not in Sweden
joriandrake: ooc: I mean we're not
Smon: (it's a joke meme) Lyssana nods. "Mmm... yes..."
Smon: Orph's eyes are shining brightly as he oberves Prisha and the half-naked Princess. He undoes his belt, scabbards hitting the floor.
joriandrake: Prisha waves Shae closer and kisses her, then invites her beloved Orph as well "I hope I can be even better this time, I want you to enjoy us being together" Prisha tells Orph
Smon: roll a CHA check vs Shae pls
Smon: no advtg
joriandrake rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 20, (+12) = 32
joriandrake: ooc this would get a dragon into bed with prisha
Smon: Orph: "Oh, I think I'm going to enjoy this..." He glances at Shae, who is moving forward, eyes wide, like a bunny-rabbit entranced by a serpent.
Smon: Shae's loincloth hits the floor.
Smon: Orph reaches for Prisha, helping her out of her dress...
joriandrake: Prisha smiles at her "Don't worry, I don't bite...unless you want me to..."
Smon: ~fade to black~
joriandrake: She lets the bard do it
joriandrake: and yes, indeed fade to really black
Smon: really really
joriandrake: as bonus you can roll twice more for pregnancy now
joriandrake: Also, this might be lyssana's first?
Smon: Shae would be on contraceptive, don't want slaves getting pregnant.
Smon: Drunken princesses, though...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: no, just had her period I guess
joriandrake: she's safe for now
joriandrake: Prisha murmurs to Orph while purring on the bed "...I think you would fit with the faith of meroya... you certainly fit with...in me"
Smon: Lyssana's first male was the brigand lord Marnt. Her second her husband King Rey Mercellin, who had little interest in her specifically but would shag anything that moved.
joriandrake: ooc: ah right, forgot the rape thing
Smon: Lyssana is pretty screwed up - was pretty screwed up - Prisha has probably helped a bit.
joriandrake: Prisha is willing to help everyone get screwed up in a different way
Smon: Orph doesn't reply, just leans over and kisses Prisha's pert breasts... ~fade to black again~
joriandrake: So, jump to dinner time?
joriandrake: =)
Smon: OK. I'll need to stop fairly soon, 9.45 latest (9.04 now)
joriandrake: hm, ok let's try to fit in the dinner at least
Smon: GM: Before you know it, you are all called for dinner.
joriandrake: Prisha checks how lyssana feels
joriandrake: Still tipsy/drunk?
Smon: Lyssana (still somewhat tipsy) & Prisha get to sit at the High Table with the Bronze family and their most honoured retainer, including the massive Skandik Rasgar Skarrison.
Smon: The appetisers are served, already a fabulous repast.
Smon: Rasgar scoops up a few. Namelin is talking with him about the Ossary threat.
Smon: Rasgar: "Aye. Alkazed Ulfursson; the Black Dragon, the Eldritch One, the Kinslayer; King of Ossary & now Adherent of the Black Sun."
Smon: Namelin: "And he's dangerous?"
Smon: Rasgar: "Aye, boss. He'd kill us all, even without the Red Bitch driving him on. Worships Loki they say, for the Forbidden Secrets - worships the Black Sun now too, I guess."
joriandrake: Prisha quietly dines, looking at Anna, her mother, the King, and the others at the table one by one.
Smon: Namelin shakes his head sadly. "If that damn fool Hakeem, had only slit Megaera Lorvas' throat! Now he threatens ruin to us all."
Smon: Anna, her face tight, sits, not eating.
Smon: Anna: "Brother, have you considered... that this was Hakeem's plan, all along?"
Smon: Namelin frowns: "What?"
joriandrake: Softly Prisha speaks up "You seem to give too much credit for the Conqueror, as far I heard he is a great warrior but not much of a longterm planner."
Smon: Anna: "He could have killed her. He let her go. He must have known she would stop at nothing to destroy us.
Smon: Anna looks over at Prisha coldly. "I know him. You don't. I made him Ruler, gods damn me!"
Smon: Namelin: "Sister... I have never said this before, but... you are too hard on yourself. You could not have known."
Smon: Their mother Llanet nods agreement.
