Friday, 2 February 2018
30-31/7/47 Maglor & Sandor in Carchimish (600 XP)
City State of the World Emperor
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8:00pm 2018-2-02 Smon Has entered the room
chris107: Maglor is not an ambitious elf.
Smon: Hello
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor and Hakeem think the same, he doesn't see himself as Hakeem's subject, but is happy to work under him cos he knows how he thinks
chris107: Evening Simon
Sandor Sunneson: Hi Simon, right on time!
Smon: I thought had plenty of time, way back from gym looked at watch, 7.58!
chris107: Hakeem is all for freedom, he's CG/ But freedom has to be paid for with reponsibility.
Smon: What does Maglor want Chris?
chris107: Hope you jog back from the gym?
chris107: Maglor wants to be a shadow.
Sandor Sunneson: Exactly
chris107: Never seen, the power behind many thrones.
Smon: So not loyal to Anatal?
chris107: But most of all, Maglor wants to be the best thief, ever.
chris107: Oh Anatal has his utmost loyalty
Sandor Sunneson: What's the relationship between Anatal and Hakeem?
Sandor Sunneson: Does Sandor know he is a spy to the elven Queen?
chris107: He learned stuff there and likes them. Elves have a similar temperement to Hakeem.
Sandor Sunneson: Or has he kept that secret from his 'Master'??
chris107: Maglor likes secrets.
chris107: He hasn't told Sandor.
chris107: or anyone.
Sandor Sunneson: Cool, Lady Vex and her lucky guess eh
chris107: Maglor is very Thomas Cromwell.
Smon: Hakeem will have been in Anatal recently having friendly relations with the elves, when he hears of a dragon despoiling the sea lanes. Returning south the news gets worse - the village of Trade in Dragon Dominion has been utterly destroyed!
Smon: Reports indicate it must be the dread black dragon, Matriarx.
chris107: H "Damn and blast! "
chris107: (Internet has been dodgy all day by the way, if I disappear just give me a couple of minutes)
Sandor Sunneson: Blasted Shieldbiter,
chris107: "What could have raised her from the pages of legend?"
Smon: BTW Hakeem gimme 3 CHA+Prof checks for your goodwill tour - Bisituni Kolda & Anatal
Sandor Sunneson: After the nights debauchery at his welcoming party, he is keen to speak to the Leader's of Kollath's army.
Sandor Sunneson: God Simon, you don't ask for much
Sandor Sunneson:
chris107: Hakeem will make for/roll 1d20+8 x3
Smon: Well a 10 is 'ok'
chris107 Rolls 1d20+8x3 and gets:
1 (+8) = 9
2 (+8) = 10
10 (+8) = 18
Smon: LOL
Sandor Sunneson:
chris107: Bloody Hell!
Sandor Sunneson: setting the tone !!!
Smon: Those halflings really don't seem to think much of him!
Sandor Sunneson: He's fallen out with someone there
chris107: The Dwarves have never really liked him.
Sandor Sunneson: Someone is neutral to him and someone loves him ;0
Smon: The dwarves are standoffish & cool, certainly with no interest in joining his empire
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: Anatal loves him even more and he gets the red carpet treatment, rose petals in his path...
chris107: This is why I prefer to build a case rather than trust to luck
chris107: But the rolls do fit well with history.
Smon: Yup
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will focus his efforts on talking with Sir(s) Oghrim and Baltak
Sandor Sunneson: Halflings think he's too tall and that he needs a haircut
chris107: Maglor continues to bustle about, all servent like.
Smon: The elves present him with an elfin cloak of resistance crafted by the Queen herself & Princess Valadai doing the embroidery that gives +1 to saves & doesn't require attunement.
chris107: Hakeem will hurry south.
chris107: Very nice
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will mention to Maglor if once his Kingdom is settled, he wants to offer him a position as his Spymaster
Smon: elfin cloak of resistance crafted by the Queen herself & Princess Valadai doing the embroidery that gives +1 to saves & doesn't require attunement add on PC sheet
Sandor Sunneson: Just don't roll a 1 Chris
chris107: I'll do it now.
chris107: Not roll the 1
Smon: Queen Cildarith: "We thank you for your efforts, on behalf of all goodly folk."
Smon: GM: OK can go to Maglor /Sandor now
Smon: Is Maglor just posing as Sandor's servant, or gathering info in town as he arrives?
Smon: Carchimish -
Sandor Sunneson: Maglor probably started off as Sandor's servent, bus as the chaos and the debauchery unfolded, went into spy mode
Smon: Day is 30/7/47, Queen Laurana & Sandor got a bit distracted and you arrived at Carchimish on horseback with the amazon guard a day later than expected.
chris107: That was the plan.
