Wednesday, 7 February 2018
31/7/47 to 7/8/47 - Sandor Prisha Nightshadow in Carchimish (1000-1500 XP)
xp Sandor 1000 for epic speech, NS & P 1500
Smon: Prisha roll CHA+prof DC 9
Smon: ie fail on a 1
Smon: I'll want to move the timeline on soon, your PCs are a week behind.
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 15, (+7) = 22
joriandrake: Let's have more sessions then to catch up
Smon: Prisha spends a surprisingly enjoyable night with the young queen...
Sandor Sunneson: So as of yet, the dragon lives blah blah
Smon: (I could actually do one tomorrow night latish - I need to work late so at least 8pm start though, maybe later)
Smon: yup
Sandor Sunneson: That should work Simon, keep it as is, so by the time today's storyline finishes match up times?
joriandrake: ooc: thankfully I didn't really read all the dragon related stuff, but it did worry me when I noticed the 'king' plans to hunt down NS
Smon: You are on 31/7, dragon died 5/8
7:44pm 2018-2-07 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
Smon: gimme 3 mins
joriandrake: I think i can be tomorrow too, unless its the exact day my mom has to go to hospital check up
Sandor Sunneson: I've no intention of stopping that timeline, so all good
joriandrake: hi Bill!
Sandor Sunneson: Hi Bill
joriandrake: ooc: Simon did you discuss Prisha's stuff with Bill? or is that going to happen today?
Smon: I'll c/p end of last sesh
Smon: Smon: Sir Baltak: "I'll escort you to your room. The Queen will summon you when she is disposed." Sandor Sunneson: How far away is Kolloth from an attattack point of view? chris107: ooc ouch! Smon: About 25' Sandor Sunneson: So who is beside him in terms of attacking? Smon: He's at a higher draped table overlooking his men eating in two rows down a long main table Smon: There are a couple guards on duty behind him. Oghrin is opposite you, remember. Smon: Keeping a close eye on you. Sandor Sunneson: He's not going to attack the king Sandor Sunneson: who is around him Smon: No one is at his raised dais/table. It's on a kind of shelf overlooking the main table, a couple steps up either side about 4'. 10:25pm 2018-2-02 chris107 Has exited the room Smon: The table drape shows a golden hind, likely his symbol.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor as he starts to rage, will snap out of his rage mode, put his sword away and then head to the exit, at the door he will turn to the Carcameshi folk and say at the top of his voice in the hope that Maglor and the Amazonae can hear him
Smon: GM: It's breakfast time in the Royal Palace of Carchimish, 31/7/47. Nightshadow/Fool returned home overnight, but is invited to come entertain the King at breakfast. As he approaches down the corridor to the feast hall he sees ahead of him Prisha Acharya escorting Queen Lyssana to the breakfast hall.
Sandor Sunneson: Hakeem, who freed you all sent me to rule because long term he saw enough in me to take Carcamesh forward and offer a brighter future for everyone. Had Hakeem not made that request, I would not be here. One of the reasons I am here is that I heard many good things of you (pointing to Koloth) as a ruler and that your people trusted you and that you have provided them with stability. '
Smon: At the entry to the breakfast hall they all see Sandor Sunneson, his back to them, giving an impassioned speech to the assembly...
Sandor Sunneson: 'However on the way here, there was a sense of let down, it was said by your people in the villages Kolath that security is not what it was, undesirables are attacking the villages sporadically but some feel these attacks are getting a bit more common. Nothing is being done about it. The King is refusing to deal with these threats. When I asked why the answer was because of his age, he and his main guard have done their fighting and as eldery statesmen don't want to be threatened by such beasts. I understood that. I told these people I as their new King would see to it that these beasts are dealt. On the way here, I dealt with 2 Chimera to the south after my servant risked all setting up the trap which meant I slashed them to death with this sword (he'll wave the firesword about and put it away again), it was cleverly done to seperate the 2 of them too to make the fight easier. We then had the unfortunate but necessary task of putting down their beautiful cute but potentially dangerous 3 cubs so they wouldn't grow up to threaten anyone either'
Smon: It goes on...
Sandor Sunneson: Here however, I have not really been made to feel welcome, Koloth, you (pointing to him) as a King are a Legend, but if you don't want some usurper as you see it to take over your throne, that's fine by me. I am already a Prince, so someone has usurped my throne, I know how you feel, but when you and your army cannot guarentee every person of your Kingdomship protection because you are scared of an ogre or a hydra or other undesirable, is it not time to let the next generation take Carchamesh forward I ask you? Does Carchamesh not deserve better?
joriandrake: "Well, he is the man you would've married. I believe he could be a good ally and friend even if you decide not to do that." Prisha whispers to Lyssana
Sandor Sunneson: Good luck in dealing with the undesirables, one of the reasons I was sent here by Hakeem is that we have information that their numbers are growing and they need dealt with sooner rather than later. Well get your soldiers prepared Kolath, as soon they will be called upon. Just make sure the ones in the outer towns are focused on fighting and not enjoying mass orgies with female travellers passing through the area.
Sandor Sunneson: I shall be leaving now, and will take the Amazons with me and my loyal man servant. I will be passing on what happened in this occurrence to Hakeem and will tell him that no military protection is giving to Carcamesh in the future. He will ask me why, and I will say it is not needed. Although aged the (pointing at Kolath) King is confident that they can deal with any threat that bestows their Kingdom. I will then tell of our conversation where I requested information on military strength and he (pointing at K) answered me your military strength is 10 which consisted of the lady warriors and my Servant and was told I will not be given any of his (pointing at the King) soldiers.
Smon: Lyssana watches the back of Sandor's head, listening with interest as NS/Fool comes up behind them.
Sandor Sunneson: Why should I look to help a Kingdom and get nothing in it for me? As the current King feels he is strong enough to rule, let him, yet the threats being posed to his subjects and people will not be dealt with. I wish you and your people well in the future. May the Gods that you and your people worship protect you from the evil undesirables that fester in increasing numbers on your doorstep (he'll look around the hall at everyone now), you know who you are.
joriandrake: Prisha looks back (if she notices NS)
Sandor Sunneson: If for some reason one day we will encounter each other and are on the same side, bring that on. I will fight to ensure that then we win for our greater good. If you want to join me in that fight for what Hakeem believes in join me, you have the choice. The slayer of Kainos and Borritt Crowfinger welcomes all who share his ideals. You may, if you see me, recall these last few days and snigger, but to me it will be like water off a ducks back as life would have moved on. If I see you in battle fighting for my opponents, I will then take you on at that battle, not because of this, but because I see you as an opponent who is fighting against me, and in my eyes you need to be dealt with to ensure victory for my side.
