Sgt Hendryk falls in poo. Private Jonas is slaughtered by ghouls.
Sandor & Hakeem kill Vukas the Demonbrood, and Maglor rescues Lady Barbara d'Ashe from the Black Market slave block, directly beneath the Town Hall. Hendryk threatens Barbara.
![]() |
The Lady Barbara d'Ashe |
chris107: Just watching the Mamoa, Conan. He's very Hakeem
Sandor Sunneson: Evening Simon, Ingrid is cheeky
Smon: Momoa is quite Hakeem
Smon: GM: Malenn is looking quiet and thoughtful this morning...
Smon: GM: Malenn turns to her husband looking a little nervous.
Smon: "Hakeem, I have been thinking..." (she rarely says 'Hakeem', normally 'my love' or 'beloved')
Smon: Malenn: "This city, Ahyf. There is much evil, but also much good, if well hidden. I can feel it..."
chris107: "Your wisdom is rarely wrong my love."
Smon: She looks out the dining hall window, over the cobbled streets and down towards the distant harbour where sea-birds wheel in the morning air.
Smon: "Thank you." Malenn flashes a grateful smile.
Sandor Sunneson: OOC: Yes Malenn, it;s called AD&D
chris107: Hakeem listens to his wife most carfully
Sandor Sunneson: S: Do you feel at home here Malenn? Thank you for the encouraging words
Smon: Malenn turns to Sandor, and nods."I feel that this is a place where we could truly do good. Do you see that great Bastion, out by the harbour wall? The Serjeant tells me it is abandoned. It could be a training hall for the Knights of Mitra, replacing the one we have lost, now so long ago."
chris107: (Does the sending indicate if Sarene or Shieldbiter are with Alkarzad?)
Smon: "I am - still - a Paladin of Mitra."
Sandor Sunneson: S: For the first time I prayed to Ullr last night, asking him for a sign
Smon: (no, that was 25 words!)
chris107: Hakeem nods, smiling. "Yoi are indeed my beloved!"
Smon: Malenn turns back to Hakeem, laying a fair but strong hand on his, smiling.
chris107: "The Lions of Mitra would be most welcome."
Smon: "I feel alive here, my love. For the first time in a while, truly alive. Nerra..."
Smon: Here Malenn frowns.
Smon: "Nerra is a ghost. A dead city. I could feel myself becoming ghostly there, too. A pawn in the hands of others... Here, I am alive again."
Smon: Then she giggles gently. "And it is only a day to Thusia by horse!"
chris107: "Then here we will stay, with Prince Sandor's leave? I must secure the Lighthouse of St. Ulther but we can build a home here. In Port Sandor!"
Sandor Sunneson: It would be an honour to have you here,
Smon: "What is it you need from the Lighthouse, beloved? The war-galley plans Lord Bronze spoke of? Oriax's grimoires?" She shudders at the thought of those lascivious tomes.
chris107: "How will we bring Mitra'schosen here?"
Sandor Sunneson: There are plenty of large houses that would make a wonderful home
chris107: (Now the 1982 Conan soundtrack )
Smon: Malenn smiles warmly at Sandor. "I thank you, good Prince. I hope you find your happiness, as I have. If Hakeem agrees, I would be honoured to live here."
chris107: "Aye, that and we must not let those foul books and mirror fall into the hands of the Black Sun."
Smon: She turns to Hakeem - you notice the Serjeant coming in.
chris107: "If you are happy and the Prince willing. So be it!"
Smon: Now he's getting paid again, he's presumably back on duty.
Sandor Sunneson: S: I know I have suggested previously that we rebuild Trade as a new city, I had thought that rather than do that, we build up Ahyf instead
chris107: Maglor smiles at him.
chris107: M - "Sergeant?"
Smon: Malenn nods to Sandor, then looks at Hakeem. "I will seek for Mitra's Chosen among the humble folk of the city - including those newly freed. And in time, more will come..."
chris107: "They will flock to your banner my love!"
chris107: "And be a powerful force for your city, Sandor!"
Smon: Serjeant Hendryk: "Good morning, milords. Couple missing persons. One is nothing - the other more serious..." he looks apologetically at Beverly, who pales slightly.
Smon: Beverly: "One of the coin girls?"
chris107: M - "Go on..."
Smon: Hendryk nods: "Yup. One of the new ones, Sue - Hognun said he'd only just given her a job, after her master the Traitor Dragon skipped town?"
Smon: Beverly nods. "Yes."
Sandor Sunneson: Would be good investigating the black market
chris107: M "And the other?"
Sandor Sunneson: S: Probably the type of place that is currently inhabitaed by undesirables
Smon: Hendryk: "Well, apparently she wandered off a bit, get away from a couple sailors she didn't like the look of... rookie mistake. Anyway, next thing, there was a scream, Atesia and Moondew say they saw a couple grey figures dragging her into the sewer outflow."
chris107: M - "Can you take us there?"
Sandor Sunneson: S: Anyone fancy a fight today? Sure it would be more exciting than this politics bullshit
chris107: "It could be Goblins, it could be more sinister."
chris107: M - "It is your city my lord."
Sandor Sunneson: S: We shall go and investigate after breakfast
chris107: Hakeem just grins at the word FIGHT
Smon: Hendryk turns to Hakeem, bows slightly. "The other is a few days old - we missed it, what with the Liberation... Rolth's lover, the Lady Barbara D'Ashe. She was bathing when the mob reached Rolth's villa, set upon her. She fled into the sewers - probably got her throat cut by Goblins."
Smon: Hendryk: "Sue, though - Atesia was sure it were too big to be Goblins that took her." He shrugs.
chris107: H - "Then lets finish up breakfast and go take a look."
Sandor Sunneson: S: Can somebody send Thuarar a message 'Are Hakeem and Sarene also with the Ossary under the flag of the black sun question mark
Smon: Hendryk strokes his short well-oiled beard. "Very good, Milord. Do you require my assistance?"
chris107: M will wait until the sergeant leaves before he tells his story from the previous night (If he hasn't before)
Smon: GM: H dismisses the Serjeant and M recounts the night's events?
Sandor Sunneson: You are more than welcome to join us, see you back here in 30 mins?
chris107: M - "Thank you sergeant. Be ready if we call."
Sandor Sunneson: errr. H: I'm in charge here, capiche ??
Smon: Hendryk stifles a smirk at Sandor's correction of Hakeem.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will burst out laughing too
chris107: M whispers in his Lordships ear "We know the sergeant to be corrpt my lord, do we want him deep in our council?"
Smon: Malenn nods gravely to Hendryk. "Yes. As your new master Prince Sandor commands. Return here with some men in half an hour."
Sandor Sunneson: S: It's important we stay together team, and we build as a team
chris107: Hakeem shrugs.
Smon: Hendryk clicks his heels, bows and withdraws.
chris107: Maglor bows "As you wish my lord."
Sandor Sunneson: S: After yesterday, do we all go into the sewer or 1 of us stays ehere?
chris107: H to S "You'll choose a lot of bad ones to have on your side before you get it right. Hope it doesn't kill you."
Smon: Beverly pushes away the remains of her sausage. "I only knew Sue briefly... Poor thing. I don't think she was cut out to be a coin girl."
chris107: M - "We will search for her. All your girls are valuable to us."
chris107: H to S "You're in charge, remember?"
Smon: Beverly nods gratefully to Maglor. "Thank you. They're valuable to me too - even Atesia." she grins.
chris107: "I just do as I'm told."
Sandor Sunneson: S: I was going to get him and one soldier to come along, just to see how he does, He could be one that if he is spoken to correctly he maybe of use to us.
Sandor Sunneson: S: Glad you're listening big man!
Smon: Malenn: "Well. Shall I hold the fort, see about ordering those gongs, and the crossbows for our new levy?"
Sandor Sunneson: S: Maglor observed something interesting yesterday too
Sandor Sunneson: S: Maglor please recount last nights events
chris107: "My darling you are priceless!"
Smon: Malenn grins and gives Hakeem a kiss.
chris107: Maglor tells of what he saw and heard betwixt the Demonbrood and Atesia.