Smon: OK so King Koloth said the amazons would be quartered in the stables or with the men in the barracks, whereever room can be found.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor would be disapointed in his servant if he didn't use his own initiative and go into Spy mode
Smon: Sorting out that kind of mess is a factotum's job, right?
chris107: yup
Sandor Sunneson: How much is accomodation at the inn?
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: Obviously the newly naked (but still armed) amazons are unhappy at either prospect.
Smon: There is an Inn across the town square, the Harper's Cauldron
chris107: (Cloak added)
Sandor Sunneson: per person, for bed and board
Smon: You don't know
chris107: "I will find out Master, perhaps a little gold to cover expenses?"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will ask one of the Amazons to go over to the Inn and get prices for bed and board
chris107: "Say 100?"
Sandor Sunneson: Or Maglor, your expenses? lol, of course
chris107: "Nay master. These fine warriors can't be sent as errand boys. I will take care of it."
chris107: Maglor pockets the gold and runs off to the Harper's Cauldron to book rooms.
Smon: GM: Knight Kalindra gives Maglor an approving nod. "See to it."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will give Maglor the 100gp,
Smon: GM Maglor can roll persuasion to improve Amazon view of him
chris107: (How many amazon's in total please Simon? 7?)
Sandor Sunneson: I won't have you lot staying in the accomodation offered Kalindra, you need to be a bit more trusting of male folk, we ain't all scumbags
Sandor Sunneson: roll a 20 and she's in luuuv with you
chris107: Maglor doesn't give a rat's ass about their approval. He's happy that they look down on him as a meer servant.
Sandor Sunneson: 8
Smon: 8 - Kalindra (knight) Kaijahra (elite) & 6 squishy regulars
chris107: Thanks
Sandor Sunneson: put the squishy's in twins
Sandor Sunneson: twin rooms
Sandor Sunneson: if on offer
Smon: GM: Maglor heads across the bustling town square, the crowd that gathered for Sandor & co's arrival now dispersing.
chris107: "As my master commands." M runs off to do the dirty work.
Smon: Ducking his head he enters the cool dimness of the inn taproom.
Smon: The inn is a two-storey timber and brick building, with a gray tile roof.
chris107: He listens to the general tone of conversation as he crosses the square..
Smon: "Amazons!" "Yerr..." "Not bad lookin' eh!" "Yerr..."
Smon: "Who was that Skandy leadin' em?" "Damned if I know!"
chris107: Maglor tucks all the information away as usual.
Smon: Inside there is a thin afternoon crowd; a buxom blonde barmaid is behind the bar, she looks to have been crying a lot recently. A second even bustier - and familiar - blonde is sat on the lap of a mighty thewed Greywolf Altanian by a corner.
chris107: Then sets to as an efficient servant sorting out the very best deal on accomodation.
chris107: familar?
chris107: Maglor's nose begins to twitch.
Smon: Maglor recognises this second blonde - Delanie, one of Prisha Acharya's girls. He vaguely recalls Prisha and some fool following them into the palace.
Smon: (it was very busy)
Smon: Of course Maglor was not permitted in the throneroom itself, I'll say he spoke w Sandor & Kalindra afterwards in S's new room
chris107: "One of the slags." He thinks to himself and pulls his hood up close so as not to be recognised.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will go and chat with Sir Oghrim, finding out a bit more about him
Smon: She seems entirely preoccupied with her barbarian -
Sandor Sunneson: lol
chris107: M busies himself with the mundane while his master goes about the main duties.
Smon: The hooded elf approaches the barmaid, her eyes red with recent tears. "Good afternoon sir, I'm Euma. How may I help you?"
Sandor Sunneson: Open your legs Hen, there's men about
Smon: That's an odd thing to say to Sir Oghrin, Sandor
Smon: But you can roll Persuasion
Sandor Sunneson: ??? Didn't say that to him lol
Sandor Sunneson: You b&&xsatrd Simon
chris107: "I require three twin and four superior double rooms please. Inclusive of breakfast and an evening meal of surpassing quality. For a week to start with. If the price is right."
Smon: I guess Sandor is in the courtroom so it *could* be taken as directed to one of the blondes...
Sandor Sunneson: that's what some of the ladies of the town think when they see all these men about
Smon: roll CHA+prof Sandor
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 3,
Sandor Sunneson: +5=8
chris107: Jeez our dice are off tonight
Smon: Oghrin eyes Sandor warily. "I ain't that kinda dwarf, laddie."
Sandor Sunneson: tropical storm outside
chris107: nice
Sandor Sunneson: I don't really know any dwarfs like that, one of the best fighters and bravest lads I have encountered was a dwarf
Sandor Sunneson: A sign of true courage and boldness, unfortunately now passed
Sandor Sunneson: Ursa,
Sandor Sunneson: He'll breath deeply
Smon: Barmaid: "I'm Euma... certainly... four times two times seven is 56, plus eh three times one times seven is 21... that's 77 gold sir! You're fortunate that slaver caravan just left!" she smiles.
