Wednesday, 14 February 2018
14/8/47 Prisha in Carchimish after wedding (1500 XP Prisha)
11:36am 2018-2-14 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
11:36am 2018-2-14 Smon Has entered the room
Smon: Hi Bill
Smon: NPCs 1. Black-Eye, Kobold teamster, rickshaw master & gossip pg 4 2. The Dragged Woman, Ghost of Lady Nyalia di'Carchimish pg 5 3. Goldscale, Kobold Paladin of Bahamut, protector of the kobolds pg 6 4. Pavic of the Unseen Conclave, Wizard pg 8 5. Sam Nesclem, Bargemaster pg 10 6. Syssysalai, Dark Naga crime boss pg 12 Locations - Lower Carchimish Silk Scabbard Brothel pg 27, owned by Tyron Rampant Roach Kobold restaurant pg 30, owned by Skirtal
Smon: Hi Bill
Smon: Goldscale tells Nightshadow that Skirtal the kobold who runs the Rampant Roach is a good sort
Smon: His fried roach casserole is especially tasty!
DESTROYERBILL: is that a bar
Smon: yes, in the kobold ghetto by the docks
DESTROYERBILL: roach is not my type of food
Smon: Goldscale: "You never know if you'll like it til you try!"
Smon: Goldscale: "Black-Eye the kobold wagon driver is a pretty good sort too."
Smon: "Black-Eye has a horse wagon he uses for loads and passengers, and his three nephews run rickshaws each pulled by a human slave."
Smon: "He's a terrible gossip but he looks out for kobolds ok, and he knows how to keep a real confidence."
11:43am 2018-2-14 joriandrake Has entered the room
joriandrake: hi sorry, took a while to notice message
Smon: "I just worry about that damn Snake Demon! Her use of kobold thieves could set the humans against us."
Smon: GM: 09:30 in the Inn common room.
Smon: Nightshadow is up bright and early, chatting with a golden scaled kobold.
joriandrake: Prisha wakes with a terrible headache and has no idea how she got into the bed (whichever it is)
Smon: Prisha wakes on the couch by the fire, her face planted in Esmalia's bosom. She doesn't feel too good. Sleeping revellers are still scattered around - no sign of Delanie Mealia or Viola though.
Smon: Rado's cook, a fat man, is serving breakfast to the early risers.
joriandrake: She faintly remembers winning a drink contest against Oghrim and Mealia. Prisha tries to stand up and staggers to wash her face with cold water
Smon: roll a DC 10 CON save Prisha
joriandrake rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 16, (+1) = 17
Smon: Prisha gets water from the kitchen and is feeling quite good!
Smon: The cook - Hero - regards her in amazement. "Blessed by the Goddess ye are for sure, milady!"
Smon: Rado's new mother in lady Brimmel comes down the stairs. "Wakey wakey everyone! Rise and shine!" she yells.
Smon: Esmalia stirs, groaning. "My head..."
joriandrake: She lets out a tired laugh at Hero's remark then turns to Rado. "Morning Rado, I assume you had a much better night than any of us... except Euma, of course" she smiles at the innkeeper
Smon: Goldscale the kobold paladin watches curiously from his stool perch.
joriandrake: Prisha notices the kobold. (Is it actually having golden scales?)
Smon: (yes) GM: 30 minutes later, you are all having breakfast served by Brimmel & Hero, and some folk have staggered away, when Rado & Euma d'Sewer come downstairs hand in hand. They smile at Prisha.
Smon: Rado: "Excellent night!" he grins bashfully. Euma giggles.
Smon: Goldscale: "So about the demon snake, if we could find some powerful adventurers to aid us in a swift assault..."
Smon: The Inn doors open and in comes Priestess Mealia, looking rather hung-over, leading slave Rosaria on her training tether. She smiles at Prisha. "You're up! Great!"
DESTROYERBILL: is it poison resistant
Smon: Mealia: "Good morning Nightshadow."
DESTROYERBILL: good morning i yawn
joriandrake: Prisha raises an eyebrow at the mention of 'demon snake' then as mealia comes she smiles at her. "Morning Mealia, morning Rosaria."
Smon: Goldscale: "I fear so - it is, after all, a demon snake of distant Karak..."
Smon: Goldscale eyes Prisha, her dusky Karakan complexion.
joriandrake: Prisha tries to remember if she heard anything about a 'demon snake' perhaps under different names
Smon: Rosaria has her eyes downcast. "Good morning mistress."
Smon: Prisha can roll INT+Prof DC 11
DESTROYERBILL: a dark naga#
Smon: Mealia joins Prisha & Esmalia at their table. "Guess who *we* spent the night with!"
Smon: Rosaria kneels behind Mealia as per her training.