Smon: Llanet, seated beside Prisha, turns to her. "So, how do you like Hara so far?"
joriandrake: Prisha gently smiles at him. "Sometimes you know a man, or woman, already pretty well of what was built or destroyed by them. As you told us earlier Hakeem made mistakes, but it is indeed not Princess Anna's fault what actions the man took."
joriandrake: her*
joriandrake: She then turns to Llanet and replies
Smon: The second course is served, braised fish from the Farhills.
joriandrake: "I love your city, it is splendid, beautiful, and one can see the citizens, soldiers, and rulership cares for the wellbeing of the city itself and the population"
joriandrake: "The first impression shows that Hara is under wise leadership which treasures prosperity and benevolence above war and bloodshed"
joriandrake: Prisha then adds "despite the recent war"
Smon: Llanet smiles delightedly at Prisha, patting her hand maternally.
joriandrake: Encouraged, she continues "I wish to know even more of it, maybe get to meet that dragon of yours at the Keep, and learn more of the history of House Bronze and Hara"
Smon: Llanet: "It's very different from Ahyf or Carchimish, isn't it!" She looks quickly to Princess Lyssana. "Of course I mean no offence - I know you are swiftly rebuilding Carchimish to her former glory." Lyssana just nods distractedly, cuts a piece of fish.
Smon: Llanet looks wistful: "Well, we don't know when Dyson Logos will return to us... my son may just have to go and awaken him again!" She smiles, eyes sparkling, but there is an edge of seriousness in her voice.
joriandrake: Prisha nods as she also looks at hangover lyssana and turns to the wise old woman again "Carchamish is not in a good situation currently, but I believe this is true for the whole of the new Empire. hakeem sounds like being full of good intentions, but badly planning events to their long term results."
Smon: Namelin nods. "Aye."
joriandrake: "Dyson Logos sounds like someone who could help with wise advice to stabilize the Empire"
Smon: Llanet shrugs. "We always thought his intentions were good... even when he released Megaera Lorvas. Now ...who knows."
Smon: The Bronzes all nod eagerly at that.
Smon: Namelin: "Aye! In the time he was with us, Dyson did more than anyone - anything - to restore the empire! But he said he grew sleepy, and needs must return to the Earth-Womb, to replenish the bright star embedded at his breast."
Smon: Anna nods dourly. "It was Dyson who truly won the war. Not Hakeem."
joriandrake: "...considering the way the 'red one' also affected Carchimish the princess and I are sad to know Hara is partly responsible for the assassination attempts by Lorvas" After am oment of silence Prisha adds "I however trust that Hara and Carchimish will be good friends and such problems can be negotiated, maybe with a few beneficial trade route agreements, or opening a new port it can all be forgotten"
joriandrake: She then looks at Anna "I assume Princess Anna already mentioned the event?"
Smon: Namelin shrugs at Anna's words. "Both did their part... as did I, when I woke Dyson and flew with him to Renth, to turn the mortal armies of the Black Sun to our cause."
joriandrake: Waiting for the reactions, to know if Anna truly shared the info about the 'red one'
9:25pm 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
Smon: >>the princess and I are sad to know Hara is partly responsible for the assassination attempts by Lorvas<< The temperature lowers by about 30 degrees Celsius.
Sandor Sunneson: Hello :), back again!!
Sandor Sunneson: Have I missed much? Guess I have....
Smon: (hi Fergus, they are at dinner) Namelin looks incredulous: "What?! What did you just say?!"
Smon: (yes!)
joriandrake: Prisha smiles benevolently "Thankfully we foiled the attempt on the king Koloth and Princess Lyssana. As I told Princess Anna today"
joriandrake: She looks suprised "Oh? I assumed the princess had already told you."
Smon: Anna: "What do you mean, we're responsible?!"
Smon: Lyssana: "er..."
Smon: (you missed lots of politics Fergus, your favourite!)
joriandrake: "Well, Princess Anna, you yourself said how you are responsible for letting Lorvas" go, be handed to Hakeem instead of being executed. Now she's back, and tried to murder Carchamish's royalty"
Sandor Sunneson: (That's what crashed the server ;))
Smon: Namelin's face flushes. "I handed her over to him as a token of loyalty, and for interrogation! This is outrageous!"
joriandrake: She gently smiles at LLanet and Namelin "Of course, you couldn't know that at that point"
Sandor Sunneson: Is Prisha being like Miss Marple?
Smon: Orph puts a hand on Prisha's shoulder, speaking quickly to the Bronzes. "I'm sorry folks - the priestess is young, she's foolish, she doesn't know what she's saying..."
joriandrake: "I don't know the circumstances, but this 'red one' sent assassins after our princess. So I assume we can just add the issue to our negotiations about the ties between Hara and Carchamish in a friendly way."
joriandrake: Prisha smiles kindly, and taking a moment to gaze at Anna as well
Smon: Lyssana sobers up. "Prisha - shut up!" she whispers, aghast.
joriandrake: ooc: I intend to get this be a benefit to our negotiations
joriandrake: "My apology princess Lyssana, of course you will handle the main part of the negotiation" She bows at Lysssana
Smon: Llanet: "Folks?!" Orph: "Milords - I mean milords. Look, the young priestess has had too much to drink. Let me get her back to her chamber..."