Sandor Sunneson: Passed in Bisgen, killed by Crowfinger, Hakeem is going to get a statue of him in the hall of heroes and quite right too.
Smon: Oghrin nods. "Aye, Ursa! Last of his tribe. A great warrior. Blood brother to Hakeem they say." Oghrin pinches the Lady Sumatta's naked bottom as she goes past carrying a tray of sweetmeats, she yelps.
chris107: "The quality had best be tip top?"
Sandor Sunneson: He was a troubled soul, so is now at peace.
chris107: (Poor Ursa)
chris107: "And at that price, include ale?"
Smon: Euma nods. "It is sir! Cleanest and best Inn in Carchimish! Nothing like the Broken Fang at all - no alley-rat sausages here!"
Smon: "Ale? Yes sir! Certain delicacies are extra, of course."
Smon: "May I ask who's it for?"
Sandor Sunneson: How long have you been in Kollath's Court now?
Smon: Euma is peering into Maglor's hood.
chris107: "Very good, here's half now as a deposit. The other half to be paid upon satisfaction. And here's a gold for yourself."
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 11,
chris107: Maglor can be very stealthy
chris107 rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 19, (+13) = 32
Sandor Sunneson: She should focus on the face and not the material the hood is made from
Sandor Sunneson: It's Antillian cotton ;0
Sandor Sunneson:
Smon: Euma smiles at the tip. "Thank you sir! Um... But you'll have to pay all at least one day in advance. Stay three days, make sure you like it?"
Smon: "Er, are you a Nelf?"
chris107: "Never you mind, girl. 77GP for the week. I pay you half now."
Smon: >>He was a troubled soul, so is now at peace. << Oghrin grunts. "Troubled soul? They killed his clan... But he died taking his revenge. He should be at peace."
chris107: (Ursa's sould nod's approval to that)
Sandor Sunneson: And how strong is the orc threat the King goes on about? Orc army of about a couple of 100?
Smon: Euma nods and takes the gold. Maglor notices Delanie and her barbarian beau heading upstairs.
chris107: All yours Fegus
Sandor Sunneson: He kept that to himself, but a loyal friend to me he was, so will never forget him for that
Sandor Sunneson: Cheers Cris
Smon: Oghrin looks at Sandor. "Orcs! Naw! Just a few raiders, here and there. Hit the outlying farms. But we've raised men to guard the villages... Say, did ye hear what happened in Plato two weeks back?!" he grins.
Sandor Sunneson: Get Maglor back in the Hall of Shenanigans and Doxyness to spy away
Smon: Lady Sumatta saunters past again, gets a slap on the bottom from Oghrin, causing her to jump.
Sandor Sunneson: No, I think I'm going to enjoy this whatever it may be by the look on your face
Sandor Sunneson: he'll say smiling
Smon: Oghrin grins broader, and proceeds to tell what must surely be a highly exaggerated tale of how a blonde houri serviced the entire Plato town guard, until all were too exhausted to continue.
Sandor Sunneson: Kollath told me there was an orc problem that needed dealing with, so not as bad as he makes it out then?
Sandor Sunneson: Lol, really? That must have been a bonus for everyone !!!
Smon: "Aye... Well with the Nerathi driving the Arang-Tok into the mountains, they've displaced some of the weaker orc tribes. Also bugbears, occasional ogre."
Smon: "Wish I'd seen it..."
Smon: GM: Maglor returns to the Palace, is he telling the amazons to go to the Inn?
chris107: He will respectfully inform them that their rooms have been booked.
Sandor Sunneson: Is it a tribe of bugbears and ogres? You know where these undesirables dwell? Might go and raid their place to see how they like it.
Smon: Sandor recalls a report from the amazons of a recent attempted ambush on those novice adventurers - a few bugbears and an ogre, that left Eudora dead.
chris107: (OOC - I bet I know which Ogre it was too)
Smon: Oghrin shrugs. "All over the mountains. The orcs are massed around Durgeddin's Hold, bugbears mostly further south near Highhaven way. Also more orcs up round Mt Eglezar."
Smon: (Ulfe is still working w the amazons at Stone Tooth)
chris107: (I'm surprised)
Smon: GM: In the servants' quarters, Maglor speaks with the amazons. Kalindra nods. "Very good. Maglor, I see the serving girls here are wearing loinclouts. See if you can get dispensation for my warriors to do the same."
Sandor Sunneson: Would you be up for a raid on their territory? Always loved to see Ursa fight, he was fearless, so would be honoured to have you coming along. And you can then see for yourself what you think of your new potential King as a fighter too
Smon: Kalindra pauses. "Also, I want at least two guards on Prince Sandor's door overnight, every night. See he's informed."
chris107: M will do so. "Happy to be of service Ma'm."