Sandor Sunneson: On a final note, thank you Koloth for your excellent cuisine, it has been one of the few highlights of my short stay here. Your chefs who prepare the food here must be some of the most talented chefs on this side of the Ghinarian Hills.
DESTROYERBILL: hurry it up we dont have all day some of us have famileis to get back to
joriandrake: "psst, let him finish"
Sandor Sunneson: He will then turn to Baltek and request that he passes on a message to the Amazonae and Servant to prepare for departure (assuming they didn't hear that speach). He will leave the dining hall and walk back to his quarters to get ready to leave for Highhaven looking to leave that day.
Smon: (LOL @Bill) King Koloth looks stiffly at Sandor. "We have no wish to fight you, barbarian - or your liege."
Smon: Sandor turns and speaks briefly to old Sir Baltek, who nods.
Smon: Turning, Sandor sees he has added to his audience - Prisha, the fat old Fool, and a beautiful woman he's not seen before.
joriandrake: "That is a very wise decision your Majesty." Prisha speaks up, hopefully this act will only draw the attention to the royal dressed (?) Queen by her side.
joriandrake: "WHich I am sure the Queen appreciates."
Smon: Queen Lyssana is smiling slightly.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will smile at Prisha and the beautiful lady, and nod at the other person before heading back to his quarters
Smon: Lyssana (w clothes on)
Sandor Sunneson: Does he have to do a CHR check for the key individuals regards the speach?
Smon: (I don't think so)
Sandor Sunneson: Bill your Dad is beside you, hardly 5m to walk
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, just asking
joriandrake: ooc: your dad?
Smon: Lyssana: "Hello, I'm Queen Lyssana. I take it we're not getting married, then?"
Sandor Sunneson: ooc: Simon
Smon: Koloth: "Daughter! You look well."
Smon: The crowd of veteran courtiers look happy to see Lyssana in good spirits.
DESTROYERBILL: i have been playing d and d for half my life since i was 5
Smon: "Killed my first orc when I was three years old..."
joriandrake: "She still needs to recoveer, and there are certain things i have to prepare for her healthj, of which I wish to notify you after breakfast, but she's improving already as one can see."
Smon: "At four I was blasting black dragonriders from the skies over the Alasiyan desert..."
joriandrake: and Prisha smiles at lyssana
DESTROYERBILL: i killed my first orc when i was 1
Smon: LOL
joriandrake: O_o
Sandor Sunneson: Your Father doesn't want to give up the throne, he's a stubborn old goat who wants to get on with it. Why should I rule over folk and become a tyrant King making me an unpopular tyrant over people I know nothing about.
DESTROYERBILL: acidenatly dropped poison in his cup when i was kidnapped by him
joriandrake: "This could be helped, you two should talk a bit, perhaps while we have our breakfast?"
Smon: Lyssana nods to Sandor, eyes wide. "I quite agree. We have had enough of tyrants."
joriandrake: "It would help you get to know the Queen, and her people." Prisha smiles.
Smon: Koloth: "This Prince Sandor has made quite clear he has no interest in us!"
Smon: Koloth: "Return to the King-Regent and send our cordial greetings. Inform him we have matters in hand, and have no need of his assistance."
joriandrake: Prisha stands there patiently, this is the time the Queen has to declare her own wish regarding Sandor.
joriandrake: She raises an eyebrow at lysanna, the Queen who has to act like one.
Sandor Sunneson: No interest? Says the King who can't even deal with a few monsters to keep his populaton safe
Smon: Baltek: "Hmph" - he puts a hand on Sandor's shoulder. "Best be going now eh..."
Smon: brb 5 mins afk
Sandor Sunneson: Lets hope now invading army starts taking over your lands your majesty, you and your men would stay here in the Citadel and let your population rot.
joriandrake: "Sir Balter, please wait until the Queen shares her decision regarding Prince Sandor."
joriandrake: k*
joriandrake: Prisha hopes Sandor notices this is a test of regal power now between father and daughter.
DESTROYERBILL: you know ther is a good amount of piarets at blackarrow 2000 to be exact
Sandor Sunneson: You care not for them at all but only yourself, these are not the ideals that King Hakeem spreads of freedom and hope.
joriandrake: ooc: if possible I would cast behind them as attention isn't on me Eagle's Splendor to give Charisma advantage for Lyssana to boost her persuasion
joriandrake: ooc: if required, and if I can do it subtly
Sandor Sunneson: You could leave with a legacy and be known as a great King, or you'll be known as the King who'll left his Kingdom to rot, all because he couldn't swallow his pride.
Sandor Sunneson: ooc: don't cast any spell in my name, if he saves from it, it could be the gallows, not worth the risk
DESTROYERBILL: ill sneak up on sandor and boop him on the nose
joriandrake: ooc: it is a spell with Lysanna as target, it gives advantage oc charisma (such as persuasion) rolls, not the king
joriandrake: ooc: basically i9t could turn the tides if the king opposes her daughter's wishes and the guards have to decide which orders to follow
Sandor Sunneson: I'll attack your character then Bill, he is in an area and doesn't know who to trust, so any attack on him he will defend himself
DESTROYERBILL: they should follow the king
DESTROYERBILL: i touch his nose so you will try to kill me
Sandor Sunneson: The people he trusts are Maglor, Amazon guards and Prisha
joriandrake: Prisha stares at Nightshadow, signaling as hard she can with her eyes to not get on the king's side
DESTROYERBILL: its not an attack it might startle you a bit but mostly funny
Smon: back
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, he'll push your character away then
joriandrake: ooc: yo umissed about 20 messages and NS trying to pinch/touch Simon's nose
joriandrake: Sandors*
Sandor Sunneson: like you would do if a stranger came up to you and did it
Sandor Sunneson:
DESTROYERBILL: i wouldent kill them
Sandor Sunneson: but push them away
DESTROYERBILL: i would just run if adult if a child i say just stop
Smon: GM: bop with a soft object NS, to break the tension as Sandor is yelling at King Koloth?