Smon: Orph practically hauls Prisha to her feet.
joriandrake: "Yes, pelase excuse me." She smiles and goes
Smon: Orph CHA check:
Smon: /roll d20+10
Smon rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 2, (+10) = 12
Smon: LOL
joriandrake: once leaving the room "Was I too pushy?"
Smon: The Bronzes still look angry as Orph marchs Prisha back to their suite.
joriandrake: "The local wine is exquisite"
joriandrake: ooc I hoped I get at least a CHA roll myself
Smon: Once inside, he almost slams her against the wall, leaning in close. "What the Hell are you playing at?! You could have got us all killed!"
Smon: "You just accused them of sending assassins!"
Smon: OOC only if viable
joriandrake: She calmly replies "We got lied to when we got here, I wanted to see who reacts in what way, and no, I accused the 'red one' of sending assassins"
joriandrake: ooc: I seriously did only accuse their enemy of sending assassins, as far I know didnt mistype that
Smon: OOC I didn't give Sandor a CHA check in the throneroom at Carchimish either. There has to be an element of uncertainty for there to be a check.
joriandrake: is this an ooc misunderstanding?
Smon: (no)
Smon: (OOC I know what you were going for, it was just a really really bad idea)
joriandrake: Prisha mentioned the 'red one' . Lorvas sending the assassins, she just said what Anna also said earlier, that the Bronzes let her leave alive
joriandrake: ooc ok then
Smon: Orph rolls his eyes. "Just because *they* said it, doesn't mean *you* can say it! Don't you know how nobles talk?!"
joriandrake: Prisha sighs "Orph, I actually wanted to see if what Anna said was true at all about Lovras, and how they react"
Smon: "Well you certainly got a reaction!"
Smon: He sighs, taking a step back.
joriandrake: She then blinks "... I learn, but am not a noble, I was a street urchin in Popolva" She now loses her will and looks unsure of herself
Sandor Sunneson: Kosvar will ask the Princess, are you ok? Do you want to be excsused and taken to your room?
Smon: Orph nods. "Yeah. I know... Now Lyssana's alone in there..."
joriandrake: "did I mess up that badly?"
joriandrake: "Go back to her. I will wait in my room.... and sorry"
Sandor Sunneson: He'll whisper, maybe just ask for half an hour break
Sandor Sunneson: to Lysanna
Smon: GM: Kosvar sees the drama at the high table and moves over, up steps from the main hall and approaches Lyssana.
Sandor Sunneson: He'll whisper into her ear asking if she wants a small timeout, he can request it
Smon: Orph nods to Prisha, his expression softening. He puts his hands on her upper arms. "It's ok... don't cry/"
Smon: Kosvar roll CHA+prof
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
Sandor Sunneson: +4=6
joriandrake: ooc: I think I might be able to tie this to Prisha getting know of her pregnancy perhaps? and mood swings?
joriandrake: ooc altho might be too early for that
joriandrake: "I won't cry, go back to Lyssana she'll need you now"
Smon: (lol, dice hate you guys tonight.) Orph to P: "I think I salvaged it... But you won't be able to take direct part in negotiations now. I've been in viper's nests that make this place look like a nursery."
Smon: Orph looks thoughtful. "Okay then...I'll do what I can. Anna obviously prefers the men, anyway..." he winks.
joriandrake: She nods "I will need to take an undirect approach...maybe Lady Llanet. Perhaps my scene can still be useful as well"
Smon: Princess Lyssana regards Kosvar coldly. "I'm fine, thank you. See to your duties."
joriandrake: She smiles "Anna... indeed, that works as well if you're going for her"
Sandor Sunneson: Yes your Majesty
joriandrake: ooc: damn, I was planning for a CHA roll at the dinner, and the chance I would have to also use up my inspiration =(
Smon: Orph shrugs. "Well, no promises... but I am me. And she's a woman." He grins, heading out the door.
joriandrake: "Indeed she is" Prisha gently kisses him and let Orph return, seh then sighs and goes to her room
Smon: At the door Orph stops. "Prisha. When talking to nobles, never threaten them. Never tell them bad things about themselves. King Regent Hakeem just threw his empire away, doing that. You have got to be smarter."
Smon: (stopping now)
joriandrake: ooc: well I messed up, was going to happen sooner or later
joriandrake: "I didn't mean to 'threathen' them, just make certain they know we have that 'red one' as common enemy"
Smon: OOC Yeah It was beginning to look like Prisha was this superhuman persuasion machine.
joriandrake: ..."and try to get a good trade deal for Carchamis's side"
Smon: "They don't need a fucking trade deal, Prisha. They need allies."
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