Smon: Oghrin pats his swelling paunch under his leather & steel harness. "Ah... my days trekkin up inta freezin mountains huntin' orcs are over, laddie!"
Smon: Kalindra nods approvingly to Maglor. "Good man."
Smon: Oghrin: "My place is here, defending the King."
Smon: He eyes Sandor meaningfully.
Sandor Sunneson: Well it would be good to report back to your King what you think of this new chap,
Sandor Sunneson: That's fine, I was impressed with the way you blocked me off from him. He's lucky to have you on his side
Smon: Oghrin glances over at the now empty thrones, Koloth having retired.
Sandor Sunneson: Must have a few stories to tell the old man, you want to check up on him?
Smon: "Aye. Many is the time I've saved his life. His daughter, too. I regret..." he pauses. "...That she were taken, in the end. But not for long. Yon Hakeem set things right."
Smon: Oghrin nods to Sandor, eyeing him again. "Aye... the Queen'll want to meet ye soon, too."
Sandor Sunneson: We're trying, you regret? Not so much a fan of her?
Smon: Oghrin looks puzzled at Sandor, shakes his head, and heads out the rear doors.
Sandor Sunneson: Is she popular?
Smon: The naked blonde Lady Sumatta sidles over to Sandor. "Oh yes. Very ...popular."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will go and chat to Sir Baltak next
Smon: Sumatta very nsfw
Smon: Sumatta clearly wants to engage Sandor in conversation - he ignores her & goes to Baltek?
Sandor Sunneson: (was that in a sarcastic way by the lady?? or yes she is very popular?
Sandor Sunneson: No, he'll focus on the lady first
Sandor Sunneson: As she has got her attention
Smon: Lady Sumatta sees Sandor stop, and smiles up at him.
Smon: "The poor widow of King Rey. So heartbroken, she was." (definitely sarcasm there!)
Sandor Sunneson: And who may you be ?? You obviously know of me your Ladyship
Sandor Sunneson: I heard the old King had an eye for others
Smon: She rubs her rump, a little red from Oghrin's attentions. "I am the Lady Sumatta di Carchimish, of the Old Blood."
Smon: Sumatta straightens up, shoulders back, her imperious stance belying her nudity and embarrassed position.
Sandor Sunneson: Did you know the old King? Was he a popular leader amongst the people?
Smon: She looks Sandor in the eye. "The King sees fit to chastise myself and the Lady Rosaria."
Smon: She blinks. "Kolo... no, you mean King Rey?"
Smon: GM: Does Maglor want into the courtroom, or stay w the servants?
Sandor Sunneson: Yes Rey, and also Kolloth, I'm seeing shall we say what I've let myself in for he'll say smiling
chris107: He would like to get among the court. Perhaps an urgent message for his master?
Sandor Sunneson: His treatment of female staff is something different to what I've seen in all other places I've been too
Smon: The courtroom is about half empty now. Sir Baltek is chatting to a couple of retainers, Lady Rosaria, a slightly younger blonde, serves wine to the dozen or so courtiers, all fairly grizzled veterans.
Sandor Sunneson: I guess his daughter does not have to conform to the dresscode?
Smon: Sumatta laughs lightly. "Indeed! He wasn't like this before... The long years of exile were hard, I suppose."
Sandor Sunneson: Well exile is a better option than many, many would not be offered that choice
Smon: Sumatta chuckles. "Indeed. One rule for us... Although King Rey liked her to wear rather little. She rarely comes to Court now. Her father rules in her stead."
chris107: M attempts to make his way to Sandor's side. Unobtrusively
Smon: Sumatta laughs again, shaking her head. "A figure of speech milord! The Brigands hunted him, many times!"
Sandor Sunneson: Which brigands?
Smon: "He and his followers took to the forests, the hills..."
chris107: (Whispers)"Did the people ask the Kolth back?"
chris107: kolloth
Smon: Maglor talks his way past a couple bored young halberdiers and enters the throneroom, approaching Sandor and the glamorous nude blonde he's chatting to.
chris107: bloody keyboard
Sandor Sunneson: (Still finding out),
Smon: Sumatta looks a little incredulous at Sandor's query. "The Brigand Lords! Marnt, Mytsh, Hagnol!"
Sandor Sunneson: Why did he return? Guess that pleased the people?
chris107: He bows graciously, used to court life and listens carfuly to his master's words.
Smon: Her voice raises a little - Sir Baltek looks over and smiles bemusedly.
Sandor Sunneson: Ma'am, I am not from here, so am learning about the local politics
Smon: Sumatta: "He, ah... look, perhaps we could continue this conversation in private? Your quarters?"
Sandor Sunneson: Maybe we should continue this chat another time Lady Sumatta,
Smon: She glances at Baltek, who looks back and shrugs.
Sandor Sunneson: I shall call you when needed
chris107: "Rougues and woizards, allied with Yusan my lord." Whispers M
Smon: Sumatta looks back at Sandor, cheeks rather flushed.