Smon: Mealia is looking quite smug despite the hangover.
joriandrake: Prisha touches her face and raises Rosaria's sight to her. "I heard no bad things, misdeeds of yours since you joined us. It makes me happy. With time while I promised to not free you the princess might decide to offer you full freedom as a reformed priestess. I hope you will enjoy your training as much as possible" Then she smiles at mealia
Smon: Goldscale: "I may have a lead on a secret access to the demon snake's lair, that could allow us to surprise the fiend..."
joriandrake rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 20, (+4) = 24
joriandrake: (arcana or nature gets +3 more)
Smon: OK Prisha suspects a Dark Naga just as Nightshadow suggested - many Nagas are good spirits, but the Dark Naga are dangerous and evil.
Smon: P can roll CHA+Prof v Rosaria.
joriandrake: Prisha plans to talk to the kobold but first attend to Mealia and Rosaria
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 1, (+7) = 8
Smon: Mealia: "Yes, Rosaria you did well last night..." but the ex-noble just looks down, not responding to P's encouraging words.
joriandrake: ooc: Well she's hungover or what :/
Smon: Mealia: "Still, clearly more training is required... *yawn*"
joriandrake: "In any case, she got a second chance and better treatment. Not many have such luck in life." Prisha then sits down and invites the girls over, anso waves the kobold closer
Smon: Brimmel serves bacon & eggs with pitcher of honey mead, Mealia sips. "mmm, lovely."
joriandrake: Prisha thanks Brimmel for the breakfast
Smon: Goldscale stage whispers to NS: "That is a Karakhan Priestess! She may be in league with the Demon Snake!"
Smon: Brimmel: "That's 1 silver ...each."
Smon: Esmalia sighs and fishes in her flaccid coin pouch. "Can you pay, Mistress Prisha?"
DESTROYERBILL: trust me she is not with the deomn snake
joriandrake: Prisha won't argue and pays for all three, including Rosaria
Smon: roll Persuasion NS
joriandrake: 4
joriandrake: all 4 forgot Esmalia is up and here as well
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+11 and gets: 14, (+11) = 25
Smon: Goldscale believes & trusts NS, Friend to Kobolds.
Smon: Mealia feeds Rosaria some tid-bits of bacon as she talks.
Smon: "Yes, well, as I was saying, Guard Captains are kind of my specialty..."
Smon: She grins smugly.
Smon: "Dear old Sir Baltek, he's rather sweet!"
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 6, (+3) = 9
joriandrake: "Oh? I assumed you meant Rosaria... well, good for Baltek. He does deserve some loving."
Smon: Mealia frowns. "There was something else... sorry I'll recall in a moment."
Smon: Mealia smiles. "Oh, Rosaria participated too, and quite skillfully! She's clearly not inexperienced..."
Smon: Mealia pats Rosaria's blonde locks.
joriandrake: ooc: I assume you rolled for charisma on Baltek, he might've picked mealia instead of Prisha due to his previous (in castle) roll on Prisha and Mealia also being a halfelf of similar measurements
joriandrake: Prisha turns her attention to the kobold again attempting to invite him over one last time
Smon: (also P was out cold in Esmalia's cleavage) Mealia looks over at Rado & Euma serving at the bar. "They're keen to get back to work!"
Smon: Goldscale rises and approaches P's quite crowded table.
joriandrake: "Whatever 'work' that might be" Prisha remarks giggling
Smon: "Good morning, Priestess. I am Goldscale, Paladin of Bahamut, Defender of Kobolds."
Smon: Mealia: "Well I meant the bar..." she giggles.
joriandrake: "Hello good kobold, I heard you talk about a Dark Naga, quite unusual for this region." Prisha then tells him of the known weaknesses and abilities (depending on what you share, absed on Prisha's roll)
Smon: Goldscale pulls up a stool and perches atop it.
joriandrake: "Such a creature would risk the population."
joriandrake: *would be a risk to
Smon: "Yes... Kobold Friend Nightshadow also called it Dark Naga."
Smon: GM: Powerful spellcasters & enchanters, poisonous, immune to charm & poison.
joriandrake: Prisha looks for Nightshadow and if also seeing him, calls him over as well to her table.
Smon: Goldscale smiles as NS brings his mead over & sits with them.
joriandrake: "If you plan to go against it prepare antivenom and something good against magic"
Smon: Goldscale: "They call it Syssysalai, the Snake God - but it is no true god!"
joriandrake: "They?" Prisha asks
Smon: The kobold paladin nods grimly. "I shall ask the alchemist for antivenom."
joriandrake: Prisha turns to Mealia and Esmalia. "What time are we expected to begin our journey to Hara with the princess?"
Smon: GS: "Aye! It has recruited a cult of kobold burglars, who steal from the rich humans."