Smon: She definitely seems more lively away from Nerathi politics!
chris107: (Don't we all?)
Smon: Does Maglor talk w Fr Camus, Beverly & Kogor present?
chris107: Hakeem is worried about his friend Thuruar however.
chris107: He does. He has to trust those he is working with and holds both Camus and Beverly in confidence
Smon: Camus: "A demonbrood?! In our fair city?!"
Sandor Sunneson: At the moment they are in the circle of trust. I know Simon that you plan to DM
Sandor Sunneson: change that as our DM
chris107: H to Sandor. "We could use Thuruar here. And he will be in danger so close to the Black Sun forces. He was with us at the closing of the gate afterall."
Smon: Beverly sighs, shakes her head as she reaches for a Ralluan cigarrette. "Vukas is a little ...enthusiastic... but he never causes trouble."
Sandor Sunneson: With the coming up of a war against the Ossary/Black Sun looking likely, whose side would he be on Bev?
Smon: >> I know Simon that you plan to DM Sandor Sunneson: change that as our DM<< I don't think you do know that.
chris107: M - "Vukas is planning to lighten our treasury at least and perhaps worse. We should nip this evil in the bud before it infects the city further."
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: Maglor is from Anatal, he can roll INT+prof History DC 10
chris107 rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 20, (+4) = 24
Sandor Sunneson: high roll please Chris
chris107: Maglor is clever
Sandor Sunneson:
Sandor Sunneson: !!!
Smon: >>With the coming up of a war against the Ossary/Black Sun looking likely, whose side would he be on Bev?<< Bev looks to Sandor. "His own side. The winning side."
Sandor Sunneson: S looks forward to a history lesson from Maglor!
Smon: GM: OK, Maglor knows all about the several Skandik assaults on the Temple of the Lady of Wisdom, the repeated uncanny disasters that befell their armies and fleets.
Smon: The temple of the Lady of Wisdom is dedicated to Athena in her aspect as the goddess of knowledge. For over a thousand years (since ca 3380 BCCC) it has stood as a center for learning. When Zothay fell a century ago, Skandik longships soon attempted to raid but were destroyed in a sudden storm. Two more raids in the next twenty years met a similar fate. An army marching from Zothay was stricken by plague and arrived at the temple with only two out of every ten men able to walk. The temple made peace with Ossary and promised not to foment rebellion if left in peace. Today Vanir is the head priest and, while sympathetic to the ideas and ideals of Kritas and Perena of Zothay, is not willing to join them as it would break the peace treaty. The stone owls in the temple animate if the clerics are attacked. The grapes grown in the area are blessed by the goddess herself: unlike other wines, the ones produced here induce calm introspection instead of rowdy revelry.
chris107: (Odd that they would risk harbouring there then?)
chris107: Thank you.
Smon: Maglor knows that the Temple is 50 miles from Zothay.
chris107: Ah
Sandor Sunneson: S: We need to find out if Sarene and SB are there under the black sun flag, and how many ships in fleet are berthed there
chris107: M - A fire in the harbour with so many ships...."
Smon: Bottom right on this map, temple 3913 -
Smon: M also knows Skandik ships don't need to ride at anchor, they can be pushed up onto any beach.
Sandor Sunneson: That'c cause M is clever, be like M!
chris107: Hakeem remebers his last visit to see Thuruar..
chris107: Not like H & S!
Smon: The Temple has a great view of the eastern sea approach to Zothay but is not within the domnion.
chris107: M "That would suggest the whole north could be in league withKing Alkazad. If so this is a sudden change indeed. Perhaps a reaction to recent news from Hara?"
Smon: Re Thuruar, he is Arch Priest of the temple and safe while there, the Skandiks definitely don't bother the Temple since losing 3 fleets.
Sandor Sunneson: Camus can you send a message to Thuarar asking if SB and Sarene are allied under the black sun flag and how many ships there are?
Smon: M knows Zothay had a Skandik governor, Kritas the Red, but there were rumours he was suddenly recalled to Ossary 2-3 months ago.
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 4, (+4) = 8
Smon: Camusm fails INT check. "I'm sorry, I don't recall meeting him ...?"
chris107: H "We will have enough time to worry about the bloody fleet. Let's clean up Prince Sandor's back yard first."
Smon: Kogor chuckles, rising. "Well, you seem to have matters well in hand here Hakeem, friends. I'm heading back home before someone burns the place down! Got some hobgoblin trouble down in Bratanis..."
chris107: H is very proud of his wife right now
chris107: H "Kogor, did my aunt give you any tips?"
chris107: "And stay safe my dwarven friend. Call if you need my help."
Smon: Malenn is still holding Hakeem's hand. Now she turns to Camus. "Father, I will also need your assistance. I need records of what supplies we do have, and what folks are in good standing with your church..."
Smon: Kogor grins at Hakeem. "More'n tips, friend! Powder!"
Smon: He produces a switch of cloth wrap filled with orange dust.
chris107: "Remember Hakeem is a good name for a boy!"
Smon: "Yon Nefeti swears it'll get Opa up the duff 'fore the rains come!"
Smon: Kogor grins broadly. "Aye, brother! It is!"
chris107: "Fine news. Happy hunting!"
Smon: He strides forward and gives Hakeem a manly hug/backslap.
Smon: Kogor bids you all farewell, winks to Beverly, and strides out humming a happy tune.
chris107: "A good man that. Met him when I first came down from the hills."
Smon: Beverly looks after the dwarf, absently strokes the small K brand on her left thigh.
Smon: Malenn: "Aye, husband. We were there! Beverly and me." She smiles. "It seems so long ago."
chris107: "You know I don't agree with slavery, Beverly? And here we are doing something positive about it."
chris107: (Hakeem remembers Malenn rolling a 20!)
Smon: OOC recently reread episide 1 where Hakeem comes down from the hills and shags a certain blonde haired barmaid ...and never shags anyone else.
Smon: Yup!
chris107: (When you have the best....)
chris107: "Go get your sword oh mighty prince. We got some heads to chop."
Smon: (Yup!) Beverly looks to Hakeem eyes closed slightly, nods. "Where I come from it's been forbidden for centuries. Only on primitive worlds..."
Smon: " it still seen."
chris107: H nods and smiles at her warmly
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will get dolled up
chris107: H and M make their preperations. M donning a lone ranger style mask.
Smon: Beverly's eyes narrow: "You know I saw you kill that Orc? I asked you for help, that day."
chris107: (Can't be recognised if he's going to hold the office of spy master)
Smon: Her tone is a little cold.
chris107: "I remember."
chris107: "I was young and had just done a lot of bleeding. There were several more Orcs."
Smon: "I guess you were too wounded to help us. Then Aldo bought me... then Kogor bought me... then Ahyf and the docks."
chris107: "We both would not likely be here today if I had done more."
chris107: "But I am sorry ."
chris107: "And we will all try to make it up to you."
Smon: Beverly nods. "Of course. I meant no disrespect... What matters is you're here now, finally, sorting things out."
Smon: Malenn looks to her husband, then to Bev.
Smon: Malenn: "Beverly.... There will never be slavery here, ever again. We're going to stay in Ahyf and make things right."
chris107: "We were all here at the beggining. We will all be here to see how it ends."
chris107: Hakeem hugs his wife.
Smon: Beverly nods, looking very moved. She reaches out and takes Malenn's hand.
Smon: Malenn hugs H back.
Smon: Then after a long moment stands, teary-eyed. "Well... let's get to work!"
Smon: brb beer
chris107: "Lead on Prince Sandor!"
Smon: GM: What's the plan? Are you collecting Hendryk & a redshirt?
Smon: Where are you going?
chris107: Sandor is in charge.
chris107: It's his city after all.
Sandor Sunneson: Yes, Hendyrk and a redshirt and into the sewage system via the outlet we go
chris107: M looking mysterious with his hood up and mask on.
Sandor Sunneson: Hakeem, you see something suspicious, you rage!