Smon: Maglor can tell she's a bit annoyed.
Smon: Sumatta: "As you will ...milord."
Smon: She bows, then steps back, going over to a fat retainer.
chris107: "Dark Odo of the Unseen Conclave was apprentice to Mytsh at one time but best say nothing of that." He adds in a whisper.
Sandor Sunneson: I have many folk to talk to my Lady, I apologise for my rudeness
Smon: GM: Maglor & Sandor are left standing alone in the courtroom.
chris107: M bows to her too. Following Prince Sandor on his rounds.
chris107: "When do you meet the Queen to be?"
Sandor Sunneson: So the King came back to free the town? Lets chat to Baltak, nothing been arranged yet, will ask for meeting to happen tomorrow.
Smon: The courtiers are all men aged between late 30s and 60s, the veterans of Koloth's 15 year exile it seems. Soldiers and knights from before the brigand invasion.
chris107: "Sumattais of the old blood and unpoular, you're not likely to win influence there my lord."
chris107: "She too was allied with Yusan."
Smon: Baltek -
Sandor Sunneson: I'm getting the impression it's a divided court
chris107: (Don Qixote?)
Smon: Sir Baltek greets Prince Sandor. "Oh, hello there. I thought for a moment you were getting along splendidly with Lady Sumatta... but now she seems rather peeved, heh heh!"
Sandor Sunneson: Baltek, how are you? An interesting day, things calming down after an interesting start
chris107: "Like most my lord. You will have to weed out the ones that willl oppose you."
Smon: He chuckles. "More wine?"
chris107: whispers M on the way over.
Sandor Sunneson: I'm just getting to know the Royal Court Sir Baltek
Smon: Baltek nods. "Yes, indeed. I'm very well, thank you. So, did you know King Reynardm of the House Mercellin?"
chris107: M searches his memory. Did Baltek side with Yusan at any stage?
Smon: M does not recall hearing that
Sandor Sunneson: It's ok, I'm trying to stay soberish and remember all these new faces
Sandor Sunneson: I only met him once, prior to his final mission. He seemed a bit of a charmer and a ladies man
Smon: "Indeed, indeed! Surely it was a great day when Odo surrendered the town and we all came riding back in with Reynard and Lord Hakeem! The crowds cheered!"
Smon: "Odo, yes...." he frowns. "Lord Hakeem in his mercy pardoned her, permitted her to serve King Rey as Magist."
Sandor Sunneson: I am going to look at setting up raiding parties on the orcs and other undesirables that raid the outer villages, but yet know of nothing of the army strength or anything like that.
Smon: "If you seek her services also, be warned. She can be a little ...intense."
chris107: Whispers "Has much been seen of Odo? She could be quite the king maker."
Sandor Sunneson: Could you also request a meeting with the Queen for me over the next few days, would be rude not to meet my wife to be.
Smon: Baltek: "Raiding parties? You mean, up in the mountains?! Better you than me, sir! I've seen enough freezing caves to last a lifetime!"
Sandor Sunneson: So this Odo is still around?
Smon: Baltek nods. "Of course! Of course!"
Smon: "Oh yes - stays in her tower these days though, mostly."
Smon: "Last wall tower, over by the Swamp Gate."
Smon: "Some say she turns into a heron and flies over the swamp at night!"
chris107: M tries his best not to look impressed.
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, and she stays there as a recluse?
Smon: Baltek: "King Koloth is not holding a feast tonight... at least, not for the public. Queen Lyssana might be available, if you'd like me to ask her?"
chris107: Whisprs "She is nowhead of the unseen conclave, my lord."
Smon: He nods. "Pretty much, I think. Don't know with wizards. That young alchemist girl brings her Reagants, of course."
Sandor Sunneson: Lets organise it for tomorrow, it's been a busy day
chris107: (An order of wizards and illusionists forced to serve Yusan. The survivors are now united (?) and Dark Odo their leader.)
Sandor Sunneson: OOC- Sorry I'm trying to back read lol, so Odo=evil
Smon: "Tomorrow then. Before noon in her chambers? Or after noon she likes to go riding, in the woods west of town."
chris107: (Hakeem thought not.)
Sandor Sunneson: You're no fan of Odo then?
Smon: "She might be pleased to have you along."
Smon: brb need to heat some din dins
Sandor Sunneson: A brunch would be nice
chris107: If my hints are annoying, Fergus. Just let me know and I'll shut up
chris107: Maglor is just 'councilling'
Smon: "Brunch, eh? I'll see what she says, then."
Smon: (went for white toast, the dinner of kings!)
chris107: (Hehe, I love white bread but get scoweled at by Kyle for it been bad for me )
Smon: (sugar in a loaf!)
Sandor Sunneson: You Sir Baltek, not a fan of Yusan I guess anyway
Smon: "Indeed not!"