Smon: "And an evil human, a man called Ziv the Sly. They say the demon is assembling a gallery of stolen art, that they even stole an enchanted painting belonging to Dark Odo!"
Smon: Mealia is looking thoughtful. "The Captain said the barge should be ready at noon..."
DESTROYERBILL: we will need to chain up the body and incase it in somthing it can not get out of it will come back to life within 1-6 days
Smon: M: "I remember now! As I was heading to the palace with Sir Baltek last night, I think I saw Viola come out behind me, with Norbert and two of his men... I hope everything is ok with her."
Smon: Goldscale stares at NS: "Really?! That's terrible!"
Smon: GS: "Then the demon is even more powerful than I feared!"
Smon: He eyes Prisha. "Yet there may be one hope... milady!"
DESTROYERBILL: im going to vioas house to get rados daggar poisoned for him
Smon: GS: "In the oldest tales, of the great Kobold Patriarchs, in the Dawn Age, when dragons ruled..."
joriandrake: "Hm, usually burning a body is effective" Prisha turns from the kobold to Mealia "would the barge be swifter than journey with horses? Perhaps we can help Goldscale on our way to Hara, if we have time and it's not too far."
Smon: Mealia shrugs. "I think horses would be swifter, certainly upriver... but less comfortable."
DESTROYERBILL: i think fire wont stop it somthing more powerful
Smon: GS is talking on. "There are legends of how the Patriarchs banished the Demons of Chaos with their mighty words. Can you do such, priestess?"
DESTROYERBILL: hey prish you can if you learnt the spell of course
DESTROYERBILL: dark odo might be able to do it
joriandrake: then adds "Mealia, you're now my representative of the temple here, and the health of everyone in the temple, be it Viola or Rosaria is your responsibility. If you think there might be a problem I can help you, but perhaps look into Viola & Norbert on your own?" then turns to GS "I might be able to" (unsure if I re-prepared the spell list yet, if yes then I believe it is wised to hold off this side-adventure for later until I can prepare Banishment)
Smon: Goldscale: "I fear that if Syssysalai is not stopped soon, her thieves will be caught, and the Humans will turn against all kobolds..."
joriandrake: "That is, if the dark naga isn't home on our plane of existence"
Smon: GM: Today is your spell prep day Prisha
DESTROYERBILL: ther spirits so no this is not there pane of existance
joriandrake: ooc: OK, would Banisment work on the naga?
Smon: You are down 1 spell casting slot for casting det poison/disease though,
Smon: >>ooc: OK, would Banisment work on the naga?<< Tricky, as Nagas as strongly bound to the material plane, but are not truly corporeal. A special ritual would be necessary, you think.
joriandrake: Prisha nods thoughtfully. "I can attempt such banishment but success is not certain, it might resist the divine spell. Preparations have to be done for a case there needs to be a full battle with it... and I believe we can take this detour, as it helps keep peace and protect the citizens, and also the kobolds."
joriandrake: ooc: Prisha will try to prepare such a ritual then and see how it goes
Smon: GM OOC: You would need to (a) succcessfully banish then (b) enact the ritual in the minute before it can return.
joriandrake: ooc: basically, clear out the place before fighting the 'boss' /naga/ itself to do the ritual without disturbance
12:29pm 2018-2-14 DESTROYERBILL Has exited the room
joriandrake: Prisha turns from the kob old and Nightshadow back to mealia "Well, do you wish to look after Viola yourself?"
joriandrake: --do we end now?--
joriandrake: --Why did Bill leave?--
Smon: brb bill mum here
joriandrake: h, ok I wait
Smon: ok back
Smon: Sorry Ingrid wanted to chat
joriandrake: I hope nothing bad happened
Smon: GM: No, went well
Smon: She's a changed woman since she got a boyfriend!
joriandrake: Ok then back to game!
Smon: GM: Mealia & Nightshadow bid Prisha farewell and head over to the Narangi villa.
Smon: Sexual technique check for Viola (not expert yet...)
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 12, (+4) = 16
Smon: Apparently things went well with Viola and the guardsmen.
Smon: (was a bit risky, her & three of them - Mealia will be relieved)
joriandrake: She bids them farewell as well (and before Esmlia leaves she tells her) "Esmalia, Rosaria was once a noblewoman, then a trophy to be seen by all, I don't believe she has much trust in me, but perhaps you and Mealia have better chances to get her open up and feel better. Just as mealia will as temporary head priestess watch over you all, you should also do your best to help Mealia, and train Rosaria together with her while you learn the use of that mace"ű
joriandrake: ooc: well she sure loses a lot of her shyness
Smon: GM: Esmalia pauses, letting Mealia & NS leave, before speaking to P.
joriandrake: "You both have different forms of experience and wisdom, and can both elarn from each other as you devote yourself more to Meroya"
Smon: "Mistress, I am a little concerned, sometimes I think... Mealia calls it loving chastisement, but she likes to use the switch on Rosaria's buttocks rather a lot. I think." Esmalia looks uncertain. "I do not know if it is wise, to humiliate the slave so. Mealia says she must learn humility, before she can truly begin to serve Meroya."