Smon: roll stealth NS
Smon: sandor roll perception wis+prof
Sandor Sunneson: he's not yelling, he's speaking clearly and concisely getting his point across
Sandor Sunneson rolls 1d20 and gets: 18,
Sandor Sunneson: +5=23
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+11 and gets: 15, (+11) = 26
Smon: NS makes exaggerated stealth motions 'sneaks' up behind Sandor, and pokes his nose!
Smon: The crowd breaks into uproarious laughter.
Smon: Even Lyssana laughs.
DESTROYERBILL: i make a silly face
Smon: "He he he... oh I'm sorry. The Fool is very funny!"
DESTROYERBILL: and do a silly dance
Smon: Koloth breaks into a smile, his building rage at Sandor forgotten for the moment.
joriandrake: "Perhaps we should all calm down? Queen Lyssana is still recovering and didn't come down to hear arguing. The Prince can still stay and have a meal with her, considering the two were engaged, even if it might not lead to marriage at least they should be able to talk, right?" Prisha speaks up now that tension is lower
Sandor Sunneson: Sums this place up, lets hope your laughing when attacked by the undesirables
Smon: Baltek nods to Sandor. "Actually milord Sandor, I have a plan. Perhaps you would come with me and we can discuss it?"
DESTROYERBILL: ill climb the wall and do a backflip off of it
Smon: Baltek indicates the end of the corridor.
Sandor Sunneson: I am happy to discuss the situation with the Princess Prisha,
Sandor Sunneson: Maybe we can go somewhere in private away from the jester
joriandrake: Prisha turns to Baltek with a hopeful smile, signaling the old man she and the Queen rely on her
DESTROYERBILL: slowly so its acrobatics
Smon: The crowd laughs at the Fool's antics. Koloths laughs hard, looks to Lyssana. "Daughter, it's so good to see you happy! Come, sit with me! Bring the Priestess."
Sandor Sunneson: Baltek, I'll stay another night, I may have not made the best impression but Carcamesh is a worry to Hakeem, and I want to do my best to neutralise the threat
joriandrake: then nods at Sandor to go and let the situation calm down, as she and Lysanna step closer to the throne
Smon: OOC btw Lyssana had Prisha put on a short dress for breakfast.
joriandrake: ooc: Prisha is fine with it, and Koloth can't order against it as it's his daughter's will
Smon: Lyssana indicates for Prisha to join her and the King at the high table, a rare honour.
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will say to Baltek, we need to wipe the slate clean, I want to help Carcamesh, but if my help isn't required I'm off. Hakeem has plenty of other tasks for me to do, he will say that quietly to him
joriandrake: Prisha bows as per fine etiquette and joins them
joriandrake: "A very lively morning as it seems, your Majesty."
Smon: GM: OK you are separated as Baltek leads Sandor down towards the servant's quarters where his guards are, and Prisha is invited to high table and a delicious breakfast, if you like fried sausages, dumplings, shredded pork...
joriandrake: She also greety Inaba if she's there (as I assume)
Smon: There is apple cider and red wine.
Smon: Juko Inaba is serving the high table, she nods to Prisha.
DESTROYERBILL: i sneak up to the king and say i can do alot of things for the right price not just be a fool i whisper
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will take note on what has been said and nod appreciatiely at the fool
Smon: Baltek in the corridor, to Sandor: "Milord, we propose to hire reliable adventurers to clear the raiders from the mountain heights. There is a beatiful dragon samurai, Miya by name, who leads a small band - I believe they are in the Hara region currently..."
Smon: "Perhaps you could take them this bag of a thousand gold, to induce their aid? Of course you will deserve a commission, say twenty percent, or whatever you deem satisfactory."
joriandrake: ooc: passive perception 16 on NS's whispering
Smon: GM: NS whispers in Koloth's ear...
Sandor Sunneson: I am happy to deal with the responsibility myself if the population are under threat.
Smon: OK I'm going to say it's DC 15 (moderate) so Prisha hears.
Smon: roll Persuasion NS
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+11 and gets: 16, (+11) = 27
Sandor Sunneson: If it is a large horde, it would be useful for the treasury, how much gold do we have in the treasury Baltek approx?
joriandrake: A very persuasive fool
Smon: Koloth looks startled, but then smiles and nods. "Well you ARE an excellent fool!" He grins. "The gods giveth and the gods taketh away! Two gems have come to my hall, along with one... less so."
Sandor Sunneson: I need to know approximately so I know what state Carcamesh is in, I have no intention of looting the treasury
Sandor Sunneson: he'll say to Baltek
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will then introduce himself to Lysanna, your Majesty, good to meet you, like with many people in this area, I heard many things about you.
Smon: Baltek eyes Sandor, coughs. "I'm sorry... to be clear, I think it's best you don't return to Carchimish. You have grievously insulted King Koloth. Were it not for that Fool, and his daughter's sudden recovery, he would be most vexed."
Smon: Sandor is about 300' from Lyssana down a flight of stairs.
Smon: Near the guard barracks where his amazons breakfast.
joriandrake: ooc: However after Prisha's comment Baltek should know the Queen wishes to meet Sandor despite what Koloth says
Smon: Baltek: "It would be best you leave here as soon as possible, before anything else happens."
Sandor Sunneson: Ok, that is fine, I fear for Koloth's Kingdom Baltek.
Sandor Sunneson: Be on high alert. From the mountains the undesirables will be coming.
Smon: Baltek nods. "If you wish to roam the wilderness, slaying orcs and wild beasts, I am sure that would be very helpful. If you require more gold..."
Smon: GM: Surely even Sandor can see these people want him gone, and are willing to offer gold to get it.
DESTROYERBILL: you called me
Sandor Sunneson: I have enough gold, we are trying to rid this plaxce of black sun and evil, you know that.
DESTROYERBILL: you know hakeem already beat the black sun and the evil
Smon: Baltek: "The Black Sun are defeated... Yes, I know your intentions are good. But we are an old people. A proud people. We have fought long, suffered much."