Smon: GM: Hendryk returns after 30 minutes as ordered, Sandor chooses a likely looking lad from the Watchmen and you head for the docks with Sandor, Hakeem & Maglor.
Sandor Sunneson: OOC: The watchman could jump up a level if he survives
Smon: Hendryk: "Keep a sharp eye out, Watchman Jonas. Could be Goblins - or worse!"
Smon: Jonas gulps.
chris107: Maglor has a nagging suspision that Hendryk is leading us into a trap so will be most watchful PP20)
Smon: Down at the docks, looks like all the coin girls are sleeping sweet dreams, but a stout fishwife looks up from gutting red halibuts to direct you to the outflow gate.
Smon: Just west of the docks. The stench is amazing!
chris107: M scans the thin crowd for suspicious looking characters.
Smon: Hendryk: "Nerathi engineering - they built to last/
Smon: "
Smon: H roll WIS+Prof
chris107: So close to the Bastion?
chris107: H or M?
Smon: It's not close to the bastion.
Smon: It's only just west of the merchant docks, this one.
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 4, (+6) = 10
chris107: is H
Smon: M can check
Smon: per
chris107 rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 16, (+9) = 25
chris107: for M
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
Smon: M doesn't see anyone particularly suspicious. A bleary eyed half-elf coin girl - Moondew - is just leaving the Airshark Inn, starting the day's work.
Sandor Sunneson: She looks tired
Sandor Sunneson: Hope that doesn't impact her efficiancy!
Smon: Hendryk: "Get down there and open that grate, Watchman Jonas."
Smon: Hendryk chortles at Sandor's quip.
chris107: "Please, allow me." Says M
Smon: "Very droll, milord. See those pointy ears? Half-elf. Barely needs sleep!"
chris107: He will scoot down to the gate alert for any traps.
chris107: M will rmember Hendryk's quip.
Smon: Jonas looks at the foul swirling muck from the outflow, the slippery stones down to it, and nods gratefully.
Smon: DC 8 acrobatics Maglor.
Smon: Pass auto?
chris107 rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 13, (+13) = 26
chris107: fails on a 1 I guess?
Sandor Sunneson: Never assume......
Smon: (no) Maglor balances on a couple slippery stones emerging from the foul stream.
chris107: wise words Fergus
chris107: He looks for evidence of a recent scuffle
Smon: He makes sure the rusty grate is untrapped.
chris107: and for any sign of traps.
Smon: OK survival WIS+Prof
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 9, (+5) = 14
Smon: Maglor doesn't see anything unusual, but it's clear the welded-shut rusty chain holding grate shut was burst, probably from the inside, with considerable strength.
Smon: Probably not by goblins.
Sandor Sunneson: Chris, your roles are 20,13,9, please roll up, not down!!!
chris107: Is the break rusted over or fresh looking?
Sandor Sunneson:
chris107: Sorry, M'Lord
Smon: Probably some time ago - the break on the hanging chain is rusty too.
chris107: He strains to hear any sound within
chris107 rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 7, (+9) = 16
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will eye his group looking at how they are coping, especially Jonas and Hendryk
chris107: Then pushes at the gate and enters, relying on his dark vision.
Smon: Just the gurgling of the fetid waters... Then Hakeem with 18 Passive Survival notices the foot(?) print at water's edge.
Smon: Manlike, bare, but with elongated, talon-like toes.
Smon: The guards are watching with interest from above.
Smon: The gate is stiff, but opens at M's push.
chris107: "Your Demonbrood pal?"
Sandor Sunneson: S: Looks like it
Sandor Sunneson: S: Is it fairly fresh?
chris107: Like a shadow among shadows Maglor slips in
chris107: Hakeem looks closely, sniffing. "14 hours old, maybe 14 hours and 5 minutes."
Smon: Maglor roll Investigation INT+prof
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 14, (+5) = 19
Smon: Vukas -
Smon: Notice anything Maglor?
chris107: Nice picture
chris107: Maglor wonders if he does?
Smon: GM: Narrow dry areas of the curved tunnel run on either side of the central sewer stream - at this time of year the 'water' level is low.
Smon: Manlike, bare, but with elongated, talon-like toes.
chris107: Ah!
chris107: Sorry I'm a bit dim sometimes
chris107: M sticks to the left hand dry side.
Smon: That's ok, Maglor is smart
chris107: Good job!
Smon: A short distance down, Maglor sees a waterfall - sewage-fall - splashing out from a wide pipe near the top of the east wall ahead, splashing down into the main sewer.
Smon: Looks like about a 3' wide pipe, 6'-9' above floor level.
chris107: He tries to make out anything lurking or hiding behind the water flow.
Smon: The sewer-fall is about 60' south from the outflow grate.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
chris107 rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 9, (+9) = 18
chris107: doesthe sewer continue past the pipe?
Smon: About 15' past the sewer fall is an improvised plank bridge e-w over the main sewer stream.
Smon: yup
chris107: (main stream running n-s?)
Smon: Looks like there are several dry archways past the bridge, 2 on W side, 1 on E.
Smon: yup
chris107: Got it. Thanks
Smon: The main tunnel is about 12' wide.
chris107: He will creep forward to the bridge
chris107: Keeping a watchful eye out for danger and traps.
chris107: trip wires and such
Smon: Is everyone else staying outside on the docks?
Smon: A few people - fishwives mostly - watch curiously.
chris107: If all is safe, M sneaks back for his friends
Smon: As they gut the night's catch.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: Roll Maglor stealth
Sandor Sunneson: lol
chris107: And there's Simon's 6!
chris107: Do I assume he was moving slowly?
chris107: I did say creep..
chris107 Rolls 1d20+13x2 and gets:
9 (+13) = 22
17 (+13) = 30
Sandor Sunneson: that means quietly but quickly
chris107: 22 or 30 if he was moving slowly
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 1, (+5) = 6
Sandor Sunneson: Someone slipped in the shit
Smon: A grey hunched figure dressed in rags is emerging from the nearest of the west tunnels just as Maglor crosses the bridge!
chris107: (In future can we assume if M is scouting it will be at half speed?)
chris107: M freezes
Smon: (yes) He just has time to press himself to the west wall before it can spot him.
chris107: (thanks) M looks closely at the filthy figure.
chris107: Trying to identify it.
Smon: It is bald, tall if not for the hunch, manlike, with red eyes that seem to glow with evil.
Smon: A foul grave stench emanates from it as it chews idly on a rat's hindquarters.
Smon: Maglor roll a DC 12 CON save
chris107: He holds his breath, hoping it passes without noticing him.
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 14, (+5) = 19
Smon: Maglor manages not to throw up...
Smon: The creature glances left at the bridge, frowns slightly, then turns right (south), throwing the rat's arse into the sewer flow.
chris107: Towards the gate? Between M and his friends?
Smon: "Better go make the deal..." it mutters to itself as it moves away at a good pace, deeper into the sewers.
Smon: no south
chris107: Ah, my map is upside down then
chris107: He waits for it to pass from sight then creeps back to get his friends.
Smon: You entered a pipe on the extreme north edge of town where it flows into the sea.
chris107: Cool, got it now, altered my map
Sandor Sunneson: Well done Maglor, ok folks, got a chance of taking them by surprise here.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will say
chris107: Does it head past the archways?
Sandor Sunneson: S: We all ready?
Smon: The creature moves away past several arches in the west wall then where the sewer turns right/east about 60' or so away it passes out of sight.
chris107: H nods.
chris107: gotit, thanks Simon.
Sandor Sunneson: Maglor to Scout ahead?
chris107: H &S upfront?
Sandor Sunneson: Or that, yes, that'll work for me
chris107: "I've just done that m'lord."
chris107: M will slyly lurk 10' behind the redshirts.
Smon: Maglor can have Inspiration.
Sandor Sunneson: I thought beyond the scouted area
chris107: "I think it is time for your sword to do the work now. Stop this vile ghoul making it's deal?"
Smon: Hendryk: "Are we following the ghoul?"
chris107: H to S "Better listen to him your lordship. He's smart."
chris107: M "That would be my advice."
chris107: H "Let's just bloody kill the thing!"