Smon: E shrugs. "I do not know of such things."
joriandrake: "Remind her that we're... a bit different from a brotherl. She also needs to a bit humility and try to show kindness already sometimes. DoN't rely only on the 'stick' without the carrot."
joriandrake: *brothel
Smon: Esmalia nods. "Yes, mistress. Perhaps she needs to forget some things, as well as learn. I will tell her, as you have told me."
joriandrake: Then Prisha smiels at her "You have talents you're not aware of yet. Trust ,em your insight into the matter with Mealia and Rosaria already proves your own form of wisdom"
Smon: Esmalia smiles very proudly at the praise, despite her own hangover.
Smon: "Thank you Mistress."
Smon: Esmalia bids P farewell and goes to follow Mealia & co to the Narangi villa/Meroya temple.
joriandrake: Prisha nods. "Both of you are still students, both are likely to do mistakes, so talk with each other, discuss things and what to do." then she bids her farewell as well
Smon: Goldscale is looking thoughtful, pushing scrambled eggs around his plate.
Smon: GS: "You are a great priestess of the humans. Perhaps you could defeat the demon snake."
joriandrake: "I will pray to Meroya. Pepare a form of spell that might be able to help you against the dark naga. However, if we oppose the creature we need some competent ighters, a scout, and maybe spellcasters"
Smon: He looks around to ensure no one is listening, then speaks quietly. "Yes... I spoke with a drunken kobold of the snake's cult. He told me of a secret entry to the ruined temple, whereby we might surprise the monster. Or even..."
joriandrake: Prisha turns to the kobold. "I don't believe it to be wise to have the princess or her escort with us, although volunteers are welcome. YOu will need more than just me on your side. I'm not the ideal companion for battles."
Smon: GS pauses. "There is a chance we might surprise it outside its temple lair."
joriandrake: She nods and speaks more softly "Still, better to prepare for the worst scenario. Although a lure or opportunity to find the naga on its own would be ideal."
Smon: GS nods. "Nightshadow suggested the town guard, but they are clumsy and weak. This is a task for the stealthy and strong."
joriandrake: "There are a rare few among the escort, probably best not to involve them however. Perhaps Oghrim could help us as this concerns the safety of the town"
joriandrake: "Nightshadow himself might have been useful for such mission"
Smon: GS looks thoughtful, then leans in and whispers "In lower Carchimish there is an old bath house, frequented by merchants, sailors, and women who sell themselves for gold. It is rumoured the monster likes to come there by a hidden path, to bathe in the warm waters..."
joriandrake: Prisha ponders the information "... a brothel would be Mealia's expertise, but she's no scout. Perhaps we can ask her to make it easier for us to gain access with the proper knowledge to the establishment and those warm waters. Still I would prefer her not to do anything combat related, she needs to focus on her priestess training." Prisha will think of anyone who could join a group against the dark naga
joriandrake: ooc: if prisha prepares banishment she can cast it max twice, if both times spell save roll succeeds she will face the creatue in combat for sure, for which she doesn't think to be ready on her own, likely not with GS together either
Smon: GS shakes his head. "It is not a 'brothel', as you call it. Anyone may enter for a copper coin. Even kobolds."
Smon: He scratches his chin.
joriandrake: "ah, an actual, normal bath house then." She'sa bit surprised
joriandrake: "Very well, let us try this.A single extra warrior or cleric might be useful, what about the priest with his dog?"
Smon: Goldscale nods. "The priest of Apollo has a little power. Perhaps he could help us."
Smon: Goldscale: "It is called the Old Stross Bath House, from the dynasty who ruled Carchimish a long time ago. Others would know more."
joriandrake: Prisha nods. "Well let us go to our temple then, Viola is a local, she can give more information on it and also about the Apollo priest."
joriandrake: and Prisha thinks this way she gets to know of what's going on with Viola and Mealia
joriandrake: "We need her alchemical potions anyway"
Smon: GS finishes his mead. "But the snake will not visit there until night time, I think. They say it comes in by the secret way and bathes after nightfall in the warm waters."
Smon: GS: "I must return to the kobold ghetto now. If you are helping, seek me out at the Rampant Roach Kobold restaurant."
joriandrake: Prisha soighs "i don't know where these 'warm waters, or the route there is however. I will need to pray to Meroya to prepare the spell against the naga, and we still need the antivenom, so a stop and short rest at the temple is required."
joriandrake: sighs*
joriandrake: "I do intend to help, you seek out skilled kobolds from your fellows for this as well, perhaps numbers will turn to our benefit"
Smon: GS shakes his head. "No. I have sworn never to endanger kobold life."