Smon: Baltek makes a sign against evil.
chris107: "Sir Baltek, please excuse an ignorant and star struck servant. But does the Unseen Conclave still meet here abouts?"
Smon: "It was a Blessed day when Hakeem and Shieldbiter destroyed him and his brigand lords!"
Sandor Sunneson: I'm glad we think the same way
Smon: Baltek: "Unseen... Oh yes! Them! Bunch of gnomes, mostly. They have an invisible tower, somewhere on the road east of here."
Sandor Sunneson: Seeing Hakeem destroy Bane was an incredible sight too
chris107: "We elves, foolish slaves to the mystical. Thank you." M shuts up
Smon: "I'm sure it was... I had to stay here, to protect King Koloth. He was too frail for the campaign."
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 10,
Smon: (just pass) Baltek looks at Maglor, scratches his head. "I heard a rumour the Conclave had fallen apart, after the war. Internal differences..."
Sandor Sunneson: May I ask what the general opinion is of the Lysanna?
Sandor Sunneson: I am a little nervous about meeting her tomorrow, need to impress Kolluth Baltak
Smon: Baltek looks at Sandor. "She is beautiful, and kind, and devoted to her father. Rightly so, of course. Her months of captivity with Marnt were hard on her, of course."
Sandor Sunneson: That's good to know, a good Egg
Smon: "He, eh..." Baltek coughs. "Enslaved her, treated her as his concubine! But I hear she was able to win even his black heart."
Smon: Sandor roll CHA+Prof
Sandor Sunneson: Hence why she maybe alive today, even evil creatures have a heart if exposed
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 1,
Smon: LOL
Sandor Sunneson: +5=6
chris107: Bugger
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: "Yes. She will always do her duty. Now, please excuse me..."
Sandor Sunneson: Nice meeting you, he'll turn to Maglor, this crowd is going to be a hard one to win over
chris107: "You are their King my lord."
Sandor Sunneson: Maybe I need to stop covorting around and basically getting straight to the point
Smon: As Baltek moves off, the strange exotic looking slave girl Sandor first saw at the foot of Koloth's throne approaches, bowing deeply. "My lord. The King - Koloth - commands me to attend on you. Is there anything you require?"
chris107: "Winning them over may require a degree of kniglyness."
Smon: slave girl
Sandor Sunneson: Is my room ready?
chris107: All is aranged as you commanded. Your Majesty."
Sandor Sunneson: I am meeting the Queen tomorrow for the first time before Brunch, so before that want to meet the King, organise that
Smon: She nods. "I have just seen it, milord - your majesty. It is ready."
chris107: He says the last two words a bit louder than is really nesseccery
chris107: Whispers "You are the King."
Smon: The girl glances at Maglor. "We - we have both seen your room." She gives Maglor a tiny smile.
Sandor Sunneson: All is good thank you, tell Koloth I will meet him in the morning after breakfast
9:40pm 2018-2-02 chris107 Has exited the room
Smon: The girl bows. "My name is Joko Inaba. Ask for me if there is anything you require. I shall inform King Koloth of your wishes."
9:41pm 2018-2-02 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: "Would you like me to go inspect your chambers, Your Majesty? Turn the bed down as you like it?"
Smon: >>The girl bows. "My name is Joko Inaba. Ask for me if there is anything you require. I shall inform King Koloth of your wishes." < She withdraws - you go to Sandor & M's room?
Sandor Sunneson: Maglor, I would like you to go and see what you can find out about Odo and her crew over the next few days, how come the split happened, think it could be a pro/against Koloth but not sure
chris107: "As you wish, your Majesty."
Sandor Sunneson: Yes
Sandor Sunneson: Let us retire for the night
chris107: "Of course."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will check out for peepholes, listening gaps in their quarters
9:44pm 2018-2-02 chris107 Has exited the room
Smon: GM: No sign of any peepholes or listening gaps - oddly? Sandor spends a peaceful night in a rather too soft bed, Maglor in a narrow cot.
9:44pm 2018-2-02 chris107 Has entered the room
Sandor Sunneson: He will then start talking to Maglor, a good king is Koloth, well respected too, that's my impression. He likes his ladies though, how we would love a place like Ahyf, that would be heaven to him (in case anyone is listening)
chris107: "Your majesty wishes for me to seek out the Unseen Conclave? Won't that leave you a little... exposed here?"
Smon: Two amazon guard spend the night outside, changing shift a couple times. Next morning Sandor is invited to breakfast with Koloth & his men in the dining hall.
Sandor Sunneson: If they are going to attack us, we are exposed, only 10 of us
Sandor Sunneson: Come back a couple every few hours so I know you are ok
Sandor Sunneson: every 4 hours or something
9:46pm 2018-2-02 chris107 Has exited the room
Sandor Sunneson: Good morning Koloth, thank you for the breakfast invite
Smon: Joko Inaba knocks on S's door and tells him breakfast is ready. "Your amazons and manservant are invited to dine with the servants, if they wish?"