DESTROYERBILL: with a demi god ruleing the land not many people are bad anymore
Smon: Baltek: "Please... Send our best regards to Laurana of Highhaven. The King wishes only good relations with his allies."
Sandor Sunneson: And your suffering will go on unfortunately, Sandor will then look to leave
DESTROYERBILL: the bad guys are ethier hakeems freind or dead thinking of serine in that frend bit
Smon: GM: Did Sandor take the 1000gp?
Sandor Sunneson: No
Smon: GM: OK. Sandor can collect his well-breakfasted & slightly surprised amazons & Maglor, and depart.
Smon: Griffon Knight Kalindra looks back at the Palace. "What a dreadful place! Come back to Highhaven with us, Prince Sandor. You are welcome there."
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will request that 2 of the Amazons will stay and guard Prisha
Smon: Kalindra looks incredulous. "I'm not authorised for that. What is she to you?"
Sandor Sunneson: Kalindra, I would love to take an army and smash that place over, but the time for that is not yet.
Smon: Kalindra smiles.
Smon: "Come..."
Sandor Sunneson: Ha ha, an information seeker shall we say
Smon: The amazon Kaijahra also looks eager to smash Carchimish.
Smon: ooc going back to the breakfast shortly, will just finish w Sandor
Sandor Sunneson: I hear through the grape vine, that there are slaves there who Hakeem freed living free, can we go and visit them on the way back
DESTROYERBILL: hardly going to do that with 8 amazons with assasians and elite gards everywhere
Smon: The amazons recover their horses, and gear from the inn opposite across the square.
Smon: >>here are slaves there<< GM: In Highhaven?
Sandor Sunneson: No, Chris said living in the Vale, freed slaves??
Smon: Kalindra: "The girl Susan Ornelos, who you and Hakeem freed from the Stone Tooth?
Smon: Kalindra: "Perhaps to the east, at the Citadel of Water?"
Sandor Sunneson: Sandor will tell Prisha she will have an Amazon guard for 1 week, then they will be sent back to Highaven
DESTROYERBILL: i juggle my daggars
Smon: K: "We shall return to Highhaven..."
Sandor Sunneson: It's all rumours Kalindra, apparently 400 of them
Smon: GM: K is def not leaving 2 amazons alone in Carchimish
joriandrake: When Sandor tells this she will accept and greet the amazon, plus tell the Queen they are skilled warriors and very free, as far she knows.
DESTROYERBILL: i say someone throw a bole in the air
joriandrake: ooc: he just said 1 in last comment
Smon: GM: All the amazons ride for Highhaven. Sandor can go with them or not
Sandor Sunneson: Prisha the request has been turned down unfortunately. Sandor will follow
Smon: GM: OK prob done w Sandor for tonight
Smon: brb 2 mins
joriandrake: ooc: well the group just broke up again
Smon: OOC thought it would, Sandor was hardly going to apologise
Smon: GM: Prisha dines with the King Koloth & Queen Lyssana, watching the Fat Fool's hilarious antics.
joriandrake: ooc: Well Prisha got the Queen interested, so will suggest the two to keep in touch by letter or something, maybe message spell
DESTROYERBILL: you know fergus if you had attacked koloth you would die
Smon: >>Prisha got the Queen interested<< ????
Sandor Sunneson: blah blah blah,
DESTROYERBILL: i a certin someone would have a +2 flaming sword
Sandor Sunneson: He copied Shieldbiter's tactics and ran away, plan for another day
Smon: (LOL)
joriandrake: ooc: Prisha talked about Sandor and I assumed his speech and Koloth's reaction would be enough for her to want to get to know him better, if for no other reason as an ally
Smon: >>Prisha dines with the King Koloth & Queen Lyssana, watching the Fat Fool's hilarious antics.<< Lyssana clearly still has a fever, sweat on her brow, staining her white dress, plastering it to her curvaceous form.
Smon: Lyssana: "Forgive me, father, again I feel a little... faint."
DESTROYERBILL: you know hakeem has now sworn to kill shield biter becouse he got a few magic items hakeem would not use and 17000gp out of 324000gp in a abandened dragon whord
joriandrake: "Your Majesty, after the breakfast the Queen should rest again, and we have much to discuss." Prisha says to Koloth
Smon: Koloth: "Take a healing potion, child!" He beckons to Inaba, who swiftly begins a silver platter with goblet of red fluid; Lyssana drinks.
DESTROYERBILL: ayth is free for the taking
Sandor Sunneson: Yes I read the transcript
joriandrake: As Lysanna speaks she raises an eye. "May I see that potion?"
Smon: Koloth nods to Prisha. "Aye... How long until you can effect a cure?"
DESTROYERBILL: also hakeem has abandened his empire,wife and one year old child
Smon: Lyssana lowers the potion she had just raised to her lips.
Smon: Frowning, she passes it to Prisha.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
joriandrake: Prisha will try to identify it.
Smon: Lyssana can roll a Medicine INT+PRof check
joriandrake: she can?
Smon: yes
Smon: roll
joriandrake: In case you meant Prisha /roll d20+4
joriandrake rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 7, (+4) = 11
joriandrake: ooc damn
Smon: It looks like a regular healing potion, such as herbalists make.
joriandrake: "Who made the potion?"
Smon: Koloth: "Fool, that's enough antics! Come eat with us - take that empty spot by Lady Sumata."
Smon: OK NS - roll INT + Prof
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 15, (+4) = 19
DESTROYERBILL: i have a pretty good idea
Smon: NS/Fool comes over and inspects the potion. There is just the faintest white residue... Poison!
joriandrake: "For now, just to be sure I go up with Lysanna, and give her a potion which I know where it is from. YOur majesty your daughter might truly have been ...affected by an outside source and that is what I hoped to talk with you in private."
DESTROYERBILL: my specialte
DESTROYERBILL: how dear somone try to poison your daughter
joriandrake: about* ooc: wow, nice Bill
DESTROYERBILL: im an expert in poisons
Smon: NS sniffs - yes, White Poppy! In low doses, it causes a lustful fever, feelings of chill even in great warmth, and sweats.