Smon: "The demon is too powerful for them."
joriandrake: Prisha looks surprised "...I will risk my life to protect peace between humans and kobolds. If you can't ask their aid against the Dark naga I can understand, albeit not easily. In that case however i will require a different form of support from you kobolds if the naga is removed. Acceptable agreement?"
Smon: GS: "Hmm. What support do you require? I cannot do anything un-righteous."
joriandrake: "You kobolds ae small but often ignored or not even seen. Still perceptive, and good at digging, mining. You could join as informers to the temple of Meroya, eyes and ears, maybe later also as miners if I find anything worth to mine nearby. Profits would be equally shared in that case with you as their decision maker."
joriandrake: "The princess got attacked, the king and her both cursed earlier. I still idn't wrap up the problems, dangers in the town and you kobolds can help thus in rooting out evil"
joriandrake: "Mealia and Esmalia will remain here, while I need to travel to Hara soon, your aid would be welcome."
Smon: GS: "The mining here is not so good... Up in the mountains is good, but too many ogres and bugbears that try to eat kobolds." He nods. "But we have good eyes and ears. The best of us for that is my friend Black-Eye the teamster, and his nephews who drive the rickshaws. They will be eyes and ears for you, if you help us. And you will have my steel."
Smon: GS puffs out his little gold-scale-armoured chest. "If your Goddess is good, I will protect her temple while you are gone. You have my pledge, as Paladin of Bahamut."
joriandrake: "Then it is a deal. I will prepare myself then visit that Apollo priest, and then meet at the 'Rampant Roach' when ready."
joriandrake: She smiles, and bows a bit to the good kobold.
Smon: GS nods sombrely and offers his paw to shake.
joriandrake: Prisha takes her paw, shakes it, then gives a quick kiss on his forehead.
joriandrake: "I'll leave now for the temple, till later Goldscale"
Smon: GM: GS accepts the kiss with grace and bids P farewell "till we meet again". Prisha goes to freshen up at the Temple of Meroya.
Smon: Arriving at the Narengi villa around 11:00 or so, she finds her priestesses Esmalia & Mealia with Viola, being served a second breakfast/brunch by Slave Rosaria.
joriandrake: ooc: Prisha will look for Viola to get to know of what happened, then pray to replace Divination with Banishment, prepare the extra ritual, ask the girls about their opinion on the bath house/Naga's route & the Apollo priest with the dog.
Smon: They all stand as she enters, greeting her in Meroya's name.
joriandrake: She smiles at them, and signals to take their seats again
Smon: Mealia: "Apparently Viola did entertain the three gentlemen - and handled them!"
Smon: Viola smiles a little bashfully, rubbing her right wrist. "That Norbert... he likes to games. For a moment I was afraid..." she looks down.
joriandrake: "Well, well. Viola if you keep this up soon you can also teach me some things." Prisha smiles at Viola.
joriandrake: Prisha sits to them and begins to tell about the Dark naga and ask her questions
Smon: Viola looks up, catching Prisha's eye and smiling. "I remembered what you taught me... I summoned the power of the goddess.... and three scary soldiers became like little boys." Her smile broadens.
Smon: Mealia: "There is a bath house in Capricia I used to frequent, but I don't know about this one at all."
Smon: Viola: "I have heard of it, but never been there. During the time of the Brigand Lords, only the bandits, their slaves and whores would go there. It is different now - the women of the town bathe there again, alongside the men."
Smon: Viola smiles slightly. "My friend Kym Goodkind said we should go together! I was shy..."
joriandrake: "Any idea how the Naga could get into the warm waters from the outside?"
joriandrake: "Hm, Kym... I can ask her too."
Smon: Mealia: "Oh, yes... the outflow pipe would provide easy access. Except there will be a grille, to keep out rats, snakes and such."
Smon: Viola: "Or a secret door? It is mostly below ground, and very old. There could be such."
joriandrake: Prisha turns to Viola "We will require antivenom. Hopefully we won't have to use it, but better to have some potions at hand" then turns back to Mealia "The creature might be able to get through the outflow pipe's grille, by opening it or magic means"
Smon: Mealia: "A serpent does not require a door to fit Men, though - even an air vent would be enough."
joriandrake: "hm, this thing is immune to poison...which reminds me" Prisha takes out the vial of poison she got from the dwarf "Mealia you can have this, I assume you know better when, and how to use it, if necessary."
Smon: Viola nods. "I'm sure I have some."
Smon: Mealia takes the vial carefully. "Venom - from the Crimson Serpent jungle. Powerful stuff."
joriandrake: Prisha nods at Mealia's observation then turns to Viola "What do you think of Odo, Viola? I didn't meet her yet but didn't hear much good about her. WOuld she be interested in the Dark naga hunt, perhaps if she can keep the corpse?"