Sandor Sunneson: Thank you,
Smon: GM: Inaba leads Sandor to the dining hall, where Koloth waves an airy greeting - still no Lyssana.
Sandor Sunneson: Could you see that my mattress is changed, it's very soft and a bed not a cot for my servant
9:47pm 2018-2-02 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: "Very well, as you command." M will make provision for a horse and food/water for his trip. He will need more gold from Sandor unfortunately.
Sandor Sunneson: Actually as I am King, and he is my Servant, we would like appropriate rooms that give s the respect we deserve
Smon: (I assume that was to Inaba! she nods - "Of course"). Koloth in dining hall: "Good, you're up! Take a seat." He gestures to a place beside Baltek, opposite Sumatta & Oghrim.
Sandor Sunneson: Have breakfast first Mags
Sandor Sunneson: it was
Sandor Sunneson: to Inaba
chris107: "As you command, your majesty."
Sandor Sunneson: Good morning Koloth
Smon: Koloth pauses and glares at Sandor. "Words do not make one a King!"
Smon: The room grows tense.
Sandor Sunneson: I agree, I have plans to deal with the orc problem you discussed
Sandor Sunneson: and also the other undesirables.
Smon: GM: Maglor is breakfasting with the amazons & guards in barracks hall.
Smon: Sandor roll CHA+prof
Sandor Sunneson: which will be happening sooner rather than later, tell me what troop strength I have and also any special forces you may employ, I see you have guards that are loyal to you, but I need groups on the ground while your loyalists keep you safe
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 16,
Sandor Sunneson: +5=21
chris107: nice
Smon: OOC Ferg I think you did that Jorian thing w bits of text over multiple lines where I can't tell who you're talking to.
Smon: Please put the addresses First in future.
Sandor Sunneson: that was said to the king
Smon: eg To Inaba .....
Sandor Sunneson: and everyone in the room with a raised voice,
Sandor Sunneson: Of course Simon
Sandor Sunneson: Yes my lord
Sandor Sunneson: to Simon
Smon: Koloth: "Your troop strength consists of eight - nine, counting your manservant."
Smon: Koloth bites into a pear.
Sandor Sunneson: To Koloth, and your army, how strong is that?
chris107: @ GM - Maglor is not with Sandor?
Sandor Sunneson: OOC- he is, he is having breakfast with the Amazons
Sandor Sunneson: and everyone else
Smon: Koloth glares: "Have a care, sir! From the love I bear Hakeem, I have given you permission to court my only daughter! My army is not yours! My soldiers are NOT yours!"
chris107: okay
Smon: GM: Maglor is breakfasting with the amazons & guards in barracks hall.
Smon: Separate from the courtiers, Sandor & Koloth
chris107: Okay, thanks.
Sandor Sunneson: Hakeem told me otherwise, I am sure I could defeat anyone in this room in combat if given the opportunity, I was with Hakeem and saw him defeat Kainos, was there when he defeated Crowfinger too, and dealt with that pesky assistant of his too
Smon: "You may speak with Lyssana at her brunch. She will form an opinion of you then. Be warned, she is no slave trollop - she is Queen!"
Smon: ok intimidate check roll CHA+prof
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will then get his flame sword out and do a warm up
chris107: good luck
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 5,
Sandor Sunneson: +5=10
Sandor Sunneson: CHR 10
Sandor Sunneson: lol
Smon: There are a few chuckled from the hardened veterans, though that would have intimidated Norbert Porkins ok.
chris107: (Not our night)
Smon: Koloth practically cackles.
Smon: "You are funnier than my new Fool!"
Smon: He steeples his hands as Inaba serves Sandor his breakfast.
Sandor Sunneson: I would fit in well with your army then
Sandor Sunneson: You think I could beat Baltak?
Smon: The twenty armed men in the hall glare at Sandor.
Smon: Baltak coughs.
Sandor Sunneson: or Ohgrin?
Smon: Koloth: "Oh, yes! Any one of them! Any two, perhaps!"
Sandor Sunneson: I ask the question
Smon: "he he he... but hardly all of them!"
Smon: Koloth: "Prince Sandor, let me speak plainly, for you are a most plain man. This is Carchimish. I - my daughter - we do not rule at the whim of Hakeem. We rule by Right! Ours is the blood! Ours is the Flame Imperishable!"
Smon: "I will not be threatened in my own Hall by some lickspittle usurper!"
Sandor Sunneson: I wouldn;t want to defeat them all, it's about Carchamesh getting it's identity back, not letting undesirables attack it's citizens,protect them, they are all equal
Sandor Sunneson: You would all be dead if it weren't for Hakeem, he defeated the Black Sun and saved this whole area
Smon: Oghrin coughs: "Your Majesty - majesties... If I may make a suggestion?"