Smon: In high doses it can kill.
DESTROYERBILL: can i take this poison since i identified it
joriandrake: "It seems my inst... divine inspiration was right. Thank you good man" Prisha says and thanks NS
Smon: Koloth: "Who made this.... That alchemist! Viola! She will pay with her head!"
joriandrake: "Wait, no that can't be right."
Smon: GM: NS you can tell the potion is a regular potion, someone very recently added the poppy powder.
DESTROYERBILL: no no the p powder was added recently
Smon: Oghrin the dwarf, stood behind the high table, hefts his big chopping axe.
joriandrake: "I heard Odi lives nearby? Would she be able to access these potions before reaching the Queen?"
joriandrake: Odo*
DESTROYERBILL: it was somone in this court!
Smon: Koloth: "Odo? No, her tower is across the city."
Sandor Sunneson: They can blame Sandor
joriandrake: "Your Majesty, as I said I hoped to talk after breakfast but this escalated now. Let me, and this man" Points at NS "Investigate. Something is wrong, and I hope I have gained your trust by now to let me look into this."
Smon: Suddenly NS & Prisha hear a voice in their heads - Juko Inaba ~The servant who gave me the platter! He had something in his hand!~
joriandrake: ..."The servant" Where is he!?"
Smon: Koloth nods, clearly she 'spoke' to him too. "Find him! Seize him!"
Smon: Inaba points to the rear exit, to the kitchens area behind where the breakfast is prepared.
DESTROYERBILL: i can kill him easily
Smon: LOL
joriandrake: "Juko! Concentrate on how the man looked like, imagine him clearly!" Prisha calls out
DESTROYERBILL: no price if i keep the poison
joriandrake: then uses mind reading
DESTROYERBILL: ill kill him for the price of his poison
Smon: Prisha gets an image of a fat man of about 40 in stained white cook's outfit.
joriandrake: ooc: Should be quicker than trying to wait for her describing the man
joriandrake: "After him, take him alive, must have been paid by someone else!"
joriandrake: Prisha shouts and rushes after him
DESTROYERBILL: but why would he do it
Smon: Koloth: "Slave - take Oghrin - find him!"
Smon: GM: Are you all going to the kitchens?
DESTROYERBILL: ill find him
joriandrake: If Nightshadow and other guards follow she will during the move describe the man as best she can
Smon: GM: A moment later you burst into the bustling kitchens.
DESTROYERBILL: i can run 90 feet in one round
Smon: A fat Alryan cook that matches the vision sees you coming and turns to run... roll init
joriandrake: "Baltak (or whats his name keepp guard of the Queen!"
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 3, (+5) = 8
Smon: Oghrin is behind you (short legs), Inaba with you. She yells, pointing at him.
joriandrake rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 18, (+2) = 20
Smon: cook
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 7, (+3) = 10
Smon: Prisha is in front, and with the vision, spots him before NS
Smon: Juko
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 2, (+1) = 3
Smon: She's behind both of you.
Smon: GM: Prisha has a chance to stop him - he's within move range.
Smon: What does she do?
joriandrake: command spell: Surrender (WIS save)
Smon: /brb fetching stats
Unknown Command
joriandrake: dc 14
Smon: /roll d20+1
Smon rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 20, (+1) = 21
joriandrake: ooc: damn
Smon: He ignores the command and runs out the far door with surprising speed.
Smon: Are you chasing him? NS?
DESTROYERBILL: normal speed and dash
Smon: ok if you Dash and win an opposed Acrobatics check you can catch him
Smon: DEX+prof if no expertise
DESTROYERBILL: i got expertise
joriandrake: ooc: you can check his char sheet if he does
joriandrake: ooc nvm
Smon: LOL
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+11 and gets: 4, (+11) = 15
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 17, (+2) = 19
Smon: LOL
joriandrake: ooc: damn x2
DESTROYERBILL: i throw a daggar
Smon: You lose him in the twisting labyrinth of the palace tunnels
Smon: NS throws a dagger into a passing door.
joriandrake: others had no turn at all then?
Smon: you two were the ones with chances to catch him
Smon: you both failed
Smon: I'll see if guards catch him
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 16, (+2) = 18
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 2,
joriandrake: ooc well one is close still
Smon: yup he's out the palace gate and disappeared into the city before the hue & cry can spread
DESTROYERBILL: slippery bastard
DESTROYERBILL: ill draw a picture of him
joriandrake: "That 40 something fat guy is sure quick, maybe it's not how he really looks like"
Smon: Koloth is not happy when you get back.
Smon: Koloth: "An Assassin! Find him! I will not have my daughter's life endangered!"
DESTROYERBILL: ill send my boys in the town to find him
joriandrake: "That man was very fast for being fat, might not even be how he looked like in reality. Is there any item which clearly the assassin - and preferably only him - touched?"
Smon: Juko: ~The salver? Only him and me?~
Smon: Koloth nods to NS: "Bring him to me and you'll be well rewarded."
joriandrake: "Good. In worst case that should be helpful in traching him down."
Smon: Lyssana: "Well, frankly I'm relieved. I thought I was going mad..."
joriandrake: "May Meroya help you find the secrets of our enemies." Prisha tells NS when he leaves
DESTROYERBILL: ill be off straight away after i draw the picture
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 11, (+4) = 15
joriandrake: "No need for the picture we have it clearly in mind" Prisha says and nods to Inaba "Lysanna, let's not be too relieved yet. This is just one foiled attempt, we need to find the true culprits."
Smon: ns draws a nice pic.
joriandrake: "I remembered the name of Odo because you said it so often yesterday, she would be the prime suspect, but we need to be certain and even if she's involved it might not be only her."
Smon: GM: NS knows it would have taken several weak doses over weeks to put Lyssana in her current state.
joriandrake: ooc: white poppy is also the thing that stops pregnancies?
DESTROYERBILL: i need this picture so i can show my boys so they can try to find him
Smon: might be a different poppy
Smon: or not
Smon: pretty much any weak poison can work as a morning after pill
Smon: GM: The King sends NS off to search for the culprit.
joriandrake: ooc: ok well then this just eliminates the chance for a heir as reason for it
Smon: Koloth: "Why do you suspect Odo? What would she gain?"