Smon: Viola: "I'll check my stores..." she stands.
Smon: Viola considers: "Odo is very scary... and terrible if crossed. But I do not think she is truly evil... or if so, only when required. Kym Goodkind has dealt well with her, and not been turned into a bird."
Smon: Viola: "She has two slaves who assist her enchanting - the older is a deformed hunchback, who once served Mytsh. The Brigand Wizard-Lord named him Igor, a strange name. The other is newer, a girl."
Smon: "I doubt she would hunt the Naga with us, unless it had crossed her, or she needed it for some reason."
joriandrake: "Hm... a Dark Naga is not exactly from our plane of existence, but neither of a different one. I believe once defeated it would still leave some form of remains, essence behind. It might interest odo. I could go visit her, already planned before, but not I have an actual reason to. THanbk you VIola, please go look for the antivenom"
joriandrake: now*
Smon: GM: Banishment spell leaves no remains though.
joriandrake: ooc: true, but normal banishment doesn't need extra ritual either... so I assumed this would do something like ripp the creature in half between planes
Smon: I doubt she would hunt the Naga with us, unless it had crossed her hm. If Jorian has forgotten I'll give Prisha a DC 15 raw INT check, no Prof bonus
Smon: (no the ritual is just to keep it banished)
joriandrake: ooc: Yes ... Prisha has no clue though if the thing DID cross her before, or if she might be interested in it for other reasons
joriandrake: ooc: perhaps it ate some of her crows
joriandrake rolls 1d20+1 and gets: 14, (+1) = 15
Smon: Lucky!
Smon: Smon: GS: "Aye! It has recruited a cult of kobold burglars, who steal from the rich humans." Smon: "And an evil human, a man called Ziv the Sly. They say the demon is assembling a gallery of stolen art, that they even stole an enchanted painting belonging to Dark Odo!"
joriandrake: "ooh..." Prisha now has a good chance to get Odo on her side, and also give a good first impression
joriandrake: Prisha excuses herself from mealia and happily pats the head of Rosaria as she goes into her quarters to pray and prepare Banishment, then the ritual, and then see what Viola found
Smon: GM: OK I think it's an hour to pray & prep new spells?
Smon: As Prisha emerges from her bedroom a little after noon, Esmalia tells her that the Princess's slave maid has just arrived.
joriandrake: *Preparing a new list of cleric spells requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.
joriandrake: so either a very short time for only changing the 1 4th level spell, or still somewhat short-ish if counting all
Smon: In the Hall, the blonde loincloth & sandal clad Skandik slave Shae is waiting patiently.
Smon: (ok)
joriandrake: "Hello Shae, right? How can I be of assistance?"
Smon: Shae bows. "Mistress. The Princess has sent me to inquire when you wish to depart, and whether by horse or by boat."
Smon: "A barge is ready at the docks, and horses are available in the Royal Stables."
joriandrake: Prisha considers her options. "Prepare as if we go with the horses, but I might inform you to still go with the boat. I have something to attend to and if it can be done quickly we use the horses, if not I believe the boat is more ideal."
joriandrake: "What I have to do will be tonight, so whatever happens we will start the journey tomorrow"
Smon: Shae nods. "I will do both... But the barge master will wish to leave soon, I think. He is his own man."
Smon: Shae looks doubtful. "I will ask if he can wait until tomorrow, for the Princess. And for the high priestess of Meroya."
joriandrake: "Tell Lyssana to stall the barge master, pay a few coins perhaps. Also ask her to inquire from Juko if the representative for Carchimish was already chosen. We need diplomatic representatives now that we're leaving."
joriandrake: Then she smiles. "I look forward to get to know you better on the journey too Shae."
Smon: Shae smiles and nods. "I will do as you say, mistress. But I am not sure I understand about 'the representative'?"
joriandrake: "Well, who of the new council is good at negotiations and diplomacy? I don't believe there are many qualified now that the princesss and I are leaving town. Baltek and Juko was told to look for some polite, patient diplomat to represent Carchimish at negotiations or if another diplomatic envoy has to leave the wotn while we're away."
Smon: Mealia gives Rosaria's collar leash a little tug, grinning. "See, Rosaria? There is a well-trained slave. When she does not understand, she asks for clarification, rather than stand there dumbly." Rosaria nods dumbly. "Yes... mistress."
joriandrake: town*
joriandrake: Prisha looks at Esmalia if nearby, reminding her with a glance about the discussion theyh ad about Rosaria
Smon: Shae looks uncertain. "I... will pass on your message to the Princess, mistress."
Smon: Esmalia is listening to Prisha & Shae, ignoring Mealia.