Smon: The temperature in the room is sub-zero.
10:03pm 2018-2-02 chris107 Has exited the room
Sandor Sunneson: Please speak mighty Dwarf
10:04pm 2018-2-02 chris107 Has entered the room
Smon: Oghrin: "When the Queen meets with Prince Sandor, let her set him a Test. To defeat the evils that plague us. To win her heart, and prove his worth, by deeds of arms! The hydra of the west swamp... the ogres of the Reaching Wood..."
Smon: Oghrin looks hopefully at Sandor. "Let the Prince show that he is worthy to rule by her side!"
Smon: Koloth nods slowly. "What say you to that, 'Prince' Sandor? Are you truly a valiant hero? Or a blaggard and a blowhard?"
Sandor Sunneson: Can you not defeat this evil yourselves? Too busy partying away whilst dealing with the threat#
Sandor Sunneson: I shall deal with the hydra
Smon: Koloth sneers: "I take it that is a refusal, then?"
Smon: "Oh?"
Sandor Sunneson: No, not at all
Sandor Sunneson: I'll take that challenge on
Smon: Koloth: "You will take on whatever challenges my beloved daughter sets you! You shall prove your worth - or die in the attempt!"
Sandor Sunneson: And then the threat will still be here and continue to attack your people
Smon: "Eh?! What are you blithering about?!"
Sandor Sunneson: Have you been to Ahyf my lord?
Smon: "Of course."
Sandor Sunneson: Your party last night reminded me of a night out there, chaotic but fun
Sandor Sunneson: How many men of Koloth's are present?
Sandor Sunneson: in total?
Smon: (tea break 5 mins) - 20
Sandor Sunneson: What time we playing till?
chris107: I'm good until midnight
Sandor Sunneson: I've got a call to make, brb and will come back with finishing time
Sandor Sunneson: Sorry, with the servants
Smon: There are several serving girls inc Inaba, the 2 Ladies Sumatta & Rosaria, & 21 men inc Koloth
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor is getting an idea of the room whilst the chat is going on, if combat were to occur, is there a place he can stand so he is not attacked from all sides?
Smon: OOC I think I'll stop 10:30, bit sick w cold
Smon: He could probably make it to a corner yup
chris107: Sorry to hear you are unwell
Smon: Bill is a lot worse, off school todau
Smon: been smearing his snot everywhere!
Sandor Sunneson: cool, would the commotion be heard by the Amazons and Maglor next door?
chris107: ewwww
Smon: we will recover
Sandor Sunneson: nice lol
Smon: most likely, yes
10:19pm 2018-2-02 chris107 Has exited the room
Smon: GM: Is Sandor going to eat?
Sandor Sunneson: Is the food individually done or a buffet for everyone to eat?
10:20pm 2018-2-02 chris107 Has entered the room
Smon: Buffet style
Smon: roasts, bread, milk, small beer
Smon: some apples pears & oranges
Sandor Sunneson: if everyone else is taking from it, he will,
Smon: GM: Sandor eats modestly in the frosty hall until breakfast ends.
Smon: Sir Baltak: "I'll escort you to your room. The Queen will summon you when she is disposed."
Sandor Sunneson: How far away is Kolloth from an attattack point of view?
chris107: ooc ouch!
Smon: About 25'
Sandor Sunneson: So who is beside him in terms of attacking?
Smon: He's at a higher draped table overlooking his men eating in two rows down a long main table
Smon: There are a couple guards on duty behind him. Oghrin is opposite you, remember.
Smon: Keeping a close eye on you.
Sandor Sunneson: He's not going to attack the king
Sandor Sunneson: who is around him
Smon: No one is at his raised dais/table. It's on a kind of shelf overlooking the main table, a couple steps up either side about 4'.
10:25pm 2018-2-02 chris107 Has exited the room
Smon: The table drape shows a golden hind, likely his symbol.
Smon: GM: Do you go w Baltek then?
10:27pm 2018-2-02 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: test
chris107: got ten lines of that but I'm back
Smon: GM: Maglor finishes his frugal breakfast, the amazons looking disapprovingly at the thin gruel.
Smon: OOC OK I'm stopping there
Sandor Sunneson: Yes, he'll go to leave the room and one of the last few people in the room he'll give a hard nudge too, then he'll go into a rage and start attacking, making a fuss and noise so the amazons and Maglor here
Sandor Sunneson: nice, good time to finish
chris107: Well, this will be interesting
Smon: Well Baltek is escorting you out the door looking relieved, you could 'nudge' him then attack.
Sandor Sunneson: I won't attack him though, will attack someone else
chris107: Cliff Hanger and a half!
Smon: You can have 600 XP since at least Maglor successfully booked a room. :)
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