Smon: Lyssana: "I can imagine her casting an evil spell... but poison? I think that would be beneath her."
Smon: Lyssana: "Unless, I suppose, she came saying she had the spell to cure me."
DESTROYERBILL: poison is an assasins line of work
Smon: Koloth: "Assassins! Worst kind of scum!"
DESTROYERBILL: it takes an assasin to cach and assasin
DESTROYERBILL: pff i am ofended
Smon: Koloth: "Bring him to me and you shall have an honoured place at my court, oh wise 'Fool'."
joriandrake: Prisha looks seriously. "There is no reason to assume there is only one enemy here, perhaps the poison didn't came from her, maybe she's even innocent, however, Lyssana, you are likely to be truly cursed." She sighs "I wanted to tell your father after breakfast in private, but I need a week to prepare a spell to break it, and until then can only weaken the effects. I believe it is best if I also prepare a spell to identify poison."
DESTROYERBILL: okay thanks
Sandor Sunneson: OOC: I've got an idea who did this
DESTROYERBILL: its poppy poison you already know what poison it is
Sandor Sunneson: OOC: but won't spoil the surprise
Smon: Koloth turns to Prisha, nods. "I have decided that you may establish your temple of Meroya at the alchemist's villa. Ask for any furnishings and such you require. Complete the healing of my daughter and I shall give you one of the Traitor Nobles as your slave, and proclaim you the Priestess of my Court."
joriandrake: "It will require a small sum of money to prepare what is required to Remove Curse, and I can also make charms, protective ones of Meroya, which I wish your Majesty also wear one, not just your daughter."
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joriandrake: "Thank you your Majesty, but I really don't care about that right now, first we have to save your daughter and find the cause for all this." Prisha then ponders for a moment
joriandrake: "Your Majesty, if you would die and also Lyssana, who would inherit next? Who would gain most of this act of murder?"
Smon: Koloth: "You shall have the monies you require."
DESTROYERBILL: im going to a black market shop i want poison
joriandrake: ooc LOL
Smon: Koloth ponders: "Sumata and Rosaria are distant cousins..."
Smon: "...And that Sandor fellow clearly wants me gone!"
joriandrake: "These two don't have exactly the chance for such planning and actions however, but we could ask them nicely... with a bit of a charming interrogation."
Smon: Koloth: "The Traitors have cause to hate us..." Lyssana: "Sumata seemed displeased that Dark Odo did not cut my throat."
Smon: NS & his boys are out searching the city...
joriandrake: "Also, Sandor wants to avoid a war and as far I know left peacefully. I doubt that your Majesty. The Queen was supposed to be his wife and he got here after she was 'ill' already. This started earlier"
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 18, (+2) = 20
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 13, (+3) = 16
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 11, (+8) = 19
Smon: GM: OK Ironfist spots a fellow he thinks matches the description hurrying down a street in the wharfs - he seems much slimmer though.
Smon: (was dc 20 - hard)
joriandrake: "Hm, is there anyone who is, or was close to Sumata and Rosaria? Was Odo one?"
Smon: ironfist can roll stealth dex +prof
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 7, (+4) = 11
joriandrake: ooc: hopefully he is too busy fleeing to notice this
Smon: Lyssana: "Marnt was their ...paramour. Mostly. He held me. They consorted with Mytsh too, Odo's master. But I got the impression they disliked Odo."
Smon: he has +4 per
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 4, (+4) = 8
Smon: LOL
joriandrake: yesh
Smon: Ironfist sneaks up on the man as he's held up by a turning ox-cart.
Smon: IF can attack by surprise
DESTROYERBILL: he will knock him out
Smon: advtg as unseen
Smon: AC 13
Smon: If IF was a Rogue, maybe...
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 8, (+6) = 14
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 14, (+6) = 20
joriandrake: "I won't speculate loudly until we know more. We can ask the two ladies while we wait for the results of the search" Prisha turns to Inaba "YOu can cast Charm spells, or command ones? The intention would be either to order them to tell truth, or make them believe to be our frieds so they speak freely on their own"
Smon: ~I am not a wizard, mistress.~
Smon: roll dmg Bill
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d8+4 and gets: 3, (+4) = 7
Smon: IF bonks the man with hilt of sword to little effect.
Smon: He turns, snarling.
Smon: roll init IF
Smon: /roll d20+2
Smon rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 5, (+2) = 7
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 15, (+2) = 17
Smon: Reckless attack for advtg or not?
Smon: The stranger's eyes glow red as he utters strange words of power
Smon: ok roll
joriandrake: "No, but you are something like that. Do you have no similar powers? I can attempt myself but 'backup' would be nice." Prisha ponders silently for a moment. "YOur Majesty, I request access for one of my sisters in faith, Mealia to be allowed us to join in the castle for the investigations."
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+6x2 and gets:
2 (+6) = 8
14 (+6) = 20
Smon: Koloth nods to Prisha. "Fine."
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d8+6 and gets: 1, (+6) = 7
DESTROYERBILL: 14 damage so far
Smon: He stands. Dark serpents tear at the mind of IF.
Smon: roll Wis + Prof save, DC 11
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 4, (+2) = 6
Smon: IF stands there paralysed.
Smon: On a 6 there are guards nearby and the assassin flees
joriandrake: ooc: a runner is sent for Mealia meanwhile
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: no
Smon: He grins, drawing a wavy bladed dagger coated with wyvern ichor...
Smon: /roll d20+4x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x2 and gets:
17 (+4) = 21
14 (+4) = 18
joriandrake: ooc: isn't it daytime?
DESTROYERBILL: not that poison
Smon: cuts IF's throat
Smon: Yes, people are running away from the combatants
joriandrake: ooc: good thing is at least they are noticed then, too bas for IF
joriandrake: bad*
Smon: /roll 10d6+2
Smon rolls 10d6+2 and gets: 5, 4, 2, 5, 6, 6, 3, 5, 2, 6, (+2) = 46
Smon: OOC hold up sorry, IF gets a save first!
Smon: I gave the assassin 2 consecutive goes
Smon: roll WIS+Prof again
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 14, (+2) = 16
joriandrake: ooc: then ignore that earlier damage roll?