Smon: P roll CHA+Prof
joriandrake: She smiles "Lyssana might be able to rush the choice of representative a bit, her father is not in the best health sadly, the curse while removed didn't mean his health to be fully returned, he needs an extra help in diplomacy"
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 16, (+7) = 23
Smon: Shae nods, smiling gratefully. "Help in diplomacy - I understand, Mistress. I will pass on your message."
joriandrake: Prisha nods, then turns to to Mealia and Rosaria, with Esmalia as well.
Smon: P catches Esmalia's eye, E nods in understanding, turns to Mealia. "Slave Rosaria is learning and growing in understanding, Mealia. Soon she will be able to run errands herself!" Mealia looks doubtful.
Smon: Shae bows again and departs.
Smon: Esmalia looks at Rosaria. "Slave Rosaria is not stupid. She learns fast. Don't you?"
Smon: Rosaria nods.
Smon: Mealia crimsons slightly at E's tone. "Yes, but she also has much to unlearn."
Smon: M: "They say she was an arrogant noble, who betrayed this town, consorted with the Brigand Lords..."
Smon: Mealia trails off.
Smon: Esmalia looks to Prisha for affirmation.
joriandrake: "Today Mealia, you will have one last lession before I leave in sharing love, and offer the benevolence to others which you wish for yourself as well." Prisha turns to Rosaria "YOu indeed need to learn much, and know what to forget, however arrogance shouldn't be rewarded this way." ...
joriandrake: ..." as such, under the gaze of Esmalia, tonight your roles will be reversed. Rosaria you will show your love to Mealia the way you wish to, but remember that tomorrow Mealia will once again be the one to educate you."
Smon: Rosaria and Mealia's eyes both open wide!
Smon: Rosaria stifles a grin, while Mealia looks shocked, then nods.
joriandrake: "Both of you need to learn. Mealia I hope you don't forget this, and Rosaria... be gentle." Prisha smiles kindly at them, but with a motherly strict gaze
Smon: Mealia: "Mistress... I see. I must learn humility, too." She looks down.
Smon: All of Prisha's girls nod at the great wisdom of the High Priestess.
joriandrake: "Esmalia, you'll be there to lead them and to know when to stop."
Smon: OOC I have to say you do have some impressive approaches J.
joriandrake: Prisha goes and kisses the forehead of each girl gently, then nods and goes looking for Viola
Smon: Esmalia nods seriously. "I will do as you ask, Mistress. You honour me."
joriandrake: ooc: Prisha's approach, not mine
Smon: Esmalia turns to Rosaria: "Tonight you will wear the robe of a Priestess of Meroya. Mealia, you will dress as Rosaria does now." (Rosaria is nude, but for collar & leash)
Smon: OOC you know what I mean
joriandrake: ooc :ok, true
Smon: GM: If Prisha does not yet have an Inspiration die, you get one now - can reroll any one d20
joriandrake: I leave the girls behind, letting Esmalia act as leader, while Mealia considers her deeds, and Rosaria what could be learned of all of this.
Smon: (I allow this to be used even w advtg, but only 1 die is rerolled)
joriandrake: ooc: nope, I used last Inspiration up previously, so she has a new one now
Smon: Cool
joriandrake: ooc: She used it when meeting Viola I believe, or the princess
Smon: Prisha departs the Villa with her new spell selection
joriandrake: --and ritual, antivenom
Smon: /roll 2d4+1
Smon rolls 2d4+1 and gets: 4, 1, (+1) = 6
joriandrake: her next stop is at the Apollo priest
Smon: Viola had 6 vials of antitoxin in store - phb pg 150, gives advtg on poison saves for 1 hour.
joriandrake: ooc: it doesn't neutralize existing poisoning?
Smon: It's not that powerful but I'd give a fresh save w/out advtg if used w/in 1 minute
Smon: so eg if failed save, could reroll - but it's intended to be taken before being bitten
joriandrake: ok, in that case she only takes one vial as a loan, will pay if actually using, if not she gives it back
Smon: ok
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
joriandrake: Prisha also has protection from Porion memorized so this is just extra security
joriandrake: poison*
Smon: GM: Arriving at the Temple of Apollo in town, an attendant tells her the priest is lunching at the Harper's Cauldron.
Smon: She vaguely remembers him in the crowd at the wedding yesterday (no dog).
joriandrake: Prisha asks for a simple description of the priest then thanks the attendant and goes after him
joriandrake: She thinks she might have seen him earlier at the inn already
Smon: elmund: Male Human Priest of Mitra-Apollo. Helmund has straight auburn hair and soft amber eyes. He wears modest garments and a silver amulet. Helmund has an animal companion, a ginger furred shep-hound named Arran.
Smon: Yes he often lunches there with the half-elf scholar/scribe Melma, his close personal friend.