Sandor Sunneson: That was the plan
Smon: Hendryk: "Okay then! Let's go!" He tosses his ermine cloak to a nearby fishwife. "Guard that with your life, old nag!"
chris107: H gestures for the mighty prince to lead on.
Smon: GM everyone descending into the sewer roll DC 8 Acrobatics, DEX+prof
Sandor Sunneson: We lead on
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 15, (+3) = 18
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 18,
chris107: Slight of hand - can M drop the woman a GP and say sorry for his rudeness without been seen by the sergeant?
Smon: Jonas leaps down nimbly, as does Sandor.
chris107: H
Smon: Maglor, last in, drops the fishwife a gp.
chris107 rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 16, (+8) = 24
Smon: "Thankee kindly sir!" she grins toothlessly.
chris107: M
chris107 rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 11, (+13) = 24
Smon: The poos of men have no fear for Hakeem!
Sandor Sunneson:
Sandor Sunneson: Watch out for shinpads
chris107: M to fishwife. "New and better times are coming old one. Prince Sandor is a kindly ruler."
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 2, (+5) = 7
chris107: haha
Smon: She nods at Maglor, then laughs at the sudden anguished cry from Hendryk as he slips in the descent and face-plants right into the sewer stream.
Smon: "he he he he he he"
chris107: Instant Karma
Smon: Sandor Hakeem and Jonas are already inside, they watch as Hendryk pratfalls.
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Smon: 2 dmg
Smon: The shit-covered bastard rises gasping from the mire.
chris107: M helps him up
chris107: M is kindly too
Smon: M lands behind Hendryk, helps him to his feet and to the dry west side of the sewer.
Smon: Hendryk's smell should mask your approach!
Smon: Hendryk: "*gasp*... alright, alright! Let's go."
Smon: You proceed south down the tunnel, past 3 exits to west, one to east, to where the main pipe turns.
Sandor Sunneson: Might improve his AC as anything has to make a smell check DC27 or faint cos of the whiffs
Smon: Another exit leads south here, but Maglor is sure the ghoul went east.
Sandor Sunneson: Go west!
Sandor Sunneson: in the open air
Smon: About 20' down the main/east sewer tunnel there is a gap in the north wall where bricks have collapsed.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Smon: As you approach this gap (about 2' wide by 4' high) you sense danger is close.
Smon: About 20' further east another sewer inflow pipe splashes into the main flow from high on the south wall.
Smon: Hendryk eyes the crumbled bricks gap as you approach. There is a smell of rotten meat.
Smon: "Careful here..." he whispers.
chris107: Hakeem draws his sword, it begins to crackle as he concentrates his rage
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor draws his too, emulating the Big Man!
Smon: Maglor's darkvision can see that about 12' east past the inflow pipe is a narrow dry arch in the south wall.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Smon: Your swords crackle and flame.
Smon: The guards look on, awestruck.
chris107: M's sword remains sheathed so as better to blend into the darkness
Smon: Jonas: "Great Lords of Mercy! You look like two Heroes from the Ancient Sagas!
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 4,
chris107: Hakeem big white toothy grin smiles at the lad.
Smon: At Jonas' words, a pale hairless ghoul-head pokes out from the crumbled gap, and snarls...
Smon: roll init
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 6,
chris107 Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
8 (+2) = 10
5 (+2) = 7
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 18, (+5) = 23
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor draws his too, emulating the Big Man!
Sandor Sunneson: in the open air
Sandor Sunneson: Go west!
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 12, (+3) = 15
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 10, (+2) = 12
chris107: Maglor, cunning action. Hide.
Smon: Maglor & Sandor win init
chris107 rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 18, (+13) = 31
Smon: Maglor presses against the north wall, just east of the gap.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will attack a ghoul
Smon: Sandor strikes at the head - AC 17
Sandor Sunneson: with Vera, his nickname for the firesword
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 7,
Sandor Sunneson: +10=17
Smon: 2 atts
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 1,
Smon: roll dmg
Smon: 1 hit
Sandor Sunneson: +10=11
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: 1 is auto miss
Sandor Sunneson: at least I've got it out the way
Smon: & auto fail saves
Smon: Hendryk:
Smon: /roll d20+3
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 7,
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 2, (+3) = 5
Smon: Jonas
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 4, 6, = 10
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 19, (+1) = 20
Sandor Sunneson: 17+9=26
chris107: Good old Jonas
Smon: Sandor lops off the ghoul head with a fiery blow.
Smon: Jonas moves to flank the hole, Readied to strike.
Smon: The headless ghoul corpse collapses - then is pulled back, out of sight!
Smon: You hear chittering - a LOT of chittering.
Smon: Hendryk: "Ghouls!"
chris107: Does it look like more of the wall could be colapsed?
Smon: Investigation roll
chris107: H was asking
chris107 rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 4, (+6) = 10
Smon: H can't tell.
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 6, (+1) = 7
chris107: "Rats!"
Smon: Hendryk "How would I know?!"
Smon: M&S can roll, INT+prof
chris107: Hakeem using his rage will pull at the bricks
chris107: trying to enlarge the hole
chris107 Rolls 1d20+13x2 and gets:
17 (+13) = 30
8 (+13) = 21
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
11 = 11
20 = 20
Smon: Hakeem finds the bricks don't need pulling - with his mighty strength his shield bash collapses a broad swathe inwards.
Sandor Sunneson: 16 and 25
Smon: Within moments bricks come tumbling down before the Godslayer's wrath, a wall almost 15' long is gone!
chris107: "Opps."
Smon: Beyond you see a very large, half-collapsed basement.
Smon: The stench is appalling. Fresh blood and guts mixed with bits of cow and pig are dripping down onto the mass of naked grey feral forms - a whole ghoul pack!
Smon: Nearly 20, it looks like!
chris107: "GRRRRRRR!"
Smon: As the wall comes down they screech and surge towards you in a tight-packed mass!
chris107: (Berserker as already raging due to Persistant Rage)
Smon: GM: OK Hakeem's Action collapsed the wall/
chris107: M stays hidden (31 I think)
Smon: (still round 1 technically)
Smon: Hendryk stabs at the first ghoul coming at him...
Sandor Sunneson: Can we get into a row where minimal attacks are on us?
Smon: Yes 5 of you, Maglor and Hendryk at the ends with cover
Smon: The close packed ghouls - 1 vs Maglor or Hakeem, 2 each vs Hakem Sandor Jonas, 1 vs Hendryk
chris107: M is hidden?
Smon: yup
chris107: 31
Smon: so he'll be ignored unless attacks
chris107: thanks
Smon: Hendryk attack w rapier
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 11, (+5) = 16
Smon: hit
Smon: /roll d8+10
Smon rolls 1d8+10 and gets: 7, (+10) = 17
chris107: nice
Smon: He wounds his ghoul
Smon: #23 Maglor your go
Smon: The mass of ghouls surge at the others, ignoring you just round the east corner
chris107: Maglor looms out of the shadows to strike at a ghoul
Smon: advtg
Smon: AC 14
chris107 Rolls 1d20+10x2 and gets:
15 (+10) = 25
1 (+10) = 11
Smon: hit
chris107 rolls 8d6+5 and gets: 5, 6, 6, 2, 4, 5, 4, 5, (+5) = 42
Smon: SA
Smon: Maglor dispatches a ghoul
chris107: He grins behind his fiery blade
Smon: The ones behind turn in his direction, hissing...
Smon: He can retreat out of their range?
chris107: That would leave his friends exposed
chris107: he holds the line
Smon: Well, Hakeem exposed on the right flank
Smon: ok brave Maglor
chris107: When he needs to be
Smon: #15 Sandor can strike at the mass of ghouls
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 18,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
Smon: 2 hits
chris107: Nice
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 1,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 5, 6, = 11
Smon: try to be quicker, or use average dmg please
Sandor Sunneson: =21
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 4,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 3, 5, = 8
Smon: It takes 2 blows to kill a wretched ghoul!