DESTROYERBILL: roll your attack again without advantage
Smon: GM: IF deflects the blow in the nick of time, recovering.
Smon: The cultist flees - IF make opp att
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 1, (+6) = 7
joriandrake: ooc: good luck with attack of opportunity
joriandrake: ooc damn
Smon: IF misses as the cultist flees around the cart
Smon: ns roll perception
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 3, (+8) = 11
Smon: lol
Smon: crap rolls tonight
Smon: ns nowhere near
Smon: ok if chases, roll his acrobatics
joriandrake: ooc: except that 20 will for the guy against Prisha
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 20, (+4) = 24
Smon: opposed acrobatics
joriandrake: =)
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 4, (+4) = 8
Smon: if catches him!
joriandrake: =P
joriandrake: ooc: this was an epic chase scene
Smon: corners him again
Smon: down by the quayside
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 6,
Smon: guards come running up...
joriandrake: ooc: guards!
DESTROYERBILL: i stab at him
Smon: The man grins madly at the closing mass of warriors.
Smon: "Hamarkhis take you all!"
Smon: He drives the point of his dagger up into his mouth, into his brain.
Smon: And drops dead.
Smon: GM: That afternoon the guards bring the dead body back to the palace.
DESTROYERBILL: no if brings the body to ns
joriandrake: ooc: damn, well... speak with dead can be cast by Prisha but still needs time for preparing
Smon: Inspection shows tattoos of the murder/death god Hamarkhis, who had a major temple here.
joriandrake: "...I can still interrogate him, but with a spell for which I require preparation, like for Remove Curse." Prisha watches the corpse
Smon: GM: NS & Prisha are allowed by Oghrin & Baltek to examine the body, with Koloth.
joriandrake: "Which means, guard the corpse like a treasure until then."
DESTROYERBILL: ns loots any poisons that might be on his body
Smon: Baltek: "A follower of the foul priestess Jolda! Her death cult was powerful among the Brigands."
joriandrake: "Meroya will seek out the souls secrets."
Smon: NS finds an unused phial of Wyvern venom.
DESTROYERBILL: i take that
Smon: Baltek: "But Jolda was slain at Krens Cairn by the great hero Shieldbiter, the Destroyer of the Brigand Lords."
joriandrake: Prisha will ask Inaba for a few incense to be burned later.
Smon: "With her death, the cult crumbled. We have had a little trouble with them... but this fellow seems unusually well equipped."
joriandrake: "Probably they still hold a grudge then, or follow a new leader."
Smon: GM: I'd like to skip forward a week so Prisha can LR and redo her spells?
DESTROYERBILL: ill also take his daggars
Smon: GM: He had one blade, long and wavy, more a shortsword (d6 dmg)
joriandrake: ooc: Simon did you discuss the cost for love potions and such with Bill? if yes and he helps he gets one of 3 vials
DESTROYERBILL: ill take it
Smon: And a serpent/skull unholy symbol concealed at his neck.
Smon: no
Smon: they're 25gp each
joriandrake: ooc I think we can timejump then ... no what? you didn't talk about it, or he declined?
DESTROYERBILL: my god is a serpant god of assasins and poison
Smon: Anyway the King is happy at how Prisha's attentions & such heal Lyssana, he gives her 500gp for expenses.
DESTROYERBILL: ill go to a shop to find more poisons
joriandrake: okay, that solves my beggar problems
Smon: GM: You can make your own poisons NS, with some ingredients procured from the alchemist Viola Narangi
joriandrake: Prisha is ready to time jump, leaves instructions with the other girls while Mealia comes to castle during the week
DESTROYERBILL: but i need the powerful poisons like wyvern venom
Smon: Koloth also rewards NS 500gp for his help, and makes him Official Fool
joriandrake: So that they can continue their own training, and Viola can teach Esmalia reading
DESTROYERBILL: i give 100 gp to iron fist and 50 gp to iron head
Smon: They don't have wyvern venom - need to go to Oricha for that most likely.
joriandrake: ooc: Ironfist was good this session is saved thanks to him, probably a good amount of xp for him
Smon: Ironfist: "Hey, I saved the town! I got him!"
Smon: "Why are you giving him cash?!"
DESTROYERBILL: you get 100gp iron fist
Smon: Ironfist is happy now
Smon: "Cheers boss! Gonna buy Delanie a new dress, some ear-rings..."
joriandrake: Prisha smiles at Ironfist "I will inform Delanie of your heroic deed."
DESTROYERBILL: iron head gets 50 gp for triying
Smon: "Chick stuff"
Smon: Ironhead: "Duh, thanks boss"
DESTROYERBILL: your welcome
Smon: IF smiles at Prisha. "Tell her to come round the Goodkind Villa tonight so we can celebrate properly."
DESTROYERBILL: not in my villa your not
joriandrake: Speak with Dead: Prisha will ask Malia, Inaba, the royals and herself to prepare the 5 questions to be asked
joriandrake: Prisha tells IF she will notify her once she's able.
Smon: Ironfist sulks. "Fine boss. Inn it is, then." During the passing days, Prisha can persuade Rado to take the quicksilver potion?
DESTROYERBILL: go in the tavarn remember im freiends with rato he will probably give you half price
joriandrake: If Rado prepared the reqired material for the Revivify spell then she will do once Prisha re-prepared to actually have it ready
Smon: At the Inn Prisha shows Rado the potion. NS is dining nearby w Ironfist, Delanie on his lap.
DESTROYERBILL: hay prisha what is a qiuksilver poition
joriandrake: "As I said Rado, it might be dangerous, so we need to be certain all is prepared"
joriandrake: "Even if you might die, we will return you, and you will certainly lose lycanthropy if you ever had it."
Smon: Rado: "I don't have three hundred gold for diamonds!"
joriandrake: "Well, I have it now... I didn't have it when I asked you about it." Prisha says, thinking of the recent royal payment
Smon: "I'm NOT a wererat! I'll drink your damn potion!"
joriandrake: Prisha prepares revivify and the diamonds then lets Rado drink it
Smon: NS heard Prisha discussing the potion & called out to her from his table
joriandrake: "Yes?"