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 10, (+4) = 14
joriandrake: As she steps into the Cauldron she looks around, if not noticing him ,she asks one of Rado/Euma/mother-in-law
Smon: Prisha has heard rumours the two men are lovers - she pays attention to that sort of thing.
joriandrake: Indeed.... would be funny is she would marry a gay priest of an other god
Smon: Yes, there they are, having lunch, listening to the minstrel Mableon strumming the new song of how the Bard Trystan & his band slew the Dragon of Khundrakar.
joriandrake: "May I sit here?" She stand at their table and smiles at Helmund
Smon: Melma: "So you see, we have to act fast if we are to recover Matriarx's hide before it's looted by scavengers..."
Smon: roll CHA+prof
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 15, (+7) = 22
Smon: The pair smile affably. Helmund the priest nods and indicates a stool. "Please, join us Mistress."
Smon: Melma: "Excellent wedding yesterday, mistress! The floral decorations were divine!"
Smon: Euma comes over, smiling, with a platter of drinks for all.
Smon: Euma: "Good afternoon, Mistress. Thought you'd be off to Hara by now!"
Smon: OOC I'd like to stop around 3pm for now, resume tonight ok?
joriandrake: "I see everything is still about those slain dragons... but I came to ask you in a different matter." She then adds "Thank you, Meroya blessed the loving pair with a nice ceremony, and granted them the chance to be first to be married in the new temple." She then speaks to Euma "I still have something to do tonight, in fact the reason why I seeked out this good priest of Apollo"
joriandrake: ooc ok
Smon: Euma nods. "Great!"
joriandrake: ooc half a hour more then and then later tonight again, Fergus can also join vs naga then
Smon: She serves, then saunters off to join Rado at the bar, with a kiss.
Smon: yup
joriandrake: Prisha then speaks more softly "..and if you two ever wish to have a similar marriage, just notify me"
Smon: LOL roll CHA+prof
Smon: DC 20
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 6, (+7) = 13
joriandrake: ooc: ok, would've ben too easy
Smon: The men stiffen. Helmund: "I have no idea what you're talking about."
joriandrake: Prisha nods and leaves it at that. "As you wish."
Smon: They both look a lot tenser now.
joriandrake: "so... there is a creature which risks peace in Carchimish, and I came to seek your aid against it"
Smon: Helmund: "A creature? Undead?"
joriandrake: She decides to act as if nothing happened to make them get at ease again
joriandrake: "Dark naga." and she tells about the naga's little gang, and the plan to catch it unprepared at the bath house
Smon: Helmund: "The demon snake? By all accounts that's just some silly kobold tale... They think it bathes in the Old Stross bathhouse?!"
Smon: Melma: "Silly little creatures, kobolds."
joriandrake: "I might be able to banish it, but I need a few extra helpers just to be on the safe side. I prepared Protection from Poison and have an antitoxin vial, but another priest would be welcome"
Smon: roll DC 15 CHA+Prof check with disadvantage for earlier snafu
joriandrake: She smiles. "If there's nothing at least we have a nice night at the bath house... however if it is true... it needs to be dealt with"
joriandrake Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
16 (+7) = 23
16 (+7) = 23
Smon: !!!
joriandrake: Meroyana (or Apollo) is on her side
joriandrake: Meroya*
Smon: Helmund: "Something about you convinces me, Priestess Acharya."
Smon: "I shall assist you!"
joriandrake: "Thank you" She smiles gently, then tells of where to meet up. "I still have one more stop to do, another person I hope to convince to join us."
Smon: GM: Meeting at the bath house or the kobold diner?
joriandrake: kobold diner
Smon: At dusk?
joriandrake: At the time most fitting, I assume yes, at dusk
Smon: ok, about 1.15pm now
joriandrake: It sohuld give this cleric also enough time to prepare himself as best he can
joriandrake: Prisha bids farewell to the wto and then goes to odo's tower
Smon: Helmund: "I shall gird up my loins and meet you at the Kobold den with spell and steel ready! ...Unfortunately the bathhouse does not allow dogs. Sorry boy." (to the shep-hound)
joriandrake: "You can leave him at the exit spot for a pipe" she mentions the idea that it might be where the creature could flee
Smon: Dark Odo's tower - a large and sinister bastion on the cliffs overlooking the Swamp Gate, almost a fortress in itself.
Smon: OOC that would be somewhere in the sewers presumably?
joriandrake: ooc: indeed, I also suggest he could discuss the polaction with Mealia, Viola and Kym before making the decision of the location
joriandrake: Prisha gupls and goes closer, planning to knock if not meeting anyone
joriandrake: gulps*
Smon: Great black crows roost in the eaves, regarding Prisha with beady eye as she approaches the tower gate. Somehow it seems chill and overcast here, though it was a hot dry season day a moment before...
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