Smon: #12 Ghould
Smon: A cunning Ghast spots Maglor and reaches for him round the edge of fallen bricks.
Smon: "Come to me my pretty..."
Smon: Maglor roll Athletics or Acrobatics at +2
chris107: M will use uncanny dodge
chris107 rolls 1d20+15 and gets: 2, (+15) = 17
Smon: that halves dmg
chris107: acrobatics
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 4, (+3) = 7
Smon: Whew!
chris107: Yeah, I typed that while you were typing.
Smon: Maglor dodges the grasping talons.
chris107: Phew
Smon: 2 ghouls attack Hakeem
Smon: /roll d20+4x4
chris107: AC25
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x4 and gets:
1 (+4) = 5
3 (+4) = 7
12 (+4) = 16
3 (+4) = 7
Smon: no effect on the Godslayer
Smon: 2 on Sandor
Smon: /roll d20+4x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x4 and gets:
10 (+4) = 14
8 (+4) = 12
18 (+4) = 22
14 (+4) = 18
Smon: AC?
Sandor Sunneson: 1 hit (22)
Smon: /roll 2d6+2
Smon rolls 2d6+2 and gets: 6, 3, (+2) = 11
Smon: 11 dmg & DC 10 CON save
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 15,
Sandor Sunneson: Rage =1/2 damage? No?
Smon: Sandor shrugs off the paralysing touch.
Smon: yup
Smon: slashing
Sandor Sunneson: 11/5=6 damage? or is it rounded down?
Smon: Jonas slashes at the oncoming ghould horde
Smon: 5 dmg
Smon: /roll d20+4
Sandor Sunneson: Not fought for ages, too much politics and yapping!
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 14, (+4) = 18
Sandor Sunneson: 129/134
Smon: hit
Smon: /roll d8+2
Smon rolls 1d8+2 and gets: 5, (+2) = 7
chris107: (Hope Jonas survives!)
Smon: A ghoul attacks him:
Smon: /roll d20+4x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x2 and gets:
15 (+4) = 19
4 (+4) = 8
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: /roll 2d6+2
Smon rolls 2d6+2 and gets: 3, 3, (+2) = 8
Smon: /roll d20+1
Sandor Sunneson: OOC: oops
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 2, (+1) = 3
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: He's paralysed
Smon: /roll d20+4x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x4 and gets:
18 (+4) = 22
2 (+4) = 6
5 (+4) = 9
20 (+4) = 24
Smon: auto crits
chris107: Ouch, poor Jonas
Smon: /roll 4d6+8
Smon rolls 4d6+8 and gets: 1, 6, 3, 5, (+8) = 23
Smon: The second ghoul rips his face off.
Smon: Hendryk: "Rather him than me..."
Smon: The ghouls pour into the gap in your line!
chris107: He's a real charmer isn't he?
Smon: 2 more ghouls leap over Jonas's corpse to attack Sandor
Smon: /roll d20+4x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x4 and gets:
2 (+4) = 6
13 (+4) = 17
4 (+4) = 8
1 (+4) = 5
Smon: miss?
Sandor Sunneson: all miss
Smon: 2 attack Hendryk, now cut off to the west of the rest of you/
Smon: /roll d20+4x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x4 and gets:
9 (+4) = 13
14 (+4) = 18
8 (+4) = 12
8 (+4) = 12
Smon: AC 16 (no shield, he's a Rogue in chain shirt)
Smon: /roll 2d6+2
Smon rolls 2d6+2 and gets: 1, 4, (+2) = 7
Smon: con save
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 20, (+4) = 24
Sandor Sunneson: nice
chris107: phew
Sandor Sunneson: rolled DM
Smon: uncanny dodge, 3 dmg
Smon: #10 Hakeem's turn
chris107 Rolls 1d20+16x3 and gets:
14 (+16) = 30
17 (+16) = 33
12 (+16) = 28
chris107 rolls 2d8+14 and gets: 6, 7, (+14) = 27
chris107 rolls 2d8+14 and gets: 5, 7, (+14) = 26
chris107 rolls 2d8+14 and gets: 3, 5, (+14) = 22
Smon: Hendryk: "Bugger this..." he starts to back away from the oncoming ghoul horde
Smon: 22 hp each, Hakeem goes Berserk as the Sword of Bondorr cleaves through 3 ghoul-things!
Sandor Sunneson: Chop Chop Slice
chris107: "GRRRR!2
Smon: 12 left, 6 dead
Smon: Hakeem & Maglor roll a DC 10 CON save from ghast stench
chris107: H
chris107 Rolls 1d20+14x2 and gets:
5 (+14) = 19
18 (+14) = 32
chris107: M
chris107 rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 11, (+5) = 16
Sandor Sunneson: Can Sandor and Hakeem fall back so fewer are attacking them?
Smon: ok you are immune to ghoul stench for 24 hrs now
Smon: You have a line Maglor-Hakeem-Sandor...
chris107: Hakeem is not falling back anywhere! He's a raging berserker!
Sandor Sunneson: Ok
Smon: The ghouls are pouring out around Sandor at the w end of the line
Smon: Hakeem is fine
chris107: He didn't give an inch to Kainos he's not going to pee his pants over a few ghouls
Smon: #5 Hendryk - he Disengages, flees, bonus action Dash - he sprints for the exit like a good Rogue should.
Smon: Hendryk disappears from view, outpacing the ghouls who turn back towards Sandor & co. Next round #23 - Maglor
Smon: Maglor is in melee w the ghast
chris107: Can M use his proximity to H to sneak attack?
Smon: Yup, but no advtg, AC 15 w cover
chris107 rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 1, (+10) = 11
chris107: Bugger
Smon: The ghast cackles.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: lucky
chris107: Maglor AC17
Smon: #15 Sandor - 4 ghouls are on you
Smon: Will be 5-6 shortly
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
20 = 20
18 = 18
chris107: Does the Ghast look familiar to M?
Smon: no
Sandor Sunneson: Crit!
Smon: It's naked, the thing he saw earlier wore ragged finery.
chris107: Nice one Ferg!
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d8 and gets: 5, 2, = 7
Sandor Sunneson rolls 4d6 and gets: 6, 4, 2, 1, = 13
chris107: Thanks
Sandor Sunneson: +9=29
Smon: kill
Smon: next one has 15 hp
Sandor Sunneson: 18+10=29
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 4, 4, = 8
Smon: was stabbed by the redshirt
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 8,
Sandor Sunneson: +9=bye bye
chris107: Nice!
Sandor Sunneson: 24
Smon: Sandor cuts 2 down. A ghast is moving up behind them - roll CON save DC 10 Sandor
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 19,
chris107: Yay!
Smon: immune to ghast stench for 24 hrs
Sandor Sunneson: +10=29
Smon: #12 Ghast attacks Maglor
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
4 (+5) = 9
6 (+5) = 11
chris107: AC17
Smon: (+2 for cover too)
chris107: Uncanny dadge
Smon: miss
Smon: The ghouls are round behind Sandor & Hakeem now, splasing through the sewer water, clawing & biting.
Smon: 3 on Hakeem
Smon: /roll d20+4x6
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x6 and gets:
15 (+4) = 19
12 (+4) = 16
9 (+4) = 13
20 (+4) = 24
5 (+4) = 9
6 (+4) = 10
chris107: AC25
Smon: 1 crit hits
Smon: /roll 4d6+2
Smon rolls 4d6+2 and gets: 1, 3, 5, 4, (+2) = 15
Smon: 15/2=7 dmg w rage
chris107 Rolls 1d20+14x2 and gets:
6 (+14) = 20
6 (+14) = 20
Smon: DC 10 CON save first
Sandor Sunneson: you ok Big Man?
chris107: 318/325
Smon: saves
Smon: can riposte?