DESTROYERBILL: what does that damn poition do
Smon: GM: Rado gulps down the silvery potion in the taproom, Prisha Viola Euma NS Delanie & Ironfist watching
Smon: He looks a bit queasy. "Yuck."
Smon: "Ok I'm not dead. Is that it?"
joriandrake: "It can cure him of being a wererat if he truly is one, remove the chance of turning others, but it may result in death"
joriandrake: Prisha turns to Viola "How, and when are we certain?"
Smon: Viola: "Actually that was just to detect if was a Wererat. Apparently not... not a proper one."
Smon: "He'd be dead by now."
joriandrake: "The other potion now?"
Smon: Viola: "Yes, to purge any taint, the belladonna..."
joriandrake: "Or is it unnecessary?"
Smon: Rado rolls his eyes.
Smon: "Great."
joriandrake: She offers the beladdona potion to him
joriandrake: "This is to help you. Don't complain."
Smon: Viola: "If he had no taint at all it wouldn't have had any effect at all... so we need to be sure."
Smon: Rado sighs. Euma gives him an encouraging smile.
joriandrake: Prisha turns to Euma. "It may seem funny, but what happens right now risks his life, for you."
Smon: Rado: "Mother... You gave me a lot. A stern upbringing. This inn. The taint of lycanthropy. Here's goodbye to that one."
Smon: Euma nods. "He's so brave..."
DESTROYERBILL: chug chug chug
Smon: Rado: "Bottoms up." He gulps down the foul green concoction.
Smon: Winces. Sits down heavily.
joriandrake: "A bit timid, but a good soul, and deeply in love with you"
Smon: CON save
Smon: /roll d20
Smon rolls 1d20 and gets: 12,
Smon: Rado sweats and shivers, but he doesn't die,
DESTROYERBILL: good job rado
Smon: and a couple hours later he is weak but alive (you could Cure Wounds him if desired)
DESTROYERBILL: do we just call you do now
joriandrake: Prisha goes and gently taps his back, then thinks once and waves Euma closer
joriandrake: "Rub his back, I go bringa glass water"
Smon: "Still Rado, friend... still Rado." He smiles weakly at NS.
Smon: Euma embraces him, kissing his cheek. He kisses her back.
DESTROYERBILL: ha good old rado
Smon: Viola: "aww"
DESTROYERBILL: i smile back
DESTROYERBILL: you were really brave rado
joriandrake: Prisha decides instead of healing him with magic Euma shall care for him at bed with rest
DESTROYERBILL: your mother would be proud
Smon: Rado grins at NS. "Thanks, my friend. And thank you, Priestess!"
joriandrake: "A week of rest for you"
DESTROYERBILL: not just rest ayh
Smon: "You'll always have a free room at my Inn."
joriandrake: "You're welcome, but thank Meroya as well." She smiles.
DESTROYERBILL: ill go looking for poisons on the black market
Smon: GM: You can get ingredients to make any poisons under 1000gp Bill
joriandrake: ooc: ok, Rado case solved, if there are any wererats its someone else
Smon: (we can do that off game)
Smon: 7/8/47
Smon: Long Rest completed, Prisha can redo her spells.
joriandrake: "Next is Remove Curse." She turns to lysanna. "Once the living is cared for, only then do we question the dead."
Smon: Lyssana nods. "Thank you."
Smon: OOC stopping shortly
joriandrake: oc: let us leave the 5 questions for next session then, afraid it is messed up by being tired
Smon: Prisha casts RC on Lyssana, who seems a lot better. The fever is gone and she seems more confident.
joriandrake: ooc: I can play tomorrow again
Smon: good idea
DESTROYERBILL: but i want wyvern poison which dosent use ingrediants its just the poison from a wyvern
Smon: ok will aim for 8pm tomorrow for Prisha, pick up there
joriandrake: "Meroya broke the curse on you, but until we know who placed it on you they can attempt to curse you again." Prisha tells before the two royals
Smon: ok DC 25 Investigation check NS
Smon: INT+Prof
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 2, (+4) = 6
Sandor Sunneson: unlucky
joriandrake: ooc: Prisha investigates if the king might also be cursed
Smon: def no more wyvern venom
Smon: Well Koloth does seem a bit odd.
Smon: But both he & Lyssana accept the anti-curse talismans
Sandor Sunneson: well done you both
joriandrake: I tell him I cast it on him as well after his daughter is visibly better
Smon: Prisha is to be made Priestess of the Court.
joriandrake: "just i ncase"
Smon: Kololth: "As you will."
joriandrake: ooc: thanks Simon
Smon: ok stopping there
Smon: xp Sandor 1000 for epic speech, NS & P 1500
Sandor Sunneson: he's getting close to B14 now !
Sandor Sunneson: Is Sandor required tomorrow night with Prisha Simon?
Smon: naw
Smon: Can do him & Maglor sometimw
Smon: e
joriandrake: thanks for being here this time though
Sandor Sunneson: cool,lol, ok
Smon: I think it's gonna be NS & P as a buddy team
Sandor Sunneson: no worries, was interesting to read along
joriandrake: too bad yo uand the amazons didn't chase the assassin around =)
Sandor Sunneson: cool, works well
Smon: Very Benny Hill
joriandrake: until hakeem shows up X)
joriandrake: I read the update from last game and m scared now from angry barbarian o.O
Smon: Sandor will soon be hearing that Hakeem has abdicated, Shieldbiter has fled Ahyf.
Sandor Sunneson: Yeah, focusing on other stuff, Carcamesh will be fine
Smon: Laurana likes having Sandor in Highhaven but if he wants to have a city, maybe Ahyf?
joriandrake: anyway, updated sheet, gn till tomorrow! btw: Simon I would be interested in playing a new, or joining existing dragon campaign of yours
Smon: "Apparently Lord Bronze of Hara is the new King Regent, you could ask him."
Smon: (ok thx jorian)
Sandor Sunneson: He is happy to help Laurana too. And wants to be around for the birth of his child
Smon: (will think about dragons)
Smon: Telling Laurana that?
Sandor Sunneson: Got responsibility as a parent whether he likes it or not
joriandrake: need to go now, thanks again all, bye Bill & co!
Smon: bye all
Sandor Sunneson: bye
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