Smon: LOL
chris107: Riposte
chris107 rolls 1d20+16 and gets: 3, (+16) = 19
Smon: hit
chris107 rolls 2d8+14 and gets: 4, 6, (+14) = 24
Smon: kills
Smon: 5 ghouls on Sandor
Smon: /roll d20+4x10
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x10 and gets:
20 (+4) = 24
12 (+4) = 16
3 (+4) = 7
4 (+4) = 8
14 (+4) = 18
18 (+4) = 22
15 (+4) = 19
11 (+4) = 15
10 (+4) = 14
5 (+4) = 9
Smon: AC 21?
Sandor Sunneson: Oui
chris107: Hakeem looks just fine, grinning wolfishly as he hacks around him.
Smon: 1 hit & 1 crit
Smon: /roll 6d6+4
Smon rolls 6d6+4 and gets: 2, 1, 4, 1, 2, 3, (+4) = 17
Sandor Sunneson: 17/2=8 damage
Smon: 17/2 = 8 dmg w rage & 2 DC 10 CON saves
Sandor Sunneson: 121
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
16 = 16
19 = 19
chris107: nice
Smon: 2nd ghast attacks Sandor
Sandor Sunneson: +bonus=pass
Smon: /roll d20+5x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x2 and gets:
18 (+5) = 23
12 (+5) = 17
Smon: 1 hit
Smon: /roll 2d8+3
Smon rolls 2d8+3 and gets: 8, 5, (+3) = 16
chris107: ouch
Smon: 16/2 = 8 dmg
Smon: DC 10 CON save
Sandor Sunneson: 113/134damage
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 8,
Smon: #10 HAKEEM!!!
chris107 Rolls 1d20+16x3 and gets:
17 (+16) = 33
9 (+16) = 25
14 (+16) = 30
chris107 rolls 2d8+14 and gets: 1, 3, (+14) = 18
chris107 rolls 2d8+14 and gets: 3, 3, (+14) = 20
chris107 rolls 2d8+14 and gets: 6, 8, (+14) = 28
Smon: 2 hits to kill, 3rd kills a second
chris107: Back to M?
Smon: Hakeem finds himself without adversaries, a pile of corpses heaped before him.
Smon: 7 left
Smon: Next round #23 Maglor
chris107 rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 20, (+10) = 30
Smon: Crits
Sandor Sunneson: Yes!
Smon: M stabs the ghast in the eye
chris107 rolls 11d6+5 and gets: 6, 4, 2, 4, 6, 3, 1, 3, 1, 5, 1, (+5) = 41
Smon: 36 hp - it's killed!
Smon: #15 Sandor
chris107: Maglor looks pleased beneath the lone ranger mask
Smon: S spots a ghoul wounded by Hendryk (5 hp)
Smon: The other 5 attacking him are fine
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 12,
Smon: 5 hp, killed
Sandor Sunneson: killed
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
Smon: AC 12, hit?
Sandor Sunneson: +10=12
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d200 and gets: 53
Sandor Sunneson: sorry,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 8,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 2, 6, = 8
Smon: Sandor cuts down a second ghoul.
Sandor Sunneson: 16+9=25
chris107: Nice
Smon: Only 4 are left now in the corpse-clogged sewer tunnel.
Smon: #12 ghouls - the Ghast gives a chittering yelp, all 4 turn and flee west! Hakeem & Sandor get opp atts
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 9,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
Sandor Sunneson: 2 hits
Smon: (they Dash & Move)
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 5,
Smon: 1 opp att
chris107 rolls 1d20+16 and gets: 4, (+16) = 20
Smon: no such thing as multi opp att
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 4, 4, = 8
chris107 rolls 2d8+14 and gets: 5, 1, (+14) = 20
Sandor Sunneson: 13+9=22
Sandor Sunneson: 1 dead, 1 x HP2
Smon: Sandor kills one, Hakeem just dings his target; the 3 survivors flee pell-mell from you, down the sewer tunnel then left down the south turn-off.
Smon: 15 ghoul things & 1 red shirt lie dead.
chris107: "Let them go. We're after their boss."
Sandor Sunneson: Good XP that I think
chris107: "Poor lad. He was brave."
Smon: I can play on, no work tomorrow?
Smon: 3 min break?
Sandor Sunneson: We not rping tomorrow morning?
chris107: Kyle working until midnight so I'm good.
chris107: Sure, I'll grab a tea
Smon: we play at 8.30am!
Smon: but i can do 45 mins now
Sandor Sunneson: ok, will stop at 2330
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, 45 mins, I'm not at my house,at Dad's
Smon: What do you do now?
chris107: Hakeem looks for tracks heading further east. 1 set
chris107: Maglor scans the room for doors or hidden doors
Smon: OK you head east, passing the inflow on south wall and reaching the southern side tunnel, muck on the floor.
Smon: Roll Survival.
Smon: WIS+prof
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 14,
chris107: +2 as alt barb
Sandor Sunneson: +5=19
chris107 rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 14, (+8) = 22
Sandor Sunneson: +2=21
Smon: The ghoul room had no treasure or exits, just the pipes depositing offal.
Smon: Dunno about Sandor, but Hakeem spots lots of tracks in the south tunnel including a recent pair of bare taloned feet.
chris107: "That's our fellow."
Smon: It looks like this tunnel is well used, but when you follow it south, you see ahead it has collapsed!
Sandor Sunneson: On we go
Smon: What's your passive perceptions?
chris107: Maglor 20
chris107: H 16
Sandor Sunneson: 15 Sandor
Smon: /roll d20+10
Smon rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 2, (+10) = 12
Sandor Sunneson: 16 sorry
Smon: GM: The tracks all seem to stop about 15' ahead of the collapsed rubble pile - looking around you easily deduce they go to an area in the east wall.
chris107: 21 for M sorry
Smon: Maglor finds a hidden catch of the secret door opening sort. :
chris107: M creeps up to it and inspects it
chris107: He listens first for sounds beyond and inspects the mechanism for traps
Smon: Looks like you flip catch and push door in.
Smon: Roll percep
chris107 rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 5, (+10) = 15
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 6,
Smon: don't see any traps or hear anything
chris107: He silently gestures how it's opened and slips back into the shadows
Sandor Sunneson: sorry,
chris107: Hakeem offers Sandor the honours.
Sandor Sunneson: Head towards door
Sandor Sunneson: Ready to rage
chris107: Hakeem at his shoulder, Maglor lurking to the side against the wall
chris107: Hakeem rages.
chris107: (Got to love unlimited Rages )
Smon: (we can assume you rage every 10 r)
Smon: (unless asleep)
Sandor Sunneson: Apush in door
chris107: (Cool)
Smon: Bill suggests this is why Hakeem so grouchy lately
Smon: The door opens...
chris107: hehe
Smon: You see a landing and a short flight of stone steps leading up. Soft golden light comes from down the steps.
chris107: (I wonder how Daddy would feel if I stole all his wages at the end of the month without asking?)
Smon: At the top of the steps iron gates stand open, and beyond is a great vaulted chamber.
chris107: Broad enough for two?
Smon: You should be roughly underneath the Town Hall, BTW.
Smon: yup
chris107: Cripes!
Smon: Maglor's sensitive ears pick up soft conversation.
chris107: Hakem moves forward, the Sword of Bondorr ignites.
Smon: Hakeem is first up the stairs, through the open gates and into a great collonnaded market hall.
Smon: Here and there cowled and cloaked figures, mostly human dwarf gnome & goblin, are in conversation.
chris107: Subteranian?
Smon: yup
Smon: Columns support the vaulted ceiling overhead.
chris107: "The Black Market!"
Smon: Round the nearest column a rusty iron staircase winds up to a platform near the ceiling.
chris107: How high?
Smon: Just west of it, about 20' from Hakeem, is a 10' high wooden raised platform on which stands a goblin sentry armed with bow, looking down at Hakeem.
Smon: At least 30' - the hillock of the town hall is about 150' so plenty of space underneath.
chris107: thanks
Smon: There are vendor tents along the walls.
chris107: Can we see what's on the platform?
Sandor Sunneson: Guess they are empty (no vendors)??
Smon: (no, way too high) In the centre of the Black Market is a slave pen and sales block.
Smon: No you see several occupied.
Smon: A pasty pale grey dwarf is buying rat on a stick from a Goblin vendor.
Smon: Just south of the slave pen is a largem brightly lit tent with sign - "The Cut Purse - C'mon In!"
Smon: Maglor joins Hakeem.
chris107: "That's where we're going!"
Sandor Sunneson: Well it does say Come in!
chris107: Maglor slips off into the crowd trusting to his cloak and cowl.
Smon: Maglor sees the clothed ghoul he saw earlier at the slave pens & block, talking with another ghoul, this one in tall hat & long coat.
chris107: Hakeem strides bo;dly towards the Cut Purse
chris107: M shadows him from among the crowd.
Smon: The slave pens appear empty, but kneeling on the slave block in a display stance is a beautiful naked blonde woman, eyes downcast, collared and chained.
Smon: A sign round her neck says "Babs d'Ashe - Noble - 500gp ONO"
chris107: (Does M recognise her?)
Smon: her face is unfamiliar
Smon: she has a *great* pic though for us bosom fans
chris107: (The slavers woman)
chris107: (Poetic justice)
chris107: hehe
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: for Fergus -
chris107: "Your call Prince Sandor. It's your town."
Smon: The crowd stirs as Hakeem strides forward, the crackling sword of Bondorr held high.
Sandor Sunneson: TYVM
Smon: M & H roll perception to overhear ghoul conversation
Smon: DC 14
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 1,
Sandor Sunneson:
Sandor Sunneson: deaf
chris107 rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 20, (+10) = 30
chris107: Maglor's keen elven ears
Smon: Maglor hears the ghoul you followed talking:
Smon: "Yeah Dobricar, one of the Coin Girls - boys nabbed her last night. Bit skinny, but Jayeeza might want her..."
Smon: Dobricar: "Yeah, reckon you'll be doin' a lot more nabbin' coin girls now... 50 gold?"
Smon: "50?! Cut me own throat?!"
chris107: She has a score to pay
Smon: Both ghouls break off at the sight of Hakeem approaching.
chris107: He cuts them down
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will attack too if required
Smon: Maglor gets a glimpse into the Cut Purse, sees a gambling den with two human girls in bunny-rabbit outfits operating a gambling wheel & card table; about eight punters.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: Vukas is looking on benevolently.
Smon: OK Hakeem charges, Sandor following - roll init.
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 3, (+3) = 6
chris107 Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
18 (+2) = 20
14 (+2) = 16
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 10,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 17,
Sandor Sunneson: +3=20
Smon: You win - which do you attack first?
chris107: top hat
Smon: ok
Smon: AC 16
chris107 Rolls 1d20+16x2 and gets:
15 (+16) = 31
13 (+16) = 29
chris107 rolls 4d8+28 and gets: 3, 6, 2, 2, (+28) = 41
Smon: Hakeem cuts through the ghoul's scalemail undershirt
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will attack that one too if it is still standing, if not the other one
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 14,
Smon: Still up
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 20,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 8,
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 5, 3, = 8
Smon: As he staggers back Sandor strikes, stabbing him in the chest!
Sandor Sunneson: 16+9=25
chris107: nice!
Smon: still up
Sandor Sunneson: crit
Sandor Sunneson rolls 4d6 and gets: 2, 2, 2, 1, = 7
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d8 and gets: 3, 2, = 5
chris107: unlucky
Smon: As he staggers back, gasping, the flaming sword cleaves into his neck, severing his head from the shoulders!
Sandor Sunneson: 12+9 plus I think an extra damage roll too?
Smon: had 12
chris107: Yay!
chris107: What a team!
Smon: Dobricar's headless corpse falls.
Smon: The blonde on the slave block looks up, eyes open wide.
chris107: Maglor slips in and tries to release the lady
Smon: The second ghoul flees west (2 opp atts)
chris107: (Thieves tools? Sleight of hand?)
Smon: AC 16
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 14,
chris107 rolls 1d20+16 and gets: 18, (+16) = 34
Sandor Sunneson: hit
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 4,
chris107 rolls 2d8+14 and gets: 1, 3, (+14) = 18
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 6, 5, = 11
Smon: Maglor leaps onto the altar block, working the locks on the Lady d'Ashville's chains.
Sandor Sunneson: 15+9=24 from S
Smon: Thievery DC 20 Maglor
chris107: M
Sandor Sunneson: 42 damage in total
chris107 rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 17, (+10) = 27
Smon: The wounded ghoul staggers but keeps going, fleeing into the crowd.
Smon: Maglor slips the locks, unnoticed by the goblin sentries dotted on platforms around the hall, who start shooting at M & S.
Sandor Sunneson: to the tent?
chris107: "Now for Vulkas?"
chris107: Tent?
Smon: 6 shots, d6 on H
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
chris107: Bugger
Smon: 1 on H
Smon: /roll d20+4x2
chris107: AC17 for M
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x2 and gets:
8 (+4) = 12
4 (+4) = 8
Smon: miss
Smon: 5 on S
chris107: 25 for H
Smon: /roll d20+4x10
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x10 and gets:
8 (+4) = 12
8 (+4) = 12
9 (+4) = 13
7 (+4) = 11
4 (+4) = 8
20 (+4) = 24
1 (+4) = 5
4 (+4) = 8
6 (+4) = 10
9 (+4) = 13
Smon: 1 crit
chris107: cripes!
Smon: /roll 2d6+2
Smon rolls 2d6+2 and gets: 3, 3, (+2) = 8
chris107: That was lucky
Smon: 8 dmg Sandor
chris107: uncanny doddge
chris107: 69/73HP
Smon: S & M duck into the tent while Maglor gets the girl off the block?
Sandor Sunneson: 107/134
Smon: No that was on Sandor
chris107: Oh sorry
Smon: no attacks on sneaky Maglor, only on shining sword guys
Sandor Sunneson: You can take it if you want
Smon: In the Cut Purse the bunny girls shriek, punters dive for cover.
chris107: Can M make a break quietly for the way we came in? (I think he should get her to the surface)
Smon: Vukas looks up as H & S burst in.
Smon: What's M's STR?
chris107: (If H &S can't handle this no one can)
chris107: Str 8 but he's a great acrobat and will duck and weave and slide around
Smon: If he can scoop her up in his arms he could leap off the block, Dash & flee before the Market is truly alert.
Smon: Ok he takes her hand... no dash then unless he leaves her behind...
chris107: He was more thinking of slipping her beneath his cloak asnd sidling away
chris107: Hiding her almost, using his illusion to make it look like he's carrying a sack
11:41pm 2018-2-16 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
chris107: Hakeem slashes at V
Smon: As Maglor comes down from the slave block with Lady Barbara d'Ashe, two of the grey-skinned evil looking dwarves are emerging from a line of curtained alcoves on the south wall marked "Slave Brothel"
Smon: OK Maglor roll - Arcana?
Smon: for the Illusion?
chris107 rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 14, (+1) = 15
Smon: pass just!
Smon: Then Deception
Smon: CHA_Prof
chris107 rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 2, (+4) = 6
chris107: fewk
11:43pm 2018-2-16 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
Smon: The Kazadurgar move in front of Maglor - "You - stop!"
Smon: Meanwhile H&S attack Vuthrak?
Smon: roll init then
Smon: In tent so out of goblin arrow shot
11:43pm 2018-2-16 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
chris107: Maglor spills his bag of 100GP on the floor and grabbing her hand legs it!
Sandor Sunneson: lol, comp disconnects
chris107 Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
16 (+2) = 18
19 (+2) = 21
Smon: Maglor roll decept
Smon: w advtg
chris107 Rolls 1d20+4x2 and gets:
14 (+4) = 18
17 (+4) = 21
Smon: GM: OK, the greedy dwarves stop to grab the gold & Maglor hustles the beautiful noblewoman out of the Hall, back down the western steps.
Smon: Vuthrak init
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 14, (+2) = 16
Smon: H slashes at V as he raises his hands to protect himself.
Smon: Hakeem roll to hit then
chris107 Rolls 1d20+16x2 and gets:
1 (+16) = 17
15 (+16) = 31
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor attacks him
Smon: AC 16
Smon: did sandor roll init?
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
7 = 7
11 = 11
chris107 rolls 2d8+14 and gets: 1, 4, (+14) = 19
Sandor Sunneson: 11+3=14
Smon: Hakeem lightly wounds him.
Smon: Vuthrak: "Stop! Why are you attacking me?!"
chris107: (Too eager)
chris107: "The black market is closed!2
Sandor Sunneson: Cos you were planning on raiding our vaults
Smon: Vuthrak readies with a shortsword but does not strike back.
Sandor Sunneson Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
11 = 11
19 = 19
Smon: The tiefling blinks. "What? You mean that idle chatter... ow!"
Smon: Readied hit on Sandor
Smon: /roll d20+7
Sandor Sunneson rolls 2d8 and gets: 6, 2, = 8
Smon rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 10, (+7) = 17
Sandor Sunneson rolls 4d8 and gets: 6, 2, 6, 1, = 15
Smon: ??
Sandor Sunneson: 31 damage
Smon: 4d8?
Smon: 4d6?
Smon: wrong dice?
Sandor Sunneson: sorry, it's late
Smon: not that late
Sandor Sunneson rolls 4d6 and gets: 1, 5, 4, 1, = 11
Sandor Sunneson: 19+9=28
Smon: if you used avg dmg you'd save time AND mistakes
Sandor Sunneson: can do if you want
chris107: But loose the fun of rolling
Sandor Sunneson: true
Smon: Vuthrik: "You'd really murder an innocent man for a bit of idle gossip?!"
Sandor Sunneson: I'm finishing at 12
chris107: "And selling human slaves to Ghouls you bastard!"
Smon: Maglor gets the naked lady down the steps and through the secret door.
chris107: He hushes her and with dark vision only helps her towars the entrance
Smon: "I only sell people who welsh (Tharb) on their gambling debts! I don't kidnap people! That's the ghouls!"
chris107: "You heartless bastard! Die!"
Smon: H&S see a crowd of onlookers gather behind them at the tent exit.
Smon: H can attack
chris107 Rolls 1d20+16x2 and gets:
2 (+16) = 18
20 (+16) = 36
Smon: 65 hp left
chris107 rolls 9d8+28 and gets: 6, 7, 8, 7, 2, 8, 1, 4, 5, (+28) = 76
Sandor Sunneson: lol, nice
chris107: Hakeem really doesn't like slavers
Smon: Hakeem's mighty weapon slaughters the demonbrood, blood and guts spilling across the gambling tent.
Smon: The crowd decide they'd really rather be elsewhere, and flee...
Smon: roll Intimidate Hakeem
Smon: w advtg
chris107: (Strength or Charisma?)
Sandor Sunneson: imagine he rolls a 1
Smon: STR
chris107 Rolls 1d20+9x2 and gets:
12 (+9) = 21
1 (+9) = 10
chris107: is Charisma
Smon: 21 is a pass
chris107: 25 if str
Smon: Seeing Vukas, Mayor of the Black Market, brutally slaughtered, the punters and guards flee.
chris107: H winks at S "Well it's a stert."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will grab a fleeing guard
Smon: Cutting a long story short: You round up 6 bedraggled slave girls from the slave brothel, loot 5,647 gp in cash, Sandor grabs a goblin.
Sandor Sunneson: Where's the singer lady?
Smon: Maglor gets the Lady out the sewer pipe, where Sergeant Hendryk is waiting.
Smon: The goblin squeaks in terror.
chris107: Can we get poor Jonas' body back for a decent burial after blessing by Camus
Sandor Sunneson: He will be the face of the Revolution
Smon: Hendryk: "Ah! You have apprehended the mistress of Rolth the Slaver! Well done Sir Maglor! Shall I escort her to the cells to join her beau?"
Sandor Sunneson: The New Beginning,
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 10,
Smon: The goblin appears to have no idea what "singer lady" refers to.
Sandor Sunneson: He will be the face of the Revolution
Sandor Sunneson: Where's the singer lady?
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will grab a fleeing guard
chris107: "I'll take her thank you sergeant but you can show me the way."
Smon: You did - the guards are goblins!!!
Sandor Sunneson: Ok folks, I'm stopping, need to drive home
chris107: Cool, nice on Ferg!
Smon: Lady D'Ashe: "Please, Sergeant, I didn't do anyting wrong!" she says plaintively.
Smon: bye Gergus
Smon: F
Sandor Sunneson: If you want tidy up et al, how many XP points there??
chris107: M takes her to Beverly first,
chris107: without the sergeant
Smon: (XP Later ) Hendryk leers at Lady Barbara. "Father Camus has plans for slavers like you!"
chris107: Magolr to H "Leave the prisoner be."
Sandor Sunneson: ok, ciao for now :, play on if you want
chris107: "And be about your duties."
Smon: Maglor escorts Barbara to the Town Hall with Hendryk.
Smon: roll Intimidate Mag
chris107: See you Fergus! Drive safely.
12:03am 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
chris107: M never intimidates, he makes suggestions.
chris107 rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 7, (+3) = 10
12:04am 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
chris107: 11
chris107: should be +4
Sandor Sunneson: waiting for download to compete
Smon: Hendryk snorts: "This creature is the lover of Rolth, most notorious slaver in Ahyf! She should be in irons beside him!"
Smon: Barbara: "Please! Sarene killed my husband! I had nowhere else to go!"
12:05am 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has exited the room
Smon: Hendryk shakes his head.
chris107: "And she will be dear boy. Now don't you need to change your pants?"
12:05am 2018-2-17 Sandor Sunneson Has entered the room
Smon: Hendryk is pretty stinky
Smon: His cloak is immaculate though.
Smon: ok roll persuasion Mag
Sandor Sunneson: So when we continuing S/H/M?
Smon: Monday 8pm
chris107: "We could always wait for my friend Hakeem. You could explain to him why you ran away?"
Smon: Hendryk: "I need to wash up..."
chris107 rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 18, (+4) = 22
Smon: Hendryk exits hurriedly.
Smon: Barbara puts an arm round Maglor. "Thank you! You saved my life!"
Sandor Sunneson: Back to HQ then?
chris107: M is hoping that they can recover at least one slavers fortune now
Smon: The bosomy blonde noble hugs Maglor tightly.
chris107: Aye, we need to flush out the sewers but lets rest and think first
chris107: (Hope that lot should have got M to 10th? )
Smon: H & S load up on the loot they've found and exit the sewers, along with several rescued slave prostitutes - the bunny girls seem to have run off though.
Sandor Sunneson: Yes, maybe even an amnesty, if you hand in all GP made from slavery and free all slaves we let you go free not punished?
Smon: ok can do XP, hold up.
Smon: I have no idea who S thinks he's talking to, he is with Hakeem & 6 escaped slave girls
Sandor Sunneson: He's tired
Smon: (xp now, afk)
chris107: Have you a long drive home Ferg?
Sandor Sunneson: 15 minutes this time of night
Sandor Sunneson: Download complete too
chris107: Drive safely and enjoy your game in the morning
Sandor Sunneson: This will hopeflly get me close to B14
chris107: cool
Sandor Sunneson: much more fun than political banter
chris107: I need about 800 for R10
chris107: Well you could always gift Ayhf to Maglor?
Smon: 4833 XP each.
chris107: He quite likes this town
Sandor Sunneson: Long term I probably will
chris107: Nice!
Sandor Sunneson: But when brain is fresh it's not too bad
chris107: That's R10 for M
Smon: Cool
Sandor Sunneson: 138916/140000
chris107: I better get Kyle's supper on. Thanks fior the extra game!
Smon: ok stopping there
Smon: Next H&S Monday
chris107: Very close Fergus!
Sandor Sunneson: Cheers Simon, hopefully see you tomorrow am
Smon: That was fun
Smon: 8.30 yup!
Smon: bye noe
Smon: w
Sandor Sunneson: Night
chris107: Cheers guys, good night. Enjoy your games tomorrow.
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